#milgram voice drama
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mayimkjs · 7 days ago
Braze you!! Japanese Transcription
Feel free to use this how you like with no credit to me required. Credit should go to Yamanaka.
エス: Es
フータ: Fuuta
フータ 「ふぅー......ふぅー.....」
フータ 「......くそが!」
エス 「......随分な荒れ様じゃないか。囚人番号3番、フータ」
フータ 「......誰のせいだと思ってんだクソガキが......」
エス 「僕は看守だ。言葉遣いには気をつけろ」
フータ 「ナメんじゃねぇぞっこんなところに連れてきて偉そうにしやがって......!」
エス 「どうした?震えているぞ」
フータ 「やってやる......やってやるよ......っ!!」
エス 「!」
フータ 「うぉおおおお!!」
フータ 「な、なんだこれ......見えない壁がある......」
エス 「ほう、理屈はわからないがジャッカロープが言っていたのはコレか。“囚人から看守への攻撃はできない」
フータ 「......な、なんだっつうんだよ。現実じゃねぇのかここ......」
エス 「無害とはいえ、感心しないな。看守への攻撃行動、とて悪印象だ」
フータ 「こ、こんなふざけた場所へ閉じ込めた奴が何言ってやがる!立派な正当防衛だ!」
フータ 「......フ、フフフ......」
フータ 「な、何を笑っていやがる!」
エス 「いや、すまない......こっちの話だ」
フータ 「な、何なんだテメェ......」
エス 「まぁ一旦座れ、フータ。尋問を始める」
フータ 「......」
エス 「どうした?腰が抜けて立てないか?」
フータ 「ばっ、バカにすんじゃねぇ!」
フータ 「そもそも俺は自分が囚人だなんて認めてねぇ!こんなワケわかんねぇ場所に連れてくるなんてジンケン侵害だ!」
エス 「自分を囚人だと認めていない、か」
フータ 「当たり前だ!ムジツの人間を拘束して監禁するなんざ、テメェの方がよっぽど犯罪者じゃねぇか!他のヤツらはなんでか素直に受け入れてやがるが、俺はごまかされねぇぞ」
エス 「それはおかしいな。お前らは全員『ヒトゴロシ』だと聞いている」
フータ 「......しらねえ。誰が言ってんだそんなこと」
エス 「思い当たるフシもないと」
フータ 「当たり前だ。名誉キソンだろそれ」
エス 「しかしヒトゴロシという言葉が出た瞬間に腕を組みだしたな。これ以上踏み込んでほしくないか」
フータ 「は、はあ?」
エス 「囚人ではない、と僕に殴りかかるほどだ。日本の法律を犯していない、という自信があるんだろう」
ブータ 「そ、そういってんじゃねぇか」
エス 「しかし、『ヒトゴロシ」には反応した。立件はできない。犯罪ではない。ただ......人は殺した......」
フータ 「......」
エス 「目をそらしたな」
フータ 「......はん、バカバカしい。的外れだぜ」
エス 「話し始める前に唇を舐めたな。緊張している証拠だ。嘘を付き慣れてないのか?」
フータ 「......!いい加減にしろテメェ!!!」
フータ 「......ふーっ。ふーっ」
エス 「頭に血が昇ると、暴力が無意味だということまで忘れてしまうのか?」
フータ 「......汚ねぇぞ、てめぇ......」
エス 「ちなみに、教えといてやろう。しぐさや反応で心理が読めるなんてことは、ありえない。それらしい話に簡単に騙されないようにな」
フータ 「こ、こ、こいつ......」
エス 「残念ながらお前の言う人権侵害も、監禁も、名誉毀損もミルグラムではまったく問題にならない。ここはそういった理の外にある」
フータ 「......そんなこと、認められっか......」
エス 「自分の立場をわきまえろ。何を言おうとお前は『ヒトゴロシ』の囚人だ。決して逃げられない。お前に判決がくだるまではな......」
フータ 「くだらねぇ......。俺は殺してねぇ......殺してねぇんだ......」
エス 「......ふむ」
ワーダ 「愛してねぇ......してねえよな......」
エス 「フータ」
フータ 「あんだよ......」
エス 「先に述べたミルグラムの性質上、お前の 「ヒトゴロシ』も、今の時点では問題にはならない。僕はそのことでお前を責める気もない。一旦落ち着くと良い」
フータ 「......は、ははっ殺してねぇっつうの」
エス 「どちらでもいいさ。いずれ、ミルグラムの力でわかる問題だ。お前の心象を覗くことになるからな」
フータ 「プライバシーの侵害だろ......。フザけんなよ......」
エス 「お前にとっては好都合だろう。本当に人を殺していないんだったらそれを証明できるんだ」
フータ 「......そうだけど、よ......」
エス 「安心しろ。ミルグラムは......まぁ、僕もかな。別にお前の敵じゃない。たとえ法律を犯していても、人を殺していてもミルグラムで赦すと判断されれば赦される。ある意味、フラットだろう」
フータ 「......」
エス 「まぁ、お前の味方というわけでもないけどな」
フータ 「ふぅーー......」
エス 「落ち着いたようだな」
フータ 「現状どうしようもねぇからな。出口は見当たらねぇし、力づくでも通用しねぇときたらな......」
フータ 「おい、エス」
エス 「言葉遣いに気をつけろと言ったはずだが」
フータ 「うるせぇ、どうせ俺より年下だろ」
エス 「......やれやれ、野蛮人め」
フータ 「ここはなんなんだよ。何の目的で俺たちを捕らえてんだ」
エス 「答えるつもりはない。お前たちはただ髪で生活をしていればいい」
フータ 「......おい、囚人だからってナメんなよ。刑務所の中の人権侵害とか、今どき問題にな���てんのしらねぇのかよ!」
エス 「なんだ、囚人だということは認めたのか?」
フータ 「言葉のアヤだバーカ!」
エス 「こちらからの質問をするぞ。監獄内の生活はどうだ?」
フータ 「どうもこうもねぇよ。スマホもPCもねぇし。現代人かHらネットワークを奪うなんてどうかしてんじゃねぇのか」
エス 「他の囚人との関係性はどうだ?」
フータ 「別に......。でも変なヤツらだよ。なんでか落ち着いてるヤツも多い。こんな状況だっつうのに......」
エス 「ふむ」
フータ 「特に気に食わねぇのがシドウとカズイのおっさんコンビだな。この緊急事態だっつうのに。年長者のくせにノンキにしやがって頼りねぇたらありゃしねぇ」
エス 「そうか」
フータ 「ま、ハルカもミコトも全然だけどな。俺が引っ張ってい反かなきゃなんねぇ」
エス 「ふぅん......」
フータ 「そもそもオンナは頼りにしてねぇしな。代表してガツンと言ってやるよっつって、今回も俺が来てる訳よ」
エス 「あぁ、それであんなに興奮してたのか。しかし、代表の割にやけに震えていたな」
フータ 「いや、それは、ユノのヤツが......尋問室でとんでもねぇ暴力を受けたってて言ってたからよ。武者震いってやつだよ......!」
エス 「ユノ......律儀にやってくれたんだな」
フータ 「なんか言ったかよ」
エス 「特に何も」
エス 「しかし、よく喋るようになったじゃないか」
フータ 「は?オマエが質問してきたんだろうが」
エス 「最初はよっぽど怯えていたのだろうな。先制攻撃することで、それを誤魔化す。そうして自分を守ってきたのだな」
フータ 「......あぁ?ケンカ売ってんのかよ...」
エス 「僕がお前を判断するために必要な評価だ。気を悪くするな」
フータ 「おいおいおいおい!偉そうに人を評価してんじゃねぇぞ!違法行為だらけのヤツがよ!」
フータ 「ここを出たら絶対に訴えてやっからな!お前も!ただで済むと思うなよ!」
エス 「ふぅん」
フータ 「俺は悪いやつは許さねぇ!このミルグラムとかいう場所も、絶対に潰してやる!」
エス 「僕が“悪いやつか。その発想はなかった。ではフータ、お前は正義か」
フータ 「たりめぇだろ!悪をぶっ潰すのが正義だ」
エス 「......正義が、人を殺したのか?」
フータ 「......ッ!殺してねぇ!」
エス 「では思考実験だ。どう思う。正義のための殺しは赦されるか?」
フータ 「......赦される......。赦されるに決まってる......」
エス 「興味があるな......。果たして、正義は赦されるのか、悪、罪、そこに因果関係はあるのか」
フータ 「おい、何ぶつぶつ言ってやがる」
フータ 「な、なんだ!何が起きてやがる!」
エス 「......時間か。見せてもらうよ、お前の正義」
フータ 「歌を抽出するってやつか。けっ、好きにしやがれ......」
エス 「そうさせてもらおう。何か言い残したことはあるか?」
フータ 「言い残したことね······おい、エス」
エス 「なんだ?」
フータ 「なんで笑ってやがった?」
エス 「ん?」
フータ 「最初の方!こっちの話だ、とかいってはぐらかしてただろ!ああいうのモヤモヤして気持ち悪いんだよ」
エス 「あぁ......」
エス 「あまりに囚人らしい囚人だったもので、正直、少し嬉しくなった。おかげで、いつもよりはりきって虐めてしまったかもしれないな」
フータ 「はぁ~~~~~!」
エス 「楽しかったよ、ありがとう」
エス 「囚人番号3番、フータ。さぁ。お前の罪を歌え」
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red-moon-at-night · 1 year ago
I find it so SO interesting that as soon as Kazui's breaking their marriage vows and revealing his true feelings (literally tearing apart the dove), the wife is already falling off the balcony
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Her hair is fluttering in the wind. The apple fucking splatters on the ground this whole sequence is so visceral I'm spinning it around in my mind. Kazui views his truth telling as a violent act, the killing blow.
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groppy · 5 months ago
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i had a trial three vision for when he comes out as gay
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a-star-that-burns-brightly · 4 months ago
I hope Mikoto kills someone on-screen in his trial 3 MV. I don't mean shots of baseball swings and quick cut-aways, I hope he actually beats someone's brains out completely on-screen so that the fandom can finally accept that he Absolutely Did That Shit
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annqer · 2 years ago
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"Ghh...! You're so mean...!!"
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himawari-candyy · 7 months ago
Hallucination Milgram ENG Sub Voice Dramas!
NOTE: please feel free to share this around! so many people had been watching these videos that i uploaded and i don't want anyone to feel like they lost them for good.
hello! i finally got around to putting them all in a google drive folder! my youtube account got murdered for uploading all of these, so this is my next best option. (also, thank you so much to the people who left suggestions on my post!)
before I post the link, i want to say that a majority of the voice dramas are missing about 2-3 subtitles, and that is because the lines deviated from the original videos. i am not fluent in japanese and i only know the basics. someone did comment the missing lines, but unfortunately, I can't refer back to them because my youtube is gone (i only remember a couple of them). there is someone in my neighborhood who knows japanese so I am considering asking him to help me out. i will be revising the voice dramas so some of the videos will be replaced when i get the chance to.
credits go to ac, la vi, and enkidium on youtube, and onigiriico and milgrammer on tumblr! i did not translate these, i only added the subtitles to the live voice dramas by going off of the original videos.
link to the live performances (voice dramas and songs in order:
i will be posting the voice dramas that i am completely confident on to archive.org. here is a link to mikoto and amane's first voice dramas:
i have not put subtitles on kotoko's 1st voice drama or shidou's 2nd voice drama. i won't feel motivated to do it on my own unless someone requests them, so please feel free to ask 😅
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maristelina · 1 year ago
Mikoto T2 Neoplasm Voice Drama Translation
Take my translation with a grain of salt. I did try my best.
Es: Mikoto Mikoto: Oh…Hey Warden, Es: You… are Mikoto right? Mikoto: Eh? What are you talking about? It feels like it's been a while, doesn't it? Have you been well? Huh? What is this? Chains? I hate these, Take them off Es: Request denied. You are too dangerous. Physical restraint is essential. Mikoto: Uh.. Um… What are you saying, capturing such a harmless person like me? Es: As I thought, you have no self-awareness. Mikoto: Well, I get it. I must have caused a ruckus while I was asleep, right? Everyone told me that I really went all out with the chaos. Es: It seems so. Mikoto: I guess it's something like sleepwalking disorder. Lately I've been feeling drowsy more frequently too. Oh man, that's troublesome, isn't it? Es: Mikoto… Mikoto: I can tell from everyone's attitude that they're scared of me. I can read the room/atmosphere… I… Es: Hmm… Mikoto: It's frustrating, isn't it? I've been confused ever since I got here. Es: You really laugh when you're in pain/troubled, don't you? Mikoto: Eh? Es: You don't get angry or yell. You laugh like you're in a bind/at a loss. Mikoto: That sounds about right. I might have that kind of trait. Usually, if I laugh and gloss it over, things go well. I'm good at that kind of thing, so I manage somehow. But, it doesn't end, does it? My head is filled with things I have no memory of doing. Orekoto: I constantly feel irritated Es: There it is. Orekoto: Seems like you haven't been beaten up enough, huh, you brat of a guard. Es: Ah… Gr….. Orekoto: Hah? Cat got your tongue? Es: Even though you got done in by Kotoko. Orekoto: That was just because I was caught off guard. We fought while you were asleep, it's not like I lost or anything. Es: Multiple personality disorder. Is it correct to understand that you, who are speaking now, are a separate personality from the Mikoto earlier? Mikoto: You're accepting this quite normally, aren't you. Multiple personalities is ridiculous, right? Es: Yes. I didn't think something like that could really exist either. Mikoto: Yeah, exactly. If it wasn't me, I wouldn't believe it either. I'd just think it's a lie to escape the guilt of killing someone. Es: However, Milgram recognizes you as such. I'm just accepting it as fact and moving my thoughts forward. So, what should I call you? Orekoto: I don't know man. Call me whatever you want. Es: For convenience, I will call you John. Orekoto: That's a dog-like name. Es: It's used to refer to a person of unknown identity. It comes from "John Doe". Do you like it? Orekoto: Is it okay to show off knowledge like that? Es: But you seem quite calm today. I thought you were a monster. I didn't expect we could communicate this well. Orekoto/John: Don't get cocky. If it wasn't for these chains your face would be smashed in by now brat. Es: Oh? How scary. I'm scared. /s Mikoto: Hmph. Es: Then you are not Milgram's prisoner. The best proof is that Milgram's restraints are not effective on you. Milgram has judged Mikoto to be the prisoner, while you, a separate personality, are an exception. Orekoto/John: Ah I see. So for you, multiple personalities has been anything but confirmed. Es: That's why today, chair creaks I thought I'd hear you out as an important witness. I'm very glad we are able to have a proper conversation. Orekoto/John: But you know, this isn't a good thing. Probably. Es: What are you trying to say? Orekoto/John: I(Boku) might be disappearing (?!) Es: gasps Orekoto/John: Clearly, the time I'm(ore) out in front is getting longer. Thanks to that, my existence is becoming more stable. Isn't that the reason we can talk properly now? Es: makes a concerned sound Orekoto/John: Maybe it would have been better if I (ore) stayed a monster. … Oh? What's with that look? Es: I'm surprised to hear you speak so rationally, contrary to what I expected. Orekoto: I have a college degree after all. How does one develop Multiple Personality Disorder?
Es: To be precise, it is called Dissociative Identity Disorder. Generally, it is thought to occur when another personality is created and separated in order to protect oneself from suffering, stress, trauma, etc. Orekoto/John: Hm. 多分俺は僕の受けたストレスを解消するために出てきてる。俺が長く出てるってことは、それだけ僕が強いストレスを受け続けているわけだ。 I'm (ore) probably emerging to relieve the stress he's (Boku) under. The fact that I'm (ore) out for longer means he's (boku) under more severe constant stress.
Es: Stress huh? It's probably because of Milgram, I see. Orekoto/John: Especially the verdict of "GUILTY/Not Forgiven" He (Boku) feels tremendous stress. So he leaves his heart/mind to me. Es: I see. Orekoto/John: It's no wonder. To him, he's being blamed for a crime he has no memory of. / It's not unreasonable. From his (Boku) point of view, he is being blamed for a crime they have no memory of. Es: "If that's true, are you the one who actually committed the murder?" Orekoto/John: Yes. It was me. (Ore-da)
Orekoto/John: I'm (ore) the one who killed them. Es: ん… Orekoto/John: So, I (Boku) really didn't do it. Es: Why did you kill them? Let's hear your explanation. Orekoto/John: (むしゃくしゃして。) I was frustrated. Es: Who did you kill? Orekoto/John: (そこら辺歩いてた奴。) Some guy who was walking around.
Es: How many did you kill? Orekoto/John: I don't remember. That was the first time I emerged. It's hazy. Es: You have the audacity to say that without any shame. Orekoto/John: Legally speaking, what would happen to me? Es: You might get a reduced sentence based on a psychological evaluation, but depending on the number of people you killed, you might not be able to avoid the death penalty. Orekoto/John: (いや、やったのは俺だ。僕は寝ていただけだ。) No, I (ore) was the one who did it. He (Boku) was just sleeping. Es: As if things could be that convenient.
Orekoto/John (Boku): 僕の身にもなってやれよ。僕はただストレスに耐えていただけなんだぜ。一人でじっと耐えていたんだ。爆発するまで誰かを傷つけようなんて考えてなかったんだよ。 Put yourself in my shoes. I (boku) was just enduring the stress, that's all. I (boku) was enduring it alone. I (boku) never thought about hurting anyone until it reached a breaking point.
そういうことができない奴なんだ。気を使って空気を見て、周りの顔色を窺ってばっかで、そういうことができないから、爆発しそうだったから俺が生まれたんだ。あんまりだろう。何も捨てねえんだぞ。 I'm (boku) not the kind of guy who can do that. I'm (boku) always worried about the atmosphere/the room, watching people's expressions, so I (boku) can't do things like that. That's why I (boku) was about to explode, so I (ore) was born. It's too much. I (boku) haven't done anything wrong!
Es: Even if that's how it was, even if it wasn't Mikoto's intention, human lives have been lost. Orekoto/John: Urgh… Es: Even if the one inside was you, John, there's no way to prove it. At the very least, it won't fully hold up in court. It could even be deemed as a lie.
Orekoto/John: YOU!! Es: ! Orekoto/John: (お前はどう思うんだ?) What do YOU actually think?! Es: Mine? Orekoto/John: I (ore) did it. He (boku) didn't do it. You're just going by what Milgram says. Why the hell does it matter what the justice/criminal system thinks, what about YOUR judgement?! What do you think about me? Es: ... Orekoto/John: Forgive me (Boku) already. I'm (ore) the one who did it...
Es: I can't judge right away. It's not something I can decide to forgive so easily. In fact, Mikoto's mindset/emotional landscape was far too cruel. I judged not to forgive. / I've decided not to forgive. Orekoto/John: (You're saying that because you think) That's probably because multiple personalities could be fake. I (boku) truly did nothing wrong. I (ore) was the one who killed.
Es: …
Orekoto/John: Can you be satisfied with that? Imagine waking up in the morning and finding out you've become a murderer.
Es: The act of creating you could be called a sin. / It might be said that the sin is in having given birth to you.
Orekoto/John: !!!!!!!!!!!! … You are probably right…
Orekoto/John: I (ore) am his (boku) ideal self. I'm (ore) the one who doesn't just lie down and resign ourselves to unfairness and stress. If I (Ore) hadn't been born, he (Boku) would have surely reached his limit and broken down. Es: Then… you… Orekoto/John: It's true that I (boku) wished for an existence that could break everything. Maybe it's because of my (Boku's) weakness that I couldn't face it alone. But that's all. Is that a sin/crime?
Es: That's for us to consider moving forward. Orekoto/John: Talking with you, I (ore) understand that what I (ore) did cannot be forgiven. I (ore) accept that.
Es: Yeah, that's right. Orekoto/John: Milgram's subject of judgment is him (Boku), Mikoto. Not me (ore)… John that is. Es: That is correct. Orekoto/John: Please forgive him (boku). Otherwise he (boku) won't be able to endure anymore. Es: I see, you want me to decide that since it was another other personality that committed the crime, it doesn't count as his (Boku's) sin.
Orekoto/John: Yes. If you forgive him (Boku), then I'll disappear.
Es: !!
Orekoto/John: That's right, in the end I (ore) have to vanish. I'll take on everything and vanish. I will.
…Because I (ore) was born to protect him (boku). Es: For that purpose. You were born. Orekoto/John: If it's to protect him (Boku), then I'll do anything.
Bell Chimes
Es: John… Mikoto: Hm? What is it? A dog's name? Es: Mikoto… Mikoto: Warden, you have a pet dog? What kind of breed is it? Wait, let me think, not a Toy Poodle, but I might surprisingly like the ones that are ugly-cute. Not a French Bulldog or anything like that. Es: That's not it. (irritated) Mikoto: Then a pug? Es: It's not a dog's name! Mikoto: Ehh? Then, what is it? Es: It's the name of your friend. Mikoto: laughs No way! I don't know anyone with that name!
Es: Deep Inhale I suppose so. Mikoto: Huh? Es: Prisoner #9, Mikoto. Sing your sins…
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kgmilgramau · 3 months ago
voice drama(interrogate)
010- Jerome
(We will be very happy if you read and talk about it)
(The investigation helps to increase your voting decisions so you can consider the investigation, so if you want to know more, reading the debt investigation chapter might help)
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[sound footsteps] 
Jerome : What the hell is this..
Jerome : It's not my fault..
[door opens and closes]
Nugget : Welcome, prisoner number 010
Jerome : I have a name..
Nugget : But that's what I should call you, and that's what I'm going to call you
Jerome : You little brat..
Nugget : Let's start asking questions, I don't want to fight with you
Jerome : Asking what?
Nugget : Didn't you ask anyone else?
Nugget: Milgram exists to reveal the sin of you, prisoners, and to hand down the appropriately judgment. So we have to exchange information
Jerome: Why would I ask if I'm not close to them?
Jerome: And I don't plan on answering your question!
Nugget: Can you please be polite?
Nugget: but..It's possible that I can't expect anything from someone as foolish as you.
Jerome: Hey! Shut up!!
[Jerome reaches for Nugget's collar, but Airea protects him]
Jerome: ...What the hell?..
Nugget: I informed you that you are foolish. I won't allow you to hurt me and It's not easy to do it.
[Nugget gets up and kicks Jerome's knee, knocking him down]
Jerome: Ugh?!
[Jerome lands hard on the ground]
Nugget: It's important to have some manners, prisoner.
[Nugget chuckles]
Jerome: you little shit...
[Nugget reaches out to help Jerome up, but Jerome slaps his hand away]
Jerome: I can stand up by myself without your help.
[Jerome sat up, put his hands on the table, and crossed his arms]
Nugget: Still being rude...
Jerome: Shut up!
[Jerome expresses anger, while Nugget remains silent]
Nugget: [Sigh]
Nugget: Aren't you filled with guilt for what you did? You're denying the mistake you made? Even though you're in your last year of school, don't you have the ability to question whether whนน๗at you did was right or wrong?
Jerome: Shut up!!
Jerome: It's just a for fun! It's not entirely my fault...
[The angry face turns into fear and shock]
Nugget: Huh...?
[Ball rings]
Jerome : Why.. Why is it solely my fault?
Nugget : Huh..But it's still your fault
Jerome : But?!
Nugget : I don't care about excuses. Let's wait until the outcome is known.
Jerome : Wait??!! agh..Damn it?!
Nugget : Prisoner number 10 Jerome..
Sing out your sins!
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emphasis-on-the-oopsie · 1 year ago
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psp2i · 1 year ago
amane's 2nd voice drama
es: wow amane you do know you're a kid
amane: SO ARE YOU???!???!?
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purgingmarch · 11 months ago
message to all milgram fans. please survive
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mayimkjs · 1 month ago
The Writhing of the Weak (弱者の蠕動) Japanese Transcription
Feel free to use this how you like with no credit to me required. Credit should go to Yamanaka.
エス: Es
ハルカ: Haruka
ハルカ 「......ぁ」
ハルカ 「......っ」
エス 「さて、尋問を始めよう。囚人番号1番、ハルカ」
ハルカ 「は、はい......。ご、ごめんなさい」
エス 「......?何を謝ることがある?」
ハルカ 「あ、あ、いや......ごめんなさい」
エス 「ふむ。ミルグラムはお前たち囚人の罪を明らかにし、適切な判断をくだすために存在している。そのためにいくつか話をしよう」
ハルカ 「はぁ」
エス 「なに、尋問といっても現段階では手荒な真似をするつもりはないから安心しろ。ちなみに、虚偽も黙秘も認めている」
ハルカ 「きょぎ、もくひ......」
エス 「言いたくないことは言わなくても構わないし、嘘をつきたければついても構わない」
ハルカ 「そうなん、ですか......」
エス 「あぁ、ミルグラムはお前の記憶から直接歌を取り出すからだ。僕はそれを見てお前の罪を判断する」
ハルカ 「......」
エス 「つまりお前がどんな主張をしようと大きな問題はなむしろ黙秘をした “嘘をついた” ということ自体がお前が自分の罪に対してどういう意識を持っているかを示すことになる」
ハルカ 「はぁ......」
エス 「そもそも、罪に対して反省しているかどうか、それを判決の基準にするかすら僕次第なのだがな。わかるな?」
ハルカ 「えっと......わかりません」
エス 「は?」
ハルカ 「え?」
エス 「ん?」
ハルカ 「あ、え、あの何言っているかわかりませんでした。むずかしくて」
エス 「......うん?」
ハルカ 「あの、ごめんなさい僕あたまがあまり......」
エス 「......ハルカ、お前歳はいくつだ」
ハルカ 「えっと777だったと思います」
エス 「......思います?」
ハルカ 「あ、いや、自分の年齢に興味なくて......ごめんなさい」
エス 「......調子狂うな」
エス 「......続けようか。ミルグラムでの生活はどうだ?」
ハルカ 「あ、あの最初はわけわからないしちょっと怖かったんで��けどみんな良い人なんで、大丈夫です......」
エス 「みんな、とは。他の囚人連中か?」
ハルカ 「あ、はいあの、ユノさんとかマヒルさんとか優しく、てくれます......」
エス 「......少し興味があるな。ハルカの目に他の囚人はどう映っている」
ハルカ 「あ、え、いや。ぼ、僕なんかがみんなのことを喋るの、わるいです」
エス 「安心しろ。この部屋でのことを他の囚人に漏らすことはない」
ハルカ 「えっと......は、はい......何を話せばいいんでしょうか
エス 「そうだな。誰とよく話すんだ?」
ハルカ 「あ、よく話しかけてくれるのはユノさんと、マヒルさんと、えっとミコトさん......フータくんも、少し怖いけど、かまってくれます。ムウさんとも、たまに話します......」
エス 「ふむ、カズイやシドウは?」
ハルカ 「あ、あの大人なんで、少し怖いんですけど二人とも優しい人だと思います......」
エス 「コトコは?」
ハルカ 「あ、ちょ、ちょっと怖いです」
エス 「まぁ予想通りだ。あとは名前が出てないのはアマネか」
ハルカ 「ア、アマネちゃん......」
エス 「どうした」
ハルカ 「に、苦手なんです......あれくらいの、子供......あ、あ、アマネちゃんは良い子なんですけどい、いや、い、いやなことを、思い出すんで......」
エス 「大丈夫か?随分顔色が悪いな」
ハルカ 「そもそも、あまり僕は人と関わっちゃいけないんです......し、囚人のみんなとも......勘違いしちゃだめなんだ」
エス 「なぜだ。好きにすればいいじゃないか。僕は他者との関係の中でこそその人間の本質が見えると考えている」
ハルカ 「かっ......看守さんにも言えることなんだ」
エス 「僕にも?」
ハルカ 「......あまり僕に近づかない方がいい。生まれつき人を不幸にすることは得意なんです......僕を知ろうとすればするほどきっと看守さんも不幸になる......」
エス 「ハルカ......」
ハルカ 「だって、だって......あぁ、ごめんなさい、一人でずっとしゃべって......」
エス 「......続けろ」
ハルカ 「い、いつだってそうなんだ。僕が、僕は、ただ普通にしてるだけなのにぜんぶ、だめにしてしまう......」
ハルカ 「看守さんだって、みんなだって僕のことを知ったら......僕のしたことをすべて知ったら」
ハルカ 「僕を、見捨てるに決まってる......」
ハルカ 「ぼくは身勝手な “ヒトゴロシ” だから......」
エス 「......ハルカ」
ハルカ 「はい......」
エス 「顔をあげろ」
ハルカ 「はい......」
エス 「......ふんっ!」
ハルカ 「ぎゃん!」
ハルカ 「い、いたい......な、何をするんですか......」
エス 「僕は看守だ。今のは囚人に対しての教育的指導だ。赦される」
ハルカ 「��っ......」
エス 「いいか、よく聞け囚人番号1番。何度でも言おう、僕は看守だ。お前の本性を知るのが僕の仕事だ。お前が何者だろうと、お前がどんな非道を働いていようとすべて見届け判断するのが僕の仕事だ」
エス 「それを言うに事欠いて、見捨てるだと......?あまり僕をナメるなよ......」
ハルカ 「あ......あぁ」
エス 「お前の罪を知り、お前の罪を赦すか赦さないか判断し終えるまで、お前は僕の管理物だ。逃してもらえるなどと思うな」
ハルカ 「か、看守さん......」
ハルカ 「ふ、うふ......」
エス 「ちょっと待てハルカ。何をニヤニヤしている」
ハルカ 「えっ......あ、あ、ごめんなさい。きもちわるいですよね......へ......へ......」
エス 「きもちわるい」
ハルカ 「あっ、あっ......ちがくてへ、へんなはなしなんですけどちょっと、うれしくて......」
エス 「......嬉しい?」
ハルカ 「はい......」
エス 「おかしな話だな。僕が言うのも難だが監禁され、拘束され、こうして尋問されている。この状況に対して怒りや恐れを覚えるのが自然だろう」
エス 「......そういえばお前は最初からずっとそうだ。ふさぎ込んではいるがミルグラム自体への混乱を感じない。その点はフータやムウの反応の方が腑に落ちるというものだ」
ハルカ 「そ、そうですね......フータくんはすごく怒ってますね......こわいじゃ、じゃなくていや、あの僕はこのミル、グラムでしたっけ。何のためにあるのかとか、よくわかってないんですけど看守さんが自分に興味を持ってくれて、色々聞いてくれるのは、なんだか嬉しかったりします」
ハルカ 「あっ、あっ......ちがくてへ、へんなはなしなんですけどちょっと、うれしくて......」
エス 「......嬉しい?」
ハルカ 「はい......」
エス 「おかしな話だな。僕が言うのも難だが監禁され、拘束さ れ、こうして尋問されている。この状況に対して怒りや恐れを覚えるのが自然だろう」
エス 「......そういえばお前は最初からずっとそうだ。ふさぎ込 んではいるがミルグラム自体への混乱を感じない。その 点はフータやムウの反応の方が腑に落ちるというものだ」 
 ハルカ 「そ、そうですね......フータくんはすごく怒ってますね ......こわいじゃ、じゃなくていや、あの僕はこのミル、 グラムでしたっけ。何のためにあるのかとか、よくわかっ てないんですけど看守さんが自分に興味を持ってくれて、 色々聞いてくれるのは、なんだか嬉しかったりします......」
エス 「......」
ハルカ 「そ、それがおしごとでも僕のやったわるいことをあきらかにするためだったと、しても......です」
エス 「......ふむ」
ハルカ 「......」
エス 「変なやつだな」
ハルカ 「あう......」
エス 「一人目から特殊すぎる。お前は七人目くらいでくるべきだ。この仕事の大変さを今はっきり理解した」
ハルカ 「ご、ごめんなさい......」
エス 「ふむ。まぁ良い。 反抗的な囚人よりはいくらかマシだな......」
ハルカ 「......ほっ」
エス 「ただし! あまり勘違いをするなよ、ハルカ。僕はお前 と仲良くしたくて話を聞いているわけではない僕の目的 はあくまでお前の犯した罪を知ることだ。お前が何をし たのか、なぜ“ヒトゴロシ〟となったかを知るためだ」
ハルカ 「は、はい......」
エス 「まだニヤニヤしている」
ハルカ 「ごっ、ごめんなしゃい」
エス 「緊張感のない男だ。僕がお前を赦さないと判断するだけでお前の身にどんなことが起きるか......」
ハルカ 「何がおきるんですか?」
エス 「......」
ハルカ 「......えっと」
エス 「さぁな。お前は考える必要はない......きっと僕にもな」
ハルカ 「......」
エス 「そうだ、あとひとつ言いたいことがある。お前は自分が身勝手なヒトゴロシだから周りと関わってはいけないといったな」
ハルカ 「はい......」
エス 「囚人どもは皆”ヒトゴロシ”だ。何を遠慮することがあるあいつらにくらい好きに振る舞えばいい」
ハルカ 「......えっと」
エス 「お前にもわかりやすく言おうか。 お前ら全員ダメ人間だ。 だから気にするな」
ハルカ 「......は、はは ......それも、そうですね」
エス 「ふっ」
ハルカ 「え......」
エス 「おしゃべりの時間は終わりのようだ。恐れることはない。ただお前の記憶をのぞかせてもらうだけだ」
エス 「囚人番号1番、ハルカさぁ。お前の罪を歌え」
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nine-enigmas · 11 months ago
es' character dynamic with the prisoners is honestly unmatched. they're like. hey. i want to know all of your secrets and every single part of you that you hate about yourself and i am going to accept all of it. you should be who you truly are in front of me and i will put all of my effort into judging that unbiased. the suffering you're going through is also my job and you won't have to deal with it alone anymore. no matter how much trouble you cause me i will not leave and i will not make you someone else's responsibility. no we're not fucking friends i'm the warden and if you try to imply anything different i'll punch your lights out.
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good-beanswrites · 5 months ago
A little something featuring Fuuta and Es after talking about their criminal lack of interaction in fanworks with @waivyjellyfish ! You had such awesome ideas (a few of which I'm still bouncing around in my head to post at some point,) but this one ended up taking over my brain -- I hope you enjoy 😅 Attempting to answer the widely-debated question:
“Oi, why didn’t you hit me?”
Es looked up from their paperwork.
“Prisoner number three. Most people are glad when they’re not struck.”
“Well, I’m not.” 
Es usually left the door open at this hour, in case anyone had any last-minute complaints before curfew. No one usually took them up on the offer. They figured that if there was any prisoner they could count on to complain, it would be Fuuta marching through their door.
“You hit all the other guys. You even hit some of the girls that were giving you trouble. So what? You think I’m too weak? You think I can’t take it?” Fuuta spread his arms. “I can, so show me what you’ve got!”
Es sighed. They put down their pen. They folded their gloved hands together, resting their chin on top. “Fuuta, I’m not going to hit you.”
“Why not?”
“As of right now, I have no reason to. If you’re referring to the interrogations…”
They reflected on the first one they'd shared with him. To be fair, the thought had crossed their mind. It would have been satisfying to give this rowdy prisoner a taste of his own medicine – striking him after such a dramatic charge at them. But Es was always good at reading people. It didn’t take them long to understand Fuuta was the type to lash out first and ask questions later. In fact, that was likely what had landed him in Milgram in the first place. 
Although Es knew they weren’t here to do any reformation, they wanted to try to show these prisoners where they’d gone wrong. So, they resolved to act as the bigger person. They’d prove that senseless violence was just that. By keeping their composure, they’d show Fuuta just how childish he was being. 
That wasn’t my only reason. I guess that's true, my actions weren’t all purely righteous. I still spent the entire time looking for ways to make him squirm… But it wasn’t all cruelty. I really did want to understand. I wanted to help. That counts for something, right?
Es never struck the prisoners out of anger, or as a petty show of power. It was a way to force the prisoner to mind their ego. When they’d gotten a bit too full of themselves, a bit too comfortable with the awful deed they’d committed, Es’ blow encouraged them to feel a bit more humility and guilt. 
By the time the second trial arrived, Fuuta oozed guilt. 
The moment Es entered the interrogation room, it was clear that he needed no lesson in humility. He hugged his arms to his chest. His remaining eye darted around the room in thinly-veiled hysteria. His voice trembled when he spoke. It didn’t require any people-reading skills to hear the remorse that underlaid all of his accusations and threats.
Hitting the others felt like giving a dog a tap on the nose after breaking a rule. Meanwhile, Fuuta snapped and snarled like a stray who’d been kicked time and time again.
Of course, he could never know any of this. Any way Es phrased it, Fuuta would misunderstand it as pity.
Well, wasn’t it? I thought he looked like a kicked puppy – that sounds a lot like pity. No, it was out of respect. Does that mean I didn’t respect the prisoners I did hit? No. I respected them too. Then, what’s the difference?
Fuuta was still staring at them, asking the very same question. What’s the difference?
“Each of Milgram’s prisoners is unique.” 
They were met with an unimpressed glare.
Es chose their words carefully. “Each one responds best to a variety of treatments. Some need attention to be comfortable, while others need time. Some need validation in order to confess. Others, a bit of debate does the trick. Some need a show of force. You –” remind me too much of myself  “– require something else. I’ve learned to change my approach depending on the person I’m dealing with.”
Fuuta’s features flashed with confusion, then shame, then his usual mask of anger. “Tch. How pathetic.”
“Excuse me?”
“So you just change your personality when it’s convenient? You put up fake smiles and fake attitude? Have some balls and just be yourself.”
Es was caught by surprise. “... I am. Those are all pieces of myself. I choose to bring out different parts when it would be most helpful.” 
“Sounds manipulative as hell to me.” 
It makes sense he doesn’t understand. He’s a very clear-cut person, with every aspect of his personality lining up in a way that makes sense. I find that predictability fun. Or, is it something that I envy? Could it be both?
They had no time to dwell on it, as Fuuta was struck with an idea. “Though, if you can do it on command, why don’t you give me the ‘you’ that wants to hit someone?” 
He spread his arms once more, hands gesturing to his chest. Es pretended not to notice him wince. They remained in their seat. 
“What are you waiting for? Hit me!” 
“I will not.”
“You just said you can change your personality on a whim, so let’s see it!” 
“That is not what I said.”
His good eye began to look frenzied. He raised his voice. “You scared? The big bad warden of Milgram, nothing but a big coward!”
“Stop this. You’re acting childish.”
“No! You’re treating me childishly! Let me see the Es that kicked Shidou! The one that slapped Kazui! Treat me like you treated them!”
“I hit them because they said something stupid. They deserved it.”
“Are you fucking kidding? I deserve it too! I deserve it! Come on!”
At the last word, his voice broke. He stumbled to his knees. He let his head drop. He sucked in strained breath after strained breath. Shidou would surely give him a lecture about getting so worked up with his injuries. 
Es finally stood.
They made their way around the desk. They knelt on the floor in front of him. 
“Why?” he wheezed. “Tell me…”
Should I just go ahead and do it, just to make him happy? No, I want to talk it out. But what do even I say? I'll tell him that I care. I can’t. None of the prisoners understand that I care. Why? Why is it so hard for them to see? I’m trying my best, why can’t they see? 
Es extended their hand carefully. They didn’t know what they hoped to accomplish, but in that moment their thoughts were too loud and conflicting. They needed to do something.
Fuuta saw the gentle intention, and immediately raised his own hand to strike. It froze midair, though whether it was from Milgram’s restrictions or his own hesitation, Es would never know.
Neither of their gestures connected.
Footsteps. Then Yuno’s voice, hesitantly from the doorway. “We heard shouting, is everything alright in here?”
Es retracted their hand.  A beat. Fuuta dropped his, too. 
“Yuno. Yes, we’re fine. Fuuta was just heading to bed. I’m going to walk him to his cell.”
“I can handle myself.”
“I said, I’m going to walk him to his cell.” 
Es stood, nodding to Yuno. When she’d gone, they turned their attention back to the prisoner crumpled on the ground. They made an effort to quiet their ever-racing thoughts. 
“Listen. I know you can handle yourself. I’m not doing this because I think you’re weak. You’re strong. Don’t think for a moment that I don’t see that.”
They held out their arm to help him up. He didn’t move.
“Sometimes you are a bit too strong, if you ask me. I mean, picking fights with your prison warden, really?” They clicked their tongue. “You should be grateful for a superior that gives you second chances.”
At last, Fuuta  took their hand. He avoided meeting their eyes, but his voice had softened considerably from his rant. “The only thing you give me is a headache.”
Es offered a dry smile as they pulled him to his feet. “The feeling is mutual.”
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good-beans · 1 year ago
I know most of our focus goes (rightfully) to the trial songs, but I genuinely believe Baptism of Fire is equally a masterpiece of meaningful writing and intense vocal acting
Incoming tag rant because I need to yell about this, feel free to yell back
#milgram#fuuta kajiyama#like the other vds have good writing about the character and whatever social issue their crime focuses on#but this one is very pointedly about YOU#its about the audience. its about the milgram project. its about self reflection. its about self-appointed roles. its about you#even if you didnt vote t1 or anything the whole things is calling on you to reflect on your own judgements of others#how you treat people who come off rougher. how you treat people who have made a (bad but) common mistake.#do you also find entertainment in seeing people dragged down and suffering because it would 'serve them right?'#but es always remains in control of the situation. the drama doesnt end with 'and fuuta was right - you guys suck!'#its clarified that situations are different and have nuance. we are reminded to look at things with nuance.#then we are smoothly re-immersed in the story#and then!! the acting itself!!!#arthur lounsbery put his whole fussy into that performance (<- fuuta pussy) and i am in his debt every day for it#in both his vds hes just super expressive and fun to listen to#i dont understand japanese but he packs so much interesting intonation and emotion into every word -- im obsessed listening to him#he nails all the subtle emotions fuuta has: the pouts and outrage as well as underlying fear grief insecurity and immaturity#and then baptism of fire hes just... Wailing#like mahiru has her innocent and pathetic cries of pain in her sweet voice that works for her character but fuutas pain feels much more raw#the way hes practically sobbing at the end -- his voice cracking and screeching throughout -- the whimper of pain#its so unbearably intense!! it hurts!! and its supposed to!! but hes just so raw with it#and dont even get me started on his pained hysteric laughter omg....#its just. a masterpiece.#i always appreciate the vds but i dont think ive enjoyed/relistened to one as much as this one#okay WAIT im back to add one more thing because im obsessed with ths idea of intentions#specifically in milgram i think the intention behind the murders are very important to consider#so i love love love the huge focus on 'i didnt expect/mean for this to happen'#plus as a general theme in fiction i think its sooo juicy when good intentions get fucked up#so i loved the repetition of that#fuuta is such a special case because he genuinely had no desire or expectation for his victim to die#(maybe kazui too? but he doesn't say so in his vd like fuuta does)
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linagram · 6 months ago
[ 𝙿𝚛𝚎-𝚃𝟹 𝚅𝚘𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚊 #𝟶𝟸 ] 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚎𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚍 𝚃𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚕
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so yeah this vd is supposed to describe the changes that happened between the ending of season 2 and the beginning of season 3. please enjoy!.. or don't. you are free to suffer as well
Warnings: descriptions of murder and suicide attempts.
Hinode: Are you ready to begin, Miki-san?
Miki: .. Yes. 
Hinode: So.. The trial hasn't even started yet, but we already had to go through a lot.
Miki: Y-yeah..
Miki: I mean, we had to expect something like this. It's the last trial, after all.
Miki: But still.. Everyone has changed so much.
Miki: And it's.. kind of our fault too.
Hinode: We had to punish the guilty prisoners somehow, you know that.
Miki: ...
Miki: I don't think you saw punishing them as a way to save them or the other prisoners.
Hinode: Huh?
Miki: Are you sure that you really don't like seeing other people in pain, Hinode-san?
Hinode: W-what are you talking about, Miki-san-
Miki: Never mind.I just hope Eiji-san comes back soon.
Hinode: .. This might be a weird question, but.. what kind of relationship do you two have? Are you close?
Miki: Eiji-san is very important to me. That's all.
Hinode: Do you like him?
Miki: .. *sighs*
Miki: I don't agree with most of the things he says. He can be really annoying. He's way too cruel when he punishes the prisoners. 
Miki: .. But I still want him to come back.
Hinode: So you do like him.
Miki: Guard 003, let's get to work already.
Hinode: U-uh, yes, sure.
Hinode: So.. It looks like the relationship dynamics between the prisoners have changed significantly.
Hinode: Those who were enemies are starting to become closer and those who were friends now hate each other's guts.
Hinode: Let's talk about the changes every prisoner went through during this period.
Hinode: Prisoner 001, Miyagawa Akio.
Hinode: Thankfully, Akio-san has started to get better.
Hinode: His injury isn't that bad anymore, but it's possible that it will still impact his life in.. not the best way.
Hinode: He still has to wear bandages just in case, but now we know that he has a pretty big scar there. 
Hinode: Thanks to him being voted innocent, according to Jackalope, he was able to receive treatment from someone we don't know yet, but since Akio-san's condition really is getting better with each day, I don't think that person is dangerous.
Miki: "I wonder who that person was.. Maybe a doctor that works here?"
Hinode: It's easier for him to walk now and his headaches aren't as bad anymore. He can finally read without anyone's help again and it also looks like he's not that obsessed with his accomplice anymore. I'm happy for him.
Hinode: He also seems to have changed as a person as well. He still prefers to spend most of his time alone, but he's not as.. "arrogant" anymore, maybe?
Hinode: Actually, it seems like he became closer with some other prisoners and not just Aimi-san.
Hinode: Those prisoners are Kei-san, Asahi-san and..
Hinode: .. Riku.
Miki: ...
Hinode: I knew about what happened between Akio-san and Riku before the second trial, so I was also.. shocked.
Hinode: However, Akio-san was the one who saved Riku when he tried to do.. that to himself, so maybe Riku is actually somewhat grateful to him?
Hinode: Looks like Aimi-san was a good influence on Akio-san, haha.
Miki: But what about Miyagawa-san's relationship with Aimi-chan?
Hinode: .. Well, let's talk about her then, shall we?
Hinode: Prisoner 002, Hanasaki Aimi.
Hinode: Aimi-san has been voted innocent, and to be honest..
Hinode: It seems to have really changed her as a person.
Hinode: Or maybe that's actually her letting her true colors show?
Hinode: I've expected her to be more happy about her only friend being voted innocent, but now that Akio-san is close with other prisoners and seems to have found friends in this place..
Hinode: .. Aimi-san is feeling lonely again now.
Hinode: She doesn't talk to Akio-san that much anymore. She doesn't talk to anyone actually.
Hinode: .. Except you, Miki-san.
Hinode: She seems to like you a lot.
Miki: .. Yes, she does.
Miki: She always says how I'm her "only friend" and that I'm the only person in this place who she can trust.
Miki: If I accidentally call her "Hanasaki-san" she stares at me with this weird look in her eyes and makes me call her "Aimi-chan" because "that's what I'm supposed to call her as her friend".
Miki: I just.. don't get it. I thought that if we vote her innocent, she'd act more..
Hinode: I think she's acting like this exactly because we voted her innocent.
Hinode: Aimi-san now thinks that she was in the right. She has been voted innocent twice now, of course she would think that.
Hinode: Of course she sees you as a friend. Because friends forgive each other.
Hinode: And even though you have.. also changed, you're still kind to her no matter what.
Hinode: So it's possible that..
Hinode: ...
Miki: What's wrong, Hinode-san?
Hinode: .. So, her brother thought that her classmates deserve to die for treating her like that, right?
Hinode: But what if he thought they deserve to die not only for bullying her, but also.. 
Hinode: .. For not being her friends?
Hinode: And since she killed him for "betraying her trust" in a way and doing something a friend wouldn't do..
Miki: .. She believes it's okay to hurt and even kill someone if they refuse to be friends with her?
Hinode: Possibly.
Hinode: And considering that she's been spending most of her time in her cell lately and writing something..
Hinode: .. Who knows what she's planning. 
Hinode: Now.. 
Hinode: Prisoner 003, Ishizu Shun.
Hinode: Well, this one has caused us a lot of trouble.
Hinode: He really didn't take being voted guilty well.
Hinode: Considering his memory problems, his memory loss is much worse compared to other guilty prisoners.
Hinode: Thanks to the way this machine works, we can also watch the recording of him getting his memory erased for the first time.
Miki: Do we.. really have to watch it?
Hinode: I found some of the things he said very interesting, Miki-san. We are the guards of this place, so we have to pay attention to everything the prisoners say.
Miki: .. You're right.
(the recording starts playing)
(Shun: .. W-where am I?
Shun: .. W-who are you two?!
Shun: T-this doesn't look like my-
Shun: Wait, what are these clothes?!
Hinode: It's okay, take a deep breath. You're fine.
Shun: I don't understand.. I don't understand!
Shun: W-where are they?
Shun: Where are Hina and Jouhei?
Miki: Hinode-san!
Shun: You just want to ruin my happiness, don't you? All of you.. All of you think I don't deserve to be loved, right?!
Shun: *starts sobbing* I JUST WANTED TO BE HAPPY!)
Hinode: I'm still grateful to you for saving me back there.
Hinode: I don't know if it's because I'm not that physically strong, but I really felt like Shun-san was going to kill me.
Miki: If something happened to you, we would have two injured guards to deal with. I didn't want that.
Hinode: Haha, understandable.
Hinode: So, I guess now we know his victims' names. 
Miki: There's something that bothers me about this.
Hinode: Really? What is it?
Miki: .. Why did he sound so worried about Hina-san's new boyfriend?
Miki: Actually, from what I remember, in the end of his second video, he was eating cake with both of them. And he looked happy and didn't mind Jouhei-san's company.
Miki: If he believed that Jouhei-san was a bad person who didn't deserve Hina-san, why would he want to spend time with him? Why would he worry about him?
Hinode: Maybe he actually liked them both, haha.
Miki: What was that?
Hinode: Never mind, that sounds stupid.
Hinode: It's just.. Shun-san likes both Kei-san and Eiko-san, right? And he also really wants to be loved..
Hinode: I feel like it wouldn't be out of character for him to be in love with both his "ex-girlfriend" and her new boyfriend even if he hated him at first.
Hinode: But that's just a theory~
Miki: .. Hinode-san, we're having a serious conversation here.
Hinode: Haha, sorry, sorry.
Hinode: Anyway, it took a while to make Shun-san go back to his cell and he actually tried to run away, believing that there must be some sort of exit.
Hinode: And when he actually did get his memories back..
Hinode: .. The first thing he did was attacking Kei-san right after he saw him eating with everyone.
Hinode: He really hated the fact that Kei-san got voted innocent while him and Eiko-san got voted guilty.
Hinode: .. He chose the wrong person to attack, however. Kei-san really did suffer from the consequences of being voted guilty in the past, but he can still fight back as long as he has a weapon.
Hinode: So, uh...
Hinode: M-maybe attacking Kei-san when he had something sharp in his hand wasn't the best idea.
Hinode: Oh well, at least they match now when it comes to eye injuries.
Hinode: Except Shun-san's eye is.. Uh..
Hinode: Pretty much gone-
Miki: Can we stop talking about it?
Hinode: Fine, fine.
Hinode: So, we can confidently say that Shun-san is one of the most dangerous prisoners right now. His relationship with Eiko-san is getting more and more weird too..
Hinode: He actually doesn't talk to anyone except Eiko-san now. He avoids Kei-san too, but every time he sees him, he looks angry and.. heartbroken, maybe?
Hinode: Looks like he really did like him.
Hinode: So, Prisoner 004, Chiba Naomi.
Hinode: Let's watch the recording first, since she got her memories taken too.
(the recording starts playing)
(Naomi: ...
Hinode: Okay, I think we're done.
Hinode: Naomi-san, how are you feeling?
Hinode: Naomi-san-
Naomi: .. M-mom?
Naomi: Mom, I'm sorry, I..
Naomi: *starts crying* I am so sorry.. for failing you..
Naomi: I just.. I don't know if I.. 
Naomi: I don't know if I want to-
Naomi: .. Huh?
Naomi: .. Who are you two?
Naomi: W-where am I? W-where is my mother?
Hinode: Calm down. Can you remember who you are?
Naomi: U-uh..
Naomi: M-my name is Chiba Naomi. I am 30 years old. I'm an elementary school teacher. I live in-
Hinode: Okay, it worked.)
Miki: The first thing she did when we took her memories was start crying for her mother..
Miki: I didn't know Chiba-san was so attached to her.
Hinode: I don't think she was attached to her in a good way though.
Hinode: The way she acted after losing her memories was very interesting.
Hinode: It's like.. At the same time she was more anxious, but she also was very friendly with all the youngest prisoners, even Asahi-san.
Hinode: Perhaps it's because she didn't remember what happened to her victim and how he treated her, since we took more memories from her than we did in Shun-san's case. 
Hinode: Maybe she used to see her victim in Asahi-san, but since she forgot about her crime, she started to like him more.
Hinode: But then she got her memories back and..
Hinode: .. The glass cat figure.
Hinode: She broke it and put the glass shards in Asahi-san's food when no one was looking.
Miki: ...
Hinode: Are you okay, Miki-san? 
Miki: My own little brother almost got killed, but sure, I'm okay.
Hinode: Got it, not okay at all, haha.
Hinode: Asahi-san was saved by Kei-san who noticed that something was wrong with the food and stopped him before he tried to eat it.
Hinode: I really didn't expect Kei-san out of all people to save him. You must be feeling very grateful to him.
Miki: .. I do, actually.
Miki: I did get him a strawberry milkshake as thanks later after that.
Hinode: This guy really made one prisoner lose an eye but saved another prisoner's life..
Hinode: Oh, by the way, let's talk about him now, shall we?
Hinode: Prisoner 005, Sanada Kei.
Hinode: His injuries are healing, thankfully, but I'm afraid there's not much we can do about his eye.
Hinode: Reina-san requested a new eyepatch for him, actually. A more.. uh, "cute" one, maybe?
Hinode: She really cares about him. At first she protected him from Yurika-san and now this..
Hinode: He got a new outfit and he feels much more comfortable in it now. 
Hinode: It's like he's back to "normal" but he's also more.. I'm not sure how to say it..
Hinode: It's like, now he has people he's actually close with and he sticks with them? 
Hinode: Though he is still very.. uh.. friendly with me, haha..
Miki: "I don't think Kei-san just wants to be friends with him.."
Hinode: But I think an innocent verdict really did have a good impact on him. He's still friends with Reina-san and he's now close with Asahi-san and some other prisoners as well.
Hinode: His relationship with them is much more healthy than whatever he had with Eiko-san and Shun-san.
Miki: .. I don't know if he will finally open up about his crime though.
Hinode: Well, Miki-san..
Hinode: Maybe he has a reason to be so afraid of talking about his crime.
Miki: Like what? And why do you think he's afraid of it and not just.. I don't know.. being mysterious, I guess?
Hinode: Well, let's think about it.
Hinode: Sanada Kei is a man who likes to be in control. When he sees someone he likes, he immediately tells them about it. He doesn't take no for an answer.
Hinode: .. But judging by how much he screamed during his punishment and how much pain it had caused him, he hates not being in control.
Hinode: He still has horrible scars on his back. He's shown crying and begging for help in his second viideo.
Hinode: Now, Miki-san, what is the worst thing that could ever happen to a man like that?
Miki: ...
Miki: .. I understand now.. I think.
Miki: L-let's talk about Yoshioka-san now.
Hinode: Okay.
Hinode: Prisoner 006, Yoshioka Eiko.
Hinode: Let's watch the recording first.
Hinode: Her behavior after the punishment was.. unexpected, to say the least.
(the recording starts playing)
(Eiko: ...
Eiko: T-takeru?..
Eiko: Where's Takeru?..
Eiko: H-have you two seen him?..
Eiko: Please, I just want him to reply.. Please..
Eiko: I don't know if he's even alive!
Eiko: And if he's alive..
Eiko: Why is he still.. ignoring me?..
Eiko: .. Maybe.. it actually would be better if he turned out to be dead.. haha..)
Hinode: After that she just started laughing and walked back to her cell. She didn't ask us anything about this place, she was too busy thinking about Takeru-san.
Hinode: We not only took memories of her crime, but some other memories as well, so she also didn't remember what Takeru-san did and why he stopped replying to her messages.
Hinode: I still wonder what exactly he did to make her kill him.. 
Hinode: I know, maybe it looks like Eiko-san is way too obsessed with him, but..
Hinode: To be honest, I can't help but feel like Takeru-san really wasn't the best partner for her.
Hinode: Well, whether it's her being too possessive or him being a manipulator.. 
Hinode: It's our job to find that out.
Hinode: Anyway, now Eiko-san is spending time only with Shun-san and doesn't talk to anyone else. 
Hinode: Interestingly, it doesn't feel like she only sees him as her "bodyguard" anymore. It's like..
Hinode: She really does feel like she can't trust anyone else here.
Hinode: She also seems to really hate Yurika-san judging by the way she glares at her now.
Miki: She attacked Eiji-san and Yoshioka-san likes him a lot, so..
Miki: I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out she's plotting something.
Hinode: Yeah, we have to be careful with her.
Hinode: Prisoner 007, Yano Asahi.
Hinode: This poor boy is somehow getting better and getting more traumatized at the same time.
Hinode: He almost got killed by a woman he trusted and who is the only person that can be seen as a mother figure here.
Hinode: And it's possible this woman will try to kill him again since Naomi-san really is.. not doing good right now.
Hinode: But at least now he has people who can protect him.
Hinode: He likes Kei-san a lot now and follows him everywhere. Kei-san doesn't mind and even plays along and acts as his older brother.
Hinode: He plays the same role for other two prisoners actually. 
Miki: ".. What is it with Kei-san being an actually good big brother for other prisoners, but not for his own little brother?"
Hinode: He's more open now and he smiles more often. Well, at least when Naomi-san isn't around. 
Hinode: He's also still a little afraid of Yurika-san for obvious reasons, but he's okay with her company as long as he's with Kei-san.
Hinode: He also gets along surprisingly well with Akio-san now.
Hinode: You must be happy to see your little brother making so many friends here.
Miki: Y-yeah..
Miki: "But I'm also tired of them trying to kill him over and over.."
Hinode: Prisoner 008, Maruyama Yurika.
Hinode: It was.. really hard to punish her properly.
Hinode: When she found out about what happened to Shun-san, Naomi-san and Eiko-san, she decided to fight back and threatened to kill Riku and your brother if we did anything to her.
Hinode: .. That didn't work however, since you've knocked her out instantly.
Hinode: You.. are really taking advantage of your status as a guard now, haha..
Miki: .. I know that she's capable of killing Marito. I couldn't just let her do that.
Hinode: You really care about your brother a lot-
Miki: Yes, unlike you.
Hinode: ...
Miki: I'm pretty sure she doesn't know that me and Marito are related though. So why did she-
Hinode: She probably chose him because she noticed how close you two are and because he's the youngest one here.
Hinode: A-anyway, let's watch the recording.
(The recording starts playing)
(Yurika: .. Hey.
Yurika: Where am I?
Yurika: Ugh, did I really get sent to prison or something?
Yurika: Uhh, wait, I was told that if something like this happens, I'll-
Yurika: ...
(sounds of Yurika standing up)
Yurika: You'll never take me alive, losers!
Yurika: Gh-
Yurika: W-what are you-
Miki: Seriously.. Maruyama-san, you're not actually that strong.
Miki: It's easy for you to attack the weak ones, like children and the injured prisoners..
Miki: But what about someone who's stronger than them and can actually put up a fight?
Yurika: ...
Miki: Now, sleep well.)
Hinode: We actually had to take more of her memories later, since she still continued to act.. unstable and she only got better when we took memories of her being "betrayed" by her parents.
Hinode: After that she started to act like a young woman who.. uh.. comes from a quite rich family-
Miki: And who never had to work to make a living.
Miki: It was kind of annoying, but at least she didn't try to kill everyone.
Hinode: It would be nice if we could just leave her like this, but we still need more information from her, so we had to give her her memories back. 
Hinode: She still likes to threaten everyone, but she doesn't actually do anything.
Hinode: It also seems that she's back to being friends with Reina-san.
Hinode: I wonder what made her have this sudden change of heart..
Hinode: .. Prisoner 009, Kuroki Riku.
Hinode: ...
Hinode: Let's watch the recording before I say anything.
(The recording starts playing)
(Riku: .. I hate him.
Riku: I hate him so much, I hate him so much, I hate him so much, I hate him so much..
Riku: I am so done with this.. Why do I still have to spend time with him..
Riku: No.. 
Riku: Why can't I.. leave him already?
Riku: I hate him, right?.. So why can't I just tell him to leave me alone?..
Riku: I don't get it..
Riku: Huh.. I don't think I've seen this place before..
Riku: Well, it doesn't matter.
Riku: As long as he's not here, I'm fine with it.)
Hinode: .. He didn't even notice me.
Hinode: He didn't even notice his own brother, haha..
Hinode: Well, he does have some very strong feelings about Yue, so I shouldn't be surprised.
Miki: ...
Hinode: .. *sighs* I guess we still have to talk about.. that.
Hinode: Shortly after Riku got his memories back..
Hinode: .. He tried to kill or at least hurt himself by putting that hair dye he requested earlier into his tea.
Hinode: Thankfully, he was stopped by Akio-san, who noticed his drink looking strange and asked what was in it. 
Hinode: While Riku was trying to come up with an answer, Akio-san looked closer, remembered Riku's request and realized that it was black hair dye.
Hinode: Riku was mad at Akio-san at first, but now..
Hinode: They get along really well, actually. I rarely see Riku without Akio-san and vice versa.
Hinode: I think it's because deep inside..
Hinode: Riku actually wanted someone to stop him. Maybe he even wanted it to be Akio-san. 
Hinode: Maybe he wanted it to be him so that he could make sure Akio-san is not mad at him and has forgiven him.
Hinode: Riku seems to have become more social again and he spends a lot of time with Akio-san, Kei-san and some other prisoners.
Hinode: And now, finally..
Hinode: Prisoner 010, Himura Reina.
Hinode: She.. completely ignores us now.
Hinode: She said she doesn't care about our opinion anymore and she "has her own plans for this place", whatever that's supposed to mean.
Hinode: However, even though she's so cold now, she seems to have become quite popular among prisoners.
Hinode: She can be often seen with Kei-san, Yurika-san, Akio-san, Riku-san and Asahi-san.
Hinode: Aimi-san, Naomi-san, Shun-san and Eiko-san still avoid her though. I wonder why..
Miki: ...
Miki: I have a bad feeling about her becoming more popular.
Miki: And with these particular people too..
Hinode: Well, it's not like she can do anything to stop us or stop the trial from happening.
Hinode: Okay, that's the end of the report. We really should be more careful this time, now that we know what will happen to everyone after they receive their final verdicts.
Hinode: Are you ready, Miki-san?
Miki: .. I wonder what will happen to us after the third trial is over.
Hinode: W-well, they'll most likely just send us back home.. 
Hinode: Probably.
Miki: Also, where's Eiji-san?
Hinode: I've heard he will join us later, but I'm not sure when exactly. 
Miki: .. Okay.
Miki: *stands up* Let's go, then.
Miki: We can't let ourselves make a wrong choice this time.
Miki: .. Let the third trial begin.
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