#milex isn’t real
misskattylashes · 1 year
An open letter to whoever wants to read it...
I don't expect anyone to read this, I just wanted to get my feelings off my chest. I also dont expect anyone to agree with me so don't start having a go. This is genuinely me trying to process my feelings.
I am so disappointed in Alex. And this is actually just a reflection of my own expectations. I was so proud back in May when Louise had tried to allude in her stories that they were on holidays, only for Alex to rock up in London a couple of days later with Miles in their matching jackets at the Scott Walker concert. He looked so happy and relaxed, and I suppose my inner shipper kicked in and I hoped he was finally sticking two fingers up at what I think has become a bearding narrative.
There has been no sign of Louise during the UK tour - even Sheffield which was attended by friends and family and surely after 5 years together she should be considered family. And it wasn’t as if she had any commitments. It seemed she was just wandering around Paris taking pictures and getting her hair cut.
Miles on the other hand has been behaving like someone who is loved up, sharing romantic songs and even called Alex a sexy motherf*ckr on live radio. I was living in my own stupid hope that they were slowly preparing to come out. Or at the least the whole Louise thing was over and we could draw our own assumptions. Especially seeing as yesterday Miles posted a video of him on the Eurostar saying he was going back to London and put the two turtle emojis.
Then today we get a post from Louise declaring how she was getting the star treatment on the Eurostar, and a caption saying something like baby I miss you I want to kiss you. Which brought me back down to earth with a bump. The shit charade is still on. And lucky me...I will be there in London to witness it. Alex will probably be on edge like he was when she was in Paris and fuck up. But of course everyone will think it's romantic and cute.
I disappointed in him not having the courage to put an end to this.
But maybe I am more disappointed in myself. I am usually a cynical person but the love between Miles and Alex seems so romantic, and Miles is so sweet, he deserves happiness. But maybe I really have just been shipping two men who once loved each other but are now happy just being friends.
So I don't know why I feel so miserable. They're all strangers. I like to think of myself as a feminist, but there is still part of me who like fairy tales with happy endings and I created my own Milex fairy tale.
But I still can't help but be cynical. Glastonbury is coming up and I have a strong feeling Miles will come on for 505, so of course let's make sure for this week Alex is seen out in London with the girlfriend, taking photos with fans who can go on how lovely she is blah blah to keep up the hetero narrative so when Miles comes on stage...well it's just two old friends.
Sorry for the ramble. Please just scroll on. I just wanted to get this off my chest.
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franklyimissparis · 11 months
saw someone in the comments of a tik tok today talking about milex and saying that miles had confirmed they dated at one point. someone asked for the source and the person linked that fucking april fools’ day article 😭😭😭
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nicoscheer · 3 months
Milex quotes (ranging from unhinged to batshit crazy while taking a detour through wtf land)
- first impressions: “What is this puny spotty kid with his little brown bag ?” (Miles about Alex) “Who’s that jester who makes me laugh so hard as soon as he opens his mouth ?” (Alex about Miles). Via Les Inrocks arcticle
- “I tell him I love him all the time,” via NME (Miles)
- “I love you because you’ve got a very strong pain threshold.” Via NME (Miles)
- since when are you both that close ? “You want to know if we’re going to get married ? If we have sex like real men, between the buttocks ?” Via Les Inrocks article
- “For kids from the North, it's hard to say but we never stop telling each other that we love each other. Alex knows I'll always be there for him. (How do our girlfriends deal with that? Are they jealous? Maybe we should ask them).” (Miles) Via Les Inrocks article
- “To me, The Last Shadow Puppets is not even a band. It’s more like a way-out of the notion itself of ‘band’. It’s a space of freedom. There is no embarrassment, no taboo, no limits between us. It's a real trade, we reroute each other's ideas. In the end, it's impossible to quantify the contribution of the two of us. Our complementarity sometimes freaks me out.” (Alex) via Les Inrocks article
- MK: Totally, to me it’s even the best vocal take of his entire career! (He cuddles him.) AT: Thank you, my dear. (Note: here it says “mon lapin”, which can mean “my dear” but literally translates to “my bunny”) via MyRock Magazine
- AT: Ah yeah, that’s how it is with my Miles! I start a joke and he’ll finish it! (he pounces on Miles and catches him in an armlock on the settee, before giving his crotch a light slap and shouting “Here comes the nuts!”) You wanna see how close we are as friends, Miles and I? Here, look, a spectacle exclusively for you! (At this point, we move up another notch in this madness: Alex swoops for a bowl of cashew nuts and starts to frenetically toss them at Miles, who tries to catch them with his mouth… after a fashion. Via MyRock Magazine
- “Alex is so dedicated to song writing, it’s inspiring to be around. He’s a beautiful soul and I’m honoured to witness him and the band grow. His left ears going to be burning when he hears this…” (Miles) via GQ magazine October 2013
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- “Alex Turner is a genius, isn’t he? He’s a genius fish.” (Miles) via Knack Focus
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Via Kultura Onet
- “Sometimes we have Skype-sex, or we wank off on FaceTime!” (Miles) via Index
- “We've been through a lot together. It's like, he's one of those friends, those few best friends you have in life. As you grow older, your circle tends to shrink, but he's remained one of my closest pals. It's almost like a bit of yin and yang between us.” (Miles) via Numéro
- Alex turns to Miles and propositions him: “Your place or mine, then?” There’s no-one expect us and the road-crew there to see it, but it feels like a special moment nonetheless. Via NME
- “I think we can bring the best out in each other, you know? He certainly does that with me.” (Miles) Via Eska Rock
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- “Why, yes, bromances are for sharing your dreams. What a wonderful sentiment.” (Miles) via Interview Magazine
- AT: Miles is, without a doubt, Wolverine. Wolverine is a style icon to him. I see similarities. Miles always follows his instinct. And he’s capable of fixing things that are broken, whether it’s material or emotional damage, in no time. MK: Alex often reminds me of Gambit. He can change something insignificant into something explosive. He’s very aware of everything that happens around him, something that balances him out. And he can read my mind. Via OOR Magazine 2016
- “We understand each other and keep each other going. We both have strange ideas and we need the presence of the other to make sense of them.” (Miles) Via OOR Magazine 2016
- “Sometimes it can be a pressure being the fella in the band who writes the songs. Getting together with Miles I've got someone to bounce ideas off and that is something new for me. Also, it gives me somewhere to hide because he's up there singing with me. In the Arctic Monkeys, there's nowhere for me to hide.” (Alex) via Culture
- “My best mate. I love him, man. I like the way he pushes himself and keeps that thing of, whatever's going on around you, you're just a lad who loves playing music and writing tunes. He's a prime example of someone who's big but doesn't take anything for granted.” (Miles)
- “I decipher his thoughts and organise them. When Miles bursts, the idea comes flying. Someone who knows him well enough might be able to filter out the good ideas. But usually, he only has good ideas and it’s up to me to catch everything. That’s my job within this duo. That process releases all kinds of stuff within me, causing me to go into certain directions I would never take my own.” (Alex)
- “I thought it were going to be like them finding a tape where you’d had an affair,” he grins. “Like your bird had found an affair tape and was watching you having sex with another bird… but it weren’t like… an affair tape… erm, not that I’ve ever made an affair tape.” Alex Turner about the Monkeys’ reaction to The Last Shadow Puppets’ album via NME
- “And also working with Miles, it comes very much from my heart. You know, with such a close friendship we have. Wanting to work together, it brings something else. I haven’t done too much with other people… he’s kind of the only one.” (Alex) via Hot Press
- MK: And he can read my mind. AT: But you can read mine, too. MK: I knew you were gonna say that. AT: And I knew you were gonna say that. via OOR Magazine 2016
- “Even if we aren't writing half a word is enough. We can finish each other's sentences sometimes and if we focus on it, we can take it to a much deeper level. That's pretty unique. My thinking process is pretty abstract and a lot of people don't know what to do with that. Alex understands me like no other.” (Miles) via OOR Magazine 2016
- you’re living in Los Angeles too now, miles? “…because Alex lives there…” (Miles) via Humo
- “He has written a lot of songs – a lyrical wonder, this boy!” (Miles) via Humo
- The pair live, Turner says, “seven minutes away from each other”. Ask them what a typical night out entails, and they look at each other, then proceed to not be very forthcoming, though Turner will eventually concede that “some of what happens in those situations is disclosed, through the veil of song, on the record. There’s references.” Via Shortlist
- “Starin’ out the balcony at the moon, wonderin’ where is he, what is he doin’ now, who’s he kissin’” (Alex) via Sidewalk Hustle
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- “… but this thing we had together… I know that I was the new kid and he was a sort of superstar, but even from day one, it was amazing. To an outsider, it wouldn’t look equal, but it was always so equal. He made me feel like that, just because it was.” (Miles)
- “We take it in turns playing the straight man.” (Alex) via Shortlist
- “Quite cute ! Quite and quite camp, you mean ?” (Miles about their relationship) via NME
- On what it’s like to work with Kane again, Turner said: “It’s like John Lennon meets… Paul [McCartney].” Via NME
- Miles says their relationship was established “on laughter and general stupidness” via the Telegraph
- Interviewer: Alex, what does Miles bring out in you that…. Alex: A woman can’t bring out in me?
- Miles and his endearments for Alex:
“We always talk about it, me and the boy, y'know?” (one of the cutest things Miles has called Alex is 'the boy' it's so beautiful bc someone asked him on Twitter what he was up to and he just said he was 'going out with the boy'. which boy? it didn't need saying. everyone knows who The Boy in Miles' life is.)
"He's got the face for it...the little diamond."
"The Little Prince" x
“Shavambacu” at 4:01
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- “He (Alex) turned up one day in red jeans. That surprised me. I like it when he wears red jeans. When they’re tight.”
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- “There's nothing innocent about Miles Kane,”Turner warns, in case anyone was planning to accuse him of luring his fresh-faced co-conspirator into a decadent world of rock star self-indulgence. “He is the antithesis of innocence.” “Ooh,” Kane retorts, archly, “you scampi fry.” Via the Guardian
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- “We went for a bike ride. Tops off. Fred Perry shorts on.” (Alex about their time recording the age of the understatement in rural France Blackbox studio) via Q Magazine 2008
- You look like you're about to snog each other. AT: “It’s rare that we don’t look like that.” Tlsp at the Mercury music Prize 2008
- “As far as I’m concerned there are only two superstars: Beyoncé and Miles Kane. You can quote me on that.” (Alex)
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so grateful for this little corner of tumblr. i still very much don’t know everyone here, but this space honestly feels like one of the nicest and most chilled out, respectful fandom spaces i’ve come across. on days like today where real life isn’t the easiest i feel so thankful to be able to escape here and scroll through posts of milex being their glorious, ridiculous selves and flail about it with everyone. i don’t really know what the purpose of this post is, i guess just to say thank you to both the amazing people i do know and also those who i don’t know so well for making this space the lovely one it is 💗
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glorious-blackout · 11 months
I just finished reading "I'll See You On The Dark Side of the Moon" and my h/c heart loved it so much. Can I get the director's cut for that?
Also, I saw your tags on an anon post. I am also ace! I didn't think I'd run into any other ace Milex shippers here ❤️
Awww thank you so much! 💖 That story (and the whole Milex Big Bang experience) was very special for me so it always makes my day to hear from readers who enjoyed it!
I technically do have a 'director's cut' ending for this fic 😅 Because it was written and edited over a period of months, it had plenty of time to morph from a traditional psychological horror into a story that was more concerned with Alex and Miles's relationship and Alex's desperation to return home. This meant that by the time I got around to writing the first draft of the last chapter, the ambiguous ending I'd had in mind from day one was starting to rub me the wrong way, especially after the intensity of the events leading up to it. After a lot of internal debate and some feedback from my lovely friend who read the early drafts of each chapter, I eventually settled on a more hopeful conclusion which I still feel was the right decision.
Enough time has passed though that I'm happy to share the original ending for curiosity's sake - the only major changes were in the last few paragraphs of the chapter 😊
A soft thud rudely interrupts such pleasant fantasies.  
They break apart, rosy-cheeked and breathless, casting an eye over the bed until the source of their interruption presents itself. Miles’s battered copy of ‘The Restaurant at the End of the Universe’ has slipped from its perch and is now resting precariously against the bedrails, its pages splayed open and threatening to crease beyond repair the instant they hit the floor. Alex rescues it mindlessly - just in time to spare it from slipping through the gap - and brings it closer, recognising the neon imprint of the title from his childhood. 
Without really thinking, he flicks through the yellowed pages, glancing at the dense passages for only a moment before throwing the book aside, blinking away the faint stirrings of a headache. 
“You okay, love?” Miles asks, seemingly out of the blue, until Alex realises he hasn’t said anything since their untimely separation. He looks over at Miles, basks in his beauty in the sleepy morning light, and can’t quite bring himself to believe that he’s real. That he has chosen to spend the rest of his life with Alex of all people, when he could have anyone he wanted. 
“Kiss me again?” he asks, hoping that his desperation for reassurance is not as obvious to Miles’s ears as it is to his own. 
“You’re insatiable,” Miles chuckles, but his eyes are warm and his hand cradles Alex’s cheek with a gentleness that makes him want to fall asleep, safe in Miles’s arms. A persistent beep resounds in perfect time with the pulse drumming in his ears, and Miles’s eyes glance in the direction of the snitching monitor.  
“The nurses’ll be thinking you’re in trouble.” 
‘Oh I am,’ Alex thinks, but he elects not to mention it. Truth be told, he can’t bring himself to care, especially with Miles gazing at him as though he’s just unveiled the secrets of the universe. 
It isn’t long before Miles grants his request, kissing him with so much care and love that their surroundings melt into oblivion. Alex finds that this is a rather pleasant state in which to exist, and so he ignores his creeping exhaustion and the slowly awakening aches across his body in favour of letting his mind be consumed by the man he loves more than anything in this world and beyond.   
As he loses himself in the sweet taste of Miles’s lips and the pleasant burn of stubble against his cheek, Alex finds that he’s almost capable of forgetting the way Douglas Adams’s words had danced maniacally across the page, defying all attempts at comprehension. 
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shit-talk-turner · 10 months
Being drunk, weird on stage, awkward in interviews and a bad boyfriend is the "acceptable" rock-and-roll persona, so no pr is needed to fix it. But maybe a pr relationship is what Alex "needs" in order to be left alone and live his life without any intrusions? Remember the lyrics in Perfect Sense: a 4 figure sum in a hotel notepad - a revelation or your money back - that's what it takes to say "goodnight"...
//The PR tin hat people need to stop. Alex isn’t a celeb like idk *insert the most popular celeb here*! They have pr to promote the band not to hide or change narrative. These tin hatters are either Milex shippers who think they’re covering the “gay” or self insert girlies who can’t accept that Alex has a relationship with, albeit miserable, Louise. Alex can literally be a drunk, act weird in stage, not be able to form a sentence, cheat on his partners and we still see it. Where’s the pr team then? To think the version of Alex we see is pr? Not only is it fucked but the or team would be losing. If the or team where a thing frfr they’d be going to awards shows, parties with Louise for “show”. Please guys don’t become delusional, leave that to Louise.
We don’t buy it. No one would care if he were single. And it’s almost 2024 - no one would care if he were gay. This “PR” relationship conspiracy theory to us belongs in a Harry Styles fan fiction, not the real life of Alex or anyone in AM-world.
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forever1kay · 2 years
heyyyy love, I love your fanfics but I'm too shy to like them🧍 If you still take requests. Can you maybe write a Milex Morales x Male reader who is from their rival is and is very chill? like chill stoic personality. 😹💪❤️
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Hi baby, I want to start by sincerely thanking you for your compliment. It means a lot :) Just know that you don't have to be shy when interacting with me or any of my fanfics; I promise I don't bite lol. Anygayssss, I made both a platonic ending and an alternate ending because I wasn't sure if you wanted this to take a romantic turn or not. Although I slightly strayed away from your original request—saying as they aren’t really rivals and Y/n probably isn’t nearly as stoic as you may have hoped—I appreciate your request, and I hope you enjoy <333
Summary: Read the ask ;)
Pairing: Miles Morales x reader (implied male)
Notes: Alternate endings! 🏹 is the romantic ending and 🦋 is the platonic ending. Y/n is a little more stoic in the romantic ending which is a lot longer than the platonic ending. This is also very sloppily done so you can definitely expect some editing in the near future.
Warnings: Nothing really. Miles is a little ooc. Alsoooo, if you have a problem with mxm relationships then you can get out
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Miles & y/n aren’t rivals for real for real, they just sort of annoy each other and have been doing so for years.
They’re extremely competitive with each other, and it’s almost like it’s never ending. Their classmates and shared friends are tired of it, but used to it nonetheless. It’s been going on for years after all…
They compete with test scores, popularity, who’s the better cook, who can go the longest while/without type of challenges. It’s all exhausting.
But what’s really stuck the longest is their stealing wars.
It’s often they’ll catch one another sneaking in and out of their rooms, normally with hands ready to take, or hands full of things they’ve stolen.
And it’s never anything the other really need per se, just small items they’ll remember exists later on and will tear up their room to find.
And when they realize it’s not there, they already know where it could’ve gone.
The difference between Y/n and Miles, is that Miles borrows. He gives everything back that he may have taken, but he doesn’t make it easy. More times than not, Y/n’s things will end up within the belongings of his roommate who seems to constantly be gone on vacation with family and friends.
Y/n will often wait one, two, or even three weeks at a time to get his things back because it’s not a rarity for his roommate to text and say things along the line of “Miles put the thing you were looking for in my suitcase. I’ll be back on the 19th!”
But while Miles actually borrows, you take things and never give it back. “I’m using them at least!” is your justification, but it really doesn’t make it any better. There has been numerous occasions—like this one— where Miles has come into your room and asked for (or tried to figure out) the security code to your clear safe with things that you’ve obviously stolen from Miles’ room.
“Cmon Y/n, just tell me the code!” Miles begs for the umpteenth time.
You chuckle slightly and lean back in your chair. “Nah.”
“But I need this stuff back!” He complains.
“Dude…” You say, throwing your head back. “It’s an empty shoe box, a glasses wipe, an action figure, some manga that you’ve already read, a beanie, and a spray bottle. It’s never that serious.”
“It is though!”
“Yeah?” You raise an eyebrow. “And why is that?”
“Well because I wanted to put my shoes back in the box, my fake glasses are getting dirty, I need that action figure for…my little cousin, I have only read that manga 6 times which isn’t enough, my ears are cold so I need that beanie, and the spray bottle is for my hair which you obviously haven’t looked at.”
You glance up at his hair and do a double take. It’s almost completely matted yet tangled at the same time.
“Alright alright, I’ll give you some things back.” You start, getting up and walking towards the safe.“But first, what’s that!?”
He circles back to the door you pointed at and spends a few seconds trying to figure out what he should be looking at. Within those few seconds, you were granted enough time to unlock the safe, grab two items out, and lock it back.
Miles whips around to face you again, giving you a confused look. “What am I supposed to be looking at?”
You feign innocence, frowning slightly at Miles. “Oh, sorry I thought I seen like a brunette spider-man or something.”
He laughs awkwardly and rubs the back of his neck before speaking sheepishly. “There’s gotta be one out there somewhere.”
“Yeah, definitely,” You study his features then walk a little closer to him. “What are you hiding, Miles?”
His eyes dart around the room but he doesn’t say anything, letting his panicked expression speak for him.
“Just kidding, I don’t care.” You laugh, throwing a sock at his face and placing his spray bottle at his head. “For you, kind sir.”
He blinks slowly as you sit back in your spinning chair, waiting silently for him to leave.
“…who’s sock is this?”
“I’ve never seen this in my life.”
“I’ve had it the past few years, why would you remember it?”
“Why did you have my sock?”
“I needed a sock to wear.”
“You don’t have any?”
“Yeah, but none that look like that.”
“…why take only one sock?”
“To match it with my sock.”
“What sock?”
“You know, the gray one with the white stripes at the top.”
“But this one is red and black.”
“And your point is?”
Miles blinks at you again, and then speaks quietly. “Just give me the rest of my things.”
You chuckle softly. “Almost sounds like you’re breaking up with me, Morales.”
Miles face palms and mumbles to himself, something along the lines of we’re not even dating and you’ve clearly lost your mind.
“Having fun there?” You giggle, obviously very entertained by the fact that he’s talking to himself.
“You don’t need all of this stuff!” He tells you.
You scrunch your face up. “You don’t need any of mine either, yet here we are.”
“I just wanna read my manga.” He whines, dragging out the last letter a in the word manga.
“What’s so great about it?” You ask curiously.
“What’s so great about it? I’ll tell you what’s so great about it!”
You sit in silence and wait for him to continue, but he stands still with that determined look on his face.
“So are you gonna tell me or are we both gonna sit here looking stupid?”
“Oh,” He chuckles. “The best thing about the manga is Renga.”
“Sk8 the infinity?”
“Just give me my stuff back.”
“Fine, Miles.” You sigh. “But only under one condition.”
“Which is?”
“You’ll give me my stuff back too.”
“That’s all?”
“That’s all.”
“Nothing else?”
“Nothing else.”
“Are you sure?”
You blink. “Well what else did you want?”
“Well, nothing. But I don’t expect this to be all you want. There’s always something with you.”
“Well, there is one little thing.”
“Of course there is.” He rolls his eyes. “What is it?
“You agree that we should drop whatever this rivalry that we’ve been having all these years, and be friends for once.”
“Wait.” He pauses. “You wanna be friends with me?”
You automatically get shy and cover your face with your hand, opting it’s best not to look him at the moment.
“Is thee stoic Y/N Y/L/N shy over wanting to be my friend?”
“Get out, Miles, I’ll bring you your stuff later.”
Miles chuckles and then walks out the door, leaving you grimacing at the spot he was just standing in.
“You’ll go out with me.” You say. “On a date.”
Miles’ eyes widen slightly, but then he catches himself. “What’s the catch, Y/L/N?”
“Why do you think there’s a catch?”
“There’s always something with you.”
“I can’t even get my stuff back without going on a date with you.”
“Is going on a date with me really so bad?”
“Depends,” he says honestly. “Where are we going?”
You shrug. “Up to you.”
“Do you want go vandalize the city?” Miles asks with a smile, bouncing on his feet.
“I mean, I’m down for whatever.”
“Great, now give me my stuff back.”
You raise an eyebrow.
“Please,” He corrects himself. “Give me my stuff back, please.”
“That’s not why I looked at you like that.”
“No? Then why did you look at me like that?”
“Because I was wondering, did you only agree so you could get your stuff back?”
“Nope,” He shifts nervously in his place. “I’ve actually liked you for years and was to scared to ask you out so this is a win for me.”
He rolls his eyes at your raised eyebrow.
“Why do you think I started taking your things to begin with?” He asks you.
“I don’t know,” you shrug again. “I figured maybe you were bored.”
“Well that’s not the case.”
“Cool. See you tomorrow at noon then?”
“We have school.”
“I’m gonna get myself into trouble with this one,” Miles mumbles quietly but loud enough for you to hear, walking out of your dorm. “I can feel it.”
You laugh silently, looking at the safe still filled with some belongings of one Miles Morales.
Maybe something good will come out of this…
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Hi there, the same anon who asked you about the relationship dynamics in your stories... It sure is fiction. But, as a reader, I see that the progress of their relationship comes with its up and downs, but at the same time it’s incredibly smooth and sincere. I wonder whether you as the writer agree with that, do you find the stories you write are familiar in a sense?
In regard to their relationship, I suppose, it’s a mixture between what I’ve experienced and witnessed and – because it’s fiction – an idealized version of it. Every now and then I stray away from fanfics and work on original characters and to me, those figures are easier to work with. With original characters, I can let go and let them speak in any way I want. When it comes to existing characters/actual people, we all have our own take on what these people are in real life. Miles, to me, seems like somebody who’d love a good adventure and try something rather than regret not trying something in the end. He’s obviously not as famous as Alex and therefore, he has to work for his achievements. Alex, on the other hand, has an undeniable gift for lyrics and is the kind of person that draws somebody in by not wanting to. He’s simply himself and can’t help that he’s enigmatic. Miles and Alex, in my imagination, are people who are proud of their music. But that pride comes from different places. Miles knows what failure feels like and can – again, I’m only speculating – handle it better. Alex is confident and knows his talents, but he’s taking criticism more personally. I, myself, have an issue with people who take themselves too seriously, and it annoys me when somebody gets stuck on something ‘cause life is short and I hate wasting time with conflict and meaningless shit. I get along great with my parents and in my life, a lot of people have amazing relationships with their parents. I love to cuddle. I love humor. I make dirty jokes and roll my eyes when harmless comments get blown out of proportion. I’m all about being the bigger person and moving on, rather than holding on. All of that plays into how I write. I could make it darker and completely change it up, but right now, I don’t want to.
I’m rambling, aren’t I? 😅Anyway. When I write Milex, I have a certain set of character attributes in my head so in essence, my stories revolve around my idea of Miles and Alex and what they would do when confronted with certain situations. Maybe it is familiar or repetitive, but at the moment, I enjoy writing it. Since English isn’t my first language, fan fiction is basically my training ground to learn and refine my vocabulary. 
I hope that answers your question. 😊
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richiebrook · 4 years
What's your most unpopular opinion?
Ouch. Milex isn’t real?
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tightredpants · 5 years
Hi! I love your blog. Actually, I'm not sure if Milex is real or not. If they are a thing, why Alex is engaged with Frenchy? What do you think about this situation?
They definitely love each other very much, but they aren’t together sadly :( Alex (thankfully) isn’t engaged to Frenchy, they’re just dating! But by the looks of it, maybe not for very much longer.
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drafee · 6 years
Shipping aside, do you actually think miles and alex have/had something to the point where it could have been a relationship because I feel like it could go either way, like sometimes I feel like they were completely in love and then I’m like no they’re just best friends idkkk it’s so weird idk how to explain it
Oh yeah I get what you mean. I have to say though, this isn’t exactly “shipping” to me. Shipping I do with fictional characters whose chemistry/dynamic I enjoy, characters that I think have zero to 100% chances of getting together, dynamics of all shapes and sizes. It’s basically enjoying a fun dynamic. With real life people I always refrained from any of that, cause, you know, it’s real people. It’s not a character, it’s not a fake person, it’s a human being with a life. And to be honest, I always founf rel people shipping uncomfortable at best, gross and invasive at worst.
Then Milex happened.
The reason I have involved myself so much in this fandom and these people, and the reason it’s my very first time discussing two real life people in terms of “shipping” when I’ve been in a hundred fandoms since 2011, is because I don’t just think it’s fun, or a cute dynamic, ir they look hot together, or whatever. I genuinely 100% think Alex and Miles have non-platonic feelings for one another, and they are practically soulmates on top of that. Plus, it’s not like we’re all delusional creeps dissecting a two second clip, or a blurry image and going of off that. They went on a five month tour touching/groping/humping/kissing/licking one another. If it were more in our face we’d be active participants.
I can’t tell you if a relationship has happened. But I can tell you that they have feelings for each other. I think that’s obvious. Whatever happens, this isn’t “shipping”, it’s more like stating a fact.
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alexstorm · 4 years
Let’s just be fair, we have people shipping Alex with Alexa/Arielle/Taylor/Louise and yes, even Miles. These are the same fans that enjoy Alex’s music. In this blog, you people show strong dislike/hate towards Louise and Milex is apparently a “forbidden” discussion. Don’t you think Louise and Milex shippers aren’t here? They don’t say their opinions regarding them when you dislike/disapprove them but they’re still here for Alex. Stop telling Milex shippers to go elsewhere when they’re here for Alex other related content. Alex is one half of Milex. I’m neutral when it comes to these names I mentioned. I mostly appreciate Alex’s music instead of his personal life.
* * *
It’s not shipping if the couples are real. His girlfriends were in actual romantic relationships with him. Milex is fan fiction. I have no problem with Milex shippers following this blog if they actually wanna talk about Alex but as we’ve just seen a few asks down they can’t keep it in. They have to make the connection to Miles in a non-music, non-friendship related way which they can do, just not on this blog! They have enough other outlets for that. So yeah, I can tell these people to move on if they can’t keep it in.
I mean fair enough regarding the music but as you might’ve noticed by now the music discussion isn’t the primary concern of most anons here so I’m surprised why you stick around when I’m sure there are other AM blogs that discuss that more regularly. Seems exhausting to me to “wade through” all that “personal life” talk you don’t care about just to get some music discussions every now and then.
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sleeptight-grimrite · 7 years
What 'fans' write to her is vile, insensitive, immature and inexcusable. However, those exact words also apply to her responses. "Lay off the doughnuts. You, might get laid one day if you do. Bye disrespect(ful) cunt". She replied to one fan she felt sorry for their parents and they said they could have been dead or adopted for all she knew and her response was "If you were adopted it would make sense because you're a piece of shit. Suck on that". She changed this comment pretty quickly (1/2)
2/2 Maybe she realised she had just implied being adopted meant you were a terrible person. However, the fact she wrote it in the first place tells you a lot. Here are a few of her other insults were, “idiots, grow a brain, pathetic, cunts and scum”. Yes, she was provoked but as a decent human being you NEVER use those words about another human. If someone screams those things in your face, you don’t say them back. It’s just human decency that’s it.
I’m sorry, but that is bullshit, dude. Complete and total bullshit. Look, Taylor doesn’t need me to defend her; in fact I’ve stated here several times that this has moved beyond her. This is about the bullshit that has become this fandom.
Don’t talk to me about ‘human decency’ when you’ve got assholes purposely going to her page with the intent of posting vile things simply to instigate, annoy and provoke her. Don’t give me no bullshit about “you don’t say them back” when it’s HER page and she shouldn’t have to employ bullying deflection tactics like putting her page on private, disabling comments, or blocking people. It’s interesting how y’all have got all these screenshots of her clapping back at fools, but the posts that INSTIGATED those responses in the first place –  people telling her they prefer Arielle or Alexa (which cracks me up for a number of reasons), slut shaming her and accusing her of being a Nazi, straight up stupid posts like “Alex loves Miles” or “Milex is real” are no were to be found. I can tell you seeing those replies pissed off and annoyed the f*ck out of ME and others, I can’t imagine what she actually sees, deletes and blocks on a daily basis. And as someone who isn’t here for the bullshit either, I can related and empathize with her point of view when it comes to this. Don’t come on MY page and harass ME and then tell me I’m no longer a decent human being when I f*cking drag your ass ‘cause who gives a f*ck what you think?
These same idiots that are constantly telling her that she needs to “rise above it” or “ignore” or “not respond” are the same f*cking crybabies that fall apart when you tell them to f*ck off. Because that’s what you tell a person who doesn’t stop after you’ve told them to repeatedly – you tell them to f*ck off and if you’re serious and fed up, you’re not always nice about it. And honestly, there was a time when I would have conceded, “hey maybe she didn’t necessarily have to respond like that” but I’ve been given insight that makes me look at this whole thing completely differently. I’d really like know in what world do you guys think her anger is in any way unjustified? What delusional plane of existence do you reside in where people can harass an individual on THEIR PAGE and when that person reacts in a way that isn’t cute and laced with candy and rainbows, THEY’RE the asshole? Speaking for myself, when people come into my inbox here or anywhere else talking bullshit, I’m sorry, but you’re getting it right back. In the words of a friend I was speaking with about this last night “you don’t know what people have on board.” And it’s not like this dense ass, stupid ass fandom hasn’t been issued several warnings where this is concerned. 
Don’t give me this bullshit about what a ‘decent human being’ would do. Those words sound so fucking fake and empty coming from a fandom that seemingly prides itself when she goes off like this; “oh, I hope she blocks me!” “she’s such a piece of shit” “doesn’t she understand that we’re Alex’s fans?” No, don’t YOU understand that this is girlfriend? This is someone that he loves? Even more to the point, this is HER page that isn’t related to him or anyone in TLSP OR Arctic Monkeys? As I’ve said before, in what world, to WHAT kind of f*cked up individual, when presented with the facts can objectively say that ya’ll aren’t the bullies? To make this easier to understand, I’ll put it this way: that’s like constantly cussing out and bullying someone and then when they call you a ‘cunt’, presenting that as evidence as to why they’re such a bad person. The concept of ‘human decency’ means nothing to many people in this fandom and it grosses me out that a lot of you have the nerve to even spout that bullshit.
Seriously, fuck ya’ll.  I don’t want anything to do wit it. As someone who used to have a lot of fun with the Milex ship, I wanna distance myself because you’ve turned it into something gross and weird and creepy.
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shit-talk-turner · 11 months
Like why any kind of implying that alex isn't 100% straight should be considered wrong //
idk what to tell you if you genuinely believe it’s ok to publicly speculate on the sexualities of total strangers. Have those thoughts if you want but keep them to yourself because we all saw how Larries managed to ruin a whole friendship with their constant speculation. There has been nothing from Alex to suggest he isn’t straight so until he says otherwise then it’s wrong for anyone to start claiming they know better. Besides if he really was in the closet like so many claim, what makes you think he’d enjoy speculation and people trying to force a coming out so they can confirm their conspiracy? It’s a basic lack of respect of boundaries.
So much of the ‘evidence’ pointing towards milex being real is nothing more than confirmation bias pedalled further by obsessed fans who only enable each other’s unhealthy obsession further. I’m not talking about the casual milex enjoyer, but the fans who genuinely believe the evil management, PR relationships conspiracies go way beyond a line when they’re overanalysing every minute detail of interactions between close friends
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riskitsam · 4 years
You’re telling me no one wrote a Victorian age AU where miles and Alex are in love but can’t be together ??
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#1 but what if Alex is in there hiding ...
(1) Do You Sleep With Your Closet Doors Open OrClosed? 
Iwake up to a soft tanging sound coming from my bedroom closet. Confused as towhat this sound could be I get up staring at its door, and slowly make my waytowards it. I grab the handle and pause for a second. The tanging; it seemsalmost rhythmic and ordered. It is accompanied by a sort of an almost humandroning sound, which appears to be similarly rhythmic in nature. My confusiongrows at the inkling that there could, in fact, be a person inside the closetmaking this noise. After preparing myself, I open the closet door cautiously,hoping there is no horror waiting for me inside.
As the light enters the closet, I see them. two men,standing there amongst the hanging clothes. It appears they do not take anynotice of me finding their hiding spot as they no not ackowledge me in any way.Though there still isn’t sufficient light for me to see what they were doing, Ican make out that one of them holds a guitar. This man, who appears to bedonning slicked hair and slippers, sings to the other with a smile withoutbreaking eye contact;
“…Baby, we ought to fuckseven years of bad luck out the parlour room mirror…”
It is at this moment where it clicks. This man in mycloset, though I do not know how or why he is there, must be none other thanAlex Turner. I stare at him incredibly perplexed. Why is Alex Turner singinginside my bedroom closet? How did he get here? Is my bedroom door not lockedfrom the inside? And are the windows not closed? Of course, I do not quiz himmy questions. Instead, I stare at him amazed as he continues his ballad.
The song comes to a finish as he softly whispers theword ‘Tennessee’. He looks at the other man and smiles to him as if he isanticipating a loving response. The other man, who I now see wears a dottedshirt and similar slippers to Alex, clapsfor him.
“Oh, that was wonderful!’ The man giggles, ‘doanother!’
From his voice and apparel, I realise. This is MilesKane. This is Miles Kane and Alex Turner standing in my bedroom closetexpressing their love for one another. Again I am perplexed – Is Milex actuallyreal? This question I do not need to ask, for it seems I now have a definiteanswer. It is at this moment that I start to think that I am either dreaming orthat I have gone completely mad.
Alex looks down at his guitar smiling, and as Milesrequested, he starts to play another song.
“Your love is like a studded leather headlock…” hestarts to sing.
Wtf did I just write a Milex fanfic???
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