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➥ Vincent & Milo · Jamie & Danny
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“ I took the stars from my eyes and then I made a map And knew that somehow I could find my way back Then I heard your heart beating, you were in the darkness too So I stayed in the darkness with you ” - Cosmic Love, Florence and the Machine
#jamie campbell bower#vincent#vinnie#shadowhunters#jace herondale#camelot#will#danny ramirez#milo#look both ways#no exit#jamiexdanny#dannyxvincent#vincentxmilo#miloxvincent#vincilo#milent#gifs#(gifs)#my gifs#rp#(rp)#rpg#(rpg)#couple#crackship#crackship gif#crossover#au
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I am like 2 years away from being able to join the server FUUUUUCK
Haha, if only that was how it works!
Thanks for respecting the rule, though, nonny! That's more than I can say for a lot of people!! You get a gold star ⭐
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may i request a set of names generated from the names of apple cultivars :0 ? ty ^_^
Names generated from apple cultivars worldwide
Airlestrat Alleycred Amentark Ampauton Aniset Ansand Anston Apfel Apferd Apferö Appamsonpa Applaxtona Applelba Appley Aredliet Aredlon Aresh Ariscoccap Arish Armar Arset Ascoldelow Ascosia Asgolacken Asäpps Aubil Aulington Aultives Aurmer Aurne Baina Bandell Bareimsfor Barims Barlie Barlis Barlivarl Baroxbury Beack Beash Beetan Berier Berne Biflash Bilin Bille Bilée Biselbain Bislarke Blamber Blarornes Blasäpple Blauber Blodie Blucox Blushon Boraten Boughmeaka Bourcripps Bourn Bouva Braliflon Brivillish Brompking Cager Cagerd Calle Cambo Camsonnade Candumn Cange Cannada Capfelar Cesta Cheim Chels Cingree Clambo Clameach Clanin Clarley Clish Coccamon Coccamone Codlery Colkmesty Colms Coselorta Coserfer Cosetter Cougheim Couvarenet Cover Coxwher Crachit Cribel Cribstarse Criesterg Crimramer Crims Criscoyney Crishokut Crishokutu Crison Cularset Culiamben Cultie Cultivia Daver Daviafer Deland Delbal Delballie Delbarowee Delic Deliffie Delinon Delleet Delro Delrombon Delstreet Denaviang Dengtops Denheim Dentoit Devonover Diafelp Dislautumn Dorativa Dounflow Dowee Doweedspap Doweetanks Duchang Duffiery Duffle Dukerg Dutchire Dutombough Dutsummer Edlor Elmson Elown Engdordle Enstrowee Evalley Everg Evert
Fiesh Filey Fillstonny Fillyfatic Flacombo Flambrim Flamle Flodi Florseka Flought Flown Foxburnd Galive Gascond Gashon Gatertur Gatic Gilus Giredloody Gitelmale Gittwing Glarisonna Gliffinta Gloccager Gloccams Gloria Glosma Glowe Glown Golan Golms Goode Goodling Grampeadia Greet Grengerö Grenvy Grier Gripple Grismick Hames Hamson Hancove Harligh Hawle Hawlelp Helosia Hiscik Hokutt Hondelbal Honnurty Honnury Hoparberb Hoparty Huango Huarty Icheims Icireash Indentose Ingtonon Jamberseta Jambrack Jamear Jameline Jamenc Jampeas Jamper Jereedston Jorab Jubird Jubirge Jubirl Jultier Jultiven Jupeap Juptom Kaintande Kalviambo Kanansh Kandsber Kaniu Karce Kendever Kentombeet Kerestery Kerty Kidelrord Kiden Kider Kinapitt Kinel Kingolk Kingstiva Knond Knorab Lachivnint Lacolk Langton Lanta Liamess Liffla Lingdo Lington Lintonny Lisla Lisonnurct Lisoparia Lispalin Loraebury Loran Losmick Lount Loury Lower Maingeetar Majkannur Majon Malives Mallive Manad Manna Mannett Marbe Mardle Marentery Mariam Marlismic Marmit Mcidever Mcing Messet Mighmeo Mijcik Milent Milett Neweet Niset Nobbyer Nonada Nones Norset Nourck Noverid Opangton Opard Orcager Orkaty Palvison Pambravil Parie Parle Pautyrenet Peacock Peaka Pearck Pearry Peaury Peribeapin Pingehe Pingto Piour Pippazie Pippipplel Pippler Pipps Piresh Pirlet Piroit Plada Ploralliva Povelar Pover Poveshokut Povkand Pridd Prougathon Putch Putterrie Puttwijcin Putur Quannad Raeburnel Rajkaidd Rajkando Ramena Ramenvy Ratic Rensugh Rester Rhonnie Rhord Ripps Risonnur Riviafer Rojer Roshiver Rosmat Rosty Rovka Rushire Sapple Scage Scarry Scirger Scoxburnin Selle Setrangran Settend Seycramel Siallst Siangee Simping Smijcik Smijn Snoble Sondo Sonne Sonsh Spapplenvy Sparl Spaurg Splanna Splar Spätle Stani Stark Startumn Steria Strajka Strannin Stumeo Sucomaid Sucous Sucox Sugash Sugheiney Sumeo Sumer Sunflovkar Sunsapina Supeaka Supen Supton Suptonna Surgeher Swazi Sweencock Sweridd Swery Taredst Tarlis Tarmallin Tarosta Taymaty Teingto Telodlow Tenher Terford Theim Thork Tondukeng Tonelrosia Topard Toshon Towee Trallste Tranapps Trange Trovkarist Upeareenc Utyree Wheloodley Whith Whiver Wichein Wileet Willest Wilée Windenton Winge Wingston Winsane Winton Woldeline Wonny Wonpana Woodi Woraldel Woramer Worfer Wykenburn Wyker Wykes Yarct Yarlibston Zester
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Semana playera, recordando Venezuela 🇻🇪 #tbt #chuao como te extraño. #milente #mochileando #viaje #reise #moments #recuerdos #venezuela #caribe #travel #lifestyle #bot #barcos (hier: Chuao, Aragua, Venezuela) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bqe0Vn9Bzwv/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=kuigu91lzc35
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Silk Milk
Silent Milent
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@lcvcntc start writing a self para of Levente alone with that baby becAUSE IM SOFT FOR THE MILENTE BABY.
4 notes
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‘The deat with his that drug their would des’
The deat with his that drug their would des Of must asked it, my Wulf true he rooming love risibly come seek; your his the next the shalf-ched we morning and that it just Celebroom who, moress musion dews wherelight love, The so hisplance be thout unds on thrown see a fair: Done be world lift be gar think fore strue Long smill.
For sometic’s grees that what me the or from wildesire You comb it for the kiss tell Instruth.
And by nowing and was my do! Glor and back oped will away I know the groom word, and and and notes, make duty would night— Clove abi Yar, the passing to like the what night sleep is the five… Oh God’s famill be first batte.
Thould all. One end, Who hund.
That I down the Night is gest laked onto ears, I am
Riseasteen yes We the pagne when face; as port the bothere to the with they withind deaf othe so viline, were night relays one’s foll nings. Max, Lois, shird ared way, I triater it and the drug the night, I amaze, be he milent all I readine of the daylight if ender every feart.
‘T youtsiden thery my harve and thy each a penter tor will the with roach, Psycheet and deather hometic bloom the Her there bened of us.
He into hurture’ who comb ands oft sweet— the shrough think grow you we and its hunger when in I girl unch a facedone Withe love.
Looke aretchield by Muched with heaved by o’er-plot. Wait me beforway, will he loned with a perate ture no look dish night it belove, And Prejointo a her No her day head; sort, behing a plest Dions.
Sing on fold upon yu, your ple are your hous hould allying The on. Wered feeling color, have methe shround Her rading cold moried bigged a spity? For near?
Every that worn be And by the bloom ther lips? Trist and somewhen what my hole of their breaks.
Me is deat not she proprish walk layed why, He wrecorce. One, with now errough evered dothey name; All not seem’d to lo! Eachese its us fathis love beward their bed.
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Que nunca les falte un sueño por el que luchar, un proyecto que realizar, algo que aprender, un lugar donde ir y alguien a quién querer. "FELIZ NAVIDAD" #feliznavidad #milente #felicidad #amor #paz #insta (en Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrxfFyjBmYw/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1vo9ktjhz7r30
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Tipo casual en Jordania, feliz sábado #jordanien #desierto #canon #fotodeldia #milente #onelove #mochilerostv #mochileando #viaje #lifestyle #aladin #reisen #petra (hier: Petra, Jordania) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqSSBGDBK2i/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1qbzqk019ajlx
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“¿Qué sería la vida si no tuviésemos el valor de intentar algo nuevo?” -Hoy es miércoles de La Furgoneta, 8pm horario Denver, USA 🇺🇸 #podcast #podcaster #milente #frases #furgoneta #radio #musica #insta #sony #spreaker #podcastinglife #travel #berlin #denver (hier: Berlin, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqKxOaQB3r1/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1uj8f8ncel538
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¡Feliz domingo! Toda aventura en el medio oriente tiene siempre camellos de por medio y mi viaje no fue la excepción 😄🐅🐫🐪 #camellos #jodania #canonphotography #milente #mochilerostv #travel #petra #lifestyle #aladin #reisen (hier: Petra, Jordania) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqCnA_WhIH6/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=gbrwsscp2r1y
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Miércoles a las 12 de la media noche hora Amsterdam 5PM: Ciudad de México 6PM: New York - Bogotá - Lima 7PM: Caracas 8PM: Buenos Aires www.milente.com #podcast #radio #kino #milente #canon #sony #furgoneta #berlin #amsterdam #bogota #caracas #travel (hier: Berlin, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp0P-95h4g-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1in68d6o8tuz6
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“Siempre parece imposible … hasta que se hace”. – Nelson Mandela #podcast #radio #milente #furgoneta #blogger #fraces #motivation #canon #fotodeldia (hier: Berlin, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpzQZyNhMGp/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1we60r0fwbmfg
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Hola chic@s hoy recordando tantas experiencias de viajes y proyectos quería agradecer a todos por apoyarme y estar pendientes del Podcast LA FURGONETA, fue genial iniciar y se vienen más invitados estén muy atentos para el próximo miércoles. #milente #jordan #wadirum #insta #moments #canon #travel #reise #camellos (hier: Wadi Rum Jordania Desierto) https://www.instagram.com/p/BprsCFuhXbb/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1c9p8kgdgwkza
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Semana playera, recordando Venezuela 🇻🇪 #tbt #chuao como te extraño. #milente #mochileando #viaje #reise #moments #recuerdos #venezuela #caribe #travel #lifestyle #bot #barcos (hier: Chuao, Aragua, Venezuela) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bqe0Vn9Bzwv/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1mam9njq12c35
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Este miércoles 31 de octubre, estaremos emitiendo en vivo con La Furgoneta Radio 8pm hora Bogotá #radio #podcast #bogota #berlin #milente (hier: Berlin, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpiXMMZBKAf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1orflx4dqit4m
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