corvusbound · 1 year
fics? i write those
hello tumblr!!
i finally have a blog for glee and fanfic
anyways, i am constantly coming up with ideas and never writing them so i figure writing other peoples ideas is a good way to get words onto a doc
this is my ao3, for some stuff i've written
i think people make boundary & stuff i like to write posts when they do this kind of thing? so i'm making one of those. see below:
glee! (this is the main one)
mcyt, mainly empires smp or traffic smp
lockwood & co
glee: klaine, kurtbastian, kelliott, mikurt (just like any with kurt, platonic or romantic), quinntina, quinntana, brittana, most platonic relationships. basically just anything other than ones listed in my dnw
mcyt: basically anything but i am more inclined to write things with scott in them
lockwood & co: locklyle, lockarimlyle, again basically anything
marvel: ironstrange, the supreme family mainly
soulmate aus, aus of other media as long as i know what on earth it is, aus of any kind tbf, team as family, i am best at fluff but will try my hand at angst, honestly anything that isn't in my dnw i will try but it might not turn out well lmao
glee: kurtofsky (sorry!), any romantic kurt/any girl, seblaine, blam, kurt being depicted in a very bad way bc i love him too much, grief fics (make me cry too much)
marvel: like anything captain america i'm sorry, grief fics (see above)
smut (i cannot write it for the life of me), really intense gore, main character death
that's all i can think of atm! will add to later if i think of anything else! :D
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angelhummel · 3 years
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Angel’s Glee Ranking🎵14. Wonder-ful
“You think you two were meant to be? (Yes.) Do you think you two have a true love? (Yes!) Then stop worrying. ... When two people love each other like you two do... everything works out.”
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moariin · 5 years
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WICKED SEVEN  — introduction
‹ A governor, a time traveller, a thieving priest, a cursed royalty, a half-dead revolutionist, and a champion condemned for her faith carved their world into six-folds. Only the seventh remained missing, and legend has it that they hid behind the impenetrable war ship. Waiting to be found. ›
GENRES: industrial fantasy, horror
THEMES: forbidden places and knowledge, mind vs body, survival, physiological changes
NARRATION: third person, past tense, two point of view
SUMMARY: In a matriarchal state, Mara knows how to outsmart them all. She knows how to cripple her own feet, set herself on fire, but did her little justice to heal the grief and misery of her people. 
For secrets that shall not be said, she ventures down the seas to the heart of Khelm Mikurt, she becomes tempted to forge a deal with a kind priest. A bargain drives a bargain, the iron warship among the ashes will reveal the purpose of humanity and its suffering. 
The only thing that stands between her is six wicked souls.
Holler at me in the tags if you wanted to be on the taglist, starting a new one. Tagging a few mutuals @montevena @vandorens @popovs @astorsa @quilloftheclouds @omgbrekkerkaz @nepeinthe @vviciously
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somewhereonlyino · 6 years
Oooh thats heaps - thanks Mel!
B - A pairing-platonic, romantic or sexual- that you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind. 
Hmmm, this is a hard one. Maybe Mikurt? I never really thought about it, but I’ve seen a lot of cute content that convinced me these two could have a cute fling  or good friendship and be real supportive and fond of each other.  
J - Name a fandom you didn’t think about until you saw it all over Tumblr. 
Oh yes! Check, please! and Yuuri on Ice. I would see them everywhere and have no idea what they were. I eventually indulged in both. Cute, lighthearted, fun. 10/10 Would recommend. 
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.)
(I’ll do one for the Glee fandom and one for an alternative fandom.) 
Marley Rose - I’m kinda neutral about her just because I find her plots uninteresting to watch. But the other day I had a though that she’s kind of like the straight, female version of Blaine so it’s interesting that I’m not as keen on her. She’s really sweet, is cute, wants to be liked, but stands proud of who she is and stands up for herself. She’s braver than she realises. Clearly very talented, and enjoys writing music. She has good strong morals. She probably has a bright future - she seems mature enough to really grow into a well-adjusted adult. 
I was going to do someone from the MCU until I realised I love everyone in that bar.
So - Clary Fairchild/Fray (Shadowhunters) I don’t know what it is, maybe the writing. I’m just not a fan. ANYWAY. I think she’s incredibly resilient. She’s been through a lot and seems to have the drive to keep going, keep fighting. She has leadership qualities - she definitely thinks for herself, and has strong beliefs, morals and stands up for them against authority in dangerous situations in a way I don’t think I could. She’d be a great activist. She’s also a very quick learner, and a focused learner. She’s self-motivated and self-driven. 
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
I’m a sucker for forbidden love tropes-Historical AU’s, Teacher/Student, etc.-and Friends to Lovers with a healthy dose of pining. 
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go! (Prompts optional but encouraged.)
Purely because of the sadness of this week that I need an outlet for:
A fic where Kurt is a superfan of a certain someone, who is finally visiting his city after almost a decade of stanning. Except - he misses out on tickets and is devastated. He mopes about and maybe goes out for drinks instead late into the night with fellow fans and eventually runs into said famous person. PLOT TWIST. Blaine is actually one of the fellow fans hanging out with Kurt who is crushing on him from the moment they meet. The famous dude can be Elliot or something. Blaine falls, he pines. Kurt is adorably oblivious. Elliot likes them and invites them to another show and somehow become friends? Idk. Kurt and Blaine do more fan things together and things happen and they fall in love. 
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joie-university-rp · 5 years
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It is with great pleasure we invite you admission to Joie University! Welcome to the Thunderclap family!
Congratulations, MEG! Please be sure to check the New Members’ Checklistand send in your character’s account within 24 hours from now. We cannot wait to see all that you will bring to this roleplay! We love you already!
Name/Alias; preferred pronouns: Meg, she/her
Age, Timezone: 27, EST
Activity, short explanation: I work a full-time job (36 hours) Mon-Fri but I can usually be on at least one hour a day after work and sometimes even before work - and on the weekends, as I have no life, I can be on quite a bit more.
Ships: Tike, Cherry, Bike, Fabang, Mikitty, Changrose, Mikecedes, Bike Chanderson, Rutherchang, Mikurt, Puckerchang, Mike/Chemistry, Mike/Confidence
Anti-Ships: Mike/No Chemistry
Triggers: RFP
Preferred photo for Character’s ID (please give a link):https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/elle-harry-shum-jr-by-tyler-joe-001-1541717903.jpg?crop=1xw:1xh;center,top&resize=480:*
Anything else: Just that I thank you for reading this application, too :)
Full Name (First, Middle, Last): Michael Robert Chang Jr.
FC: The absolutely underrated but extremely handsome Harry Shum Jr.
Age/Year at University (Freshman [1st Year], Sophomore, Junior, Senior, or Graduate Student): 23, Junior
Birth date: July 26th, 1996
Hometown (please be sure to check the hometowns listed for characters your muse is related to!): Chicago, Illinois
Gender/Pronouns: Cismale, He/Him
Sexuality: (Closeted) Pansexual
Major(s): Law
Minor(s) [optional]: N/A
Housing request (remember, only the president of a Greek Organization is required to live at a Greek House to be in it!): Double suite in the Zeebee frat house
Extracurriculars (Click here for the list. Be sure to specify any executive board positions [i.e. president, secretary, etc.] If something isn’t listed, please put it here and we will add it to the masterlist!): Lacrosse (attacker), Football (wide receiver & co-captain), Chess Club, Mock UN, Student Government Association (Chief Justice),
Greek Life Affiliation [optional] (Please be sure to specify any executive board positions [i.e. president, pledge educator, etc.] or if your character is not yet a member, but plans to rush): Zeta Sigma Beta, Vice President
As the eldest born son to Michael Robert Chang Senior and Julia Qián, there had been a lot of pressure placed upon Mike’s shoulders - pressures to live up to his father’s legacy, but also pressure to exceed it. It was his duty to become a respectable member of society, someone that would take on a great job and someone that would bring honor to the family name. It was why, even as an elementary school student, he had had tutors - tutors to ensure that Mike would stay on track and stay ahead of the other kids in his school.
But there was a side to Mike… a side that wasn’t exactly something his father was proud of. He loved to dance, something he wound up getting from his mother - though that’s not something he knew about - and whenever he was alone in his bedroom, listening to music, he would let the music move him. It didn’t matter what it was, Mike always found himself moving and it became his own little escape - his way to let the stress out.
Dancing, however, was not an extracurricular his father allowed him to have. Sports were acceptable, of course, as schools loved to have a scholar athlete, and clubs that focused on building character and resumes were allowed but dancing? Well, his father thought that dancing would be detrimental on a college application, especially to schools looking for law or medical students. And Mike… well, Mike just wanted to please his parents, so he did what he could to please them.
Applying to Joie was just one of many things Mike did to please his father, as his father was an alumni of the school - and a famous one that had donated a wing to the library - and when he was accepted, the joy that overcame his father’s face was just perfect. It was enough to have Mike know that he was doing this for the right reason… to make his father proud, and so he told Joie that he was going to attend their school as a law student.
The first year at the school seemed to go over really well - between his positions on the lacrosse and football team (and him being a quick and nimble force to be reckoned with thanks to his secret recitals in his bedroom) Mike was becoming known for being quite the scholar athlete - especially since he was in a handful of other clubs and activities, as well, and he was rushing to his father’s fraternity, Zeta Sigma Beta, too.
Unfortunately, though, just a week before classes were supposed to pick up for his sophomore year, his maternal grandmother Xiu Mei Qián, fell ill and the family packed up their bags to head to Guangzhou to spend what little time with her they could. This gave Mike a chance to take a break from his rigorous school work - though his father did manage to quiz him every week just to keep his skills sharp - and he was able to realize there was more to life than just school. And the more time he spent with his dying grandmother, the more he realized that life is short.
His grandmother lived for two years, and he returned back to Ohio shortly after turning twenty-one - just in time for what should’ve been his senior year. Thankfully, his extracurriculars were happy to have him, and even the fraternity he had been accepted into welcomed him back as a brother and not another pledge, but he worked hard to prove himself. It seemed that his time in China had been long since forgotten as he worked to claim prominent positions in his various activities - from co-captain to the football team to vice president of the Zeebees to Chief Justice in the SGA - and Mike was back to proving that he was the scholar athlete that everyone knew he was.
But now that he’s going into his third year of school, his father is already beginning to pressure him into deciding what law school to go to upon graduation, and Mike’s not sure how to tell him that he doesn’t want to be a lawyer, or a doctor. No, Mike wants to be a dancer, and he wants, by the end of the year, to find enough courage to tell his father the truth. That is his overall goal, to be able to get underneath his father’s suffocating thumb and chase after his passion…
He’s just not hopeful it’ll happen.
STUDENT CENSUS SURVEY: (Please answer the following questions IN CHARACTER. Responses can be as long or short as you see fit!)
What made you want to attend Joie University? Well, my father went here… The Chang wing in the library was donated by him, and if a man as successful as my father went to school here, I knew that it would be the best thing for me.
What are at least 3 positive or neutral and at least 3 negative traits that you believe you possess? My…. best traits? Well, I don’t really know if I have any. I’d like to think I’m intelligent, though I guess you have to be to graduate as valedictorian of your high school class and maintain a 4.1 GPA… I’d like to think that I’m good, too, and I’m pretty hard-working. My worst traits… well, I can be pretty stubborn, I guess… and I’ve been told I’m quiet - sometimes people won’t even realize I’m in the same room as them because I’m not really one for talking and… maybe selfless? Though some could say that’s a good trait, too, so… just ignore me. (He’s also insecure)
Which of your traits do you value most? Out of all my traits, I’d value my goodness, I guess? This world needs more good people so… it’s good that I’m good, right?
How can that trait benefit the University (or its student body) as a whole? Well, it might not affect the school now but when I’m a lawyer or a judge or sitting on the supreme court, I hope to use my goodness to pass laws that will benefit the entirety of the country and not just the school - to end a lot of the things that are dividing this country and make tougher restrictions on other things.
What do you hope to gain from your experience at JU? I hope to meet all kinds of people in the hopes to build connections with potential clients for the future… and maybe graduate as a dance major and not a law major.
What is a quote or song lyric that describes you? “Quiet people have the loudest minds” - Stephen King
0 notes
vcg73 · 9 years
Kiss of the Vampire
Kurtoberfest Prompt #11: Vampires
Rare-Pair: Kurt and Mike
This alternate S2 fic is dedicated to the kindly Anon who suggested a bit of Vampire!Mike to fill my idea void today. Thanks, anon! :)
Ever since the age of five when he made the mistake of peeking through the staircase railing to watch “Interview With the Vampire” (unbeknownst to his parents) because he liked looking at the pretty actors, Kurt has been completely creeped out by vampires. Beautiful seductive creatures who lurk in the shadows just waiting for their chance to suck your blood and then kill you, unless they choose to share a little of their own blood back and turn you into one of them. Ick!
According to the movie, even kids his own age could be turned into vampires! Kurt was taking no chances on that. Thus began his love affair with high collared shirts, neckties, and fashionable scarves. Not only would he look good, but his vulnerable neck would be completely protected at all times.
However, as he grew up and the vampire threat never materialized, Kurt’s paranoia eased. There were other, far more realistic threats to plague his everyday life.
He still refused to watch vampire movies though. It wasn’t until sophomore year in high school, when he found himself surrounded by friends for the first time, that he finally gave in and watched “Twilight” and “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”. He still didn’t warm toward the bloodsuckers, but he watched more movies over the summer. Some of those werewolves were damn cute!
He was sitting in Glee Club one morning, six weeks into junior year, thinking about some new heart-healthy recipes he might be able to try out on his dad, and wondering if he could make it to English Lit class unmolested by a locker slamming if he slipped around the back of Freshman hall and up the East Wing staircase, when something unexpected happened.
It was “classic rock” week and Mike Chang and Noah Puckerman got up to do their assignment, an interpretive dance by Mike set to Puck’s cover of “Hot Blooded” by Foreigner. Puck was making bedroom eyes at every girl in the club as he sang, but Mike . . . Mike was staring straight at Kurt!
Kurt glanced around to see if anyone else was noticing this, but they were all happily bopping along with the music, mouthing the words, playing air guitars, and in short paying no attention at all. Even Tina, Mike’s new girlfriend as of summer break, did not seem to notice that his eyes were focused somewhere other than herself.
He started watching Mike again. In fact, he couldn’t stop watching him.
There was a strange quality to his smile, a light in his eyes that Kurt had never seen before. It was almost, seductive. Those warm brown eyes were suddenly dark and alluring, the flow and flex of his muscles mesmerizing. Kurt could feel himself leaning forward in his chair, his body all too ready to answer the call of those beckoning hands, those coaxing lips. God, why had he never noticed before what beautiful lips that boy had?
When the song ended with a wail from Puck’s guitar and a graceful leap and artful sprawl of Mike’s body on the tile floor, the Glee Club went wild. Mr Schuester led the standing ovation, blathering something meaningless about the true spirit of rock and roll, and how next week’s assignment would be a repeat of last year’s Boys versus Girls mashup challenge.
Kurt assured the other guys that he had their new assignment in the bag, given that Mr. Shue wanted them to perform a song by a female artist or group, while the girls would choose a male, but his attention was only half hearted. He could not stop looking at Mike Chang. The other boy had picked himself off the floor and joined his peers, but he still periodically glanced at Kurt out of the corner of his eye and when the bell rang and everyone filed out of the room, Kurt would have sworn he saw that eye wink.
Surely not, though. He had to be imagining things. Mike wasn’t interested in him. He wasn’t gay. He had been dating Tina for a couple of months now!  And last year, he had . . . well, actually last year he spent pretty much all of his time with Matt Rutherford. Come to think of it, neither of those guys had joined the glee club at all until after Kurt had been on the football team with them and taught them to do the Single Ladies dance. But that was just a coincidence, surely! They had joined to support their football bro’s, Puck and Finn. It had nothing to do with him. Right?
He followed Mike and Tina, who were arm in arm as usual, out of the choir room. They looked happy, as couply as ever. He had definitely been imagining things.
Then Mike glanced over his shoulder, smiling at Kurt. The track lighting in the corridor suddenly glinted off his left canine tooth as he turned back around, and Kurt’s blood went cold. Had it looked a little too . . . pointy? 
But no, that was absurd. He wasn’t Principal Figgins, for goodness sake! Tina had dressed in goth style all last year, going so far as to convince the gullible man that she was a legit, fang-bearing daughter of a ruthless Vampire Dynasty, just to keep her personal fashion statement.
Kurt was a lot more practical than that, and vampires were just movie creatures anyway. They weren’t ordinary high school students . . . who were now dating said Vampire Princesses . . . and acting a lot more confident than they ever had before . . . and dancing about to lyrics about hot blood while eyeing innocent peers like juicy steaks.
And vampires were supposed to be beautiful, alluring, irresistible creatures. Mike Chang was only . . . shit, all of those things.
No!  No, no, no, no! This was silly. Kurt had already been stung twice for showing attraction to straight boys in Glee, misreading their friendliness for possibility. He wasn’t going to do it again, no matter how lonely he was, or how jealous the sight of nearly every other member of the club paired up and happy was making him.
He certainly wasn’t going to talk himself into believing that Mike was secretly a vampire who was interested in sucking his . . . well, anything.
Except, the very next day, when Dave Karofsky assaulted Kurt in the hallway again, nearly knocking him out with the force of his shove into the hard surface of a locker, Mike Chang went on the attack. He saw Karofsky strike Kurt, and he let go a fearsome roar of anger. He turned on his heel and charged at the larger boy, aiming his shoulder toward Karofsky’s middle and leaping on him as if he were a tackling dummy. It was clear that Mike’s time on the football team had not been for nothing, for the surprised Karofsky went flying with a satisfying grunt of surprise.
Unfortunately, Karofsky was back on his feet in seconds, shoving the smaller boy and threatening to break his face with his fist. (Seriously? Kurt’s ears were still ringing, but did Karofsky actually just announce to the whole school that he had nicknamed his fist, The Fury? God, somebody had been ingesting too many comic books along with his morning bowl of steroids!)
Mike shouted something back about how Kurt was one of theirs and the jocks had better back off and leave Kurt alone, or else. Understandably unimpressed by this warning, Karofsky followed through on his threat and swung. Mike ducked the blow nimbly, smiling at the other boy when he yelped in pain, cradling the broken hand which had just punched a locker hard enough to dent it.
“You might want to see the nurse about that. Come on, Kurt,” Tina said, helping him to his feet and hurrying him out of the path of destruction before Karofsky could recover from his shock. “We’re going to see the principal. This has gone on long enough. We have to report it.”
Kurt, Mike, Tina, and surprisingly, Jacob ben Israel, whom Kurt had not even seen lurking in the shadows like a rat with a video camera, all trooped to the office of the newly appointed Principal Sylvester. They truthfully reported the repeated physical assaults of Dave Karofsky against Kurt Hummel, and Mike freely admitted to tackling the large Junior in defense of Kurt.
Between Jacob’s video footage, and Tina corroborating the story with reports of having witnessed both this current attack and several others in the past, which Figgins had done nothing about, Sue Sylvester was convinced. She had enough to warrant suspension, if not outright expulsion, and grounds to enforce protection for Kurt, now apparently to be known as Porcelain, while he was on school grounds. Mike had received a day of in-school suspension for fighting on school grounds, to be served filling in for Sue’s current front-desk minion tomorrow, but Karofsky’s fate would be up to the school board. Tina’s mention of Figgins’ ineptitude had been exactly the right tactic to whet Sue’s appetite for power, with the reminder that she could use this incident to make her temporary assignment a permanent one.
“Thank you,” Kurt said to his friends and Jacob as they left the office. The heavy weight he had felt like he had been carrying alone forever was suddenly lifted from his shoulders. “Especially you, Mike. That was amazing. I don’t even know what to say.”
Jacob just nodded and skittered off somewhere to add the latest news to his blog, clearly pleased with his role in protecting himself and other underdogs from terrorizing by the bullying jocks. Tina gave Kurt a peck on the cheek and, far more surprisingly, gave her boyfriend (?) an encouraging little push towards Kurt.
Mike retained his confident demeanor until he suddenly found himself all alone with Kurt. Then he ducked his head and shuffled like the nervous, quiet boy that Kurt remembered from last year. “I had to,” he said softly. “Look, can we find someplace more private to talk?”
Seeing the curious eyes of passing students sweeping over them, Kurt nodded and led Mike out to the student parking lot. There was nobody out here this time of day and they already had passes from the Principal’s office to excuse the class time they were missing. Nobody would notice a few more minutes.
“What do you mean you had to help me? Why did you have to?” Kurt asked bluntly, as soon as they were safely out of earshot from other students. “I mean, why now? Nobody ever has ever done anything before.”
Looking a bit unhappy with that reminder, Mike wrapped his arms around his waist and shrugged. “I saw it,” he said uncomfortably.
Confused, Kurt pressed, “Saw what?”
“Look, Kurt, don’t freak out, okay? There’s something I’ve been wanting to tell you. Several somethings, actually, but . . .”
He sighed, all but squirming in place. “You remember when Tina told the Principal that she was a vampire last year?”
Suddenly recalling all of his secret speculations, Kurt gulped. “Yeah.”
“It’s true. She gave me permission to share the truth when I told her I wanted to be honest with you about everything. Tina really is a vampire, and so am I. That story about our summer at Asian Camp? It was only partially true. It was actually the annual Asian Vampire Counsel and retreat. Our fathers are both members of the local chapter.”
“O . . . kay,” Kurt said slowly, inching backward away from the other boy. Given a choice between Mike being psychotic or vampiric, he wasn’t actually certain which possibility sounded worse. He might have just escaped one terror, only to fall right into the hands of an even worse one. He wondered if he could run fast enough to get back to the relative safety of the school. Weren’t vampires supposed to be unnaturally fast? 
Mike stepped forward. “Please, don’t go! You don’t need to be afraid of me. I’m telling you the truth, and I’m not going to hurt you. I’d never do that. Look, there’s more.”
“Right,” Kurt said faintly. “Because finding out that my fellow glee-club members are a pair of blood-suckers isn’t enough news for one day.”
He smiled, looking a little sickly. “I guess you have a point there.”
“Go ahead,” Kurt decided, steeling his nerves and waving the other boy on. “Tell me all of it. If you don’t finish, I’m just going to be imagining all kinds of horrible things all night long anyway, so you might as well spill.”
“Okay, well first of all, Tina’s not my girlfriend. She’s just my regular friend, and she asked for my help to make Artie jealous enough to notice something besides his video games. She offered to help me in return because I was tired of hiding my true self, only I didn’t want to draw too much attention either. At this school nobody looks at you twice if you have a girlfriend.“
“I can’t deny that,” Kurt said bitterly, remembering last year when the only week he’d had where people hadn’t been calling him nasty names was the one where he’d gone trucker-chic and pretended to date Brittany Pierce.
“The thing is . . . I really like you, Kurt. I mean, I really like you. And I saw what was going to happen to you if I didn’t get my courage up and do something to help.”
Kurt’s mind was reeling. Had Mike Chang seriously just come out to him? As a gay, teenaged, Asian vampire? “So you’re . . .” He couldn’t quite bring himself to say it, instead just gesturing between the two of them. Mike nodded. “And you, um . . .”
“Have a thing for you,” Mike supplied. “Yes, I do. I watch you in glee club every day and wish that I could find the nerve to talk to you, or sing with you, or just sit next to you and hold your hand. I got scolded by Mr. Holloway and Miss Greeling in their classes last week because I was paying more attention to you than I was to whatever they’re saying. I stare at my ceiling every night thinking about what it would feel like to kiss you.”
Oh, wow. Now that was definitely more than Kurt had expected him to say. “You want to kiss me?” he blurted, then gulped and said, “And, and, drink my blood too?”
Mike laughed. “No, we don’t do that. We get ours delivered from the local blood bank on weekends. My uncle works there and whatever they can’t use for transfusions that week is stored for us. The impurities don’t affect vampires and I only need to feed once a week. Other than that, regular food.”
“Right,” Kurt said, taking another step back. “Sunday morning blood-feasting with the family. Nice normal breakfast. And what was that part about seeing what’s going to happen to me?”
Mike winced and scratched his floppy black hair. “We have visions sometimes,” he explained. “Not full-on mind reading or anything, but like, warnings. Flashes of information. It happens more when it’s someone you care about. I saw you being shoved around, and another time you were receiving death threats from Karofsky. He was towering over you, stealing something away from you, and you looked completely terrified, in a way I’ve never seen you before. I didn’t think the school was going to do anything to help you.”
“And so you decided it was time to take matters into your own hands, even if it meant outing yourself,” Kurt concluded, more touched than he had expected to be. “And Tina?”
“She noticed what was going on before I did,” Mike said, hanging his head with a shamed look. “She just didn’t know how to help.”
Kurt was not sure just why, the story was completely batty (no pun intended), but his gut instinct was to believe every word. “Thank you, for doing what you did. Even if you aren’t a vampire, taking a public stand for me is a big risk at this school, and I appreciate it.”
Mike looked up, face brightening. “And if I am? Tina told me how creeped out you are by our kind.”
“Only the fictional ones, with the bloody fangs and the bony claws and the . . .” he shivered. “Yech!”
The other boy laughed, clearly relieved. He opened his mouth, running his tongue tip over his teeth to get Kurt’s attention. Kurt gasped when the top canines abruptly grew about a half inch, sharpening as they went. At Mike’s will, the teeth shrank back to normal. “That part is true,” he said with a shrug, “but as you can see, it’s totally under my control. I’m standing in the sunlight, I’m not glittery, and I can’t turn into any kind of wildlife. I’m also not freaked out by crosses, though I imagine if you stuck a stake through my heart it wouldn’t do me any favors.”
Kurt stumbled backward, taking an abrupt seat on a parking lot divider. “You’re, I mean they’re, I mean . . . you really are?”
“I really am.”
He blinked, thinking this over. There didn’t seem to be any kind of mind game going on here. Mike wasn’t threatening to drink his blood, or seduce him to the dark side, or transform him into the undead. None of the creepy stuff that vampires in movies usually did. He was just a boy, who happened to also be a vampire.
Kurt perked up, suddenly remembering the other part of Mike’s revelation. “Were you tempting me in Glee yesterday. Like, supernaturally?”
Mike blushed. “I may have been trying to make you notice me a little more than usual,” he admitted.
“I did,” Kurt told him. “I thought I was imagining things.”
“What about now that you know you weren’t?”
Kurt held his hand out, allowing Mike to help him back to his feet. When he was upright again, he did not let go, instead giving Mike’s hand a little squeeze. He was thankful to realize that the flesh was warm, maybe a little bit more so than most people’s. “I could get used to having a vampire for a . . . a friend.”
“And what about more than a friend?” he asked hopefully.
Biting his lip thoughtfully, Kurt said, “Are you sure? There are worse things to be at this school than a vampire and I can’t be someone’s secret relationship. I deserve better than that. I want to be able to hold hands and be out and proud with whoever I’m with, but I can’t ask you to do that for me if you aren’t ready to do it for yourself. In spite of Principal Sue’s new found interest in protecting us, if you come out as gay, you may never experience a Slushie-free, Slur-free day again until we both graduate.”
“I’m not afraid,” Mike said confidently. “Tina’s with us, she already knows everything, and I’ll have to come out to them first, but I think the rest of the Glee kids will stand behind us if we become a couple. I know Mercedes, Brittany, and Puck will for sure, and Finn is going to be your brother soon. That’s more than half the group right there. I already faced the scariest obstacle anyway.”
“Telling me?” he asked, delight filling his entire body as he finally allowed himself to believe that Mike was serious about all this. Kurt had pretty much convinced himself that finding a vampire in Lima was far more likely than ever finding an openly gay boy who liked him.
He grinned. “Telling my mom! She had her heart set on a nice Asian girl, who would give her nice Asian vampire grand-babies. I had to tell her that she wasn’t getting any of those things.”
Kurt laughed. “This news isn’t going to be easy to break to my dad either,” he said. “Though the fact that you like football should help. What did your dad think? Or does he not know?”
“No, he knows,” Mike said, his good mood deflating a little. “He doesn’t care that I’m gay, or about who I’m dating. He doesn’t really care what I do as long as I keep my grades up, toe the line, and go to a good college where I can earn a business degree.”
Kurt squeezed his hand again, finding that he really liked doing so. “Well, you still have a year to convince him to let you do something else,” he said. “And I can distract him for you. I’m really good at keeping the books for my Dad’s garage. I’ve been doing it since I was twelve. Maybe it will make my non vampire self more appealing if we can convince him that your boyfriend knows his way around a balance-sheet.”
“My boyfriend?” Mike said, the smile creeping back over his lips.
Kurt smiled shyly and nodded. “Yeah. In fact, here’s something to think about when you’re staring up at your ceiling tonight.“ Stretching up just a tiny bit, he slowly leaned forward and pressed his lips gently against Mike’s.
Mike smiled happily. “And you’re really not grossed out by the whole vampire thing?”
“Umm . . . no. I don’t think I am,” he decided. “Just don’t ever invite me over for Sunday brunch, okay?”
He laughed. “You’ve got a deal!”
They sealed the bargain with a long sweet kiss.
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loosellps · 9 years
4x14 AU where Kurt and Mike hook up at the not-wedding
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Needs more Tike and Rike and Sike and Pike and Bike and Kike and Fike and Jike fanfics. Thanks.
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bluefordanglia · 11 years
Thank God for Harry's Body
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angelhummel · 3 years
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greyson-hummel · 11 years
swing straight and true and follow through
KISS → My character kisses yours or vice-versa. featuring → Mike Chang. status → Drabble: Canon. Complete.
The sound of the bat against wood echoed across the field and rung in the ears of the team as the final swing of the game came into action and the ball was flying over the heads of the opposing team. The smallest guy on the team, only a sophomore, felt his jaw dropping with the bat that he threw down and had to catch himself from freezing up on the spot before realizing he should be taking off for first base. His feet hit the ground hard as he rounded first.. then second.. then third base, breath catching in the back of his throat as his thigh hit the ground and he was sliding into home; his first home-run of the season and the point that would win them the game that night. 
Greyson felt himself being lifted off the ground and into the air, his cheeks growing bright red and a grin spreading across his face. The hands holding his ass up felt weird but he tried to push that out of his mind, glancing down and around, looking for a particular pair of eyes. He'd recognize them anywhere and it wasn't until he looked straight down at the face holding him in place that he saw Mike Chang and the color drained from his cheeks as his heart sped up.
The glow of headlights illuminating the field gave it a completely different light; literally and figuratively. Instead of the grueling and rule-driven atmosphere that was felt under the lamps of the field, the light from the few trucks that lined up along the fence brought an air of excitement and rebellion. Biting the corner of his lower lip between his teeth, Grey watched from his perch on the fence as the tall, dark-haired boy made his way over from the keg they'd given a home at third base. 
"Hey," he smiled, blushing softly and taking the cup from him. "Thank you."
"No problem, man," Mike smiled, holding his cup up in a toast before leaning against the fence next to Greyson and taking a drink. "You were killer today, Grey. I think you'll fit onto the team nicely.."
Pursing his lips, Greyson resisted the red that burned across his face the best he could. "I... thanks," he laughed softly, hugging an arm around himself and sipping from his cup. His nerves were on highwire, watching Mike and the way his skin stretched across the muscles on his arms. "You're a really good captain."
The smile that spread across Mike's lips made Grey's stomach drop and the hearts in his eyes could be seen for miles. "I'm glad you think so, Grey. I do my best. Outside of dance, it's one of my favorite hobbies."
"With.. such a busy schedule and everything you must not be seeing anyone," the tiny pitcher blurted out, biting down hard on his lip when he realized what he was saying.
He was reassured when a laugh and small shake of the head came from the other boy. "I don't really have that much time between dance and baseball. There have been dates but.. nothing too serious quite yet."
"Oh," he smiled, shyly stepping in closer and touching the opening of Mike's jacket. "Well, that has it's plus sides." He looked up at him through his eyelashes, feeling the warmth of the alcohol in his stomach and swearing that it ran through his veins and into his head.
"Yeah?" Mike asked with a raise of the eyebrows and a small quirk at the corner of his lips. "What kind of plus sides?"
"Well.. I wouldn't have anyone to answer to if I made another home run tonight.." his confidence grew as the alcohol affected his mind ,the smile on his face grew flirtatious, and the idea of a personal bubble disappeared. "I'm sure you'd be celebrating with them, instead. And I can assure you that I'm a much better time."
"Really now," the smile on Mike's face couldn't be helped and he let his free hand rest on Greyson's hip. "I can't say that I disagree with your ability to be good company."
The hand that Greyson had touching Mike's jacket found itself curling into a fist around the fabric and pulling him in closer. "There's far too much talking for my liking," he grinned, pressing himself forward and up onto his toes, lips pressing hard against those of the boy he'd been enamored over all season. Their lips moved together smoothly and Greyson only let himself get more lost in the kiss with the hand that wrapped around his back. This was definitely going to be a night to remember.
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luckyjak · 11 years
abandoned WIP: Soulmate AU
Because nadia's fic preview reminded me that I had written something similar, way back before season 4 was even a thing, and then never finished it and forgot about it and well here's the thing.
Some people are born with the name of their soulmate on their hand.  For some people, the name doesn’t appear until puberty, and for others the name doesn’t appear until you have your first kiss, or fall in love for the first time.  Others still never have a name appear at all.  
And for some people, the name can change, and changes often.  For others, once the name appears it never leaves.
Fate can be cruel, yes, but it can also be kind.
For nine months, the name Kurt Hummel is written across Mike Chang’s palm like a quiet, warm secret glowing in his heart.  No one ever notices it, which is good because Mike’s not sure he’s ready to have the “so your soulmate is a boy, does this mean you’re gay?” conversation yet.  It’s nice, though, to know that Kurt’s his potential soulmate, that they might spend the rest of their lives together, if Mike ever gets the courage to speak to him.
After Tina kisses him over the summer, Kurt’s name fades from his skin slowly, just as soft and quiet as it had first appeared.  There is no new name that appears to replace it.
Mike’s not worried about it, though: if he and Kurt are destined to be together, it will come back again someday.  And if they aren’t, then he’ll find a new soulmate, and he’ll be happy with that fate, too.
No one ever said destiny came with just one option, after all.
Kurt Hummel’s name never appears on Dave Karofsky’s hand.
He kisses him anyway.
After a few weeks into his sophomore year, Noah Puckerman’s hand reads Quinn Fabray.  It comes and goes across his skin like the waves of an ocean, with no real sense of permanency.  It’s there one week, gone the next.  Sometimes it says Lucy Fabray instead, and he wonders what that’s supposed to mean before it disappears again.
That’s why it doesn’t bother him when he watches Quinn date Sam Evans or Finn Hudson, or any of those other stupid boys she dates.  If they were really meant to be together, her name would stay permanently etched into his skin.
Quinn Fabray knows Noah Puckerman isn’t her soulmate.  Neither is Finn Hudson, or Sam Evans, or any other boy like that.
That’s because in the ninth grade, after kissing Finn Hudson for the first time, Rachel Berry appeared etched into Quinn’s hand.  It’s never gone off, no matter how hard Quinn’s scrubbed.
So Quinn flirts with boys in hopes that the name will change one day if she wills it hard enough, and she never lets anyone see her hands ever.
At the beginning of her sophomore year, she decides to sleep with Noah Puckerman, to see if maybe that will change things, if that will take Rachel’s name off her skin.
It doesn’t: instead, she ends up still with Rachel’s name and an unwanted teenage pregnancy.
When she sees Rachel in the hallways, she’s extra mean to her, because all of this is Rachel’s fault, even if she doesn’t know it.
If there was an award for “most times soulmate has changed”, Rachel Berry would probably win it.
Since she was eleven and started bleeding for the first time, Rachel Berry has had a name on her hand.  It changes often.  Sometimes it says Finn Hudson, and sometimes it says Jesse St. James.  For a while there, it also said Noah Puckerman.  It’s also said Quinn Fabray, Santana Lopez, and Kurt Hummel before, too, so Rachel tries not to put too much stock in it.  After all, that just means she could be destined for a lot of people, you know, and who could blame them?  Everyone should have Rachel Berry as their soulmate at least once in their life.
Sometimes it’s blank, though, and Rachel knows what that means, too.  It means Broadway, and dreams, and making it as far as she possibly can.
She’d never tell anyone, but she likes it when there’s no name the best.  That means she’s in control of her own destiny, and she really prefers it that way, thank you very much.
Kurt Hummel doesn’t have a name on his hand when Dave Karofsky steals his first kiss.  He thought, for the longest time, that maybe he just didn’t have a soulmate, or maybe he was one of those people who just never got a name on their hand.
It’s only when he’s in the shower, post-kiss, trying to scrub his skin off, that he notices the name freshly appeared on the back of his hand, like it was always there, just buried beneath the surface.
Blaine Anderson.
He thinks about the boy he met yesterday, the one who shook his hand and sang to him before putting his number in his phone under Blaine A.  Kurt doesn’t actually know the young man’s last name, but if he had to venture a guess...
Well, how many Blaines are there in the world, after all?  And how many of them are gay, or can sing, or would care about Kurt at all whatsoever, especially after they just met?
It’s not exactly a common name.
He kisses the name gently against his skin, lightly tracing over the letters with his thumb.
It feels suspiciously like hope.
Blaine Anderson doesn’t have a name on his hand.
He knows his own name is on Kurt’s hand, though.  He’s seen it often enough, traced the letters lightly with his fingers in disbelief the first time Kurt showed him them, on Valentine’s Day after Blaine made a fool out of himself in front of everyone.  See? Kurt had said, removing his gloves and showing Blaine his own name tattooed into Kurt’s flesh.  This means we’re supposed to be together.  We don’t have to be alone anymore.
Only, that’s not what it means.  Blaine may be destined to be Kurt’s soulmate, but Blaine doesn’t have a soulmate of his own.  He belongs to nobody, essentially, only himself.
It’s a little bit freeing, knowing he’s one of the few without a set destiny yet, in a world littered with people stuck to one another.  It makes him feel like he still has a little bit of control over his life.
Only he still doesn’t have a name on his hand even after he falls in love with Kurt.  He suspects it will show up any day now--when he first kisses Kurt (no), when he tells him he loves him (no), when he transfers to McKinley to be with him (no)...
Kurt’s name doesn’t appear on Blaine’s hand until after they break up.
It’s the day after Thanksgiving, and he and Kurt have been screaming at each other since they got back home.  They are tired and exhausted, and they don’t--they don’t mean to start fighting, but it’s hard, being away from your other half like that.  It’s exhausting, that constant reminder that your heart is miles away from your body.
“Maybe we should take a break.” Kurt whispers, once they’ve finally stopped yelling at each other.
Blaine’s heart breaks.  “But my name--on your hand, I’m your soulmate, we can’t just--”
Kurt shuts him up with a kiss--the last kiss Blaine will have for the next two years.  “I have no doubt,” Kurt whispers, resting his forehead against Blaine’s.  “That we will find our way back to each other one day.  But maybe for right now, it’s best if we’re alone.”
And then he leaves, back to New York while Blaine’s still stuck in Ohio.
It’s only once Kurt is gone--really, really gone--that Blaine breaks down and cries.  He’s sick and exhausted and he can’t stop crying, and it’s only then that he notices it.
Kurt Hummel, his hand reads in fine black script like a signature, mocking him.  He cries harder, and kisses the name gently against his skin, lightly tracing over the letters with his thumb.
It feels suspiciously like hope.
A few minutes after Sebastian Smythe realized he liked boys for the first time, Blaine Anderson’s name appeared on his hand.
He had stared at it in childlike wonder at the time, but after those few initial moments of disbelief, he really didn’t think about it all that much.  He would meet Blaine when he met Blaine--until then, there was really no reason to worry about it.
It wasn’t until he actually met Blaine that it became a problem.
Because Blaine? Blaine was perfect.  He was beautiful, and kind, and he didn’t judge Sebastian, and he loved music and art and sports and he was just perfect.  Everything Sebastian could have ever dreamed of and more.
Only, Blaine didn’t have a name on his hand.  And Blaine was already dating someone who had his name on their hand, someone who wasn’t Sebastian but was equally destined to keep Blaine’s heart as his own.
(That happened, sometimes.  Sometimes two people were destined to have the same soulmate.  Fate was tricky like that, and rarely kind.)
And God, Sebastian hated Kurt Hummel.  Hated the way he refused to cover his hand, proudly displaying Blaine’s name to anyone who walked by.  Hated the way he dressed, like he was some sort of girl instead of a man.  
Hated the way he had Blaine’s heart wrapped around his finger, and there was nothing Sebastian could do to change that.
(Sometimes, when two people share the same soulmate--)
Which is why he takes that slushy, laces it with rock salt, and aims it right at Kurt’s stupid little grin--
--and throws it right into Blaine’s eyes.
(--It’s really unfortunate.)
Blaine’s name disappears after that.   
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missjanjie · 11 years
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Can I talk about this little gif for a moment?
If you don't know the context, it genuinely looks like Kurt is gazing at mike with a look of hopeless longing. As if Mike is talking about someone he loves, and for a split second, Kurt thinks it's him, but then Mike mentions something involving her and his heart just shatters but he tries his hardest not to show it. They're practically close enough to kiss; Kurt's aware but Mike is so lost in thought. 
Have I mentioned how strong my Kurke feels have been lately?
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angelhummel · 4 years
i knew i loved the crackship kurt x mike because of the booty camp/“sashay” moment in season 3, but rewatching wonder-ful (4x21) makes me need it even moreeeee
Omg yesss I love them together. I don’t even have “crackships” anymore tho I’m just like shipping whoever I want and deciding that yes, it is legit
Another good moment of theirs? Mike voting for Kurt for senior class president. Even tho Mike and Brittany have probably been in the same or adjacent cliques since freshman year, and that’s his number one dance partner. But nope, voting for Kurt with no hesitation. We love to see it 
Also what is their ship name? Murt is what I call Matt/Kurt and using their first names the other way around is an actual slur so I’m gonna not do that lmao. Apparently I have some posts tagged with Changmel and some with Mikurt. I think I’m gonna go with Mikurt cause it sounds cuter. Like my Kurt <3
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