#miku is awesome but i feel bad for her lol
kitttwilight · 1 year
MIKU IS LITERALLY SEETHING RN. teto is HIGHER QUALITY THAN HER. she sounds MORE HUMAN than miku. how the tables have turned.
8 notes · View notes
epicofevil · 3 years
Character Popularity Poll
Epic of Evil page 40-62
After the conclusion of the “Daughter of Evil” novels and the announcement of this fanbook, we opened up a character popularity poll! It was held on Twitter between June 16th and June 30th, and we received a ton of votes. Here we’ll tell you the order, as well as share some of the red hot comments they got!
1st place with 89 votes
Allen Avadonia (Prince Alexiel)
(Kagamine Len)
Age: 14 at death (485-500)
Nationality: Kingdom of Lucifenia
Race: Orthodox Lucifenian
Religion: Levin, Levia sect
Relatives: Father; Arth I (deceased), Mother; Anne (deceased), Sister; Riliane, Adoptive Father; Leonhart (deceased), Adoptive Sister; Germaine
He’s a servant who works in the Lucifenian royal palace, but in truth he is Riliane’s twin brother, Prince Alexiel. During the revolution he is executed in Riliane’s stead.
-Due to an event that occurred when he was young, Allen as a prince was publicly declared dead. He works as a servant surrounded by his friends.
*This character was based on the VOCALOID 2 Character Vocal Series 02 Kagamine Len of “Kagamine Rin/Len” published by Crypton Future Media.
Fan Comments
“The Servant of Evil” is the reason I got sucked into AkunoP-sama’s music in the first place.
Allen-kun is the best!
I was really moved by Allen’s kindness at prioritizing Riliane over himself. I think there are probably some people who don’t think he’s kind because he betrayed so many people, but I think “doing it all for the person you want to protect” is itself a different sort of kindness.
Obviously it’s Allen. His words and deeds made me cry my eyes out.
I love how brave he is, and that he was willing to do anything for Riliane’s sake.
He really struck me with how he protected Riliane to the end. I was also about the same age as Allen when I first bought the book, so I was kinda taken in by him being such a naïve young man.
He’s really cool looking!!!
His level of kindness that he devoted himself to his sole blood relative Riliane and ultimately took her place is really amazing…!
He was alright with becoming evil if it was for Riliane’s sake. He did all that for his sister; for Riliane he used his sword to kill people, he can ride a horse, he protected his sister—he’s just really cool!!
What an amazing loyalty he has…Allen supports his sister and the rest!! He’s so awesome, I wanna be like him!!
Artist’s Comments
AkunoP: I rather expected him to be the most popular.
Ichika: Wow, he really was well received.
AkunoP: Unfortunately, he died in the first book, so I wasn’t really able to delve into his character much from the third book onward.
--Rin probably had also moved on from Allen at that point.
AkunoP: I figured things might get pretty dark if I had too many developments that reflected back on the past. I also thought it might not fit with the feel of the third book onwards. However, there’s no way that Rin forgot about Allen, ever. She’s just hesitant to let it show on the outside. And it wouldn’t be all that good for her to show it to anyone, given her position. She’d get found out, lol
--That’s for sure (haha). How about you, Ichika-san?
Ichika: I think he’s sort of like, the most wholehearted character of the main cast. Like coming to help even after he’d already died.
AkunoP: In a certain way, in the latter half he turns into more of a super character than Elluka, lol
2nd place with 35 votes
(Yowane Haku)
Age: 21--26 (born 479)
Nationality: Elphegort--Kingdom of Lucifenia
Race: Netsuma
Religion: Levin Held sect
Relatives: Father (died when she was young), Mother (died in 499)
She was discriminated against by Elphe people for being a descendant of the Netsuma clan with white hair and red eyes. She had a negative personality, but that changed when she met Michaela.
--Though she was quite negative, she was able to become a bit more positive through her relationships with Michaela and Rin.
*This character was based on “Yowane Haku”, a derivative of the VOCALOID 2 Character Vocal Series 01 Hatsune Miku published by Crypton Future Media.
Fan Comments
It’s partially because I really like Haku ane-san, but there’s also her earnest devotion to Michaela, her strength for forgiving Riliane despite having every reason to hate her…I’m not Michaela, but you’re the most wonderful person, for me! Especially how cheerful you were after the revolution in “Praefacio of Blue”, Clarith-san!
I want her to be happy
I like seeing her working so hard.
She feels like the only true “everyman”. So I feel like she’s also the character who “grew” the most. Her meeting with Rin at the monastery on the shore was so sad, I was really touched. I think that Riliane was able to reform as Rin because she had Clarith there for her.
Clarith is so precious, being so negative but also caring for her friends!
I wanna try the brioche that Clarith makes!!
I like everything about her!
I admire her for being so strong.
She’s so dedicated and adorable///
Artist’s Comments
AkunoP: I think she’s the character who grew up the most through the whole series.
Ichika: She grew the most as a person.
AkunoP: I wanted a character who could see the revolution and the events around it from the perspective of the average person. That was how I came up with Clarith. Actually, she’s a character I came up with even earlier than Elluka, around the same time as the early four. So I’ve gotten pretty attached to her.
Ichika: It feels really good to see her progression from a passive personality to someone who takes action for herself. Also, her catchphrase of “I’m sorry for being alive” is way too easy to use. I found myself blurting it out once while I was working.
AkunoP: That was originally inspired by Daizai. So that might be a bit dangerous as a catchphrase, lol
Ichika: I make sure I only say it when I’m alone in my room, so it’s alright, haha.
3rd place with 32 votes
Riliane Lucifen d’Autriche (Rin)
(Kagamine Rin)
Age: 14--19 (Born 485)
Nationality: Kingdom of Lucifenia
Race: Orthodox Lucifenian
Religion: Levin Levia Sect--Held sect
Relatives: Father; Arth I (deceased), Mother; Anne (deceased), Brother; Alexiel (Allen) (deceased)
The princess of Lucifenia. For her outrageous policies she is reviled as the “Daughter of Evil”. After the revolution she lives at a monastery, hiding her true identity.
--Having survived the revolution, she started a new life in a monastery as “Rin”.
*This character was based on the VOCALOID 2 Character Vocal Series 02 Kagamine Rin of “Kagamine Rin/Len” published by Crypton Future Media.
Fan Comments
I really love that scene where she accepts whatever Clarith is going to do to her after Clarith learned the truth, because it shows how much Riliane has grown up over the story.
I want her to live and be strong.
In this story with so many feelings intersecting, she is such a cool and strong fantasy girl who fought without being swept away!
I earnestly love her. Just lots of love. From the heart.
She really is kind! And she has a sense of responsibility! And she’s so so cute!! And she was so cute as a small child too, I love her to bits! She did get possessed by a demon and all, but she’s really a good kid!!
I want her to be happy…
I think she’s a character that I’ve come to like as I’ve read through the “of Evil” series. I want to support Riliane with all my might, surpassing so much grief to grow up like that. I mean, what I’m trying to say is that Riliane is really cute.
She’s the yellow flower of evil in full bloom!
Artist’s Comments
AkunoP: I was really unsure of her role in this. I think the people who listened to the original song were largely split into two points of view. That she was just bad from the core, or that it was the fault of outside influences... In the end, she wound up how she is now.
Ichika: I think Riliane’s another character whose personality and general air changed completely between the former and latter halves of the story. There is the change in environment from princess to nun, but I think myself that Allen is the biggest influence.
--Riliane is one of the characters who grew up in a big way.
4th place with 29 votes
Elluka Clockworker
(Megurine Luka)
Age: Secret♥
Nationality: Kingdom of Lucifenia--Stateless
Race: Leviantan
Religion: Levin Levia Sect
Relatives: NO DATE
A sorceress with a mysterious air about her, and one of the Three Heroes of Lucifenia. Under request of the great land god Held, she is on a journey to search for the “Vessels of Deadly Sin”.
--Are her farsighted values, unwavering strength, and the humanity that she sometimes displays the secret key to her popularity?
*This character was based on the VOCALOID 2 Character Vocal Series 03 “Megurine Luka” published by Crypton Future Media.
Fan Comments
She’s so strong and smart, and a beauty on top of that! She might seem irreverent but she pulls through when it counts, and always winds up helping people. I also think it’s adorable how bad she is at being straightforward with what she wants to say. She’s surrounded by so much mystery and I’m just caught up in it! I like her and I can’t help but be curious about her!!
She’s strong, she’s so strong, so strong. And that scene where she fought with Abyss was so cool!
She’s mysterious, and when all is said and done she’ll help you out, so I really like her.
Whether she’s making any S-like scowls or looking like a beauty, I love it all!
She’s got this feeling that she’ll pull through when push comes to shove, which makes her really cool.
I’m really enchanted with how, as irreverent as she is, she gets on task and focused in situations where she needs to toughen up and get focused.
She’s a really amazing woman, with a lot of depth. I kinda like how playful she is.
I love how Elluka’s so suspicious.
She acts happy go lucky, but her past that you can glean from the Leviantan Catastrophe and Recollective Music Box is way too sad.
I love heeeer!
That mysterious feel she’s got really kills me! Though I guess I like how free-spirited she is, lol. I really wanna learn more about Elluka’s circumstances!
Artist’s Comments
--She finally showed up on the cover this time!!
Ichika: Seriously…!
AkunoP: That’s just ‘cause she’s a character that never showed up in the original song. You could say it was inevitable in a sense that she couldn’t come out before this point, lol, but I think the inverse of that is that it’s because she didn’t show up before that she’s been so easy to work with. She’s such a mature character that through the whole series she’s had a sort of feel to her that she’s always got some leeway.
Ichika: Elluka’s been such a steady character this whole series. She’s been alive for such a long span of time that she’s gotta be very well-put together mentally. I like characters like that, so I had a lot of fun drawing her.
--There are a lot of opinions up there that they like how she always comes around to helping people, aren’t there.
AkunoP: Well, she is a bit on in years…Er, nevermind.
Ichika: She does seem very helpful.
AkunoP: She’s got a lot of things on the inside that I haven’t written about yet, probably owing to being a character with a lot of leeway, but in her case I do think that she’ll have a lot of opportunities to show up elsewhere, so…That’s in production, lol
--We’ll wait for the Deadly Sins Series with baited breath! Looking forward to it!
5th place with 26 votes
Kyle Marlon
Age: 26(claims to be 22)--31 (born 474)
Nationality: Marlon
Race: Marlon
Religion: Levin Levia sect
Relatives: Father; Previous king of Marlon (deceased), Mother; Empress Dowager Prim, Sister; Ney (different fathers), half-brother; Arkatoir (different mothers), countless other siblings of different mothers (all dead)
The young ruler of Marlon. He’s very vexed at being a puppet of his mother, Empress Dowager Prim. He has a very straight-laced personality with a strong sense of justice.
--Though his status is as a king, he often stands on the front lines and goes out in disguise.
*This character was based on the VOCALOID Character “KAITO” published by Crypton Future Media.
Fan Comments
His bravery when it comes to Michaela is just too cute!
That he was able to overcome the temptations of a demon a second time, despite knowing a demon’s power and having been reliant on them before, and went out to fight with his own power was just so awesome…!
He may be a troublemaker(?) who inadvertently glosses over his age, but Kyle-niisama really pulled through when it came down to it, and I love him for it!
I feel like he’s the character that gets messed with the most, but I really like him a lot (haha).
My vote goes to the young king who experienced love and hatred, came vast to face with his weakness, and in the end majorly grew up.
He’s so pitiful it’s adorable~ And I think he’s a relatively tasty character!!
I wanna shout it out! I frikkin’ love him!
No matter how he’s wavered, no matter how he’s tempted by demons, in the end he stood on his own two feet. I just love him for that!!
I really like his personality. His conversations with Germaine were really funny!
Artist’s Comments
AkunoP: I’ll say this now that it’s all over, but in the end I did end up liking this character. Only, I didn’t actually want to write him as being that cool.
Ichika: He participated in the revolution, he fell in love, he transformed into a demon…Now that I think on it, he’s a busy guy.
AkunoP: I feel like he’s the character that single-handedly undertakes the idea of “human weakness”. I mean, I don’t think he’s that cool if you look at just his actions, lol.
--The comments calling him “precious” and “incompetent” really stood out.
AkunoP: That’s cause he’s not a hero at all.
Ichika: Looking at him overall I guess he is pretty incompetent...lol
--There was also a comment calling him the “hunky sad king”(haha).
Ichika: lololol
AkunoP: I think that’s perfect lol
--You can’t even get him to follow-up(haha)
6th place with 25 votes
Age: 1028--1033 (appears 16--24 on the outside)
Nationality: Elphegort--Kingdom of Lucifenia--Stateless
Race: spirit--Elphe
Religion: Levin Levia sect (publicly)
Relatives: Held (lord), Michaela (same race)
A sorceress who was a spirit incarnated into a human. She searches for the “Vessels of Deadly Sin” alongside Elluka as her apprentice. She has a very level and calm personality, but she also has a side that’s very caring about her friends.
*This character was based on the VOCALOID 2 Artist Vocal character “Megpoid” published by Internet Co., Ltd.
Fan Comments
I really love the way she talks. And I don’t think I’m the only one who got excited at her wearing glasses in Praeludium. Her and Elluka make a really good duo. I’m really looking forward to seeing their actions in the Pere Noel period in the novels to come. I’m guessing she’s the one who made that handgun.
She’s so cool and awesome! Her glasses really suit her!
She’s very blunt but I really like how that contrasts with how caring she is for her friends.
Her clumsy broken speech is just so incredibly cute!! And she’s so strong!!
I’m just…really interested in Elluka and Gumillia’s journey after this!
The fact that she put on glasses…And I’m very intrigued as to this “important person” that she decided to stay human for!
I wish she could have stayed with Michaela forever.
Obviously it’s Gumillia!
7th place with 19 votes
Germaine Avadonia
Age: 20--25 (Born: 480)
Nationality: Kingdom of Lucifenia (erased)
Race: Beelzenian
Religion: Levin Levia sect
Relatives: Adoptive Father; Leonhart (deceased), Adoptive Brother; Allen (deceased)
The adoptive daughter of one of the Three Heroes of Lucifenia, Leonhart, as well as Allen’s adoptive older sister. She is the “red-armored swordswoman” who garners acclaim as the leader of the Resistance.
*This character was based on the VOCALOID Character “MEIKO” published by Crypton Future Media.
Fan Comments
She’s really stylish. I admire her.
I think it’s so cool that she’s such a gallant woman. I wanted to become someone like her too!!
Those words she said when she came face to face with Rin in the last novel and realized it was Riliane just left me speechless. I really like Germaine’s weak and strong points.
I really love her big-sisterly disposition and compassion. I want her to be happy (。・ω・。)
A woman swordswoman is so cool! She’s so amazing! I feel like she’s the hottest person in all of Daughter of Evil lol. Her line “Just what in the world is evil” in Yellow is my favorite line in all four novels. I want to read how she wound up in Beelzenia after the Revolution.
That line she says during the work about how fast her wounds heal unexpectedly won me over all at once.♪
8th place with 17 votes
Ney Marlon(Phatipe)
(Akita Neru)
Age: 18--23 (age at death) (482--505)
Nationality: Kingdom of Lucifenia—Marlon
Race: Marlon
Religion: Levin Behemo sect
Relatives: Mother; Empress Dowager Prim, Older Brother; Kyle, Several other siblings of a different mother, Adoptive mother; Mariam
Mariam’s adoptive daughter, who takes up a position as head of Marlon’s Special Maneuvers Task Force. From a very young age she was raised by IR as the subject of magical experimentation.
*This character was based on “Akita Neru”, a derivative of the VOCALOID 2 Character Vocal Series 01 Hatsune Miku published by Crypton Future Media.
Fan Comments
Through the work I thought she was a villain the whole time, but after reading Praefacio of Blue I realized that she was actually just a very sad girl. I wish she could have been happy.
The sad end of her life, continuing to be led around by the nose by Prim and a demon, was just tearjerking.
I love her rampaging in the duel scene in Praefacio.
I would be in utter bliss if Ney stabbed me.
I won’t forgive the people who used Ney like that. She’s just too sad. Even though really she was a good kid…
Her crazed expressions, her outfit, I just love everything about her.
She did a lot of horrible things, but Ney was also a victim of the vessels of deadly sin…Also, I absolutely loved Ney wearing Lady Conchita’s dress!
Her crazy face is the best!!!
9th place with 11 votes
Gast Venom
(Camui Gackpo)
Age: 39 at death (461—500)
Nationality: Stateless
Race: Asmodean
Religion: NO DATE
Relatives: Little sister; Sarah (deceased)
A skilled swordsman who bears the moniker, “Demon of Asmodean”. He is searching for one of the “Vessels of Deadly Sin”, the “Venom Sword”.
*This character was based on the VOCALOID 2 Artist Vocal character “Gackpoid” published by Internet Co., Ltd.
Fan Comments
I’m really intrigued by his past. I want to learn more about him, and at the same time I’m hoping we get more info on his excessive sister complex.
You really gotta hurry up with his past mysteries surrounding his sister, Sarah…!! I really like samurai, so I adored the scene where he was fighting with a Japanese sword.
I think he’s really pretty lol. And I liked his how he let Allen hire him because he sympathized with him. During the work I wanted to learn more about the past they alluded to.
It’s too bad he’s only in one book. I wanted to see him do more.
I’m really curious about his sister!
He didn’t show up much but he was really cool!
10th place with 10 votes
Gallerian Marlon
Nationality: USE
Race: Marlon
Relatives: Wife, daughter
Kyle Marlon’s descendant. He’s the head judge of the Dark Star Courthouse of the international alliance of USE, founded between the four countries of Marlon, Levianta, Elphegort, and Lucifenia in the year 898. He treasured his daughter, but she passes away in an incident.
*This character was based on the VOCALOID Character “KAITO” published by Crypton Future Media.
Fan Comments
I love the greedy juuudge!! Also the fact that he has a kid. I bet he’s a good cook too. I’m really looking forward to the novel for greed in the new series.
He’s so cool! He’s such a kind father, worrying over his daughter! If you want help, show me the money!!!
I really love the corrupt, miserly judge! The fact that he’s a father who’s caring for his daughter that we learned at the end of Praefacio…Makes me wonder if he’s actually a good guy.
I like Gallerian-san.
First of all, I’m just crazy about the middle-aged, fatherly Galle-sama. I can’t help but be enraptured with him as he persists in pushing his own will even until the very end! I hope he can achieve his utopia!
11th place with 9 votes (tied)
Yukina Freezis
(Kaai Yuki)
Age: 9—14 (Born: 491)
Nationality: Marlon
Race: Marlon
Religion: Levin Held sect
Relatives: Father; Keel, Mother; Mikina, Little Brother; Shaw, Younger Sister; Aile
The eldest daughter of the Freezis household. She is an exceedingly popular novelist who made her debut as an author at nine years old. She has created a great many popular works, and her name lives on in posterity.
*This character was based on the VOCALOID 2 Vocaloid student “Kaai Yuki” published by AH-Software Co. Ltd.
Fan Comments
I like how she’s just brimming with curiosity. And that scene where she reunited with Clarith was great.
I love how strong-willed she is!!!
Actually, I was always watching over Yukina’s adventures with my heart racing, like I was her big sis or mother lol
She’s so cute!! I was so excited when I saw that Gallerian-san was reading the books that Yukina-chan wrote in the distant future!!
She’s really grown up… I really wanna read that “Crow” fairytale that got brought up in Praeludium.
11th place with 9 votes (tied)
Chartette Langley
(Kasane Teto)
Age: 26-31 (Born: 474)
Nationality: Kingdom of Lucifenia (erased)
Religion: Levin Levia sect
Relatives: Father, mother
The head of the Langley unit in the Beelzenian Empire. She is the bearer of extraordinary strength, wielding an enormous sword. She was originally a maid that served in the Lucifenian palace.
*This character is based on “Kasane Teto”.
Fan Comments
She has a very lively and simple personality. I think she’d be a fun person to hang out with.
She’s a power fighter who wields a longsword, and I really like her straightforwardness.
I’m a bit embarrassed to admit that I read all four books just because I wanted to read about her gallant figure in it.
She’s one of the few characters in Daughter of Evil to live for the moment rather than being stuck in the past, and it’s really incredible how she’s more about taking action than dwelling on things!
I really love this dummy. Her appearance is adorable but it’s too bad she isn’t at all in how she talks lol
13th place with 8 votes
(Hatsune Miku)
Age: 1028—1033 (as a human she dies at 16)
Nationality: Elphegort
Race: Elphe
Religion: Levin Held sect (publicly)
Relatives: Held (lord), Gumillia (same race)
She was originally a spirit, but she became known as a “diva” when she was reborn into a human. After ending her life as a person, she continued to watch over the world as Held’s successor.
*This character was based on the VOCALOID 2 Character Vocal Series 01 “Hatsune Miku” published by Crypton Future Media.
Fan Comments
I want it so she can be happy with Clarith (>_<)
I was really moved by her kindness *
She was so precious, and she was so kind helping out Clarith
I really like her duet with Clarith. I was a little surprised at her being yuri (?)in Wiegenlied, but I think their feelings towards each other, mutually surpassing a friendship, are awesome. I hope she does her best as the new Held god.
I knew she was going to die. I knew it, but, but…I really wish she could have been happy.
14th place with 7 votes
Riliane (Lily) Mouchet
Age: 25 (Born: 480)
Nationality: Marlon (formerly Kingdom of Lucifenia)
Race: Lucifenian
Religion: Levin Levia sect
Relatives: Father; Gaston (deceased)
The original commander of Retasan fortress, with a strong-minded personality. She hates the name Riliane, and so goes by “Lily”.
*This character was based on the VOCALOID 2 Artist Vocal character “Lily” published by Internet Co., Ltd.
Fan Comments
Gosh I love her ♪( ´0´)ノ
I love her strong-willed personality. The whole time I was reading the book I thought, she’s so cool.
I really love that awesome atmosphere she’s got!
I’m sure I’m not the only one that went all, “It’s Lily!!”. I just love this handsome tomboy general, she’s so awesome. I think it’s her remarks that made it so that Germaine was able to move on ahead. I also love her partnership with Yukina-chan. They’ve got such a great height difference, lol
15th place with 6 votes (tied)
Keel Freezis
(Hiyama Kiyoteru)
Age: 27--32 (Born: 473)
Nationality: Marlon
Race: Marlon
Religion: Levin Held sect
Relatives: Wife; Mikina, Children; Yukina (eldest daughter) Shaw (eldest son) Aile (youngest daughter)
A merchant who serves as the head of the merchant trade association. He’s also friends with Marlon’s king Kyle. He’s a doting father, and so when it comes to his children he’s relentless.
*This character was based on the VOCALOID 2 Vocaloid teacher “Hiyama Kiyoteru” published by AH-Software Co. Ltd.
Fan Comments
Love his being a sappy parent and his affection for Yukina. And I’m also intrigued by his conversations with Kyle.
That doting father is just the best!!
The disconnect between his harsh, bad-friend tone towards Kyle and his unending devotion to his daughter is so lovable.
That doting father Keel is adorable lol That scene where he gets furious at Kyle for hugging Yukina was just the best lolol
Him being a loving father is amusing, but his face as a merchant and his friendship (mean friendship?) with King Kyle is also just right on point.
15th place with 6 votes (tied)
Nationality: Elphegort
Race: Elphe
Relatives: Father (deceased), Mother (deceased)
Notes: A boy from Yatski village. Had an unrequited love for Clarith. After Clarith and Michaela fled to Aceid, he enlisted in the Elphegort military. During the Green Hunting he ran to the forest to help save Michaela and Clarith after they were cornered, but he was murdered by the Lucifenian army chasing after them.
Fan Comments
‘Cause he helped guide Clarith and Michaela until the end. But it was so sad that he couldn’t tell Clarith how he felt about her. I hadn’t been expecting him to write that scene with Yukina and the rest praying before his grave in the third book, so I was really happy for that.
Because even though it was Clarith he really wanted to protect, he protected Michaela, and was so kind.
I wish he could have been happy with Clarith!
He was the hottest guy in the whole work. I wish he could have done more.
17th place with 5 votes
Leonhart Avadonia
Age:  38 at death(462—500)
Nationality: Kingdom of Lucifenia
Religion: Levin Levia sect
Relatives: Adoptive children; Germaine, Allen (deceased)
Allen and Germaine’s adoptive father. He’s one of the Three Heroes, and works as the head of the guard for the Lucifenian royalty. Like Germaine, he likes to drink.
*This character was independently made based on VOCALOID “LEON” published by ZERO-G.
Fan Comments
I cried when he died.
His interminably direct personality is so cool.
Those kids have him as a dad, or else this dad has them for kids. They’re a family, even if they’re not related by blood.
I love the older guys ha ha I love him so much, I was so disappointed at how quickly he died in Cloture.
18th place with 3 votes
Anne Lucifen d’Autriche
Age: Died at 42 (457—499)
Nationality: Kingdom of Lucifenia
Religion: Levin Levia sect
Relatives: Husband; Arth I, Daughter; Riliane, Son; Alexiel
The former queen of the Kingdom of Lucifenia who possessed both strictness and grace, and also Riliane and Allen’s birth mother. She was friends with Empress Dowager Prim of Marlon.
*This character was independently made based on the VOCALOID 2 “SWEET ANN” published by PowerFX.
Fan Comments
She didn’t get much screentime, lolol but I think she’s great with her dependability and grace.
I would have liked to see a record of her child-rearing work when Riliane and Alexiel were still little ankle biters. Maybe she was an unexpectedly scary mom (and conversely maybe King Arth spoiled them).
I think she was a fantastic queen. I tear up when I think about how the twins’ fates would have changed if she’d still been alive…Also, I’d be really happy if we could see her again in something set in the past.
19th place with 2 votes (tied)
Mariam Phatipe
Age: Died at 32 (468—500)
Nationality: Kingdom of Lucifenia
Race: Asmodeanian
Religion: Levin Levia sect
Relatives: Adoptive child; Ney
A very skilled secret agent, and one of the Three Heroes. Also a former associate of Gast’s. Her duel with Chartette during the revolution was talked about as the “Battle of the Heavenly Yard”.
*This character was independently made based on VOCALOID “MIRIAM” published by ZERO-G.
19th place with 2 votes (tied)
Aile Freezis
(Tsukuyomi Ai)
Age: 10 (Born: 495)
Nationality: Marlon
Religion: Levin Held sect
Relatives: Father; Keel, Mother; Mikina, Big Sister; Yukina, Big Brother; Shaw
The second daughter of the Freezis family. She takes after her mother in appearance and personality, and so has inherited her mature standing. She’s had a weak constitution ever since she was young, and for a time Mikina would be constantly tending to her.
*This character was based on the VOICEROID character “Tsukuyomi Ai” published by AH-Software Co. Ltd.
19th place with 2 votes (tied)
Prim Marlon
Age: 48 at death (457—505)
Nationality: Marlon
Race: Lucifenian
Religion: Levin Levia sect
Relatives: Husband; Previous King Marlon (deceased), Son; Kyle, Daughter; Ney (deceased), Younger brother; Presi (deceased)
The Empress Dowager of Marlon, and Kyle and Ney’s birth mother. She’s a Lucifenian noble, born from the Rogzé family.
*This character was independently made based on VOCALOID02 “PRIMA” published by ZERO-G.
19th place with 2 votes (tied)
Arkatoir Marlon
Nationality: Marlon
Religion: Levin Levia sect
Race: Marlon
Relatives: Father; Previous King Marlon, Mother, Half-brother: Kyle, countless other half-siblings (all dead)
19th place with 2 votes (tied)
Banica Conchita
Age: 29 at death (296—325)
Nationality: Beelzenian Empire
Race: Beelzenian
Relatives: Father; Muzuri, Mother
The figure who serves as the model for the fairytale “Vampiress Vanika”. She earned great distinction improving on Beelzenia’s food culture.
*This character was based on the VOCALOID Character “MEIKO” published by Crypton Future Media.
19th place with 2 votes (tied)
Nationality: NO DATE
Race: Jakokuan
Religion: NO DATE
Relatives: NO DATE
19th place with 2 votes (tied)
The Demon of Gluttony
Race: Demon of Deadly Sin (takes on the appearance of Banica)
Vessel: Glass of Conchita
The demon that dwells in the “Vessel of Deadly Sin, Glass of Conchita”. She is trying to become the “Master of the Graveyard”.
*This character was based on the VOCALOID Character “MEIKO” published by Crypton Future Media.
26th place with 1 vote (tied)
Abyss IR
Nationality: Marlon--Stateless
Religion: NO DATE
Relatives: NO DATE
A sorceress secretly working in the shadow of history. She’s the one who taught Prim about the “Vessels of Deadly Sin”, and always carries around a red cat. What is her true identity--?
26th place with 1 vote (tied)
Shaw Freezis
(Tsukuyomi Shouta)
Age: 12 (Born: 493)
Nationality: Marlon
Race: Marlon
Religion: Levin Held sect
Relatives: Father; Keel, Mother; Mikina, Big Sister; Yukina, Little sister; Aile
The eldest son of the Freezis family, and Yukina’s younger brother. He’s cheeky, but he’s also a young boy who puts his family first. He’s studying know-how on modern commerce as Keel’s heir.
*This character was based on the VOICEROID character “Tsukuyomi Shouta” published by AH-Software Co. Ltd.
26th place with 1 vote (tied)
Mikina Freezis
Age: 32 (Born: 473)
Nationality: Marlon
Race: Marlon
Religion: Levin Held sect
Relatives: Husband; Keel, Children; Yukina (eldest daughter), Shaw (eldest son), Aile (second daughter)
Keel’s wife, and mother of three. She has a very good eye for people, but when it comes to her children she turns into a bit of a worrywart.
*This character was based on the VOCALOID2 Artist Engine01 character “SF-A2 codename miki” published by AH-Software Co. Ltd.
26th place with 1 vote (tied)
Eve Moonlit
(Hatsune Miku)
Age: NO DATE (~014)
Nationality: Elphegort
Race: Elphe
Relatives: Husband, children (stillbirth), two adoptive children
The “Original Sinner” who was the impetus for the creation of the “Seven Deadly Sins” and the “Vessels of Deadly Sin”.
*This character was based on the VOCALOID 2 Character Vocal Series 01 “Hatsune Miku” published by Crypton Future Media.
26th place with 1 vote (tied)
Sateriasis Venomania
(Camui Gackpo)
Age: NO DATE (~137)
Nationality: Beelzenian Empire
Race: Asmodean
Relatives: NO DATE
The duke of Asmodean in the Beelzenian Empire. He used a “Vessel of Deadly Sin” to cause the “Venomania Incident”.
*This character was based on the VOCALOID 2 Artist Vocal character “Gackpoid” published by Internet Co., Ltd.
26th place with 1 vote (tied)
Trauben fruit
Producing area: Entire Evillious region
Classification: Flowering vine
Traits: The fruit grows in bunches, and can be made into things like wine.
We counted 366 votes in all!
Thank you for all the poll responses!!
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nature-bro · 4 years
hold up, my latest favorite artist is unf in my opinion, and therefore, i must share **also, definite warning: explicit stuff verbally and visually**
Ashnikko, Ashton Nicole Casey
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Out since 2019, so catch tf up c:
Daisy by Ashnikko is so far my favorite - music video - and her official explanation of the lyrics
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I’m fuckin in love with her brand of weird - thank you for doing your thing. It’s kinda creepy, kinda bloody, cute-but-hardcore... guro-kawaii, pretty much (omg, Cry with Grimes and  Halloweenie 3: 7 Days). I never expect anything of my Spotify Discover Weekly, but I am reminded how much I like girls (ughhh, Slumber Party, why there no videoooo? i must needs live vicariously through lesbians of this caliber) and I feel strangely empowered. I believe I have listened to every song of hers... aaand I’ve listened to a few enough times so i can sing them... in my car, very loudly >u< makes me feel sexy and gritty (Tantrum, definitely, and Drunk with my friends, though everything about the animation gave me very temporary whiplash)
Daisy with Hatsune Miku
Deal With It video made me lol <3
***Spoiler, not explicit*** she includes a sexy kraken that kills em all. heh heh.
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I luuv the costumes in the Working Bitch video! ahh!
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(photo from the thumbnail of the clean version video)
1. it is Highly Important to note that Ashnikko = BOOTS
2. some of the hair styles and makeup and alien SFX stuff reminds me of the  Fecal Matter djs... whose fans are “victims”, lol, it’s great
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matieresfecales Instagram stories (i indeed prefer the outlandish, authentic and shiny individual on the left :p but I kind of hope said typical human on the right had at least one nightmare. am i a bad person?)
heck, it’s all so relatable. Hi, It’s Me and god, memories flooding in, right to the ouch. In the video are four masked people who i’m interpreting as Ash’s well-meaning friends, and my first thought was “i wish i’d had real friends, especially every time it could have been clear to a stranger i was making a mistake” :/ flipside tho, it’s comforting to see in media more proof of to-err-is-human
Other Important Notes of Noteworthiness from Halloweenie 3: 7 Days
- a young girl politely requesting that her Grandfather produce music as good as Ashnikko’s (she also shows up at the end of Drunk with my friends)
- I’d only hunt witches to be friends with them, too
why Ashnikko gotta be so fuckin awesome? Her voice is strong wonderful, her style is stunning and she’s a fuckin actress... to boot (:p)
AND she’s honest, or “blunt” as she puts it. hallelujah, for real. Invitation and Blow (video) lyrics. Just !?@#$ Dude, she looks like she’s having so much fun. She’s practically oozing solid gold art and i can feel it moving me. “You cut me down, I grew,” got me in more feelings. It’s scary, but i really want to find my style. you know, finally. like, this year instead of “someday”.
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oh, don’t you worry, @Malena. Oct 2020, people were certainly falling in love with her. HOWEVER.
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Ash knows how brilliant she it, I have absolutely no doubt. cuz it’s a No Brainer, in her own words. “I listen to my own music in the Uber” from nice Manners
shall i tell my mother i look up to this fukin awesome girl only 2 months older than me? I think I shall. heh.
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cantusecho-archive · 5 years
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(Episode 4 thingssssss
Truthfully, this episode was pretty chill, meaning it feels like things don’t start to pick up until the middle portion (Maria’s song) and the end (Hanasaku Yuki).
But! There is one thing that got me curious.
I’ve been grateful for the cameo’s of Miku in each episode. I’m still ridiculously excited what they may have planned for her in the season. However, even if they’re small appearances, I feel like they’re important, as in it’s building up to something later.
With AXZ and XV being made together, I still have confidence that this season will be paced well enough. What they’re doing seems to be changing everything up compared to previous seasons, which is why I think people are a little iffy on how things go or are going so far. But I’m getting ahead of myself.
Anyway! This short scene with Hibiki and Miku left me feeling a certain way;
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Hibiki cuts her off before Miku can finish her sentence. Now, without thinking, this can be seen as amusing but my first thought was worry. We all know about the hints towards Miku this season, or ever since the end of AXZ, but these small scenes between Hibiki and Miku so far in this season makes it feel like there’s some...strange distance between them or as a friend put it, they’re “out of sync” with each other.
Hibiki has gotten to the point as a character where she doesn’t hide many of her problems anymore and relies on Miku more than before for that sense of normalcy. Miku, perhaps used to the sense of normalcy clashing with Hibiki’s hectic battle life, is content on being that support for her.  However--- Ever since episode 1 of XV, heck technically since S1, Miku has had issues expressing her deeper feelings. She’s always been frustrated with her not being able to communicate in general, or express herself like others (as she explains in AXZ, as well as her XV bio).
In Hibiki’s second song this season, “Kimi Dake Ni”, she admits to not noticing Miku’s tears unless she was literally in trouble. That means, even when Miku may seem fine on the outside when they’re talking normally and at school, Hibiki didn’t notice that Miku was actually having her own struggles, which is sad haha.
Not sure what it will take for her to realize it in the show, but clearly she does at some point since “Kimi Dake Ni” is her literally pouring her heart out to Miku, which is seriously a first in my opinion haha. So I feel like little things like this will be adding up for later.
I’d talk about this dang scene all day so let me move on.
Shout out to the same scene though for referencing the one time Miku and Hibiki invited Tsubasa to go out for karaoke in S1 because they wanted to try and cheer her up. It was sweet.
But clearly Tsubasa still isn’t fine.
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Clearly Fudou is still getting under her skin.
And speaking of him---
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He’s over 100 years old yet is strong? The heck is up with this dude?
Okay, jokes aside, Fudou is clearly the bad-guy of this season, as I assumed ever since AXZ ended. He orders Millaarc to kill, which I’m wondering why they’re listening to him. Maybe because he’s so powerful, he gives them protection (technically) from being found out, as well as getting the blood they need to survive? And in return, they help him obtain the divine power?
That’s what I assume, anyway. And he already speaks about making his next move because it’s clear, after one of the people who put on the bracelet tried using it and basically exploded, it can’t be handled by just about anyone. And we know that the only two people that can handle the Divine Power is Miku and Hibiki.
Miku I assume is still under the radar, which leaves Hibiki being the obvious one since it took her over last season. However, we don’t know if Fudou knows about Miku or not. With his power, and possible connections, he could very well know but again, no telling.
Maria’s transformation is awesome. Her song is awesome. Hibiki is a mess.  That’s all. Lmao.
After that fight, they have everyone back on the bridge to listen to the strange music they picked up, which was briefly when Shem-Ha was activated. They picked up the Aufwachen waveform, which honestly reminded me of how Airgetlam’s waveform looked like.
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And it’s interesting that Maria seems confused by slightly recognizing the distorted music that was picked up from Shem-Ha as well.
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With all the hints towards Maria’s background this season (her line in episode 2 and the OP), this surely will play into that as well. Wondering how though of course.
Now, the craziest thing that happened was the whole Hanasaku Yuki and duet with Saint-Germain. Just in case for those that don’t know, Aoi (Hibiki’s VA) suggested her and Minako (Saint-Germain’s VA) actually sing the song together at the 2018 LIVE, which they proceeded to do. It was nice, because it actually felt like the song was something between the two of wanting to come to an understanding and connect, but they were both fighting strongly for what they believed in and so were at odds. The song strangely fits very well as a duet and I didn’t realize this until seeing the LIVE.
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And so, having it actually show in the anime, where they are literally fighting together and singing the song, it made me get a little emotional.
Hibiki has grown a lot over the series; in the beginning, all she’s wanted to do was make friends with everyone and that sometimes made her a little bit pushy. That’s technically how she managed to make friends with Chris, Tsubasa, Maria and the others.
The next person I think she tried hard with was Carol. She was determined to try and befriend her, to save her so to speak, but it didn’t work out. It’s a personal headcanon of mine that Hibiki thinks about Carol often and how they failed in saving her. So she tried a different approach with Saint-Germain in attempting to try and understand her way of thinking instead of pushing her own beliefs on a person, as well as realizing that people are fighting hard for their beliefs just as hard as she is.
Like she says in Hanasaku Yuki, there’s no “good or evil when it comes to landing a single blow”.
It’s already been officially confirmed, even before this episode due to the keywords, that the Gears were practically part Faust Robe due to the Lapis Philosophorum (Philosopher’s Stone) merging with them at the end of AXZ (when they used it instead of achieving X-Drive, since they had no means of accumulating that much Phonic Gain to achieve it anyway) so that’s where these new forms come from, known as Amalgam.
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Amalgam means “a mixture or blend” so it makes sense.
But what makes me emotional about this is because Hibiki technically has her dream come true at this point. She’s fighting alongside Saint-Germain. They did at the end of AXZ, but it clearly feels like they’ve managed to come to a more mutual understanding thanks to all of it.
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It makes me wonder if they’ll actually release an official duet version of this song between the two. I would love it, honestly.
But after all that, Hibiki tries offering her friendship to Vanessa, since she says she wants to get her body back and make friends. But before she could respond, the Gear users are ordered to step down from official government orders.
But the thing about this is that they’re holding everyone on the bridge at gunpoint.
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I assume this is due to Fudou and his so called “next move” that he’s already made. 
Again, things are heading off pretty fast this season. There’s 9 episodes left and that form they achieved is something I thought they wouldn’t get until maybe around episode 10 or later? Since that’s how it normally goes. But if Fudou is going to be the main baddy, what about Noble Red (Vanessa, Elsa and Millaarc)? How will they continue to fit into this? It may seem fast, but I think they still have things planned to stretch out upon these next 9 episodes.
This all depends on how they execute it but I’m not trying to jump the gun when we still have plenty of story left to tell. I feel like I can’t judge pacing until the season is over. Maybe that’s too late for me to form an opinion, but I find it easier to look back instead of assuming as we go along. 
So I won’t say it was “rushed” or anything like that until we get further in. Then I’ll think about possible pacing issues.
Hm, that’s all I got I guess! Lol.)
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jusadode-blog · 6 years
:0 whats the tea?
I don’t know which tea you’re referring to but I’m having an emotional breakdown over vocaloid so I’m dumping vocaloid tea. Huge rant below.
The year is 2012, the vocaloid community is in a weird phase. V3 has been out and going steady for a bit, and a lot of the fans are demanding remakes rather than new vocaloids. The exploration of new languages is a new trendy thing in V3, however, people are mainly demanding remakes of lesser-known V2′s and even underappreciated V1′s. Miki is a popular candidate, as she has a stable fanbase, a decent voice, and her design is manifique, however, many companies are currently popping out new vocaloids who are beginning to grow individualized fandoms of their own. The big 5 (or 6 or 7 depending on if you include Luka and/or Gakupo in the major leagues) are getting their V3′s, but there’s a definitive copy-cat style going on of the big 5 with a lot of the newer vocaloids. However, someone new comes into the fray.
The greatest vocaloid in the history of mankind has just been released. The beautiful, the one and only Aoki Lapis, has graced the world with her perfect demo, her perfect design, and her perfect name. Her voice is crafted like that of an angel, and she is ready for all your basic vocaloid needs. She can sing cute, happy songs. She can sing painful, sad songs. Her voice is like that of a lonely puppy, ready to make or break your heart at a moments notice. Will she smile? Will she cry? The choice is up to the fans. BUT YOU KNOW WHAT THEY FUCKING DID?
Tone Rion, WHO’S INITIAL FANDOM WAS COMPRISED OF MANY FUCKING LOLICONS [aka PEDOPHILES] DUE TO HER FUCKING RIDICULOUSLY CHILDISH YET SEXUALIZED OUTFIT, started gaining traction despite her initial rocky start, ENDED UP WITH A LONG-STANDING FANDOM WHO STILL PRODUCE MUSIC TO THIS FUCKINGDAY. And I mean HER FACE IS EXACTLY LIKE FUCKING KAAI YUKI, A FUCKING KINDERGARTEN AGE VOCALOID. Tone Rion sounded so fucking bland, so fucking generic. Her voice is like that of if you put a hundread different fem vocaloid voices through a neural network and made it produce one of it’s own. It’s so fucking bland and has no emotion in it, AND YET GUSSS FUCKING WHAT?!?
They did my fucking girl SO WRONG.
Especial shoutouts to FUCKING MEW, WHO Y’ALL FUCKING ALSO DROPPED LIKE A DEAD RAT, Cul (who’s fanbase was actually pretty solid for a while but fizzled out), and finally Galaco and Chika who everyone seems to have forgotten existed despite some somewhat proficient producers using her.
Also I’m still bitter Miriam wasn’t as loved as she should have been. It’s like everyone forget’s she ever existed.
SO YEAH THAT’S THE TEA. FUCK TONE RION’S NEW V4. Apparently she’s been out for a year but I just hadn’t of paid enough attention while scrolling away apparently.
Y’ALL FUCKERS DIDN’T PICK UP SACHIKO ENOUGH FROM V4. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU ALL SHE SOUNDS SO GODDAMN AUTHENTIC?!?!? Like GODDAMN Sachiko is fucking god-tier like Aoki and y’all sleeping on her. HER BOX ART? GREAT. HER VOICE? GREAT. HER EMOTION, HER EVERYTHING??? FUCKING ON POINT. She’s got that rougher, deeper voice y’all loved about Luka, BUT LOO KWHAT YOU DID TO HER. Y’ALL LEFT HER FOR DEAD. Sachiko is EONS ahead of Luka in terms of rough, deep vocals, and god she sounds so fucking realistic because of it. It makes her emotion in depressing songs or creepy songs SO MUCH BETTER.
[Please note I’m angry at the community as a whole, and not individualized people and you should not feel in any way responsible for my anger. It is not your duty as a fan of something to show appreciation for lesser known characters or aspects of it. The vocaloid fandom, however, has a trend of picking up lesser-quality vocaloids in favor of the more robotic voices. Look at fucking SONIKA, one of the worst vocaloids to date MECHANICALLY WISE, NOT EVEN JUST VOCAL WISE, with her strong fandom and usage. And yes, the power of a producer using lesser-quality vocaloids and still making jams with them is a testimate to their skill, but it’s still painful to see the fans in turn also pick up said vocaloids because they want to be like their favorite producers rather than experiment with something new.
I used Maika fans as a example of “unproblematic fans” as most Maika songs are from Spanish! Vocaloid community, who really don’t have enough vocaloids to start discourse about lol. The only real discourse I saw on the spanish vocaloids was from the English and Japanese communities, who were super fucking shitty on Bruno and Clara but for ~some reason~ loved Maika. Honestly, Spanish Vocaloid community I’m so sorry y’alls first vocaloids went through such a hard time. Hope y’all get more vocaloids soon, y’all are such an awesome fanbase and I see y’all with all the subs you guys make. Keep being loud! Be seen! They’ll remember you’re a epic market!
Please note most of my critique is on the English vocaloid community, however also partially on the Japanese vocaloid community. It is very common for English producers to use non-english voice banks, however there’s a definitive trend to it all I hate. The Japanese vocaloid community is a lot harder for me to critique, however as a consumer of both english and japanese community creations I can fucking say that both of y’all assholes left my favs to die.]
TLDR: Tone Rion was initially a loli-bait style character who was made as if a mix between “robot magical girl” Miku, and Kaai Yuki with one of the most generic voices to date, but managed to get a V4 (and a VERY WELL NEEDED redesign I actually approve of as it’s more just to look cute rather than to be creepy) and a steady community while my fav Aoki just was thrown away and not even the underground community picked her up enough. I will reinterate here though, most Tone Rion fans now are not creeps. They’re just digging the cute remake of a vocaloid they may have some kind of nostalgia for just because they were hyped for all the new V3′s coming out at the time. Like, modern Tone Rion fans I’m more jealous of you rather than angry at you. Old fashion Tone Rion fans (especially those who didn’t like her new design) can go choke, that was a shit-tier design and she had an awful voice. Her new one is actually not bad, but still pretty dead in comparison to our lovely Lapis.
I will say a reason that most vocaloids “die” is caused by fans liking producers who make funky songs, and then buy  the same vocaloids of their favorite songs to mimic their producers rather than to explore new vocaloids. This leads to a cycle, ultimately leaving barely any room for new vocaloids to be explored. If a popular producer doesn’t pick up a vocaloid, or even if they did but didn’t utilize them enough (often because the vocals don’t mix well with their style or because the mechanics behind the voice are shit. Despite Circus-P getting a copy of Galaco she still died pretty hard, and she actually had a pretty alright voice and cute design. I think that one Yandere-style lolita-fashion vocaloid, can’t remember her name despite loving her, also beat her in popularity as she’s still being used quite decently.), and so that vocaloid’s popularity will be almost nothing.
Also my fav V4, Sachiko, was also discarded despite her BEAUTIFUL voice and design, because of her extremely rough voice not fitting the ~cutsy~ style of most vocaloid fans. For fucks sakes she’d be perfect for the Hagane fandom but we’re pretty fucking dead right now. Not even Yandere! vocaloid fandom picked her up and that’s such a disappointment man.
Thanks for stopping in for the tea anon! Hope you have a lovely day :D
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lordgeales · 8 years
One entire year at Tumblr :D
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An entire year at Tumblr running a rp blog for a vampire that we now know.. A tiny bit about. Instead of just a whole lot of nothing. When I think about it, I don’t think that much has changed, but looking back... It has. Back when I started up, I honestly had no idea how the customs of tumblr RPs worked. I didn’t know about rules, formatting posts, icons... Honestly NOTHING at all. I’m still amazed that no one yelled at me. 
I think I caught on pretty quickly tho, four months later, I made this blog. Changing from a sideblog, to a main. And boy, that changed a lot. With that came the new icons(why did I decide to go all out with them... Whhyyy), promos, rules, a design(that is very old holy-), and everything a RP’er should have. At least according to tumblr. 
Although I have to say that I still felt a bit alone being on tumblr. I never really got to speak to people OOC, and the ones I reached out to.. Oboi (((: Let’s forget about that. It gradually became better. In May I met what I’d call my first “tumblr friend”. Who unfortunately isn’t very active RP-wise anymore.
December was wild compared to the rest of my time. Starting with a meme that led to me getting to talk with Lily(@elyon-kurae​), not to mention the dear Vero(@monophagia​) joining in on the RP :D! That has led to yet another chain event, and I’m very much involved in the RP community now. I think I finally understand what it’s all about.
And although I’ve been through a lot, weeks of inactivity, spikes of activity and shitposting, tons of asks, lack of asks.. Hm, well, we’re still here. I still have the pleasure of talking to most of the people I did back in the days, and a lot of new to call friends.
The people I’ve been interacting with through the time under the cut. Read at own risk it’s very... Long.
People listed in the correct order they appeared at my blog c;
@lestkarrkingofeurope: Starting out with a strange RP on a drawing I won(reblogged just before this post~). I have no idea what we were doing, but it was a lot of fun! Also the reason I even stumbled into this community to begin with. Lately I’ve had the pleasure of being... blessed a lot. Save me from my sins, oh holy tsunami.
@forgottenprogenitor: I think you came along with Lest, with your former muse, Akane. I adored that RP, giving me a chance to show some of Urds more gentle sides. Akihiko was the absolute breakthrough though, I adore him. I love our interactions, and look forwards to yet another year!
@tatsu-rose-bathory: YOU CAME WITH A FLOWECROWN! I remember that much :D! It took a few weeks before we eventually interacted, but I was pretty much in love with Tatsu from the start(still very much am). I really enjoy reading about her, not to mention their occasional small talk they do nowadays. It’s so nice having someone around that Urd actually looks at with gentle eyes ;-;
@makotonarumi/@dusksovereign​: Unfortunately no longer active, but just for the sake of people reading it - Holy fUCK?! When you first reached out to me I was soooo confused. Still am. You are/were an amazing writer, and honestly I felt so bad whenever I wrote replies, because.. Ah, I didn’t feel worthy at all. You were extremely nice to me, however, sending me all kinds of anon-love, tagging me in memes... Ahh. Thank you so much. I don’t think you know how much it meant to me. Just. Thank you. And I’m sorry for being such a slob with the replies.
@ferid-trash-bathory/@shusaku: Turns out you’ve been around forever. Through it all. Wow. Sometimes I do wonder just how bad of an impression i left back then *lol*. Ah, I remember us talking every now and then, it’s just lately I’ve come to know you for “real”. I really like your portrayal of “Fred”, not to mention Shusaku.... Who I might have been a bit mean to back then.... *coughs* Aha, but I’ve been sure that you were nice for a very long time. Still very happy that I reached out to you about the Egypt AU. Although Vero was dying in the background. Best meme lord. Also someone I can always trust to help Urd get revenge on Saito. Gotta get back at that ass amirite.
@mrsaitou: “My first real Tumblr friend” ahh. I really miss having you around. We talked a lot about... I don’t even know. But we talked a lot. I can’t even remember if it started in May, where the first meme with you were tagged, or if we started talking later on. I think I have your personal somewhere... Might dig that out sometimes soon to hear what you’re up to.
krultepxs: Deactivated, unfortunately... A Krul I had tons of fun with, planning all kind of strange stuff. Urd keeping Krul a prisoner after her treason in the Kremlin. An AU where they had to marry. Unfortunately we never got to RP, or plan that much due to me going hiatus for a few weeks. 
@lvstforblood​: OKAY WE BONDED OVER A MEME... And then never talked again. Rip. But if you ever feel like rp’ing, you know where to find me. Winks at.
@asurayuucentral​/@perfectasura​: I can’t even remember when you started coming around tbh, but we haven’t interacted that much. Still I feel like you’re kinda my friend, and I love to see your little likes and crack reblogs ;-;! Also I’d love to rp with you some more whenever!
@erisblonde​: Wonder if you’re still around and into the fandom? We’ve theorized a lot about Urd ahh... Unfortunately it kinda died out - probably due to me going inactive. I tend to do that a lot, huh... Just know, that if you feel like talking theories, hit me up. Anytime. Anyday.
@riddlemehiss/@dil-a-to-ry: WOOP! MY FAVORITE CAT! Okay I was kinda skeptic when The Cheshire cat waltzed into my askbox. But surprisingly I really enjoy his interactions with Urd. You play him amazingly, like holy shit. I’ve enjoyed every single second. Also you’re a really nice person, I think I still see you around every now and then, although Cheshire is on Hiatus. But if you ever feel like reviving him... You can count on Urd to be confused by his lack of respect for gravity :P!
@masterofzawarudo: Can I just say that I love everything about Dio. Although Urd doesn’t. In fact he’s probably annoyed by every single fiber of his being. Sorry for not reaching out to you more often, you’re seriously awesome. Although I find it kinda hard to connect on the strength-level, since our muses come from such different verses. BUT AS LONG AS THEY DON’T FIGHT I’M UP FOR ANYTHING. COME FIGHT ME! YA! wait, don’t do that. Fuck. Also I don’t follow you because I don’t watch Jojo, and you post so much stuff about that rip, still love your blog tho
@kruliisms: Hmmm... Here’s where I’m in doubt. I never wrote it down anywhere, but are you perhaps Krultepxs? Ah, I don’t know. What I know for sure, is that we never really got back to RP’ing, and that you’ve gone inactive yet again. But just to let you know, if you ever feel like doing something with Urd - you’re more than welcome to hit me up :)!
@krullish: Hmm... I think we planned something a while back, but never got around to do it? But anyway, if you feel like RPing with the... shitty russian vampire lord, well... Here I am. Still around c;!
@repulsc: EEEYYYYYYY CASCADA AND LATE NIGHT SHIT POSTING! That my jam. Also chain kinks. I did not say that. I don’t think we’ve ever done anything aside from shitposting and endless icon threads of stare-battles. Always up for more. Or smth serious, whatever you feel like. Winks very hard at.
@brassboundvalkyrie: I think I first noticed you for real when you commented on a picture of me(the mun), however I never really got around to talk to you. Unfortunately our muses are not very compatible orz! BUT HEY! Suddenly you were there, yelling to me about Vero, and whelp... I accidentally joined. Whops. You’re a real nice person, and I looove your Horn. Hope she’ll find a Crowley soon. Until then, I’ll suffer in silence with you. Looking forwards to meeting you c;! Just... No straw, and no masks, k?
@wintersoldier-barnes: Wiggles eyebrows Please send me more Urd. Send me all the Urd. I love the Urd. Gimme the Urd. Urd drug buddy. Also yet another sinner of the SaiUrd squad. Feel free to send me (n)Urds at any times, or just anything in general. You’re amazing to talk to, so~! Also you’re a really pretty Urd holy shit
@rk-silverknight: You just fit in here for some strange reason, because Noblesse yass! We’ve never interacted ic, but you’re still a really nice person! I hope we’ll get to talk some more sometimes in the future. Or perhaps break the bundaries between our muses worlds... Who knows. Perhaps they could actually get along.... Or just have a silent starring contest. 
@elyon-kurae: I can’t even... How did we go from relationship meme to... Talking about high and low? You are an adorable person, and.. So sorry for ruining your innocence orz! BUT EYY SAIURD BUDDY~! Also corner buddy, Tumblr sis, and everything really. I like you tons <3
@rigr-stafford: It’s really nice to have you around! I know we haven’t talked much ooc, but just stretching a leggi out and saying EY I LIKE YOU TOO! Looking forwards to our future interactions!
@borntobeafangirlxd: I think it’s really cute how you manage to like my posts all the time. Aaahhh, you probably have no idea how much it means to me! I’m so happy you like my portrayal, 
@monophagia: How the fuck did the tag “Another traitor has joined the game~” END UP IN A THREAD WITH MIKU, A TV BEING IMPALED BY A SPOON, AND MAKEOUT ON THE BLOODY FLOOR?! KJLaslfhalskfd. I cannot. Even. Just... Lol. Also you liking that Saito-rp-partner ask, and actually making a blog for him is probably the best thing that happened in my whole Tumblr history. You almost deserve a whole post by itself, so I’ll just stop before it gets too long lol. I love u bby, and I fucking adore your Saito. Be it angsty human Saito who gets way too dramatic whenever Urd ignores him, the priest who adores his pharaoh way too much, or the canon-vampire with his weird pudding obsession. You’re a joy to write with, and honestly I’m amazed we’re still keeping it up. I’M SO HAPPY YOU REACHED OUT TO ME?! OK SEE U IN LIKE... SOON. Don’t kidnap me for too long when I come to Germany tho. I cannot German. 
@playfulprogenitor: For some reason I can’t tag you? BUT just want to let you know, that you’re free to swing by anytime! It was really fun seeing you join in on the shitposting! 
@lacus-owns-you: We actually interacted through your OC @louischerel long before I even knew that it was you on that Lacus account. HELLO MOMMY! You’re a joy to talk to, and although we rarely RP, I still enjoy haning out with you ooc <3!
@hiiragi-yukine: Aaah you seem so nice! Although we haven’t really spoken outside the RPs, I really enjoy your OC. Also Yukine as faceclaim doesn’t make it any worse noragamiftwamirite.
Thank you so much for following me! And I’m so sorry if I forgot you, I had to go through a lot of posts, so I probably did orz.
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He secretly loves you too
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sakamichidiary · 7 years
Makuhari FINAL_Miyata Manamo
Member: Miyata Manamo Source: Second generation Hiragana Keyakizaka46 blog Post date: 2017/12/17 21:03
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Thank you for opening this blog. It's Miyata Manamo, the 19 year old, first year university student from Tokyo prefecture, who loves azuki beans and pink color, and whose special skill is the respectful bow. It's one of the rare pictures where I have my hair down. Even though I always wear pink loungewear, this is a rare shot where I'm wearing light blue. So warm♡ The book that I'm holding is "Selection of Tang Poetry." It's super thick and heavy, so it's hard to walk around with~(> I had to haul this around for a week, for a homework assignment😶 ************************** Today's is Sasaki Mirei-san's birthday🎊 Congratulations!!! We were part of the same group of 5 members in the middle of NO WAR. She gave me advice by telling me "Wouldn't it be better if you did it this way?", and she always smiles when our eyes meet. She's really so kind and I love her❤ I hope that you will have a wonderful year!!! ************************** Well then, all of us 2nd gen members were able to appear in the Hiragana Nationwide Tour 2017 FINAL Makuhari concert! For those who were able to attend, how was it? I think this will end up being quite long-winded, but I'd be happy if you would listen to my impressions♡ There are also lots of pictures that I want to post!!! We 2nd gen members, made our self-introductions and performed "NO WAR in the future." I never thought that we'd be able to stand on such a big stage for our first ever live. I can only feel gratitude for how everyone welcomed us so warmly. Thank you very much. I could clearly see everyone's face~ I was so happy to see posters and towels with my name on it that I could feel tears welling up in my eyes! I once again felt the amazingness of our first gen senpai. When I first started observing their rehearsals, even though they were only in the studio, without their costumes, nor their assigned spots, they were sparkling and I was overwhelmed. They were totally "idols." While watching them, I suddenly started crying. When I thought that we'd be able to perform together with such great people, I all of a sudden started becoming worried and nervous. The actual concert was really awesome, and I can't think of a word other than "awesome" to describe it. It was so cool and wonderful... It was so wonderful that I don't have enough vocabulary to give it proper justice!!! During rehearsals and the dress rehearsal, and after our actual performance as well, everyone cried time and time again from our feelings of worry and frustration. Even though we wanted to show the best possible performance, we couldn't demonstrate our true ability, and were irritated. We didn't know what to do and had bitter tears from all our frustrations. But every time that happened, we 2nd gen encouraged ourselves by saying "let's try harder" and "let's practice some more." During the concert, I wanted to give everything I had to the utmost of my ability. But I was still far away from being flawless. From now, I'll keep on giving my 110% so that I can become an idol that sparkles and gives off a happy aura a lot!! When I was admitted into Hiragana Keyakizaka46, I said that I wanted to appear in live concerts. I said that I wanted to make a live where I could have a good time with everyone. Even now, these feelings haven't changed. In order to achieve that, I'll be doing everything in my power to make it happen. And also... We received refreshments form Saito Fuyuka-san, Nagahama Neru-san and Habu Mizuho-san! Habu-san addressed a letter to each and everyone of us, with her refreshments. I was so happy...! It's my treasure♡ Me (left)・Kawata Hina (right) I don't know if this is the "nya~" or the "we'll give it our best" pose. She said that she actually ate the carrot she brought home [from the concert]. I sometimes forget that Hina is in her first year of high school. I always think that she's younger. So cute. Me (left)・Nibu Akari (right) This might be hard to see, but we're making a heart shape with our arms and heads~ Our hands are really doing the "let's do our best!" pose! Tomita Suzuka (left) and myself (right) I'm so jealous of her glossy hair...♡ I really love the the self-introduction rap that Suzuka did. When she was practicing, I was helping her out by clapping my hands to the beat and doing the response! I actually shouted "Paripi!" from backstage, when she was doing her rap onstage~ Even after our turn on stage, we 2nd gen members watched everything from the monitors backstage. From about "Dare Yori mo, Tataku Tobe" onwards, the tears wouldn't stop. I was really so moved! While saying "our makeup is going to be ruined~", we all passed around the tissue box. I cried too much during those two days (lol) When me, (Watanabe) Miho and Akari (Nibu Akari) were about to stop crying, Hina (Kawata Hina) and Miku (Kanemura Miku) burst into tears, and we started crying along with them again... Us three then complained and said "Hey, come on! Miku and Hina---" Hina answered by saying "Hehehe~", and laughed. That was cute. Even though Hiyo-tan (Hamagishi Hiyori) said "Today, Hiyo-tan feels like she won't cry! I definitely won't cry!", in the end, she was the one who cried the most. That part of her is too cute and there's no helping it. She's such a cute, cute little sister♡♡ Hamagishi Hiyori (left)・me (middle)・Watanabe Miho (right) We took this picture on stage. It was sparkling and it was a truly wonderful stage!!! By the way, on the 2nd day, we had to introduce each other, and Hiyo-tan (Hamagishi Hiyori) introduced me. Afterwards, she came up to me and said "I wasn't able to introduce you properly at all. Sorry about that." But I didn't think she did a bad job at all!!! I have the largest age gap with Hiyo-tan, so she really has that "little sister feeling" and is really cute!!! She really makes you want to meddle with her. In the dressing room, our seats are next to each other~. Hee hee♡ I love Hiyo-tan's smooth and elastic skin~ The one who I introduced was Watanabe Miho! My cute Miho♡ (Nao's taking a picture of Miho who's playing around with Tonkatsu, the plushie) I wander around while bringing along Tonkatsu. All of the 2nd gen members often play around with him, but the odds that Miho's the one with him is quite high. ...... Everyone calls Tonkatsu "Potato", "Croquette" or "Karaage", but that's wrong!!! He's Tonkatsu!!!! Geez!!!!! No matter how many times I repeat it, Nao still calls him "Croquette." She hugs him while saying "This is Nao's croquette~"... I'll show a picture of Tonkatsu and Nao getting along well next time! Speaking of Tonkatsu! After the live, Manafi-san took a picture with my Tonkatsu!!! Seeing her hug him was too cute, so I asked her if I could take a picture and she said yes♡ Even when I look at it now, I start smiling, since she's so cute. Just thinking about it, my mouth starts dropping to the floor again. I look at it regularly. Since this morning, I've looked at it twice already. I'm proud of that picture♡♡♡ So happy~ ************************** After the live, we went to eat abura soba1 to treat ourselves♡ Do you recognize where we went to eat...?? That's right! We went to the abura soba shop that our 1st gen senpai have gone to again and again. I've always wanted to try to go there, and I was finally able to!! It was really, really delish!! I want to go back already(^^) I'll get a large serving next time! ************************** A few days ago, during Saito Kyoko-san's SHOWROOM broadcast, I made a short appearance, through a phone call. Thank you very much! It's kind of strange feeling to be able to talk with Kyoko-san, who I was watching on a screen just a moment before. I also want to do a SHOWROOM broadcast too someday... If I do, will you come watch it? I'm sorry that my writing went on for so long! Thank you very much for reading it♡😊 Tomorrow's blog post will be by Watanabe Miho♪ In the anan magazine, Miho tied her hair up together and was really cute~♡ Since she always has her hair down, this was refreshing to see! I want to see Miho with that hairstyle again~~! Baimin     Miyata Manamo #2 By the way, since the 12th, we 2nd gen members started using Messages♡ I'd like to send lots of pictures and talk about things that I didn't have a chance to put in the blog. If you'd like it, please sign up♡ (I just end up posting too much. It's so much fun I can't help myself!)
Abura soba is ramen without the soup. ↩︎
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