#mikasa has always been so in love with him 🥺
casualaruanienjoyer · 2 months
Idea: Assuming Jeankasa is endgame (e.g. he’s the man with her at the grave in her last scenes), how do you think that relationship progressed?
Hello Anon! Thank you for sending me a request! I hope you're having a nice day🥺
I love the idea of Jeankasa ending, I think Mikasa deserves to be happy😭 in my head it takes a while, but they do eventually get together. So here's a lil something for you!
Wish I could be there with you
Everyone knows that Jean had a thing for Mikasa. He finds her to be incredibly beautiful, but also determined, ambitious and most of all, kind.
He knew that for a long time there was no space in her heart for anyone but Eren, and any advances would be nearly pointless. Jean was not happy with how Mikasa was treated by Eren, it always felt that he was dragging her along, aware of her feelings for him but not man enough to acknowledge them. But this was none of his business, really. He was only a bystander.
Then the Rumbling happened, the end of the world came and went and Mikasa was nowhere to be seen. He worried for her, but this is Mikasa they were talking about.
When news came that she made it back to Paradis he was relieved. He decided to start sending out letters the moment they were able to. Asking how she was doing, about Paradis, telling her about his life with the other Ambassadors.
Mikasa's letters were considerably shorter than his at first, but over time they became a source of comfort for her. Talking to Jean felt like owning a diary. He was easy to talk to, and he made her laugh sometimes. It took her a while but over time she started opening up about her feelings. About how lonely she felt every day.
"I wish I could be there with you, Mikasa" was a line she kept reading over and over.
Years pass and the Alliance arrived back to Paradis. Jean spent a comical amount of time fixing his hair, his face and suit. He’s wearing his best perfume.
As they disembark he spots Mikasa in the crowd, smiling. He can't help but sprint towards her, but when he gets close his nervousness gets the better of him yet again.
"H-hi! Mikasa" he says, smiling awkwardly.
Her hair had grown long again. She looks thinner and a bit tired, but she’s smiling nonetheless. Oh god, Jean forgot how to function completely. Has she always been this pretty?
"Hello Jean. Welcome back." She says softly.
"Y-yeah-um Mikasa I-" but then everyone else circled around Mikasa, Connie, Armin, even Reiner and Annie, and they all hugged and laughed together. The moment was lost.
This wasn't Jean's chance.
Later that night everyone agreed to go out drinking. They wanted to celebrate not only the reunion with Mikasa, but with their families and home. Armin and Jean had booked a table at a pub nearby which had lots of different kinds of food and alcohol to enjoy.
The table is rowdy, Reiner and Connie singing, Pieck bringing over more and more booze, Armin gazing at Annie lovingly, completely drunk while Annie munches on various desserts off the pub's menu. Jean only had a bit to drink, but can’t take his eyes off Mikasa. He feels bad, was it really ok for him to have feelings for her still? After everything that happened? Was it fair on her?
But then Mikasa walks over and asks him to come out for some fresh air and he agrees. The pub air was becoming a bit stuffy. They exit through the backdoor into a beer garden, which wasn’t currently in use as it was still cold outside. The two of them lean against a brick wall, admiring the beautiful trees and decorations in the garden.
"Jean" she says softly. So softly.
"Ah-yeah? Um, how are you?" Jean manages to reply. His cheeks are red, partly from the alcohol but mostly because they’re standing so close to eachother.
"I've been well. Thank you... for being there for me. For writing all those letters." She looks at him with a tiny smile on her lips. Her cheeks are the same colour as his, but Jean can’t remember if she had anything to drink.
"Of course, you're our friend. We were all so worried about you" he says sheepishly.
"Mhhmm" she hums.
There’s silence for a while.
"Say, Jean, I've been meaning to ask, what did you mean by..."she pulls a little letter out of her pocket, unfolding it. "This" Her finger points at a line that reads: "I wish I could be there with you, Mikasa" which makes Jean blush even deeper.
"W-well, you see..." all the replies he had prepared in his head, all the pick up lines, seductive and charming ideas are gone. His brain is now pudding, unable to form anything coherent. He clears his throat.
"I misses you. A lot" Mikasa says.
"We missed you t-"
"No, Jean, I missed -you-." She turns towards Jean, now leaning on her side, her face unreadable. Her tone is serious.
"I- I also missed you" he replies in a weak voice. Is this really ok? He doesn’t want to hurt her, or himself.
She takes one of his hands in hers, not breaking their eye contact. "Are you, holding back?" Her gesture makes him snap out of his worries.
"Of course I am, Mikasa!" He squeezes her hand tightly, turning to face her. "There's nothing more I want to do right now than to hold you, but I'm worried, you know?" His face is beet red, and Mikasa can feel his hand shaking slightly. "I've been so worried about you, a-and then I saw you and you looked so-"
He suddenly feels very warm, realizing that Mikasa pulled him into a tight embrace. Was he dreaming? Or maybe he died and ascended to heaven?
"I also... wanted to hold you. I was so lonely, for a long time I didn't know what to do with myself. With, Eren gone and everything." She mutters into his chest.
Jean hugs her back tightly. He couldn't imagine just how lonely she must have been.
"But reading letters from you and the rest helped me realize that I need to move on. For him and for myself" her grip on his shirt is tight. She looks up to see Jean glancing down at her, smiling.
"Will you help me learn how to live for myself?"
Jean's hand reaches up to stroke her hair.
"Of course"
It might take months, maybe even years for Jean to tell her how he really feels, but for now all he wants is to hold her for a little longer.
💜This fic is now also on AO3 !
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jayteacups · 2 years
Actor AU babbles:
Actor Levi has a couple of kids, a boy and a girl, and when they were filming either Young Mikasa scenes or Young Levi scenes for ACWNR they just used his kids to play the roles and Levi was so proud :D The kids didn't fully understand what they were doing but they were happy to work with their dad!
Actor Armin does some robot fighting competitions on the side.
During the interviews for final season Levi is almost always with Zeke and Eren.
Levi does a lot of different styles of acting, but after AoT he takes on the role of the phantom in Phantom of the Opera and fans go Crazy!
~Dream Anon
Hi again dream anon!!
I've said this so many times but AOT actor AU gives me so much life, I love hearing about people's hcs!
The idea of actor Levi's kids playing young Mika and young Levi is actually so precious 🥺 he's such a proud dad 🥺 I think since ACWNR Levi's an adult at this point (it takes place like a year before Shiganshina falls I think, so he wouldn't have looked that different), they probably put make-up or looser-fitting clothes or something to make him appear a few years younger and more scrappy than in the main show. But with the flashbacks of child Levi that we see during S3, I see what you mean!
I agree that actor Armin would be very academic as well, robot fighting competitions sounds like its right up his alley! sometimes he gets off topic in interviews when he's asked about those lol.
Picturing Levi and Zeke being interviewed together for the final season's press is hilarious. I hc that they actually get along very well and have one of the strongest friendships within the cast, they have a ton of chemistry, so interviews with them are often the most watched videos out of all of the interviews. I feel like Eren would've been interviewed alongside Armin and Mikasa since Levi and Eren don't have all that many interactions in the final season, maybe in earlier seasons tho? The idea that Eren is prone to giving out spoilers (a la Tom Holland) and Levi constantly having to cover his mouth is hilarious tho
Picturing Levi acting as the Phantom... I see the vision 👀👀
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spiteless-xo · 11 months
TIFF I GOTTA KNOW … jeankasa or eremika? 😊
AHHHH why would you torture me like this 😭😭😭
jean is my favourite mc and mikasa is my favourite fmc so i love jeankasa. also i love the dynamic of the male character pining after the female character. and mikasa learning to love again after the death of eren and realizing that she has room in her heart for both 🥺 and jean being the only person who understands both what she’s been through and how important eren is to her because he was there too and he was friends with eren too!! jean loving mikasa at first sight and lowkey protecting her on missions, but still not being afraid to challenge her, and then also never threatening her relationship with eren. if anything, he tries to push eren into thinking about mikasa MORE and considering how his actions affect her because jean cares about her so much.
but also, i love eremika because there’s so much good art for them 😩😩😩 but also they’re such tragic lovers and mikasa is destined to lose eren in every timeline (re: the lost girls ova) so they have to make the most of the time they have together. eren’s willing to do anything to make the world safe for him and mikasa but would also throw it all away and run away together if that’s what she wanted.
short answer: i prefer jeankasa. but after the finale i’ve been really feeling eremika. i like both ships because i love the way the boys treat mikasa 🥺 she’s my lil baby and she always deserves the best.
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onigiri-dorkk · 2 years
Yesterday was so damn fun. First off I want to say that my husband and I have had such a terrible few days after the car accident — it has been stressful making calls, filling out forms, etc all while knowing I quite literally almost died. (I finally saw a doc yesterday and she confirmed I am totally okay, and that I really just got lucky. Wow)
We knew we needed something to give us a sense of excitement and normalcy again. So yesterday, I busted out my Rivamika shirt, wore my Scouts jacket, threw on my red scarf, and gave my husband this fanfic prep presentation 😭 He was DYING laughing when I came out w the outfit!
I told him about my fanfic, and that there is info he needs to know and learn before reading my story. He was SO excited 😂 When I got to the part about Ackerman’s being Titan DNA experiments (which is not a spoiler to an anime-only; they just chose not to animate it for some reason?) he was pretty much mind blown. I even presented Isayama’s family tree and explained the entire history of Ackermans to Subjects of Ymir to Eldians to clarify that Levi and Mikasa are not closely related, they aren’t cousins, Mikasa’s dad is not linked to Kenny/grandpa, and emphasized the 145+ generations between the start of Ackermans and the final two: Mikasa and Levi.
Moving on! After the presentation part 1, I sent him the link to my story. Forgetting that AO3 is not a familiar platform to all, he ended up reading all the tags right up front and he gasped and said “SEXUAL TENSION?” 😂 I had fun explaining to him I took this story to a much more Mature storyline to make it more believable and movie-like. He was excited 😂
Then he read the summary!! And after he did he was like “OHHHHHHH so this is why you had to clarify that they’re not linked!” I said YESSSS
The next 20 mins of him reading my first chapter was a pain in the butt because I had to refrain from wanting to stare at his face/reactions 😭😂 But after he was done he had a huge smile on his face. Basically told me he loves it (and I was forcing him to be totally honest w me) and he said that he is so impressed with how it’s written. (He is reading a League of Legends novel right now and expressed that my style of writing is comparable… basically he said he didn’t expect it to be so well written 🥺). He said he’s hecka proud of me and can’t wait to read the rest. He also said that his favorite parts were their internal dialogues, and my descriptions — he said I am a romantic (in a good way) and that the romanticism comes out 😭 I said “is it too cheesy for you?” and he said no he LOVES it 😭
I asked him if he was shocked that I ship Levi and Mikasa, and he actually (to my surprise) said yes! Only because he knows that when I’m passionate about something, I talk about it — but this, he’s only maybe heard me mention something about it once in passing. I don’t totally know his full personal thoughts about the ship dynamic just yet, but this is where my Presentation Prt 2 comes in 😂 Where I give explanation to why exactly I ship Levi and Mikasa, their relationship dynamic, canon panels and scenes of them, their parallels!
I also asked for fun “did you kind of get that I don’t ship Mikasa with Eren” and he said “Oh, YEAH. I’ve always known you hated how he treats her and stuff” 😂 I said “right? Don’t you think Mikasa deserves better????” (He also said he caught on to this because of how much I ship Eren x Historia lolol so he figured I don’t love Eren x Mikasa)
He also said “now when we rewatch AoT especially season 4, I’m gonna see Levi and Mikasa as really close/he loves her” 😭
That was the much needed fun of yesterday. It feels so good to finally have him read something I worked so hard on. We’re very transparent w each other so I felt like this was a side of myself I’ve had to hide from him, which felt very unusual. But the fact that he gets to enjoy it alongside me now is so fun!!
He wants to read one chapter a day to savor it, read comments, etc. So now I’m like awaiting day 6 when he reads the initial ~spice-esque~ scene between Levi and Mikasa 😂 I don’t think he has ever read a line of smut before so we will see what he thinks Day 15 LOOOL. I think he’ll be shocked but I think he’ll enjoy it 😂
Anyway, just wanted to share the experience with y’all LOLOLOL maybe I’ll write a series of his reactions to the chapters/story. New hashtag? #onigirihusband ?? 😂
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mayariviolet · 7 months
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Random AOT Headcanons - Modern AU
(ft. Eren, Connie, Sasha, and Jean)
summary: Stuff I couldn’t formulate into a coherent or long enough post. Kinda fluff? I just want them to be happy tbh🥺.
a/n: Mostly character traits for my fic temperance! 👀 But honestly, this is how I picture them in general. I’ve been missing my own story lately (even though I’m literally responsible for writing it💀).
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Addicted to those shitty mobile games. He’ll turn on airplane mode just so he doesn’t get stupid pop-up ads.
Since he’s an avid mobile gamer, if he’s out of whatever resource he needs, he’ll pay that $2.99 for a ‘booster pack’ or whatever.
Hates cilantro. Despises it. He gets lowkey mad when he sees it on his plate💀
Has those ‘Ken’-like senses whenever Mikasa needs him. He will drop whatever he is doing to save his girl!
If Mikasa is shopping at Aritzia- Eren will probably chill on the boyfriend couches or play with the arcade machine. Like I said before, since he has those ‘Ken’-like senses, he’ll immediately stop whatever he’s doing for Mikasa (she’s perfectly fine and just dropped her chapstick).
Listens to anything Metro Boomin produces. Also, listens to Mitski (Class of 2013 fs).
His ringtone is ‘Gucci Flip Flops’ by Bhad Baby. It started off ironic just so he could piss Eren and Jean off, but he’s now one of her biggest stans.
He won’t stop playing ‘Gucci Flip Flops’ (while he’s in the shower, getting ready, cooking, etc.) to the point where Eren and Jean have threatened to evict him. Connie says they’re “Silencing female musicians” and continues playing the song.
Likes to wear beanies in the winter.
Adds extra marshmallows in his hot chocolate☕️.
Has an extensive shoe collection (mainly Jordan’s).
Posts those: ‘Show younger you or a bad [insert month]’ templates on Instagram. (He genuinely believes that not posting it will curse him).
Avid Google Maps user. Only to find really good hole-in-the-wall restaurants, though.
Writes restaurant reviews on Google Maps for fun.
Gets mad when said restaurants become popular (my sister in Christ- you wrote the reviews telling people to go there…)
Her favourite music consists of Fleetwood Mac, TWICE, New Jeans and old country/blues.
She cries over those little Korean baby variety shows whenever she gets them on her for you page.
Always carries a packet of ketchup and hot sauce in her wallet.
She gets those ‘This was meant for you’ tarot card readings on TikTok and watches all the way through.
Sends those OBSCENE emoji chain mail text messages to Connie and Jean because it’s funny.
Posts gym photos like a harlot.
Sends Connie those ‘Post younger you or bad month’ templates because it’s funny to see him get flustered…
He really likes pop-punk music and one direction (I don’t make the rules).
One time, he walked in on Connie and Sasha watching Ru Paul’s drag race, and he was being such a little shit disturber about it. Until he realized four hours had passed and he was already watching the Queens getting fitted for their final looks.
Rise and Grind- Chicken, rice and unseasoned broccoli mf… Until he got bored of prepping the same meals. He’s become a better cook because of it!
He and Connie love getting high and fucking around while baking those Betty Crocker cake mixes (funfetti or chocolate).
Jean’s favourite movie is The Big Short.
One time, he sat on a Nutella sandwich Connie left on the couch, and Eren accused him of shitting himself. Jean got so heated that they almost fist-fought until Armin had to mediate.
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a/n: I’ve been procrastinating napping💀… I’m gonna do that now and work on my Geto fic… hehe…
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saeransangel · 3 years
My Attention is All Yours
Anonymous asked:
Mikasa x fem reader who is very protective and always has been of Mikasa. When Mikasa gets Eren back, the reader starts to distance herself from Mikasa because Mikasa is very loving towards Eren and the reader feels forgotten 🥺 but Mikasa doesn’t like Eren that way and hates how the reader has almost vanished from her life. They get together in the end. I keep asking writers for this and no one responds. headcanons or a Drabble would be fab!
Canon Verse Mikasa Ackerman x Fem!Reader
A/N: This is such a cute idea. When you said "gets Eren back" I'm assuming you mean when Reiner and Bert snatched him that one time lol so that's what I based it on. I <3 Mikasa sm. She deserves the world tbh anyways here it is!
Summary: After Eren's rescue, all of Mikasa's attention is placed upon Eren. Y/N feels forgotten and starts to distance herself from Mikasa. She thinks her absence goes unnoticed. It doesn't.
CW: light swearing, season 2 spoilers (okay if you haven't seen at least s2 cmon), jealous! reader, slight aggression towards each other **Might be a little longer than a drabble tbh
WC: 1.6k (not proofread yet :p )
Listened to F Song by Strawberry Guy while writing this <3
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Ever since you saw Mikasa with Eren the first day of cadet training, you knew she was someone you wanted to get to know. She was effortlessly gorgeous in the way she walked or glided through the air in her ODM gear. When you finally introduced yourself after a few weeks of heavily debating if you should even approach her, she seemed distant at first. But you were persistent and eventually broke down the wall she had put up for everyone else. Eren, Armin, and now, you are the only ones to see the softer side of Mikasa Ackerman.
As time went on you became secretly very protective over Mikasa. The way she would throw herself into dangerous situations in the name of saving Eren had you scrambling after her, running head on into whatever situation was thrown at you. You didn't mind it though. Mikasa was always there to protect her friends. It was only right that someone look out for her too. Not that she really needed it.
Mikasa noticed that wherever she went, you were following close behind. Even in the heat of battle. She deeply appreciated your loyalty. Everytime she got a glance of you covering her in battle or standing up to back her in an argument, she remembered the day you two met in training. You awkwardly smile as you introduced yourself, extending your hand. She remembered taking your hand and feeling how soft and gentle your grip was. You were always someone she could rely on no matter what.
In time the two of you became each other's rock. You did everything together. You were the first person Mikasa actually opened up to. She allowed you to comfort her, though it was rare, but she felt safe being vulnerable with you when she needed it. Sometimes, after a particularly hard day, Eren and Armin would find you and Mikasa fast asleep in one of your beds. Your limbs were tangled with each others and your face was usually buried in her chest with her hand on top of your head.
It was clear there was chemistry between you two, but neither one of you ever talked about it. There was never a definitive label with you and her.
The past few days have been a whirlwind of emotions for everyone in the scouts. Reiner and Bertholdt revealed their true identity as the Armored and Colossal Titan and managed to capture Eren in the process, attempting to bring him back to where they came from. After a brutal fight and losing many comrades, the scouts managed to get Eren and Historia back. Things finally seemed like they were calming down. At last you could take a breath.
After cleaning up, you got dressed and headed back to the bunks. On the way back you ran into Mikasa.
"Hey, how's Eren holding up?" You ask her. You could see her forehead scrunch with worry.
"He's still unconscious. They're hoping he wakes up soon so they can ask him about anything Reiner and Bertholdt may have said while he was with them." She explains.
"I see." You sighed. You were worried about Eren too. Being so close with Mikasa meant you were also close with Eren. You were slightly at ease again knowing he was back under surveillance of the scouts. "Well if you want we can go up to my room and talk?" You asked hopefully. You knew she would probably want to talk about the events that unfolded over the past few days. Hell, you really needed to talk. To be honest, that was the most terrified you'd been in a long time. Going against the Armored Titan, Bertholdt, and Ymir was terrifying within itself, on top of attempting to get Eren and Historia back to safety and not dying, on top of also worrying about Mikasa.
"Thanks, Y/N, but I think I need to stay with Eren for a while. I'm hopeful he will wake up soon and I want to be there when he does." She said, looking back at Eren in the infirmary bed. "I'll stop by later tonight though."
"Alright, I'll see you then." You say, feeling a bit dejected. You went back to your room and sat down on your bed with a long sigh. You tried to pass the time by reading a book that Armin let you borrow.
You got lost in the book and decided you were getting tired. You yawned and set it on your nightstand. You took a glance out the window and noticed that it was now dark. The moon and the clusters of stars littered the sky. it must have been hours since your conversation with Mikasa. You waited up a little longer for her, but no luck. You sighed again and settled on calling it a night.
About a week later, and still, you haven't heard anything from Mikasa. You were beginning to worry. Had you done something wrong? You still saw her everywhere. At meals, in squad meetings, and even more training. Just because you saw her didn't mean that you two spoke at all. It was so weird and sudden. You didn't understand what happened. As of recently, she spent all her time with Eren, attached at the hip. You absolutely hated it. Yes of course it was horrifying that Eren got taken so suddenly in what seemed like the biggest betrayal you have ever faced, but he's back now. It was like you didn't exist to her. It was only Eren.
You were growing increasingly jealous as the weeks went on. After a while, it was like you completely erased yourself from her life. The only person that decision seemed to effect was you, seeing as she never reached out to ask what happened over the past month. You began to think your absence went unnoticed.
It did not.
As you were walking through the courtyard, heading into headquarters, you felt a familiar grip on your wrist. You were suddenly pulled back into a grassy corner of the courtyard right next to a few pillars. You whipped your head around to see familiar black locks. You clenched your jaw as you looked into her dark eyes.
"Why does it feel like you just up and walked out of my life?" She asked, aggression lining her voice.
"I could ask you the same thing." You fire back. "Where's Eren? I'm surprised he's not attached to your hip."
She rolls her eyes and gives you a sharp glare, inching closer to you. You could tell she was trying to intimidate you into owning up to why you did what you did, but you weren't budging. "What is your problem, Y/N?" She was really trying to contain her anger with you, but her question came out almost as a growl.
"Nothing. I don't have a problem." You say, tone laced with venom. "I'm perfectly fine with you giving Eren all of you attention. He clearly needs it more than I do. If you don't need me anymore, I don't need you. It's that simple."
You didn't actually mean a single word you just said, but you were so hurt. It felt like she completely forgot about you. What hurt the most is after all that time apart you realized that you had feelings for her, and if she felt that same, she wouldn't be doing this.
Mikasa's eyes widen slightly as you brush past her shoulder walking past her. She quickly turns and grabs your shoulders, spinning you around until your back meets the cold stone of the pillar. Your eyes shut from the harsh impact. As you open them again you see her face is extremely close to yours, breathing heavily. Her hands were shaking as she kept her tight grip on your shoulders.
"You-" she said shakily. "You don't mean that... do you?" Her pleading gaze burning deep into your eyes.
Your face flushed deep red while realizing how close you two were. Her face was inches from yours, her body almost pressing into you. You were speechless; heart thumping loudly as all your previous feelings for her bubbled up. You opened your mouth to object but you closed it again upon seeing her move impossibly close to you.
Her lips ghosted against yours as she towered over you and looked at you with narrowed eyes. "Do you?" Her voice was wavering.
Your eyes fell wide feeling her soft lips barely touching yours as she spoke. This time you moved closer, fully connecting your lips to hers. Your hands moved to drape over her shoulders, deepening the kiss. Her arms on either side of you are still caging you against the pillar. She kissed you shyly at first but slowly eased into it. Your movements were longing and she mimicked the same desperation as she kissed you. It was like you were both making up for lost time.
When you finally pulled apart you rested your forehead against hers, hands tightly gripping her shirt. "No, I didn't mean it." You said breathlessly.
"Good." She said serious as ever. "I need you, Y/N." Though she was looking you in the eyes and putting on a strong face, you could see the slight waver in her stoic expression. It almost made you smile how shy she was in admitting her feelings.
"I need you too, Mikasa. I'm sorry. I just saw how much you were doting on Eren and I got upset. I starting thinking you never felt the same way as I did." You sighed.
Hearing you say that you needed her too sparked something inside her chest that she's never felt before. Without another thought she leaned in for another sweet kiss. This time it didn't start out shy. She knew what she wanted now and it was you. She wanted to show you how much she felt the same way.
"You're the only person I can fully trust no matter what. I love you. My attention is all yours." Her words were confident and reassuring.
You smiled. "I love you too, Mika."
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⚔️Jean Kirstein: Protective Boyfriend ⚔️
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Jean Kirstein x Female Reader
Warnings: Swearing, me needing to catch up on AOT 😅
AN: This is an Anon request!
I'm so spiteful I can't EVEN
This gorgeous man
Yes THIS ONE ABOVE 👆🏻 is your partner YN?
😭😭 leave some good ones for the rest of us please and thank you!
But seriously, you were training from the beginning with Jean and the 104th
Nobody thought you could do it but you succeeded no the less 💅
Honestly one of the best in your class
From the start, you liked Jean but you could never tell if he liked you back
You always thought he had a crush on Mikasa 🙄
I mean who wouldn't 👀
Through out your time as trainees, up until you joined the scouts, Jean was always mysteriously there
For instance 🙌🏻
During the Battle at Trost, you were fighting a 5 meter when you lost your footing on the ledge and started to fall 😰
Seriously you thought it was the end
Mentally saying all your goodbyes and everything
When Jean just swoops in on his ODM gear and saves you 🥰
Seriously swoon 😭
"Be careful there YN"- Jean, smiling at you 😄
Ok you can die happy now YN, we good 😍
Oh but it doesn't stop there
Oh no no no because when you decide to join the scouts 👀 well
Jean's decision to join may have been slightly influenced by you 😍
At this point, Jean clearly has it out for you YN
But being the way you are, you are still clueless
You have a huge crush but there's no way NO WAY this man could possibly like you
Oh but he does 😶
It becomes really apparent when our main Titan boy, Eren starts to pay attention to you
Oh we just KNOW Jean is fuming 😤
Seriously he's not ok
"Hey YN! Would you like to go on a walk with me?"- Eren, our favorite Titan child
"Umm sure Eren"- you
Jean will literally follow you two, at a safe distance, to see what is happening 👀
Mans is spying behind every tree/bush he can find because you are HIS YN
Too bad he hasn't told you that yet 🙄
But never fear, Eren is here!
"So YN I was wondering if maybe you'd be interested in going on a date? I don't have much time left-"
Lemme stop you right there
"Oh HELL NO"- Jean, bursting through the bushes " YN is going out with me!"
"I am?"- you
"YN I like you alot! Please go out with me?"- Jean
Well isn't this awkward 🙃
Seriously poor Eren is just like 👁👄👁
"Jean are you just asking me out because you don't want Eren to beat you?"- you, calling out Jeanie boy out
*le sigh* "YN I've liked you for a long time! I just didn't think you liked me. And well, seeing you with Eren made me really jealous"- Jean
"Jean Kirstein, you're an idiot. Of course I'll go out with you"- you
Jean 👉🏻😐😶😱 really 😍😍😍😍
You 👉🏻🤗 yes
So we are just going to ignore the Eren problem I guess 😅
"Eren, I'm sorry but-"
"Say no more! Connie you owe me $10! I told you'd he'd confess"- Eren
"God dammit Jean!"- Connie
Well ok then 😅
After that, you and Jean became inseparable
Seriously, you were always together whenever you could get time
Missions were spent swinging through trees and killing Titans as a couple 💑
How freaking romantic 🥺
Jean always had your back and you had his
Of course, you gave Jean plenty of heart attacks
"You'll do what?" - you, racing into battle Titans like you've got nothing to lose
Jean follows you mindlessly because this man is whipped for you YN
If you fall, Jean is there to catch you
Need an assist, Jean's going to help you take that Titan down
You may also challenge him to a Titan killing contest
Mans loves a good rivalry
"3 down and 2 assists"- you
"4 down and 1 assist" Jean
"Tied!! Dammit"- you
Then, for some weird reason your gear fails and you begin to fall
Right into the open mouth of a Titan
Seriously YN 🤦‍♀️
"Oh crap"- Jean, literally racing to grab you
You 👉🏻 falling gracefully knowing your man is coming
Jean 👉🏻 panicking because he's not sure he can make it
Suddenly he gets to you and bam, you're safe 🤗
"Yn we seriously need to talk about taking all these risks"- Jean
"Awe but you love that I do it"- you, kissing his cheek and rest your head on his shoulder
"No YN, I love you"- Jean
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Yes to the breakup au!
Of course! Maybe it's not as fluffy as I thought rereading it 🤣🤣 and I actually hate it but I don't want it sitting in my drafts! I wrote it listening to 'Like I Do' by Fireboy DML and wanted to engineer a situation where they were both messes 🥺
Eren finally makes himself do it.
3 months after their breakup, when he's still hurting and just barely getting back to normal, he finally makes himself collect up all of Mikasa's things from his apartment and put them in a box. Of course, it takes him another month entirely to actually decide to bring them over to her apartment, but he's trying and that's what counts.
4 years together, 4 years attached in almost every sense, since high school, through most of university, and now as the end of university approaches, she'd decided they needed to have some time apart.
It wasn't that Eren didn't understand, he did, he knew how often high school relationships didn't work out, understood people would grow and change as adults and it wasn't always healthy to do so together. It was good to explore, experiment with new things without the constant connection and responsibility towards one person.
But it still fucking sucked, and as much as he understood it, wanted Mikasa to spread her wings a little, go party without him instead of staying at home studying with him and their cat, Nibbles.
If you love someone, let them go was the motto he currently lived by, and he really couldn't say it didn't make sense. They'd been fighting a little more just before the breakup as their future approached, looming over them, what they'd do for post-graduate school, where they'd live, would they move in together, when should they get married?
So Mikasa had proposed a break, a break without each other, completely cold turkey, see what life was like on the other side without a significant other for the last semester of their university careers.
So far, it fucking sucked, at least for him. He found he didn't have any interest in dating around all that much and he was too tired and busy to properly enjoy partying anymore. The only thing it had really been good for was his grades and his effort at the gym. He'd packed on more muscle than he thought possible without a girlfriend to distract him, there was just the pain of living without her and nothing fixed that like a grueling session at the gym. Eren thought he was finally in a place where maybe, just maybe he could see her, he could allow himself a little taste of her presence.
He needed it.
He'd heard little things from Armin, like how she'd been dating around, nothing too serious thank God for his heart, but she'd been on a few dates, partied a little too hard, had called Armin the middle of the night a few times to pick her up from some unknown location. Eren hated that he couldn't be the one she called, that she'd blocked him from viewing her location, it made him worry that much more, but he understood.
The breakup was completely mutual and amicable, but God it still fucking hurt, still does, he thinks as he finds one of her favourite sleeping shirts of his balled up in his clean laundry bin, untouched since she'd left.
He carefully tucks it into his box with the rest of her stuff, the pots she'd brought over because in her words his sucked, her collection of face-washing head bands to keep her hair out of her face, all her candles. So many things in his apartment that were so utterly Mikasa, his home actually seemed a bit bare without them.
But he has to move on, evidently, she is, and he can't hold himself back, he has a while left until they're supposed to discuss their broken up status and if they want to continue or not, and he needs to be productive and not lovelorn when she sees him again.
So, he puts all her stuff in his car, both boxes of it, and takes the leap of faith, heading over to her apartment.
It takes a few seconds of nervous anticipation after he knocks, some noise on the other side of the door, hushing before Mikasa finally opens up and sees him for the first time in months. Her face a little stressed as she answers the door but she still looks amazing, breathtaking with minimal makeup and a casual outfit on, her hair much shorter than the last time he’d seen her.
"Eren," she says, shocked, her face morphing into the most excited expression he's ever seen, her eyes practically glowing silver. She's looking at him like he's her saviour, and she quickly shuts the door stepping out into the hall.
"Miks," he breathes out, because seeing her is like a punch to the gut, she's still so refreshingly beautiful, dark hair chopped drastically shorter than he's ever seen it before and framing her face so prettily, milky shoulders exposed as she wears an oversized t-shirt he's pretty sure is his and a pair of sweats that she most definitely stole from him. It hurts because for a moment it feels as if nothing has changed, she somehow looks even better than the last time he saw her, despite her stress.
"Hi," she breathes fondly, standing so close he can smell her vanilla perfume.
"Hi," he responds in a trance, awkwardly clutching her box to his chest, "I um, I brought your stuff, I know you said not to, but I figured you might need the pots."
"Oh," she deflates slightly as he gestures to the box he's holding, his long hair slipping from its knot at the base of his neck, falling around his face, he needs to fix it.
Shit, maybe she really didn't want him to come, "Sorry," he says quickly, "I'll just give you this one and I have another in the car, but I can give it to Armin if that works better."
"No!" Mikasa is quick to stop him, snatching the box from his hands, "You can give them both to me now."
"Oh, okay," he says softly as he relinquishes the box, so unsure of himself with this Mikasa he doesn't know so well, a new haircut, same clothes, and a nervous tension in her shoulders he doesn't know how to read.
"I'll go get it then," he says, trying to remove himself from the situation as he struggles to figure out what to do. He gets a few paces down towards the elevator before she's calling his name, "Eren wait!"
He turns around and Mikasa drop her box, the pots clattering together, and he winces as he considers the damage she's done.
She looks like she wants to cry now, standing outside her door in the hallway, her box of pots half on her foot and lower lip trembling.
He makes it to her in two long strides, slipping into concerned boyfriend effortlessly, because he still loves her so fucking much, "Mikasa, baby what's wrong?"
At his question she breaks into full-on sobs, "I miss you so fucking much, and-," she sniffles, “And it’s not the same, partying sucks, someone puked all over my shoes the last time I went out and then,” she cuts herself off with a sob. Eren hushes her, cradling her head into his shoulder as she continues to list her grievances, “Then Armin got me and I went home and there was no one to cuddle with and I miss you and Nibbles, and-and—” She breaks into another round of sobs and all Eren can do is hold her, hating himself for being so happy she’s just as miserable as he is without her. He drops a kiss to her forehead, as she shakes in his arms. She tries to collect herself a little bit, her minimal amount of mascara smudged to high heaven and black marks now all over his shirt accompanied by tear stains as she struggles to articulate herself.
He’s still so in love with her even sobbing into his shoulder after months apart. She lists her final problem and Eren straightens up a little.
“And I didn’t know how to tell you how much I hate it, no one can take your place, you came right when I needed you."
He lightly pushes her bangs from her face, soft affectionate as he listens to her.
She continues to sniffle, "There's this guy, and-and," Eren winces at the mention of another guy but pushes through, "And I met him on tinder and he won't leave me alone, and now he's in my apartment and Sasha isn't home and I don't know how to make him leave, and Eren I really love—”
The rest of her confession is ignored as soon as he hears her problem and he’s softly depositing her into the hall as he opens the door to her apartment, still the same, clean as ever and white as ever, Mikasa favouring black and white colour schemes. And there in the middle is someone who decidedly does not belong in his girlfriend’s apartment, a man dressed in a hoodie, somewhat attractive and someone who has definitely overstayed his welcome. The guy looks up, blue eyes excited at the prospect of Mikasa but he takes one look at Eren and his face pales.
“Hey, can you get the fuck out of my girlfriend’s apartment?”
The guy is gone before Eren has to say any more and Eren follows to make sure he doesn’t say a word to Mikasa as he passes her in the hallway.
The elevator doors shut and Mikasa breathes a sigh of relief, leaning back against the wall for a moment. He takes one step towards her and abruptly she breaks into sobs all over again, launching herself at him, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry we were fighting, everyone was telling me we wouldn’t last and I couldn’t stop thinking about it—” “Shh,” he brings a finger to her lips, “It’s okay, we’ll talk about it later, for now I think we should just cuddle hmm?”
“I love you,” she says it softly into his chest and Eren smiles, it’s not perfect and their original problems still remain but at least they’re going to figure it out together.
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liquorisce · 3 years
GOD they always have so much chemistry in your stories you're such a good writer its insane! and mikasa is so tense.. maybe eren should help her 😇
Bae let’s be real, they have chemistry bc THEY’RE EREN AND MIKASA! 😫❤️ but tysm it means a lot 🥺
(edit - this turned into a lil fic and got slightly angsty idk why, cw: intoxication, drug use and smuttttt)
That’s exactly it, tho! Mikasa (in this AU) has been such a goody-two-shoes, perfect grades, perfect career, perfect body, doesn’t have any bad habits - doesn’t drink or smoke or anything that could damage her health basically.
Eren, on the other hand, is on a path of self-destruction. I like to think something traumatic happened (maybe like the events of the monster in my house) that make him disillusioned with his father and who he himself is. In this process, he also manages to destroy his relationship with her
Part of it is also her fault; Mikasa’s always trying to lecture him, pull him back, remind him of all the good things he wanted from life, but he isn’t sure if he wants all those things anymore.
The only thing he can’t seem to change, even though he’s tried, is his feelings for her. So of course the one time that she’s willing to enter his world, he gets carried away. He’s also so soft you know, shotguns her bc he wants her to take it so slow; being the weed virgin she is he doesn’t want her to have a bad trip or anything.
The fact that he gets to kiss her after so damn long (he’d almost given up on them ever getting back together), even though he knows he’s probably taking advantage of the situation, gets him carried away. He likes feeling her relax in his arms, watching her pupils dilate in this heady mixture of intoxication and arousal, seeing her nipples poking through the soft fabric of her blouse.
Mikasa’s lips are so pretty, so perfect, he’d always been enamoured by them, by how they feel, how they look when she’s happy. She giggles when it finally hits her, breathes on his ear that he’s tickling her with all these kisses. It makes him do it even more, if only that he can see her laugh with him again. They’d been fighting for several months now; all he’d ever see in her eyes was disappointment.
So he commits it to memory, her laugh, her arousal, takes it a step further when his hands reach inside her shirt to grope at her breasts and fondle her nipples. “Eren, there’s people here,” -
“And none of these people care, Mikasa.” He lifts her up swiftly and places her on the counter. There's clear apprehension in her eyes as she looks at him. He picks up his joint and takes a drag.
"Do you want a puff?"
"I-I don't really know how to," -
"... I'll teach you. Put in your mouth." It sounds kind of crude the way he says it, makes her think of other things, memories from when they were a lot more intimate. He places the joint between her lips and says, "... Suck."
She does exactly as he says, pursing her lips around the joint and sucking hard. The smoke fills her mouth and abruptly she coughs sputtering all around her.
Smirking, he murmurs, "... You have to hold it in, babe. You can do that, can't you?"
She's not really sure if she's imagining it, but she feels nervous under his gaze, exposed maybe, and it makes her body feel hot. Tears in her eyes from the smoke, she tries again, this time letting the acrid smoke go down her throat. She lets it out in a more controlled exhale, not without a few stray coughs. “I don’t think I’m very good at it,” she says, throat itchy.
She scrunches up her nose, looking absolutely adorable.
“Relax, Mikasa. You don’t always have to be good at everything, you know.” He boops her nose playfully, remembering how much he hated that growing up; she was good at school, good at sports, good looking, good at heart -
He’d hated her almost as much as he loved her. (Was it all that different now?)
Her eyes widen, cheeks flushing as she looks at him in a kind of dazed wonder. She rubs the tip of her nose gingerly. “… it’s been so long since you’ve done that.”
Shit. It was just a gesture he’d done so many times, he hadn’t even thought before doing it. Hell, he’d practically been kissing her minutes ago, and that hadn’t sounded off any alarms in her head apparently, but a little nose boop had her looking at him with the kind of hope in his eyes that he just didn’t have the emotional bandwidth to deal with right now.
“Forget it,” he says, harsher than he intended, reassessing the position they were in; faces mere inches from each other, him nestled between her legs in the corner of the kitchen. “… I shouldn’t have done it.”
Shouldn’t have kissed her, because it’s all he can think about even though he’s stepped back and put some distance between them. His lips burn where they touched her skin, her mouth, craving a sensation he has no business seeking anymore.
She pulls on his sleeve and his gaze flies back to hers, pretty grey orbs looking at him pleadingly. “… I miss you, Eren.” Very simply, a truth she doesn’t hesitate to say. Eren thinks she’d say it even if she wasn’t high because that’s just how she was - honest, simple, perfect. “Don’t you miss me?”
Her voice wavers because she’s scared to hear it, afraid that he’s going to say no and push her away like he has for the last few months; he’d tell her he doesn’t care and step on her heart the way he’s done unflinchingly in the past. He sees it, sees the vulnerability, and he hates himself for it.
It’s an addictive kind of pain, a stabbing self-loathing that came with loving Mikasa Ackerman. He’d never felt good enough for her even when he was doing everything right - doing med school and a part-time job, driving up every Sunday to meet his father, taking flowers to his mother's grave.
Now he can’t bear to do any of it, he feels betrayed by all that he thought was right, and anything more than waking up and distracting himself from it all feels like a weight he isn’t strong enough to carry. Especially when the weight is from his girlfriend’s crushing disappointment.
This is why he’d distanced himself, why he doesn’t like her coming over, why he can’t bear to be near her anymore. He takes a deep drag and prays that the smoke in his nostrils and his mouth will make it all hazy again, because he doesn’t want to see these things clearly anymore.
He shuts his eyes for a brief moment, whispers, “Why? Why do you miss me, Mikasa?”
Because what else do I do for you other than weigh you down?
She threads her fingers into his, pulling him closer. “… it used to feel good,” she breathes, kind of wistful, “being with you.”
He feels the whisper on his chin, her lips brushing against his skin, and he feels it; it used to feel more than just good... being with her used to feel right.
As right as it does right now, when her legs loop around his thighs, locking him into place flush against her hips, her hands resting on his chest.
He's starting to recognize that he's already ruined, he's already fucked up, and maybe there's no point overthinking this anymore. Taking another drag, this time he runs a thumb along her lip and opens her mouth before he shotguns into her. Maybe it’s selfish, but he doesn’t want either of them to be seeing clearly when none of this is real.
“I could make you feel good again,” he murmurs, hands roaming her thighs, loving the feel of her in his hands. (He’d missed her too, how could she ever have thought otherwise?)
“Mmhmm.” Her hands thread into his hair, and she angles herself against his mouth, tasting his weed stained lips, tongue tracing his teeth before it slips inside of him.
She tastes a little bit like him, of regret and smoke but mostly of longing, and it makes him yearn for her in ways he hadn’t allowed himself to recently. Her breasts press up against his chest, and it feels so natural, so unbelievably good, he almost groans into her mouth.
He wants her to feel good too, he wasn’t lying when he said he would do it; that’s what she misses about him after all. His fingers reach for the button of her jeans and slide her zipper down, and he feels her gasp against his mouth. “… What are you,” -
“I thought you wanted to feel good, baby,” he says, knowing just how unfairly he was twisting her own words. The hitch in her throat however tells him she doesn’t truly mind this, not at all.
His thumb reaches into her panties and finds her weakness immediately. He brings it to his mouth and licks the pad of his thumb, his eyes not leaving hers, enjoying the way her mouth parts wantonly with the knowledge of what he was going to do.
He brushes against her clit and she arches, unprepared for how good it would feel. She hears a noise of someone rummaging in the other end of the kitchen and she stills, panicking.
“Relax,” he tells her, because she’s still too tense, there’s no way he’d let anyone see her; his entire frame blocks any vantage point anyone else could have of her. “Focus on my fingers, baby. That’s it.”
She’s unbelievably wet, his index and middle finger are drenched as he works them into her. “… Do you really think I’d let anyone else watch you when you’re like this?” His lips hover over the shell of her ear. “When you’re dripping onto my fingers like a slut?”
She tightens around him as he says it, a low moan escaping her lips. He kisses her again, before she can get too loud, consuming her little whimpers before they can escape him.
She feels so precious like this, so small, clinging on to him while he makes her come with just his fingers. “It’s been a while since you’ve done it, haven’t you?” He wonders if it’s the weed that makes him ask this so boldly, if that’s what makes her blush when she nods. She'd come so quickly, so easily, like all she needed was his touch.
He likes it though, likes that he still has this effect on her, that’s despite all the disappointment he seems to cause, he can make her unravel for him in minutes. He extracts his fingers from her pussy and keeping his gaze fixed on hers, slips them into his mouth, sucking deliberately.
“You taste just as sweet as I remember, Mikasa.” he murmurs, as she flushes crimson.
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moon and milky way with armin :D?
Ah, my dear friend @mxthtea thank you so much for the ask! >w< and this time with my recent (but actually soft amor since I got into Snk) f/o, Armin Arlert! <3
Moon ~ Did your love for your F/O come all at once or in phases?
Honestly, I have always had a major soft spot for Armin ever since I first got into Snk/Aot. Precious dear was just so cute and endearing with his firm goals to reach the sea and explore the world with Eren and Mikasa. His knowledge and intelligence applied in every situation saving everyone's tails from immediate danger (even at the cost of his own fecking life during the damn Serum Bowl chapters - which was fecking hell, I thought I was going to lose him ;;;;A;;;;). And when he finally reached the SEA 😭 his endearing look in both the manga and anime,,, I sobbed, to say the least (also Mikasa looked so hecking cute in that panel/scene 🥺🤍).
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Of course, at the start it was just soft internal pinning, I never declared openly that I self-shipped with Armin as I got into Snk/Aot when I was a senior in HS and was mostly interested in shipping,,,(°ヮ°) and gradually got mentally exhausted with the fandom for a while but kept up with the Manga (but honestly some areas of the fandom has just gone to hell and I despise said group of people (눈_눈)). To say the least, I was surprised by the time skip and was excited to see Armin when he appeared (I remember everyone hc him with long hair =w= and I still love that look on him <3).
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Handsome as he ever was honestly 😍🥰, like I love my sunshine boi that honestly needed a fecking nap after all the shit Eren pulled at the end before speaking to him one last time,,,, and then a final time skip to him being 22 and an ambassador for peace in the world — my mans is making the changes as he should! I honestly enjoy the ending of Aot unlike most and am just happy he made it to the end (I figured because he is the narrator of the series).
So yeah, I didn't start self-shipping with Armin until recently during the Pt. 2 airing of Aot season 4. Mi amor for him definitely came in phases, I feel more comfortable self-shipping with him now than I ever have and I definitely hope to make more content with him if I can. I don't know when I will ever dive into a s/i story for Dany, but it comes, I know AruDany will be the softest content ever UwU they fecking deserve it lol 🤍
Milky way ~ What's your favorite daydream you've had of your F/O?
Ohh ;;w;; The softest daydream I have had of AruDany is sometime during the time skip between seasons 3 and 4. I love picturing a moment of peace from the mental chaos that occurs from trying to recruit allies from overseas. Maybe taking nice long walks on the beach or Armin surprising Dany with nice camping close by the fields and ocean to look at the wide expanse of the night sky away from the light pollution of the walls.
I love dubbing both AruDany as lovers of the sea and night sky. Dany has never been one to voice her desires or interests so much as Armin does, but he is a good observer and has long taken notice of how she looks up at the night sky (or sunset) with such awe and wonder as he does the sea. Heck, even when she's flying with the 3DM Gear, often tests her limits when scaling up the walls with such speed to be a good high distance that she appears graceful when free falling. Almost like she desires to touch the stars.
I don't know~ I have soft thoughts about Armin, despite the chaos and tragedy of the manga/anime. Ain't nothing wrong with imaging such happy things, I love just picturing us in a state of peace, more often not. Armin is a massive sweetheart and the most affectionate person once comfortable in it. Same with Dany <3
Still don't know officially how I want them to meet, either childhood friends or meeting during the Training Days ;w; for now have their cat selves! 🤍
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Thank you so much for the asks dear! I greatly appreciate it!
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yagamisdiary · 3 years
ALRIGHT here’s just a paragraph of me putting my thoughts on this chap and stuff for next chap since i’ve no where else to put it 💀💀
This was the absolute most CUTEST chapter yet it was just so nostalgic and beautiful, the scene of her imagining jean and her brothers back to them as young boys made me smile and i couldn’t stop it was honestly so beautifully written and i LOVED it
and then Prince Phoenix AHHHH this man bruh so hot so respectful and literal green flag as a man and when he was with the bunny oh my god i loved it idk why but it was like a scene of proving he has good intentions the way he reacted to it and held it ygm? and when they were walking in the rose garden and fucking jean and ambrose coke out of the bush…💀💀 i cant fucking wait to see how jean felt in that scene if you end up putting it in next chap since you said bits of it will be from that week in his pov but i honestly do really like phoenix so far BUT this guy is blind asf i’m sorry… idc what anyone has to say no way this guy couldn’t see she was uncomfortable and sad after the engagement now this isn’t me saying he shouldn’t of proposed IM SAYING he’s blind that he didn’t hug her like i know it’s hard this guy was so happy and blind anyone could of seen through that fake ass smile girl was about to break 😭😭 but i think how he went with the proposal was cute and especially his little speech he understood
and when my girl broke 😭😭 i was so sad man and the way she felt so embarrassed when jean saw her made me break for her even more, felt for that girl fr
I’m sorry but i understand it’s hard for mikasa but i hated how she was treating her as a stranger to try distance herself even tho this was a time she needed her best friend the most like oh my god mikasa get your ass back in the game before i get parasite y/n in here to steal your man..
and i’m sorry but why haven’t i seen anyone except for like one talking about the KEY scene of this entire chapter which is probably gonna set up for a new BIG BIG part of the plot??? Levi and Y/n’s fight i called it istg it’s like when she had bad intentions so will her powers? so that’s why i’m scared for her when or if she loses control cause her stubbornness and emotions have been so high these past like two chapters and it’s only gonna get worse 😭 but oh my god that fight scene was so good and i was honestly afraid for levi when he started coughing man i fucking loved how she took her anger out tho it was so cool
OH I NEWTLY FORGOT TJE BEST PART WHAT. My favourite part was the parts of her and jean in his room and how they slept together it was all so cute. how she was naming constellations and he seemed genuinely interested and talking about the future n shit and how he went asleep and she went asleep on him AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. AHHHHXHXHXJXJJSJSJS MY HEART AND STOMACH AT THAT SCENE BRUH I SWEAR TO ABSOLJTE FUCKING GOD. And how she’d always go back that week. i don’t care what anyone says.. i know it was so small but the best part of the entire chapter for me was hearing how he’d day at night how she can’t come back but every day he’d ask if she was going to be coming over tonight my heart sunk into my stomach in a good way literallt resting on butterflies it was the best fucking part for me
AND JEAN AT THE END???? man what’s up with this guy and pulling her waist? not complaining tho, this guy definitely loves her waist or some shit tho 😭 it was so cute how he was just behind her speaking and getting closer and then brought her in for a hug from behind like oh my god i fucking loved it now i cant wait for him and phoenix to be in a room alone 🥺🤞
bruhhhh smut smut smut m m mmmmmm i cant wait like i just know he’s gonna be slow n shit and the fact he HAS to be slow since she’s a virgin and let’s be honest this guy probably hasn’t had sex in a long while since he’s been so busy and doesn’t seem to be going out as much so HES gonna be holding on for dear life literally edging himself the entire time and i just KNOW this guy gives the best after care let’s be honest like look at how he hugged her when she heard her parents, untied her corset cause he knew it was bothering her and the way he done it AUGHHHSHDHDJD and how he was hugging her from behind at the end and how he was banging on the door and didn’t care if he got caught and hoe he didn’t want to fight with her and just wanted to be with her and just stay with her like oh my god this guy…
Speaking of starving we’ve been starved of Amara’s immaculate smut for a total of FIVE fucking months now… FIVE. AND NOW WE’RE FINALLY GETTING IT????
and prince phoenix.. i know i praised him when i was talking about him but i didn’t wanna include this there since thag was kind of a look back of last chap but i don’t trust him.. i also know amara’s ways from parasite so i don’t trust him if im bring honest.. he’s too good to be true i feel like he knows a thing or two about y/n and her powers or at least his parents do but i think he’s way too good to be true and i don’t think it’s a coincidence he picked y/n and he’s also the like less sus person which i think is sus 💀💀 but idk i could just be looking into it too much but i don’t think so 😇😋🤲
anyways sorry if this was really long 💀 just needed somewhere to put my input on this chap 😍🤲 definitely my favourite so far couldnt stop smiling the whole way through it 😭 love you amara mwah 💗💗💗
i’m gonna respond back to each paragraph so hold on:
the part where yn envisions her brothers as siblings was definitely the hardest part to write for me and even though it’s in the beginning of the chapter, it was the very last scene i wrote because i was struggling so much with it like i wanted it to be perfect
prince phoenix definitely did notice she was sad, in the part where she says he was talking to her as she walking him to the gates but she was zoned out and wasn’t listening, he asks her what’s wrong and tells hers stuff and that’s why he hugs her because he feels bad (it’ll get more into it in this next chapter)
the part where she runs to her room crying was one of my favorite scenes to write, i know this sounds HORRIBLE and u guys are gonna be like “yeah bitch we can tell” but i LOVEEEE writing gut-wrenching, heartbreaking scenes like it’s my fav kind of scene to write and the fact that i got that emotion out of ppl makes me happy in the sense that i got my point across like the point was for the reasons to feel her pain and that’s what happened so YAY ME (sorry y’all)
jean hanging on the door LMFAO i just had to include the veronica scene because first of all HOT, second because i feel like jean is always so nonchalant and pretends he isn’t bothered and that scene is one of the first scenes we really see him worried about her and putting his pride aside fully by begging and pleading her to talk to him which is massive for his character development
with mikasa, i understand both sides like i get why mikasa wants to distance herself because she feels like it’ll hurt less to say goodbye but also like she needs to be there for yn when she really needs her, also mikasa is getting more attached to eren since she knows eren is gonna be here forever and yn won’t, it’s kinda like she accepting she has to move on but you’re right she shouldn’t be cold toward her atleast LMFAO NOT U SAYING PARASITE YN IS GONNA STEAL HER MAN
yesss the levi scene is definitely detrimental to the storyline in so many ways, the readers can kinda see the connection that her powers are controlled by her intentions si since she’s always so kind and caring, her attentions are always good but right now, she’s starting to go through some tough shit and her emotions are everywhere to the point where she can no longer control/hide how she feels which correlates with her powers as well
and YES we do see those couple days from jeans pov in the next chapter so he’s pov on when they’re outside running around, when she’s asleep on him, when she goes over every night, when he finds out yn got proposed to etc he also goes and reads the letters she sent years ago so i’m excited for u guys to read that as well
jean touching her waist has a lot more significance than people realize, he’s known her his entire life and only has touched her hands/arms/shoulders because they never were close like that. now that he’s getting closer to her, he’s able to touch her in more personal spots aka her waist, that’s also why he has a habit of always lifting her chin up too because he couldn’t touch her face like that before either
the SMUTTTT it’s gonna be real good like i’m so hyped for it and i know all these bitches are too LOL it’s been MONTHS since i’ve written smut so i’m really excited to get back into it and i think this one is a tad bit more exciting for me because like you said yn is a virgin so he is gonna have this overwhelming feeling that he has to be gentle while having to hide the fact he wants to fuck her brains out LMFAO
and crushing marco comes out this next chapter don’t worry!! especially since it’s marcos pov and the two are friends, you’re gonna see a lot more of the men interactions (jean even speaks to phoenix too but shhhhh)
“amara’s way from parasite” HELPPPP i really traumatized you guys with that book i swear 💀💀 every comment is like “FORESHADOWING???” or “AMARA WHAT IS THIS”
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by-kilian · 3 years
could you describe your writing procrss, please? do you write outline first for the chapter, then everything else? or do you just write in one sitting? very curious to know, because all your works are so interesting and very hard to stop readng.
Awww, thank you so much for this--what a huge compliment, bby thank you! 🥺❤️❤️❤️
Also, I can’t remember if I shared my process already (at least not in-depth anyway) but it kind of looks like this.
I always have a rough outline of what I want to happen. It’s seriously very rough and basic. I put down my concept for the story, character wants and needs/obstacles, and then go from there. I do it all in Google docs but I don’t save outlines, I use it as the rough draft itself and edit as I go along which I’ll explain. 
I’ll use “Always” as an example. 
Concept: Reader and Jean have always been in love with one another, but never acted on their feelings until they’re forced to spend more time with each other in Marley. The problem? Both of them think the other person’s already in love with someone else. 
Scene 1: Reader and Jean are cooking in the kitchen together. Very domestic and fluffy. 
Wants: to be even more domestic with the reader
Obstacle: he can’t because he thinks the reader is in love with Eren
Wants: to spend more time with Jean because she cherishes moments like this with him
Obstacle: she can’t because she thinks he’d rather be with Mikasa and is in love with her instead.
And so on and so forth for scenes after that. Once I have ALL of those nailed down and plotted out first just like above, that is when I start to write the scenes, deleting the outline you see above as I go along. I don’t always do it in order either. I go wherever I’m inspired to write and jump around, and sometimes that helps me write another scene.  For example, I wrote Eren’s POV scene right after I wrote the kitchen scene even though that was the second to the last scene, and the kitchen scene was first. It inspired me to write other parts of the story because it served as a reminder that one of the biggest obstacles to Jean and the Reader becoming a thing was really simply Eren (not so much Mikasa--reader is just oblivious). Eren is the catalyst for conflict because the reader is attached to him, and because Jean knows the reader is attached to him, too. It was oddly motivating to get his point of view because it reminded me that he was still a very big part of the story itself because in a sense, he is the BIGGEST obstacle the two of them face.  Unless it’s a very basic one shot (like dadvi stories), I don’t tend to write in one sitting. I take my time, see what fits where, and let stories sit sometimes to see if the scene actually works or if it just worked when I initially wrote it. Another example is the dance scene. It was originally from Jean’s POV entirely at first, but I didn’t like that after sitting on it for a few days. We rarely got the reader’s side up until then--only hints at how she felt--so it actually worked more (and hurt more) to see from her perspective that she really loved Jean and thought it would never work. It also worked to me because I thought it was important to highlight that she loved Eren at one point but it was hard to love him and she was conflicted.
I like doing this outline process of scene by scenes because then it’s like putting a puzzle together for me. If I haven’t written scene 3 yet but let’s say I got 1, 2, and 5 done, I can use what I have already written to help me with what I’m struggling with. When I’m done and every scene outline has been erased and written, I then go back and edit to see if it makes sense as an entire story, editing as I see fit to bring back common themes or metaphors or whatever else I really like.  I hope this helped and made sense, my creative process is slightly all over the place sometimes 😂. Lmk if you have any questions, and thank you again for your incredibly kind words. :3 
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erenscherub · 3 years
Hello beautiful! I’m here to thank you for such a beautiful work in “seasons” i’m in love with your story and the way you write it. Please keep going on. I’m dying to see what follows in the next episodes. I have one question, how is the sexual life between Eren and reader? Are they still into that part? Pd: i know that he is a little piece of sh**, but i still love him and have hope that maybe he’ll change because he’ll realize what the fuck is he doing.
When will you post the next chapter honey? 🥺
Thank u so much for being so perfect ❤️✨ im waitingggg, i’m so excited.
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Hi, bubz. I can’t put into words how happy reading this ask made me. It really made my day. Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a review 🥺 I love you, anon. I hope you’re doing well and your week is as wonderful as you are.
Oh god, I feel like such a dumbass for asking this, but what does Pd stand for? 😂😂 Ok I’m gonna guess it might be an abbreviation for period. But urban dictionary wasn’t really that helpful. I got an entire range of answers including pussy destroyer, professional development, public defender, and Peruvian dick.
I’m only 21, but I haven’t been active on my other social media besides tumblr. So it takes me so long to pick up on the slang and shorthand everyone uses nowadays. It’s a great reminder and just really amazing to me to see how language is dynamic. Idk if that makes sense.
Ok sorry for the unrelated rambling. As for when the next chapter comes out, I want to estimate within the next two weeks. It’s technically already done. But with uni starting soon, it’s gonna limit my time to write and winter was the only arc I had prewritten chapters for before I published them. So sorry to say this but chapters will probably be coming out slower and slower.
Here’s a little snippet though of the next chapter. It’s not angst like my usual style but it’s one of my favorite scenes:
You sigh in disappointment and rub circles into your temples. Calista this year had decided to “lovingly” give you a pastel green vibrator.
Mikasa pats Amanda’s knee as she whispers, “Told you it’s gonna be us and the kids that win the top three this year. Last year, (Y/N) had a pretty hard time trying to convince the two kids that the 10-inch dildo was a paperweight or a toilet brush cleaner.”
Amanda and Annie rub comforting circles on your back. “Oh, Calista. You really, really shouldn’t have. I always wonder what exactly goes on in that brain of yours.” You take a deep breath and shake your head. “If there’s anything at all.” You grimace as you wrap her gift back in the tissue paper and place it back in the gift bag.
Calista doesn’t register your sarcasm or your displeased expression.
She’s all smiles as she clasps her hands together. “Oh angel!” she squeals, “You know self-care is important. I couldn’t help but overhear you talking with Mikasa, Annie, and Petra that lately you’ve been faking your orgasms.” You release another sigh and your eyebrows elevate. “I know that all four of you rate how good your partners are in bed on a weekly basis. Nothing wrong with having a little extra help in the bedroom.”
She nudges your shoulder and then makes her way to her husband with a bright smile on her face.
Both Jean and Eren cry out in unison, “YOU RANK US?”
Eren continues to exclaim, “Baby, what do you mean you’ve been faking them? Your pleasure is always my first priority!”
You hand the gift bag to Petra to place back on the console table and turn to Jean to state, “Calm down, seven.” Jean seems to sigh in relief as he settles back down next to Connie.
Then you direct your attention to your husband. “And relax, four.” Eren is wide-eyed and gaping at you like a fish. “Usually, it’s a weekly rating. But I gave you an overall score for the past two months since you’ve been so busy with work as of late.”
You give one final shrug to your husband who has a venomous glare directed at Calista.
Thankfully, your three Cubs are still rapidly blinking with their heads all cocked to the right after your spiel. Falco does tug on Eliza’s hand and peers at her questioningly.
“The grown-ups are probably talking about when they exercise,” Eliza shrugs, explaining as best as she can, “Uncle Armin, Daddy, and Uncle Jean seem to be bad at it because they’re the ones that are always screaming so loudly at night time.”
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luvbugkenma · 3 years
AOT + Stoners (pt. 2)
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CHARACTERS: Historia Reiss, Hange Zoe, Pieck Finger, Porco Galliard, Yelena, Zeke Jaeger
WARNINGS: drug use (marijuana), in-depth talk of smoking weed/edibles, mentions of sex while high, alcohol mention, swearing WORD COUNT: 1.0K
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like armin, won’t smoke too often
definitely does it to take the edge off
definitely does it to take the edge off
prefers edibles over smoking, but will smoke sometimes
has a few really pretty pipes 🥺
wins the award for cleaning her pieces the most often
they’re squeaky clean dude
doesn’t own any bongs, but will borrow one of eren’s (he’s been offering it to her for god knows how long at this point but she keeps refusing to take it)
when she does use a bong, she always puts an ice cube in it (bc eren taught her to 😌)
doesn’t sesh with the rest too often
fave people to have a sesh with are armin and mikasa
they’re both so calm and easy to chill with when high
the 3 of them are a great combo (if you smoke with them for the first time especially!!!)
prefers sativa so she can do some cleaning around her house
she also likes not feeling completely dead
hybrids are also ok for her
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the god of smoking (besides zeke)
introduced levi to smoking/getting high!
they smoke very, very often (basically every single day)
definitely prefers smoking to edibles
they prefer indica
enjoys feeling like a vegetable hehe
loves to lounge around and cuddle with whoever they’re with
another person who will take great care of you if you smoke for your first time with them!!
lets you take the first couple of hits always
always makes sure you ate and have water on hand
will most definitely know your limit before you do lol
gets the munchies pretty bad most of the time
eats whatever they can find in their home
usually a lot of meat (they LOVE beef jerky when they’re high)
will buy pomegranates ahead of time to eat later
rarely greens out, but has gotten to the point where they have to switch to manual breathing lmaooooo
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smokes primarily at night
also the type to watch weird shit
loves painting restoration vids and art videos a lot
likes informational videos
will watch documentaries about the ocean all night or until she passes out
one of the best to start smoking with
she’s an absolute sweetheart and will do anything to make sure you’re comfortable
also will offer to hold you if you’re shaking, cold, or are kinda anxious 🥺
gets the munchies every time she smokes. it's becoming a problem
she likes sweets likes cookies (the sugar cookies you get from walmart with the weird ass frosting - she knows they’re kinda icky but loves them anyways)
chances are she’ll try to bake but forget halfway through until she smells something burning in her house and freaks out
will make banana bread in preparation for her getting high so she can snack on it later when she gets the munchies >:)
doesn’t smoke to get absolutely fucked, only get a buzz
only gets really high when she’s with the rest of the crew OR if everyone’s celebrating something!
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probably started smoking in high school
would show up to class high sometimes if he felt ballsy enough
so fuckin’ goofy when he’s high
he loses any sense of coordination he once had
stumbles all over the place, you need to make him sit down or lay down because he’ll keep trying to walk lol
gets super warm when he’s high, too
will definitely try to undress at least somewhat or until someone stops him
100% will sit around shirtless and in some old gym shorts
another person who gets mega touchy-feely when he’s high
really likes to be held (won’t admit it though even while he is currently being little spoon)
also enjoys having people sit on his lap
will fall in love on the spot if you play with his hair 😩😩
attempts to play online, multiplayer video games but gives up because he’s super bad when he’s high and will get bullied over voice chat :(
however, he really likes playing the sims or minecraft! will definitely invite you to play with him :)
he’s the type to barely eat before he smokes so he gets high as hell
it always bites him in the ass because he will probably end up greening out
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only smokes joints (hot ppl shit 😩😩)
she does own a few bongs because she used to use them
uses maple syrup flavored rolling paper (her signature, if u will)
enjoys smoking alone for the most part
will have a sesh with zeke and/or eren occasionally
smokes often, but not everyday (3-4 times a week)
likes sitting on the roof to smoke and listens to music while doing so
doesn’t get the munchies often (if she does, it's always for spicy hash browns)
the type to try and hit it if y’all smoke together (consensually ofc)
gets mad flirty tho no matter what
always gets the good shit, never stingy with it too
if you have a sesh, she will 100% offer up her weed to use 😌😌
the type of sexy bitch that gets crossed and can handle it well 😩
if she does use a bong (literally the last resort), she’ll clear the chamber with one hit every time 🥵🥵🥵
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introduced eren to smoking
started smoking a little bit before he got eren into it
definitely showed up to class high all the time after that
the biggest stoner out of all of them
he’s constantly stoned out of his mind lol
his bedroom and living room are basically smoke shops
he keeps a huge bong out on his coffee table
he somehow had the money to afford everything from seth rogen’s weed line
he has the pretty table lighter on his coffee table
makes sure he brags about this all the time
it pisses eren off so much bc he’s jealous lol
definitely a bong or blunt kinda guy
he owns SO many bongs, it's unbelievable
definitely a loner when he smokes unless he’s dating someone
he’ll definitely smoke you up often if you guys are fwb or dating
will try to fuck if you’re both high👀 (consensually ofc)
will kinda make you feel dumb if you’re new to smoking and decide to have a sesh with him
the type of person to reuse bong water for weeks straight, while smoking daily. 🤮
⭒☆━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☆⭒ © softmitsuya 2021
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liquorisce · 2 years
idk how u feel about eremin or ereminmika but I haven’t been able to get this out of my head 😩
I think during time skip the dynamics between them changed and mika somewhat became the center of their group, Eren and Armins relationship fraying while Mikasas remained strong with the both of them 🥺
Armin having somewhat of a resentment towards Mikasa too, in a I love you so much and you’re the best person in my life but you ruin me type of way. He doesn’t understand how she can still love Eren so freely while he suffers from the same love he shares for the other boy. Their sexual relationship starts on accident but keeps itself alive through Armin taking his frustration out on her despite it all and her taking it, just wanting to just feel him because he’s the only one out of her boys who’s even expressing things to her even if it is negative bc at least it’s not the indifference erens seems to have taken to them 😩
Armin and Eren get to fuck too 👉👈 I think Armin would bring up the fact that he has Mikasa, that Mikasa might love Eren but she loves Armin as well and that at the end of the day it’s him who gets to fuck her and Eren the selfish bastard he is hates that even if he too loves them both.
They’re both overly dominant imo 😭 they don’t contest to one another. Eren is just Eren and Armin refuses to back down bc wasn’t it Eren who was always telling him to fight back. Both trying to show that they’re better than the other while mourning the love they share at the same time. They look to hurt each other in this moment.
i absolutely adore ereminkasa or ereminmika or ema or whatever the fuck you wanna call it. they were my OG OT3 and I am committed to them for life. i wrote amoral virtue with this in mind in 2015, and I swear I was such a shy 20-year old, me rn would have totally made them fuck. i also wrote "thinking out loud" with the ambition of playing out this love triangle but I took it off ao3 bc I am probably never gonna finish it >.<
ANYWAY on to your godly headcanon, I love it!!!
i just love the idea of armin having been silently in love with mika his whole life, and when he still sees her pining after him when he's obviously out there being asshole#1, he just looses it. Mikasa would totally give into him tbh bc she does love him, he's armin, he's all things good and she trusts him more than anyone. so overtime all things he tells her actually starts to sink in... T_T
Imagine - threesome ema where armin and eren are so fucking competitive! fighting to see who can make her feel better. armin wins maybe, makes her orgasm so many times bc by now he's figured out the formula.
But eren's a biter, and the next day when eren's marks are still on Mikasa's neck you bet he's not gonna let armin live it down.
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In the HotGirl!Mikasa au, I'd say that despite being sexually active and hot as hell, Mikasa has her limits. Her last bf tried to pressure her into a threesome with another girl, but she wasnt comfortable with it. Now she's dating Eren, she's a little insecure because he used to date Annie and they're still a bit close. She asks if he wants a threesome with her; Eren says "No! Why'd you ask that?" Mikasa explains and Eren laughs, spanks her and says "I only need this ass Mika."
k fuckboi Eren and whore-kasa time!!! it still makes me laugh that 2 different ppl have seen this happen 🤣but Awww 🥺 that's why she has a lot of commitment issues, she likes sex and stuff but she gets jealous super easily. So she rarely commits because she doesn't want the emotional attachment of that and the one time he does, he tries to convince her for weeks to have a threesome and they end up breaking up bc she feels so much pressure and hates it. Proceeds to go on a long hiatus of just one-night stands. SORRY EREN GETS A LIP RING!
"Hey Eren," Mikasa asks, feeling a little vulnerable as they cuddle on the couch, but she needs an answer, needs clarification. Especially after hanging out with Annie today, even though she's dating Armin, conversation between the two had been so effortless, and they'd been so affectionate, hugs, arm punches, it hurt.
"Yeah baby?" Eren responds, dragging his eyes from the TV to look down where she's resting on his chest.
She takes a deep breath, "What do you think about threesomes?" He raises an eyebrow, turning a little more so he's flat on his back on the couch and she's draped across his chest. He nibbles on his lip ring a little as he does when he's fidgety, "Had a few before, they were fun," he's tentative in his response, sussing her out, "Why do you think we should add a third?" "Umm, well I-you see I just- I saw how you were with Annie today and I just, I need to know if that's something you want, because I can't do it again, the last guy I seriously dated, he kept pressuring--"
Eren cuts her off, dragging her further up his chest to bury his head in her neck, "Then we won't have a threesome my love."
She nods meekly, feeling only so much relief, she doesn't have to worry, he understands. "Someone always gets left out anyway, three is a crowd," Mikasa nods up at him, dropping a kiss on his chin and he smiles.
She feels his hands slip from her waist back down to her ass and she lets out a shocked cry as he gives her a quick smack, "Besides this is the only ass I need anyway, have you seen it? I'm fucking obsessed." She breaks into giggles and she thinks maybe this time she caught a keeper.
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