#mikail ic
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goddesstrolls · 4 months ago
Also, have you found all the candy bags Glas hid in your office yet? :)
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"Well, I thought I did, but then I found one taped to the underside of a leaf on my monstera, so now I have my doubts."
"There's only so many places to hide them, and yet..."
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scrivellc · 10 months ago
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Orin listened as the man spoke, though it was with clear and obvious disinterest, his eyelids heavy and drooping. He was more than a little skeptical of the story he was being told, and on top of that, he didn't exactly make it his priority to prevent people's pain. This guy was either seriously barking up the wrong tree or he was being less than honest with the good doctor. Orin knew his reputation greatly proceeded him, a fact he was incredibly proud of, so he was inclined to believe this man had ulterior motives for wanting to dull his senses.
Not that Orin was judging in particular, after all, he was hardly a stranger to taking whatever made him feel the way he wanted at a given moment, but he didn't appreciate the idea that this guy thought he could fool him. And maybe he was just being paranoid, but the dentist suspected there was more to it than that, but he wasn't sure just how far he wanted to stick his nose into Mikail's business.
He was still absolutely going to do it, but the amount of effort he was gonna put in to be nosy was still up for debate.
"Oh yeah, I can tell it must be giving you all kindsa trouble," he replied though he didn't sound at all convinced. He managed not to roll his eyes at the mention of services, a feat which he thought he ought to be commended for. "That's why you need something nice and strong, yeah? Something to help you uh...proselytize or whatever it is you do."
🪦 THAT'S NOT VERY HOLY | @scrivellc
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He's a little listless this morning. Many would assume the heat's finally got to him, but oddly enough he's sweating along just fine. No, he's just a bit shaken at what had to be done the previous night.
It was something they planned for. Everyone knew the risks. A long con could only stay long if the victim was unsuspecting. When you have hundreds of victims in one enclosure, the odds of one of them catching on rise exponentially. Mikail doesn't have an exact number, but he would any sort of increase not in their favor was bad.
There's a plot of land about a mile from the main base at Luna Terra that has been disturbed. One of the low-level researchers got a hold of the participant application. And while he wasn't a lawyer, he sort of got the gist. It was a long night. He had beaten a man with a shovel and buried him in the sand. That sort of thing wears you out.
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And it's going to be an even bigger pain in the ass to have to dig him up again so they can properly dump the body far, far away from Luna Terra. The whole thing just sucks.
Which is why he's bothering his dentist for benzos again. "Ache started up again." It happens a bit more than it should, especially as there's not much wrong with his teeth outside the few overseas fillings that were shiny and potentially potent with the mercury they use in them. "Jaw locks. Can't sleep. Can't talk well— talking is big part of clergy services, I'm sure you know." He's talking fine right now.
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bastsoldtrollblog · 3 years ago
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> Case file in hand, you stride up to Glasya’s office.
> The Investigations branch and, by extension, the Archives office have been moved to a less damaged part of the building. You know you’ve been holed up in your new office for the last few perigees- Recovering, providing support and direction for those still around, overseeing your little part of Gaia as it’s put back together.
> You walk with a limp still. Magic got you back on your feet quicker, but there’s still a long road to full recovery.
> You knock in a little rhythm on Glas’ door.
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goddesstrolls-archive · 5 years ago
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> Well...Isn’t this a pickle.
> You’ve been here on the side of the highway for, what, two hours now? You don’t expect someone to stop any time soon, either. You lean on the side of a black van, a growing piles of cigarette butts at your feet and a sign- Black sharpie on white cardboard- Reading ‘NEED GAS’.
> Not a lot of trolls drive. Mostly truckers and bikers. However, your van is up the hill from a footpath leading along a river. It’s a nice view, and there’s a decent amount of trolls out and about, so you’ve switched the sign over to the side that faces the path.
> Aaaannnd now you wait.
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dominatingfriendship · 6 years ago
"Dear Cozy. You're officially a better villain than Sombra. Love Discord. PS, if Tirek is with you, tell him I faked it."
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She understands the letter but she’s confused by it as well. Did Discord find her better than Sombra because she wasn’t a fool like him and got himself vaporized? She supposed that made the most sense. Cozy begins to write back, not even knowing if Discord will get the reply.
‘Dear Discord, thanks! I’ll tell Tirek about it don’t you worry! You have your pride and all~’‘PS, can you maybe perhaps send something that can protect me? I’m just a kid with a bunch of scary adults after all…’
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gothshy · 7 years ago
"Can I be the pole next time?"
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“Wrong blog, Discord. Ahem! Think you’re looking for Sin Blog.”
{ @discord-trolls }
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tricks-up-my-sleeve · 7 years ago
"I'm surprised Twilight got mad at you. Usually when I'm involved, I'm the only recipient of her wrath, no matter who else is there."
✰ ━ ❝Please. Twilight will use any excuse to get mad at me, so long as it doesn’t make her look bad..❞ Naturally she acted as if it wasn’t totally reasonable this time around. Trixie then paused, a cross expression appearing on her face.
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❝Besides that, you up and ran! Why, I have the nerve to..❞ She stopped mid-sentence, blinking in confusion.
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❝Or.. did you? Wait a second.. something’s not right with this picture.. I feel a headache coming on..❞ ━ ✰
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goddesstrolls · 4 months ago
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>> Scratch the back of your neck as you stand on the roof of Gaia's headquarters, mulling over your little pet project.
>> In the nights since you got a few tips about the presence of a potential demon prince, you've been doing some digging. And you did turn up a few things- Or at least, some slight confirmation: One of the tomes you read had a list of some of the demon princes of the Abyss by title, with one being the "Vanished Prince".
>> Nothing else, though- No name, or other titles to search for. You could have stumbled over the Vanished Prince's other titles and deeds without realizing the correlation, for all you know. There's still more information to root through, but you're reaching the ends of Gaia's limited resources on the Underworld. You don't feel comfortable just letting it rest at that, but you might have to if you don't get a break soon.
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dxsole · 27 days ago
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Just added back my superhero verse! You can read the little blurb on my Verses page (linked in header), but here are some more facts about this verse:
'Assets' it an antiquated term that came about in the sixties when the first Assets were being born. Today, some find it offensive and there has been some debate to re-frame the terminology. Some younger Assets prefer the term gifted.
Powers usually are revealed between a few days after birth up to a full year. Powers generally start off weak and grow over time. Most gifted individuals will self-teach and attempt to hone their skills personally and privately, while Upsilon members are required to be combat trained as well as assisted in training for their respective powers. There has been much study over how to advance certain powers that have become common (flight, invisibility, super speed and strength, for example), but rarer powers are less standardized.
There are many with very subtle, non combative powers. They are usually not recruited into Upsilon unless somehow beneficial to the host country, but there is a database and some countries do enforce by law that gifted individuals have to be registered so they can remain in contact. This is also heavily debated throughout many countries.
Anti-heroes are generally monitored and can be called upon for special tasks, past petty crimes usually lorded over their heads in order to ensure compliance (ie; Evgeni tends to use his powers for petty theft and has been called a number of times by Upsilon for interrogative purposes), however, they're usually still at the mercy of the gifted individual regardless of rap sheet (ie again; Evgeni's power is mind control, so technically, he doesn't have to do anything asked of him. He usually does because he does like to help and everyone's grateful for that)
There are no secret identities and gifted folk are very much in the public eye. Upsilon heroes do tend to have a gimmicky sort of name and go through a whole discovery call and branding process when they are approved to join the team. The names today are usually a short, catchy sort of name, a far cry from earlier tries with older heroes who tended to have longer, more literal aliases.
Non-Upsilon assets don't tend to give themselves names but some do! Because that's fun :3 i wish i had a hero name tbh
And below the cut are the available muses for this verse! Labeled by: Name | Power(s) | Status | Country of Origin | Alias
Cesaré Dejanović | Ice Manipulation | Villain | Serbia | Cryo-Genesis Deacon Monday | Self-Detonation & Regeneration, Energy Blasts | Villain | England | Cohort Didi Despereaux | Flight, Sonic Scream | Hero | France | Banshee Donald "Donny" Penzag | Self Duplication, Superhuman endurance | Hero | USA | Manifest Eliot Penn | X-Ray vision, Mind reading, Force fields | Hero | England | Mentalist Evgeni Krupin | Mind control, Emotional manipulation | Anti-hero | Belarus | Veles Hugo Marquardt | Impenetrable skin, Healing factor, Body manipulation | Hero | Germany | Stärk Leon Merrick | Power Negation | Anti-hero | England | Assimilator Mikail Tiryaki | Photokinesis | Hero | Turkey | Shadowhunter Nadia Salvatici | Healing, Self Resurrection | Hero | Italy | Mistica Opaline Dawson | Superhuman strength, Self-healing factor | Hero | USA | Titane Rhoda Brooks | Disintegration, Poison Touch, Matter destruction | Retired Hero | England | Acid Queen Russel "Rusty" Burke | Invisibility, Ability to walk through walls | Retired Hero | USA | Captain Corporeal Sloan Unger | Reality & Matter warping | Hero | USA | Negazoid Waylon Gibbs | Heat vision, Superhuman Durability & Endurance | Retired Hero | USA | The Atomizer Yasmin Kipper | Hydrokinesis, Weather Manipulation | Villain | China/USA | Tempest
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"Hey Twilight! You will never guess what I found in the woods today!"
“Hmm...a McGuffin?” she snarked.
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{ @discord-trolls }
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bastsoldtrollblog · 2 years ago
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> Okay...
> You should probably at least...Try to figure this out. It’s been a few nights, things have settled- Uh, sorta. Glasya...Doesn’t seem to be taking your silence well. They’re not completely avoiding you, but things are definitely a little awkward. They’re acting out a bit.
> It’s their night off, and you’ve also taken the night off (which will probably unnerve your coworkers, because you simply do not take nights off). You spent a whole fifteen minutes figuring out how to word this text.
MA: Hey. Sorry to bother you on your night off. It’s not work-related, promise. MA: Are you hive? There was something I wanted to talk with you about.
> You figure it won’t be hard to figure out what that something is, so they can decline if they want.
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goddesstrolls-archive · 5 years ago
Every time I see Mik i think it says Milk and i thought you should know
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dominatingfriendship · 6 years ago
"Well, when Fluttershy told me who was the culprit for Equestria's latest near miss, I could scarcely believe it. But alas, here you are. The toddler of Tartarus."
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“Discord. The spirit of chaos himself. Somehow I got the feeling I’d see you.” Something about this particular meeting seemed inevitable to her. Like it was just waiting to happen after she was locked up in here. “None of the others have laughed at me yet. But I’m going to guess you will...?”
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underoursirenspell · 7 years ago
"Quick Sonata! I'm doing the crossword. What's a twelve letter antonym for panda?"
“Grayscale Cat?” she asked, shrugging. 
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{ @discord-trolls }
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gothshy · 7 years ago
"Pros would be getting to see that cute face and to match wits with that top notch brain of hers on a regular basis. Cons being she's a rather busy mare who would have little time to give me the attention I cra- erhm... I mean, deserve."
“Do you feel neglected, Discord?” Twilight asked seriously. “I can make a conscious effort to try to spend more time with you, you know. Just ask.”
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ofroyalmajesty · 7 years ago
"If you were to turn evil, would your cutie mark turn into a supernova?"
A small chuckle, “That is Zephyr’s mark, ah,” she let slip. One of her older sister’s had the mark of a supernova. Celestia herself, in her years of being a warring queen, had only had a wilder sun. “No. Only a less friendly looking sun. The nature of a cutie mark does not change so drastically even with a pony’s personality. It mutates instead. Ah, here...”
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She looked at her flank and tried to visualize what she had been like in her crueler days before coming to Equestria and vowing to return to Peace and Harmony. And there manifested on her flank, the friendly-looking sun became something wilder.
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But this time it was an illusion casts by her memory. It faded and the lighter sun return. That, too, was only a disguise. Underneath was something else. And that she dare not show. 
“I hope that answers your question. I think a supernova might be too extreme a change.”
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