astrusxmi-blog · 5 years
bright blue isn’t necessarily the best color on jaewon, but he makes it work. he’s been a volunteer at the cat cafe for a couple weeks now -- the owner practically begged him to at least volunteer if he didn’t want to work there, since he’s there all the time anyway and is the only one who midas will happily spend time with -- besides haseul, of course, who’s too busy with her work at the dog cafe to take another job here. jaewon doesn’t really mind doing it -- it gives him time to catch up on his reading, when midas has the patience to let jaewon give more attention to a book than him. 
right now, though, the cat is happily settled on jaewon’s head, the vibrations of his purrs going through his skull and down into his back, which is actually rather pleasant. both of their backs are braced against the wall, jaewon holding his book against his raised knees so he doesn’t have to tilt his head down and dislodge midas, who is certainly ruining jaewon’s hair, but he can’t bring himself to mind. 
a high-pitched cooing voice assaults jaewon’s ears just before he feels and hears midas stop purring, and he plants a falsely-pleasant smile on his lips that reads get away from me right now plain as day to anyone looking at it. the woman in front of him is it, and neither is the friend behind her, whose incessant cooing is even higher-pitched and more headache inducing than the first woman’s. “ooooh, it’s so cute!” the first woman cries, and jaewon feels midas tense up -- he’ll start hissing if these idiots don’t bring their voices down an octave or so. jaewon can’t help but bristle too -- these are the exact kinds of people he hates at this cafe. animals aren’t its -- they have feelings and thoughts and desires just as much as humans do. they aren’t just some pretty toy to have around to coo at and snuggle with when it’s convenient. 
“can i hold it?” the second woman asks, and jaewon shrugs. 
“if he’ll let you,” he says simply, carefully enunciating on the he. midas would cooperate a lot more if jaewon took him off his head himself and handed him over, but he doesn’t entirely want him to cooperate right now  -- he’d be perfectly fine with the cat scratching their faces off. the woman lifts him gently from jaewon’s head, and damn, it looks like she’s held a cat before. midas is weak to a good ear scratch, too, so he melts as soon as she has him settled and scratches his ear. 
“aww, he’s purring!” she says, and jaewon can’t help but scowl while both women’s attention is on midas and not him. “is he up for adoption?” the forced smile is back on jaewon’s face before she even turns her head to look at him, but he’s a professional at faking it and she doesn’t notice a thing. 
“no, i’m afraid not,” he replies without thinking, though he doesn’t regret the lie from the moment it leaves his lips. “he’s already spoken for. we have plenty of other cats and kittens who are available, though,” he says in his best customer service voice, gesturing to the room at large, which is quite literally filled with cats lounging about. 
“well, i hope he’s going to a good home,” the second woman says, looking back to midas and smiling fondly as she scratches his ears. jaewon almost feels bad about lying to her, until he remembers that midas getting adopted would mean jaewon would likely never see him again. he doesn’t let himself feel bad after that. 
the woman soon sets midas down on the table and gives his back a long stroke before she and her friend walk away to find other cats to play with. jaewon immediately gathers midas in his arms, ignoring the cat’s meows of protest. “i have to go see haseul,” he says to the cat, petting him absently as he gets up and carries midas back to his usual tower in the corner. “don’t let anyone near you unless it’s me or haseul, alright?” he tells the cat, knowing that midas is smart enough to understand him and listen, and possibly to understand the significance of what just happened and what jaewon’s planning to do. “don’t let anyone take you away, got it?” he adds, giving midas’s ears one last scratch as he deposits him on the shelf of the tower. midas mews in response, and jaewon leaves without signing out on the front desk’s volunteer chart. 
he has to get to the dog cafe, and he has to pray that haseul is working right now. if she isn’t, he’ll wrangle her phone number out of someone and call her. he can’t do this without her -- it might be weird that they’re near strangers but they’ve already pretty much agreed to adopt a cat together but, hey, it’s a weird world that they live in. 
thankfully, haseul is in the dog cafe, and she doesn’t seem very busy. or at least, there isn’t a line at the counter, and she seems to be humming to herself as she cleans something, and jaewon figures that’s not-busy enough for what he needs to tell her. “i’m adopting midas. today.”
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mixgrim · 5 years
「Head Canon Meme 」 | Status: Not Accepting!
who was the last person you cried in front of?
GRIM mustered the female in front of him mockingly. Who did she think he was? Some random guy she could play her little games with? How laughable. Some people just didn’t know how to keep their mouths shut. At times he even thought that they purposely asked him, just to provoke him and to piss him off. What exactly was the purpose of her question, what was the reason? Did she think he would become all emotional and pour out his heart to her? Was she after his weaknesses?
“I don’t cry. I make others cry. Cry for mercy.” He growled at her, his pitch-dark eyes glared the female down. The last time he could remember himself melting into tears was that one time, that first time he had killed a person. Under the veil of the night GRIM had stared at his hands, the hands of the murderer, as if they belonged to someone else. All alone, lonely, he had been sitting in the dark, trembling and trying to suppress the memories of that man’s last moments. The feelings that overwhelmed him were scary and without forewarning tears had fallen. The last person he had cried in front of was himself.
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jihoonmi · 5 years
                                ✧ ┊ headcanon meme  ┅┅┅┅  accepting
“what’s your favourite quote?“
oooh. ( & // he says it aloud, like he’s particularly intrigued ) i’m not much of a quotes person. ( he admits, with a little grin ) i don’t really read other than what i have to for school, and i don’t think i’ve ever liked a book enough to remember quotes from it. i like movies a lot though, and there are some good quotes from those, like you know, the classics: “i’m going to make him an offer he can’t refuse,” “nobody puts baby in a corner,” “here’s looking at you, kid.” i wouldn’t say any of those are my favorite, though. my dad says “don’t be afraid of being afraid,” and i think that’s a pretty good one. i think that’s part of the reason why i’m scared of so little, aside from seeing some of the worst of what you can see early on. when you know fear is there, and you aren’t afraid of it, it doesn’t have power over you anymore, and then it’s not even really there. ( is he good at living by that quote, though? over time, maybe his lack of experience with fear caught up with him to the point that when he feels it now, it makes him panic ) my mom sometimes says “people give away what they need the most,” and i think about that a lot. i don’t know if i really agree with it, to be honest, but maybe that’s why i don’t give much ( he laughs) 
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min007mi · 5 years
Question time - Not accepting.
16. what part of yourbody are you most uncomfortable with?
He looked down at himself, oh what a random and weird question to ask. Whywould she ask such random question, was there any meaning behind? Was itbecause she saw something that she disliked about his body, or was it perhaps becauseMin always sounded so confident about himself? He never took the time to feelinsecure about his body or uncomfortable with it, he knew how much such thingscould hurt a person. While younger he was insecure, he was so thin and nobodyseemed to be very interested in him. Suddenly after he began training, when hebegan learning how to fight, he also grew quite tall and strong. And with hisheight people suddenly started noticing him much more, how he was fit, and howhis face was rather handsome.
Now that he had all this he saw no reason to complain, he had become whatyounger him had wanted him to become, so why in the world would he complain? Hehad no right to. Thinking about what he disliked about himself was thereforesomething he quite hated doing, he knew there was a lot to dislike abouthimself, and that his body probably wasn’t perfect. That when he called himselfperfect it wasn’t true, but he still liked to think that way, as if there wasnothing wrong with him.
“I don’t know. I am quite satisfied with myself”
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crownxmi · 5 years
❝ headcanon edition, accepting do you like bubble baths? 
"don't have time for those and just normal baths are fine." he scrunches his nose as he answers, he knows there are people who can not go through a day without one of those, but jaehyun was much more of a quick shower person. they were less time consuming and got the job done. usually, he would come back bloody and in need to get the stench and everything off him, getting in a bathtub with bubbles was just a nightmare. everything goes red, it was gross, the thought making jaehyun grimace. it seemed like he was bathing in someone else's blood, and no matter how much that metaphor fascinated him, he would rather not do the actual thing. like.. ever. "i'm more of a quick cold morning shower, you know. to get the blood running and have a fresh start of the day. if its in the evening, then maybe a slightly longer hot shower to unwind, but i'd rather just stick away from bubble baths and normal baths, whoever thinks they are practical, sure, whatever." he laughs, shrugging slightly as he licks his lips yet again "that's just not my cup of tea apparently."
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jaeinxmi-blog · 5 years
43. have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
the young man’s face drops, some light in his eyes fading, and his whole demeanor seems to sag in on itself. like was an understatement, he loved her. part of him likely loves her still, even with what she did to him. jaein knows, he knows, that she wasn’t good, she was cruel and controlling, but she was his, and he hers, and he thought that they’d be together until their dying breaths. “my ex.” he says simply. he doesn’t want to go any deeper than that.
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shicrimi-blog · 5 years
⇉ @mihaseul
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“What have I been craving?“ Truth to be told, he had tasted every single cake that the bakery across his store had put up and always, almost all the time, he could not finish any of it; not that he disliked sweet things, he could not find any capability to finish off what he always bought. “You know, I always crave for sweet things for some unknown reason... I always think of myself as inclined to be diabetic which is quite scary considering how sometimes metformin or insulin could be expensive.“ Shiori somehow diverged into that part of the discussion but his mind was quick to backpedal him towards giving the lady a conclusion she deserves. “Have you ever heard of Simit? A Turkish dish that looks like a bagel?“ His finger was air-drawing the shape of the latter treat. “I have seen a show with few chefs trying to bake the best Simit and I am craving for it? Even though I never tasted it?“ He chuckled to himself. “I don’t think this island provides any Turkish delights and why not you open up one for the sake of everyone?“
Briefly, Shiori wondered, if the girl was expecting an answer that is tangled with the thrill of killing people or executing a heist -- If the question was directed in such way, the male would have to disappoint her because a good day such as this one, the male does not want to think about the bodies that he had seen while serving the group.
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