#migz racing
migzrocks · 5 years
Meet the “Concours Kid” from Jay Leno’s 30 under 30 category
 2020,drivetribe,migz,migztv,migz racing,jake kaywell,the concours kid,1962 studebaker gran turismo hawk,30 under 30,jay leno
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trickstump · 5 years
homeroom angel 
eddie kaspbrak/richie tozier rated e 5.5k 
thank you to @eddiekissbrak for beta’ing and cheerleading me through this journey. migz, you’re a real one. 
(read it HERE on AO3) 
Richie’s not looking for it.
Of course Richie’s not fucking looking for it, though; to look for it, he’d have to have had any idea that it existed, and the idea of Eddie doing anything like this was beyond unfathomable. It was a whole other level of this could never happen that even Richie fantasies couldn’t have predicted it- and he’d had some pretty wild ones.  
But. Here the fuck it was, skipping floors two through two hundred on the Wonkavtor and busting through the top of Richie’s head, staring back at him from the page of the magazine he’d picked up.  
It’d been- there were so many fucking steps, really, to them even getting here in the first place. Richie had to have found this fucking magazine when he was in colleg- not this issue, god, not this issue; if Richie had picked up this fucking issue in college, he was sure his mind would’ve exploded. But, he had to pick up this magazine in the first place in college, furtive, snatching it off the rack at the drugstore and not bothering to pay because holy shit, he couldn’t stand the idea of looking the dude in the counter in the eye and paying for a porno magazine that shouted Boys! Boys! Boys!
So. He had to pick up this magazine, and then, in a drunken fit just after his first few paid shows, he had to buy a subscription to this magazine- fake name, correct address- meticulously updated every time he moved so that it could be delivered right to his door packaged in a discreet envelope, and occasionally shoved into the bottom of his suitcase while he was on the road, because he liked to have the company of Mr. January 2016 on cold nights in decent hotel rooms.
 And, then, he had to be subscribed at just the right time, because he’d really been about to cancel his subscription entirely when the throwback issue came out. It was getting fucking dangerous, having his porn hand delivered to him like some kind of creepy old man, when Eddie had just moved in after trekking out to LA as a part of his post-Derry, post-divorce midlife crisis. There’d been an incident last month when Eddie’s found mail with the fake name that had lead to Richie having to sneak back out to the mailbox in the dead of night to do some recon before Eddie’s neat little “return to sender; does not live at this address” got his jerk-off material for the month taken away. It was the modern era; he should just make the jump and start going digital, anyway. 
So. Petty theft, years of furtively waiting for his monthly fix of scantily clad men to arrive via the US Postal service, and someone somewhere’s visonary idea of “let’s just reuse some fucking old pictures this time; these dipshits’ll crank it to anything, I’m sure” culminated to this:  
Not Eddie, now- obviously, not Eddie, now. That’d be fucking insane, and Richie would be losing more of his mind than he’d already lost. He’d just been flipping through the issue, admiring this and that, and- he’d almost skipped the pages on his first thumb-through, absentminded and half hard, free hand resting on his leg, when he saw the flash of a leg and flipped back.
And then, there was Eddie. 
Younger- a few decades younger, the little white Times New Roman in the corner told him; Eddie, November 1999. November, Eddie’s birth month- happy fucking birthday to him. He only caught it the second time he looked at the picture, flipping the page and then flipping back to make sure his mind wasn’t just projecting the image of a younger Eddie onto the pages. 
It wasn’t. 
It was Eddie- his Eddie, flushed a little pink in the way he got when he was flustered, doe-eyeing the camera. His mouth was just as pink as his cheeks and hanging open just a bit, and Richie spent so much time looking at his face, he almost forgot to look at the rest of him- all of the rest of him, most of all of the rest of him, because thank god, this was not where he was seeing Eddie’s dick for the first time. Narrow avoidance, though, only because of the artful drapery of the fugly pink fur- rug? blanket?- monstrosity they had barely draped over the area, which let Richie see everything except his dick. 
God. He couldn’t even fucking think about Eddie’s dick right now. Not that he let himself think about Eddie’s dick too much, anyway. He’d think about being in love with Eddie all day long, and maybe about the fucking phenomenal sex they could be having every so often, mostly when he was lonely on the road, because there was a weird line when it came to being in love with your childhood friend, and that line was drawn exactly on the other side of “jerking off thinking about him while he’s sharing an apartment with you.” 
Speaking of, Richie’s dick went from being passively interested in the goings on to standing at attention like a goddamn car lot flag pole the second he had enough brain cells to process what he was seeing. He was achingly hard, now, and at the same time frozen in place, free hand now gripping his leg so hard he was going to leave a bruise. He couldn’t do anything but stare, heart racing like he was running a marathon.  
It was the best thing he’d ever fucking seen, and he needed to stop seeing it. 
“Hey, Richie?” 
Eddie’s voice outside his door jumped him into action, and Richie dropped the magazine like it was burning him. “Uh- yeah?” His voice broke on ‘yeah’, and he really, really sounded like a kid whose mom was two seconds from walking in on him jerking it. 
Eddie, for his part, didn’t seem to pick up on it- or, more likely, he was just fucking polite enough not to call him out. “You coming out so we can go eat or what, dude?”  
Fuck. Richie had been so caught up in a past where Edward fucking Kaspbrak, world’s stuffiest man and love of his life, had posed for a gay porn magazine that he had forgotten about the present where said childhood sweetheart was expect him to get dinner. “Oh, for sure.” He’d managed to get control of his voice, because he was a goddamn professional. “Just give me a second, man, I’m not decent.” 
“You’ve never been decent in your life,” Eddie huffed. “But, fine. Be out in, like, five minutes or I’m gonna eat without you.”
Richie waited until he heard Eddie’s footsteps disappear to exhale, and then it was just him and- well, him and Eddie again, still staring up at him from the centerfold with a look that Richie had barely ever even dared to imagine he could pull off. 
He gave himself a few moments to breathe, eyes squeezed shut least the air he was just getting back into his lungs be stolen again, and he flipped the magazine closed before he opened them again. This was- definitely crossing the line he’d drawn for himself, and he should probably just throw the whole thing out before he jumped over the line and directly into something dangerous. 
But, he couldn’t bring himself to- for a lot of reasons, really, chief among them the fact that he knew having a missing issue in his back catalogue would drive him absolutely fucking insane, and totally, totally, not because he couldn’t imagine ever getting rid of the only proof he had of the divine fact that Eddie could have “fuck me” eyes. Totally. 
So, instead of the trash can, or the back of his closet in a box where the rest of the issues went, Richie played into the full fantasy of being in college again and shoved the magazine under his mattress, resolving to deal with this later. The rest of his five minutes was spent trying to will his dick to sit back down by any means necessary- mostly by thinking about Eddie’s mom, which was an irony that Richie was too wired to appreciate in the moment. 
Thank fucking god they weren’t going out or anything. Eddie had just picked up cooking in his quest for independence, and liked to show off whenever Richie was home, which Richie didn’t mind in the slightest. He’d survived the last several decades on his own on Hot Pockets and takeout whenever he was home, and room service or fast food when he wasn’t.  
Eddie cooked, and Richie did the dishes. It was disgustingly domestic, and thinking about the concept rather than the action actually made Richie happy to do it, instead of mildly irritated. Love was a hell of a drug. 
He couldn’t really focus on the food tonight, though, because every time he looked up across the table- because Eddie made them eat at the table, like what the fuck was that?- he was faced with Eddie, who hadn’t changed enough in twenty years for Richie to be able to not see flashes of his pink lips and flushed cheeks every time he saw him.
It was like being haunted by a sexy, sexy ghost. 
“And I- Jesus, dude, are you even listening to me?” Richie blinked when Eddie waved a hand in front of his face. “Earth to Richie; you look like an idiot, man. What’s up with you, is there something on my face?” 
“Uh,” Richie said, trying to say anything but ‘hey, you used to be, like. Hot, in college or whatever’, but obviously not reacting fast enough for Eddie’s tastes. 
“I already got the fucking mole checked, it isn’t cancer,” he said, and that was Richie’s Eddie, vision snapping back into focus. 
“I’m not staring at your fucking mole, dude,” Richie said, rolling his eyes. “Also, aren’t they only like… cancerous if they have hair in them, or something?” 
“No,” Eddie said, and sucked in a breath, and that launched them into a conversation- well. A tirade from Eddie with color commentary from Richie, really, and that was more like their normal dinner conversations, enough that Richie could phase out his lust for past Eddie and focus on the warm fuzzies that having this Eddie in his life gave him.
 Dinner and dishes done and conversation still rolling, though they’d cycled past about twenty different topics now, they moved on to the post dinner ritual of turning on the TV and not-watching Wheel of Fortune in favor of not-cuddling on the same couch, even though there was definitely a perfectly fine recliner in the room. This was the kind of thing that made Richie think that maybe, just maybe he had a chance in hell in all this- but, fuck if he was going to make the first move, so he just sat there with his arm flung over the back of the couch, hand dangling just so it brushed Eddie’s shoulder, and pretended he gave a shit about whatever Pat Sajak was saying, and wasn’t just watching Eddie.  
Because Eddie was double his age at heart, Wheel of Fortune faded into Jeopardy, and when Jeopardy faded into whatever the fuck came after, right on cue, Eddie yawned. “I’m going to bed,” he said, and Richie nodded.
“I’ll probably turn in, too,” he said, and they both just sat there for a few seconds after Richie turned off the TV, something- something- lingering between them. This part, too, was part of the norm; there was something one of them wanted to say, needed to do, but Richie was too chicken shit to be the one to do it, and Eddie was- well, Richie wasn’t sure what Eddie was, scared, nervous, too freshly out of an intensely shitty relationship, but what it boiled down to was Eddie yawning in again, breaking the moment, and saying “g’night, Richie,” as he got up, and went to his room. 
Normally, Richie’d just sit there for a few moments and stew in the moment he let pass again, but tonight, he only had to sit there for a second before he remembered what he’d been trying to get out of his head since dinner. 
He felt like a burglar in his own home, tiptoeing back to his room and closing the door. He thought about keeping the light off, for a second, but flipped it on at the last second. If he was going to be crossing the fucking line like this, he may as well be able to fucking see it in its full glory.  
He settled onto the bed and pulled the magazine out from under his mattress in one smooth move, flipping it open to the page without having to search, like the universe knew exactly what kind of self destruction he was looking to do. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, and when he looked down on the exhale, Eddie was staring back at him, legs splayed and back arched artfully, like he’d just been waiting for him this whole time. 
“Hey there,” Richie said to an empty fucking room, and too much brainpower had already switched to dick power for him to be embarrassed about it. It didn’t take too long for him to get fully hard again- because it was fucking Eddie, of course it didn’t, and Richie wasn’t in the business of teasing himself when it came to jerking off, so he inelegantly wriggled out of his sweatpants and boxers, kicking them to the bottom of the bed. 
It was a little awkward, balancing the magazine in one hand while he had the other on his dick, but Richie was a pro at it, at this point. Normally, though, he’d only look at the magazine for a bit  before he let it fall aside, letting his mind do the rest of the work. Tonight, he couldn’t make himself put it down, though, because putting it down would mean he wouldn’t see how fucking right Eddie looked, laying back on that stupid, ugly pink fur, arms draped above his head and legs spread wide.
“Fuck.” He didn’t say it very loud, but Richie felt like he could hear it echo through the empty room. This was going to be the shortest fucking jerk off session he’d had in maybe his entire life, but, that should really be expected, considering the circumstances, and- 
“Hey, Richie, do you think I should get this mole checked again, because I really-” 
The world stopped. 
Eddie- real Eddie, now Eddie- was standing in the doorway. Fuck, normally, he’d knock, but Richie guessed the mole thing was really fucking bothering him, because he’s just slammed it open and given Richie no time to react. They both froze, when they locked eyes, and Eddie realized what was going on, and his face skipped right past the pretty pink Richie’d just been looking at to bright fucking red. “Oh. You’re- busy.” 
“Yeah.” Richie’s hand had not moved from his dick, nor had he moved to put the magazine down, or cover himself up, or anything a normal fucking person would do. Instead, his gaze flicked from Eddie, down the magazine, and back. “I, uh- sorry.” 
“Oh my fucking god,” Eddie said, and Richie felt his heart jump into his throat for a second as Eddie started moving towards him, and- laughing? “Dude, is that a fucking magazine? What is it, the fucking sixties?” 
“Fuck you!” Richie was finally moving, now, but it was mostly to jerk the magazine out of Eddie’s reach when he reached for it. Eddie didn’t seem to care that his fucking dick was out, so Richie was gonna ignore it for the time being, and hope it went away. “It’s artful, man.” 
“You’re such a grandpa,” Eddie snorted, managing to snatch the magazine away from Richie and dance just out of reach before he could snatch it back, flipping through the pages. “Is this fucking vintage magazine porn? Richie, you’ve got to be fucking kidding m-” 
The last part of the sentence died on Eddie’s tongue as he reached the centerfold, and he went pale as a ghost. “I, uh-” 
“You looked, like... Really fucking good.” That was the wrong thing to say, the stupidest thing Richie could’ve possibly said, but he spoke before he thought. 
“It- college, man.” Eddie didn’t seem like he was entirely in himself as he spoke, still staring down at the page. “I… I wanted to feel hot. So.” 
Eddie’s voice was so fucking small when he said it, it made Richie’s chest ache. “Wanted to feel hot?” he asked, sitting up a bit. “Dude. Eds, you are hot.” 
“I mean, I used to look pretty good- I worked out and shit.” Eddie shrugged, finally putting the magazine down, setting it on Richie’s bedside table. 
“I didn’t say ‘used to’,” Richie said, using his single ounce of courage for the rest of the year. “I said you are hot.” 
“Present tense?” Eddie’s gaze snapped from the carpet to Richie’s face, brow furrowed, seemingly searching it for... something. Richie wasn’t sure if he found it or not. “You think so?”
“I’ve always thought so,” he said, because he had, and if he was being honest, he may as well go the whole way with it. Fuck the line.
“Fuck, Richie.” The two words left Eddie’s mouth in one gust of breath, and before Richie could add anything onto his confession, Eddie had surged forward, and kissed him, hands on either side of Richie’s face, holding him like he was something precious . It was honestly a very sweet kiss, for how inelegant it was, and the fact that Richie’s dick was still out, several decades worth of longing and things unsaid pushed from both sides. 
When they pulled away, they were breathless, and Eddie’s forehead was resting against Richie’s. “You were really gonna sit here and jerk off to my fucking picture while I was a room away, huh?” he teased, and even if Richie knew it for what it was, guilt wormed its way into the pit of his stomach. 
“The fuck else was I supposed to do?” he shot back. “Knock on your door and go, ‘hey, Spaghetti-O, I know you’re in the process of doing your old lady skin care routine so that you can pass out by ten like some kind of retiree, but I need you to know that I found your ancient nudes, and they dredged up every fantasy I’ve ever had about you and then some. Thoughts?’” 
“Yes,” Eddie said, and then, “You’ve had a lot of fantasies about me?” 
“You’re the only person I’ve ever fantasized about,” Richie said, and he hated how fucking honest he was being about that. “Even when I didn’t know it was you, it was always- the shape of you, the flash.”
“You’re not allowed to be that romantic when your fucking hard on is digging into my hip, man,” Eddie huffed, and then he kissed Richie again. This time, there was nothing sweet about it, all heat, biting and sucking, and when Eddie pulled away to kiss down Richie’s neck, there was nothing he could do but bite back a moan. “And, yeah, you should’ve fucking come to me. You don’t need the fucking magazine when you have the real thing.” 
“Have I got it?” Richie asked, and he wasn’t even sure what he was asking, but Eddie stopped pawing at his shirt for a second to give him the answer that he needed, anyway. 
“Richie,” he said, deadly serious and flushed the same shade of pink he’d been in the picture, now. “You’ve always had me. Now, take your fucking shirt off.”
Richie didn’t have to be told twice, and by the time he got the rest of the way undressed and retrieved his glasses from where he’d flung them across the bed in the process, he was treated to Eddie having done the same, stepping out of his sleep pants, silky, stupid, monogramed button down hanging off his shoulders. “God.” He couldn’t help the outburst, and it made Eddie look over to him with a smile- no, a fucking smirk, crawling back onto the bed like some kind of stupid sex kitten from an eighties porno and letting the shirt drop to the floor in the same move. 
“Like what you see?” 
“You already know I do, asshole,” Richie said, rolling his eyes at the line and running his hands down Eddie’s sides and back up again in the same motion. “You’re fucking hot, Eddie.” 
“I like hearing you say it,” Eddie said, surging to kiss him again. He’d settled on Richie’s lap, sort of, straddling his hips, and it was fucking rewarding to feel that he was just as turned on as Richie was, even if Richie couldn’t bring himself to look down at his dick yet. That was a shade too far; he wasn’t sure he’d be able to recover. 
“You’re fucking hot,” he said again, sort of mumbled into Eddie’s shoulder as he pressed a kiss there, and started working his way down. “I’ll keep saying it, then.” 
“You’re- shit, Richie, we’re not fucking kids, you can’t just go giving me hickies all ove- oh, you’re probably the only person I’ve heard it from in, like- a decade,” Eddie’s head was tipped back, eyes fluttering shut, and it was such a pretty scene Richie almost didn’t process what he’d heard. 
“No one’s told you you were hot in ten fucking years?” It sounded so impossible to Richie; who the fuck could miss all this, even with the not at all provocative polos and button downs Eddie usually wore- or. Well, Richie found them provocative, but he found everything about Eddie appealing in one way or another. 
“I- fuck- was married,” Eddie said. “And we weren’t, like… that kinda couple.” 
“Her loss,” Richie said. “My gain. You’re so fucking hot.” 
“Your gain,” Eddie echoed, and he was smiling, so fucking gentle that Richie forgot how to breathe, and also the fact that he was supposed to be ravishing him. “Do you, uh. Wanna fuck me?” 
Richie’s brain stopped working. “Do I want to fuck you? Eddie. Eddie, I think if I don’t fuck you, I’ll die.” 
“You won’t die,” Eddie huffed, even though Richie wanted to protest when he removed himself from his lap. “Do you have, like. Lube and shit?” 
 “First drawer on the left.” Richie made a vague gesture towards his dresser, and readjusted to give Eddie more room on the bed when he came back.
“I haven’t fucking done this in years,” Eddie when he found what he was looking for, tossing the bottle at Richie. “So, you’re gonna have to, like. Be patient.” 
“I’m so patient,” Richie said, fumbling to catch it and then fucking up his first few attempts at getting the cap open in his haste, undercutting his whole statement. “I’m like fucking Buddha, man. Did you- want to grab a condom?” 
“I checked, yours are expired,” Eddie said, settling back onto the bed. “Which tells me, like, how little sex you’ve been having. We can, like… make a run, if you really want one? But- I’m clean, and I… if you are, then.” 
“I am,” Richie said, maybe a bit too quickly, because the idea of raw dogging Eddie was the closest he’d had to a religious epiphany in his whole life. “I- am.”  
“Good,” Eddie said, the word coming out like a sigh as Richie repositioned himself once more, looming over him to steal a kiss. “Then, do you wanna do this part, or should I?” 
“Can I?” Richie was getting gift after gift tonight, feeling like Christmas goddamn Day when Eddie nodded. He shifted down again, getting probably too sloppy with the lube as he coated his fingers. Whatever, he’d change his sheets later. 
He couldn’t take his eyes off of Eddie’s face as he pushed his first finger in- slow, so fucking slow, because he was being patient, and gentle. The pink was back in his cheeks, and his eyes were half lidded, eyelashes fluttering every time Richie’s finger moved, small noises Richie wasn’t even sure he knew he was making falling from his lips. “Fuck, Richie.” 
“You good?” Richie was breathless- he’d been breathless a lot in this; maybe he should ask if Eddie had any of his old inhalers lying around. 
“Am I good?” Eddie almost sounded like he was going to laugh, but Richie must’ve hit something good before he could, because the noise turned into a drawn out moan. “Jesus, Richie. Another- another, and harder, and fucking do that again.” 
“You’re so bossy,” Richie snorted, but he did what he was told because he kinda liked that Eddie was bossy. 
Two more fingers and several minutes later, Eddie’s eyes looked like they had almost rolled back in his head, and he was tugging  Richie’s hair. “Okay, you’ve- you’ve gotta fuck me now, or I think I’m gonna lose it.” 
“Losing it is the point,” Richie said, even as he drew his fingers back. The whimper Eddie let out when he did was intoxicating. 
“Not before I’ve had your dick in me,” he countered. “I’ve waited way too fucking long for this, and I’m not gonna be waiting until I get it up again because I came like a fucking college kid before we got the main event.” 
“Then here comes the show, baby,” Richie said, shifting once again. He had to manhandle Eddie a little bit so that they were both positioned properly, handing him a pillow to put under his hips because neither of them were fucking twenty somethings anymore, and he was realistic about the level of crazy they could be getting here. 
Eddie rolled his eyes as he readjusted himself. “Don’t call your dick ‘the show,’” he said. “Even if it’s- Jesus, Richie, where do you even fucking put that thing?”
“I’ve never exaggerated a big dick joke in my life,” Richie said, a little smug because fuck yeah, finally, some respect. 
“I guess not,” Eddie said. “But, having a big dick doesn’t mean you know how to fucking use it.” 
Richie’s eyes narrowed. “That a challenge, Eds?” 
“Just an observation,” Eddie shot back, laying back on the bed and looking up at Richie with a smile that was definitely a challenge. “Prove me wrong.” 
Richie took that as his cue to do exactly that, lining up and pushing in- just a bit, at first, small thrusts of his hip before Eddie kicked- literally, fucking kicked, the asshole- him into action. “We just spent twenty fucking minutes working me up to this, Richie,” he said. “Fuck me like you mean it, now.” 
“I’m trying to be a gentleman, so you can sit pretty in your desk chair tomorrow,” Richie said. 
“You can be a gentleman next time,” Eddie said- and, holy shit, next time. “This time- fuck me like you mean it.” 
Richie didn’t have to be told twice. He was really, really considering maybe starting going to church again, with all the religious experience he was having this night, but he could mull that thought after he finished processing how fucking good Eddie looked, gripping Richie’s sheets as he rocked into him, slow at first and then building. “Jesus Christ, you’re fucking phenomenal.”  
“Stop using words with more than three syllables,” Eddie said, eyes fluttering shut and then open again, locking with Richie’s and not moving. “Your dick is turning off my brain.” 
“Phenomenal,” Richie said. “Effervescent. Show stopping, beautiful, an absolute fucking knock-out-” 
“Shut up,” Eddie moaned, tugging Richie down and kissing him. “You’re already fucking me, you don’t have to flatter me.” 
“It’s not flattery if you’re fucking everything,” Richie said, and that got Eddie’s eyes to widen.
“Everything?” he asked, and his voice was way, way too gentle for the moment. It seemed like an important question, for being only one word. 
“Everything,” he echoed, sure, more sure than he’d ever been about anything in his life. “Always been, Eds.”
“You can’t just say that shit, Richie,” Eddie said, but he kissed Richie again, and when he pulled away, added: “Say it again, anyway.” 
“You’re everything,” Richie repeated, and it became a mantra. “You’re everything, Eds,” like he was trying to burrow the idea so deep in Eddie’s mind he’d never fucking doubt it again, for better or for worse. They were fucking clinging to each other, now, and Richie wasn’t sure when this had turned from fucking to romance novel love making, but he wasn’t about to stop it. There was no way he could detach his feelings from this, if any of the shit he’d been saying didn’t make that obvious on its own. 
It only took a few more minutes of everything, you’re fucking everything, you’ve always been everything for Eddie to tighten around Richie, whole body curling like a spring when he came between them. “Richie, Richie, holy fucking shit-” 
“I’ve got you,” Richie said, sounding wrecked, because he was fucking close, too- he’d been close before Eddie’d come in, it was a wonder he hadn’t already blown it like a virgin- and he needed Eddie to know it. “I got you, I got you.” 
“Richie.” Eddie sounded just as wrecked, and it just took one look at his face- pink lips, pink cheeks, doe eyes blown wide under his lashes- to push him over the edge, coming with Eddie’s name on his lips. 
“Fuck.” His arms gave out, as he came down, and he flopped on top of Eddie. “Fuck, I think I’m dying.” 
“Don’t die with your dick still in me, idiot,” Eddie huffed, nudging him until he shifted and hissing as Richie pulled out. “God, I forgot this part.” 
“The afterglow?” Richie flopped on the other side of the bed now, and was pleased when Eddie shifted and followed, tucking himself against Richie’s side.
 “The part where I need to fucking shower,” Eddie said, making no move to get up.
“Do it later,” Richie said. “I’ll hop in with you, save water.” 
“If you hop in with me, neither of us are getting clean,” Eddie snorted, and god, if Richie hadn’t just came, that would’ve done some shit to him. 
“All the more reason,” he said, tucking Eddie a bit more securely into his side and dropping a kiss to the top of his head, getting a little bold. 
“Did you mean all that stuff?” Eddie asked after a beat of silence. “About-” 
“You’re everything,” Richie said, and he could feel Eddie’s breth hitching without even looking at him, because he wasn’t brave enough to do that right now. “Always been. It’s… yeah.” 
“Always?” Eddie sounded like he couldn’t believe it, which was stupid, because of course it was true. 
“Which part of that did you miss, Eds?” Richie asked. “The part earlier where I told you you were the only guy I’d ever fantasized about, or the way I used to follow you around like a puppy when we were kids, or-” 
“Shut up,” Eddie said. “It’s- you were my everything, Richie, so please, give me a damn minute to adjust to the reality that I haven’t been stupid for thinking that maybe you felt a little the same the whole time.” 
“Take a minute, then,” Richie said, because, oh, he didn’t know what to do with that, so he probably needed a minute, too. “I’m not going anywhere.” 
“Neither am I,” Eddie said, and that made Richie relax a little bit. “I’m staying here, tonight, by the way. I’m not sure my legs work.” 
“That good?” Richie hummed, smug, and Eddie didn’t answer, but the kiss he pressed to Richie’s shoulder did for him. “Told you, I’m fucking good.”
“One time doesn't count,” Eddie said. “You’re gonna have to give a repeat performance.” 
“Oh, I’m gonna,” Richie said. “A few- later. Probably not tonight.” 
“Probably not tonight,” Eddie agreed. “But- soon.”  
“I’ll fuck you every night I’m home if you let me, Eds,” Richie said, and sounded a lot more lovesick than he intended. 
“You’re taking me to dinner, first,” Eddie said. “Nice dinner, that I’m not cooking.” 
“Deal,” Richie said. “It’s a date.” 
“A date.” He turned to look at Eddie, then, and he was grinning like Richie had just done something amazing. “Good.” 
Richie had to kiss him for that. “I’m getting that picture framed, by the way,” he said as they both tucked in for the night. “We can hang it in the living room.” 
“We have people over, Richie,” Eddie said. “You’re not putting my nudes in the fucking living room.”
“They’re tasteful!” Richie protested. “And, like. That wasn’t a no on the framing.” 
“It’s a good picture,” Eddie said. “But, not in the living room.” 
“My office it is, then,” Richie said. “I’ll hang it right behind me, so when I do Skype interviews, it’s there.” 
“You’re the absolute worst,” Eddie groaned, but he kissed Richie again, so Richie decided he was gonna take that as ‘maybe.’ 
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thedailycomm1 · 2 years
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By: Ysabelle Jayco May 24, 2022
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Ferdinand Marcos Jr. celebrates his landslide victory as he greets the crowd outside his headquarters in Mandaluyong, Philippines, on Wednesday, May 11, 2022. Photo by: AP/Aron Favila
Overseas voting had a month-long period starting April 10 up until May 10. There are 84,877 registered voters in Singapore, according to the Philippine Embassy, but only 52,908 voted in 85 constituencies.
According to the published election results by Philippine Embassy in Singapore, Ferdinand Marcos Jr. tops the Presidential race with 36,806 votes (69.88%), followed by VP Leni Robredo dangling to only 12,283 votes which is a 46.56% landslide win for Marcos’ camp.
For the Vice Presidential race, Sara Duterte charmed the majority of Singapore OFW voters with 39,100 votes trailing Kiko Pangilinan with 9,975 votes.
For the Senatorial Race, Loren Legarda tops in the magic 12, followed by Robin Padilla with a close fight garnering 32,780 and 32,405 votes. Mark Villar, Gibo Teodoro, Harry Roque, Larry Gadon, Chiz Escudero, Migz Zubiri, Herbert Bautista, Raffy, Tulfo, Rodante Marcoleta, who recently withdrew his candidacy, and lastly, Sal Panelo, who were included in the magic 12 for OFWs in Singapore.
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trendingph · 3 years
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‘Performance team’: Several former, incumbent senators joining 2022 Senate race -- Zubiri Senate Majority Leader Juan Miguel “Migz” F. Zubiri (Screen grab/Senate PRIB) MANILA, Philippines — Five members of the so-called “Performance team” are either seeking a comeback or re-election in the  2022 Senate race, Senate Majority Leader... https://trendingph.net/performance-team-several-former-incumbent-senators-joining-2022-senate-race-zubiri/?feed_id=297428&_unique_id=60f50665d2378 #incumbent #joining #performance #philippinenews #philippinesnews #race #senate #senators #team #trendingph #zubiri
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marahismalaya · 5 years
From An Outsider’s Point of View
I stared at the Cagayan River, and for a moment, I felt like I was staring at my own death. Before I jumped onto the raft, I already imagined my own mortality that would unfold in that water. Like how I would fell off and drowned in the largest and longest river in the Philippines. 
There was tightness in my chest. Heart was racing faster that it should have. I couldn’t catch my breath. 
Exactly how I felt when I finally booked my flight to Cagayan de Oro. 
I've been discouraged to pursue this trip by friends and family for safety reason. I remember my best friend’s reaction upon exiting Laguindingan Airport, where we’re greeted by a group of soldiers in a checkpoint and found out that CDO is actually located in Misamis Oriental:"Diba, dito yung napapanood natin sa balita?!” I swear, I heard worry in her voice. I wouldn’t blame her. This is Mindanao. An island which often associated with adjectives that synonymous to danger. 
There was fear in my heart too, but I knew that I was here for a reason. I wanted to prove people (myself included) that Mindanao is not the dangerous place everyone perceived it to be. Despite my own apprehensions, I have always believed that there’s more to Mindanao than war and terrorism.
After an hour of land travel, we have finally reached CDO. To our surprise, we’re welcomed by billboards--left and right--it felt like we're transported to EDSA for a second. The familiar sight gave us a sense of comfort. 
The rain started pouring. My best friend trusted me the logistics of this trip, but I have a tendency to not do my research enough when I travel. I’m also not a big fan of itineraries. I’ve always liked the idea of being lost and surprised. Sometimes my love for spontaneity can be a liability. Thank God we’re in the City of Golden Friendship!
When we’re clueless how to get to our hostel, locals, despite the rain and language barrier, helped us to find the right motorela to catch. Moterela is their version of tricycle, but a lot bigger. I enjoyed riding them while going around the city. Not only it was cheap, the drivers were polite too! 
The culinary scene in CDO is also something to be praised! I love how you can afford a decent Chicken Inasal (with unli rice) with Php 100! But my most favourite pick: Itlog Ni Migz from Kanto matched with a Peach Fruit Tea from Chingkeetea! Solid.
But the best gift of this city is this: my friendship with Alve. Alve is one of my favourite writers, and her works have inspired me in many ways. We have been online friends for five years, but this was our first time meeting in person. It felt like a reunion with a high school friend--no awkwardness, just good laugh and talk about life and everything in between. Of course, I have to mention that she’s lucky to call CDO home! 
As days passed, I have heard my best friend said this on repeat: “Hindi pa rin ako makapaniwala na nasa Misamis Oriental tayo!” But this time, there’s less worry in her voice. I could finally hear the enthusiasm!
We also had interesting conversations with other locals, and they didn’t hesitate to open up about their lives under martial law and how they feel when an outsider thinks that Mindanao is nothing but a dangerous place. Contrary to popular belief, they’re actually more grateful that martial law happened in Mindanao. They said it’s a lot more peaceful after it has been declared. Although one of them didn’t deny the killings that still happen in the city, it’s great to hear different perspectives. Maybe, it’s not always what it seems. 
Our last day fell on the 12th of June. It was intentional.I wanted to welcome Philippine’s Independence Day in Mindanao. I was there. I witnessed gentlemen in military uniforms gathered in Plaza Divisoria, not for a war, but to pay respect to the Philippine flag. In that moment, I wanted to cry joyful tears. I whispered a prayer that only God could hear: “Bless this land. May it finally be freed from whatever it’s keeping it in limbo.” On the way back to the airport, my best friend mentioned it again how she couldn’t believe that she has visited Misamis Oriental in this lifetime. This time, I didn’t hear any sign of worry; because finally there’s nothing but gratitude and joy in her voice. 
I kept walking towards the water. One foot in front of the other. Next thing I knew, I was already on the raft. We paddled our way through the rapids. This is it. No turning back.There was tightness in my chest. Heart was racing faster than it should have. I couldn’t catch my breath. Locked your feet! Paddle forward! 1, 2, stop. Bugsay! We surpassed the first rapid, and there was peace. 
On the river that divides Bukidnon and Cagayan de Oro, I was left in awe by discovering the beauty that is Mindanao.
I didn’t fall nor did I die. 
I lived. 
Exactly how I felt throughout this trip. 
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songofrobin · 7 years
NorthFace Philippines Outdoor Challenge Nov 18, 2017
For the first time in my life that i have to run not feeling isolated. I always have that attitude, either i feel wearing my mask or to show irritated when having endeavor with some others. This event gave birth to a new vocabulary which i really like, ‘camaraderie’. I guess, I’m back on being healthy again
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After ng Spartan event, biglang nakita ko sa timeline ko tong NorthFace Outdoor Challenge na obstacles run, syempre may obstacles kaya G na G nnmn ako sumali. Before you register, you need to be with a team of 3, so talagang nag hanap ako sa mga naging kaibigan ko at ang pumayag ay si James (nakakasama ko mag bundok) at Patrick(naging ka officemate ko na nag mamarathon).  Konti lng kasi tlga sa mga kaibigan ko ung may gusto ng ganito, buti nlng pumayag sila, pero sa isip isip ko, naging control freak nnmn ako, yung parehas silang nag dadalawang isip na sumama sa umpisa, kaya inagahan ko na rin ang pag reregister para pag sure na register na hindi na sila mag backout. Yun ung ugali na ni tinatanggal ko na kahit papaano pero hindi sya matanggal tanggal, well anyways, balik tayo sa event.
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Pareparehas kaming nag Leave ng friday, Nov 17, para byumahe papuntang Naga City, napagkasunduan naming mag rent ng AirBnB para relax na relax na at wala masyadong limits at stress free na din. 7.30am na pinaka maagang alis ng Bus from Cubao to Naga then mga 7.30pm din kami nakarating ng Naga City, sobrang naiipit lng kami ng trapik dahil sa rush hour sa Edsa ng Friday ng umaga. So pagdating namin ng Naga, nag ayos lng ng gamit, at nag lakad lakad sa Magsaysay road para kumain at bumili ng supplies para sa kinabukasan, hindi rin nag tagal natulog na din kami ng maaga, para relax na relax para sa race.
Race Day
What I love about the event:
Free pre-race buffet and Post race meal - (san ka makakakitang race na may ganito sa murang halaga, we’ve paid around 1.3k each for 22km with 20% early bird discount, nahiya ang kamahalan ng Spartan Race na wala man lang pakain)
No water cups and plenty of Hydrating Stations(every 2-3km)  - ( you have to bring your own hydration pack tapos refill refill nalang sa mga hydrating stations. nahiya ulit ang 3 water station ng Spartan race na naubusan pa ng tubig dun sa number 2, kawawa kaming mga last sa race wave)
Plenty of Marshals sa gubat gubat para mag guide at mag inspect for foul races - ( rule kasi na bawal mag kalat, Leave no Trace. This is a real big thing, sana lahat ng race sa Pilipinas mag dadala nalng ng hydration pack nila at refill refill nalng at may mga Marshals na mag iinspect kung sino ang mag kakalat para i disqualified, nahiya ulit yung Spartan dahil nga nasa last Wave na ako, Marshals are nowhere to be found in some obstacles, parang wala na silang pakiaalam sa mga nasa huli).
Discounts vouchers and +1hour free Wake boarding sa CWC at sa pag tulong ng Local Government nila dito sa event. - Buti pa si Migz Villafuerte umattend at nag bigay ng free beer sa event, syempre nakakatulong din sa promotion ng Province nila yon,  -  nakakahiya nmn kay Nini Ynares, taga Rizal ako pero sana man lamang sinuportahan nya yung First ever Spartan Event dito sa Pilipinas)
Swimming obstacle - sobrang solid non, kahit mag crocross lang kayo, ewan pero ang linis linis ng tubig don sa CWC parang ang sarap mag swimming at i try yung inflatable floating playground nila, yun pinaka favorite kong challenge :D
Suggestion to Improve : 
More and Fun/Challenging Obstacles - syempre nakapag Spartan na ako and Obstacles are insanely rad. Talagang challenging na kailangan mo mag train super hard to achieve those hurdles. Iba din kasi ang feeling pag nagawa mo yung mahirap, sobrang uplifting , penalty na 30burpees kapag hindi mo nagawa.
Obstacles and Pictures
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After the race, mga naka 4hours kame, and pang 19th / 50 Team, lakas hahaha, pero pag si Patrick lang, kayang kaya nga maka 1 digit hahaha. Sobrang mag ka pace lang kami ni James at talagang hindi sila nagapakita ng negativity buong race. Ako pa yung inatake ng cramps pero dahil sa Electrolyte Salts naka bawi, sana lng hindi sila na asar saken non iniinda ko yung sakit nung mga time na yon, ayako kasing maging pabigat, at sana man lang nag bigay ako ng konting positivity during our race, parang wala ako matandaan :(, pero kayo ang bigay ng sobrang positivity saken, hindi ko namalayan na naka 4 hours na tayo nong tumatakbo.
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Nag decide kami mag gamitin yung Wake Boarding na 1hour free, sobrang medyo takot pa ako non na parang ayaw ko gawin, pero dahil napilit ni James, yon nagawa ko din for the first time at hindi tinigilan. Hindi ko akalain na magugustuhan ko sya, parang gusto ko na ngang mag ganon ulet eh haha, maraming maraming salamat tlaga at natuloy tayo mag wakeboarding, buti nalng hindi ako inatake ng katamaran ko.
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Hindi na rin kami nag celebration party nung gabi sa Naga, kumain nlng kami sa Biggs Diners na sikat na sikat sa Bicol, para syang 50′s Diner ng Baguio na walang milkshake, haha namiss ko yung milkshake don ng sobra. At dahil na rin nilalagnat na si Patrick hahahaha, na overfatique ata hahahahaha.
Special Thanks kay James sa pag dala nya ng Olympus Tough TG4 at nagkaron kami ng picture throughout the whole race.
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Animo! Rektikano!
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As part of the Lasallian tradition, La Salle Academy here in Iligan City implemented Sportsfest so that the students could have a short break with academics and involve themselves to sports and extra-curricular activities. For the Animolympics 2017: The Epilogue with the theme “Sangka-Salig” was conducted for three days, starting at November 16 to November 18, 2017. Sangka-Salig is the cebuano translation of unity and faith, of which every participants and representatives of each tracks must achieve these based on the criteria given. On the other, in spite of the conflicts and battles existing in between tracks, sportsmanship is always been reminded since winning without cheating is way better and winning with the presence of faith and unity among all of them results to true happiness.
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Okay…. So let’s now move on and better do a quick recap. In the last year’s Animolympics, the competition was intensified with the clash between La Salle Academy’s House Program: Migz, Jai, Myu, and Ben, and at the same time the battle between tracks. And as always, in all types of competitions there will only be one of them who will stand out, will take the reign, and claim the title as the champions. As the first ever sportsfest for Senior High School students ended, Technical Vocational Livehood (TVL): The Falcons was crowned as the champions, and it made them receive their three-peat as defending champions. To be followed by the Accountancy Business Management (ABM): The Lions, then Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS): The Eagles, and lastly, the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM): The Wolves.
But here’s the exciting part! Can the TVL defend their title again or will it be snatched by the other tracks? Curious on what happened on the three days of exciting and most-awaited competition?
Together let’s find out!
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The first day of the Animolympics 2017: The Epilogue was totally a blast. From the beginning until the program ended the pressure was there, the thrill was there and the excitement was all over the campus. The opening of the sportfest was led by the Executive Council of SHS, of which the torch was lightened up. Shouts, cheers and drum rolls broke the silence inside the gymnasium.
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Then the track tributes entered and it made everyone crazy for they were too stunning to handle. Each one of them delivered their speech with fierce and pride.
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Then it was followed by the bench cheering presentation where the tributes were asked to participate as well. It made all the students hype and shout loudly as they could. After the voice-taking presentations of each track, the oath taking followed to officially start the major and minor games. For the major games, basketball, volleyball, badminton, and Frisbee were launched. While for the minor games, board games like chess, sungka, etc. were played.
First days are always been the most nervous yet the most exciting part in all aspects of competitions. Knowing that despite the noise the students have brought on the venue, they were still able to understand the importance of having faith and unity especially in times that they need the strength and support to win their respective fights. Since the very first day of the Animolympics 2017, all of us saw how the students gave their complete trust to each other for they believed that they could win as one.
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If the first day was more on the opening and introduction, the second day perhaps served as the day of continuation for major and minor events. November 17, 2017 was considered to be the real day of the competition since the first eliminations happened on the first day, the four tracks are now competing to grab the opportunity to step in the championships. The games were so intense that even the audience were watching and cheering seriously for their players. They even became too sensitive on things or actions that some of the players might do just to cheat on their opponents. But let’s skip with that as for now. As usual, basketball will always be the crowd’s favorite. In fact, most of the students tend to watch the basketball game more than the other sports.
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But that doesn’t mean that it gave the other games empty chairs. Volleyball is the second among the favorite sports that the crowd mostly love to watch, especially when girls are already positioned to rule and own the court. In every hit of the ball is like making themselves win.
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On the other hand, frisbee and badminton were also conducted. The other one was held outside in the football field, while the other was held inside the gymnasium. Also, the board games were continued inside the SHS library once again. In addition, talents were also showcased as the Trio, Pop dance, Wanna be and Spoken Poetry performed.
The second day of the sportsfest had shown every students’ strength, endurance, patience, skills, attitude and hard work as they are eager to reach the spotlight and be called as the champions. We were amazed that all the four tribes/tracks participated in all of the events, and no one was left behind. Aside from that, it went well since conflicts are tried to be resolve before it gets bigger. In spite of the competition that prevailed alongside with the competition, we could still see faith, unity and humanity. We have witnessed that some players helped their injured teammates or even opponents to stand up and recover from such pain.
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The third day of the Animolypics 2017 was purposely allotted for the biggest and highlighted events. After the championship for the games and sports including the amazing race and acoustic jam, the stage was set up as preparation for the candidates’ show up and as well as the passing of crowns of the reigning queens.
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Lasallian Ambassadress 2017-2018, the most awaited battle of beauty and brains. Be ready to witness the liveliest, the smartest and the most gorgeous battle ever made. Each strands had their three representatives particularly from the grade eleven students. And it makes a total of twelve beautiful candidates, but only one of them could take the crown as the second and the newest Lasallian Ambassadress.
Before the big sets of awards, the minor and special awards were awarded accordingly to those girls who deserved such recognition. These include Best in Evening Gown, Best in Uniform, Best in Sports Attire, Track Spirit, Miss Photogenic, Miss Popular, Miss Congeniality, and Best in Production Number. From the twelve candidates, the top five was selected. After the question and answer portion for the top five, the announcement for the top three followed. All of them has the potential to become Lasallian Ambassadress, however, only one will receive the crown, the sash and the title. So who’s the lucky girl?
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(from right to left)
The second runner up is Zhadel Ursolino of ABM. The first runner up is Shaina Camille S. Sabac of STEM. And the title of Lasallian Ambasadress 2017-2018 was crowned to Mariecar Antonette Badelles of STEM.
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Few days after the breath-taking and intense Animolympics 2017: The Epilogue “Sangka-Salig”, the awarding ceremony happened. The competition between the four tracks was really that close that in fact the first and second runner-ups have only four point difference. All of the students did their best to win and defend their title, and the Lasallian community congratulations them for showing such sportsmanship, creativity, faith and unity among themselves and towards the people surrounding them. The participants were also acknowledge for the efforts and the sacrifices they have given to finish their tasks and represent their tracks.
So as a result, the overall third runner-up is Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS). The overall second runner-up is Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL). The overall first runner-up is Accountancy and Business Management (ABM). And the overall champion for Animolympics 2017 is Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).
TVL was not able to defend their title as the defending champions, but at least they enjoyed and happy with themselves, they can still accept and do better next time!
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And that’s it! The Animolympics 2017 ended so fast, even though it happened for three days it was just like a consumption of few hours for the students. In fact, the students were mixed emotional because they were happy winning such events but then real life will always enter the picture. Okay... so much for that.
For all the participants, cheerers and teachers that took part on the successful implementation of this big event, we congratulate you all for giving all your best and time. Moreover, on this year’s Animolympics we learned a lot of things especially in terms of having faith and unity. We were amazed to witness how each of the students gave their big shots just to win and defend their title. Also, through faith and unity we will be able to strengthen ourselves in order to fight our own weaknesses, avoid chaos, and achieve what we’ve dreaming of.
Lastly, if there is no faith and unity, there will be no team work. If there will be no team work, there will be no cooperation. If there will be no cooperation, you may lose your confidence. If you lose your confidence, you might become selfish. And once you’re selfish, you will be alone and unhappy.
Photo credits to the owner.
JRIC Blog: Collien Princess C. Pepito, Immanuel Sabac, Jestoni Sayle, Reyjie Sobebe
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migzrocks · 5 years
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