#miguel oliveira motogp portugal
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Race Suit for Street Riding Miguel Oliveira Winter Test 2022
Miguel Oliveira wore such a Race Suit for Street Riding in the MotoGP winter test 2022 when he first time ride with the official Aprilia team. This suit has CE-approved safety to provide absolute safety on track or off track.
Race Suit for Street Riding Miguel Oliveira Winter Test 2022
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misanocircuit · 6 months
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the beginning of a career: Miguel Oliveira edition
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certifiedbi · 3 months
Portugal lucked out with Miguel Oliveira today
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waru-chan8 · 1 year
Marc has broken the 1st metacarpal of the right hand. Nothing on the feet
Miguel has a contusion on the right leg. The MotoGP team has declared fit, but Miguel’s doctor wants to do more test
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ross1fum1 · 2 months
#drives me crazy how apparently he's justified only because he' known for committing war crime on track
As a marc supporter, I would like to try to make you understand my point of view.
Personally I don't justify marc because he is used to commit crimes on the track, but because imo there is always a tendency to judge very negatively actions that done by others instead go unnoticed.
The first example that comes to mind is the incident between marini and bastianini in portugal last season. Marini made enea skip the whole season and may have ruined his career but the criticism of him was minimal and today no one remembers that incident anymore. At silverstone 2021 marc had a similar accident with martin (who was not hurt) and in that case instead the criticism was fierce, with marc as usual being accused of being an aggresive driver who ALWAYS causes accidents. In reality, the last accident he caused was in Argentina 2018. This year Bagnaia pulled marc down in portugal and tried to pull him down in jerez, but there was no criticism of him.
Then there is the whole issue of slipstreams that are only noticed when marc has taken them.
Marc is not a saint, but neither is he a criminal who goes down the track to k1ll his opponents. He has taken aggressive actions like all riders, in fact in my opinion even less than others, but because of what happened in 2015 a lot of people fail to judge what he does on track in a rational and lucid way.
P.S. Marc did wrong today and I don't justify him, but the incident is only relevant because he is involved, and the very heavy insults he is receiving in these hours would not be written if someone else had caused the crash
I'll start by saying that I really like Marquez as a rider. Because if you're a MotoGP enthusiast you can't help but like a champion like Marquez. Marc Marquez is a record-breaking rider, records that are both positive and negative. I don't think there is any need to list the positive records because they have become history. He’s a rider who always rides to the limit, beyond which either glory or tragedy exists. His 85 victories prove it, but so does the fact that since the beginning of his career he has collected over a hundred falls. Now, if we want to quickly go over all the times that Marquez has been at the center of controversies due to unfair moves, quite a few situations come to mind. Starting from Moto2 when in 2011 he hit Wilarot at the end of the first free practice session, or in 2012 when in Catalunya he hit Pol or in Valencia when he made Corsi fall. Moving on to MotoGP, the trend has not changed. Already in 2013 in Aragon he hit Pedrosa who fell and caused Marc to receive a penalty. Again in 2013 in Great Britain he ignored the yellow flags caused by Crutchlow's fall, falling in the same trajectory and risking taking out the stewards. In Argentina in 2018 he received three penalties in one race, which had never happened before. In 2021 his duel with Martin ended with a questionable overtaking attempt that made them both fall. In Portimao in 2023 he received two long lap penalties after colliding with and injuring Miguel Oliveira, the home rider. And I purposely left out all the events of 2015 between him and Rossi because we could discuss this for ages and still not get to the bottom of the situation. Let’s just say it was certainly not a moment of great sportsmanship on either side. There’s no doubt that situations like those Marquez has found himself in over the years can happen to anyone. The point is that they don't happen to everyone. You took Marini injuring Bastianini as an example, very true, there are certainly other riders who have done the same, but these events are not remembered because they happened once, twice at most. As long as we're talking about once or twice I think everyone can agree that it's an unpleasant incident, but if you do it multiple times throughout your career it becomes a pattern.So without taking into account racing contacts that, although questionable, are part of the sport, it’s clear that there’s a reason why people are not surprised when Marc commits one of his usual war crimes. Because it’s a part of him. Which in my opinion, however, should not be a justification. It’s true that MotoGP is a dangerous sport, but it should be dangerous because they race at 300km/h not because it becomes a contact sport. When Marc and Nicolò got so close yesterday on the last lap I already knew it would end badly, because that's what you expect, and if you expect it it's obviously because you've been given reason to expect it. I hoped it wouldn't happen because it was a friendly race that didn't count for anything at all, and yet if you're Marc Marquez it apparently does matter, because the moment you find an obstacle between you and the podium either it moves of its own accord or you find a way to make it move. Which is a reasoning that I could perhaps understand if you were fighting to win the world championship in the last race of the year but not if you're doing 10 laps to promote a bike. I won't deny that opening Tumblr and seeing people saying "Oh it’s the Marc Marquez experience🤭” really bothered me. Especially because I follow the WSBK championship seeing one of my favorites down with a potential injury because someone is not able to control himself was not very pleasant. Now what I say is irrelevant because his behavior will never change and that's how he is. This doesn't mean I have to accept it. I’ll be here applauding him when he has battles like the one in Jerez this year. Where there were contacts but it was pure racing and there was no unfairness. Trust me. But at the same time I’ll be here holding him and any other rider accountable when they pull some unfair move.
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hotnew-pt · 4 hours
MotoGP 2024 E. Romana – Bagnaia lidera primeiro dia e Miguel Oliveira tem de ir à Q1 #ÚltimasNotícias #Portugal
Hot News Está terminado o primeiro dia do Grande Prémio da Emília Romana de MotoGP, com a realização do Treino que decidiu os dez pilotos que vão entrar diretamente na Qualificação 2 da categoria rainha. No circuito Misano World Circuit Marco Simoncelli, e ao contrário do que vimos na sessão matinal Treino Livre 1, o asfalto italiano apresentou-se totalmente seco e com isso os pilotos de MotoGP…
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pertamax7 · 10 days
Yamaha Rekrut Miguel Oliveira Sebagai Pembalap Pabrikan MotoGP 2025 Prima Pramac
Yamaha Rekrut Miguel Oliveira ., salam pertamax7.com, Yamaha Rekrut Miguel Oliveira Sebagai Pembalap Pabrikan MotoGP 2025 Prima Pramac Link ponsel pintar ( di sini ) Salam Balap Mania Ada info resmi dari Misano Adriatico (Italia), 5 September 2024 bahwa Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. dengan bangga mengumumkan perekrutan Miguel Oliveira. Bintang MotoGP asal Portugal ini akan membalap untuk Prima Pramac…
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pacosemnoticias · 6 months
MotoGP/Portugal: GNR inicia sexta-feira operação de segurança e patrulhamento
A Guarda Nacional Republicana (GNR) inicia na sexta-feira uma operação de segurança e patrulhamento rodoviário a veículos de duas rodas a motor em vários distritos do continente no âmbito do evento “Moto GP 2024”, que se realiza em Portimão.
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Em 2023, de acordo com dados da GNR relativos à sua área de responsabilidade, registaram-se de 7.320 acidentes de viação que envolveram veículos de duas rodas, dos quais resultaram 127 mortos, 688 feridos graves e 5.632 feridos ligeiros.
Em comunicado, a GNR indica que a operação, que arranca na sexta-feira e termina no domingo, visa garantir a segurança do evento, que se realiza nas mesmas datas, e prevenir a sinistralidade rodoviária, com especial incidência nos distritos de Aveiro, Beja, Castelo Branco, Coimbra, Évora, Leiria, Lisboa Porto, Santarém Setúbal e Faro.
A GNR alerta que na sequência do evento Moto GP Portugal, que se realiza no Autódromo Internacional do Algarve, em Portimão, prevê-se um aumento significativo do volume de tráfego de motociclos nas principais vias de acesso ao Algarve.
“A Guarda realiza a operação de segurança e de reforço do patrulhamento rodoviário intensivo ao evento Moto GP com o objetivo de manter a ordem e a tranquilidade pública, assegurar a fluidez de tráfego nos acessos e garantir a segurança do evento”, é referido na nota.
A GNR vai também reforçar junto dos condutores, em especial dos veículos de duas rodas a motor, mensagens de prevenção, alertando para as regras de segurança, nomeadamente o uso de capacete devidamente ajustado e de outros equipamentos de proteção como luvas, botas e blusão com proteções.
As iniciativas de sensibilização vão ser desenvolvidas em algumas áreas de serviço de norte a sul do país e nas imediações do Autódromo Internacional do Algarve.
O Grande Prémio de Portugal de MotoGP, que vai ser disputado entre sexta-feira e domingo, vai ser a segunda de 21 provas do Campeonato do Mundo.
Este é um dos campeonatos que integra o Campeonato do Mundo de motociclismo de velocidade, cuja segunda de 21 etapas se realiza em Portugal, e que integra ainda as competições de Moto3, Moto2 e MotoGP, esta considerada a categoria rainha.
A primeira prova decorreu há duas semanas, no Qatar, e mostrou que o italiano Francesco Bagnaia (Ducati), bicampeão em título, e o espanhol Jorge Martin (Ducati), vice-campeão, continuam a ser os principais favoritos às vitórias.
O piloto Miguel Oliveira arrancou a sua sexta temporada na categoria rainha do motociclismo de velocidade com o 15.º lugar na prova de abertura, no Qatar, há duas semanas, e agora regressa a um palco que bem conhece e onde venceu em 2020, ano de pandemia.
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turisiancom · 11 months
TURISIAN.com - Masih ingat Risman? Staf hotel yang sempat viral karena kedekatannya dengan pembalap ulung MotoGP, Miguel Oliveira. Namanya disebut pada podium ketika Oliveira juara di MotoGp Mandalika 2022. Moment itu terulang kembali. Risman, bertemu lagi dengan pembalap asal Portugal ini untuk kedua kalinya. Sebuah potret emosional yang terabadikan dalam akun resmi MotoGP yang dilihat Turisian.com, Jumat 13 Oktober 2023. Sebagaimana diketahui, tahun lalu Oliveira, yang tengah merayakan kemenangan di podium, memutuskan untuk mengabadikan momen tersebut. Ia menyatakan dedikasi podiumnya untuk seseorang yang memiliki arti khusus dalam perjalanannya, yaitu Risman. BACA JUGA:Pebalap Elite MotoGP Menyapu Bersih Pantai Kuta Bali Saat wawancara di parc ferme, Oliveira tak lupa menyebut nama Risman, orang yang telah menjadi panutan dan mendukungnya sepanjang waktu di Lombok. Risman, seorang staf hotel di Lombok tempat Oliveira menginap, telah memberikan dukungan tak tergantikan selama ajang MotoGP berlangsung. Dengan penuh kehangatan, Oliveira mengungkapkan dirinya  mau mendedikasikan podium ini untuk Risman. "Dia adalah salah satu staf hotel di tempat saya menginap. Dia terus mendukung saya sepanjang pekan, dia orang yang sangat baik. Jadi saya berjanji untuk mendedikasikan kemenangan ini padanya, untukmu Risman," kata Oliveira ketika itu. BACA JUGA: Besok, Parade Pembalap MotoGP Mandalika 2023 Digelar Risman, yang pada awalnya adalah penggemar berat Oliveira sejak tahun 2020, memberikan semangat sebelum balapan dimulai. Dia, berharap agar Oliveira bisa menjalani balapan perdana di Mandalika dengan gemilang. Tidak dalam mimpinya pun ia menyangka bahwa suatu hari nanti ia akan mendapatkan dedikasi podium dari idola sejatinya. "Saat itu seperti petir menyambar. Saya ingin mengingatkan kepada teman-teman. Terutama di Novotel, untuk terus mempertahankan kinerja dan keramahtamahan," ungkap Risman tulus. "Ini juga berlaku untuk seluruh masyarakat Indonesia. Kita adalah satu bangsa dengan hati yang sama, meskipun trik dan cara kita berbeda," sambungnya. BACA JUGA: Pembalap Sepeda Berbakat Asal Yogyakarta Ini Juarai Event Independence For Ride 2023 MotoGP Mandalika Nah tahun ini 2023, takdir kembali mempertemukan Risman dan Oliveira dalam momen yang lebih spesial. Kali ini, Risman berkesempatan bertemu Oliveira di paddock MotoGP Mandalika. Rekaman video yang diunggah oleh akun resmi MotoGP dan RNF Racing memperlihatkan ekspresi haru Risman ketika ia menyadari bahwa ia akan bertemu dengan pembalap hebat asal Portugal itu. Namun, kejutan tak berhenti di situ. Oliveira juga menawarkan kepada Risman akses eksklusif untuk menyaksikan sesi latihan dari balik garasi RNF Racing. BACA JUGA: Ajang MotoGP Kembali Digelar di Mandalika, Pemda NTB Ingatkan Pengusaha Hotel Dalam momen yang penuh kehangatan, mereka berdua berbincang dengan singkat: "Ya Tuhan, akhirnya," ujar Risman. "Tahun ini, kamu harus memberikan saya keberuntungan lagi," jawab Oliveira. "Tentu saja, saya akan melakukannya," kata Risman dengan tulus. "Apakah kamu ingin melihat sesi latihan dari garasi besok?" tawar Oliveira. "Ya, saya pasti bisa," jawab Risman dengan penuh antusiasme. "Terima kasih, temanku," ucap Oliveira dengan tulus. BACA JUGA: Puncak Event Bau Nyale di NTB, Berburu Jelmaan ‘Putri Mandalika’ Momen ini mencuri hati banyak warganet, yang memberikan apresiasi tinggi terhadap Risman karena menjadi lambang keramahan masyarakat Indonesia. Begitu pun dengan Miguel Oliveira, yang disebut sebagai contoh nyata dari seorang pribadi yang tidak hanya mahir di lintasan balap. Tetapi juga memiliki hati yang tulus untuk menghargai jasa seseorang. Kisah Miguel Oliveira dan Risman di MotoGP Mandalika adalah bukti nyat. Bahwa dalam balapan yang keras dan kompetitif, kebaikan dan keramahtamahan selalu mendapatkan tempatnya. Tempat di hati para pembalap dan penggemar motorsport. Selamat berjuang Oliveira, semoga menang lagi ya. ***
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news247planet · 1 year
#Featured #Marquez #MotoGP #Sports Marquez: MotoGP penalty debacle "was not my fault" https://news247planet.com/?p=423614
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Race Suit for Street Riding Miguel Oliveira Winter Test 2022
Miguel Oliveira wore such a Race Suit for Street Riding in the MotoGP winter test 2022 when he first time ride with the official Aprilia team. This suit has CE-approved safety to provide absolute safety on track or off track.
Race Suit for Street Riding Miguel Oliveira Winter Test 2022
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blog-fitness4all · 1 year
Grande Prémio de Espanha de MotoGP
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O piloto português Miguel Oliveira sofreu uma lesão durante o Grande Prémio de Espanha de MotoGP, disputado no circuito de Jerez de la Frontera, no último domingo. Oliveira, que corre pela equipa Red Bull KTM Tech 3, teve uma queda no início da corrida e foi levado para o hospital com suspeita de fratura. A queda de Miguel Oliveira Durante a quarta volta da corrida, Miguel Oliveira perdeu o controlo da moto após ter sido abalroado pelo francês Fabio Quartararo (Yamaha) na segunda curva da corrida e caiu. O piloto português ficou alguns minutos no chão, aparentemente sentindo dores no braço direito. Ele foi imediatamente atendido pelos médicos do circuito e levado para o centro médico do circuito.
O diagnóstico
Após ser examinado pelos médicos, foi confirmado que Miguel Oliveira sofreu uma fratura no úmero do braço direito. O piloto português foi então transferido para o Hospital Universitario Quirónsalud de Jerez de la Frontera para passar por exames mais detalhados.
O tratamento e a recuperação
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Conforme a equipa Red Bull KTM Tech 3, Miguel Oliveira passou por uma cirurgia no braço direito para corrigir a fratura no úmero. A equipa não divulgou o tempo de recuperação do piloto, mas é provável que ele fique fora das próximas corridas.
O futuro de Miguel Oliveira na temporada de MotoGP
A lesão de Miguel Oliveira é um grande golpe para a sua equipa e para os fãs portugueses de MotoGP. Oliveira vinha numa boa fase na temporada, tendo conquistado o segundo lugar no Grande Prémio de Portugal, disputado no último domingo. Ainda não se sabe quando ele voltará às pistas, mas é certo que a equipa Red Bull KTM Tech 3 precisará de um substituto para as próximas corridas. A lesão de Miguel Oliveira é uma notícia triste para o piloto e para os fãs de MotoGP. Esperamos que ele se recupere rapidamente e possa voltar às pistas em breve. Read the full article
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waru-chan8 · 1 year
Marc is at the medical centre. It is unknown if he went due to the slight limp he is carrying after the crash or to talk with Oliveira who is there.
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canalalentejo · 1 year
© Reprofução Instagram/ Miguel Oliveira O piloto português Miguel Oliveira teve um acidente na terceira volta do Grande Prémio de Portugal de MotoGP, realizado no Autódromo Internacional do Algarve neste domingo. O português da RNF Aprilia foi abalroado pelo piloto espanhol Marc Márquez, da Honda, na curva 3 do circuito. Oliveira não conseguiu evitar a colisão e ficou caído no chão, aparentemente com dores. Depois de alguns segundos, conseguiu levantar-se e sair do local do acidente com a ajuda dos médicos. Márquez, que tentava ultrapassar o espanhol Jorge Martín, foi até Oliveira para pedir desculpas pela manobra que causou o acidente. O piloto português foi encaminhado para o centro médico para ser avaliado. Miguel Oliveira teve que abandonar a corrida devido aos ferimentos sofridos no acidente. A equipa RNF Aprilia emitiu um comunicado lamentando o sucedido e desejando uma rápida recuperação ao piloto português.
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hotnew-pt · 15 days
MotoGP – Miguel Oliveira confirmado por dois anos na Prima Pramac Yamaha Factory Team! #ÚltimasNotícias #Portugal
Hot News Nem foi necessário esperar muito para, depois das declarações concedidas por Gino Borsoi e que a Revista Motojornal aqui deu conta sabermos oficialmente qual será o futuro de Miguel Oliveira em MotoGP: o português assinou contrato com a Yamaha Racing e será piloto da Prima Pramac Yamaha Factory Team por dois anos! Tal como há muito se antevia, o acordo entre o piloto português e a marca…
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celestinovietti · 4 years
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miguel oliveira  • race winner • styria gp
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