#might take a break and map out mask ghoul idea just to see
abasketofnothing · 2 years
Unbelievable that actually drawing makes you better at drawing
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iya5rt · 4 years
Kalopsia Project [Bakugo Katsuki x Reader – Tokyo Ghoul AU]
Chapter 11 – Games – of Waiting, of Gambling, and of Time
Chapter Summary: And yet, the timer was quickly ticking down…
Kalopsia Project Masterpost
Tartarus –a ghoul detention center owned by the CCG. Captured ghouls get detained here after the decision is made to keep them alive either for information, Quirk materials, or any other exceptional need from them. (Called Cochlea in Tokyo Ghoul)
(excerpts taken from the Tokyo Ghoul Wiki)
Just this morning, he had slipped on a black face mask to hide his face from the bustling world of humans. And the very same night, he had to adorn a different mask of black and orange to remain hidden among others of his own kind. It seemed like lately no one was allowed a break.
Bakugo had never worn his mask all that much and he remembered going to a strange pink-haired girl (who’d been a tad too energetic for his liking) many years ago. Aizawa had told him that, as a ghoul, he needed to possess a mask to hide his face from humans and especially the pesky Ghoul Investigators when he was out to look for food. A week after their initial visit to “take measurements”, he’d returned to that pink-haired girl and received a mask that was apparently designed by her.
He didn’t want to admit it out loud, but at the time he’d found the design to be quite cool – with all the shapes reminiscent of an explosion and the colors matching his kagune exactly. Now, a few years down the line, he realized it looked a tad too immature and stupid. Though perhaps that was for the best – after all, the further this mask strayed from who he was, the lesser the chance somebody would recognize him.
He put it on, though lifted it a bit, so as to not hide his face quite yet – the need for that wouldn’t arise for another hour or two. He only hoped an hour or two won’t be too late…
Walking to the door, his eyes briefly registered the sight of the small bed covered by a pure white sheet. The memories flooded his mind – he could recall how they’d been forced to throw out what used to be a perfectly good white sheet from the very same bed, after he’d brought in the injured and practically dying [F/N] to Yuuei, where Midoriya had tended to her wounds.
And speaking of that first night she had spent there…
“Damn that sly bastard…” Bakugo muttered under his breath, just as Midoriya and Todoroki peeked their heads inside the room to check up on him. “He slipped off to somewhere again. He reeks of suspicion,” the grumbling continued. And he was right – nobody had seen Monoma since he’d first walked out upon Bakugo’s arrival and the news that [F/N] had been kidnapped. Who knew what he was doing or how he might have been involved with this whole thing from the beginning…?
With all three boys now out in the halls, soon joined by the remaining couple of members to this impromptu “rescue operation” – namely Uraraka and Ida, preparations seemed to be complete. Aizawa also emerged from somewhere nearby and passed by them, motioning for everyone to follow him into the main area of the café, where he stopped and gave one final explanation.
“Good to see you’re all ready. We have to be rational with our time, since we don’t know how much of it we have. We’re taking off any minute now.” He tapped a few times on his phone and brought up a map with a clearly marked start and end point, and a curvy red line connecting the two. “It will take us about an hour to get to the facility All Might told us about. He’s prepared to send the anonymous message to the CCG at dawn, so we will have to wrap this up as early as we can. Objections?”
The five remained silent, only exchanging worried glances – though whether it was for their own safety, for the success of the rescue, or even just for [F/N]’s wellbeing, was a mystery to them as well. The crushing silence was broken by a single pair of footsteps, followed by the jingling of a bell, as Bakugo opened the front door and briefly stopped in front of it.
“We should hurry up and leave already.”
You’d never realized how easy it was for one to start pitying themselves. In fact, you were pretty sure you’d done this time and time again without even knowing it.
But with pity, came the urge to give up. To just accept the place you’re in is one you can’t escape and greet whatever gruesome fate awaited you with open arms.
You’d never really come to that conclusion before, so perhaps you were relieved when it finally dawned on you. Because with it, came the will to show you could defy it – to struggle and to not give in, to find a way no matter what.
It’d taken you a few minutes to finally get a hold of yourself but, once the last of your tears had been wiped away, your train of thought picked up again at last and you swiftly checked each idea it hauled over from the darkest depths of your mind.
First, you’d stuck your hands in your pockets, sighing when, much like you’d expected, you found them to be empty. They had taken what little money you’d been carrying, your cellphone, and even the train ticket from your trip to meet with All Might.
So, your first conclusion came – you couldn’t call for help, neither from your own phone (though you doubted this place would have had any signal to begin with), nor from a payphone, due to all your change being taken away too.
But that bridge was one you were going to cross when you got there. Before the bridge, came a much bigger and intimidating wall you’d have to climb – escaping from this room and the building it was part of.
Next, you moved to observing the walls. You must have looked like an idiot, just moving along the perimeter of the room, gliding your hand across the walls and staring at them with furrowed brows. Fortunately, there was nobody here to see you acting like this.
And if looking like an idiot was what it took for you to get out of this mess, you’d make that trade in the blink of an eye.
There weren’t any windows (the only light in the small stuffy room was coming from a dim light in the middle of the ceiling, which was a bit too high for you to reach), and though you didn’t dare try the door’s handle in fear of alerting whoever the muffled voices you kept hearing from right beyond it must have belonged to, you were absolutely certain it was locked. In fact, you regretted not listening more carefully when Ujiko had left the room earlier, but your vague memory was enough to recall the sound of at least another few locks, before his footsteps had faded away into the distance.
So then… what did this mean? If there were no windows and the walls were naturally too sturdy to break with your bare hands, that meant you had to sneak out the door, right? But if the door was locked with who knew how many locks and had guards positioned in front of it… did that mean it was a no-go too? There simply had to be a way, right!? Unfortunately, that way might have had to wait until they came to lead you of here themselves…
The deafening silence of the room only served to remind you of yet another thing you were utterly helpless about – the hunger that kept worsening and worsening. It was as though you had been suppressing it for years and suddenly it was all coming back to bite you with full force. But that was something you were sure you’d figure out as soon as you returned to Yuuei safely. Surely everyone there would have a way for you to deal with it.
Yes… returning safely… To Yuuei. To your… home? Yeah, perhaps that wasn’t too far off.
Returning there was all that really mattered to you in this moment.
As if with the sole intention of interrupting that momentary peace the thought of Yuuei had brought you, the door was freed from all the complicated locks that separated you from freedom and yet again creaked open. Two men walked in, followed by Ujiko himself. Ah, how you were quickly growing to hate every inch of his appearance and every word that left his mouth. To think the first time you would ever hate someone with such a burning passion, it would be directed not at a ghoul, but a fellow human.
Though perhaps “fellow human” didn’t quite apply. Not for you, quickly turning into something much too different, and not for him, who’d long lost his humanity with the launch of this cruel project.
You knew struggling now was pointless, so you had to grit your teeth, even as the two men who’d entered the room alongside Ujiko walked up to you and took a hold of one of your arms each, forcing you to stand up and walk. The couple of seconds you’d used to take in their appearances told you that those faces weren’t quite as unfamiliar as you had thought them to be.
They were the two who’d trailed you just yesterday, disappearing only once Monoma had come to your “aid” (you still couldn’t quite tell whether it was for his own gain or not), and, though you’d lost consciousness quite quickly and hadn’t seen much of your attackers, you were also suspecting it had been those two that had ambushed Bakugo and you and had kidnapped you and brought you here in the first place.
As you were led away, your mind swarmed with many questions and even more harsh words you wanted to spit in those grinning faces of theirs. Still, after a week long string of struggle after struggle, of causing trouble after trouble for everyone at Yuuei and always having somebody come in to save you, you finally knew better than to push your luck. It wasn’t a matter of setting everyone against you from the start. No, this was a game. But unlike the game of cat and mouse you’d played with Monoma, this was a waiting game.
Those who won the game were always those who first knew they were playing. Thus, you hoped that small advantage of yours wouldn’t be revealed. Not before you could escape.
When Ujiko had finally had enough of your silent glares, he cleared his throat.
“It seems our guests are almost here, so we better hurry. Wouldn’t want to keep them waiting long.” The smirk in his voice was evident. This statement – it was pointed straight at you. A challenge. He too had joined the game. On his side, this was nothing but a gamble. But he had played all his cards well so far. It was a gamble he was confident in.
“Guests…?” A small sinking sensation whispered to you that you knew what he was saying, that this answer should have been quite clear before he’d even spoken. The doctor stopped in his tracks, looking back at you, his grin growing even wider.
“There were a handful who learned of this project alongside you. Quite unrightfully so. It’s only natural we should get rid of them.”
Whatever it was that was causing this sinking sensation finally hit rock bottom, yet the impact of the crash resulted in a sudden gasp, the widening of your eyes and momentary falter of your heartbeat.
No, he can’t be serious, he can’t-
Though you couldn’t even utter another word, you finally snapped out of your daze and tried to struggle out of the grip of your two captors, kicking out with your legs and swinging your arms without regard to what you could have hit. If anything, you were hoping they’d hit something.
Yet your burst of defiance came to end as quickly as it had begun, the two men tightening their grip on your forearms and sharply twisting them at an unnatural angle. The sudden pain made some water gather at the corners of your eyes and you bit your lip before you could cry out in pain – no way were you going to give them that satisfaction. But it was a demonstration that it wasn’t you that was in control – the game had simply been rigged against you from the start.
“Why…” you quietly muttered. “I’m never going to be on your side after all this. Then… why do you sound so sure this is all going to work out in your favor?”
If the aim of this project was to create perfect soldiers to combat the ghouls, why would I, someone who has been shown nothing but kindness by ghouls these past couple of days, ever agree to fight them…? This doesn’t seem right.
There has to be something even I don’t know about yet…
Ujiko gave a small chuckle, as he practically skipped on ahead.
“That’s not something you need to worry about. You see, I have slowly but surely been perfecting each subject as time went on. I’ve long figured out that part.” As he spoke, his eyes darted to the far-off corners of the dark hallway you were led down. There, hidden so well by the darkness that you almost hadn’t even noticed him, a figure sat hunched unnaturally. Only then did the faint noise of frantic scratching break the silence, as you stared with wide eyes at the hands almost clawing at his neck.
You couldn’t see his face, but something in you told you it must have been some heart-wrenching mix between a sight that was both pitiful yet chilling. Was this another one of Ujiko’s heartless experiments…? Another person whose life had been wrecked just like that. And if your luck had really run out, perhaps you were going to meet a fate much like his.
“However, the subjects who listened and remained obedient were heavily damaged by the RC cells. They were no good. Or at least, not as good as they could have been, though I’m sure they’d do just fine in a simple fight.”
Soon the figure disappeared into the darkness yet again, as you turned a sharp corner in the hallway and arrived in front of a large door with the single man you recognized as having guarded the room you’d been locked in earlier standing in front of it. You’d only gotten a mere glimpse of him earlier but now that you took a closer look, you noticed how his eyes, despite still being much like those of any other ghoul, had the bright red hue replaced by a yellow color.
However, soon enough you were ushered to walk inside the room and lost sight of the peculiar ghoul.
He even has ghouls working for him, doesn’t he…? Maybe he promised to forgive their crimes and take them in as the assistants that would do his dirty work, instead of letting them rot in Tartarus for the rest of their lives.
Unlike the hallway, this room was much bigger and lighter. Your eyes darted all around, looking for another exit, perhaps even a window you could’ve escaped from. If only Ujiko could have just dismissed those pesky guards of his holding you in place.
The room was large and open, with almost no furniture inside. Only in one of the darker corners was there something of interest in the form of a small table with all sorts of tools and odd liquids in transparent containers scattered all around. Some of them looked much like those you’d find in a regular doctor’s office, yet there were a few that seemed slightly more unsettling.
“We didn’t really need a child soldier on our side, you see,” Ujiko began, tinkering with some of the tools. You didn’t have much time, so you focused on scanning the rest of the room – there had to be something to aid your escape. “But we found the experiment worked best with our younger subjects. So then, we were faced with a dilemma – what to do now, which option to choose?”
His approaching footsteps made you turn to look at him. The moment you did however, you realized your time was up.
He was right in front of you and, before you could even think to move, a sharp pain came from your neck, the sight of a syringe barely registering in your peripheral vision.
“That’s when we came up with the perfect solution. What about a subject whose transformation is activated through a sudden increase of RC cells?” He retrieved the syringe and the two holding you stepped back, letting you drop to the ground, a hand pressing hard at the throbbing spot where whatever he had injected you with had entered your system.
No… It wasn’t “whatever”… It was…
However, even your thoughts had soon cut off. Once again, your world was merely blurring in and out of view, as your entire body screamed in pain.
There was no need to even try and make out Bakugo’s silhouette in the pitch black night. The sound of his hurried steps was more than enough to give away where he was.
A little ways behind him, Midoriya’s eyes were pointed at his back in concern.
“Has he ever acted like this before?” Todoroki asked, surprising Midoriya for a moment, even though he’d been beside him from the start. “I’m asking because you two have known each other for a long time, right?” After a momentary silence, Midoriya nodded, moving his gaze somewhere off into the distance instead.
“No, you’re right – we have known each other for a while now. But… I don’t think I’ve ever seen him act quite like this. Ever since he first brought [F/N]-san to Yuuei, he has slowly but surely been changing. Or at least, I think he has been. But in the past…” A distant look accompanied the sad smile that played on his lips. “He used to be disgusted at the mere thought of humans. And not to mention his personality is kinda unapproachable to begin with,” he laughed. Todoroki on the other hand mimicked Midoriya’s earlier actions and took a slow look at the blond up ahead.
“Then there has to be something about [L/N] that makes her different?” Both thought for a moment or two.
“I wonder that too. She has been a welcome change for all of us, ever since we all met her for the first time. When you think about it, there aren’t many humans who decide to approach us, talk to us, even befriend us. Not after they learn what we really are, at least. It’s almost like a dream come true for those of us who want to simply live a normal life without the constant fear of being shunned by everyone. Of course, I can’t really blame them either – I’m sure if I were a human, I would also be afraid of ghouls. It’s how our world was created and there is little we can do to change it.
“Out of all of us, maybe it hit Kacchan the hardest. He used to be even more closed off in the past, did you know? Never trusting anyone – not after it was trust that killed his parents.” Todoroki’s eyes briefly widened – Bakugo had never been one to openly share his past, but this was the first he’d ever heard of that. Then again, he had a lot he hadn’t yet shared with anyone at Yuuei but Midoriya.
Though he had opened his mouth to speak up again, Midoriya went silent as soon as Bakugo came to a sudden stop and looked back towards Aizawa, who was guarding the back and making sure none of the five were left behind. After receiving a nod of approval, they proceeded to stealth their way beyond the wired fence of the large building they’d found themselves beside.
One by one, everybody climbed over the fence and took a defensive stance, expecting the enemy to attack any moment now. This was, after all, the building where they should have been holding her captive. The very same building which had been attacked by all those ghouls years ago and was supposedly wrecked and left abandoned.
Well, perhaps it wasn’t as abandoned as it had once seemed.
The sudden gust of wind was all the warning the rescue team received before an array of four different kagune and their owners jumped at them.
There was no time for this bullshit. They had to get in, now.
Bakugo fended one of the attackers off with his own kagune, only for Uraraka to step in right in front of him, pushing the enemy back. She turned to Bakugo and called out.
“Go inside with Aizawa-san, we’re gonna hold off these guys!!”
With a single nod, Bakugo and Aizawa disappeared from the fight that had already begun, advancing further within the enemy’s lair.
They too were playing a game. Theirs, however, was a game of speed. Of who would catch the other first.
Everybody was playing a game.
And though for everybody it was a game of their own, they were all together in a single twisted competition. But it was their lives they were competing for.
And the timer was quickly ticking down.
Author’s Note: Feels weird not having the Classified Information files… Alright, time to bring on the sad news – what you just read was Chapter 11. Next Wednesday, I will be posting Chapter 12, and the following week comes the Epilogue.
I haven’t written them yet (amazing time management on my end, I know), so I’m not 100% certain I will be able to fit everything else into a single chapter, though I don’t think I can split it into two chapters either, so chances are, Chapter 12 is just going to be on the longer end, similar to the first chapter.
It’s been quite the journey but I’ll save all the cheesy talk for the Epilogue (which, might I add, is one of the chapters I’ve been most excited to write lol) Until then, enjoy the current developments! I hope you liked this chapter – there aren’t any crazy twists here but hey, we need to set up the endgame.
A quick clarification about Ujiko’s explanation that the transformation begins with an increase in RC cells (I forget if I ever explained what those were, so basically – a certain type of cells that form a ghoul’s kagune and, while they’re present in the bodies of humans too, their numbers are miniscule, compared to those in the bodies of ghouls). Well, then you might be wondering why Reader-chan’s transformation began prior to Ujiko injecting her with what was actually just some liquid containing RC cells?
Now, might I remind you that she got stabbed by Monoma’s kagune in Chapter 1. I’m not sure how well that would stand in the canon Tokyo Ghoul universe but hey, this is an AU anyway. Basically, this caused some RC cells from his kagune to enter Reader-chan’s system and trigger the transformation a bit earlier than Ujiko and co. had planned. Oof, that was longer than I expected.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and that you’re all doing well amidst the quarantine. I’ll see you all next week and in the meantime – please drop a comment to share your thoughts on yet another chapter! I love you all and I’ll see you again next week♥ Bye~
(Psst, @afuckingunicornn  @creativedogs  @chims-kookies  - you know the drill by now - thank you for the support and here is the next part!)
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dearnamorrr · 6 years
Jealousy (Short-fic/Headcanon)
Summary : When Kaneki was saved by Touka and the Qs, he finally awakes and encounters the most important people in his life . Everyone wait for him to return as much he is loved . Kaneki meets Hide on the rooftop and they somehow manage to spend their time together after so long not seeing each other . At the CCG, Touka was quite popular among the male humans, and when Kaneki and Hide finally get to watch them fanboying over her is quite interesting .                                                        
Notes : Had this idea to initiate the writing from @catsoul2 post. Witnessing Kaneki being all clingy and jealous is so so cute. I hope that random ccg guy make his appearance.
Thanks to @catsoul2
"I want to see what I did to you."
Speechless, Hide finally removes the scarf that he wears to conceal his face from the public . When the mask abandons his face, Ken's eyes widen in astonishment .
Scars developed around his mouth and cheeks, and it even spreads around his neck . His beautiful smile on the lips is all gone now for what he had become . The scars bring terror within Ken . So hard to believe that his beloved friend had to face this kind of pain . Unbearable pain . What's more heartbreaking that it was his doing when he can not control himself .
Hide's mouth was ripped off, and even his teeth from the inside is visible right now . Despite that, he still can make the whole situation here to be more comfort rather than emotional . Staring at Ken who is sobbing and weeping in tears, beside him, makes him even more sad . He can't even cry anymore, he was fed up to . All these years, he suffered the agony but he struggled to stay strong .
"I'm sorry...i'm sorry..this is all my fault.."
"I did this to you....and you had to face this all alone.."
"Hide...i'm sorry.."
He keep blaming himself, blaming over and over again . Tears keep coming and unstoppable . His cheeks is drench by his tears . Hide softly pats his shoulder, calming him and finally he gave him a hug . 
"Jeez, you're a crybaby.."
Hide chuckled when Ken wrapped his fingers around him , leaning to his embrace . Ah, he misses him so much . He misses everything about them . Their bittersweet memories and their friendship .
This is not your fault, Kaneki .
Minutes pass away, they talk about their well-being these years before . Hide sucessfully lighten up Ken's mood after crying too much . So, he asked him a question that could make him happy or less stress . To alleviate the tension .
"So, how's your first time..?"
"My first time ? What do you mean ?"
Hide breaks a laugh when he find out that Ken is dumb enought to understand of what he's saying .
"Aw, come on.."
"Hide, I don't get -"
"Your first time with Touka-chan, that's what I'm sayin' ."
As Touka's name being mentioned, Ken's facial expression automatically change . His cheeks turns red like a tomato and he stutters .
"Wha..what the hell are you talkin' about.."
"Don't play dumb, will ya ? I know you're not just gonna let her go.."
"You guys did it, right ?"
Even without his mouth anymore, Ken definitely can tell that he is smilling with smug right now . His cheeks reddened and now it's finally his whole face is a blushing mess when the thought of him and Touka make love for the first time in the abandoned building cross towards his mind .
The heat, the sensation between just the two of them that night . It was an unforgettable situation, and when Hide suddenly drags it again in front of him, he can't even breathe properly, not anymore .
His mind suddenly flies away with the thought on when will they be together again . He is in absolute thirst, hungry to feel her skin and soft scent again , to catch her full and thick red lips with his lips again , to carress her whole luscious body with his hand again , to feel her inside and hearing her moaning out loudly, shouting out his name with an absolute pleasure again .
The ecstacy with her that he craves badly . There's no one can make him feel that way . No one . No one can replace her throne in his heart .
"I can't believe someone like you, the nerdy bookworm and weak guy loss the v card first rather than me.."
"Hey, that's rude . You really understimate me, you know.."
"That's a fact . You were so shy and petite back then and now.."
"Now what..? I'm gettin' the better look ?" 
Ken slightly pushed his friend's shoulder, to talk back for what had said to him seconds ago .
The rooftop filled with gags and laughs that coming from them .
"How's she..?"
"Yonebayashi is still the same . She really need to take her time, Sasaki."
"I see.."
After they ran a tour around the city, Saiko's condition is getting worse . The infection of ROS are getting more terrible right now, too. The world end up as a whole mess of infection, humans transform, becoming a ghoul and the ghouls RC cells might be increased and leads to another wrecking stage . All of it was very unstable .
"Are you okay, Urie..?"
"....Yeah ? (I hope so)"
"I'm off then.."
"Yeah, go on with Nagachika.."
Both of them, went to the main hall of the CCG office . Ken watches the people are now working together with the ghouls . I can't believe that this is true..the ghouls..the humans..they're somehow united..
"Hey, Kaneki. Come here." 
Turning to approach Hide. There's a guy who is working on the desktop, patrolling using the cctv from the hidden camera . Opening the status map of the whole Tokyo. Ken grimaces after watching the damage he had done to the city. The red spot from the map is very huge .
"This city is a mess now."
The guy talks with both of them as they watch the screen. 
"That's what happen right now."
Hide replied, switching his glance towards Ken .
Suddenly, there's a gasp from the guy and the others are the same too. The man in front of the computer also reacting the same thing. Ken's attention suddenly distracted by the changing atmosphere . From silence to a busy sound when his wife walk through the office . Touka's appearance makes him uprise .
"Ah, it's Touka-chan !"
Hide speaks to Ken with a small voice.
He can hear them mumbling about her. She didn't notice him with the guy and she just walk there passing all the men who are continuously watching her from up to down. 
And the man in front of him and Hide suddenly voice out.
"That ghoul girl..she's so pretty..I think I like her.."
"WHAT ?"
Both Ken and Hide asked the exact same thing, with exact same tone.
"I know right, sounds crazy because she's a ghoul.."
Nervous, Hide maintains his side and managed to stalk Ken's expression. He was very shock and he couldn't leave his eyes to glare at the man. Hands fisting up and he clicked his tongue when the other men say out to themselves.
"She's cute.."
"God, I've never met someone this beautiful.."
"What a girl..very hot.." 
"What's her name though.."
"I don't know..but someone tell me she was under an alias named, Rabbit."
"Don't you guys afraid of her..she's dangerous.."
"But she looks so kind.."
"Yeah, she looks so sweet.."
"I want to know her very badly.."
"Rabbit-san...rabbit-san please hear me.."
He could feel his unpleasant feeling coming through and it burns up and he feels like he hates it so much when he sees their eyes roaming over her clothed body..swaying a little when she walks without noticing his husband around.
Irritated, he really reallly wants to warn them that she is his right there, right now. Hide realize that it is interesting to see this sight of him, getting annoyed and jealous when he witnesssing other men adoring, go crazy about his wife, Touka. The urge feeling of wanting to tease his friend is captivating and he can't help himself to internally giggling over him getting pissed.
Entertained, he stated a joke for Ken and whispering to his ear.
"Looks like Touka-chan is also famous among humans, huh..well, that's nice."
"They're acting is too much..they don't need to stare at her.."
His lips drew a cute pout. Eyes narrows, and he frowns.
She's mine. She's mine. Don't you guys dare to stare at her that way.
"Can't blame them. It's true, anyway. She is gorgeous. Probably, the most gorgeous I've ever seen.."
"Go on, Kaneki. You should go see her."
She picks up the paper cup and put it on a small plastic table. The office rest room has a small lunch chamber and that's when she wants to have a cup of coffee. The already brewed coffee was placed in a jug and she pours it into her cup. The steamy, puffy heat warms her hand. She takes a sit on a chair, sighing after so many things that had happened within these days.
Ah, I left my cake at the underground. Should have buy it more. Kaneki..I wonder he's happy to see Nagachika. He should though.
Sips the coffee and there she smirks. Alone, in the rest chamber.
"Mine's better."
"Yeah, yours better than everything."
Twitched, she turns around and sees her husband, standing there and wears a smile. He walks to her and later have a sit right beside her. There's still a gap between them. She flashes a broad grin when he snatches her cup from her cup, softly. Taking a sip, then starts looking at her. She also looks into his ethereal grey eyes. Thinking about each other.
Oh, how can he still looks so good even when he just got out from that shitty kagune.
His intense stare makes her shy a little so she averts her eyes from him, bangs falls down enough to cover her pinky blush on her cheeks. She close her lips together and struggles to keep calm. Ken notices her, and he can't himself from smiling even more. Feeling very good when he can done something like this to her. Just by giving her an intense stare with a sweet smile, she's kinda lose her guard a little and slightly nervous. He finds it adorable.
"Don't do that to me with your good look."
"Huh. I'm just looking at you like usual."
She seems to be very bold when it comes to sex but in this kind of sitution, fluffy and romantic seems to make her nervous and shy.
"H-hah ?"
"You're adorable."
He intentionally repeats it to make her more into a blushing mess.
"Shut up...."
She murmurs slowly. Her soft voice provokes something within him."
"How's it here..Touka-chan.."
"Fine, I guess..there's so many humans here..totally different from the underground.."
"Yeah..the humans."
Suddenly, the thought of the humans males talking about her flows inside his head. It distracts him when he thinks about it. Touka stands up and watches him filled with thought in his mind.
"Hey, you're okay ?"
"Ah, I'm fine..where are you going ?"
"I want to sleep, before the coffee kicks in."
"Tch. Looks like you need to pass by them again."
He mumbled quietly. Touka tilts her head to see him.
"What did you say ?"
"Nothing. I'm coming with you."
The married couple are now heading from there and they had to walk through the office and again, most of the guys lock their eyes to her. Touka didn't notices that she's been stared by them. Unlike Ken, who's getting irritate than ever. He hates the way they link their gazes towards her. His beautiful wife. In order to get rid of it, he approaches her, gets clingy towards her, abruptly that leads to her suprise. He holds a soft grip on the hem of her black sweater.
After that, a man suddenly asked Touka out of the blue.
"Rabbit, what's your name..?" 
He asked her shyly, nervous because it's his first time talking with a ghoul directly. She is suprise by his question. Stutters, she answered him.
"Excuse me ! My wife is kinda busy and tired, I think it's not appropriate to ask her right now."
Her gaze switches to her husband who is standing right behind her, now.
Ah, he just called me his wife.
"Pardon, your wife..?"
"Yes, she's my wife."
To get them for not asking him, again. He drew a malicous grin. A really creepy grin he had ever done. When they see his scary face, their face turns pale. Upon knowing his identity as Haise Sasaki, and also known as Ken Kaneki. They quickly back off when they finally discover that the beautiful ghoul that they talking about is the wife of the man who wreck the whole city. The Dragon.
Yes, now that's more like it.
Satisfied after hearing the apology, he grabs Touka's hand and get out. Make their way to the room she had stayed in for a while. Touka enters first and then comes him behind her, closing the door, locks it. Later, he getting all clingy again as he engulfed her body from behind, keeps her locked within his grasp, resting his chin on her small shoulder, hugging her tightly. Never wants to let her go. Never.
Touka acknowledges his weird behaviour when he encounters the other guy from before. He looks overprotective towards her. It's not like the male humans can hurt her anyway. She feels very relax and the comfy when his overflowing warmth assaults her. She misses it.
"What is with you ?"
"Hm ?"
He lifts his head a little bit so that he can feels her warm cheeks. So soft.
"I see that you don't really like them."
"I just want to protect you..that's all.."
"That's not about it..why..?"
"Well..they talked about you when you walk inside the office.."
Touka continues to ask him, throwing him questions as she keeps focusing to his voice. Straight to her ear. Whenever he speaks, his raspy voice echoes throughout her mind that makes her going crazy. His warm breath crashes around her ear that sends shiver to her spine.
"What are they talking about me..?
"Well, they say you're pretty, you're beautiful, you're hot..."
"So, you don't like them because they say I'm beautiful ?"
"No, that's not it..yes, they're right but they shouldn't stare off you like that.."
"Why not ? It's normal thing to stare at something that is good looking.."
Ken grunts behind her, grips her tighter, increasing the friction between them. He could feels her hips, feels so good when it comes to hug her. He is desperate to feel her even more. The jealousy strikes him too much that he feels like he wants to mark her as his own.
"But, I don't like it."
"You're my wife and no one can stare at you like that except me."
Touka can't help but to bursts out afrom loud laugh. Confuse Ken loosen his embrace to make her body facing him, switching her over. He holds both of her shoulder and right now they're looking at each other. She have to look up to meet his face because of their extreme height difference. He looks so tall and her eyes land on his lips. Attractive and soft lips and his face is serious this time. 
"You're jealous.."
"Am I ?"
"Yes, you dummy.."
She pinches both of his cheeks and he lets out a yelp. 
"Ow, ow..Touka-chan, stop.."
She chuckled, showing her perfect white teeth and her eyes are almost close..and her giggles are too much to handle. She is too adorable. No wonder why most of the men are attracted to her. She is heavenly and sweet. Ken felt so lucky to witness her like this. If he could, he wants to see her like this everyday. 
Ahh, I can't take this anymore. I just can't. She's like an angel.
Her chuckle stops when he interrupts her, kissing her softly. She is in awestruck. Like an electrical waves hit her. His lips catches her bottom lips and that makes her mewls. Wanting to hear her voice more, he sucks her bottom lips.
Her lips are so sweet. Makes me hungry.
Moans coming out from her, muffles against his mouth. He takes in her upper lips and hands grab her round ass. Squeezing it, he licks her lips and she kisses him back. Earning his moan that drives her crazy.
The bed is shaking when their body crashes onto it. Ken is on top, wrapping his arms around her thighs, kisses it and she moans his name.
Her wanton and seductive cry makes him can't even control his lust. His desires. His needs. All of that are because of her. He pulls her short and tosses it aside. Then, he removes her tight leggings, exposing her sexy long legs. He unbottons her shirt and finally she is shirtless.
The fabric from her black lacy bra and underwear is the only garment that covers her from his corrupted eyesight.
He roams her breast, buries his face in the valley of her large breast. Inhaling her nice scent, he sucked her beauty mark and makes cries out a moan.
"Aahhh. "
"Touka-chan, I want to eat you.."
"Have your delicious meal, my King."
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yoolee · 7 years
SLBP Headcanon | Haunted Houses
‘Tis the season for haunted houses – in North America. I learned a few things while writing this about them in Japan! I haven’t been to one, but I am operating with the assumptions:
While there are year-round haunts the most popular season for temporary haunted attractions is the summertime.
Since 1996ish it has become popular to have an element of visitor participation – they are given a “mission” and are personally involved in a narrative that unfolds as they progress. For example, the guest must escort a child through the spirit world to their mother on the other side, or find a fire then recite an Ofuda and throw it into the fire to banish an evil ghost, or remove a cursed tooth from a woman’s mouth and get it to the exit.
This sometimes includes an element of backstory/history to be read before you ever enter.
X | X | X | X | X | X
Is just delighted
Laughs, doesn’t scream, but compliments the actors who do a good job of startling his group
Probably offers jobs to the really good scare-ers
Doing what, who knows, he just hires people he likes and figures out what they’re good at later
Literally makes every single one of his retainers employees go through to complete the mission
Almost DEFINITELY gets banned either for fighting the ghosts or because he turns it into a competition for his retainers employees and they make a mess of the place trying to speed through it.
After his first one, probably draws out a map of all of the ones that are available and goes out on a mission to visit them ALL
Probably makes you go first because your reactions are super funny to him.
Would absolutely not wait in line
But WOULD demand a place open up just for him
Is not scared by any of this but is slightly startled at times?
Like in a who comes up with this and spends their time coming up with this kind of way and I was so distracted wondering that I didn’t hear that ghost come up behind me kind of way
Does appreciate the romance of the storylines, even if he thinks the narrative could be tightened up in a few places
Has a horrible suspicion Nobu will want to do one of these, so, he takes notes
Spends so much time looking for the mechanics and documenting things mentally that he doesn’t fully immerse and appreciate the experience D:
Until the other guys notice and gang up on him for a good scare
JOKE IS ON THEM he just jumps and then frowns at them
Probably lectures them for disrupting the actors
Has a lovely chat with the designer of the attraction
Very gently reminds you that none of this is real and you’re quite safe, possibly with quotes on labor law and event attractions, when you get scared.
Finds grammatical errors in the backstory, corrects them angrily
Also points out any and all flaws in the logic of the premise
And corrects the local history, which he definitely knows more about than any employee of the attraction
AND YET gets way more into than he should
Not scared by anything
Completely disgusted by the makeup on the ghosts – totally derails the entire haunt to give them tips on making it more realistic – probably digs out makeup from somewhere and gives them a touchup
Then goes back to completing the story like nothing happened
Will not dishonor Hideyoshi by failing to save the trapped soul after all
Probably leaves you behind – stop screaming you little fool, we have a baby to rescue
Is a JERK visitor
Like, sneering, snarky comments about the characters and backstory
Questioning what they used for fake blood – he could make a far more realistic version
His smile while he mentions this to one of the ghouls probably scares THEM like, aaahahahah this guy’s kidding, right?
No, he really could.
Would really just let the demons have the baby they’ve kidnapped – why should he rescue it
Probably throws the actors off by like, offering them this child he is supposed to be protecting, in hopes that it will end this faster
Gets scared at least once and if you BREATHE about it there will be a whole different kind of hell to pay
But you getting scared and clinging to him isn’t so bad I guess. Whatever.
Probably flirts with the ghosts and ghouls
Honestly doesn’t mean to make her break character, he’s just THAT SMOOTH
Feels really bad when he realizes that though
Never actually scared but screams his head off silly just for fun
Also clings to Inuchiyo for the same reason
Inuchiyo does not appreciate this
Holds your hand the whole time, which is how you know he’s not scared – you can feel his heartbeat and it never falters.
Would warn you with a little wink right before someone scary appears, because he would notice the cues, but holds a finger to his lips so Inuchiyo won’t catch on.
THAT SAID he will also totally pull the hand-tapping-on-your-opposite-shoulder thing to make you scream.
Super serious about remembering all the details of the backstory and mission though
Gets genuinely startled a few times, but, while you’d expect him to get mad about it he actually finds it funny? Usually a shout followed by laughter. Unless you tease him about it then he gets mad and tries to play it off.
If Hideyoshi clings to him and screams, then he just growls at Hideyoshi to get off of him
100% willing to carry you through the whole thing on his back, even if that means you half strangle him when something appears.
100% NOT willing to carry Hideyoshi, who leapt into his arms as a joke
Eventually he kinda finds the gory stuff super funny – like, look at this fake blood MC it actually bubbles ahahaha
That said dolls creep him out on a whoooole ‘nother level
IF YOU’RE SCARED: Finds it less fun when he realizes you’re going to have nightmares for a week like you can’t even sleep in the closet like you usually would because things might come out of it Will hold his hands over your eyes or ears and steer you through if need be
IF YOU FIND IT  FUNNY LIKE HIM: Will spend the next few weeks buying increasingly more ridiculous masks to sneak up on you in
Is only doing this because Sasuke begged
And to see Yukimura scream
And well, he won’t complain if you also cling to him.
Completely nonreactive, except for the occasional sigh.
Warns you about exactly nothing even though he knows precisely what’s coming
Spends most of the time holding Yukimura back from charging at the monsters
Possibly gets Yukimura and Sasuke purposely turned around
Then takes your hand and spirits you off and out of there
Like two hours later poor Yukimura and Sasuke finally complete the mission and get out, totally exhausted.
ALSO weeps with the ghosts over their tragic backstories, but then lectures them in an attempt to reform them VENGEANCE SOLVES NOTHING
It’s so earnest and moving that the ghost performers like, don’t even have the heart to keep it up and oblige
Happiest Ending for a Haunted House Ever
You…you have no idea how to feel about this
Saizo sighs
Doesn’t…really get it?
Sort of goes through the motions in a quietly perplexed sort of way
Then something scares you so badly you scream for real
And he glares, and offers a single, chilled warning
Everyone freaks out because wait there is a real demon here?!
Congrats Masamune, you are the scariest thing in the haunted attraction
You never go back
Is JUST mischievous enough to arrange all of this – like, suggests sharing some local history and setting the stage even before you get to the attraction, so you’re just on the edge of spooked when you get there.
Probably one of those people who knows the director and employees and gives them special instructions to scare the pants of Shigezane
Finds it all more amusing than scary, mostly gentle chuckling at everyone’s reactions
Would gently warn you by taking your hand and squeezing if he thinks you need the heads up
Otherwise lets you enjoy it however you want to
Appreciates all the hard work that goes into it – the script-writing, the acting, the lighting, the planning, etc.
Only gets one serious, goes-white fright - courtesy of Masamune, who thought if Kojuro was going to prank Shigezane, turnabout was fair play (and who would ever suspect Masamune, who was just quietly going along with things, but really was studying how they did it)
Weeps over the story
Just floats through, clapping his hands in delight at every new twist and encounter
Keeps getting distracted by decorations that have nothing to do with the story
Also definitely tries to pick them up and carry them away
Kanetsugu is having NONE OF THAT
Probably carries you bridal style through the whole thing
Like, you can walk?
Oh but it’s more fun this way
Oh well, if he is carrying you his hands aren’t free to STEAL THE PROPS
Lets the others – mostly Yukimura – go first, because the whole reason for coming is to give his folks a fun time.
Definitely a laugher (mostly as his people get scared)
Totally scares Yukimura
Also flirts with the ghosts. “Do you come here often?” but not in a disruptive way – he isn’t out to make their job harder
Will only hold your hand if you’re desperate – because he believes you are plenty brave enough to handle everything without him as a safety net.
Takes everyone out for food afterwards.
During meal will make some offhand comment about the mythology of the tale that’s rooted in local history that none of you knew.
No one does, until Saizo gets the idea for you to pretend to faint at one of the other people’s scares, and you steal a kiss when Shingen flies to your side
Walks through the entire haunted attraction with exactly zero interaction, because none of the actors notice him
Poor Kansuke
ANOTHER BONUS: MCS! On a scale of totally chill to terrified!
Inuchiyo’s MC: Not even the teensiest bit afraid – thinks this is hilarious. HOWEVER, will ACT scared as an excuse to cling to him because have you seen this boy’s arms? *shrug*
Nobunaga’s MC: Is mostly like, mortified. Because of course the Owari clan is making a scene could we just go somewhere and be normal? (when Nobu starts making them go first, goes to somewhere between Mitsun and Ieyasu’s MC)
Shingen’s MC: Would you be scared with all the Kai folks around to protect you? A little scared at the start, but gets it together and handles it like a champ.
Kojuro’s MC: Since the primary target is Shigezane, they get away more or less unscathed from a scare standpoint – pretends to be at least a little spooked, for the same reason as Inuchiyo’s MC.
Mitsuhide’s MC: Generally chill, kind of more into the story behind it all than the scare – appreciates the storytelling aspect. Does not appreciate the disembodied hand on their shoulder.
Masamune’s MC: Is more worried about Masamune, like, is he enjoying this? This preoccupation does lead to being distracted enough at least one big scare though.
Hideyoshi’s MC: Fun-scared? That’s a thing, I promise. Gets a thrill out of it, rather than an actual fear. Only time they are for REAL scared is when Hideyoshi pranks them in the middle of it.
Saizo’s MC: I…love Saizo but his MC is probably a bit of a chicken. Definitely a little scared. It doesn’t help that Yukimura screams REALLY LOUDLY. Not as scared as they would be if they didn’t have Saizo’s hand to hold – it’s kind of nice to have the excuse.
Kenshin’s MC: The haunted attraction isn’t that scary, what’s scary is the thought that Kenshin may have these sorts of artifacts and objects stashed in his treasury for you to accidentally stumble upon? Nightmares for weeks about whispering rocks and cursed dolls that you are 100% sure are stashed in his house.
Mitsunari’s MC: Terrified. Also MAD AS ALL GET OUT because Mitsunari left them alone. Will probably research for days to come up with a good premise, and rope all his retainers into their revenge haunt.
Yukimura’s MC: Yukimura’s screaming, MC is screaming, the ghosts are screaming, everyone is screaming and something is probably on fire.
Ieyasu’s MC: Not sure which is scarier: the haunted attraction or Ieyasu and his ire at the haunted attraction. End result in the same – absolute terror XD
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