#might not have been geek it might have been someone else
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purpledisastertwin900 · 1 year ago
Things that I’m grateful are legal and that I can do;
-listen to my favorite music
-chill in bed
-hang out with my twin
-make someone smile
-laugh at something silly
-eat soup until I’m full
-drink clean, cold water
-learn new things
-say hi to my friends, irl and online
-get good grades after working hard for them
-drive my car
-drink coffee
-have sweet treats
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possamble · 11 months ago
Needlessly close reading and long commentary on chapter 57 and how the audience actually has an extremely limited view on what Marcille has been like over the course of her life.
I am once again thinking about how pre-dungeon Marcille is so quiet and stoic that she seems like a completely different person. How jarring chapter 57 is for the audience. Like you have Marcille, who has been just the most blindingly expressive person with resting baby face
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And then the chapter drops a title page of Marcille hearing from Falin for the first time in four years and it's like.
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Who is that. Genuinely. Would you even realize that's Marcille without the context clues?
And then the chapter just keeps coming in with the sucker punches.
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We have SEEN Marcille meet strangers. It was never with this understated of a smile.
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literally who the hell is this. the few times the audience gets to see some Signature Marcille Faces that they're used to is when she finally gets to see Falin again
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when she's testing out her new spells
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(and when Laios and Falin are fantasizing about her being their damsel in distress, funnily enough)
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And then finally. Finally you get to a fully recognizable Marcille when she fucking DIES and comes back to life to geek out about necromancy.
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We know she loves magic. We know she loves Falin. So it's not so surprising that she wouldn't be able to keep a mask up when thinking or talking about the things she loves. But why the mask in the first place? Where does it come from? It's tempting to think that, maybe, Falin's departure just hurt her so much that it turned her into a quiet person.
But that's only half true. If you go back, the first instance you see of this incredibly mild personality is actually introduced much earlier, in chapter 17.
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What if she was always like that. What if her default after her father died was to hold people at arm's length, to never really emote past being polite and friendly. What if Falin was the first person who was able to bring her out of her shell, and when she left, Marcille just went back to how she was.
And when comparing her detached demeanour with someone else...
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It's not exact, but wouldn't you say there's a resemblance? Wouldn't you think she might be trying her best to imitate what she saw of her own mother working as an accomplished mage?
It would certainly explain why she's hiding behind her portrait in her nightmare, at least.
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We aren't told that Marcille has been distancing herself from everyone around her using a mature and dignified personality she modelled off her mother. But we sure as hell are shown it, I think.
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steddiehyperfixation · 10 days ago
silly little thing for my @steddiebingo prompt: nerds | 758 words | T |
"Hey, maybe he can help," Robin says, sweeping a hand towards Dustin who's just walked into Family Video for his regularly scheduled afterschool bug Steve and Robin time, interrupting their conversation.
"Oh come on." Steve shakes his head. "The kid doesn't want to hear about my trash heap of a love life."
"Oh, no, I absolutely want to hear about that." Dustin perks up at the opportunity to learn about Steve's trivial suffering.
"We're trying to figure out why Steve goes on a million dates but can't seem to find someone he actually likes," Robin fills Dustin in. "Tell him, Steve."
Steve groans, dragging his hands over his face before splaying them out sarcastically, as that's the only thing he can really do in protest right now. Dustin's looking at him expectantly, and Steve has no choice but to tell the kid all about Linda and Heidi and Brenda and Lucy and whoever else he's been out with recently, doing his best to answer any subsequent questions as PG as possible.
"Well of course you haven't found the one yet, you keep trying to date a bunch of normal, basic, girly girls. That's not your type," Dustin informs him once Steve's done talking.
Steve raises his eyebrows. "Oh, it isn't?"
"You can't really be that stupid, can you?"
"No, please, Henderson, enlighten me on what you think my type is."
"You're into nerds," he says like it's completely obvious.
Steve scoffs. "I am not into nerds. You know, just because I hang around you little weirdos all the time does not actually mean I want to hang around even more weirdos in all the other aspects of my life too."
"Seriously, Steve, think about it," Dustin argues. "Think of all the girls you've actually been really genuinely into in your life. They've all been nerds! Nancy-"
"- is not a nerd."
"She's a straight-A student and a journalism super geek. She's a nerd."
Steve rolls his eyes and sighs grudgingly. "Alright, fine, but-"
"And you were into Robin-"
Robin wrinkles her nose. "Ugh, don't remind me."
"-who you can't deny is definitely a nerd," Dustin continues.
"You know what, actually, he does have a point," Robin says.
Steve looks at her in betrayal. "Don't encourage him!"
"That girl you told me about that you liked in middle school who was super into Star Trek, and the other one who wanted to write a fantasy novel one day- oh and the elementary school crush who was always reading a new book every day..." Robin lists, ticking each one off on her fingers.
"I told you all that in confidence!"
"They were all nerds!"
"Exactly." Dustin grins, vindicated and insufferably smug. "Ergo, you, Steve Harrington, need to find yourself a nerd."
"I am not into nerds!" Steve protests hopelessly.
"What more proof do you need?" Dustin says. "You're into nerds."
"Totally into nerds," Robin concurs.
Steve huffs and throws up his hands. "Fine! I'll admit I'm into nerds if it will make you two shut up about it!"
Eddie happens to wander into the previously empty store at that exact moment, catching the tail end of the conversation as he approaches the counter. "What's all this about nerds?"
Steve freezes, glances Eddie over and stares at him strangely for a few long seconds. "Holy shit," he mutters.
His gaze cuts to Robin, whose eyes go wide when she meets his look. "Holy shit," she agrees.
"Oh my god."
"Oh my god."
Eddie blinks at them. "Are you two having some sort of joint stroke or something?" He looks at Dustin as if the kid might have a better clue of what's going on. "Can you understand them?"
Dustin shrugs, equally mystified. "Don't look at me, man. They're weird."
The incomprehensible parroting conversation is still going on.
"Okay," Steve's saying, taking a deep breath in through his nose and exhaling determinedly.
"Okay." Robin grins and shoves at his shoulder.
Steve finally turns back around and leans on the counter in front of Eddie with a classically charming smile. "So, Eddie, are you free on Saturday?"
Eddie smiles back despite his confusion. "Yeah-"
"Oh my god!" Dustin bursts out suddenly.
"Oh my god," Robin agrees with a knowing smirk.
Eddie glances at Dustin. "Oh no, not you too."
Steve exhales a long-suffering sigh and pushes himself off the counter, marching around to grab Eddie by the hand and drag him away from Dustin and Robin. "So. Saturday?"
"He's into nerds," Dustin whispers, wide-eyed.
Robin nods sagely. "He's into nerds."
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funlovinzara · 3 months ago
“Speechless” Turbo!ken and Okarun x reader
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I didn’t know id cause so much trouble, but in the end i met someone who touched my heart…i don’t know if I’ll ever be able to love him.
Warnings: none really
A/n: im back divas 💜 IM SICK AGAIN
Okay, lets not start off with “im just a normal person, who attends a totally normal school.” Because its stupid and dumb and i really really just want to explain this whole situation. This school is weird. Ive been experiencing some supernatural things happening to me and i dont feel safe wherever i go and i think something bad might hurt me. I walk home after school one day and i notice the air getting thicker and thicker and i just feel the tense pressure of something following me
I rush home and all i can do is ponder about whats going on with me, am i mental?? Is this some of condition?? Im having nightmares and i cant take it anymore. I cant even talk to anyone about this because i hardly talk to people at this stubborn school…
Besides all the crazy things happening to me, theres this guy I’ve had my eye on, not romantically or anything i just keep seeing him wherever i go and he just sticks out like a sore thumb. I think his name was Ken….im going to talk to him, he seems like the only person who wouldn’t judge me.
I walk up to him and before i could even mutter a “hey” a girl comes first and speaks to him, it seems like they’re close. Suddenly everyone must have a friend besides me, thats so annoying. I’ll speak to him at lunch then. And as i expected, that girl was there again. So i guess i’ll just speak to him afterschool.
“Hey..” i tap his shoulder while walking out the gate of the school. He swiftly turns around looking at me in surprise and quickly blushing. “O..oh hello!”
“I wanted to know if you’d like to be friends…you look really cool and i thought it would be nice.” His face flushes even more “Cool..? Me? Oh- yeah s-sure we can be friends thats totally awesome! Yup! Cool!” He was geeking out, and it was really cute
“Can w-“ before i could speak again he cuts me off. “How about we talk together at lunch tomorrow or if we have the same class..? Its s-super nice to meet you. Im Ken takakura!”
“Oh im y/n l/n, sure we can talk tomorrow” he bows and runs off home, i mean at least i’ll be able to actually talk to him. I start to walk home and the sun starts to set, i really don’t want that feeling to come back again. But it’s not my choice is it..
While i walk home i start to feel it again, the feeling that im being watched. But no it’s way worse this time. My ears start to ring, and i hear footsteps slowly pick up behind me. I start to run home, it wasn’t far anyway, i could make it! I run into a neighborhood I’ve never seen before, but I’ll do anything just to get away.
A blue light appears above my head and i turn around to see 3 large men with a horrifying smile standing behind me. I turn again to sprint for it until they catch me in a millisecond. “What a fine specimen!!! We shall take your banana for inspection.”
“What the heck does that even mean??? Let me go!!” I hear another pair of footsteps and i see..Ken? And that other girl..
“Get em okarun!!” The girl exclaims, and before my own eyes i see okarun leap forward to one of the men holding me, transforming into something so unknown. The aliens are caught off guard and unhand me while i see that other running behind us, a big set of translucent blue arms emerge from her back and grabs on hold on one of the men and slams him.
“Okarun!! Take the girl somewhere else!! I’ll be safe i promise!” This new…person that is ‘okarun’ sighs in laziness “such a drag..” he picks me up bridal style and starts to speed away into a secluded area where the strange men were sure not to search. He lays me down on the concrete floor and i think i recognize this area, this is a part of my neighborhood thankfully!!
I look up at him in disbelief, “your…ken..?” He was prepping to sprint back to where the other girl was but he looks at me instead “in the flesh.” What was up with his lingo..
“..how are you able to do that?” It’s absolutely incredible, i was totally mesmerized, he’s beautiful! “Dunno, i gotta go. Stay safe babe.” He pats my head and then gets into a crouching start position to run, he sprints off and into the night he goes. What just happened, and he called me babe? How am i going to even talk to him tomorrow??
It takes me a minute to get back up and into shape, i make my way back home and i was later than usual. I make myself comfy, shower and change, and hop right into bed. I shut my eyes and start to recap.
‘Alright, what the hell was going on today. Ken is some secret transforming boy, and i guess his nickname is okarun? This other girl has magical powers and i almost got kidnapped by some disgustingly terrifying ‘men’. Based on what I’ve seen today, were those even men?? Im speechless..’ I continue to yap on in my head until i drift off into slumber.
I wake up the next morning trying to figure out if i should just stay home today, but then again i need answers. I quickly hop out of bed and get myself ready while having something small to eat for breakfast. I make my way to campus and i see Ken and that girl again, i really need to get her name..
“Hey Takakura.” While he was speaking to that girl he turns around to look at me, she gives me a glance and her face brightens, it seems like she recognizes me. “Hey y/n, is everything alright?”
“Um yeah no, what even happened last night?? That was totally insane! Do you guys know what was going on it freaked me out, and you turned into some creature and that girl had big arms coming out of her back-“
The girl giggles and cuts me off “okay i know it’s crazy, and I’m momo! What you saw yesterday wasn’t normal i know, it’s a long story. But those men you saw were aliens, thats why they looked so weird. Okarun here has this new ability to transform into something completely new, i have psychic powers.”
My face must have been absolutely confuzzled because they both started to giggle “Don’t worry, we’ll talk more about it at lunch! By the way whats your name?”
“It’s y/n l/n, nice to meet you.” She smiles and rests her arm on my shoulder “Sweet! Cmon okarun, let’s head to class!”
He follows right behind us and my smile fades a bit, that person okarun was…i can feel my heart start to strain. This isn’t good, i think i might like him but every-time i see Okarun and Momo together, they just seem like an unbreakable bond that stays together forever and i might be tinkering and getting in the way of that. I want to go home already.
“Hey y/n, matter of fact how about you come to my place after school? Then we can totally go over everything you’re confused about.”
“Oh, yeah sure! I don’t mind.” They day goes on as it fades into the mist of night. Her house is more larger than i thought, i enter and it has this calming feel to it. I spot Ken taking off his shoes and my hear starts to race a bit, this is making me insane. “Alright Okarun, show em!” I watch him transform again and i see that boy…wow he is so alluring. His droopy sleep eyes and tall slim frame would have anyone at campus falling head over heels
“So this is what you saw yesterday, this form is when he blah blah blah blah…”
I really should have payed attention but i was lost in his thoughtless eyes, and he was staring right back at me. I wonder does this form have the same mind as Okarun or is it someone else? While momo continues to talk, without her noticing he nods his head up at me in a “sup” motion, with his hands in his pockets. He was trying so hard to be cool and he really was. I feel my brain melt to my toes as i nod my head back at him.
“So do you understand?”
I snap back into reality, “Yeah..so what can he really do?”
“Well he can only run really fast, he has no good fighting skills yet.” “Wow, harsh.” He said while leaning back on the wall. Momo takes out her phone and looks at the time, she jumps and shrieks “its really late! Hey how about this, you can come over again tomorrow and we can go over how you’re able to see things like this. Okarun since it’s dark outside and you’re a fast runner, take em home!”
“whatevs, I’m the fastest yo.”
We head out the door and he lets me get on his back. “later y/n!”
Ken gets into the crouching start position again and speeds to my neighborhood “quick, where do ya live” I whisper my home into his ear and he quickens the pace all the way until the destination. He slows and gets down, allowing me to step off his back. I was hesitant to walk into my home and i turn around right before he was going to speed back to momos place.
“Cya on the flip side babe.” Seriously does he call everyone babe…but then i realized he was leaving and as he took off i managed to shout “See you tomorrow!!” I see him wave his hand in the air while he ran, this wasn’t so bad. I lay back in my bed ready to disclose for the night, this is crazy.
Will he be someone i can love or am i just going to be a nuisance..?
GUYS I JUST finished watching dandadan please i had to write something y’all idk it set something off in me for real!! bye DIVAS 💜
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alphajocklover · 10 months ago
Wake Up Pops
**A sequel to my earlier story, ‘Wake Up Bro’. It might be little premature to write a sequel only a month later, but the second picture really inspired me. Hope you guys like it, and check out the story of Owen’s transformation into Big O**
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“Wake up pops.”
Ben Smith looked up at his son in shock. Lately his son, Owen Smith, had been acting strange. He had shot up more than a foot seemingly overnight, and had gained an almost impossible amount of muscle. It almost hurt Ben’s brain to think about it, like he was noticing something he wasn’t supposed to be able to. Like he was staring at the sun. But he brushed his son's seemingly impossible transformation as a strange growth spurt, just like everyone else did. What other explanation was there? What he couldn’t brush off was his sons… other changes. It was like he was an entirely different person. He had gone from the shy, sensitive, geeky kid that Ben adored to a sport obsessed, crude, overly sexual jock. Worst of all, their relationship as father and son seemed to have just… stopped. Owen and Ben used to be so close. Owen looked up to Ben, Ben adored Owen, and they did practically everything together. But since Owen’s transformation into ‘Big O’ he had consistently ignored his father. Too busy with his new position on the football team, with his new jock bro friends, and with the girls he seemed to constantly be hooking up with. This was the first time that Owen had spoken to Ben in weeks, and what he was saying made… no sense.
“Owen? Is something wrong?” Ben asked, his first instinct to help his son. Strange transformation or not, Owen was Ben’s child. He had to make sure he was ok. Owen grinned a cocky, dumb grin, looking at his dad with slight dull eyes.
“Everything fucking great pops. I just need you to wake up pops.” Owen said. Ben looked at him with confusion. What was his son talking about? He was awake, wasn’t he? Own continued, looking at his father with a strange mix of dull amusement and genuine love. “I know you miss the old me. You miss us being close. I’ve missed you too pops. We can be the same again. You’ve just got to wake up pops.”
Ben, concerned and confused, made a move to comfort his son, when suddenly a wave of vertigo overcame him. The room around him dimmed till all he could see was his sons grinning face, his voice echoing around him. “I love you pops, but a stud like me needs a stud dad. A mentor. I can’t have a geek for a dad. And this way we can be close again. You’re meant to be more than this. It’s time to wake up pops.” Owen said, his grin turning more satisfied and victorious.
Ben felt the room began to spin as he fell back mentally, the words repeating in his mind like an all consuming loop, almost like a vortex. Wake up pops. Wake up pops. Wake up pops. WAKE UP POPS.
Ben was so lost in the words that he barely noticed as his son led him over to a mirror. Ben was so shocked by what he saw that he almost passed out right there. He looked… godly. He was impossibly big, with a body so thick and beefy that it commanded respect. His face had become so chiseled and manly that it put marble statues to shame. He barely looked like the suburban dad he once was. More like he belonged in the movies or in porn. He heard Owen laugh, a confident, manly laugh that Ben felt himself echoing without even meaning to. Owen spoke once more, a look of pride on his face.
“Fuck yeah pops! Now we’re both total studs! You let your inner jock wake up, and now we’re gonna fucking rule this town together!”
Ben felt his old self recede, as something else, someone else woke up and took control. Ben fell asleep, and Big Os pops, Coach Smith, woke up. Coach patted his son on the back, a smug grin on his face “Fuck yeah we will son.”
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yuvany · 4 months ago
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( 㦥 ) ❛ — loving in blind , loving as one . to love without judgement , leaving it pure and fragile , like a child to its bed.
CONTAINS ⃫ SIM JAKE x blind!reader + fluff + f!reader + strangers to lovers + slight angst , short / series fic , 1029 wc
─── ꒰ 𝗡𝗢𝗧𝗘𝗦 ⃫ i do not know how it is to be blind, so I apologise in advance if there are any mistakes. Also got this idea from the Veil manga !! This might become a sort series.
reblogs + feedback always appreciated !
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YOU HATED THIS, the restrictions and bounds that they had set up. Just because you were blind did not mean you were hopeless on your own. While you understood why they worried so much, you also didn't conprehend why they cared. They rarely looked at you, they only seemed to notice you when it came to your 'disability'. You wanted to tell them that they should stop pitying you and treat you like a normal person. Sure, you might miss a step while walking up or down the stairs, but other than that, you might just be better than them at sensing and understanding your environment. You just never had the courage to tell them that.
Your sisters were busy, and so were your parents. That meant you never had time to spend time with them, so your only company were the maids and butlers that were hired around the mansion. They weren't exactly boring, but obeying the rules seemed to bore you, so once you were sure that you were alone, you sneakily exited the building through the main gate without someone seeing you, because well, how would a blind girl make her way out on her own? While outside, you felt the cold breeze grace your cheek softly, content with the new atmosphere that made you smile.
You walked down the unfamiliar path, feeling something soft and pat from under your boot soles. Recently, the maids had been discussing some dinner for Christmas and that it was soon time to decorate the Christmas tree. You figured that it was winter and that this must be snow. Curiosity was too great, and you bent down, letting your fingers comb through the cold material. "What are you doing?" It was a deep voice, so it must've been a man, and you heard his heavy foot steps trail behind you as he approached you closer. You got up on your feet, and tried to figure out where he stood. "Hello?" You called out, and you felt how someone grabbed you by the shoulder, telling you to face them. "Thanks. I'm just here enjoying the snow!" You answered his previous question with a geek smile. "Have you never seen snow before?" You shook your head and said, "Sir, I'm blind." "My apologies, ma'am."
The air turned stale for a minute, you were clueless, but the man in front of you was sweating due to the tense atmosphere. "May I ask for you name?" he asked, and you placed your pointer against your chin, acting as if you were thinking of something deeply. "No, no you may not." You teased, a smile creeping across your lips. "How else are you suppost to find your way home? I'm sure you're lost." You shook your head at his statement. "No sir, I am not lost. And how can I be sure I can trust you to bear my name?" You cocked back. "If it reassures you, I can tell you that my name is Officer Sim Jaeyun, working for the police in this town." Your lips pursed at his words, not realising what hassle you might've caused with your attitude. "oh! I'm so terribly sorry, officer, my maids always tell me I should calm myself," you chuckle awkwardly. "I'm (name)." You reached your hand out aimlessly to shake his. The leather glove wrapped around your bare hands, yet, you still felt the heat of his palm beam through the thick material.
"You should make your way home, ma'am." "But I just got out and started exploring." you argued, and you heard the man sigh. "Do you even know the adress to your home?" Jaeyun asked, and you stayed silent before answering, accidentally cutting him off, "Then why-" "I know the adress, but walk me around town and then I'll tell you it." You made a preposition, and you could sense how he was agreeing to it. "Alright, follow me." You grabbed onto his bicep, being less careful with your steps now that you had someone to accompany you. "Why were you out alone?" Jaeyun asked, and you replied, "Well, I'm not really let out so I guess I sneaked out." You chuckled, feeling how his palm laid over yours, helping you down the stairs.
"Let's go to the café. It is really popular." He suggested, and you trusted his sense since he was an officer after all. You licked your lips slightly at the sound and nodded your head. "I love cafés! Don't you, officer Jaeyun?" You asked, perking your head up at where you heard his voice. "I quite like them." You heard the small announcement of the bell upon opening the door that led into a nice and warm environment. "So cosy.." you whispered to yourself. "What would you like to order, madam?" He asked, and you told him you only wanted a cup of tea with one sugar cube. "alright." He said, and walked you over to an empty table, telling you to stay put and not scurry off somewhere. You observed the surroundings with your sharp hearing managing to figure out that there were quite a lot of people around and that pets were allowed in when you heard a dog bark.
"And here's your tea, y/n." His voice pulled you out of your thoughts, and you commented, "Why did you just sound like a server?" "I try my best to make you feel welcomed." He says, and someone's feet kicked against yours from under the table when they sat down. You heard him mutter a quiet 'sorry'.
It's been a while since you actually enjoyed yourself like this. You liked the feeling of friendliness that had already bloomed. You hoped that this new friend didn't feel burdened by you, and that maybe, just maybe he also saw you as possible friend. "Where did your smile go?" He asks, upon seeing that your empty eyes were turned to his hands that encased the small porcelain cup in between his two palms even though you were unable to see. "Oh, it's nothing. I was just thinking of something." He shrugged and went on with his meal while you pondered some more.
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satorusugurugurl · 1 year ago
i love ur work sosososisoso much <33 thank y for sharing ur writing ahh!!! could i request a satosugu fic where toru gets punished by sugu and reader??! maybe for like.. getting off alone or flirting w someone else?
Summary: You and Geto went to a local bookstore, leaving Gojo to fend for himself at home. It’s not like the two of you didn’t invite your boyfriend to join you on your outing. But shopping for books, of all things, didn’t spark his interest. But as the boredom of being alone settles in his bones, he decides to do the only thing that sounds remotely fun. Beating his meat.
Pairing: Gojo Satoru x FAB!Reader x Geto Suguru
Word Count: 2,876
Warning: Masturbation, cursing, oral sex, degrading, edging, smut, creampies, holy
A/N: Anon thank you so so much for the sweet words! I'm glad you're enjoying my stories! ❤️❤️❤️🥹This gave me brain worms and I just had to write it! Two of my weaknesses are SatoSugu x Reader and masturbation.
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Lazy Sunday Afternoon
”Are you positive you don’t want to come with us?” Suguru questioned, cocking an eyebrow at his white-haired boyfriend. “We were thinking about stopping for lunch after.”
”Nah.” Satoru is leaning against the wall, watching as you tie your tennis shoes. “The idea of a crowded bookstore makes my skin crawl. Plus, that's you guys’ thing. Books and reading.” He shrugged his shoulders lazily.
You hooked your arm through Suguru’s, leaning your head against his upper arm. “Okay, do you want us to bring you anything home?”
”Nope, have a good time. I’ll see you when you get back.” He waved his partners off with a smile before heading back to the living room to enjoy his Sunday afternoon.
The first hour was fun, trashy reality television, and the cupcakes you had made the previous day. Thirty minutes later, he groaned, flipping through Netflix to try to find something, anything to watch. Two hours into being alone, all by himself, Satoru groaned as he started to regret his decision to stay behind.
The apartment was so quiet and lonely with you or Suguru there. The room wasn’t as bright and full of the life it usually radiated. Jeez, was this what his life had been like before the three of you had gotten together two years ago? He was so used to going on dates, cooking food, and just existing in each other's presence now. What had he used to do in his tiny dorm when he was alone?
He would eat take-out, play on his phone, and jerk off to porn videos on Twitter.
Satoru sat up straight, a grin slowly tugging at his mouth. Yeah, he used to jerk off constantly. Since you three got together, he didn’t need to please himself. Seeing as either you were sucking him off, or Suguru was giving him a handy in the shower. It was like heaven, being able to experience pleasure with the two of you.
But thinking about wrapping his hand around his cock, going at his own pace, had him throbbing with excitement. You and Suguru wouldn’t be back for a bit. When you two shopped for books, you shopped—going down each aisle, flipping through pages, geeking out over your favorite series. He had plenty of time to jerk off and recover in case things got heated once his two partners returned home.
Leaning back onto the couch, Satoru turned the television to some random movie on Netflix. Mostly for background noise, and if you two were to come home in the middle of his solo session, this might cover him until he could readjust himself. With his eyes on the screen, Satoru slowly began rubbing his cock through his gray sweatpants. Up and down, just warming himself up.
Gojo was surprised that he was as hard as he was already. Was it the excitement of possibly getting caught or just that he hadn’t pleased himself in so long? Whatever the case, maybe he could care less. All that he could focus on with the warmth that was beginning to settle in his groin as he pushed his sweats down to his upper thigh to free his cock.
It was so hard, standing at attention with a slight twitch. “Oooh fuck.” Satoru pulled his bottom lip between his teeth. “Fuck, I’m so hard.” He spit into his hand before wrapping his bare palm around his shaft.
His hand slowly began moving up and down, coating his length with spit. He squeezed himself harder with each stroke. He was imagining it as you or Suguru’s hand. Both are so warm but different. Suguru’s hand was larger, more calloused. Y/N’s hand was smaller, more delicate, and her manicured nails always looked o pretty around his cock. The faster he moved his hand, the more the television sounded like white noise as his mind swam around his two partners.
Satoru found himself mimicking the movements you and Suguru would do. He gripped himself tight, like Suguru, stroking fast and hard. When he reached his tip, his pointer finger would tease his slit that beaded thick droplets of pe-cum, as your smaller hand would do so gracefully. Imagining his two partners worshiping his cock, was better jerk-off material than any porn video.
“Mmm, ooh fuck me.” Satoru’s hand squeezed his thick length hard, his hand moving faster. “That’s it, Y/N, just like that, Sugu.” Looking at his cock through his lashes, he gritted his teeth. His tip was leaking pre-cum, his balls were tightening as he felt himself getting closer and closer to cumming. “I’m so fucking close, so close, don’t stop.”
Grabbing his shirt, he placed the hem of it between his teeth. The last thing he wanted was to get cum all over it. Having a new shirt on when you two got back would be hard to explain, seeing as he stayed home alone. It would be much better to paint his stomach. It would be easier to clean up that way.
“Nnngh, fuck.” Satoru’s muffled moans grew louder, his cock twitching harder under each stroke of his hand. “Fuck yes, fuck yes.” The familiar burning coil in his abdomen tightened, and he never heard the door unlock. “Fuck, gonna cum—“ And tightened as his partners called his names. “Gonna cum, gonna cum!” And tightened before it snapped as Y/N and Suguru walked into the living room. “Cumming fuck! Fuck!”
Satoru jerked his wrist frantically. Ropes of hot cum coat his hand, stomach, and chest. His pace finally began to slow as his cock started to soften in his hand, his white seed shining under the sunlight flooding the room. Fuck, he didn’t realize how much he missed jerking off. Especially since he had the two hottest people starring in his dirty mind.
In the afterglow, Satoru lazily looked towards the end table in search of a tissue. To his horror, he found the two of you watching him. Your jaw dropped, cheeks flushed, as Suguru ran a hand over his mouth, dark eyes glued to the cum on his stomach. The three of you basked in the silence before Satoru quickly wiped at his cum.
“W-Welcome home!” He shouted, doing everything he could to avoid eye contact with either of you. “I didn’t hear you guys come in.”
Suguru chuckled darkly, his eyes narrowing. “Yeah? Maybe that’s because we were too busy listening to you cumming.” All attempts to finish cleaning himself came to a halt at Suguru’s words.
”I well, I gu—“
”There’s no denying it, Toru.” You joined in; faux sadness etched onto your features. “We caught you red-handed.” Your pout was adorable as you looked up at Suguru. “This is why he didn’t want to come with us Sugu.”
“Mhmm,” Suguru gently stroked your Y/H/C, “and to think we felt so bad for not including him. We stood in line for forty minutes at the cafe to get him the chocolate cake they're famous for.” Gojo swallowed as you lifted a bag with the cafe's name to emphasize Suguru’s words.
Slowly getting up on noodle legs from his orgasm, Satoru started walking towards you both. “It wasn’t like that. I just got bored. It’s not like I plotted to stay here to jerk off without the two of you.” The annoyance on both of your faces made him cringe. “I appreciate you guys thinking of me!” His hands reached for the bag, only for you to yank it away. “Oh, come on!” Satoru Gojo pouted, his eyes darting between you and Suguru.
“Huh, funny you did cum, on yourself.” Suguru barked out a laugh at your words. “And you didn’t even let me lick it off. I think that’s what hurt the most.”
”Y/N has a point, Satoru. You cleaned it all off right in front of her.” Suguru took the bag from you and placed it on the breakfast bar. “You know how much she loves our cum. My poor Princess.” You sniffled as Suguru pulled you tight against his side. ”Satoru has been a very bad boy, hasn’t he Y/N?”
”He has.”
Gojo ran both his hands through his hair with a sigh. “I’m sorry, guys. Is there any way that I can make it up to you?” Instant regret settled over him like cold rain. Both you and Suguru’s eyes darkened as sinister smirks tugged at your mouths. “Oh, oh fuck, please wait, have mercy.” He held both hands up, but he wasn’t fast enough to stop you from pouncing on him like a spider monkey.
Hours later, the automatic timer on the living room light came on. Illuminating the lewd scene in front of Satoru. You were facing him. Your back firmly pressed against Suguru’s chest as you rocked back and forth on his cock. Suguru’s hair was falling out of its bun, dark strands sticking out here and there, clinging to his skin. His lips were against the crook of your neck, biting and sucking at your skin. His actions made you whimper softly as you rode him faster.
Satoru wanted to join in, to get onto the floor and drag his tongue up Sugurus length, all the way to your clit. He hated being in the recliner across from you, his hand jerking at his cock. Fuck, you guys didn’t even let him get completely naked. He still had his sweats on and spit-damp shirt clenched between his teeth. He understood this was a punishment for jerking off and getting caught. He had to watch you two, and he'd already cum three times. But this was getting to be just cruel at this point. He wanted to join in!
Instead, you watched him, smirking at the flush dusting his cheeks and neck. The tears that formed in his oh-so-pretty blue eyes, and the way he fisted his cock to another orgasm. Arching your back, you gasped, Suguru’s tip hitting your G-spot as he bit your shoulder. Your arm reached over your head, fingers fisting in his hair. The sight of you getting closer to the edge made Satoru want to join in even more. If he could just get his lips around your clit, he knew you would squirt all over his face.
”Guys, pwease!” The cloth muffled Satoru’s words in his mouth. “I wanna help!”
You chuckled in between soft moans. “Sugu~nngh oh shit,” You watched as Suguru reached a hand around your waist, palming your thigh. “He wants to help~!” You laughed breathlessly as Suguru hummed, his voice vibrating against your sensitive skin
”Satoru,” your white-haired boyfriend perked up, “you wanted to jerk off so bad when we were gone. So you’re going to keep jerking off until we say otherwise. Dirty man whores don’t get rewarded.” Suguru’s hand, which Satoru wished was around his cock, slowly slid up to your clit. “Good fuckin’ sluts, like our sweet Y/N here, they get what they ask for.” You whined, your hand tugging at his hair. “Mmm fuck, baby tell me what my good girl wants~ yeah, be a good example to Satoru?”
”I wanna cum Sugu.” You whimpered, turning your head to face him.
He grinned, pressing a heated kiss to your lips. “You wanna cum?” You nodded your head, kissing him harder. “Go ahead, sweet girl, cum for me, Y/N.” His fingers rubbed circles around your cock. “That’s it; I feel you clenching cum on. Let it out, princess.” His gaze darted down, watching as you squirted hard.
“No, no, no,” Satoru whined like a spoiled brat. “I wanted to taste her cum!”
You were trembling, still coming down from your orgasm. Once you could form words, you tilted your head to the side. “See why we were so disappointed in you?” Suguru slowed his pace, his still-hard cock gently sliding into you. “I wanted to clean you up, but you used a tissue. I think I’ll clean up my mess the same way slut.” Suguru groaned, his cock twitching at your dirty fucking words.
“No! Please don’t. I’ll clean it up!”
”Oh, will you?”
”And how will you clean up Y/N‘s cum Satoru?” Suguru asked as you slowly began rocking back and forth on his cock.
The two of you watched as your partner stood, his cum coated chest and stomach heaving as he looked to the floor. There was a dark, needy look in his eyes, one a person would only see in a feral animal. You didn’t know what to expect. For him to grab tissues to clean it, like he had done to himself. Him dropping to his knees was something you nor Suguru had anticipated. With bated breath, you watched Satoru slowly slide onto his stomach, his eyes on yours as he stuck his tongue out.
“Holy fuckin’ shit.” Suguru’s cock throbbed harder inside of you as he watched Satoru lick and suck at your cum off the floor. Like some kind of desperate animal. Never once did he break eye contact. His tongue and lips kept moving, cleaning Y/N's essence off the floor in the most vulgar way. “T-That, fuck, Y/N wh—“
“Such a good boy.” You finished for Suguru. Your tight cunt twitched at the sight. “Cleaning up my cum like the horny dog you are.”
Satoru sat on his knees. If he had a tail, it would be wagging at your praises. “Yeah? I did good. Am I forgiven? Do I get to join in now? Please!” He watched Suguru’s face scrunch up as Y/N bounced faster and harder onto his cock.
”Hmm, Suguru, what do you think?” You asked, feeling another orgasm coming close as Suguru's hands gripped your hips, thrusting up into you.
”Let that dirty slut help. I wanna watch him lick your clit like he just did to the floor.”
Before you could change your mind, Satoru leaped into action. He was positioning himself between both of your legs. His tongue immediately went to work, sucking and lapping at your clit like a madman. The sudden added friction had you rocking faster, trying to feel more of his mouth on your sensitive sex. While Geto slammed up into you, chasing his release while driving you to your own.
Watching you both with lust-filled eyes, Satoru started jerking his cock once more. Fat and hard tugged as he took your clit in between his lips, suckling the bud as hard as he possibly could. That was all you needed to send you tumbling over the edge. You screamed so loud you were sure the neighbors would file a noise complaint against you again. Not that you cared as you felt Suguru’s chest heave as he buried his cock inside of you as he filled you to the brim with cum.
Thank fuck Suguru had been right against your g-spot. Because Satoru was bleed to have you squirt in his face. The sweet, tangy taste of you flooded his mouth. He sucked at your lips, tasting both your sweetness and Suguru’s slightly salty bitterness. Like a well-crafted treat just for him. The taste of you both combined had his hand stroking his dick, desperate to cum for the fourth time that day.
In the afterglow, Suguru grunted, kicking Satoru’s thigh with his foot. “Idiot, don’t forget what we just told you.” His best friend slowly smirked as you stuck your tongue out in between pants. “Don’t waste your cum.”
Not needing to be told twice, Satoru jumped to his feet, stroking his cock in front of your face. Only his hand was swatted away, replaced with Suguru’s. The sudden change of hand and pace had Satoru whimpering like the horny fucking dog he was.
“That’s it, Satoru,” Suguru purred, stroking faster, “cum on her face like a good boy.”
That sent your white-haired boyfriend right over the edge. Tears ran down his cheeks as he watched his load, which would most likely be his last for today, spurt over your tongue, chin, and the tip of your nose. You looked so pretty, cock drunk, glazed in his cum. It had him crying out in pained pleasure.
When the last waves of his orgasm faded, Satoru stumbled. Both you and Geto grabbed his arms, slowly easing him to rest on the couch next to the two of you. He gasped, his eyes shut, in post-orgasm bliss. You couldn’t help but smile, gently stroking his hair. Suguru kept himself inside of you, kissing your neck lovingly and putting the footrest up. You and your boyfriend relaxed in the silence until Satoru’s soft snores could be heard.
It's a perfect way for you to end a wonderful Sunday.
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unrepentantgeek · 8 months ago
Geek interested in mythology here! I love dp x dc stories. They can be really awesome, sometimes they're hilarious.
I'm just as amused as everyone else by the "Wonder Woman & co panic over Clockwork because he's Zeus' awful dad, the leader of the Titans.
However, whether he's called Cronus Kronos he's actually not the deity of time. That's a second person, named Chronos. Who I think might be a primordial deity predating the Titans.
I don't tend to nitpick this because mythology this long after when it originally came to be isn't distinct or definitive enough to warrant fretting over. After all, one could easily assume this is a case where a later generation of deity has the same domain as a prior generation. (See Gaia & Demeter. And how sometimes people ignore Selene & Helios existing- or don't know they do- and instead called the twin gods Artemis & Apollo the moon & sun deities.)
However I'm very interested in seeing someone play with this technicality.
The way I picture it goes something like this. Danny & the JL &/or JLD or whatever mixture you want- Batfam & Constantine could work too- are working together. Or Amity Park & the GIW have just been discovered.
During story time or debriefing Danny goes "Clcokwork said-". Or else when answering a question he starts his explanation with "According to Clockwork".
Naturally this gets interrupted to ask who Clockwork is. (Or a JLD member or JLD aligned person freaks out)
Once those present know who Clockwork is & somewhat understand his status in the Infinite Realms someone who mostly knows or only knows the modern reinterpretations- maybe Flash or Green Lantern?- comes out with something like "wait, the guy who ate his kids? Is it safe for you to be near him?"
Chaos ensues. If you want to go the "Chronos & Cronus both have power over time" route que a moment for Wonder Woman or JLD member or choice to panic.
Once someone gets things back on track Danny or whoever else you want clarifies that no, Clockwork is either Chronos not Cronus or not from the Greek pantheon at all.
I'm inclined for Clockwork being Chronos, so if you do that there should also be a moment for the shock or other form of overreaction to Danny's connection to a deity who's a bigger shot than even a Titan.
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nerdranttheories · 2 years ago
Okay I’m going to geek out about Toshinori’s costume designs because I’m an English major and analyzing tiny details in text is what we do and also I love??? The designs! And each one tells us so much about All Might and his focus during each costume.
Costume 1 (Young Might):
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So first off, despite young All Might’s longtime dream of being a hero, his suit is mostly black. A stark difference from comics books and his later self which tend to be bright primary colors. The few dashes of primary colors he has are desaturated, even in the second instance where we see this costume. This would have likely been the only costume Toshinori designed himself, as David became his designer in college.
Obviously, others have pointed out the similarities to Nana’s suit, just like how Izuku copied AM’s, so I don’t think it will be necessary for me to point that out. But this suit is also very practical. Something the flashy All Might isn’t really known for, but let me point the details out. He has boots, gauntlets, as well as what appears to be protection for his upper torso, and even for his neck. A decent balance between more protection and more weight, which would slow a hero down. Also, unlike Nana’s suit, his extends completely down the arms. The only skin surface available is that of his hands, something that stays the same through all of his costumes and as such, must be something he personally insists on. In media, gloves often represent someone with secrets, or a guarded personality. All Might not wearing gloves shows how open he is, not just with his friends but strangers too. And it’s humble, too. It’s not an unfeeling, covered hand extending to you when you’re in danger, it’s the bare-handed reach of a friend, and I fully believe that’s why Toshi goes without gloves. Also it’s possibly a sensory thing for him as well, which goes with my canon-supported theory that this man has ADHD, but that’s a nerd rant for another time.
The colors are important because while obviously they mimic Nana, you can practically see through the color choice that Toshinori is not in his right mindset here. While later the oversaturation of colors serves to show how his own heroism has made him into something Else, and outside of his own head, leaving the man inside to shrivel away, these muted colors show that Toshinori has not yet blossomed. Also in the brief scenes we see of him when he is younger, Toshinori is very solemn. The one scene we get of him smiling when he’s young is when Izuku is comparing them at the same age, and even then, it’s more of a smirk as opposed to the signature All Might grin we all know and love. Black also is just a reasonable color for something like crime-fighting. Black shows the least grime/dirt, so he could reasonably spend more hours out in this costume without having to come home and wash it/trade it out. (Which is something that I love that this series includes, by the way!)
Costume 2-ish:
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Toshinori adds some shoulder pads for the fight with AFO, probably expecting to stand side-by-side with his mentor. I could give a more full-body image but this is really the only difference I could pick out.
Costume 3 (College Might):
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This is the first costume of All Might’s that is designed by David Shield.
First off, props to David. He’s an awesome designer. He not only made a new design, but incorporated several choices from AM’s previous suit, and definitely conferred a lot with Toshi on how he wanted his suit to look while still ensuring its functionality.
Black is traded for a dark, unsaturated blue, giving AM a more peaceful look, as navy blue is considered to be a calming color. (Even Endeavor wears it! But maybe copying AM and not wearing it for the same purposes?) All Might’s cape is also changed from red to blue, taking away the dark look and making it the color of the sky, again adding to that Symbol of Peace idea that is Toshinori’s dream. The gauntlets and boots remain, but the chest-piece has been removed, offering up more mobility. The yellow of his belt has been brightened, and added in place of the blues on his gauntlets and boots, giving him an overall more friendly look as opposed to the more subdued one he had before with the blue accents. The red has been removed as well, and by moving it to his body, it gives the impression of veins and the blood that is pumping away through the heart of this hero, which is fantastic for someone who cares as much as Toshinori does. White was also added vertically on the sides of the suit, thinning out the very intimidating form of Toshi and making him more approachable, while adding a more pure look to his overall form. This appears to be in part, a stylistic choice on David’s end that follows through to the other suits, though it’s hard to know if it remains on the Bronze Age Suit as well.
Overall the brighter colors telegraph that Toshinori is doing much better mentally at this point. He now has A Friend, and for the time being, is safer from the troubles at home, until he has to return.
Costume 4 (Bronze Age):
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We don’t even get a full look at this suit, indicating that its time in use was likely short-lived. As I’ve seen others suggest, it seems very likely that when All Might returned to Japan, he went straight down to business and began doing vigilante work as he tried to track down AFO. However, possibly due to a combination of not finding him and All Might’s rising popularity, he seems to abandon this track and move on to a different form of heroism, which his suit symbolizes. I’ll briefly point out that Toshinori returns to the primarily black suit he had as a teenager, as well as the shadows of his face that add to the idea that as soon as he got back to Japan, he reverted to the mindset he had when he left.
Costume 5 (Silver Age):
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This suit indicates to me that this period was All Might’s prime, despite his later suit being considered the Golden Age of All Might. (And even though it’s my least-favorite design.) He has the typical cape of a hero, and the bright colors are now fully of typical comic book style. The circular design on his chest indicates a target, but with being cast in white and surrounded in red, gives the impression that he himself is not the target, but the villainy around him is. Or at least, that is likely the thought process for this design. Other than the dashes of white here and there, the colors are very solid, possibly indicating a more stable, but single-minded train of thought, something AM is notorious for. No offense to Dr. Shield, but I would have mixed the colors better in here, and the cape connection is too bulky for someone who’s as jacked in the shoulders as Toshinori is. Alas, I am not the designer. We shall move on.
Costume 6 (Golden Age):
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I love this suit. Plenty of analysis has been done on it already, but I think it’s a fantastic representation of how Toshinori’s been crushed under the very image he had originally wanted to create. His shadows are darkest and most severe here, reminiscent of how body-builders dehydrate themselves to get the best appearance of their musculature. His posing is also more inward, as opposed to the silver age, with the angles of his elbows being less directly out and more in, and instead of appearing confident, it’s more of how a cat puffs out its hair to make itself appear larger when it’s scared. I had a long bit to go with this but it was eaten by the Tumblr gremlins. Basically I believe this suit was made post AFO-battle. All Might is declaring he’s not finished yet, all while knowing his time is running out. This suit has several callbacks to the original suit David designed for him, with the navy, though more saturated base and the red lines running throughout the form, though the gauntlets and boots from before have been integrated into the suit itself. This could reflect David’s mindset as well, as he reminisces about the days when Toshinori was healthy and happy, when now Toshinori’s health is rapidly fading.
Anyway, here’s my costume analysis! I think it adds a little more insight to Toshinori’s mental state and situations in the years outside of the show as well as in them, and I hope you enjoyed this read! I’d love to hear other ideas too, if anyone has them!
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regulus-leonis · 1 year ago
like i’m actually reeling after episode 3&4 so major spoilers ahead while i geek out
in episode three when zestial starts walking with alastor he says something to the affect of “rumors have been spun of you falling to holy arms.”
i think what he means is that rumors were going around that alastor died in one of the exterminations seven years ago, or got extremely injured and took those seven years out of sight to recuperate. but that’s just a theory (a game theory).
also we get a slight little tidbit of alastor without the static in the overlord meeting but i might be tripping on that one. (edit: i’ve watched it back like three times and NO IM NOT TRIPPING HOLY SHIIIIT… i can’t stop watching it back.. i want to hear MORE)
episode four was BANGER
the two songs that came out of it were phenomenal!!!! also..
like what?! i didn’t realize that this was something that was even possible, someone losing their overlord status. i mean, alastor was gone for seven years and his overlord status still very much stands. to be fair, from what was said it seems that husk gambled all of his contracts away either to alastor or someone else and had to turn to alastor to survive or something of that caliber.
wow. i am actually speechless. i loved loved LOVED these episodes. i cannot wait for more.
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I haven’t seen anyone else talk about this yet
This photo has been haunting me:
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Ross posted this with the week 2 of filming photos.
It’s the wheeler’s basement but it’s not? It appears to be a set, but if they were using it to film shots they couldn’t get in the actual basement it doesn’t match the actual basement.
There’s no wall in the basement that has two sets of those shelves. And hypothetically if the Wheelers decided to redecorate the basement a little, that layout in Ross’s pic is impossible. Every other wall has either windows, doors, or those wooden bump outs:
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Maybe it could be a set mistake but everything they do seems to be very purposeful, especially when you watch any videos of the behind the scenes crew talk about what they do and their decisions they make.
So what is this set for?
Someone added it might just be a set hang out area like alphabet wall bts hangout area they have. Both of these shots are from the behind the scenes with fans video they did for geeked week.
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And this one is from the regular behind the scenes video they did. Let me know what you all think about this!
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kittythelitter · 5 months ago
I've seen Steve goes back in time and befriends Robin early fics. But now I'm thinking about dweeby band geek closeted friendless lesbian Robin Buckley trying to find a way to get King Steve Pre-character-development-concussions Harrington to listen to her and help her keep Barb from dying along with everyone else.
Time travel AU where theyre supposed to get a do-over like they're sent back in time from the end of season 4 to when it all started for them but for whatever reason Robin remembers in like August of 83. And she's like. It's fine I can wait like two months for Steve and Nancy and the kids to be in the loop and then she sees Barb and realizes that depending on what the catalyst is for them to remember it might be too late for Barb. So she decides to try to interfere ahead of time.
She like decides she knows Steve so well and he knows her so well that she's more likely going to be able to wake him up. So she like approaches him and like offers to tutor him and like. Knows too much about him and is a rambler who struggles to lie so she comes off as a stalker. And it's angsty and funny and devastating in turns. And he kind of believes her at some points but doesn't remember. And then she like. Accidentally comes out to him and they bond and become real friends again and then season 1 starts happening and everyone's remembering. But Steve doesn't.
Maybe it was too many blows to the head over the years. Maybe it was because Robin diverted his life so much that he can't remember. But he's still Steve. But he also doesn't remember what everyone else does.
And it's angsty and everyone's like reflecting on their relationships with Steve and how they can regain them when he doesn't remember and they do. And some of them blame Robin but like. Barb's alive and will got rescued early and everyone else remembers so they are way better equipped to go thru this again without as many losses and suffering. But Steve doesn't remember.
Anyway Steve remembers when they win. Or maybe when he gets hit in the head for the first time since they came back and he just managed to go so long without getting hit in the head and it was his trigger. Or he still gets drugged by the Russians and it all comes back in the worst most disorienting way possible. I have a lot of ideas.
[True loves kiss! Eddie version. Platonic cheek kiss Robin version. Joyce or Claudia giving him a motherly kiss on the cheek or the top of his head version. He unthinkingly drops a kiss on the top of one of the kids heads in a fraught moment where he's comforting them and suddenly remembers. There's a lot of love to choose from. ]
It has a happy ending and maybe there's Steddie but it's primarily a platonic soulmates Stobin idea.
But before the happy ending there's a lot of angst and like conflict revolving around all these people having their very specific very close relationships with Steve and he just. Doesn't remember them.
And of course there's a moment where someone says something devastating about how it doesn't really matter if Steve remembers the monsters and upsidedown stuff because it's not like he's ever been useful in the planning stages. He doesn't need to remember to swing a bat. Like really going for calling Steve dumb in a state of distress because they're really upset that Steve doesn't remember them and they're lashing out. I'm thinking Dustin or Mike but really there's a lot of good devastating options that hurt in different ways.
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kimbolimbo0428 · 4 months ago
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Been thinking about this Gravity Falls comic by MoringMark wherein Soos gifts his slice of infinite pizza from the episode "Blendin's Game" to Pizza Guy. It's a very simple yet wholesome comic that I was more than happy to accept as headcanon... uuuuuuuntil I looked back at the official Journal 3 and found this page specifically referencing the idea that Soos is the only one who could eat it and have it regenerate.
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However, I think I've found a way to make this comic still work into the canon of the show if people wish: creating my own headcanon fanfiction short story!
This short story acts as a summary of what I believe could've possibly constituted an entire episode of the series. It takes place between "The Stanchurian Candidate" and "The Last Mabelcorn."
So, without further ado, I give you...
"Space-Timed Order"
Soos decides that he no longer wants his Infinity Pizza, saying that he’s had enough pizza to last him a lifetime. Not knowing what else to do with it, as he is the only one with the ability to eat it and have it regenerate forever, he shares his predicament with Dipper. The two talk to Ford in hopes of finding a way to bypass the rule that only Soos can make the Infinity Pizza regenerate. Fascinated by how such a thing was even capable of existing, Ford asked about its origins. Dipper and Soos explained that was the result of a time wish won through Globnar, which reminded Ford of the time he was almost outwitted by operatives of the Time Paradox Avoidance Enforcement Squadron during his time as an interdimensional outlaw. This event seemed to have been something of a blow to his ego. Hoping to show that his intellect was indeed superior to the intricate powers of Time Baby himself, Ford took on the task of analyzing the Infinity Pizza in order to find a way to remove its bond with Soos. Dipper and Ford geek out about the implications and possibilities should he succeed, such as ending world hunger or even applying such infinite regeneration to other resources. However, in attempting to crack the code on the Infinity Pizza, Ford nearly caused a rift in the space-time continuum. Without the help of Time Paradox Avoidance Enforcement Squadron operatives Lolph and Dundgren, all of timespace might have collapsed. After being brought before Time Baby and narrowly avoiding punishment for their actions, Soos, Dipper, and Ford attempted to convince the time tyrant to break the Soos-only restriction of the Infinity Pizza. Time Baby explained that this was not possible as an openly-accessible gateway to creating infinite matter would ultimately cannibalize the universe itself as matter cannot be created from nothing. The reason that the pizza was able to infinitely regenerate was the result of the Time Anomaly Removal Crew’s seemingly infinite supply of useless contraband being discarded and molecularly reconstituted into pizza at Soos’ fingertips. When Soos asked if they could instead just bond the abilities of the pizza to someone else, Time Baby and his forces obliged on the condition that Ford must never again attempt to counteract the laws of spacetime, to which Ford agreed in a somewhat defeated manner. When faced with the question of who was worthy of the limitless power of the Infinity Pizza, Soos could think of only one person whose hunger for pizza could’ve outweighed his own.
Did I really write all of this to justify a silly comic? Yes, yes I did.
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cryptidmads · 4 months ago
hi venture mains im here to tell you personally that their first legendary is going to be ugly as SIN and that is a GOOD thing actually.
queer people have been synonymous with dressing loud and garish and ugly for centuries at this point. its practically a form of communication for us, and its something that we have to continue to embrace to avoid being sanitized as a whole by society bc thats a fate worse than death if you ask me. and sloan "dirt-fucker" cameron is not someone who goes well with the word "sanitized".
its entirely and incredibly in character actually. they geek out at the very mention of anything historical. their default fit is a jacket thats like three sizes too big for them. they have a pet rock with a purple mohawk. they were associated with nothing but rock eating for like six months. they eat ice cream for dinner and call people "doofus". you're telling me someone like that wouldnt voluntarily choose to dress in the goofiest shit you can think when their whole shit is being a goofball?
they've lived in probably at least half a dozen small towns in the province of nova scotia (they are not from the city bc city kids don't grow up playing in the dirt), meaning i can say with every ounce of personal experience that 90% of their shit is thrifted and they consider something "nice" if its cheap and isnt covered in stains when they pull it off the rack. they'd wear a flannel over a hoodie on a windy day and 10 degrees celsius is t-shirt weather. they dont care about how they dress day-to-day bc nobody else they know does either, and that can translate to both casuality and confidence in flawless fashion.
"ugly" isn't an option we should be immediately disparaging of anyways. there is no separating "good" ugly from "bad" ugly in design, as any form of ugly can be made good looking despite what the adjective's conotations might have you believe. you look at the roadhog skin in the s13 battle pass and tell me its not so ugly that it wraps back around into being adorable. ugly should be approached with an open mind rather than being shunned bc its not what you wanted
tldr venture's first legendary deserves to be adorably and atrociously ugly for all the right and most in-character reasons you can think of and thats exactly what its going to be! i cant wait to see it <3
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betweenbreaths · 10 months ago
Hii, if you're still open to the request from the NSFW prompt (your rafayel fic straight up murdered me btw), can I request #3 “Move an inch and you won’t be coming tonight.” for Zayne please? He always strike me as an intense dom and I can totally see him saying this 🫣🫣
Thanks anon you're so sweet!! ❤️❤️❤️ I hope you like this one, Zayne is surprisingly a strong contender for my favorite in this game now (I'm not sure why or how, I hated him at the start) so I had a blast with this prompt.
Hope you like it! ☃���
(P.S. for anyone else who might be interested, I'm accepting requests from this list of R18 prompts. Request guidelines are here as well. 😉)
It’s not the first time you’ve tested Zayne’s patience. You’ve been late for your appointments numerous times now, with the occasional rain check in favour of dangerous missions that he would vehemently disapprove of. You've even left the hospital without your meds before, once sneaking out of your room after being admitted for observation, all because you couldn't wait two more days to be discharged.
All in all, you’re not one of his more well-behaved patients, and Zayne never fails to remind you of that fact.
Still, the strict doctor lets your transgressions pass each time with nothing more than a displeased glare and a concise scolding. Despite his icy demeanour, you know that deep down, Zayne is just a big ol’ softie who likes to geek out on medical textbooks, make snow-shaped animals with his Evol and stare longingly at stray cats passing by on the street.
He's a man who's all bark, and no bite.
...Which is why when he bares his teeth for the first time, you're not sure what to do with yourself.
You're at a loss in this position: lying naked on the couch in a certain doctor's office, arms hooked under your knees to spread yourself wide open for your audience of one to appreciate up close.
You're not sure how things escalated like this; you had just come in for a routine check-up with Zayne, only for it to be interrupted three minutes in by a wanderer attack at the opposite wing in the hospital.
Of course, you had headed down immediately to deal with the situation, although not unscathed; you had been a little careless that evening and wound up with a long gash across your forearm and a number of bruises after falling back hard against the concrete floor. Still, the situation was handled with no casualties or any civilians being injured, so that was a win in your book.
Evidently, it wasn't the case for someone else.
When you returned to his office, Zayne had been anything but pleased. In fact, he looked vexed, although he had said nothing as he pressed down hard on your arm to stop the bleeding first. In the end, most of your appointment was spent on emergency first-aid, but thankfully, you were his last patient for the day and Zayne said that your appointment would have to be extended.
The result of said extension is where you're at now; at the complete mercy of the doctor who's towering over you, eyes roaming over your body. He's looking, but not touching. Just like a starved man who's doing nothing but staring at a feast laid out before him.
You wish he'd just dig in already.
With a low whine, you attempt to release your right leg, only for him to click his lips.
"I said, don't move."
You obey his commanding tone, keeping a secure grip on your knee and staying quiet as Zayne continues his meaningless observation of your body, as if he hasn't already taken you and marked you as his before. He's more than familiar with your body by now, knowing all the right buttons to press and sweet spots to thrust into to have you craving for more.
"Zayne, please..."
"It was an emergency, you couldn't expect me to sit around and do nothing while other people got hurt."
"Will you keep talking?"
"Will you keep staring?"
"Should I?"
"No, you should come here and touch me, since you already have me spread like peanut butter on your couch."
He holds your gaze for a few seconds, and you return it evenly, hoping that'll be enough to convince him to finally fuck you.
It's not.
"And I want you to take better care of yourself, but we can't have it all, can we?"
Zayne can be a real bitch when he wants to be, and it seems tonight is one of those nights for him. Still, a pang of guilt hits you. You know he's not mad about you doing your job; he's come to accept that your line of work is dangerous and that you'll stick to this even if it means dying in the line of duty.
What he hates, however, is seeing you injured and not being able to do anything about it. And you can't say you wouldn't feel the same in his shoes.
With a sigh, you relent and soften your tone.
"Okay, okay. How can I make it up to you?"
There's a moment of silence, before it's broken by his crisp, approaching footsteps. Each one is louder than your heartbeat that's drumming in your ears.
"Don't move."
He drops to his knees on the floor, hands roaming over the exposed skin of your upper thigh and pulling your moist folds closer to his lips. You keep a firm grip on your knees as he does so, whimpering in delight at his touch. Zayne has barely started, and already you find yourself having to bite down on your lower lip to hold back a moan as your mind runs wild, imagining him sinking his lips into you, tongue tracing circles around your clit and having you come apart with just his mouth.
You feel his warm breath fan over your slit, and the gasp that leaves you comes out broken. At least you won't have to wait long; it seems you'll be getting off easy tonight.
Quietly, you watch as he studies your dripping cunt before his hard gaze falls on you again, boring into your lust-filled eyes.
"Move an inch, and you won't be coming tonight."
You barely have time to register what he says, before he dips his head down, tongue sliding up from the base of your slit to meet your clit.
Involuntarily, your hips jut up, lips parting as a loud moan leaves you at the spark of pleasure that shoots up your body.
Immediately and true to his word, his tongue is gone, and you're left feeling nothing but cool air against your center once more.
When you look down with a noise of protest, all you see is Zayne smirking at you with his now moist, pink lips.
A sense of foreboding hits you; it's never a good sign when he smirks like that.
"That was strike one. Three strikes, and we're done here."
...You're so fucked.
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musclesaber · 1 year ago
H2GROW: Just Add Water
Move In Day
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Commission done for @scot158f on Twitter/X. Tony is off to his first day of college and finds he's been paired with a science geek as his new roommate. What could go wrong when he's doing experiments in their room all the time?
Tony climbed the stairs to his second floor dorm room with bags of luggage in hand. Groaning with each step, the stocky man finally reached his door and fumbled to get the key out of his pocket. As he did this, he started to lose his grip on all of his bags. Trying his best to fish the key out of his pocket, Tony at last grabbed the key, but his hand couldn’t hold on any longer. All of his bags fell to the ground with a loud crash and Tony sighed in defeat.
While Tony was picking up his dropped luggage, the door to his room swung open. Tony looked up from the ground to see a tall lanky guy standing in the doorway. “Hi there! You must be Tony,” said the stranger with a smile on his face as he reached his hand out to Tony. 
“Yes I am! And you must be Andrew. Nice to meet you.” Tony got up from the ground and reached his hand out to meet Andrew’s in the process of dropping all his luggage again.
“Need some help with that?” asked Andrew chuckling a bit at Tony.
“Actually yeah. That would be real helpful man,” said Tony, picking up some of the suitcases. Andrew got down and started to collect a few of Tony’s bags and walked back into the room. 
Tony followed him in with the remaining bags and examined his new dorm. On his side of the room, there was nothing. A blank billboard and a twin sized bed attached to a desk with a chest of drawers and a small closet. On the other side, it was clear that Andrew had been here well in advance and set up his room. He had plenty of Star Wars, Marvel, Lord of the Rings, and Star Trek posters up on the wall. Along with stacks of books on his desk and plants lining the window sill.
“Wow, you didn’t waste any time moving in,” said Tony, setting his luggage down in front of his closet.
“Actually this isn’t my first rodeo. I lived in this room last semester. In the fall semester, I was in this room by myself. I think I originally had another roommate, but he ended up dropping out either right before the semester started or the first day of classes because I never met him. So I had this room all to myself last year,” said Andrew. Tony started to move his luggage into the room and while doing so, slinging some of his suitcases up onto the bed.
“Oh nice man. Sorry to ruin your solo act,” said Tony.
“It’s okay. It’ll be nice living with someone. Did you have anything else that you were gonna bring up? I can help you out if you need it,” said Andrew.
“Nope, I wanted to bring everything up here in one trip. But I’m pretty beat from that drive.” Tony took off his jacket and set it on his desk and then laid down on the bed. Andrew quickly stood up and walked over to Tony. 
“Oh well maybe, if you don’t feel like unpacking now, we can go and get some food? Ya know, get to know each other. We will be living with each other for the next four or five months, might as well start it off right,” said Andrew as he started putting on his jacket.
“Yeah, sure. Just let me get a quick break in then I’d be more than happy to get some grub with you,” Tony smiled at Andrew and Andrew gave a big toothy grin back at Tony.
“Great! I’m just gonna run to the bathroom real quick and then we can leave,” said Andrew as he opened the door to their room to go to the community bathroom they shared with the whole floor.
Tony looked over at his luggage on the other side of the bed. He leaned forward and grabbed one of the zippers on the bigger suitcases sitting on top and quickly unzipped it. Sitting on top was a big fluffy pillow with folded sheets below it. Tony grabbed out the sheetless pillow, put it on the side he would put his head, and laid down. He took a deep breath in and sighed from exhaustion. But he paused for a moment. 
What is that smell? he thought to himself. He sat up and grabbed his pillow and moved it out of the way. On the mattress was a small stain that looked to be no bigger than a ping pong ball. Looks like whoever had this bed last was not the cleanest roommate in the world. I’ll have to get some candles or something to get that smell out of here.
As Tony was examining the stain on the bed, the door swung open and in walked Andrew. “You ready to go or do you need some more time to rest?” asked Andrew as he reentered the room.
“Yeah, I’m good to go. And maybe we can leave the window open or something. My bed kinda reeks,” said Tony as he started standing up. Andrew's eyes got wide for a split second, but then settled back into his big smile. 
“Oh yeah. Sorry about that. I think it’s my experiment going on over here.” Andrew walked over to the window sill where he had five potted plants lined up. “I’m a biochemistry student and I really got to know one of my professors last semester so he let me do a little experiment of my own over winter break. I won’t be winning the Nobel Peace Prize for it or anything, but it’s still a good way to get close with the professors in my major.” Andrew grabbed a spray bottle sitting on his desk and started to spray the plants with water. 
“That sounds interesting. What are you testing?” asked Tony as he got up and stood next to Andrew. 
“These plants were given a fertilizer that was supposed to give them more nutrients which would enable more growth output. It won’t grow them massive, but I’m seeing which chemical combination reacts the best to inhibit the most growth. Long term it could give farmers a new product to get bigger harvests every season.”
“Wow, that sounds…really complicated, but also cool,” said Tony. He leaned in towards one of the plants growing and took a sniff. “Ooo yeah. That’s what I smell.” Tony grabbed his nose a little bit and stepped back towards the door.
“Sorry, this fertilizer is fresh. I didn’t realize you were moving in today and put it on the plants. It will smell for a little bit as the nutrients work their way into the plant's system. That’s why I suggested we go eat and get out of the room while the smell goes away,” said Andrew, putting his spray bottle back on his desk.
“I see your point. Then lead the way to the nearest dining hall. I don’t think I realized how hungry I was until I was out of the car.” Tony opened up the door and waited for his lanky roommate to walk out with him. Andrew smiled and followed Tony out of the room towards the nearest dining hall.
“I can’t believe they allow All You Can Eat at The Market on Saturdays. That’s gonna save me sooooo much money this year,” said Tony as he walked back into his dorm room with Andrew.
“It’s pretty nice. And for a growing guy like you, I’m sure you’ll take full advantage of it.” The two laughed and looked at Tony’s bed. It still had plenty of still packed suitcases sitting on it. 
“Damn I’m not looking forward to unpacking that,” said Tony as he started unzipping his suitcase. Both of them were happy that the smell of the room had returned to normal and they weren’t suffering through the stench of the fertilizer. 
“It’ll be done before you know it.” Andrew sat on his bed and started to play on his phone. “If you need any help doing any of the heavy lifting, I know I don’t have much size to show, but I can at least help.” Andrew brought his arm up and flexed his mediocre bicep for Andrew.
“Thanks Andrew. But I don’t think I have much to unpack. Mainly just clothes and some supplies for school. It’ll just be a pain.” Tony started unpacking his things as Andrew got up from his bed and checked on his plants. “Did the plants like the fertilizer you gave them?”
“Unclear. I can’t see any changes in them now, but it has only been a few hours since I added the stuff. Realistically, I shouldn’t see any real changes for a few weeks,” said Andrew as he continued to examine the plants. 
“So how does all of that stuff work? I’ve never really been big on science, but I’m always open to hear of better ways to get bigger,” said Tony as he started putting some of his clothes away. 
“It’s kind of complicated. How much do you know about biology? Or chemistry?” asked Andrew, spraying down the plants with water.
“I’m a kinesiology major so I know about biology. But that’s human biology. Not plants.” said Tony, folding up some shorts and putting them in his dresser. 
“In layman's terms, whenever I give the plant water, it should activate the nutrients in the fertilizer I gave to the test plant to inhibit growth. But the growth we see at this stage would be microscopic at this early of a time. Or at least on this size of plant. But if we wake up in a jungle of vines, we know it worked.” Andrew got out a ruler and notepad and started to jot down numbers on it.
“So could it work on humans?” asked Tony, peering over Andrew’s shoulder at the plants.
“Who knows? All of this is theoretical. Don’t get me wrong, professor Hendricks and I have been running the numbers and these plants should only grow a few inches more than a regular one. But we’ve only ever tried it on plants. I don’t even know what would happen if that fertilizer got into a human’s system.” Tony frowned and walked back to his closet and continued to hang up his clothes.
“Well whenever you guys do human trials, let me know. I’ll be first in line. I’d do anything to grow.”
“Yeah I feel you there. I might not be as short as you, but being as skinny as a twig sometimes can be a pain. People always say I look like a giraffe.”
“Short and fat isn’t the best either. In the last few months, everybody has been calling me a baked bean.”
“Wow, that’s rough buddy,” said Andrew as he walked back to his bed. “But kinda funny.” Andrew couldn’t hide the small smirk on his face. “You’ll be able to go to the rec 24/7 if you’re trying to get buff big guy. And the kinesiology department is right next door so it's an easy commute to class.”
“You’re right, but I was always the short kid in high school. I never was strong enough or fast enough or tall enough to be in any sport so I was really hoping that I could at least gain some sort of size in college,” said Tony.
“I was a band nerd. I didn’t care for any sort of sport. They’re overrated in my opinion. But considering the rec is free with tuition, and as we learned tonight, Saturdays are all you can eat, you’ll get big in no time. At least in the muscle department. The height department, I’ll give you a call once we’ve figured out how to grow people taller,” said Andrew as put away the last of his clothes. 
“Like I said, first in line for it.” Tony plopped himself down on his now made bed and breathed out a sigh of relief. “Finally done. I’m beat.” Tony took another deep breath in and then caught a whiff of himself. “You know, on second thought, I might go shower and then head straight to bed. All that moving today really took it out of me,” said Tony sitting back up and grabbing his towel and toiletries. 
“I’ll be here. Have fun. Make friends,” said Andrew.
“Make friends? It’s the floor’s community bathroom. I don’t know if I wanna make friends in there.”
“Hey, you never know,” laughed Andrew as Tony shut the door to head to the bathroom. Tony turned the corner and entered the community bathroom. It had three stalls with toilets and three stalls for showers. Tony ducked down and checked if anyone was in there with him, and to his luck, there was no one else. He opened the first door to the shower stall and stepped in .The stall wasn’t very big. It just had a dry area for Tony to place his pajamas and then the small shower itself. 
Tony walked into the shower and turned the water on. He started rinsing off his body. Taking stock of it, there wasn’t much to rinse. Andrew hadn’t been lying. Tony was a bit of a little guy. At only 5’5, he definitely was towered over by most other men. And even some women. And he was pretty stocky for being so short. He rinsed off his sizable moobs and lifted his belly up so water could get the undercarriage. Looking down at his belly, he couldn’t even see his stump of a dick under it. At only 3 inches, Tony really longed for any size at all.
Tony sighed as he reached for his shampoo bottle and started lathering up his curly black hair. Tony was met with a weird tightening sensation on the back of his head when he started to rub the shampoo in. It wasn’t burning him, but he did feel a strangle warmth trickle across his head and down his neck. Tony pulled his shoulders back as he felt the warmth spread throughout his whole body. His toes curled as his back arched up. He was lucky he was alone because he let out a deep, loud moan. It echoed through the stalls of the bathroom and Tony felt it ringing through his chest.
It started in Tony’s shoulders first. It was subtle, but he could feel them thickening. His traps became denser and his delts rounded out. Spreading out to his flabby arms, the jiggly fat that hung on his arms seemed to be moving and shifting. Tony was shocked when he flexed, he saw his biceps inflating to the size of softballs. Tony balled his hands into fists to see the veins pulsing on his vascular forearms. Seeping down to his chest, his moobs began to plump up. The once saggy moobs were pushing upwards on his chest. Forming a rectangular shape on his chest and filling out with more muscle. His belly felt like it was marinating with the warmth. Tony rubbed his belly and let out a loud belch that echoed throughout the entire bathroom. 
Tony moaned again and gripped his cock with both of his hands. His eyes shot open and he looked down to see his cock. He could see his cock and grip it with two hands. Tony smiled in disbelief as he felt his cock pulse in his hands. His spine shivered with every heartbeat as his cock throbbed bigger and bigger. Tony felt his already somewhat fat ass tighten up and form into a bubble butt behind him. Thunder thighs shaping into ham sized quads. He raised his toe up and flexed his diamond calves.
As Tony stayed under the shower head, he felt his body start to go through a different change. He had gained some muscle suddenly, but now it seemed his belly wanted to grow bigger too. Tony let out another large belch that lasted a few seconds and then he gripped his stomach. His hands were feeling pushback as the belly began to push out further and further. Looking at his body, he saw the toned muscles begin to swell with fat. His athletic build he had just gained being eclipsed as fat began to crawl back onto his body. 
Tony reached for the shower faucet and turned the water off. He looked down at his body and was amazed. He couldn’t help but grope and prod at his new form. While he maintained a rather full belly and a significant amount of fat still on him, he could actually see muscles on him now. “I knew there was muscle under all that fat,” mused Tony. He couldn’t stop smiling as he began to towel off his muscular body. 
Pulling up the pajamas he had brought, his underwear felt tight on his beefier body. Gripping the waistband, Tony heaved them up and over his fat ass that now felt shaped more like a bubble butt than a lumpy blob. His legs felt squeezed into the pants like sausages and his calves and ankles were on display at the bottom of the pants. Pulling on his shirt, his sleeves felt constraining around his biceps and like one little flex could tear it. His hairy belly was now on full display for the world to see since now his shirt only covered just above his belly button. 
Walking out of the stall and staring at himself in the mirror, Tony couldn’t help but smile with glee as he looked absolutely comical now. He didn’t know how it happened, but he had gotten bigger. His clothes looked two sizes too small at least and he had no idea what happened. But he didn’t care. All he did care about was that he had done what he had never thought was possible. Get bigger.
He walked giddily back to his room and entered to see Andrew playing a video game on his tv. Andrew looked up and did a double take at Tony. He squinted his eyes and paused his game. “Hey Tony, how was your shower?” asked Andrew skeptically.
“It was good. I like the showers here,” said Tony as he put his toiletries up and hopped into his bed.
“Uh huh. And you look different than when you left, but I can’t put my finger on it,” said Andrew as he shifted his body towards Tony and pulled his head set off of his head.
“Well after a long day of travel, a shower always makes me feel nice and refreshed. It’s probably just that you’ve never seen me clean.” Tony said as he absent mindedly rubbed his exposed hairy belly.
“Hmm, okay. I will say you might want to invest in some new pajamas. It looks like that pair doesn’t fit you anymore. And with you saying that you’re wanting to grow even bigger, I bet those won’t last long.” Andrew put his head set back on and resumed his game as Tony’s cock jumped a little bit from the excitement of Andrew’s words. Grabbing a pillow to cover himself, Tony blushed a bit and made sure his now larger dick wasn’t seen.
“Haha you got that right. I think I’ll be doing plenty of growing this semester. And I won’t stop until I’m the biggest there ever was.” Tony laid his head back on his pillow and took a deep breath to clear his head. He smiled to himself as his mind began to wander into the fantasies of how big he would grow. 
“Sure, whatever you say, big guy. Are you gonna go to sleep now?” asked Andrew, leaving one ear off his head set. 
“Yeah. I have my first day of classes tomorrow and wanted to get a good night’s sleep before it,” said Tony as he shifted his weight on his bed. Now amazed at just how far his feet went down the bed.
“Alright, I’ll finish up this game and turn everything off so you can get some good sleep. Besides, I have a class at 8am tomorrow, I should probably head to bed too,” said Andrew. Tony looked down and actually saw his pecs obstructing his view of his body and still couldn’t stop smiling. He did feel his cock jump again, but had to resist reaching down and feeling his new endowment. Even though he was under the covers, he could see a bulge wanting to break free and grow. This thought only made the bulge under the sheets jump with even more excitement. Tony tried to focus on other things, but his horny thoughts were getting to him.
“No need to rush.” Tony mused as he turned his body to face away from Andrew only to hear a rip shoot through his pants. Tony’s eyes shot open and he turned to look over at Andrew. But with his head set on, Andrew didn’t hear anything. Turning back to his body, Tony saw a little wet spot on the blanket that must’ve been a small bit of pre that leaked out when he tore his pants. 
“Just finished on a good one. Perfect way to end a good day,” said Andrew as he turned off his console and tv. He laid down on his bed and reached for his light to turn it off. “Tomorrow will be a good day. First day of classes. First full day with a new roomie, we have a lot of things to be excited for.” Andrew hit the switch and the light in the room went off.
“Definitely. It’s gonna be a great day. And a great semester. Goodnight Andrew.” Tony rolled back over onto his back. Now with his boner hidden by the darkness.
“Night Tony.” Tony sat there quietly waiting for Andrew to fall asleep. Once he heard a light snore coming from Andrew’s bed. Tony wiggled his big body out of his pants and underwear so he could feel his big enhanced member. He felt another shot of pre leak onto his hand as he put two hands on the mighty rod. Tony looked over at Andrew and heard him sleeping before, but decided to risk it all by starting to jerk off. 
Tony felt how big his cock felt in his hands now. He couldn’t believe that he needed two hands just to jerk himself off now. And his hands felt like they barely closed around the monster, it was so thick. One of his hands left his cock to feel the rest of his improved body. After feeling the heft of his pecs, Tony knew it wouldn’t be long before he was shooting cum everywhere. Between having an obscured view of his dick and the fact he could feel how juicy they felt with each lift, he had to stifle a moan as his big body turned him on so much.
Sensing what was about to happen and feeling how much bigger his balls were, Tony reached back behind him and grabbed a few tissues off of his desk.  Only after feeling how round and expansive his belly was did Tony start firing shot after shot of cum. It was the biggest load he had ever produced as volley after volley of cum hit his hairy belly. Tony panted as the orgasm subsided and looked over to Andrew who still seemed to be fast asleep. Grabbing the tissue, he started wiping off the excess cum on his belly and was surprised about just how much he had to clean.
After grabbing another tissue, Tony finally cleaned up the mess he made and pulled his blanket back up to cover his torso. He thought about pulling up his pants, but they were already ripped so why bother. He turned to his side and closed his eyes to go to sleep. Wondering if everyday of college was going to be this eventful. And if it was, it was going to be an incredible year. 
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