#might have to watch again and I don't watch movies so that is High Praise
royallygray · 3 days
On the way back from a trip, I watched Wall-E for the first time on the plane. I liveblogged it because i thought it would be great.
It was.
also I am Not sorry for the typos
also I was using it/its for Wall-E and Eve and then I started using ae/aer for Wall-E and she/her for Eve just fyi
-- -- * -- --
2:20 what happened to my precious wind turbines???? :(
also tf is the song at the beginning
wait this is literally the plot of my original story
cricket :)
4:19 he's made a city out of trash :(
there is a baby crying on my flight :(
buy large gas???
04:57 wait so Wall-E is a brand of robot that cleans things? what's Eve gonna be im excited
turbulence on air :D
05:10 there's a dead wall e :(
05:51 "too much garbage in your face? there's plenty of space out in space!" fuck you don't pollute space that's our space. Maybe not your space actually but it's MY space and don't put your stupid garbage in MY SPACE
07:15 aww fairy lights :D
There's a spork in the lunchbox
why is there a rubix cube in the lunchbox
omg it's confused about whether the spork is a spoon or a fork :(
and it just put it on its own spot
like non-binary people :)
:( it wants someone to hold its hand :( it wants company :(
nope it was smog and the dust on the screen. rip
wtf is blowing up????
the cricket!!!!
09:57 it hibernates :(
and it swings itself to sleep :(
Wall-E needs some sun. go look at the sun, starshine :)
that's a nasty looking sun
cricket is alive :DD
omg the bra 😭
it's a collecter :D
ping pong :)
wtf is the red light
I don't like that
what is it
mans just dug dug dug dig diggity
wtf is that
id be scared too if I were wall e
is that the big ship that was there in the beginning
omg such a great disguise 😭
eve seems very tech advanced
bro all that pollution came down to deposit one robot
walle does not look comfy
windshield wipers??? in the eyes??? 😭
girlypop is a weapon
what do eves beeps mean???
eve wtf was that
are Wall-E and eve actually human size?? and it's just. idk
rip Wall-E they're going through it
what is eve even doing
also she's got anger management issues
me trying to get close to my moots
eve speaks :)
classified -_-
she laughs :D
eve NOOO
cricket??? where's cricket???
walle took you to its secret hideout you better be appreciative
cricker got a granola bar
oh she's ashamed that she broke it :(
rubix cube
wait no
chill girlypop
its got new eyes :)
walles like. raising their eyebrows
I'm gonna try to use neopronous for walle now because why not
ae just wants to hold her hand
nOOOO she stole aer plant NOOOOOO
wait there's a hand
it's just not mutual :(
8000 VS 0
it's cloudy with a chance of meatballs rn
no there are multiple eves
the subtitles are just [Wall-E screaming] 😭
wait why the fuck did they just destroy so many satellites wtf
oh earth looks NASTY
omg phew
just got all the solar power ever ae did
it's the huge ass tech plane
bro how long did that take to fucking build
that thing is bigger than earth tf
gravity :)
Wall-E what are you doing
38:31 they're getting pissed off by Wall-E'S existence :(
39:20 that cleaning bot is PISSED
aww they just realized they can go off the lines :)
mate GET ON TOP OF HER (not in that way) pls just OMG ride the same cart. pls. do not get separated from her pls
those guys are right next to each other wtf
A is for Apple, your iPads
B is for Best Buy, where you get your iPads
C is for idk. cock
lunch in a cup. I wanna die.
also the uniforms suck ass. those are worse than my elementary school ones.
Men? what's so good about men? why are they advertising men in a makeup place? where are they gonna appease men? on their chairs where they don't look at each other???
"try blue!" yeah you shouldve done that ages ago
actually that's a terrible shade of blue. even red is better than that shade of blue and that red makes me eyes hurt
it's actually a good shade of blue. just not for the jumpsuit things.
"every holo-date I've been on has been a virtual disaster" OMG that's actually such a great pun. writers of this I love this
Hi Mary :)
I do love how friendly the humans are. they're just chillin
also I adore how friendly Wall-E is. if someone got me a Wall-E plushie for my birthday I would marry them
maybe. hypothetically. probably not actually.
omg all the captains are dead
OMG extraterrestrial vegetation?? YOU MEAN EARTH??? MOTHERFUKER???
bro he can't read 😭
I'm sad
don't clean Wall-E ae's precious
eve looks so fucking bored
oh that shit fucking exploded
oh no
eve is PISSED
she's so exasperated 😭
was that a kiss
omg that was totally a kiss
omg that was adorable
how is there that much fire extinguisher in one can
AE'S got a surprising amount of control with flying
OMG man and woman touch hands romance is alive
omg captains getting social stuff :D
They can't go back :(
70:36 "I don't want to survive. I want to live!" SLAY CAPTAIN
NO wtf happened to Captain
wait did she? no she didn't thank God
omg it's giant Wall-E
okay cleaning robot you've redeemed yourself ily
Mo ily
OMG all the rogue robots are going together <33
wait where the hell are they getting oxygen if they don't have any plants
"John get ready to have some kids" Mary I love tou
Captain you can walk you can do it :D
wait when the fuck did they learn how to walk
is there even any oxygen on Earth
when did theyearn to walk
eve pls just put aer In sun pls
fish come back alive???? thetles
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Honey Don't Feed It, It Will Come Back
Pairing: Reader x Venom
Word Count: 2.9k
Warnings: alright got lots to cover; dubcon/coercion, oral (f receiving), multiple orgasms, tentacle fucking, DP, anal, praise, a little size kink here and there, pet names, unprotected monster sex, creampie, overstimulation, forced orgasm - I think I got everything also a brief moment of harassment at the beginning and like standard venom level violence oh and there's mention of food habits so ya know
Genre: Smut... just smut and it's like... almost a dark fic
Summary: Venom takes an extreme liking to you because of your kindness after he saves your life || “Don’t let it in with no intention to keep it Jesus Christ // Don’t be kind to it // Honey don’t feed it, it will come back” ~ It Will Come Back by Hozier
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You huff to yourself as you shut off your computer. You've been working all evening and if you don't make a point to leave and get something to eat now you might skip dinner by accident. Again. You quickly dial your local Chinese takeout place and order your usual as you lock up your apartment. You figure by the time you walk there to pick it up, it'll be ready. You get your food pretty soon after you get there, and wish the workers goodnight before you head back home. It's kind of cool outside tonight, especially for the summer and you're enjoying your walk through the city. 
"A pretty lady like you should really avoid walking around alone so late." A voice snarls from behind you. You roll your eyes and keep walking, intent on ignoring the catcaller.
"Hey sweetheart we're talking to you!" A second voice chimes in and you try to subtly increase your pace as you steel your nerves. You gasp when a hand grabs your arm and yanks you backwards.
"It's rude to ignore people." The first voice sneers in your face, his grip tightening on your bicep.
"Let go of me." You huff trying to pull your arm out of his grasp.
"Not a chance."
"HEY! YOU SHOULD PICK ON SOMEONE YOUR OWN SIZE!" A voice growls and you stumble back when a large shadow plucks the man holding you away from you.
"Oh my God." You gasp falling against the wall behind you. A large shiny creature dangles the one man high in the air.
"IT'S NOT NICE TO GRAB LADIES WALKING HOME!" The monster scolds him.
"H-hey man, we weren't doing nothing." The man tries to appease the giant while the second guy finally snaps out of his stupor and takes off in the other direction.
"HEY! GET BACK HERE! I DON'T LIKE CHASING MY FOOD!" The monster stretches something resembling a tentacle towards the second guy, grabbing his ankle and pulling him back to hang next to the first.
"S-she's fine, see?"
"ONLY BECAUSE I CAME." What you assume are the creature's eyes narrow at them both. "YOU DIDN'T GRAB HER, BUT IF I EVER SEE YOU BOTHERING SOMEONE AGAIN I WILL EAT YOUR BRAIN!" The creature drops the second guy and he practically trips over his feet as he scrambles away. "YOU I WILL EAT NOW!" The creature says to guy one, dangling him over his mouth. The man lets out a scream that is cut off suddenly as you watch the creature bite off his head.
"Holy shit." You whisper. The monster tosses what's left of the guy down an alley and you vaguely hear his body clunk against something, likely a garbage bin.
"I- I'm fine. Thank you."
"Who are you?" You ask quietly.
"We?" You frown. Black tar-like goo slowly retracts to reveal a man's face.
"I'm Eddie. The- black goo is an alien, Venom."
"What like that body snatchers movie?"
"Not quite, I'm still in control here. We work as a team." Eddie explains.
"Well- thank you for, helping me with those guys but you didn't have to eat that one."
"It's how I appease the big guy. He gets sustenance from some chemical only found in brains and chocolate."
"Phenethylamine?" You ask.
"You know what it is?"
"Well yeah I- I work for a chem lab." You tell him. He's quiet for a moment before he sighs.
"Venom is insisting we offer to walk you home. If you're okay with that." Eddie says.
"I wouldn't want you to go out of your way I mean-"
"WE WANT TO!  WE CAN MAKE SURE YOU'RE SAFE!" Venom reappears, swallowing Eddie's face behind black goo and stark white eyes.
"Alright well, it's only a couple of blocks. I suggest you, de-alien though I think people would freak out seeing an eight foot mass of black goo." 
"Still you'd draw way too much attention to yourself like that."
"FINE." Venom relents and retracts into Eddie.
"That is so- fascinating." You mutter.
"Trust me, it loses its novelty." Eddie says. "Lead the way." He adds.
"Have you been this way your whole life?" You ask as you walk with him towards your apartment.
"What? With the alien? No, no this was an unfortunate accident. I simply can't get rid of him now." Eddie says.
"Do you not get along?" You frown.
"Not always. It's like having a roommate you can't hide from in your room when you're annoyed with them."
"Huh- so where does he, go? Like when you're out here... where is he?"
"That's a complicated question." He scoffs. "I never got your name." He looks at you.
"Sorry! It's y/n. I guess the whole scientist's curiosity thing got the best of me." You mutter.
"No need to apologize." He shakes his head. Eddie walks you all the way up to your apartment before attempting to part ways.
"Would you- like to come in?" You ask before you can chicken out.
"I wouldn't want to impose. It's late and-"
"It's the least I can do. You basically just saved my life. I'd like to thank you." You say.
"Well Venom wants to stay so I guess it couldn't hurt." Eddie says.
"Great! Make yourself at home. Would you like anything? I don't have brains but I certainly have a bag of chocolate if Venom would like any." You offer as he follows you in.
"Abagof chocolate? Stocking up early for Halloween?" He jokes sitting on your couch.
"No not yet. I have a coworker that has one hell of a sweet tooth and I recently learned that he works best when incentivized so, if ever we're working late chocolate actually helps him stay focused. But if we're not careful he'll tear through the whole bag in like three hours, it's kind of impressive actually." You laugh.
"Oh if you think that's impressive wait til you see what V can do. He'll tear through it in like three minutes. If he stops to take the wrapping off anyway. Usually though he just chucks the whole thing back and then- spits back up the trash like a cat with a hairball." Eddie scoffs.
"Well- that's... compact at least." You muse pulling the bag of candy from your pantry.
"That's one way to look at it."
"Did you want food by the way? I was out picking up Chinese in the first place. There's definitely enough to share." You say grabbing plates. You usually order enough to have leftovers so you can definitely give some to your guest, you'll just not have as much left over.
"Oh I'm not all that hungry but-"
"I'LL HAVE THAT CHOCOLATE PLEASE!" Venom's head emerges from behind Eddie to chime in.
"Of course. Eddie are you sure you don't want anything?"
"Well I feel weird eating if my guests aren't so you'll have to have something. You want chips or pretzels or something?"
"Corn triangles?" You frown.
"Doritos? Sure I have some."
"Venom I said I wasn't hungry." Eddie grumbles.
"You guys argue like a married couple." You giggle. You grab the bag of chips, the bag of chocolate, and a plate before joining them on your couch.
"Honestly we aren't too far off." Eddie chuckles taking the chips from you. A slimy black appendage wraps around the chocolate and pulls it almost out of view entirely.
"Oh- are you guys in a relationship?" You ask curiously as you dump half of the takeout box onto your plate.
"Something to that effect. I mean- he's kinda inside my body like all the time. No such thing as privacy with him around." He shrugs.
"So- does your diet affect his, or vice versa?" You ask between bites of your dinner.
"Only psychologically."
"The first few times you eat another person are kinda traumatizing but you get used to it. We have separate digestive systems so- I'm technically not consuming human brains."
"HE NEARLY HAD A PANIC ATTACK THE FIRST TIME I ATE SOMEONE BUT I WAS SAVING HIS LIFE." Venom chimes in and you realize the full bag of candy you gave him is now just a ball of trash.
"Venom." Eddie rolls his eyes.
"You know I feel like a brain eating vigilante would draw attention- even in a city like New York." You frown.
"I'm careful." Eddie says.
"Oh yeah? I don't think tossing that guy in what I assume is a dumpster tonight screams careful."
"V got carried away. We'll take care of it before anyone sees it in the morning."
"I'M ONLY ALLOWED TO EAT BAD GUYS. NO ONE CARES IF YOU EAT BAD GUYS." Venom says with what you think is a smile.
"Not quite, cops still care but that's we we're careful about it." Eddie tells him.
"It'd be hard to eat all of the NYPD I think." You muse.
"No we are not eating cops. Bad guys, remember?" Eddie sighs.
"Depending on who you ask cops do fall under that category." You shrug.
"Don't rile him up." Eddie points at you in warning while you laugh.
"I wasn't trying to I promise." You say with a wide smile that makes it hard for Eddie to keep his stern expression.
"Sure. I'd love to stay but we do have to take care of that creep in the dumpster before sunrise so- we should probably head out." Eddie stands.
"Of course. Thanks again for your help tonight." You say standing with him to walk him out.
"Not a problem. Thanks for the snacks."
"You're welcome. If you need anything, door's always open." You smile.
"BYE Y/N! WE'LL SEE YOU AGAIN." Venom says before disappearing.
"Have a goodnight." Eddie nods before turning down the hall. You lock your door and finish your food with thoughts of the curious duo staying at the front of your mind even as you get ready for bed that night.
"I REALLY LIKED HER." Venom declares to Eddie.
"Yeah, she was nice."
"No. We can't just pop up at her place for no reason."
"She did not mean it literally it's just a nice thing people say V. We're not going back there tomorrow. End of discussion." Eddie says and when Venom doesn't respond he assumes he's relenting. He's not actually, but Venom is learning to pick and choose his battles when it comes to Eddie so he'll keep his plans to himself for now.
The next night a knock on your window surprises you while you're watching a movie. You gasp when you see Venom smiling and waving frantically at you. You rush to pull the window open and he climbs inside quickly.
"Venom? What are you doing? Is everything okay?" You frown.
"EVERYTHING IS FINE. I JUST WANTED TO SEE YOU AGAIN." He says looking down at you. His gaze makes you conscious of the fact that you're in a small tank top and a pair of shorts.
"You know you could've used the front door. Right?" You ask walking to your kitchen to put distance between you.
"I THOUGHT I'D DRAW TOO MUCH ATTENTION WALKING INTO YOUR BUILDING." Venom shrugs looking around your apartment.
"You would but Eddie wouldn't."
"So- wait you basically dragged him here?"
"You guysarebasically an old married couple." You laugh. "You ate the whole bag of chocolate yesterday but I did run to a corner store today and pick up a Hershey bar so- you can have that if you'd like." You tell him.
"I DIDN'T COME HERE TO GET CHOCOLATE." He says with something in his voice that you totally miss while rumaging through your fridge.
"Really? I figure with your size you're like always hungry." You muse turning towards him. It's then that you realize how his eyes are focused on you in a way you can only describe as predatory.
"I WANT SOMETHING ELSE FROM YOU." He says practically boxing you in the kitchen.
"Unless you're here to eat me I don't have a brain lying around to give you." You quip trying to slow your increasing heartrate.
"What?" You breathe out, the fear you're feeling now mixing with confusion and lust you try to tamper down.
"In general? No I don't fear you but- right now I'm unsure how to feel."
"You just said you're going to eat me."
"IN A WAY YOU WILL ENJOY." Venom cages you against the counter, and you shrink back
"Venom now wait a second-"
"That's not-"
"You can smell it?"
"JUST LET ME HAVE YOU Y/N. LET MEDEVOURYOU." Venom says. You pause for a moment to consider your options.
"O-okay." You say quietly and his arm wraps around you immediately crowding your space. You gasp when he pulls your shorts off so fast you're surprised they didn't rip. He lifts you up onto his shoulders as if you're a bag of feathers and his tongue snakes out of his mouth and between your legs before you can prepare. Venom laps at your cunt with fervour, your legs squeezing around his head at the way pleasure builds between your legs. You're pressed up against the cabinets as he slurps up your juices like he's dehydrated.
"TASTES SO GOOD." He growls out as his tongue thrusts in and out of you eagerly. His tongue is thick and long, almost impossibly so as it fills you so well. You squirm against his mouth chasing your release that you can feel approaching quickly.
"Venom- I'm, fuck I'm close." You whine.
"DO IT. LET ME TASTE YOUR RELEASE." Venom orders and the way his tongue moves against you as he talks is enough to send you over the edge with a cry. You barely realize Venom lowering you from his shoulders and you hardly have a moment to recover before he's impaling you on his dick. Your back arches at the way he fills you.
"Fuck!" You moan out and Venom practically roars when your walls contract around him.
"YOU'RE SO TIGHT." Venom groans. He tightens his grip on you and sets a pace, raising and lowering you on him with ease.
"God you're big." You whimper falling forward against him as he uses you like a human fleshlight. You claw at his arms, trying to ground yourself while he fucks you open. Tentacle like appendages suddenly appear and wrap around your breasts, teasing your nipples.
"SO PRETTY." He smiles at the way your face contorts with pleasure and bends down enough to kiss you. His tongue invades your mouth in an overwhelming way, swallowing your moans. You can hardly tell where he ends and you begin, it's like he's everywhere at once. More tentacles appear, one teasing your back entrance while another toys with your clit. He pulls away from your mouth as he continues to  prod at your ass without slowing his pace. "I WANT YOU HERE TOO, YOU'LL LET ME HAVE YOU HERE, WON'T YOU?" Venom asks while rubbing tight circles against your clit. You're drowning in pleasure and barely able to register is question as another orgasm builds inside you. "COME ON MY LITTLE MORSEL. TELL ME I CAN DO IT." Venom coaxes, fucking you harder, teasing you more.
"Yes! Fuck yes Venom! You can do anything! Fuck!" You cry out shaking as he rips your second orgasm from you. At that moment, Venom thrusts into into your ass and another scream falls from your lips. If you thought he was everywhere before, now it's even more overwhelming as he fucks you onto his dick in time with the tentacle moving in your ass.
"YESSSSSS." He hisses out.
"V-Venom 's it's too much." You whimper, every part in your body feels too hot.
"YOU CAN TAKE IT. YOU SAID I CAN DO ANYTHING TO YOU. I'M GOING TO RUIN YOU." He says. His tongue snakes out of his mouth and slithers down your chest, lapping at one nipple while a tentacle continues to work the other. It's too much and the speed with which your third orgasm starts building scares you. He very well might actually devour you at this rate. "YOU'RE TAKING ME SO WELL. YOU WERE MADE FOR THIS."
"I- I- please Venom- fucking hell-" Your whimpers are hardly coherent as pleasure threatens to consume you.
"I CAN FEEL ANOTHER ORGASM COMING. LET GO FOR ME MORSEL. GIVE IN." Venom beguiles, his touch returning to your clit to push you over the edge. With the way he works every part of you there's no stopping your release when it gushes from you. "SO GOOD. ANOTHER." He commands.
"I- wait Venom wait- too soon." You plead breathlessly.
"I can't- n-not yet."
"YOU CAN BECAUSE I'M GOING TO MAKE YOU." He declares as he continues rubbing against your too sensitive clit. You try to squirm away from his ministrations but with him filling your holes you're unable to run as he plays with your most sensitive areas.
"S-shit Venom please I-"
"JUST ONE MORE. ONE MORE AND I'LL LET YOU HAVE A BREAK." He promises and it's enough to send you over the edge a fourth time with a weak whimper. Venom lets up on your clit, focusing now, on his own release. He drives into you, little whines still falling from your lips as exhaustion sets in. "I COULD STAY LIKE THIS FOREVER." He declares with a grunt as he floods your walls with evidence of his orgasm. He stands there holding you for a while, wondering if moving you would break you. Eventually, he moves you to the couch and lays with you on top of him. Now that he's experienced this, knows the warmth of you, it's something he refuses to go without again. Whether you want this or not Venom is yours now and will always find his way back to you.
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yokohamapound · 8 months
howdy! can we get some hcs for ranpo, chuuya, and akutagawa missing (or forgetting) their s/o’s birthday?
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FungusWitch: Hello! My best bish, UnluckyAmulet, has once again graced us with a guest post of delicious headcanons, so I hope you enjoy!
Please check out her AO3! She also writes for Bleach, BNHA, Durarara, Dangan Ronpa, and JJK, among others!
Characters: Edogawa Ranpo, Nakahara Chuuya, Akutagawa Ryuunosuke
Contains: NSFW, birthday sex, bondage
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Edogawa Ranpo
Of the three, Ranpo is far and away the smartest, in both intellect and emotional intelligence. It's very unlikely you can hide how you feel about him missing your birthday from him - even if you haven't been dating Ranpo for long, if you're his s/o, he knows you. He can read your mood like a 3-D pop-up book. It's disconcerting but also oddly comforting.
It is very unlikely he forgot your birthday - it's more probably that he was doing a job for the Armed Detective Agency and got so wrapped up in it that he temporarily set aside everything else until it was finished. When Ranpo is chasing an interesting case it's nigh on impossible to get him to focus on anything else.
Once his hyperfixation ends, though, he does feel a little guilty. You ARE the s/o to the World's Greatest Detective, after all, so logically that means you ought to be celebrated! He gets right to it, roping in poor hapless Atsushi and other members of the Agency into decorating the office for your birthday. Of course he knows what gift you want (and probably makes Atsushi, Kunikida or someone go out and actually buy it. What? He'd get lost if he had to take the train to the mall!) He still takes credit when you praise him for being so thoughtful.
Ranpo tends to be a little lazy and spoiled, but for you, on your special day, he very nobly puts that aside to spoil you for a change. You wanna go do something fun like visit an amusement park or go to a concert? Great! He'll have Fukuzawa pay for tickets! You want to do something more lowkey, maybe chilling at home cuddling and watching movies with him? Awesome, he'll get popcorn! You wanna go out partying and getting shitfaced? Well…he's not much of a drinker, but he'll still come with to dance with you and hold your hair back when you puke. (He'll make Fukuzawa come pick your drunk ass up.)
And don't forget a long, long night of some truly incredible oral - Ranpo's best asset in the bedroom is that tongue of his, so he's going to go to town on you~
Remember to lavish him with praise over what a great boyfriend he is. He needs the validation, okay?
Nakahara Chuuya
With Chuuya he was probably doing a mission for Mori and simply didn't have time to be there or he did forget. His way of making it up to you is simple - gifts. Chuuya is very wealthy thanks to being a high-ranking Port Mafia agent, so whatever you want is yours. That new Prada bag? Done. You want a spa day with all the works? Already booked. Fanciest resturaunt in town? He can just waltz in and get a table whenever he wants.
This may sound all fine and great, but Chuuya may not immediately notice how you're feeling about him missing your birthday - he'll apologise but in a "Oops, sorry, babe!" kind of way and you'll have to be upfront with him if you're actually upset. Chuuya does have a bit of a bad habit of buying your affection when he's too busy to spend time with you, because he's used to people depending on him and being seen as a provider. If you like gift-giving as a love language then you might not consider this an issue, but he does somewhat use his money to assuage feeling guilty and avoid discussing it because he doesn't like seeing you upset.
Also, Chuuya has no memories of before he was seven years old and I doubt very much he got to celebrate his birthdays much when he was running around Suribachi with the Sheep. Sure, he can afford to go ham for his birthday now, and his subordinates gives him gifts (Koyo always buys him wine), but he might not quite grasp the emotional significance of birthdays. Sit him down and explain to him that you appreciate the gifts, but you want him, YOUR BOYFRIEND to be with you, not a credit card.
To make it up to you, Chuuya will give you a birthday fuck that goes on all night. If you have a position or kink you haven't got around to requesting from Chuuya, now's the time, because he intends to make you feel so good you can barely walk the next day.
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke
I'm gonna be honest, Akutagawa is not particularly understanding or sympathetic. At least, not right away.
He grew up in the slums with his kid sister, surviving off scraps and learning to fight from a very young age. Akutagawa likely had no concept of what a 'birthday' even was except just being another year he's managed to survive in the hellhole he was born into. Even now he's an adult and can afford to do whatever he wants to celebrate if he so chooses, he's not a very birthday person. He always buys a gift for Gin and will get something for his superiors as a token of respect (because it's expected of him), and he'll begrudgingly tell Higuchi "happy birthday", but overall he doesn't consider them that important. He does appreciate being given gifts, but doesn't think of them as a necessity.
So if you get upset or angry with him, he's liable to bite back at first. Akutagawa has trouble apologising because he was never apologised to when he was treated poorly, so he's generally not good at owning up to his mistakes. Like Chuuya, you need to explain to him that even if he doesn't place much importance on birthdays, you do and it hurts you that he doesn't seem to care.
That will get to him. For as grumpy and quick to violence as he is, he does care about his s/o greatly and he doesn't want to lose you. He doesn't even know why you love him in the first place, but he isn't willing to throw your whole relationship away over something trivial like this. So, he'll treat you to whatever you want. He's got the money to really spoil you and he doesn't take much time off, so he'll be able to free up his schedule. (Gin will also remind him next time or help him set up a reminder on his phone so he doesn't miss it in future.)
Try not to force him to come clubbing or some other loud, crowded activity. He won't refuse because he feels bad, but he'll ruin the mood by brooding in the corner like a wilting plant and he gets overstimulated and grouchy quite quickly. But he doesn't mind treating you to a posh meal or going on a holiday or something like that.
I hope you don't mind being tied up, because once somebody explains to Akutagawa the concept of birthday sex, he will go find you immediately and use Rashomon to hold you still for hours while he works you over - that's one birthday tradition he doesn't consider frivolous~
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reareaotaku · 14 days
Hey, I'm semi new to the extremely goofy movie fandom. I made a few ocs (main oc and she has two sisters) I was wondering if you have any birthday headcanons for Max and his buddies and the gammas at all?
I'm new to it too. In fact, I only just watched the movie for the first time a few days ago... I only did Brad and Tank [And Goofy, since he was technically one] for the Gammas, because I didn't really know what else to doo....
[I have an obvious favorite]
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Max Goof
He would never forget your birthday, just like his father. In fact, your birthday has been stressing him out
What if you hate it and break up with him???
It has to be perfect!
He's scared if you don't have a great day, you'll hate him forever and you can never live your little cottage life in the forest with kids and sit on the bench on the front porch when you're old- Okay, maybe he's getting ahead of himself... Still, his point still stands
The day doesn't go at all how he plans
Your outfit got a drink over it when Pj accidentally knocked into you
Bobby messed up the music and started playing some random, highpitched noise for a few minutes, before Max finally unplugged Bobby's system
The table that had your gifts collapsed on itself [Hope there was nothing breakable/fragile in those packages]
The cake was late to the party
But the final straw was when he was finally getting the cake set up. It was perfect; The exact cake you wanted, favorite flavor/stuffings/cake kind/ decorated exactly how you wanted with pretty little candles. And then, when he was a foot from you, he accidentally drops the cake
You'd think he just watched his childhood pet get shot with the look on his face
Everybody was so taken aback and he just dips. He can't be there anymore
You go out to find him [With help from dad] and you try asking him what happened?
He tells you about how he was worried about it being perfect, you leaving, the cottage house- And then much to his dismay, you start laughing
"Oh, Max. I don't care about some party, presents or even cake."
"Really? But that's what birthday's are about."
"Max, being around you is good enough for me."
"No, you're just saying that to be nice."
"No, Max. I really mean it. Why would I need any of that when you are everything to me?"
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Peter Pete Junior "P.J."
He's been trying to be sneaky about it, because he wanted to throw you a surprise party
He always wanted to throw one, but never got the chance
It was perfect
You were absolutely terrified when coming home and tons of people jumping at you, but besides that it was great
You're impressed with all the decorations and food
He wanted you to feel as loved as you made him feel
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Bobby Zimmeruski 
Birthday? Someone's birthday is coming up? Who's?
Yours- SHI- How could he forget it????
Oh, right, he's always high
He's a simple guy who comes up with a simple plan
Just you and him- You know like you always want
Nobody else
It's a really relaxed day
Tries to get you to chill and loosen up
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Bradley Uppercrust III
He forgot. Doesn't even realize he forgot it
The Gammas set everything up and make it seem like Brad did it
And of course he takes credit for it. I mean, he is the perfect boyfriend is he not?
He likes that you're gushing over the party and inturn gushing over him
He gives half-assed thanks to the Gammas for setting the party up
They're pissy about his attitude, but decide to keep it to themselves
He's really arrogant about the party and your praises only increase his ego
He might actually just throw you a party by himself just to get this attention again, because he kind of likes it... Like a lot
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He forgot, but once he realizes, he's freaking out
How could he forget????? God, he feels like such a fool
He needs to plan something special
He pulls something together last minute and it's obvious, but he tries to make it seem not so last minute?
You're fine with it, because Brad the other Gammas aren't there
He really is the sweetest to you and promises to never forget again [After confessing he forgot]
Turns out he had your birthday in his calendar on the wrong day
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He remembered and has a plan
He wants to make you as happy as possible
Wants to make this day as special as possible
And while there are a few hiccups, it all comes together by the end of it
The night ends with you both outside looking at the sky and Goofy tells you he loves you
You're a little taken aback, because he's never said that before
Neither of you had
You sit up. "You love me?"
"Of course?" He looks at you confused, "I have for a really long time you know."
Your face was lit up like Rudolph's nose. You turn away from him, quickly covering your face, before you let out a meeped, "I love you, too."
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maboroshi-no · 5 months
Hamefura Movie Special Episode 2 (Novel) Translation
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I Tried On a Dancer's Costume…
Author: Yamaguchi Satoru
Katarina: It really was magnificent!
After saying this, I, Katarina Claes was raving to my little brother and friends about the magnificence of the show we had just seen.
A while had passed since the arrival of the Mutlaq caravan, the occurrence of the incident, and its safe settlement. Since the reparations had settled down, I asked the caravan people if we could watch their magnificent show again. They gladly accepted, so today, I got to watch the show with the boys, who couldn't last time. In addition to the girls, who had already seen it, the boy also seemed completely mesmerized by the magnificence of the show.
Sophia: I feel like it has become even more lovely compared to the time before. I was entranced by that dancer, and her costume really was lovely.
Sophia passionately talked without catching her breath. She looked like an otaku talking about the thing they are crazy about.
The dancer who had approached us happened to hear Sophia's words, and…
Dancer: So you love the dancer's costume! Would you like to try it on for a bit?
…she casually asked her.
Sophia: Can I? I would love to!
After Sophia had said this while pitching forward as if to fall, the dancer laughed and said "Sure."
While we weren't as eager as Sophia, I, Mary, and Maria were also curious about the foreign dancers' costumes, so we decided to try them on together just a little.
The Mutlaq dancer's costume was something that a dancer from Arabian Nights in my past life would wear, so it was frankly speaking quite revealing. When I was a Japanese high school girl during my previous life, I wore things like tank tops and shorts, but ever since I was born in Sorcier, I had worn skirts that didn't show the legs down to the knees and had not been showing much skin, so it took me quite a lot of courage to wear the dancer's costume. But when I tried it on,
Katarina: Wow, I really look like a dancer! So cute.
Because I was wearing a long fluttering veil that went from my face to my waist, I didn't really feel like I was showing skin. I felt like a princess.
Even though the parts hidden by the veil were a bit high-exposure, I felt excited wearing the costume. When I came out of the changing partition screen in high spirits, I saw Mary, who had come out before me. 
Mary: How do I look? I don't look weird, right?
Mary looked terrific as she embarrassedly said this. She was wearing a thinner veil than mine and her clothes were very much see-through, but her voluptuous body combined with the dancer's costume's sensuality brought about an indescribable bewitching sexiness. Coupled with her embarrassed look, it felt like minors wouldn't be able to look her in the eyes.
I didn't know what comment to make at the moment, but then…
Maria: You both look lovely!
Maria came out and said this with a smile. As expected of the legitimate heroine. There indeed was a certain sexiness to her in those see-through revealing clothes and veil, but if I had to choose, I would say loveliness suited her better. And for her to be able to say so readily that Mary was lovely despite all the sexiness she was exuding, she was amazing. I rode her wave and…
Katarina: Yes, you look lovely Mary, really lovely.
…I managed to tell her. Then Maria praised me too, and Mary praised us. We were having this kind of exchange when finally, Sophia came out.
Sophia was incredibly cute. But maybe because I had seen her after Mary and Maria, she had that adorableness of a little child wearing a dancer's costume, and her sex appeal was non-existent. Sophia might have faintly noticed it herself as after looking at Mary's dancer look and hers, she had some kind of distant look in her eyes.
No, Mary is just too abnormal in that respect, you can't compare yourself to her. I wanted to cheer Sophia up since she had lost self-confidence, but what should I do…? Oh, I know! Her big brother Nicol was doting on her, so if I showed Sophia to him, he would praise her cuteness and Sophia's confidence would come back!
Katarina: Alright, Sophia, let's show you to Lord Nicol!
I took Sophia's hand and dashed out of the women's changing space.
Mary: Eh? Lady Katarina, are you going out dressed like this?!
Maria: Lady Katarina, you must put some clothes on you!
Unfortunately, Mary and Maria's voices didn't reach me and I went dressed in my dancer's costume to see the boys waiting outside.
Katarina: Lord Nicol, Sophia looks good in this costume, right? She looks cute, right?
I called out to Nicol like this. Nicol turned towards me, then froze. He remained frozen, not uttering a single word. On top of this, I felt like his face had turned red for some reason. Did something happen?
Katarina: Umm, Lord Nicol, did something…
…happen? But before I could continue,
Keith blushed and said this with amazing force.
Katarina: Eh?! What I'm wearing? It's a dancer's costume, but… Does it look weird?
Keith: Not "weird", but it is too revealing!
Katarina: Eh?! But the veil conceals things, right?
Geordo: This veil is completely transparent, so we can see what's behind it.
This time, Geordo spoke and pointed this out. His face was somewhat red.
Katarina: Eh? Is it that transparent?
When I looked at myself while in the changing space, I couldn't see behind the veil, but now that I looked again, it was indeed see-through.
Ah, I see. The changing space had been somewhat dim, so the veil had looked mostly opaque, but this place was considerably bright, so now it was see-through. Besides, it was because no one would see me no matter how see-through it was that I tried on a very revealing costume… After remembering this, I suddenly felt embarrassed.
When I looked at the boys once more, Nicol was frozen with a red face, Keith was averting his eyes with a red face, Geordo had a somewhat awkward look and a red face, and Alan had turned his completely red face away!
Looking at everyone's reactions, I felt even more embarrassed and the heat on my face increased.
I returned to the women's changing space at full speed.
Sophia normally came back afterward and said, "Big Brother, I was able to do something for you" and smiled. I couldn't seem to shake off my embarrassment, and on the way back, I couldn't look at everyone straight in the eyes.
(this pic is unrelated to the novel, but I thought it was fitting)
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cairavende · 8 months
Worm Arc 12 thoughts:
Brian needs to watch the Barbie movie holy shit! (I understand the story takes place in 2011 and the movie doesn't exist there)
Just like, fuck get off Taylor's back. She is playing it too safe but also being too aggressive. Moving too fast but also not being aggressive enough! AHHHHHHHH!
Seriously, nearly every time Brian showed up in this arc I was yelling at him. Dude. Just back off.
Skitter fucking just, killing thousands of rats in a few minutes is absolutely terrifying. God I love her.
Hookwolf is a dick. I can't believe everyone else went along with him and gave the Travelers and the Undersiders shitty choices like that. I mean that's not true, I can believe it I'm just mad.
I legit forgot Imp existed until Tattletale mentioned leaving her at the meeting as a spy. I love how the way her power works combined with the writing style means she just disappears for the readers as well.
Loved seeing more of the Travelers and more Noelle. Excited to learn more about her (I don't have great feelings about her long term situation though).
Jack is such a fucking POSER oh my god!
He just. He thinks he's so cool. But he's not. Fucking "this is not an exit" reference and shit.
He is Tobey Maguire Spider-Man from Spider-Man 3. Just thinks he is the coolest shit. Everyone just has to accept it cause he got fancy knife powers.
Tattletale just fucking full confidence fucking with the Nine while standing right in front of them. She clearly knew it was high risk but she took it and she got results, spoiling Jacks plan with Cheri and shit.
That said, AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! MY BABY SOMEBODY HELP MY BABY! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! (Ok she's not like, my baby, that's Taylor. But she's still my baby.)
She fucking needs therapy though. Saves more people than anyone else could have and is mad because she didn't do enough. God damn Taylor love yourself!
Danny is fine. Besides, he had warning so any injures are basically his fault. Git gud Danny. (Ok look that's a little unfair, but he messed up pretty bad with raising my daughter so I'm allowed to be a little unfair to him I think.)
And look at my daughter again! She goes and organizes people to help the wounded. Takes charge. Gets a cool butch lady that might never show up again to help. I hope she does show up again though.
After he showed up I said "I don't know how the fuck she's gonna do it, but my daughter is gonna kick your ass". And then like a few paragraphs later I read "I have no idea how the fuck I’m going to do it but I’m going to make you regret that." This made me both happy - fun to say something and have Taylor say almost the same thing - and worried - cause when I said I didn't know how she was going to do it I kinda hoped she had a plan.
But then she fucking does it! She kicks his ass. She steals his arm. SHE RIPS HIS HEAD OFF! GOD DAMN! THAT'S MY FUCKING KID!
I do think she should hire the buff burly guy who helped her rip Mannequin's head off. He clearly has motivation and would be loyal. And maybe I want to see him more. For reasons.
But anyway she fucking wrecks Mannequin, makes him look like he lost a fight with a paint store. Just fucking clowned on him. She is so good.
Then the next day Brian comes in and fully focuses on how stupid it was to fight Mannequin, not really praising that she won or asking if she needs medical help. God damn bud!
But I loved how a fuck ton of people were like "Oh shit she beat Mannequin! I want to work for her." She's going to be so fucking famous soon.
Interlude 1 - Jack is a poser again. Sucks to be the Merchants, can't say I'll miss them. Jack trying to sound all clever with his carrot and sticks thing, but most of what he lists for the other Nine is really obvious. And he misses some stuff as well. Poser. I could lead the Nine better than him (not that I would lead the Nine, just that if I did I would be better than Jack).
Interlude 2 - God damn this is a doozy. Shit ton of Cauldron lore. Battery backstory. Assault backstory. I made a "now kith" joke when they fought for the very first time cause I didn't realize who they were yet. It was supposed to be a joke. I did not want them to end up together. They should not be together. Legend should not have allowed Assault to be on Battery's team. He was a bit of a dick for that. So much Cauldron lore though. I can't put it all here.
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miitarashi · 1 year
Can u do tintin nsfw headcanons
Bro...not me waiting for someone to ask this so i could have an excuse to write it lol.
Thank you dear anon,i love you unknow person.
So, I'm going to use this and combine it with my idea of ​​making Tintin headcanons to "celebrate" the 30 followers (which took me so long to do and now it is 33 now,i love y'all 😭❤️)
[Name] = reader (neutral i guess?)
Warnings: like the ask says,there will have some NSFW so,if you don't like this type of content,please don't read. But if you read,keep in mind,it's MY opnion, but i would like to see yours on the comments!
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SFW headcanons.
First and probably a real cute one. He's a little awkaward about the physical part.
On the begin,you'll have to warn and ask to touch him so he can prepare himself a bit. Hugs? He'll slowly hug you back. Kisses? He'll be a little taken a back,but will let you do it.
But now,after enough time (a lot,like a year probably) he'll be more open and comfortable to initiate, so much that will become automatic (sometimes he's still going to ask for permission,but less than when you two start dating)
Rough day? He'll wrap his arms around your waist and rest his head on your shoulder,without saying a word,just enjoying the touch.
Before going out he'll kiss your forehead or cheek saying goodbye and do the same when he came back.
Please. Cuddle up with him,after a tired day mostly.
He don't care about little or big spoon. It's literally "a win is a win" for him.
If his the little spoon,he'll hold your hand intertwining his fingers in yours pulling your hand to rest on his chest.
If his the big spoon,Tintin's gonna embrance you and like he always do,his head will fit the curve of your neck and be there breathing your scent while keeping you as close he can.
A headcanon that i really like to think is,when he blush his whole face became red.
Like,think of how cute it would be 🥺
Tintin's gonna make his best to save time just for you.
He know that,because of the adventures,most of the time you end up alone on his apartment. So as soon he came back,he try to make up for it.
Movie night,reading a book together,cuddling,hearing about how your day was,focusing on you all the time he have.
Love language - words of affirmation,quality time and physical touch.
NSFW headcanons
I just know how much this man love your thighs with all his might but being controlled like he is,never let it show. But he does steal some little peaks every now and then.
High thighs. This. This is too much for him. He would feel blessed if you walk over wearing those,want attention? Use it.
Sit on his lap and expect a hand going straight for it.
His favorite place to touch and hold.
If he goes down on you,press his face between your thighs and watch this man becoming mad.
And going down?? Favorite thing. No one can take it out of my mind.
First,he can be in between your thighs. Second,he really like to see your squirming just by what he can do with his tongue. If he use his fingers, you done.
He's good with his hands,he need to be you know? And when i say it,i mean he knows exactly where to touch,kiss or bite.
He discovered it like a good adventure that he is. Everytime he touched you,normaly but you reacted different,he remember where and how.
But hear me out. He is all for the teasing exactly because,again,he know where to touch you without going to the main thing.
His objective is to please you as much he can.
He's probably a switch or soft dom.
Tintin's a gentleman after all,he don't want to hurt his lover. No.
But overwhelm you until you can't take it so he can whisper in a breathless tone:
"You can take it,darling"
Praise kink master. He worship you in every single moment.
"You look so pretty when you beg,darling"
"Keep being a good girl/boy for me"
"You feel incredible,i'm addicted to you"
He don't overwhelm you moving like crazy,no no no,he save stamina fucking you in a steady pace while touching you in every sensitive place he knows,and just after you start whining a bit,he really begin.
Holding your waist in a tight grip (expect some small bruises on those part where he really grip,thighs mostly).
Remember the face always on your neck?
When he really begin,he rest his forehead on your shoulder so you can hear him groaning and whimpering right next to your ear. On purpose. He's not that vocal,so he does it for you to now how much he's enjoying it.
He don't really care that much about the position,as long he can see your face and reactions is enough for him.
He's really open about those things and let you have your way on it.
If Tintin's feeling bold enough,maybe he'll try to tie you up.
He can be controlled,but in the adventures,most of the things don't go as he planned. But having you at his mercy to do whatever he please. This is really something for him.
He'll not do it too much tho,but still...
✨️A little extra:✨️
King of the aftercare.
Shut up and listen.
Feeling too weak to get up? He'll carry you.
Too sleepy after everything? He'll clean you just enough and the next day,breakfast in bed.
Will take a bath with you,wash your back giving little pecks here and there,cuddling up with you and whispering sweet nothings finishing with a "i love you" in a sleepy tone.
Still breakfast in bed,will be a little clingy,just a bit and probably saying sorry about the light (or not that light-) bruises that he did.
Random and fun fact: he was probably embarrassed about Milu hearing so he really bought one of those anti-noise headphones so Milu could sleep and not hear what you two were doing in the bedroom. Or in his office sometimes-
A/N: again,unknow person. I LOVE YOU- i could finally write some of those things about him. Bro,i really loved the last part,it's the most random and funny headcanon that i have lol. And i have even more of them,maybe i make more in the future. OH YEAH AND AGAIN THANK Y'ALL FOR THE 33 FOLLOWERS I LOVE EACH ONE OF YOU😭❤️❤️
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togglesbloggle · 11 months
Still riding high from watching Royal Space Force, which is an extraordinary film in ways that films are rarely extraordinary.
There's a line in that Wikipedia article I linked that's quoting Ted Chiang- he says that it's "the single most impressive example of worldbuilding in books or film." That's high praise for sure, and I'm not at all sure how much I can argue with it. Every inch and instant of this thing is a gradual unfolding of an internally consistent and fully realized alternate technological civilization, with lavish animation and deep reflection on its machines, architecture, industrial processes, and infrastructure, as the narrative follows a sort of Yuri Gagarin analogue as they advance towards their first manned spaceflight. Their devices are often whimsical, but mechanically grounded, and throughout the film you're constantly seeing shades of early- and mid-century technologies in jumbled and decontextualized ways that just sing with love for engineering as a human art.
It's fun, in particular, to watch advances in propulsion technology as they're reflected in such a complexly realized might-have-been. As with them, so with us- the early 20th century was a time of rapid technological change on any number of axes, but our sudden exhilarating speed was at the center of it all. A single generation saw both the advent of flying machines and the first human in space; they saw wars become world wars, they saw rockets become intercontinental ballistic nuclear warheads. That's what this movie is about, really; changing the ground truth just enough to let you feel that exhilarating speed again for the first time.
It's a particularly good movie to watch this week, if you're the sort of person who's been avidly following the news on room temperature superconductors. Because we aren't, quite, the target audience for this movie. It came out in 1987, late enough to be nostalgic for that revolution, late enough to have seen the explosive growth of our capacity for motion become one more S-curve, crushed back down to the horizontal under the weight of the rocketry equations, but still as a thing remembered and experienced firsthand. Like the first Star Wars movie, it's not just a celebration of rocketry, but also trades in the visual language of urbanization, factionalism, and aerial warfare that erupted across the world as it abruptly shrank. It can be helpful to think very deeply about that moment.
You and I have never seen something like that happen before. We've had our technological revolutions, sure. For us, computers have been the axis around which it all turned. And for good reason! The universal machine, the tool that can do anything, as long as that 'anything' is made of light. We also shrank the world, in a way. But the information revolution is a subtle thing, dreamlike and insubstantial and interpersonal. The propulsion revolution was a revolution in power, direct and loud and furious. A room temperature superconductor, also, would be a revolution in power. I don't think you and I are quite ready for what that might mean.
(Particularly with fusion winking at us from just the other side of this thing.)
We can list out some of the first-order consequences of a room temperature superconductor, if it turns out to be real. There's the incredibly cool levitating rail systems that everybody likes to talk about; the sudden dominance of renewable energy and zero-emission power sources; there's quantum computers, terahertz antennae, lossless power transmission, a near-apotheosis of battery technology. But that's nothing, not really. As the old phrase goes, anyone could have predicted the car, it's predicting the traffic jam that takes a genius.
I know (I think) that power is what states are made of; the revolution in speed saw the end of feudalism, itself already teetering from blows it took from other revolutions in industrialization, and the rise of modern democratic governments- and also the rise of fascist and communist autocracies, the titanic conflicts between them, the industrialization of murder. At the upper end of possibility, that's what these last couple weeks might mean too. To move an electron through a wire, without any loss of energy to heat, is to create new ideologies we can't anticipate, new theaters of war, new kinds of government, new global superpowers, new things for the word 'progress' to mean. An information revolution can help show you who you are; a revolution in power can give that image the force to change the world from the ground up.
Here's hoping we're ready for it.
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blade-that-was-broken · 3 months
People love to mention that JD made a joke about not sticking around after rescuing Floyd and set of branches abandonment issues but they never mention that JD only made that joke after all three of the brothers that were with him expressed that they didn’t want him around. Like how was he supposed to know that Branch secretly wanted his brothers around after he disowned JD to his face five minutes into their reunion.
Like my dude had every reason to think that branch and the rest of his brothers wanted him to fuck off back to the wilderness after rescuing floyd.
Honestly within the context of what jd knows in this scene it shows how much he grew up from his teenage self. He saw his brothers expressed his love for them his brothers set a boundary that they didn’t want a relationship with him and he immediately accepted that boundary regardless of the fact that he missed them and wanted to reconnect. He was willing to leave them alone despite how much he missed them if they didn’t want him around. That’s called respecting boundaries.
I saw another conversation about this thing not that long ago and I whole heartedly agree. Some things are played off as laughs or simple because it is a kids movie but JD seems to be the guy who accepts they don't want him and even though it OBVIOUSLY hurts him, he's all like okay, that's fine.
I know people rag on him for him going up to Branch in the beginning like that and whatever, but dude thought Branch was dead! I give him a little more leeway to hug him like that and be that happy and excited. It's been a hot second since I've watched Band Together but if I remember correctly, he doesn't continue to act like Branch is a baby. He might but I don't remember that off the top of my head. He jokes around stuff but he's really also very focused on finding and saving Floyd. He isn't even phased that Branch has a girlfriend - and even approves/praises her! (Literally JD and Poppy friendship train, here is the conductor woot woot)
JD seems to be the kind of guy that would come if you called - no matter what. Dude literally got one singular vague note "from" Floyd and literally high tailed it to help him.
He literally forgot the harmony existed until Floyd told him.
During the fight, he literally tries to soothe it down by pretty much TELLING them he wouldn't be around afterwards. It was meant to be a comfort for THEM because yes, it was obvious they didn't want him around. (I also have feelings about the whole "him being bossy during that scene too but that's a whole other thing) and it was entirely by accident that he stumbles into Branch's desire to be a family again.
He hasn't gotten any real indication that Branch wanted that.
So like it's a whole thing. I am often seeing lots of these things in a slightly new light and frankly, it's still making me just sympathize with John more and more.
Give the poor dude a hug, geez.
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hasumilvr · 1 year
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☆⠀𓈒⠀Eden. - Their love language.⠀⠀꒱⠀⠀ 🌷 ⠀
୨୧ Wc : 1000+
I actually really love ibara and Hiyori they are so silly. Need to wrap Eden up with fluffy blankets like burritos
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Nagisa R. - Quality time
。˚ Nagisa… still needs some time to understand the concept of love… But his heart feels fluffy and warm everytime he sees your angelic smile, and he can’t help but be a little selfish – he loves spending time with you. Maybe that’s love, he tells himself.
。˚ He promised to stay with you during your highs and lows, and man sticks to his words. When you’re busy with schoolwork or dealing with the menacingly large amount of paperwork on your desk, he stays with you. There’s a comfortable silence between you two – he doesn’t want to interrupt your work, afterall, but the slow and light breathing makes you know he’s there, he’s there for you.
。˚ Nagisa always makes sure his weekends are work-free if possible! He wants to spend more time with you, no matter watching a movie while holding hands on the couch, going for a late night walk accompanied by the quiet footsteps of yourselves or reading a book while sipping on coffee, he wants you to know that he loves you by spending all the time in the world with you.
。˚ Of course, it’s not just you who enjoys the company of your significant other. Nagisa finds himself relaxed and his tense shoulders hurt less when you’re here with him. It’s always a relief to see you after an entire week of a busy schedule, because things always get better when you’re with him.
。˚ He’s not very good at expressing his love verbally, but as he strokes your hand softly while you rest your head on his lap, you know he adores and cherishes you. Do return the sentiment by giving him a kiss on his forehead, okay?
Ibara S. - Gift Giving
。˚ Since Ibara is well known as a workaholic who wouldn't give up on starring at his computer until his own body gives him up, he can't spend that much time with you (which makes him slightly sad, not like he will admit though).
。˚ But does that mean he doesn't love you? Definetly not. Ibara tries to squeeze in breaks from time to time just to see you and leave a kiss on your forehead, and when he can't, expect to find a little something from the producer by your bedside in the morning, with a little note taped on it.
。˚ ''Sorry I can't spend the weekend with you again. This is a pack of sweets from the gift shop in the place Eden went for the promotional event last week, and I thought you might enjoy it. Have a good week, producer dono. Salute ~☆ ( ・∀・ )ゞ" says the note, with "Ibara Saegusa" delicately signed at the bottom right corner.
。˚ Geez... Ibara's such an idiot. It's not like you don't understand how busy he is, but he still feels sorry for not being able to be by your side. Next time, please tell him you love him for who he is, and even if work keeps him away from you, your hearts are still connected.
。˚ With that said, Ibara is the type to buy you gifts from time to time to make up for his absence from your side! It's usually something small but sweet - sometimes it's an omiyage from the placce he last visited for work, and sometimes it's a bag of tea leaves or coffee powder, because he knows you're running low on them. From the snake who is still learning how to express love and affection, you deeply treasure everything he gifts you, no matter how tiny or silly it is.
Hiyori T. - Words of affirmation
。˚ As expected from the prince of love and sunshine, Hiyori loves praising you and showering you with vocabularies of love! He compliments your hair and your outfit you picked specially for your date with him, which makes your heart does a little dance - just so you know, he sees how much effort you put in your outfits during your dates, and appreciates how much you value your time together dearly. (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
。˚ ''Oh, my lovely sunflower, you look sooo lovely today! Well, you're lovely everyday, anyways! I missed you so much... Hiyori demands cuddles from his darling, right here right now!" He's childish and selfish when it comes to you. In a good way, though.
。˚ Oooooo he showers you with so much words of love oooooooo it makes you blush from head to toe like a strawberry everytime he does it ooooooooo (which just gives him another reason to call you cute. The pink shade of blush really compliments the color of your outfit today, making you look so cute he wants to kiss you so badly.)
。˚ When you're upset, he tries to talk to you to cheer you up! Communication is the key to everything, and the same goes for expressing love and affection - that's what Hiyori believes. He doesn't like seeing you sad, and doesn't want to cross your boundaries, so instead of giving you a tight high straight away, he asks what's wrong first, before listening attentively to what you have to say. It's then that you feel Hiyori's warmth from his two arms wrapped tightly around you, and soft whispers of ''It's okay''s and ''I love you''s.
Jun S. - Acts of service
。˚ Jun's way of expressing love is special. He loves doing little things for you. A massage after a tiring day from work? He has your back! It's nothing too touchy, but he just wants you to know that he loves you from his actions - that he deeply cares.
。˚ Sometimes you feel like you don't deserve him taking care of you. Little do you know that he enjoys doing so! Running errands with you, for example, is a great way for him to spend time with you. He gets a break from his work, and sees his favorite person. When he helps you carry the heavy grocerries you collect from the supermarket, he adores how cute you are when you try your best to carry them all on your own, then give in and let him take one of the bags.
。˚ Jun isn't that good with words too, so he depends a lot on ''showing'' instead of telling. It's the frequent help he offers you that makes your heart skip a beat... Jun has a very gentlemanly side, especially when he's with you.
。˚ He just really loves doing small things for you to brighten up your day, so don't feel embarrassed, yes? He loves you deeply and geniunely, and he thinks you deserve all of his love and devotion.
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purplekoop · 5 months
FINALLY saw Mutant Mayhem, and it was really good!!! I might wanna give it a second watch later along with other Turtle stuff rewatches and do a more in-depth review then, but I'll say the spoiler-free highlights now.
The obvious striking thing is the film visual style, which going in I knew broadly as "like Spider-verse", but that feels like a gross oversimplification for this movie's fantastic look. It's a mix between grungy realism, rough sketchiness (my mom said it looked like one of my drawings, which, yeah I'll take it), and oddly some vague claymation vibes? The turtles especially feel like chunky molded clay in the best way. It's a super cool style that definitely stands out on its own but still feels thoroughly Ninja Turtles despite not quite looking like any one individual prior incarnation. A bit of 2012 with the grungy blockiness, a bit of Rise with the vibrant expressive animation, and a heaping dosage of just general "this would've been the coolest thing ever in the 80's."
Other major high point is just how... exceptionally pleasant the movie is. It's arguably the most light-hearted Turtles incarnation to date, even beating out Rise in terms of friendly vibes... well, barring the bottom-shelf swears and on-screen puke, personally could've gone without the latter but oh well. From the moment we see the turtles we get to see how much this movie appreciates the mundane, with dialogue, visual details, and quick gags that just... I dunno, feel natural? Like, this movie pulls of an astounding amount of reference humor that feels like it'd be irritating if it weren't so believably honest. Yeah, if they were teenage brothers they would say Mikey's head looks like a mix between Hey Arnold and Stewie Griffin. Of course they would. Also the "cringy" music choices rubbed me the right way too, again this movie's tone is so sincere that I can't help but love these too. My mom also specifically cited this as a high point. The "pleasant vibes" praise extends throughout the movie, but I think going fully in-depth on that point would require spoilers. Rest assured, this movie's an exceptionally feel-good watch.
I guess only critique is one I saw coming but because I was dodging spoilers I didn't have the full expectations for. I heard vaguely that there were gonna be a lot of classic mutants showing up for this movie, hence the title I suppose, but I was worried it was gonna be a Spider-Man 3 kind of situation where it'd be constant bad guys that don't leave much individual impact. Which... is both true and not true for this movie. It's not THAT detrimental by any means, but I do still wish the individual characters got to do more. I like what they do get to do, but only a couple actually get to do much, even Bebop and Rocksteady barely have a few lines despite being THE mutant bad guys and having some of the biggest celebrity voices. I think maybe even two or three of them could've been cut and their presence wouldn't have been missed, but I can also appreciate the novelty that these characters probably wouldn't get a big screen debut otherwise. I dunno, maybe I'm just petty these are all classic picks and aren't new characters from my eras of turtles. Fishface for the sequel, come on folks if I believe then you can too.
On that note though, I am hoping that obvious sequel bait goes somewhere, because this movie deserves it. I wanna see this incarnation again, which... I mean I'm pretty sure did well enough to where it's already in the works? If Spider-Verse is gonna be a trilogy (still haven't seen Across yet btw) then this movie certainly deserves at least one followup.
But yeah, great movie! I think I do have to put this as my favorite TMNT movie ever now, so uh... sorry to the original two live action movies and none of the others.
(also I was gonna do a season 1 review of TMNT 2012 but I started it a while ago right as I finished it early in January but then it got overwhelming and I didn't have as much as I wanna say so I don't know what I'm doing with that yet, I might move on to season 2 but idk there's still a lot I wanna say about the show but I still don't know the format. Also expect Things I Love #4 about a completely unrelated show I'm due to finish a rewatch of soon)
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astridspeckles · 1 year
Random thoughts and ramblings about the amazing film Nimona! Warning this is a huge tangent and does talk about spoilers for the movie and a bit of spoilers about the graphic novel (that I haven't read since my copy hasn't arrived yet) also I've tried to write this post like 3 times but it keeps breaking so oof.
Kudos to the creator ND Stevenson who I swear is a massive source of creativinies that I would absorb like a sponge if I had the energy to because everything they're apart of is something I feel like I'd adore if if I took the plunge. Also he identifies as enby transmasc (which, I am too, and I didn't realize how huge of a blow it was to realize that people like me exist). I really ought to look into She-ra and their other works at some point. Anyway, anyway, anyway - this is about Nimona!
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I love that this obviously queer movie decided to be release during the later stage of June aka "Pride Month" because I feel like it gives people the chance to watch it with fresh eyes during July, which is Disabled Pride Month (I'm Australian so it isn't really a thing here as far as im aware sadly) which Ballister is such a fantastic and amazing character who is gay and disabled.
He is never portrayed as weak or lesser for his disability, I imagine for people that it'll actually be easy to forget that he is disabled as an amputee with how capable he's written. I feel like it might just go over peoples heads at some point because you never get to see stuff written so well unless if its poking you with it every few episodes or its extremely obvious at a glance. But with Ballister it 'just is who he is' and it moves on to focus on its plot like it has from the beginning.
And its never used as a plot set back or change the storybeat or anything of that sort of matter. Which is amazing. However it isn't just ignored either! He has a moment of weakness when he sees Ambroius again. He hesitates, he withdraws from reach out to him while looking at his arm (Oh, Nemesis!). It is still fresh and new and he's trying to handle it (you're doing great sweetie).
I'm not physically disabled (I do have a weak knee however) but a mentally disabled and experience fatigue constantly and I'm sure I'd have chronic pains if I didn't have a high pain tolerance. So while this sort of character isn't someone I can directly relate to it is someone I can connect with (Although I don't believe you need to be the same as something in order to connect/relate to it).
However I am at home a lot and I don't get exposed much to other people and that includes a lot of people with other cultures, beliefs, body types and disabilities. So being able to see people different than me on the screen is always awesome, and being able to connect with them is too. Which the Queen, Nimona and Ballister is fantastic for everyone and hopefully the Director will give the other sort of audience of this movie a time to think back and work through things.
But I haven't seen many disabled people in media, because I don't really have the energy to engage with much content for long. So I have a limited selection of characters who seem like fantastic representation - because while yes Toph from Avatar the Last Airbender is fantastic she has literal superpowers compared to the every day person so I love and praise how she's handled because everything she does is fantastic-
Seeing Ballister's strong and dedicated personality which still has that life to it made me instantly feel for him along side Hiccup from How to Train your Dragon (And before you ask - no, AstridSpeckles is not due to HTTYD, its inspired from Zelda actually!) And I just love how it was all written and displayed. In HTTYD it was to connect Toothless and Hiccup together in a beautiful narrative. Here they used his arm to make a beautiful narrative too - he uses it, constantly.
He fixes his arm with just one hand which is insane because its also his non dominant hand which wow thats amazing. And he doesn't shy away from using his arm for anything, he still touches people with it, still wields things with as much confidence as ever to do so. He reaches out to Nimona with it too in that scene. Also Ambroius reaches out to hold his hand in that scene too! So tenderly and without hesitation! Which if it was another case with other characters I reckon I'd be a little upset but you see how much they love eachother and how gentle and tactile and soft they are so it is just so beautiful to see here...
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Also I don't really know where else to put this but since im on a tangent about Ballister ima just say it here. He is such a fantastic knight! He knew the moment his sword was handed to him that it was off. He knew it didnt feel right, the weight was wrong? Or it just felt off? He knows his sword. He knows his morals. He knows what he has to do to make things right. He never betrayed himself ever!
Also the eye sparkles change. At the start their diamonds, but Ballister's turns into squares as he gets more exposed to different views where Ambroius turns into a triangle as his views are being pulled (the director whispering in his hear, his own heart, and his love for Ballister).
Also he too is a fantastic knight! His life falling apart? Never lashes out. Never hurts those around him (Okay, cutting off an arm isn't a love language.) So yes that is a case where he did hurt someone but that is addressed in its own ways.
But he never hurts or lashes out at the people he's protecting. He could easily just take it out on them, stop caring, fall into a pit of despair at his own problems. But you actively see him dealing with this own issues and then instantly being a knight the next scene and he doesn't falter or fall.
He is also so strong and I love that he had these moments, would of liked some more though but he isn't a main character like Nimona and Ballister so I understand why he didn't.
Also back to Ballister for a moment because the moment he heard Nimona's not really handling the things she's carrying, that she was able to tell him about her most vulnerable, scary and intrusive thoughts after knowing him for so little, that his thoughts in an instant was to get her the hell out of there and go with her.
He would try to work things out with Ambroius I believe, but he saw the hurt of Nimona who he hasn't known that long over the love of his life and said this is my priority. That would be so hard for anyone to do, for example a parent knowing their child is queer and the other parent not accepting them - there are cases where the parents stay together because its too hard for them not too, and lose the kid or kick the kid out.
The fact Ballister in a heartbeat acted accordingly to keep this new precious person in his life to abandon (like they did to him) without hesitation is absolutely insane and I love it so much. Also that it wasn't a move out of malice or defiance. It could of easily of been written differently that they need to protect her and they have to leave right now. But no. He took action (he always takes actions!) and while he lingered on Ambroius, it wasnt hesitation. It wasn't to hurt Ambroius either. He put Nimona being at risk first.
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So I've actually been aware of Nimona for a few years now. I've heard about its ups and downs and its eventually cancel to its amazing revival! But I was watching it as a passive observer, never interacting with it because I know I hyper-fixate, I didn't want too get invested and attached and because off the rollercoaster of it not coming to the big screen while being in the fandom at that time (im sorry you are all so much stronger than I am haha!)
However, it is alive and amazing! And I'm finally here in the fandom - I've finally watched it - I've finally decided to order the graphic novel like I planned to back during its first movie announcement so I can quote "Enjoy the movie and then read the book since the books are always better", so I can love both as much as I can, yknow?
From what I've discovered reading online here and there so far (and its likely that this is wrong so take this with a grain of salt since I haven't gotten my graphic novel yet) that apparently that the movie is leaps and bounds improved compared to the graphic novel (Note: Not better, improved.)
Improved origin stories, improved personalities, improved characterizations. So much of the voice actors provide life and inspiration to these characters bringing them to a level that the graphic novels didn't have the resource to do.
I also love how people also aren't going crazy (negatively) about the change of races to the characters - im so used to seeing discourse about this sort of thing but its so accepted here that it is so refreshing to see.
The graphic novel has a larger and looser timeline and I believe a darker story and not as much as a happy ending compared to the movie. I can't wait to read the graphic novel though it looks very interesting!
But the ending of the movie implies such a happier ending for everyone, since apparently I've seen that in the graphic novel Nimona visits Ballister while being shapeshifted as a nurse while he is in hospital and he caught on too late after she says goodbye and he never sees her again and is constantly reminded of her when she sees people with her hair colour and that is so bittersweet!
The fact we get her coming to him at the end with him going HOLY SHIT is because it is saying here that it doesn't end with that note. They are together still. And I really hope something more comes out after this because I need to see a bit more to know what is happening there.
I had written a lot more here but my post keeps breaking and doing ctrl+z is making me lose entire paragraphs and gifs I put in as text breakers so I'm gonna leave this here or maybe do another post when I end up reading the graphic novel, who knows. But yes. I love Nimona :D
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sylvarantii · 3 months
I know, amazing. I didn't actually wait several months to over a year to get around to the next movie. Though that's more because I'm forcing myself to catch up since I'm so behind and while movies are non canon, it feels important to kind of try and keep up on them.
Rambling aside, Detective Conan Movie 8: Magician of the Silver Sky
I am so happy to say I loved this one. It's probably the movie that gave me the most reactions between laughing at the humor and gasping from the suspense.
I mean, seriously. Kaito disguised as Shinichi? Some AMAZING and suspenseful action scenes? An actual murder case happening? This is a movie that felt very cinematic and was very gripping. I definitely will be singing its praises.
And it's even more of a relief to have loved a movie starring Kaito Kid considering I really didn't want my thoughts of the 3rd movie to give the impression I don't like Kaito Kid related content.
It's true I find some of the episodes a little boring in the series, but if anything, I kind of blame that more on Jirokichi since his antics get a little old and it feels like the same thing is usually recycled over and over just for a small cameo of Kid. I really should watch Magic Kaito sometime, I think maybe I'd be more invested in Kid as a character.
I have to say, it's pretty amazing that no matter how short, I think they got most of the supporting cast in with the main cast into this movie. I guess the only main supporting characters I can think of that weren't in it were maybe Takagi and Satou? But I mean, I was kinda already surprised Megure and Shiratori showed up for a bit at the end. They didn't really need to be included, so you know, it's not like it bothers me.
So, this next rating might come as a surprise!
1.) The Fourteenth Target (2nd Movie)
2.) The Time Bombed Skyscraper (1st Movie)
3.) Magician of the Silver Sky (8th Movie)
4.) Captured in Her Eyes (4th Movie)
5.) Crossroad in the Ancient Capital (7th Movie)
6.) The Phantom of Baker Street (6th Movie)
7.) Countdown to Heaven (5th Movie)
8.) The Wizard of the Last Century (3rd Movie)
I really went back and forth on this one. I still don't know if I'd say I like it better than Captured in Her Eyes and I REALLY need to go back and watch the movies closer together, but I had such a good time watching it, so I had to give it a high rating.
Despite my doubts, I think I can be pretty happy with this one, even if maybe I should've even voted it higher than the 1st movie. But meh, I'll still stand by what I've decided. ...At least until I do some sort of movie marathon and review the rankings again.
0 notes
ladambell · 8 months
Feelings are hard.
I've heard it said before that if you continue to like something ironically for long enough — a silly pop song, a movie with bad acting, an ideology, what have you — then it becomes an unironic appreciation of that thing. I think the same might hold true for adulthood: pretend you're a grownup long enough, and you become one. Tick enough boxes in the "responsibilities" column, and the rest — the ennui, the debt, the dread, the back hair — it sneaks up on you.
There was a time in my life that if someone near me was playing a video game, I was there watching them and trying to convince them to let me play, no matter what that game was. Now I'm often either too preoccupied or too burnt out to play games with my own kid. Live service games where you play with or against real humans intimidate me, and mobile games are stuffed full of inspid ads for even more insipid mobile games. Sorry, tangent.
I used to run a podcast. I had a Twitter alt account where I posted silly bits of old cartoons. I even occasionally went out with friends! Madness! Now I get excited by new clothes, appliances, new toiletries. I look forward to working on broadcasts of high school football games — for the money, sure, but also because I get to hang out with people from my last job that I dearly miss.
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So all of that... that's how I've been feeling lately. With my thrice-weekly commute, work, cooking, chores, errands, and oh yeah, sleep... it feels like I have little time left for anything else. And with the confluence of those precious moments of free time, a tight family budget, mild social anxiety, and a more-than-mild addiction to social media, it's not hard to see why my interest in hobbies, conversation, and even recreation have gone completely by the wayside.
But now I'm struggling for a sense of identity, because so often it feels like all I am is a tool completing a series of tasks. Filling a space like an extra in a TV show, adding texture to a background without really contributing anything.
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What do I even DO anymore? My job definitely serves a purpose in my organization, but it's hard to see anything outside of that. I don't see any product at the end of the day, something I can point to and say "I MADE THAT." When I was in a creative job, even a news editor, I could still point to a piece I cut and say "I MADE THAT" and feel proud of myself. Now, as long as the place isn't burning down and my inbox isn't blowing up, I can't get that feeling anymore. Pointing at a schedule and going "I MADE... sure that... there were... ⁿᵒ ᶜᵒⁿᶠˡⁱᶜᵗˢ" just doesn't hold the same sense of satisfaction for me. And what do I have to show for that, you know? I don't even have anything from my current job I could show to another potential employer and say "I MADE THAT." All I'd have to go on would be whatever praise my current boss has for me, and she barely even knows what I do.
I used this analogy when I gave a presentation to my current team a little while back — this quote from Futurama describes my job perfectly:
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So I mean, sure, I get the occasional "attaboy" at work, and it's nice to be appreciated, to have your work acknowledged. But again, words are cheap and no one cares how much money you make. I have nothing of value to show for the time I've spent here so far.
Alicia astounds me. She has her job, AND she does a lot for the kiddo, AND her scout stuff, AND at least two friends she regularly chats with, AND she handles all the bills, AND SHE EVEN READS. Like, books. She's amazing. As useless and milquetoast as I feel sometimes, it's a wonder we're still together. I think the moments I feel surest in myself are the times she boosts me up — when she tells me about how a parent chatted her up at a scout event and asked her how she manages to do everything she does for scouts while also balancing a full-time job, and Alicia praises me: "I have the most wonderful husband, who supports me and helps with our kid, and takes care of so much of the house stuff..." Even now as I type it, I start to tear up. More than being appreciated, it's good to feel necessary. To have a real purpose. To be a pillar for someone else. That's why I keep doing all the adult things — because I know if I don't, I'll be hurting them. Hurting her.
I consider myself a very private person; I don't open up to people without seriously getting to know them first, and I'm fairly antisocial — I really only make friends when I'm stuck with other people in some situation I can't escape. If I were on my own... I'm not sure I could've made it this far. Despite having a degree in mass media, I'm still convinced I wouldn't have gotten the TV job if I hadn't been with her — her old co-worker's husband worked at the TV station, you see. He put in a good word for me. I don't know, I have very few friends and no clue how to network.
I have no idea where I'd be now if it weren't for her.
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When he and his brother Justin announced that they were retiring from their jobs at Polygon in 2018, Griffin McElroy said:
It does not matter how happy your work makes you if work is all that there is.
So I guess if I have any sense of identity right now in my life, it's as a supporter, a provider. Life isn't about me, and whether I make things or not doesn't matter all that much. What matters is the family I support, the love I help create. That's more important than a hobby, at least for now. And this feeling of emptiness isn't forever, it's temporary.
I still like video games, although I don't have nearly as much time or money for them as others apparently do.
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I still have ongoing games of Scrabble and Words with Friends with a trio of regulars (that I rarely ever talk to).
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I still jot down potential Only Connect questions every now and then in the Notes app on my phone.
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And I think maybe someday I'd like to find a way to do some more painting. The process never seems all that special at the time, but the results are usually pretty satisfying.
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0 notes
kyovtani · 3 years
𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 – 𝐤𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢 𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐮 (𝟐)
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— pairing: Kyoutani Kentarou x female Reader
— genre: smut, angst, little bit of fluff to keep the balance; tattoo artist!kyoutani, inexperienced!reader, strangers to lovers!AU, SLOW BURN
— word count: 9.6k
— warnings: swearing, mentions of infidelity and violence, as well as the consumption of drugs and alcohol; smut: corruption kink, degradation and dumbification, dacryphilia, praising, spitting, (soft) dom!kyou, oral (m. receiving), fingering, dry humping, unprotected sex (dont do that kids), impreg kink, iwaoi say hi-
— (A/N: and here’s part two! thank you SO much for all the love you sent my way after i published the first part. ngl i was a little nervous bc i thought it was boring and not interesting at all but you guys easily pushed me out of that hole so thank you for everything. i love and appreciate you with my whole heart. all the love, zade xx)
[ part one ]
— summary: after fucking up, you make it your mission to get him back..(im so bad at this pls just- okay.)
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"He's not picking up, Hana", you say, another soft cry falling from your lips before you bury your face in your pillow.
“Once in my fucking life a guy treats me good and the way I've always wanted to be treated and I had to fuck it up. Why the fuck am I like this, Hana? Why can I not enjoy one fucking good thing in my fucking mediocre life", the profanities keep coming just like the tears and the amount of frustration and anger rushing through your veins is nowhere near normal anymore.
"Calm down, love", Hana sighs and makes you sit up so she can look into your tear stained face as she tries her best to make sure her words actually find their way to your pain clouded mind, "at this point you shouldn't worry too much because you do know Kyoutani, don't you? He does lose his temper a lot, so give him the time he needs and then you'll show up at his doorstep, suck his cock and make up with him, yeah?", she explains calmly.
"If this hurts you so much, why the fuck did you even say he's just a friend, Y/N? I really don't understand", Hana mumbles and lets out another sigh, her hands caressing yours softly, managing to calm you down a little bit.
“You're right, I should just– give him some time and things will eventually fall into place", you reply after crying a little more and with an encouraging smile your best friend nods at you before she suggests a movie marathon to which you happily agree.
At least something to distract you from all the demons inside your head.
After changing into your pj's and doing your night time routine, you plop down onto the couch next to your bestie again, her eyes focused on the phone in her hand and knowing she's probably either sexting or inviting her new boyfriend has you shrugging at her lack of attention as you start looking for a good movie to begin the night with.
However, just when you're about to read the description of some kind of french rom-com, Hana puts her phone back into her lap and starts staring at you with her pretty eyes widened in shock.
"What's wrong?", you ask and turn to look at her, reaching for her hands but before you even get the chance to touch her, Hana unlocks her phone and holds it up for you to watch someone's instagram story.
The video begins with loud music, a crowd full of young college students whose faces definitely are familiar.
Everyone in the video is dancing, making out, smoking and just chatting in a random living room and every now and then there's someone yelling in the back – a typical college party.
However, just as the video is about to end, the camera shifts to a tall male leaning against the wall, obviously standing really close to the person who's filming and it takes you a full blown thirty seconds to realize who said male is.
Kyoutani Kentarou.
You stare at the phone for another minute, your throat dry and your head empty as a thick veil of tears slowly starts blurring your sight before you finally decide to pay attention to the username.
"He can't be fucking serious", you hiss, fisting the blanket beneath you, the urge to punch something or someone becoming unbearable, "what the fuck is he doing at a random college party with – Sora?"
"Y/N, don't–", "Whose party is that?", you interrupt your best friend, not giving a single fuck about her attempts to calm you down; not anymore. Hana gulps harshly and strictly avoids your gaze as she mumbles a name and you roll your eyes, asking her to speak up with an annoyed sigh.
"It's one of Yuuji’s frat parties", and as soon as your best friend says the name of your ex-boyfriend, a cold shiver of disgust runs down your spine and you can feel yourself getting lightheaded from all the emotions rushing through your overwhelmed body.
"Don't follow me if you're going to stop me from leaving, Hana", you say and stand up before quickly disappearing inside your room.
You have no idea how you manage to get dressed, your outfit consisting of a pair of jeans and a hoodie you can't even remember buying and you don't even wanna think about what your hair and face look like when you end up leaving the house with your keys and your phone.
After driving this route for over two years on an almost daily basis, it takes you less than ten minutes to arrive in front of the huge house your ex-boyfriend lives in.
The memories start finding their way back into your head way too fast, taking away your breath and numbing your whole body because even if you didn’t love Yuuji anymore, the bitter feeling of betrayal still manages to hit you in just the right way.
It takes you a lot of willpower to actually approach the house and eventually get in. And after being in between the crowds of drunk, stinky college students, you remember why you hate college parties so much.
"I – Wow”, a familiar voice manages to break through the loud music, your instant reaction just an annoyed eye roll, “you were the last person I expected to see at one of our frat parties", Yuuji says and comes to stand in front of you.
His blonde hair messily falling into his handsome face and from the way his whole face seems to be covered in the deepest shade of red – including his eyes – you know that he's probably higher than the stars and you can't help but sigh.
"I'm not here to party, Yuuji", you hiss, feeling the anger crawl up your spine again the longer you look at your ex, "my boyfriend is here and I have to talk to him."
"So you and that tattooed guy are actually a thing? Didn't think so since he, you know – showed up with another girl", Terushima mumbles and pulls out a cigarette from his pocket, a mischievous smile on his lips.
"Oh, shut the fuck up, Yuuji", you spit back and roll your eyes, taking in the way the pretty boy arches his brows up in pure shock at your rather new attitude, "go and get high or whatever you do to feel proud of yourself", are the last words you say to him before you walk away, your heart thrumming inside your throat.
Your eyes roam the huge crowd, desperately searching for the only face you wanna look at right now and you try to remember where they were standing in the video Sora had posted only to realize that you can't remember.
After all you only watched the video once, your whole attention laying on Kyoutani. And after almost fifteen minutes, you find yourself slowly giving up.
Maybe this was just not meant to happen or maybe Kyoutani has left already.
He probably left with Sora- something you can’t and won’t ever blame him for.
After all she's literally one of the prettiest and hottest girls you have ever seen – anyone who rejects her would be out of their mind (or not attracted to girls which isn't the case when it comes to Kyoutani).
You give it another ten minutes of desperately looking around before you let out a deep sigh which gets lost in the loudness and thick air of the party before you finally start making your way back to the front door.
You quickly walk back to your car, trying your best to ignore everyone around you, especially all the drunk guys who are currently about to get into a verbal fight over something totally random and the last thing you want to experience those threats becoming reality.
At some point you're scared they might even include you which is probably why you end up literally sprinting and even though you always park so far away from frat houses just because you've heard way too many stories of people getting their cars stolen during parties, but right now you just wished you would have listened to your gut feeling and parked in front of the fraternity like every normal person.
However, to your life long luck, you spot a tall figure standing a little too close to your vehicle just as you’re about to unlock it. You slow down your movements almost instantly upon seeing the stranger, yet your eyes still try to figure out if it's someone you know despite the darkness surrounding the two of you.
He has probably spotted you by now, after all you're still panting like crazy from speed walking down to where your car is and it takes you a full minute to realize how loud you're actually being.
"Y/N", the male suddenly says, his deep voice sending shivers down your spine and even though it could have been everyone, it sounds a tad bit too familiar to your ears which is probably why you end up approaching him slowly.
"It's me, Kyoutani", he adds and at the same moment the words leave his lips, you finally recognize his pretty features which seem extra beautiful underneath the bright moonlight.
And then realization hits you.
"How did you know–", "Hana called me and asked if I could make sure you got home even if I didn't want to talk to you. So, here I am. Get in the car so I can tell her I did my part of the job", he interrupts you quickly, obviously not having the intention to interact with you and the way his usually so tender-filled eyes and calming voice are nothing but ice-cold has a thick veil of tears blurring your sight.
Never ever did you think about the moment, where Kyoutani puts the cold mask on he loved to hide behind when he had first looked at you all those weeks ago.
And the longer he avoids your gaze, the heavier the burden on your chest becomes.
"I'm sorry, Tani", you whisper, your voice breaking at the end, easily giving away how much his cold demeanor has gotten to you.
“Of course you're not just a friend to me and I d-don't know why I introduced you like that, everything happened so quickly and I – panicked. It's not an excuse and does not justify my behavior but I just wanted you to know that you've always been more than just a friend to me", you continue, managing to keep talking upon realizing that Kyoutani won't interrupt you and the way he even listens to you with his eyes looking everywhere but yours is absolutely enough for you.
"What am I to you then, Y/N? Am I the guy you're casually fucking? Your booty call? Am I your second choice? Like what the fuck do you expect me to say? I know we never put a label to – this", he starts pointing at you and then himself, "but you knew I was serious about it, about you. So, I just don't understand why you would even think about considering me a friend. I told you that I am not one for that friends with benefits kinda shit and you agreed yet you did this and now I can't help but be convinced you just used me to get that Yuuji fucker.”
Kyoutani is angry and he doesn't even try to hide it as he spits out those words, the ones he’s probably been dying to say out loud for the past few days and you know he has every right to actually be mad at you, his words still hit you in a way you didn't expect them to.
"I'd never do that to you, Kentarou; I'd never use you like that, please believe me", you say quickly, a little surprised you're even able to form proper sentences.
“You m-mean so much to me and I just don't know how to put it into words. My heart hurt so much when I watched you type your number into Sora's phone but the demons in my head, they just kept talking over my heart and – I'm just really sorry, Kyou, I really am", you sigh and after realizing that he's not going to look at you, you finally manage to shift your gaze away from his pretty face.
"Go home, Y/N. It's been a long day for both of us and I think some more distance will help me get my mind straight", Kyoutani replies after a long, torturous beat of silence lingering in the cold air and even if it wasn’t the reply you had hoped to hear, you're glad he's at least not completely ending it.
"Okay b-but at least let me drive you home?", you ask softly, wiping away the few tears which had managed to escape and when you look up at the beautiful faced male in front of you, his eyes meet you for the first time since what feels like forever and you feel yourself melting away.
"I don't think that's a good idea, pretty girl", Kyoutani sighs, the soft pet name sending your mind into the sweetest haze of comfort just like that, "it's only been a few days but I am craving your touch and I just know I'm going to lose it and fuck you against the next best surface if we get into that car together, so I have to decline this offer", he adds and takes another step back, his lips stretching into a tiny smile and you can’t deny how much his words have you gotten you worked up, but you have no choice but to nod.
"Have a good night, baby", Kyoutani sighs and deep down you're hoping for a kiss, after all it's been way too long since you got to feel close to him but instead, he just lifts his hand up and starts waving at you and just as he is about to turn around, you find yourself reaching for his wrist. The fear and despair inside of you making you a little too brave for your personal liking but you know you can't just let him walk away like that.
"Please, Tani- Kyoutani", you whisper and let out a soft sigh of relief when he turns around to face you again, "I won't try anything, I just want to spend a little bit more time with you."
Kyoutani takes a deep breath, his dark eyes roaming your face and wandering down your body and even though it feels like he's literally devouring you alive, you enjoy his burning gazes regardless, a hidden part inside of you even craving them.
A solid minute passes by before he lets out a sigh and gives you a nod, his plump lips pressed into a thin line.
It takes you another deep breath and a couple of seconds to actually calm yourself down from the rollercoaster of emotions you've been through within the time span of an hour and as you sit there in your car, inhaling the cold air of the night, your mind starts replaying everything that went down, starting from the day you met Kyoutani, to your first and most recent kiss, as well as the encounter with Sora and your deep anger towards Yuuji.
The drive to Kyoutani's apartment passes by in a blur, way too fast for your liking and you can't help but pout when you pull up in front of the huge building, knowing very well that this will be the last interaction with the handsome tattoo artist for the upcoming few days and you can already feel tears pricking at the corners of your eyes.
He's been awfully quiet, not like you actually said anything but Kyoutani's silence was intense, boring into your soul and actually suffocating you to a point where the urge to just jump out of the car became overwhelming.
You know he's probably going through everything just like you, yet the feeling that his thoughts are more on the negative side just won't leave you alone and you hate the way your assumptions are being confirmed as soon as Kyoutani turns to look at you.
"I – love you, Y/N", he suddenly says, his voice soft and calm, yet still deep and the way it's filled with tenderness and the sweetest bit of longing makes the effect of those magical words even heavier.
Your lips part in shock, your head having a difficult time actually processing his confession and you can feel your whole body going into a standby mode.
"But you're not good for me."
You remember the way your heart broke into thousands of pieces when you found out the alleged love of your life was cheating on you without even batting an eye.
The pain was so intense and heavy, you didn't know how to deal with it and at some point you were convinced that your heart had stopped beating for a solid minute. It was bad, left you speechless and threw you into a hole of darkness you barely managed to escape from, yet still leaving you grateful for the experience.
You thought your first heartbreak would be able to prepare you for what's to come in the future, but what you went through as soon as those words had fallen past Kyoutani’s lips, can't be compared to anything you've ever felt before.
Your heart starts clenching as his words keep replaying inside of your head and your throat so is going absolutely dry from your desperate attempts to gasp for air as the feeling of being suffocated comes back.
Everything around you seems to disappear, your eyes still focused on Kyoutani's intense gaze as the feeling of emptiness starts filling up your whole body.
You easily lose track of time, your heart beat so slow and heavy and when the wave of reality crashes you yet again, an almost inaudible sob falls past your lips.
"B-But...", you can't get yourself to speak, the words getting stuck in your throat and soft cries the only thing filling the inside of your car.
And yet, there are so many things you want to tell him, so many things rushing through your mind at the highest speed, almost impossible to grasp them and actually put them into proper sentences.
"You have too much control over me. I lost myself trying to fit into the picture of a lover you need and deserve. But – I am not who I used to be anymore”, Kyoutani explains, nervously rubbing the sides of his pierced node with his thumb as he avoids looking in your direction at all costs.
“I am scared of losing what's obviously not mine. You make me feel weak and vulnerable and I just can't deal with it. You've become the center of my world, and I can't control how much it affects me. How much you affect me and – I hate it", he continued, his voice is still incredibly calm, yet a bittersweet tone of fear coating every single one of his words.
"B-But...", yet again, the whole of your vocabulary seems vanished, not one word to say as the knot in your throat tightens even further.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. I thought I could do it but – I am not meant to love and you deserve to be loved in the most special way possible”, he takes another quick break, letting out a sigh of exhaustion, “and that's why I'm letting you go. Please, don't hate me. Take care and – goodbye, my love.”
Those are his last words before he presses his lips against your forehead, making your head spin like crazy because of the contrast of his heartbreaking words and his soft kiss.
Kyoutani leaves without saying another word. He doesn't even look back once as he walks away and enters the apartment building, while you can't stop staring at the door with hot tears streaming down your cheeks and loud sobs filling the suffocating air surrounding you.
There you are, yet again.
Your eyes staring into the dark night as your body tries to cope with the intensity of pain you've thought you had overcome.
The constant breaking of your heart starts numbing every part of your body and you slowly start losing yourself in this certain kind of darkness.
Seconds turn into minutes and without even realizing, a whole hour has gone by with you staring into nothing.
Your mind plays games with you as it keeps replaying his words, his behavior, his kiss and the feeling of slowly but certainly going insane as you get out of the car a little too fast.
You tumble back, the sudden coldness hitting you right in the face and the mental as well as physical exhaustion has your body trembling.
And then it hits you.
The wave of anger, wrath, frustration and hatred literally wakes you up, pulls you back into reality and ends up taking over you completely.
Your eyes find the huge apartment building Kyoutani lives in, staring at it as if you could set it on fire and you know what you're about to do is a bad idea but your body acts before your mind can even get the chance to intervene.
And that's how you find yourself almost brutality slamming your fist against Kyoutani's door, your heart hammering against your rib cage way too fast for it to be still physically healthy and ten thousand different thoughts rushing through your chaotic mind.
"What the fuck is going – Y/N", Kyoutani looks at you with his pretty eyes slightly widened in shock, his lips parting as he struggles to keep his eyes on you and a disgusting feeling of shame and embarrassment starts filling you up.
You know this is pathetic, you are aware of how stupid you look standing in front of him like this but you just can't get yourself to actually care about it.
"Y/N, please don't-", "No, I listened to what you had to say and now I'm going to talk and you're going to listen to me. Before that I am not going anywhere because I deserve this", you cut him off, hands balled into fists as you try to stay calm but the more you think about his words in the car, the angrier you get.
"I–", Kyoutani sighs, his eyes nervously roaming your face and upon noticing the way you seem to shiver from the cold and your lack of clothing, he lets his conscience get the best of him, "alright, come in then.”
You follow him inside, the familiar scent of vanilla and Kyoutani's favorite febreeze scent filling your nose and you hate the way how comfortable you are.
After all you've been spending quite some time in this apartment; visiting him after your classes so he could bury his face between your legs and then offer you some homemade food, followed by a good old ghibli movie and lots of cuddles has become some kind of routine.
Oh, how you hate him for ruining all of those memories.
"Do you want something to drink? You're probably freezing", he offers, his voice filled with concern and you know he is right and you'd definitely give everything for a cup of tea and maybe some water, you still shove all of your body’s basic needs into the very back of your head and try to regain your composure.
"I – you – we", you take a deep breath, your mind struggling to put all of those racing thoughts into some kind of order, yet failing miserably.
But there's so much you want to say to him; so many things you want him to hear and now that you are actually standing in front of him, your body betrays you.
"You're a fucking coward, Kyoutani Kentarou", is the first thing you finally manage to let out, "and I hate you for leaving me like this. I fucking hate you.”
Deep down, you hate yourself for saying those words; the choice of words and the incredible heaviness they come with are usually not your way of expressing yourself yet you're not regretting them.
You don't know how this night is going to end, maybe this will be the last time you get to see Kyoutani or he'll eventually fuck you into oblivion and you finally end up together; but nevertheless you want your words to hurt him; you want them to wake him up just like his did to you.
"How dare you confess your love to me and tell me I basically ruined your life in the same breath when you're the one who's fucking all of this – us up. Yes, I’ve made a mistake and I've been regretting my choice of words for the past four days, even came to the point where I accepted your distance and decided to let go because I know how much my words hurt you. But us ending like this? Definitely not going to happen", Kyoutani stares at you with his pretty eyes focusing you attentively, barely blinking, not moving at all; he’s just listening to you.
"I just – don't understand how you can be this oblivious."
"Oblivious? Oblivious to what?", he asks, his voice a little deeper and raspier, sending goosebumps straight dow your spine as if your body needed to remind you the effect he has on you.
"Oblivious to everything. This is what love does to people, Kentarou. Of course you're going to feel weak and vulnerable because of me - because of the one you love. After all the point of being loved and loving someone else is showing those vulnerabilities and weakness to the person you trust the most because you know, or at least you hope, they won't take advantage of it.”
You take a deep breath, your mind slowing down as you ease yourself into his calming embrace and subconsciously losing yourself in the comfort it comes with.
“I'm yours. I've been yours since the very first day and we both know this, that's why you are so scared of losing me. And that's why my words hurt you so much”, you can tell that he’s already processing your words as much as he can; his habit of scratching the back of his head giving him away easily.
"You said you've lost yourself trying to fit into this picture of someone who I deserve but – you are the one who created that picture in the first place. Just because my first boyfriend was an alleged goody two shoes doesn't mean that you have to be like that too. Fuck that", you hiss, the thought of Kyoutani changing even the slightest bit about himself sending jolts of anger through your veins, "I don't care if you dropped out of college or that you have tattoos and piercings and bleach blonde hair. None of that matters to me because it's you, your kind heart and your pure soul I fell in love with.”
And suddenly - you can feel the burden on your shoulders disappear when those certain words leave your lips and the second Kyoutani raises his eyebrows in slight surprise before he locks eyes with you again has another breath of fresh air run through your suffocated lungs.
"Yes, I'm in love with you, Kyoutani Kentarou. Believe it or not, but for me, you're perfect just like this, with all your tiny habits and every single tattoo. There's nothing I'd change about you and I'm genuinely, truly sorry if I ever made you feel like you needed to change for me. You're a great guy and I guess that's why I ran back here after sitting in that car, crying for an hour because I couldn't stop thinking about the way you confessed your love to me”, you feel the thick veil of tears appear before they manage to block your sight, making the pretty face in front of you turn into bourry little pixels as your emotions overwhelm you.
“And yes, you are meant to be loved; maybe not meant to be loved by me but you deserve to be loved, do you hear me?"
You go up to him, closing some of the distance between the two of you before your finger darts out and poke his strong chest, trying to ease the tension after letting go of all those thoughts, "you deserve to love and to be loved because you're a good person. And I just – wanted to thank you for letting me into your life. Meeting you, getting to know the beautiful person you are has been one of the best things that has happened to me and I will cherish these memories forever."
And with those words you take a deep breath, let out another sigh, goving away your acceptance of defeat before you lift your head and prepare yourself to say your last goodbye no matter how painful it is.
"Take care, Kyoutani Kentarou and thank you, for everything", the words fall past your lips in the form of a whisper solely because you're too scared to break if you raised your volume just slightly.
You turn around and feel the first tear find its way down your cheek before you even get to walk away.
And just as you wrap your fingers around the doorknob, the sound of rushed footsteps approaching you makes you halt your movements.
"D-Don't go", Kyoutani suddenly says, his voice breaking when he comes to stand behind you, so close you can actually feel the warmth he's radiating, "I need you...so bad", he whispers into your ear, pressing his forehead against the back of your neck and it's like everything that happened tonight becomes irrelevant.
You turn around, not expecting Kyoutani to push you against the door with his whole body, yet still embracing him as much as you can.
With a soft sob, you start inhaling his unique scent, grazing his soft skin with your fingers and letting the warmth blossom inside of your chest after feeling his rapid heartbeat beneath your palm.
"Don't leave me, please", he cries, the tears running down his flushed cheeks despite his desperate attempts of holding back, "let's do this whole love thing.”
You stand there for what feels like an eternity, just hugging each other, taking in each other's presence and calming down from everything that has happened in such a short time. You finally calm down completely, Kyoutani's soft touches and tiny kisses give you the last bit of energy you needed and for the first time in almost three months, there's not one demon in your head trying to make you overthink something.
Because this feels perfect; there's literally no other word to describe the feeling of holding Kyoutani Kentarou and being held by him.
But nevertheless, you've been on a constant adrenaline rush for the past four hours and the exhaustion has been killing you, making you grow tired a lot faster than usual.
"What about moving this to your room, hm? I'd rather fall asleep with you in your bed than against the door; especially because I know the boys are out and will be coming home soon", you say softly, lifting Kyoutani's head from the crook of your neck and looking at him.
He sighs and gives you a soft kiss, giving you a nod in response before he gets himself to let go of you; his warmth leaving with him and it's almost disgusting how you literally crave his presence.
After Kyoutani makes you drink two glasses of water to avoid the dehydration of your body, he hands you one of his thick hoodies and leaves you to get ready in his bathroom.
You come back to the sight of him sitting against the headboard of his king sized bed, his oversized shirt revealing the perfect amount of collarbones and you enjoy the sight of his pretty skin and the dark lines covering most of it as well as the way his sweats hug his strong thighs in the best way possible.
And as you watch his eyes lazily roam your body, a hot jolt of arousal finds its way through your veins and right to your cunt.
"Don't look at me like that, sweet girl", Kyoutani suddenly groans and cocks his head to the side, his tongue poking out to wet his lips before he gulps harshly; his eyes never once leaving yours.
"B-But Tani...", you reply, approaching him with tiny steps become you come to stand right next to his tall figure, feeling yourself growing needier because of the way your body is craving his touch now more than ever.
“Baby…”, he replies and gulps harshly, knowing your body better than yourself after weeks of getting to know you in a way nobody has ever before.
"Please, Tani...please, fuck me. I need to feel you inside of me. I've been waiting for so long...", you plead, your fingers coming to graze his pretty lips as memories of all the times he had turned you into a crying mess with those lips.
Kyoutani is just as affected by the change in tension as you, the slight bulge in his grey sweatpants as well as the hunger burning in his eyes giving him away.
"You're such a pretty angel girl, aren’t you?", he whispers and sits up, pulling you closer to make you stand in between his legs as he starts caressing your hot cheeks with his fingers.
“Yet you're saying all those naughty things”, Kentarou chuckles deeply, “imagine how people would react if they knew what a cockhungry little slut you actually are", upon hearing those degrading names, your cunt starts clenching around nothing and a high pitched whimper escaped your throat.
"For you...", you whisper, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth the second Kyoutani starts placing open mouthed kisses on your neck.
Your fingers dig into his shoulders, pulling the material of his shirt a little too tightly.
"Of course, baby, you're mine after all and this sweet cunt", the sudden feeling of his palm pressing against the damped fabric of your panties has you gasping for air, "belongs to me, and me only", Kyoutani grunts, pulling the skin of your neck between his lips before he starts sucking gently as well as slowly moving his fingers against the lacey fabric between your legs.
"Yes, it's yours", you reply, after several weeks of being intimate with Kyoutani you've learned one thing and that's how much he loves hearing you say all those dirty and lewd things, "please fuck me."
"Patience, my love, patience. I am going to fuck you", Kentarou replies calmly and suddenly pushes you away, his hands disappearing from your body and when your lid flutter open because of the lack of touch, he shoots you one of his cocky smirks, "but let's not forget the whole friend situation, hm? What about you make it up to me before I fuck you like the little whore you are?"
His words have excitement rush through your blood, your head literally spinning just from the thought of finally getting to be on the giving end after weeks of him playing the selfless lover.
You nod eagerly, anticipation sparkling in your eyes as you watch him palm himself over his sweats before you get on your knees and wait for him to let go of his now fully erect cock.
However, the more seconds pass by like this, the more nervous you become because for some reason you suddenly remember that you've basically never sucked dick before.
Your head shoots up with slight panic written all over your face and of course Kyoutani notices your change in demeanor right away.
"What's wrong, angel?", he asks you and stops the movements of his hands.
"I don't know how to do it, Tani", you whisper, knowing there's no point in being shy about it, after all he happens to be the guy you've experienced your most firsts with.
"It's okay, baby, I'm going to help you”, Kyoutani replies and actually loses his composure for a second, “fuck baby, don't look at me like this when I'm literally about to fuck your throat", he hisses, throwing his head back as he grunts and his hips desperately bucking into the air.
Kyoutani takes another deep breath before he finally pushes his hand underneath the waistband of his sweats and with your eyes focused on his movements, you watch him pull out his hard length, a soft hiss falling past his plump lips when the coldness of the room grazes the slightly wet tip of his cock.
You gulp harshly, his impressive size in girth as well as length has your pussy throbbing like crazy, yet you can't help but wonder how the hell he's going to fit inside of you.
“Don't worry, baby, I know you're going to take all of my cock like the good girl you are", Kyoutani says after observing your facial expressions for some time.
"Give me your hand", he asks you softly, his voice still raspy and incredibly hoarse yet still soothing and you appreciate his attempts to calm himself down so you won't feel too nervous. With your heart slamming against your rib cage, you lift your hand up and are slightly overwhelmed at the sudden feeling of Kyoutani's warm spit pooling inside your palm. Without adding anything, he straightens himself and motions you to stroke his hard cock.
Not once do you stop looking at him as you wrap your fingers around the base of his impressive length and slowly start jerking him off.
Kyoutani cocks his head to the side, his bottom lip pulled in between his teeth and his eyes constantly fluttering close.
"Start with the tip, angel- just wrap your lips around it and start sucking, but be careful with your teeth, yeah baby?", he grunts, his hips thrusting into your fist every time the pace of your strokes slows down.
You give him yet another nod before look up at him one more time and do as he says.
The feeling of his cock between your lips is – different.
It feels like it's not supposed to be there, yet the salty taste of his precum coating your tongue has you sighing softly. Your tongue darts out, giving his tip a tiny kitten lick before you go back to sucking on it eagerly.
And while you seem to enjoy it a lot, Kyoutani is going absolutely crazy. You can see the way he's tensing his body as his grip in the bed sheets tightens and the vein on his neck pops out.
"F-Fuck, baby, just like that", he praises you "now try to take more of it in a-and use your hand for the rest", Kyoutani's voice is shaky, his eyes are nervously roaming your swollen lips and the string of spit connecting them to the tip of his cock.
Without giving it another thought, you take a deep breath and take more of him, trying your best to not graze his sensitive cock with your teeth and despite your initial struggle, you still enjoy the feeling of his cock on your tongue.
You subconsciously wrap your fingers around the part of his cock which you can't fit inside your mouth and suddenly it's like your body knows exactly what to do.
Kyoutani's moans grow louder and the soft thrusts of his hips become a little less controlled. You look up at him every now and then, trying your best to keep the steady rhythm as you bop your head.
And then he suddenly thrusts his length all the way to the back of your throat, your gag reflex just about to go off when he pulls back which is the moment you take notice of the tears streaming down your cheeks.
You give him a soft smile before going back to wrapping your lips around his tip, but you don't get very far.
Kyoutani pulls you back, his grip on the back of your neck not firm enough to hurt you.
"I promise I'm going to fuck your throat properly and even cum in your mouth the next time we do this but right now I just can't stop thinking about that tight cunt of yours", he says, helping you get up and almost instantly pulling you onto his lap; his wet cock rubbing against your panty covered core as Kyoutani pulls you in for a kiss.
It's sloppy and rushed, the way his tongue grazes over yours before he pulls it between his lips and starts sucking at it. Your hips start moving against his cock, your sensitive pussy craving some kind of friction as the arousal has your head spinning like crazy.
You start moaning and whimpering into his mouth when Kyoutani’s hips start meeting your desperate movements, applying the perfect amount of pressure onto your needy clit.
You feel the knot in the pit of your stomach tightening, the clenching of your cunt becoming worse the more you hump Kyoutani's cock like a woman starved.
But nothing prepares you for the feeling of one of his large digits entering you. Your hole start clenching around his finger Kyoutani pushes another one in, both digits buried inside of your little cunt.
"Such a good girl for me, aren't you, baby? I'm going to finger you nice and slow so you're ready for my cock. Now come on, my love; show me what a good whore you are and ride my fingers", Kyoutani encourages you, his hot breath fanning against the sensitive skin behind your ear and without missing a beat, your hips meet the skillful thrusts of his fingers.
Kyoutani continues to whisper naughty things into your ear, his other hand eventually wrapping around your throat as he makes sure you look into his eyes when you stumble over the edge.
Your high hits you hard and fast, the intensity knocking the breath out of your lungs and leaving you gasping for it; something you should be used to by now yet still can't believe is even possible.
He pushes you off of his lap softly, helps you get rid of his shirt as well as your ruined panties before he makes you lay down in the middle of his bed; eyes locking with yours when he also starts undressing.
"My pretty girl", Kyoutani sighs, his hand caressing the soft skin of your thighs, spanking you every now and then just because he's absolutely obsessed with the way your whole body tenses whenever his hand meets your skin.
“Look at me", he orders and almost instantly your head shoots up to meet his gaze, the sight of his naked body distracting you a lot more than you expected but after all this is the first time you get to see the rest of his tattoos; the ones you usually only get a tiny glimpse of depending on his outfit choice.
Kyoutani spreads your legs apart, his eyes never leaving yours even when he starts jerking off again and you can't hold back the soft whimpers and begs leaving your lips.
But also something about his flushed cheeks and swollen lips as well as his messy hair falling into his face has you incredibly turned on.
"We've never talked about this before but are you on the pill, baby?", he asks, pushing one of his thumbs into his mouth before he brings it down to your clit and starts rubbing soft circles into it, making you arch your back off of the mattress as you bury your face in the pillow to keep your noises down.
"N-No", you whisper, a deep sigh coming from Kyoutani and even though you know you shouldn’t do it, you stop him from bending over to the drawer of his nightstand, making him look at you in confusion.
“But I still want you to raw me, please...", you add and gulp harshly when his whole body seems to go into some kind of haze once the words leaveyour lips.
Kyoutani looks at you, his eyes darkening even more as he pulls his bottom lip between his teeth and lets out a loud moan of your name.
"I can't just raw you, baby", he presses through gritted teeth, his mask slowly falling apart the more you rub yourself against his cock, "you've never had sex without a condom and my pull out game is weak, even weaker when it comes to you because fuck – the thought of filling you up with my cum sounds so fucking good", Kyou groans when you scoot up a little, taking his length into your hand before you line him up with your entrance.
"B-But what if you get pregnant, sweet girl?", he sighs and tries to pull away, making you wrap your arms around his neck as you look into his pretty eyes.
"That will just show everyone around us how well you've fucked me", you whisper and elicit another deep moan from him, his whole body shaking slightly as he tries to hold himself back from just pounding into you.
"Such a cockhungry whore", he hisses and – finally – starts pushing his fat cock into your tiny cunt, the slight stretch making you both gasp for air.
“If that's what you want, then that’s what you get, you little slut. I'm going to fucking raw you and fill you up with all of my cum, make you my cumslut", Kyoutani grunts, pulling your bottom lip between his teeth before he harshly grabs your face and looks into your eyes as he buries more of himself inside of you.
"F-Fuck, you're big", you whimper, throwing your head back and trying your very best to stop clenching around his cock.
“We're almost there, baby- you got this, s-stop clenching", Kyoutani grunts against your parted lips. Without a warning, Kyoutani pushes the rest of his huge cock inside of you, bottoming out completely.
“F-Fuck...you’re so– tight”, Kentarou grunts, his fingers digging into the flesh of your hips as he buries his face in the crook of your neck, “it’s like you’ve never been fucked before.”
“S-So good...so fucking good, nngh-”, your little whimpers and whines are slurred, barely coherent as the feeling of being filled to the brim pushes you into a haze of pleasure.
You feel the pulsation of his cock against your spongy walls, his hands nervously roaming your body and groping one of your tits, as he obviously tries to calm himself down.
And then he finally starts moving.
A deep, guttural moan leaves the both of you when he pulls himself out of your tight hole, dragging his huge cock along the walls of your little cunt in the most delicious way possible before he almost brutally shoves himself back in again.
“Mhm, just like that, you little brat”, he grunts, sitting up on his knees as he pushes your legs further apart, his eyes focusing the way his fat cock stretches your hole just how he’s been imagining it all this time, “coming up to me and talking about having your little cunt rawed like some cumhungry little whore.”
You start nodding almost instantly at his words, your brain barely recognizing them, the only thing you can focus on being the way the tip of his cock grazes the entrance to your womb with every harsh, brutal thrust of his hips.
His thrusts find a steady rhythm, hard and so, so deep.
“Open your mouth”, Kyoutani grunts, a single drop of sweat finding its way down the center of his tattooed chest, the sight making you whimper and whine for him even louder as you part your lips as soon as you process his words.
“You know what? I’d rather have you say it”, he suddenly hisses, pulling his cock out of your spasming cunt before he presses your legs together and shoves himself back inside of you with one skilled thrust of his hips.
You have no idea at what point you start crying but by the time Kyoutani's moans and grunts start picking up their pace, you're a sobbing mess.
“S-Say wh-what?”, you sob, hiding your tear and spit stained face behind your hands, not daring to look up at him.
“I want you to ask for my spit and beg for my cum”, Kentarou’s voice grows raspier, the dominance seething through every single one of his words makes it so easy for you to fall even further into the hole of absolute submission, “and stop hiding yourself, angel girl..I wanna watch the way I’m fucking your brains out.”
A row of loud, high pitched whines and a combination of sobs and moans are the only thing you manage to respond with, your brain clouded with the feeling of his thick cock dragging along the spongy walls of your cunt.
And before you can even comprehend his next movement, you hear the loud sound of skin meeting skin followed by the delicious feeling of a sting sending jolts of pain through your body, something you’ve come to love after so many hours with the tattoo artist.
“I told you to ask and beg for it, angel girl..you’re making me wait”, Kentarou spits, never once halting the movements of his hips as he watches the way you start sobbing even more, your cunt spasming around his cock after his painful spank.
“Please...f-fuck, please spit in my mouth and my face and on my cunt- want it all”, you start brabbling, another row of incohrent begs following right afterwars as your hips sloppily meet his harsh thrusts, “I want you to stuff me full of your cum, too- please, Daddy, wanna be your little c-cumdumpster.”
“There you go..”, Kyoutani’s plump lips stretch into a big smile as his cock throbs at the sound of that one forbidden little word he’s come to love even more after hearing it from you only a handful of times.
He didn’t hesitate to tell you about how much it turns him on around two weeks after the two fo you had started dating and even though he never really expected you to use it, he was secretely hoping for you to overcome your shyness.
You had used it only twice before when the pleasure had gotten too much for your brain to handle and Kyoutani knew you’d stop holding yourself back as soon as you got a taste of his cock.
“What did you just call me, pretty girl?”, he cooes, giggling softly at the way you whimper and cry even harder, knowing oh so well what he wants to hear.
And for the first time you just can’t get yourself to argue with the little voice in the back of your head; the feeling of his cock stretching your tiny cunt making it so, so easy to just let go of all those doubts and worries.
“Please, Daddy”, you reply and look into his eyes, groping your own tits as you arch your back to feel him even deeper inside of you, “n-need your cum inside of me...please- want everyone to know who I belong to.”
You don’t really expect it, yet your pussy almost instantly start clenching around his cock when kyoutani harshly grabs your face, making you part your lips before he spits into your mouth.
The loud, lewd sound of it rings in your ears in the best way possible and acting like a literal aphrodisiac in combination with the delicious taste of his saliva coating the hot muscle of your tongue.
You hum softly before you swallow it all, a gentle sob escaing your lips before you look up at him again.
"Now go on, angel girl”, he growls, pushing his hand in between your legs to rub circles into your hardened clit, “I want you to cum for me. Be a good little dumpster for your Daddy and show me what only I can do to you.”
You can barely process his words, the lewdness just fueling the fire in the pit of your stomach as you lose yourself in the feeling of your upcoming high. But you still start nodding, cringing at the feeling your saliva dripping down your jawline.
And with one last thrust, you feel your high crashing down onto you with such heaviness, you're left absolutely breathless.
Your whole body is trembling as the waves of your orgasm hit you, a row of incoherent words leaving your lips before you stop trying and just start crying for your precious Daddy.
"That's my baby”, is the first thing your brain manages to process again, everything still a blurry mess and when you look at Kyou, you realize you’re still cumming.
Your cunt is almost painfully spasming around his big cock, your juices dripping down the sides of his length as he helps you ride out your orgasm.
“You’re such a good, good girl for Daddy, aren’t you? I'm so proud of you", Kyoutani praises you, his thrust a little sloppier than before and from the way he's digging his fingers into the skin of your waist, you can only assume that he's also quiet close, "you're also going to take all of Daddy’s cum, right, baby? We gotta make sure I fill you up nicely..."
You take a deep breath, your slightly overstimulated cunt sending shivers down your spine as your eyes focus on Kyoutani's parted lips.
"Please, Daddy...need you to fill me up with your cum", you encourage him and when you slowly push two of your fingers into his mouth, knowing how much he loves to suck on them no matter what situation you’re both in, you finally get to see his whole face crunch up in pleasure.
His body tenses up as his grip on your waist becomes firmer before he starts cumming inside of you with a deep, raspy moan; coating the walls in several shades of white with three thick spurts of his cum.
Kyoutani buries his face in the crook of your neck as he slowly calms down, loud breathing and rushed gasps for air the only thing to fill the inside of his empty room.
"I love you so much", he whispers and gives you a soft kiss, his cock still firmly buried inside of your sensitive cunt before he shoots you a soft smile; looking almost boyish with his glossy eyes and flushed cheeks.
"I love you, too, D-Daddy”, you whisper, gulping harshly as the words leave your lips, feeling yourself grow even smaller underneath his strong yet comforting gaze, “thank you for giving us a chance", you add and pull him into for another kiss.
"Kyoutani Kentarou, your favorite group of walking disappointments is back and better than ev - oh", Iwaizumi Hajime, Kyoutani's High School best friend, fellow tattoo aritst and roommate suddenly yells and almost brutally slams open the door, startling you to the last bone in your body.
Kyoutani is quick to cover you up with his body, his hand reaching for one of the blankets on the floor as he grunts in annoyance.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't know–", "What is it, Iwa-Chan? Is he jerking off again? Kyoutani Kentarou you little piece of shit, just go and fuck that–", just like Iwaizumi, Oikawa – who also happens to be his best friend, felow tattoo artist and roommate – comes to stand in the doorway, bumping into his best friend before he finally spots the two of you.
"You're naked", he points out, closing his eyes almost instantly after realizing what he has just come to witness and despite the disgusting feeling of wanting to disappear and never come back again, you can't help but giggle at their shocked and slightly disgusted faces.
Kyoutani takes a deep breath and pulls out of you, still making sure to hide you behind his body before he hands you the blanket and lets his eyes shift to the door, looking at his best friends in pure disbelief.
"Kawa stop fucking staring and – can you two please fuck off?", he yells, pulling the boys back to reality and the way both of them shift to look at you only to blush from their necks to their ears has you chuckling softly.
This type of situation is nothing you’re not used to – unfortunately.
"Uhm – of course! Oh, my fucking God! So sorry, Kyou", Iwaizumi stutters and wraps his fingers around the doorknob, avoiding your eyes as much as he can before he pushes Oikawa away and then closes the door with another row of apologies.
Kyoutani just looks at you apologetically as he shakes his head and face palms himself, making the both of you burst into loud laughter.
And after taking a shower together and actually eating some late dinner with the boys, you fall asleep with Kyoutani's arms tightly wrapped around your waist, his face buried inside the crook of your neck and one last love confession.
And when those sweet words fall past his lips yet again, you realize – you're finally home.
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ares-would-be-proud · 3 years
Anon said Is it alright to request some head cannons-nsfw preferably for Reiner being in love with his precious step-sister? Like he has to take care of her so no one hurts her, and who better to take care of her then himself?
Reiner thinking he's the only man good enough for you, his precious step-sister.
{ Reiner x fem!reader | tw:stepcest, tw:possessiveness, tw:overprotective, tw:overstimulation | smut, forbidden love | modern }
Tumblr media
{ "Mars and Venus, Allegory of Peace" 1770 by Louis-Jean-François Lagrenée 1724 - 1805 } (ha! Get it? Bc they're also siblings)
Sees it as his own job to protect and dot on you, not letting you go somewhere alone without him by your side, keeping an arm around you at all times.
Dotting in the way he never forgets your favourite snacks each time he goes to the store, takes over cooking duty when your dad and his mom go out, makes sure you're sleeping and eating well.
Being skeptical of your friends, and making his own friends get on edge if their eyes happen to stare at you for a bit too long for his liking.
Bertolt never meets your eyes because of that, even Annie just glues her eyes to her phone whenever you walk in the room.
Will literally intimidate people from even thinking of approaching you by his presence alone, you could safely walk anywhere anytime with him by your side.
And yet, with you he melts at every flutter of your eyelashes and twirl. Becoming putty in your hands with every soft touch and small peak you give his cheek.
His brain almost stops each time you smile.
And while to everyone else it seems like he's just an overprotective big brother, behind closed doors it's another story.
His hand trailing up your thighs under the dinner table while his mom tells you about her day.
His lips kissing down your neck whenever you wear that low-cut top, hands going under the fabric and tugging down your bra till your breasts spill over them.
Turning a deaf ear to your protest's about being late to your friend's house, his attention solely on sucking marks down your chest before taking a nipple between his lips and sucking while flickering the other.
By the end of it, you had to change into a long neck shirt from the amount of hickies and marks he took his sweet time leaving behind.
Is the type to take you with him places, his own personal cheerleader.
Loves making you call him big brother, even if you weren't younger he'd still demand it.
I say "demand" but in reality he's just pouting with puppy eyes.
Since your dad married his mom, he was smitten the day he saw you at the wedding.
Oh and he will literally buy you anything if you play your cards right, even if he goes broke.
Really easy to manipulate if you're willing to play the role of the cheering sweet little sister, his heart easily swaying with the sway of your short skirt, throat going dry at your honey filled voice calling him the best big brother.
Really really wants to take care of you.
Like really, will find excuses to let him take care of you and do stuff for you.
Although nothing comes without a price…
Let's just say what's normal sex for him is overstimulation for the normal person, he has insane stamina
And his cooing for you that you can give him another orgasm, just one more.
You both could be sitting on the couch, watching a movie you've been wanting to watch for a while, and he will pop a boner because the way you giggled at a scene was really adorable-
Even while knowing that his mom was just a room away—fixing both of you some dinner in the kitchen—it didn't stop your step brother from trailing his big hands up your legs, squeezing the plump of your thighs before pulling at the hem of your shorts, an intense stare in his eyes.
"Come here" he says while patting his thighs, "really missed you baby, wanna feel you against me." 
Coaxing you into giving in, not wait for a reply before letting his hands do all the work to sit you on his lap. Burying his face in your neck as his hot breath tickles your skin, almost whining about how tiring today was while his hands rub circles on your back.
You don't miss the curving of his lips when he asks if you could kiss it better for him, make your big brother feel better.
His hands start trailing up and down your back instead, feeling the softness of your shirt, the curve of your ass, circling around your waist before going up again, adding just enough pressure to loosen any tense muscle you might have.
You try not to give in despite his coaxing, mouth in a frown as you stare at the remote still clutched in your hand, the sound of the movie you were watching still playing in the background almost mocking you.
"Reiner can't this wa-" you try to brush him off but the rocking of his knee between your legs shuts you up, making your grind back against them to get more friction as you press your thighs together.
Eyes glossy as your brain gets clouded by the pleasure, your older brother bouncing you on his leg till your toes curl and mewls escape your lips. 
You hear him shushing you, murmuring how your step mom might hear you, only to grind against your dampening shorts faster.
The knot in your stomach gets tighter and tighter as you get closer to the edge, biting down on his shoulder to muffle your moans, your own hips pushing back against him.
His arms get a firm hold of your hips, stilling them as he stops his own leg too, mere seconds before you get that final push.
"Want your brother to make you feel really good? Want me to take care of you huh?"
You quickly nod without thinking, aching for any sort of relief. He rewards you with a kiss, slow and gentle as if you're some delicate soft thing he needs to pamper.
And to him, you are. That's why he took you to his room despite the growing urge to push you against the nearest surface and ram inside you,
No, your big brother would never. He sees it as his duty to protect you from everything and so it follows that he wouldn't settle for less than a soft bed and a pillow under your back.
That's why he tucks you against him the second you get on the bed, his back to the headboard with you sitting between his legs, back against his chest.
His hand slipping past the elastic band of your panties, fingers painfully slowly moving up and down your slit before parting your lips. 
Your back arching when they start toying with your puffy clit, rubbing circles around it and flickering it till your soaked panties start clinging to your wet pussy.
Brain turning into mush when his fingers shove into your sopping hole, the faster he goes the louder your whimpers get as his thick fingers thrust in and out.
His other hand put enough pressure against your stomach to keep you in place when your thighs began to quiver, the more you squirm in place when his thumb presses down your now swollen clit the more your back rubs against his hardening cock.
"Fuck- just like that." Groans slip past his lips with each roll of his hips against your ass, precum starting to seep through the fabric of his pants.
He's as desperate as you are.
It's not long before he has you creaming on his fingers, watching you unfold and shake before gushing against his hand. He slowly pulls his fingers out as sticky lines cling to them, looking at you panting with your legs still shaking, before shoving them back in and fucking your own mess back inside you.
You let out a strangled scream at the punishing pace, head lolling to the side from the overstimulation and mind going completely blank.
All sorts of compliments and soft words leave his lips, praising you as he forces a second orgasm out of you, having you turn into putty in his hand.
Too much- it's too much, you're too sensitive and barely able to form coherent sentences, a shaking quivering babbling mess, too high in pleasure to notice the tear stains down your cheeks. Attempting to finally catch your breath now that your brother is satisfied.
If only.
"You're ready for me sweetheart?" He says, voice laced with anticipation as he pats your messy cunt, making your knees buck. "Ready for your big brother's cock filling up this pretty pussy?"
One second he's tugging your soaked paintes to the side, cold sending shivers up your spine, the next he's tapping the head of his cock against your hole, pushing up your slippery folds till the tip rubs against your sensitive clit, making more tears collect clouding your vision.
Cock throbbing at just the idea of your gummy walls squeezing him inside, making his thrusts stutter and grip almost bruising against your skin. Filling his room with the sound of skin on skin slapping as his hips slam against your wet thighs
The image of your knees folded against your chest till the base of his cock disappears inside, reaching impossibly deep till he's kissing the entrance of your womb before slamming against the rough patch of skin that makes you drool.
It's driving him crazy with lust.
And despitet how much he wants nothing more than to fuck his cum inside you, fill you up and plug you with his cock, really make sure that you're tied to him for life and no other man will even think of looking your way with, he will still pull out.
Sprouts of cum rushing out his swollen cock as he pulls out with a wet pop, whie ropes painting your stomach and chest instead, going down your thighs and the curve of your ass before staining the sheets. 
Just have your brain swimming in milk and honey as you take in the afterglow, he'll run soothing circles up your thighs while you doze off to the rise and fall of his chest.
The scenes play out in perfect order in his mind. Yeah, just the thought alone is enough to make him want to go for three rounds at least till he's cumming dry. 
"Alright, spread your legs more for me, yeah just like that."
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