#might go on a hiatus actually ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
vrmxlho ยท 2 years
rating ski towns with vague explanation
duhh, obvious choice because all my school friends go here too so i can hang out w them the whole time we love <333
also apparently it has a botanical garden ??? automatically no.1
2. chamonix (the other side ๐Ÿ˜ž)
the views from the cablecar are wild i love them sm + mont blanc is a cutie + i get to practice my french without people being rude
3. champoluc
monte rosa is nice but it's no mont blanc
10/10 for the cute village tho
4. no, dead last, bormio
broke my wrist here
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destinyc1020 ยท 1 year
I really need apple to deliver a great press tour. I want photoshoots and endless interviews and red carpets and everything. They worked hard so might as well go all out. I feel like whenever he does heavy projects the studio doesnโ€™t do the promo part justice. I am still salty on how netflix handled the devil all the time and that cast was chef kiss.
I'm excited for TCR as well Anon! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
We have to keep in mind though that this is a TV made-for-streaming series, so we might not get AS much press as we would for a large film coming out. ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿพโ€โ™€๏ธ
I'll also add that we were still VERY MUCH in the throes of the Covid-19 pandemic back when TDATT (Sept 2020) and "Cherry" (Feb 2021) came out. ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ๐Ÿฅด
Remember, TZ were basically in a little filming bubble in Atlanta filming NWH even back then.
So, let's give the studios a break for those shall we? ๐Ÿ˜…
I still enjoyed the numerous zoom interviews that we received for "Cherry", and even the ones for TDATT (although, not as many).
I thought Tom did quite bit of promo for Cherry actually! He also went on talk shows virtually. How could you forget his pantless showcase on air during that time?? Rofl ๐Ÿ˜† ๐Ÿคฃ ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜†
Anyway, THANKFULLY we're pretty much "back to normal" now with the pandemic, and we have more in-person interviews.
I'll admit, the news about the writers strike is making me feel nervous ๐Ÿ˜“, because it seems a lot of talk show outlets are going to be on hiatus during the strike. ๐Ÿ˜ฉ So right now I'm not sure how that will affect Tom's promo of TCR (if at all). ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿพโ€โ™€๏ธ
But hopefully they will come to a resolution and it won't last long. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ
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okmcintyre ยท 6 years
The 100 ask game!
via: @lovethyblakes "Hiatus is long. I am bored. Letโ€™s ask each other some questions!" (<-- question list at the link)
Great idea! Thanks for posting these ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿ˜ƒ
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1. Which character should teach you how to sword fight? Can Madi teach me? I feel like she's qualified, I'm going with her!
2. Alie or Diyoza? That's close, I love them both: but Alie. I loved her misguided, evil logic.
3. You can watch the next season together with one character, who died in a previous season. Who do you choose? Roan! He'd have some fun commentary, I think.
4. What would you give your favourite character as a birthday present? I would give Bellamy Blake the loyal puppy he deserves on this new world. The man is made for a dog. C'mon @the100writers? :D
5. Your 5 favourite friendship moments? The first five that come to mind are...
1) Raven/Clarke I'd pick you first
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2) Bellamy/Murphy wrestle
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3) Monty/Murphy I might not hate you anymore.
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4) Bellamy/Raven You with me? Always.
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5) Spacekru to the rescue
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6. Moments that made you temporarily dislike characters, you usually like? When Clarke shocked Madi's collar. That was brutal.
7. Moments that made you like characters, you usually dislike? When Clarke and Echo have that moment outside the rover in 4x12... it was the scene I really started to appreciate Echo's character, finally. Wish that those two could have played out getting to know each other in space.
8. Favourite Skaikru outfit? Clarke's jacket as seen in Human Trials, ect.
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9. Favourite Grounder outfit? Octavia's outfit in Die All, Die Merrily
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10. Grounder, Skaikru, Mountain Men or Wonkru aesthetic? Spacekru! Or Grounder, if I have to choose ;)
11. Favourite Trigedasleng quote? May we meet again:ย Mebi oso na hit choda op nodotaim.
12. A character youโ€™re completely indifferent about? (Sorry Jaha)
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13. A character you want to like, but just canโ€™t? Abby. I even like Kabby together, but I can't stand her as a character anymore. I actually feel awful about it!
14. Resurrect 3 of your favourite characters and kill off 3 of your favourite characters in exchange. NO! I won't do it. But okay, *cries" Resurrecting: Roan, Lexa and Monty. Have to exchange: Bellamy, Clarke and Octavia (!)
15. Favourite season aesthetic? Definitely Season 5: there were some beautiful shots of Eden, the desert, space/eligius and they even had snow in 5x11. Loved it all!!
16. Favourite soundtrack moments? "Knocking on heaven's door", nobody is surprised. ;)
17. Favourite warpaint? Lexa's for sure
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18. Which characters would you want to befriend, if you were a character on The 100? Bellamy, I feel like that's everyone's answer? He's everyone's big brother.
19. Choose a character to get drunk with. Murphy!
20. Would you rather live on the dying Ark or in the Bunker? The ark, the bunker makes me feel claustrophobic just thinking about it. I'd rather live looking out at the stars.
21. Ride a horse or drive the Rover? I have to say the rover, I loved that thing!
22. Who is worse, in your opinion: Dante or Cage Wallace? Cage, that guy was a twat. Sorry.
23. If you OTP isnโ€™t canon: how do you want their first kiss to happen? When both characters are both in the right place in their lives, and they finally get a long (perfect!) scene to admit their feelings for each other. Then they kiss. Crying. In the rain. #Y'allKnowIMeanBellarke
24. Favourite rarepair? Hmmm... favourite rare pairing?? I would love to see Octavia and Niylah together.
25. Most badass fight scene? Lexa vs. Roan!!
Tagging some folks in my circle today, and anyone else who would like to play along ๐Ÿ™‚: @halfmoonorfullmoon @bellamyed @emmyisgrey @lastyearsmodel @tribalmadonna @buttered-rice1 @bravotwelve
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