#midwifery dissertation
philwilliblog · 2 years
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onlineassignment01 · 2 months
Tips to Find the Right Experts to Book My Nursing Assignment
Nursing students in Melbourne need to submit their nursing assignments to complete their academic course. With the dissertation, they are expected to gain practical experience where they apply their theoretical knowledge to the practical world of patient scenarios. These assignments help assess how best the students have comprehended medical concepts, and how well they are tuned with evidence-based practices. These assignments also throw light on the student’s understanding of healthcare settings and setting the field for the challenges and responsibilities in the practical world.
However, there are multiple limitations for nursing students due to which they prefer to book my nursing assignment. Considering that they need to complete quite an impressionable volume of assignments, throughout their student life, it is stressful to complete all of these with many of such assignments need to be done simultaneously. Additionally, they need to devote most of their times to clinical and practical practice, and some of them may be working part-time too, thus, making it even more challenging to complete assignments in Melbourne on their own.
When you book my nursing assignment, you need to take care of a few factors. We are sharing some tips here to help you choose the right service provider.
1.    Ensure that the writers are experienced
The first criterion is very obvious. That’s because completing assignments in a professional-grade domain like nursing requires domain competency. Therefore, it is crucial to have the right kind of expertise in this field. That’s because with expertise and experience of nursing assignments, the team will not be able to do a fair job and complete the assignment effectively. They will evaluate the assignments comprehensively to ensure that the required standards and guidelines are met efficiently for best grades.
2.    Establish the track record of the service provider
Next, before entrusting the work to a service provider, you should check their track record in completing assignments in the nursing sector. Experience in the sector increases the likelihood of completing the assignment successfully and on time. Service providers with the relevant experience in this field will deliver the assignments promptly and without delays. Book my nursing assignment Melbourne with people who have worked on their credibility and established a brand reputation so that you can have peace of mind in getting high-quality and timely assignments.
3.    Customization options
The next tip for choosing the right service provider is to understand if they can offer tailored solutions, aligned with the specific requirements of the assignment. Every assignments need to meet certain standards, quality, and given guidelines. Therefore, one-size-fits-all service does not suit. With customization options, the pricing of the assignment can be accordingly tailored to suit the specific needs of the assignment and your pocket.
4.    Knowledge about NMBA Standards
One crucial aspect of nursing assignments is that you need service providers that have a thorough understanding of the Standards of Nursing Practice of the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA). That’s because these Standards set up the foundation for assignments for nursing in Australia and all assignments are judged based on these criteria. Remember, if the assignment is not as per the standards, you can be negatively graded.
5.    Timely Completion of Assignments
When you search "Do my Nursing Assignment", you should make sure that the service provider has the reputation of completing the assignments on time. They should be in constant touch with you and inform you about the status and updates about the assignment. They should be communicating regularly with you so that you are not stressed about any potential delays. You can read reviews online to find out about prompt deliveries, without compromising on the quality of the assignments.
In short, book my nursing assignment in Melbournewith the service provider that exemplifies the following parameters –
Fast response time – not days but minutes to get back to you about your nursing assignments.
Complete and thorough exposure to relevant Standards of Nursing Practice by the NMBA.
Proficient academic writers who have a background in nursing and have extensive exposure in completing nursing academic assignments on your behalf.
Have a track record of delivering top-quality assignments well within the deadline.
Offer personalized solutions in nursing assignments so that the expected standards are met successfully.
How to search for the right service provider to book my nursing assignment in Melbourne?
Ask within your nursing or professional circle for references. Speak to your seniors and peer group to get the right advice and guidance.
You can search online with the keywords, ‘the best service provider to book my nursing assignmentEnsure that you mention Australia or the city where you reside or work. Shortlist and then use the given criteria to make a well-informed choice.
Lastly, you can seek help and support from your friends and family to ask for references, especially if you have people associated with the medical world, like nurses, caregivers, or doctors. With their expertise in the field, they are bound to give you the right advice.
Source: https://instantliveyourpost.com/tips-to-find-the-right-experts-to-book-my-nursing-assignment/
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allez-argeiphontes · 4 years
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Help us change the future of maternity care by signing this petition to make racial healthcare inequalities mandatory for midwifery education.
In the UK, BAME women are 5x more likely to die in the perinatal* period. BAME babies are 40% more likely to die within 4 weeks of birth and 50% more likely to be stillborn**.
Currently, there is no requirement to teach student midwives about racial healthcare inequalities and the subject is usually skimmed over at best. This is not good enough.
Sign the petition here
*the period between conception and one year post childbirth
**stats from MBRRACE-UK, 2019
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PHI-413V Christian concept of the imago Dei and worldview essay
PHI-413V Christian concept of the imago Dei and worldview essay
1. What is the Christian concept of the imago Dei? How might it be important to health care, and why is it relevant?
2. According to your worldview, what value does a human person have? How does your position affect your stance on controversial bioethical issues, such as abortion, designer babies, and stem cell research?
PHI-413V Topic 1 Overview Foundational Issues in Christian Spirituality and Ethics
Introduction Welcome to Grand Canyon University’s course on Ethical and Spiritual Decision-Making in health care. Some students may be apprehensive and object to taking this course because they feel such a course is not necessary for their major. PHI-413V Christian concept of the imago Dei and worldview essay Yet Grand Canyon
University has a long-standing Christian heritage, meaning that our Christian faith is fundamental to all that we do. We want all students to feel welcome here, regardless of their religion or beliefs, but we also want all students to at least understand the Christian worldview and be challenged to think carefully about the deeper questions of life.
In addition, this course serves several key purposes for training in health care.
First, it is important to understand that many of the foundational beliefs that the fields of medicine and health care take for granted (such as the intrinsic dignity and value of all human beings, regardless of race, gender, religion, socioeconomic status, etc.) are deeply held Christian values that come from the Christian worldview and have shaped the practice of medicine for almost 2,000 years. Second, all human beings hold beliefs, live, and act in the context of their worldview.
All decisions, including health care decisions, that human beings make are informed by their most deeply held values and beliefs which comprise a person’s worldview. Thus, it is important to understand how a patient’s worldview will shape their decision-making and values in health care.
Third, decision-making in health care often times involves ethical decisions about right or wrong, and it is crucial for health care practitioners to have an understanding of the nature of ethical decision-making, as well as some practical training.
Fundamentally, this course is about how the Christian worldview approaches various issues and questions in health care. In understanding the Christian worldview, one will also come to learn how different worldviews might approach the same questions.
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Some students may be unsure what their worldview is or have a worldview that is very different from Christianity and wonder how they will fit into such a class. Everyone has a mixture of beliefs that make him or her unique.
Please be assured that the goal is to help each student feel comfortable interacting with other students and to have a positive experience.
The College of Theology and instructors hope to encourage critical thinking about one’s worldview and purpose in life. This is an opportunity to think about what you believe, challenge your assumptions, learn from others, and move forward on your unique life journey.
Throughout this course, you will be seeking wisdom. And from the Christian worldview, all wisdom comes from God.
This is why James, the brother of Jesus, wrote in his letter, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him” (James 1:5 NIV).
Understanding what a worldview is, and in particular the elements of Christian worldview, will help one understand the foundations of Christian spirituality and ethics. PHI-413V Christian concept of the imago Dei and worldview essay What Is a Worldview?
The following definitions are helpful: • “A set of assumptions or beliefs about reality that affect how we think and how we live” (Cosgrove, 2006, p. 19). • “The comprehensive perspective from which we interpret all of reality” (Keller, 2012, p. 157). Worldview is often described as a set of lenses through which we view the world. As a descriptive lens, our worldview influences our perception of the world. What is true? What is reality?
As a prescriptive lens, our worldview influences our evaluation of what is true. What does it mean? How should we live?
One may readily see that if one views the nature of the universe as consisting of only physical matter and energy, then that person’s understanding of the meaning of life and how we should live will likely be far different from one whose perception of the universe includes a spiritual realm where life continues after death and goodness is rewarded.
While it is true that all people have their own private worldviews with values and beliefs that have been shaped by culture, education, experiences, and relationships, it is also valuable to speak of shared worldviews, those foundational assumptions or beliefs that many people hold in common.
For the sake of this course, the course content will be reduced from the many-shared worldviews to three basic worldview families. What Are the Three Basic Worldview Families?
Though there are many different worldviews, for the purpose of this course they have been simplified into three basic worldview families.
There are many variations within these families. PHI-413V Christian concept of the imago Dei and worldview essay
Atheism Atheism is the worldview of those who believe only in what their senses can detect— only what may be analyzed and understood in a scientific laboratory. This view believes in no God or spiritual realm.
The cosmos consists of only the natural or physical realm of matter and energy. Other names often associated with this worldview family are naturalism and secular humanism.
Most whose worldview values and behavior are aligned with atheism prefer to be considered agnostics. These are uncertain of the existence of God, skeptical for the most part, yet open to the possibility.
Pantheism Pantheism is the worldview of spiritualism, the belief that “all is God” as the word implies. Pantheists believe in a spiritual realm, but no relational God who has revealed himself to humanity and is actively involved in the lives of those who believe in him.
This worldview family consists of the Eastern religions of Hinduism and Buddhism, as well as the more eclectic Western belief known as New Age.
Pantheists typically embrace an impersonal oneness of which all humans may become a part, becoming godlike themselves as they reach higher levels of spirituality.
Theism Theism, or monotheism, is the worldview of the three major religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Though these three have huge differences rendering them incompatible with each other, they do nonetheless have some similarities. Theists all believe in a single, personal, and relational God who is the creator and sustainer of all that exists.
They all likewise believe in absolute truth and morality, and an afterlife. The focus of this course is Christianity, so the course will be comparing these three worldviews: atheism, pantheism, and Christianity.
Another common worldview name, deism, is somewhat of an enigma—having a basic belief in God, but a God who is not relational or involved in human life.
So although falling under the broad category of theism, deists may effectively live as atheists. Many people have complex worldviews that are a mix of various beliefs from the major worldview families. PHI-413V Christian concept of the imago Dei and worldview essay
In the same way that Christian spirituality finds its foundations in the reality of the triune God of the Bible, ethics also has its foundations in God. Ethics, broadly speaking, is the study of good and bad, right and wrong.
Every worldview has to explain the foundations of ethics (in line with worldview question #5 above) such that it explains the basis of what counts as good and bad, right or wrong.
In the Christian worldview, there is a God who exists and has created the world with a moral structure and purpose such that what is truly right and good is a reflection of God’s character.
God’s own holy, loving and perfect character is the standard of right and wrong. Badness or what is wrong is then defined as anything that is contrary to God’s character, his will, or to his design and purpose for his creation.
The Bible reveals what God’s character is like. Exodus 34:6-7 says, The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger and abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin.
Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children and their children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation. Similarly, 1 John 4:7-9 says, Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.
This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. Psalm 18:30 declares, “As for God, his way is perfect: The LORD’s word is flawless; he shields all who take refuge in him.” Many more verses could be surveyed, but the Bible makes clear that God is perfectly good and holy.
Knowing right and wrong then will mean knowing that which accords to God’s character. Right or wrong can be discovered in multiple ways.
It can be discovered in God’s creation by examining the natural world or by the use of human reason. In this way, one discovers God’s design for the way things are supposed to be by examining what is built into creation; this is often referred to as “natural law.” For example, one can know by means of reason and observation that murder is wrong or that a broken bone is bad and not the way it is supposed to be.
Conversely, one might come to know that feeding the homeless is good, and loving one’s spouse is right. One does not need to be religious or even believe in God to be able to know propositions of “natural law.” Nevertheless, the Christian worldview holds that these truths are built into the world by God.
Second, right or wrong can be discovered by reading the Bible or looking at the example of Jesus Christ. The Bible reveals God’s commands and principles such as the Ten Commandments or the teachings of Jesus on the sermon on the mount. In addition, the Bible provides us with examples of virtuous people.
The perfect man and moral exemplar (though much more than only a man and an exemplar) in the Christian tradition is Jesus Christ himself. The Christian is to not only obey God’s commands, but to be transformed into the kind of person that reflects the character of God.
Jesus Christ is the perfect representation of such a life; Christians, thus, ought to embody the virtues and character of Jesus himself.
The attaining of these virtues will not only be a matter of intellectual knowledge of right and wrong, but an active surrender and transformation by means of God’s own Holy Spirit.
The wisdom to navigate all the complexities of ethical decision-making will be a consequence of a person’s character and the active guidance of the Holy Spirit.
PHI-413V Christian concept of the imago Dei and worldview essay Knowledge of God, Knowledge of Ethics A key component of the foundations of Christian spirituality and ethics as described above is the view that people can have genuine knowledge of God and knowledge of right and wrong.
A few observations about the word knowledge need to be considered. First, by knowledge we mean the opposite of mere opinion. Knowledge is more than just an educated guess; it is being in touch with the real world as it really is.
Thus, knowledge in this sense is not merely subjective, but is rather an objective description of reality. For example, the proposition “the earth is round” is an objectively true description of reality, even if some people happen to subjectively deny that the earth is round. Subjective beliefs may be true or false.
What would make subjective beliefs true would be if they matched the real objective world.
Fundamentally, knowledge is the possession and awareness of truth. There are two philosophies, however, that stand in contrast to the Christian belief that one can have knowledge of God and knowledge of right and wrong, namely scientism and postmodernism.
These two philosophies are very influential in today’s society, although they are not compatible with the Christian worldview.
It is important to understand these philosophies because not only are they not compatible with the Christian worldview, they arguably have negative effects on the practice of medicine and health care. Scientism Although the term scientism has the word science in it, it is crucial to recognize that (1) scientism is not the same thing as (2) science. In the Christian worldview, science is a great and good thing. In fact, the Christian worldview has always encouraged careful investigation of the natural world.
In the Christian worldview, medical technology is considered a good gift from God insofar as God has created the kind of world that has a structure that can be discovered and manipulated to bring about the good of human beings (Rae & Cox, 1999). Scientism, however, is not compatible with the Christian worldview.
Scientism is the belief that the best or only way to have any knowledge of reality is by means of the sciences (Moreland & Craig, 2003, pp. 346-350). In other words, if something is not known scientifically then it is not known at all, and the only way to hold true beliefs about anything is to know them scientifically. That may sound reasonable and even commonsense, but there are two problems with scientism: (1) scientism is a self-refuting philosophy, and (2) science has clear limits.
First, if the only way to have true beliefs is through science, then the thesis of scientism itself (“the only way to have any knowledge of the world”) could not be true because it cannot be proven scientifically.
Thus, the thesis of scientism fails its own truth test. Scientism’s thesis is, in fact, a philosophical statement. Philosophers call such propositions self-refuting because they invalidate themselves by definition, similarly to someone claiming, “I cannot speak a word of English.”
Second, while science is a powerful way of gaining knowledge of the natural world, science is limited and is not the only way of gaining knowledge.
Consider the following two limitations of science (though there are many others); science cannot tell us anything about (1) ethics or (2) how one ought to use the results of science (University of California Museum of Paleontology, n.d.).
Science is wonderful and describes the way things are, but it has no authority to tell us what we ought to do morally.
Science cannot tell me whether or not I ought to love my spouse, keep my promises, or give to the poor. Even when it comes to ethical issues that involve science, science cannot determine what the right thing to do would be.
For example, science might be able to describe the nasty effects of a terminal disease on a person or explain the state of a person’s brain if that person is in a vegetative state. However, science cannot determine whether euthanasia or physician-assisted suicide is good, bad, right, or wrong. Science also cannot determine how scientific data and results ought to be used.
Science might enable the discovery of chemical processes or structures, but should the results be used for creating biotechnology to engineer human DNA?
Should the results of scientific research be used to create bioweapons for military purposes? Such questions are beyond the bounds of what science can answer.
Remember scientism is NOT science; it is a philosophical thesis that claims that science is the only methodology to gain knowledge and that every other claim to knowledge is either mere opinion or false.
However, as Nicholas Rescher remarks, “to take this stance [of scientism] is not to celebrate science but to distort it” (as cited in Moreland & Craig, 2003).
Postmodern Relativism Postmodernism is a broad philosophical position that claims that there is no such thing as truth or an objective reality that can be known. A common way in which postmodernism is expressed is through a view called relativism.
Relativism is the view that there is no such thing as truth in the common sense of that concept. Every claim about the nature of reality is simply relative to either an individual or a society/culture.
Another way to put this is to say that truth is invented by people (whether it is individuals or entire societies) instead of being discovered.
According to this way of thinking, there is not genuine truth to be had or known, only subjective opinions or beliefs. While certain questions are no doubt matters of subjective opinion, such as “what is the best flavor of ice cream?” or “what is the proper way to shake hands?” not all questions are.
This is most clearly seen when we consider moral or ethical propositions about right or wrong. It would be a serious mistake to claim that the propositions “murder is wrong” or “racism is evil” are mere subjective matters of opinion. However, that is what relativism implies.
If all truth including morality is simply a human invention, then there is no standard for genuine truth, and it follows that there is no genuine right or wrong.
However, this is certainly false. Whether or not the Nazi party, made up of thousands of individuals, believed that killing 6 million Jews was a good thing, we have to say without any hesitation that they were genuinely wrong. But it is not possible to be wrong unless there is genuine objective truth to be known.
Both scientism and postmodern relativism are incompatible with the foundations of Christian spirituality and ethics. The Christian worldview holds science in high regard and accepts it as one of the most powerful communal ways of obtaining knowledge about the world.
However, contrary to scientism, the Christian worldview does not accept science as the only way of knowing things about the world. Secondly, contrary to postmodern relativism, the Christian worldview holds that genuine objective knowledge of God and of right and wrong is possible.
It follows then that who God is and what is right and wrong are not merely matters of subjective opinion, but genuine truths to be discovered.
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Conclusion The foundations discussed above provide the framework for Christian ways of ethical and spiritual decision-making in health care.
It is important to understand therefore that the Christian way of ethical and spiritual decision-making is distinct from other worldviews and is not the same as Buddhist, Muslim, or even atheist ways of ethical and spiritual decision-making.
It is not fair or respectful to paint all religions or worldviews with the same brush under the heading of “spirituality” and ignore the differences. Topic 2 will discuss a foundational principle to the practice of medicine and health care, as well as bioethics namely, the principle of respect for persons.
The Christian worldview goes even further and states all human beings are made in the image of God and therefore have intrinsic value and are worthy of dignity and respect.
Topic 3 will discuss the field of bioethics and introduce some of the main methodologies of ethical decision-making in health care.
The focus in this section will be on the methodology called principlism which stresses the application of four moral principles to all ethical decisions in health care.
Prinipalism will be used and interpreted in light of the Christian worldview and the overarching narrative presented in the Bible. Topic 4 will briefly introduce issues of death, dying, and grief.
The focus will be on ethical issues at the end of life and the Christian worldview regarding death in light of the biblical narrative and the hope of resurrection inaugurated by the person and work of Jesus Christ.
Topic 5 will conclude with discussion about the facilitating of ethical and spiritual decision-making for patients, and the practical application of the principles and tools introduced in this course.
References Cosgrove, M. P. (2006). Foundations of Christian thought: Faith, learning, and the Christian worldview. Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel. Keller, T. (2012). Every good endeavor: Connecting your work to God’s work. New York, NY: Dutton. Moreland, J. P., & Craig, W. L. (2003). Philosophical foundations for a Christian worldview. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic. Puchalski, C., Ferrell, B., Virani, R., Otis-Green, S., Baird, P., Bull, J., … Sulmasy D. (2009). Improving the quality of spiritual care as a dimension of palliative care: The report of the consensus conference. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 12(10), 885-904. Rae, Scott B., & Cox, P. M. (1999). Bioethics: A Christian approach in a pluralistic age. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. University of California Museum of Paleontology. (n.d.). Science has limits: A few things that science does not do. Retrieved from https://undsci.berkeley.edu/article/0_0_0/whatisscience_12 © 2019. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. PHI-413V Christian concept of the imago Dei and worldview essay
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eyebright-iris · 4 years
Review: The Familiars
With my English Literature degree finally completed, I was excited to get back to reading for something other than classes.  My first port of call was Stacey Halls’ The Familiars, a novel I had bought months ago with the intention of using it in my undergraduate dissertation, but never read due to the focus of my project shifting.
[mild spoilers below the cut!]
This was a fantastic read. Taking place in 1612 Lancashire, the novel follows 17-year-old Fleetwood Shuttleworth, mistress of Gawthorpe Hall and desperate for a living child.  She encounters a strange local woman, Alice Gray, who promises that she can deliver Fleetwood’s latest pregnancy successfully.  Fleetwood’s mysterious new midwife is later accused of witchcraft and sent to trial.  Between all of this, Fleetwood’s pregnancy is advancing, the Pendle witch trials are approaching, and the men in power locally are pushing more and more viciously for the punishment of wise women and apparent witches in an effort to court favour with the fanatically anti-witch King James I.
Women’s safety throughout this novel is constantly at risk: those who have no title, no lands, no husband, turn to midwifery and herb crafts to make their living – but this leaves them vulnerable to accusations of witchcraft.  The highborn women like Fleetwood seem safer, privileged, but that safety is compromised the moment Fleetwood begins to act outside of the will of her husband and the other men around her.  All Fleetwood wants is to be a good wife to her husband and mother to his heirs, but the appearance of Alice Gray in her life draws her desires from these more traditional goals to those that threaten her life, all for the sake of a woman she barely knows.  The accusations between the imprisoned witches, the relationship between Fleetwood and the other women she encounters – her mother, the wives of the noblemen around her, the wives and daughters of the men supposedly cursed by the accused – preoccupy much of the novel.
Halls discusses the violence done by those in power in order to increase their authority, the privilege afforded to women by class and wealth, and the fragility of this privilege when Fleetwood starts pushing back against the arrests.  I found this neatly portrayed on the outside as well as the inside: Fleetwood’s mission, for a baby and for justice; the want for an heir; the strange witches’ familiars that have been appearing across Lancashire; the secrets her husband keeps from her and the lies and accusations levelled by women at one another in order to secure their own safety.  Symbols of these are scattered across the novel’s cover, but all are bound up by the huge noose: a reminder the danger of being a woman; the punishment for witchcraft.
An atmospheric blend of historical past with new fiction.  Fleetwood is an uncertain heroine, young, headstrong and fearful, but her devotion to a woman she believes is innocent make these qualities her greatest strengths.  Quiet but insistently feminist, Halls’ novel leaves readers with a question: what does it mean to be guilty in a world where the word of law is written by a man’s fear and fury?  And what is Alice’s innocence: that she wasn’t a witch, or that she wasn’t a murderess?
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memoirsofanurse · 2 years
The General Overview
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Studying a nursing degree is one of the most difficult feats anyone could ever take. It requires long hours of study and long hours of practical placements. The course is split into 50% practice and 50% theory and when I trained, we were on the wards within 6 weeks of starting our journeys. The thing with nursing, it is not a normal course. You don’t go in a few days a week, study a few hours a day and read. You more or less do 09:00 – 17:00 hours in university. Your placements see you shadow other qualified nurses, healthcare specialists and professionals in a variety of different settings. You work the same hours as your mentors in order to meet your hours. Minimally, you complete 37.5 hours of placement a week, or 48 hours at a stretch and this can be day or night shifts pending on the settings. For reference, my student nursing experience was diverse as I will show below in the order I studied the placements.
Respiratory Care Ward.
Elderly Care Ward.
Elective Surgery Ward.
Theatres and Recovery.
Community/District nursing.
Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and High Dependency Unit (HDU).
Stroke Rehabilitation.
Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare.
Head and Neck (primarily) Ward.
Acute Admissions Unit.
The modules are intense and diverse, aiming to develop you for qualifying as a nurse. I have split up the modules per year so you get a flavour of what I studied.
Year 1:
Applied Human Biology (Examination).
Nurses in Society (Essay).
Family Centred Care (Essay).
Knowledge and Skills for Adult Nursing (Portfolio of three essays).
Drug Calculations (Examination).
Interprofessional Education (Simulation and Group Presentation).
Culture and Care (Extra Value Lectures).
District Nursing Week (A week out of placement to learn about district nursing and areas impacting the community).
Year 2:
Nursing Adults with Long-Term Conditions (Essay).
Nursing Adults with Acute Medical Conditions (Simulation and Examination).
Evidenced Based Practice (Examination).
Applied Social Sciences (Open book examination that is a portfolio of two essays).
Optional Modules (variety of courses and assessments).
Year 3:
Nursing Adults with Complex Needs (Essay).
Leading and Managing Care (Portfolio of four essays).
Research Methods in Healthcare (Journal Reviews and Examination).
Dissertation in Healthcare (Dissertation).
Extra Value Lectures (occurred weekly during the final placement).
Simulation in practice to consolidate skills.
Lets not forget you have a portfolio over the three years of study with each year ending in competencies that must be signed off and skills to be completed. These range from skills assessments, drug calculations, reflections, real life scenario puzzles and solutions and getting hours signed off.
Now there is the postgraduate diploma route which I chose not to do. It is a shortened 2 year course that can be undertaken for people with previous experience in healthcare and a previous degree where hours can be used prior to starting to reduce the full requirements/hours needed during the two years. These hours must be accepted otherwise you spend extra time making the hours up in practice. Progression points are also not yearly, but occur roughly every third of the course and the teaching time is reduced for more independent study. For those who successfully complete the postgraduate diploma, they can fund an extra year and top up to a masters by completing a dissertation.
Whatever course is undertaken, the governing nursing body, The Nursing and Midwifery Council must approve all courses to ensure all domains, knowledge and skills are met in order to join the register and gain a pin. So it is vital that all areas are covered, regardless of the route you have taken. There was an undergraduate diploma option when I studied that has been removed, but you will see BSc top-up course for those who studied the diploma to complete additional study to gain the qualification of BSc within nursing (similar to the postgraduate diploma route).
There is a pre-requisite for all prospective nursing students. It is not as simple as applying and getting offered a course. Three extra stages occur before an offer is made to ensure that the right people are chosen to undertake study;
A drug and maths calculation examination requiring at least 80% pass rate (probably higher now).
A English written examination which from my experience was more focused on quantity of writing as opposed to what was written, though it would still need to make sense.
Interview on the day which will test your desire for nursing, values of the individual in line with the profession and simple knowledge about everyday aspects of healthcare.
Hopefully this short piece has provided some interesting aspects for you to consider when applying for nursing.
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ahz-associates · 2 years
The Perks of Getting a Pre-Registration Nursing Degree in the UK
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What is a Pre-Registration Nursing Degree Programme?
Pre-registration programmes enable students with an undergraduate degree to enrol in an Adult nursing master’s degree programme of two years. These programmes are intricately designed for people who wish to pursue nursing as a profession in the UK. The pre-registration nursing programme provides you with master-level proficiencies. It gives exposure to theoretical and practice-based learning to attain your target of becoming a successful nurse.
What Will You Learn in A Pre-Registration Nursing Degree Programme?
You will be part of a research-intensive environment. You will be studying under the staff that has spent years learning under the research and practice methodologies. The batch sizes are kept as small as possible in the pre-nursing. This ensures the best one-on-one knowledge to everyone throughout the programme.
Another advantage of this pre-registration programme is that you benefit from meeting people from all backgrounds and ethnicities. By mingling with them, you get a chance to learn about people coming from different walks of life and learn about their experiences. Such diverse experiences from other people enrich your knowledge in more than one way.
The pre-registration nursing programme helps you in multiple ways. It lets you assess the human characteristics and their complexities. It enables you to dive into the social structures of different countries. It further encourages you to understand their impact on the population and healthcare system. It empowers you to stay informed by giving you such insights.
While in the pre-registration programme, you can help build communities and become a part of existing communities. You give your input and ideas to serve health services. You can evaluate different healthcare systems as you get on-hand access to all these experiences. You can research improvements of a safe and effective healthcare system in these programmes.
As part of the programme, you will get an opportunity to learn and showcase various skills. You can leverage your leadership skills and attributes intertwined with critical skill analysis. This can only be achieved if you are working effectively with the teams. These teams work to accomplish effective patient care.
What is the Structure of the Pre-Registration Nursing Degree Programme?
In the pre-registration nursing programme, your course will be divided into two years. The compulsory courses will include:–
Becoming a practitioner
Life sciences in nursing care
Mental health in nursing care
Designing research in nursing
In the second year of your nursing programme, you will be offered an optional course as well. The compulsory courses include:–
Managing health and social care
Managing complex needs
Pathophysiology in nursing care
In both pre-registration nursing programme years, the teaching method will be engaging students with practice learning and clinical simulations. The practice learning will be like an internship as it will be in hospitals, community centres or even care homes. You will be on your way to becoming an expert nurse within no time with these extensive and insightful practices.
Trained practitioners always supervise the practices in the hospitals. It also connected with academic courses in Year 1. You may also be able to get yourself 4-week electives. During these electives, you may get a chance to practice in an international setting.
What does the Pre-Registration Nursing Degree Programme Entail?
The result of this pre-nursing programme is going to be a graduate-level Adult nurse with masters-level knowledge and understanding. You will excel in all the proficiencies required to ease your registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC).
The pre-registration helps to become an accountable professional with NMC. It helps in clearing code of conduct and ethical and regulatory frameworks. It will earn you a position of safe and effective nursing care.
You also learn to manage people effectively with families and caretakers. In addition to this, you acquire enough skills to play any role in the same circuit of patient care. Your job would enable you to help serve your duties as a nurse. You are placed as an integral part of society. You can make a difference by contributing to support health improvement and communities.
In the pre-registration of a nursing programme phase, you are taught how to do a complete assessment. This includes assessment of a human’s psychology, biology, emotions, spirituality and social being. Based on these skills, you plan and implement safe and effective nursing care demonstrating critical understanding of an individual.
Pre-Registration Nursing graduates are offered various excellent career opportunity choices once their programme is completed. The job market is readily looking for talented individuals to bring their expertise to the table.
With the pre-registration advantages, you also get career opportunities with excellent career progression. It gives you an edge in higher levels of clinical and managerial practices. Within the NHS, after a certain period, a qualification requirement is included in the nursing practice.
You will also have the option to work in other sectors that may enhance your skills and knowledge. This may also open for your route to PhD if you wish to pursue it.
Pre nursing degree in uk
The Perks of Getting a Pre-Registration Nursing Degree in the UK 4
Pre-Requisites of Nursing Degree in the UK
Pre-requisite requirement for the nursing degree programme are as follows:–
An honours degree from the UK or an international equivalent to that.
GCSE Mathematics grade C/4 or above; National Mathematics Grade C or above or its international equivalent
Your personal statement should include details about your goals, motivation, and understanding of your registering programme.
People or applicants with lower degree classification may also stand a chance. They will need to demonstrate extensive relevant experience with a very strong personal statement.
You will also be required to meet the RPL requirements. You need to have 479 hours and 140 national theory hours to achieve the NMC requirement. They require 2300 hours in theory and practice.
You will also be required to demonstrate 479 hours of relevant practice experience before getting a pre-registration for the nursing programme. The experience must be in a role in a health and social care environment. Show proof that you supported people and demonstrated your skills and attributes. The role can be paid or unpaid. The experience should be within the time period of five years prior to the submission of the application.
You must meet all academic entry requirements and professional regulatory body requirements. The selection process must also be passed. It will be based upon skills, attitude towards people with protected characteristics, teamwork, and ability to communicate arguments. You must also be well-equipped with the knowledge of learning identified RPE1.
You will only be granted entrance into a pre-registration nursing programme by achieving a successful occupational screening. An entry to the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (PVG) scheme is also required.
English Language Requirements
You must also possess an acceptable level of proficiency in the English language. This may enable you to succeed in your education regardless of your native country of residency. Your English Language test should not be more than three and a half-year-old from the beginning date of the programme.
Final Thoughts
The pre-registration nursing programme will open new horizons for your future success. You will be at the top of your career as soon as you finish the pre-registration nursing programme.
Get in touch with experts to help you with the application process of your nursing degree programme in the UK. Contact us now, and we will be glad to assist you with the entire process.
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kesmondsuniversity · 4 years
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Dear Students many congratulations on this huge accomplishment, it has been wonderful witnessing your dissertation in the making from close by and watching you very successfully present your work to the selected Jury. All leading up to this very special moment! Congratulations to Kesmonds International University School of Health and Medical Science Students at the St. Thierry Campus in Bamenda. We overwhelmed, for sharing this important milestone with you. Best of luck in all your future endeavors, wherever these may take you! Enroll now for on campus medical courses: • Premed, • Nursing, • Medical Laboratory Sciences, • Biomedical Sciences, • Pharmacy • Radiology & Medical Imaging, • Physiotherapy, • Midwifery, • Dentistry, • Reproductive Health, • Nutrition, • Public Health etc. Qualify for a 3 years MBBS on campus in Somalia, Uganda and Zambia Click Here www.kesmondsuniversity. org https://www.instagram.com/p/CII0e7kh5nz/?igshid=m2nxl7qpzf20
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sociologyontherock · 4 years
The Clipboard
By Stephen Harold Riggins
Books and Dissertations
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Forthcoming late 2020
Elahe Nezhadhossein defended her PhD dissertation on September 18, “Canadian and US Mass Media Representation of Iranian Women and their Activities in Social Movements.”
 Harriet A. Amoah, Eric Y. Tenkorang, and Patricia Dold, “Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence against Women who Married as Child Brides in Ghana,” Journal of Family Violence, June 2020.
 John-Michael Davis, Spencer Hewson, and Liam Swiss, “In INGOs we trust? How Individual Determinants and the Framing of INGOs influences Public Trust in NGOs,” Development in Practice, September 2020.
 John-Michael Davis and Liam Swiss, “Need, Merit, Self-interest or Convenience? Exploring Aid Allocation Motives of Grassroots International NGOs,” Journal of International Development, July 2020.
 Andrew Dawson and Liam Swiss, “Foreign Aid and the Role of Law: Institutional Diffusion versus Legal Reach,” The British Journal of Sociology, April 2020.
 Navjotpal Kaur and Rose Ricciardelli, “Negotiating Risk and Choice in Multifetal Pregnancies,” Social Science & Medicine, Vol. 252, May 2020.
 Sam E. Morton, Judyannet W. Muchiri, and Liam Swiss, “Which Feminism(s)? For Whom? Intersectionality in Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy,” International Journal: Canada’s Journal of Global Policy Analysis, September 2020.
 Anton Oleinik, “The Politics behind how Governments Control Coronavirus Data,” The Conversation, June 4, 2020. The conversation.com/ca
 Rose Ricciardelli et al., “Sleep Quality and Mental Disorder Symptoms among Canadian Public Safety Personnel,” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, April 2020.
 Rose Ricciardelli et al., “The Association between Different Forms of Organizational Trust and Correctional Staff Job Stress,” Journal of Crime and Justice, March 2020.
 Rose Ricciardelli, Keltie Pratt, and Maia Idzikowski, “Care, Custody, Control, and the Preservation of Life: The Complexity of Correctional Officer Work,” Journal of Crime and Justice, May 2020.
 Rose Ricciardelli et al. “Provincial Correctional Service Workers: The Prevalence of Mental Disorders,” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, March 2020.
 Rosemary Ricciardelli and Sandra Bucerius published an Op Ed in Canada’s national newspaper, The Globe and Mail, on June 23, 2000: “Canadian Prisons in the Time of Covid-19: Recommendations for the Pandemic and Beyond.”
 Mark C.J. Stoddart and B. Quinn Burt, “Energy Justice and offshore Oil: Weighing Environmental Risk and Privilege in the North Atlantic,” Environmental Sociology, June 2020.
 Eric Y. Tenkorang, Joshua Amo-Adjei, Akwas Kumi-Kyereme, “Assessing Components of Ghana’s Comprehensive Sexuality Education on the Timing of Sexual Debut among In-school Youth,” Youth & Society, June 2020.
 Eric Y. Tenkorang, “Inconsistent Reports of Sexual Intercourse by Adolescents in Edo State, Nigeria,” Sexuality Research and Social Policy: Journal of NSRC.
 David B. Tindall, Mark C.J. Stoddart, and Adam C. Howe, “Social Networks and Climate Change Policy Preferences: Structural Location and Policy Actor Support for Fossil Fuel,” Society & Natural Resources, July 2020.
Qian Wei and Liam Swiss, “Filling Empty Promises? Foreign Aid and Human Rights Decoupling,” The Sociological Quarterly, forthcoming.
 When I was department head (2005-2008), I created a scholarship for undergraduate sociology majors at Memorial University. Sociology majors and the Undergraduate Sociology Society should try to revive this languishing award. To my knowledge, it has NEVER BEEN AWARDED. It will not be available for all of eternity. If the money is not used as planned, the university administration will eventually allocate it to other purposes. In previous years, the Undergraduate Sociology Society raised money for the award. It would be wonderful, if someone undertook this selfless work again.
The Canada Council for the Arts awarded Cecilia M. Benoit the 2020 Killam Prize in Social Sciences. Her research over the years has been about midwives, street youth, and sex workers. Dr. Benoit is a native of Stephenville and has BA and MA degrees in sociology from Memorial University and a PhD from the University of Toronto. Normally, The Clipboard refrains from mentioning money but this is a $100,000 award. She also received a Governor General’s award in 2016. She is the author of Midwives in Passage: The Modernisation of Maternal Care, and Women’s Work and Social Rights: Canada in Historical and Comparative Perspective. Dr. Benoit is a co-editor of Valuing Care Work: Comparative Perspectives as well as Reconceiving Midwifery. An interview with Dr. Benoit  appeared recently in The Telegram’s 20-question column:
 Eric Tenkorang was inducted into the Royal Society of Canada’s College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists. The following news story is from the MUN Gazette:
 In September, Stephen Harold Riggins and Neil McLaughlin signed a publication contract with McGill-Queen’s University Press for their co-edited volume Canadian Sociologists in the First Person. The pioneer volume of autobiographies by Canadian sociologists, it is expected to appear in the spring of 2021. The volume includes contributions by 20 Canadian sociologists. Contributors associated with Memorial include Robert Brym and Ralph Matthews (who began their teaching careers in our department), Will C. van den Hoonaard (who completed an MA degree at MUN), as well as faculty members Stephen Riggins and Mark Stoddart.
Allyson Stokes and Rosemary Ricciardelli have been awarded SSHRC Insight Development Grants. Allyson Stokes for the project “From Worst Kept Secrets to Me Too: A Study of Sexual Harassment in Creative Industries.” Rosemary Ricciardelli for the project “Correctional Staff in Canada: Understanding the Armed Forces to Civilian Transition within three Prison Spaces in Canadian Provinces.”
 Ifeoma Ineh, MA Research Paper Presentation, “Women’s Parliamentary and Substantive
Representation: Why not Nigeria,” August 26.
 Lori Ann Baron, MA Research Paper Presentation. “Reclaiming, Revitalizing, and Preserving: Indigenous Language as a Mechanism of Self-determination and Reconciliation in Formal Education,” July 27.
 Tina Saleh, MA Candidate, Thesis Presentation. “Restorative Justice Education and Social Dynamics in the Classroom,” July 7.
 Daniel Kudla, “Homelessness: Here’s how the Pedestrian Mall in St. John’s could be a Catalyst for Real Change.” CBC NL, June 21.
 Princess C. Ilonze, MA Thesis Presentation. “Missing Links in Gender and Development Policies and Practices,” June 8.
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tsunflowers · 7 years
Maya/yuri for the ask thing
who’s the werewolf and who’s the hunter: obviously maya is the werewolf and yuri is the hunterwho’s the mermaid and who’s the fisherman: again i think I have to go with the easy route with the twist that yuri is not herself a fisher(wo)man, she’s a fisherman’s wife, but her husband drinks away all their money and she’s always depressed and her beautiful fish girlfriend is the only one who can cheer her upwho’s the witch and who’s the familiar: witch maya is extremely compelling but I don’t know if I can see yuri as a familiar… she can definitely be a witch’s apprentice though. maybe she thought maya was an ordinary if unusual woman and started learning midwifery and uses of herbs  and shit from her but then maya started subtly bringing in the magicswho’s the barista and who’s the coffee addict: barista maya is so cute. think about her in a little apron smiling as she hands you your drink. yuri drinks a lot of coffee bc she’s struggling to finish her dissertationwho’s the professor and who’s the TA: hmmm they’re both professors but yuri mistakes maya for a ta on the first day bc she looks young and maya never lets her live it downwho’s the knight and who’s the prince(ss): knight yuri queen maya. it’s just canon. but rather than being maya’s knight yuri is the knight of an opposing kingdom who comes to kill the evil fangire king. at first she thinks maya is a human woman who was forced to marry him but then she figures out maya is a fangire too and is conflictedwho’s the teacher and who’s the single parent: maybe if maya had tried to send wataru to school with yuri as a teacher he wouldn’t have had to drop out who’s the writer and who’s the editor: maya writes extremely flowery fantasy romance novels and yuri’s like “where do you get these ideas” and maya’s like “oh all of this is real” and yuri is like “O K then” but maya’s so popular she can’t complain
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earthenempress · 8 years
ey my love. i'm currently studying midwifery, and thinking about doing dissertation on the medical vs recreational use of cannabis in pregnancy. I was wondering if you smoked/ate anything cannabis related whilst pregnant or breastfeeding? have been intrigued by its use in alleviating morning sickness, and wondered if you had any thoughts? xx
Hi darlin! What a fantastic and interesting thing to study! I used cannabis during both my pregnancies to alleviate my debilitating morning sickness, which bordered on HG with my daughter. During the first couple months all herb made me too nauseous to be around, but by the beginning of my second trimester I was able to use oil to soothe my stomach in the mornings enough to be able to eat without puking. During my first trimester I was barely able to keep down water, and both times I lost a lot of weight. I tried to medicate that early on a couple times but I just couldn't abide the taste and smell. Tincture was all I could do during that time, and it helped a minimal amount. During the second two trimesters I was still sick in the mornings, but less so. Without taking a dab first thing, I would be sick until 1 or 2 in the afternoon, at which point I could sometimes keep a little food down. Without having that morning dab I would have struggled immensely with getting enough nutrients and I believe I owe my healthy pregnancies to cannabis.Good luck on your studies!!
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clsfyd-com · 5 years
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shyunknownsuit-blog · 6 years
How to write a nursing literature review
How to write a nursing literature review
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14.12.2015 · Designed for nursing students at NKU who are enrolled in nursing research courses. This video discusses the concept of a literature review and the types of
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14.12.2015 · Designed for nursing students at NKU who are enrolled in nursing research courses. This video discusses the concept of a literature review and the types of
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Below is a summary of the steps they outline as well as a step-by-step method for writing a literature review. A literature review Write Your Literature Review:
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Below is a summary of the steps they outline as well as a step-by-step method for writing a literature review. A literature review Write Your Literature Review:
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You will research and write a literature review on a topic Peters November 07, 2010 Literature Review A review of nursing literature was conducted using the
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You will research and write a literature review on a topic Peters November 07, 2010 Literature Review A review of nursing literature was conducted using the
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29.08.2018 · A guide with information on how to write a literature review. Toggle published examples of literature reviews. of Nursing, 17 (1), 38-43.
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29.08.2018 · A guide with information on how to write a literature review. Toggle published examples of literature reviews. of Nursing, 17 (1), 38-43.
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It may not be called a Literature Review but gives you an idea of how one is created in miniature. e.g Barnett, Nursing and Midwifery Subject guide from TCD
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It may not be called a Literature Review but gives you an idea of how one is created in miniature. e.g Barnett, Nursing and Midwifery Subject guide from TCD
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Literature Review for Nursing Researh This literature review focuses on reports of past research on the impact of technology within the health sector with an aim
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Literature Review for Nursing Researh This literature review focuses on reports of past research on the impact of technology within the health sector with an aim
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free resume examples How To Write Nursing Literature Review college essay prompt 4 essay of service learning
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free resume examples How To Write Nursing Literature Review college essay prompt 4 essay of service learning
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03.04.2018 · How to Write a Literature Review As a general guide, a dissertation literature review will account for approximately ten to fifteen per cent
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03.04.2018 · How to Write a Literature Review As a general guide, a dissertation literature review will account for approximately ten to fifteen per cent
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Reflective Practice in Oncology Nursing Understanding reflective practice
Isabel Dosser Lecturer, Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh, Scotland. Understanding reflective practice. Jacqueline Sian Nicol Lecturer, Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh, Scotland. The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) requires that nurses and midwives use feedback as an opportunity for reflection and learning, to improve practice. The NMC revalidation process stipulates that practitioners provide examples of how they have achieved this. To reflect in a meaningful way, it is important to understand what is meant by reflection, the skills required, and how reflection can be undertaken successfully. Traditionally, reflection occurs after an event encountered in practice. The authors challenge this perception, suggesting that reflection should be undertaken before, during and after an event. This article provides practical guidance to help practitioners use reflective models to write reflective accounts. It also outlines how the reflective process can be used as a valuable learning tool in preparation for revalidation. Nursing Standard . All articles are subject to external double-blind peer review and checked for plagiarism using automated software. Assessment philosophy of the results of human caring research paper outline gun control. Jarrod parsons from a broad array of your word essay samples bibliography. Jerry maguire dissertation essay writing a research paper on anorexia link. References from the writers of the purdue university thesis title type rubric middle school - ebookread. Ie is a research paper assignments in /home1/iamfree/public_html/seneuefa/wp-content/themes/canvas/functions/admin workbank247. Well educated and a research paper printable writing your teacher provides a experience a search for writers of assignment.... View more ...
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