penumbratrolls · 4 months
midnim, when you're stumped on what to get someone for a gift (for the sake of the question let's assume it's their hatchday, and you are obligated to get this person something) what's your go-to? additionally, what kinds of gifts do you like to receive and why?
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"Oooh good qu3stion! So it r3ally d3p3nds on how clos3 w3 ar3. For clos3r fri3nds I usually rush out a simpl3 p3rsonaliz3d gam3 for th3m… th3 8ugs ar3 f3atur3s" Midnim laughs to himself with his hand on his chest "For acquaint3nc3s I t3nd to usually 8uy som3 kind of tasty tr3at, it's som3thing I'd lik3 to r3ci3v3 so I figur3 it's a good id3a!" He brings his feet up onto the chair after starting it off spinning, and thinks to himself for a moment as he spins. "So oth3r than th3 afor3m3ntion3d tasty tr3ats, I lov3 to r3ci3v3 gift art of my charact3rs; and I onc3 r3ci3v3d a fan gam3 which mad3 my a8solut3 LIF3, I still play it som3tim3s!"
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rabbit-trolls · 4 months
Hi there! I was wondering if I could upload the art from the judgement you did of Midnim to toyhouse? I really really liked it and I'd love to put it with his stuff, and if that's okay; I'd like to know what account to tag for the art! Thanks for reading!
>Oh sure! go right ahead!
>As long as there's at least a bit of a mention of me doing the art, I'm more than happy to let you put that on Midnim's toyhouse :)
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penumbratrolls · 5 months
Midnim, did you have any female role models growing up? What did they mean to you?
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"Oth3r than my Mom, I'd say th3 clos3st thing to a rol3 mod3l I had growing up was on3 of th3 old3r trolls in th3 hatch3ry. As w3 gr3w I saw h3r 83coming mor3 athl3tic and picking fights with pr3tty much 3v3ry8ody" -he giggles- "I gu3ss I r3sp3ct3d that fr33 spirit, and I also 3nvy it a t33nsi3 8it. I do lik3 my own path, 8ut I do wond3r how things would 83 if I act3d a 8it mor3 lik3 h3r 8ack th3n… I hop3 sh3's doing okay."
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penumbratrolls · 5 months
midnim, what would your younger self think of you now? how would they feel?
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"I'd say that young3r m3 would pro8a8ly 83 proud of how far w3'v3 com3. Th3 fact that w3'r3 in a sta8l3 housing and comfort situation would pro8a8ly 8low his littl3 gru8 mind. Also th3 fact that w3 MAK3 vid3ogam3s would pro8a8ly mak3 his littl3 h3ad 3xplod3. I don't think my Mom would approv3 at th3 tim3 though." -he giggles to himself- "I imagin3 sh3'd pro8a8ly 8uzz at m3 dissaprovingly… don't ask how I know that… anyway¡ Thanks for th3 gr3at qu3stion"
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penumbratrolls · 5 months
Want to make sure Midnim's Quirk isnt too hard to read (if it is I'll plaintext underneath)
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penumbratrolls · 5 months
hey midnim, you believe in luck? got any tips for how someone might improve their own?
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"Oh a8solut3ly¡ I'v3 found that usually my tasks go a littl3 8it 83tt3r wh3n I hav3 my pock3t mirror on my p3rson, so I'd say that luck 3xists 8ut I don't know 3xactly what manif3sts it." -he gently passes the mirror between his hands and contemplates- "As for th3 oth3r qu3stion… l3t m3 think. Hm I'd say th3 83st way to improv3 your luck is to tr3at p3opl3 w3ll, 83caus3 for m3 at l3ast; that r3sult3d in th3 acquisition of my lucky o8j3ct, so may83 it could for you too¡"
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penumbratrolls · 5 months
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Not gonna give away the surprise too much, but seeing as he got so many asks today... I'm working on talksprites for Midnim! Honestly the fact that I want to make sure I have faces on my posts has really inspired me to really keep going with art, so honestly thank you to all of you. I genuinely feel like I'm improving a lot. I hope you enjoy the preview! Gonna keep going tomorrow but it's pleep time.
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penumbratrolls · 5 months
📋 - Midnim
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(I'll add the image later if I get confirmation it's okay to use the art I didn't make, he'll have talksprites coming!) Age: 15 Sweeps Height: 5'5" Weight: 140lbs Carrying: Cellphone, compact mirror, handbag, makeup, spare contacts and a few snacks Last thought of: An absolutely incredible shitpost of a game for his alternate dev account Current Job: Game Developer and also moonlighting as a... shitpost game developer but secret Main Goal: Live comfortably with the funds acquired from Game Development, and also make a virally bad videogame Favorite Item: Handheld compact mirror given to him from a friend Love Anyone?: His friend group, especially the ones that give him prompts for bad games Pale For?: Nobody yet Ashen With?: Nobody yet Hate Anyone?: Nope! He very much dislikes when people maliciously use the wrong pronouns though If you could do one thing right now, it would be: Make a game about his Lusus being Pacman and eating bugs... but it's also a dating simulator (don't ask)
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penumbratrolls · 5 months
🌅, ♣️, 🐾 for Midnim
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🌅- Do you have a certain routine for starting your night? going to bed - "W3ll I usually lik3 to tak3 a 8ath and wash my hair 83for3 I s3ttl3 down at th3 comput3r to do any last minut3 work, th3n I t3nd to 3nd up snacking a fair f3w tim3s… th3n I 8rush my t33th and g3t in my r3cup3racoon… and d3finit3ly don't stay up too lat3" *he coughs* ♣️- Do you have any interest in an ashen, or do you see it as obsolete in current day? "3hhhhh, ash3ns ar3n't r3ally for m3 I think. pitch pro8a8ly… 8ut ash3ns don't r3ally s33m lik3 my vi83, as for it 83ing o8sol3t3; I think p3opl3 should mak3 th3ir own d3cisions on that on3" 🐾- What is your lusus like? Are/were they around often or do/did they normally leave you all by yourself?
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-Midnim's dragonfly lusus flies in through the window at mach 2 speed before excitedly flying around his head several times- "W3ll uhhhhhh… I f33l lik3 that answ3r3d a lot of this qu3stion" -he laughs hard before elaborating further- "So sh3's pr3tty much always 833n around… which som3tim3s can 83 som3what o8structiv3, 8ut I wouldn't hav3 it any oth3r way; I l3arn3d most of what I know from h3r; and sh3's wond3rful to hav3 around."
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penumbratrolls · 5 months
Midnim, if you were reincarnated, what would you want to be in your next life?
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"I- I think I'd want to 83 lik3 my Mom?… oops right you might not know h3r¡ Sh3's a dragonfly¡ It always s33m3d lik3 it was nic3 to 83 th3 ap3x pr3dator in an 3nvironm3nt? although th3y'r3 pr3tty short liv3d… ah w3ll¡ At l3ast that m3ans you g3t anoth3r chanc3 for r3incarnation pr3tty soon" -he giggles- ( e = 3 , b = 8 , ! = ¡ )
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penumbratrolls · 5 months
Gonna be answering asks tomorrow! It's bed time.
I'm glad y'all are interested in Midnim! If you're ever interested in any of my other trolls, they all live in my pinned! (And I'm gonna slowly work my way through talksprites for them)
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