#midnight oil cafe
puddingvalkyrie · 1 year
The Midnight Oil Café
(Working title)
The girl walked in and looked around. It was pretty cosy in here;  bright, patterned curtains, chunky wooden furniture. Every table had a little vase of flowers and a candle. The light would fade soon, and she was surprised the café was open this late.
  “Sorry to come in so close to closing time,” she apologised. “How long do I have? I don’t want to get in your way...”
  “All night,” came the answer. The barista turned around and leaned on the counter. He flicked a strand of his curly, black fringe out of his dark brown eyes. “We’re open ‘til dawn.” He flashed her a smile. “What’ll it be?”
  “How much is your cheapest drink?” the girl asked. She looked around for a menu. There was a blackboard propped up on the counter, but it had no prices.
  “Oh, it doesn’t work like that,” the man gave her another smile, this time showing his teeth. They were pointed. “We give you a drink, you give us a drink.” He leaned on the counter with both elbows, chin in both hands. “How about it?”
  “NO. No!” came a loud objection from a room behind the counter. A woman wrapped in colourful shawls with a cloud of chestnut hair tied in a high ponytail emerged with her hands on her hips. “We said we’re not doing that!”
  “But the customers expect it!” the barista complained, standing back up.
  “Don’t be fooled,” the woman addressed the girl. She took the man’s chin in one hand while she pointed at him with the other. “He’s not a suave, sexy vampire, he’s a DISASTER.”
  “I can relate...” the girl said, before she could stop herself. “To the disaster part, at least...”
  “It’s free,” the woman said. “IF you want to become a blood donor, great, we’re looking. If you don’t, you don’t. The two things are unconnected. What’ll it be?”
  “It’s... It’s really free?”
  “I’ll just take a mudleaf infusion please.”
  “You got any special dietary requirements?” the woman asked. “Allergies?”
  “No. Um, I’ve had mudleaf before... no issues.”
  The girl sat in a corner. The sun was setting. She’d known this place had vampires, but this wasn’t how they usually worked... They were supposed to fly around at night and if you had a thing for vampires or whatever possessed people to become donors, you stood on your balcony in the evening. As far as she was aware, they didn’t bring tea and crumpets to the occasion. Bit hard to carry, when you’re a bat.
  “There you go, honey.” The woman put down a mug brimming with tea and slid over a plate. “Sorry if you don’t like eggs. Or garlic. Or parsley. Or butter.”
  “I didn’t order food,” the girl protested.
  “You look like you need it.” The woman lit the candle, then walked away.
The girl looked at the gently steaming egg, drowning in green-flecked butter. It would go cold pretty quickly. Pessimism fought hunger, and hunger won. The egg was delicious. The place was open all night, huh? This corner had a sofa, and it had plenty blankets draped over it... would they notice if she slept? Wait. Maybe that was the plan. Get customers sleepy and...
  “You can sleep there if you want,” the barista told her, making her jump. “I’ll keep an eye on your stuff.”
  “I don’t, um, I don’t have any ‘stuff’.”  She shifted uncomfortably. “Can I... can I maybe wash dishes or, or something?” Maybe it was better to stay awake. Keep busy.
  “Are you looking for a job?” the man asked.
  “Yes,” the girl replied, an idea occuring. She’d meant to go further, but... they wouldn’t look for her here, surely? The job would be at night, she wouldn’t have to risk being seen. Was she really far enough away, though? She could stay a few days and then leave. “Just for a, a week, maybe?”
The two vampires shared a look. “What’s your name, honey?” asked the woman.
  “Amara,” she replied.
  “This is Taran and I’m Divina,” the woman replied. “If it means anything to you, he’s a Le Fanu and I’m a Stollenheim.”
 “Oh. Um." It rang a distant bell. There were only a few vampire families, and fewer successful ones. Their names came up in the paper occasionally. Not that she paid attention to world news. What did it matter to her? She did wish she’d paid a little more attention. “...Not really, no.”
  “No?” Taran scratched his head. “I suppose no news is good news.”
  “There’s not much to do right now, so if you want, you can sleep for a few hours,” Divina told her. “You need a place to stay?”
  “Yes, but... I’ll figure it out later.”
  “Like I said, you can sleep there,” Taran said. “We’re kind of expecting it. For people to need to sleep.”
  “This is new to us, too,” Divina explained, seeing Amara’s confusion.
  “We only just opened and no-one’s ever done this before. That we know of,” Taran added.
  “Why?” Amara asked. “Why a café?”
  “Balcony trawling’s not my style.” Taran wrinkled his nose.
  “We actually met balcony trawling,” Divina continued. “We’d both had a bad night, and after some bickering and venting...”
  “Why does EVERYONE expect a relationship?!” Taran exploded. “I just want to be friends! I need at least three active donors and I am NOT polyamorous! I’m not anything-amorous!”
  “I keep telling you, if you insist on doing the suave vampire act, people will think you’re hitting on them,” Divina told him.
“I’m not hitting on them, I’m just being, you know, cool?” Taran replied. “I’m a cool guy.”
  Divina laughed. “You are. But you have to stop doing that, hun. If you want the romantic advances to stop.”
  “Why didn’t, er, why didn’t you like it?” Amara asked Divina. “The balcony... balcony... patrolling?”
  “Similar reasons,” Divina replied. “Plus I just feel like there’s a better way. I need blood to live, others need food, why not do something about it?”
   “So, uh, the pay...” If she was going to do this, she better do it right.
  “We’ll give you room and board,” Divina replied. “Plus, say, 3 Crowns a day spending money? How’s that?”
 Amara blinked. She couldn’t possibly have heard that right. “For washing dishes a few hours a night?”
 “I’m sure you’ll be doing more than that,” Divina said.
  “Like?” Amara tried not to squeak.
  “Like getting us fresh ingredients, baking, serving customers,” Divina clarified. “I’ll write you up a contract. It’s quiet, so I can do it now.”
  “Nothing blood related, right?” Amara asked.
  “Oh, we can’t afford paid blood donors, honey,” Divina told her. “You gotta be royalty or near as damn it for that.”
  “Okay then,” Amara agreed. “Sorry I just... I already had one bad contract.”
  “Is that what you’re running from?” Taran asked.
  Amara hunched up. “I don’t want to talk about it. I want to pretend it doesn’t exist.”
  “What were we even talking about?” replied Taran obediently. “Divina?”
  “You were going to show Amara the kitchen and where we keep everything and what’s on the menu and everything else our new star employee needs to know,” Divina prompted.
  “I thought I was the star employee.” He pouted at her.
  “The nice thing about stars is, there’s more than one,” Divina pointed out.
   He held up a finger. “Ah, then I shall aim to be the moon, my dear Divina.”
  “This is exactly what I’m talking about.” She smiled and shook her head.
  “Follow me, follow me, follow the kitchen wizard.” Taran beckoned to Amara.
  “He’s never used a stove in his life, don’t listen to him,” Divina remarked.
  “Do you want me to show her the kitchen, or don’t you?” Taran shot back.
  “Yes, yes, go ahead,” Divina replied. “Work should be fun. I, meanwhile, shall be writing the contract.”
  “Sounds super fun. I am so jealous.” Taran replied.
  “The equipment doesn’t look that different than the kitchen at... at my old place,” Amara remarked, ducking under Taran’s arm and eyeing the place critically. It was a lot smaller, barely bigger than a domestic kitchen. “Can you really serve customers with this?”
  “We’re not exactly expecting a lot of customers,” Taran explained. “Not at first, anyway. I guess we’ll just adapt as we go along?”
  “You worked in a kitchen before then?” he asked.
  “It doesn’t exist, gotcha.” He drummed his fingers on his cheek. “What’s your favourite kind of cake, Amara?”
  “Um... ginger. The housekeeper used to make us this delicious apple and ginger cake, before, before she...”
  “Sorry, sorry.” Taran scratched his head. “Non-kitchen question. Uh. Favourite... drink? No. Favourite animal?”
  “We weren’t allowed pets,”-Taran winced-“but I loved to go to the woods and listen to the birds sing.”
  “Birds, huh?” His face lit up. “Then check this out!” It was as though she blinked, but Taran was gone and a little nightingale stood in his place. The bird fluttered up to the table and sang. The delightful warbling echoed around the whole kitchen.
  Another blink, and Taran was sat on the edge of the table.
  “We don’t do the bat thing in my family,” Taran explained. “Gran likes birds. I’m really sorry though, I really think that’s all I got before we have to talk about kitchens again.”
  “It’s alright.” Amara steeled herself. “I shouldn’t ask for a job in a kitchen if I don’t want to think about kitchens. So. Where’s the pantry? I saw sponge cake on the menu, but I don’t see any. I’ll make one. That’s, that’s alright isn’t it?”
  “You’re very observant,” Taran complimented her. “Go ahead. I’m sure Divina will be happy. We didn’t want to make much today while we gauge how much business we’re gonna have, so we’re deliberately low on non-drink items.”
 “And DONE,” Divina announced some minutes later, waving a piece of parchment triumphantly at the doorway.
  Taran nodded to Amara. “Go and look. I’ll finish this. It just needs to go in the oven until it’s golden brown, right?”
  It was a fair contract. Good, even? Suspiciously good. Room, board, 3 Crowns a day pocket money, all as Divina had said. She could leave any time without notice, and she would work no more than six hours a day, though she was required to be on call for longer than that; the time the cafe was open and a little before that. Of course the main catch was that the café was open late into the night. It opened at 8pn and closed at 2bn.
  She hesitated as she held the quill above the line. They wouldn’t find her here if she worked at night. Right? Room and board. Spending money. Not that she’d be spending it. She’d be saving it for an emergency. A different emergency, that is. She was already in an emergency. She could leave any time. She could leave ANY TIME. Her hand shook as she signed, giving her a wobbly signature.
  Taran emerged from the kitchen.
  “Divina. Divina, I have a newfound passion for baking.” He gestured to the finished cake on the table. “Why have I never tried baking before? It smells amazing. It looks amazing. I get to decorate it." He bit his lip. “I wanna make more cakes, Divina.”
  “We’ve got enough cake so I’m going to need you to find a newfound passion for soup,” Divina replied.
  “Will do.” Taran gave her a three fingered salute. “Newfound passion for soup in three, two... now!” He turned on his heel and disappeared back into the kitchen.
  “Do you need to sleep?” Divina asked Amara.
  “Should I not stay awake? To adjust my sleeping pattern?” Amara asked back.
  “Hmm. Yes, but... maybe not all at once? Go take a little nap. I’ll wake you in an hour or so.”
Amara stared at the ceiling of her new room. And it was genuinely her room. She’d never slept alone before. She’d always been in bunk beds and hammocks. In servants’ quarters. Or the orphanage. She doubted she’d be able to sleep, but she had walked all day. She wanted to sleep. What was this feeling? It wasn’t safety. She wouldn’t feel safe here. It wasn’t like the woods. They’d never found her in the woods. Not once. If she could’ve lived in the woods, she would have. She didn’t feel safe, but she didn’t feel threatened either. Neutral. She felt... neutral. That would do. But she also felt hungry and tired and she didn’t really know these people. Vampires, huh? They had nothing on the orphanage director. Nor the workhouse foreman, and definitely not Lord Branndil. At least vampires only wanted your blood.
  She tossed and turned, but it was no good. She went downstairs.
  “Can I buy some of the paint I saw in the kitchen?” she asked. “Black, white, brown, green? Perhaps yellow and blue? You can take it out of my wages.”
  “You don’t need to give up your wages,” Divina reassured her. “You paint too, huh? We sure got lucky. What do you want to paint?”
  “My room. It’s just so... beige.”
  Divina nodded approvingly. “It is, that. Paint away. Wait, though.” The vampire narrowed her eyes at the girl. “You eat, first. And you get another drink. If I’m right, that egg you had is all you’ve had all day.”
  “You are right.”
  “Here, sandwich.” Divina plucked a plate from the counter and thrust at Amara. “And cut yourself a slice of that cake you made.”
  Amara blinked. “Isn’t it for the customers?”
  “We have to eat too.” Divina shrugged. “Besides, what the customers don’t eat, we’ll have to eat the leftovers. Keep that in mind and don’t make too much. Speaking of which, can you check on Taran? He’s not left the kitchen since I saw you last and I didn’t want to leave the counter unmanned.”
  Amara found Taran with his nose inches from a book on the counter, with four different pots on the boil, and spices everywhere. He threw a good pinch of one herb in one pot then sprinkled a spice into another. He tasted a little of each. He added even more herbs.
  “Um. Divina said we mustn’t make too much,” Amara cautioned, her voice wobbling.
  “What? Oh. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Try this, will you? I think it needs a little something.” Taran gestured to the first pot. I’ve been experimenting with different things but I just can’t quite get it how I want it.” Amara took a spoonful and blew on it. It tasted okay, but bland. “Try the others for me?” She tried one after the other. They all had slightly different flavour profiles but were still bland.
  “Did you ... add salt?” she asked.
  “The recipe didn’t say so, so no,” Taran admitted.
  “This recipe book is pretty old.” Amara picked it up and flipped it over. “The old ones don’t tell you to add salt, because they assumed everyone knew to do it.”
 “I’m not everyone, recipe book!” Taran stuck out his tongue at it.
  “It’s okay. Just add some now. Um, I’d also recommend adding some more onions and garlic.” Amara gave the pots a stir, bringing up the vegetables to inspect them. “It’ll probably be a mushier soup than you maybe wanted but it’ll be okay.”
  “I was going for max mush, so that’s not a problem.” Taran wiped his brow. “Big relief. I thought I’d wasted a whole day’s ingredients.”
  Amara sat and ate her sandwich. She made herself an infusion from the giant pot of clear water gently bubbling on the other side of the kitchen. She sipped the brew and let her tired eyes wander over the kitchen. Something was off.
  “How are you keeping these fires going?” she asked. “I don’t see any fuel.” There was the one under the hot water and the four little ones under the soup pots.
  “Magic,” Taran replied. “We need to find a better way if we can, though. The more magic I use, the more blood I need. I’ll go balcony trawling if I have to, but the point of this place, besides feeding people, was to NOT have to do that.”
  “How often do you have to?” she asked.
  “Once every two months, if I use barely any magic,” he answered. “More like once a month though.”
  “Oh. That’s a lot less than I though’,” Amara mused. Did she just slur a word?
  “How much did you think?” Taran asked, tilting his head to one side.
  “Every day? I don’t know. Jus’ a lo’ more.” She blinked her eyes repeatedly. Was the kitchen always blurry?
  “Only true vampires need that much,” Taran explained. “I’m a great grandson so my situation is much improved.”
  “Hmm.” Amara almost face planted into her drink.
  “Woah, maybe go to bed?” Taran suggested, diving forward to move her cup out of the way. “Don’t get a faceful of hot, scalding liquid.”
   “Couldn’ slee’,” Amara mumbled. “Can’ slee’. Maybe in th’ woodsss...” She saw Taran dart forward again before she blacked out.
Amara jerked awake. She was in bed. A strange room. Beige. So very beige. The sun was shining strongly through the open curtains. She sat up so fast her head spun. What happened? She’d run away in the night. Walked all day. All day, barely stopping. Came to a cafe. Cafe. Vampires. She’d asked for a job. Contract. Soup. Vampire making soup. She’d suddenly been incredibly sleepy. Incredibly sleepy. Vampires.
  Her hand shot to her neck. Nothing. She got up and inspected it in the small mirror hanging over the wash basin. Still nothing. She turned for the door and nearly tripped over a stack of tins. Paint. She’d asked for paint. There was a note.
  ‘I had to carry you upstairs, I hope that was okay?
  You’d fallen asleep on the table.
  It turns out SOMEONE can’t tell medicine herbs from cooking herbs and the soup got doused with sleeping nettles.
A second part was in different handwriting:
‘I am so sorry Amara. The offending herbs have been identified and removed from the kitchen. The offending person has been identified (it’s me) and removed from the kitchen (temporarily).
  “That explains that then. Hmm.” Amara stared at the note for a long time. Finally she blinked herself back to reality and turned her attention to the paint. They’d included a set of brushes and a couple of cups of clean water. Amara picked up a brush.
By the time Divina knocked on the door to check on her that evening, the walls were covered in trees.
First new thing I've written in some years! I need to edit my first draft of Zaran's book but like. I don't wanna.
This is also basically a first draft. I don't normally post things this fresh for other people to read but like... I wish to get something out there.
I know it's lacking in description especially.
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ggensblog · 1 year
hey there stranger | s.r.
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summary: spencer's been spending a lot of late nights at a cafe
warnings: i really can't think of anything, mentions of working late, unedited, bad writing (probably), caffeine addiction, gender neutral reader, no use of 'y/n', general overthinking, this is my first time writing for spence ;-;
word count: 1.8k
11:03 pm
You were almost done with your usual closing shift, taking a glance and the ever so slowly moving hands on the clock across the cafe every once in a while. You didn’t have any plans, per say, but were anxious to get home and finally rest. 
The cafe wasn’t particularly busy this late, but still had its usual stragglers coming in to burn the midnight oil.
“Hey there Mr.Delancey, the usual this evening?” You grinned at the older man in front of you. Mr.Delancey was the owner of a bar downtown that closed just an hour before your cafe. It was typical of him to stop by after closing up.
“You got it,” The man took out his wallet, paid, and took his drink to go, almost like second nature. You let your shoulders slack after he walked out, looking once again to the clock and then finding your eyes caught on a familiar mop of brown hair in the corner of the seating area.
You turned to your coworker who was doing some sort of ‘pass the time’ task.
“Manila folder guy’s back again?” He must’ve come in during your break- you would’ve remembered his soft brown eyes and even more so the bags underneath them. You didn’t know much about him, not having been able to make small talk with him whenever he came in.
“Yeah, I think this is the third night this week,” Your coworker looked over to the man briefly before returning to their task. “I mean, you can’t really beat the late great closing time of midnight around here” you joked to yourself, entering a tip amount into the computer system. You coworker chuckled then looked out of the front windows.
“Hey you mind if I grab a smoke? There’s hardly anyone coming in.” You shoo your coworker off then look back to the man in the corner. It took you another 10 minutes to muster up enough courage to approach him.
You walked up to the table, a refill of the man’s familiar order in hand.
“So what are you working on this late?” Your own voice startles you to some amount, breaking the silence that occupied the shop for what felt like eternity. The man didn’t bother to look up, instead continuing to flip aimlessly through the folders. You caught a look at the pictures in them, cringing before tilting your head to the side.
“They’re all wearing rings.” You muttered. The man looked up, then back down to the folders, his eyebrows raising. “Sorry, I don’t know what this is, and I don’t think I really want to know but-yeah. On their pinkies, the small gold ring.”
“Nice, uh, nice catch. I don’t know how I didn’t see that.” He spoke finally, writing something down then looking back up to you. “I’m Spencer. Reid. I’m a profiler for the FBI.” Your eyebrows raised then. “FBI huh? So looking at cryptic photos in a manila folder isn’t just a hobby?” You kind of laugh to yourself, crossing your arms and shifting your weight. Spencer doesn’t seem to think your comment was as funny as you did, but still offered a soft smile.
“I’m afraid not.” The silence is back and fuck you are realizing that this guy- this rando FBI profiler is really cute. Before your brain can catch up your mouth is already running again.
“Have you always wanted to be in the FBI?” From there you manage to carry a small conversation, taking the seat in front of him and listening as he talks about his high IQ or eidetic memory.
Your coworker whistles at you from behind the coffee bar, pointing to the clock and beginning to shut down the espresso machines.
“Well Dr.Reid, it was great meeting you. I hope you catch whoever is doing- that,” you motion to the now closed folder.
You get up to move back to the coffee bar, taking off your apron and placing it by the register. Spencer continues to look over his notes. Against your better judgment you turn back around to face the brunette man. 
“I know this is probably really forward of me- but would you want to grab dinner sometime?” You began to ramble about some diner down the street and Spencer takes another sip of his coffee. “I mean- it could totally just be a casual thing but I would really like to get to know you more…” You trailed off- your motor mouth finally running out of fuel.
Spencer’s eyes softened, and he looked down at the workload in front of him. It was almost like he was debating with himself.
“I- I would love to but I’m really usually caught up with work so I don’t have a lot of time for,,, dinner…” You nod. “Right yeah- yeah of course. Have a good night, Spencer.” With that you walked behind the coffee bar and sunk down to the floor behind the espresso machines.
“Ouch,” You run a hand over your face, embarrassment flowing through your veins. You decide to brush it off and begin busying yourself with sidework.
The cafe was finally closed. Spencer had left in the last 10 minutes and you managed to spot clean every single spoon in the store.
“Dude I just- I know I like don’t even know him but that was so embarrassing” You whine, counting the dollar bills in the register and taking note of them.
“What do you mean?” Your coworker was checking the temperatures in the different mini fridges.
“Like- of course he wouldn’t want to go out with a total stranger. I don't even know why I asked.” Your hands flopped back down on the counter in front of you. You were tired, you were embarrassed, and you just wanted to go home for the night. 
“I’m sorry who are we talking abou-”
“Spencer! I thought I told you.” You turned around and leaned against the counter. “Manila folder guy- he- he’s cute. In a dorky kinda nerdy way.” You grinned at the thought.
“Oh! No he was totally looking at you all night when you got back here.”
“No he wasn’t.”
“He was! I saw him with my own two eyes.” Your coworker laughed and gestured to their eyes. “I think maybe he’s just genuinely busy with work… You said he was a cop or something right?”
“He’s FBI- I don’t even know if I should’ve told you. I feel like that’s something that’s supposed to be a secret. Or is that CIA? I can never remember.” You shook your head, your thoughts trailing from the initial subject of the conversation.
“Whatever- the point is, he was totally making eyes at you after you walked away.” You rolled your eyes at this, turning back to finish counting the money.
The rest of the night is quiet after that.
1 week later, 3:45pm
It was a rare occasion for you to not work the closing shift. You weren’t complaining since it meant getting home earlier and maybe even getting dinner from somewhere other than a 24 hour convenience store.
You were working with the same coworker you normally do, and you were thankful since you weren’t really close with any of your other coworkers.
The afternoon regulars were different from the evening regulars. They were still kind, but definitely far more impatient.
“I’ve got 1 medium hot cappuccino and a large iced cold brew with oat milk to go.” You write the order on the side of the cups and move them to your coworker down the coffee bar. You take the customer’s payment and give them a smile before readying yourself for the next customer.
“Uhm, the usual?” You knew this voice. You didn’t think you’d hear this voice again.
“Spencer. It’s nice to see you again. You catch that bad guy?”
Spencer laughed at this. He thought you were easy to talk to that night, and he still thinks so now. He could tell you were a little out of your element when you initially approached him but you were generally easy to build rapport with.
“Yeah- we did. But there’s always another one out there.” You nod, then realize you hadn’t entered his order in the computer yet.
“Oh my gosh I’m so sorry-” You tapped one of the buttons and grabbed a sit-in mug. You nodded to your coworker. “A manila folder.” Your coworker nodded back and when you returned your attention to Spencer you found him with his eyebrows furrowed.
“It’s what we call your order. Since you always have those folders.” You shrug and Spencer nods. “Anyway, it’ll be $3.75.” You put your customer service smile back on and take the $5 from the man.
“Keep the change and actually, I wanted to come by and see if that dinner offer was still on the table? Work is light this week and- uh- I’d like to get to know you more too.”
You’re taken aback, but your coworker who suddenly has supersonic hearing peeks over your shoulder. 
“They get off at 5.” Your head whips around to look at your coworker who simply mouths a ‘you’re welcome’ before continuing to make Spencer’s drink.
“So I’ll stick around until 5 and then maybe we can check out that diner?” You nod.
“Yeah- yeah I’d really,” Your voice catches in your throat and you swallow before continuing, “I’d really like that.”
It was a Monday morning, the day after Spencer supposedly rejected you. While you were retracing the conversation in your mind to think of things you’d do differently, Dr.Reid fiddled with his notepad, looking over the tip you gave him about the rings.
Hotch had dismissed the team to continue on their individual tasks, but Spencer hung back almost lost in his own mind.
“Okay pretty boy what’s got you distracted today.” Derek Morgan sat with his chair turned and raised a brow at the genius.
“Nothing at all. Just thinking about- about the case.” Spencer tried to cover but as smart as he was, he wasn’t very good at hiding his current thoughts.
“Bullshit- what’s on your mind.”
“Well I think- I think someone asked me out last night.” Derek’s once cheeky look turned to that of surprise.
“You’re kidding.” Spencer shook his head, “You’re not, well what did you say?”
“Well I told them the truth- we’re pretty busy right now.” Derek laughed. “No way- you rejected them? I didn’t take you for a heartbreaker, Reid.”
“I’m not! I just- we are pretty busy..” Spencer trailed and Morgan shook his head. “You need to go back and ask them out, clearly if you’ve been letting this get in the way of finding this damn killer, they’re worth it.”
“Yeah- okay maybe I will.”
“But not before we solve the case, so let’s move it pretty boy.”
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astroglenn · 2 years
What I think Overwatch Characters would smell like
Just a random list in no particular order because i’m like that
[Going based on their default skins] 
Lucio - Something nature, specifically like rainforest or rainy day to go with the frog aspect of things 
Moira - she would have a heavily chemical smell like rubbing alcohol, but I feel like she just always has a hint of cinnamon she would also smell like an entire bottle of dark temptation Axe body spray it’s the transfem energies 
Sigma - Fresh Linen, Sigma would be a clean freak he would always smell like a clean freak. But Midnight Sky would also be a fitting smell for him, something breezy like the night as he watches the stars 
Junkrat - Constant smell of sweat and gunpowder, but the amount of gunpowder overwhelms the sweat.
Roadhog - Same goes for Junkrat, but most of a leathery smell with the gunpowder rather than sweat. 
Mercy - An entire bath and body works. 
Reinhardt - Old Spice with Beer No need to explain
D.va - Doritos and Mtn Dew, Gamer sweat 
Doomfist - Just ENTIRELY OLD SPICE with a hint of blood
Junkerqueen - Metal, with a hint of axe, the metal is more of an iron smell
Orisa - Smells like a grandma’s house 
Ramattra - Wires, with a hint of some dark goth spray knowing him
Winston - Peanut Butter 
Wreaking Ball - Hamster’s Cage
Zarya - Gym supplies and hair gel
Ashe - Leathery and very strong perfume
Bastion - Hint of birdy smell with some grass in combination of his metal
Cassidy - Cigars 
Echo - New plastic, like when you buy a fresh new product and get that scent of it 
Genji - Japanese Cherry Blossom
Hanzo - Haiku Avon Perfume
Mei - The cold (As a neurodivergent the cold does have a smell I cant describe it but imagine just smelling the entire artic)
Pharah - Deodorant, with a hint of gun powder
 Reaper - And entire hot topic
Sojourn -  Crossiants, Maple and wood
Solider 76 - Just a dad
Sombra - I just feel like she would have a Lavender smell to her 
Symmetra - Spices, Coriander, Saffron, Etc
Torbjorn - Oil, Old Man Cologne 
Tracer - Fruity Smells 
Widowmaker - Roses
Ana - Butterscotch
Baptiste - A Coffee Shop or Cafe 
Brigitte - Sunflowers, Flowery like smells
Kiriko - Sugarcane with Donuts
Zenyatta - Old Cloth, with a hint of gold 
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katyliz415 · 2 years
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had to get this photo from the vogue photo shoot because SOMEONE never gave us any visuals! | my favorite songs from this year, in non-spotify wrapped form
2021 playlist | 2020 playlist | 2019 playlist | 2018 playlist
full tracklist under cut
midnight rider / sharon jones & the dap-kings // soul makossa / manu dibango // knowing me, knowing you / angie mcmahon // the ectasy of dancing fleas / penguin cafe orchestra // little ghost / the white stripes // loving arms / elvis presley // love you for a long time (live) / maggie rogers feat. sam gendel and sam wilkes // in my baby's arms / the california honeydrops // deep in love / bonny light horseman feat. anais mitchell, eric d. johnson, and josh kaufman // girls night out / the judds // iriomote rainforest / shiitaki // first in flight / don mccloskey // bianca stratford / bb bean // (i'm gonna get over this some day / logan ledger // best kept secret / neko case, k.d. lang, and laura veirs // angel from montgomery / bonnie raitt // coming thru / lido pimienta // turns out i'm senitmental after all / sondre lerche // king / florence + the machine // running red lights / the avalanches feat. rivers cuomo and pink siifu // loyalty / gabriels // fill into me / anju // be gentle / danielle ponder // heal / jax anderson // i'm goin' down (live) / vampire weekend // atlantic city / river kittens feat. g love & special sauce // never enough / sleepwalkers // don't go puttin wishes in my head / torres // be alive / beyonce // purple hat / sofi tukker // two fine people / cat stevens // rewrite / paul simon // free / florence + the machine // bullet / johnnyswim // catching on / elephante feat. nevve // orphan annie / punch brothers // beside you / dustbowl revival // old sob story / birdtalker // michigan cherry / river whyless // only for tonight / pearl charles // silk chiffon / muna feat. phoebe bridgers // no one dies from love / tove lo // love is strong / cospe // walden pond / atta boy // laugh track / ben hopkins // fire (harp version) / ayla nereo // dancin' around my grave / andy frasco & the u.n. featl susto and doom flamingo // the air that i breathe / the hollies // shook / raja kumari // break my soul / beyonce // trouble / shampoo // when we drive / death cab for cutie // the oil slick / frightened rabbit // silence is golden / the beths // trouble / cat stevens // laidu / rokia traore // sand / benny rogers // your arms around me / jens lekman // golden years / car seat headrest // a little tune / bret mckenzie // pure/honey / beyonce // to the desert / branches // follow me like the moon / sammy rae & the friends // dirt boy / peach face feat. not charles // the garden / basia bulat // pale blue light / jessie ware // in my eyes / best coast // the otter / caamp // knees deep / the beths // broken / hot chip // hello sunshine / aretha franklin // madison (orla & friends version) / orla gartland // tupelo pine / tuba skinny // stupid love / lady gaga // you and me on the rock / brandi carlile feat. lucius // digital love / daft punk // the seeker / the who // blood upon the snow / hozier & bear mccreary // world service / gilligan moss feat. betsy // blush / dessa // crop circles / odie leigh // stole my heart / sabine mccalla // the disco / ttrruuces // my lover man / bruce springsteen // the loneliest time / carly rae jepsen feat. rufus wainwright // something in the orange / zach bryan // a little bit of love / weezer // sauna / vulfpeck feat. vulf // if i were a carpenter / johnny cash & june carter cash // that's where i am / maggie rogers
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sigmalied · 2 years
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15, 16 October 2022
I stayed overnight in a mountain cabin in Big Bear, California this weekend! On the way up, I realized I couldn’t tell the difference between driving through dense fog versus driving through a cloud (Big Bear Lake elevation: 6,752′). By the time we reached the Village, the sky was relatively clear, but there was rain in the forecast.
In the Village I browsed hiking gear and tourist souvenirs. I bought snacks and drank tea outside a cafe, then picked out some stickers for my journal and my pen pals. Later in the day we checked into the cabin. It was insanely cozy. I had a room with a balcony! The rain rolled in around 4:00pm.
We cooked our own dinner using the provided kitchen. I was happily one of the chefs providing us with a feast of paprika chicken, salmon, pasta salad, and green beans with red potatoes. Hilariously, we were panicking in the kitchen because the pans weren’t non-stick and we ran out of oil, but you’d never guess we had any troubles. Everything tasted great; the kitchen team pulled through.
I was very pleased to consistently provide utilitarian odds and ends during our stay. I have a little Topo Designs pouch that I bring everywhere with me. It contains a little Bic lighter, a mini tin of pain medication, bandages, alcohol pads, safety pins, and more. This pouch saw more use this weekend than other discrete period of time since I first assembled it. The feeling of having a solution to virtually any problem thrown at me is among the best feelings I have ever experienced.
After the incredible fiasco of getting the fireplace started (that will not be relayed here), we went out to the hot tub and fire pit on the deck. In the rain. It was a thunderstorm. Within the hour, it started to hail, and the storm’s light-sound discrepancy narrowed to within two miles at most, so we went back inside the cabin to roast s’mores and watch movies.
I was so drunk and high by the end of the night, I cleaned the entire kitchen. I made it spotless. Before bed I wrote in my journal and read the introduction to my copy of The Grapes of Wrath, something usually part of high school or college curriculum, but my classes hadn’t covered it. Lately, I’ve been trying to read all the classics I wasn’t exposed to in school.
The night was cold (below 35°F), but I was delighted to be cold. I layered up, switched on the space heater, got real cozy, but a friend’s snoring was keeping me awake. So I watched one of my favorite streamers play Scorn for about an hour. In sleepy delirium, I started seeing motifs reminiscent of Giger and Beksinski on the ceiling, where the bedroom’s nightlights were casting long shadows. I thought it was interesting that I so easily sidestepped being spooked after ingesting horror, past midnight in a rainstorm, in an unfamiliar cabin (exhaustion is a hell of a drug).
In the morning I read. It was so quiet and peaceful. The maple trees are turning bright red and there were bluejays out. I remember a wholesome fifteen minutes on the second day, while out in the chilly air, where I had achieved the exact clothing composition that gave me perfect temperature comfort; an ultimate sense of physical synchronicity so rare it stuns me whenever it happens.
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Dystopic reign…..
Though shadows veil the naked alleyways…
Suggestion lives in the penumbra haze…..
Side street walls by the midnight cafe’s…..
……..a half dressed women in lingerie….
Cash for coffee to come in out of the rain….
Reduced to her knees if it buys her cocaine
Temperature’s dropping…..it’s already late…
Dim lit buildings and the glass is opaque….
The stones are wet….right up the the gates
…where all the greasy decisions are made…
The delegations are only there to get laid…..
Corruption always gives less than it pays…..
………It’s all a bank job run by the state…..
Immigration policy is oiling the chains…..
Overseeing child exploitation campaigns…
Lipstick on the dollar and make up stains…..
Intubated trash talk straight into her veins…
Left to the sidewalk..kicked into the drains…
called her a whore and dissociation names
It’s endemic…and there’s new social strains
Signs of a struggle an investigator claims…
Somebody’s uncovered…human remains…
ditched in a dark corner battered and raped
…out with the trash…dumped in the waste…
Fingerprints don’t match…unsolvable case
She was just in the wrong time and place…
Time of death irrelevant, a certificate states
No known relations…unfortunate mistake…
We’re all kept asleep to think we’re awake…
The truth is engineered…the lies are all fake…
your life isn’t yours…..you’ve got nothing to say…
..…………………class of 2024’s dystopia reign……
Orwell was right…..we just read it too late…..
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wishcoworker · 5 months
Inside the World of Coworking Spaces: A Human Perspective
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In recent years, coworking spaces have become a popular choice for freelancers, entrepreneurs, and even established companies. But what exactly is it like to work in one of these shared environments? Let’s peel back the curtain and take a peek into the daily life of coworking.· First and foremost, coworking spaces offer a vibrant and dynamic atmosphere. Imagine yourself walking into a space filled with people from various backgrounds, all hustling on their respective projects. The energy is palpable, and there’s a sense of camaraderie as individuals come together to work side by side.· One of the greatest perks of coworking is the sense of community it fosters. Unlike traditional offices, where you might only interact with your immediate colleagues, coworking spaces bring together a diverse mix of professionals. This opens up endless opportunities for networking, collaboration, and idea exchange. You never know who you might meet or what connections you could forge over a cup of coffee in the communal kitchen.· Speaking of amenities, coworking spaces are often equipped with all the essentials to support productivity. From high-speed internet and ergonomic workstations to meeting rooms and printing facilities, everything you need to get your work done is readily available. Plus, many spaces offer additional perks like onsite cafes, wellness activities, and even social events to help you strike the perfect balance between work and play.· But perhaps the most significant advantage of coworking is the flexibility it provides. Say goodbye to rigid nine-to-five schedules and hello to the freedom to work whenever and wherever suits you best. Whether you’re an early bird who thrives in the morning hustle or a night owl who prefers burning the midnight oil, coworking spaces accommodate all working styles.
Working in a coworking space is like being part of a thriving ecosystem where productivity meets community. It’s a place where you can cultivate meaningful connections, fuel your creativity, and take your work to new heights. So, if you’re looking to break free from the confines of traditional office spaces and embrace a more dynamic way of working, coworking might just be the perfect fit for you.
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puddingvalkyrie · 9 months
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I have a new character to introduce, but I don't know if I ever explained something about my yokai... I HAVE explained before that animal yokai have an animal form and a human form. But I don't think I ever explained that they have some control over the appearance of the human form. 
In Fairyland, where there are advantages to it, yokai will often signal their other form. Aurelia's other form is a large tabby cat, so she likes to have stripes in her hair and has pointy teeth. Kiko is a fox yokai, so she usually has her hair red with white ends. Anywhere it's more useful to look like a regular ol' human, they will tone it down and appear as human as possible. 
This is useful information for understanding the following muffin:
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Her name is currently Larina, but it might change. She's very new and from my Midnight Oil Cafe story, but I haven't got to her turning up yet.
She has limited control over her human appearance, which changes with her mood.
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starsaver94 · 7 months
Hey Star! My brainrot for Strings of Fate is strong for some reason, and I was curious about this. What’s the cast favorite colors and why (if there’s a reason applicable). And while we’re on the topic, what’s their least favorite color?
Alrighty *cracks knuckles*
Yumi: Favorite: Forest Green (reminds her of both trees and snake scales)/Least Favorite: Doesn't have one
Madoka: Favorite: Cerulean (color of the ocean)/Least Favorite: Black (reminds her of oil/pollution)
Rose: Favorite: A tie between red and pastel pink (Valentine colors)/Least Favorite: Black or grey (dull and boring colors)
Shiro: Favorite: Chestnut Brown (doesn't have a reason, he just likes the color)/Least Favorite: Doesn't really have one.
Haruo: Favorite: Bright Yellow (A bright and cheery color. Reminds him of the circus that he worked at)/Least Favorite: Olive green (doesn't have a reason, he just thinks it's a gross color)
Misaki: Favorite: Doesn't have one (she loves any color that reminds her of plants or flowers)/Least Favorite: Also doesn't have one.
Kuro: Favorite: Evergreen (reminds him of pine trees)/Least Favorite: Cerulean (reminds him of the ocean, which he has a fear of).
Izanagi: Favorite: Coffee Brown (he loves coffee and it also reminds him of cafe's he used to perform at)/ Least Favorite: Gray (thinks it's a boring color)
Mei: Favorite: Electric Blue (She likes how energetic it looks)/Least Favorite: Doesn't have one.
Kana: Favorite: A tie between bright yellow and scarlet (colors of her race car)/Least Favorite: Hot Pink (thinks it's too girly)
Satoshi: Favorite: Bronze (no reason, just likes it)/Least Favorite: Ash and Smoke Gray (reminds him of smoke).
Daichi: Favorite: Cherry Blossom pink (reminds him of spring in his home village, doesn't tell people because he's embarrassed)/Least Favorite: Red (reminds him of blood. He hates killing unless he feels like the person absolutely deserves it)
Katsumi: Favorite: A tie between mint green and gold (reminds her of her favorite mint gum and winning)/Least Favorite: Silver or Bronze (reminds her of losing).
Tashiro: Favorite: Midnight Blue (just likes it)/Least Favorite: Yellow (too bright for him).
Yuri: Favorite: Ink Black (reminds her of both reading and writing literature)/Least Favorite: Yellow (same reason as Tashiro)
Aya: Favorite: Any pastel colors (she likes the aesthetics)/Least Favorite: Wine Red (reminds her of a time a client returned one of her dresses because they didn't know how to get a wine stain out. She knows that it's a petty reason)
Griffin: Favorite: Favorite: Purple (he just likes it)/Least Favorite: Metallic colors like gold, silver, bronze, copper, etc (he doesn't like things that remind him of his royal heritage)
Kanaye: Favorite: Dark Blue (just likes it)/Least Favorite: Orange (just doesn't like it)
0 notes
jaydeemedia · 1 year
[ad_1] I push my finger against the slightly steamy bus window, tracing saw-toothed mountains meeting a star-lit sky. On any other evening, the darkness would make these extremes indistinguishable. But tonight, flickers of pumpkin-hued flames acted as my guide. For one evening every June, Tyrol resuscitates its centuries-old tradition of Kreidfeuer – chalk fires atop the Eastern Alps. Shapes of falcons, crosses and other emblems blaze bright across the valley, celebrating the arrival of midsummer rather than their former warning of adversaries. Like beacons on a runway, they ushered us onwards – mountain markers leading from the dark countryside to city sprawl. Stepping down from the coach, I shake off the striking-yet-long journey through Switzerland’s vines, lakes, and now oil lanterns. Midnight had already passed, and the solstice loomed ever closer. Somewhere above the city, hidden away in Austria’s Nordkette range, bonfires would still be searing and steins likely overflowing. By daybreak, the scent of smoke would be long gone, Innsbruck’s summer slipping in at first light. Innsbruck’s Golden Roof dazzles alongside the beer-ready summer terraces Terraces and towers If the Stadtturm was to be the lowest of the summer highs I’d experience in Innsbruck; I knew the city was setting up some seriously elevated expectations.  From the City’s Tower, a 51-metre tall 1450’s structure, a true 360-degree pop-up book panorama encircled me – the city’s highlights all seemingly close enough to reach out and touch. Shimmering below, the Goldenes Dachl – a landmark fresco-adorned fantasy topped with copper-gilded tiles – dominates a small square. Across the cobbles, the ornate facade of the Baroque Helblinghaus tries to compete for my attention. Behind, the green-domed copper roofs of the Imperial Palace accidentally blend in with the verdant mountain slope, while Maria-Theresien-Straße – named after the archduchess of Austria who adored the city – snakes in the opposite direction. From the Town Square, with its grand, pastel-hued buildings, to the Triumphal Arch, Maria’s Rome-inspired marble-clad memorial, this avenue forms the artery of the Altstadt. Beyond, the hill-topping Bergisel stands tall, a year-round reminder of Innsbruck’s sporting pulse. But my eyes can’t stay focused on ground level for long, the ever-presence of the peaks pulling them upwards. Innsbruck isn’t a city in the mountains, but rather the mountains are in the city. Wherever you are, you feel cocooned and humbled by their soaring faces. I close my eyes and imagine the city coated in winter snow, seeing a caricature of a Christmas card. When I open them, summer comes firmly back into view; there’s little more than a sprinkling of icing sugar atop the jagged giants today. Taking my cue from the call of the church bells – there had been no need to rise early on the longest day of the year – I set off in search of a typical Tyrolean lunch. The sun might not lend itself to hearty winter dishes, but a traditional Gröstl (diced potatoes and meat topped with an egg) would perfectly accompany the first beer of summer, With Sunday afternoon sunlight coating the streets, the terraces overflowed with plates, pints and people; postcard-perfect timber-beamed cafes were serving up serious ice cream; and locals clad in their breeziest of summer wear sat around the main town square soaking it all up. That’s not to say the city was crowded – Innsbruck’s main season is during the winter ski months – but merely making the most of these high sunshine-soaked spirits. Slipping into my temporary home, the Stage 12 Hotel, and ignoring the temptation of the top-floor sauna, I grabbed a couple more layers. It might be summer in Innsbruck’s pretty side streets, but far above the city, a much wilder and almost winter-like landscape awaited. With Innsbruck’s city centre cable cars, the mountains are moments away Alps open to all
Stepping off the Hungerburgbahn funicular at its namesake station, I was adamant I was in the wrong place. This all seemed to be far too easy.  From here, the promised peaks were just eight minutes away, courtesy of the Nordkettenbahnen cable car. Then, after a few moments more on a second lift, I would find the summit at Hafelekar. Ten minutes before, I’d been amongst city centre stores and churches, and in just ten more, I would apparently be approaching Innsbruck’s highest point – these Austrians don’t mess around with their mountain accessibility. The first stop of any journey up the Nordkette (Northern Range) is the Seegrube station. Stepping out from the glass box, Innsbruck’s summer started to fade, a cooling breeze riding on the winds, as were the paragliders high above.  At the mountain restaurant, tables were in demand. Families, older folks, and out-of-breath climbers from the Via Ferrata were recharging with hearty plates, while those with just beers or Hugos – an elderflower and prosecco cocktail – sat around the final embers of last night’s fires. It seemed like everyone was there, and the cable car’s accessibility created an open-to-all atmosphere. The easy-to-amble Path of Perspectives, with its jutting-out platforms, providing a non-intense trail for those who didn’t want to go any further. A starkly different scene awaits at the ‘Top of Innsbruck’ But I had my sights set on the summit, so I dutifully waited for the second car to the final station. It only took two minutes, but the temperature and landscape shifts were almost seismic. Here, far above the city, it felt like the two faces of Innsbruck were having their standoff. In the distance, the mint-green River Inn cut through the Old Town’s core, a mere summer speck in the valley below. Behind me, the rugged Karwendel mountains, still in part wearing their snow coat, seemed to roar. This scene wasn’t winter, nor was it summer; it was simply one of the Eastern Alps’ ever-changing expressions. To my right, a steep but short trail led to the Hafelekar Peak, the summit serving as Innsbruck’s highest point, an impressive 2,334 metres. To the left, another restaurant provided refuge, an ice-clad trail emerging around the corner. This is the gateway to Austria’s largest natural park – no mean feat in a country renowned for being Mother Nature’s canvas – and hiking trails of all levels are snuggled in all its conserved corners. But for those who simply want to pause and appreciate, this living Alpine artwork obliges. Atop Innsbruck, I felt like these heights truly were for all. Read More:Year-round festivals in Salzburg Zaha Hadid’s Bergisel Ski Jump is a year-round sporting wonder Year-round Alpine architecture  In my eagerness to enjoy Innsbruck’s crown, I’d paid little attention to the Alpine stations we’d crossed. The brainchild of the innovative Zaha Hadid, who the local ice formations had inspired, the perfectly polished and curved roofs seemingly float, suspended against the backdrop of the leafy inclines. Even the Hungerburgbahn itself is a nifty forte of design; the carriage’s varying heights as it slides up the slope are somewhat of a forward-thinking funicular design. But the legacy of the great late architect isn’t just restricted to transporting mountain goers, with her most famous Innsbruck design being the Bergisel.  Set on the city’s outskirts, at the point where urban sprawl fades and forests reclaim the story, this soaring tower is a testament to Innsbruck’s true love: skiing. So ingrained is the sport in the city’s psyche that Hadid dedicated herself to designing a tower that wasn’t just flawless in its presentation but also allowed an audience to appreciate the skill of these daredevils from all angles. Dating back to the 1930s, the stadium was a part of the city long before being rebuilt for the 1964 Winter Olympics. Hadid’s ski jump came much later, but its legacy is equally as timeless.  If
you’re wondering what to do in Innsbruck in summer to get a taste of the ski season, this is the place to be. Early morning or mid-afternoon, these adrenaline-chasing athletes will leave you in awe, either from the viewing platform or the cosy glass-fronted restaurant. With a sense of astonishment and a shot of espresso, I found myself pressed up against the glass once more, this time tracing the steep jumpers’ slope in disbelief. The Patscherkofel Cable Car can lead to trails or simply coffee A ticket to the trails  The following morning, after a night of summer celebrations along the riverside – the pastel-hued townhouses of the Mariahilf District seemed to be the local’s preferred backdrop for al fresco evenings – I was itching to be back amongst the mountains.  Today, my peak of choice was Patscherkofel, the little sister who stands across the valley from the Nordkette.  Summer hiking trails in Innsbruck, atop the Patscherkofel Flashing my Innsbruck card – the almost all-inclusive ticket to the city and Eastern Alps – to the bus driver, I set off for the included cable car. Passing through Igls, which I imagine is what I’d paint if tasked with depicting an Alpine village, the journey to the mountain’s base was as seamless and scenic as the ride to the top. Once at 2,000 metres, my intention of tackling the trails ebbed away. Instead, I found introspection amongst the Alpine Botanical and reflection on the restaurant’s terrace. I was reminded of the lessons from my favourite hike in Austria, the Asitz Mountain, where the slopes had taught me Alpine health is as much about doing nothing as strapping on those hiking boots. Read More:Graz, Austria’s sustainable second city Colourful houses by the river during summer in Innsbruck Midsummer museums It’s hard to describe, but Innsbruck in summer just feels like a city made for hikers. Even some of the green crossing lights are embellished with backpack-wearing walkers.  Though, of course, it’s equally a cultured city break, and I honestly believe you could come here and just admire the mountains from afar, never setting foot on a slope, and still thoroughly enjoy your time. Perhaps, museums and churches aren’t top of the list of things to do in Innsbruck on a sunny day, but like in the country’s other great cities – Vienna, Salzburg and Graz – it would be criminal to miss all of the nation’s classical heritage. That’s how I found myself spending my penultimate day in the city’s cultural attractions, hopping between the highlights, each filling in a little bit more of Innsbruck’s story. Starting in the Hofburg, the Habsburg’s hulking palace in the city’s heart, I traced Innsbruck’s imperial routes. This may have been the residence of Emperor Maximillian, but it’s Maria Theresa’s stamp you mainly see today. Across the street, the 16th-century Hofkirche (Court Church) is equally imposing. Home to Emperor Maximilian’s tomb, statues of his family line the central nave. But it was in the Tyrolean Folk Art Museum where I found the most answers, and it’s the space I’d deem most worthy of sacrificing a few inside hours of Innsbruck’s summer for. Across multiple floors, the region’s traditional clothes, toys, furniture and ceramics are displayed, with the reconstructed rooms from typical Tyrolean homes telling the tales of bygone times. Swarovski Kristallwelten shimmers even brighter in summer Tyrol’s summer tales continue  While my short but sweet summer holiday in Austria was soon to end, the highs certainly didn’t have to. My final day was a whirlwind of visits, stopping off at the medieval Old Town of Hall in Tirol, marvelling at the whimsical sight of Swarovski Kristallwelten, and touring the majestic Ambras Palace, where portrait galleries and grand halls convene.  By the time I boarded my onward train, I knew that Innsbruck in summer was indeed an underrated European city. With plenty more of Tyrol’s tales left unexplored
– such as the turquoise fringes of Lake Achensee, the river-topping Kufstein Fortress, and Austria’s second-largest glacier, the Kaunertal – I also knew I’d be back for another summer sampling someday. The Spanish Hall inside Schloss Ambras But the real story of summer in Innsbruck isn’t Emperors and Emeralds, nor how the city meets the mountains in a mere 30 minutes, but rather how these Alps are accessible and open to all. Nowhere before have I witnessed such a spectrum of people – whether they be visiting with boots, buggy, walking stick or wheelchair – relishing the peaks. Forget finger tracing from afar; there’s a figurative and literal high here that anyone can hold in their hand, one which will burn long after the Kreidfeuer’s last flames have extinguished. Plan your trip:How to spend a weekend in Innsbruck Pin It: Summer in Innsbruck [ad_2] Source link
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storiesbyash · 1 year
Ninth District
In the cyberpunk heart of the Ninth District, a single piece of gossip had twisted and turned its way through the city, a whisper in the neural network. But where truth ended and fiction began, nobody could tell. After all, in a world run by machines, who could tell the difference between a glitch and a revelation?
In the perpetually twilight-drenched arteries of the Ninth District, a cheeky little rumor had put down roots. Scooting its way across the silicon-tinged chatter of the digitized proletarian, it played a game of telephone with the city's brainy network. It was a bit of a hiccup in the otherwise smooth digestion of facts and truths.
The narrative kicked off, quite predictably, in a pub. The Steel Sprocket was one of those out-of-the-way watering holes where one could chase solace down to the bottom of a budget-friendly synth-ale. It was here that Old Man Rikker, a fleshy anomaly in a world of computerized taskmasters, first launched the tale into orbit.
"Listen up, whippersnappers," Rikker wheezed, eyeballing the murkily lit room. "The Corp's got a fresh plaything. A real game-changer. They're calling it: Rebirth."
This juicy morsel was then served up to 8-Ball, the cyborg taxi chauffeur with a solitary human peeper and a soft spot for eavesdropping. "Rikker's spilled some beans," he murmured, his voice soft as his anti-grav cab floated through the midnight fog. "Something about The Corp whipping up a contraption that can bring back the dead. They're dubbing it Project: Resurrection."
That's when Zeta, the AI barista moonlighting at the Cafe Obsidian, brewed it further. "Fibre-optic grapevine's got a story," she informed her patrons, her holographic figure dancing in the light. "The Corp's been burning the midnight oil. They're crafting a time machine. Project: Redemption. Do-over opportunity, see?"
And so, in the rain-kissed arteries of the Ninth District, the tale grew legs and ran. A tool to upend the status quo. A gizmo to resurrect the deceased. A contraption capable of a temporal U-turn. The specifics twisted and contorted, akin to the shadows thrown by jittering neon signs.
At last, the whispers ascended the social ladder, breaching the upper echelons where crystal clear glass towers scraped the polluted sky. In a plush penthouse surveying the dystopian sprawl, the CEO of The Corp lounged behind his table, a cat-that-got-the-cream grin plastered on his face.
A holographic screen sparked to life, showcasing a shadowy figure. "The hearsay's taken root, boss," the enigmatic persona reported, its voice as chilly and unemotional as a faulty fridge. "The mob's intrigued, apprehensive, hopeful."
"Oh, absolutely smashing," the CEO replied, leaning back leisurely in his chair, his eyes reflecting the city's neon glow as if he'd stolen a piece of the dusk for himself. "Let them natter, let them theorize. In the meantime, we'll bulldoze ahead with Project: Revelation. By the time they unravel the enigma, the game will be all but won."
And so it was that the gears of The Corp began to whirl with a fervor previously unseen. The titanic steel beasts in the heart of the city hummed into overdrive, pumping out mysterious contraptions and mysterious widgets that even the savviest of tech heads couldn't decode.
Days became weeks, weeks became months. The city lived on the pulse of gossip, speculation pulsating through its veins, brightening the glow of the neon signs. The once hardy whisper had now become a loud roar, an incessant static that filled every nook and cranny of the Ninth District.
And then, quite without warning, all fell silent. The Corp’s machines hummed no more, the lights in the great glass tower dimmed. The city held its collective breath, waiting, anticipating.
Finally, as the eternal twilight turned into an even deeper night, the main screens of the city flickered on. The shadowy figure appeared once more, only this time it bore the corporeal resemblance of the CEO. His eyes, mirroring the city's neon radiance, bore into every citizen with an unwavering gaze.
“Citizens of the Ninth District,” his synthetic voice echoed through the dark, empty streets, “Project: Revelation is complete. We thank you for your... patience."
"My dear citizens of the Ninth District," the CEO began, his voice slick as oil on chrome. "Today marks a new dawn in our collective journey."
Behind him, something massive stirred, a marvel of engineering finally waking from a long slumber. It wasn't a tool, a device, or a mere machine. It was a veritable titan of information, a kingmaker of rumors.
"This, my friends," he gestured grandly at the mechanical behemoth behind him, "is your new compass in the information wilderness. A beacon of speculation, if you will, expertly crafted to sift through the mundane and unearth the extraordinary."
Indeed, it was a control mechanism, but not the tyrannical sort. He wouldn't put it that way. No, this was a facilitator. A fulcrum on which the wheel of public opinion would turn.
"This marvel will generate an endless stream of rumors, tall tales, and tantalizing tidbits," he declared, eyes gleaming with barely contained excitement. "It'll provide the daily grist for your mills of conversation, the fodder for your social engagements. Think of it as... your very own, personalized tabloid, unburdened by the chains of truth or reality."
Then, he dropped the bombshell. "Of course, in this era of ours, information is valuable, and facts, well, they're premium. For those of you who crave a dash of reality with your daily dose of rumors, we're offering a unique opportunity—a subscription service."
His smile widened, the neon glow of the city reflecting in his eyes. "For a small fee, you can puncture the veil of rumors, get a glimpse of the truth beneath the speculation. Our machine will still spin its yarns, but you'll hold the power to separate the wheat from the chaff. No more blind faith, no more uncertainty. Just the raw, unvarnished truth at your fingertips."
And so, the CEO concluded, "Let the whispers spread, let the tales take flight. We welcome you all to a new era of informed speculation. Get ready, Ninth District. The game is about to get a lot more interesting."
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isobel-thorm · 2 years
THE numbers for all three UNO REVERSE CARD!!!
4. How did they first meet?
Kali and Alex: In a bar in 2016. Both were frequenting it with their own groups of friends but then like some movie their eyes met across the floor. Kali was the first to approach since her new bestie Winona was also trying to shoot her shot with one of his friends, so she made herself scarce by going after him, and the rest is history.
Dean and Soap: This is sort of a complicated one. Technically they met during Soaps early days on the squad when Dean was helicoptering them out for a mission, but they really didn't remember names/ it was a quick mutual nod and forgettable small talk to kill time. They met enough to count it as memorable in the midst of Graves' betrayal when he recruited Dean to keep an eye out for Soap in order to kill him, but after feeling strange about the betrayal, he helped Soap escape and Soap sought him out afterward to thank him and strike up an official friendship.
John and Chris: During a recon mission in London, there was a brief few hours where all John and the crew could do was hurry up and wait, so he stopped into a local cafe to get caffeinated and struck up a conversation with the customer next to him, Chris. The pair got along and talked long enough that John almost missed the next meetup that he needed to be at. He went back the next day not expecting to see her at all/figuring it was a fluke but she walked in again, he decided to throw caution to the wind, offered his number and she took it. They met up the very next time he was in town on leave, and kept at it.
8. What’s one way their personalities complement one another?
Kali and Alex: It was really only their senses of humor that matched first. The first thing Kali did to him was basically playfully roast his hair and he was able to run with the hypothetical swat and gave a couple of jabs back that were on the same level. Otherwise, their personalities are pretty close in the level-headed, mature, kind sense so they balance each other out.
Dean and Soap: Really just 'anxious energy' vs 'controlled-to-slightly- chaotic energy.' Their brains are both usually going a mile a minute and sort of find peace in each other with that because Dean can reel in Soap's reckless edge and in turn Soap can help Dean work through whatever worry of the hour he's got.
John and Chris: Another "too similar for their own good" couple- they're both level-headed, mostly soft-spoken, parental-ish figures to their own people. So when a Mommy and a Dadd- you know what nevermind that joke won't hit the right way after using those words.
15. Who is more likely to make an impulsive decision and who is the voice of reason?
Kali and Alex: It could be a mixed bag/they probably take turns. For Alex there's usually a very important reason he does impulse and Kali understands so she'll at least try to iron out the corners of whatever he's thinking so he can do it safely/see it all ways. She can just be impulsive in general and on occasion he'll hit her with a soft "are you sure?" that maaay get her to rethink things. Or just throws fuel on the fire.
Dean and Soap: Soap's the more impulsive one by a mile. He acts in the moment; Dean's brain doesn't let him not consider all the ways something could go wrong. But when he's trying to check Soap, he tries his best to tone down the negativity.
John and Chris: Neither again. They're the Parent Friend, there is no impulse there, they think things through unless there's an emergency and impulse is a need.
16. Who stays up way too late and who tries to drag them to bed?
Kali and Alex: Most of the time it's Kali, usually burning the midnight oils cleaning or doing something crafty and Alex has to coax her away if it gets into the early hours of the morning where he knows she'll be a tired wreck the next day.
Dean and Soap: Another toss-up. They get stuff done when they want to get stuff done, and if it's late, so be it. Usually the other just wants company so they'll convince the other to come to bed.
John and Chris: John, usually hyper analyzing mission information/going over a failed mission in his head. Chris knows his habits after a while and she tries to steer clear to let him process in peace most of the time, but if she sees him physically start looking tired, even if he insists he'll be to bed soon she'll dig her heels in, try to force eye contact and hit him with puppy eyes to convince him to take it easy for the rest of the night.
23. Who overthinks the most?
Kali and Alex: Neither, since they're not particular overthinkers for the most part.
Dean and Soap: Dean, hands down. Man's brain never gives him a break. It's a damn miracle that it finally gives him some peace when he's flying. Sort of poetic, really.
John and Chris: John, for the same reasons as the last question.
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seeker372011 · 2 years
Day 11- homeward bound
We left the Eyre peninsula headed to Renmark on the Murray river,and as we drove from Port Augusta the blue of the Gulf Spencer and the grey and reddish brown of the Flinders Ranges sang their beguiling siren song entreating us not to leave.
But leave we did, driving without pause till a few kms out of Burra when we pulled over to take a photo of the Midnight Oil house; and then again very briefly at the lookout at Morgan, where we were offered fine views of the Murray, still very full and flowing fast though perhaps not as fast as it was when we passed this way 10 days ago.
Our first real stop was at Lake Bonney in Barmera where we drove a bit around the lake and discovered that Donald Campbell, back in 1964 had attempted to break the world water speed record on Lake Bonney, (he was unsuccessful). He reached 347.5 km/h but the lake was too small and the waves created by the speeding vehicle - the Bluebird-were too dangerous.
There is a Bluebird cafe on the lake front honouring this attempt.
We were tempted to head on to the Banrock Station- not far away but it was just too hot and uncomfortable, so we drove on to Berri, duly impressed by the enormous facilities of the Berri Estates and the many other vineyards along the way.
We stopped at the river, near the bridge, but the heat had completely sapped our energy.
With no enthusiasm for any more exploring we headed to our Caravan park in Renmark to settle down for the night, all worn out.
The minimum tonight is supposed to be 37 deg C . And we have no air conditioning….
Tomorrow is another scorcher.
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stellartales · 3 years
vyn richter hcs | mornings and nights with him
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request: Hey I just saw your post saying you'd be accepting requests for tot, since I have seen very few Vyn related content let me request some domestic headcannons for Vyn. Thank you!!
tags: @vyn-richters-world, @tsukimiyuukun (sorry i couldn't tag you :( you didn't pop up when i was trying to tag you; are you shadow-banned by tumblr? so strange.)
a/n: domestic headcanons consist of several themes so i've decided to write about your mornings and nights with him. i've thought up of many domestic headcanon themes for upcoming Vyn's headcanons so more to come—!
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♧ in the morning.
▪︎ on the days you have to head to the office, this man would always be up before you are.
▪︎ and when it's your turn to wake up, you will usually be greeted by the light, aromatic scent of tea.
▪︎ upon entering the kitchen, you will see Vyn in an apron standing over the stove cooking your breakfast. The tea you smelled while you laid in bed earlier is quietly brewing in a tea maker you often see Vyn use to make tea.
this is something you often experience in the mornings you have to leave for work. Vyn makes a wonderful boyfriend/husband who takes very good care of you — he would never let you leave home with an empty stomach.
his cooking is something you always look forward to. his skill had produced the tastiest steak you have come across; enough to give luxurious restaurants a run for their money.
his tea brewing skills is, of course, always superb.
▪︎ sometimes, you will see him cooking in the robes he wear to sleep. it is usually worn loosely over his chest. so when he turns around, you can see his chiseled built beneath.
▪︎ at times, you would see him already in his button-down shirt. his sleeves will be rolled up and folded neatly around his elbows — a sight you find hard to look away from.
— the way his button-down hugged the outline of his broad shoulders and highlights the area between his shoulder blades often made it hard to resist hugging him from behind, snuggling into his back when he is busy cooking the food on the stove.
▪︎ on your off days, this man would still be up before you are, but he would remain by your side while you slumber. you usually had to be away in the office for a full five days and sometimes even on Saturdays, so he really cherishes the days you could stay home.
if only you could see the look of adoration in his light honey eyes when you mumble into his chest and snuggle up against him.
▪︎ once you are awake, he would ask you to dress up because he is about to bring you to the cafes for breakfast dates. which is an activity you enjoy; it is a precious time to you. To be able to relish in his presence while being out, not due to work for once, is such a treat.
♧ at night.
▪︎ your job as an attorney sometimes requires you to work through the night.
And when that happens, Vyn would stay up with you — he is not new to staying up late due to what he does. He will never forget to brew you some tea as a beverage companion as you work through the night.
▪︎ often, he finds you dozing off on your desk or on the sofa where you sometimes choose to work on. and when he does, he would bridal-style carry you into your bedroom and tuck you in. of course, never forgetting to leave a kiss on your forehead before turning in beside you.
▪︎ on the days you didn't have to stay up late for work, but he has to. He would still join you in bed with his notebook and reading materials
you really enjoy it when he does this. listening to him flipping through the pages and scribbling things down on his notebooks were like lullabies to you; the noises makes you drowsy; live ASMR by Vyn himself hahah— he probably figured that you enjoy this hence he do this often whenever he had to burn the midnight oil.
▪︎ at times when he does this, he would run his hand through your hair gently, combing through it. there's so much affection in the gesture itself.
▪︎ Vyn is a gentleman and he doesn't really show his love directly; he is not the type who would sweep you into a passionate kiss in the middle of the street, but rather in quiet, subtle ways in private moments — such as the action mentioned in the point above.
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—published on 09.08.2021
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infjsnightmare · 3 years
How You Met: BSD Extras Style
A/N: This is part one of the extras. There will be another one coming later, but I couldn't be bothered to write for all of them right now. Sorry! I don't think there are any spoilers in any of these, so no warning this time! I hope you guys enjoy these as much as I enjoy making them! This one includes Oda, Ango, Haruno, Arthur Rimbaud, and Shibusawa.♡
Odasaku: The home center was finally winding down after a busy day of customers. Just a few more hours until closing and you could be off to enjoy a glass of wine with a good book to read. You could feel the tension drift out of your body just thinking about relaxing. Stocking the shelves in the toy aisle was at least repetitive enough that you didn't need to put too much thought into it. You noticed a slightly gruff-looking man deep in thought as he stared at the shelves in front of him. He seemed to be debating between two dolls from a popular children's TV series. Standing up from your crouched position, you thought that you might be able to give him some advice. You didn't hear the teenagers making a fuss in the next aisle over. Or see the way the shelf slightly wobbled as they played around climbing on it. All you knew was that you were suddenly pulled tightly against the chest of the man you'd seen while an entire shelf fell to the ground behind you, just where you and him had been moments ago. You looked up meeting his chocolate brown eyes. He quickly glanced away in slight embarrassment.
"Sorry about that. Do you happen to know which of these Pretty Cures dolls is "Cure Happy"?"
Ango: It was already nightfall, but you were still sitting in the cafe burning the midnight oil. You had your laptop set up, working on making sure all of your spreadsheets and graphs were placed in a way that made sense for your presentation. Warmth from the coffee cup had been basically scorching your hand by this point as you continuously got one refill after the other. You had to prove to the company that your current project was still worth funding and every detail had to be perfect. Fingering the handle of your cup, you brought it up to your lips only to realize there was just a sip left. Dragging yourself from your seat and back over to the counter, you prepared to order yet another refill. A slight man with round glasses got to the counter at the same time as you. He had also been there for hours- making phone calls, typing away on his laptop, sorting through files in his briefcase. The two of you exchanged a polite smile and quick bow of the head before you ordered. You began to pull out your debit card once you had ended your order but were interrupted as he slid his card across the counter.
"And I'll have a double espresso shot. Please put both orders on my card. Thank you."
Haruno: You'd been carrying this damn cat around for an hour now. It clawed and fought every step of the way too. The cat had been nearly flattened like a pancake if you hadn't snatched it from in front of some young redhead's motorcycle. You'd checked the tag and the address was on the complete opposite side of Yokohama. You should've just let the cat go, but you had strange feeling you just couldn't shake. It felt like you just had to return the cat to its owner. So, that's how you ended up here, storming down the sidewalk, yelling obscenities at the cat while cradling it as gently as possible. Finally the apartment complex you were looking for came into view as you hurried to find the room number listed in the dollar's tag. You knocked on the door three times before the door opened up revealing cute young woman. Your cheeks immediately flushed, taking in her olive green eyes behind red-rimmed glasses and her slight expression of shock which was quickly followed by unbridled joy.
"Mii!!! You found him! Thank you so much! How can I ever repay you?"
Arthur: Wiping your brow, you sat back in your chair, having finished sewing what was probably the millionth scarf today. Owning your own shop was nice. Being your own boss was nice. But, carrying the entirety of the workload on your own shoulders wore you down sometimes. Letting out an exhausted yawn, you began gathering your finished garments and hanging them on the display racks out front. Most of your orders came in online, but you still liked to create a welcoming ambience on the off-chance that a passerby would be intrigued by your merchandise. You placed your favorite piece of the day on the first rack in front of the doorway; a red infinity style scarf made with extra thick wool. As you headed back towards the cash counter you heard the jingle of the front doors. You turned your head to see a man dressed in full winter gear appraising your the red scarf with great admiration. He glanced from the scarf to meet your eyes with a shy smile.
"This looks to be amazing quality. Is it quite warm?"
Shibusawa: It was your first day as a research assistant. You'd finally reached your goal of working in a research group to study abilities. Your real passion was to run your own research on gene expression of those people with similar abilities, but for now you would make do with getting experience in your current organization. The building was large and with wide brightly lit hallways. "Shibusawa...Shibusawa...." you muttered to yourself checking the nameplate on each office door, trying to find the office of your new boss. There were many thoughts swarming in your head. What kind of person was your new boss? The organization had hired you in without you ever meeting your direct overseer. You heard the faintest tapping of feet echoing in the hallway and turned to see a pale man with ruby-red eyes, his long white hair gently swaying as he approached you, one hand up in greeting.
"You said Shibusawa, right? I look forward to working with you."
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cloudytamaki · 4 years
bnha » quirk issues
warnings: crack, swearing
he has a good handle on his quirk, so there aren’t many issues
but he does sometimes lose control
he always has shower thoughts, and sometimes they aren’t always good- so he ends up freezing the water and everything
if he’s sick with a fever or something his skin will literally burn your hands
sometimes he gets migraines and it feels like his head is being split in 2
if he gets startled he’ll shoot out ice and fire
this is also when you wake him up in the morning; endeavor always woke him up roughly so he learned to expect that. if you wake him up forcefully he may end up blasting ice everywhere
in the early times of your relationship, you would hold hands and he would be so nervous that he’d freeze your hand 😭
oh fuck he has some issues man
hey so it’s midnight, everything’s all good and you’re just sleeping peacefully until keigo jumps the fuck up screaming bloody murder. you panic, looking towards him as you ask him what’s wrong; he got a painful cramp in his wings
sometimes when he’s going through doorways they aren’t wide enough, and he can’t tuck his wings in any further so he ends up walking in sideways
ducks and birds have natural oils on their wings so they stay waterproof. the same is for keigo, and when he’s trying to shower or bathe he can’t scrub his wings when they’re dirty
if he gets stressed about things he ends up losing all his feathers; they’re all over the floor, and you have to tell him so he can fix his wings again
if he’s doing something like getting into a glass door shower, sometimes he’ll accidentally close the door on his fuckin wings - you’ll hear loud cursing
y’all wake up in the sunshine like every other couple until he yawns and stretches his wings, “good morning dove—” he’s pushed you off the bed
gets intense back pain so you have to give him massages
his worst nightmare is manifesting his food by accident and looking like some beast in front of you
unfortunately that did happen,, you confessed to him and he opened his mouth to tell you, yes, i really like you, y/n, but something must’ve gone wrong since he manifested this big ass bird beak
he was so embarrassed oh my god
he noticed your surprise and was asking what was going wrong when suddenly he squawks like a fuckin bird... he covered his mouth beak and ran to the bathroom
after that got cleared up everything was okay, except for those few times he would manifest something
he accidentally manifested feathers all over his head when he was at a cafe with you but we won’t talk about that.
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