#midnight bliss zero
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donnie-woomy · 6 months ago
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It was just an idea
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myr1-the-shad0w0lf · 4 months ago
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What can I say? It's fun to draw them together
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sulan1809 · 4 months ago
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Artist: Timestones(DeviantArt)
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commandertilio · 8 months ago
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qasian-tech-support · 9 months ago
Midnight Bliss exists, so yeah, technically
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I'm going through the x - series and this is my personal conclusion
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ninibeingdelulu · 9 months ago
Midnight craving
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synopsis-> you’re pregnant and suddenly crave for salmon in the middle of the night
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A silvery shaft of moonlight sliced in through the sheer curtain panels draping over your bedroom window, casting everything in muted shades of blue and shadow.
You blinked blearily against the dimness surrounding you, willing your eyes to adjust as you carefully extricated yourself from the tangle of sheets twisted all around your legs.
Glancing over your shoulder, the gentle swell of Kento's bare chest rose and fell in a steady rhythm of deep sleep undisturbed.
You couldn't resist the tender smile tugging at your lips while drinking in the peaceful expression painted across his features.
Light lashes fanning out in delicate crescent moons over those high cheekbones you adored peppering with butterfly kisses.
Kento's head lolled slightly to one side, prominent jaw shadowed by the faintest traces of stubble leaving you longing to trace the defined line with idle fingertips.
Powerful arms splayed out carelessly at his sides as if instinctively reaching for you before you'd slipped away from their protective circle.
Your heart swelled fit to bursting with the overwhelming surge of adoration pulsing through you at simply watching your husband sleep so serenely.
How you ever got so ridiculously lucky to have this man as your partner- your best friend, your teammate, your everything- still felt surreal most days.
And soon he'll be a father too...to our little bun in the oven, you mused dreamily, one hand straying in an absent caress down the rounded swell of your protruding belly.
That single thought alone never failed to spark fresh embers of joy kindling themselves alight in your chest.
Right on cue, a sudden fierce craving for something hot, savory and protein-rich overwhelmed you from out of nowhere.
Your pregnancy appetite could strike with zero warning like a Category 5 hurricane lately.
Nodding to yourself in resolve, you carefully pushed upright to arch your spine backwards in a satisfying full body stretch before tip-toeing barefoot out of the bedroom.
No sense in accidentally rousing the love of your life from his well-earned slumber when a simple midnight snack would sate the two of you.
The pale blue glow from the refrigerator flooded your dim kitchen as the heavy door creaked open.
Rummaging through stray tupperware and discarded takeout boxes, you eventually extracted the container from yesterday's fresh market salmon steaks.
Fingers already tugging eagerly at the clinging plastic wrap, you shuffled over to lean your lower back against the counter's edge while inhaling that delicious fresh scent wafting up in enticing tendrils.
Before you even realized it, more than half the juicy pink fish filet was devoured. Juice dribbled past the corners of your mouth, prompting you to lick away the lingering salty brine across your lips while humming in blissful satisfaction.
"Well well...looks like our little troublemaker was up wandering around and getting into all sorts of mischief again, hm?"
Kento's sleep-roughened timbre floated towards you, prompting you to freeze mid-bite.
Your gaze swiveled towards the kitchen entryway where your handsome husband now lounged with bare sculpted chest glistening in the fridge's bluish light.
Deep umber eyes still slightly glazed over from interrupted slumber roamed freely over your guilty expression while the corner of that sinfully full mouth gradually quirked upwards in a knowing smirk.
"I'm so sorry, honey" you whispered contritely, quickly polishing off the rest of the midnight snack still clutched in your fingers before moving to meet him halfway.
"I tried my best not to wake you up but apparently this little stinker inside wanted salmon."
Your hushed explanations dissolved into a breathy giggle as Kento engulfed your smaller frame in his arms, one large palm splaying protectively across the dome of your belly.
Rasping his dexterous fingertips across the taut skin there elicited a firm kick or two from within in response.
"Yeah,...I get it, love" he murmured down at the source of that restless fidgeting with his irresistible bedroom-rasp.
"Just don't give mommy too hard a time with all those wild midnight cravings of yours, alright ? Daddy's gotta make sure to spoil you both plenty."
The molten intensity of his gaze searing straight through you sent shockwaves rippling outwards from your very core.
As if reading your mind, Kento swiftly leveraged his grip beneath your thighs to hoist you clean up into his arms in one effortless glide.
You released a breathless giggle while automatically twining both limbs around his trim waist, allowing him to swiftly navigate that solid triple-threat combination of martial artist, sorcerer and husband grace straight back to the bedroom.
His lips crashed hungrily against yours the second your shoulder blades hit the mattress - swallowing down the remainder of your elated laughter.
Kento's heavy torso bracketed your hips on either side, leaving his palms free to roam every curve and swell below in a worshipful glide.
Hooded midnight eyes smoldered in tenderness while ghosting featherlight kisses down the elegant column of your throat before eventually nestling against the resounding heartbeat beneath your sternum.
Each measured breath he exhaled in tandem with your synchronized pulses cascaded over your sensitized skin in a torrent of rapturous tingles.
One of his large splayed hands never ceased those rhythmic, soothing caresses against your rounded tummy all the while.
As if he subconsciously sought to impart his own transfixion upon the wriggling new life within your womb through sheer willpower alone.
"Get some rest now, my darlings."
Kento commanded thickly against the swells of your breasts although you knew he was only putting on a stern facade for show.
The adoration gleaming incandescent from his liquid umber gaze as his cheek nestled closer betrayed the raw, all-consuming emotion swirling within.
"Tomorrow's gonna be yet another wild day full of new chapters just waiting to kick off this incredible adventure the three of us have stumbled into together."
Still practically delirious from the heady swirl of hormones and euphoria residing bone-deep, you smiled radiantly while sinking your fingertips into his blond messy locks.
"I can't wait to raise our baby together, ken." you murmured fervently against his brow.
Kento's eyes slipped shut in answer, only the serenely content quirk of his kiss-swollen lips giving away his silent response before snuggling flush against you once more.
With a profound inner peace you'd never experienced before seeping in, both lovers gradually succumbed to dreamless slumber swaddled within each other's warmth.
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lieutenantfloyd · 3 months ago
Hi! I'm fairly sure you're taking asks at the moment but feel free to ignore this if you aren't. But would you consider doing a "How they'd react to you on your period" but for the top gun: maverick characters?
How they react when you’re on your period (Headcanons)
Includes: Rooster, Bob, Hangman, Cyclone, Maverick, and Phoenix
Warnings: fluff, domestic bliss, mentions of pain, blood, marriage, and general domesticity— Reader is gender neutral but has a uterus
Authors Note: Life decided to get wild for a minute so this accidentally sat half finished in my drafts for a month and a half along with a Cyclone request I'm now working on again. Also, I included a headcanon each for Coyote and Fanboy at the end as a bonus :)
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Bradley, as much as he tries, is still very much "A Guy™"
He's not malicious and he's far from incompetent, he just genuinely doesn't understand what you're going through
He's hesitant to ask questions, so instead he just pays extra close attention to you
If you like to cuddle, he's all over it
And if you don't, he's always lurking nearby, waiting for you to need him
Either way, he's noticing everything, and he's kinda horrified
Once your relationship is fairly progressed, he'll pull you aside and ask all the questions he was too scared to ask before
He wants to know all about your symptoms, emotions, and any way he can make the time a little less miserable
Rooster is such a family fan, and once he has a grasp on what you need, he's jumping head first into action
He shows his affection by being strong for you but also accidentally super clingy
Like he’s genuinely not letting you leave his sight
He's still a little hesitant at first about upsetting you or getting things wrong, but he's the type of man willing to do whatever he can to keep you happy
He isn't the best cook, but he tries
Do you both end up eating cereal for multiple meals? Yes
Does your teasing being met with his apology kisses make them the best bowls of cereal you’ll ever have? Absolutely
Will 1000% get you your favorite snacks though, even if that means making an emergency trip to the store at midnight because you offhandedly mentioned something
Your sweet darling angel Bob has zero clue what's happening or how to help, but he's determined to try his absolute BEST
If your relationship is still new and you're staying together when you get your period, this man straight up thinks you're dying
Like obviously he knows how this works—far more than other guys you’ve been around, because that's just how Bob is
But he lives his life always a bit on edge and has a massive tendency to panic
So his mind instantly goes to worst case scenario aka there’s been an accident and you're now bleeding out
He just loves you SO MUCH and he is SO SCARED
It takes a bit of effort to calm him down, mostly in the form of kisses and reassurance, but once you explain everything he's good as new
…minus his still racing heart
Bob is the type to bombard you with questions when he's concerned
"Are you comfortable?" "Are you hungry?" "Do you need anything?"
May or may not accidentally propose when he's initially worried (even if you're already married)
Now you’re both slightly panicking, cuddled up in bed together looking at rings or your wedding album
Bob takes his role as your partner so seriously, and just wants to feel useful in any way he can
You might spend an almost equal amount of time comforting Bob as he spends comforting you, but it nonetheless gets your mind of things
Relationships are about give and take, and a life with Bob is sweet as pie
Hangman, despite his flirtatious personality, is the type of guy parents want their kids to end up with
He’s a total l lover boy at heart, priding himself in keeping you happy at all times
That means he's shockingly well prepared for this, and is genuinely confused if you didn’t think he wouldn’t be
To him it’s basic stuff, simply just “what a good boyfriend does”
And if you try to explain how men typically are about periods, he’s looking you dead in the eyes and saying, “We both know I’m one of a kind.”
The argument pretty much ends there, and he’s right back to being boyfriend of the year—this time without your questioning protests
Shortly into your relationship he’ll ask you out of the blue about your needs and preferences, and ever since then has kept them STOCKED
To him you're the #1 priority, and making sure you have everything you need to be comfortable is just as intuitive for him as knowing what size clothes you wear or adjusting the air conditioner on your side of his truck as soon as he gets in
He'll take it upon himself to make everything he can control as calm and stress free as possible, with laundry is done, dishes washed, and dinner on the table before you can even think about it
If you're feeling up to it, he'll take you on cute little dates to get your mind off things
He stays hyper aware of you the whole time, ready to whisk you away if you start to feel bad or you’re social battery is suddenly empty
He’s physically clingy by nature, and that only triples when he thinks you need some extra love
He's 120% committed to being a gentleman to you always, so he won’t ambush you with cuddles
but he will open his arms any time you look even vaguely in his direction :)
Whether you're dating, married, or even just friends with benefits, this man is nothing if not a provider
If you are in any way connected to him, he has made it abundantly clear that you are to call him whenever you need anything—no matter how insignificant
He's admittedly out of his element when it comes to periods, but he’s a grown man, competent enough to admit what he doesn’t know and not let that phase him one bit
On days when time got away from you and you’re now out of pads/tampons and the store is closing in thirty minutes, he's in his car the second your text comes through
He’ll show up at your door in under an hour, carrying multiple packs of exactly what you need, along with groceries for the week and frozen yogurt from your favorite shop across town
When you question him about it, he simply says he does it “because he can”
Choosing to conveniently leave out the fact that he knows you have a busy week ahead, and not having to worry about getting to the grocery store is an easy way for him to take a little bit of stress off of your plate
He’s the type to have meticulously organized notes in his phone that list all your favorite things, what's on your wishlist, your go to restaurant orders, etc
This comes in handy not only when he wants to spoil you (which is always), but also when you’re not feeling well and are in need of some extra love and care
Like Phoenix, you’re his number one priority, and knowing something is off triggers both his protective and caregiver tendencies.
He will do anything he can to make your life easier, and gets genuinely angry at the thought of you having to expend any more energy than absolutely necessary
He's shockingly big into quality time, and loves to spend nights with you on the couch or in bed
He runs insanely warm, and while you often joke about him being the human equivalent of a space heater, your complaints become nothing but praise when you have cramps or just want a comforting hug
In the same vein, he gives the best massages ever
His hands are big and just as warm as the rest of him, plus he's strong with fingertips just rough enough to feel great against your skin
He’s not the type to ever bombard you with his presence, but if he’s not working, he’s more than happy to spend all the time he can with you
this lovely lady would be the absolute sweetest
She's all too familiar with what you’re going through, and is committed to making this week of your life unnotable in the best possible way
Seeing you at all uncomfortable or feeling down sends her protective tendencies into overdrive
Every minute she's not in the air, she's waiting on you hand and foot
Phoenix is such a caretaker, and it comes second nature to her
You’ll have to promise that you really are fine, and while she isn’t 100% convinced, she will at least let you walk your dogs or help with dinner
She absolutely loves taking baths with you, so much that it’s practically one of her love languages
Physical touch and quality time are both such big things for her, and there are few things more intimate than talking about your day while you share a glass of wine and wash each other's hair
At the end of the day she just wants her partner to feel comfortable and loved at all times, and she'll do anything she can to make that happen
When your period comes, this man is certifiably lost It’s not because he doesn't care, he's just a little (endearingly) oblivious
A facet of your relationship centers around how, between his free-spirited personality and after so many years spent dedicated only to his career, Maverick just isn't used to having to think about anyone else
but if theres one thing Mav has proven time and time again, it’s that he isn't one to back down from a challenge
Once he's caught on to your "situation" (as he calls it), he's going to ask questions that total in the hundreds
Asks about your cravings, type and descriptions of your pain, preferences over products and medications, etc
He genuinely wants to know everything, because then he’ll know how to help
He's a bit of a walking disaster, and he'd far too restless to cuddle
but if it’s your thing he’ll try for you, so long as you’re ready to listen to his endless wild stories :)
Instead of simply assuming you're down for his spur-of-the-moment adventures (or just disappearing for days like he used to before you got together), he'll actually come out and invite you along
He also makes a conscious effort to check in with you throughout the day, sending you quick texts to let you know he’s safe and thinking about you
This eventually gets fully implemented into your relationship when Maverick realizes he's very invested in what you do all day—no matter how mundane it seems to you
If you spent all day in bed scrolling your phone, he wants to know all the details about everything you looked at
If you went grocery shopping that afternoon, he wants to know all about what you’re cooking and what new products and snacks you saw while you were there
To him everything has the potential to be an adventure, you just how to have the right outlook
Slowly, you'll start noticing more and more of your favorite things popping up around the hangar
Your favorite snacks and a bottle of your preferred painkillers in the cabinet, extra pillows and fluffy blankets left lying around, a heating pad or two…
You don't say anything and he’ll never address it, but you can't help but notice the soft look in his eyes when he sees you using something he bought just for you
Whether you're dating, married, or even just friends with benefits, this man is nothing if not a provider
If you are in any way connected to him, he has made it abundantly clear that you are to call him whenever you need anything—no matter how insignificant
He's admittedly out of his element when it comes to periods, but he’s a grown man, competent enough to admit what he doesn’t know and not let that phase him one bit
On days when time got away from you and you’re now out of pads/tampons and the store is closing in thirty minutes, he's in his car the second your text comes through
He’ll show up at your door in under an hour, carrying multiple packs of exactly what you need, along with groceries for the week and frozen yogurt from your favorite shop across town
When you question him about it, he simply says he does it “because he can”
Choosing to conveniently leave out the fact that he knows you have a busy week ahead, and not having to worry about getting to the grocery store is an easy way for him to take a little bit of stress off of your plate
He’s the type to have meticulously organized notes in his phone that list all your favorite things, what's on your wishlist, your go to restaurant orders, etc
This comes in handy not only when he wants to spoil you (which is always), but also when you’re not feeling well and are in need of some extra love and care
Like Phoenix, you’re his number one priority, and knowing something is off triggers both his protective and caregiver tendencies.
He will do anything he can to make your life easier, and gets genuinely angry at the thought of you having to expend any more energy than absolutely necessary
He's shockingly big into quality time, and loves to spend nights with you on the couch or in bed
He runs insanely warm, and while you often joke about him being the human equivalent of a space heater, your complaints become nothing but praise when you have cramps or just want a comforting hug
In the same vein, he gives the best massages ever
His hands are big and just as warm as the rest of him, plus he's strong with fingertips just rough enough to feel great against your skin
He’s not the type to ever bombard you with his presence, but if he’s not working, he’s more than happy to spend all the time he can with you
Coyote is the type of guy to ask you to go hiking with him on the worst day of your period. He doesn't see anything wrong with this because "being active will make you feel better".
Fanboy uses your self care time to cuddle up with you, with the ulterior motive of making you rewatch the Star Wars franchise for the millionth time, with fun facts and his original commentary included.
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andre-and-cal · 2 months ago
give me your sweetest yet freakiest headcanons for these little faggots, like sickly sweet and disgustingly freaky
Of course !! Enjoy :)
Fluffy and NSFW Caldre HCs
Andre likes to run his fingers over the scars on Cal’s thighs and arms. When they’re alone, sometimes Andre keeps his hand rested on Cal’s arm or thigh. And when Calvin is wearing a simple t-shirts or shorts, Andre can usually feel the mounds littered over his limbs. As a result, Andre frequently finds himself absentmindedly grazing his thumb over the raised scar tissue. Cal finds it quite soothing and hasn’t said anything about it; he just lets Andre do what he wants. After all, Andre is stubborn, and he dislikes being told to change or that he’s doing something wrong. Additionally, when he’s in between Cal’s legs and sucking him off or peppering slow, lazy kisses over his skin, he makes sure to place his hands against the other evident ridges on his inner thighs, so that he can feel the scars’ unique shapes and textures beneath his fingertips. He finds it fascinating how Cal’s previous self-inflicted cuts scarred over in a similar manner to his own.
Calvin tries really fucking hard to stay awake when he sleeps over at Andre’s. But by the time the clock hits midnight, or even an hour after, he’s out cold. Cal becomes determined to stay awake when they’re over at each other’s houses, but he always falls asleep first. One of Andre’s silent, unspoken displays of fondness toward Calvin is leaning down to him and pressing a kiss to his forehead after he’s fallen asleep, or his cheek, or anywhere on his face. Funnily enough, though, Cal’s a deep sleeper, while Andre’s more of a light sleeper. Andre often finds himself tossing and turning in bed, restless. He’s not sure if it’s maybe because of the subtle, lingering stress in the back of his mind toward planning Zero Day with Cal, or if it’s something else. Also, a lot of the times when they’re cuddling, Andre likes to be the little spoon. He refuses to admit it, but Cal holding him helps him sleep better.
Andre acts on certain desires for the sole purpose of just hearing Cal make noise and to watch him squirm beneath him, because listening to Calvin’s mewls makes Andre’s dick stand right up. To elaborate, sometimes Andre will drive his shaft against Cal’s prostate gland a little too roughly, or he’ll pinch or lap at Cal’s nipples ever-so-suddenly to watch his face contort in bliss, to listen to him let out grunts, gasps, and moans. Cal feels that Andre’s body looming above him, face burrowed into his neck, is heaven. Calvin is the furthest thing from religious, but he finds that Andre is the real-life personification of a sacred object. Or a poem. Definitely a poem, too. When he’s on top, when he’s bouncing on Andre’s dick or has his dick in his mouth, Cal will occasionally lean down or pull back to leave deep, bloody bites on Andre’s shoulders or taut thighs. He’s extremely intrigued by Andre’s body and blood, and he likes to inspect his comrade by watching him bleed.
When the air surrounding them is content and they’re alone together, Andre finds it easy to relax— especially after a difficult day at school— by playing with Cal’s hair, feeling the oiliness of his bangs beneath the pads of his fingers. It’s rather mesmerizing to them both, and Andre finds it attractive how naturally light of a blond Cal is.
Occasionally, Andre does allow Cal to stick his fingers inside him, albeit dubious. Calvin was the first one to bring it up, intrigued by the prospect of Andre experiencing the pleasure similar to what he himself does. And Calvin loves exerting a sense of possessive control over Andre, feeling him tense up and clench around his fingers and all. He relaxes when Calvin kisses down his neck and licks up his naval, and he lets out strained moans he has no idea he’s got in him when Cal rubs firm circles against his sweet spot. When either one of them is on top, they have an unspoken “lieutenant-like” role. At least, in their eyes they do.
Prior to the establishment of their “comradeship” and “superiority” on the social hierarchy, Andre’s heartbeat would quicken when he and Cal were close in proximity. He still gets nervous at times— a rather good nervousness— but it’s now become natural to him. He would get all hot and red in the face when Calvin was near him. It used to be such a gross, sickly sweet feeling that it made Andre want to projectile vomit whenever the “bullets” would swarm his innards. He wondered if this was how other people felt about someone they exhibit amorous tendencies toward. Andre knows that he and Cal’s relationship is vastly different than what the majority of the world engages in. In addition, when Cal is experiencing a low mood and idealizing suicide, he believes that he and Andre could be gods somewhere else if they really wanted, though they’re stuck in this “useless world” and at their “fuckass school”. Cal likes that Andre views the world similarly to how he views it; he feels that they were inevitably bound to connect the way they do. Because to him, their unity is high above all else.
Calvin was just-barely able to convince Andre to slice his name into his arm, since he’d already cut Andre’s name into his. He feels that it secures their unspoken suicide pact.
Holding Cal in his arms, and Cal holding him in his arms feels right. Years of regret from longing and aching to be closer than they actually were paid off. Especially when they’re physically intimate; they’re like two pieces of a puzzle connecting together. Or like two bullets fitting perfectly inside a gun magazine, ready to fire. Click.
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itsmealaiah · 7 months ago
Birthday Bash
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TW: dom! reader, protective sex, sex as a birthday gift 🤤, profanity, gustav, pretty much it idk what else
its short but i have zero motive 😋
Please do not interact, read, or view if you are under the age of fifteen, thank you.
The birthday bash was finally over, leaving you and Gustav alone for some much needed me-time.
The party had lasted many, many hours, and you both were exhausted. The band had insisted on dragging it out for as long as possible, and it was midnight now, meaning Gustav's birthday was nearly over, but not without one final gift.
Of course you had given him an actual birthday present, but this one was more special, one that only he could see.
You had been planning it for a little while, and now was the perfect time. Gustav was taking a shower to wash off all the sweat and muck from the day, and you were lying in bed, waiting for him to get out.
You heard the bathroom door open, and gustav stepped out, a towel around his waist, searching for clothes. "Gustav?" you asked, getting up and standing behind him, a slight smile on your face. Your hands graced the towel, looking to take it off. "Hm?" He answered, digging into the dresser drawers. You slipped the towel off gently, caressing just above his lower abdomen.
He felt the towel move off of him, and turned around, the clothes now forgotten. "Was brauchst du Liebe?" He questioned, raising a brow. "Sie" you answered back, bringing him onto the bed, pushing him lightly so he was lying on his back. "Was haben Sie geplant" He chuckled, letting out a small "oomph" as you straddled yourself across his waist. "mein letztes Geburtstagsgeschenk an Sie" You whispered, lifting up your shirt, revealing no bra underneath, before stripping off the rest of your clothes and throwing them aside. "Ich wollte es einfach besonders machen." You purred in his ear, reaching over and grabbing a condom. His breathing hitched softly, and one of his hands went to your back, slowly bringing you down so he could kiss you.
"Dankeschön" he murmured into the kiss. You broke open the condom, sliding it onto him, stroking his member to get it hard and then you settled down on him, feeling him pulse gently inside of you. "Scheiße" he groaned out, his eyes nearly rolling to the back of his head as you began to move your hips up and down, biting your lip in the process. It didn't take long for his tip to find your spot, and soon you were letting out moan after moan, letting gustav know just how good you felt. Your hands met his chest, and you pressed down on his pecs, leaning down again to give him another kiss. His hand stroked your hair softly, then slide it down to help you move on him.
With his help, you were simply just a moaning mess, your eyes shut and your body full of pleasure along with bliss. Your legs began to shake more and more, your walls squeezing him and keeping him in place, which was a sign you were going to come. He applied pressure to your clit, rubbing small circles on the bud, which made you reach your orgasm, his name slipping from your lips multiple times as you rode out your high. He felt himself approaching the brink of pleasure, his cock twitching inside of you more frequently, and soon he was spilling into the condom, falling back onto the bed, his eyes rolling back again.
Slowly, you made your way off of him, getting the rubber off and lying down to cuddle with him, your head on his bare chest. "das war das beste Geburtstagsgeschenk aller Zeiten, danke" He said softly to you, kissing your forehead and rubbing your back. You leaned up, giving him a small peck on his lips, and stayed there for the rest of the night, your bodies entertwined as you cuddled together
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thornsinmycrown · 1 year ago
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warnings: none, brief mentions of nightmares and implied PTSD. word count: 649
summary: how sharing a simple domestic life with dan would probably be like.
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After some months dating, you agree to try living together and see how it goes. He is not so convinced when you first try to talk him into it, but after three years sober —and your insistence that everything would be fine—, he finally says yes to moving into your house.
At first, he didn't get used to it. He walks in a world softer and safer than what he usually did before being sober, for once there are no sharp edges and he doesn't dislike it at all.
Anxiety and insecurities from his shifts at the Rivington dissolve the moment he looks at the clock hanging on the wall and thinks is almost time to go back home to you.
He cannot seem to choose which are his favorite kisses now — good morning kisses or goodnight kisses.
He feels brought back to life every time your lips pepper his face with soft pecks all over his face in the mornings, and every little attempt of you to get out of bed seems impossible now, but there's no time to complain when you’re being loved.
You were aware of the fact Dan had a gift, though he hadn't opened up completely about it yet, you were patient and never forced the topic on him — one of the many reasons he was so fond of you.
The fear of you finding him spooky or creepy because of his shining was always haunting him in the back of his mind every time he shared a room with you in your small house. You, on the other hand, were always attentive of his little shining outbursts, fascinated by how much he understood you though you always tried to be ahead of things.
It came in handy when you couldn't remember where you left that sweater your granny gifted you on snow days or when you forgot to stop at the convenience store to buy more milk, you would get home to find him folding the clothes you forgot to take out of the washing machine before leaving to work — but there were negative aspects.
Nightmares were less frequent, yet, the probability never lowered to zero. He would wake up abruptly at midnight, sweaty and shivering, babbling about demons you couldn't understand — and frankly didn't ask about. You could only shy away some of your sleepy state and think of how to make him feel safe again.
Nights were somber pools of self-deprecating thoughts before drifting off to sleep, where he seeked the calm of nothingness. Now, as you cuddle under the sheets, he seeks the comfort of your warmth and the soothing touch of your fingertips on his scalp, easing all his worries goodbye.
On days that are not so busy, he would wake up to the smell of coffee or the sound of your singing in the shower. Clashing cooking utensils was almost the norm. He was an awful cook and you were no chef either, but the bliss of sharing a table with you made the whole morning ritual a good reason to be alive.
And he doesn't mutter any thank you's after he finishes, but when he washes the dishes, you can hear how content he hums sweet tunes and it makes you smile to see how happy he is compared to when you first met him.
He would occasionally ask for you to lend him things just to brush his hands with yours, sometimes ridiculously near him, like the remote next to him —it amuses you—, and you silently wait for the moment he pulls you into a hug once you reach out to him, sitting you in his lap to watch T.V.
He had no dreams before you, nothing to hold on to, living for the day in ragged T-shirts, he found beauty in the ordinary, in the simple quiet life he was sharing with you.
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Author's note: So, I realized there is little to nothing content about Dan and he's frankly one of my favorite of Ewan's characters. This reader was thought as a non-shining reader. I'll probably write more on him if this is well received.
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dragonrider9905 · 1 year ago
Midnight Snacks
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Summery: Dogma had a long day at work and comes home to a surprise.
Warnings: none, pure fluff
Celebration You Prompt List
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@eclec-tech Here you go!!!!!!! Thank you so so much for being my first ❤️First person to encourage me on my writing journey, first to invite me to Tumblr and first to request in my follower celebration!!! I really hope this one lives up to your hopes! Your idea was just so cute XD I hope I did it justice ;D
Dogma trudged his way through the streets back home.
It’d been a long day. 
Well, in truth, it’d been a long day for a long time. After the fall of the Republic with that fateful ‘Order 66’ (which he really didn’t know what that was all about) Dogma took the first opportunity to escape the prisons, which were in chaos. He’d struck out on high alert and extreme secrecy for who knows how long, living hand to mouth and always looking over his shoulder. Little by little, the paranoia dissipated and life turned into a day by day experience. Apparently the Empire was too busy to hunt him down (which was fine by him). They were too busy looking for other high value targets (which he had to admit, he didn’t know who or what they were. He didn’t get a whole lot of information in his cell on Coruscant). He’d rather be safe than sorry so a low profile he kept, but he also decided to live a little of a life. He’d get a job, make some money and live like a normal person doing…what normal people do. Whatever that was. 
Monotony of time went on; Dogma got steady work and a steady life. Rarely anything fell out of place, just like how he liked it. He liked as few disruptions as possible. He knew everything that was going to happen. Everything had a place and everything was in its place. Order was the order of the day...that was, until he met you. 
You were the craziest, funnest person on the planet (and he’s got to admit that’s what made him attracted to you. Like, how in the galaxy did you have such a carefree spirit? Live from moment to moment without anxiety for the future. Always ready for an adventure. Believe that everything would be ok, and it always was. Blew him away). 
Dogma always liked understanding everything, and nothing scared him more than when his heart started beating abnormally around you. The queasy feeling in his gut whenever you’d do something around him. The blush whenever you’d tease him. The irrevocable smile that’d show up on his lips whenever you laughed. Dogma didn’t understand any of it! 
Ok, he retracted his earlier statement; he realized he was never more scared than when he connected the dots: he was in love with you. 
Falling in love was easy. Staying in love was the hard part. 
His shifts at the factory were long and hard. 12 hours a day, zero breaks, four days a week. The bits in between were yours. How do you keep love alive on that? 
Turning left at the corner and sighing into the night, slightly chilled with the season and a hint of rain in the air, Dogma felt almost giddy. It’d been three months since he told you how he felt. Three months since you told him you felt the same way. Three months of bliss, and extreme exhaustion. Before his shifts or after, he’d head to your place to spend time with you. It was a solid thirty minutes (if not more) on a good day from his apartment to the factory adding so much extra time to his day he wondered every night coming home if he should quit. 
He was a reasonable man too though. Jobs were hard to come by. If he quit, he’d need a plan. And he couldn’t quit now, there were too many bills to take care of. Plus if he wanted a future with you… 
But, how long would this last on the scraps you gave each other? 
He sighed, almost defeatedly. 
The contradictory swirl of emotions had him climbing on top of the highest mountains of Aldaraan and tumbling far below into the depths of the oceans of Kamino. 
He decided to head straight home today. The lack of sleep was really playing a number on his mind. He’d commed you before with no answer on your end. He hoped that you’d understand. That you weren’t upset with him. It was always hard for him to tell. He wasn’t the best when it came to reading emotions and even then, since his…mistake on Umbara, a gaping hole of self doubt was left in its wake. 
Sighing for the up-teenth time, he finally turned onto his street.  Reached his door and pulled out his keys…to notice the light was on.
He was pretty sure he’d turned off all his lights when he left? Perhaps his habit just slipped. Doing things for so long he’d forget even doing them. 
Stepping his apartment, he dropped his stuff to the floor, and sighed again. Home at last.
“There you are!” 
Dogma screeched and nearly jumped out of his skin.
The sound of your bright, bubbly voice was the last thing he expected to hear. Looking at you with wide, surprised eyes, you laughed and ran into his arms, embracing him with a hum. 
“Now you shut that trap of yours and move it! I’ve got everything ready for you!” Forcibly lifting his jaw back into place, you pushed him further into his apartment. 
Had he gone to your place by accident? No…those were his books, his carefully stored few belongings…
“When I got your comm, I could almost hear how tired you were. I figured since you’d been coming by me every day, I’d surprise you and throw you a welcome home party! Whatda think?!”
“The place is empty.”
“Exactly! You’re kind of party.”
Dogma chuckled. You weren’t wrong. 
“It’s great, thank you.”
“Oh I’m just getting started. First, it’s snacks in the kitchen, then it’s holovids, then a good night's rest for your off day tomorrow!” 
You waved your hand to the couch where you haphazardly threw pillows and blankets onto the floor. Pillows and blankets he knew were not his. 
“You brought your stuff over here?” Dogma knew you were particular about your comfort items. You liked them clean and in place in your own apartment. They never left their spots. 
“Yeah! I figured we could make a blanket fort! I know you don’t have many of your own yet.”
“I, uh, I—” 
“Oh stop babbling and let’s eat! I know you’re starving!”
Bopping behind him and placing your palms on his back, you practically pushed him all the way into the kitchen. 
Sitting on the table was a vast variety of his favorite snacks all assembled in a neat array. 
“Oh wow…” Dogma was at a loss for words. You did all of this for him?
He turned to see your sparkling face and smiled. 
“Thank you for everything. I don’t deserve…”
“No talking like that! You deserve the galaxy, my dear.”
Swallowing the lump in his throat, he drew you in for a hug. Against his chest, he felt your smile. Pressing a kiss to the top of your head, he broke away. 
“Should we move the snacks into the living room and get started on those holovids? Since you’re the absolute best, you get to pick.” Dogma picked up a platter of meats and cheese on it, moving to the small coffee table he had.
“But this is supposed to be your relaxation night…”
“Nah, whenever I’m with you I’m relaxed.” He paused with a look of realization crossing his face, along with a smile. “Well, mostly.”
You laughed.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Oh, nothing.”
Raising an eyebrow you shook your head. 
“Ok, then.”
“Isn’t that show you like on tonight?” he asked. “I can turn that on…”
“If you like it, I like it.”
You giggled. “Ok, sounds like a plan.”
“Also, I get to make fun of it if I want to.”
You laughed and threw a pillow at him, which he expertly deflected with a laugh. 
Settling down and wrapping blankets over your heads, Dogma started the show. 
“Aw shoot, I forgot the dip in the fridge.” You scrunched up your face, eyes glued to the screen. The action was only beginning. A slight look of disappointment crossed your face before you stated “I’ll be right back.”
“No you stay, I’ll grab it.” 
With a wink, Dogma jumped to his feet and ran to the fridge.
Opening the door, Dogma was struck in the face.
“What the kriff?!”
Running a hand down his face and refocusing, he didn’t see the dip he was looking for, instead he noticed a little, red dragon sitting on the shelf…laughing? Was it laughing at him?
“Why….is there a dragon in my fridge?”
“It was hot!”
“What kind of an explanation is that?” Dogma said more to himself than you.
 “Well I mean if he was hot.” He rolled his eyes. “What the kriff is he doing in my fridge though? Where’d he come from?”
You came running into the kitchen. “Isn’t he the cutest thing!!! I found him today roaming the streets. He’s a fire dragon! I’m going to bring him home and raise him and we’ll be best buddies.”
Dogma shook his head. You were crazy. 
But he loved that about you. 
Yeah, this love would stay alive for a long time. Who knew, even maybe the rest of his life.
Celebrating You Masterlist
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myr1-the-shad0w0lf · 2 years ago
Zero Gals by jahnetferro on @DeviantArt
Ray: you are in the wrong neighborhood
Pixiv link
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scrumptiousstuffs · 6 months ago
I absolutely hate sad endings or worst 'open endings' (I consider them as copeout)...that's why I absolutely disliked what they did with AlanGaipa......Hehe sorry I digress...I hope we get very very happy ending for both FadelStyle and KantBison and a happy show. I'm tired of seeing FirstKhao characters cry and in pain in their last 3-4 shows 😫
Ah, but the boys are amazing dramatic actors. Their emotionally-charged scenes always hit the spot (in my humble opinion, both are easily in the Top 5 of best GMMTV actors/actresses).
Having say that, I am very ready to have fluffy, sweet moments between FK. Didn't they mentioned in their Hong Kong (and Osaka) Fanmeets last year they wanted to do a rom-com? Also sure they explain in one of the interviews they wanted to do a rom-com after doing several heavily-charged series in a row. I'm 100% sure they were already offered THK then (despite OF still airing).
Personally, I also adore happy endings. After all, I watch Thai BL mainly for escapism (i.e I like my leads to be married, staying in a picket fence house with their pets while spending time being domestic, tq very much!).
However, I also don't mind messy storylines as long as it is done well. The same with open ending. Sometimes these are done to give a pathway for Season 2 - Enigma (got the greenlight for S2!). Midnight Museum/Home School Series have the potential for S2 but highly unlikely to proceed due to most likely logistic reasons. The director for the former was hoping for season 2 cause he said it in a Tweet as a respond to a fan) while Zero (our Khao!) at the end of Home School - that was an iconic way to end the show (with a hint to set up Zero versus Run) 👌
The other reason for open ending is to allow the audience to imagine themselves what will happen with the characters. MLC with AlanGaipa was one of them.
I mean, FK were really just supporting actors in that show with EarthMix and FourthGemini the main focus as pairings (and their arcs have happy endings). Plus, it was only 8 episodes (and I guess, if we want AlanGaipa, we will need an additional 1-2 episodes to fully explain their arc).
I went into MLC expecting FK characters were actually going to have no interactions - so, to have grim cute meet at the funeral (Mrs Hong as matchmaker from the other side!!!) followed by Alan showing he was ready to move on with that fruity shirt of his while asking Gaipa for his QR code number delights me to no end (also, this allows me to happily think that somewhere in the MLC universe, they are life partners, content and blissful together).
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(Anon, I thought you might enjoy this BTS of our boys hehe)
(On another note, are we officially calling the boys KantBison for THK?. I'm asking cause they have been some rumbling on Twitter to moniker them as KaBi or KanSon? Either way, I am not fuss - I just need to know so that we can be consistent when it airs!)
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curewhimsy · 3 days ago
MLP Extended AU
I had an idea to make an MLP AU based on G4, but with a lot of G3 ponies and my Symphony Saga OCs as ponies.
A lot of the G3 ponies don’t really have characters or personalities (also the same hairstyle) so I’m “transferring” them to G4 by giving them uniqueness.
The AU also has elements of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. The world has mysterious dungeons that change shape whenever you go in them, just like in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. There is also a story of a timid human boy named Shan who transports to the pony world and becomes a pony called Knight Light. He meets other ponies and goes on an adventure where he becomes braver.
The monsters in the dungeon are mostly plant-based and somewhat sentient plants. The ponies cook them into dungeon meals. So there’s an element that resembles Dungeon Meshi.
Putting them all together, the universe is basically ”MLP G4 Extended: Pony Mystery Dungeon Meshi”
Character List (This might not even be everyone I’ll include yet)
———Mane 6———
Twilight Sparkle
Pinkie Pie
Rainbow Dash
———G4 Characters———
Big Macintosh
Starlight Glimmer
Sunset Shimmer
Trixie Lulamoon
Ditzy Doo
Silver Spoon
Diamond Tiara
Shining Armor
Apple Bloom
Sweetie Belle
Princess Celestia
Princess Luna
Cheese Sandwich
Granny Smith
Fancy Pants
Maud Pie
Vinyl Scratch
Lyra Heartstrings
Bon Bon
Mr. Carrot Cake
Ms. Cup Cake
Mayor Mare
Pound Cake
Pumpkin Cake
Cranky Doodle Donkey
Photo Finish
———Original Characters as Ponies———
Pastell Swirl (Amelie)
Lavender Snow (Yuki)
Strawberry Sugar (Joy)
Aurora Pixel (Yume)
Sapphire Song (Lanyue)
Scarlet Glow (Juhong)
Cobalt Current (Rhona)
Magenta Rose (Nagisa)
Emerald Gale (Luana)
Summer Clover (Rie)
Nightshade (Sonata)
Starry Sunrise (Saga)
Daydream (Aya)
Misty Rain (Kiri)
Winter Moon (Chija)
Moon Shadow (Octavia
Fantasia (Aria
Custard Cream (Amy
Blueberry Bliss (Emily
Nocturne (Eve
Candy Pop (Suzu
Star Cluster (Hikaru
Pianissimo (Kanade
Knight Light (Shan
Sunny Citrus (Sunhee
Max Potion (Max Potion
Hyper Link (Hyper Link
Epic Wynn (Epic Wynn
Dapper Dandy (Aristo Kratt
Prima Vera (Pristine
Rose Melody (Rosa
Vivid Star (Vivian
Pine Forest (Maia
Icy Pop (Bonnie
Flurry (Flurry
Snowbell (Snowbell
Amethyst (Amethyst
Pudding Cup (Abigail
Azure Blue (Azura
Merry May (Meizhu
Dewey Drizzle (Lucio
Puffball (Todd 
Truffle (Mark
December Lily (Chiyuri
Cinnamon Bun (Emi
Ginger Cake (Mimi
Poem Blossom (Reisei
Whispers (Roy
Arpeggio (Wallace
Forte (Enzo
Dawn Bright (Toby
Dusk Light (Cody
Cheese Cake (Keiko
Brownie (Chiyoko
Regal Rainbow (Queen Rainbow
Star Shimmer (Stelle
Moon Shimmer (Lunette
Nebula Shimmer (Celestine
Cozy Autumn (Autumn
Algebra (Mr. Addison
Wolfgang (Ms. Wolfgang
Miss Fit (Miss Fit
Miss Spell (Miss Spell
Miss Tick (Miss Tick
Mr. Moody (Mr. Moody
Zero Zip (Zero
Cadenza (Cadenza
Rondo (Rondo
Mellow Melody (Melody
Peanut Butter (Dan
Almond Butter (Sebastian
Rainbow Sherbet (Niji
Ember Glow (Ember
Slush (Mizore
Callisto (Callsro
Bluebell (Souko
Peach Tart (Momo
Healing Cure (Charlotte
Miracle Remedy (Madeline
Isosceles (Isosceles
Scalene (Scalane
Plain Jane (Plain Jane
Average Joe (Average Joe
Sunset Dream (Aaron
Frosty Snow (Shimo
Serene Rain (Kasumi
Full Moon (Jumin
Crescent Moon (Yisuel
Violet Shade (Reina
Lucky Clover (Touya
Leafy Clover (Yuuma
June Clover (Jun
Onyx Gale (Oliana
Carmine (Carmine
Sonority (Sonora
Turquoise Gem (Umiko
Sapphire (Marina
Rainy Clouds (Setsuna
Happy Daisy (Noemi
Flower Puff (Haru
Airy Clouds (Asumi
Fluffy Clouds (Naosuke
Cream Puff (Yumiri
Summer Sky (Natsu
Cloudy Sky (Kiyoichi
October Leaf (Aki
January Ice (Fuyu
Heather Gray (Lynn
Pink February (Azalea
Aquamarine (Shizuku
Space Fruit (Lumi
Glitch Berry (Alex
Chai Tea (Chai
Midnight (Miyako
Silver Ash (Grayson
Jasmine Tea (Etsumi
Boba Tea (Aimi
Milk Tea (Cocomi
Caramel Flan (Flan
Nutmeg (Nutmeg
Peaches (Peaches
Biscotti (Biscotti
Hazel (Hazel
Snowy Puff (Bianca
Blue Umbrella (Camille
Pepper Corn (Pepper
Candy Corn (Candy
Pop Corn (Pop Corn
Ruby (Ruby
———G3 Toys I Have———
Citrus Sweetheart
Coconut Cream
Tropical Surprise
Pretty Pop
Darling Dahlia
Scootaloo G3
Peachie Keen
Daisy Jo
Golden Delicious
Desert Rose
Butter Pop
Morning Monarch
Coconut Grove
Sunrise Song
Fluttershy G3
Strawberry Swirl
Strawberry Surprise
Rainbow Dash G3
Marigold (Golden Delicious G3‘s brother. A duplicate toy I have of Golden Delicious G3.
Spring Lilac (Fluttershy G3‘s brother. A duplicate toy I have of Fluttershy G3.
Coral Pearl (A stallion related to Skywishes. A duplicate toy I have of Skywishes
———Other G3 Ponies———
Chocolate Chipper
Pinkie Pie G3
Bunches o Fun
Sunny Daze
Peach Surprise
Jazz Matazz
Cotton Candy
Berries n Cherries
Spring Carnivale
Lavender Cloud
Thistle Whistle
Toola Roola
Tulip Twinkle
Twilight Twinkle
Applejack G3
Autumn Skye
Finger Paints
Tangerine Twinkle
Whistle Wishes
Silver Glow
Star Swirl
Twinkle Twirl
Chocolate Delight
Sweetie Belle G3
Secret Wish
Strawberry Reef
Sunshine Parade
Rarity G3
Dainty Daisy
Gardenia Glow
Pumpkin Tart
Peachy Pie
Princess Peppermint
Party Cake
Love Wishes
Cheerilee G3
Tink a tink a too
Aurora Mist
Cloud Climber
Hidden Treasure 
Triple Treat
Garden Wishes
Fun Fairy
Fairy Dust
Star Flower
Goodie Goodie
Ribbon wishes
Rainbow Swirl
Windy Wisp
Scooter Sprite
Fizzy Pop
Ribbon Wishes
Pretty Palace
Crystal Crown
Crowning Glory
Royal Beauty
Daisy May
Denim Blue
Sno Glo
Morning Dawn Delight
Rhythm and Rhyme
Brights Brightly
———G4 Ponies I have as mini figures———
Rainbow Wishes
Firecracker Burst
Royal Riff
Golden Delicious G4
Lemon Hearts
Sugar Grape
Cinnamon Breeze
Mosley Orange
———Mane 6’s Pets———
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renatogpadilla · 7 months ago
My version of an MVC4 Roster:
I'll be real: I think I cooked with the Marvel side, but I don't know about the Capcom side. I've tried to be as unbiased as possible.
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For the record, the main concern with the Marvel Roster was fixing the CRIMES commited by MvCI. Thus, the first 24 base roster characters are returning faces. I separated them in groups (Avengers, Spider-Man, X-Men, Supernatural/Magic and Cosmic) and then did Heroes, Villains and then Newcomers in each. I wanted to have a roster that would make the most people happy (if it were up to me, Captain Marvel wouldn't be here), bringing back some familiar faces (Ghost Rider but no Blackheart felt like a crime to me).
Also set myself the goal of bringing in as many cut characters from the previous ones as I could, even if they can't be base roster.
Let's be real though, I feel like Blade could sell a whole DLC pack by himself in the same vein as Vergil.
I ALMOST didn't put Deadpool here... But if Ruby Heart is Base Roster for Capcom, Cable had to be base roster too. You understand.
Speaking of which, this was CONSIDERABLY easier than the Capcom side.
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Here, the point wasn't to correct anything, but rather make sure the usual suspects got represented, but leave some room for the deep cuts, so I set myself some goals:
Goal 1) CLASSIC Mega Man! He and Roll and Wily were a MUST! Zero and Vile are there for the X Series and T-Bonne for MM Legends.
Goal 2) As much gameplay diversity in SF as possible, one character for each: Ryu for 1, Chun for 2, Gil for 3, Juri for 4, Rashid for 5 and Bison is supposed to be based off his SF6 gameplay style.
Goal 3) Get the MvC2 trio back! Amingo, SonSon and Ruby Heart SHOULD be put in a Darkstalkers game in the near future for the love of GOD! Speaking of which...
Goal 5) REMIND THE WORLD THERE ARE MEN IN DARKSTALKERS! Morrigan returns, obviousIy, but as much as I love Felicia and Hsien-Ko, it's time for the boys to play! Jon Talbain, IMMEDIATELY, and Lord Raptor because I NEED the world to see him turn Thanos into a basketball and DUNK him straight to Hell! And YES, Jedah comes back! He HAS to! He's too cool not to! But the main reason I went with Jedah and not Dimitri is because Midnight Bliss would take a LOT of resources we probably already blew making sure Mystique can copy everyone without issue.
Goal 6) Resident Evil. Look, I'll make a confession: If it were up to me, there would only be Jill and Wesker here, but RE has become so MASSIVE that we HAVE to pay it the respect it deserves, so I did what I though would be a proper compromise: Jill and Wesker for RE staples, Leon for the Remakes and Lady D to represent the obligatory new Poster Monster of the franchise. Let Chris and Nemesis sit this one out and keep Jill's gameplay more like her MvC2 style and we are golden!
Goal 7) THAT DLC IS FOR THE FANS! I wanted to put in a mix of characters that Capcom fans would want first and foremost: Vergil, to continue the tradition of him being the Special Edition/DLC character, Donovan and BB Hood for more Darkstalkers love, Gil to round out the SFs, Monster Hunter because it's MASSIVE nowadays, Vile, for one more Mega Man villain and Jin and Captain Commando for the Oldies that mained them in MvC2. Full disclosure: Edward Falcon WOULD NOT BE HERE if Power Stone hadn't just announced a comeback earlier today. And Regina is here because... Well, because you Dino Crisis stans went absolutely CRAZY this year. I'm not gonna lie. You guys kinda scare me. But you wanted her, so here she is!
So yeah. If anyone asks WHY Amaterasu is Main Roster, it's because I got Rocket in there and it only felt fair. I DO regret leaving Frank West out this time, but I couldn't find a way to fit him in without taking out someone that SHOULD have been there... AND YES, LUCIA HAS TO BE THERE! She's the ONLY unique thing about DMC 2 anyone remembers! Trish can rest for a little while!
So yeah, this is what I got! Lemme know what you think and I guess I'll answer any questions you might have as to why I picked anyone or why I didn't pick soomeone else, if you want to know!
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ultimatezerofight · 1 year ago
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