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tbmurphydesign · 4 years ago
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ceramicaddict · 5 years ago
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After some Necessary TLC (Tender Loving Care) ... Here is the leather version of the Marsala armchair by Michel Ducaroy (1925-2009). The structure is in chocolate tainted plexiglass. This was produced for the Ligne Roset shops on the 1970s. Both stickers are present here. Ultra-Mega-comfortable:) 73 cm high x 100 cm wide x 85 cm width. ——————————————— Suite à une session de rénovation salvatrice voici la version cuir du célèbre fauteuil Marsala de Michel Ducaroy (1925-2009) pour Ligne Roset au début des années 70. Structure en plexiglass teinté. Encore plus confortable que le canapé “gant de box” de Gaston Lagaffe... 73 cm de hauteur x 100 cm de largeur x 85 cm de profondeur. ——————————————- #moderndesign #modernhome #moderndecor #decoration #decorateur #bretagne #vintagedecor #ligneroset #designer #designers #artnouveau #artdeco #morgat #finistere #design #midmoderncentury #midmoderndesign #interiordesign #scandinaviandesign #scandinavianhome #scandinavianinterior #italiandesign #moderninterior #crozonantiquites #michelducaroy #marsala #instadesign #70s #70sdesign https://www.instagram.com/p/CCVkgYYoiow/?igshid=19tme0h5ep6af
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septemberedit · 4 years ago
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Reklame // I sidste uge spiste jeg morgenmad i disse smukke omgivelser. Helt uforstyrret af børn i 1,5 time. Sikke en luksus. @fritzhansenv@fritzhansenstore_copenhagen _ #architecture #architecture #architectureporn #architecturepicture #architectureanddesign #interiør #nordiskehjem #finahem #mitthem #danishdesign #nordichome #inredning #softminimalism #boligindretning #boliginspiration #scandinavianhome #interiorinspo #interiorstyling #scandinavianinterior #nordicdesign #homedecor #aconsideredhome #septemberedithome #husetmeddetrundevindue #capranilamp #leklint #leklintlampe #midmoderncentury #midmodern #midmoderndesign (at Annonce) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIfFhbKnXKb/?igshid=1qkqdq67puz5o
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crozonantics-blog · 7 years ago
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Finally we are open for business ! We hope to see many if you this summer 18 Quai Kador, facing the sea, in sunny Crozon in Finistère-France. 7 days a week. 10:00-13:00 16:00-20:00 16:00-22:00 on Tuesdays/Fridays/Saturdays . . . #scandinavianstyle #moderndesign #modernhome #moderndecor #decoration #decorateur #vintage #vintagedecor #style #designer #designers #mcmdesign #mcmdecor #mcmfurniture #midmodern #midmoderncentury #midmoderndesign #interiordesign #scandinaviandesign #scandinavianhome #scandinavianinterior #italiiandesign #moderninterior #crozonantiquites #instacool #instagood #instadesign #artcollector #artblogg #designlife
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canificio · 8 years ago
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Lorenzo Burchiellaro. Specchio. #Canificio #stand18 #mercatodellepulci #fleamarket #firenze #vintage #art #design #modernariato #midmodern #midcenturymodern #midcenturydesign #midcenturyinteriors #midmoderndesign #burchiellaro #lorenzoburchiellaro #mirror #coppermirror (presso Canificio)
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kimberkingbiz · 7 years ago
Meet the Designer: Travis Morelock, MIDMODERNdesign
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houzzblog · 7 years ago
Meet the Designer: Travis Morelock, MIDMODERNdesign
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In the latest episode of “My Houzz,” Olivia Munn enlists the help of Travis Morelock from MIDMODERNdesign, who she found on Houzz, to create a space uniquely personalized to her mom -- from custom cabinets to match her mom’s height to a built-in rice cooker. Learn more about how Travis got started in design, some of his best tips, and insights from the My Houzz surprise renovation below.
What got you started in your career? I grew up in a construction family. My dad built every house that we lived in (21 houses before I left home at 18), and my mom made selections for each house with a different style. My grandpa built schools, my uncle builds commercial buildings, my aunt is a successful real estate broker, so I was destined to be involved in the industry that consumed my childhood! I read houseplan books like they were comics and This Old House was my equivalent of cartoons. I love every aspect of design and construction and it is all that I’ve known.
What is your design philosophy? To me design is all about collaboration. Some designers have a vision and fulfill it, but I would be bored to tears if I was only trying to please myself. Instead I love the challenge of incorporating different opinions, viewpoints and preferences to make the final design so much stronger than I could have made it alone.
Where’s the most unexpected place you’ve found design inspiration? I find design inspiration every day and in everything that I see. I am especially inspired by hotels and restaurants and love to translate that inspiration into residential living. The most unexpected place I look for design inspiration is restaurant restrooms. Just like powder rooms in a home, restrooms in a restaurant are your small blank canvas to get creative and make a statement!
What are clients asking you for? My clients are asking for light and bright spaces with big open floor plans. We love that look too but the challenge is to also bring in warmth and a feeling of comfort into these spaces. We already are seeing the transition into warmer and deeper colors as accents and so I am really excited about what is happening next in design.
What do you geek out on when it comes to design? I am a total geek for all of it. Tile, fabrics and wallpapers with texture are bound to turn my head. The technology that has come to our industry in the past five years has been incredible and we are seeing more and more man-made materials that capture the beauty of nature.
What excites you the most about going to work every day? My clients and my team. I have the best clients in the world and our team is second to none. Taylor and Brooke work with me everyday to create incredible spaces for incredible people and they make coming to work fun. We don’t get too serious and we have a good laugh often.
What is your favorite part of the design process? I love the demo. It never ceases to amaze me what a good demo crew and a few dumpsters can do! It is one of the biggest transformations for my clients because for the first time they are seeing the space just the way I have seen it since I walked in – a blank slate!
What is your favorite element in the space from this project? I love tons of elements in this space, but my favorite is the newly framed needlepoints that Olivia’s mom had done while she was growing up. The detail is incredible, and I can’t imagine how much time was spent on completing those. We loved the opportunity to show them off for what they are – beautiful art!
What was the biggest challenge during this project and how did you solve it? The biggest challenge on this project was creating a kitchen that could really function for Olivia’s mom. I was told that cooking is her love language and she does it in mass. Given her height and what needed to be easily accessible without assistance, we executed several pull downs, focused storage in lower cabinets, and even installed a remote control for the range hood to give Kim full access to the kitchen features and hopefully an easy and enjoyable space to cook in.
When you’re not designing, where can you be found? My husband Jason and I can be found in Yountville, CA near the Napa Valley at a wine tasting if we are not working. Taking time off is rare, but we have fallen in love with that corner of the world. We are foodies and wine lovers so there’s no better place to relax.
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ceramicaddict · 3 years ago
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🔴 Well, well, well .... This is way Too cool not to share this beauty on Instagram. Coffee table “modèle Navette” by Superstar French ceramicist Roger Capron (1922-2006). Ceramic tiles table top and lacquered metal frame. Signed. Made between 1960 & 1969. 100 cm x 39 cm , 39 cm high. ——————————————— Splendide ... Table basse de l’incontournable céramiste Roger Capron (1922-2006), le modèle “Banette”, la “type E” des tables basses des années 60 🤩 . En très bon état vintage. Signée. 100 cm x 39 cm, 39 cm de hauteur. ——————————————- #moderndesign #modernhome #moderndecor #decoration #decorateur #bretagne #vintagedecor #style #designer #designers #rogercapron #artdeco #morgat #finistere #design #midmoderncentury #midmoderndesign #interiordesign #scandinaviandesign #scandinavianhome #frenchdesign #italiandesign #moderninterior #crozonantiquites #capron #crozon #instadesign #artcollector #artblogg https://www.instagram.com/p/CgUZz4WopU2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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egmgallery · 8 years ago
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Before transamac
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septemberedit · 4 years ago
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Yndlings hjørnet i stuen, indtil vi flyttede vores 55’ TV. Er jeg den eneste der drømmer om at få et mindre fjernsyn, der ikke tager så meget opmærksomhed og evt. kan rulles væk, når det ikke er i brug? _ _ #architectureanddesign #interiør #nordiskehjem #finahem #mitthem #danishdesign #nordichome #inredning #softminimalism #boligindretning #boliginspiration #scandinavianhome #interiorinspo #interiorstyling #scandinavianinterior #nordicdesign #homedecor #aconsideredhome #septemberedithome #husetmeddetrundevindue #midmoderncentury #midmodern #midmoderndesign (at Helsingør, Denmark) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJEzzjrnuPg/?igshid=1wlevr20r3qel
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crozonantics-blog · 7 years ago
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Large Vintage mirror from Germany or Austria in the 1970s. Mirror with a set of 6 lights for the movie stars we all are . It is stunning lit or switched ! . . . #scandinavianstyle #moderndesign #modernhome #moderndecor #decoration #decorateur #vintage #vintagedecor #style #designer #designers #mcmdesign #mcmdecor #mcmfurniture #midmodern #midmoderncentury #midmoderndesign #interiordesign #1970s #1970svintage #scandinaviandesign #scandinavianhome #scandinavianinterior #moderndesign #moderninterior #crozonantiquites #instacool #instadesign #instamirror
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canificio · 8 years ago
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Carlo Scarpa. Venini. Bicchiere a spirale. #Canificio #stand18 #firenze #fleamarket #mercatodellepulci #art #design #glassart #vintage #modernariato #midmodern #midmoderndesign #midcenturyinteriors #midcenturydesign #midcentury #murano #muranoglass #venini #veniniglass #carloscarpa #scarpa #venezia #venini (presso Canificio)
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ceramicaddict · 3 years ago
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It’s always a pleasure to discover a design’s classic in an unexpected place …. 🍀 Here is a bed and its side table by French designer Marc Held (1932). These were produced for the Prisunic shops in the 1970s. There is currently an exhibition at the “Musée des Arts Décoratifs” in Paris where a selection of his production is on display! 👀 Both bed and it’s table are made out of polyester resin and are on wheels 🥳🤩 ——————————————— Une belle surprise d’avoir pu trouver ce lit et sa table du designer Marc Held (1932) pour les magasins PRISUNIC. Une sélection de pièces de ce créateur de mobilier de la période “Space Age” sont au Musée des Arts Décoratifs de Paris dans le cadre de l’exposition “Le Design pour tous: de Prisunic à Monoprix, une aventure Française “💥👀 A voir ou bien passez à la boutique 😅 Mobilier en fibre de verre , avec roulettes. Pratique et “styléeeee” comme disent mes garçons 🎸 🥁 🎸 ——————————————— #moderndesign #modernhome #moderndecor #decoration #decorateur #bretagne #vintagedecor #marcheld #designer #designers #spaceage #artdeco #morgat #finistere #design #midmoderncentury #midmoderndesign #interiordesign #spaceagedesign #artsdecoratifs #museedesartsdecoratifs #madparis #designfrancais #crozonantiquites #bretagnetourisme #prisunic #designaddict #artcollector #crozon https://www.instagram.com/p/CZOzFbwIfT-/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ceramicaddict · 3 years ago
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Pair of large lounge chairs in leather and elm from the 1970s created at “La Maison Regain”. They are “Stunners” ⚡️⚡️and very-very comfortable ! 75 cm x 60 x 60, seating height 30 cm ——————————————— Superbe paire de fauteuils en orme massif et cuir de la Maison Regain en orme massif des années 70s. Fauteuils révisés et en tr��s bon état vintage si ce ce n’est une assise cuir marquée. Nobody’s perfect 🤩 Antiques are 🟩👀 ——————————————— #moderndesign #modernhome #moderndecor #decoration #decorateur #bretagne #vintagedecor #maisonregain #designer #designers #orme #artdeco #morgat #finistere #design #midmoderncentury #midmoderndesign #interiordesign #scandinaviandesign #scandinavianhome #frenchdesign #ormemassif #moderninterior #crozonantiquites #annees70 #fauteuils #bretagnetourisme #chairdesign #chaisedesign https://www.instagram.com/crozonantiquites/p/CZJefVzobqm/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ceramicaddict · 3 years ago
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It looks too good not to share ! 1950s French restaurant or Café in very-very good conditions. Varnished Wood, zinc and a flaming Formica table top !🔥 👀 76 cm high x 127 cm wide x 70 cm deep. ——————————————— Superbe table de bistrot des années 50 en très-Très bon état. Bois cevernus, renforts en zinc et plateau en Formica rouge 🔥 👀 76 cm de hauteur x 127 cm de largeur x 70 cm de profondeur. Fabricant: M. Normand à Nantes ——————————————— #moderndesign #modernhome #moderndecor #decoration #decorateur #bretagne #vintagedecor #deco #designer #designers #artnouveau #artdeco #morgat #finistere #design #midmoderncentury #midmoderndesign #interiordesign #scandinaviandesign #50sdesign #50s #50sfurniture #moderninterior #crozonantiquites #bretagnetourisme #instagood #instadesign #artcollector #crozon https://www.instagram.com/p/CWk4j8iocVi/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ceramicaddict · 3 years ago
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Second table from Bertha Shaefer (1895-1971) in walnut with a table top in Travertine imported from Italy. Circa 1955-1960. A very elegant side table indeed… ——————————————— Deuxième création de la designer Américaine Bertha Schaefer (1895-1971). Élégante petite table ou “bout de canapé” de la fin des années 50 , structure en noyer et plateau en travertin importé d’Italie. De quoi faire pâlir de nombreux designers scandinaves encore et encore … ———————————————- #moderndesign #modernhome #moderndecor #decoration #decorateur #bretagne #vintagedecor #americandesign #designer #designers #artnouveau #artdeco #morgat #finistere #design #midmoderncentury #midmoderndesign #interiordesign #scandinaviandesign #scandinavianhome #berthaschaefer #italiandesign #moderninterior #crozonantiquites #bretagnetourisme #50s #instadesign #artcollector #crozon https://www.instagram.com/p/CWgVQJ0oK74/?utm_medium=tumblr
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