#middle class bedroom makeover
dajiandengineers · 2 years
0 notes
entername322 · 10 months
Almost perfect
Yuri (Izone) x Male Reader x Minju (Izone)
Length: 18117
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“You look like shit”, You turned to the side to see Doyoung is grinning. “You look like shit, even without bruises and cuts all over your face”, Yuri scoffed. “Now, now, don't cause any more trouble for your boyfriend”, Doyoung has been playing nice, he didn't say a single word to both of your girlfriends while you were suspended. Not even when Yuri suddenly moved class. That's because he wants to tease them while you're around.
“Shut up, or I'll make you shut up”, Minju came to the rescue, “Heheheh, this is fun, did you tell them about Yuna Brute?” How does he know about her? “Oh of course I knew, I had a thing with her during our end-of-the-year vacation. I was surprised when she said you and her were a thing-”, Yuri slammed the table, “They are not a thing”, Oh god Yuri just keeps feeding Doyoung.
“Is that so? Did you tell them about her birthday present for you”, The two girls crushed your hand when he reminded them of that. “Yes”, Minju said through her gritted teeth, “Oh? Then did he tell you about his birthday present for her”, Doyoung fucking sucks. “Babe”, Minju smiled at you while she pulled your hand up, carefully putting her nails where it would hurt you most. “Listen, it wasn't anything important, I just drew her”, Yuri headbutted your cheek, “You did what?”
Doyung was laughing while watching you suffer. “It's just a drawing, I've made so many more drawings for the two of you. It was just a silly gift because I didn't know her birthday was coming up. She probably let it collect dust somewhere”, Glancing at Doyoung you know he's about to say something. “She had it framed in her bedroom, you know? There's even a polaroid picture of you two together on the side”, Your hands might not survive through the day.
“I hate her”, “What a fucking whore”, The two of them said in a low tone while glaring at you. “Girls, can we just forget about her already? I already did, now you're here spending time with me while thinking about other girls? That's rude”, Thankfully your homeroom teacher came in and forced them to let you go.
You have to talk to Doyoung, you just have to, otherwise, he might get you killed. The thing is, you know he's not gonna say anything when Yuri and Minju are around, but they also won't let you talk to him by yourself. There is only one way to talk to him, wait for him to get to the toilet.
“Why are you targeting me”, Okay it looks kinda awkward for you to start interrogating someone when he's using the urinal. “Hehehehe, you mind?” No, you have to interrogate him, “Why?” He just laughed at you. “Because it's fun, stir the pot of chaos. I used to do this almost to everyone back in middle school and now, I'm bored. But then, I saw you, you and your childhood friend plus the new girl. It's a new variable to the equation, a new chaos can be made. I was a bit disappointed that my friends got kicked out, but today, I saw that the chaos just changed form. Instead of fighting those 4 dumbasses you're gonna have infighting. Isn't it fun? Intriguing? I always love a good drama”
You frowned hearing him, you're not quite sure if he's just evil or mischievous by nature. However, that doesn't matter if you end up getting hurt in the end. “Stop it”, You growl, “Jeez Brute, I thought you'd love a good drama”, You shake your head. “Everyone likes drama until they get in one, so stop it”, He finished his pissing before washing his hands. “Come on now, if you want me to stop you should do something fun in return. Oooohhhh, I know, what if I do a makeover for you, join the basketball team with me, it'll be fun”, Is he mad?
You didn't get to ask that question because you saw Jin walking in the toilet. His face contorts when he sees you. “Jin, where have you been man”, You smiled but he just walked past you, bumping you in the process. You glanced at Doyoung who was watching this excitedly. “Yo, not even a word for me?” Suddenly Jin stomped the ground turning to you. “Fuck you”, You shouldn't be pushing him, but you just had the feeling that you need to have some clarity from him. “Listen I don't know what is wrong with you-” His fist was fast, you didn't even get to blink before you felt a searing pain on your cheek followed by the weightless feeling coming from the fact that your body is floating due to the force of the punch.
“You don't know? Fucking bitch you didn't just fucking date Yuri, you had to date that Minju girl too? You know how long I've tried to play nice with you just so I can get close to Yuri. I was a week away from asking her out. Now you fucking ruined it and take my backup. Fucking idiot bitch”
The searing pain is changed to one of second-hand embarrassment due to his childish ramble. “How old are you? You really got mad because of some girls that's out of your reach?” Doyung laughed hearing your response as he leaned to the door closing it. “You fucking talk a lot fucker” Jin swing his leg to kick your stomach. “Enough Jin, he shit talk you so shit talk him back, if you hit him again I'll call the teacher”, Physical fight is not fun to watch when it comes to you, Doyoung prefers something with even playing field.
“Fuck off Doy, you're not the club prez”, Jin swing his leg again, this time you managed to dodge it. He then sends a punch to your face, you almost dodge it, but Doyoung stops him. “Come on now, he won Yuri because they had a long history together, he won Minju despite the lack of it, he's just a better flirt than you. Don't be such a sore loser about it” Jin sneered before sending a punch to Doyoung.
Doyoung catches it, so you send a punch to Jin's jaw, “Fucking bitch”, It's more of a mental attack for being punched by a scrawny kid like you. “You're pathetic Jin”, You easily evade his fist, because Doyoung pulls your head to the side. “Fuck off”, Doyoung punched Jin's face making him stumble back, “Just a sore loser”, During his confusion you kicked his stomach which did nothing but made him exhale a bit of air from his mouth. “You're out of the team Jin”, Doyoung finished the job and punched Jin's in the nose, breaking it.
“Hahahaha, oh this is fun, come on Brute, it's time for you to join the basketball team”, Jin dragged you by the back of your collar out to the nursery office. “What did you do this time?” Oh, fuck the old nurse is gonna dissect your brain to see what's wrong with it. “He was getting attacked by a bully, I helped him, maybe his cheeks gonna start bruising”, Doyoung smiled at you. “I'll call up your girlfriends”, Fuck, you wanted to stop him but he already flew away. 
In the class, Yuri and Minju are getting restless, they know you wanted to talk with Doyoung, and although they hate him they still let you go. Now you've been gone for too long already, and they felt nervous. “Excuse me sir, Minju and Yuri are called to the nursery office”, Without missing a beat the two of them start running out. Both of them dragged Doyoung with them. “What did you do shithead”, Yuri punched him, “Listen now”, Doyoung is excited, these two girls are crazier than what he expected. “Speak”, Minju digs her nails into his forearm. 
“He and I talked, then Jin walked in and-” He doesn't even need to finish as the two of them start running to the nursery office. “Crazy bitches”, Doyoung smiled before he walked to the teacher's office.
““Babe””, You heard the two girls run up to you from behind, they gasped when they saw your face. “Oh yeah sorry about that, Jin was just being an idiot”, The two girls are nervously waiting for the nurse to finish the check-up on you. “Hmmm, your eyes have stopped bleeding. Your cheek is gonna get swollen soon, you're gonna need some ice for that. Other than that, you need to get your head checked, if I see you coming here again after a fight I'll take off your limbs so you will be able to sit still in class”, She slapped your head before moving to the side. 
The two immediately went to hug you, “Babe I'm fine”, You started caressing their hair. “No you're not fine, I'm taking you out of the school”, Ah fuck, Minju might actually lose her patience with this school. “Babe I'm fine okay, nothing bad happened”, Obviously, they're not blind so they just shook their heads. “I can get us to a good and safe school and if it doesn't work we can get some home tutor. The best of the best, we won't be left behind in our studies”, Yuri is conflicted, but she is willing to do anything to keep you safe.
“No listen, I promise I won't let anybody trample over me again okay? Just…… just do what you do before, kick Jin out, the 4 idiots are an example and Jin will be a warning, nobody will even think about touching me after that”, You don't want to leave school, maybe you should, but you don't want to. There is no way you can have any productive days living with these two girls. At least, for now.
“Fine, but you have to promise me you won't leave our sight anymore while we're in school”, A reasonable demand so you agreed to it, “And you will start working out”, You and Yuri were surprised hearing Minju's demand. “I, I guess I was already thinking about doing it”, The imagination of you getting hot and sweaty, gaining a few kilos of muscle, enthralled them. “Fine, Yuri stayed here with oppa, I'm talking to the principal”, Minju kissed you before striding off. “Yuri, we're in school”, Yuri sat on your lap and started drawing around your chest. “I’m not doing anything”, You glanced at the nurse, “If you fuck while I'm still here I'm chopping your dick off”, While you're cringing with the image that popped on your head, Yuri was intrigued, she can fuck you here, when the nurse is not around.
The nurse frowned seeing Yuri's smile, “I've been in this office for longer than you live, I know kids your age just can't handle themselves. If you want to do it clean after”, She scoffed before leaving. You are flabbergasted, should you just leave the school? “Hehehe, what a nice lady, come here oppa”, She pulled you to the bed. Now listen, you're not a pervert, not at all, you just don't want to deny your girlfriend's craving.
“Yuri, we really shouldn't”, You can feel a sting as she touches your cheek. “I know, I just want to cuddle for a moment”, She sighed and dropped her head on your chest. Not long after, Minju came back and jumped on the bed as well. “It's done, the principal is gonna round up the students tomorrow at the hall to talk about bullying”, Minju then purred when you started playing around with her hair. “Good, the nurse said earlier that we can use this place to have sex when she's not around”, Minju lights up, she loves this school. “We should bring her some brownies tomorrow then”, The two of them were excited for tomorrow.
All three of you stay there until your first break. Your cheek starts to swell making you look terrible. “Damn you look ugly”, Doyoung was smiling seeing you return to class. “Not as ugly as you”, You laughed as you sat back at your seat with the two girls surrounding you. “Zip it idiot, you're the one who caused him this”, You did tell them about what happened but they still don't like it, Doyoung might just hurt you for his entertainment. “Hey, I helped him”, He just smiled raising his hand, “Why don't you go out and find some new recruits for your team, it seems like you've lost 5 people already”, Minju threatened him.
“I already found a good replacement for Jin”, He smiles at you, making the two girls slam the table. “Fuck off”, “No”, You don't even need to answer him, “Alright, hey gonna be honest I had some envy when these two came out and say they're dating you. But then they tried to kill me earlier and I feel nothing but pity, you have my condolences Brute”, The girls eyed him as he left the class.
“Fucking bitch”, It's probably just a rebound thing from Jin but you kinda like Doyoung. Maybe you just want some friends outside these two girls but you don't care. “Don't be too hostile to him, he still helped me earlier”, The two frowned, “He's a maniac who's gonna get you kill for a good show”, “I agree, don't hangout with him anymore”, After today you won't be able to even if you wanted to.
Nothing much happens until lunch. During your lunch you see people are actively avoiding you, they would go out of their way to avoid being anywhere near your vicinity. Everyone is eyeing you, and from time to time you can hear a snippet of what they said.
“Don't get close to them”
“They kicked out-”
“Fucking chaebols”
The other freshmen steer clear of you fully, the idea of the short-tempered Yuri teaming up with a chaebols is just too scary. The upperclassmen however, are taking this as a challenge. It's weird because you recognise some of them yet they all seem to be surprised seeing the two girls that's holding onto both of your arms.
“That's weird actually, why did I never see any upperclassmen last week?” I turned to the other two, “I don't know, I just got transferred, remember?” Minju doesn't care, “I think it's because they only start school today? I heard last year the academic year ended a little late due to some administration problem. So they got an extra week of winter break to compensate for the extra month”, Sounds like ass.
We sat at the corner again, like usual, however since the cafeteria is way more full than before a lot of people are sitting at the table near us. It doesn't take a genius to see that most of them are trying to check Yuri and Minju out. For a moment you felt insecure for a little, the pain on your cheek reminded you of how unsightly you must be right now. It makes you feel a bit conscious about your body, for the first time, you actually want to change.
“What are you thinking?” Minju dropped her head on your shoulder, she never eats anything at lunch according to Yuri. Well, compared to the restaurant she took you to, these foods taste like shit. “I was just thinking, how ugly I gotta be compared to the two of you”, Yuri coughed up her food. “Babe, don't say that”, Minju played with your hair, “Well, it's true, I gotta look like a loser with this swelling on my cheek”, You laughed a little. “No you're not, you look fine”, Yuri grabbed your hand.
“I was just thinking that's all, I haven't had this many eyes on me since the drama”, There's nothing to be insecure about, after all, these girls are way too deep into you. “Don't think like that anymore”, Yuri pinched your other cheek, “That's right babe, we will make sure you never feel that way again”, Minju smiled at you which is kinda hard to see since the swelling starts to cover your eyes a little.
“I think my right eye is gonna be fully closed by the end of the day”, Minju frowned at Yuri, “Change seats with me”, Yuri shakes her head with a smirk. “You choose his right side then deal with it”, The two girls have some staring contest for a little before getting back to whatever they are doing. 
The people that are checking your girlfriends seem to grow into a consensus to try and ask around more about them. Thankfully nobody really came up and tried to make small talk. Except for Doyoung, “Well, well, well, your girlfriends seems to be taking many upperclassmen eyes”, The two frowned at him but he didn't seem to be able to see them.
“Well, it's to be expected”, You shrugged as you watched the girl holding his arm. “Guys, meet Haeun, my girlfriend, she's one year older than us. Babe meet my best friend, the bestest of them all, Brutus”, His girlfriend eyed you carefully making your girlfriends glare at her. “Nice to meet you, these two are my girlfriends, Yuri and Minju”, You bowed to her before nodding to your girlfriends.
“I heard about you from Yuna, as far as i remember you were, in her words, a cute innocent guy and a perfect husband material, what happened here”, She point to the two furious girls, “Circumstances and fate, excuse me but I have to get to class”, Another day, another murder averted. “Husband material huh?” Minju said in a cold tone, “I thought you said you two weren't anything important”, Yuri slapped me.
“Come here”, You pulled them to find somewhere a bit more secluded. “Explain yourself”, The two of them crossed their arms watching you squirm uncomfortably, “I don't know how Yuna remembers that much about me. I only got to date her for two months. We don't go out much, I don't talk that much in the chat either. I swear I don't know if she had any feeling more than just a casual fuck buddy”, Not a satisfying answer.
“Look girls, I'm really sorry but I don't know how I left such an impression on her. Just…. Can you tell me how to make it up to you”, They already win the argument without saying anything. “Hmmm, what do you think, Yuri?” Yuri was surprised when Minju asked for her idea. “Well, we can't let her contact oppa under any circumstances”, That's easy, you barely remember to open your chat messages once a week. “Then we have to….. I don't know”, Yuri tried to think of something but she just doesn't know. “So am I, hearing her say that about you makes my blood boil but I don't know what to do”, Minju frowned.
“So, do you need some space or something”, You cringed when you said that, one because it actually feeds into your insecurities a little, the other because they immediately show a shocked expression, as if you said you want to break up with them. “No, we would never do that, why would you say that babe”, Yuri grabbed your cheek, “You know that's not what we want, did we do something wrong babe? We're sorry”, Minju wanted to hold your cheek but resorted to your neck.
“I just don't know, okay? You guys seem so mad about her, so caught up in my old relationship. I told you again and again that I already moved on but you can't seem to stand her for some reason and always get angry. I thought you needed some time to cool off or something”
They looked at each other before leaping in for a hug. “Baby, we just don't like her okay? We really don't, and I'm sorry if we give off the feelings that we blame you, we realised that it's wrong for us to do so”, Minju said, “Yeah, me too okay babe? Let's just never talk about her again, we can do that”, Yuri said. “Okay, I'm sorry too, let's get back to class”, Surely the conversation about Yuna won't come up again.
The next day, after the homeroom class the teacher told you to get to the auditorium. Minju and Yuri drag you out of the crowd of people to the nursery office. “Well? What are you three doing here? Everyone is told to come to the auditorium”, The nurse scoffed at us, “We just want to do a check up”, Minju smiled meaningfully. “That's right, we are scared that our boyfriend here will be too tired for school today”, Yuri bought up a jar of cookies that Minju baked back on Sunday.
The nurse looked at us for a few moments before standing up and putting a key on the table, “You have two hours”, Then she took the cookies and walked out. “She didn't check on you”, Minju frowned while unbuttoning your shirt, “I'm sure babe will be fine, and I gotta say, the scar made you hot oppa”, The swelling has gone down significantly leaving nothing but a blue and red mark across your cheek. “I agree, but I don't want to deal with a swollen cheek ever again”
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Minju pushed you to the bed as she finished taking off your shirt. The two of them kneeled down in front of you before pulling down your pants. “Heheheh, so hard already for us?” Yuri kissed the tip making you shiver, “We only have two hours Yuri, stop with the foreplay”, Minju immediately spit on your cock before she swallowed it. “Fucking nympho”,  Yuri leaned down and suck on your balls. “You two are gonna be the death of me”, They smiled with their eyes while they took care of your cock and balls.
“Oh fuck Minju, do that again”, Your moan is music to her ears, she continue using her tongue to reached down to lick your balls. Feeling neglected, Yuri takes off her shirt and throws it to the bed before pulling down her bra. “Oppa, your meal is ready”, She stood up so you could start sucking on her tits.
One good thing about these school uniforms is that the skirt is pretty tight, allowing you to feel up Yuri's ass while you're fondling her tits. “Oppaaa, stop teasing, suck my tits please”, Yuri has mastered the skill of being cute without intending to do so. One arm on her ass while the other cooperates with your mouth to worship her tits proof to be too much for her.
“Ahhhh, oppa, bite it harder”, Sinking your teeth even deeper into her boobs, your tongue kept playing with her nipples which made her let out a moan. Minju protested, her muffled groan caught your attention so you stop fondling Yuri's tits with one and start caressing Minju's head. “My other tits oppa”, Yuri gets on your lap to feed you her other teeth, blocking your view from Minju.
You felt Minju's mouth letting go of your cock, “Yaaa”, then you heard a slap before your hand felt a ripple on Yuri's ass. “Shut up unnie, just go suck oppa's cock”, Yuri moaned as you bit her other tits. “Your turn now”, Minju pulled Yuri down to the ground before taking off her shirt. “Don't you want to mark my tits too oppa?” The girls switch places, letting you have fun with the smaller yet still beautiful Minju's tits.
“I can't take it anymore, I want you in me oppa”, You didn't realise Yuri had taken off her skirt and panties. “Hey, I'm first”, The two had a glaring competition before they decided to rock-paper-scissors. “Hahaha, go lock the door up first unnie”, Yuri pushed you to the bed before jumping on you.
“Come here Yuri, take my hands”, She smiled and grabbed both before she lined her pussy with your cock, “Slowly”, Yuri shook her head before slamming it all in. “Aghhhhh, opppaaaaa”, She screamed, “Don't scream too loud Yuri”, Minju pinched her cheek, already locking the door. Minju takes off the rest of her attire before crawling to you, “Lick me oppa”, You're gonna get full before lunch at this rate.
“Ahhh, oppa, hold me”, You hear Yuri protest as your hand reaches to hold Minju’s waist. “Come here Yuri, your mouth can be used for something more important”, Minju pulled Yuri to a kiss. The kiss was enjoyable for the two, Yuri for one felt some other hunger rising up inside her. Minju, who hasn't kissed another girl for a while, had a sudden nostalgia that she immediately threw away. She only cares about you and Yuri from now on.
In the middle of this you felt frustrated for not being able to see the two girls kiss. Your tongue immediately picks up the pace and starts licking Minju aggressively while your hips start thrusting Yuri. “Ohhhh, baby keep licking there”, Minju breaks off the kiss and drops her hand to hold her up using your chest. “Yeah oppa, faster”, Yuri raised her speed more and you matched up with her speed. “You have a nice ass, Yuri you know that?” Minju smiled before her hand reached out to slap her ass.
“Ahhhh, unnie”, Yuri moaned, “Ohhh, call me that again”, Another slap, “Unnie, again”, Yuri moaned. Feeling forgotten you slap Minju's ass making her moan. “Ahhhhh, oppa, if you keep doing that, I migh- I'M CUMMINGGGG” Minju moaned as she tried to raise her hips as her leg tensed up. You wouldn't let her and keep her waist down so your tongue can send her off the rail. “Fuckkkk”, Minju squirted all over your face, “Oppa, move your hips again”, Yuri whined as she fuck you even faster.
“Hehehe, let me clean you up oppa”, Minju got off you and started licking your face, your hand immediately got grabbed by Yuri as her hips were getting more and more immense. “Fuck, I'm cumming oppa”, Seeing your intense stare Yuri can't hold for more than 10 seconds before her walls tightened up and she dropped on you.
“Do I taste good oppa?” Minju was enthralled with the juice that has soaked your face. “I don't know, let me try”, You can swear her eyes turned to a heart, she immediately licked all the remaining liquid on you before she kissed you. Transferring those juices and her saliva to your mouth. Her bodily liquid all tasted amazing, during your kiss you felt Yuri drop her head on your chest.
“Tired already Yuri?” You laughed as you caressed her head, “You forgot about me”, She pouted. “Forgot, I think you two forgot about me, how can you two just make out while I can't even see it”, The two felt guilt, which got replaced with even more lust seeing your pouting face.
“My turn”, Minju pulled Yuri out of you and jumped on your cock. Yuri climbed on your face, with her back facing Minju so you can maintain eye contact with her. The second round begins, the two girls are still sensitive making their moan much more frequent. “Do you like Yuri's taste, oppa?” Minju peeked from Yuri's shoulder. You just winked at them, “Look at these things Yuri, how do you not get back pain from these”, Minju's hand travelled to Yuri's boobs and started pinching her nipples. “Ahhhh, unnie”, Now this is the view you can get behind, or rather, under. “Sssshhhh, what did I tell you about your mouth”, You saw Minju pull Yuri in another kiss, a view that can only be described as heavenly.
“Ahhhhh, oppa”, Yuri breaks the kiss and turns to you, Yuri loves eye contact during sex, as she was lost in ecstasy she felt a sharp pain on her shoulder as Minju bit her. “Aghhhhh, I'm cumming”, Yuri's voice got all squeaky and high as her body was having another orgasm. “Oh fuck, are you cumming oppa?” Minju moaned, feeling your cock throbbing. You gritted your teeth before grabbing her hips, “Ladies first”, You swallow down the ejaculations that's about to come and start pounding her mercilessly, “Ahhhhh, oppa I'm cumming”, Minju can't deal with your sudden aggression before cumming again, soaking your crotch.
The sperm is knocking on your penis screaming to be let out, “I'm cumming”, You thrust into her, letting her feel the warmth she has become addicted to. “I need some time”, Yuri gets off you and lays next to you. Minju smiled at you, showing she's ready for round two. “Get off me Minju”, She complies and gets on all four, above Yuri. “Fucking, nympho”, Yuri is panting and just look at Minju like she's a monster. “Oppa, get me my bag”, You stand up and give it to her, she bought out a bottle of lube. “Oh my god, are you serious?” You laughed, she winked at you before giving it to you.
“What's that?” Yuri said, “That Yuri, is a lube, because oppa is going inside my ass”, Yuri looked horrified, while also a little curious. “Ohhhh, oppa, so impatient already”, Minju moaned, feeling your finger teasing her hole. “Is it painful?” Yuri said, “Oh, for the first time, but I have a lot of experience”, You can tell because you can slip in three fingers already without any resistance. “Well go on oppa, I'm waiting”, Minju swayed her hips, enticing you even further. You squirt some lube to your cock before aligning it with her asshole.
Your tip pressed against her hole making her body shiver, then it pushed through, making her back tensed up. Yuri sat up to watch the process from behind, the sight of her two melons right on Minju's face was too alluring. “Unnie, I want to wa-, ahhhhh” Yuri moaned as both of her hands were holding on to Minju’s head. “Fuck”, You groaned, Minju’s asshole is so tight you can't help but moan. “Does it feel good oppa?” Yuri bites her lips seeing your face, “It's great Yuri”, Slowly you start moving, letting Minju's ass adjust to your size.
Before long you start pounding her at a comfortable pace. Her ass ripples everytime you push in, a sight you can't get tired of. “Does it feel good unnie?” Yuri whimpered as one of her hands started rubbing her pussy. “It feels great Yuri”, Minju rolled her eyes to the back of her skull making Yuri even more intrigued. “Fuck, you're so tight Min”, You start fucking her violently almost pushing her head to Yuri's. 
“Fuckkkk, if you're gonna keep saying that, you're gonna make me blush babe”, You're gonna make her do a lot more than that as your hand starts trailing her spine. “Fuckkkk, that's cheating oppa”, You leaned forward and bit her ears. “Such a slut”, As much as she likes being complimented, she loves hearing you call her that. “Fuck yes, I'm your slut babe, fuck me”, You turned to Yuri who's looking at you with thrill. “Come here”, She immediately leaned closer to makeout with you, Minju hugged Yuri and rested her head on Yuri's shoulder. “I'm cumming”, You can hear her juice sprays all over the bed before she slumped down on Yuri.
“Fuck, Yuri, come here”, Yuri throw Minju off of her and her closer to you, “I'm sorry, I was too sensitive oppa, go finish in pure Yuri's hole”, Minju got behind Yuri and used her hand to spread open Yuri's already wet pussy. “Fucking hell”, You moved to your last round. Plunging in, you can see Yuri's body convulsed due to the sudden intrusion, “Fuck, that's so hot”, You start pounding her, she let out a squeal everytime you got fully in her, she's so cute sometimes.
“Look at these oppa, don't you love Yuri's boobs?”Minju smiled as she started massaging it. “So fucking hot, come here”, You pulled her in for a kiss that she immediately reciprocate. Yuri after seeing you two got busy with each other. “Opppaaaaa, focus on meeeee”, She let out a super cute whine making you look down at her. “I'm cumming”, she squealed, her tightening walls starting to milk your cock as well. “Fuck, take it Yuri”, You pushed deeper into her spraying your cum to her womb entrance.
As the orgasm passes the three of you get on the bed, fully drained, you can't comprehend how you can even finish the day. “I'm so tired already”, You felt breathless, you might just sleep here for the whole day. “Hahahaha, I feel energised, and full”, Minju starts caressing her stomach like a pregnant lady. “Me too, I can feel your sperm swimming inside me oppa”, Yuri did the same and started moaning. “You two….. are on birth…… control right? I'm not….. ready to be a father”, Even finishing a sentence is tiring for you.
“Hahahaha, of course, I don't want to have babies, your love and attention is split up already and I don't want less of that”, Minju laughed and played with your hair, “Children? In this economy? No thanks”, Yuri laughed and drew on your chest. As the three of you were enjoying the moment you heard a knock on the door. “Anybody in there?” Sounds like a student, the three of you look at each other. “Oy switch with us, we also want to do a check up”, The three of you let out a sigh realising you don't need to leave.
“We're, busyyyy” Minju moaned making you laugh, “Come, back laterrr” Yuri squealed. “Oy, you're there for an hour already”, He knocked the door again, “Hey, do you mind”, You said sternly, the two girls start laughing loudly before letting out a few moans. “Fucking bitch”, He said, “Come on, we can use the janitor closet”, You heard a girl's voice before the sounds of footsteps leaving. “I hope a janitor walk in on them”, Yuri scoffed, “Hmmm, I wish we can go home and just rest for the day”, Minju sniffed her shampoo on your hair.
“I think, if we get homeschooled we won't be able to leave our bedroom for 3 years”, They can barely contain themselves when they're in school, let alone being confined at Minju’s house. “I wouldn't mind”, Of course she wouldn't, “Hmmm, babe, we still need to talk to mom and dad”, Yuri reminded of the dreaded dinner you would have to attend eventually. “Let's wait, we know they won't be as open minded as Noona. Let this relationship run for a while, so that we can show them we are confident with our choices”, You said.
“We are confident already”, Yuri said, “Yeah but they won't trust us. They will think we are riding on our teenage hormones, so let's just let this run, just long enough so that they were surprised we have been going for so long”, Yuri's parents are also gonna kill you if they found out about this now. “Haaaa, if only I can introduce you to mom and dad, although they probably won't care much but it would still be a fun thing to do”, Minju sighed.
“What is your relationship with your parents anyway?” She never says anything about it, “They're fine, they have more expectations for my sibling, 2 older brothers and a sister, since I'm the youngest they tend to let me do as I please”, Did they cast her aside or something? “Minju, did your parents abandon you or something?” Yuri said concerned, “No, they just don't want me to be too pressured to follow their steps. They're not the typical family like on the K-drama you watch”, Minju laughed seeing your concerned face.
“Alright then, we should get dressed, I don't want to get a cold”, The two reluctantly get off you and get ready for the day. Looking at Minju, you can't help but have a sense of pride rising due to her walking stiffly. “Hey, you did this to me so you have to help me now babe”, Minju pressed up against you for support, you wrapped your arm around her waist to help her walk. “Oppa, me too”, Yuri starts walking funny as well. “I feel like a playboy”, Holding both of the girls by the waist while they leaned to you, yeah that seems a little too brazen.
“Let's just wait in class okay?” And thus the day began, although you wanted nothing more but to go home and rest. After the first break Doyoung pulled you to the side, much to the girls discontent. “Did you and you and your girlfriends fool around in the nurse office earlier?” The smile that he has is a bit concerning, “Yeah?” He shook his head. “You piss off a senior, and he's gunning for you, I heard from Haeun that they went to the janitor's closet and a janitor walked in on them. Quite funny actually, but you can't help but cause trouble. No worries though, he will not do any physical confrontation. Although be careful, he might ruin your chances for getting to college, his father is a dean in some universities I don't remember”, Well, that would be scary if you didn't have Minju by your side.
“What does he want?” Yuri and Minju pester you the moment Doyoung walks away. “The guy from earlier got caught by the janitor and wanted some beef with me. “This place is filled with cunts”, Minjun growled, “Relax, Doyoung said he won't attack me, he's already in his senior years so he won't do anything stupid. Come on, let's just focus on the class”
When the school finished and the three of you went to Minju's place, a surprise was waiting for you. “Welcome home Minju, I offered myself some of your cookies. I hope you don't mind”, A tall black-haired guy, who seems to be in his early 20s, is sitting in the living room. “Minho? What are you doing here?” Minju's open hostility made you feel nervous. “Come on, be a good girl and introduce your boyfriend to your brother”, A sigh of relief escaped your mouth realising it wasn't an ex or nosy suitor.
“Babe, Yuri, this is my brother, Minho, Minho, this is my boyfriend and his girlfriend Yuri”, You can see his face start to form a smile, one you've grown familiar with. “Is your older brother Doyoung’s brother as well?” Minju slapped you to shut you up. “Hahahahhaha, oh god, oh god this is good, this is wayyyyy too good. When I heard from Tae that you were fooling around in the middle of the restaurant I couldn't help but laugh. Now I came here to check on you and you got into a harem?” His laugh echoes inside the living room. Minju pulled you and Yuri to sit with her on the couch, with her sitting the closest to him.
“I don't think this is a harem”, He looked at you with interest, “So tell me kid, what's your name?” The smile he wore tells you he already knows your name, “Marcus Junius Brutus”, He laughed again. “What are you doing here Minho?” Minju said impatiently, “Oh, I can't visit my own sister?” Yuri is shaking, she doesn't like him very much. “Well, I'm still here, now go finish your visit and leave”, Minho just snorted and reached inside his suite. He pulled out a small envelope and handed it to Minju, “Invitation, for mom’s charity event next week”, Minju frowned and took it. “and before you say anything, you can either come there or you'll have to go to another, proposal dinner”, Minju's face contorted.
“Min?” The moment your hand touched her hair she dropped herself to your embrace. “You know, I'm curious about how this comes to be. Because as far as I know Minju is gay”, Minho leaned back in his seat clearly showing he won't leave until his curiosity is satiated. “We met, she had a crush on me, and the compromise with my best friend Yuri, now they're sharing me”, You wrapped your other arm on Yuri's shoulder making her slump into you as well. “Really? Because I thought she was going after that cute girl first then you come in”, Minho winked at Yuri who just growled at him. “Well you're wrong, so can you not check out my girlfriend?” You're not really sure where you get your confidence from, but it certainly amused the two while Minho seems to be intrigued.
“So bold, I see why you can get away with it”, You smiled again, “Thank you, but I gained my confidence after these two started dating me. I'm nothing without them you see”, Oh the girls gonna reward you for this. “Such a romantic guy, what happened to your face, did Minju get too rough? She always screams like-” Minju immediately yelled at him, “Minho”, You can tell she's embarrassed. “What? I got woken up at night a few times because my sister was mastur-”, Minju stood up and kicked him.
“Minju is quite the screamer”, She turned to you with horrors on her face, “But she didn't do this, it was just some boring high school kid getting jealous of me dating these two”, You smiled and reached out to pull her down. She buries her face in your chest while letting out a muffled scream. “Surprised you aren't dead yet, you look like you could crumble from a falling leaves”, Hurtful, but he's not wrong, “We won't let that happen”, Yuri roared, “Oh? But you already let his face turn to that”, From her grip you can't tell Yuri is furious. “It's just a mistake, it won't happen again”, Minho is gauging your relationship dynamics, and he concluded, it's unique, and fun to watch.
Maybe I should get two girlfriends as well. I wonder if Seolhyun is down.
“It's just a mishap, don't worry, I'll get better”, You pulled Yuri down who started grumbling while burying her face to your neck. “Hey, I just gotta say, as a fellow guy, respect. Still though, you break my sister's heart I'm breaking your financial capabilities”, The threat felt so light-hearted you felt like he was just joking. “Okay, are you staying till dinner?” The two immediately raised their heads and glared at you, “No, it seems I'm not invited”, He opened his phone and sent a text. “Good, we only have a portion for 3”, He laughed at you before standing up and taking the jar of cookies. “I'm taking these, good job Min, I'll see you next week. Yura, or whatever you are, nice to meet you, and Brutus, don't stab my sister in the back”, Now this one feels like a real threat.
As he leaves the two girls were glaring daggers to his back. “Well, that was something”, You tried to calm them down, “I hate him”, Yuri turned to Minju, “Now that you said it babe, I remember why I hate Doyoung so much, he's a carbon copy of Minho”, Minju frowned. “So, what's the charity event gonna be about?” You turned to Minju, “It's just some party for the donator, it's boring stuff really. I don't like going there, too much attention on me”, She starts taking off my shirt. “And the proposal dinner?” Yuri said, “It's just my parent's set up dinner for a suitor, I hate it”, You don't feel comfortable imagining Minju going out to meet other guys.
“Can't you tell your parents that you're dating oppa?” Minju sighed and shook her head, “I haven't got the chance, they don't necessarily hate people from the lower class. However they have some prejudice, mom got swindled by some guy who's after her money. They will try to keep an open mind, but oppa will have to work to convince them. Just like with you Yuri, I think it's best if we try to wait for a little while", As much as you want to agree to that, you still don't like the idea of Minju having to go and have dinner with other dudes.
“You can tell them you find someone you're interested in, then lie that he is already having a somewhat unofficial relationship with his childhood friend”, Minju lights up hearing your suggestions, “That's a great idea babe, mom loves romantic novel so she will definitely be hooked”, Yuri nodded proudly at you. “Now that's covered, why am I naked?” Why do you even bother asking?
Around sundown Minju pulled out her phone and started shopping for some gym equipment to put at her house. Hearing that they all will be delivered by tomorrow you can only sigh, it seems a new hell will be upon you soon.
“Why do you look like that?” Eunbi eyed you carefully, “Oh, I just had some workout with Minju and Yuri earlier”, You know that's not what she's asking. “You idiot I left for 3 days and you already got into another fight?” Eunbi is determined that if you really like getting into a fight so much, she will give you one that would change your life. “Noona, I'm sorry, I was attacked, please, I'm sorry”, Her punches are relentless, however soon she calmed down and let you go. “I can't, I really can't with you sometimes”, She started massaging her head trying to calm the headache. “I'm sorry Noona, but I promise I won't get into another fight until I graduate”, At least you don't plan to. “Until you die, you shouldn't get into any fight idiot”, Thankfully Eunbi didn't explode again from your poor word choices.
“Okay, I promise”, She sighed and sat back down to her seat, for a while the two of you ate quietly. “You've done it yet?” You just nodded without looking up at her, “Are you being safe?” Keep nodding, keep looking at your food, “How many times?” Yep, just nod. “Damn it, don't tell me you've been doing that everyday. Is that the reason why you never go home?” Nod? Yeah, just nod, “You idiot”, Yeah that one also needs a nod.
“You know Yuri's parents have been asking me about you two. Yesterday they came here asking for her but I have to lie to them about you having sex with her”, You can't nod to that one, “What do they want to talk about?” She just shrugged. “I'll tell them then”, It's time to have some private sleep. “Bring them here sometime too, I want to have dinner with them”, You shake your head this time. “You brat, I'm not asking”, You shake it again, “Why?” Because you're scared of her. “Well, you never introduced me to your boyfriend, so why should I introduce you to my girlfriends”, She glared at you for a moment, “So? Are you gonna introduce him to me?” Then suddenly a thought crosses your mind.
“Noona, you do have a boyfriend right?” Her face contorted to be an incarnation of death, “Yes I have a boyfriend”, She doesn't need to say that with a punch but what can you do? “Then why did you never introduce him?” She frowned, “Because he's gonna try to hook you up with his friends”, What kind of excuse is that? “Huh?” Eunbi just sighs, “He's popular with girls okay, and he likes playing matchmaker. When I told him I have a brother he wanted to introduce you to his sister so you two can go out together. Do you want that?” Well, it's a bit late for that. “And now it's already too late”, You nodded agreeing, “I'm sure my girlfriends wouldn't appreciate the gesture”, She slam the table, “It's too late because if he met you he'll have an idea to find a new girlfriend and push me to a poly relationship”, Oh yeah, that too.
“Well, that's unfortunate then”, The dinner ended silently. Eunbi usually teased you alot, however she hasn't done that now that you're in a relationship. At first you thought that she was mad and angry at you. However, in Eunbi’s mind, she's just confused about you. It's like the little secluded boy she has known for so long suddenly changed under her nose.
Has he always been like this? Did I just never pick up on it? It's so hard to do this. What would mom and dad say if they find out? Dad would definitely laugh his ass off and tease him everyday. Actually he would also be a little disappointed since he might think that you were essentially cheating on Yuri. Mom would chew him out, probably causing some strain on the relationship itself. Haaaaaa, I'm happy for you lil bro, I really do, but I can't keep encouraging you, I need to be mom and dad for you. Whatever happens with you and your girlfriends, I hope it'll be a happy ending.
Just like you, Eunbi is still processing your parents death in her own ways. It's been over a year already, yet she still finds it hard sometimes. Your parents room is still empty, it's quite ironic really. Both of you had some conversations long ago about who can take their bedroom once you grow up. Yet now, even seeing the door already causes some pain in your chest. Life goes on so fast, and ends so suddenly that you two never really had time to process their death. Eunbi had to deal with her college entrance and adjust to new environments and situations. 
She used to be so mischievous and as idiotic as you. After their death, she had to change. Sometimes she longed for those times of ignorance bliss. She wanted to strangle you while making endless jokes about your sex life. Alas, she had to grow, she can't be your sister anymore, she has to take the responsibility your parents left her. Perhaps one day, once you've grown to an adult, who figured out how to wing the little thing called life, she can return. Or maybe, by the time you've grown out of her guidance, she has taken the serious adult mantle and persona for too long, that her old repressed personality was nothing but a distant memory for her.
“I'm going out Noona”, Hope, she still has it, she hopes you will grow, without the pain and struggle she's feeling right now. “Take care, and don't forget to sleep properly, it's not healthy waking up the whole night to please your girlfriends”, For now, she can only continue her role, for you.
Oblivious to all this, you return to the girls to break the news. “What do you mean we have to split our sleep?” They did not take it well, “Listen, we have to understand, Yuri's parents will find out one day if we keep sleeping here. So let's compromise, one day with Yuri, one day with Minju, I'll go to each of your houses”, The two looked at each other. “Fine, Monday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday is mine”, Yuri said, “You’re not taking Friday and getting 4 days, I'm taking Saturday and Sunday”, The two clashed for a moment. “Girls, what if we just have Sunday together, all three of us”, You're getting good at managing them.
“I still want Friday, you're gonna be beat on Saturday because you spend time with her”, Minju pouted, “Then let's have one at school nights”, Alright, totally controlled. “Okay, do we start today?” You're not really ready to meet with Yuri's parents, especially because you haven't really met them since the little scuffle you had last week. “Yeah sure, bye Minju”, Yuri wanted to gloat over Minju but you just gave Minju a goodnight kiss that calmed her down for now.
“Yuri, and- what happened to you sweetie?” Her mom immediately came up to me, “Oppa got into a fight because some idiot from school doesn't like that we're dating. He jumped in for me”, Yuri pulled my head and caressed my cheek. “Oh my god, that's horrible sweetie, come here let me take a look”, Still holding you, Yuri pulled you closer to her mom. “Oh my god, did you do this Yuri? Is this why you haven't brought him back to us for a week?” Her dad came by and immediately got kicked by Yuri. “Oppa is resting so I didn't bring him here”, Yuri scoffed as her mom checked it. “Well, it seems like it'll heal in a week, do your eyes have any trouble seeing sweetie?” You shake your head.
“He's fine mom, we've already checked the school nurse a few times already, there's nothing serious”, Her mom glanced at my neck and maybe down my shirt. “I see, so you have rewarded him properly for protecting you sweetie? Is that what's gonna happen tonight?” Yuri frowned and pulled you out of the living room. “Good night, don't get too loud, I have a morning shift tomorrow”, Her mom teased us as we got to Yuri's room. “Haaaaaa, come on oppa, it's been a long day. My thighs are dying for a rest”, She took off her jacket and changed her pants to shorter and more comforting pants.
“Yuri, did you not tell your parents about last week?” She turned off the lights and jumped on the bed to join you, not bothering to answer you. “Yuri?” She raised her head, “Huh?” You asked her again. “Well, I was scared okay, I was a little embarrassed that I can't protect you and you were so injured that I was just too busy worrying about you”, She sighed and rubbed her head on your chest. “You do remember your mom is a nurse as well right?” Even in the dark room you can still see her blush, “Shut up”, She bites your chest. “Aggghhhhh, Yuri”, The girls has actually find your weakness yesterday.
“I didn't forget, I just don't want to….. it doesn't matter, it's in the past”
“You're so cute when you're embarrassed you know that?”
“I'm not cute”
“Yes you are”
“No, stop calling me that”
“Then what do you want to be called?”
“I'm hot”
“Yeah you are, but also-, wait is that why you want to do squats and leg exercises? To make your ass and thighs bigger?”
“SHUT UP!!!!!”
“Hahahhaa, you're so cute”
“I'm not cute” *pout cutely*
“Why not? Why don't you like being called cute”
“Because I want people to call me hot”
“Well, people can do that, but can't your boyfriend call you cute? Can you be cute for me?” 
Gotta say, that was smooth. Don't believe what others say.
“Do you really want me to be cute oppa?”
“You already are Yuri, I just want you to accept my compliments about that”
“But I'm still hot right?”
“You're still hot, and beautiful, but you're also cute”
“Hotter than Minju?”
“Same level”
“No, but cuter”
“Okay, don't tell her I say this but you're more beautiful. I'm lucky to be able to enjoy seeing you everyday ever since I'm a child”
“Good, then I'll be cute for you”
“You already are”
“Yaaaa, I'm not gonna be cute for you”
“Can't deny who you are”
The conversation goes on and on, it was a nice talk. Somehow, late night, half asleep talk is just your thing. To Yuri, it was such a blessing, to be able to relive all those memories of sleeping with you back in the day. Talking about movies or fantasy or just gossiping around. Without saying a word, you two agreed that this separate sleeping schedule is not a bad idea.
The next day, your whole body is in pain. Despite your protest, Minju and Yuri still pushed you to do another workout. You wanted to do some leg with Yuri, and you've come to the conclusion, leg day fucking sucks. At the end you didn't even bother to go home and get a change of clothes. Minju has a lot of baggy clothes that can fit you, much to your embarrassment.
“Why are you shy babe, you look good”, Minju smiled seeing your frown, “I just feel a little discouraged realising how small my body is”, Pathetic, the feelings you're having that is, not your body. “Come on babe, you'll grow soon enough”, Yuri kissed your cheek. “Yep, besides you're perfect the way you are”, Minju plays with your hair. “Well, maybe we need to do a little shopping for new clothes though”, Yuri roasted you by accident. “My wardrobe is fine”, They shake their head making you feel even worse. “It's okay babe, I can pay for you”, Now, there's a thing called a man's pride. A stupid concept that you always hated, until now. Somehow, knowing your girlfriends gonna be your sugar mama made you feel uncomfortable.
“Oh come on now, it's fine, I can afford it”, You shake your head, “At least, give me a debt, I don't feel good about it”, Minju really wants to spoil you with money, and you're making it hard for her. Yuri leaned in and whispered to him, “Just accept it, he doesn't like being pitied. If you really want to, you can make him pay with other ways”, For one, Yuri doesn't feel any competitiveness with Minju.
“Fine, but you'll pay me with some work”, The smirk tells you this would end badly, but you nodded. “Good, now, let's cook dinner for our boyfriend Yuri”, Yuri has been learning how to cook with Minju recently. You already know how to cook, but it's inferior to Minju. Of course, learning how to cook with her is a bad idea as she spends more time feeling you up rather than teaching you.
“Haaaaa, you're so warm babe”, Without Yuri around Minju locked you in her embrace with both her legs and arms. Her head comfortably nestles against yours. “Are you sure you want to sleep like this babe?” Your hand can't say no to her alluring bare thighs in your stomach. “Yeah, I do, and if you don't like it then deal with it”, She giggled when your hands started feeling her up.
“Do you usually sleep with a body pillow or something?”
“Yeah sometimes, I wanted to buy one when I moved here, but then you came around, and I don't need to now”
“Yeah, but now you'll have some nights of sleeping without me”
“Haaaaa, I'll manage, I still have your workout sweater”
“You know I feel disgusted and aroused by the idea of how addicted you are to my scent”
“Thank you, but you smell so good. Yesterday I used your sweater to sleep, it smells of you so I can lie to myself that I'm sleeping with you”
“That's psycho material, or wife material I'm not sure”
“Heheheh, you want to get married babe? I once saw this beautiful engagement ring when I accompanied my brother because he wanted to buy one. He ended up buying an expensive one, then he offered to buy me that one for my future wife. I said no, I wished I said yes”
“We never really talk about that do we? You were gay?”
“Well, I think I was, I mean I never really feel any attraction towards guys”
“But you feel it with me?”
“Yeah, so I thought I wasn't gay, but that threesome with Yuri remind me some old experience I had with my ex”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, you're all angry about me having an ex while you also had one”
“I know, I'm sorry babe, I really do and it's not like I tried to keep it away. It's just, I hate her”
“Bad breakup?”
“Haaaaa, she was so nice, she was my only friend that wasn't fake. Of course I was naive, so I just started going out with her. Although we never did it, we still fool around, then I send her a nude selfie, and it spreads”
“Ohhh, I'm sorry babe, she sounds like a bitch”
“Yeah, she is, thankfully my family stepped in and all the pictures got deleted. She, well, I don't know where she went but dad said she's taken care off”
“Uhhh, have you checked the bottom of the ocean?”
“Babeeee, we're not a mafia”
“Alright, sure, whatever you say-, aggghhhhh”
“You're so cute when you're like that”
“Should I get beat up again”
“I'll kill you before you jump to another fight”
“Hahahah, you know I was wondering, you never talk about your siblings”
“Hmmm? There's not much to talk about, I'm the youngest child, I have an older brother Minho, and then the two eldest sibling are Seojin and Yoojin, they're twins”
“Minho look kinda old you know”
“Yeah, there's a big age gap between all of us, Minho is 5 year older than me, Seojin and Yoojin is 6 years older than him”
“Huh, and you have a good relationship with them?”
“Yeah, Minho is a shit stirrer so he pranks me a lot. Seojin and Yoojin are already mature. Yoojin-unnie is cold and very stern, Seojin-oppa is more easy going and sociable. We take care of each other, how about you and Eunbi-unnie?”
“We're taking care of each other as well, you know she used to be as stupid and rebellious as I am”
“Yeah, there's one time when me, her and Yuri were having a camping trip with our family………”
Your voice is like a lullaby that slowly brings Minju to sleep, not because it's boring, but because it's comforting. The next day when you wake up Minju was apologising profusely for falling asleep during your story. You're fine with it, because you also fell asleep in the middle. She wanted to hear it again later on, which brought up the topic of the second date.
“Since I go out first you can take him out first Yuri”, Surprisingly, Yuri shook her head. “I think we should go out together, as three before we have a second date”, Oh shit, how many eyes are you gonna get now. “Hmmmm, that sounds good, then shopping, it's time to give you a makeover oppa”, Minju already planned your date, “Yep, first, a haircut”, Minju loves your hair, but she agreed that it's getting too long. “No way, I wanted to grow it”, Nope, they won't let you. “I know a place for spa day”, Can they keep themselves from you during spa day?
“I think we can just go to a barbershop”, The look of disgust on their face tells you that you can't get away from this. “Alright, haircut, shopping then spa day. How about this Saturday?” Yuri doesn't like that she won't be able to pitch in for the trip. “Listen Yuri, if you don't like that you're getting treated by me, then you can also pay me with other means”, Of course, Yuri thinks that it means she has to give her time with oppa for Minju as payment. “Oh, don't worry Yuri, I'm not gonna take your time with him, but, don't you think it's time for us to have our own date?” Minju wants to try something.
“Are you serious?” Yuri was baffled, “Of course, we have had a lot of pillow talk with oppa the last two days, and I realised earlier that you and I haven't gotten that close. So, we should go out, the more we get along the better it is for oppa right?” Huh, you're getting cucked by your girlfriends. “Fine, once, just once, and if oppa doesn't like it then we stop it”, Minju and Yuri can see the complex emotions on your face and agree that it's a bad idea to feed your insecurities even more. “I can't wait for Saturday”
“I look like a fuckboy”, You've seen so many ‘influencers’ rocking this hairstyle that you've grown to hate it. “You look good babe, your curly hair is perfect for this”, Doesn't make you less basic, “We like it oppa, so just roll with it”, The things I, well, you do for love. “Fine, let's go get some clothes”, When Minju said a makeover, you didn't really expect her to buy you a wardrobe worth of clothes. In fact, you might need to buy a new one. “Girls, how many more clothes do you want me to buy?” Fed up with them, you can't help but protest, surprisingly for the first time today. “Oppa we just need a few more pants, then we can go and relax in a spa okay?” Thankfully they stay true to their words and leave shortly after.
Just as you thought the relaxation time of the day had come, the world decided to play a game on you. “Minju, Brutus, Juri? I don't know your name” Minho is there, with a girl in his arms. “What are you doing here?” Minju frowned, “What do you mean? I'm going to chill with my girlfriend, you two, meet Seolhyun, Seol, this are my sister's boyfriend and girlfriend”, The girl raised her eyebrow and turned to Minju before laughing. “Nice to meet you” She acknowledged me and Yuri. “You…. I'm using this so leave”, Minho laughed, you realised, he probably planned for this already. “Come on sis, let's have some spa day, let me catch up with your boyfriend”, Not a chance your girlfriends will let you go.
“Alright fine, the place is big enough for us to never crosspath, I'll see you inside”, Minju and Yuri's mood is ruined, this was supposed to be a relaxing time for the three of you. “Girls, you hear what he said, we can just ignore them and have our own fun right?” Although it's true, the girls had some other type of fun in mind. Which is ruled out due to Minho and his girlfriend's presence. “Uggghhhhh, come on”
Although he said you won't crosspath you still find Minho in the male changing room. “What's up playboy? Got into another fight while I'm gone?” He's jacked, the type of lean jacked body, you take mental note of what your ideal body type would be. “You know we're coming here don't you?” No point of lying, but no point of confirming it either since he saw you know already. “Why?” He's contemplating on whether he should tell you or not. “Let's just say, I'm jealous of you”, Despite the proclamation you feel like he still has the upper hand in the conversation. “You want to fuck your own sister?” Your pathetic attempt to throw him off only made him laugh. “You're trying to seize me too, aren't you? You want your girlfriend to talk to me and you want to check on me. If things are going well you want to talk her into a poly as well. If things aren't going well you will try to pull Minju out” Impressive, although there's a bit more specific reason on why he wants to check you.
“Almost, but good one kiddo, it's good to have a curious mind to read your environment” He patted your head on the way out. Almost, that word bugs your mind, why is he here? “You okay babe?” The girls picked up on it, “I'm fine, just curious”, The two exchanged glances, “You're not thinking about my brother's girlfriend right?” Ahhhh, jealousy, the fourth entity in your poly relationship. “Hahahhaah, no, just why they're here”, Seeing your relaxed tone they calmed down, for now.
First, massage, all three of you are getting massaged in the same room, thankfully your masseur is a guy and theirs are girls so there's no unpleasant feelings coming around. “Your body seems very tense sir, have you been working out lately?” Your masseur made some small talk. “I've started working out, 3 days ago”, He chuckled before pressing down on your shoulder. “It's very hard to start working out sir, your body is not ready for the sudden adjustment. Have you been sleeping correctly? Good bed, good sleep time”, Now that he says that, you do realise that Minju’s bed is much more comfortable to sleep in compared to Yuri's. “Sometimes, I change beds often, and my girlfriends tend to be passionate” He laughed again, “They're your girlfriends sir? I see now, may I suggest working on cardio first?” Turns out, he's also a gym trainer, so you had some good advice out of him.
“Hnmmm, I feel like sleeping already after that”, Yuri said, “Well, what's next?” You turn to Minju who's indulging in your warmth. “Now, skin treatment followed by manicure and pedicure”, You've never really taken care of your body. It's not like you ignore it, you still shower a lot and use deodorant, but you've never really gone an extra mile to take care of it. After getting your whole body cleansed, the three of you had some snacks while chilling on the balcony.
“I feel like I just shed my skin”, You're practically glowing right now. “Hahahaha, ahhhhh it's been fun, it's a sauna after this and then we take a shower before we can chill in the jacuzzi together”, That does sound fun. “I would've asked about having sex in the jacuzzi but I might just fall asleep after”, All three of you are pretty beat. “Alright, sauna time, let's go”
Well, having a sauna with Minho is certainly not what you expected. “Welcome Brutus, have a seat”, Thankfully both of you still have a towel to cover yourself, and the steam was covering the place. “I thought this will be a sauna”, He moved your schedule didn't he? “You want to talk to me in a sauna?” Well, the steam room does have some better cover. “Your sister's gonna kill you”, He shrugged before leaning to the tile behind him. “My girlfriend can handle them, she knows how to deal with worse”, Being almost naked made the feeling of being seized by him much more uncomfortable. “You want me to go to the auction party”, Impressive, you grasp his intention.
“Good one kid, you know why?” It's time to make up some fake stories-, huh, maybe the shot in the dark you're about to do won't miss the mark so much. “You want me to help protect Minju”, He nodded while looking at you with scepticism in his eyes. “How would you even be able to protect her?” With full confidence you continue on, “You care about her, and you want me to be there to show that she is no longer single. Also you want me to talk to your parents because you don't want to be the one who breaks the news to them”, Intriguing, that's what Minho feels about you. “You want to visit me, because you want to see if I'm actually a good boyfriend. You told your girlfriend to talk to them under the guise that you're looking out for your own sister. If things turned out smooth you can use today as a way to put ideas in her head”, Good, you've passed the test.
“Perfect, you can come, wear something nice”, Well, even though you've bought a lot of clothes, a skinny jeans with white tank tops and black denim jacket isn't exactly a formal attire. “I don't have a suit”, Minho just realised the hole in his plan, your poverty. “I'll get someone to measure you after this, then you can pay me back later”, You are not planning to go into debt over a suit. “Pay it, you're rich already”, The audacity is as impressive as your guessing skill. “Why the fuck would I do that, you're my sister's boyfriend not mine. Ask her to pay for you”, Somehow, you have a feeling that he doesn't mind paying for it if you have a good reason. “Well, I think if you have to come to her party as a surprise the gesture will be less romantic when I come with a bill for her”, True, but why does he have to care?
“Just slip it inside your jacket for her to find or something”, That sounds pathetic. “Just pay for it, I'll punch someone there for you once and never come to those parties again”, Now that would be a good reason, although he doesn't want you in particular to do it. “That's a great idea, I can use that sometimes, but alas you'll end up embarrassing her and my family. How about this, you have to make a scene, but also come up as the good guys”, Doable, a plan came up in your mind. “Hehehe, I'll pay for it once I see it, if you don't manage to do it I'll send you the bill”, Confidently, you nod at him. “So now, how do you plan to talk to my parents? Need some tips kiddo?” Confidently, you shrugged.
“I'll just talk to them”, A daredevil, no, that's not quite right, an apathetic person. “You're so confident that you can get away with Minju if my parents don't like you”, No, of course not, “I'm confident that I will do my best to get away”, He laughed. “Alright, you're pretty confident aren't you?” You shake your head, “I'm confident because Minju is helplessly in love with me. If it's just a normal relationship I'll be bailing out”, Not ignorant, that's a plus. “What if they target your sister”, Fuck, “How do you know about her?” Of course he does a background check on you. “You know she's working in one of our child companies right?” You don't.
“How small is the world?” No, that's not quite right, “It's not a small world, my family empire is just too big”, Swallow your pride. “Do you have some tips?” He laughed again, “So easy to break”, No, they're just too big that they can break you with a simple thought. “Of course, I have to compromise with the world”
“You mean us?”
“You're part of the world technically. Since you're too big to handle I have to grovel on my feet”
“So if I don't threaten your sister you'll just do what you want?”
“Yeah, what do you have against me anyway? I'm just a highschool kid”
“Bullying the weak and bending to the strong, so pathetic”
“So? If I have a backing as strong as you I'll act as I want. That's just how the world works”
“You know my examination on you drop down a little”
“So? Yeah I'm pathetic but I acknowledge it. I'm gonna lick your feet if that means I'll survive”
“You're gonna tell my parents that?”
“What? It's not like they don't deal with people like me on a daily basis. Difference is that I only did it to survive”
“And those people don't?”
“Maybe, but if they lick too much they definitely want to grow. I don't, I want to be left alone with my girlfriends and leave peacefully”
“Heeeh, my dad would definitely find your confidence and straightforwardness to be amusing. Just be you, I guess, but don't piss them off too much”
No word was said during the rest of your stays in the steam room. Of course after that you have to try to comfort your two girlfriends that's not pleased with Minho's interference. “I swear I'll kill him one day”, Minju is pissed off. “Calm down, he just wants to check if I'm treating his sister right”, The two still don't like someone just nosing around their relationship. “What were you talking about?” Time to lie, “I was just talking about you two, you know, how we got together. How things have been going so far”, They knew you lied to them. “Oppa, tell us the truth, did he bully you?” Time to lie again, “Okay, I was also talking about your family, and how to talk to them”, They still know that you're hiding something. However Minju is too happy to hear about your initiative to reach out to her parents, Yuri felt sour since a good family relationship was the only thing she has over Minju.
Monday, on your sleeping schedule with Yuri, you decided to tell her about what you talked about with Minho. “Oppaaaa”, She is not happy, “Babe, come on, I'm doing this for Minju. You know I'll do it for you too”, Although she knows that, it doesn't make her feel any better. “Saturday, mom and dad are visiting grandma, you and I will come too. Minju's party is on Friday, right? Then we will switch schedule”, If you're gonna meet Minju's parents then you will also meet Yuri's extended family. “Okay, thanks babe”, Thrilled due to how smooth your proposal was taken by her, you can't wait for Saturday.
“How much is this fucking suit, I won't be able to have enough to pay this in my lifetime”, You weren't thrilled when you see the suit Minho's made for you. “It's cheap, the expensive stuff usually needs a few months to be worked on. Now go change, quickly” You felt like you were tainting the suit with your skin when you put it on. “See? Perfect, now let's go”
In his car, or rather, limousine, his girlfriend is already waiting for you two. “Oh hello, good evening”, She looks at you with some interest before looking away. The ride was quiet, you felt like a third wheel which isn't fun. “Alright kid, follow me and don't fall behind too much”, They drop you off at the main entrance, following closely behind them you navigate to the auditorium where the smell of wealth struck your nose. You scan the room, trying to find Minju, to find that she was talking to someone, her back facing you. “Is that Minju?” Minho and his girlfriend laugh hearing you ask. “You can't tell your own girlfriend from behind?” Seolhyun teased you. “I'm not wearing my glasses”, Sometimes, it's best to lie.
Seolhyun opened her small purse and pulled out her glasses. “Go ahead, you'll look good with it”, Fuck, you opened it and put it on, to find, it's just an accessory glasses. “There? You can see better now?” Their mocking tone tells you that your lie was a failure. “I fucking hate you two”, The two laugh before walking away. You turned to Minju, took a deep breath before walking towards her. “I'm really sorry, but I'm very busy right now, I really appreciate the invitation-”, Minju felt a tap on her shoulder distracting her from her refusal.
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Turning around, she felt her heart stop for a moment. You were no better, the two of you just stared at each other, smitten by the others' looks. “What are you doing here?” She smiled before hugging you, “Well, surprise, you said you wished I could go with you. So I think why not”, You wrapped your arm around her. In an instant, all her worry and discomfort were washed away. Fuck her parents, she wants your lips right now.
For you, it felt a little awkward, such a public display of affection never sits tight with you. However you can feel her nervousness being washed away so you comply. “Feeling better?” Minju pulled away from the kiss with a blinding smile while looking at you. “Never better, you look great babe, where did you get the outfits?” Her hand trailed your arms and chest while her eyes are bathing on the pleasant sight you're giving off. “Well, Minho was actually trying to see if I was fit to come to the party today back in the spa. Since I passed his test, he got me a suit”, Talking about the test, you realised you still have a task to do here. “Excuse me? Minju-ah?” And maybe, you can finish it right now.
“Oh? Sorry, what were you saying again?” Minju genuinely forgot about what she was talking about, for the guy this felt like a provocation that angered him. “I was just saying that we should try Chef Gowon’s new three michelin restaurant while we're in town”, Right, a typical date proposal, Minju turned to you. “Right, babe we should try out this new restaurant, the owner is the same one that we went to on our first date”, Minju might complicate things. You want him to get angry at you, not her, nobody would do anything towards the hostess’s daughter. “Ahhhh, you want to relive our first date again do you?” She blushes before pinching your cheek, “Pervert”, Alright, you got aggro.
“Oh right, sorry sunbaenim, but I am not interested”, Minju turned to the guy again before she smiled at you. “I see”, Such an embarrassing refusal definitely will send him over the edge. “Fuck, I really need to go to the bathroom babe, wait here okay?” Minju is reluctant to leave you here. Not because some random admirer is glaring at you, but because there's other girls in the room. However she really needs to pee. “Alright”, She kissed your cheek again to mark you.
You and the random rich boy stay quiet for sometime, a long time. “So, how did you meet Minju-ah?” In the corner of your eyes you can see Minho and Seolhyun are watching you. “Oh, she just moved into my highschool, we went out not too long ago”, As a competent stalker he remembered that Minju ran to the poorer side of the city to avoid the spotlight. “Right, it must be surprising to see someone like us move to your high school right?” He can't even mock you subtly. “Of course, it's like a gift from god, someone that pretty and well off just moves to class. Befriend her since the first day”, Time to lie.
“Oh is that so? Must be nice to find some rich secluded girl falling into your lap”, Now come on, at least make it a challenge. “Ahhhh, sometimes, God is good. Now I don't even need to care about money problems, all got taken care of with a little charm”, Go on, cause a scene. “You're bold, you know that? When she finds out I'll make sure you can never see the light of day any more”, You laughed at him confidently. “Who's gonna tell her? You? Who is she gonna believe, her boyfriend or you, a random nobody”, Good, very good.
He grabbed your shoulder, pressing it firmly, which is kinda painful since you just did shoulder today. “Do you know who I am?” The classic, “No, just an idiot with money? Hey maybe you can go around and buy some coach to give you an interesting personality”, Thank fuck Minho moved quick, you see two bodyguard start walking towards you. “Who the fuck do you think you are?” You just blinked your eye rapidly feeling his spit thrown to your face. “The guy who's fucking your crush?” It's so easy, too easy even.
He used his other hands trying to punch you only to be caught by one of the bodyguards. “What's going on here?” The two of you turned to see the Minju giving off an almost visible freezing aura. “Minju-ah, this guy was-”, Minju raised her hand to shut him up and walk to you. “Are you okay?” The cold tone she has was dropped leaving nothing but concern. “Except for the shoulder day we did earlier? I'm fine?” You move around your shoulder. “Minju-ah, he's using you”, You just remembered that you didn't even know his name. Minju turned to him with a bone chilling gaze, she walked towards him and took the handkerchief on his chest pocket before turning to you. “Your glasses are all dirty now”, She took it off and wiped your face before cleaning the glasses. “Oh, that's Seolhyun-noona’s glasses, she said it'll do fine with my suit’, She frowned and cleaned it before putting it on your pocket, clearly telling you to not use it anymore.
She handed the handkerchief to one of the bodyguards who took it and stuffed it into the stalker's pocket. “Take him away”, He tried to say something but he got a punch to his neck making him have hard time breathing while being dragged away. “Why would you cause trouble here babe, I don't want you to get another wound in your pretty face”, Her fingers touch the bruise on your cheek making you wince a little. “Sorry babe, I have to pay for the suit and shoes”, Minju followed your eyes and turned to Minho and Seolhyun who raised their glass of champagne towards you. “You don't need to do that, I can pay for this”, You smiled and brushed her hair, “You know I can do that”, She pouted before hugging you again. “Ahem”, You hear someone clearing their throat to get your attention. Turning to the source, you two find an elder couple, which you instantly recognised as, Minju’s parents. “Sweetie, I believe you haven't introduce us yet”, Nervousness well up on Minju's heart, she held your hand tightly before letting go of the hug. “Mom, dad, this is my boyfriend, babe this is my parents”, Clearly not wanting to entertain them more she tried to pull you away. “Now, now, don't her hurried sweetheart, let's have a little chat”
Your feet start to tap nervously as the four of you find a secluded seat away from the party. Glancing around, you can see Minho and his girlfriend are talking to a girl before waving at me. “So, let me get this straight, you two met on the first day of school, and have been going out ever since?” You nodded, Minju held your thighs stopping it from doing some tap dancing.
“And what have you been doing since you two started dating?” Well, you just smiled nervously, “Minju?” Her father turned to her. “We just had a few dates, and hung out a lot after school”, He closed his eyes before letting out a long sigh. “You lose your virginity to someone you met less than a month ago?” You smiled nervously, “Answer kiddo, did you two do it?” Her mom turned to you. “Yeah, well……. technically we only knew each other for a week before that” The two parents turn to you with some suffocating glare.
“What happened?” How do you describe the sex you had without making them pissed off. “Mom, we were just caught up in the moment, and I brought him back to my house and we just….. you know the rest”, Minju thankfully covered for you. “Right, let's talk about the elephant in the room, why are you ridden with scars?” Her father looks at you with inspecting eyes. “Well, Minju had a lot of people going after her at school. Some of them aren't pleased with the fact that I'm dating her. So, they start causing trouble and I get beat up”, You're in conflict on whether or not you should tell them about Yuri.
“So you get into a fight for her?” You wouldn't necessarily call it a fight. “Yes dad, and it was very heroic and touching”, Minju said angrily. “Sweetie, is this why you call up my assistant to-”, Minju suddenly stood up and dragged him out, leaving you with her mom. The thing about her mom is, she has perfected the cold and suffocating gaze that Minju had sometimes. “What do you want?”
“Ehhhmmmm, sushi?”
“From her”
“Well, her, just, all of her”
“You want her money”
“Who doesn't want money?”
“If I pay you 10 billion won would you leave her?”
“I don't think the government would leave me alone to suddenly get 10 billion won transferred to my bank account”
“Stop being so snarky and answer it”
“No, and if you think I'm after her for the money then the answer is also no”
“What else then?”
“Do you really think your daughter has nothing to offer for me? Look at her, she's perfect, outside and inside”
“Are you making sexual innuendos right now?”
“Heeeh, that does sound like one. No, I'm not, Minju is great, she helped me alot and, maybe she's too good for me”
“So you acknowledge that?”
“I said maybe, and if I keep thinking like that then I won't deserve to have her”
“What makes you think you deserve her now?”
“Our love? I don't know, what do people mean by deserve? Do I not deserve her because I'm poor? Do I not deserve her because someone else loves her more than me?”
“What makes you think you and her belong together? Why should I let you go?”
“Well, because you'll end up hurting both of us for one. Second what makes you think I don't deserve a chance”
“What do people mean by deserving of something?”
“Why do you not like me? How can I prove myself when you already have prejudice against me?”
“Why do you think I have prejudice?”
“Because I'm poor? Because I look like a scoundrel? Because Minju and I are still young and stupid? Because we just met recently?”
“So why do you want me to break up with her?”
“Why should I let you continue dating her?”
“Because we love each other”
“Is that all?”
“That's all I have”
“Your love?”
The quiet linger for a while, you can tell she's not impressed by you. Although the truth is, she finds you amusing. So brazen and open of your own lacking qualities. She knows it's not due to stupidity, you sounded smart, and definitely grasp the problem she has with you.
“What's your ambition?”
“In live? To live happily?”
“Too broad, try again”
“I don't have any, I want to live without worry”
“Minju wouldn't like someone lacking in ambition”
“Because women loves ambitious man”
“I have an ambition, to live with our worry”
“Is that really an ambition?”
“I want to make enough money so I can live happily forever, secluded with my own writings and drawings”
“An artist then”
“I want to say a dreamer, sounds a bit cooler”
“An apathetic person then”
“You can say that”
“And where does Minju fit in this dream of yours?”
“A wife?”
“Hahahhaah, already?”
“I mean, if things work out why not?”
“Alright, you're telling me you're dating the daughter of one of the richest couples in Korea and you don't want to do anything with that?”
“First of all, I'm not using her, second of all, I don't know you are one of the richest people in Korea”
“You never heard of my family?”
“The Kim family? Are you related to the old couple living down the street from my home?”
“Hnmmm, you're a very….. flawed man”
“I took pride in it”
“I'll give you a chance”
“Thank you”
“But if things goes wrong, don't expect me to stay still”
“You don't need to say that”
“So tell me, how are you with Minju?” For a while, you have some conflicting ideas about whether or not you should tell her about Yuri. “Things are complicated on my end”, She raised her eyebrow intrigued, “Do tell”, Let's keep it vague. “Well, I have this friend of mine, we have known each other since we were children. Recently we've grown some distance between us, I'm not sure why exactly. When I first met Minju, we just connected, we had a lot in common, especially in hobbies and interests. So we went out. Me and my friend, Yuri, her name, got a little out of hand. Yuri said that she started drifting off of me because she started catching feelings. That she was a dumb teenager that freaked out with her own feelings. I love Minju, but Yuri also holds a special place in my heart. I don't want to lose a friend, but I also know Minju is not ready to deal with Yuri, because she felt threatened. I know Minju will come around eventually, but I'm scared that by the time she does that, I already lost Yuri”, Very nice, one thing you didn't know about Minju's mom is that Minju inherited her love for reading from her. A young romantic drama is just right up her alley.
“Then, why don't you just bring her into your relationship”, Of all the answers you expected, this wasn't even on the list. “Hahahaha, ahhhh, young people. Always so busy dealing with their feelings. The right answer is always the simplest one”, She's right, why bother making up those stories when you can just tell her you're in a poly relationship already. “What?” For now, just keep selling on the stories with your bewilderment. “Just, date both of them”, If things work out, then you won't be in despair, so you can date Minju without guilt or paranoia. If things go bad Minju will break up and things will still be fine. It's a win-win situation in Minju’s mom's eyes.
“Let me ask Minju, my girlfriend, one of the richest woman in Korea, one of the most beautiful woman in the world, if she wants to share me, a nobody, with my childhood friend who knew me since we know how to walk”, She nodded with a smile, “I….. no, you, it's you, you're crazy”, Good, start rambling. “No, this isn't it, I'm just giving you an option”, You stayed quiet for a while, just staring at the table. “Now, now, why don't you return back to your girlfriend, she might kill me if I keep holding you up”
Turning to Minju you saw her looking at both of you with a clear hint of annoyance. You bow and excuse yourself before walking to her. The moment she saw you stand up she immediately ran to you. “How did things go babe?” You smiled and caressed her head, “Everything is fine, you know a quiet place around here?” Hurriedly, she grabbed your hand and ran away from the auditorium to a quite large bathroom.
“What were you talking about?” Filling her in, she was surprised hearing her mom's suggestions, “Okay, this might be easier than we expected”, Minju felt like a huge boulder was lifted from her shoulder. “You know, you look so hot with this dress”, Your hand trailed down her bare shoulder. “Babe, stop that, wait till we're home”, She wants more, and you know it. “Minju, don't you want to go back to the party, filled with my seed”, She immediately threw away all her anxiety and just leaped to you. “Fuck, don't take off that dress”, She zip down your pants and pull down your underwear. “Itadakimasu”, She start sucking on it like a hungry beast, “Oh fuck, you're so good at this Min”, Your compliments made her even more hungry and passionate.
It didn't last long though as you quickly grabbed her and sat her down in the huge sink cabinet. She pulled up her dress revealing her panties that you pulled down. “So fucking horny already aren't you?” You grabbed her face with one hand while your other arm reached down to her glistening pussy. “Fill me up babe, fill me up until I can't walk”, Your thumb caressed her lips and she immediately started to suck on it. Your other hand starts fingering her, making her moan. “You look so pretty Min, like princess, my whore of a princess”, She bites your thumb and sucks on it even harder. Your other hand can feel her tensing up, “Aaaahhhh, babeee”, She moans as she squirts all over the bathroom. Her hand was holding on to the hand you have on her pussy. “Baby, stop playing, fuck me”, She pulled out her cute pouting face that you just can't say no to.
“Fuckkkk, I can't never get used to your size babe”, She almost make you blush, “Fuck I can't believe I get you”, You put one hand next to her and start fucking her. “Oooohhhh, baby, just like that, mark me babe, let's show the world, I'm yoursss”, How can you refuse such an inviting offer. Leaning in, you pulled aside her bra straps before biting her shoulder. “Fuckkkk, harder”, Not really sure which one she's talking about you start fucking her even harder while your teeth clamped down even deeper to her shoulder. “Baby I'm cumming”, So are you, pushing in deeper you let your throbbing cock get milked by her pussy as you deliver your load deep into her.
You felt a metallic taste in your mouth along with a spray of bodily fluid on your pants. Pulling back you see that your bite mark has left a bleeding wound on her. “Fuck, sorry”, Looking at your reflection in the mirror you see the blood tainted your teeth and you immediately wiped it using your tongue. For Minju, this arouses an unknown kink that she has. Maybe those vampire lovers aren't so crazy after all. “Come on, stop dozing off”, You already pulled some tissue and put it on her wounds before you wiped your own dick and put it back in its place.
“Your pants are all soaked now”, You mark her, and she marks you, such animalistic behaviour. I'm sorry babe, I got too carried away”, She just hummed something as you helped wipe her wound. “There's a medkit on the cabinet there”, You took 5 minutes to clean her wound, but as you wanted to bandage it she stopped you. “Do you really want to go back there with these?” She nodded with an unrestrained smile. “Such a whore”, You smiled, “Your, whore” fixing up her dress, she gave you a kiss before you two made your way back to the party.
“You two are insane, you know that?” Minho laughed as we walked to him, “I don't know what you're talking about”, You plead innocence. “Uhuh, you're not slick buddy”, Seolhyun stares at you two with mischievous eyes. “Now you, why did you force my boyfriend to cause a scene?” Minju punched Minho, “What are you talking about, I simply offered him a way to pay for the dress. That you already ruined apparently. “If you push him to do it again I'll kill you”, Minju sent another punch that doesn't seem to cause any effect. “Yeah, yeah, good job though, mom and dad somehow give you their approval, now just get some from our sister”, He nod behind you, turning around, you see an older woman, late 20s, striking resemblance with her mom and Minju.
“Minju, you seem to be having a good night, and you”, She turned to you, just like her mom, she's an ice queen. “Nice to meet you”, You bowed to her respectfully. “Unnie, this is my boyfriend”, Minju pulled you back up. Nobody said anything for awhile, “Bring him to the family dinner Min, until then, don't cause a scene or dirty anymore bathrooms”, She walked away. “We still have dinner after this?” Minju shakes her head, “Seojin-oppa is out of town, so maybe Sunday? Don't worry babe, I won't leave you with my parents again”, Thank fuck, you don't want to sit in the dinner table with  your obvious marking on Minju. “I suggest going home, there's nothing to be done here anyway. Besides I don't think you two can't keep your hands off each other any longer”, Whoa, Minho is helping you? 
Minju dragged you to her parents, “Mom, dad, me and oppa will be going home, we're kinda tired”, Their gaze immediately fell upon the bite mark that's being half covered with Minju's bra strap. “Haaaaaaa, at least don't scream too loud when you do that”, You and Minju blushed, “So passionate, go home and get some rest. Although you two don't seem to be planning to sleep tonight”, You two nodded before walking away. “Babe, tomorrow I'll be going with Yuri to her grandma's place, don't drain me too much”, Minju doesn't care, “Yuri is a soft baby, you can regenerate two rounds after our sleep. Now come on, I want to strip that suit out of you”
“Hey, are you okay oppa?” You're not, “I'm fine, just a little tired”, Yuri frowned hearing that. “Don't tell me Minju went overboard yesterday”, You smiled at her, “I will kill her”, Come on, calm her down. “Relax babe, I still have a few more in me, now smile, you wouldn't want to meet your grandma in a bad mood right?” It's not fair for Yuri, her weak spot is a kiss on her cheek while yours is a bite to the chest, and she can't do that with her parents at the front seat. The drive wasn't that long, around 25 minutes or so, Yuri leaned her body towards you while tucking her leg to her chest. Wrapping your hand around her, you can't help but enjoy the warm happy family feelings that linger around the car.
Thankfully the only people in the house are just her grandma and grandpa. Yuri proudly announced your relationship which was received warmly. It was a nice family gathering, you haven't been in one ever since your parents death, so there's a bit of a mixed emotions within you. As the dinner finishes up, Yuri pulls you and her parents to the side, it's time.
“Mom, dad, we have something to tell you”, You're not really sure how, but Yuri just took over the conversation by herself. You were just there, sitting and encouraging her during her ramblings. “So yeah, that's what we are now”, The two of you felt anxiousness raise in your heart, especially since her parents are giving a disapproving look. “Did you talk her into this?” His father turned to you, “No, I just asked them for a month to make my decision-”, Her mom cut you off, “Why do you need an extra month? You and her have known each other since you were little already”, It is very clear, they do not accept this arrangement. “Because I don't want to just jump in blindly. I don't know what I'm gonna miss if I just picked one of them”, They frowned at you. “No, sweetie I know you love him but after this I can't accept you dating him”, Yuri felt her heart stop, her hand squeezed yours to the point you wanted to squeal but you kept it in. “Why not?” She roared, “Because he's a perverted playboy who's playing with your heart”
The emotion Yuri's feeling right now is complicated. It's anger for them not understanding her and you, also calling you those words doesn't sit right with her. The other feeling is disappointment, at her own parents, and sadness for making them feel disappointed. It was a whole bag of emotions that she just can't deal with right now. “Mom, dad,for the last time me, oppa and Minju are in a relationship together. We are happy, and we love each other. So it doesn't matter what you say, I'm not gonna ruin this beautiful thing we have”, Yuri's voice is confident and stern, her eyes filled with anger and determination. “I'm really sorry, I know how you two feel, but I don't think we will put a stop to this. Yuri is right, we didn't tell you to ask for your blessing, we are simply telling you about what we have been up to”, You're not scared of them, not after dealing with Minju’s mom. “We are not having you, play with our daughter's heart, end of story”, Is it though? The 4 of you had this back and forth for a while, maybe too long.
Yuri finally stood up pulling your hands before running away, you stopped her at her track. “I'm sorry that you feel this way, but we have something beautiful going on with us, and I hope you can see it. Until then, take care”, Very mature, good job. You and Yuri ran away from her grandma's house. It's already night outside, and you're not really sure where Yuri is running off to. “Yuri”, The moment she hears your voice it's like the floodgates have been opened. You pulled her to your embrace as she let out her tears. You two stood there in the empty street as she bailed her eyes out. “Yuri I'm sure they'll come around soon”, You tried to comfort her, “I'm so useless, I'm not as pretty as Minju, or as rich as her, and now my parent can't even support us like her parent does”, What's the point of having these 3 way relationship if she is much more inferior to Minju. “No baby, I love you, because of you. Not because of your wealth, or your parents, or your looks. I love you because of you okay? You and Minju scold me every time you hear me feeling insecure. Well it works both ways cutie, you think you can just beat yourself down without me beating some sense into you?” Grabbing both of her cheeks you pulled her to look at you, “I love you okay Yuri? And I don't care what your parents said, because they won't get in our way, because I love you”, And you took it off with a kiss to calm her down.
“Bring me home, prove your love to me”, Racing through the night you two ran all the way back to your place. Sneakily getting in through your backdoor to avoid the possibility that her parents are waiting for you. It reminds you of those times you two would like to slip away to get some midnight snacks togethers. 
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Yuri immediately jumped you the moment you two walked into your bedroom. “Babe, I feel cold”, She whined as you held her, “Then get on the bed”, She let go of you and lay on the bed, giving you an alluring view of her face, desperate for you. “Fuck you're so beautiful you know? Who says you're not as pretty as Minju?” You laughed and took off your clothes. “So I'm prettier than her?” Yuri takes hers as well. “Don't tell her I say that”, You get on top of her and give her a few kisses before moving down to her tits. “Fuckkkk, oppa I can't wait any more, just fuck me”, Yuri cute whine is like music to your ears.
“You're ready?” You aligned your cock with her pussy, “Hold my hand”, You grabbed both of her hands, she nodded so you slowly pushed. “Oh fuck you're so tight”, Overwhelmed by the emotions you've gone through earlier you feel desperate to have a relief. “Oppa, you're not gonna leave me right?” She sounded cute, but your pounding made her voice all shaky and breathless while also shaking her two tits, which made it super hot. “I will stay with you Yuri, no matter what they say”, Tears start pouring down her eyes. “Tell me you love me”, Her begging is so needy, “I love you”, You smiled while you fuck her even faster. “Again”, You pulled both her hands up and held it with one hand, “I love you”, She looked so vulnerable, mentally and physically, yet she felt joy and happiness.
“Oppa, kiss me”, Seeing her turn back to the cute Yuri you laughed before dropping down to her and gave her a kiss. Your tongue starts dancing with each other pulling one another in a battle of domination. Your pounding only gets even more aggressive. Her hand hugged your head making sure you couldn't leave her kiss. “Cum with me oppa”, Her leg immediately locked your waist in place as you thrust deeper and delivered your loads into her womb.
“So warm, so good, I love you oppa”, She moaned, “I love you too babe”, You kissed her cheek and lay down next to her. “Oppaaaaa, don't sleep, I want more”, Fuck, well yeah she wants more fuck but fuck, you're not gonna be able to move tomorrow. “Okay Yuri, let's give you all my love okay?” Yuri smiled and get on top of you, “Tonight, I'll make sure I have enough of it for the rest of my life”
You want to die. Your whole body is out of energy, your heart is filled with anxiousness about Yuri's parents. Your cock is crying and begging for no more back to back actions. You wanted nothing but to lay on your bed the whole day. “Oy dumbass, go down and bring your girlfriend, both of them. We need to talk”, Eunbi destroyed your plan for the day, “Can we do it later?” Your voice is hoarse and rough, “No, come down”
Well, guess things aren't over yet.
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eds6ngel · 4 months
Please friend, I need Eddie and his equally feral grungy little girlfriend. Think like Allison Reynolds from the Breakfast Club before they gave her the hideous pink makeover. I want these two clowns to match each other’s energy, both of them nuts about D&D and metal, and I want her to be the one member of Hellfire who is in charge of drawing these insanely intricate drawings of everyone’s player characters.
being eddie's grungy gf would include ...
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a/n: i think this calls for some headcanons! and i suppose this is my reminder to watch 'the breakfast club' as i still haven't gotten round to it ! :')
warnings: SLIGHT SMUT!! (one mention of sex, two allusions.) fem!reader. artsy!reader. grungy!reader. kissing. one mention of people calling eddie a 'freak.' tons of fluff and comfort !!
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𝜗𝜚 you guys met in your sophomore year.
𝜗𝜚 eddie had been looking to set up a d&d club at the end of the year, knowing his middle school friends (jeff & gareth) were now going to be in high school with him.
𝜗𝜚 eddie didn’t know that you played d&d at the time, but he had sneaked a glance at your notebook during art class and was very intrigued into your drawings, many which consisted of your own monsters, fairies, dragons, anything magical and mystical.
𝜗𝜚 he knew the opportunity was even greater when you were pinning ‘battle of the bands’ posters in the school hallways. he couldn’t believe it was you making those incredible designs.
𝜗𝜚 asked you right there and then if you could help him design a poster for his new club.
𝜗𝜚 you were unsure at first, wondering what the hell this random dude who was in your art class wanted a poster for.
𝜗𝜚 however, you were immediately on board when he mentioned it was for d&d.
𝜗𝜚 you were technically the first member to join his club. it was you and him against the world at that point.
𝜗𝜚 you asked some of your artsy friends who were also in the drama club if you could rent their space on friday nights for weekly campaigns.
𝜗𝜚 they reluctantly said yes just because it was you. eddie was happy as it was one of the few groups of people outside of his own friend group that weren’t calling him a ‘freak’ upon arrival.
𝜗𝜚 over the summer, you and eddie met up to discuss how the whole ordeal would work. his trailer had basically become your second home by that point.
𝜗𝜚 you had started cooking meals together, you would go out to benny’s for a quick evening bite, you even started sleeping over at his.
𝜗𝜚 you began with bringing over a sleeping bag to camp out on his floor, but it soon turned into the two of you just sharing his bed. platonically, of course.
𝜗𝜚 it wasn’t until jeff and gareth came to visit the two of you so you could start drawing their characters for eddie’s visual reference that they encouraged eddie to grow some balls and ask you out.
𝜗𝜚 it took him a couple more weeks, but he finally got there.
𝜗𝜚 luckily you felt the same and you shared your first kiss that day.
𝜗𝜚 and by the time your junior year rolled around, everything was settled in place.
𝜗𝜚 eddie let you sit on his lap during campaigns, to which the boys always complained about.
𝜗𝜚 and after the boys had left, you got up to some… not exactly PG activities on his throne.
𝜗𝜚 or your throne, should you say. eddie said that the throne was all yours, since you decorated the entire thing.
𝜗𝜚 it was actually a 50/50 split effort.
𝜗𝜚 you were the couple who annoyingly blasted metal music out of his van on late night drives at 2am.
𝜗𝜚 hopper stopped you once as you had been getting noise complaints from locals.
𝜗𝜚 you and eddie both agreed it was only because it was metal music and continued anyway.
𝜗𝜚 eddie didn’t realise how feral you were until you got together. you were pretty excitable when you were simply platonic friends, but this was a whole different level.
𝜗𝜚 he didn’t care though as he loved it (and it also transferred to the bedroom.)
𝜗𝜚 sickly PDA couple alert ! eddie’s kissing you all the time ! the boy cannot keep his hands to himself ! he’s infatuated by you !
𝜗𝜚 always sharing cassettes. the both of you never buy new albums individually anymore. you either listen to them together and nerd out, or you share them back and forth.
𝜗𝜚 friday night dates after d&d ! i repeat, friday night dates after d&d !
𝜗𝜚 followed by some truly amazing sex. thank god wayne took the late night shift on fridays. and you hoped it never changed. because it was always the best ending to your week, and you didn’t want to change it for as long as you lived.
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taglist: @cosmorant @ye0nvibezzn @tlclick73 @agxxb
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lvpislvzuli · 2 years
The Ultimate List of Modern AU Headcanons for the Sully Kids (and Spider)
— her favourite colour is green
— wears knit cardigans and floral converse shoes
— had a frozen yogurt phase
— collects rocks and crystals
— presses flowers in notebooks
— paints her toenails ten different colours
— cuts her own hair, DIY bangs
— always has headphones on. listens to Florence and Lana religiously
— has a crush on her childhood best friend and fellow orphan, Miles “Spider” Socorro
— but she is taking that secret to the grave
— visits the botanical gardens on weekends. Spider always goes with her
— eats toast with strawberry jam for breakfast every morning
— makes her own rings, bracelets, and anklets
— hates crowds and will actively avoid them
— not a strict vegetarian but she prefers to not eat meat
— she never takes off Grace’s necklace and always asks Norm for stories about her when he visits
— she also keeps all of Grace’s published books on botany on her bedside table
— has a part time job at the local produce shop
— not sporty but she loves roller skating
— is attempting to teach Lo’ak to roller skate but it’s going poorly
— babysits Tuk for Jake and Neytiri on their date nights
— Tuk insists they do makeovers and Kiri agrees even though she hates wearing makeup
— she is very quiet at school but is the brightest student in her year
— the other kids used to bully her until she and Tsireya became friends, but they still think she is weird
— her favourite subject is art but she wishes there was a botany class
— climate activist
— never posts on social media but she does scroll
— always likes her siblings’ and Spider’s Instagram posts
— retweets Greta Thunberg
— orders a strawberry shake from McDonald’s
— loves anything strawberry flavoured
— still has sleepovers with Spider even though they are probably getting a bit old for that
— loves watching Studio Ghibli movies and her favourite is Princess Mononoke
— can play some piano but cannot sing to save her life
— her bedroom is filled with plants and she hangs wind chimes beside her window
— which just so happens to line up perfectly with Spider’s bedroom window next door
— she’s a morning person and is always the first one awake in the Sully house
— her favorite season is spring
— hates overhead lights and prefers lamps
— binge read the entire Rainbow Magic series in middle school and wished there was a fairy named for her
— a “YOLO!” kid
— he met Spider when they were seven and nine during the first week of school
— they had both been sent to the principal’s office for disrupting their classes
— it turned out that they lived next door to each other but had never met before
— so he introduced Spider to Kiri and Neteyam, and the rest is history
— picks up casual shifts at Domino’s Pizza
— will tell anyone who orders pineapple on their pizza that there is something wrong with them
— middle child syndrome
— vehemently defends his belief that vanilla is the best flavour
— on the school swim team but is always late for training
— eats cereal out of the box
— his favourite colour is orange
— looks identical to a teenage Jake
— always in detention for talking back to his teachers
— he brought home a stray dog and tried to smuggle it into his bedroom but Neytiri caught him immediately
— convinced his parents to let him keep the dog
— he named him Payakan
— is attempting to read Dune by Frank Herbert but gets distracted whenever he picks it up
— tripped over his own feet the first time he saw Tsireya
— she tutored him for an English exam—the only exam he’s ever gotten an A on
— when he finally asked her out he was shocked that she said yes
— it took him a while to warm to Tsireya’s family who thought he was trouble at first
— his phone is always, mysteriously, at 13% battery
— orders a Big Mac, a large fries, and a vanilla shake from McDonald’s
— plays the drums and is actually good
— formed a band called The Outcasts with Spider and they practice in the garage on Friday nights. Kiri sits and listens to them
— he lives on energy drinks and Doritos
— loves jet skiing and surfing. all water sports
— often tries to sneak out but Tuk always catches him in the act
— bad at making friends but great at making enemies
— posts selfies on Instagram but they’re always blurry
— will accidentally burn his toast but still eat it, plain.
— feels misunderstood by his parents
— “I’m just a kid” by Simple Plan
— secretly admires Neteyam but will never admit it
— on weekends he takes Tsireya shopping at the mall and holds all of her bags
— his favourite movie is The Karate Kid
— insists that she put the star on top of the tree at Christmas
— loves pink lemonade and bubble gum ice cream
— spends her pocket money on temporary tattoos
— has recently started playing club netball. Neytiri and Jake attend every game
— she will stay up to catch the tooth fairy but always ends up falling asleep
— prefers waffles over pancakes and chocolate syrup instead of maple syrup
— her favourite colour is rainbow
— Lo’ak tells her that rainbow is not a colour
— Tuk tells him that vanilla is not a flavour
— they argue a lot
— she is friends with everyone at her elementary school and always has a birthday party to attend
— but her best friend is Popiti who lives down the street
— she and Jake watch Saturday morning cartoons together
— orders a Happy Meal from McDonald’s
— rides a bike with a basket and handlebar streamers
— always asks Neteyam to read her a bedtime story, but she will wake Kiri up if she has a nightmare
— Neytiri has to find creative ways of sneaking vegetables into her meals
— she is terrified of needles
— Halloween is her favourite holiday and she was once sick from eating too much candy
— she has a pink glitter lamp in her bedroom and her bed is covered in plushies
— Tsireya introduced her to Taylor Swift’s music and now she is obsessed
— writes with glitter pens
— has a pet bunny named Bugs because she is a huge fan of Looney Tunes
— loves spending time with her grandmother who teaches her how to embroider
— wants a unicorn ice cream cake for her eighth birthday party
— has to wear contacts because his eyesight is actually pretty bad
— no one knows where that gene came from
— but he still has excellent hand-eye coordination
— and is a pro at tennis
— straight A student
— all the teachers love him
— is impeccably dressed at all times, except on weekends when he comes downstairs to breakfast in his pyjamas
— loves to read and always carries a paperback with him
— doesn’t like McDonald’s
— once travelled to Vietnam on a school trip and came back “cultured”
— the peacekeeper sibling
— hated sitting at the kids’ table at parties and always wanted to sit with the grownups
— he will discreetly check up on his siblings at school
— Jake takes him fishing on the weekends
— Neytiri likes to brag about how clever and kind he is when he is within earshot, which embarrasses him
— always chosen to be team captain in gym class
— is friendly to everyone he meets and always thinks the best of people, but is ready to throw hands the second someone insults his family
— sticks to a daily routine and feels unsettled whenever it’s disrupted
— very neat. maybe a little OCD
— he was a well behaved child and has never thrown a tantrum
— always tells the truth and can tell when someone is lying
— his favourite colour is purple
— has a pair of glasses for when his contacts bother him but he only wears them at home
— he is naturally smart and doesn’t have to study to get good grades
— had a hardcore photography phase and still uses his camera
— loves eating spicy food, which is one of the few things he has in common with Spider
— always wins at Monopoly
— prone to rolling off his bed during the night
— lives with the McCosker family next door to the Sullys
— but he might as well live with the Sullys because he spends all of his time with them
— will sneak out of his house through his bedroom window, jump the fence between their houses, and climb through Kiri’s bedroom window while she keeps watch
— he once got a subtle mullet on a dare but he hated it
— was a barefoot kid
— plays the guitar and sings
— (everyone was shocked when they realised Spider could sing really well)
— skateboards
— his favourite colour is blue
— orders chicken nuggets, fries and a Coke from McDonald’s
— doesn’t have much of a sweet tooth
— has a part time job at a local mechanics garage helping to fix cars
— never does homework but still gets decent grades
— doodles on every page of his textbooks
— a Star Wars kid. had lightsaber fights with Kiri and Lo’ak in their backyard
— will wash the dishes for Neytiri whenever he stays for dinner
— is saving up his money to buy a truck
— watched Tarzan on repeat as a young kid and it still shows
— his hair is long and always a mess
— wears sweatpants and owns three shirts
— posts memes on Instagram that no one but Kiri and Lo’ak understand
— he once punched a guy at school for harassing Kiri and was suspended for a week
— his adoptive father grounded him for a month
— “Teenagers” by My Chemical Romance
— loves rock climbing. Kiri always tags along to spot for him
— doesn’t like celebrating his birthday, but Kiri always writes him a heartfelt letter which he saves and often rereads
— he can’t sit still for more than five minutes
— and he bounces a knee whenever he is sitting
— there is a faded scar above his eyebrow from the stitches he needed after falling from the monkey bars in middle school
— he once started a food fight in the school cafeteria
— loves roller coasters
— and is a bit of an adrenaline junkie
— would eat nachos at every meal if he could
— picks up interesting rocks he finds that he thinks Kiri will like for her collection
— he once went camping at the beach with the Sullys and it was the best weekend he’s ever had
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fiddlepickdouglas · 1 year
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We have got to start decorating in niche and personal tastes again. We have got to be weirder. We've got to make decorations with our bare hands, buy from artists instead of home goods stores, and support local indigenous populations by buying their crafts and goods. It doesn't have to be much.
I miss the days of watching Extreme Home Makeover where Ty whatshisname learned about the personalities of each family member and then based the room designs around them. Were they crazy? Were some of them absolutely gaudy and over the top? Did some people end up growing out of those interests and maybe wish for an upgrade? Of course. But I'd rather live in a world where I can have my goth dragon princess themed bedroom and be celebrated for it than be afraid everyone is judging me for white and gray minimalism with the same Hobby Lobby decor you can find in any middle class suburban home.
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theamberplumbob · 3 months
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Amber's Lore Refresh Save: The Pancakes Household
Eliza gave up her dreams of running her owner business to be the rich housewife of a celebrity chef, but Bob never really had the ambition to become anything more than a cook at their local diner. That doesn’t stop Eliza from spending beyond their means or pretending they have the perfect marriage. The more Eliza pushes, the more Bob pulls away. How will poor little Iggy handle being caught in between his constantly fighting parents?
Get a better look at their house here: X
BG Makeover Pancakes are available on gallery ID: pinie72
More Lore Under the Cut:
Eliza comes from a well off upper middle class family. She was raised to pursue wealth and success, and always had a taste for the finer things in life. She dreamed of being a successful independent business owner, that was, until things got serious with Bob.
He told her he had big dreams of becoming a celebrity chef, and that he'd give her the world. Eliza sacrificed her dreams in order to support Bob in his. They married right out of high school, and Eliza's parents gave them a handsome sum to start their life together with.
Eliza spent most of it on the perfect dream home. She had a new vision of the future where she was the perfect housewife to a successful husband, and she would be the envy of the neighborhood.
The unfortunate truth of the matter was: Bob struggled with depression. He always had, but it go a lot worse after graduating high school. Because of said depression, he never had the ambition or the drive to do well at work, and has stayed at a low level position despite having all the time and opportunity to progress.
Eliza doesn't understand Bob's mental health struggles, and is furious that he has not kept the many promises he made to her. Her lack of understanding causes Bob to be emotionally distant, which only further frustrates Eliza.
They had Iggy in an attempt to fix their marriage, but that obviously didn't work. While they both love Iggy, the stress and responsibility of raising a child only made matters worse.
Eliza still tries desperately to put on the illusion of having the perfect family to their friends and neighbors, all the while her and her husband sleep in separate bedrooms.
Can Eliza come to understand Bob's struggles? Can Bob find the strength to fully support his wife and child, financially and emotionally? If not, will Iggy be caught in the crossfire?
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rocksandrobots · 3 years
Phantoms of the Past: Ch. 5 - Best friends, Boyfriends, and Barons Part 1
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"Hey Miss Itamae! Ready for a whole new school year? Hee...hee...eeeh.... yeah, fine." Hiro gave up trying to make small talk with the lunch lady as she unceremoniously slopped meatloaf onto his plate.
Today was the first day of the fall semester and the start of Hiro's second year at SFIT.  It felt odd to him, to look back and realize just how much time had passed; how much things had changed during the previous year.
A year ago, today, he had been attending Tadashi's funeral and now he was going about his life as if everything was normal. Well, almost normal. He was also moonlighting as a superhero, adopting an out of time teenager as his new big brother, and befriending deadly robots.
Life was weird.
Of course it wasn't as if he could ignore his loss completely. He had noticed the flowers and cards placed at the foot of Tadashi's memorial over by the exhibition hall. People still remembered that his brother had died a hero. Folks that he didn't even know had left their condolences today, though most of the gifts were from Tadashi's teachers and friends.
Hiro had particularly noticed a painting Honey Lemon had left, of her, Tadashi, and the rest of their friends. He also spotted Gogo sitting out there early that morning, lighting a candle in his brother's memory. He had given her her space, choosing not to interrupt. Gogo and Tadashi had been especially close.
Hiro remembered how excited his brother had been when Gogo finally agreed to go out with him. Tadashi had hurried about their bedroom, a couple of days before the fire, fretting over where to take her on their first date. A date that they had never gotten to go on. At the time Hiro had teased him relentlessly, never passing up the chance to deflate his brother's ego. Now it was just another bittersweet memory to look back on.
Fred abruptly snapped him out of his mournful reflection. "Steve." was all he said as he grabbed Hiro by the shoulders.
"Steve? Uh, my name is Hiro, remember Fred?"
"No, no, no, Steve was the name of the ninja robot that Trina found. She said he was held in a warehouse downtown, along with all the other ninjas. Don't you see, that's our big break! We find this warehouse and then we can track down the mysterious bosu!"
Hiro wearily placed his tray down on the table and took a seat next to Wasabi.
"Fred, it's the first day of school. Can't this wait for later?"
"Hiro's right Fred," Wasabi interrupted, "Just because you have all the time in the world to play superhero doesn't mean that we do. We still got our own lives to take care of."
Fred looked hurt at that. "I'm not playing! This is important work. We have a city to protect and this crime boss is just going to keep coming after us if we don't figure out how to stop them."  
Wasabi rolled his eyes. "Then you just go on and do that. In the meantime the rest of us have class to attend. I'm heading early to set up for my first lab."
"But labs won't open for like another hour." Hiro pointed out, confused. "They're still cleaning up from the robot attacks last week."
"Ah, he just wants to get there early so that he can see his boyfriend again." Fred complained.
"Sam's not my boyfriend. He's just a colleague, and at least I'm doing something other than obsess over superheroing." And with that Wasabi stormed off, while Fred slouched into the cafeteria chair with a huff.
"Listen, Fred, why don't you go on patrol with Minimax for a while. I'll help you track down this warehouse after school is over with." Hiro said.
"Okay," Fred reluctantly agreed, "but I'm not 'obsessing'."
"I know Fred, but the rest of us also have school to worry about. We just don't have the same amount of free time as you do."
"I know." Fred sighed before walking off.
"Sorry Hiro, but we're kind of busy right now." Honey Lemon regretfully informed her friends.
Fred and Hiro had met up after school as promised. Wasabi had declined to join them on their quest and so they had decided to recruit the girls instead. Though this also seemed to be a fruitless endeavor.
"Yeah, we're kind of in the middle of something." Gogo finished as she leaned back in a reclining chair and placed two cucumber slices over her eyes.
They had found the girls at a spa. Honey Lemon sat next to Gogo with curlers in her hair, and they apparently weren't the only ones out having a beauty day.
"Can't you see we're having some girl time?" Karmi asked, annoyed, as she examined her nails.
"Yeah, Hiro, go take your weird superhero hobby elsewhere?" Megan added.
"It's not weird!" Fred insisted.
"If this is supposed to be a girls only event, then why is he here?" Hiro said, pointing to Varian, who sat next to Megan.
"Uh, getting a manicure obviously." Varian rolled his eyes and then leaned over to show Carol, who was beside him, two bottles of nail polish. "Do you think I should go with the midnight blue or just stick with black?"
"Hmmm... I think either would be nice," she replied.
"Ooooh, have you tried the seaweed wrap they have here? It's great." Fred chimed in.
Hiro rolled his eyes, "Okay, so what are you two doing after this? Could you take up patrol tonight?"
"Nope." Gogo said.
"I promised my brother Carlos that I would help him move into his new dorm room. He starts at UCLA this week and Gogo's offered to drive me there. We won't be back till tomorrow morning." Honey Lemon explained.
"Okay, well, we'll just-"
"Alright, I'm ready." A voice called out, interrupting him.
Trina walked out from behind a door at the back of the spa. Her bulky gigantic metal body was gone and in its place was the frame of a young woman, dressed in a t-shirt, pants, and a cropped jacket. She looked very much the same as the day Hiro had first met her, at the bot fights. Only this time her hair had been cut and styled into a short mohawk and dyed a light purple.
"What do you guys think?" She asked as she twirled around.
Everyone shouted encouragements to her, and Varian cheekily whistled.
"You look nice, Trina." Hiro complimented.
Trina snorted and rolled her eyes. "In your dreams, Hiro." She said, leaving the teenage genius confused by what he had said wrong.
Ignoring him, Trina walked over to the rest of the girls, "Thanks for the clothes... and for everything else." She sheepishly added.
"Hey, no problem." Megan replied. "They look good on you."
"Yeah, and if you need anything else just ask." Karmi added.
"Not to mention it's always fun to have a spa day," Carol piped in. "This was a good idea Varian, thanks for inviting me along."
"Sure thing. When Trina said she wanted help with finding a new wardrobe, I figured all of you would like to go shopping too.... and also y'all know more about clothes than I do."
"Hey, Trina," Fred interjected, "that warehouse where you foun- I mean, met 'Steve', do you happen to remember where it was located?"
Trina gave Fred a frown.
"Oooh, who's Steve?" Karmi asked, happy to gossip, "Is that your boyfriend Trina?"
"No." She said, "The place you're looking for is over in Good Luck Alley, next to Louie's."
"It must've been a bad breakup." Karmi whispered into Honey Lemon's ear, she wasn't very good at keeping her voice down.
"Yeah… he kind of... broke alright." Honey Lemon nervously added, unsure what to say.
"Uh, yeah, well thanks for the tip Trina. We'll be going now, bye." Hiro said as he hurried Fred out the door. He had had enough of awkward conversations and makeovers.
"Fred, wouldn't it be better if we brought our robots along at least?" Hiro whispered.
"You want to sneak around an abandoned warehouse with those two?" Fred whispered back, "I love him, but Minimax doesn't know how to be quiet, like at all."
Hiro sighed, Fred had a point. Baymax also wasn't the best at stealth missions. Hiro slid into the alleyway and peered through a dirty window. He couldn't shake the sense of deja vu as he remembered how he and the robotic nurse had tracked down his missing microbots a year ago at a similar warehouse. They had both been nearly killed by Callaghan when the villain had caught them snooping around. He would prefer to avoid such a scenario again.
"It doesn't look like anyone is here." He said.
"See any ninja robots?" Fred asked as he also pushed by to get a look, pressing his nose against the glass.
"No… Fred, this may be a dead end. Trina already raided the place and no doubt this Bosu would have abandoned the hideout if it was compromised."
Fred pouted, "Maybe… Buuuut, we could always man a stake-out and find out for sure!"
"Fred, I have homework to do. Maybe some oth-"
"Oh please! Just for an hour, or two? Please, please, please? Pretty please? I'll do your homework for you."
"I don't want you doing my homework."
"Okay, chores then; I'll wash Varian's dirty socks and underwear for a… a week… no, a month! Come on, I know how much you hate doing laundry."
Hiro sighed and watched his friend crawl on his knees and beg. "Does it really mean that much to you?"
"Okay, and no, you don't have to do the laundry either."
Hiro turned to walk out of the alley and Fred got up and followed him.
"That's good, cause I don't actually know how to wash clothes. Usually, Heathcliff does all the laundry. Last time I tried to, I just flooded the washroom."
"Do you have any survival skills? Like at all?"
"Nope. Unless it's kicking bad guys' butts! Ooh, hey, we can host the stake-out at Louie's across the street. I'm starved."
Hiro and Fred took up a window booth inside the restaurant. The establishment had recovered from the police raid from a few months back and was now serving food as usual; though Hiro had already spotted the advertisement for the next upcoming 'bot fight.
A couple of hours past and they had both eaten their meals, plus dessert, along with Fred going back for seconds. Now they were both nursing a couple of cups of coffee, though Hiro's was going cold; it wasn't great coffee.
"It's been three hours now."
"I know."
"No one's showed up."
"Not yet."
"Look it's been… 'fun', but I'm going home now."
Hiro got up to leave but Fred grabbed him by the sleeve.
"Oh but… uhh… we haven't even tried the uh… hot dog sushi special. I hear it's really good."
Hiro leaned his head back slowly and closed his eyes in frustration. He didn't want to snap at Fred, really he didn't, but he was quickly losing his patience.
"Fred… no one is coming. Let's just call it a night and try again some other time. Okay." And with that he yanked his hand away and began to walk off.
Fred didn't follow. Instead he sat in the booth, his eyes downcast, staring blankly at nothing. It wasn't his usual pout either. It was something else. Some deeper sadness that few saw from the usually optimistic teen.
Hiro began to worry. He walked back, and stood there waiting for Fred to jump back up all excited again for his return, only he didn't.
"Fred, what's wrong?"
Fred sighed but couldn't bring himself to answer.
"Look, I know that this superhero business is important to you, so much so that you'll probably wind up making a career out of it, which is great, but the rest of us are not going to be doing this for the rest of our lives. We also have to keep up with our studies, chores, our jobs, and what little shred of a social life we have."
"That's not it… I mean yeah, it's a part of it, but that's not why I asked you to come along."
Fred finally looked Hiro in the eye and tears threatened to spill.
"I just miss my best friend, okay."
Hiro looked at him confused.
"I didn't want to say anything, cause… cause he's your brother and I didn't think you'd want to be reminded about him being gone any more than you already have… but today has just been really hard… remembering what happened… I just thought getting out and doing something fun, getting both our minds off everything, might be better than just… just being alone. You know? Especially today."
Fred didn't even have to say Tadashi's name for Hiro to know who he was talking about.
Hiro sighed and slumped back down into the booth.
"I'm sorry…. I… I guess I just… I don't know. I didn't think...."
"No… no, don't. Of course you didn't think. I mean who wants to be reminded of that. The whole idea was to not think about it. And I just ruined it all by bringing it up. Gah…. I'm so sorry."
Fred put his arms over his head and brought his knees up to his chest as if trying to make himself as physically small as he felt. Hiro just had to laugh at the sight in spite of himself.
"It's okay Fred. You're not going to upset me just by talking about Tadashi."
Fred peaked his head out from between his arms. "I'm not?"
"No. I mean he was your friend too."
"My best friend! Man, Tadashi and I, we got up to all sorts of trouble. He was always down for anything. I mean, did he tell you about the time we crashed my cousin's bar mitzvah? As in, we literally crashed. He drove the sport's car into the buffet table by mistake… We couldn't find the parking and then there was this wet patch in the parking lot and we skidded… Oh and then there was the time Mole dared us to a drag race using scooters and Tadshi had the idea to attach rockets to mine and I went flying.. I tell ya, man, Mole wouldn't live it down for a whole week after. He kept demanding a rematch, but I mean it was fair. He was using his butler to ride for him in his place."
Hiro could barely contain his laughter, "Wait… wait… you and Tadashi did all this?"
"Why have I never heard of any of this before?"
"I don't know, but he's the whole reason why I got the mascot job in the first place. I knew I could never get into the school myself, but I thought we could hang out together more if I went. He's also the one that introduced me to everybody else."
"Then how did you two meet?"
"Oh at the grocery store."
Fred said this as if it was the most obvious of explanations but Hiro looked as confused as ever. So Fred continued on.
"He was there getting chewing gum and I was buying a shopping cart. Like an actual shopping cart."
"Yeah that's what he asked too. So I told him, 'I'm going to ride down Dead Man's Hill in one.' And he said, 'Dude, that's so rad. You're totally going to die.' And I said, 'Yeah, I know. You wanna join?' And he did. We rode all the way down from the top of Lumbar Street to the docks… and landed right in the bay. It was awesome! We screamed our heads off the whole time. It was so awesome, in fact, that we walked back to the store and bought another cart just to do it again. That was back when we were both still in high school, and we've been best buds ever since. You know… until…"
Hiro looked at Fred sadly. There so much about his brother that hadn't known about, hadn't even thought to ask. What else had Tadashi not shared with him? Probably a lot, I mean why tell your kid brother about your social life? And there's no way that he'd have brought those crazy stunts up around Aunt Cass.
"I never knew any of that… Those are some really cool stories. Thanks for sharing them."
"Yeah, and you know, you don't have to drag me on some superheroing mission just to hang out and talk."
Fred looked guilty at that.
"I… I know… but it's like what you and Wasabi have been saying. Everyone else has something… something to motivate them, and y'all all do all these really cool things and I'm… I'm just me. I don't really have anything but superheroing. Unless you just need someone to make a mess."
"That's not true. Fred, you're great at a lot of things. You could go to school or get a job, if you wanted to. I just thought superheroing was all you wanted."
"Hiro, I can't even do laundry without messing up. I mean all you do is throw the clothes into a machine and push a button, and yet somehow I managed to screw even that up. All I know is comic books, and superheroing, and I'm not even the best at that! What would I even go to college for? I can't… I'm not a genius. I'm not a businessman. I'm not an accountant, or an artist, or an athlete. I'm not anything. I've no talent. I'm not even good at being rich. I've never fit in with the socialite crowd."
"You're good at being a friend, and if I have to sit here list off everything else you're good at then we'd be here for another three hours or more. So how about we head home and tomorrow I'll show you how to work a washing machine, and you can teach me how a stake-out is supposed to really go cause we're not getting anywhere here."
"Or are we?"
"What do you mean?"
Fred was no longer looking at Hiro but past him. He pointed to the window behind Hiro, and Hiro turned around to see for himself.
An elderly gentleman, dressed in an old fashioned military outfit, complete with a monocle, was entering the warehouse. He had a giant mechanical arm and a steam boiler strapped to his back.
"Baron Von Steamer."
Fred and Hiro found themselves standing in the alley peering through the warehouse's dirty windows for a second time that day. They saw Baron Von Steamer stomping around inside. He seemed irritated as he grumbled to himself and knocked boxes out of the way, as if searching for something.
"What's he doing?" Fred loudly whispered.
Just then Steamer found what he was looking for, a tea cup. He poured himself a cup out of a teapot he had placed on an old fashioned stove that was hidden towards the back and then sat down on top of a crate to sip his drink.
"It must be 'tea time' for him." Hiro said dryly.
Fred narrowed his eyes, "I bet he's just hatching his next nefarious scheme. Planning on how to take us and the city down. What do you think he wants with portals?"  
Just then Steamer stood up and ruefully kicked away a busted up robot that had fallen out of a storage crate in his previous hunt for the tea cup.
"I don't think Steamer is our guy." Hiro said, "He hates modern technology, so why would he build ninja robots? Also, like you said, what would he want with portals? All he's after is your dad, and so far the Bosu hasn't gone after Boss Awesome yet."
"But they might. Remember what Roddy said? That Kensei guy used to be active during Dad's heyday but never got caught. What if, it's because Steamer had two villain identities!"
"That seems like a stretch."
"Okay, well, what if Steamer works for this Bosu? Like Sue and Sparkles?"
"That's more plausible, I guess."
Hiro turned to peer through the window again, but Streamer was gone.
'Wait, where did he go?'
"Well, well, well, what do we have here? A pair of interlopers." A curt British voice  came from behind them.
Steamer must have noticed them and snuck around the back, cutting them off.
Hiro grabbed his phone in order to call his super suit, but Von Steamer nabbed his hand and yanked him off the ground, causing him to lose hold of his phone.
Fred was just as unfortunate, as Steamer held him in a choke hold in his metal arm.
"Waaaait," Steamer said as he eyed them both up closely, peering at them through his oversized monocle, "I know you two. You're friends of Boss Awesome's baby child!"
"I am Boss Awesome's baby child!" Fred protested before Von Steamer gave him a hard squeeze with his cyborg arm. Fred wheezed in pain.
Hiro reacted quickly and kicked the steampunk baron in the shins.
Von Steamer howled in pain and dropped Hiro in surprise, though he managed to keep his grip on Fred. He also had stepped on Hiro's phone while nursing his injured leg.
Hiro ducked and ran as Steamer regained his senses and pulled out a brass gun that was connected to the boiler on his back with a hose. He pulled the trigger and scalding steam shot out. Hiro ducked again to avoid it.
As he ran out of the alley way he heard Steamer shouting after him, "Yes, run back to Boss Awesome little one. Tell his baby child I have their friend, and either he, or they, must show up to face me or else!"
Hiro spared a glace backwards and saw Baron Von Steamer dragging Fred back into the warehouse.
"Hiro!" Fred called out to him before being pulled into the darkness.
Hiro panicked. What could he do? Finally, he decided that getting help was the best option. He ran as fast as his legs would carry him, fighting back his worry.
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writers-blogck · 4 years
Animal Crossing Cuddles ( Kenma Kozume x Reader )
Warning(s): This is literally just because I am so addicted to Animal Crossing right now. I am doing a full makeover of my island. 
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Title: Animal Crossing Cuddles Pairing: Kenma Kozume x Reader Fandom: Haikyuu! Word Count: 1,518
        "Come on, that is like the third one in a row! I just want to find some furniture but all I'm getting is bees!" You yelled at the small screen on your Nintendo Switch Lite, hands clenching the console tightly. If it wasn't something so near and dear to you, there would be a slim chance that you would just throw the torture machine against the wall. Yet, the light pastel colors of the custom Switch your boyfriend had got for you made you keep just enough of a level head to keep from breaking the precious item. Who would think that Animal Crossing could make you so angry?! It was supposed to be a relaxing game. 
        You had woken up this morning with a pounding headache and sniffles that no matter how much you tried, wouldn't stop. Where was your body getting all of that gunk?! How many tissues had you used today? All you could see was the mountain of white fluff hidden in your trashcan. 
        At least you were warm, that had to be a plus. You were wearing one of your own hoodies but Kenma had sprayed his cologne on it last time you spent the night at his house. How considerate. He knew that your hoodie fit you comfortably so instead of giving you his hoodie, he made your own smell like him. He thought it would be better in case his hoodies were too big or small on you. But your hoodie wasn't enough so you were wrapped up in your fuzzy cat blanket which made it perfect. 
        Well, it would be perfect if these bees didn't keep falling out of these trees!
        "Get out of my way Stitches or else you will be getting the net too!" You grumbled, your back sliding against the warmth of your sheets. Only a hint of your face and hands could be seen as you hid in your fortress made of blankets and the wonderful smell of your long-term boyfriend. A sick burrito perhaps. 
        Kenma's cologne was something burnt in your memory. The two of you had been dating since the beginning of middle school and have been going strong since. It started out as a simple puppy love relationship but as the two of you got older, the relationship grew with you. Kuroo had joked that the two of you were already a married couple and you would be lying if you said that it didn't make you happy when he said that. Kenma may not show it but you think it makes him happy too. It was fun to daydream about a future together.
        One way that the two of you bonded in a domestic sense was with Animal Crossing. It was a way for the two of you to bond when you couldn't visit each other. It was hard at times, especially with Kenma's overnight volleyball trips, for the two of you to meet up in person as much as you would like. Still, your relationship together was strong enough that those issues were nothing more than simple bumps in the road of your relationship. At this point, dealing with the times the two of you had to do long-distance communication was normal.  
        During one of the overnight trips with the team coming back from Karasuno, the two of you spent most of his trip home on Animal Crossing. He holed up in the back of the bus with his phone, face timing you with just enough light so you could see his cat-like eyes. That trip had been filled with silence save for the rumble of the bus in the background but it still was one of your favorite memories. Animal Crossing had made a special place in both of your hearts. 
        Kenma had both a normal Switch as well as the Lite version way before the game came out. You had never been as into games as your boyfriend but you had always liked playing Animal Crossing on Kenma's old DS. When the two of you were younger, he would let you borrow his DS during free-time. You were one of the rare people he let use his systems. He had even let you take it home with you when you had a hard week. He said that it would help to play over the weekend. The sweet music of Animal Crossing truly did help you relax after a tough week.
        Kenma decided to go all the way and more when he commissioned someone for a custom Nekoma Pastel Switch Lite just for you to be able to play the game with him. Animal Crossing meant so much to him and with the promise of being able to play it with you, he was willing to do anything he had to. He was great at giving gifts that he put a lot of thought into. HE could have just bought you a normal Lite (which would already be a huge thing) but then that sweetheart had to go and get you one specially designed. He was so casual about it too: 
        - So, I got you the new Animal Crossing.          - Oh, that's sweet but I don't have anything to play it on.          - I got you a Switch Lite too.          - Kenmaaaaaa         - It's customized too.          - KENMAAAAAAA
        "It sounds like you are having a hard time in here." The calm voice of your boyfriend made you look up from your current gaming issue in shock. You were surprised to see him standing there in your doorway, he shouldn't be here. You didn't want to get him sick. Before you could say anything, he was already shutting the door to your bedroom and walking in with his backpack slung over his shoulder. He didn't seem to be worried in any way about that as he sat down on the edge of your bed. Your eyes glanced at your phone and just now noticed the blinking notification from his message(s). Dang, that cold medicine was really getting to you. 
        "Puddin'-head, you shouldn't be here," You were surprised by how whiny your voice sounded as you spoke. You were just worried about your boyfriend, he didn't have time to get sick. He was needed on the team, he was their setter after all. You would never hear the end of it from Kuroo if Kenma got sick because of you. Never! Rooster head would spam your phone with annoying texts as revenge. 
        "I'm fine. Don't worry about it. I brought my notes over for you to copy since you weren't able to make it to class today." His monotone voice was calming and had you believing everything was fine. How was he able to get you to go along with anything he said?! With the lack of sleep in your system and the cold medicine in your veins, it was easy to believe his words. Kenma had a good immune system, he wouldn't catch whatever you had. ( Kuroo would be ranting in your group chat together for the next three hours when he heard about Kenma going over to your house. He sounded more like a worried mother than even Sugawara from Karasuno ).  
        Before you could abject any further, your small console was swiped from your hands as Kenma took the space next to you on your bed. He began to play your game as casually as he would his own. You were about to open your mouth to complain about his theft when he continued to talk - 
        "I can go island hopping for you to get you some money while you do your work. I know you don't want to but you need to get those notes copied. You can have this back when you are finished. This way you won't be behind when you get back to school." Kenma's fingers moved over the buttons just like an expert, which you would be tempted to say he was. You had never met anyone that played games as much as he did. If he could, you bet Kenma would play games even when he was asleep. Kuroo already had to take his console away to make sure the blonde ate. 
        "But it's Friday! I have all weekend to get it done. Why do I have to do it right now?" 
        "Because you and I know that you won't do it if I'm not here and I won't be able to come over for the next few days. That means that you need to get it done before we can do anything. When you finish, maybe we can even watch a movie but you first have to get caught up on what you missed." 
        "Can I at least lay on your lap while I do it?" A pout graced your face and Kenma couldn't keep himself from smiling. He wasn't sure how he got so lucky to have someone like you in his life. 
        "You never have to ask. I'm always going to be here for you, whether it is for you to copy notes from or to be a human heater."
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akaashi-luvs · 4 years
Can you do a hinata angst where the reader has a huge crush on him because hinata kinda leads her on without realizing it so she confesses and shoyos like sorry uhh we are just friends. So the reader is sad and stuff bc she fought hinata liked her, so she avoids him and starts calling him by his last name hinata. Then she gets over him but hinata realizes that he likes her so he tries to talk to her but accidentally walks in on y/n and tsukishima making out😦.
hi !! thank you for requesting :) i tried my best and i hope you like it !!
read part 2 here !!
Hinata Angst (ish) (includes reader x tsukishima + reader x hinata)
Warnings: angst (kinda?)
word count: 1.1k (1,169 in fact)
Notes: don’t change yourself for a guy :)
“Shoyo!” You sing, walking over to the short redhead who was standing by his locker. He smiles and leans on the lockers. “Hey y/l/n! Have you got a free period now?” Hinata asks, grabbing his bag. You nod your head and look at the clock. “I’ve got a free hour.” “Good! Let’s go grab some food.” He takes your hand and drags you out of campus. Your face and ears heat up, dusting a light pink across your cheeks. Once you arrive at the nearest food store, you instantly offer to pay for the food. “I can pay Shoyo. It’s okay!” 
Hinata raises his eyebrow and tilts his head, “Are you sure? I don’t want to be disrespectful, or Bakeyama will make fun of me.” You laugh at the nickname and smile. “It’s all good!” You walk over to the cashier, not seeing Hinata run a hand through his hair and roll his eyes. 
~ Your friends crowd around you, wanting to hear the story of you and Hinata’s ‘date’. “And then he took my hand!” You giggle, blushing instantly as you recall the moment that made your day. The girls squeal, and your best friend, Yachi, whispers to you, “You should tell him you like him! It’s so clear he has a thing for you y/n-chan!!”  You laugh and shake your head. “No way. What happens if he doesn’t like me? It would be embarrassing!” Yachi laughs quietly, takes your hand, and pulls you away from the group to hand you something. “Here, my grandma gave this to me, but I think you need it more than I do.” She places a love charm in your hand and curls your fingers over it with a smile. 
You smile softly at your best friend and pull her into a hug. “You don’t have to give it to me Yacchan.” You mumble. She shakes her head and laughs. “You need it more than I do.” You smile, kiss the top of her head, and nod. You were going to confess your feelings to Hinata, the boy you had liked ever since middle school. 
After school, you walk over to Hinata, getting ready to walk home together. In your pocket, you run your thumb over the love charm that Yachi gave you. “Hey! Hey y/n, over here!” Hinata waves his arm in his face, knocking you out of your daze. “Oh hey.” You say softly. “Shoyo...I have something to say.” “Did you see Sara earlier?! Oh damn, she looked amazing earlier. Like her hair, her eyes, her style!!” Hinata rambles on about this girl in his class as you walk back to your house. “Y/n, you’ve gone awfully quiet.” He realises and looks at you. 
“Shoyo, I like you. Please go out with me.”
 Hinata stops in the middle of the road and runs a hand through his hair. “So that’s why you were quiet. Y/n, I’m sorry...we should only be friends. You know, it would be best for school and volleyball for me, and I don’t want to-”
“Ruin our friendship. I get it. Sorry to have bothered you, Hinata.” You say, smile weakly and run into your house, as the tears started to fall. Hinata stands outside your house, frozen. He knew that you like him, but he never wanted to bring it up. “Well,” He sighs, “Sorry y/n.” Hinata rubbed the back of his neck with his hand, and walked down to his house, humming to himself.  
~ You collapse on your bed when you get inside, wiping away the tears that wouldn’t stop falling. Yachi and your friends wouldn’t stop texting you, the notifications ping every second. After crying for three hours, you sniff and shake your head. “I just need to get over him. Simple.” You pull yourself together, stand up and open the window, letting the cool air circulate the room. Tapping play on your playlist, you smile weakly to yourself. “You got this.” 
~ Everyone has seen a change in how you act. You’re still yourself, but it’s...different. And everyone knows that. Especially Hinata. You cut your hair, start wearing more makeup than the school allowed, and ditch your school shoes for big chunky Doc Martens. 
“Y/l/n, the principal wants to see you in his office, now.” Your teacher gives you a glare, as you walk out of the classroom and down the hall into the principal's office. You roll your eyes and knock on the door. “Y/n. Come in.” 
The principal sat there, his arms crossed. You walk in, sit down and brace yourself for whatever bullshit your principal was going to say.
~ Tsukishima Kei stands outside the principal’s door, leaning against it with his hands in his pockets. As you walk out, he joins you as you walk back to your class. “Well hello.” He says. You look at him and tilt your head. “Is there anything you need?” You ask politely, stopping to put some coins in the vending machine. You bend down to pick up your drink. “What on earth were you doing in the principal's office?” He asked, folding his arms. Standing back up, you shrug. “Why not.” You both chuckle as you run a hand through your hair. “Hey y/n. Are you free later?” 
Hinata groans and throws his head back. “I’m such an idiot.” Kageyama scoffs. “We already know that you dumbass.” Nishinoya slaps Kageyama around the back of the head, “Ignore him Shoyo! Just go and talk to y/n, it’ll be fine!” Hinata shakes his head. “You don’t understand, she hasn’t spoken to me for a month. We literally live next door to each other.” “Just go talk to her! She should still like you...I mean. Yeah.” Noya says with a grin. Hinata nods and walks out of the locker room, in hopes of finding you.
Tsukishima has you against the wall, one of his hands around your cheek, the other flat on the wall as he kisses you. You lean your face up to reach his lips, kissing him back, even harder than he did. He soon picks you up by your legs, as you wrap your hands around his neck, still entangled in the kiss.
 “Hey y/n? Are you here?” Hinata asks, walking into the room where you and Tsukki are. “Oh...oh.” He stutters, looking at you both. You pull away from Tsukki and look at Hinata. His eyes are welling up with tears, as he examines you. He turns away and sprints out the door. “Hinata..!” You say, looking after him. Tsukishima tries to kiss you but you make him put you down. “Not now Kei.” Tsukki looks hurt, so you press a kiss to his cheek. “I’ll text you later.” 
You grab your bag and sprint out after Hinata.An hour later, you get to Hinata’s house, you see a bus going down your road, and his bedroom window was left open. You look inside, to see empty drawers and his room torn apart. 
“He’s gone…” You whisper. 
“He left…”
work of akaashi-luvs do not repost.
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thedramaclubs · 4 years
You Happened
Summery: after the rally they were booed at and they were about to leave but the brought back the Prom. Logan and Patton have been the happiest they’ve ever been in so long now that they finally get to be together in public going to prom
Ships: Logicality, Prinxiety, demus/dukeceit
When their singing
Nick- orange
Kevin- pink
Kaylee- italic
Shelby- bolded
Logan and Patton- red
The actors were booed of the stage and now they were standing in one of their rooms back at the hotel.
“Thomas......I’m gonna rip your face off!!!” Remus was being held back by Janus
“I’m sorry” Roman sat on the bed in defeat “You made me fail again, I’m so sick of failing.” Joan was also their too “That was a disaster!!”
By then Janus was on the floor holding on to Remus and kissed his hair comforting his husband “Now I absolutely don’t know what the original cast of Carrie felt like.” Everyone looked at him in disgust then Thomas broke the silence by saying “No no you don’t.” Remus had finally calm down at this point and said “What do we do now?” “We leave first we kill Thomas then we leave. Remus have at it.” “But what about the boy?” Just then someone knocked at the door “Yes?”
It was Virgil and Patton “Hi uh may we come in. Patton and I wanted to tell you that due to pressure form the states attorneys office, Prom is back on.” They all got up in excitement after hear what they did and cheered “See we did that because we acted selflessly” Thomas got top of the Bed when he said that “We are not narcissist” Said Roman as they started cheering “Yay us Yay us Yay us!!l
Virgil than interjected “TO BE CLEAR! It wasn’t because if you”
“Maybe it was. I mean when you first got here everyone was freaking out and maybe that lawyer might have the legal power but... you really scared people”
“Aww” their hearts were feld with warmth and love once he said that
“Don’t sell yourself short kid your the one who scared people” Said Janus. “Well the important thing is is that this is a victory and now you get to go to prom like everyone else.” Said Virgil to Patton “oh my god that’s 4 days away” Remus was getting excited and asked “What are you gonna wear?” “Um well I was thinking like a old dress, does it matter?” Remus stood their in shocked and took a moment to himself before he was okay again.
“Listen honey, you don’t know me and I don’t know you but let me dress you for the prom.” Roman then started laughing “ha ha You giving him a makeover that’ll be the day you have fashion sense” “I’ve gotten better over the years!” Remus turned back to Patton.
“Anygay we could go to saks!” Virgil interjected “Uh there’s no saks here” “We have a kmart” Remus then had another moment to himself
“Well check out the Reba McEntire collection at Kmart. And I got some vests in my closet for emergencies. We’ll do a little fashion show”
“Okay. Can we do it tomorrow? I gotta find out if I still have a date. We could meet at my place.” “Your parents are okay with a gay middle age man aka my brother hanging out in your bedroom dressing you?” Roman chuckled to himself.
“Patton doesn’t live with his parents anymore”
“We don’t really speak.....” the room got quiet. Remus walk over to Patton “Same thing with me I haven’t spoken to my mother and 30 years” Roman sat their in shock and heart broken because Remus had never said that he hasn’t talked to their mom in 30 years.
“I live with my grandmother now...she’s cool. She likes the gays”
“Good and I like the olds”
Patton and Remus got to the door “Point me in the direction of the Kmart” “I’ll give you a ride” “In your pickup truck?” Remus then got very excited “Are you saying because I’m gay I drive a pickup?” “Well do ya?” “............shut up.” The two of them walked out of the room leaving Roman, Janus, Virgil, Joan, and Thomas in their.
“Is anyone hungry?”ask Joan as they got their beanie “I could drink” Said Janus “What’s this town have?” “Um I saw a big boy down the highway” said Thomas as they walked out the door “Do they have a gay bar?” They all left and Roman and Virgil were left alone in the room.
Virgil let out a big sigh “It’s nice to see Patton smile, he’s had a rough time with it”
“Yeah I gathered that” Roman was getting his vest on and walked to the taller man as he continued talking
“I mean even before the whole Prom controversy when he came out his parents.....they.....threw him out of the house”
“Wait really?”
“16...it was pretty ugly. Anyway, thank you for helping him or trying too-” “Say um tell me Virgil is there a restaurant in this town with plates and cutlery?” “There’s an Applebee’s at the mall.....Would you like to go?” “Yes. Take me to this......Apples and bees.” The two left the room to go on a somewhat date.
The next day at school something was happening so Logan ask a girl what was happening
“What’s going on?”
“Nicks got a whole prom-posel for Kalyee she’s gonna freak out”
🎶Since JV football I’ve been adored big man on campus but oh so bored my life was perfect but so routine I prayed for someone to intervene then something-🎶
🎶New happened🎶
🎶And turned my life around entirely🎶
🎶And that’s cause you happened🎶
🎶And look what happened to me so go to prom with me Kaylee🎶
Your such an idiot yes
Hey Shelby, your next
🎶There’s not one subject that I could pass before you walked into my Spanish class. Was my heart pounding, I won’t say no cause life without was no bueño then something🎶
🎶New happened🎶
🎶And turn my life around entirely🎶
🎶And that’s cause you happened🎶
🎶And look what happened to me so go to prom with me Shelby🎶
Sí Sí señor
Everyone celebrated but Logan and Patton we’re behind the risers and the embraced in a big hug
“You did it! You actually did it. Because if you we have a prom.”
“Well me and a bunch of crazy actors”
“It’s like a love bomb went off I’ve seen like six prom-posels today.”
“People are gonna see us dance together and kissing. It’s gonna be impossible not to kiss you”
“Oh my god and what’s my mother gonna do? She’ll be in public so she won’t freak out”
Patton held Logan’s hand “It doesn’t matter what she does, this is about us finally being us”
🎶And no more hiding how we feel anymore🎶
🎶I won’t hide if your by my side🎶
🎶Now that the prom is back in track. And once we walk into that gym hand in hand🎶
🎶It’s really obvious there’s no going back🎶
🎶And that’s a promise. Before I met you, I was mess not honest with myself I confess🎶
🎶I was so lonely a told reck just sad and hopeless check double check🎶
🎶Then something new happened and turn my life around entirely and that’s cause you happened and look what happened to me something so🎶
🎶True happened 🎶
🎶And soon it’s time to share it publicly 🎶
🎶And all cause you happened🎶
🎶And said you’d go to prom with 🎶
🎶Said you’d go to prom with 🎶
🎶Said you’d go to prom with MEEEEEEEEEEEE (you happened, you happened, you happened) 🎶
🎶Look what happened to me 🎶
People to tag/ @artissijules @patt-off @frogsandcookies @icantthinkofacreativeurl @purplestarrystars
I finish this in a day and I feel proud so I’m giving it you you guys early
Happy Valentine’s Day
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jupneko · 4 years
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moar big house parties.
Judith’s back at school finally but still trying to party hard even though she’s taking four classes lol. If all goes well this will be her second-to-last term.
the guy doing pushups on the kitchen floor with Akira is Judith’s romantic interest Gerard from the beach date post-makeover!
[id: 2 screenshots at Judith & Carole’s small house. In the first, taken from the kitchen and looking back toward the living/dining room, nearly a dozen sims are present, talking or doing various activities. In the foreground Judith’s good friend Roger, who’s wearing a hearing aid on his left ear, is smiling and holding a sandwich. Judith’s friend Nawai, a thin older woman with light brown skin and black hair worn in dreads who has a large tattoo over her chest and right shoulder, is grinning and opening her arms wide, leaning back with her eyes closed happily (I don’t remember what she was doing lol). Gerard, a guy with dark skin and black coily hair, has dropped to do push-ups in the middle of everyone else, along with Judith’s dad.
In the next shot Judith and her friend Itzel, a thin sim with light skin, curly brown hair, and freckles, are shown from the waist up. Judith, on the left, has a huge smile and looks over her shoulder as she talks to her friend. She’s wearing a see-through purple sleeveless shirt and jeans. In the background on the right two other party-goers are casually glitching into each other as they stand in front of Judith’s bedroom door.]
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dailydianakko · 5 years
Undying Au-Fuck
I woke up the next day in my coffin. I walked out of it and put on some black eyeliner, black eyesharrow, blood-bed lipstick and a black really low-cut leather dress that was all ripped and in stripes so you could see my belly. I was wearing a skull belly ring with black and red diamonds inside it. (Da night before Diana and I rent back to the skull (geddit skull koz im goffik n I like deth). Holbrooke chased Pool away. We flew there on our brooms. Mine was black and the broom-stuff was blood-red. There was lace all over it. Diana had a black MCR boom. We went back to our rooms and we had you-know-what to a Linkin Park song.) Well anyway I went down to the Grate Hall. There all da walls were painted black and da tables were black too. But you fould see that there was pink pant underneath the black pant. And there were pastors of poser bands everywhere, like Ashlee Simpson and the Backstreet Boys. “WTF!” I shouted going to sit next to Lotte Gothic Night’fall 666 and Barbara. L’Ote Gothic Nightfall 666 was wearing a black leather mini with a Good Chraloote t-shirt, black fishnets and black pointy boots. Barbara was wearing a long gothic blak dress with blood red writing that was all lacy and came up to your thighs and black boots and fishnets. Vampire, Dracula and Diana came. We started to talk about who was sexier, Mikey or Gerard Way or Billie Joe Armstrong. The girls joined in cause they were bi. “Those guys are so fucking hot.” Andrew was saying as suddenly a gothic old woman with a black beard and everything came. She was the same one who had chassed away Paul yesterday. She had normal tan skin but she was wearing white foundation and she had died her hare black. “……………….HOOLBROOKE?1!” we all gasped. “WTF?” I shouted angrily. “I thought she was just wearing that to scare Paul!” “Hello everyone.” she said happily. “As u can see I gave the room a makeover. Whjat do u fink about it?” Everyone from the poser table in Gryiffindoor started to cheer. Well we goths just looked at each other all disfusted and shook our heads. We couldn’t believe what a poser he was!1. “BTW you can call me Miranda.” SHE CALLED AS WE LEFT to our classes. “What a fucking poser!” Duana shouted angrily as we we to Transfomation. We were holding hands. Vampire looked really jealous. I could see her crying blood in a gothic way (geddit, way lik Gerard) but I didn’t say anything. “I bet she’s havin a mid-life crisis!” Su’cY shouted. I was so fucking angry. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX All day we sat angerly finking about Helbrooke. We were so fucking pissed off. Well, I had one thing to look forward too- da MCR concert. It had been postphoned, so we could all go. Anyway, I went to the common room sadly to cut classes. Diana was being all secretive. I asked what it was and she got all mad me and started crying all hot and angsty (rnt sensitve lesbian gurlz r so hot). “No one fucking understands me!1” she shouted angrily as her green and blonde hare went in her big blue eyes like Billie Joe in Boulevard of Borken Dreamz. Shee was wearing black baggy paints, a black MCR t-shirt and a black die. (geddit insted of tie koz im goffik) I was wearing a blak leather low cut top with chains all over it all over it a blak leather mini, black high held boots and a cross belly fing. My hair was al up in a messy relly high bun like Amy Lee in Gong Under. (email me if u wana see da pik) “Accuse me? What about me!” I growled. “Buy-but-but-” she grunted. “You fucking bastard!” I moaned. “No! Wait! It’s not what it fucking looks like!” she shouted. But it was to late. I knew what I herd. I ran to the bathroom angrily, cring. Diana banged on the door. I whipped and whepped as my blody eyeliner streammed down my cheeks and made cool tears down my feces like Benji in the video for Girls and Bois (VALK that is soo our video!). I TOOOK OUT A CIGARETE END STARTED TO smoke pot. Suddenly Avery came. she had appearated. “You gave me a fucking shock!” I shouted angrily dropping my pot. “Wtf do you fink you’re doing in da red team’s room?” Only it wasn’t just Avery. Someone else was with her too! For a second I wanted it 2 b Andrew or maybe Diana but it was HObrooke. “Hey I need to ask you a question.” she said, pulling out her black wanabe-goffik purse. “What are u wearing to the concert?” “U no who MCR r!” I gasped. “No I just saw there was a concert dat a lot of gothz and punx were going 2.” She said. “Anyway Diana has a surprise for u.” XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX All day I wondered what the surprise was. Meanwhile, I pot on a blak ledder mini, a blak corset with urple lace stuff all over it, an black gothic compact boots. MCR were gong 2 do the concert again, since POOL had taken over the last one. I slit my wrists while I moshed 2 MCR in my bedroom all night, feeling excited. Suddenly someone knocked on the door while I was trying on sum black clothes and moshing to Fang u 4 da Venom. I gut all mad and turned it of, but sacredly I hopped inside dat it was Diana so we could do it again. “Wut de fucking hell r u doing!” I shouted angrily. It was Picies! “R u gonna cum rape me or what.” I yelled. I was allowed to say dat because Holbrooke had told us all 2 be careful around het and Nelson since she was a pedo. “No, actshelly (geddit, hell) kan I plz burrow sum condemns.”s he growld angrily. “Yah, so u can fuk ur six-yr-old gurlfriend, huh?” I shouted sarkastikally. “Fuker.” She said, gong away. Well anyway, I put on some black eyesharow, black eyeliner, and some black lipstick and white foundation. Then I went. Den I gasped…………………………………………………………….Pieces and Nelson were in da middle of da empty hall, doin it, and Finnelan was watching!1 “Oh my god you ludacris idiot!” they both shooted angrily when they saw me. Finnelan ran away crying. Dey got up, though. Normally I wood have ben turned on (I luv cing the sheep of wuter) but both of them were fuking preps. “WTF is that why u wanted condoms?” I asked sadistically. (c I speld dat) “Only you wouldn’t give them to me!” Pisces shouted angrily. “Well you shoulda told me.” I replayed. “You dimwit!.” Nelson began 2 shoot angrily. And then………I took out my black camera and took a pic of them. U could see that they were naked and everything. “Well xcuse me!” they both shouted angrily. “What was dat al about?” “It wuz to blackmail u.” I snarked. “So now next time you see me doing it with my girlfriend you cant fuking rat me out or I’ll show dis to holbeook. So fuck off, u bastards!” I started to run. They chased me but I threw my wound at them and dey tripped over it. Well anyway, I went outside and there was Paul, looking extremely fucking hot. “WTF where’d Diana?” I asked him. “Oh she’s bein a fucking bastard. She told me she wouldn’t cum.” Vampire said shaking her hed. “U wanna cum with me? 2 the concert?” Then….. she showed me his flying car. I gasped. It was a black car. She said her rummate constanze had given it 2 her. The license plate on the front sed MCR666 on it. The one on da back said ‘AAKEW’ on it. ……….I gasped. We flew to the concert hall. MCR were there, playing. Vampire and I began 2 make out, moshing to the muzik. I gapsed, looking at da band. I almost had an orgasim. Gerard was so fucking hot! He begin 2 sing ‘Helena’ and his sexah beautiful voice began 2 fill the hall. ……….And den, I heard some crrying. I turned and saw Diana, cryin in a corner. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Later we all went in the skull. Diana was crying in da common room. “Duana are u okay?” I asked in a gothic voice. “No I’m not u fuking bitch!”s he shouted angrily. She stated to run out of the place in a suicidal way. I stated to cry cuz I was afraid she would commit suicide. “Its ok Akki.” said Vampire comfortly. “Ill make her feel better.” “U mean you’ll go fuck her wont you!” I shouted angrily. Then I ran 2 get Diana. Vampire came too. “Diana please come!” she began to cry. Tears of blood came down her pail face. I wuz so turned on cuz I love sensitive lesbun gurlz. (if ur a homophone den fuk of!) And then………………………….. we herd sum footsteps! Vampire got out her blak invincibility coke. We both gut under it. We saw the janitor Meenotar there, shouting angrily with a flashlight in his hand. “WHOSE THERE!” he shouted angrily. We saw a rat come. It went unda da invisibility cloke and started to meow loudly. “IS ANY1 THERE!” yelled Mr. Menotaur. “No fuck u you preppy little poser sun of a fukcing bich!” Vampire said under her breast in a disgusted way. “EXCUS ME! EXCUS ME WHO SED DAT!” yelled Mr. Norris. Den he heard the rat meow. “RAT is der any1 unda da cloak!” he asked. The Rat nodded. And then……………………….Vampir frenched me! She did it jus as…………………….. Mr. Mentouar was taking of da cloak!1 “WHAT DA-” he yelled but it was 2 late cuz now we were ruining away frum him. And den we saw Duana crying n bustin in2 tearz and slitting her rists outside of da school. “Diana!” I cried. “R u okay?” “I guess though.” Diana weeped. We went back to our coffins frenching each other. Diana and I decided to watch Lake Placid (c isnt da deprezzin) on the gothic red bed together. As I wuz about 2 put in the video, my eyes rolled up and suddenly I had a vision of something that was happening now. There was a knok on the door and Fafnir and da Mystery of Magic walked into the school!1 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX All day everyone talked about the Misery of Magic. Well anyway, I woke up the next day. I was in my coffin so I opened the door. I was wearing blak lacey leather pajamas. Then I gasped. Standing in front of me where………………. B;loody Lotta Nighdfall 666, Vampire, Diabolo, Diana, Dracula and Barbara! I opened my crimson eyes. Barbara was wearing a tight black leather top with pictures of bloody roses all over it. Under that she wart a black poofy skirt wit lace on it and black gothic boots that was attached to the top. Vampire was wearing a baggy Simple Plan t-shirt and baggy black pants and Vans. Diana was wearing a black MCR t-shirt and blak jeans and a leather jacket. She looked just likee Gerard Way, and almost as fucking sexy. Vampire looked like Joel Madden. B’loody Lotte Nightf’all 666 was wearing a tight black poofy gothic dress that she had ripped so it showed of all her clearage with a white apron that said ‘bich’ and other swear words and MCR lyrics on it kind of like one dress I had seen Amy Lee wear once. Darkness (who is Avery) was there too. She was weaving a ripped gothic black dress with ripped stuff all over it and a lace-up top thing and black pointy boots. So were Hannah and Wangari. It turns out that Darkness, Diabolo, Hannahs and Wangaru’s dad was a vampire. He committed suicide by slitting his wrists with a razor. He had raped them and stuff before too. They all got so depressed that they became goffik and converted to Stanism. “OMFG” I yielded as I jumped up. “Why the fuck are u all here?” “Akki something is really fucked up.” Duana said. “OK but I need to put my fucking clothes on first.” I shouted angrily. “It’s all right. We have to go now and you look kawaii anyway. Your so fucking beautiful.” Diana said in a sexy voice. “Oh all right.” I said smiling. “But you have to tell me why your being all erective.” “I will I will.” she said. So I just put on some black eyeliner, black lipstick and red eyeshadow and white foundation. Then I came. We all went outside the Lucbh room and looked in from a widow. A fucking prep called Chole from Purple Teeam was standing next to us. She was wearing a pink mini and a Hilary Duff t-shirt so we put up our middle fingers at her. Inside the Great Hall we could see Holbreooke. FAFNIE was there shouting at Hobroooke. Finnelam was there too. “THIS CANNOT BE!” she shouted angrily. “THE SCHOOL MUST BE CLOSED!” “PAUL IS PLANNING TO KILL THE STUDENTS!” yelled Fafrnir. “YOU ARE NOT FIT TO BE THE PRINCIPAL ANY LONGER!” yelled Finnelan. “YOU ARE TOO OLD AND YOUR ALZHEIMERS IS DANGEROUS! YOU MUST RETRY OR PAUL WILL KILL YOUR STUDENTS!” “Very well.” Holbrooke said angrily. “Butt we cannot do this. We can’t close the school. There is only one person who is capable of killing Paul and she is in the school. And her name is…………………………………………………………………..Akko Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way.” Diana, Hannah, Barbara, Darkness, S’ucky, Vampire and B’loody Lotte Nightfall 666 looked at each other………I gasped.
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madelainesvixens · 5 years
Title: Masked ID
Ship: Veronica Lodge + Sweet Pea (Sweet Vee)
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Sweet Pea loved Halloween.
As a kid, it was the only holiday he ever was looking forward to. He loved to scare Toni and other Serpents with creepy masks, fake knives and red syrup.
One time, Fangs almost peed his pants. It was hilarious.
Needless to say, when Veronica announced him that they'd be having a Halloween party at La Bonne Nuit, he was thrilled.
For the past two weeks, Veronica and him had worked on the decors, making plans and ordering online a bunch of accessories and props that would transform the beauty of the old age casino into an epic spooky dream.
''Don't go too gore with the decors, mi amor. We don't want to scare the clients away,'' Veronica reminded him, seeing him eyeing a headless prop on the computer screen.
Sweet Pea rolled his eyes. ''Halloween is supposed to be scary, Veronica,'' he countered, scrolling down the page and stealing Veronica's laptop from the bed to type something. ''We need a smoke machine. Can we have that?''
The raven haired girl hesitated, not quite getting her boyfriend's ideas. ''Eh, I guess...''
''Yes!'' Sweet Pea exclaimed, pumping his fist excitedly.
She chuckled, looking at him with fond eyes. It was so rare of him to get this excited over events - or anything, really -, it was cute.
Almost as cute as the time he had stayed behind to help her clean up at La Bonne Nuit. There had been some misunderstandings between a Serpent and a Bulldog a couple months ago and, as expected, a punch had been thrown and resulted into a fight. Reggie had been quick to break it up with the help of Sweet Pea, but there was some damages made. Broken glass, blood stains and else. After everyone had left, the raven haired girl had been surprised to see that Sweet Pea was still there, a broomstick in hand, sweeping glass shards from the floor.
That night was also the same night she had invited him over at the Pembrooke - for drinks, she said. Needless to say, not much drinks were drank that night, but a lot of sultry kisses were exchanged as they fell on Veronica's bed.
Smiling at the memory, Veronica put her head on his shoulder as he searched online, the soft burnt red flannel rubbing against her cheek.
''Do you have a costume in mind for Halloween?'' Sweet Pea asked. ''PLease tell me it's not some sexy animal or I'll vomit on your expensive carpet.''
She scrunched her nose. ''My costume is picked. And, don't worry. I'm not think kind of girl, but I'm offended you thought so of me. I'm a Lodge, I have class.''
A low laugh rumbled from Sweet Pea's stomach as he shook his head. ''What is it?''
''It's a secret,'' Veronica proudly informed. ''I think you'll like it.''
Her lips twisted into a confident, malicious smile and Sweet Pea grinned, leaning down to kiss her.
''Consider me intrigued.''
Dressed in her mini dress and feathery black wings, Veronica stood in the middle of La Bonne Nuit, admiring the spooky makeover she and Sweet Pea had given to the place. It was almost unrecognizable under all those spiderwebs, decors and props. She was very proud of their work.
Who knew Sweet Pea was great at decorating?
The stage had been turned into a jail cell with creepy props and strobe lights, the bar was covered in spiderwebs and all glasses had been replaced by halloween themed ones to go with the ambiance.
She had just finished writing down the special menu of the night on the blackboard when her phone screen lit up across the bar. Veronica put her chalk down and went to grab her phone when the lights flickered in the basement, making her frown.
Must be a power overload from all the lights and decors, she assumed. The place is old.
She reached for the device and read the screen: Masked ID. Her frown deepened. Who could this be? Her father? Prisons have masked numbers, right? Why would he call her though?
''Hello?'' she answered, curiosity and confusion in her tone.
No response.
''Hello?'' she repeated.
Still no response.
With a sigh, Veronica hung up, thinking it was some prank à la Scream - kids do that these days - when someone grabbed her from behind, causing her to let out a high pitched scream, her phone dropping on the floor.
Pop was upstairs, running the diner and Veronica was hoping he'd hear her and come down. Being a pacifist, Pop probably wouldn't fight her attacker from lack of defense knowledge, but he could call the cops.
Before Veronica could scream out for help again, any sound she thought of making was muffled by her attackers hand as he held her firmly against his chest.
A red light flashed in the young Lodge's mind, refusing to let whoever was attacking her go without a fight.
Since getting exposed to her father's mobster life, Veronica had learned how to defend and protect herself from possible harm.
She still didn't know how to fire a gun like her mom, but Veronica Lodge was not a damsel in distress. She knew how to fight back, and this was the perfect time to put her knowledge into action.
Rapidly studying her situation, she tried to jab her attacker with her elbows and free herself, causing them to get tangled into some spiderwebs and witch props, startling her attacker for a few seconds before he steadied himself, giving her barely enough time to escape.
She made a run for the stairs, praying that she wouldn't slip in her high heels boots but, just as she was about to reach the first stair, she screamed as a gloved hand pulled her back and pressed her against the wall, giving her full sight of her attacker's cult mask and blue mechanic cover-all.
''What do you want? Let go of me!'' Veronica demanded, voice steady and firm despite how scared she was.
She tried to reach up to remove his mask, but he grabbed her hands and secured them in his fist, preventing her from revealing his identity.
He didn't say anything, he just pressed his body against hers and, for a fraction of second, Veronica thought she was about to get raped. Her heart was beating fast behind her chest, getting flashbacks from her night with Nick St. Clair.
She opened her mouth to scream again, being closer to the door this time and having a better chance for Pop to hear her distress, but her breath caught in her throat, feeling something cool touching her neck. A blade.
Veronica stilled and gulped, terror flashing through her eyes.
A familiar laugh filled the air, giving away the identity of the masked asshole she called her boyfriend. She narrowed her eyes and hit his chest and shoulder, not holding back. ''You're such an asshole, Sweet Pea! Good Lord, never do that again...''
He removed his Michael Myers mask, revealing a big grin. ''You should've seen your face! You looked terrified,'' Sweet Pea pointed, still laughing.
She shouldn't have expected any less of him. He was an horror fanatic, after all. He even dressed up as his favorite slasher protagonist.
Veronica gave him a stern look, raising her arms. ''Of course I was! I thought someone was going to murder me. I had all the rights to be scared.''
Sweet Pea rolled his eyes. ''It wasn't even a real blade...'' She crossed her arms and he sighed, knowing what she was waiting for. ''I'm sorry...that I didn't get this on video.''
She swatted his chest and he pulled her into his hold, going in for a hug of forgiveness, but stopped mid-way, taking notice of her outfit. He had no idea what she was dressed as, maybe some bat or maybe that girl from Black Swan. What he knew was that she looked fucking hot in this fitted dress, hugging her in all the right paces.
Holding her at arm length, Sweet Pea glancing up and down. ''Fuck. You're going to be the death of me, Veronica Lodge,'' the Serpent declared, capturing his bottom lip with his teeth as he ran his hand on Veronica's sides, following the curve of her body. 
A fierce grin formed on Veronica's lips, cocking a perfectly plucked eyebrow. She took a step forward and closed the space between them, the tall one's cologne filling her nose. Sweet Pea's breath hitched as he leaned down, following her as she leaned in for a kiss but, just before her lips touched his, she abruptly dodged them, bringing her lips are next to his ear instead.
''I'm warning you,'' she said, her breath blowing on the shell of his ear as she spoke. ''If you take this knife to my bedroom, I'm going to be the one pointing it at you.''
Taking advantage of Sweet Pea's distraction to reach for the fake knife in his back pocket, stepping back to wiggle it between them.
A smirk formed on his lips. ''Noted.''
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lovejennieb01 · 5 years
Things I want to do while on lockdown.
So like I said in my last post.... I’m bored. Really bored. Really, really bored. And this isolation/lockdown thing is meant to last three weeks. Now, I love my bedroom, I love being inside, in the warmth, protected from the world. But I don’t like being told what to do. 
While I’m stuck inside I wanted to find something to do, hence the reason I’m writing this. It’s something I’ve always wanted to do, but that’s not why I’m here and we’re not getting sidetracked like we (I) did in the last post. 
I want to make a list of things and ideas that I want to do, and maybe you to do, while we’re all stuck inside and only allowed to go out once a day. 
1. Tidy my room. 
This is something I say most weeks, I’m gonna tidy my room when I’m off. I’m gonna tidy my room tonight. And I never do. It could be laziness, it could just be a typical teen thing (gotta use that excuse while I can). Now it’s not dirty, it’s just untidy with things that aren’t where they need to, something I’ve used and haven’t put back away. I’ve also done a mini makeover recently on my bedroom so there’s still bits and bobs I need to get for that. 
2. Get some form of skin routine. 
Making a habit of drinking more water, eating better, washing it regularly. I go through cycles of this of “omg gonna have such good skin” and it maybe lasts like a week. My skin care routine is normally better when I’m wearing makeup because I hate the feel of stuff on my face so I like a really deep cleanse to get rid of my makeup so my skin feels like it can breathe again! 
3. Start a bullet journal. 
I started one of these a few weeks ago but I didn’t really get the concept of it. I still don’t. I think it’s just an artsy farty way of saying I have a diary, but it’s something I’d love to try and get into, hopefully to make me a lot more organised. There’s a lot of lists and things to do and goals to set yourself pages in the ones I’ve seen. One I’d love to do is a habit tracker, so you make a note of things that are important like drinking more water, taking you’re makeup off properly, wanting to do something everyday like taking the dog on a longer walk, or going to the gym, meditating or reading a book for half an hour. So yeh that’s something I’d really like to try and get into. 
4. Start introducing some exercise. 
I have a weighted hula hoop that I’d like to start doing more often because it’s sooo easy to do and actually is classed as a HIIT exercise! You can watch tv or listen to some music, I hate going to the gym I always feel so out of place there. Obviously at the moment going to the gym isn’t something I can do with the current situation, but little things at home. I heard on the radio that Joe Wicks is starting P.E. lessons on YouTube on a morning for the kiddies that are off school... might have to start at a lower level and work my way up before getting too carried away.... 
5. Getting a healthy relationship with food.
Ideally while I’m off I’d like to get better with food, I love my food and I have a really sweet tooth. But when I’m off I can start to eat out of boredom... and I’m already bored.... I’d love to be able to have 3 substantial meals in a day. Preferably at set times as well. I’m suck a snacker, I would rather just graze my way through the day. I always start with breakfast but after that, especially when I’m at home there’s just no order after that. I eat what I want and when I want to eat it. 
6. Keep my routine. 
So getting up at roughly the same time every morning. My alarm goes off at 7am when I’m at work, so maybes 7.30am at the latest through the week, especially on a Saturday... I think that will be hardest to do, getting up that early on a Saturday. I don’t want to start having sleep ins here and there and then having normality to get back to being the hardest thing in the world. 
7.   Make some time for reading. 
At the beginning of the year I made a New Years resolution to myself that I wanted to make more time for reading, and in the first week I read a whole book in 2 days. Since then, I haven’t finished the one I started after that. And it’s a shame really because it’s such a good book! So I’d like to try and set aside half an hour in my day, be it at the start or end or even somewhere in the middle... I’d like to try and finish this damn book. Then struggle to find something else to read. 
I know it’s a long read and thanks for staying if you’re still here! I didn’t realise it was going to be so long, when I planned out it didn’t look that bulky but when I start talking you’ll struggle to stop me.... anyways! 
Love jennieb xx
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anyhao-archived · 5 years
9 member boy group
debut song: DUNK IT!
debut album: welcome to 1nderland
mattie (16)
dancer, vocal, maknae, ‘02 line
energetic & hyper; cute & charismatic
still in school + incredibly short but still growing
drama queen & loves bothering RBF a lot
doesn’t speak any english despite his english (stage) name
the main advocate to get a cat. when they go to the shelter he doesn’t even bother going in the dog section. he goes straight to the cats and is literally the epitome of the “pls mom can we get him :(((” cliche while showing a cat to the CEO
he likes to joke that his only skill is cooking pizza rolls to absolute perfection. everyone knows that is a LIE but its funny so.
nathaniel (16)
dancer, rapper, speaks basic spanish, ‘02 line
mischief twin with mattie (though nathaniel’s a little eviler, and less hyper) the other members can’t leave them alone for a minute (like that 1 scene in community where the guy goes to get the pizza and a minute later the apartment is on fire) -- yeah.
calls the CEO “mom” jokingly until he slips up and means it
dropped out of school but getting his GED slowly. takes online classes and jack +suhyun help him
the first to volunteer for brightly colored hair (he gets the bright blue that vav’s ace had in dance with me)
suhyun (18)
vocal, composer, can play piano and guitar, born in 2000
soft, sweet and polite boy. well liked by everyone
he gives off the impression of being shy and quiet but he’s really not. he just waits for the right moment to roast someone. its not that he’s shy he just. really doesnt have much to say. when he does, though, everyone listens to him. more often than not its a quip at another member
speaks english pretty well, almost fluent
literal aegyo king. he looks so soft and sweet he’s already cute, but when he does puppy eyes and asks jaeyong/the CEO for something they immediately give in to him. he uses it for bad & selfish reasons, and refuses to do it on command (like on shows)
self proclaimed fashionista, gets irritated with the members when they purposely dress bad
the second to volunteer for colored hair (gets a dark red/burgundy)
haeyoung (19)
power vocal, dancer, 2nd leader, born in 1999
helps jack with choreographing
drama queen (part 2) always tries to one up mattie
even despite the rivalry to be dramatic, he LOVES mattie. he loves all the younger members, which is why he’s elected as 2nd leader -- to be an advocate for the younger members who sometimes perhaps don’t have the courage to complain to the hyungs
he loves dogs but animals don’t seem to like him. 
one day he gets fed up with being ignored by daisy and dramatically falls to the ground in the practice room floor and whines about daisy hating him. one of the members kick him to get up but he refuses. daisy slowly comes over, as if sensing his distress, and licks him on his face.
to this DAY he maintains that he did not cry, the members are all slandering him! from then on, though, daisy sleeps on haeyoung’s bottom bunk bed with him
he’s recently got his driver’s license but no one likes to be in the car with him. he’s literally a mess and no ones sure how he got the license
he followed the hair color trend: a light, cotton candy pink color
he LOVES SPARKLES!!!! always asks for sparkles in his makeup. his aegyo skill is second only to suhyun. haeyoung always just. GOES for it. he’s less pleading and more cutesy high voice pitch. half the members cringe, and half of them love it. the one who seems to enjoy it the most though is jaeyong, surprisingly.
minchan (20)
vocal, dancer, and visual, ‘98 line
dumb and dumber with wooyoung. (minchan is the dumber) literally never knows what’s going on. tends to get lost, and if wooyoung is there, wooyoung’s lost too. jaeyong finds them and drags them back by their collars
though he’s mainly a vocal, he’s a wonderful dancer, too. he’s got (some) background in ballet, which makes his dancing perfect for this group
an amazing artist and incredibly creative. he designs their album designs and helps with photography. he’s also incredible at makeup and loves to do members’ makeup. sometimes he teams up with suhyun to give a full makeover to one of the members -- makeup, hair, outfit, etc. their victim is usually haeyoung or jack.
a dog person, came up with daisy’s name
he’s got light brown hair, and he makes sure to make it fluffy every day
he prides himself on learning certain niche skills. he’s first aid and cpr certified. he can also knit! he’s also the best cook in the dorm (not the only one, but certainly the best)
wooyoung (20)
dancer, rapper, knows basic english, ‘98 line
loves dogs & is best friends with minchan. he’s the dumb portion of the dumb & dumber duo, even though both of them really aren’t idiots
HIMBO!!! like he is kind of dumb (in a good way at least) and he’s the one who posts the most selfies. he enjoys stripping and ripping off his shirt
he likes to edit videos, and learns how to compose from suhyun. he’s the one members go to if they’re having tech issues.
somehow, he is a technology nerd but also a gym rat?? he’s THAT GUY who takes gym selfies and meanwhile jaeyong’s in the background with his shirt off lmao
he’s the actor of the group. if there’s an offer to be in a drama or whatever he’d be the first to be picked
also has background in dance! more street style though, like pop/locking or bboying. when he and minchan work together their dancing is beautiful. almost like art in its own form
BJ -- aka: RBF (21)
stable vocal, dancer, face of the group, ‘97 line
doesn’t like to be touched
dramatic, but not drama queen type. more like draping himself over pieces of furniture in silk outfits while there’s candles barely lighting the old room
has black hair that needs a trim, always wearing black clothes, bracelets, etc. (like the cliche emo in middle school in 2009)
what a fucking MESS! he’s always cheating during games and refusing to move/work out more than strictly necessary. 
his stage name is literally BJ (their CEO thought it was funny, and he was always like ??? until jack told him what that means in English LOL and he’s SO SCANDALZIED! he’s that member who does a solo interview while the rest are off fuckin’ around. he does an entire vlive for this one rant. hes like, hey guys. now i know why you all laughed when i was introduced. jack told me what bj means in english! so im gonna change my stage name. i like the idea of letters. what do you guys think of rbf?’
‘you know what that stands for, too, right?’
of course! resting bitch face! don’t you think that suits me? nd thats how he goes from bj to rbf. their ceo thinks rbf is hilarious, too
he seems aloof but he actually has a lot of emotions. he tends to rant about anything, and jack’s the only one who rly listens to him.
he’s closest with suhyun, bc hes the only member who seems to understand him more than at a surface level. basically they’re a yin/yang type of friends
is very happy with his appearance. he likes being that dancer with swaying hips and lifting his shirt up. sexy dance! 
jack (21)
rapper, fluent in english, choreographer, ‘97 line
closest with jaeyong (they were together at a different company before)
quiet, responsible, and well liked
makes sure all members are heard and understood. he also teaches them english (especially mattie)
basically: hes the long suffering mother type and lives in the bedroom with mattie and nathaniel to watch over the mischief twins
probably the most intelligent but doesnt act like it. kind of a nerd and wears glasses, but he’s ... well built. looks good. hes basically the “hot nerd” with flannel and beanies cliche
his only downfall is he’s extremely unlucky. everything he touches breaks or falls apart lmao. like, he’s the tallest member and gives off ‘rough’ vibes but. he’s constantly tripping, or falling down stairs. however the members know better than to laugh at him lol they’ve seen him angry.
‘im not angry. im just disappointed’ the rest of the group: WE ALL KNOW THATS WORSE!
maknae line (mattie, nathaniel, and suhyun) are constantly following him around like little ducklings. it comes natural to mattie and nathaniel, and suhyun just enjoys being there lol
jaeyong (23)
leader, eldest, main rapper, born in 1995
he’s got experience in the industry and leads the rest of the group with that knowledge. he debuted briefly at the previous company but disbanded early. he left the company with jack and now they’re in the new one.
main driver!! he drives all the members everywhere and its an ongoing joke that hes a chauffeur. however he’s got... a little bit of road rage lmao
GYM RAT! he’s jacked!!! he rarely shows his abs though, preferring to tease fans lmao however wooyoung keeps taking pics of him when he’s shirtless in the gym (both on purpose and on accident)
he’s also a bit cliche. if jack was long suffering mom(TM) then he’s the slightly detached but well meaning father(TM) ! not afraid to call out his members, but listens with an open mind. he’s a great mediator if there’s any issues within the group
though jaeyong is the leader, jack tends to be the one herding all the kids and making sure they eat. jaeyong is more about pep talks and being strong, giving great speeches, etc. 
even though he seems like he’d be rough around the edges, he’s incredibly loving. in multiple ways. he teases, he rough houses, LOVES hugging the members until they cant breathe. he’s... also very susceptible to aegyo. like he cant help but be swayed. he will never admit it but haeyoung and suhyun’s aeygo make his heart race
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whatarubberchicken · 6 years
The Dress
@sinfulpapillon‘s lovely job on my commission gave me the inspiration I needed to finally finish this little piece that’s been floating around in my head.
The Dress
It started off as a joke. Messing around at Nino’s one day (his father had finally allowed him to hang out with his friends for once). He and Nino had been playing video games, while the girls gave each other makeovers in Nino’s bedroom. They’d come out, looking as hot as always, and Alya had laughingly suggested that the boys get a makeover too.
“C’mon, Adrien! You’re a model! You’re supposed to make everything look good!”
And so, laughing, he’d agreed. Laughing, he’d allowed Alya to do his hair and makeup while Marinette picked out his outfit. Laughing, he’d put it on, and let them fuss over the little details. All of them had howled with laughter when he’d strutted across the living room like a catwalk, because he’d be damned if he wasn’t going to OWN this. He even blew the girls a few kisses, (and one very special wink to Nino, who pretended to fan himself).
But he wasn’t laughing when he went back into the bedroom to change. When he finally got a good look at himself in the mirror.
He didn’t recognize himself.
In the mirror was a confident, carefree girl, gazing back at him with light and laughter still in her eyes.
The hair and the eyeliner… he could take. It was hardly the first time a makeup artist had gone to town on him, after all.
But the dress….
It was light and airy. Carefree, but still coy. Shy and sweet and fun—
He tore his eyes away from the mirror, forcing himself to remember how to breathe. Because, right now… he glanced back up at his reflection—right now, he didn’t look like his father’s son. That was no Agreste heir staring back at him. His father would have his head for even suggesting an outfit like this. That person wasn’t someone with duties, or responsibilities, or a thousand things written on a daily schedule that absolutely must be kept—
Adrien gave a short gasp and quickly covered his mouth before a whimper could escape.
Because, oh God, he wanted…. He wanted so desperately to be that person in the mirror.
He quickly took off the dress and changed back into his normal clothing. He didn’t dare look at the mirror again until after he’d washed his face. Twice.
Then, and only then, did he chance another glance. And then he felt both relief, and disappointment. Adrien Agreste was staring back at him in the mirror. Poised, and guarded, and two steps away from losing everything he cared about every freaking day and he knew it—and, damn, if it wasn’t hard keeping up appearances for so freaking long and—
Breathe, Adrien reminded himself, glancing down at the dress now laying haphazardly on his best friend’s bed.
He took another deep breath, trying to get his emotions back under control. Trying to distance himself, in a way, from that one, shining moment—
He shook his head and stood up straight, squaring his shoulders. He was an Agreste. Adrien Agreste. He had duties. Responsibilities. Dressing up had been fun for a few moments, but it could never happen again. He couldn’t allow it.
He spun around to go join his friends in the living room, not daring to look back at the dress.
A few days later, he was ready to rip his own hair out (despite all the objections that would cause). He couldn’t stop thinking about The Dress. He couldn’t stop thinking about his reflection in the mirror, and how badly he wanted to be that person again.
A few casual questions had revealed it was Marinette’s dress. But how to get her to let him borrow—NO! Adrien, no!! he scolded himself, shaking his head to clear it. That is not allowed! You have an image to maintain!!
“Adrien, did you not understand the homework??” he heard Miss Bustier call.
“Oh, uh, sorry, Miss Bustier,” he replied, flushing bright red, as he realized he’d shaken his head in the middle of her lecture. “I couldn’t quite hear you.”
He forced himself to pay attention as she repeated herself.
This was getting worse. He couldn’t even concentrate in class.
He still had mixed feelings when he approached Marinette the next day. What if she laughed at him?! What if she—God forbid—told other people about his deviant ideas?!?!
He froze and very nearly turned around to run out of the school.
But, no. This was Marinette. She was sweet. She was kind. She’d never do anything to hurt him. He had to believe in her!
“Um, Marinette?” he asked shyly. To his surprise, she jumped almost a foot in the air, spun around and turned beet red. Oops. “Sorry,” he said quickly. “I didn’t mean to startle you.”
“Wha--?? Oh, Adrien!! Ha ha! You didn’t—you didn’t startle me!” Marinette stammered, laughing awkwardly and rubbing the back of her neck. “You’re fine! So fine!—I mean, I’m fine!! I mean, what’s up??”
“Well, you know… um,” he cleared his throat nervously. “You know that dress I tried on before?”
Keep it cool, Adrien. Keep it harmless. A joke. A prank. Nothing major.
“Well, errr… I was wondering… if I could, maybe… try it on again?” he asked quietly. Marinette blinked at him in surprise and he quickly added, “I just, I thought I could try a few more poses with it, you know? For my modelling career! I’ve never worn anything like that before—and my father will probably never let me—but sometimes the photographers want odd poses, and I thought maybe—”
“Sure,” Marinette said.
Adrien froze, mid-tirade. “Really??” he asked. She wasn’t going to question him? Or ask for explanations??
“Why not?” she shrugged easily. “It’s just hanging there in my room. That shade of green turned out to not be my color at all; makes me look jaundiced. But it really brought out your eyes before! Do you want to go try it on after school?”
“Yes!” The exclamation burst out of him before Adrien could stop it. He coughed a bit to hide his excitement. “I mean, yeah, sure,” he agreed, trying to look casual. “That’ll work.”
“Ok! See you after school!”
Adrien waved goodbye (completely missing the fact that Marinette ran into a pole while she was walking away from him). He was excited. Giddy. He was going to put The Dress on again, right after school—
CRAP! Right after school?!
He dove for his phone and texted Nathalie, worried that he might have a photoshoot he’d forgotten about. To his relief, she assured him that he didn’t.
Then, the next few minutes were spent drowning in guilt as he made up a story about doing a group project with Marinette after school. Nathalie, completely oblivious, agreed easily.
It’s for a good cause, Adrien reminded himself, as he got ready for his next class. Once I get this out of my system, I’ll be fine. I’ll be able to concentrate again. I won’t have to think about The Dress ever again. It’ll be done.
After this, everything goes back to the way it was.
After school, Adrien stepped out of the building and felt his stomach drop when Marinette waved to him from where she was talking with Alya.
Oh noooo, he’d forgotten to ask her to keep it all a secret!! What if she told Alya?? What if Alya decided to post pics all over the Ladyblog?!?!
“Hey, Adrien,” Alya called slyly as he drew nearer. Adrien gulped, feeling a trickle of sweat run down the back of his neck. “Marinette says you two have a ‘special project’ you’re gonna work on together... ~Alone.~”
“Al-ya,” Marinette grumbled, pushing her bestie towards Nino. “Stop it! Don’t tease him about it! I’ll send you pics later!”
“Okay!” Alya sang happily, giving them a wink before taking Nino’s hand and practically skipping away. “I’ll see you later, kitty!!”
Adrien stared after them, confused.
“Sorry about that,” Marinette sighed beside him. “She saw us talking together, and I let it slip that you were coming over. So, now she thinks you’re going to be modelling some Chat Noir merchandise that I’ve made.”
Now I’m uncomfortable on a number of levels, he thought wildly, staring at her.
“Don’t worry!” she assured him. “It’s just a scarf and a hat and maybe the jacket—we’ll see if it fits. Then we can say you left immediately afterwards.” She gave him a wink.
Adrien breathed a sigh of relief, and they headed for the bakery.
“So… you have… Chat Noir merchandise?” he couldn’t help asking.
Marinette giggled. “I have a lot of things I make in my spare time. But superhero stuff is the best way to get Alya sidetracked whenever she starts sniffing around, and you looked uncomfortable when you asked me earlier, so I assumed you didn’t want me to tell anyone else about what we’re really doing.”
The ball of tension in Adrien’s stomach uncoiled a bit. Marinette really was perceptive sometimes. “Thanks.”
She promptly tripped on her own feet. “No problem,” she laughed, grinning awkwardly.
They got the pictures with the Chat Noir stuff done first. Both he and Marinette posed with different items, and Adrien could feel himself loosening up as they laughed together about some of their funnier poses. It was still a bit awkward, what with this being his alter-ego and all, but he had to admit, he felt a bit… touched.
Marinette truly cared about him. Both in the mask and out of it. So, when she sent the last picture to Alya and brought out The Dress with a big smile on her face, he was relaxed enough to smile back.
They both giggled a little as she shooed him into the changing area. Adrien took a deep, calming breath before he stepped out again. Marinette approached him, still smiling, and fixed a few last-minute draping issues. Then, she gestured behind him towards the mirror.
“It really does look good on you.”
Adrien turned, and this time, he couldn’t contain his squeal of glee when he saw his reflection. There she was! A bit less done-up than last time, but there was the girl he wanted to be!!
He froze as he fully-digested that last thought.
He wanted….
He wanted to be….
He looked away from the mirror, shame washing over him.
“Adrien?” he could hear Marinette ask. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” he said quietly.
“Are you sure?” she asked, sounding uneasy. “Do you want me to do your makeup and hair again?”
“No thanks.”
I can’t.
I can’t be this person I want to be.
No matter how much I might want it.
It’s not allowed. I’m not allowed.
I have duties. Responsibilities. A life. And I might not want it, but it’s the one I’ve got.
No use in pretending.
No use in dreaming.
I’ll never truly be free.
“Adrien? Adrien, why are you crying? You’re beautiful!” Marinette’s voice broke through his thoughts. He felt her hand on his shoulder. Supportive. Caring.
“I just… I just…” He couldn’t stop the hot tears streaming down his face. God, he must look awful right now! And he was getting salt-water on her clothes!! Furiously, he wiped the tears away. “I can’t—I can’t! I want to… but I can’t!!”
“Can’t what?”
Poor Marinette. She sounded so confused. Here he was, having a mental breakdown in her room, and he could even tell her why!! God, get it together, Adrien!
“I CAN’T BE WHO I WANNA BE!!” he cried, before he could stop himself. He regretted the words as soon as they came out of his mouth. “I’m sorry,” he choked out, curling in on himself again. “I shouldn’t have—”
I shouldn’t have said anything. I shouldn’t have come here at all!
Most of all, I shouldn’t have burdened you with all this crap!
“I’m sorry,” was all he managed to say.
“Oh, Adrien, don’t be sorry,” Marinette said softly, drawing him into a hug. He froze, shocked at her tenderness. “You’re my friend. Of course I wanna help you!”
His body trembled. He wanted to trust her. He wanted to tell her all about these past few days. How hard it had been, suddenly so focused on how uncomfortable he was in his own skin, suddenly seeing girls in a new light—not just, ‘oh, she looks hot,’ but ‘oh man, I bet I would rock that outfit if I just changed this, this, and this…’
…and wondering what kind of person that made him.
He didn’t even know who he was anymore.
“Please don’t tell my father,” he mumbled.
“I promise,” Marinette giggled. “If I ever have a conversation with your dad, I’m going to talk his ear off about fashion, and fashion alone, until he runs away.”
That won’t take long, Adrien thought wryly.
“Now,” she said gently, touching his arm, “do you wanna talk about it?”
Sooo badly. But….
“I don’t know what to say,” he choked out. “I don’t know—I don’t know anything anymore. I’m so confused….”
“Okay, let’s take this one step at a time,” Marinette said patiently, leading him over to sit on her chaise lounge with her. “You said you couldn’t be who you wanted to be. So…,” she paused for a bit, fishing for the right words. “Do you want to change who you are completely? Or do you just want to wear dresses from time to time?”
“I don’t know,” Adrien whispered. “I don’t know.”
God, his head was spinning a hundred miles an hour. If he wasn’t himself… if he wasn’t Adrien Agreste: model, heir, dutiful son… who was he? Who could he be?
“All right then,” Marinette said, nodding. “Why don’t we take little steps? Just dresses for now. In secret. Or, did you want to go outside in it?”
I would love to go outside in it, Adrien thought, his imagination running wild. I would love to laugh and play with you guys, my friends, while feeling freer than I do as Chat Noir. Even Chat has a reputation he has to maintain. And duties to all of Paris. But, this new girl… who I want to become….
“It doesn’t… seem wrong to you?” he rasped, looking over at Marinette. “That I’m… I’m weird?”
“You’re not weird.”
“I’m a guy,” Adrien deadpanned. “Who wants to dress like a girl.” Marinette studied him silently. And, seeing himself in her eyes, Adrien finally spoke the words he’d been dreading.
“I’m a freak.”
“You’re not a freak,” Marinette said immediately.
“I am a freak!” he insisted. “Normal guys don’t want to dress up like girls!”
“Oh, what, so you’re going to be all macho now? ‘Grr, grr, I’m the man of the house, I demand meat and potatoes and I’m gonna grow my muscles out and be mean to everyone to prove how manly I am!!’” Marinette said, deepening her voice as she gave a very bad impersonation. Adrien chuckled a bit.
“That’s not what I meant and you know it.”
“Different people like different things,” she shrugged in return. “And you and I both know how easily fashion can change. So, you like dresses. So what? It’s not like it’s hurting anybody.”
“My father will probably see it as a personal attack,” Adrien muttered.
“Your father’s self-importance issues aside, is anyone really getting hurt?” Marinette asked, raising an eyebrow. “You’re still gonna be the you inside, right? Just, maybe, a little less closed-off on the outside?”
Adrien nodded weakly. “That’s what I want,” he said breathlessly.
“Well, then, baby steps,” Marinette decided, nodding and standing up. “We’ll start with dresses and work our way up as you feel more comfortable. Do you wanna tell Alya and Nino? Alya can do a killer smokey-eye.” She winked at him.
“Maybe,” he said, still feeling uneasy. “Maybe… later?”
“Sure. We’ll take this at your pace,” she agreed. She started pacing in front of him, already thinking up plans. “When we actually go out for the first time, you’re probably gonna want a wig, so we can be sure nobody notices you…but that’s not until later. Until then, would you like me to play with your hair?” she asked.
Adrien blushed at the thought of her brushing and fixing his hair. It sounded really nice.
“If… if you wouldn’t mind?”
“Oh, Adrien,” she sighed. He looked up to see her already holding a brush and giving him the biggest shit-eating grin ever. “I thought you’d never ask.”
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