#middle aged black guy just biked by stopped and said ‘I love the way you put it all together’
micamicster · 9 months
This purple jacket was the best 15 dollar purchase I’ve ever made not a day has gone by that someone hasn’t complimented me in it 💜💕
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ratmonky · 3 years
Death Drive
Word Count: 5.5K
Warnings: non-con, mild blood, choking, biting, fight/violence, burns, tentacle
AO3 Link
A gift to my lovely friend who also drew this gorgeous piece for this fic,  @bacterialheaven​  <3 (Your art fascinates me so much ahh T^T)
Although most of the devil hunters have the life instinct, I think Hirofumi doesn't care much about survival while doing his work, making him the perfect example of an individual with a death drive. Just like Kishibe (:
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The depths of the ocean had many things hidden at the bottom where sunlight never reached. Fish still yet to be discovered, monsters and devils.
Swimming in the ocean was something you could never do since the thought of never knowing what might be hiding underneath the dark waters was horrifying.
However, the terrifying creatures of the ocean could never get you as long as you stayed on the land.  
Hitchhiking wasn’t as dangerous as you had anticipated. When you told your close friends that you would be making your way out of the city by hitchhiking, they warned you about the dangers of getting in the car with someone who might want to hurt you. No matter how much you tried to explain to them how you had to lay low and stay away from any public transportations to not get caught, they didn’t listen.
However you hadn’t listened to them either, that was why you were sitting on your luggage near the roadside. You were only a couple of towns away from the city but you still had a long way to travel.
It had taken you more than a dozen rides to get to here from where you had started. Normally it would take two hours by car to travel here but it took you eight hours to get where you were now.
It was getting late, your last ride had promised to drop you off next to a place you could stay the night but the man was too creepy to look at and you felt uneasy to be stuck in the truck with him.
Naturally, you had insisted that he dropped you off on the first roadside diner.
You regretted it now. It was the middle of the night, you didn’t have any place to stay and the roadside diner you had been planning to eat was out of your budget.
Either you had to get a ride now to save money to travel to a cheaper roadside diner or go out of your budget and stay the night here feasting on food… The latter option was the worst. Saving money was more important.
You knew how to attract a ride anyway. Smile in a friendly way, hold up your ‘going to the countryside!’ sign, and hope for the best. You wouldn’t wait any longer than between ten to fifteen minutes before hitching a ride but it was almost impossible to get a ride at night.
There was no way that someone would drive you to the next town or somewhere you could sleep. Everyone was on the edge because of the devil attacks that had started happening more frequently.
No. Don’t think about devils. Not now. Not ever.
With a long sigh, you redirected the light from your flashlight onto the map. You could wait until the morning or start walking on the side of the road until you came across a gas station; however, it all felt like a waste of time and effort. This side of the city didn’t have anything but trees on the roadsides. It could be dangerous to walk close to the forest at night too, you had heard the devils who lived in nature would come out at night.
The sound of your stomach grumbling brought you out of your frantic thoughts.
You were starving, the last thing you ate was a granola bar in the morning. It had been quite a while since you had last eaten but if you went over your budget, you might not be able to make it to your destination.
“Where are you headed?”
Startled, you turned your head to the man who was talking to you. He looked around your age, he had black hair and a rather creepy smile tugging at his lips.
“Um, the countryside.”
“Oh, you’re all alone?” he asked.
You nodded to confirm. Then internally yelled at yourself for telling him that you were alone. He could be someone dangerous.
“I’m headed to the countryside too, want me to give you a ride?” He gestured towards a black car parked in front of the diner.
You would have taken his offer if it weren’t for the sinister smile on his face.
“Thank you but I wouldn’t want to be a burden.” You averted your gaze from him and shone the light back on the map.
“It’s dangerous to be out this late at night.” He put his hands in his pockets, shrugging slightly. “I wouldn’t be able to sleep knowing I didn’t take you to safety.” He gestured towards the parked car behind him once again. “I'll give you a ride, free of charge.”
He had cornered you, there was no reason for you to refuse his offer. You were still conflicted though, you would have turned him down if it wasn’t this late in the night. He didn’t look like the type of person to take no for an answer either. You couldn’t say no to his generous offer but you kept hesitating. If you were to find the perfect excuse maybe he would leave. However, you didn’t have any excuses.
Why were you even hesitating? You needed a ride and here was this guy, offering to take you away from the doomed city. You hit the jackpot!
“A-are you sure?”
“Come on, I was about to leave.”
“Ah, I can’t thank you enough.” Gathering the stuff you had with you and putting away the flashlight, you forced yourself to smile at him. “You saved me from waiting who knows how long for another ride.”
He didn’t say anything as he led the way towards his car. Opening the baggage, he let you put your luggage in the back and closed it. As you were walking around the car to open the door and sit on the back seat, the guy spoke before he hopped on the driver seat himself.
“I have stuff in the back, sit on the front.”
You stared inside through the window to see two large black bags on the backseats. Reluctantly, you reached to open the front door and climbed inside the car.
“So, where are you exactly headed?” He asked as he put on his seatbelt.
His question brought you out of your frantic thoughts. “Somewhere remote.”
“Hmm, so no specific destination? Don’t you have a family member who’s waiting for you? Where are you going to stay?”
You didn’t have anywhere to stay. At least not yet. Your plan was to find a motel and stay somewhere remote until people forgot about you.
Most importantly, it didn’t feel like he was asking these questions to start a conversation. You changed your mind, wanting to get out of the car.
You turned your head to tell him that but his unsettling stare left you speechless.
He asked a more particular question. “Do you have a specific address you want me to drop you off to?”
“I-in front of the first cheap motel we come across would be perfect.” You clutched on your small shoulder bag. You felt nervous when people stared at you for too long.
He hummed in acknowledgment as the car rolled forward.
“You seem to have a lot of luggage. Moving somewhere?” he spoke again, taking a turn and getting on the highway.
Your head jerked up, looking at him. “Um, uh.” You were hesitant to lie. “I’m just backpacking around the country.”
“Wouldn’t it be cheaper to bike instead of hitchhiking?” He wasn’t even facing you but you could tell he was smirking at your utter stupidity. “Or rather do it with a group?”
Although your throat felt dry, you didn’t dare to swallow. “Probably but I wanted to have a little adventure for myself, alone.”
“Don’t backpackers usually have a backpack and not a luggage?”
“I just have too many things I need with me.” Ahh, you were so bad at lying. Stop fidgeting with your fingers and looking around like that. He will notice. Just… change the subject. “A-anyway, I don’t think we introduced ourselves. I’m (name), what’s your name?”
“Hirofumi.” He grabbed the gear shift, changing it to a higher level and speeding up. You sank deeper into your seat and started to panic. Only then you realized you hadn’t put on your own seatbelt. While you were hurriedly trying to put it on, Hirofumi pressed on the cigarette lighter button. You hoped he wasn’t going to smoke inside the car but failed to notice how there weren't any cigarette tar stains on the interior of the car.
He took a sharp turn, you grunted but managed to put your seatbelt on. As you sat back in your seat, the first thing you noticed was that he was driving down towards a road leading towards the forest.
“Um, I think you took a wrong turn,” you said, bringing it up to his attention.
“It’s a shortcut.” He kept his eyes on the road that was only being illuminated by the headlights, everything else was dark, you had no idea what kind of shortcut he was taking.
There was this feeling of being in the middle of the ocean. You could feel something sinister was lingering in the deep dark water underneath you. Something was about to emerge and grab you by your ankle, pull you down, and drown you.
You knew how to swim.
However, could you swim if whatever thing was pulling you down turned out to be a lot stronger and scarier than anything you had ever faced?
Could you struggle when you were this weak?
Could you fight when you had nothing to fight with?
Without your weapons.
Without your badge.
Without your devil.
“You know, hitchhiking was a great idea,” he said, his fingers drumming on the steering wheel as he continued smiling. “It was a smart option but for someone as dumb as you, there was a way to ruin it. You went and told all of your dumb friends about your plan.”
You stared at him for some sort of explanation but you didn’t need any. Yet you still asked him, whimpering, “W-what are you talking about?” Your bottom lip had started trembling.
He knew.
“For a devil hunter, your sense of danger is too low.”
A tremendous wave of panic washed over you when he sped up.
“Who are you?” Did you even need to ask? He was one of those private hunters. Makima had most likely sent him after you.
Despite being a devil hunter from the city, you were now weak. You had resigned from your work without notice and broke the deal with your devil. Although it had been an impending decision rather than a sudden one, you had left your work abruptly.
After watching so many people die and losing who you had thought would be your friends for a long time, the bitter truth of being a devil hunter had resurfaced.
Devil hunters were destined to die on the job, sooner or later.
The money you earned from being a devil hunter could let you live in comfort materialistically until the day you died but having to suffer from nightmares every single time you put your head on the pillow or closed your eyes could never be comforting. It wasn’t worth it.
You didn’t want to lose more people or see any more grotesque devils murdering civilians but once you started working under Makima’s orders, leaving wasn’t that easy.
That’s why you were on the run.
Even though you had sworn to protect the people of your country, you were running away from the job that gave you a purpose to your insignificant life like a coward.
How childish.
The cigarette lighter popped off with a soft click sound, bringing you out of your hectic thoughts.
He was taking you back… He was going to hand you over to Makima. You were going to work until you died.
“You should’ve gone up north, going south was predictable. Well, at least if you hadn’t told your friends about the hitchhiking part, maybe you’d go under everyone’s radar. However you’re a chatty one, aren’t you? Some ‘friendship comes before work’ type of person, huh? That would explain a lot-”
Hirofumi’s words didn’t reach you anymore. The color drained from your face and your ears started ringing. Your whole body started to shake, and tears started streaming down your cheeks. “Please,” you sobbed, your voice came out shaky, pathetic. “Please don’t do this. I did nothing. I’m just tired of all of the deaths and I can’t handle it any-”
“You can’t talk your way out of this,” Hirofumi said as he took another sharp turn, driving deeper into the forest.
You found yourself stuttering, ”Y-you don’t understand.” You looked at Hirofumi with tears in your eyes. “I’ll be killed.”
“What are you so unhappy with?” Hirofumi spoke again but he wasn’t even facing you. “It’s not like you were living contentedly up until now, were you? In that case, it makes no difference where you live or what you do for a living. Or if you’re killed or not.”
Your face found a new shade of pale. He wouldn’t understand. He was one of those crazy devil hunters who had shut their humanity off.
“You only had to kill demons for a bit and you got rice every day. It might as well be heaven but I guess you weren’t a real hunter.” His smile grew wider as he was watching the trees creep towards him slowly before zooming past the window. “You can die in peace now.”
You got quiet but your tears didn’t stop.
With a vicious smile on his lips, Hirofumi turned away to face you. “You know, a pro devil hunter wouldn’t cry.”
Everything was spinning, it made you believe that your head felt fuzzy. It didn’t even occur to you that he was driving at a normal speed now. Almost immediately you tried to think of an escape plan. Could you manage to run away if you were taken to the headquarters? There was no way you could and that was why you had to fight with everything you had to refuse to go with him. You looked out of the window, the forest could be a great way to lose him. The trees and the darkness could cover you, giving you the advantage to sneak away without having to face this guy in a battle. What was your next move going to be?
You didn’t know but you had to get away.
You stared at the door lock, it was locked but you could lift it even without him noticing. The speed was still accelerating but if you managed to jump out of the car you would have a head start by running. The car wouldn’t stop until his shock wore off and that would give you the great advantage of looking for a place to hide.
There weren’t many people or devils out in the forest at this time of the night. Hopefully. It would be easy for you to run without being seen by another person who could tell him where you went.
What if a devil attacked-
Getting overwhelmed, you took a sharp breath and exhaled loudly. You had to calm down. You didn’t have much time to think over the plan, you just had to do it. If you waited for too long you were going to lose this chance of getting away.
Hesitantly, you glanced at Hirofumi. To your luck, he was only focused on driving.
Cone on. Come on. Come on.
Your heart was pounding, a single cold sweat droplet trickled down from the burning skin of your temple to your cheek as you carefully and suddenly unlocked the door. But you forgot about the most important thing. Your seatbelt. Your biggest mistake was forgetting to unbuckle your seatbelt. As you had twisted your body to jump out of the car, you had found yourself stuck, slammed back into your seat from the force of the seatbelt itself.
Hirofumi stared at you as if it wasn’t a big deal that you opened the door of the moving vehicle or how you were trying to escape. He lifted his right hand up while he crossed his middle and index fingers, “Octopus.”
Your blood ran cold as a giant tentacle emerged outside of the car from a dark cloud and slammed the door closed. You were frozen in your seat as if your muscles had dried up and turned to stone.
What was that?
No, you didn’t want to know.
The car decelerated until it slowly rolled to a stop.
You didn’t dare to look at Hirofumi but you knew he was smiling at you. You knew he had that sinister smile plastered on his face, glowering at you with his big dark eyes.
He turned off the engine, the headlights flickered off and it became pitch black. Darker than black. It all swallowed you whole. It was as if light didn't exist, the only thing you could see was the dangerous glint in his eyes.
Hirofumi calmly plucked off the burning hot cigarette lighter and held his hand out towards you but you couldn't see. “Ms. Makima told me to bring you to the headquarters,” he said, pausing momentarily as you were trembling in fear, unable to move a muscle. “Dead or alive. I get paid either way.”
You gulped audibly. This was it, wasn’t it? The end.
There was another long pause before he sighed and pressed the cigarette lighter on your thigh. “Look me in the eye when I’m talking to you.”
The sharp pain made your eyes widen and your mouth popped open in pain. You could run away, you just had to unbuckle the seatbelt and bolt out of the car.
However, as soon as your hand went to the buckle to pop the latch plate out, he firmly pressed the metal lighter on the back of your hand.
Yowling in agony, you refused to retrieve your hand and instead unbuckled your seatbelt. Without giving him another chance to attack, you opened the door.
As soon as you fell on the mud, you took a couple of wobbly steps before finally gaining your strength and used the ground as a springboard to start running without looking back. Things weren't as dark now, you could see well but you still were confused about things. Without actually having a clear idea of your whereabouts you kept running deeper into the forest but you couldn’t run in a straight line, you had to confuse him with which way you were running. Abruptly, you stopped to look around to see where you could run. The sudden movements made you lose your balance, stumble and fall down. You scraped your knees. Without checking your injuries, you got up to make a sudden bolt to your right.
Your own heavy footsteps were echoing each time your foot made contact with the wet mud. Or... no. Those weren't echoes of your own footsteps they were more like- They belonged to someone else-
“You’re running too slow.” A scoff.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw him running next to you. He wasn’t out of breath like you were but he lifted his hand towards you, pointing his forefinger at your face before crossing his middle finger over the other digit.
He was going to call out his devil again.
With a sob, you made a move to change your direction but it was too late.
Black smoke appeared behind him. From the dark mist, a tentacle emerged, abruptly grabbing you by the waist, you flailed violently as soon as your body crashed onto the tentacle. It lifted you up, punching the air out of your lungs from the force of its grip around your body. You started hitting the tentacle’s slimy skin, crying and yelling at the same time. “Let me go, let go!”
Hirofumi pressed his hand on the tentacle and walked towards you while dragging his hand on it. “You’re more fun than I thought.”
As he was getting closer, you struggled within the tentacle’s hold by kicking helplessly at the air. “Get away from me!”
He stopped in front of you and looked up at you with that same disturbing smile before tapping on the tentacle twice. “I took a liking to you.” The tentacle lowered you down until Hirofumi tapped on it again to stop. “You’re quite interesting.”
The tentacle tightened its grip around you and forced your arms to be pressed against your chest. You were getting crushed, you kept trying to inhale but no air was going inside your lungs.
“However it still would be less of a hassle for me to take your corpse to Ms. Makima. You’re just too annoying.”
Fear came rushing back, the bitter reality of how insignificant your life was a harsh truth to accept. Hirofumi could kill you without batting an eye, he would be fine with taking your life because at the end of the day he was going to get paid for doing his job.
You opened your mouth to beg for his mercy but nothing would come out. Your face was turning blue from lack of air instead.
Hirofumi said something you couldn’t hear. Instantly the tentacle’s hold loosened around you. With the pressure gone,  you greedily inhaled air, filling up your lungs and coughing.
“I’ll make it quick,” he said, this time frowning instead of smiling. “What a shame though, I thought we’d be able to work together in the future.”
“W-wait!” you coughed, trying to catch your breath to talk to him. “No, no, no! Please, I’ll do anything. Please,  I won’t try to run again, I’ll sit patiently and- and-”
He was very quiet, almost silent, but resolute. The blood in your face drained away when you heard his cold and terrifying tone asking you a question with three simple words, “You’ll do anything?”
Your eyes widened as you tried to process the meaning behind his words, you could feel your blood being pumped through your veins but something was wrong, there was a heavy feeling of something crawling under your skin.
“I’ll do anything.”
That sinister smile returned to his face.
The tentacle lowered you, now, your feet could touch the solid ground.
“I want you to prove me wrong,” he said, stretching his arms above his head.
“Huh?” The tentacle unwrapped around you but remained at the back while you stared at the guy in front of you in confusion. “Prove what?”
He positioned himself in a fighting pose. “Prove that you’re a devil hunter worth keeping alive. Let’s duke it out.”
He had to be kidding. You were nothing without a weapon or your devil. It was unfair to you and-
Hirofumi landed a sudden kick on your stomach, doubling in pain, you took a couple of wobbly steps back.
When you glanced up at him, you saw him jumping in his place as if he was only warming up. He was taunting you, don’t fall for it.
Yet you knew he wasn’t kidding about you proving him that you were a good hunter. He had made it clear. So you had no choice but to take him down if you wanted to live.
You aimed a kick towards him but he caught you mid-air by your ankle. Whimpering, you tried pulling your leg back to no avail. The panic of the situation started to settle in as he got closer to you. “That’s cute, you didn’t even put any strength behind your kick.” He tucked your leg around his waist, closing the distance between the two of you. His face had gotten awfully close, his hot breath ghosted over your face. For the first time tonight, you looked at his eyes directly, his pupils were dilated to the point of being completely black. You could see your own terrified expression being reflected back to you in them. To put it simply, you were at his mercy once again, balanced only on a single leg with no way of escaping his hold.
“You lose,” he grinned. “You really aren’t cut out to be a devil hunter.”
“Please,” you began but he interrupted you, his other hand pressing on the small of your back and sliding down your curves to squeeze a generous amount of the supple flesh of your ass. Your breath hitched, the uneasy feeling of being powerless against a higher rank like him made your stomach churn in fear.
“Let’s have some fun before you die.” You could hear the smile in his voice.
With that, the tentacle returned, abruptly going under your shirt, pulling it up and over your head. You didn’t even get the time to react as Hirofumi let your leg down to shove you forward against the tentacle. Gasping, you planted your hands against the tentacle in a pathetic attempt to push yourself up but it was now impossible with his weight pressing you down. His hands were holding your hips in a death grip and rubbing your clothed ass onto his own clothed crotch. You were moving away from his hips helplessly, unaware of the tentacle pushing your bra up to let your tits bounce free. Only when the cool air hit your bare chest, you became aware of what the tentacle was doing. Your nipples perked up and the slimy skin caressing your skin made you flinch, the feeling of one of its suckers on your nipple was enough to make you shriek in disgust.
Hirofumi chuckled, his hands on your hips slid up, feeling your curves before dragging you against his clothed cock. He couldn’t help but grab your hair to pull it as he grinded against your ass with a little too much force. You could feel him growing bigger, he had to be a twisted creep to get off to this.
“Stop… no more…” Begging, you turned your head to look at him. With the way he was pressing you down, you couldn’t meet his gaze, instead found your cheek being pressed flat against the tentacle. Ignoring your pleads, Hirofumi pulled himself back to yank your pants down hurriedly as the tentacle latched one of the suckers on your nipple, toying with the sensitive nub. You started to breathe hard as the realization of how vulnerable you actually were hit you hard. All you could do was to pathetically attempt to get away from Hirofumi to be assaulted by the tentacle instead.
Then the loud sound of his belt buckling made you jolt, the tears and begging for him to stop came right after. You would do anything for him to stop. However your cries were ineffective, they didn’t stop him from pulling down your panties and drinking up the sight of your naked lower half. They only seemed to spur him on even more.
“Stop…” you whimpered and struggled. Tears started streaming down your face as a choked sob left your lips. He smiled against the skin on your shoulder in response while lining himself on your entrance. Twisting your arm behind your back to keep you still, he put his entire weight behind his hips to surge them forward and buried the entire length of his cock in your cunt.
Wincing, you gasped. Hirofumi took it as a signal to move. You were awfully wet, each time he pulled back himself to slam his hips forward, the squelching sounds of your pussy filled the silence of the forest. If that wasn't gross enough, your cheek was being grazed against the slimy skin of the tentacle, its fishy stench started to overwhelm you, making you gag.
“Ahh, you like this don’t you?” He tentatively pulled his hips back to abruptly slam them into your pussy.
“No…” You bit back a moan, closing your eyes and begging for all of it to stop internally.
“You’re getting off to this, you’re sopping wet.” Hirofumi mounted you completely, you could feel his entire weight settle on your back. “Be a good girl for me, will you? Be honest, it’s just the two of us here.”
You grumbled in response.
“Makima isn’t listening.” He nosed some hair out of his way to whisper in your ear. “Only I will hear your confessions. You can tell me anything, trust me.”
“Go to hell,” you hissed. If he was going to kill you, so be it! You weren’t going to give him the pleasure of humiliating you. All you had left was your pride and you were planning to keep it until the very end.
He slammed his hips forward, hitting your sweet spot on the first try. His firm thrust was all it took for you to silently scream, with the air in your lungs completely gone from the impact, you were clenching around his cock. You opened your mouth to take in some air but the tentacle wrapped around your neck, squeezing tightly around you to prevent you from breathing. The tip of the tentacle forced its way into your mouth and swirled around your tongue before diving deeper down into your throat. Hirofumi placed his hand on the tentacle, tapping twice for it to loosen around your neck. The tentacle left your mouth with a disgusting pop sound. Then he replaced the tentacle with his own hand, shoving his fingers into your mouth and grabbing you from the inside of your cheek.
Now, when he thrust forward and picked up his pace, you couldn’t bite back your moans. To your utter horror, it worked. Every thrust of his hips left you moaning, gasping for air. His merciless, rough thrusts remarkably sped up, especially in comparison to before. He was humping you like a rabid dog now and he responded to your surprised moan with a long, pleased hum.
Your drool started to spill out from your mouth and down to your chin since you didn’t have the luxury to swallow the saliva with three long digits prying your mouth open. You moaned audibly and threw your head back when his cock stroked a specific spot along your insides, Hirofumi took this opportunity to bite into your nape hard enough to draw blood, on a second note, you started to think he could be an actually rabid dog.
A scream left your lips, more out of pleasure than pain.
Hirofumi’s teeth sank deeper into your flesh as he felt your gummy walls pulsate around his cock, clenching and begging to be filled with his seed. He gave a muffled chuckle against your flesh, chewing on the raw skin. Although you weren’t honest in the slightest, your body was.
The tentacle’s tip went between your legs and the sucker latched onto your clit, catching you by surprise and making your entire body shake in pleasure.
How cute.
With a delighted smile, Hirofumi stopped biting your nape. He licked your blood off of your skin all the while he was fucking you frenziedly, thrusting in and out your pussy with sloppily wet sounds that started to make your knees unbuckle. Swallowing down your pride, you gave in to the pleasure so you could move your hips and arch your back to meet his frantic thrusts. At the same time, the tentacle toyed with the sensitive nub. It all made your legs trembled under you as your moans got louder than before.
Hirofumi's pace suddenly slackened when his cock throbbed upon your walls clamping on him. Taking his hand from your mouth, he placed it on your shoulder to grab you. He pulled his hips back and abruptly slammed forward, punching the air out of your lungs one last time as you felt the slight twitch of his balls on your skin before a pleasing warmth filled your belly.
The tentacle moved in tight circles around your clit and you clenched around Hirofumi’s cock for the last time, milking more of his seed using your pulsating walls inside of your cunt. Even after the tentacle left you alone, Hirofumi continued fucking his cum into your pussy, gross squelching sounds from his seed gushing out from your abused hole had become a white noise to you at this point. By the time he pulled out of you and let you go, your legs gave up from under you. Before you could crash on the dirty mud, the tentacle caught you, holding you up in a gentle grip.
Hirofumi was tucking himself into his pants while you watched him in exhaustion. He noticed your stare and gave you the same unsettling smile. “I think you’d be a great devil hunter if you were partnered up with me. Makima would agree if I said so. Won’t you agree too?”
You couldn’t keep your eyes open anymore but you managed to blink slowly in response, mouthing a ‘yes’ in defeat.
Hirofumi’s eerie smile grew wider, his eyes squinted from his cheeks puffing up. “I look forward to working with you in the future.”
The depths of the ocean had many things hidden at the bottom where sunlight never reached. Fish still yet to be discovered, monsters and devils.
Swimming in the ocean was something you could never do since the thought of never knowing what might be hiding underneath the dark waters was horrifying.
However, the terrifying creatures of the ocean could never get you as long as you stayed on the land.  
Hitchhiking wasn’t as dangerous as you had anticipated. When you told your close friends that you would be making your way out of the city by hitchhiking, they warned you about the dangers of getting in the car with someone who might want to hurt you. No matter how much you tried to explain to them how you had to lay low and stay away from any public transportations to not get caught, they didn’t listen.
However you hadn’t listened to them either, that was why you were sitting on your luggage near the roadside. You were only a couple of towns away from the city but you still had a long way to travel.
It had taken you more than a dozen rides to get to here from where you had started. Normally it would take two hours by car to travel here but it took you eight hours to get where you were now.
It was getting late, your last ride had promised to drop you off next to a place you could stay the night but the man was too creepy to look at and you felt uneasy to be stuck in the truck with him.
Naturally, you had insisted that he dropped you off on the first roadside diner.
You regretted it now. It was the middle of the night, you didn’t have any place to stay and the roadside diner you had been planning to eat was out of your budget.
Either you had to get a ride now to save money to travel to a cheaper roadside diner or go out of your budget and stay the night here feasting on food… The latter option was the worst. Saving money was more important.
You knew how to attract a ride anyway. Smile in a friendly way, hold up your ‘going to the countryside!’ sign, and hope for the best. You wouldn’t wait any longer than between ten to fifteen minutes before hitching a ride but it was almost impossible to get a ride at night.
There was no way that someone would drive you to the next town or somewhere you could sleep. Everyone was on the edge because of the devil attacks that had started happening more frequently.
No. Don’t think about devils. Not now. Not ever.
With a long sigh, you redirected the light from your flashlight onto the map. You could wait until the morning or start walking on the side of the road until you came across a gas station; however, it all felt like a waste of time and effort. This side of the city didn’t have anything but trees on the roadsides. It could be dangerous to walk close to the forest at night too, you had heard the devils who lived in nature would come out at night.
The sound of your stomach grumbling brought you out of your frantic thoughts.
You were starving, the last thing you ate was a granola bar in the morning. It had been quite a while since you had last eaten but if you went over your budget, you might not be able to make it to your destination.
“Where are you headed?”
Startled, you turned your head to the man who was talking to you. He looked around your age, he had black hair and a rather creepy smile tugging at his lips.
“Um, the countryside.”
“Oh, you’re all alone?” he asked.
You nodded to confirm. Then internally yelled at yourself for telling him that you were alone. He could be someone dangerous.
“I’m headed to the countryside too, want me to give you a ride?” He gestured towards a black car parked in front of the diner.
You would have taken his offer if it weren’t for the sinister smile on his face.
“Thank you but I wouldn’t want to be a burden.” You averted your gaze from him and shone the light back on the map.
“It’s dangerous to be out this late at night.” He put his hands in his pockets, shrugging slightly. “I wouldn’t be able to sleep knowing I didn’t take you to safety.” He gestured towards the parked car behind him once again. “I'll give you a ride, free of charge.”
He had cornered you, there was no reason for you to refuse his offer. You were still conflicted though, you would have turned him down if it wasn’t this late in the night. He didn’t look like the type of person to take no for an answer either. You couldn’t say no to his generous offer but you kept hesitating. If you were to find the perfect excuse maybe he would leave. However, you didn’t have any excuses.
Why were you even hesitating? You needed a ride and here was this guy, offering to take you away from the doomed city. You hit the jackpot!
“A-are you sure?”
“Come on, I was about to leave.”
“Ah, I can’t thank you enough.” Gathering the stuff you had with you and putting away the flashlight, you forced yourself to smile at him. “You saved me from waiting who knows how long for another ride.”
He didn’t say anything as he led the way towards his car. Opening the baggage, he let you put your luggage in the back and closed it. As you were walking around the car to open the door and sit on the back seat, the guy spoke before he hopped on the driver seat himself.
“I have stuff in the back, sit on the front.”
You stared inside through the window to see two large black bags on the backseats. Reluctantly, you reached to open the front door and climbed inside the car.
“So, where are you exactly headed?” He asked as he put on his seatbelt.
His question brought you out of your frantic thoughts. “Somewhere remote.”
“Hmm, so no specific destination? Don’t you have a family member who’s waiting for you? Where are you going to stay?”
You didn’t have anywhere to stay. At least not yet. Your plan was to find a motel and stay somewhere remote until people forgot about you.
Most importantly, it didn’t feel like he was asking these questions to start a conversation. You changed your mind, wanting to get out of the car.
You turned your head to tell him that but his unsettling stare left you speechless.
He asked a more particular question. “Do you have a specific address you want me to drop you off to?”
“I-in front of the first cheap motel we come across would be perfect.” You clutched on your small shoulder bag. You felt nervous when people stared at you for too long.
He hummed in acknowledgment as the car rolled forward.
“You seem to have a lot of luggage. Moving somewhere?” he spoke again, taking a turn and getting on the highway.
Your head jerked up, looking at him. “Um, uh.” You were hesitant to lie. “I’m just backpacking around the country.”
“Wouldn’t it be cheaper to bike instead of hitchhiking?” He wasn’t even facing you but you could tell he was smirking at your utter stupidity. “Or rather do it with a group?”
Although your throat felt dry, you didn’t dare to swallow. “Probably but I wanted to have a little adventure for myself, alone.”
“Don’t backpackers usually have a backpack and not a luggage?”
“I just have too many things I need with me.” Ahh, you were so bad at lying. Stop fidgeting with your fingers and looking around like that. He will notice. Just… change the subject. “A-anyway, I don’t think we introduced ourselves. I’m (name), what’s your name?”
“Hirofumi.” He grabbed the gear shift, changing it to a higher level and speeding up. You sank deeper into your seat and started to panic. Only then you realized you hadn’t put on your own seatbelt. While you were hurriedly trying to put it on, Hirofumi pressed on the cigarette lighter button. You hoped he wasn’t going to smoke inside the car but failed to notice how there weren't any cigarette tar stains on the interior of the car.
He took a sharp turn, you grunted but managed to put your seatbelt on. As you sat back in your seat, the first thing you noticed was that he was driving down towards a road leading towards the forest.
“Um, I think you took a wrong turn,” you said, bringing it up to his attention.
“It’s a shortcut.” He kept his eyes on the road that was only being illuminated by the headlights, everything else was dark, you had no idea what kind of shortcut he was taking.
There was this feeling of being in the middle of the ocean. You could feel something sinister was lingering in the deep dark water underneath you. Something was about to emerge and grab you by your ankle, pull you down, and drown you.
You knew how to swim.
However, could you swim if whatever thing was pulling you down turned out to be a lot stronger and scarier than anything you had ever faced?
Could you struggle when you were this weak?
Could you fight when you had nothing to fight with?
Without your weapons.
Without your badge.
Without your devil.
“You know, hitchhiking was a great idea,” he said, his fingers drumming on the steering wheel as he continued smiling. “It was a smart option but for someone as dumb as you, there was a way to ruin it. You went and told all of your dumb friends about your plan.”
You stared at him for some sort of explanation but you didn’t need any. Yet you still asked him, whimpering, “W-what are you talking about?” Your bottom lip had started trembling.
He knew.
“For a devil hunter, your sense of danger is too low.”
A tremendous wave of panic washed over you when he sped up.
“Who are you?” Did you even need to ask? He was one of those private hunters. Makima had most likely sent him after you.
Despite being a devil hunter from the city, you were now weak. You had resigned from your work without notice and broke the deal with your devil. Although it had been an impending decision rather than a sudden one, you had left your work abruptly.
After watching so many people die and losing who you had thought would be your friends for a long time, the bitter truth of being a devil hunter had resurfaced.
Devil hunters were destined to die on the job, sooner or later.
The money you earned from being a devil hunter could let you live in comfort materialistically until the day you died but having to suffer from nightmares every single time you put your head on the pillow or closed your eyes could never be comforting. It wasn’t worth it.
You didn’t want to lose more people or see any more grotesque devils murdering civilians but once you started working under Makima’s orders, leaving wasn’t that easy.
That’s why you were on the run.
Even though you had sworn to protect the people of your country, you were running away from the job that gave you a purpose to your insignificant life like a coward.
How childish.
The cigarette lighter popped off with a soft click sound, bringing you out of your hectic thoughts.
He was taking you back… He was going to hand you over to Makima. You were going to work until you died.
“You should’ve gone up north, going south was predictable. Well, at least if you hadn’t told your friends about the hitchhiking part, maybe you’d go under everyone’s radar. However you’re a chatty one, aren’t you? Some ‘friendship comes before work’ type of person, huh? That would explain a lot-”
Hirofumi’s words didn’t reach you anymore. The color drained from your face and your ears started ringing. Your whole body started to shake, and tears started streaming down your cheeks. “Please,” you sobbed, your voice came out shaky, pathetic. “Please don’t do this. I did nothing. I’m just tired of all of the deaths and I can’t handle it any-”
“You can’t talk your way out of this,” Hirofumi said as he took another sharp turn, driving deeper into the forest.
You found yourself stuttering, ”Y-you don’t understand.” You looked at Hirofumi with tears in your eyes. “I’ll be killed.”
“What are you so unhappy with?” Hirofumi spoke again but he wasn’t even facing you. “It’s not like you were living contentedly up until now, were you? In that case, it makes no difference where you live or what you do for a living. Or if you’re killed or not.”
Your face found a new shade of pale. He wouldn’t understand. He was one of those crazy devil hunters who had shut their humanity off.
“You only had to kill demons for a bit and you got rice every day. It might as well be heaven but I guess you weren’t a real hunter.” His smile grew wider as he was watching the trees creep towards him slowly before zooming past the window. “You can die in peace now.”
You got quiet but your tears didn’t stop.
With a vicious smile on his lips, Hirofumi turned away to face you. “You know, a pro devil hunter wouldn’t cry.”
Everything was spinning, it made you believe that your head felt fuzzy. It didn’t even occur to you that he was driving at a normal speed now. Almost immediately you tried to think of an escape plan. Could you manage to run away if you were taken to the headquarters? There was no way you could and that was why you had to fight with everything you had to refuse to go with him. You looked out of the window, the forest could be a great way to lose him. The trees and the darkness could cover you, giving you the advantage to sneak away without having to face this guy in a battle. What was your next move going to be?
You didn’t know but you had to get away.
You stared at the door lock, it was locked but you could lift it even without him noticing. The speed was still accelerating but if you managed to jump out of the car you would have a head start by running. The car wouldn’t stop until his shock wore off and that would give you the great advantage of looking for a place to hide.
There weren’t many people or devils out in the forest at this time of the night. Hopefully. It would be easy for you to run without being seen by another person who could tell him where you went.
What if a devil attacked-
Getting overwhelmed, you took a sharp breath and exhaled loudly. You had to calm down. You didn’t have much time to think over the plan, you just had to do it. If you waited for too long you were going to lose this chance of getting away.
Hesitantly, you glanced at Hirofumi. To your luck, he was only focused on driving.
Cone on. Come on. Come on.
Your heart was pounding, a single cold sweat droplet trickled down from the burning skin of your temple to your cheek as you carefully and suddenly unlocked the door. But you forgot about the most important thing. Your seatbelt. Your biggest mistake was forgetting to unbuckle your seatbelt. As you had twisted your body to jump out of the car, you had found yourself stuck, slammed back into your seat from the force of the seatbelt itself.
Hirofumi stared at you as if it wasn’t a big deal that you opened the door of the moving vehicle or how you were trying to escape. He lifted his right hand up while he crossed his middle and index fingers, “Octopus.”
Your blood ran cold as a giant tentacle emerged outside of the car from a dark cloud and slammed the door closed. You were frozen in your seat as if your muscles had dried up and turned to stone.
What was that?
No, you didn’t want to know.
The car decelerated until it slowly rolled to a stop.
You didn’t dare to look at Hirofumi but you knew he was smiling at you. You knew he had that sinister smile plastered on his face, glowering at you with his big dark eyes.
He turned off the engine, the headlights flickered off and it became pitch black. Darker than black. It all swallowed you whole. It was as if light didn't exist, the only thing you could see was the dangerous glint in his eyes.
Hirofumi calmly plucked off the burning hot cigarette lighter and held his hand out towards you but you couldn't see. “Ms. Makima told me to bring you to the headquarters,” he said, pausing momentarily as you were trembling in fear, unable to move a muscle. “Dead or alive. I get paid either way.”
You gulped audibly. This was it, wasn’t it? The end.
There was another long pause before he sighed and pressed the cigarette lighter on your thigh. “Look me in the eye when I’m talking to you.”
The sharp pain made your eyes widen and your mouth popped open in pain. You could run away, you just had to unbuckle the seatbelt and bolt out of the car.
However, as soon as your hand went to the buckle to pop the latch plate out, he firmly pressed the metal lighter on the back of your hand.
Yowling in agony, you refused to retrieve your hand and instead unbuckled your seatbelt. Without giving him another chance to attack, you opened the door.
As soon as you fell on the mud, you took a couple of wobbly steps before finally gaining your strength and used the ground as a springboard to start running without looking back. Things weren't as dark now, you could see well but you still were confused about things. Without actually having a clear idea of your whereabouts you kept running deeper into the forest but you couldn’t run in a straight line, you had to confuse him with which way you were running. Abruptly, you stopped to look around to see where you could run. The sudden movements made you lose your balance, stumble and fall down. You scraped your knees. Without checking your injuries, you got up to make a sudden bolt to your right.
Your own heavy footsteps were echoing each time your foot made contact with the wet mud. Or... no. Those weren't echoes of your own footsteps they were more like- They belonged to someone else-
“You’re running too slow.” A scoff.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw him running next to you. He wasn’t out of breath like you were but he lifted his hand towards you, pointing his forefinger at your face before crossing his middle finger over the other digit.
He was going to call out his devil again.
With a sob, you made a move to change your direction but it was too late.
Black smoke appeared behind him. From the dark mist, a tentacle emerged, abruptly grabbing you by the waist, you flailed violently as soon as your body crashed onto the tentacle. It lifted you up, punching the air out of your lungs from the force of its grip around your body. You started hitting the tentacle’s slimy skin, crying and yelling at the same time. “Let me go, let go!”
Hirofumi pressed his hand on the tentacle and walked towards you while dragging his hand on it. “You’re more fun than I thought.”
As he was getting closer, you struggled within the tentacle’s hold by kicking helplessly at the air. “Get away from me!”
He stopped in front of you and looked up at you with that same disturbing smile before tapping on the tentacle twice. “I took a liking to you.” The tentacle lowered you down until Hirofumi tapped on it again to stop. “You’re quite interesting.”
The tentacle tightened its grip around you and forced your arms to be pressed against your chest. You were getting crushed, you kept trying to inhale but no air was going inside your lungs.
“However it still would be less of a hassle for me to take your corpse to Ms. Makima. You’re just too annoying.”
Fear came rushing back, the bitter reality of how insignificant your life was a harsh truth to accept. Hirofumi could kill you without batting an eye, he would be fine with taking your life because at the end of the day he was going to get paid for doing his job.
You opened your mouth to beg for his mercy but nothing would come out. Your face was turning blue from lack of air instead.
Hirofumi said something you couldn’t hear. Instantly the tentacle’s hold loosened around you. With the pressure gone,  you greedily inhaled air, filling up your lungs and coughing.
“I’ll make it quick,” he said, this time frowning instead of smiling. “What a shame though, I thought we’d be able to work together in the future.”
“W-wait!” you coughed, trying to catch your breath to talk to him. “No, no, no! Please, I’ll do anything. Please,  I won’t try to run again, I’ll sit patiently and- and-”
He was very quiet, almost silent, but resolute. The blood in your face drained away when you heard his cold and terrifying tone asking you a question with three simple words, “You’ll do anything?”
Your eyes widened as you tried to process the meaning behind his words, you could feel your blood being pumped through your veins but something was wrong, there was a heavy feeling of something crawling under your skin.
“I’ll do anything.”
That sinister smile returned to his face.
The tentacle lowered you, now, your feet could touch the solid ground.
“I want you to prove me wrong,” he said, stretching his arms above his head.
“Huh?” The tentacle unwrapped around you but remained at the back while you stared at the guy in front of you in confusion. “Prove what?”
He positioned himself in a fighting pose. “Prove that you’re a devil hunter worth keeping alive. Let’s duke it out.”
He had to be kidding. You were nothing without a weapon or your devil. It was unfair to you and-
Hirofumi landed a sudden kick on your stomach, doubling in pain, you took a couple of wobbly steps back.
When you glanced up at him, you saw him jumping in his place as if he was only warming up. He was taunting you, don’t fall for it.
Yet you knew he wasn’t kidding about you proving him that you were a good hunter. He had made it clear. So you had no choice but to take him down if you wanted to live.
You aimed a kick towards him but he caught you mid-air by your ankle. Whimpering, you tried pulling your leg back to no avail. The panic of the situation started to settle in as he got closer to you. “That’s cute, you didn’t even put any strength behind your kick.” He tucked your leg around his waist, closing the distance between the two of you. His face had gotten awfully close, his hot breath ghosted over your face. For the first time tonight, you looked at his eyes directly, his pupils were dilated to the point of being completely black. You could see your own terrified expression being reflected back to you in them. To put it simply, you were at his mercy once again, balanced only on a single leg with no way of escaping his hold.
“You lose,” he grinned. “You really aren’t cut out to be a devil hunter.”
“Please,” you began but he interrupted you, his other hand pressing on the small of your back and sliding down your curves to squeeze a generous amount of the supple flesh of your ass. Your breath hitched, the uneasy feeling of being powerless against a higher rank like him made your stomach churn in fear.
“Let’s have some fun before you die.” You could hear the smile in his voice.
With that, the tentacle returned, abruptly going under your shirt, pulling it up and over your head. You didn’t even get the time to react as Hirofumi let your leg down to shove you forward against the tentacle. Gasping, you planted your hands against the tentacle in a pathetic attempt to push yourself up but it was now impossible with his weight pressing you down. His hands were holding your hips in a death grip and rubbing your clothed ass onto his own clothed crotch. You were moving away from his hips helplessly, unaware of the tentacle pushing your bra up to let your tits bounce free. Only when the cool air hit your bare chest, you became aware of what the tentacle was doing. Your nipples perked up and the slimy skin caressing your skin made you flinch, the feeling of one of its suckers on your nipple was enough to make you shriek in disgust.
Hirofumi chuckled, his hands on your hips slid up, feeling your curves before dragging you against his clothed cock. He couldn’t help but grab your hair to pull it as he grinded against your ass with a little too much force. You could feel him growing bigger, he had to be a twisted creep to get off to this.
“Stop… no more…” Begging, you turned your head to look at him. With the way he was pressing you down, you couldn’t meet his gaze, instead found your cheek being pressed flat against the tentacle. Ignoring your pleads, Hirofumi pulled himself back to yank your pants down hurriedly as the tentacle latched one of the suckers on your nipple, toying with the sensitive nub. You started to breathe hard as the realization of how vulnerable you actually were hit you hard. All you could do was to pathetically attempt to get away from Hirofumi to be assaulted by the tentacle instead.
Then the loud sound of his belt buckling made you jolt, the tears and begging for him to stop came right after. You would do anything for him to stop. However your cries were ineffective, they didn’t stop him from pulling down your panties and drinking up the sight of your naked lower half. They only seemed to spur him on even more.
“Stop…” you whimpered and struggled. Tears started streaming down your face as a choked sob left your lips. He smiled against the skin on your shoulder in response while lining himself on your entrance. Twisting your arm behind your back to keep you still, he put his entire weight behind his hips to surge them forward and buried the entire length of his cock in your cunt.
Wincing, you gasped. Hirofumi took it as a signal to move. You were awfully wet, each time he pulled back himself to slam his hips forward, the squelching sounds of your pussy filled the silence of the forest. If that wasn't gross enough, your cheek was being grazed against the slimy skin of the tentacle, its fishy stench started to overwhelm you, making you gag.
“Ahh, you like this don’t you?” He tentatively pulled his hips back to abruptly slam them into your pussy.
“No…” You bit back a moan, closing your eyes and begging for all of it to stop internally.
“You’re getting off to this, you’re sopping wet.” Hirofumi mounted you completely, you could feel his entire weight settle on your back. “Be a good girl for me, will you? Be honest, it’s just the two of us here.”
You grumbled in response.
“Makima isn’t listening.” He nosed some hair out of his way to whisper in your ear. “Only I will hear your confessions. You can tell me anything, trust me.”
“Go to hell,” you hissed. If he was going to kill you, so be it! You weren’t going to give him the pleasure of humiliating you. All you had left was your pride and you were planning to keep it until the very end.
He slammed his hips forward, hitting your sweet spot on the first try. His firm thrust was all it took for you to silently scream, with the air in your lungs completely gone from the impact, you were clenching around his cock. You opened your mouth to take in some air but the tentacle wrapped around your neck, squeezing tightly around you to prevent you from breathing. The tip of the tentacle forced its way into your mouth and swirled around your tongue before diving deeper down into your throat. Hirofumi placed his hand on the tentacle, tapping twice for it to loosen around your neck. The tentacle left your mouth with a disgusting pop sound. Then he replaced the tentacle with his own hand, shoving his fingers into your mouth and grabbing you from the inside of your cheek.
Now, when he thrust forward and picked up his pace, you couldn’t bite back your moans. To your utter horror, it worked. Every thrust of his hips left you moaning, gasping for air. His merciless, rough thrusts remarkably sped up, especially in comparison to before. He was humping you like a rabid dog now and he responded to your surprised moan with a long, pleased hum.
Your drool started to spill out from your mouth and down to your chin since you didn’t have the luxury to swallow the saliva with three long digits prying your mouth open. You moaned audibly and threw your head back when his cock stroked a specific spot along your insides, Hirofumi took this opportunity to bite into your nape hard enough to draw blood, on a second note, you started to think he could be an actually rabid dog.
A scream left your lips, more out of pleasure than pain.
Hirofumi’s teeth sank deeper into your flesh as he felt your gummy walls pulsate around his cock, clenching and begging to be filled with his seed. He gave a muffled chuckle against your flesh, chewing on the raw skin. Although you weren’t honest in the slightest, your body was.
The tentacle’s tip went between your legs and the sucker latched onto your clit, catching you by surprise and making your entire body shake in pleasure.
How cute.
With a delighted smile, Hirofumi stopped biting your nape. He licked your blood off of your skin all the while he was fucking you frenziedly, thrusting in and out your pussy with sloppily wet sounds that started to make your knees unbuckle. Swallowing down your pride, you gave in to the pleasure so you could move your hips and arch your back to meet his frantic thrusts. At the same time, the tentacle toyed with the sensitive nub. It all made your legs trembled under you as your moans got louder than before.
Hirofumi's pace suddenly slackened when his cock throbbed upon your walls clamping on him. Taking his hand from your mouth, he placed it on your shoulder to grab you. He pulled his hips back and abruptly slammed forward, punching the air out of your lungs one last time as you felt the slight twitch of his balls on your skin before a pleasing warmth filled your belly.
The tentacle moved in tight circles around your clit and you clenched around Hirofumi’s cock for the last time, milking more of his seed using your pulsating walls inside of your cunt. Even after the tentacle left you alone, Hirofumi continued fucking his cum into your pussy, gross squelching sounds from his seed gushing out from your abused hole had become a white noise to you at this point. By the time he pulled out of you and let you go, your legs gave up from under you. Before you could crash on the dirty mud, the tentacle caught you, holding you up in a gentle grip.
Hirofumi was tucking himself into his pants while you watched him in exhaustion. He noticed your stare and gave you the same unsettling smile. “I think you’d be a great devil hunter if you were partnered up with me. Makima would agree if I said so. Won’t you agree too?”
You couldn’t keep your eyes open anymore but you managed to blink slowly in response, mouthing a ‘yes’ in defeat.
Hirofumi’s eerie smile grew wider, his eyes squinted from his cheeks puffing up. “I look forward to working with you in the future.”
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xsugarysweetsx · 3 years
Congrats on 2k mama sweet,,,!! :))
Since there is no sk8 requests yet how about option 2 - Kaoru x reader <3 Had this thought after reading ur arranged marriage fic... how about at the start of the marriage reader thinks that Kaoru is cheating on her when he sneaks out at night but after he tells her about S, reader feels kinda silly for thinking so.. next thing you know Kaoru is taking reader to all the beefs as his lucky charm. Reader even has a matching costume and the others start calling her "Lady Cherry" or smth,, teaches reader to skate (she's lowkey jealous of carla >.<) + some domestic fluff (what if reader finds out she's pregnant....) This doesn't have to be connected to the other fic & you can ignore the cheating part if u like... :-*
A/N: :0 Lady Cherry is a super smart name!
other fic here
Please enjoy~🍰
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There he went again...
The sliding door of your shared room altered you from your sleep. This was the 6th night in a row that he left without a word in the middle of the night. The first 2 nights you thought he was simply tending to business and was just busy. After the 4th day, you were suspicious and a bit hurt. He did tell you he didn’t want to hurt you and treat you right....so where was he going?
This was another night he had gotten up, so instead of staying in bed you followed him. 
“Carla, make sure to lock the doors when I leave“ he said to his AI
“Yes, master“ you scoffed. You had to admit the stupid computer got on your nerves. He practically loved talking to her and every time she answered him, he gets all giddy. You were really jealous but you wish he’d get that way with you.  
Just as he was going to leave you called for him
“Kaoru?“ he froze and turned around “It’s late...“ you said coming closer to him. That’s when you noticed what he was wearing, he was in a sleeveless yukata with a black mask over his face, and a...skateboard?
“Y/N I...um...“ being that he can’t speak about S he was contemplating whether to tell you or not. But you were his wife and he wanted to be open with you on everything. However what you said next caught him off guard
“...if there’s someone else please just tell me...“ and the way you looked when you said it just broke his heart. Did you really think he was cheating? Even though this was arranged, he couldn’t ask for someone better to be his wife. You were smart, shy but bright, not to mention beautiful.
“Y/N“ he walked to you and rests his hand on your shoulder “I would never cheat on you and I assure you there is no one else.”
“Then why do you leave at night?“ you ask
“*Sigh*....I go skating.“ he said bluntly. There was nothing to hide from you and it was all true
“...huh“ he lifted his board for you to see
“Some friends and I go skateboarding in a secret location for races and such. We only go at night so we go unnoticed.“ he held up a small pin “It’s called S..now that you know you can’t tell anyone. Now go throw something on, we’re heading out.“
Just as he said you were heading out in the dead of night. And of course you had to ride on Carla, every time he spoke to her it was like he was talking to his crush. As you approach a gate with two guards he gives you a larger sticker of the letter ‘S’. You show them to security and make it inside where people had started screaming. You knew he was popular among women but this was more than you thought
“Lord Cherry!!” one screamed 
“Cherry” he interrupted 
Getting his bike to a stop he helps you off and says “we don’t use our real names here for security reasons. Here I’m Cherry blossom.” 
So what he was telling you was true. You honestly felt a bit silly for jumping to conclusions so quickly. Before he was off to what he called a ‘beef’ he introduced you to JOE. You were surprised to see the popular chef here as well, although you knew they had been friends for years. The large screen in the area showed you just how goof he was at this. 
He was fast but graceful, sharp an precise on corners. The crowd only cheered louder than before. 
“So, you’re the one he’s been talking about huh?“ Joe asked 
“He’s been...talking about me?“ you asked
He nodded “He was gone for like 3 days in a row not to mention he was brushing off more women now. That’s when he told us there was someone he wanted to be loyal to.” okay, now you felt really silly. After the race was done and over with Cherry had made his way back to you. He comes and embarrass you and whispers in your ear
“You brought me good luck.“ you felt your heart skip a beat from the feeling of being close to him
“oooo, look at Lord Cherry with his lady~“
“Shut up you big oaf!!“
During the next few months you had gone with him to almost every beef. You had even gained a name for yourself,��‘Lady Cherry’. You had become quite popular among some men there and even cherry’s female fans. He would usually bring you as his ‘lucky charm’, it was cheesy but sweet at the same time. They also had a habit of saying 
“The Cherries have arrived“ 
On his free time he would actually taught you how to skate, well he tried anyway. Balance wasn’t exactly easy and being from a traditional family, this was unusual for you. You’d be holding on to his shoulders while his hands held your waist
“Don’t let me fall“
“You’re doing just fine dear. Why don’t we try some tricks“ he offered  
“Are you sure you’re the man I married?“ you ask with a smirk
“The one and only dear“ he kissed your cheek 
It was honestly so cute to him. You’d have a scared but excited look on your face. Your cheeks would turn pink and it just made his heart fluttered. On top of all that you were willing to indulge in something he has loved from a young age. He always took you with him to each beef he attended. Both for showing you off an he is in love with the idea of winning every race for not just himself but for you as well.  
Although tonight you wouldn’t make it to the beef. He was going to race Joe but that was put on hold. You had been feeling sick all day and you just finished emptying your stomach. As much as you told him to go, he refused to leave.
“You’re my wife and you’re clearly not okay“ he said helping you up off the floor “you come before any beef or competition. Now come on, let’s get you to the hospital and get you checked out.“
A short drive to the general hospital was taken that night. No, he would not wait until tomorrow morning. He wanted to know that you were okay and didn’t have anything terminal. After speaking with the nurse and giving some blood and urine samples you both patiently waited. You leaned against him playing with the digits of his fingers. 
*Knock knock* “Ma’am we have your results” the doctor says holding up a couple of papers and even some medicine. “well, you’re clear for any terminal conditions or diseases. although you have some hormonal imbalances and some new ones kicking in.”
“Meaning?“ Kaoru urged him on
“Congratulations, you’re 4 weeks pregnant.“
“....“ you both sat in shock at the news. You were pregnant? Well, you two were active, and maybe Kaoru has his own little rituals. Either after or before a beef he’d get frisky and was set on pleasing you both. It shouldn’t have been a surprise that this would have happened, still it was shocking news
“These are some prenatal vitamins you’ll need to take for the month. Make sure to make an appointment to check on the baby alright?” giving you the vile of pills he takes his leave leaving you both in silence. What were you supposed to say? How were you going to deal with this? Were you even ready?
“-together.“ you didn’t catch his whole sentence 
“I’m sorry what was that?” you ask him
“We’ll this together alright?“ he took your hand in his “believe me I’m as shocked as you are but, we’ll figure this out together okay?“
“Alright“ you smile back 
“We should probably start with a bigger house for the three of us“
“Kaoru, come on it’s just paint I can-“
“You are not moving a muscle“ he cut you off “I want you to rest all you can. You’re making a baby and that’s enough.“
To say he was strict during your pregnancy was an understatement. As soon as your belly started showing you were no longer going to beefs with him. You were currently 6 months along, and expecting a girl! Kaoru was over the moon to know it was a girl. he would have been happy with a boy too, but a little copy of you was like a dream. He couldn't wait to see the little girl that would look like you and act like him.
Today was nursery day, which meant painting, building and organizing. Kaoru had you only fold and organizing the clothes and things while he painted. Of course being your idea you had called the boys over to help. Joe was building some stuff along with Shadow. Langa and Reki were actually helping to paint the walls. 
“I appreciate you guys coming to help“ you smile 
“Hey it’s no problem, at least you told us about it“ Joe commented. Oh yeah, he also wanted to keep it a secret so that 
‘the idiot wouldn’t ruin your pregnancy‘ which made you laugh for a good 5 minutes. But they were very good help and made the process easier 
“Hey so what are you naming the baby?“ Reki asked 
“Well, Kaoru kind of wanted to associate it with his skate name so we agreed on Sakura.“
“AAWWHH“ everyone said out load slightly teasing him. Without turning from the wall he said
“....I just wanted a beautiful name for her was all.“ although he was cold at times they knew he meant well especially for his family.  A while late Joe made a small dinner for you all to enjoy. You thanked them for coming over and you were done for the night. You were putting on some lotion over your rounded middle when Kaoru came behind you. He wrapped his arms around and over your own hands and rested there for a moment
“Who would have thought we’d be here huh?” You whisper
“In all honesty I was hoping for it” he admired “before we married you were described as a caring and sweet woman. But you were so much more once we were married. You’re compassionate, intelligent, stubborn, beautiful, and absolutely perfect” he said kissing the side of your head “and now, you’ve given me the gift of being a father. Thank you”
Turning in his hold you wipe away small tears “oh Kaoru , thank you too. You’ve treated me like I’m the only person you need. On top of that you take care of me but still give me my freedom. I love you..”
“And I love you” he rests his forehead against yours as his fingers trace over your baby bump.
I hope this was okay!❤️
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heytherejulietx · 3 years
hey! i don’t know if i sent this before but could you write a richie x reader where reader protects the losers from bowers? and she gets injured but doesn’t show it until she passes out?
bowers - richie tozier
↳ i hope this turned out alright for you nonnie! 🤍
↳ content warnings - violence, bullying, injury mention, blood, swearing, sex jokes, aged up losers.
↳ 3.5k word count
↳ masterlists
@bucky-j-barnes @mikewheelerc join my tag list
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y/n decided that she absolutely detested her english teacher.
it was one of the last days of school before summer, and yet she’d been kept back for an extra hour to tutor some asshole in her class who hadn’t even been bothered to read their set text for that month (to be fair, richie also hadn’t read the text, but she supposed he wasn’t as much of an asshole because she loved him. boyfriend perks or some shit. and she also wasn’t staying back to tutor him, too). so whilst the rest of the losers had been let out of school she had to wait until she could catch up with them after. so she hated her english teacher and by extension the idiot that she had to tutor.
she’d had one good tutoring experience, and that was because richie genuinely needed help writing a history paper. it was only good because they got ten minutes in before they forgot the essay completely and ended up making out in his bedroom for the rest of the “tutor session”. richie had said they spent their time well and he didn’t regret it when his paper was graded poorly, and y/n smacked the back of his head. it was his fault they ended up making out in the first place. obviously.
so when four o’clock rolled around y/n left the practically empty school with a scowl on her face. her bike - usually surrounded by the bikes of the rest of the losers - stood alone as she walked towards it and unlocked the bike chain before she got on and rode off away from the school. richie had said to find them by the clubhouse, but as much as she loved him, she took stan’s word that they’d probably be by the local park instead. stan usually had the best idea of what was going on.
after a little while of peddling through derry y/n found herself approaching the park with a sigh of relief. she was tired and honestly wouldn’t mind listening to richie and eddie bickering like an old married couple for the next however long. she’d have preferred it to tutoring the asshole. though as she came to the edge of the street she screeched her bike to a stop, spotting the losers on the other side of the street with bowers in front of them.
from where she was stood she couldn’t quite hear what was being said, but she could see richie stood right in front of bowers yelling something about “shouldn’t you be off blowing your cousin” and beverly stood beside him, hands on her hips as she glared bowers down. bill was stood behind richie, trying (and failing) to get him to back down, with eddie on his other side with an inhaler in hand. stan stood shuffling on his feet nervously beside mike, whilst ben was keeping an eye on beverly.
y/n got off of her bike and stood it up against the wall of some building beside her as she frowned at the scene. she hurriedly searched henry’s hands for any sign of his knife and was thoroughly surprised when she didn’t see it. until she noticed it peeking out from his back pocket.
memories of seeing ben’s scar on his stomach for the first time made her glower at the back of henry’s head, angry at the thought of him hurting any of the other losers again.
she spotted an empty glass bottle on the floor and without thinking lifted it up and hurled it through the air towards bowers. it shattered against his upper back and the shouting went silent as they all turned to face her, bowers with a murderous glare on his face.
“hey bowers!” she shouted, hands on her hips, matching bev’s stance. “what’s it gonna take for you to chop that mullet off, dude? shit’s fuckin’ ugly man!”
although y/n wasn’t completely alike her boyfriend (mostly in the sense that she could calm down if she wanted to, and richie was constantly at a state of maximum energy at any given point) they were alike in their mannerisms if y/n really got going. she maybe even had bigger balls than he did, as stan once pointed out. she didn’t shy away from conflict - she probably ended up making it worse sometimes, to be honest.
she didn’t look away from bowers but she could feel eight pairs of eyes on her. though the death glare that she was defiantly staring back at was definitely the strongest. she’d maybe even be a little bit scared if she wasn’t too pissed off to care.
as bowers started crossing the street towards her, shouting nasty and horrible things her way, y/n sent a look towards stan and bill and nodded in the opposite direction. they needed to get the losers away before it kicked off with bowers, because she knew that richie and bev would be eager to get themselves involved too. the whole point of distracting bowers was so they wouldn’t be.
stan and bill had hands on the other losers arms, and from where she was stood she heard something close to “she’ll lose him then meet us around the corner“. once she was sure that the boys had it covered she faced henry again, stepping back a little as he got closer though she didn’t lose her glare.
“what the fuck are you playing at?” bowers spat, stopping directly in front of her. she could see small shards of glass sticking in his hair and inwardly smirked to herself.
“the bully act is a little old, isn’t it? you’re pathetic.” she stood her ground with as much ferocity he had, momentarily forgetting about the knife he had, though it was quickly brought to her attention when it was taken out of his back pocket and the tip was pointed at her.
y/n stumbled back a little on instinct, though tried to keep her stance the same. bowers was slowly closing in on her - she only had so much pavement left behind her before a wall. though just as he raised it to send a slash her way, she spotted blue lights in the distance and smirked.
“i’d watch it, bowers,” she nodded in the direction of the sheriff’s cruiser, knowing fully well that his father was in the car. “wouldn’t want daddy catching you with a big-boy blade.”
the cop car drove right down their street and past them, and y/n thought that it would be okay to turn and walk away with a final gesture of her middle finger his way.
big mistake.
she got a few steps away as the cruiser went down the street, though she didn’t take into account that bowers might come at her again. just as she glanced down the street, wondering what side street the losers could have taken to get away, she felt a hand grab the strap of her backpack and yanked her backwards onto the floor, winding her with a wheeze as she landed on the pavement. as she tried to forcefully drag in a breath of air she could see bowers towered over her, blade still in hand, and panicked. he had a fucking knife and she was laying on her back, defenceless.
her hand reached out beside her to grab the first thing she could on the floor and when her fingers circled around one of the larger shards of glass from the bottle she threw mere minutes before she swiped at him with it, taking his moment of leaning back away from it to scramble up to her feet.
“the fuck is your problem, man?” she wheezed, still somewhat winded, now sounding like eddie. she could feel her heart beating out of her chest, almost painfully thumping against her ribcage.
instead of an answer bowers pushed her back again and she landed on the floor once more, the shard of glass falling from her hand. breathing through her teeth, knowing she didn’t have enough time to stand up again since bowers was so close, she rolled onto her stomach to reach and grab the shard of glass, planning to turn back towards bowers to defend herself.
y/n misjudged how long that would take, because before she could turn back around she felt a sudden pain to the back of her leg, along with the sound of her jeans tearing. fuck, did he cut her? if he did he probably didn’t do it very deep because it didn’t hurt terribly bad. y/n still yelped in surprise, though, and kicked him away before she got to her feet again, glass in hand again.
the knife he was holding was coated in blood and it made her feel sick to stare at him, a sadistic fucking smile on his face. y/n would honestly rather have tea with michael meyers over that.
thinking on her feet she threw the glass at him and managed to hit him in the face. bowers groaned in pain and immediately covered the spot with his hand, and y/n wasted no time in turning to run away from him.
through being winded twice the drags of air she took in were audible and wheezy, hurting her throat and chest with every intake of breath. she debated on tackling eddie for his inhaler when she saw him. her shoes slapped against the pavement loudly as she ran down the street and down the first alleyway she saw, hoping the losers were somewhere close. she could already feel herself tiering, and she didn’t want bowers catching up to her again when she had less energy. she’d be much worse off.
thankfully the losers were quite literally right in front her, as when she had turned to run down another side street she collided with richie and almost sent them both tumbling down, if not for mike and ben who managed to hold the both of them up.
“fucking hell-“ she was still wheezing, gripping onto richie’s ugly shirt in tight fists once she was back on her feet. “are you guys okay?”
“we should be asking you that, holy fuck,” richie’s eyes were wide as he held onto her arms to keep her steady. “you sound like eddie.” he added, ignoring the complaint behind his back at the comment.
with richie keeping his hands on her arms bev rubbed her back from where she was stood on her left side, eyes kept on her face. y/n had momentarily forgotten about the cut on her leg because the rush of adrenaline she was feeling kept her from noticing it, and she was wearing black jeans so the blood wouldn’t really show on the material.
“i’m okay,” she nodded, breathing slowly but surely becoming an easier task as she continued to hang off of richie’s shirt, which he seemed like he didn’t mind. “i’m fine.”
“badass taking on bowers like that,” eddie commented, earning a chuckle from the rest of the losers. “i don’t think anybody else would have actually done it.”
“hey!” richie complained, turning to face eddie though he kept a hand on y/n’s arm. “i totally could have done that.”
“no offence rich, but i do have bigger balls than you.” y/n poked him in the chest and earned a playful glare in return.
as richie and eddie started arguing like usual y/n blinked a few times. the adrenaline was wearing off, and the supposed scratch on the back of her leg grew more and more painful the longer she stood there. she grimaced, eyebrows furrowing slightly as she inhaled deeply through her nose. the back of her thigh felt oddly warm, like warm water was running down her leg, though she immediately dismissed the idea that it was blood. no, she’d know if it was that serious. she couldn’t have run all that way with a deep cut in her leg, could she?
“y/n?” she blinked a few times and looked up, meeting stan’s concerned gaze in front of her, soon followed by the rest of the losers taking suit. “are you okay?”
“yeah,” she exhaled deeply, attempting to step forwards, though the movement was so wobbly that immediately richie grabbed one of her forearms to keep her steady. “just peachy, stan-the-man. i think i just need to sit down…” she attempted to step forwards again, though this time the wobbling was more prominent, and she fell right towards stanley as her eyes rolled back.
“fuck!” richie had immediately reached forwards in the attempt to catch her before she fell on stanley, and with the help of stan and mike he managed to lower her to the floor.
“oh my god!” eddie was shrill with panic, taking in worried breaths already. “bowers killed y/n!”
“she’s not dead you fucking idiot!” stan yelled back, though his face was pale with worry too.
richie tried to block the bickering out when bev and mike joined too as he crouched beside her, hands a little shaky as he tried to check her over for any injuries, ben doing the same from where he stood. he couldn’t see anything, though a puddle of blood forming underneath her left thigh spoke for itself, and immediately he was panicking too.
“fuck! eddie her leg!” richie was shouting too, hoping eddie knew something about what the fuck was going on due to his extensive medical knowledge.
eddie crouched on the floor beside her leg, gritting his teeth to hold back the willing heave from the sight of blood as he tried to see what had happened. with the help of bev who lifted her leg up, eddie gasped and almost made richie go into cardiac arrest.
“what?! what is it?! is her leg falling off or something?!” now he was sounding like eddie.
“bowers cut her-“ eddie almost heaved again though swallowed it down to speak again. “it’s bad. she needs to get to the hospital she’s losing a fuck ton of blood.”
“fuck-“ richie felt nauseous with worry, and his hands shook as one moved to her cheek, shaking her slightly as if she would wake up. when she continued just to lay there he pulled off his shirt with trembling fingers and leaned over her body towards her leg. “she needs something tied to stop the blood flow, right?” he spoke quickly as he looked up at eddie, who had his hands clamped over his mouth as he tried to keep from throwing up. “RIGHT?” he yelled, impatient.
eddie nodded frantically as his hand dug into his fanny pack for his inhaler and richie wasted no time in wrapping his shirt around her leg, and tied a knot tightly above the cut, not bothered by the blood staining it. once it was tied beverly lowered her leg back down to the floor.
all of the losers had the same sort of expression on their faces; shock. whether it was shown through wheezing like eddie or standing as still as a statue like stan, they all had the same almost ghostly look to their expression.
“there’s a phone booth down the street, i’ll go call an ambulance.” bev announced before she took off running in the direction of the phone.
richie sat back on his heels, pretending his hands weren’t stained with his girlfriends blood as he took her hand and sat it in her lap. he could feel his heart thumping against his ribs and just prayed that the ambulance would get there soon.
y/n blinked almost furiously under the sudden harsh light, it hurt her head to look at it. the bed she was laying in was uncomfortable and the room smelt like disinfectant. eddie better not have cleaned my room again, she thought. the last time he had done it was because she had a stomach bug and “the germs could spread and get everyone sick!“, so she didn’t see why he had reason to do it now.
once her eyes had adjusted to the brightness of the room she glanced around and was suddenly taken aback by where she was; the hospital.
y/n immediately sat up, suddenly wide awake, though she flinched when she felt something grab her hand and turned to see what it was, thoughts of bowers and his blood-coated knife flashing in her mind. though she relaxed slightly when she saw richie sat there instead, his hand over hers.
“it’s not even summer yet and you’re already having adventures. look at you go.” his teasing voice filled the room, though she could see in his eyes that he wasn’t completely carefree like usual.
y/n smiled a little as she leaned back against the pillows of her bed and shrugged. “what can i say? i’m just way cooler than you.” she teased as she moved her fingers gently against his to link them together.
richie scoffed in mock offence though a moment later he’d leaned forwards, his other hand over their linked ones. “you feel okay?” his voice was soft and genuine, a tone she only ever heard from richie when they were alone.
she blinked a few times at the question, and suddenly the pain in her leg had registered and she winced. “my leg hurts.”
“i’d expect so after bowers fucking sliced you open,” richie grumbled. he looked angry and concerned and different. y/n rarely saw him so serious. “when i see him next i’m going to kill him.”
“no, rich,” y/n shook her head, frowning a little as she squeezed his hand a little firmer. “i’m okay. just leave it. it’ll get worse.”
richie sighed though nodded, his gaze focused on their interlocked hands. y/n waited another moment before she shuffled over on the bed (and grit her teeth to suppress the grunt of pain from moving her leg, which richie picked up on anyways) before she pat the bed beside her and tugged on richie’s arm. “in.”
“not the first time you’ve said that.” richie snorted as he stood up, and let go of her hand so he could climb onto the bed beside her. once he had settled comfortably against the pillows y/n tucked herself into his side, and closed her eyes once her head had dropped against his shoulder.
after a moment she could feel the tips of richie’s fingers dragging up and down her arm, tracing invisible patterns along her skin. his lips pressed to the crown of her head and in return she gently left a kiss to his collarbone with a quiet hum, though kept her eyes closed.
“you didn’t have to put yourself in harms away for us today,” richie mumbled. “i totally could have handled it.” he added jokingly, not able to stay serious for long.
“oh i’m sure,” y/n smirked slightly before she shook her head and sighed. “i saw the knife in his back pocket and thought of ben and what he did to him. i couldn’t imagine him doing that again to any of you. i’d do anything for you guys,” her voice was so soft it was almost a whisper, and when she looked up richie was already looking at her. “especially you.” she added, almost silent.
richie brought his tree hand up and brushed some hair out of his face as he looked at her, surprisingly not cracking a joke or even a smirk that time. instead his expression was soft; a rarity for sure. his gaze softened and he had a half-smile that made y/n almost swoon, despite being in a hospital bed.
“that means a lot,” richie told her genuinely. “i just don’t like seeing you get hurt, doll.”
“i know, but i’m okay.” she insisted, sitting up a little against his side as she looked at him.
“you’re almost okay,” he corrected, as his fingers tapped against the thigh of the leg that was hurt. “just don’t throw yourself in front of bowers for us again, okay?”
“‘kay. promise.” she smiled, and her eyes closed shut again when richie pressed a soft, loving kiss to her lips.
“as much as i’d love to enjoy this moment,” richie pulled away, his usual smirk back on his face. “eddie is probably outside going through his third inhaler, and stan’s hair probably dropped out from stress.”
y/n laughed and shook her head, though she knew richie really wasn’t far off.
almost as if the losers had heard them, the door opened so quickly and with so much force that it slammed against the wall beside it, revealing (surely) eddie hugging his inhaler and stan looking sick with stress, followed by the other losers.
“yo stan, you look like you just saw under eddie’s mom’s skirt.” richie called over, and immediately eddie was cursing at him as he stepped forwards.
y/n giggled to herself as she tucked against richie’a side, watching the usual bickering start up again. back to normal, she thought to herself.
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amerrierworld · 3 years
Hands Off
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for the request: The world lacks Lou Miller x reader fics!! Can you do one where Lou gets mad and defensive over reader 
Summary: Lou’s friendly biker gang always welcomed you with open arms, except one.
Characters: Lou Miller x fem!reader
Word Count: 1,551
Warnings: fluff but defensive & angsty >:( Lou, harassment, swearing and a lil bit of physical violence (all within good reason I promise)
For the longest time, you thought Lou only really hung out with Debbie, some of the Ocean’s crew, and colleagues from her club. But a couple months into dating she casually slipped in how she hadn’t seen much of her biker gang lately.
“What?” you shrieked from the couch, dropping your book in your lap. She jumped and looked at you from the kitchen, nearly spilling her beer.
“You’re in a biker gang?”
“Well, yeah,” she said, rather matter-of-fact like, “I’ve got a bike. It’s only a matter of time until you’re in a group for bikers.”
“Really? What do you guys do, rob stores and terrify regular home-owners?”
“Yes to the second, no to the first,” she laughed, coming over to sit with you. You threw your legs over hers on the couch, still rather flabbergasted at this revelation.
“So you haven’t seen them in a while, you said? Why not invite them around?”
“You don’t know them, baby. They’re a bit intimidating.”
“Uh, yeah, not yet. Come on! I wanna know your friends, please?” you grinned, wiggling your toes. She caught one of your big toes between her fingers and held you still.
“Fine then, but you’ll have to get some proper biking attire.”
So now, after multiple trips and a few drink nights at Lou’s club, you were heartily welcomed into the biker gang even though you didn’t have a bike yourself, and mostly just tagged around with your girlfriend. And even then you didn’t come on all their trips, finding the cramps of sitting on the back of the bike for too long unbearable sometimes.
Mary was an older, chubby-faced biker, with the face of the neighbourhood grandma who bakes, yet covered from the neck down entirely in tattoos. Paul was her husband, with an afro as white as winter snow, and chains hanging from every pocket and belt loop.
The two of them chatted, joked and laughed with you when in slower traffic or making a much-needed burrito pit stop whenever you went out. The rest of the group was around Lou’s age or younger, and though you felt welcomed by them, you kept to the three of them mostly. It felt nice and familial to hang around, and Lou seemed the most comfortable around Mary and Paul as well.
Then there was one member of the club who would come and go, and you didn’t often see him around, but when you did you weren’t the most chuffed at the sight of him. Tommy was a middle-aged balding man who didn’t seem to really like anyone in the group, but was still there for reasons unknown.
Your distaste was clear to Lou, and you managed to successfully avoid him.. most of the time. On one trip you had taken a well-deserved break near Central Park, lounging in the cozy late-evening weather, with Lou donning her iconic all-black leather outfit and heeled boots that made you swoon.
You were wearing a pink leather jacket yourself. Lou had chortled with glee at the sight of you trying it on, so contrasted to her black leathers and jewel-toned fabrics. Perhaps the rosy coloured leather wasn’t something you would’ve bought for yourself, but every time you wore it, Lou would grin to the point where her eyes would shine nonstop. So you wore it almost every time you went out on her bike together. It was a little bit Pink Ladies-esque, but you quite liked the way it looked.
But Tommy had been looking at you quite.. harshly, somehow. But you could tell he wasn’t checking you out, rather just judging you and your look. He seemed set on being around Lou, who couldn’t be bothered to give him the time of day, only having eyes for you and talking to you as you relaxed by the park.
“Lou,” you began, watching him scamper off to the other side of the group. One of the nice things about being in a biker gang is no one seems to want to bother any of you, letting you hang around in peace.
“Hm?” one of her hands was running through your hair.
“Does Tommy like you?”
She slowly blinked at you in baffled amusement, “like me?”
“Yeah.. I mean either he likes you and is sizing me up cause I’m your girlfriend, or he just despises me as a person.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. Don’t give him the time of day, love.”
“Why is he in the gang anyways?”
Lou shrugged, “him and Paul go way back. I don’t mind much, he’s usually not around anyways.”
You pursed your lips in worry, so Lou grasped you close in a tight embrace,
“Don’t worry about him, baby. He isn’t bothering you, is he?”
“No, just his annoying face.”
Lou looked over and saw that indeed, Tommy was giving you a repeated once-over, lingering on the small studs of the pink leather jacket, and her expression immediately soured.
“If he comes close again, I’m gonna clock him,” she growled.
“Hey now, don’t say that,” you giggled.
The rest of the time spent at the park seemed to be going fine, if it weren’t for the constant tugging at the back of your mind from Tommy’s incessant stares. The silent harassment from his eyes were making you uneasy, and Lou noticed.
“I am definitely going to clock him,” she said to you again. 
“Don’t,” you whined, but not very convincingly. 
Later on, Mary started a warm conversation with you, helping your nerves a bit.
“You’ll have to tell me where you got your jacket,” she said, “I have never for the life of me found a jacket with a colour like that. Only browns and blacks, and it’s so boring.”
You laughed, enjoying the way Lou absentmindedly rubbed your waist with her thumb.
“We’ll go shopping then,” you said, barely noticing Tommy walking in and joining in on the conversation, “I’m sure we can help you find something, Mary.”
“I don’t think pink is quite your colour, Mary,” Tommy piped up, eyeing you again, openly now that all focus was on you. You blushed, not from shy happiness like when Lou looked at you, but rather from sickening dread.
“Where’d you get this anyway, a cheap community theatre production of Grease?” Tommy grinned, tugging at the buckle of one of your shoulders. Your eyes flashed, and you slapped his hand away, every hair on your body standing up at his toothy smile, the ugly flash of a worn golden tooth growling back at you.
The tough crunch of Lou’s well-jewelled hand landing on Tommy’s cheek caught you by surprise.
He stumbled back into his parked bike, knocking it over as he landed on the ground, letting out a filthy curse as his nose began dripping blood.
“You broke my nose,” he cried out, “you bitch!”
“Wish I had done more than that,” Lou snarled, her hand still clenched in a fist. Mary and Paul had rushed forward to hold her back, but she didn’t seem too interested in punching him again.
She reached out for your hand and looked you up and down, as if he had given you a kick to the stomach rather than just bully and tug at your shoulder.
“Are you alright?” she asked, while your jaw was still a little unhinged.
“Y-yes, I’m fine,” you replied, a bit lost for words, “but what about you?”
She shrugged, but you noticed her tightly clenched fist and the redness of her skin. As you inspected her hand, Tommy had got up, managing to stop the bleed and gave a rude gesture towards Lou who simply glared back.
“Fuck you,” he said, hoisting his bike back up straight. No one else bothered to check on him or lend a helping hand as he clumsily sped off down the street, leaving the rest of your small group to hang around on the street. Paul sighed in disappointment, but didn’t seem bothered by him leaving. Hopefully for good, you thought.
Mary was the first to break the silence, clapping Lou on the shoulder and congratulating her on a job well done.
“I never liked him anyways,” Lou muttered, as you lifted her hand and kissed her reddening knuckles.
“I think we should get some take-away burritos, don’t you, Mary?” Paul suggested, locking down his bike.
“Oh, yes, come on all of you, on the house,” Mary grinned, taking his hand and heading down the street to the nearest burrito place, the rest following.
“Burritos?” you waggled your eyebrows at Lou, and slowly the anger dissipated from her eyes, because you shoved your hands in the pockets of your pink leather jacket, and with your combat boots and jewelled belt, she thought you had never looked more like a biker, while somehow being the cutest thing she’d ever seen.
“Alright,” she hooked here arm through yours, “but maybe don’t get the spicy one again? You didn’t seem to enjoy it much last time.”
You shoved her playfully, “yeah well, you said that I could take it, and I trusted you completely, which I never will again.”
“You wound me,” she gasped in mocked pain. You lifted her hand again and pressed it against your mouth,
“Only when you sucker punch creeps to defend my honour.”
A/N: Defensive girlfriend Lou Miller to the rescue? yes please!
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Chapter 4: Back to you.
Description: So... I know many Daminette fans don't like Damian being younger than Marinette so 🚨SPoiler AleRT 🚨 Damian is gonna be younger for a while but an event happens that gets their ages exchanged. (Sort of)
Warning; swearing, angst, fluff.
Summary: Where the world reunites with their loved ones..
"They're back!, They're back!, They're back!" Maps yelled excitedly, almost jumping at him
"Who's back?!"
"The people who disappeared 5 years ago!"
Damian blinked at the short girl in front of him before narrowing his eyes at her "this is no time to play games Mizoguchi."
"I'm not!" Mia huffed "ask anyone else."
Damian looked at her and he knew she wasn't lying, he gave her a small nod before heading back towards the washrooms.
"Wait!" Mia yelled, holding his wrist "Can you drop me to Olive house?"
"No." Damian deadpanned
"Can I at least have your grapple gun?"
"No" Damian sighed "Sorry Maps, I've gotta go"
Mia nodded "fine. you owe me a waffle bar!"
Damian rolled his eyes at her before running back, wasting no time. "Plagg! Claws out!"
"Aw come on!" Plagg hissed, before disappearing into the ring.
Damian ran across roof tops, he felt sick. Where they really there? how did they disappear? What if he went home and found out nobody was actually there? what was he going to to say? So many Questions jumped around his head, but he kept moving either way. He jumped over the large compound of his house calling out "Plagg claws in!" His black and green suit dissolved and was replaced with his uniform. He landed on the soft grass smoothly Before running around large fountain in front of his destination.
Damian panted, looking around. Jason's new bike was spread on the ground carelessly, and the car was literally half-hazardously parked.
He ran towards the large doors shoving it open...
to meet his family laughing and crying in Joy.
They were here. They were all here. Dick, Cass, Steph, Alfred, Selina, Kate, Chloe and Marinette.
Damian could only stare, They looked like they never aged a day, except Alfred who seemed to look younger.
"Damian?" Dick asked, a shocked look on his face which quickly dissolved into a bright smile "Oh my god you look so big!" He yelled, tackling him to the ground "Did you miss me?"
"TT, of course not."
"Liar" Tim laughed with tear stained cheeks "he cried everyday for two years."
"I didn't!" Damian hissed, still in the embrace of his older brother. "Uh-huh, sure." Bruce smiled his arms around Selina
"Wait, wait, wait." Chloe interrupted "what do you mean two years? We've just been gone for like, five minutes"
"Yeah! What's with that?" Steph asked in confusion
"You guys have been Gone for 5 years" Tikki said slowly while the others were nodding in agreement
"That's impossible, I was definitely there for 15 hours"
"It felt like five minutes for me" Chloe said as Cass nodded
"You guys sure you didn't hit your heads on your way back?" Jason joked
"Do you remember where you guys were?" Bruce asked
"Yes" Marinette nodded "It was-It was beautiful, it felt like you were in the middle of the universe without any care and so many different colors were there. Just like stars and galaxies"
"The quantum realm!" Fluff exclaimed "of course! Why didn't I think of that?!"
"What's a quantum realm?"
"The Quantum Zone, the realm where all the energy of the universe come from, and the Microverse, which consists of many different sub-atomic dimensions all accessible through the same means as they are in the Marvel Cinematic Universe." Fluff thought out loud
Jason blinked in confusion "I didn't understand a single shit."
"Language" Alfred warned.
"The Quantum Realm is a dimension that can be entered from Earth by compressing a human's mass to a certain point. Entering the Quantum Realm could potentially cause the person who enters it to shrink forever. Due to the nature of the realm, time passes differently and is more fluid. As a result, with the right equipment, the Quantum Realm can be used for time travel though its impossible to change one's own timeline when traveling into the past in such a manner." Fluff continued
"Still don't get it" Jason shrugged
"You would if you were smarter." Damian snorted
"In a simpler way...A person needs to be really tiny to enter the quantum realm and time passes differently for each person" Tim explained
"Ohhhhh, I get it now!"
"So you're telling we've been stuck in time?" Kate asked
Fluff nodded "except for Alfred, who seemed to travel back in time." which made chaos rise.
"You're telling me we've been missing for five years?!"
"Wait so technically I'm the oldest" Jason laughed evilly
"No you're not! I'm still a year older than you!" Dick smirked
Damian almost gave out a smile, until he noticed Marinette sitting silently on the ground staring at her hands. He crawled towards her, out of Dicks grip and sat next to the girl muttering a small "hey"
"Hi" Marinette mumbled back, glancing at him.
"What's wrong?"
"I-it just seems so unreal, five years? That's like my teenage life. Tim's all grown up! How old is he? 22? and-"
"Hey! hey! Calm down, it's fine. if it helps you feel better, You can always taunt them on how young you are."
"-And you've grown up all tall and muscular and pretty-"
"Pretty?" Damian asked, his face turning red.
"The world has obviously changed! I don't know how you lived without Alfred or Me and Selina because you guys don't know a shit about cooking, and why didn't our miraculouses fade away with us? I could've done something to come back earlier"
"Stop it!" He said grabbing her shoulders "you've done the best you could And what really matters is that you're home"
"Oh and you've gotten soft." She gave him a teary smile before Pouncing on him, giving him a bear hug.
He wrapped his arms around her small body, rocking her back and forth questioning "Do you really think I'm Muscular and pretty"
"No!" Marinette squeaked quickly as she pulled away from their hug "I'm just really tired, and floating in space is really exhausting"
"Mm-hmm, sure" he smiled pecking her cheek, which made Marinette melt on the insides "you hungry?"
"Do you even know how to cook?" Marinette asked
"Hey, we learnt a thing or two when you guys disappeared." Damian chuckled, pulling Marinette to her feet while looking at his brothers questioningly, who were busy wrestling on the couch "You idiots need anything from the kitchen?"
"Yesss" Dick grinned "I want cereal."
"Noodles please!"
"Same here!"
So how was the it ?....
Okkkk, I know it was pretty lame and all, The only reason I posted this was because I've had this draft for some time and I didn't have the heart to delete it because that would mean I only wasted my time. Soooooo I posted it. Kill me. My dignity is dead, I've got nothin to lose.
But if you guys want another chap... just ask 😉... and please comment and vote!
This was taken from my Wattpad account
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blue-fidelity · 4 years
~ “Smile in the face of Tragedy”
Chapter 2: New King
Pairings: Billy Hargrove x Henderson!reader, Steve Harrington x best friend! reader
Chapter Summary:
A wild night reveals secrets and broken hearts. At least Billy & (Y/N) have each other.
Warnings: Fluff, angst, drunk!Billy, sad!Steve (that is a warning 🥺)
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“(Y/N)! It’s Halloween!”- Halloween? (Y/N) woke up to the sound of her brother yelling excitingly. If she wasn’t mistaken, she could hear the Ghostbusters theme playing loudly from Dustin’s room. She groaned, burying her head in her pillows while running her hands through her hair.
This is not how she planned to wake up this morning.
Before closing her eyes to regain a little more sleep, her alarm clock looked her right in the face. 7:15. Another groan came from her. Perk up (Y/N), it’s your favourite holiday! She pushed herself up, swinging her legs on the side of the bed. (Y/N) definitely knew the high school students weren’t going to be wearing costumes to school. So before Billy picked her up, she’d head home to get changed.
Billy- (Y/N) didn’t think she’d be able to forget yesterday. The way he held her, the way he kissed her forehead. His embrace was so comforting- she nearly melted into him. The smell of dry cigarette smoke and cheap cologne haven’t been able to leave her senses. It was like everything that came with him, it was intoxicating, and she couldn’t get enough of it.
As she stepped out of bed, she moved her hips slightly to the music coming from her brother’s stereo. When she made it to her drawers, she contemplated what she should wear today. Just because she wasn’t going to wear a costume, didn’t mean she couldn’t look spooky, right? She grabbed her “Chistine” t-shirt, it was one of her favorite horror movies. Pairing it with a black acid wash skirt, some fishnets, and her usual chuck taylors, she strutted confidently out her bedroom door.
She walked into the bathroom to find Dustin clad in his Stantz costume, brushing his teeth. He looked so cute! “Hey Doctor Stantz, ‘lookin pretty badass”, she grinned, patting him on the back. “Thanks (Y/N)! I can’t wait to see the guys in their costumes, Halloween’s gonna be so great!”, he cheered, spitting out his tooth paste. He quickly ran out of the room to fetch breakfast, leaving (Y/N) time for her hair & makeup.
Bright red lipstick and heavy black eyeliner, hair slightly curled.
When she stepped into the living room, she saw her mom enthusiastically taking polaroids of Dustin. She couldn’t help but smile, hoping her mom would save her some for her picture board. (Y/N) sat on the couch beside her cat Mews, scratching the back of his ears as he purred in contentment. She giggled at the various poses her brother made in front of the camera.
Her mom had finally stopped taking photos, noticing her on the couch. “(Y/N) darling! I didn’t see you come in, can I get a photo of my two children?”, she questioned, looking at her with pleading eyes. (Y/N) couldn’t say no! “Of course!”, she said, standing up from the couch.
She placed an arm around Dustin’s shoulders, teasingly taking him in a headlock, rubbing her nuckles on his hair. To this he laughed, playfully pointing his fake proton blaster at her. It was the perfect picture. Perfectly trapped in the moment of two great siblings, simply having a good time.
(Y/N) gathered her things, making sure to take one of her mom’s homemade muffins for breakfast. She had made them a couple days before, but they still were delicious. Even though (Y/N) desperately needed coffee, she decided against it. She was already running a bit late, and as much as she hated the stale stuff from the cafeteria, it’d have to do. Dustin had already slipped out the door to head off on his bike, he really must’ve been eager to see his friends.
Before making her way to her motorcycle, she slipped her jean jacket on and hugged her mom goodbye. Claudia looked at her intently, ruffling her curled hair. (Y/N) rolled her eyes playfully, “Alright mom, I gotta go! ‘I’m gonna stop here after school though, k?”, she opened the front door. “Okay have a good day sweetie! ‘I’ll see you before your party!”. (Y/N)’s mom knew about the party, whether she knew there was going to be alcohol involved, it was better off not knowing.
Sliding the keys into the ignition, she sped off to the school. She could never get enough of the mysterious backroads of Hawkins. It scared her, obviously. With all the things that happened the previous year, she couldn't help but wonder if things still lurked in the depths of the forest, hiding till they could strike. Waiting and waiting till they can catch someone else and drag them to that horrible place. Her body trembled at the thought of it. She shook her head, trying to clear her mind of the memories. Eyes turning back to the road, she removed one of her hands from the handles, trying to reach for the button of her stereo. It had turned onto some random radio station that was playing Halloween tunes.
“Happy Halloween ‘Morning Ghouls and Goblins of Hawkins! Here’s a spooky throwback from ‘1982 for y’all on this fine dreary morning, ‘Blood Bitch’, by Cocteau Twins!” - the radio host introduced, was he really supposed to swear on radio? Well, no one really had a filter these days.
The song added to the eerie atmosphere of the cold morning, making her uneasy. She pushed through her thoughts, trying to just focus on getting to school. It was Halloween! No need for being pent up on past trauma. The station had eventually turned to a happier song, putting her in a better mood. What better to put a smile on your face then the ‘Time Warp” from The Rocky Horror Picture Show? She bobbed her head happily to the familiar tune, singing along to the lyrics.
School today had been an absolute drag! Last period (math) was nearly done and (Y/N) was desperate to get out. She could see some of her mutuals were anxious as well, probably too excited to wait for the party tonight. She was excited as well, maybe a little bit of the fact that she’d be spending more time with Billy?
(Y/N) would hate for him to think she’d be using him as a rebound. Even though it seemed that way, she really should’ve forgotten about her feelings for Steve awhile ago. (Y/N) really loved Steve, but he’d always been so oblivious, but- that was just Steve. He would’ve never known of her feelings if she didn’t tell him. Which she never did, in fear of obvious rejection. Then here was Billy Hargrove, whether it be his flirtatious nature, she could see herself really falling for him. The one thing she knew she wouldn’t do was dive in too quickly. She wouldn’t make the same mistakes, for her and for Billy’s sake.
She was finally released from the rechedouness that was her math class-running straight out the door right as the bell rang, nearly having winded Mr. Henry. After taking a quick stop at her locker, she walked outside to find her motorcycle. (Y/N) was nearly there till a skateboard hit her feet, stopping her in her tracks.
“I’m so sorry! It slipped right out from under me-” a voice of a young girl called, her breath shaky. (Y/N) looked down at the girl shuffling to grab her skateboard, she had never seen her before. The mysterious teen with the red hair looked around her brother’s age, so why was she so unrecognizable? Wait- could it be?
Billy’s step sister.
“Hey, hey it’s all good!”, (Y/N) gave her a reassuring smile. “Hey- not to sound weird or anything-”, she chuckled nervously, “But, are you new here? ‘You see I got a younger brother ‘about your age, and you got an unfamiliar face”. The girl stared at her skeptically, but still replied. “Yeah, just moved here from ‘California, what are you ‘looking to set him up or something?” she questioned sarcastically. ‘Damn she was quite the firecracker. “Nah frankly I think you're a little out of his league”, (Y/N) winked. To this she got a laugh out of her. “Well, it was nice weirdly meeting you, ‘I’m Max!”, she introduced herself. “Well Max, ‘I’m (Y/N), if you're interested in someone helping you out with that kickflip, ‘I used to do some skateboarding myself”, she offered. Max beamed at her offer, “Really? That’d be so great!”, “Alrighty then, if you see me around, don’t be shy to ask!”.
Little did (Y/N) and Max know, Billy was watching them. Billy knew (Y/N) was genuinely kind, but not that kind. It wasn’t necessarily cool to be seen with a middle schooler. He figured he wouldn’t look too much into it, but something about seeing (Y/N) with her, didn’t sit well with him. Billy gave Max a dirty look as she skated up to the camaro. “You're late again”, Billy started. “I had to get catchup homework”, Max stated. “Jesus! I don’t care- who was that girl you were talking to?”, Billy asked, even though he already knew who she was. “Just some high schooler- she offered to help me learn some skateboarding tricks' '. So she skateboarded too, huh? “That’s rich. Just, get in the car, will yah?”.
(Y/N) entered the door with a ‘skip in her step. She really needed a reason to lose herself, forget about the world around her. Tonight was going to be perfect for that. Expecting to be greeted by her mom, she noticed no one was there. She knew Dustin was heading to Mike’s right after school, ‘but her mom was nowhere to be seen. She probably had to work later hours again. ‘This meant she had the place to herself! (Y/N) still had a few hours before Billy picked her up. So she figured she’d get into her costume, and then fix herself something to eat.
The Sarah Connor costume was simple. Gray tank top, black jeans, sunglasses, a chunky belt and combat boots. (Y/N) already had all of this in her regular wardrobe, so it’d be a pretty easy costume. Of course she didn’t have a rifle to complete it, even though she could’ve asked Nance. She wasn’t about to show up to a house party with a gun. It would have been pretty cool though.
She stood in front of the bathroom mirror, clad in costume. Now it was time to remove her makeup and untame her curled hair. “Mr. Crowley” by Ozzy Osbourne was currently spinning on her “Blizzard of Ozz” vinyl. She mouthed her lips to the lyrics as she straightened her hair, her (Y/H/C) locks falling in straight whisps on her head. Replacing her once extravagant makeup with a more nude look, she looked at herself pleased.
A total badass look, you might say.
It was only 4:30, and Billy was coming over at 6 o’clock. She had way too much time to kill. Making her way to the kitchen, she scoped the fridge. Enough ground beef for two burgers, and she knew they had leftover buns. Maybe Billy would be hungry when he got there, and if she was making dinner for two- she didn’t want to start too early. So she’d head back to it in about a half an hour. Meanwhile a coca-cola would hold her down, she was pretty firsty.
(Y/N) now laid in her bed, bored. ‘Blizzard of Ozz was still playing, it just switched onto “Steal Away (The Night)”, her ears perked up to the upbeat tune. She couldn’t help but dance around, hopping happily on her bed as she belted the lyrics along with Ozzy. Pointing at the poster of him that was plastered on her wall, she shouted the chorus. It’d be pretty funny if Billy were to walk in on her singing her heart out, what would he think of that? She rolled her eyes at the thought, he’d probably think she was crazy. The song ended, turning to the next one. (Y/N) took this as her cue to start on dinner.
Flipping the patties in the pan, she sighed at the smell. She did cook a pretty ‘mean burger. Dustin loved when she made them, he always said the added rosemary was the perfect touch. (Y/N) grew up with her mother teaching her how to cook. Claudia Henderson had worked in a number of restaurants, usually in the kitchen or as a waitress. She now helped run a popular Inn a little outside of town, and it was her favourite place she’s ever worked in. (Y/N) probably figured it was a busy night, considering she didn’t come home at her usual hour.
5:45 and the burgers were ready and plated, the aroma running through the room. Billy was ‘going to be here soon, and she was giddy with excitement. Before she knew it, the bell rang. Fuck he was early. “Coming!” she called, slowly making her way to the door. ‘There he stood; a cocky grin on his face with his arm propped up on the door ledge. She took time to take in his minimal outfit, tight jeans & a leather jacket, no shirt. His abbs were on full display- (Y/N)’s mouth watered just at the sight of him. “See something you like, sweetheart?” he smirked. “Maybe-”, (Y/N) stammered. “It’s aight, I see something I like to,'' he whispered the last part into her ear, letting himself in.
“She cooks too? ‘I guess looks can be deceiving”, he motioned to the burgers. (Y/N) blushed, “I figured we could eat before we fill ourselves with alcohol”. They delved into the burgers, she couldn’t help but laugh when Billy moaned at the taste. “Darlin- I haven’t had a burger like this in awhile, ‘the ones down at Benny’s don’t hold anything on these”, he praised. “That must be a high compliment, because ‘Benny’s are pretty good”, she smiled at him. (Y/N) put the dishes into the dishwasher, quickly running to her room to grab her polaroid camera. “Where are you ‘heading princess?”, she’d never get tired of his little pet names. “I’m just grabbing my camera- I want to get some good shots tonight!”.
(Y/N) came back with her camera bag, a big grin on her face. “You ready to head out?”, he questioned. “Yeah, just let me get my jacket”, she took her jacket from the hook. “Ready”. He guided her to the camaro, opening the passenger door. Billy never opened the passenger door for girls! ‘(Y/N) really did something to him, huh? “Such the gentlemen”, she smirked. “Anything for you dollface”. He slid into the drivers side, placing his keys into the ignition. “Music?” she questioned, “Sure thing, feel free to look through the cassettes in the glove box”. She searched through the assortment of tapes, varying from Metallica, Def Leppard, RATT, Mötley Crüe, Hanoi Rocks, AC/DC and more. She settled on Hanoi Rocks’s, “Two Steps From The Move” album. It had just come out that summer, and it was one of her favourites. Not to mention she had a HUGE crush on Michael Monroe.
“Hanoi Rocks huh? I like your style”, he nodded in approval, till turning his eyes back on the road. “Got any specific fave tracks?”, (Y/N) questioned. “Track 8”. She was surprised he chose this one, considering it was one of the more “cheesy” songs. ‘It did have a pretty ‘rockin guitar riff in it though, she’ll give him that. Billy contentedly thumped his hands on the steering wheel, speeding up a bit. Rolling both of their windows down, (Y/N) was surprised to see him singing along to the lyrics. It was a bad attempt at a Finnish accent, sure, but it was still really cute. (Y/N) joined him, jumping in at the chorus. They banged their heads to the tune, continuously singing the lines. (Y/N) really felt alive in that moment. ‘She couldn’t remember the last time she had this much fun, and they haven’t even gotten to the party yet.
They pulled up to Tina’s, teens were already rallying in. ‘It was going to be a wild night. Before Billy could open up his trunk to get the kegs, (Y/N) stopped him. She pulled out her camera, “Hargrove! Smile!”, she grinned, pointing the camera at him. ‘He rolled his eyes, posing for the picture. The photo was of Billy playfully doing the devil’s horns symbol, with his tongue stuck out. She giggled, “This is one for the board!”. “Well Hey Sarrah Conner- let me take a pic of you!”, he said, trying to grab the camera from her. She handed the camera to him, smiling that he remembered her costume name. Letting her sunglasses shade her eyes, ‘she smirked brightly at the camera, ‘Billy quickly snapping the shot. He handed the polaroid to her, she shaked it and placed it in her bag with the one she took.
Billy held one of the kegs while (Y/N) grabbed the other, walking into the crowded house. It was overwhelmingly loud. They could feel the heat coming off the numerous teenagers that littered the home, their bodies moving to the heavy beats of the stereo. Tina was in the kitchen, and had noticed the pair walk in. “Billy & (Y/N) are here with more kegs!”, she shouted, ‘causing the crowd to go wild. Someone had taken the one from her hands and motioned Billy to follow them into the backyard, leaving her alone. She grazed over the sea of teens, trying to spot anyone she knew. She noticed Steve and Nancy dancing freely in the living room, Nancy nursing a drink while Steve had a big smile on his face. She figured she’d grab some punch and then see what Billy was doing in the backyard, most likely a keg stand. He was the new ‘king after all, Tommy was probably expecting him to beat Steve’s record.
‘As luck would have it, she was right. She stood on the back porch with a cup of “pure fuel” in her hands, watching the teens crowd around him as he bent over the keg. They shouted various numbers, counting the seconds as he chugged down the beer. (Y/N) cheered with them, looking at him with bright eyes. His torso was glistening, beads of sweat running down his toned chest. Her cheeks flushed red just at the sight of him. The enthusiasm got louder as he finished the stand, spitting spews of beer out of his mouth. “That’s how you do it Hawkins! That’s how you do it!”, more cheers. Tommy passed him a cigarette and escorted him into the house, the gang shouting his name as Mötley Crüe’s, “Shout At The Devil” played on the speakers. Billy spotted her on the porch, grinning wildly at her. He shoved her into his side with his arm, hugging her tight. Tommy glared at the interaction. Never in her time with being friends with Steve has ‘Tommy liked her that much, and it seems things haven’t changed.
Typical Tommy.
(Y/N) was enjoying the feel of Billy's embrace a little too much. She knew he was already partially drunk, and she was feeling a nice buzz that she wasn’t planning on getting rid of anytime soon. Someone had to drive them home. ‘Tommy paraded them up to Nancy and Steve, (Y/N) wasn’t sure if it was to torchure her or show off Billy, probably both. ‘Billy and Steve stared each other down as if they were going to kill each other, it was really intense. Too intense for her liking. Still hooded under Billy’s arm, she shot Steve a sympathetic look. ‘As if to say ‘I’m sorry’ with her eyes. “We got ourselves a new keg king Harrington!”, Tommy declared. “Yeah eat it Harrington!”, another guy shouted. Somehow in ‘Billy and Steve’s stare down, Nancy had slipped away.
“You see Harrington- not only that, but I stole your girl away too”, Billy retorted. Oh shit- this wasn’t good. Steve glanced over at her, a nervous look in his eyes. “I don’t know what you're talking about man-”. How did Billy know about (Y/N)’s past feelings for Steve? “Well you see, this lovely lady under my arms thought the world of you, and frankly I- I just don’t see why! Point being, she has me now, you can go fetch that slut you settled for.” This interaction was making neither Steve nor (Y/N) happy, it left them feeling both angry and confused. Steve scoffed, chasing after Nancy. He was going to want to talk to (Y/N) about this later.
Steve really didn’t know what to make of what Billy had said to him. Mainly, it sounded like a warning; but he didn’t think Billy intended for it to be that. (Y/N) and him had been best friends forever, and even if he didn’t necessarily like Billy, there was no harm in her being friends with him, right? Though, something about what Billy said hinted that he meant more than just friends. Had (Y/N) liked him, loved him even? Was Steve really oblivious all these years- no, it couldn’t be. If he was being honest, he harboured a small crush on her in the beginning of middle school, but then Nancy came into his life. Nancy Wheeler hit him like a freight train right in the heart, and he then became a lovesick puppy. He couldn’t get enough of her. That’s when Steve began to realize, the jealous glances over the years, the slight distaste of Nancy that came off her.
But, why did it matter if (Y/N) loved him? He still had Nancy, or so he thought.
Tommy had left, leaving Billy and (Y/N) in the corner of the living room, an uncomfortable silence stirring between them. “Billy-how did you-“, she wondered in a whisper, but Billy cut her off. “You really don’t think Tommy would’ve told me? Besides, everybody knows”. She didn’t need to hear the last part. Besides, why did it matter if everyone knew- it didn’t matter to her anymore. “Does that bother you?”, she asked worriedly. Billy chuckled darkly.
“Darlin- you got nothing to worry about, I’m your new king now”.
Next thing she knew, they were on the dance floor. Billy had pulled her into the crowd of sweaty bodies, grinding on each other. Some people were making out, others chugging alcohol till they fell limp to the floor. She stared nervously at the rowdy teens, her body shaking. He noticed her agitation, placing a hand on her cheek, turning her to face him. He smelt of cheap beer and stale cigarette smoke, and a hint of cologne. She was caught with that intoxicating sensation again, making her hazy. His icy blue eyes peered into her (Y/E/C) ones, “Just feel the music princess- everything will be just fine”.
‘Their bodies moved comfortably against each other to ‘Billy Idol’s, “Flesh For Fantasy”. A perfect song choice in the moment. ‘(Y/N) was very much sober and very much aware of what was happening. Aware of Billy’s strong grip on her waist, aware of his hips moving against hers. Normally this would’ve been cutting close corners for her, but she was looking for an opportunity to lose herself. What better way than this? She ran her fingers through his thick blonde curls, her hips swaying a bit more. He sighed in contentment, making her shiver. His face was currently buried into her neck, placing soft kisses on her collarbone.
They continued their heavy sway for a while, Billy had started to form a hickey below her ear. She was definitely not going to be able to cover it up tomorrow, but she really didn’t care if people saw it- she wanted people to know that she wasn’t desperate. That she didn’t need Steve anymore. She wasn’t exactly sure what she meant to ‘Hargrove, but she knew that she wasn’t planning on leaving him anytime soon. (Y/N) felt him remove his lips from her neck, his hot breath waving over her. “Mhmm- left a pretty big mark sweetheart-“ he mumbled. She hummed in return, removing her hands from his hair.
The rest of the night consisted of more dancing, and Billy getting more intoxicated than he was before. Really drunk Billy- let’s just say it was quite the sight to see. He was a giggling mess, slurring his words and stumbling on his feet. “(Y/N)- has anyone ever told you-“ he hiccuped, “That you were gorgeous?”, another hiccup. She giggled at his comment, “Tons of people- but I bet no one sees me like you do huh?”, she supported him up against the kitchen counter. “Absolutely no one!” He cheered in a high pitch voice, damn he really was a mess. She tried to wrap his arm around her shoulders snatching his keys.”Hey- what are you doing?”, he gestured to the keys, “Getting you home-“, “Wait! Can we go to your house please?? I can’t wake up my dad letting him see me like this- he’ll kill me”, he pleaded. “Fine- just, try to be as quiet as possible, I got a sleeping family too”.
(Y/N) took him out of the house, nearly carrying him. She waved goodbye to a few mutual friends who were still conscious, muttering a soft “See y’all tomorrow, hope we aren’t all hungover”. This earned a few laughs from her classmates, bidding her and Billy a goodnight. Unlocking the passenger side to the camaro, she set Billy down lightly on the seat. “Being so ginger with me sweetheart- I’m not made of glass ‘you know”, he joked. “Whatever tough guy- let’s just get you to a bed, mhm?”. Placing her hands on the steering wheel, she realized she hasn’t driven a car since the summer, and a camaro is definitely nothing close to a station wagon. She took a deep breath- she could do this, no sweat. Besides, there was no way she could bring herself to ruin a car as beautiful as this one.
Billy must’ve passed out while they were driving, because when she pulled into her driveway, his eyes were sewn shut. She had to admit- he did look pretty adorable when he was sleeping. She tried to resist the urge to take a photo of him, but she couldn’t help herself. Pulling out her camera bag that was littered with pictures from tonight, she snapped a quick photo of him. The flash startled him, waking him up. “Sweetheart- were you taking photos of me in my sleep? That’s just creepy”, his voice was groggy. “How could I not when you were laying there looking like an angel?”, “Pfft- ‘darlin, I am a demon, Satan himself! ‘Ain’t no way I’m an angel!”, he scoffed.
“Hate to break it to you sweetheart, but Lucifer was once an angel”.
Fumbling with the keys to her front door while trying to help Billy regain his footing was hard. He was just about to lose consciousness again when she finally got the door open, it shouldn't have been as much of a challenge as it was- but Billy had a lot of weight to him. She didn’t notice the lights were still on till she saw her mom sitting in her reading chair, Mews on her lap and clad in a cat costume. Shit- what was she gonna say about this? “Oh! Mrs. Henderson- I see where (Y/N) gets all her good looks from!”, Billy squealed, “Ugh can it Billy! Mom I can explain-“ she shushed Billy, staring wide eyed at her mother. “Sweetie- you clearly had a wild night, just take this pound of muscle to your room, and we can talk about it while he crashes, okay?”- (Y/N) nodded quickly, dragging Billy to her room.
Billy flopped down on the bed, giggling wildly. “Honey! We’ve known each other for two days, don’t you think we ‘oughta know one another better before I sleep in your bed?”, (Y/N) rolled her eyes at the blubbering idiot. “This was your idea dumby! Just get under the covers and keep it shut, will you?”, she glared at him, closing the door and heading back to the living room.
“So no Steve, huh? He’s the one who usually spends the night”, her mom said softly. “Different reasons mom- I’m just trying to figure out who’s a bigger piece of work”, she huffed. “Well he’s quite the looker, ‘makes me wonder how you keep up with him”, Claudia smirked. “Mom! He’s new here- he just happened to notice me first”, (Y/N) blushed, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. “Besides- what are you doing up so late?”, (Y/N) stared at the clock, “It’s nearly 1 o’clock”. “Busy night down at the Inn, just needed a little time to myself after Dusty went to bed”, she sighed, but (Y/N) knew she wasn’t finished. “Also wanted to see what mess you brung home, it’s always a new thing with you”, her mom laughed. “Billy’s- interesting, but I’m not sure, doesn’t seem like the most faithful type”, she sighed. “He may surprise you, and besides- if he hurts you he’ll have to suffer the wrath of your brother!”, Claudia giggled, smiling at her daughter. “Anyways- I’m gonna head to bed, early day at work tomorrow, you gonna go join the guy?”, she pointed down the hall. “Yeah yeah I’ll join the idiot in a second- just gonna get some water”, (Y/N) said tiredly.
Snuggling up on the couch, she sipped her water. The quietness was calming, the fact that everyone was at rest and she was the only one around southend her in a way. The fact that Billy was sleeping soundly in her bed, gave her a different feeling. Things with him- had gone by so quickly, and it was only just beginning. It was nice being with someone where the relationship had lasted longer than more than a few hours. Her past flames- had simply been one night stands, meaningless things to shy her away from Steve, but Billy was different. She actually liked him, and even though he came off as a jerk- he seemed really sweet on the inside. Though, she couldn’t help but wonder how Steve was feeling right now, the bomb had been dropped on him nearly two hours ago- it must be overwhelming to know your best friend was holding back feelings for so many years.
(Y/N) was just about to head to bed, till she heard a knock on the door. Who was here at this time of night? She opened the door slightly, and who she saw she didn’t expect. There Steve stood, his face red and puffy with tears in his eyes. His body was shaking, his shoulders were slumped over. He looked awful. “She- doesn’t love me- it’s bullshit! It was all bullshit!” He stuttered as his body continued to quiver. (Y/N)’s heart ached at his words, what had Nancy done this time? She didn’t know what to say, it’s not like she could’ve let him in. So, she just pulled him into a hug, “Steve-you can’t keep coming here like this- it’s not my job to fix you”, she tried to explain. “I know! I just don’t have anywhere else to go”, he cried. “I can’t tonight- it just isn’t the right time.” (Y/N) was attempting to tell him in the best way possible that Billy wasn’t there, but Steve caught on. “He’s here, isn’t he, Billy?”, Steve muttered angrily. “Out of all the guys in Hawkins- you chose him to get over me, that’s just flattering!” . Steve was making her feel sick, “Steve- I know you're hurting but you can’t take it out on me like that- it isn’t fair”, she pushed away from him. “I’ll talk about this with you tomorrow- when you're in the right state of mind, okay? Just please leave”, she pleaded. “Fine- I’ll see you tomorrow”, he breathed out harshly, walking back to his car.
She was on the edge of a breakdown, heart racing and choked up tears running down her face. This is not how she expected her evening to end- seeing Steve like that, broken and beaten again. (Y/N) thought she’d never live to see Steve crumble in her arms one more time- and with that she could’ve rested easy. At least she wouldn’t have to be alone tonight, she had someone waiting for her. Trying to stay quiet, she tiptoed down the hall. Opening the door, she walked in to see Billy sleeping soundly, the pink hue of her bedside lamp illuminating his features. She took notice of his leather jacket, jeans and boots scattered on the ground. That meant he was only in his boxers. Before joining him she slipped into an oversized AC/DC t-shirt and looked in the mirror, her hands grazing over the purple mark that had formed on her neck- the little bastard.
When (Y/N) laid in bed, even in his sleepy state Billy could notice the slight dip in the mattress. He groaned, “What took you so long…?”. (Y/N) chuckled softly at his tiredness. “Just an unexpected visitor, nothing to worry about”, she smiled reassuringly. “Well as long as you're okay, that’s all that matters”, he kissed her temple, pulling her into his chest. She snuggled into his side, sighing contentedly. She needed this. “Thank you”, she mumbled mindlessly. “For what sweetheart?”.
“For helping me start fresh”.
The couple held each other comfortably, sleep taking over them. (Y/N) rested her head on Billy’s torso, as he lazily made circles on the small of her back. Everything was blissful in that moment. Perfect. She’d deal with Steve tomorrow, for now, she had Billy Hargrove. Billy Hargrove with his strong hold and warm comforting body, Billy Hargrove who made her feel safe.
Author’s note:
Hope you all love the second chapter! Feedback is always appreciated & as always if you want to be added to the taglist comment down below ❤️!
Tag-list: @theblueslytherin @oopsiedoopsie23 @lulu-yuming @merc12-us @soullesstaco @unded-bride @holychocopie @nikkixostan @ellesimagines
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myrwritesfootie · 3 years
Like The Old Days - Chapter Two - Mason Mount
Who: Mason Mount x Original Female Character Words: 1629 Disclaimer: I do not know Mason Mount or anyone else mentioned in these writings. Note: So the first chapter was just mainly an introduction, this chapter is nearly double of the previous chapter and I hope you all like it.
July 31st, 2017. Arnhem, Netherlands
The weather was quite chilly for a day in the middle of the summer. Not that it was a strange occurance in the Netherlands. It was one of the things I disliked the most about living in this country. I am someone who preferred the sun and the warmth. Unfortunately that was not going to happen anytime soon.
Despite the dreary weather, I knew that I would have to enjoy the summer as much as possible before it was over and before I would start on my last year of education. Just one more year and then it was time to find work. Something I just didn’t want to think about just yet. I actually liked my school years until now.
The voice of my friend next to me pulled me out of my thoughts.
“Iris? This is like the third time you blanked on me, what’s going on in that head of yours?” Marie asked and I quickly blinked, a guilty expression on my face. “I’m sorry Mar. What were you saying again?”
The blonde sighed - clearly exaggarating, the smile on her lips giving that away as well as she looked at me  over the edge of her sunglasses, bright blue eyes looking into my own hazel ones. “I was asking if you were up for going out for a drink this afternoon, after I finished work. It shouldn’t be a long day and they say that the weather will only get better by the end of the day. Pretty please?”
I couldn’t help but chuckle. It was an ever returning question from Marie whenever the weather was nice in the city. “Fine, we are going out for a drink, but we are going to bring our own drinks and we are going to the park,” I encountered. Marie squinted her eyes for a moment, but then nodded. “Deal. I’ll ask Frances, Yvette and Sanne as well to see if they want to come.”
Even now I could already tell that the park was going to be packed. The park in the middle of the city was one of the most beautiful places in Arnhem, at least in my opinion. Whenever the sun was shining, it was busy. The slight slope in the grass made it a perfect place for sunbathing but also to have some barbecues in the summer. It was as if a big part of the city made its way into the park and my friends and I were definitely no exception.
The morning at our secondary school was one that finished pretty quickly. Marie and I were busy with our second year, with two more years to follow after this. After that university would probably follow if we were to choose for that, but so far I have not been interested in that. It meant more years at school while I knew what I wanted the most; I wanted to do something physical. I wanted to mean something for people, I wanted to travel. I did not want to get back in the school benches once more when I was done with this level of education.
So while Marie left to get to her job, I went back home. A home where a young brother had been bouncing around the house for some time now because our local football team Vitesse had been having a good pre-season so far and new names had been signed. With the Johan Cruijff Shield coming up at the start of the season, the football vibe was big in our house, with my brother bouncing off the walls. I liked football too but I had to admit that I didn’t like our own competition much. That’s what you get when you get hooked on the Premier League. The pace and level of that league was so much higher than our Eredivisie so who can really blame me, right? So where Sam - my younger brother - had a yellow and black obsession, I had a red one. A Liverpool shaped one.
The moment I walked into the house, it was clear that my mum was pissed off. “Sam de Jong, how many times do I have to tell you that you don’t get to kick that ball around inside.” The sight of shattered pieces on the floor that had previously been a longdrink glass came into my view as I walked into the living room.
“I’m sorry mum! I was trying to score the winning goal.” I couldn’t help but laugh at the words of my ten year old brother. As soon as I saw the look on my mother’s face, I bit my lower lip to stop myself from laughing.
“I just came by to let you know I’ll be at the park for the afternoon and also probably for dinner,” I quickly said, before leaving the room again so I could get upstairs, not wanting to witness the disaster that Sam was about to face.
It was only a short visit at home. While I freshened up after school - and listened to my mother yell at Sam while making him clean up the mess that he had made, I quickly looked through some messages on my phone where the other girls already showed that they had bought drinks and food already for the park.
Once I got the message from Marie that she was on her way to the park, I left the house as well. The park was only a short walk from my house but because I was known as the lazy one of my friends (and it was probably true as well), I picked the bike as my form of transport to the sunny greenery in the centre of the city. It didn't take long for me to find my friends, who had perched themselves on a large blanket in the grass. Many people had thought the same thing as we did. Other little groups had formed on the grass, some guys were kicking a football around while yelling at each other. In English. Which wasn't that rare here in Arnhem.
As I reached my friends, I just heard the last bit of a sentence Francis had said. "- is pretty cute." I rolled my eyes at the words, Francis was probably one of the biggest guy crazy people I had met but I loved her for it. I followed her gaze and found the footballing guys on the end of it. Oh, and Francis had a preference for athletes.
"Of course you have found the cutest guy in the entire park already," Marie said as she waved at me, holding out a glass with some fizzy drink in it. I looked over my shoulder and had to agree with Francis, however. The brown haired young man standing closest to us was not bad on the eyes. They were probably around the same age as us.
It was always good to spend free afternoons in the sun with my friends. For a moment there was not a worry in the world - although my mother would counter that at my age I did not have any worries. Laughing seemed to be the best remedy against long boring school days. I tried my best to zoom back into the story that Marie was telling. "So my brothers were in the backyard, mum kept yelling at them to grey inside for dinner, that they had to stop fooling around. They didn't listen at all, continued playing rugby and next moment, the ball went through the window. Mum was livid." I shook my head, a laugh escaping me as I thought back at the scene between my own brother and mother. 
"Your brothers aren't the only ones good at breaking glass. Sam wanted to score the winning goal for the Johan Cruijff Shield and thought it was a good idea to do that inside. I walked in on -"
Before I could finish my sentence, this time I was interrupted by a sudden football hitting in the middle of our picnic cloth and knocking glasses over, the ball ending in my lap. I was too surprised to jump up like some of the other girls were doing. 
"I'm so sorry ladies, my friend over there did a terrible job controlling the ball." A male voice spoke up in a British accent. It had to be one of the guys who had been kicking the ball around just a few meters away from us. A look up confirmed that it was the cute brown haired one who had come over to collect the ball in my lap. From up close he was even closer. Dark eyes matched his hair and a smile was on his lips, a shy one at that. He was our age, maybe just a bit older but when he smiled he had crinkles next to his eyes. It was Marie who found her voice back as the first one, of course she was. 
"You can definitely say that. He should learn how to play football." The guy standing with us left out a chuckle, even though I did not understand why it was so funny what Marie had said. 
"I'll let my friend Mitchell know." His gaze moved in my direction, since I had the ball. "I really am sorry…" he trailed off, not knowing which name to add to the end of the sentence. A very smooth way to ask for my name although I didn't even realise it. I scrambled onto my feet finally with the ball in my hands. "It's Iris. Here's your ball back." I held out the ball to him, his fingertips brushing mine for just a second as he took it from me. 
"Thank you Iris. I'm Mason."
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with Obispo ‘Bishop’ Losa.
Request: hermaaaaaana, hello😊 literalmente que llevo veinte minutos pensando en que te puedo preguntar but i think i got it. so if it’s okay for you, i would like to request a headcanon with bishop in which he mets the reader for first time and it’s love at first sight or something like that, only if you are comfortable with it. Thank youuuuuuu💖
BY @aquamento
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Word count: about 1.9k
Aurora says: this writing hasn't been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I'm sorry about that!
Gif credits: to my wonderful @sonsofeorl ✨
Masterlist. You can subscribe to my broadcast list, to be notified whenever I post a writing!
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“Please… tell me that bike is yours”.
Bishop is stationed in front of the Reyes carnicería, with the rest of his crew at both sides. His eyes are glued on your anatomy, touring the random tattoos all around your arms and enraptured on the way your hips move covered by a pair of black bike shorts. His heart stops when he sees you hanging the meat packet by your teeth, to wear the leather gloves, before keeping your order on the bag of your Harley.
Wearing the helmet, while you sit on top of your motorcycle, you raise your eyes feeling strongly stalked. You can't help but chuckle wearing your sunglasses, before turning on the engine. Chewing a mint gun, you pass them away with a funny smirk installed on your face. Probably, they have never seen a girl like you, and you're not actually surprised after seeing how women are in Santo Padre. You have three kinds: uptight, too old or too used. And you look like candy at a school gate. Mayans are the children.
He begs and prays to run into you, riding the city every night at the same hour, around Felipe's carnicería.
He doesn't lose hope for almost one month. But after this much time, he starts to be desperate. Bishop could have memorized your plate, but he was too busy admiring your mere existence.
Taza tried to help him, by using the database statewide using the model of your bike. But there were too many results, with different names of men and women, and none based on Santo Padre.
He has suddenly fallen in love and he doesn't even know your name.
Until he met you again.
Sipping by the straw of your cup of coffee, you're checking some messages of your father. You have forgotten your laptop in Santa Madre and you need it for work, so you're trying to convince him to bring it to your new town.
Frowning confused by the male hoarse voice, you raise your eyes from the screen, finding a middle-age man with a dense moustache over his smile.
“Do I know you?”
“I'm Obispo. Obispo Losa, but you can call me Bishop”. He offers you a hand, narrowing it with your left one in an awkward move that makes the two of you laugh. “Southpaw?”
“Got a coffee in my right”. You reply shaking your hand.
“I stopped you 'cause I like your bike”.
“Ain't selling”.
“I wasn't trying to buy it, it's just a compliment”. He says wearing his gloves, bowing down his head for a second. “I run the scrapyard, in case you need a rechange, or something”.
“It's good to know it”.
You watch him leaving you there, puckering your lips while you turn slightly, before continuing with your walk.
He was nervous as fuck trying to you, but it looks like that his trap can works on you.
And actually, it does. He has woken up an interest in you. Not because of his kutte, but because the way he had of licking his incisors with the tip of his tongue when you laughed.
These small details not everyone pays attention to.
And you take the bait. His bait.
You didn't have any excuse to visit the scrapyard, so with all the pain squeezing your heart, you hammer a nail in the back tire of your bike. Almost dragging it for one mile, you reach the place. That's going to cost you some bucks, but it's worth it. Anchoring the kickstand close to the office, you follow the rhythmic latin music to flood into a crowded yard. Sounds like a party. Looks like a party. With the hands kept in the back pockets of your shorts, you lean over your tiptoes trying to find the owner.
“Need help, mami?” A mexican accent makes you turn to your left.
“Yeah, 'am looking for… Obispo?” You say wrinkling your nose at the man with long black hair and a cigar on his lips, having a smoke.
“Yo! Prez!” Turning away, the man yells another name you can't understand.
Your orbs find the darkest ones, but what you see instead of what you were expecting provokes you some bitter shivers. On his lap there's an exuberant woman, wearing nothing but a short skirt and a white lace bra, and one of his hands caressing her thigh. Who the fuck is that guy and who the fuck does he think you are? Regretting your decision of coming, you turn over your steps to not continue looking at him, crossing your arms over your chest almost kicking the dust with the tip of your sneakers.
“You came”. He sounds excited, but somewhat nervous.
“Yeah, and now I would prefer to haven't done it”, you think to yourself.
“Yeah, I just… had a problem with a wheel and a nail”. You reply, shrugging your shoulders. “But that guy can attend me, you don't have to. I mean, you were occupied”.
“Is she jealous?”, he thinks to himself.
“I have time for you, querida”.
Wrong words. You're not going to fall again, not after what you have seen.
“I only need a wheel. I will come back tomorrow evening”.
“Don't you want a beer?” He sounds disappointed and a little annoyed, raising a hand over his shoulder to point at the party happening behind him.
“No, thanks”.
Watching you go is painful. A kind of sorrow that he never thought that he could feel.
After telling his brothers what happened, they counsel him to wait till the next day.
But you don't go to the scrapyard. You don't want to see him, even if you know that you have to pick up your bike.
Finally, you come back two days later.
Knocking the metallic door, you walk inside the office. The man who attended you the first time and another with strange hands receive you.
“I came for the black and red Harley”.
“Yeah, mami, give me a second”.
The men disappear from the place, while you take a seat on an old leather couch, crossing one leg above the other; moving it impatiently. But again, you have to take off your eyes from the screen of your phone, hearing his voice calling you.
“The bike is ready”. Obispo says with a fleeting smile appearing on his face.
“Good. How much do I own you?” You ask getting up, trying to not look at him too much and focusing on the bill he offers you.
“Nothing, it's on me”.
“Thanks, but I wanna pay”.
“Well, ain't gonna charge you”. He sentences with a chuckle.
Puckering your lips with a forced smile, you pass him away to step out from the office, looking for your bike.
“Hey, wait”.
“She's just a friend”.
You pretend that you don't know what he's talking about, making him snort rubbing the bridge of his nose.
“The girl. In the party. She's just a friend”.
“Bueno, congrats”. You just reply, about to walk away again.
“I was wondering if you would like to hang out one day”. These words stop your legs. “Have some beers, a ride, maybe a dinner. Or a lunch. Whatever”.
He's trying. He's trying to fix up what he fucked up. And you are not sure about what response you can give him back. You want to say yes, but, for what? To end like his friend? Sitting on his lap almost naked, surrounded by drunk bikers?
“Sorry, I ain't your type. Don't lose your time”.
You can't believe what you just said, sounding so rude and proud. Bishop frowns.
“My type? And which is my type?” Now, you have offended him, watching him intertwining his hands under his abdomen. Expecting.
“Cheap makeup to leave marks. Lingerie and short skirts. Laughter when something isn't funny. Work hard to look like a man's trophy… Definitely, I'm not your type. I mean, you must be however you want to be, but… sorry, that's not my game”.
“That isn't my game either”. He replies tilting his neck to the left side for some seconds. “I prefer the ones who call me out when I'm being a pendejo”.
“Mommy issues?” Making fun of him, you raise both eyebrows. He chuckles shaking his head. “Thanks for the wheel”.
You don't need no man, but could God please send to you a normal one?
Bishop feels fucked than ever. Annoyed. Bothered.
He tries to figure out how to make it up to you, but he has never had to do something like that.
And his brothers can't help him either.
So he plays one of his best cards.
Be sincere.
The next time he sees you walking around, he makes to stop the whole crew behind him. Jumping off from his bike, he crosses the road with a slow sprint to not being run over. Rolling your eyes, you don't stop your path. Not even when he reaches you.
“Can you listen to me for a second?”
Placing himself in front of you, the man takes off his sunglasses.
“I'm hurry”.
“One sec—”.
“One”. You just say, counting it about to walk away. A hand around your left wrists holds you.
Hearing him beg to you wasn't on your to-do list for today. Facing him with no gesture on you lets him know that you are granting him a second.
“You're gonna think I'm crazy because I have never fell in love at first sight, but when I saw you the first time I fucking swear that you stole my heart, querida. I have been looking for you for a month. Every night. Same hour. Trying to catch the opportunity of talking to you. And maybe, just maybe, I tried to find you by the model of your bike”. You can't lie. You weren't expecting that confession. “I really felt like shit when I saw you in the scrap. The way your face changed when you saw that girl sat on me. And I'm really sorry”.
You don't have a word to reply. Confused. Overwhelmed by a lot of sensations running through your body.
“I ain't the kind of man who… you know what I'm trying to say. And I didn't mean to offend you”.
He keeps silent, waiting for you to say something.
“This has been more than one second”. You try to joke, a little nervous. And you make him laugh again.
“Listen, I know a place with the best meat in the whole California, and a lot of different sauces to dip in. It's forty minutes away, but we can have a ride together”.
“Sounds good, but… I'm on my way to work”.
“We can go whenever you want”.
Bishop isn't going to give up, and you know it.
“You said you're in a hurry, let me take you to your job and think about it on this ride”.
You finally accept, knowing that he's not going to accept a decline as an answer.
And when he finds out that you work in the hospital, he's totally amazed.
And he earns your number after being so sincere with you.
“Maybe, just maybe, I put the nail on purpose”. You confess then, walking backwards to the entrance, facing him with a smile on your face.
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luxekook · 5 years
chapter six.
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⇥ pairing: ot7 x reader
⇥ genre: college au with fluff, smut & angst
⇥ summary: a series in which the reader meets (and falls for) seven members of the Beta Tau Sigma (BTS) fraternity
⇥ word count: 4.6k (may have gotten a bit *cough* carried away)
⇥ warnings: 18+, cursing, dirty talk, general chaotic energy, poly relationships, switch!reader, jungkook being a lovable idiot, bad driving, taehyung trying (and failing) to catfish the reader, bar bathroom smut, oral (m receiving), light choking
© luxekook. please do not repost, modify, edit or translate.
characters | prologue | one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine
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Chapter Six
Habitat Worksite – 11:25am
The rest of the morning goes by pretty smoothly much to my surprise. The group that I help Eddie orient is from a pub in the neighboring town. They’re so much nicer than the last scarring group I had to deal with, and they’re actually listening to my directions.
I’m pretty sure I have tears in my eyes as I supervise them cutting plywood like professionals – but that could just be the sawdust.
When I become confident that no one is going to injure themselves with the power saw, I recruit some other volunteers to help me transfer the cut wood inside.
As we walk into the house, I almost drop the plywood onto my foot. Jungkook is shirtless, mixing cement together. When had he even arrived? I stare unabashedly at him – The height. The build. The broad shoulders. The veined forearms. The ridged stomach. The tattoos…
Tay, the middle-aged mother of two helping me, follows my line of vision, “Oh my... please tell me you’re hitting that, darling.”
“Tay!” I hiss, my eyes darting around to see if anyone heard her. Sure enough, Jungkook is looking at us and smirking like he was just crowned king of the fucking universe. “I am not hitting anything, thank you very much.”
She makes a derisive noise, “I might be old, but I'm not blind. He’s looking at you like you’re the best thing since sliced bread.”
Jungkook hands off his mixing duties to Matt and saunters over to us, “Hey, noona. You look nice today. Do you need any help?”
“Not hitting that, my ass,” Tay mutters and shoots me a triumphant look as she walks back outside.
I roll my eyes at her antics and turn to Jungkook, “Hi, Kookie. What happened to your shirt?”
Jungkook blushes, “I may have taken it off, and then it may have fallen into the cement.”
My eyes wander around the room until they fall on a sad lump of fabric and semi-dried cement in the corner. My lips twitch.
“Noona-a,” Jungkook whines, “Don’t laugh!”
My body doubles over, shaking with laughter. Tears stream down my face as I try in vain to catch my breath.
“Is she okay?” I vaguely hear Hobi ask before I feel his hand run soothing circles on my back, “(y/n), are you crying?”
I straighten, wiping my tears, “H-he… cemen-nt… sh-shirt…” My cackles resume.
“She’s lost it, hasn’t she?” Yoongi enters the house with eyebrows raised, “It was only a matter of time. Jungkook has that effect on people.”
“Hyung!” Jungkook punches Yoongi in the arm.
"Am I wrong, Hobi?" Yoongi turns to the other boy, who's hand is still firmly on my back.
Hoseok shoots Yoongi a dirty look, "Don't drag me into this. The last time I tried to argue with the two of you I almost got a concussion."
Jungkook smirks, looking way too pleased to receive such an accusation, "I seem to recall you liking it, Hobi-hyung. What was it you were screaming?"
Yoongi snickers as he leans into Jungkook, effectively teaming up on poor Hobi, "I believe the phrase was 'harder, oh my god, harder!'" He and Jungkook collapse onto each other in fits of laughter as Hoseok turns an amusing shade of magenta.
I turn to face Hobi. "Is that how you like it?" I murmur, tilting my head to stare up at him, "You like it hard? Rough?"
Hobi swallows as his pupils dilate. His hand on my lower back suddenly clenches, crumpling my shirt within his fist. "Yes," his voice comes out deeper than I had ever heard it.
Vaguely, I notice the other two boys have stopped laughing. Good. No one would tease my sweet Hobi in front of me and get away with it.
My decision solidifies. "Well," I say, "Then that's how I'll give it to you."
"No one will be giving anything to anyone until we finish this project," Namjoon's voice booms, breaking up your little moment with Hoseok.
The four of you swing to face him, blinking owlishly.
Namjoon's eyes are shut as he pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration, "Jeon Jungkook, for the love of god, where is your shirt?"
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An hour later, I found myself stuck in the backseat of Jungkook's black Range Rover. After Hobi, Yoongi, and Jungkook had loudly voiced their opinion in front of the entire worksite that it was their turn to drive me, I had quickly jumped into the car to avoid further humiliation.
Now, I sat wedged in between Hobi and Yoongi who both refused to sit in the front next to Jungkook and also forbade me from doing so. I only agreed because I was not one to miss an opportunity to be pressed up between two hot guys. Sue me.
Glancing down at my thighs, I marvel at the way both of the boys have placed possessive hands on them. "This is so lame," Jungkook complains for the hundredth time as he glances at the three of us in the rearview mirror. "I want to touch noona, too!"
We ignore him.
Yoongi's slim fingers dig in slightly into the softness of my inner thigh, "(y/n)," his hushed words ghost over my neck, "Come home with us?"
"Please," Hobi echoes from my other side. His hand is more brazen in its placement. His pinky just a fraction away from the apex of my thighs.
Perhaps I could close my legs like the proper lady my grandma wanted me to be... but fuck that. I would woman-spread however I damn well please. "Hmm," I pretend to think about it, "No."
"But why?" Hobi pouts, making puppy-dog eyes in my direction, "You said you were going to give it to me."
I shrug, noncommittally, "I never said when."
Jungkook sighs from the driver's seat, "Ah, I love it when noona is evil."
"We fucking know, Jungkook," Yoongi groans, "You only bring it up a thousand times a day."
"Hey!" Jungkook whirls around in his seat, "Stop exposing me, hyung!"
"Eyes on the damn road, JK!" Hobi grips the 'oh shit' bar as the car begins to veer into the bike lane. Jungkook whips back around and quickly rights the car. Meanwhile, Yoongi smirks like the little shit starter he is.
"Looks like I'm not the only evil one here," I roll my eyes, "You're a menace, Min Yoongi."
"Yes, I am," the boy puffs up his chest and grins that gummy smile that he knows makes me melt, "But I'm your menace."
"Ah, gross!"
Jungkook and Hobi yell as I try not to smile at Yoongi's rare display of cuteness and fail miserably.
"Stop trying to butter me up so that I'll come home with you, Yoongs," I smile and thread my fingers through his.
"Why?" He leans into me, "Is it working?"
"Not at all," I breathe, eyes darting to his lips as his tongue slips out to wet them.
"Liar," Yoongi moves in closer. My eyelids lower in anticipation.
Jungkook slams on the breaks and jolts the three of us forward, "We're here!" Grumbling, I pull my seatbelt away from its death grip on my body.
"Well played, Jungkook, well played," Yoongi comments from beside me.
"Tell that to my fucking neck," Hobi moans as he massages the front of his neck where his seatbelt must have dug in.
"Aw," I take pity on the poor boy and offer half-jokingly, "Want me to kiss it better?"
"YES!" Hobi's hand flies off his neck at the speed of light and thrusts his neck out in my direction.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, he is adorable.
I place the lightest of kisses against the growing pink mark on his skin and revel in the shudder his body emits.
"Bye, Hobi," I place one last kiss on him and slide out of the car, using the door that Yoongi vacated from.
"Bye, angel!" Hobi cries out after me, waving furiously. So damn adorable.
Once I exit the car fully, I am faced with a pouting Jungkook and an annoyed-looking Yoongi.
"What now?" I eye them warily.
Yoongi gives Jungkook a dark look, and the younger boy backs off slightly. Turning back to me, Yoongi steps forward. "Bye, (y/n)," he says lowly, brushing a fallen strand of hair behind my ear. A light dusting of pink floods his cheeks at his own soft actions. I bite the inside of my cheek to contain my innate reaction to shower him with affection.
That time would come later, I'm sure.
"Bye, Yoongi," I press my mouth his cheek, "Keep your menacing ways to a minimum while I'm not around, would you?"
"No promises," Yoongi drawls, before hopping back into the car.
And just like that I'm left with one tall bashful boy.
"Oh, Jungkook..." I walk towards where he is propped up against the front of his car. His lean body slouches against the hood as his left leg props itself up on front tire. He still has yet to put another shirt on.
"I'm sorry, noona," he speaks to the pavement in the tiniest voice, "I got jealous that I wasn't getting to be that close to you."
I lift his chin up with my finger, "Baby, you were the only one who had my nipples in your mouth last night, and you're jealous of them?"
He swallows hard before grinning, "Well, when you put it like that..."
"Yeah, that's what I thought," I give into the urge to trace the muscles of his stomach. They bunch up under my touch and I smile at his responsiveness. "You know," I continue, "You're going to have to get over this jealousy thing if I do decide to date you all."
"I know, noona," the pout returns, and this time it's paired with a devastating pair of imploring doe eyes. "I just like you. A lot.”
"Well," I smile, "It's a good thing that I also happen to like you. A lot."
"Really?" Jungkook's neck snaps up at an alarming rate, "You do?"
"Yes, you giant idiot," I grip the back of his neck, "Now, kiss me goodbye."
He kisses me. His teeth pull at my bottom lip in a faint bite, and goosebumps spread across my body. I bite him harder in retaliation, but it only seems to urge him closer against me, body hard, warming me everywhere we connect. His fingertips drag down my skin until they reach my waist. His hands slide up under my shirt, and he rests his palms against my skin, fingers splayed down over my hips.
His hold is undeniably possessive. And that would not do.
I lean up and kiss him harder, digging my nails into his back as I tug him against me, feeling every inch of his body respond to my touch. A groan rumbles deep from within his chest.
“Do you think they’re going to come up for air soon?” An amused voice cuts through our make-out session.
Jungkook rips his mouth from mine, “Fuck off, Hobi.”
I open my eyes and blink a couple times before focusing on the smirking faces of Hobi and Yoongi. Their heads are sticking out of the open back window of the Range Rover as they cackle in amusement.
"Hobi," I say sweetly, "Do you need another mark on your neck today?" My hand flexes tauntingly in his direction.
Hoseok's eyes widen, "N-no! Bye again, (y/n)!" He retreats back into the car as Yoongi continues to chuckle before rolling up the window once more.
"You can mark my neck, (y/n)-noona."  Jungkook's voice jolts me from my second thoughts on not going home with them.
This boy really is shameless, I think to myself as I shake my head.
"Maybe next time, Kook," I grin at him, "It'll give you something to look forward to."
"For as long as there are next times with you, noona, I will look forward to them."
My heart swells. "You're such a sweetheart, baby boy." The nickname has its desired effect as Jungkook's cheeks blush and his smile widens.
"I'm baby," he nods.
"Yes, you dork, you are," I place a swift peck to his cheek and head into my apartment before I get any more tempted to jump back in his car and initiate a foursome.
God, what were these boys doing to me?
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(Y/n) & Luna’s Apartment – 4:15pm
A few hours later, I am deep in an argument with Luna over who the best Queer Eye guy is when my phone buzzes.
[Unsaved Number] 2 New Messages
Luna notices my confusion. "Who is it?" she asks, leaning over to look at my screen.
"No fucking clue," I reply, swiping open the messages.
[Unsaved Number] 4:15pm: “Hey, babe! It's me! Namjoon!” 4:15pm: “Want to meet at Hannigan's tonight? Just the two of us!?”
"What the everliving fuck?" My eyebrows rise at the completely obvious way that someone was poorly attempting to impersonate Namjoon.
"That's how Namjoon texts?" Luna sits back, "What a letdown."
"I don't think this is even Namjoon," I mutter and save the contact before swiping over to SnapChat. "Let's see if I have this person's Snap."
"Oh, your mind!" Luna exclaims, running to go grab a bag of pretzels from our tiny kitchen adjacent to our also tiny living room, "That is some top sleuthing right there."
"Why thank you, my good sir," I nod at her playfully before focusing back on my screen. Opening the 'Add Friends' tab, my eyes immediately hone in on the imposter.
"Oh, that little shit," I cry, chucking my phone onto the other end of the couch.
"What? Who is it?" Pretzel crumbs spew out of Luna's mouth as she ambles over to where I had just thrown my phone. She picks it up, turns it over, and lets out a long whistle. "Oh, fuck. What are you going to do?"
Luna hands my phone back to me, and I reopen the messages to respond.
Me 4:21pm: "Hi, Namjoon. I'll meet you there." 4:21pm: "9pm."
It'S mE! nAmJoOn! 4:22pm: “Yay! It's a date!” 4:22pm: “See you at 9!!!”
"Well," I lock my phone and set it down on the coffee table, "It looks I’ll finally get the chance to teach Kim Taehyung a lesson."
Luna springs up from the couch, "I'm calling Jenni. Let's do this."
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Hannigan’s - 9:09pm
I'm nervous with anticipation.
Oh, that’s right – motherfucking Kim Taehyung thought he could pull one over me by impersonating Namjoon, and, so far, he's nowhere to be found.
I grasp my beer tightly as I slouch lower on my barstool. Since arriving about twenty minutes ago, I had set up camp in the corner of the bar. Luna and Jenni had immediately ditched me upon arrival, claiming that they were meeting friends.
I would have believed them if I hadn’t noticed that they just relocated to a table within vision of me and were scouring the room for any signs of Taehyung. I pull out my phone and once again debate texting him.
Fuck it. I'm just about to construct a text when my phone pings with messages from the group chat:
I lock my phone and place it face down on the bar.
Looking up to see where Taehyung is, I immediately lock eyes on him. He's slowly making his way towards me with people constantly pausing him to chat. Taehyung’s all smiles, but I can tell he is a bit annoyed. That strikes me as odd – I thought he loved the attention?
The boy emerges free from the crowd, and I finally get to take him in.
Damn, he does look so good. His tight white t-shirt emphasizes his toned stomach while his overlying black leather jacket makes his shoulders look a mile wide. My gaze drops lower and take in his black pants with a black belt cinching the waist. I have to fight the urge to grab it and use it to pull him into me.
He’s almost to me when he turns his gaze to the bartender and flicks up two fingers. And just like that two beers and an annoying but hot-as-sin man appear in front of me.
“You don't look surprised to see me,” he says as his greeting, sliding me one of the new beers. He shoots a look at the group of boys occupying the stools next to me and they immediately make themselves scarce.
I arch an eyebrow, “You do realize I had all of your SnapChats to double check the number with, right?”
"God-fucking-damn," Taehyung plops down in the barstool next to mine, "No wonder it was so easy to convince Joon to let me do this." He shakes his head and glances up at me beneath his blue fringe, “You still came? Even though you knew it was me?”
I roll my eyes at his cute actions, "Yes, I figured you had something important to say if you went through all that to get me here."
He blinks, clearly still caught off guard that I wasn't surprised to see him. "I do," His voice cracks and he flushes deliciously, "I mean, yes, I have something to say."
"Okay," I nod and sip from my beer, "So, tell me."
His fingers fiddle with the label on his beer bottle as he begins, "I know I'm not your favorite person... I'm loud. I'm bratty. I know that. But I just have to know if you felt anything that night last semester; because, I did, and I can't stop thinking about it. I know that you probably haven't. It's been killing me to see you with everyone else that I love, and I just need to know if there's a chance you might want to be with me like that, too, and-"
I clamp a hand over his mouth. His eyes snap to mine.
"Baby," I sigh, "Is this what's been making you act out?"
Taehyung's head bobs as he nods swiftly.
"Now, that just won't do," I murmur, my mind whirring as I think of all the times I had thought he wanted to annoy me when all he really wanted was my attention.
"Listen," I continue, pulling my hand from his mouth, "I don't know where you got those ideas stuck in your head from, but they're wrong. I do think about that night last semester. All the fucking time, Tae. And, yes, you're loud, and you have a tendency to be a brat... But, it only makes me more interested."
Taehyung's eyes burn into mine as I lean closer, "It only makes me want to teach you some discipline."
I watch as Taehyung’s knuckles go white as he clenches his beer. Concerned that the glass might shatter in his grip and hurt him, I slowly place my hand over his, “Relax, baby.”
"You can't just say things like that, noona!" Taehyung moans, shifting in his seat.
"And why not?" I tease as he takes a long sip of his beer with his head tilted back and his throat muscles moving in a way that made me want to do bad things.
I blink, "You know what? Forget it. Let's just start over, okay?"
Taehyung bites his lip, “Okay, sure.” He gestures to the bartender for another round, “Let’s play a game.”
My response is automatic. “Alright, Jigsaw. What kind of game?”
“Just a nice harmless game of ‘Never Have I Ever’, (y/n). Nothing untoward, I promise.”
My eyes narrow at his way-too-innocent smile and his archaic use of ‘untoward’. “Fine,” I arch an eyebrow, “But I have a few stipulations.”
“I would be disappointed if you didn’t, noona,” he scoots his stool closer to me, “Lay ‘em on me.”
Oh, I will, my inner hoe responds.
Out loud, I reply, “The game can be stopped at any time, and you have to explain your answers if the other person asks.”
“Done,” he grins, “Never have I ever gotten my nipples pierced.”
“That’s targeting!” I exclaim indignantly, “You’ve seen them, you prick.”
“I haven't tasted them. At least, not yet,” his eyes squint at my boobs which are currently well-covered by a jean jacket. “Jungkook has… That fucker,” he mumbles under his breath.
These boys and their jealousy... I shake my head. How had they managed to stay in a relationship with all of this possessiveness they clearly had going on? It's truly a mystery.
"My turn," I grin, "Never have I ever dyed my hair blue."
"This is really more of a teal-ish green, noona!" Taehyung tries to argue, and I scoff.
"Fine," he relents and mumbles under his breath, "Should have brought my paint swatches." After taking a sip of his drink, he switches gears, “Never have I ever wanted to date a frat boy?”
I sip my drink. He immediately demands clarification. I grin, “Those EXO boys are fine.”
His jaw clenches. Ooh, he does not like that answer.
“EXO?” he snarls, "Over my dead body."
My eyebrow quirks up, “Well, that's a bit dramatic. They seem like nice boys.”
"Nice boys?" Taehyung cocks his head, "Noona, those aren't your type."
He's right. I push him further, “And what is my type then, Tae?”
“Boys that challenge you.”
He’s right again, but I’d rather not give him the satisfaction of knowing it. His ego is already inflated enough. I smile inwardly and say, “You think you have me all figured out, Kim.”
Taehyung surprises me as he breaks into a loud laugh, “No, not even close. But I’m a persistent boy so maybe I’ll get there one day.”
Just then I realize how close to one another we’ve gotten. Our sides are touching, and his hand has apparently been gripping my thigh for who knows how long. I stare at it, examining the adorning rings on his pointer and index fingers.
Are those fucking Gucci?
He must notice my gaze on his hand because he squeezes my thigh, and I smily at him. “I wouldn’t hold your breath.”
Taehyung looks at me like I’m something precious, something divine. I want to shatter that image. I want to ruin it. I want to ruin him.
“Yes, noona?”
“Kiss me.” And he does.
Taehyung kisses me over and over. I’m honestly a bit overwhelmed it. His mouth is tender on mine, and with every exhale, he lets out the slightest moan, which almost seems like a plea for more.
He’s gentler than I remember. His mouth is warm and soft; his caresses are leisurely and unhurried.
I pull back slightly to look him in his eyes. They are dazed, unfocused.
My lips brush his ear as I whisper, “Be a good boy and meet me in the bathroom in two minutes.”
With that, I saunter away towards the back bathroom which usually tends to be cleaner due to its slightly hidden nature.
Knocking on the door, I strain my ears for any sign of a reply. Nothing. I enter the dim room and immediately catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror.
My hair is everywhere, and I immediately grab the hair-tie around my wrist.
I pause, a sinful idea coming to mind.
A knock sounds. “Noona?” A deep voice calls, and I open the door, grab Tae by the collar, and tug him inside.
“Noona, you’re feisty tonight I-” I cut him off with my mouth.
I don’t hesitate as my mouth consumes his and my body presses him against the wall. My tongue finds his as my hips grind into him. He whimpers, and it’s such a beautiful sound.
After feeling him throb through his clothes, the thought I had earlier returns.
Stepping back, I grab my hair-tie and tug my hair up into a ponytail. Taehyung whines as I slowly sink to my knees before him, “Jesus, fuck.”
“Is this okay?” I question, gazing up at the beautiful boy above me, “Do you want my mouth, baby?”
“Shit, yeah,” Taehyung wraps my ponytail in his hand and lightly pulls me closer.
Does he think he’s suddenly in charge?
I flick open his belt before tugging his pants down. His cock strains against his silky black boxers and I give into the temptation to suck on it through the fabric.
“F-fuck, please, noona,” the stuttered curse comes from above, and I smile.
I pull his boxers down, grasping his cock and stroking lightly.
And, without warning, I take the head of his cock in my mouth and suck. “Goddamn,” Tae hisses, fingers sliding into my hair. He pulls my hair-tie out and replaces its hold with his fist.
I take him as far as I can, blowing him and stroking the parts of his cock I can’t get to with my mouth.
“Shit, fuck, please,” he begs, looking down at me with wild eyes and a fucked out expression, “Don’t stop, (y/n).”
Stop? Never. The power trip is too delicious.
My mouth bobs on his cock as he bucks, trying to fuck my mouth. My hands grab his ass to control his movements as I slide my mouth off of him.
“Do you want to come in my mouth, baby?” I tilt my head to the side as one of my hands resumes its ministrations.
“Y-yes,” The boy gasps above me, his breath coming in pants, “Please, I’m so close, noona.”
“Hmm, are you going to be my good boy, Taehyung-ie?” My hand halts, and he whines, his hips straining to keep moving in my hand. I squeeze him, “Well?”
“Yes!” He moans, repeating, “I’m your good boy. I’m noona’s good boy.”
“That’s what I thought.” My mouth closes around his cock again and sucks him hard.
“Fuck.” I watch enraptured as Taehyung’s head falls back against the wall, and then he’s coming.
His body convulses above me as I swallow ever last bit of him. After he finishes, I pull my mouth away to kiss the underside of his cock, his balls, the insides of his thighs. Above me, he’s muttering my name like a prayer.
“You can let go of my hair now, Tae,” I laugh, my voice slightly hoarse. Reaching up, I lightly tug his hold from me and slide my discarded hair-tie off of his wrist. Standing, I pull my hair up into a messy bun and turn to face him.
He’s tugging his pants up and staring at me with a darkening expression, his nostrils flared. “Let me taste you, noona. Ride my face.” The tenor of his voice washes over me, tempting me with its rough words.
“You haven’t earned that yet.” I start towards the door, but Taehyung darts in front of it, effectively cutting me off.
“I just want to please you, babe. Come on,” his begging only solidifies my resolve.
“You already have pleased me, Tae,” I swipe a thumb across his cheek as he pouts.
“But I could please you even more with my mouth!”
This boy. I grab his neck lightly, “Listen, baby, I’m going to say this once. When I ride your face, you’ll be tied up across my bed at my mercy. Got it?”
His body becomes pliant under my words and my light grip. I gently shift him out of the way of the exit. “Now, I’m sure I’ll be seeing you soon, my good boy.”
The parting smile I send him is absolutely lethal, and it only grows bigger when I hear him blurt out a grumbled “holy fuck” as I strut away from him.
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a/n: yeeeeeee things are really heating up *fans self* hope y’all liked it!! ALSO, s/o to tay aka @loveejoon for being featured UWU
taglist: @catsandstrawberries @h5naaa @meowmeowyoongles @leftflowerprunedonut @rjsmochii @athletes-of-god @karissassirak @cage7241 @weallhavesecretsinthebestway @cvbachacbitch @honeyspillings @valiantcollectorofsandwiches @fivesecondsofsarang @oii-f-eli-x2 @joonsroses @theevilyouknow @jooniescupcakes @expensive-grl @i-dont-even-know-fck @doingmybestalltheftime @elraeee @fangirling-all-the-way-tbh @laced-brds @aokay1010 @breeeeh17 @lpayne612 @peachyharmoney @rilakoya @chulchuchi @tabula-rasa0 @guccishookv @nomimits7 @i-like-puppy-mg @s-noir @anna-sorel @im-a-space-child @yeontanismypresident @drowning-in-oxygen @team-wang-puppy @lvvegood @anongirl007 @may114 @r-e-d-i-s-h @unatempesta-dipensieri @dragon-rider-with-a-book @blueberrygeniejam @wondrsblog @heterophobez @vi-hoshi @kirbykook @blu-butterfly69 @katemwatson @kawaiikpoplover268 @amsteramyy @sami4life @a-feeling-of-euphoria @the-jackals @bubbletae7 @platinum-grenade @bunnyboyenthusiast @brightly-byun @oofmeintheheadpls @sadboibts @lidda @goldenwidow3 @t-mel19 @lmkjimin @psiphidragon @jeon-joker @sathom013 @lustremyg @ggsmashgg @justyouraveragerandomblog @shadowstark @our-little-meow-meow @baby-hobii @toddsgirl27 @mythicalmeep @asifetch7 @kassandravictoria @eltrain80 @briannasthings @quotedcryptid @bumblekey93 @ohmwreckr @beach-bitch-bitch-beach @softchimmee  @kookoo-kachoo​ @lenuminous​ @ass-hole-in-one​ @peaches-422​ @queen-of--roses​
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southernrays · 3 years
location: Fairvale + Jesup/Atlanta in flashbacks date: The second week of July 2020 + Ray’s entire life availability: closed solo tldr: Ray ponders his love life before-during-after the apocalypse cw for: transphobia, disclosure talks, transitioning, divorce, drugs (mentioned not used) and all of the general heart break affiliated with young love.
Ray fell in love too easily.
It had always been a problem, really, but there was no real fix. Ray loved deeply, easily, and with his whole entire heart. He had done so since he was a kid, and he would probably always do so, apocalypse or not.
His first crush had been on Brittany Walker when he was six years old. That was before he was Ray, before he was even Nate, but a crush was a crush.
Brittany was the most popular girl in their elementary school. Jesup was a small town that only grew smaller the older they got, and Ray was one of ten in his class. Brittany was classically pretty - blonde hair, blue eyes, a big smile, and kind eyes - but Ray knew it was more that that. He didn’t want to be Brittany’s friend, he wanted to be her best friend, and got jealous of everyone else. When the town got a new set of siblings, brother and sister, and Brittany started hanging out with them instead of him, Ray’s father noticed the frowns and sad looks at the dinner table.
“What’s wrong, champ?” David had asked, the nickname sticking from a t-ball championship streak of two years. Ray had pouted over the okra on his plate, and not just because it was slimy.
“Brittany has new friends and likes them better. But I like her more than anyone else on the playground.”
“Is that right now?” David had amusement in his eyes when he tried to keep a straight face, and Ray was old enough to see it. He was deceptively perceptive for his age and already a good people watcher at the bar. David knew that.
“I’m serious Dad. I’d marry her, like you and mom.”
Ray was still just six, though. He didn’t notice the tense of his father’s shoulder, the way he glanced over to make sure that his wife wasn’t in the room. He didn’t notice the frown lines on his face or how unhappy he had been for the last six years. He didn’t know that the divorce papers will be signed before their next Christmas, and it will be spent without Regina Turner. That all of his birthdays and holidays and life events would be without her, forever, very soon.
“That’s a whole lot of like, kiddo.”
“I mean it, Pa.”
“That’s alright champ. You can marry whoever you want to when you get older, alright? I’ll love you no matter what.”
“Alright dad,” little Ray had said with a wrinkle of his nose. “Don’t make it weird.”
David’s laugh had filled the kitchen, and Ray felt better about it all.
Ray didn’t have a type growing up. The people he liked, he liked individually, not because they fit into a mold that checked off imaginary boxes. In high school his eyes turned towards a new girl in town that’s aesthetic screams southern gothic in an unironic way. Hailee wore her eye liner too thick, kept her music too loud, wore too much black and metal, and glared at everyone at Jesup’s only high school like their mere presence bothered her. Ray had no idea, in retrospect, why he was drawn to her, but he was. Ray was finally Nate by then, finally himself in his own skin and his own clothing and no one could take that from him. Not the busybodies of Jesup, not his mother’s stinging palm on his cheek, and not any pastor of a Church he wasn’t apart of, praying to a man he didn’t believe in. 
Ray was unapologetically himself, and maybe he was drawn to someone else like that, too.
Hailee avoided him like the plague, too, at first. She scoffed at his worn levis and dirty cowboy boots. She ignored Ray when the popular crowd stopped by his locker. Ray was popular, too, in spite of his transition and small town gossip. His father owned one of the only bars in town that made him cool, and a source of liquor for unage drinking and parties. Ray didn’t care much for that, but he did appreciate the socialization of it all.
“Hey, Hailee, wait up now,” Ray had called out, almost not recognizing his own voice after his second puberty. 
“What do you want, Nate?” Her eyes had narrowed, pretty and green despite the kohl surrounding them. 
“You to come to Nick’s party this weekend. What do ya say?” Ray rocked back on his heels, nervous of her answer. People in the hallway stopped to look at them, and Ray wondered what they saw. Was it the stubble on his chin, his recent growth spike, and the new squareness of his hips? Or was it the same kid that had been there since pre-school, unable to leave that old, uncomfortable skin behind.
“I’ll think about it.”
“Yeah? You do that, then. I can pick ya up on the bike if you want?” 
Her eyes flashed with something dangerous, then, and Ray knew he had hooked her. What kind of edgy girl could resist showing up to the party on the back of a sick motorcycle?
They find themselves in a closet, of all places, in the middle of the night. Ray tasted tequila on her lips when she slotted their hips together. He pushed back, pinning her against a wall as he slipped his tongue into her mouth. The groan she let out was sweet music to his ears and she melted like putty against his strong frame.
“Worth comin’ out for the party?” Ray asked against her lips. She bit his lip in retaliation before deepening the kiss. Ray’s hands wandered, fingers trailing the skin exposed by the black crop top she had decided to wear tonight. They separate when Ray needed to come up for air, harsh pants filling the small spaces of the closet.
“I didn’t expect it to be so good,” Hailee mumbled against his lips, and Ray can’t help but freeze.
“What? Kissin’ a redneck?” He tried to joke off, desperate for her to make some small town hick joke. Because Hailee was from Indianapolis. She was supposed to be edgy and alternative and beyond all of the small town gossip. She was different from the other people Ray had been taking hayrides with since the days of diapers. 
He expected more out of Hailee - maybe more than he should have, maybe more than what was fair - which is why the disappointment felt so much worse with her.
“No, you know...” A brief pause of hesitation and Ray prayed, dear God for her to say anything but what he thought she was going to say. “Kissing someone like you.”
Ray flinched back like someone had dropped a bucket of ice on him. His eyes sting for a brief second of embarrassment before the rage took over. He takes one deep breath, and then another. Man, testosterone was a potent thing, wasn’t it?
“I... I’ll see ya ‘round Hailey.”
“Wait - Nate - I didn’t ... I wasn’t trying to-”
Ray doesn’t hear the rest. He doesn’t need to.
Dating Xavier was a mistake, plain and simple.
Ray was new to the area. He was finally free of his town, free of the stigma and the knowing looks, and the everything else that came with a town so small it felt like a fishbowl. Here, in Atlanta, he got to start over. He could be Nate from the beginning, without any need to pretend otherwise.
And Nate was a useless bisexual. Always had been.
Xavier was kind of a douchebag. He met Ray at a bar, of course, his band playing on the makeshift stage. Xavier was a drummer. He was so dang pretty, easy on the eyes, and kissed in a dirty, grungy sort of way that had it’s charms. He was nothing like Jesup kids; Xavier was spoiled, wild, a city boy through and through, and Ray craved the simplicity of it all.
Xavier (who went by X) was not a good guy and did drugs (most X) and got crossfaded out of his mind after shows. He stayed up crazy hours, usually high, and wrote all sorts of lyrics for his band. Their relationship, if you could call it that, was very brief and mostly physical.
“You should play guitar, babe, like for real, you know?” Xavier said, waking Ray up at five in the morning to tell him that.
“Why’s that, handsome?” Ray had answered, sleep still clogging his voice as he rolled over. It looked like X hadn’t been to sleep yet, which made sense considering the binge he had been on.
“It’d make you more edgy, right, like, you’d be hotter. Everyone’s hotter if they play guitar.”
“S’that why you’re a drummer?” Ray teased, but the fun nature of it went over Xavier’s head. He leveled a big scowl at Ray, and Ray sighed.
“No need to be mean, Nate.”
“Was just a joke, baby.” Ray opened up the covers of the bed, glancing at the clock again. Xavier’s pupils were so dilated that he couldn’t see his pretty brown eyes. “Come to bed soon?”
“You know I have to finish this song. We hit the road in three weeks for our tour.”
In that three weeks, Ray picked up a guitar and had his first lessons, broke up with Xavier, and never saw the guy again.
He was not more edgy, not in the slightest, but he did have a new guitar and a whole city to explore.
Meeting Luci had been accidental in every way. He had picked up an extra shift at the bar that his manager forgot to write into the schedule, so when he showed up for it there was double staffing and no need for Ray to be there. Instead of spending a Friday night alone, at his apartment, he decided to stay. Ray nursed a couple of beers as the bar filled up and texted his friends to show up early.
The Drunken Crown was a sort of themed bar-slash-pub in Atlanta. It was smaller, which Ray appreciated, and had theme nights on the daily. A lot of the college kids from nearby spent their time there, and the average patron was generally on the younger side. On Fridays and Saturdays their theme rotated, and tonight’s was Historic Night. 
His friends arrived a bit later, dressed in Spartan battle gear. They did a couple rounds of shots before most of them took to the dance floor, leaving Ray laughing as he refused at the bar.
Ray had come dressed in an honest to goodness toga, including a gold spray-painted leaf crown and golden accessories. His time in the gym had definitely paid off as he was finally bulking up and gaining more definition in his shoulders. One or two girls had been orbiting around him, but Ray didn’t make any passes at anyone. He sipped on his beer, watching his coworkers make their rounds, and decided to people watch for the evening.
A group of flappers were tearing up the dance floor. Ray could see his buddy, Blake, drunkenly approaching them and attempting some dance moves that made him look ridiculous. Some guys in three piece suits were making out by the entrance. A group of hippies were eagerly chatting and mingling at the bar. Ray saw at least three girls who looked like some extras in a Nirvana video begging for some kind of song change from whatever was on the speakers.
Luci had been dressed up as an old writer, someone Ray knew the name of but couldn’t remember, not truly and definitely not any more, and kept all to herself in the very corner of the bar. She was sipping on some mixed drink and Ray’s eyes stopped on her. What was her story? The quiet girl, alone at the bar, barely hanging onto the fringes of all of the activity. 
He was intrigued, and he wanted to know.
A simple introduction was given. Ray prodded, trying to get a feel for the quiet girl, who opened up immediately when asked about her costume. Ray was no academic, but he appreciated the passion in her eyes when she spoke about something, voice louder than either one of them expected.
“I’m Nate, by the way. It’s nice to meet you.”
And it was. Luci was his opposite in so many ways. He hadn’t expected to see her again after that night, too shy to ask for her number and unsure if she was interested in giving it. His coworkers had given him hell for chickening out, and Ray just gave them a good-natured smile.
A week and a half later, Luci came in, dressed normally, while Ray was working. He spent the entire night neglecting his duties, trying to get a conversation out of her and working his own natural charm. And she came back the next week, and the week after, too. Soon Ray was brave enough to ask for her number. And she gave it to him.
Being with Luci was different. Their first date, Ray had taken her out of the city to a local dirt track. They went mudding in ATVs and Ray nearly fell off of his trying to impressive her halfway through. Luci’s eyes had been wide the entire time, soaking up the whole thing with a curiosity that Ray came to associate with her. One date turned into two, which turned into a whole series of exploring together. 
They took turns taking each other outside of their comfort zones. Ray taught Luci how to have fun the country way, with mudding and camping, and picnics in the bed of his truck as they watched the sun rise together. Luci surprised Ray with her deep thoughts, her sharp mind, and the push to better himself with her. She didn’t let him keep up his self-deprecation. They would have late night conversations, under the stars, all alone, wrapped up in each other.
She met his friends, his family, incorporated herself in his entire life.
Ray fell head over heels. And he told her so, earnest and eager and open to love. Open to a lifetime of learning and exploring with her. 
And she left him, at the edge of the cliff he was ready to jump off with no parachute, without so much as an explanation. And she took a part of him with her, whether she realized it or not, that never really came back.
There were more. Some before Luci, some after. Each person was different - different backgrounds, ages, race, gender, personalities - but one thing always remained the same. Ray loved too hard, too much, too easily. Ray was open to the idea of commitment, and committed, too easily. 
 It didn’t matter who he was dating, he was the constant, he was the issue, and it hurt to admit.
Ray tried, and he loved, before-during-after the outbreak. And it went like this:
There was Rob, a brewmaster he met while at school. They dated for over a year, before graduation hit; Ray wanted to go to Atlanta and Rob wanted to go to family back in Miami.
“It’s like - you know - I really like you Nate. I like you a lot. But long distance? It never works. It’s better to end it now.”
There was Sage, a wild child trust fund girl that wanted to save the rainforest with Daddy’s money. She laughed when he asked her to be his girlfriend.
“That’s cute, you thought we were dating? It’s not that serious babe.”
There was Fi, a survivor in a camp Ray had stumbled across after leaving the Fort. She was the reason Ray stuck around for three weeks. They had had an awful fight before the camp was overrun, and she hadn’t made it out alive.
“You’re too soft, Ray. I’d chew up your sunshine and spit it out. I don’t want to see you again.”
There was Ronnie, the permanent student with four different bachelor degrees. He cheated on Ray with one of his roommates after six months of dating.
“I was bored, Nate. I’m not ready to just settle down, dude. You’re smothering me.”
There was Destiny, a small town, kindred girl he found in Atlanta not too long after Xavier. She had looked at him in the worst way when Ray had come out to her.
“I’m - I’m not - That’s not what God would want for you, you know?”
There was Jenny, a financial advisor that Ray had met through the bar and mutual friends. She had always been so carefree, maybe too carefree, maybe just too free in general.
“Oh Darlin’, I don’t think so. We’re not exactly endgame, are we?”
It didn’t matter who, when, where they were. Ray wasn’t worth keeping around - that was the universally proven fact. It was one he had to stomach his entire life, and well, it sucked, but Ray was not one to stay down. He washed off the mud, dusted off his boots, and got back up again.
000. +
Ray tried not to play the self pity card. It just wasn’t his style. But with the outbreak, losing his family, and trying to re-invent himself yet again? A relationship was the last thing he wanted or needed. Fairvale was a clean break, it was (mostly) mess free. He could be whoever he wanted or needed. He could start over, again. He could protect himself and his heart.
Love mucked all of that up. It always had.
So when he caught himself - again, Ray, really? - people watching with his eyes settling on one person, he ignored it. When he felt that small flip-flop in his belly at their smile, he pushed it down. When his day would brighten at the familiar face of a kind-of-regular-that-showed up, Ray decided he would not have a crush again, thank you very much, and make things uneven. 
He could not afford to give up his heart any more than he already had. He couldn’t afford to be let down, disregarded, by someone again.
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blue-angel-wings · 4 years
Bishop Drabble - take your times
18+ (because I got a little nasty for a brief moment hehe)
Characters: Bishop Losa x Reader (Y/N), basically all the Mayans briefly but mainly Angel, Coco, Gilly.
Summary: Reader is a single mum and close with the Mayans specifically Bishop, because they crushing on each other. And Emily Galindo being a bitch because I don’t like her 😊.
Warnings: Cursing, horny talks but not full blown smut, slight talk of injuries.
Word count: 3,768 it’s longer because I got carried away 😈
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You had known the Mayans since you were little, although your Father wasn’t a patch he always helped them.
As a day job your Father owned a small car dealership and would often frequent Romero scrap and salvage for odd pieces to use on whatever new vehicle he was working on, but behind the calm face of a man who liked cars and bikes, was a trained assassin, murder for hire, hitman, whatever you wanted to call it. So over time your Dad did jobs for the Mayans. Through that they met you and whilst your Mother didn’t really like the Mayans knowing your family she had to admit it was useful always having a group of knights in shiny leather to hand.
Your father had been killed one a run with them when you were sixteen years old, and ever since then the club had take your Fathers place with you and your mother. She worked the bar sometimes and whilst you chose to work elsewhere you always attend the parties, well as much as you could whilst also being a single parent. At the age of eighteen you became a mother to a beautiful baby boy you lovingly named Rio. The guys were shocked but supportive and excited for the new little baby in their lives. The Dad of your son decided that a baby wouldn’t work for him so he ran. Not like you needed him.
Yours and Bishop’s relationship had only just started, you had been on a few dates but you spoke constantly and you may have slept with him on a few occasions, because who could resist a man like that. He had started to find you attractive once you showed up more. For your safety and now Rio’s your Mother kept you away from the guys until you were in your twenties, so when you turned twenty one and could legally drink you knew exactly where you were going to get wasted for the first time. The clubhouse.
Ever since Bishop saw you in a tiny black dress that made your body just look too good he knew we wanted you but stayed back not wanting to look like a perv who only dated girls half his age. He admired you for years, how you raised Rio somewhat alone, how you always helped the club without a complaint, how you deeply cared for the guys and he just couldn’t helped that he fell for you more and more.
But he was done waiting and at Rio’s eighth birthday party, whilst you stood there playing nice with the other parents from the prestigious school you sent Rio to, and whilst wearing jeans that Bishop swore were painted on, he asked you out.
You thanked the heavens he did because you were getting sick of the waiting game.
A few months had passed and although you had been on dates, Bishop was yet to ask you to be his. It was almost like he was still scared that you would reject him. During the day he was almost shy around you not saying much or interacting with you as much as you hoped almost like he feared he would say or do something wrong, but at night he’d have you shaking in ecstasy on a bed drenched with your arousal, whilst whispering the nastiest shit you’d ever heard.
You didn’t think too much about it you knew he loved you deep down he was just struggling to say it, he had no problem showing it through his actions and you saw the way he looked at you when he thought you weren’t looking. But saying the words that would make you his girl officially, he just couldn’t manage do that.
At Rio’s birthday he had been gifted a skate board. A small red plank of wood you swore would be the end of your son. And although Angel had also purchased a helmet to go with it, your son seemingly refused to wear it. He constantly rode it without the helmet no matter how much you asked him to, it was like he was allergic.
You had taken the board away once he started to show zero regard for himself and others. Swerving through people on the sidewalk was okay if it was quiet and people moved out the way in time, but once he started heading towards the roads without his helmet you called time on his little Tony Hawk phase.
A few weeks passed before he grew restless and bored without it. He had come looking for you with full safety gear on, helmet, knee pads, elbow pads and little gloves. And you cracked, you gave him back his death board and sent him on his way.
Rio’s school was just out of Santo Padre and about 45 mins away from your home, it was a bit of nuisance being so far from you but your son was smart, too smart. He had eidetic imagery or as some would say photographic memory. He had shown signs when he was little, about 4 or 5, when he was able to recall in perfect detail his toys as if they were still there in front of you. It was terrifying to you but when the doctor explained what it was you were stunned. Due to his abilities you sent him to a school that burned a whole in your pockets each month but was perfect for your little boy. He loved it, he excelled at all subjects aced every test and had a big group of friends that were surprisingly pleasant children.
The Mayans clubhouse was only twenty minutes away from Rio’s school. And when work had started to get busier, you couldn’t pick him up from school anymore. You generally finished worked at the boutique in town at 4:30 an hour after Rio had finished school, you hadn’t given him a key to the house out of fear he would lose it, so you suggested he’d ride his board to the clubhouse and then once you were done you would pick him up. It worked out great, the guys loved having him there and you got to see Bishop more.
The guys were just chilling at the club, the younger ones were playing poker and smoking whilst the elders were in templo.
‘What the fuck prospect!?’ Slamming his cards on the table in a frenzy, Coco practically threw his money at the chuckling Ezekiel who in return shook his head at the snipers antics.
‘Not a prospect anymore bro, imma patch now.’ He said smugly, pointing lazily at the patch on his kutte.
‘Keep taking my money and I will change that real quick.’ Coco was pissed, he owed Ez about $300 from just this afternoon alone.
At the front porch Angel and Gilly were working the yard when they heard the slight rattling of small wheels of the stones, lifting their heads just in time to see the arrival of Rio on his board. They had to admit when they purchased the board for him they were worried he’d be crap at it and give up, but we wasn’t. The guys sometimes rode behind him on their bikes just to watch his skate. It was mesmerising.
Happily finishing up their work, Angel nudged Gilly towards the clubhouse to tell the others of your son’s arrival.
‘Hey, Rio’s here.’ The larger man bellowed into the space causing the other Mayans to stop what they were doing and follow him out.
Outside Angel had Rio swinging from his neck, when Rio was around the Mayans he deliberately acted younger to get more attention, the guys didn’t do anything to stop him they enjoyed him acting all silly and somewhat babyish, it stopped the sad truth of him getting older right before their eyes from rising to the surface.
‘Hey little guy, how was the ride in?’ El presidente asked the boy whilst messing with his hair, that he spent hours getting perfect for school.
Bishop was closest to Rio, well joint with Angel. Rio saw Bishop as a father figure, much to your delight, and Angel as a brother figure.
‘It was okay, some car was following me really closely and honking at me.’ He pouted whilst spinning the wheels on his board.
The men perked up at the sound of somebody pestering the young boy.
‘ I don’t know why though, mama says I can ride in the road if I stay to the side out of the way with my helmet on.’ Rio didn’t seem to be upset, more worried he was defying your rules of riding his skateboard.
‘Well, what did the car look like?’ Creeper asked whilst blowing the smoke from his cigarette behind him, being mindful of the small child in front of him.
‘A black Lexus RX Hybrid, black tinted windows, driver was a middle aged male, bald, tattoos up his arms.....’ the boy rambled on, his memory working overtime. The guys stopped him mid way through not wanting him to worry himself with the stranger who was bothering him. They assured him he did nothing wrong and took him into clubhouse.
None of the other guys recognised description of the car or driver, but Ez did. He knew who was sat in the back of the vehicle, whilst they texted him and continued to call upon him every waking second of the day. He heard the sound of a car coming to a halt at the front of the scrap yard, he knew this was the car that was following Rio plus he saw the man Rio had described in great detail. He glanced at his phone to check if his suspicions were true. His screen was flooded with notifications of texts and calls, and some social media notifications, all from the same person.
Emily Galindo.
She had been contacting Ez, at first he didn’t mind the contact from his ex, he selfishly used to want the relationship to rekindle with the married woman, but now with Gabby in his life he didn’t, he wanted her gone. She nodded to his trailer, with a pleading look is her eyes he succumbed to her request, checked nobody was around and headed to his trailer.
‘Do you have any Capri-Suns i’m kinda thirsty?’ Rio asked, cheekily checking behind the bar for something to eat hoping one of guys would fulfil his request. Bishop smirked reached into the fridge round the corner and retrieved two orange Capri-Sun pouches and grasped the bag of Doritos they kept on top of the fridge for him to munch on as well.
‘How’s school going mate?’ Bishop genuinely enjoyed talking with Rio because he reminded him of you, he much like yourself, was so passionate even over the little things.
Bishop played with Rio’s discarded school tie, folding it neatly knowing you hated ironing it.
‘It was alright, we learning about dinosaurs in science which is cool cos I really like Jurassic park and I’m gonna ask mama later if we can watch it.’ Rio exclaimed loudly waving his hands around wildly. He continues to tell Bishop about school, avoiding telling him about the masses of homework that was set knowing the older man would tell him to do it and wouldn’t drop it until it was done. The conversation was interrupted by Angel who had just got finished on a call.
‘Hey Rio, your Mum just called saying she got caught up at work and won’t be picking up til 5.’ The oldest Reyes told the child who was seemingly unbothered by the change of plans, but the news had Bishop frowning, why didn’t you call him, you knew he didn’t have Templo today so he would have his phone on him?
‘Okay, can I go practice my kick flips out front?’ He asked the president.
‘Yeah sure, take one of guys to watch you incase you fall, and remember to map out where your skating with the cones.’
‘Yeah I think I can remember that.’ He teased the older man, by referencing his condition.
The guys had bought these little orange cones for him to use when he was skating in the yard so he didn’t get in the way of them working.
Bishop lightly shoved him in the direction of the door with a shake of his head, he needed to call you, the jealously he felt when you called Angel instead of him was growing unbearable. Was it Angel stretching out your tight little pussy each night? Was it Angel that had you screaming with his head between your legs? Was it Angel that you called Daddy? Was it Angel that had you making the most delicious moans?
No it wasn’t, it was Bishop.
So why weren’t you calling him?
It was 5:30 when you pulled up to the scrap yard to retrieve your child. You surveyed the grounds looking for Rio once you had parked. But when you were greeted with the noise of laughter, you opted to follow that. Turning off your car you headed to the front porch where a groaning Coco was laying on the floor clutching his arm. You walked over not too worried seeming as the sniper had sustained worse injuries than a scrape on the arm.
‘You okay there Coco baby?’
You squatted beside the man and glanced as the injury on his arm, there wasn’t more that’s a slight graze on his elbow however from he noises he was now making you’d think he’d been shot.
‘No! This piece of sh-‘ you clapped a hand over this mouth before he could finish once you realised that the giggling you heard earlier came from your son, who sat comfortably in Gilly’s lap at the bench a few feet away. Standing up, leaving Coco to get on with it, you walked over to your son to kiss his forehead.
‘You okay baby? School was good?’
‘Yeah it was good we are doing dinosaurs in science so I was wondering if I can watch Jurassic park tonight to learn more about T-rex’s, please? ‘ he pleaded with both hands clasped together.
‘Of course baby.’ You went to say more but you saw Bishop on the step, looking at you with an unreadable expression on his face.
You knew why though, in an attempt to push Bishop to ask you to his girl you messed with him a little by deliberately calling Angel instead of him to inform the guys of the change of plans. Normally you wouldn’t mess with the man who so clearly had control of the reigns in the relationship but you were sick of waiting, you wanted him and he wanted you, the hickies on your breasts and inner thighs confirming that.
You kissed Rio’s head and Gilly’s, once he jokingly pointed to his forehead, and headed towards Bishop. He turned without a word and heard towards the clubhouse, the guys waited a few minutes before following suit, not wanting to miss the potential start of your long awaited romance. Rio was left alone to skate outside after he said he wanted to practice a little more, Angel was happy to leave him out there alone knowing he could ride perfectly fine.
Bishop sat on a couch in the far corner and when you went to sit next to him he grasped your wrist and manoeuvred you onto his lap, well this is a good start you thought.
‘How was work?’ He asked whilst sneaking a peek at your cleavage that you pushed up slightly before you left work.
‘It was good, busy which is good. A little tired and my feet hurt.’ You answered, slightly wriggling your feet. Bishop caught on quickly, removing you shoes and and starting to rub your feet slightly, causing a slight moan to slip from your lips.
‘Y/N I want to ask you something.’
Here it comes, you acted calm almost ignorant to what he was saying but inside you were screaming.
‘I really like you and I love spending time with you, you make me feel like a little kid with his first crush. You’re my first thought in the morning and last thought at night. I wanna be with you always and forever, so i was won—‘
Bishop’s monologue was cut short by a small voice you recognised to be your son’s. Every head in the clubhouse turn so quickly you feared they all get whiplash.
Grabbing your shoes and placing them haphazardly on your feet you all but sprinted to the front porch, where the now female voice could be heard.
Running out you saw your son sat on the floor fighting back tears and Emily Galindo standing over him slightly. She obviously was leaving Ez’s trailer, because that’s what married women do, they meet with their ex’s in trailers behind their husband’s back.
‘Hey baby you okay, are you injured?’
You rushed to your sons side as well as Bishop, who carefully picks up Rio’s skate board that was currently sporting a large crack in the middle of the wood.
‘No, I’m okay mama.’ He whispered growing embarrassed at the crowd around him, his bottom lip started to tremble telling you that tears where only moments away. Bishop started brushing the hair off of Rio’s face to calm the young boy, he too knew Rio hated crying in front of crowds.
‘What happened sweetheart?’ You spoke quietly not wanting to blow up too much in front of your son, you’d had a long day at work and you didn’t have time for a confrontation today. You wanted this sorted so you can go back to Bishop and then go home.
‘He wasn’t watching where he was going!’ The blonde woman spoke, the venom in her voice unnecessary in this situation.
‘I wasn’t fucking talking to you!’ Apparently you did have time today. All heads snapped to you and Gilly managed to scoop Rio into his arms before you whipped yourself in front of the culprit of your son’s upset.
‘So that warrants you to push him!? A small, eight year old child!? Did you not see the cones hun? They are bright fucking orange, maybe if you lifted your head of your ex’s dick for a moment you would see my son skating out here.’ The guys were loving it, watching with smirks on their faces.
‘Somebody should’ve been watching him.’
‘Hah okay sweetheart.’ You scoffed, you worked in retail you could handle opportunists like Emily Galindo.
‘I’m hardly gonna take parenting advice from you, am I? Mrs Galindo.’ You emphasised her name in the hopes she’d remember her marriage and start acting like a wife.
‘What’s that supposed to mean?’
‘Well you’re hardly mother of the year, not after your practically gave your son away to a terrorist.’ You weren’t backing down, gasps were heard throughout the yard, the hang-arounds emerging in the hopes of a fight.
‘Thats not fair, they were armed and I was terrified.’ She tried to reason with you, who would try to rationalise their son’s kidnapping?
‘See that’s the difference between you and me, Emily, see they would have to pry my son from my cold, dead hands.’
‘They were shooting people right in front of me!’
‘I’d let them shoot every motherfucking bitch in this town before they ever laid a hand on my child!’
You screamed in her face, women like Emily didn’t deserve the love or attention they received.
‘I just hope his four nannies that actually raise him coped alright during that time.’ That was it, the final straw. She raised her hand but you never cowered, she went to slap you but al she could do is try. You got there first taking the board from Bishop’s hands and slapping her in the stomach, so it’s not as obvious as a face injury, you didn’t fancy having the cartel on your ass.
She doubled over in pain and screamed, clutching her ribs. You didn’t hear a crack but you knew it mustn’t of ickled.
‘Ez take the whore back to her car, tell the driver the pain is due to her period that’s just started, and it’s nothing to worry about.’
Ez nodded and quickly moved Emily from the scene, not daring to speak a word incase he got the same treatment.
You spun around and thanked heavens that Gilly had taken Rio inside, although you knew the Mayan would be pissed that he missed the altercation.
‘Damn Mamas you got some claws!’ Taza was the first to break the silence, beaming at you and your display of violence. You pulled into his embrace and chuckled.
‘Yeah it was kinda hot seeing you all angry’
Of course Coco was the one to turn it into a dirty joke. All the guys gathered round you and starting joking about you joining UFC.
But one man was quiet, too quiet. Bishop was yet to move a muscle let alone say anything, you worried it was too much and that your outburst made him change his mind.
The guys followed your eyes to the president behind them.
‘Let’s go inside and check on Rio, yeah guys?’
Riz encouraged the guys to move, catching on that you needed a moment alone with their president.
‘Bishop I’m so sorry about that, I just freaked when I saw Rio on the floor, I know this probably fucks things up with Galindo. And I get it if you take back what you said inside, it’s just I—‘ you were stopped short by a pair of lips on yours, you took a few seconds or realise they were Bishop’s, you moved your lips in sync with his and after what felt like a lifetime you pulled away for air.
‘I guess I gotta make you mine to watch over you now. Can’t have to terrorising the streets with the this can I?’ He joked whilst holding up Rio’s now fully snapped board
‘You still wanna be with me after that?’
‘Yeah I do because I’m in love with you.’
You melted right there on the spot, you laughed a little at your previous panic.
He leant in close to whisper in your ear
‘Plus Coco was right, it was fucking hot.’
You groaned and palmed his chest playfully. You finally had it, a perfect little family, it was about time. You went back to kissing Bishop and at this moment nothing could go wrong.
‘Hey, my board! What the hell Mom!’
Taglist: @mayans-sauce @one-shot-plus-size
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Destiel Trope Collection 2020 Day 1: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics
A Bite to Remember | @darmysasagiri
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 1104 Main Tags/Warnings: Alpha/Alpha, Top Cas/Bottom Dean, Mating Bites, One Night Stands Summary: Alphas can't mate Alphas, everyone knows this, or do they?
Oblivious Mates | @fangirlingtodeath513
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 1984 Main Tags/Warnings: Castiel/Dean Winchester,Castiel (Supernatural),Dean Winchester,Knotting,Mating Cycles/In Heat,Heat Sex,Rut Sex,A/B/O,Friends With Benefits,Consensual Somnophilia,Mating Bites,Misunderstandings,Lack of Communication,Fuckbuddies,Spooning,Cuddling & Snuggling,Naked Cuddling,True Mates,Scenting Summary: Dean and Cas have been heat/rut fuck buddies for a while now, but Dean's starting to get second thoughts. His feelings evolved a long time ago but now he's feeling guilty about holding Castiel back from finding his true mate.
Sun Warmed | @suckerfordeansfreckles
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 2586 Main Tags/Warnings: alpha Cas, omega Dean, first meeting, house-sitting, a bit of voyeurism Summary: Dean is a little bitter, but only in the safety and privacy of his own head, and definitely never around his brother and his new sister-in-law. Because those two really do deserve all the happiness in the world. And just because Dean wishes for a little happiness for himself, he will not ruin their bliss. The thing that’s a little hard on Dean, lately, is that during the past few months, Sam and Eileen’s new house somehow started to feel more like home than his own apartment does. He’s not even over that much, but he feels so safe and good and happy, here. It’s a space he feels like himself in, and it’s not really the company, it feels more like the energy around their house, the amazing smell seemingly haunting Dean when he drives back home and slowly loses it. He’s not sure which flowers Eileen planted that smell this way, but he’s been meaning to ask her for months. Currently, Sam and Eileen are in Hawaii for their honeymoon and Dean gets daily selfie updates while he house-sits for them. And somehow, during all of that and while accidentally flashing a guy, he figures out where that amazing smell comes from.
Essential Services | @Imbiowaresbitch
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 3444 Main Tags/Warnings: Roommates, omegaverse, explicit sex, top Cas/bottom Dean, alpha Cas, Omega Dean, mating bites, quarantine, pandemic, heat/rut sex Summary: Cas has been sent home to work as an unessential service. When he arrives, he realizes his roommate Dean clearly wasn't expect him to arrive. What happens when they finally give in to each other?
Kiss Me, Kill Me | @saltnhalo
Rating: Mature Word Count: 4668 Main Tags/Warnings: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Castiel (Supernatural), Omega Dean, Assassin Castiel (Supernatural), Guard Dean Winchester, Assassin Dean Winchester, Canon-Typical Violence, True Mates, Scenting, BAMF Dean Winchester, BAMF Castiel (Supernatural), Murder Husbands Summary: Seasoned hitman Castiel Novak is just looking to take out his target and get paid, but should've accounted for the fact that he may not be the only assassin at tonight's party... Cue the mysterious, green-eyed man who is more of a match for Castiel than anyone he's ever met.
Up On The Rooftop Greenhouse | @envydean
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 5017 Main Tags/Warnings: alpha!michael, omega!dean, Beta!Castiel, Arranged Marriage, truemates, defying truemates, fighting destiny, Angst with a Happy Ending, Fluff, Kisses, Wedding ceremonies, pack houses, mentions of potential abuse of power Summary: Michael Shurley is Dean Winchester's true mate. Except, Dean has been in love and dating the Winchester house gardener, Castiel Novak, for nearly three years and Dean doesn't want that to stop. He needs to find a way out of the impending wedding before it's too late, especially when Michael shows his true colours.
A Strange Place To Find Love | @navajolovesdestiel
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 6159 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe, Alpha/Omega, Alpha Castiel (Supernatural), Omega Dean, Heats, ruts. Knotting. Happy Ending Summary: The Alpha/omega Rut/heat Center was the brainchild of a ‘more progressive, more caring’ government. In reality, it was just a way to stop Alphas from jumping unmated omegas when they were in rut, and to stop unmated omegas from getting knocked up during a heat by some Alpha they picked up, then having to go on welfare because the Alpha wouldn’t pay pup support. Dean Winchester worked for the center as a willing omega. Castiel Novak decided to give it a try.
Steel and Whiskey | @saltnhalo
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 6207 Main Tags/Warnings: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Castiel (Supernatural), Omega Dean, Mafia AU, Mobster Castiel, Mobster Dean Winchester, Mistaken Identity, Explicit Sexual Content, Top Castiel (Supernatural), Bottom Dean Winchester, Topping from the Bottom, Knotting, First Meetings, BAMF Dean Winchester, BAMF Castiel (Supernatural) Summary: When Castiel agrees to meet with the leader of the Winchester pack in the heart of his territory, he does not find the alpha he’s expecting. Instead, he meets an omega in Dean Winchester’s apartment with stunning green eyes and an alluring air of danger. Someone should have warned Castiel that the Winchester leader is not an alpha.
Just Here For A Good Night | @saltnhalo
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 6646 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - College/University, Fraternities & Sororities, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Castiel/Omega Dean Winchester, Top Castiel, Bottom Dean, Team Dean's Red Ass, Dom/sub Undertones, Dom Castiel, Fluff, Frat Boy Castiel Summary: In which Dean is looking to get laid at an Alpha Phi Alpha party, and sets his sights on Castiel, who's just trying to make sure that nothing bad happens on his watch.
Are You Real, Dean Winchester? | Maleyah (AO3)
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 7447 Main Tags/Warnings: Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Rape/Non-con Elements (not between Dean and Cas), Mental Health Issues, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Dean Winchester, Omega Castiel, Mating Bond, Hurt/Comfort, Self-Medication, Near overdose, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Hallucinations Summary: Castiel struggles to survive in a world that was never right for him to begin with. So far, he has always survived his turbulent mind... because despite everything, his broken brain, his loneliness, the never-ending struggle, he's a fighter. One night, exceptionally reckless, borderline overdosed on his meds, he wanders the streets, foregoing his self-preservation. Hoping for the end, almost finding it, unless his brain is throwing him for a loop again. ... Only to be found by Dean Winchester.
Did you get my reference? (WIP) | @spnsmile
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 8918 Main Tags/Warnings: Top dean w/ bottom castiel, explicit Summary: Take Dean, most handsome CEO with very pretty face and just your typical successful Alpha who owns his own company at the age of 30. But despite popular belief, Dean has one problem he needs to solve before an international conference: he hates the smell of unmated Omegas. Come Castiel, a clumsy word-class geek literature major who appeared in front of Dean in the middle of a raging river. His scent drives Dean's instinct to bite, plus he gets rid of all other scents in the air. Now Dean only has to convince him to be his plus one. Which means having a talking encyclopedia who trips in its own legs. How can Dean protect his high-wired True Mate from other Alphas and himself?
It's A Hard Knot Life | @navajolovesdestiel
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 10874 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe, Alpha/Omega, Alpha Dean Winchester, Omega Castiel, Punk Castiel, Rape, Tattoos. Knotting Summary: Dean walked up the counter and his nose was filled with the scent of peticior and sandalwood. He took a deep breath. The guy never looked up. Dean cleared his throat. Nothing. He rapped his knuckles on the counter. The guy didn’t look up, but he said, in a gravelly voice that gave Dean shivers, “Yeah?” “I was wondering if you had the latest CD by St Paul and the Broken Bones?” The guy looked up and Dean found himself looking into eyes so blue, he didn’t have a name for the color. The black eyeliner just accentuated their color. “We have a system here for finding things. It’s called alphabetically, you may have heard of it? That means the S’s are right between the R’s and the T’s.” Then he went right back to reading his book.
Black Rose Tattoo | @navajolovesdestiel
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 10989 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe, Alpha/Omega, Alpha Castiel (Supernatural), Omega Dean, Tattoo Artist Castiel (Supernatural), Flower Shop & Tattoo Parlor. Explicit Sexual Content, Knotting, Pups, Dean is demisexual Summary: Dean heard the motorcycle before he saw it. He looked out the big front window of his shop, and waited until the cycle appeared. He watched the Alpha pull to the curb, stop the bike, get off and take off his helmet. He’d watched the same scene every day since he’d opened the flower shop next to the tattoo parlor. The Alpha shook his perpetually messy hair and walked to open his shop, out of Dean’s view. Dean sighed and went back to work.
Palaces of Rome (WIP) | @tucuxia
Rating: Mature Word Count: 11291 Main Tags/Warnings: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Castiel/Omega Dean Winchester, Alpha Sam Winchester/Alpha Gabriel, Alpha/Alpha pairing, Alternate Universe - Ancient Rome, BAMF Castiel, BAMF Gabriel Summary: Despite his size and his father's expectations, Dean presented as an omega. Infertile, male omegas have no rights in Rome, so John arranges to sell him to the son of the Emperor in an attempt to provide his alpha son, Sam, a better life. Sam joins the army under General Gabriel's expert tutelage, swearing to become a warrior famous enough to buy his brother back. Dean accepts his place in the prince's harem, but he's about to stumble upon the biggest secret in Rome, one that has kept hundreds of thousands of male omegas enslaved for almost eight hundred years. The secret will either push Rome into an age of peace and prosperity or it will shatter one of the greatest empires in the ancient world.
Something Dark | kradarua (AO3)
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 16466 Main Tags/Warnings: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Dean Winchester, Omega Castiel, Spanking, Under-negotiated Kink, Rough Sex, Rimming, Choking, Dom/sub Undertones, Thief Dean Winchester, Dark Dean Winchester, Dark Castiel, Dark Sam Winchester, Dark Charlie Bradbury, Possessive Dean Winchester, Illegal Activities, Torture, Sexual Slavery, Murder Husbands, Killer Castiel, Killer Dean Winchester, Top Dean/Bottom Castiel Summary: Castiel looked even wilder in person. Dean let his eyes roam over his (now fully clothed) form, smiling appreciatively. He inhaled deeply, curious to find no real trace of a scent. “He’s on scent blockers,” the employee explained. ""Running this auction is involved enough without having to settle claim disputes if an omega’s scent triggers some alpha’s rut.” That suited him fine; both he and Sam were on scent blockers most of the time and he’d planned on requiring that Castiel stay on them too. It helped with anonymity. “Thank you,” he said, “That will be all.” The employee gave a small bow and left to service the other high bidders. “Well, Cas,” Dean said cheerily, “Let’s go home.”
Porn and Peonies | @navajlovesdestiel
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 20865 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe Alpha/Omega, Porn Star Dean Winchester, Alpha Dean Winchester, Omega Castiel (Supernatural), Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Mpreg, Mating, Switching Summary: When Cas accidentally meets his favorite porn star, Dean Smith, he's thrilled. He never expects what comes next with Dean Winchester, Alpha to his omega.
Mulanatural (WIP) | @tucuxia
Rating: Mature Word Count: 33385 Main Tags/Warnings: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Castiel/Omega Dean Winchester, Alpha Sam Winchester, Beta Adam Milligan, Mulan (Disney) Summary: Dean Winchester is possibly the worst omega in his town; he's too big, too strong, and way too dominant. When the Matchmaker rejects his suit for a mate and the Huns invade China, he has to pretend to be an alpha to save his brother's life, but he may well lose his own in the process. Worse, he may dishonor his whole family.
A Symphony of Flavors | @wargurl83
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 43223 Main Tags/Warnings: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Chefs, Minor Character Death (offscreen) - Freeform, Alpha Castiel (Supernatural), Omega Verse, thar be smut here, Top Cas/Bottom Dean Summary: Master Chef Castiel Novak likes his life ordered. Controlled. Sensible. He's an Alpha with no mate and no hope of finding one. His life is turned upside down with the death of his sister and taking guardianship of his nine-year-old niece, Claire. Add to that, there's a new sous chef taking up space in his very orderly kitchen with his loud music and brash attitude, and for some reason Castiel just can't take his eyes off him. Dean Winchester loves to cook, love his mom, and loves kids. His goal has been to work with Chef Novak for as long as he's been in Kansas City. What he wasn’t prepared for was an Alpha all of his own…
The Nuances of Pack Politics (WIP) | @tucuxia
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 72679 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - High School, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Castiel/Alpha Dean Winchester, ,Alpha Sam Winchester, Omega Gabriel Summary: Castiel and Gabriel Novak are having a hard time fitting into their new school, constantly harassed by older alphas now that they have lost the familiar protection of their own brothers. The Pack, a group that claims to welcome and protect omegas at their high school, may offer them a chance to change all of that, as long as they can get in.
Grown-Ups Making Grown-Up Choices | @carrieosity
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 81039 Main Tags/Warnings: Humor and Fluff, Pining, Self-improvement, Self-worth issues, Comedy, Awkward Flirting, Mating, Sexual Harassment, Threatened Non-Con (brief), Healthy Relationships Summary: Dean is a grown-ass man - he can take perfectly good care of himself, thank you very much. Except that sometimes the easier or more fun choices aren't always the right or best ones, and, all right, maybe thinking ahead and working the long game isn't his strongest suit. It's fine! He's fine. When he meets Castiel, he realizes that flying by the seat of his pants may not be the best way to attract the super-serious (gorgeous, funny, genius) Alpha. Dean's shrink has been telling him he needs to start making ""grown-up choices,"" and if that's what he has to think about in order to make Cas fall for him, then he'll give it a whirl.
Celestial War (WIP) | @tucuxia
Rating: Mature Word Count: 151571 Main Tags/Warnings: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Dean/Omega Castiel, Alpha Sam/Omega Gabriel, Alpha Crowley/Omega Balthazar, Mating Cycles/In Heat Summary: The three tribes--Celestial, Wilderness, and Spellbound--have been at an uneasy stalemate for generations, but a prophecy about four omegas could bring about a full-scale war that will destroy them all.
don't care where you've been (WIP) | @thanks-tacos
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 240842 Main Tags/Warnings: Omega Dean, Alpha Castiel, Top Castiel/Bottom Dean, Past Rape/Non-con, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Alternate Universe - Domestic, Arranged Marriage, Abused Dean Winchester, Caring Castiel, Happy Ending, full tag list in the fic Summary: Dean's life is finally changing. After years of enduring Alastair's abuse, the alpha dies and Dean's married off to the next alpha the system pairs him with - Castiel. The man is strange and distant, but not exactly bad, and Dean's determined to be on his best behavior and not mess up the chance he was given. Soon enough, though, he fucks up anyway and has to call the alpha for help. Castiel's lived his entire life without an omega by his side, and he was fine with that. He doesn't know how to proceed once he's suddenly married to a beautiful man who's obviously been through a lot. Omegas were always a confusing subject to him, so he tries not to interfere much - neither of them is there by their choice. But when Dean calls for help, he understands he's going to have to set some things straight and engage more.
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slashscowboyboots · 4 years
England’s Dreaming: The Clash (Part 2)
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Part 1
I’m going to be posting a little more regularly, I hope to have a Christmas fic up sometime in the near future.  Thank you for all the likes and reblogs
Tag list: @izzysdenimjacket​ @no-stone-no-bone​ @sexcoffeeandrockandroll​ @awrestlinggirlwholoves80sbands​ @smokeandmirrorz​ @sodalitefully​​ @roger-taylors-car​​  @harley-m-rose​ @whisperess33​ @shawolat​ @80snikki as always, if you wish to be tagged let me know
Warnings: near-fatal horniness and very deep disappointment.  And no one likes doughy balls
“You're awful quiet,” Duff murmured.
It had been quite an interesting morning.  Izzy had shown up fifteen minutes before his shift started, wearing a button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a patch with “Izzy” embroidered over his right pec and quietly asked if he could wear that on the job.  White circles swam in front of your eyes until he cleared his throat and repeated the question.
“Sure, it’s fine,” you mumbled, then put your hand over your mouth to cover a moan as you watched him lift your cakes, his shirt riding up and exposing a strip of his white stomach, contrasting vividly with his low-riding black jeans, then walk out the door.
“Relax, Y/N,” Duff said, grinning like a madman.  “He'll treat your babies right.  He’s got a gentle touch.”
Since drinking before 8 am was bad form, especially on the job, you opted to close yourself in the pantry, stuffing a dish towel in your mouth while you screamed. 
Finally getting your heart rate down to normal, you began your day.  Without Izzy’s presence, the shop seemed especially empty, and you used your time making icing and scones and mentally berating yourself.
If a man eyed a woman like that, you’d call him a pig.  It’s rude to just openly stare at someone, even if they are so blatantly attractive.
You don’t have a chance with him anyway, with your preppy little sweaters and pearls.  If he wasn’t your employee, he’d never even notice someone like you.
Oh yeah, did you forget that you’re his boss?  And as professional as he seems, a workplace romance is not in the cards, even if Hell froze solid and he thought you were hot.
“Yoo hoo,” Duff said, waving a hand in front of your eyes.  “He’ll be fine.  I know the other guys left a lot to be desired, but Izzy takes his work seriously.  The only reason I didn’t recommend him first is because he was already working at the flower shop.”
You looked up at him, then pursed your lips and nodded.  Best to let him think it was worry and not terminal lust for your newest employee that was running on a continuous loop in your brain.
“And if I know Izz, and I like to think I do, he’ll throw himself into his work.  He’s single, he’s got no constraints on his time, besides playing guitar and riding his bike.  Which doesn’t run anyway.”
“He’s single?” you yelped, then the front door dinged open and the devil himself strode in the kitchen.
“Hey, I’m back,” he smiled.  “Any more deliveries?”
“Well,” and your throat went dry, “you have to deliver a cake to the Martins’ birthday party at 1 o’clock.  Nothing till then.”
“What can I do?”
“Uh, there’s dishes in the sink,” you peeped, pointing to them.
“Here, Izz, catch,” Duff said, and tossed him an apron.  You were relieved it wasn’t your pink eyelet one, then Izzy shook it out and tied it on.  “LOVE MY BUNS” was emblazoned on the front of it, and Duff threw you a wily grin.
Izzy squared his shoulders.  “Y’all better love ‘em,” he deadpanned, snapping on a pair of yellow rubber gloves.
You tried not to stare at them, then concentrated on dropping food coloring in some batter.  The tie dyed cupcakes you sold were selling out faster than you could make them, but Duff had an aversion to making them for some reason, so you had to create them.  And what better way to keep your mind off Izzy’s spectacular buns?
That was easier said than done.  You noticed Izzy’d finished his dishes, then felt him before you even looked up.  He was peering into your mixing bowl, his nose nearly touching it.  “What are you making?”
You jerked your head up, and his face wasn’t six inches away, his soft lips slightly parted.  “These-these are tie dyed cupcakes.”
“Can I help you with them?”
“Uh, sure.”  You squeezed the last of the food coloring in, then dropped the liners in the muffin pan, instructing him how to fill them three-quarters full, then he slid them in the oven.  
“Thank you, Izzy.  Um, do you want to help Duff make cookies?”
Duff jerked his head.  “Can you get me the flour over there?”
Izzy grabbed it, and because he was wearing short black boots and not slip-resistant work shoes, slid on the slick floor, very nearly dropping it.  He must’ve clenched the open bag in his hands, because a big poof of it exploded right in his face. 
“Shit,” he gasped, blowing it out of his mouth.
Duff slapped the table, howling at him, and you were trying very hard not to laugh.
Izzy stuck his tongue out, coughing, and he looked so embarrassed you wanted to hug him.  “Uh, yeah, I’ll be heading upstairs now.  By the time I get cleaned up, it’ll be time to make my delivery.”  He barked out a laugh.  “I hope this doesn’t make paste when it hits water, or I’ll have dough balls.  And nobody likes doughy balls.”
Duff had been grinning since Izzy went upstairs.  “I think he likes it here.”
“Why do you say that?”
“Because he laughed.  Izzy never laughs.”  He crossed his arms over his black safety-pinned t-shirt.  “I told you he’d be a good fit.  Hey, can I take my lunch now?  I feel the need for…..pizza.”
“Sure,” you said, and on went the pimp coat.  Even though he worked in a bakery, Duff had an overwhelming love for the pizza shop next door, and you swore he was working on duplicating their dough on his early shifts, unseen by you.
It was heavenly pizza, and you regretted not asking him to bring you back a slice, then the door chimed open and a stunning brunette woman with huge dark eyes walked in.
“Hi,” she said in a sultry voice, “is Izzy here?”
You shook your head, taking in her heavy eye makeup and micro skirt.  She was tiny, although she was wearing a sky-high pair of stilettos.  “He’s-he’s out.  I can tell him you stopped by.”
“Sure.  I’m Barbie.”  Her red lips turned up in a smirk.  “Aren’t you just precious?  I love your little rubber boots.”
“Th-thank you,” you said, hoping the floor would swallow you up.  Of course, this was the kind of woman Izzy would pursue, someone sexy, not a Shy Di wannabe. What worked to catch the attention of a stodgy middle-aged prince was very unlikely to work on an edgy guy like Izzy.  You knew that.
And standing in front of you was living proof.
“So, anyway, tell him I came by.  And here,” she threw a denim jacket on a table, “he left this in my car.  Bye, little rubber boots.”
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faithfully-writing · 4 years
Jealous/obsessive TFP Knockout X female reader [NF NSFW]
~your point of view~
I had been friends with Jack for a long time since we were children, even though there was a four year age difference between us. Me being older obviously. But lately, I've noticed that I've had to pick up more of his shifts at the burger house then usual. He would usually beg to have my shifts but more often than not he's begging for the opposite where I take his shifts. He worked so hard to save up for a motorbike but now all of a sudden he's disappearing somewhere I don't know. I was walking home after a tiring day of part-time work at the burger joint, having taken my shift and Jack's in a row. I just wanted to be home and sleep in my comfortable bed.
The sound of cars in the distance could be heard, around this town I figured they would be racing. As I wrap the jacket closer to my body, a sudden chill in the already chilly air brushes against my (s/t) skin. Just because it went dark for the moon to rise, the weather decided to get cold. Now I miss the bright warm sun, the sun that warmed my back and made me feel safe.
The sound of the car engines were getting closer. I was walking past the service station when my (e/c) eyes spot what I'd like to think was a sweet ride. A bright red Aston Martin, which I only happen to know because my father had a love for cars. I couldn't tear my eyes away from the red car and such without thinking I cross the road to look at it. "Woah..." Is softly gasped as I look at the sleek lines and shiny paint job. Noticing the gold on the inside of the wheels, I bend down to look at the glinting paint, shining at my eyes under the dull yellow street light. "You're gorgeous," I mumble. Sure I couldn't understand what goes into a car like this one before my eyes but I could admire the paint job. I stand once again just to admire. "Damn I wish I could afford a car like you," I say, running a hand from the front hood to along the roof. I wasn't even sure if the driver was inside or not for the windows were tinted black, and if I looked close enough I could see white and a brighter red details running along the car, heightening its beauty.
I stand there, just admiring the car, not worrying about the fact that the cars had drawn closer and that it was getting later at night when I was supposed to be home. I turn around when the car in front of me suddenly lights up as several car lights land on myself and the Aston Martin. Looking ahead into the bright lights I see a couple more cars, more like eight all behind each other. One of the cars drive forwards and turns on its side, the window rolling down. A wolf whistle is heard, and I'm unsure whether it's directed towards me or the car but I flinch anyway. "Sweet ride there sweetheart. Now how did a girl like you get a car like that? Must have done some... jobs? Am I right?" The sleaze behind the wheel asks, winking at me.
I shiver at what the man said and the fact that he was even trying to hit on me. "W-well at least my b-beast is far better looking than your s-stingy unfinished paint jobbed t-thing." I stutter, very uncomfortable with the male and just wanting to run and hide as a blush takes over my features, the shyness taking control. "a-an-and I-I-I-I would n-never do su-such a thing."
"You sure honey? You wanna hop in my car and prove it to me?" The man said, annoyed by what I had said.
Feeling threatened I look around but I see no way to escape away from it. "n-no. I need. I ne-need to go."
"This baby can go from zero to a hundred and twenty in ten seconds." The man says proud of his car, patting the door by hanging his arm out the window, almost as if he was trying to show off his scrapheap. "Now hop in. And I'll show how I can go that fast too."
Now I was honestly grossed out. "N-no w-way. I-I'd rather sp-spend the n-n-night with t-t-th-th-this car." I turn my back on the cars and trail my hand along the roof until I reach the boot, and without a second thought, I move to the other side of the car, hoping to be out of view of the other cars. Crouching I hide, knowing that myself against eight cars was never a good idea. But I was too shy and scared to do anything else.
"Oh, I wasn't giving you an option sweetheart." The sound of a car door slams close, these people were ready for a race, and now I had become the prize for one of the racers. "Now come to me and nothing will hurt much."
I also hear the sound of a motorbike, knowing that I could possibly be safe if the person was kind enough. The bike stops in front of the other cars, the shadow casting itself into the red paint job and though the window. Poking my head around I see Jack take the helmet off and hop off the bike. I was shocked. So he did save enough to buy himself a bike, that would explain why he didn't have any need to be stealing my shifts or working his own. "Jack!" I shout, drawing attention to both myself and Jack. Running out from behind the sweet red ride I'd found, I run at Jack, wrapping my arms around my best friend. "I-I'm so g-glad y-y-you're here."
"(y-y/n)?" Jack stutters in shock, taking a step back to regain his balance. "What are you doing here?"
"I w-was going home w-when I saw t-that car. I wanted a-a closer look at the paint job as from a distance it looks gorgeous, and it was on closer inspection. I-I stayed too long and that man." I turn around and point at the sleazebag who was trying to get back into his car, "t-t-tried to h-h-h-hiit... o-o-on me and wanted to-to-to.. do things to m-me." I inform your best friend, my voice stuttering over simple words as I shake from having to talk to a stranger. I rub my toe against the ground, after telling Jack, in worry and look towards the said ground.
Jack eyes the male and narrows his eyes, he hated when people put his friend's safety at risk. "Scrap," Jack says, making me look at him oddly.
'What a strange word to say.' I think, taking a couple of steps away from Jack. "I-I-I need to get home be-before my m-mum worries, or c-c-calls the police to s-say I'm missing." I stutter, "I h-h-have go, nice s-seeing you again Jack a-and thanks for arriving, th-th-though ni-nice timing."
I start to turn and walk away, the cars speeding away, fighting to overtake each other. It seemed the race started. "I'll take you back, I was going home anyway." Jack grabs my hand and drags me over to his bike. "Hop on." He hands me his helmet, and I purse my lips at the thought of Jack without his helmet.
"B-bu-but don't you have t-to wear this?" I ask.
Jack shakes his head, already sitting on his bike. "I trust Arcee," Jack says.
"G-great, he n-named the thing," I mumble to myself. "Alright t-then, if you're s-sure." I agree, my voice soft and quiet, and I hop on behind Jack, wrapping my arms around his middle. As soon as I did the bike was off, and the red sports car was too, it drove after the group most likely wanting to begin the race too. my eyes widen at the sudden change of speed and my grip on Jack tightens, frightened that I may fall off the speeding vehicle. Within minutes you reach home. Feeling dizzy from the adrenaline I stand for a few moments before handing his helmet back, "T-th-thanks Jack." I say nervously before turning my back on him and walking away to the front door. Looking over my shoulder I give a small wave before entering the house.
Entering the house, I miss Arcee talking to Jack, "Who was that Jack?"
"That is (y/n), an old childhood friend," Jack says.
"Why does she stutter so much? Doesn't she have any self-confidence?" Arcee asks.
"She does, but only when she is by herself or around people she trusts. She's just really shy, and even around me she's shy like that." Jack informs, looking at the door that was now closed.
"Then why was she with Knockout? Does she know we exist? Because if she does she either has to go or we put her under protection."
"Relax. She doesn't know about you guys. And his model must have just appealed to her. Her father used to work with cars." Jack put his helmet on, "Now let's go home." Jack hops on Arcee and she drives to Jack's home.
"Hey, mum! Dad! Guess what car I saw." I say, no longer feeling shy or nervous, I was inside my home with only my parents.
"What car did you see slugger?" Dad asks, looking at me with a grin.
"It was a red Aston Martin, it was sleek and shiny in its paint job. It even had gold wheeling." I describe the car.
Mum listens intently along with dad. Each smiling at my excitement. "You have to show me next time we're out (y/n). It sounds like you fell in love with a guy."
I pause and blush a bright red, almost like a tomato, "I-I-I didn't I just never s-saw such a ca-car like it. I bet y-you would too if you saw i-it." I say, wanting to go and hide now. "Anyway... what's on?" I slouch on the couch between my parents, putting my feet up on the coffee table.
"(tv show that's not tfp) is on." Mum says before tapping my legs as a way to say get them off the table. "You should be going to bed (y/n)."
"It's Sunday tomorrow though," I whine, not wanting to go to bed yet. "There's no school."
"Doesn't matter, I don't want you tired tomorrow," Mum says back, wanting me in bed this minute. "Now chop chop." She gives me a hug and a kiss on the forehead which dad does the same before watching me leave for my room.
Not even bothering to change into pyjamas I collapse onto the bed and roll about, trying to get comfortable amongst the pillows and blankets that I have on my bed. I toss and turn, unable to get that car out of my head. It was a different car for this town. Sure there were sometimes people who came to race on the longer roads out of town but each car was different much like that Aston Martin. I couldn't fall asleep no matter how much I tried.
I wake up, opening my (e/c) eyes and looking around the now brightened bedroom. Today was Sunday. And I felt excited for no reason. It was just like nearly every other Sunday. I crawl out of bed slowly, not really wanting to leave it before changing out of yesterday's clothing. Leaving my room, I grab an apple, eating it as I leave the house after a quick goodbye to my sleepy parents. I stuff my phone in my pocket and have music blaring through the headphones. I walk into the town, enjoying the sun on my skin after last nights coldness.
Walking along I spot Jack up ahead who looks like he's talking to somebody. Without a second thought I stuff my headphones into my pocket where my phone was and started to run towards Jack, he was facing towards an alley so I had the element of surprise. I was close enough to see that it seemed like Jack was talking to someone but I didn't know who. Jumping on his back I whisper boo in his ear.
"(y-y/n)!" Jack stutters in surprise, almost toppling over from my added weight before catching his balance.
I freeze in shock as I look in front of me and Jack. There, crouched down to hide was a massive blue robot with female features. My (e/c) eyes widen as I just stare. "Jack. Now, look what had happened. I told you there was too much risk."
"Sorry, Arcee." I let go of Jack and take a couple of steps towards the oversized robot.
"What are you?" I ask.
Arcee doesn't answer but instead, she just changes into her alt form and Jack hops on. Putting the helmet over my head and getting me to sit on the bike behind him. "Everything will be explained soon (y/n). I'm sorry Arcee, I didn't think anybody would see us." A hum is heard before she takes off. Driving faster than before along roads, gasping I grip on Jack is like a boa constrictor on prey.
Arcee drove along the highways outside the town, the empty roads drifting away from town and further into the orange desert landscape. Coming up to large mountain Arcee just keeps driving. Growing increasingly worried the closer it came, "Jack!" I scream as I cling tightly to the man's back, hiding my face in his blue jumper. The mountainside lowered, revealing a hidden passage but hiding my face I don't notice it until Arcee stops and Jack lifts me off the bike's seat.
"It's alright (y/n). You're okay." Jack calmly says, rubbing my back in an effort to stop my shakes.
"Arcee. Who do you have here? You know it is dangerous to reveal yourself to humans." A deep commanding tone bounces off the walls, soundly slightly electronic much like Arcee's.
"I'm sorry Optimus but the human saw me speaking to Jack. I know it was irresponsible of me."
Upon hearing the voice I look around at the massive dug in military base, but massive was too small of a word. Standing in front of Arcee, in her form, was an even taller robot. He was painted blue, red and white and had a red print in the middle of his chest. I dubbed him as Optimus as he seemed to be the one talking. Staring at the oversized robot I quickly as possible hide behind Jack who had turned to face the talking things. I cling to his back, peeking around him slightly as the robots notice me. "Rachet, bring Knockout back. I have a feeling that this one will help us all with him." Optimus kneels on one knee in front of me and Jack but it doesn't make him appear any smaller. In all honesty, he frightens me. "What's your name small one?" He asked, his voice making the ground tremble.
My (e/c) eyes widen and I bury my face back into Jacks hoodie, too shy to speak to the strange ones. "They're not going to hurt you (y/n)." Jack comforts.
"(Y/n). That's a nice name. My name is Optimus Prime." He notices that I wasn't going to tear myself from Jack's side and so he stood up. "And we are the Autobots. Guardians of Earth." He gestures at the bots in the same room. "Over by the workstation is Ratchet, our leading medic." The white bot, that wasn't as large as Optimus but was still larger than Arcee, just grumbles under his breath about another human to look after. "And the other three are out at the moment, have you caught on to Knockout yet?"
"Not yet Optimus sorry. It seems he's racing again but in this place called Tokyo, where the people who Meiko call parents live." Ratchet pays you no attention as he speaks to who I gather is the leader.
"What about Bumblebee or Bulkhead?"
"I've gotten in touch with them and they're going to arrive as soon as possible."
And within those moments the sounds of two cars echoed from within the tunnel behind me. Turning around in fright I spot two cars. A bright yellow muscle car and a dark green SUV came racing towards me and Jack. Squeaking in fright, I quickly move to the front of Jack and cling for dear life, afraid that I'd be run over. Metallic noises and grating can be heard. "That was awesome Bulk! We need to do that again!" An overexcited feminine voice shouts in joy. Looking over Jack's shoulder and the said friend laughs at my reaction, I spot two more humans.
One looked Japanese with black hair and hot pink dyed tips in two small ponytails and a pink fringe that was side swept. She wore a light pink shirt with purple hemming, over the shirt she wore a navy blue tank top. Her denim shorts were short and held up by a bright yellow belt with a light blue and light green pig heads clipped on. Her two shirts were tucked into the shorts. On her legs, she wore purple and navy blue striped stockings, with knee-length brown pink books with purple laces. She overall looked punky and eccentric while she jumped up and down fist pumping the air in excitement.
"Maybe another time Meiko." The large green robot says, his voice unsure. Looking at him I could see that he was wider and taller than Optimus. I shrunk back as the girl shrieked with joy. I really disliked loud people for I wanted to stay quiet and out of people's way.
The yellow muscle car had transformed and a small boy with brown hair spiked back and red glasses on his nose. He wore a light yellow button up long sleeved shirt that seemed too large for the small boy, with an orange vest over the top. His navy pants were baggy from the knees down and on his feet, he wore orange and silver sneakers that somehow were wide enough where the hole for the foot went through to go around the bagginess of the pants. He seemed young. Younger than the others and I felt unsure if it was okay for him to be around such large transforming Autobots. But overall he looked like a nerd that would get bullied or wedgies from the older kids, making me feel like protecting the seemingly quiet kid which was strange for me.
I look up at the smaller yellow Autobot, he was smaller than Optimus and Ratchet but larger and taller than Arcee. He made a series of beeps, buzzes and tones as his bright blue eyes looked down at the small nerd boy. "Haha of course Bee! Let's go and play right now!" The kid laughs looking away from the bot he called bee to where the small group of seemingly three stood.
The kid froze and the bright yellow bot made a series of sounds once again, catching the attention of the other two, Bulk and Meiko. "My scout, you are right." The deep voice of Optimus echoed around, frightening me and I practically jump into Jack's arms, hoping I could hide. But even that action itself was embarrassing and my face grew a bright pinky red as I looked down at the silver coloured floor. "We do have another member and I'm hoping that she can help Knockout understand why we must protect humans. As well as stop him from racing." Optimus says, seemingly to infer that I'd play a large part in things.
"What about Grumpypants?" Meiko asks loudly, pointing at the white and orange bot by his station. "It could help him too."
"I-I'm not a-an it..." I quietly speak up, unsure if I were to even speak at this moment.
"Jack let's go. You wanted to take that girl out again." Arcee speaks up.
Jack looks down at me and smiles, "(y/n). I need to go now. I promise you that no-one here is going to hurt you."
I look away and instead look around at the Autobots and humans talking to each other, jokes going around and smiles about.
"And you like video games, right? Why don't you go and play them with Bumblebee and Raf." Jack offers, pointing out where the small bot stood by a high platform where a couch, TV and Raf sat, with controllers in their hands. "Go on. I have a feeling that you will get along finely." Jack gives me a small push before jumping on a transformed Arcee and going through a large green circle that closed behind them.
"Wha-What was that they just went through?" I ask, not noticing that all of the eyes and optics were looking at my form.
Rachet just huffs and looks away, muttering something about stupid human. "That was a ground bridge little one. It transports those that go through it to a destination given by coordinates." Optimus informs me, his voice loud in my own ears, unused to how those larger creatures spoke.
"Oh okay," I say and turn around, growing rigid as I see that everyone's eyes were on me expect Rachet who I guessed was still trying to get in touch with this knockout person, well bot possibly and most likely.
I slowly made my way over to where the yellow bot and Raf were, the game already started and from what I could see was a racing game. I waited until they finished before wanting their attention. "Uh... H-Hi." I stammer out awkwardly as I rub my arm.
The yellow bot replies in buzzes and beeps. "Hello," Raf says pushing his glasses up and holding out the controller. "You wanna go?" He asks, moving over so there was room for me to sit on the couch. I had a feeling that Jack was right with me being able to get close to these two. Smiling I nod my head, unable to trust my voice as I sat on the couch, sinking into its softness. Grabbing the controller I press start and such a round against Bumblebee starts
"That's not fair!" I whine realising that I had crashed. "You're a car so you're good at this." I turn around and face the blue optic bot, who seemed to be cheering at his win. Pouting I look away, handing the controller over to Raf. Bumble makes a series of noises as if asking if I were fine. "I'm fine Bumble, but I can't believe I crash every time. You need to teach me." I say, already comfortable around the pair that is made up of an energetic yellow bot and a genius child.
Bumble makes another series of beeps and Raf translates, "He said he'd be glad to."
"Yay!" I cheer, quickly moving to where Bumble laid his hand and hugging one of his fingers before realising what I did and moving away with a blush on my cheeks. "O-oh so-sorry," I mutter.
"It's fine." Raf translates a whole series of fast beeps and buzzes as if he shortened what the bot said.
"I'm in contact with Knockout." Ratchet said out of nowhere, informing the whole room which at this moment only consisted Bumblebee, Raf and myself. Meiko and Bulkhead had left to do some off-roading and Optimus was in his berthroom.
Bumble lets out a series of beeps and buzzes as he holds out a hand. I watch Raf jump on the boy's hand and Bumble looks at me, expecting me to follow. I stand unsure and awkward, not wanting to overstep any boundaries. Apparently, I took too long for the bot encircled me with his cold metallic fingers and lifted me into the air, it seemed the cheerful bot was taking care to not squish me into a mess of blood, grounded bones and a clump of pulp.
The sound of metal hitting concrete echoes into my ears as Bumble moves about, coming to stand in front of a short, wide circular tunnel with wiring and things along the sides. From somewhere I could hear Optimus' steps as he makes his way, arriving to stand beside his scout. His hand is out as if asking for me.
"Don't make me fall off your hand," I say as Bumble lowers me onto the silver hand before letting go.
"Servo." Ratchet corrects from seemingly nowhere. "It's a servo."
"Teach her about the anatomy after she greets Knockout." Optimus points out, sighing as if he expected Rachet to of spoken.
"I have better things to do than teach a simple-minded human about how our forms work." Ratchet huffs, pulling a switch down.
The car transformed into a tall bot, his eyes were startling as they were a bright blood red colour, brighter than his paintwork. He had a slender face, if they called it that, and seemed more sexually appealing then the other bots. I gape at the change. To me, he was more gorgeous, even sexy, in his bot form them his car form. "Shit," I mutter under my breath, in both awe and worry. What happened if he remembered last night?
"Bring him in. It's time he met who he's to protect." Optimus changes topic, knowing not to rile his medic up too much. I watch as the wires and things light up, creating the ground bridge that Arcee and Jack had gone through. It didn't take long for a red car to come speeding through the portal before it closes with a flick of the switch. I stare wide-eyed at the car that I recognized from the night before. It was the red Aston Martin. The red paintwork shone in the light but there seemed to be a large scratch on the side. "Knockout."
"Those humans thought that they could just scratch this beautiful paintwork and get away with it! Do they not know how long it takes to buff and shine this body for this look. Like seriously. They barely spend any time on their scrap heaps and when a much better and more appealing worked on car with an awesome finish arrives they want to destroy the hard worked on paint. It just hurts my spark to know that they can't appreciate beautiful sexy things like myself." The newly transformed bot rants. Looking closer he seemed to have a different mark than the others. Maybe it stood for what he did? Or maybe it was for something different altogether.
"Knockout." Optimus states trying to catch the attention of the ranting bot. "Knockout. I have something for you."
"Is it a new buffer? Oh Primey, how'd you know I needed a new one? The old one just wasn't shining this finish enough for it to look perfect like I am." I know it's going to be pretty bad when I'm introduced now.
Optimus shakes his head. "It's nothing like that. Hold out your servos." Optimus moves his hands that were covering me above Knockout's. He was just going to drop me on to the servo. Like I'd allow him to do that.
"No. Please don't. No." But he does anyway. "Ahhh!!" I scream as the world spins and turns around me until the breath is knocked out of me.
"What's this?" Knockout looks down at me with a look of disgust, "Is it going to stain my paint?!" He panics as I try to catch my breath back and cough.
"It's the fleshy you're to guard," Optimus states, ignoring how the red bot stared at me.
"Why is it so squishy?" He just simply asks, as if he never heard the guarding part. A single silver digit made itself known above me as it lowers and pokes my stomach before poking my legs. "Would it stain if I squished it?"
"C-can you s-stop? P-please." I stutter, rolling away from the unwanted pokes and hiding my blushing face.
"No, but it would make a mess," Ratchet speaks up from nowhere once again.
"Ewww!" He scrunches his eyes up in disgust, "Get it off me. I need my buffer now."
"You're to guard it," Optimus says once again, this time successfully grabbing the vain bots attention.
"What? Why? I don't want to. I can't be seen with such a disgusting thing. It would make my image go bad. And it's so plain. Like, look at its pedes." He uses two of his digits to grab a hold of one of my legs and lift it in the air.
Not realising what he's doing I'm soon off his servo and hanging upside down by a leg. "Bu-bumble. A L-little help. P-p-please?" I beg the yellow bot who was looking away and at Raf.
"Put (y/n) back on your servo Knockout." Optimus orders, his tone saying he doesn't want to be disobeyed.
"I don't want to look after a fleshy." So instead of putting you back on his silver servo he just let's go of you. "Hey look, one less fleshy to look after." A shrill scream echoed from my lips as the ground came closer.
The sound of shattering glass echoed as well, "Don't make so sudden sounds. I needed that before you made me drop it." Ratchet thundered.
I landed heavily on the yellow bot's hand, rubbing my side which hit the metal. "Are you okay (y/n)?" Raf asks, nervous about your welfare.
"I-I'm f-fine." I shakily say, wanting to hide from the red bot. "C-can we g-go some-somewhere else?"
I look up at Optimus who nods his helm. "Knockout. I need a word with you." Optimus states annoyed that a human's life was put at risk by one of his own members.
"Bee. Let's go for a ride." Raf offers, wanting to get me out of the hideout for a while. Bumble makes his series of noises before transforming, Raf and I found ourselves in the front seats with seatbelts tightly done. I smile at Raf just as Bee takes off, driving as fast as he could out of the hideout and onto the highways. I started laughing as the world flashes by quickly, forgetting the events that had taken place moments before.
"This. Is. Awesome!" I cheer, enjoying myself.
I hear Bee make a series of beeps. "Bee says he's glad that you're enjoying yourself." Raf translates as normal, his excited tone proving to me just how much he was enjoying it too.
"Thank you Bumble," I said with a laugh.
We speed and drive for what seems like a couple of hours until my stomach growled loudly. "Bee let's go back. Maybe Meiko and Jack are back. Then we can all get lunch." Bumble buzzes and beeps in agreement and quickly start driving back to the base, getting there in record time.
"Good to see you three back." Optimus greets beside a silently peeved Knockout. "Knockout."
"Fine. But I am never doing this again." Knockout scrunches his face up. "I'm sorry that the dazzling me tried to kill the plain you."
"Wow what an apology," I mutter to Raf from the transformed Bumblebee's servo.
Raf agrees with me as Knockout speaks again, "To make up for it, allow the awesome me to drive you to lunch." I knew that Optimus was forcing him to say this but I smiled anyway with a nod, agreeing to go with the bot.
"Yaay!!" Meiko screams from where she was tuning her guitar unnoticed by me. "Let's go get lunch!"
I flinch as her voice echoes in my ears, "RIP ears." I quietly mutter, too quiet for anyone to hear. Knockout holds out a servo looking bored. I jump the small height and land on the silver metal, clinging to a finger as I almost slip through. I'm quickly encircled by knockouts servo as he stops me from falling from the height that would surely kill me.
"Let's go. I have to finish my buff when we come back so the sooner the better." He turns and walks towards the exit back into town. Transforming and placing me in the passenger seat. Meiko and Raf follow behind in their guardians.
Once the six reached the cafe the humans jumped out of the cars and walked through the doors after a quick bye to their rides. Raf and I stayed outside and found us a table close to the curb where the bots could park and listen to our conversations. Meiko comes back and slouches into a chair beside me minutes later, a large smile on her face. "The food will be here in a few moments." She announced, bouncing in her seat.
I looked like a babysitter as I sat with the two. As our time went on and we talked over our food, I got to know more about the two. Like the fact that Raf has an older sister called Pilar and he can hack into any technology. You learnt that Meiko's parents lived in Japan and she felt like she was pushed into what she did while looked down at for what she did. Sure you felt like she was too loud at times but during that lunch thing, you really connected with them both.
The Autobots watch from the curve as the three humans spoke. One of the boys was paying careful attention to (y/n), the one he is now to protect. He could see her beautiful (h/c) hair catching the sunlight like it was a halo that surrounded her and proved her purity. Her glimmering (e/c) eyes sparkled as she laughed at a joke Raf made. From when he was holding her in his hand and how she sat in his car seat he could feel how smooth and soft her (s/c) skin was. She was almost as perfect as himself. But he would never admit it. Afterall, it would be bad if anyone knew what he was thinking or if someone thought they could upstage him.
~Time skip of a few months~
Overtime I found myself spending more time with Bee and Raf, allowing KO to run off to his races. It was a comfortable silence that filled the air. Bee and Raf had gone out for some time together, Ratchet was at his station playing with something that he wouldn't tell me. I felt like I had gotten closer the Ratchet more than my own guardian who was still grumpy about the fact.
"Ratchet!" I complain, hanging upside down on the couch. "I'm bored."
The white and orange bot just huffs, probably not used to my complaints. "I preferred it when you were more quiet and shy."
I just stick my tongue out at the human hating bot. "Well tough luck princess."
This gets his attention, never having been called a princess. "What did you just call me fleshy?"
This is where my fun begins. "A princess. What else?"
He sighs and makes his way over to me, hiding something in his servo. He picks me up in his other servo, making sure to keep a firm grip on my body. He brings out what seems to be feather, holding it dainty within two digits. "This is your fault fleshy." He then proceeds to use the feather against me. The soft flittery feel of it tickling me made it draw out loud laughs and screams as I twist to get away. Ratchet chuckles at my actions, finding torturing me amusing. 
"Please. Please Ratchet!" I laugh. "Please stop! I'm begging you!" But he doesn't stop, not even when Optimus makes himself known in the room by clearing his throat. It was amusing to the white bot. How could something like this make a fleshy laugh so much? He was sure it was something only the fleshy in his hand would respond to as such.
"Ratchet." Optimus finally interrupts, letting me catch a breath as tears ran down my face. "What are you doing with (y/n)?"
Ratchet places the feather down on his work bench, making sure to put it where it won't get lost. "Experimenting with reactions."
I look up to the bot and pout, "Bonding I think you mean."
"Bonding?" Ratchet looks down at me and Optimus almost looks regal.
I nodded, "It's when you get to know the other person and make memories with them." I bite my cheek, "It's not like the bonding in terms of animals." It was like a light went on in both their heads as they nod at my explanation.
"And what do fleshies do with the animal bonding?" Ratchet asks. "You are of age to bond right?"
I choke on my own saliva. Who in the world did this bot think he was to be asking that so casually? "Yes I'm of an age where I can do so."
"And so how do you do so?" Ratchet asks, writing down everything he noticed about my reactions. I was completely flabbergasted. I look to Optimus for help but he looks just as curious as Ratchet. "Because when I looked it up it mention sex and the basics but it wasn't exactly what I was looking for."
I just wished the floor would open up and swallow me whole. Ratchet's questions were making me uncomfortable and they were quite personal too. "Well Ratchet I just can't say as its different for each girl. Some like it one way and another might want it differently."
This seemed to confuse the medic even more as he scribbles as fast as possible. "What do you mean by that?"
I didn't know how to answer. "You can bond in different ways. Like you said the different positions." I start blushing, this was so embarrassing to be explaining. "Well girls prefer different ones to another. Or they prefer different roughness."
That seemed to set Ratchet and Optimus into deep thought. Ratchet placed me back down by the gaming station before returning to the medic bay and Optimus went back into his room. I look to where they both left, scratching my head at their sudden disappearance. It was strange. I return to my game, boredom filling my veins again. I just had to wait for Bee and Raf to return, and possibly Knockout.
Once Bee and Raf returned it was my turn to be curious about how the Autobots ran. Apparently Bee had hit his helm quite hard and some blue stuff had been running down his face for a bit. I watch as Ratchet looks after him, how nimbly the grumpy bot could fix him up.
"Is Bee okay?" I ask
Ratchet doesn't respond, instead letting Raf tell me. "Yeah he'll be fine, after all he's a strong Bee."
I hear Ratchet cough, "Young. Not strong. There's a difference." Bee beeps at Ratchet once it's said, sounding annoyed.
"Wait how does that work?"
"He hasn't been around for as long as the others. So he's considered younger." Ratchet informs me.
"What is the liquid though? Does it run inside you?"
"Let me finish patching this one up and Bee can help you."
"So what's the liquid that runs inside you?"
I ask Bumble after he finishes explaining how they work and playing a few rounds of helm, shoulders knees and toes.
From behind me, I hear Ratchet start coughing as he spits out his high-grade energon he was drinking as he finished some work. Bumble makes a few noises that Raf translates, "In our fuel lines?"
I nod my head, stretching back out across the couch as Raf sat on Bee's shoulder. "What other liquids would I mean?"
I look over at Ratchet who wouldn't stop coughing as his face lit up a bright blue. "Oh dear Primus. Bumblebee is too young for this."
I didn't understand what he meant, I thought they were asexual beings. "Does that mean that you're not asexual?" You ask, addressing Ratchet more.
But all you get is stutters from the bot. "Another time (y/n)."
From the other side of the room, I could hear Knockout grumble about some messed up paint and needing to fix it, as well as feel his red optics burn a hole in my body. Since joining the group and Prime forcing Knockout to be my guardian the red bot hadn't changed at all.
"They have energon running through their systems." Raf translates, getting my attention back on the two of them again.
"Oh. And so to have more energon as you don't replenish it like we humans do you drink or eat it?" I ask hoping to be on the right track. Bumblebee gets excited and nods his helm, his bubbly personality on show.
"Why don't we stop this lesson and I'll take it from here." Knockout informs, growing slightly jealous that Bee had all my attention.
I smile up at my large red bot, he was slowly beginning to like me the big softie. "It's fine KO. I've learnt all I need."
"It's not fine!" He suddenly raises his voice, "I want to teach you everything else about us. Not those other Autobots. They're not as fabulous as I am. They don't even deserve to be near someone like you." It was a shock to my system to hear him talk like that. "And I'll teach you about the reproduction, not Ratchet."
Ratchet is suddenly on guard and walks over. "Back up." He says, his servo coming to shield me. Sure he still didn't really like the humans but I knew he had a soft spot for me like the other three. "Bumblebee why don't you take Raf and (y/n) out while I speak with Knockout." Ratchet states, keeping a servo on the red bot.
Knockout glares at Ratchet as he speaks of me leaving. "No! (Y/n)'s not leaving." His silver servo reaching to grab me, "I don't want to lose her. And I'm her guardian, not the yellow bot. I'm the one looking after her. She's mine to protect and keep." His servo clasped around my body as he quickly lifted me into the air. "I've been the one looking out for her, not you."
"Woah! Slow down, big boy!" I exclaimed in shock at being picked up, those months with the group really took you out of your shyness. "Just put me back on the couch and we can talk about this later."
Knockout's red optics look down at me who now sits comfortably on his servo. He had gotten over the fact that he was my guardian but he was still grumpy about it whenever I got in trouble, using it as a way to make me feel guilty.
"Don't you need to fix up your paint?" I ask making sure to change the topic before any damage could be done. Knockout looks down at me in his servo and scrunches up his face, most likely annoyed at me for making him remember. "Aww lighten up KO, let me help you." You tease the vain bot, knowing exactly what buttons push now after the months being with the bots.
Knockout grumbles under his breath before turning on his pedes and stalking to his berthroom. I wave goodbye to Bee, Raf and Ratchet before they were out of sight. I start humming and bobbing my head to some unsung tune, around KO I felt the calmest and safest. He seemed to make it much easier for me to come out of my shell, yet not completely.
Once in KO's berthroom, he places me in the corner of the room where he had placed a stolen garage with all sorts of things to look and keep a car clean within it. He transforms back into his vehicle mode of the Red Aston Martin and drives to the front of the garage, waiting for me to open the roll-up door. As it rolls up he slowly drives into the garage, parking in the middle of the large room. I sigh and grab a bucket and a sponge, walking over to KO and setting the bucket of water beside him.
"Why do you constantly have to be cleaned? And by me precisely?" I question as I dip the sponge into the bucket. He doesn't answer as I start to clean the hood, leaning across the shiny paintwork to reach the other side without having to move too far from the bucket. What I didn't know was that as I pressed up against KO, he was thinking about all the things he could do to me. He could feel the softness of my body caressing his build and the slow easy circles of the sponge were making his mind run amuck. "KO what would you say?" I ask my guardian.
He just hummed, not seeming to listen to me at all. I stop cleaning and take a few steps back waiting for his attention once again. "What?" He asks with a grumpy tone of voice.
Sighing I get back to cleaning him, "Bee wants to take me out to one of the big cities for a few days, saying that there's this awesome place he wants to show me." You inform the red car, "And I wanted to know if you okay with that."
"I am absolutely not letting that happen (y/n). I'm your guardian and you're to stay with me." KO demanded driving backwards, he wanted out so he could transform. I huff and open the garage door, watching as the red Austin Martin turned into the tall and handsome bot. He places a hand on the ground waiting for me to climb on it. "I'm your guardian (y/n). I'm the only one who can protect you. If you went with BB his thoughts will constantly be of Raf and if something goes wrong over there he wouldn't think for a second about you and leave you wherever you are to save Raf." Knockout says, his voice deep and soothing.
"Bee wouldn't do such a thing. He cares for me." I say, scrunching my face as I'm lifted up to optic level.
"Are you sure (y/n)? We have to protect our chosen human over the other humans." KO didn't like lying to his little human but it was the only thing he could do to get her to change her mind and to stay with him. Over the course of the months, he grew to like and respect the tiny being that looked after his bodywork and hung out with him even when he was annoyed, even if it was only because he was her guardian.
I cross my arms, "I don't believe you. Bee would always protect me. Raf even translated that to me."
KO was getting annoyed with my behaviour and it was starting to show "I am your guardian. If I say no then I mean no! You're never leaving my side." He demands squishing me within his servo. "Do I make myself clear."
This wasn't the Knockout I knew. This wasn't the Knockout that broke some of Rachet's stuff just for fun or who was so vain that it got on everyone's nerves. No. This was a completely different side of the otherwise overly self-confident bot. A side that frightened me senseless. "Y-yes." I go to hide my face, not wanting to look at him and just wanting to go and hide somewhere where he wouldn't get me.
"Do you know how much I care for you?" He asks, red optics looking at me as he loosens his servo. I shake not wanting to answer him after his last outburst. "I'll show you just how much you mean to me." He places me back down next to the garage and walks off to the door, pressing something as a loud clunk is heard. "There. Now nobody can disturb us."
"Huh? What do you mean?" I ask watching the bot walk over to me. But something seemed different the closer he got. He seemed to be getting smaller until he was a human size he the time he stood in front of me. I look up, straining my neck at his large height. He was still far larger than a human. "I'm going to show you exactly how much you mean to me. You will look wonderful beside this beautiful bot." He gestured to himself as he speaks, still appears vain. I back off, sure I thought the bot handsome but I had no idea what he wanted.
"H-how come you're smaller?" I ask in shock at his size, finally speaking."
"It's called mass displacement." He seemed to have this dangerous smirk on his face as his red optics scanned my clothed body. "Now no need to be frightened, I've seen the way you've looked at me. And I'll treat you far better then BB could."
He walks towards me, arms outstretched to grab me as I take steps backwards. We enter the garage and he closes the roller door behind him, cornering me into the corner as his arms trap me.
"Your eyes are so beautiful, you can only look at me with this face." He whispers, a cold digit stroking my cheek as he leans down and rests his forehelm against mine. "And only I can touch your soft skin." His alloy metal seemed to be heating up the longer he stood near me, almost like he was conducting the warmth. His digits slipped into my hair and started to massage my scalp. I tilt my head back and into his touch, relaxing against him and closing my eyes.
I miss the devilish smirk that splits his face as he hides it in the crook of my neck. His glossa slips out of his dermas and licks up my neck to my earlobe where his dentas nibble it teasingly. A soft unfiltered moan leaves my lips at the pleasurable soft sensations that KO was giving me. His servos gripped my hair and bent my head back as he starts nibbling back down my neck, biting rougher as he reaches my shoulders. I wrap my arms around his build and let my fingers dig between his amour plates, groaning as I feel his cold dentas bite my skin.
Knockout felt like his processor would short-circuit from the sounds that entered his audio receptors. He didn't want any bot or fleshy to touch his soft skinned fleshy. He should feel the skin under his servos as he lets go of his fleshy's hair to trail his digits down her neck and to her shoulders. He could feel the breath brush his dermas.
His servos start to tighten around my forearms. Pressing me against the wall in a rougher manner as he presses against me even more, almost as if he wanted my shape to be engraved into his metal. His glossa came out from his dermas and forced its way through my own lips which were pressed tightly against his own. I could feel the tips of his digits playing with the sleeves of my shirt, fiddling with it and pulling at it. I hum into the kiss as I melt in his arms.
Since he had to bend down quite the fair bit to reach me, KO lifts me up against the wall so I was eye level and sits me on his tibulen so I was straddling it as his knee pressed against the wall. His servos pressed my shoulders back against the wall aggressively as my thighs clench around his single thigh in an effort to stay upright. I can't help but squirm as I feel the cold seep through my pants and underwear from his tibulen.
He smirks down at the effect he causes me to have. Squirming on his knee as soft moans exit my mouth as his servos slowly trailed to the bottom of my shirt, slipping under the hem and drawing small patterns on my stomach.
I suck my stomach in at the strange cold sensation and try to bury deeper into the wall to escape his trailing digits. "Ah! You-you can't. Not there!" A low chuckle escapes his dermas as his fingers find purchase on my skin. His dermas latch onto the skin on my neck again as he nibbles softly down to my collar. His fans click on and softly hum showing that he was heating up, but he was still taking his time.
"And why not my shy fleshy? Your flesh is mine and only mine to keep and protect." A low rumble leaves his voice box and he trails the cold digits from both his servos up and down my body; playfully dancing up to the underside of my breasts then back down to my belly button.
"Because... because..." I didn't know what to say. My thoughts left and my voice got lost. His movements left me breathless and my heart fluttering like a small hummingbird. He didn't seem to mind my stomach or the size of my breasts and I was glad that he wasn't saying anything about them if he disliked the size of either. He blinks his red optics and his optical ridges furrow.
Leaning his cheek against my own his breath drifts over my ear sending shivers down my spine, "You are perfect in every which way (y/n). The perfect piece for the perfect bot. My missing piece."
I grip his bitarlueus tightly as his digits rise even higher during their dance on my exposed skin, forcing a breathless moan to pass my lips as they lightly pinch my nipples. I intake a sharp breath of air and arch my back into his hands, gasping at the new sensation.
Knockout smirks at the sounds and his fans start to him faster. "Only I will ever hear these little noises from you my fleshy. I'm the only one perfect enough to hear them." He groans into my ear as his dentas bite my lobe softly and pulls on it. His servos cover my (c/p) size breasts and he starts to kneed them. Squeezing softly, to begin with as he breathe fans the side of my face before his movements get rougher. Pinching and pulling at my nipples as his glossa runs down the side of my neck and he bites the crook of my neck.
"Kn-knockout." A low groan is dragged from my lips as his digits continue to play my skin like it was his buffing supplies.
His digits dug into my sides and he lifts my shirt off my body. "I'm going to frag you senseless so the only bot you'd even think of or laugh at their jokes is me." His digits start their dance again. Moans leaving my lips at the cold and pleasurable sensations. I start to grind against his knee, trying to control the building heat and neediness. I couldn't cover my naked body from how he held me and I could feel my heart beat faster and my cheeks flush a bright red. Almost as red as Knockout's paint.
A low sexy chuckle is heard in my ear and I shiver. I could finish just by hearing his voice and by feeling his digits. Knockout starts to help me grinding by moving his knee roughly against my clothed clit. I could feel the wetness pooling in my underwear the more I grind and moan. His digits slip their way past the hem of my jeans and lightly tease my hips and skin through the underwear. Growing bored and wanting to hear different noises from me he slips his digit under my underwear and then lightly trace up and down my clit, the knee now gone and his chassis and other servo holding me up by pressing me into the wall. He slips two of his cool digits into me and starts to move and wiggle them about. My breath hitches as the air gets trapped from the feeling and I arch my back pressing my hips against him even more.
For a robot from space, he really knew his way around the female human body as his dentas slowly sink into my skin and two of his digits pump in and out of my vagina making wanton moans leave my open mouth. He had me openly grinding my hips on his two digits as they fuck me mercilessly and I was meeting their thrusts in a needy wanting manner as I begged for more.
"Kno-knockout. Please more." I beg slightly out of breath as my hands grip around his neck and my hips meet his thrusting digits. They spread and massage the insides of my walls with each stroke they make. The moans and noises escaping my lips like a waterfall as I repeat his name like a mantra.
"Not yet (y/n). And you're not to overload until I say so." His digits work faster making it harder for me to think straight or breath. I lean my head back and close my eyes as my mouth drops open in a loud moan. I was so close but I held on. My walls tightening around his digits in an effort to both keep receiving the pleasure and to hold onto the climax until KO says.
"Puh-please!" I beg not sure how much longer I could hold on as my mind was growing fuzzy with pleasure and all I focused on was the delicious feeling of his cold digits in my warmth.
Knockout ever so slowly draws out his digits, making sure that they brushed against every part of me to extend this pleasurable torture he had me in. I feel my body shamelessly rock and grind against him as my walls try to keep the digits buried within them. But he pulls them out, glistening with my wet translucent pre-cum as he studies his two digits. My hips move against him in an effort to quench the heat, it was like I became a slut within two minutes of being in his presence. A needy hormonal slut that just wanted to be fucked by the massive robot from outer space. Let alone me not even knowing if he had anatomy the same as us humans.
He wipes his wet digits on the inside of my thigh on the pants that covered the skin before he lowered me to the ground. "Pants off." He growls lowly, his fans getting faster once again to my notice. It seemed that the fans were a way to tell how hot or turned on he was.
Without a second thought, I shimmy out of my pants, hopping about on one leg to get it off the other leg and almost falling flat on my face because of it but saved by Knockout. After righting me all he does is stare and watch as my body jumps and moves as I remove my pants. My breasts capturing his attention as they jiggle and the showing cheeks of my butt do too.
As soon as my pants and underwear were off Knockout had me once again against the wall. His dermas harshly pressing against my own in a lustful kiss. His servos gripped at the meat on my hips as his digits left red marks to show that he had been there.
"I'll be gentler as it'd be your first time for our reproduction system." He whispers almost to himself as his dermas leave mine and travel back down my neck. His pelvis jerks against me roughly, betraying his calm movements of his kisses and soft bites. "And you'd no longer want to hide or shy away from me after this."
He seemed to groan against my skin as his smooth pelvis rub against my own, my own eyes flutter shut from the feeling as his dermas reach my right breast. I felt so on edge with his sharp grinds and soft kisses. It was like my body was milking all the attention as it struggled to find enough friction. My senses tingled as he continued his actions on my body.
He left me no time to try and hide away from him or to overthink the fact that I was completely naked in front of a robot. I move my arms to push him away and cover myself yet Knockout seemed to be one step ahead as he grabs my arms in his servos, breaking off the kiss and looking down at me with mild disappointment. "(Y/n)," He starts, not using the word fleshy at all, "Why cover yourself? From me to you only I will say this. You are perfect, maybe not as perfect as me but you're up there. You are everything I could ever want beside to be able to keep my smooth paint job, but that doesn't matter. I want you and I care for you with all my spark. I don't care if I was forced to be your guardian because I no longer care. I just want you to stay by my side and look at me only no matter what happens or who speaks to you. I want to become the most important thing to you like you have to me. I care more about you than my paint job or buffing up my shine."
I stare up at him with admiration, never having heard him say something or someone was more important than his looks. I look down and away from him, unable to hide my shame at my thoughts and the growing blush on my cheeks. He lifts up my chin and presses a kiss to my lips again, slowing his movements down to match the speed I am comfortable at. He presses up against me even more, knowing that my lips was most likely soaked from his actions.
I hear a faint click and a whoosh as something happens to Knockout's body. Looking at him I try to see what had change but instead I feel it as he grinds up against me. Something cold was pressing between my legs and against the lips and clit. I let a groan leave my mouth as I move, it was cold compared to my body but Knockout didn't allow it.
"Ready my little fleshy?" He asks as his fans are kicked to maximum. I nod my head and he moves me upwards just a tad. The cement on my back is cold, but not as cold as whatever was between my legs. I couldn't believe that I was about to do it with a robot, well autobot possibly. He had the different marking decorating him compared to Bee and Optimus. Being like this with KO made me feel even more shy and awkward, I had no idea what I was suppose to do and it must of shown for Knockout spoke up, "Don't worry about a thing. Just let me do it all."
All of a sudden he thrusts his pelvis up and half the cold thing enters me, high pitched squeaky moan exits my lips as my eyes shut. My nails scrape along the back of his helm which he grumbles lowly about as he patiently waits for my human body to get use to his form. From what I could feel it was thicker at the base and tapered into a round tip that was still thick. But not as much as the base. I was glad that he didn't try to fit the whole thing in one go because with how it seemed to be going, the length seemed much more and it got thicker to the point it was thicker and longer than a normal human male's.
I groan at the cold feeling as my walls loosen and tighten trying to get use to the strange shape and lack of warmth. "Do you know... what that is called?" He softly pants out, his grip on me tightening as he holds his pelvis from jerking up any further. I shake my head, breathing roughly as I got more use to his cold cock. "It's called a spike... from its shape."
I couldn't concentrate on his strange fact as I slowly roll my hips, testing how my body reacts. A low groan exits from both of us and he takes it that he could push more in. He moves slowly, stopping whenever I felt uncomfortable as he does so. He stops when his pelvis is flush against me. The whirring of his fans and my harsh pants are the only things that could be heard in the air as he waits for me to once again adjust fully. The shape of him was truly different yet pleasurable in a completely different way. Whenever I breathed out, I could feel the very tip of his spike brush against something deep inside me. He was far bigger than a normal human being and based on what he is and the small size he became just got me it was very proportional.
He waits until I'm ready before he slowly pulls out and pushes back in, testing to make sure that I felt completely comfortable. I groan. It felt weird but not uncomfortable. As the smooth metal pushes back in I arch my back as it reaches further then it did before. The rounded tip definitely pushing against something that was deep within my body. I panting harder as he starts to speed up once KO realises I was comfortable.
His digits grip my hips tightly as he keeps the same speed. Resting his forehelm against mine he locks eyes with me. "I'm taking you racing after this. I want you to see me in action." He growls out, not missing a beat with his actions. He just seemed to move so smoothly that it seemed pink he wasn't putting any effort into it, while myself on the other hand was having trouble keeping up as moans spill from my lips and my fingers grip anywhere they can, being careful not to dent or scratch his paint.
"Wh-why?" I moan out, feeling myself flush and grow hot from the pleasure.
Knockout presses his dermas against mine, "Because I want to show off my cute shy girl and let everybody know she's mine. That not even BB could live up to what I can do."
"Hush. I just want to hear you." A sharp gasp of breath is heard from me as he thrusts harder once he said that. "Only I can hear these noises. Only n you look at me like that. And only I can touch you like this."
His thrusts were getting hard and fast as our hips slapped when flesh met metal. I felt like I was going to tear or be ripped apart as he pounded into me with his spike, growling dirty talk into my ear as he licked it with his glossa and tugged on the lobe with his dentas. It was completely different and more animalistic compared to when he first entered which was slow. He just wanted to get off on this as much as I did now.
His vents were full power and sounding like a jet while his body had heated up considerably. Groans and grunts were leaving his dremas as the heat crept up on him. My eyes were rolled in the back of my head as he hit deep in me, rubbing and stretching my walls in a delirious effort to reach our ends.
The pleasure was all I could think about as we grind and thrust together. I wanted to reach my end, it was almost painful at how much pleasure was overloading my nerves and senses. "Kn-knockout!" I groan out in a small shout. I want shim to realise just what I was feeling.
"I know my little fleshie. I know." He groans back his thrusting even more powerful as he presses me Eben tighter against the wall. He was feeling the same as me but he was holding on. He wanted to end at the same time as me.
His fingers dance along my skin. Tickling in some places while firm and pleasurable in others. His glossa glides along the side on my neck and collar bones. This combined with his thrusts soon sent me over the edge. Screaming his name loudly as he slams his dermas against my lips in an effort to quiet me down as he finishes too, groaning lowly against my lips as I'm pressed against the wall even more as his body tightly presses against me. His digits find purchase on my hips and my fingers grip his neck win all their might as I close my eyes tightly.
He thrusts slowly, wanting to ride out his high as much as possible as well as relax my now tense body. "Hey relax my little one. Relax. Your in the brilliant hands of the most fabulous bot."
I groan against him, slumping against his strong metallic body as his arms wrap around me in a comforting warm hug. His thrusts slowing until he slips out and his spike clicks back into his body. His fans start to slow down before clicking off and he lifts me up. I waste no energy on lifting my head as it rests on his chassis and instead I relax further into his arms.
He starts to dress me in the clothing from the floor, before returning to his original large size and hold me in his palm. "I love you fleshy." Knockout softly whispers as he walks out the room.
"I love you too KO." I whisper back, smiling up at him and curling up in his palm. "Now let's go see you race!" I yawn while trying to seem excited, when I was in fact really nervous. What if I meet new people? What if they hate me? What of they like me?
"It will be fine my girl. I'll stay by your side no matter what and nobody will get between us." A smirk graces Knockout's face as he walks into he hall where everyone was. "I'm leaving for my next race." He announces, seeing Bumblebee and Raf's head turn to face him from the TV screen.
I hear Bee let out a series of beeps and buzzes which Raf quickly translates. "Can Bee take (y/n) out to see the town or she can video game with us?"
Knockout growls, "No. She's coming with me. I'm no longer allowing her to go anywhere or be with anyone without me there."
Bee holds up his hands in a surrender and Knockout transform into his vehicle mode and drives out of the base at high speeds, the seat belt buckling me in automatically.
In record speeds he reaches where a series of cars, sports or otherwise, were lined up. People, men and women, were in groups talking and some were even waving money around. He locks the doors and slowly rolls into his place at the front. People stopping to stare as he smoothly glides. "See how they draw their attention to me. That's how you draw my attention." He whispers quietly. "Now give me a few moments."
A bold boy starts to make his way over to me and the car. Knockout rolling the window down so that I didn't have to get out. "Y-yes?" I stutter, looking down at the steering wheel.
The boy whistles, seeming impressed. "What a cutie driving a car like this. Do you need someone to handle this beast for you?"
I was confused, sure Knockout was a beast but I never had the need to control him. Afterall, he controlled me. "I-I'm s-sorry. What d-do you mean?" I question, making sure not to make eye contact with the stranger.
"Excuse me." A deep voice speaks up from behind the male. It sounded just like Knockout. "But I'd like to get to my girl." The male spits out the my part aggressively and I knew it was Knockout.
Standing behind the boy, staring down at him with red eyes was a fire red haired male. His arms were crossed and he had a dark look on his face. "I-I'm sorry." This time the boy stutters and quickly moves away from us as he gets whoops and hollers from people who I suspect are friends and where the ones who egged him into doing that.
"Would you like to see my world now little one?" The male asks, his red button down shirt rippling with his movements as he opens the door and leans down, bowing as he holds out and arm. His shirt was tucked into his black pants and ended with black shoes. Even in a somewhat strange humanised form, which actually really surprised you, he was still handsome and can be seen that he carried a large package in his pants. But I didn't stare for long as I got out the car with his help and I walked with one of his arms around my waist to where the large crowd was. It was time for the bets to be placed.
He walked with such confidence that everybody knew that he owned the Austin Martin with ease. High bets rolled into Knockout's favor and he just smirked. The money was just going to roll into his hand at the end of this. And with his girl by his side the money was rolling in even larger amounts.
Keeping the smirk on his face he leans down and rests his forehead on mine, eyes watching my expression of surprise and uncomfortable. He presses his lips tightly against mine, hands wrapping around my waist as he presses his crotch against mine. Grinding slightly letting me feel his already hardening member. "KO!" I gasp into his lips, a bright red blush staining my (s/t) face. I couldn't believe he was doing something like this in front of so many people. All he does is smile and then walks me away from the people back towards his car.
"Two minutes left!" Some girl shouts from in front of the cars, she held two black and white checkered flags, waiting for the drivers to get sorted.
"We can do a lot in those two minutes." He whispers heatedly into my ear. I blush even deeper at his words as he leads me back to the car. Getting into the driver's seat and pulling me onto his lap as he rolls the window up and closes the door, once again locking all the doors. "Now let's get started."
He presses his lips against me. It was weird feeling the soft warm lips of a human then the cold dermas of his robotic form. He let's nimble fingers run up my shirt and along my spine, making me shiver. "Knock-Knockout. Not now."
"And why not? It will get me all pumped to win if you show affection."
I couldn't say no, not with how he was touching me. His fingers dancing along my body as he chuckles against my skin, biting harshly along my neck to make sure I, as well as everyone else, knew just who I belonged to.
"Start your engines!"
Knockout breaks away from the kiss as his fingers reach into my pants and using his other hand he moves my hand into his pants. He slips in two fingers as he makes my fingers wrap around his cock. Moving my hand up and down his member he starts to pump his fingers in and out of me. J start moaning loudly against his neck where my head falls as I start moving my own hand on my own accord. I couldn't fit my whole hand around it so I just did what I could. I move faster as he starts to breath heavily, letting grunts leave his lips as his eyes closed, no longer fixated on getting me off but getting himself off. He starts to thrust up into my hand and against me each time.
"Ten seconds!"
His breathing gets heavier and he bits my neck as he groans loudly, his cum covering my fingers and hand. He kisses me just as the lady starts to count down from five and he disappears. "We'll finish this tonight." He whispers as he finally starts the engine and as soon as the lady reaches one the seatbelt is buckled and he takes off quickly. Knowing that he'd be able to win the race with ease like usual.
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Chapter 3: 5 Years Later.
Description: So... I know many Daminette fans don't like Damian being younger than Marinette so 🚨SPoiler AleRT 🚨 Damian is gonna be younger for a while but an event happens that gets their ages exchanged. (Sort of)
Warning; swearing, angst.
Summary: its 5 years now, since half the human race was wiped out...
"Bruce" Selina called before completely fading out. The same happened to Steph, Cass, Chloe, Alfred, Dick, Duke, Kate and lastly...
That day, Half the world was wiped out because of the infinity stones.
Never to return ever again.
The entire world was mourning.
mourning over the loss of their families, Friends.
Gotham was worse and better, less thieves but more sadness.
Poison ivy looked at her wilting flowers, The sunshine of Gotham was gone, Marinette was gone.
So was Harley.
The justice league, at least what was remaining of them, Tried everything they thought of, anything you name it but none of them succeeded.
The rest of the Wayne's could only mourn. They lost the only people that could cheer them...
Tim tried his best to mend his family, but he couldn't mend himself. Damian and Bruce avoided everyone. Like father, like son. Damian couldn't believe it. He remembered that night clear as day. The day the people he most loved vanished. He missed Marinette the most, her bright smile, her laughter, her big blue mesmerizing eyes.
Tikki and the rest of the kwamis would try and fail at bringing their beloved guardian/owner back. Damian was the new guardian now. But he wasn't an official guardian ,No, not without Marinette granting it.
Five years passed by.
The world moved on.
Tim was the new Co-CEO of Wayne enterprises. Damian was a sophomore. Jason was Jason... Just kidding. He met a girl named Rose Wilson, Slade Wilsons daughter. Yes, Slade a.k.a deathstroke . And Bruce was still Batman.
Damian walked down the porch calmly, sensing Tim's anger from a mile. He walked straight at the old black car before opening the door and sitting in.
"You know for a young person, you walk really slowly." Tim said, driving out of the open gates "sorry old man." Damian snorted sarcastically "you could have just gone to Wayne enterprise, I could have hot wired one of Jason old bikes"
"Yeah, No. besides I like dropping you to school demon spawn" Tim smiled
"Don't fucking call me that"
"Language" Tim said sternly "I know Alfred isn't here but that doesn't mean you can forget your manners"
"Yeah... is that why you like dropping me off to school? Sitting in Alfred's place thinking about...Them."
"Remember that day when We tried to make those cookies?" Damian asked staring out the window.
"Oh god, they were so damn salty" Tim laughed "Alfred and Mari were so angry at the mess we made, Do you remember Mari?"
"Yeah, of course" Damian answered
"You guys were pretty close."
"I guess"
"And boy, did you flirt a lot with her! You were ridiculous at flirting!" Tim laughed
"He's right, you know?" Plagg finally spoke up, popped out of Damian's bag
"why are you taking his side?!" Damian hissed
"Give me camembert and maybe I won't."
"Oh God, please don't take that out." Tim scrunched his nose in disgust when he saw Damian reaching out to his bag. Plagg eagerly sniffed on the piece of Camembert before eating it whole.
"Oh heavens" Tim gagged
"Stop being so dramatic. besides, Damien was actually much better at flirting then you were." Plagg smirked, keeping his promise "did you know that sometimes the other kwamis and I watch you try flirting? Ahhhh...it was an amazing comedy show"
Damian choked trying to contain his laughter as Tim glared at both of them "it's not funny!"
The ride was Quiet... until Tim asked him something unexpected "have you found a new ladybug miraculous holder?"
"No." He said, bluntly
"You're not looking" Tim sighed "Damian, you have to. You cannot use the cat miraculous for long without the Ladybug miraculous". Damian remained silent, unable to answer. How could he do that? He just...couldn't.
"I'll see you later Drake." The boy said putting on his blazer and opening his pocket to let Plagg in.
"See you later baby brother." Tim smiled "oh, by the way...I think she would really like you."
"Who?" Damian asked, confused
Damian face turned beet red and Tim looked at him surprise "OMG! Are you blushing?!, baby bird obviously didn't move on from his childhood crush."
"Shut the hell up Drake." Damian hissed looking around in embarrassment "you are so dead."
"Ha! I'd like to see you try" he winked before speeding away
Damian sighed during the mathematics period, why did he have to come to Gotham university anyway? He knew everything he needed to and being there was a total waste of time. He raised a hand asking the teachers permission to use the washroom, she nodded as he walked out the classroom.
Damian splashed water on his face. Looking at the mirror, sighing
"I've been thinking bout' what Tim said and I think you should look for another ladybug." Plagg blurted out causing Damian to freeze
"We've already talked about this Plagg, NO"
"Damian you were bound to her, I know. But she's gone. They're gone. You have to accept that. Do you think they would want this? Find another one. Move on"
"I can't"
"That's because you're not trying! whether you like it or not Marinette is gone!" Plagg yelled "The only reason you can't move on is that you're choosing not to. She wouldn't want that, she would never want that. she didn't know that you were at her Cat! she just thought that you were a temporary fit until she found the right one. But you weren't, and when She figured that out she tota-"
"What's that noise?" Damian interrupted
"Seriously? I was in the middle of my speech!" Plagg huffed.
Damien walked outside looking around only to find chaos, students of every grade were running about and most of them were rushing at the exits.
"Hey, what's going on?!" Damian yelled over the loud noise, at his friend- I mean accomplices.
"They're back!, They're back!, They're back!" Maps yelled excitedly, almost jumping at him
"Who's back?!"
"The people who disappeared 5 years ago!"
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