craigbrownphd · 3 months
Java News Roundup: Jakarta EE 11-M4, MicroProfile, InfoQ Dev Summit, KCDC, Commonhaus Foundation
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letterapicheck · 1 year
What is the Health Check API?
The health check api is an API monitoring technique that examines your API and notifies you of any issues it finds. Consider it a diagnostic tool for your codebase that can assist you in identifying problems before they cause more trouble than is necessary.
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A basic health check is a ping endpoint that returns the message 200 OK when an HTTP request is made to it. Dev-ops engineers use this endpoint to verify that API gateways, SSL, routing, and other network-level components cooperate with each other to deliver a request to the API process.
There are other types of API health checks that monitor different aspects of your app. For example, a port health check makes a TCP connection to the ports configured for an app and, optionally, a timeout. If the TCP connection fails, Diego considers that app unhealthy and stops and deletes it.
Another type of API health check is a process health check that ensures any processes declared for an app stay running. If a process is declared, Diego runs the specified processes every two seconds until a response indicates that they are healthy or until a timeout elapses.
You can also configure readiness or liveness health checks for microservices to quickly return the operational status of a component and its ability to connect to downstream dependent services. For these health checks, you create a class that implements the HealthCheck interface and add either the @Liveness or @Readiness annotations to it. In MicroProfile Health 3.1 and later, you can also add the @Startup annotation to these health checks to create procedures that determine whether a microservice is fully initialized.
Letter Api Check – ​​​Blogger
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petrosolgas · 2 years
GOVBR libera vagas home office para candidatos com ensino fundamental, médio e técnico de todo o Brasil
A Governançabrasil – GOVBR é uma empresa de soluções administrativas para a gestão pública brasileira, a missão da companhia é contribuir para um Brasil melhor, através do uso de recursos que auxiliem a gestão pública municipal na tomada de decisão, com mais agilidade, estratégia e controle. Dando suporte aos compromissos assumidos pelo governo com o público no desempenho de sua função, para que entregue o melhor resultado ao cidadão, no tempo certo e adequado aos seus planos de governo. A companhia conta com mais de 500 colaboradores de norte a sul do país.
Oportunidades de emprego em todo país com atuação em home office
O Governança Brasil, está com inscrições abertas em seu processo seletivo com vagas em todo país, nas modalidades presencial e home office, em diversas áreas, além de vagas exclusivas PCD.
Ao todo, a empresa possui mais de 650 profissionais, que pensam em inovação e conhecimento técnico para conectar o governo às novas tecnologias. Agora, a Govbr almeja aumentar o seu time corporativo para atender melhor às necessidades do governo.
Veja os cargos disponíveis Govbr
Confira abaixo alguns dos cargos disponíveis, além de atribuições, requisitos e modalidade da vaga desejada.
Agente de relacionamento
Vaga para atuação presencial em Curitiba, com responsabilidade na prospecção e venda dos produtos do GRP Govbr no âmbito municipal no Estado do Paraná. O profissional irá atuar na prospecção de novos clientes, mapeando as regiões de atuação, visitando presencialmente e participando de processos licitatórios.
A vaga disponível requer que o candidato tenha graduação nas áreas de administração, gestão comercial, marketing, contábeis, direito, economia ou afins. O candidato também deve ter conhecimento da Lei de Licitações e CNH B.
Analista de despesas
Disponível para Blumenau, SC, o analista terá como responsabilidade planejar, organizar, controlar e assessorar todas as rotinas relacionadas a viagens da organização. Terá atuação direta com o time de despesas, e será responsável pela gestão das viagens dos colaboradores internos.
O candidato precisa preencher os requisitos solicitados pela vaga e possuir superior em administração, contábeis ou afins e ter conhecimento em Excel avançado.
Analista de suporte Jr – exclusiva PCD
Disponível em Porto Alegre e remota, o cargo possui como responsabilidade garantir a satisfação, retenção e a evolução dos clientes externos, por meio de um atendimento de qualidade, estabelecendo relacionamento de confiança e identificando novas oportunidades de negócios.
É necessário possuir superior em sistemas de informação, ciências da computação, administração, recursos humanos e áreas afins, além de ter vivência na área de recursos humanos.
Consultor(a) de produto Sr – Área contabilidade pública
Vaga para atuar em Belém, com requisito de superior nas áreas de administração, contabilidade pública e áreas afins.
O candidato também deve portar CNH B, ter disponibilidade para viagens, vivência em órgãos públicos e no suporte ao cliente.
Desenvolvedor Sr – Java
Para trabalho em Blumenau ou remoto, necessário superior em sistemas da informação, ciências da computação, tecnologia da informação ou afins.
Outros requisitos são:
Desenvolvimento Java com Java8 ou superior, JEE7 ou Microprofile;
Angular 6+;
Banco de dados SQL (SQLServer/Postgres);
Domínio de Injeção de Dependências e ORM;
O candidato deve ter experiência em análise orientada à objetos, técnicas de testes de software, modelagem de requisito de sistemas, UML e técnica de análise de sistemas;
Conhecer modelos e padrões de arquiteturas orientados a serviços;
Familiaridade com metodologias ágeis e trabalho no formato de squad;
Boa comunicação, ser proativo e saber trabalhar em equipe;
Capacidade analítica e de resolução de problemas.
Gerente de clientes
Oportunidade para Santa Rosa/RS, que requer ensino superior cursando em direito, análise de sistemas, administração ou marketing. A vaga exige experiência mínima de 2 anos na área de vendas, vivência e conhecimento em licitações – processos licitatórios, CNH e disponibilidade para viagens.
Essas são apenas algumas das vagas disponíveis, na plataforma gupy você pode encontrar outros cargos disponíveis na Govbr, além de conferir os requisitos, atribuições e benefícios específicos de cada vaga ofertada.
Como participar do processo seletivo na Govbr
Para se concorrer às vagas disponíveis na Govbr, o candidato deve acessar a página da empresa na plataforma gupy, realizar um cadastro fornecendo as informações solicitadas pela plataforma e aplicar-se no cargo desejado.
Govbr oferece diversos benefícios
Pensando na satisfação de seus colaboradores, a Govbr dispõe de vários benefícios, tais como atuação modelo híbrido ou home office, auxílio educação, participação nos resultados, auxílio-refeição, plano de saúde (extensivo aos dependentes), plano odontológico, seguro de vida, um dia de folga no mês do aniversário, premiação por indicação de futuros colaboradores, clube de vantagens, universidade corporativa, avaliação de desempenho, oportunidade de carreira, plano de desenvolvimento Individual.
O post GOVBR libera vagas home office para candidatos com ensino fundamental, médio e técnico de todo o Brasil apareceu primeiro em Petrosolgas.
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greyslarge · 2 years
Glassfish tumblr
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#Glassfish tumblr upgrade#
GlassFish has neither a microservices distribution or MicroProfile support. Microservices – the Payara Platform offers a microservices distribution called Payara Micro and support for MicroProfile.
#Glassfish tumblr upgrade#
Upgrade Tool - Our Upgrade Tool makes it possible to upgrade from one version of Payara Enterprise to the next. There are no caching tools available in GlassFish. For Payara Enterprise customers in need of caching in large-scale, highly resilient deployments, the Payara Scales add-on replicates session and cache data across multiple data centres and stores data in-memory, off heap. There is no automation assistance in GlassFish.Ĭaching Tools – Payara Server offers JCache and the Domain Data Grid for caching. The Asadmin Recorder records all of the operations that change the configuration of an existing domain into a localised script file that can be later used to automate the server configuration without worrying about mistakes. Payara Server has come a long way since its birth in 2014, adding many features and capabilities for production environments that are lacking in GlassFish, including (but not limited to) :Īutomation Assistance – Payara Server’s Asadmin Recorder provide s automation assistance for moving domains and instances from one environment to another (maybe even in the cloud) when you have to repeat steps to re-configure the new environment. Once migrated, Payara Server offers a powerful application server that overcomes many common challenges GlassFish users face. While we continue to contribute to the development of GlassFish for the benefit of the industry as a whole, the Payara team recommend s GlassFish users migrate to Payara Platform Enterprise for their mission critical production environments to take advantage of the support services, stability, and security included in Payara Enterprise.īecause Payara Server was derived from GlassFish, GlassFish users find migrating to Payara Server a straightforward process. I t includes all required and optional Jakarta EE APIs and passes all Jakarta EE TCKs. GlassFish is primarily suitable for development projects and for testing and pushing Jakarta EE forward. Our GlassFish efforts ensure the continuous development of the Jakarta EE project while our Eclipse Foundation memberships give us the opportunity to shape the future of the industry for the Payara Platform products, which are based on the Jakarta EE and MicroProfile standards. Payara’s Involvement with GlassFishĪs an Eclipse Foundation Solutions Member, Jakarta EE working group member, and member of the Project Management Committee, the Payara team serves as a project lead for Eclipse GlassFish, the implementation that contain all the required and optional Jakarta EE APIs. New product features and the development of the Payara Platform evolves and is improved upon w ith each monthly release, and while the application server was originally derived from GlassFish and share s many similarities - the two products are not the same. By 2017, Payara Services had joined The Eclipse Foundation and the Payara Platform expanded to include Payara Micro and comprehensive commercial support options for development projects, in-production support, and consultancy solutions. Payara Services was born in 2016 to offer support solutions for Payara Server. When commercial support for GlassFish ended in 2014, Payara Server was created from the open source code as a fully supported drop-in replacement f or GlassFish.
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openbooth · 3 years
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source-soft · 4 years
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Jakarta Enterprise Edition is focused on enabling community-driven collaboration and open innovation for the cloud. MicroProfile optimizes Enterprise Java for enabling microservice architecture designing. With the release of the new versions of Jakarta and MicroProfile, developers would be able to innovate Java-based projects.
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juarezbarbosajunior · 6 years
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jxckspxcer · 4 years
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things I wanna do here...... eventually.
Make a shortened rules page because I like to ramble and I think every detail matters but I’m sure some folks would just love a bullet list (i like bullet lists). 
Scenario / Interactions / Dynamic Wishlist. Nobody talks/plots anymore it’s best to just have what u want out there somewhere...
‘Uncertainty’ list (aka all the stuff I’m always on the fence about with Jack).
XS canon vs Canon Divergences (all 3 seasons,,, every episode,,, probably a spreadsheet,,,). 
Comprehensive Skill List for Jack. Kinda did that once, but two lists on my old old blog. Seperate into Canon / Headcanon. Also Weaknesses.
Run down of how Jack feels about other XS characters. Lots of peeps have different ideas on how the monks n jack interact. I oughta make it clear,,, somewhere,,, ‘its complicated’ tho. and up for rehash w/ rp partners ofc based on individual hcs.
List of Jacks Projects. (vehicles, weapons, robots, machines/inventions, crafts, etc). 
Update my crisis post (ooofhhfhgh gotta figure out everything thats goin down hill first)
AU PAGE / POSTS. I wanna,,, draw au jacks and talk about au jacks.... Sci-fi Martian Jack & Eel Mermaid Jack & Soup!Jack & Emperor!Jack & Business!Jack--- I may never use them in RPs cause I’m a stickler for having the perfect icons weeps,,, but I still wanna explore that content. Tantalize the public with my ideas u kno--
FOR MULTIMUS,,, MICROPROFILES -- maybe one for Jack too-- Just the idea of I LIKE A COMPREHENSIVE INFORMATION DUMP-- but some people might just wanna skim for the important bits. Might make em on a Googel Doc. 
Martian!Jack Aesthetic (insect b oiiii,,,,)
Maybe Links to the side blogs?
INVENTED SHEN GONG WU LIST.  (I want more wu based on mythology, especially eastern mythology,,,) 
Rewrite the “Jack could easily take over the world” note to be easier to read.
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iamcodegeek · 5 years
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Build a simple REST API using Eclipse MicroProfile and JWT Authentication ☞ https://morioh.com/p/8282d1cf60a9 #REST #API #Eclipse #MicroProfile #JWT #Authentication
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mp3monsterme · 6 years
Helidon and the embracing of micro services
Helidon and the embracing of micro services
Oracle have announced another Open Source project called Helidon (Helidon.io) as a microservices platform built on top of Netty (which is built around a contemporary async model). If you look at the literature you’ll note two flavours one called SE which aligns to the programming characteristics or Node.js – asynchronous. The author is MP which aligns to the rapidly evolving J2EE MicroProfilewhic…
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craigbrownphd · 11 months
Java News Roundup: Unnamed Variables and Patterns, WildFly 30, MicroProfile 6.1, Payara Platform
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bruno-bat · 6 years
MicroProfile Fault Tolerance
I´ve recently published an article about the MicroProfile Fault Tolerance specification on the Tomitribe blog. You can check it out here: 
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rabatfirstsight · 2 years
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reportwire · 3 years
Framewars: The Battle Between NoSQL and Java
Framewars: The Battle Between NoSQL and Java
This lecture’s objective is to make comparisons between points and weaknesses of Java frameworks that integrate with databases. On the one hand, the NoSQL MongoDB, Redis, Neo4J, and Cassandra, and on the other, the Java frameworks that integrate with them: Spring, Quarkus, Jakarta EE, Micronaut. The arena: the cloud! In this ring, the one who best analyzes each tool’s trade-offs wins in this epic…
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openbooth · 4 years
Jakarta JSON Binding Users Guide
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takachan · 2 years
マイクロソフト、Eclipse Foundationの「Jakarta EE」および「MicroProfile」ワーキンググループに参加表明。Javaへのコミットメントをさらに強める
マイクロソフトはEclipse Foundationがホストしているエンタープライズ向けのJavaフレームワーク「Jakarta EE」と「MicroProfile」のワーキンググループに参加すると表明しました。 Exciting news... https://www.publickey1.jp/blog/22/eclipse_foundationjakarta_eemicroprofilejava.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr Publickey
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