#micro hiro one
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Hiro & Tadashi Hamada: The Exploration of the Relationship Between an ENTP & INFJ

Tadashi and Hiro’s relationship guides the story of Big Hero 6, even if one of them isn’t in the majority of the movie. I do think this is an good one to explore, because this is a fairly healthy one, at least compared to some of the others I have done.
Ne-Si vs. Ni-Se

The main difference between Hiro and Tadashi, it seems, is actually due as much to their age as it does to their personality. Tadashi knows what he wants to do with his life, he has a particular plan for his future (which unfortunately, will never come to pass), and he spends most of his time perfecting this idea, and rarely bounces off to new ideas.
Hiro, however, is full of many ideas, and while this is partially due to his maturity and age, we see this even when he matures as a character. Hiro tends to have many ideas, and yet doesn’t have a healthy outlet to explore them… or he doesn’t choose a healthy outlet to explore them.
Hiro comes up with many ideas throughout the movie, and we see he has no problem bouncing from one to another. He builds robots for fighting, then he builds micro bots, which end up being stolen, and used for bad things. He also creates supersuits to minimize the affects of the microbots.
Ti-Fe vs. Fe-Ti

The biggest difference between Tadashi and Hiro, is the way they prioritize these two traits, but at their healthiest, they do seem well-developed.
Tadashi is focused on how he can heal the world, and help other people, finding something that can be useful in the general scheme of things. He is somewhat social, caring a lot about the emotions of this around them, and he uses his Ti to influence his ideas.
Hiro is also focused on how to change the world, but his approach is more logical than healing. He has many ideas and he likes coming up with logical solutions to things, and he uses his Fe, and his desire to help others to influence his Ti.
How Tadashi Influenced Hiro

Tadashi is Hiro’s role model, and nearly everything he represents, inspires what Hiro becomes in the end. Both have a desire to change the world, but unfortunately, only one of them was left to change it.
After Tadashi’s death, Hiro understandably falls into a depression, but his legacy is what allows Hiro to grow, and helps him to develop his lower cognitive functions.
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Ok so my insane posts two nights ago were about this. THE BIG ALKAKUREI FINALE EVENT. As you can hear here it made me feel dizzy. I’m so so excited because the premise of having them swap leaders means soooooo much potential for interactions I’m so thrilled. If the name is a reference to the movie that makes it so transgender to be honest I’m sure Matrix is a word that existed before The Matrix though. The expressions here are so good I feel crazy. The leader-swap is SUCH a good premise. The outfits… aaah… so good.

The matching Amagi 5☆ of my dreams… I knew they’d be the 5☆, but I didn’t expect them to match!!!!! (>_<。) I feel crazy. Something about the art direction for all of these cards is also just very very good.

Ai-chan is one of the 5☆ which I was hoping for i’m sooo excited. I wonder what exactly she means, by “why did you have to change like that?” After all, they are narrative foils and have so much substance in the main story, especially with how Aira essentially served as his saviour in a sense; reminded him what truly matters. She is like if Rinne were untainted, if he had been saved before it was too late, if his love for idols remained pure. It could be something silly though, but for videos like these the quotes don’t match the CGS, & the CG IS SO SILLY. She wants Hiro-kun back so badly. I understand why she would be against the unit leader swap literally calling herself an anti but I am excited to see what will come from it.

For Mayoi & Rinne too, with their seemingly matching CGS & discussion of the Amagi village. Which, since HiMERU is on a bus, it would be exciting if they go to their hometown, but I am afraid of how they will handle it if that is the case—their track record has been… not good. Not egregious, but bad. So I am nervous, since people say this. I hope there will be no micro aggressions from the cast for 0 reason, sad as it is to have to say. It is realistic ignorance, but it doesn’t hold value at all, and there are real people with ainu blood who play the game. To anyone, really, it is uncomfortable to experience. The story itself is already rather anti-indigenous in it’s messages of them being backwards & something to escape from. But… I won’t be a pessimist because of it. They could be normal. In fact, it could even be sweet...

There is so much potential for growth… it’s so brilliant. I’m excited, I am keeping my hopes up for this event. Despite the value of !! Era being lesser at times for preexisting units, & the fact they could have done better for the new units it brought to the table in the last 4 years, I’ve found everything so interesting nonetheless… the main story, the side pieces to go with it, obbligato, it is good. Speaking of obbligato; as I had said on twitter, “I’m actually really glad there seems to be no Kaname action because I would much rather it have been in a different big event or Crazy:B specific event to give him the focus he deserves & make it hurt more since there’s already so many characters to give focus to in alkakurei.” Some may not agree with this, but I love Kaname, and I am crazy. So I want it to be done right, for this reason, even if others would take any sliver they can get. I simply do not agree.

I am still very happy with HiMERU’s 5☆. In love with it. Unfortunately he looks very cute, like a beautiful woman of some sort, with a cute tiny little blue sticker on his laptop that looks just like Kanamy…?! One may say Kohaku gave it to him. But he has eyed cute things in the past, in a store. His expression in the bloomed is very beautiful… it looks very authentic, not like the role of HiMERU he plays, but something more real from the depths of his soul. The Tojou within him, something unnamed yet real.

I really love this Tatsumi card because he’s like we’ll resolve everything like we always do while looking so very frazzled. Distressed. I love when handsome young men are distressed. Things are happening to him, and he still sits so politely, so lady-like. It is wonderful. Tatsumimi.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen Kohaku smile so wide. It’s so Mamaful, isn’t it? And who he is talking to is most definitely Hiiro, someone he had no connection to other than through his friends. It’s exciting.
AND THEN THE MV DROPPED IN THE MIDDLE OF WRITING THIS & I SQUEALED. NIKI & TATSUMI DUET. AMAGI HUG IN REALTIME. Aichan exuding her adorableness onstage like no other. The kohaku aichan highfive. The part with the lanterns and the shutting off of the artificial lighting, their stage illuminated with the love of their fans, the sweat dripping down their faces, the emotions in the songs! It’s amazing. It really killed me. I was not disappointed for a second. Mayoi, HiMERU, everyone else, were very cute. Aaahuuhhh…
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'Micro Hiro One'
[Request for IHeartDreamworks, and set after the events of 'Big Chibi 6'. Hiro ends up shrunk to microscopic size by Ian's Size Ray Glove, when Honey Lemon tests it out. Warning: nudity at the end.]
It all began one day at KreiTech. It was a day or so, following the defeat/arrest of Ian, Krei's meek employee, who was also the gaming supervillain Hardlight, who had attacked Karmi's book signing.
Hiro, Baymax, and their friends, Fred, GoGo Tomago, Honey Lemon, and Wasabi were busy clearing out Ian's empty office - since Ian was now in prison, he was officially fired from KreiTech.
They were sorting through the things in Ian's office - Ian's Olaf coffee cup, the 'Slaughter Race' strategy guide, and the jam jars full of Ian's toenail clippings.
Fred apparently was taking the 'Slaughter Race' strategy guide, and Wasabi was emptying the jam jars which contained Ian's toenail clippings; emptying the contents of said jam jars into a wastepaper basket, almost feeling disgusted by them.
"Is it ok if I take this?" Honey asked Hiro, whilst holding the Olaf coffee cup.
"Yup." Hiro said.
"What about this?" Honey Lemon said, holding out a glove that resembled Hiro's super suit power glove, but in pink.
Hiro eyed the glove. To his eyes, it resembled his super suit power glove.
"The colour DOES look familiar, though." he said as he put it on, reminding him of Hardlight, the villain identity of Ian, the former employee of KreiTech.
He took it off his hand, and Honey put it on hers.
"It's a nice color." Honey said, admiring the glove that seemed to flop about on her hand a bit.
She tapped a few things on it, and the lights on the glove started to light up. "Wow!" she said, "It even lights up too!"
Suddenly, a pink beam shot out from said glove, and struck Hiro, who, almost immediately, seemed to vanish into thin air.
"Wow." Fred said, amazed. "That. Was. Cool!"
"Hang on." GoGo said, staring at a label. "This label says 'Size Ray Glove; a glove with the power of a size ray, to shrink things or people, or make them grow.'"
"Size Ray Glove?" Fred said, shocked. "Whoa."
"You can say that again." Wasabi said. "A glove that can change the size of things and people. Isn't that impressive, Hiro?"
But, Hiro didn't answer, because Hiro wasn't there.
"Hiro?" Fred called.
"Hiro?" Wasabi called.
"Down here!" squeaked a tiny voice, coming from a microscopic version of Hiro Hamada.
For you see, Honey had accidentally zapped Hiro with the Size Ray Glove, shrinking him down to microscopic size.
Thankfully, since the Size Ray Glove had it's clothes option set to 'yes', Hiro's clothes had shrunk with him.
"Guys!" I'm down here!" he called out. But it didn't work; he was too tiny to be heard. From Hiro's new size, his friends, and Baymax, were as big as the city skyscrapers of San Fransokyo.
Of course, Wasabi saw Hiro, but, unfortunately, he mistook him for something else entirely.
"Agh! A bug!" Wasabi screamed, climbing up onto the desk. "That bug is freaking me out! and it's wearing Hiro's clothes!"
"Wait a minute." GoGo said. She opened a desk drawer and picked out a magnifying eyepiece used by jewellers [which, of course, Ian used whilst clipping his toenails.], and looked at the 'bug'.
"That's no bug." she said. "That's Hiro!"
"YES!" Hiro said, his voice high and squeaky, "That Size Ray Glove shrunk me! Use it to grow me back again!"
"Got it, Hiro!" Honey Lemon said. She activated the Size Ray Glove, tweaked the settings, and aimed toward the speck where GoGo was pointing.
A blue beam shot out from said Size Ray Glove, and zapped Hiro, who immediately grew back to his normal size.
Hiro saw that he was now back to his normal size, clothes and all. "Thanks, guys." he said.
"Don't mention it." GoGo said. "That's what teammates do."
Wasabi got down off the desk. "I knew it wasn't a bug after all." he said, which earned him stern looks from GoGo and Hiro. "Well, more or less." he said innocently.
Hiro examined the Size Ray Glove Honey gave him. "It's amazing that Ian built this."
"Well," Wasabi stated, "I guess he got the idea when Officer Cruz used your super suit glove on him when he was Hardlight."
"Yeah," Hiro said, placing the Size Ray Glove gently down on the desk. "Still," he said, "in the wrong hands, a glove like this can be very dangerous."
"Hiro, take a look at this." Honey said, showing Hiro a book - a book called 'Swedish for Idiots'.
"Ian musta been studying Swedish." Hiro said. "Someone would think the Size Ray Glove could be Ian's Nobel Prize." Wasabi added.
"Well," Hiro said, "We'll make sure to have this Size Ray Glove under control in our possession. Ian won't even notice that his Size Ray Glove is-" he turned round and saw the Size Ray Glove has gone! "-Gone?!"
He was right; the Size Ray Glove WASN'T on Ian's desk anymore - it was gone!
"Honey Lemon, please tell me 'gone' is Swedish for 'it's right there'." GoGo said to Honey.
"And where's Fred?" Honey asked.
"Fred went outside with the shrink ray glove." Baymax said, pointing to the door.
They found the Size Ray Glove was outside, on Fred's hand.
"Fred, what are you doing?!" Wasabi asked, horrified.
"I wonder what happens if we use the Size Ray Glove's 'grow' function on someone?" he said, aiming the Size Ray Glove toward Alistair Krei, who was just standing around, minding his own business.
"No, Fred!" GoGo, Wasabi, Honey, and Hiro all said at once.
Too late; Fred used the Size Ray Glove's 'grow' setting on Alistair Krei. Immediately, Krei grew and grew and grew. As that happened, the team heard a loud ripping noise.
"Oh no." Baymax said. "You said it." Hiro said to the robot.
You see, since the clothes option on the Size Ray Glove was set to 'no', Krei's clothes hadn't grown with him, not even his underwear, so Krei grew and grew and grew til he was now a huge naked giant, about as high as the top of the KreiTech building.
"Oh boy." Krei said to himself. "It's very breezy up here today."
Honey gasped, and quickly hid her eyes. Hiro's jaw dropped.
"I am never gonna unsee that." Wasabi said. GoGo just gave Fred a cold glare.
"Don't worry, Krei," Hiro sighed, taking the Size Ray Glove from Fred, putting it on his hand, and tweaking the settings, "should have you back to normal in no time."
He aimed the Size Ray Glove toward Krei, set the glove to 'shrink', and shrunk him down to normal size.
He took the Size Ray Glove off his hand. "I think it's best we get this to Officer Cruz, so he can deal with it." Wasabi said. "We'll take it over to the police station immediately."
"And we'll make sure to keep Fred's hands OFF it till we get there." GoGo said, giving Fred a glare so cold, it almost made him wet his pants.
His friends headed off. Hiro was about to follow them when...
"Intern," Krei called, gettin' Hiro's attention.
"Yes, Mr. Krei?" Hiro said, as he turned around and saw Krei standing, covering his manhood with the tattered remains of his suit jacket.
"Can you get me a spare set of pants?"
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POV: You’ve become small and your wife decides to park her bootay right on ya!
#mitsi nohara#mitzi nohara#hiro nohara#misae nohara#shin chan the page one rewrite#harry nohara#crayon shin chan#macro#micro
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Digimon Ghost Game Episode 45
In the future, predictive adds will be so powerful they’ll know what you are going to do before you do
Oh no someone we care about is being targeted, save her Ruli
Why is Ryudamon here?
So is this idol group going to be continuously important or just one offs?
Uhh people don’t tend to survive being hit by a truck
If only there were some sort of invisible guardians that could help
Oct 2nd, the show is vaguely keeping up with reality, only super far in the future.
(there was a Halloween episode, has it been one year in universe or -30 days?)
Lol the villain is just chasing clout on socials.
Huggable AI hologram
Gammamon *made in a lab to be cute* also Gammamon *is cute* everyone :pikachu:
Apparently in the future no one knows what a hologram is.
And now there’s skydiving
Take someone up on a plane, they’ll fly for a day, push someone out of a plane and they’ll fly for the rest of their life
Oh neat they are canonizing appmon
Resolution? In ghost game? Its more likely than you think?
“What about being an idol Ruli?” nah we did that twice, need other micro celebrities to spoof
Hiro stop pretending there’s a plot, we know better.
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None Other Than You (Tadashi Hamada x reader)
Alright hoes I wrote another part. The first one flopped and honestly I don't expect much after this either... too bad I give no crap
Series Summary: When tragedy strikes, and nothing can be done to stop it from happening, you often feel powerless entirely, however when it comes to picking up the pieces, you're able to have a say in the way things go.
Chapter Warnings: mentions of abuse and self harm, painful flashbacks, death, grief, angst... this one's rough
Word Count: idk but not as many
• Part 2/?
My eyes were so heavy, I did not dare open them. They weren't just heavy, but felt thick and swollen with slight pain. I must have been asleep for days. The way I slowly began to remember things went as follows: I remember the showcase, my presentation, and I remember Hiro' s Micro bots. I remember Alistair Krei and his offer to Hiro. I remember celebrating Hiro's acceptance into the school. I remember Tadashi in the soft moonlight. I remember sirens and alarms. I remember fire. I remember Tadashi running inside the building. I remember trying to do the same, and finally I remember the explosion.
Without a care of how much pain I was in, my eyes bolted open and I leaned up from where I was laying. I looked around, not quite familiar with my surroundings. The color of the room was stark white, and everything inside was either the same color, or a similar variation of it. When I saw no one in the room I looked around. Maybe I could go get someone and ask them what has happened.
I began to get out of the bed, but I couldn't move my left leg. It was completely an totally useless. When I saw the thick white cast stretching from my foot to my knee, I was able to see what the trouble was. Given that I was alone in a room with no explanation of anything, and I wasn't able to get up to find out why, I found myself in a state of panic. I quickly began to breathe faster, as it seemed I wasn't able to take in the oxygen I so clearly needed.
I pulled my legs closer to my chest and wrapped my arms around myself to try and calm down, but it wouldn't work. With each speedy breath I could hear the monitor beside me begin to freak out. The loud beeping was making it worse, my head was pounding, and I covered my ears and sqeezed my eyes shut, trying to picture some better, anything better than this.
The sting of the blade in the shower was nothing compared to the emotion pain. The words, so harsh I wished myself to disappear completely from the world, and the beatings, sometimes for no reason at all. What a parent does to their child effects the way they function for the rest of their days.
A memory crossed my mind, and my eyes began to water as I tried to push it all out. I wanted nothing more than to be in a safe place that I knew.
Thin red lines appeared, and small red droplets were slowly washed down the drain. Tears went with them. My arms would heal, but I doubted my heart ever would. I didn't ask for any of this, neither did I believe I deserved it.
My hands were still covering my ears, and my eyes had completely spilled over with the floodgates of tears. My head was spinning and that terrible beeping noise was still present, despite my attempts to avoid it.
"Y/n.." a muffled voice called out. I didn't know who it belonged to, but I tried my best to calm down enough to see.
"Y/n, you're okay..." I felt a hand on my shoulder, and though it was not a familiar one, I was able to slow down my breathing just at the thought of knowing I was no longer alone in an unfamiliar setting.
I opened my eyes and brought my hands away from my ears, trying my best to relinquish the quick paced breathing I had taken on.
"That's it, keep breathing." The woman beside me, who I had now realized was a nurse, was stroking up and down my back to help me.
"Thank you..." I murmured once I was able to catch my breath.
"It's okay. I'm Renata, your nurse, so if you have any questions-"
"Is there a Tadashi Hamada in the hospital by any chance?" I rushed out, not even giving her the opportunity to give me the last words in her sentence.
"I'm not sure, but if so... I don't think I'm allowed to give out that information. I'm sorry." The look on her face reflected sympathy. I could almost tell just by looking at her that she knew I was asking about a friend.
"Its okay..." I trailed off, beginning to get worried. I needed to know how long it would be till I could get out of here. "Do you think you could contact some people for me?"
"Sure, are they family members?"
"Just about the only ones I got."
It took about five minutes after the nurse left for the door to open again, and in came Hiro and aunt Cass, their faces were streaked with tears, but they tried to still hold it together for my sake.
"Y/n..." Hiro started crying not even a moment later, sitting down on the bed as we hugged each other tightly. With the way they approached me, I was beyond terrified to ask.
"Tadashi?" Was all I could muster at this point.
"He-" Hiro couldn't even get the words out for the sobs that racked his body. I teared up without even hearing the words, but I knew something went terribly wrong. "He's in a coma."
They spilled over, the tears I had pent up just waiting to hear what it was that happened to my Tadashi.
"Do they think he'll make it?" I managed to get out those words towards Cass, seeing that Hiro was far too unstable to answer.
All she did was squeeze her eyes shut and drop her head forward into her hands.
I was loosing it. There was no way this was happening, because in a world so cruel and full of anguish, there was still light. The only light I ever had was Tadashi, and it wouldn't be fair to take him from me. Not after everything else. Maybe it was a selfish way to think, or maybe it was just my way of dealing with this awful piece of news.
We all sat there, entangled in each other's arms as we cried. It took us all so long to calm down, that I had noticed it was dark out the window beside my bed.
Soft sniffles could be heard even from outside the room, but no one dared to bother us, which we were grateful for.
"Is he here?" I asked as soon as I thought it had been calm enough in the room.
"Yes... but, we're not allowed to see him. He's in intensive care, only the doctors can go in." Cass informed me, her voice still shaky from her uneven breathing.
"Does anyone know what happened last night?" I wasn't sure if this would be a sensitive question, but I also didn't consider how accurate the words in it would be.
"Last night? Y/n the showcase was four days ago..." Hiro furrowed his eyebrows, his hand resting on my shoulder as I took it in.
"I've been asleep that long?" I mirrored the boy's facial expression, squinting my eyes as I began to understand the severity of my own situation. "What happened to me?"
"Well they said you have a concussion.... and your leg is broken, but other than that I don't think much else is wrong." Cass was now able to speak evenly as she had taken a few more seconds to recoup herself.
I sighed in relief, knowing my injuries weren't as horrible as I thought they might be. I dropped my face again as soon as I realized what Tadashi must be going through. My sweet, wonderful, amazing Tadashi.
Why do bad things happen to good people? Good people who have done nothing but help others and try to give everything they have. Those are always the ones that suffer in the end.
"Did everyone make it out of the fire?"
Hiro and Cass looked at each other before coming closer to me. Again, Hiro placed a hand on my shoulder, and he looked at me as if this next piece of information was the most personal.
"Professor Callahan didn't make it out... They never found his body, but the fire..." he trailed off, seeing the look of distress on my face, knowing he probably shouldn't finish his sentence.
Robert Callahan was the person who changed my life around. He was the one who was able to pull me from the abusive household that I had been raised in. He spotted the potential in me that I didn't even see in myself. He helped me to become what I was now. He made me realize how smart I was, and what I could do with my intelligence. When I was at my lowest point, and thought it may never get better, he had gotten me a place to stay, and a full ride scholarship into the San Fransokyo Institution of Technology. It was my life's turn around, and it was the way I came upon the best friend I ever had. The only true father figure I'd ever looked up to in my life was gone, and died a horrible death.
"Are you okay?" Cass came around the bed to sit on the other side, coming close enough to embrace me in her arms.
"I uh... I think I just need a minute to let it sink in."
"It's okay, take your time sweetheart." Cass didn't leave my side, and neither did Hiro. Although the time must be ridiculously late by now, and Cass worked tomorrow, they didn't move a muscle.
After a few minutes, the tears flowed, and I did nothing to restrict them from racing down the redness of my cheeks.
The two that comforted me did a well enough job, although the person who's arms I would have felt the most safe in while I cried my eyes out wasn't able to hold me. He wasn't even able to wake up.
If I lost him too, well, I don't even know what I would do then. I might revert back to the place of darkness I had been in before I met him.
Since school had let out for the summer, and I wasn't really keen on staying in a lonely apartment by myself, aunt Cass offered to let me stay with her and Hiro when I was released from the hospital.
It had only been a week since the accident, but I wasn't going to stay in that cold, stark white room another day longer. Even though they advised a bit more time under their supervision, I needed to be with people I was comfortable with. People who made me feel like I wasn't alone in all this.
By the time I had gotten settled in, it was later in the evening. My state of being, with a broken leg, having to hobble around on crutches wasn't ideal, but I managed to somehow make it up two flights of stairs into the bedroom at the top.
Hiro and Cass were very kind and very helpful to me, making me feel at home there. Normally I felt as though the place was more of a home to me than my real one, but for some reason, it didn't feel the same now.
As I started getting ready for bed, I casually opened one of Tadashi's drawers, pulling out a shirt and holding it close. I breathed in the scent, suddenly having a feeling of him swarm around me. I immediately felt at home in the small upstairs room again.
The feeling of home didn't come from the place, but from him. He felt like home. He was my home.
"Y/n?" Hiro brought me out of my haze, and I flipped around, seeing him stand with a hunched over form as he looked at me sadly. "Could you grab me one too?"
My gaze softened and I nodded, reaching back in and drawing another shirt from the drawer and handing it to Hiro.
"How's your leg?" He asked, sitting down on the edge of Tadashi's bed. He didn't even bother to take off the shirt he was wearing, he just pulled the other one over his head on top of it.
"It's okay... I don't really feel anything." I admitted. I closed the drawer and sat down on the bed by Hiro. "I think I'm probably just hyped up on those pain meds."
"Maybe... here, I'll let you change." He got up from the bed and walked across the room to the separation point before drawing the shade.
"Thanks Hiro..."
As soon as I had gotten that shirt on, I instantly felt the warmth of the person it belonged to. It made me realize just how often I took his hugs for granted, because I would break my other leg just to be in his arms right now.
I hobbled over to the shade, careful not to bang my boot around on anything as it dragged behind me. I nearly slipped when trying to pull the thin wall-like structure to the side, but managed to maintain balance.
"Hey, would you mind if I came over and laid there for a while?" Hiro approached the corner of the room and glanced at the bed.
After losing both his loving parents when he was a little kid, the thought of loosing his big brother must be terrible for him, and I can't even imagine it... or can I?
"I never mind..." I nodded him over, sitting on the edge of the bed as he snuggled against one of the pillows by the headboard.
I laid back into the middle of the bed, grabbing my phone from falling off the edge. I opened it, seeing that I had about thirty notifications from snapchat alone.
I only opened two of them, realizing they were condolence messages. I appreciated the support, but I was going to need some time before I was able to respond to these people. Some of them I barely knew, but they had apparently heard about the incident as well.
I swiped to the main screen and tried to hit my home button, but accidentally made my snap memories pop up. I didn't close it right away, and scrolled down a bit, seeing a video that made me smile. I tapped on the thumbnail of it, letting it take full screen.
"Try that filter..." Tadashi poked at the screen, and after his finger backed away, there were sparkles around me and a cute pair of panda ears along with a matching nose that were super imposed onto my face.
"Awe, this one makes me look cute." I trailed off, turning my head in different directions to see the filter better.
"You always look cute." Tadashi mumbled in the background. Before the video cut off, the vibrant blush on my cheeks could be seen. Thst wasn't apart of the filter.
The memory made me smile, and I saved it to my camera roll. The next ten videos or so were all from the same night, and I remembered it vividly.
Tadashi laid next to me on his bed, making me laugh tirelessly as I tried to make a cute video for my story. Every time he would do something to make me giggle and then I would try and re film it. After a while I gave up, just letting him pick different filters for me to try.
"He's in love with you, y'know..." Hiro piped up from the head of the bed, making me look up at him in disbelief.
"Yeah... he would probably hate that I'm the one telling you and not him, but under the circumstances I think he would just want you to know."
"Hiro, are you su-?" I began to voice my disbelief but before I could, I was cut off.
"He used to tell me all the time. Minutes after you would leave. Man, getting him to shut up... took a miracle." He dragged on. He seemed to be not so entertained by the same fact that I was, but rather he was just remembering moments with his brother, who could leave this world at any minute.
"Tadashi... Loves me?" I couldn't bear the to say the past tense of the word, so I didn't. He wasn't dead, and now that I knew how he felt, I would keep up every hope for his recovery.
"If you don't believe me you can see for yourself. His love journal is right there..." he pointed a lazy finger to the desk across from the bed.
"His what?"
"Sorry, that's just what I call it. It's where he writes about you." Hiro answered, burrowing his face into the pillows once more.
I nearly reached for it on the desk, but pulled my hand back. He's still alive, and if he wants me to read it, eventually I will.
"I can't read it."
"Why not, it's about you?"
I shrugged my shoulders, pulling my legs onto the bed.
"He didn't give me permission to..."
Hiro sighed dramatically before sitting up. He rolled his eyes and left the bed, heading for his own across the room.
"You love him back, don't you?" He turned and looked over his shoulder, a slight smile gracing his lips.
"More than anything."
#tadashi x reader#tadashi Hamada x reader#tadashi smut#tadashi hamada#hiro hamada#big hero 6#big hero six#hiro x reader#hiro hamada x reader
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The World Unknown to Matsuko aired April 6th.
Music that ended up evolving A LOT in the age of social media Special: "The World of Visual-kei bands"
(I'll be just doing the main points of the program)
They start with introducing Fujitani Chiaki (藤谷千明) who's been following v-kei world as a fan and a column writer for 25 years now ('a former Self Defense Force member who came to love over 100 bands in 25 years').
The slogan on the screen that accompanies this is 'The great pick up of ultimate bands starting from legends to evolving styles (kei)'.
Chiaki's life changed after she saw LUNA SEA's "ROSIER" in junior high. When she was 18 Kuroyume announced they're stopping activities and shocked she decided to enter Jieitai (but it was also because there were very few employment chances in her hometown).
A message Chiaki wants to convey the most in the program: "I'm fed up with realistic times, let's experience the extraordinary more".
Matsuko commented that she also thought that the entertainment in Japan is very plain/reserved, that's why she thought about visual kei, she brought up Sawada Kenji (ジュリー). They talked about using make up talking about Kpop as well, that v-kei is so different.
Next came teaser "tremendously popular in the 90s" - "the word 'Visual Kei' became established overseas" (as background here they showed dir's footage and some foreign fans wearing vkei style).
Chiaki: nowadays Japanese people have an image of Visual-kei as 'old', 'scary', 'behind the times' and they both talk about tylhe extraordinary being important.

Next part "after 22 years the time has come when Visual-kei is necessary!" They talk about the chronology board prepared by Chiaki, she also explained that the genre was born in 89 with X and the term visual came from X's PSYCHEDELIC VIOLENCE CRIME OF VISUAL SHOCK.
1994 faced restructuring and unemployment crisis, they showed LUNA SEA's TRUE BLUE and commented how popular it got. 'how did Visual-kei fare in such difficult times?'
Matsuko brought up SHAZNA - everyone was shocked then how cute the vocalist was.

Then they talked about 1999 and Nostradamus and end of century, Chiaki sees 1999 as a peak of visual-kei. They talked about GLAY's legendary show at Makuhari with 200,000 people (they also show their best album sales, about 4,870,000 (the top 3rd in Japan)) and how much media attention it got.

Another legendary show that was held that year was LUNA SEA's 10th anniversary with a stage that costed hundred millions of yen. That stage got destroyed just 3 days before the concert due to a typhoon but band decided to go on with plan and held the concert as planned.
(haha I can totally see Chiaki's sparkling when she talks about LUNA SEA😆)

"Totally necessary for these times! Introduction of the legendary bands immersed in the extraordinary":
🌙MALICE MIZER: 'immersed in extraordinary with super extravagant costumes! ultimate visuals with extreme beauty'
Matsuko commented that performance (from merveilles~終焉と 帰趨~l'espace) looks like Takarazuka. Chiaki said that for the sake of worldview they don't play instruments on stage and that Sho Kiryuuin from Golden Bomber was very influenced by them.
Matsuko said that fans of course want to see the artist perform, but also are happy to see them dance, that visual-kei is infinite.
Matsuko also compared Mana to Marie Antoinette.
🌹Chiaki then introduced Versailles as a band that still pursues such worldview. They are dressed as French aristocrats, are very popular abroad especially in France.
💀DIR EN GREY: 'extraordinary performance going to the very end'
Matsuko knows dir, Chiaki explained for the audience about their major debut with 3 singles produced by YOSHIKI, that they are popular overseas as well as in Japan. They express 'human pain' and 'the darkness of the heart', the peak of extraordinary. Chiaki talked about the situation with M Stage program when the tv got complains from parents after their kids cried seeing dir on tv, Mstage was on tv just before Crayon Shin-chan and many ended up seeing one of dir's songs (I love how someone burst out laughing in the studio here😂). Matsuko asked what kind of performance was it:

"The following footage contains material not suitable for all audiences"🤣🤣🤣

and of course it's 残-ZAN-
Chiaki: The shock received in your own living room...
Matsuko: certainly, suddenly seeing this kind of deathmetal
Matsuko: something that Tamori (Kazuyoshi Morita, tv celebrity/presenter/comedian) could suddenly introduce
the commentary: 'and even in recent performances' (they proceed to show dir's live footage from DSS in Nippon Budokan)
Chiaki comments that as dir's lyrics are about the pain and extraordinary, and how cathartic can be a very intense show, and she really loves how 'we love the extraordinary in order to deal with the ordinary life' (yes😭❤️)
Matsuko: ... really? But they have songs so deathmetal like. Ok, I guess I'll check them out.
Chiaki: I just heard from the staff that dir's vocalist, Kyo, is a fan of this program and is watching every week.
Matsuko: who's here connected with the band?? (asking the studio people)
Staff (from behind camera): when getting permission [to show dir's footage] I was told that.
Matsuko: so in a sense I'm deathmetal too. Ok, I think that's it.

Next the program moves on to "a mystery hot pot eaten in the dark of performance incorporating all trends and fashion"
Matsuko: is 'Yaminabe performance' a band's name? Ah, ok, no, we're changing the topic!
Chiaki explains that it's difficult to explain what visual-kei bands are like now because there are so many elements.
They show the Raid (manga style) and Kiryuu (Japanese horror) as examples of the 2nd generation of evolving visual style, and what elements entered visual-kei: rap, dance, underground idols, Japanese kimono, ???

Matsuko: is the bottom right visual-kei??
Chiaki: has common elements (くくり)
●they show NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST and talk about their image and Hiro, the vocalist. the ??? gets changed into 'muscles', they comment on change in the expectation that musicians are very skinny.
Matsuko comments she personally likes the look of the 'underground idols', like what are they actually doing there?
●They show 0.1gの誤算 performance and Chaki explained anything can happen there. They also showed their recent show where fans prerecorded their shouts and member calling on their phones to play them when loud response is not allowed due to covid.
●Alice9 represents 'dance' element.
●CHOKE represents 'rap'
●Mogamigawa Tsukasa for 'kimono', the drummer in THE MICRO HEAD 4N'S who's singing enka.
The 2nd half of the program introduced humanbeatbox topic (very cool to watch but no report from that part😅)
#dir en grey#luna sea#x-japan#malice mizer#gackt#glay#shazna#golden bomber#Versailles#the raid.#己龍#アリス九號#nocturnal bloodlust#0.1gの誤算#choke#the micro head 4n's#translation
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Big Hero Six Headcanons
Cause I have feels
Hiro is FTM Bi icon. I can totally seeing him figuring this out on the younger side around like 10 or something. Aunt Cass and Tadashi are super cool and supportive of it
I have a feeling Aunt Cass wouldn’t be able to pay for much. When Hiro gets to the nerd Lab they all totally helped.
Go Go gives me strong Lesbian vibes
Wasabi is ftm gay aro ace
Honey lemon gives also a lot of Lesbian Vibes. Her and Go Go totally dated
Fred just gives out Ally vibes. But I can also see him being super fluid with gender and attraction.
Go go and Hiro got super close, before Hiro knew she was a Lesbian he probably had a crush on her.
But they where really good friends. I bet one time when they where hanging out Go Go bet Hiro to dye his hair. He did a bright red and blue streak. Aunt Cass nearly had a Heart Attack
Go Go would always be like a Scary sibling when Hiro started dating, ready to hurt them if they hurt Hiro
Wasabi and Fred would both try and be wing man and almost always failed
Honey Lemon and Aunt Cass where like moms
But his true friend was almost always baymax. After a bunch of stuff Hiro got Baymax with Therapy stuff, Hiro talked to baymax the most freely
They totally continued to fight crime. Mostly smaller stuff, and Mostly Hiro, Baymax, Go Go and Fred.
Honey Lemon and Wasabi came along to make sure they didn’t do anything stupid.
Hiro gets Baymax completed. He goes to a bunch of people and stuff, and eventually Baymaxs are everywhere. They are all on a network together so if you seen one, the next on will remember you.
Go go, wasabi, and Honey lemon graduate a year early. They start jobs and Hiro Being younger and still in college they do drift apart a little.
It’s harder for them to hang out all together. All five of them and of course baymax get together about once a month
Fred just being a mascot stays and hangs with Hiro
They all go to pride together ever year
Wasabi helped Hiro a lot. Helped him get on t, taught him all about binders and stuff.
Gogo taught Hiro how to ride a motorcycle and how to dye his hair
Honey Lemon and him go on walks by the coast all the time. They explore little alleys and stuff all over and take loads of pictures
Hiro also gets his micro bots on the market
He graduates Nerd School with a 4.0 top of his class with a masters in Robotics. He’s just eighteen.
The time he’s twenty his doing pretty well for himself. He mostly works for himself creating new technologies and selling them, always making sure they are going to good people
(I haven’t had time to watch the show yet so sorry if this in there or contradictory)
#so yeah#sorry this took so long#captainwaffles#hiro hamada#tadashi hamada#big hero 6#big hero six#go go tomago#fred bh6#fred Fredrick#wasabi#wasabi no ginger#honey lemon#baymax#bh6 headcanon#bh6#bh6 honey lemon
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Hello ! I was wondering if we could have some series recs ? I’ve really been into reading series lately. I love the author reader interactions and just the sheer talent of writers like yourself blow my Ming like whattt? howw do y’all make drafts, plot lines , general timelines of events , well rounded personalities etc it’s so amazing.
I also have some recs of my own. @saintobio has some amazing angst series like some real tear jerkers. You will love her suna one and she’s currently working on a gojo one, I am hooked, just like with unloving miya atsumu. Hope you enjoy
I also read @saintobio's works, too. Especially wastelands? Wow, I felt a lotta emotions and I'm so jealous of how she created such an amazing work. (my only issue and gripe are the names, bc y’know, it’s in Japan and all but that’s me) She really crafted a world so desolate that you can feel it from a macro scale down to the micro - which are the characters and all.
I’ve actually gave out fic recommendations which you can check here and here.
Buuuut, here’s a new list on some new fics I’ve loved for a while, and some very recent:
Disappear by @sebbys-girl. (Marvel, Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier x Reader) This was just FULL of angst from the start, where everybody was against the reader and she just took it in, for a half-assed reason. The action is just as good too (which I’m really jealous about) and the new characters, which were flesh out interestingly but didn’t take over and weren’t OP compared to the already existing characters.
the fire’s out but it still burns by deeppoeticgirl. (Naruto, Sakura Haruno x Sasuke Uchiha) I’m a SasuSaku fan, and I’ve actually been following this art blog @dymx and she has these amazing art and would link artists that she inspired works from. Also, this fic has everything I want in an angst fic with these two :”>
Beastly Possession by Whild Rhov. (Fairy Tail, Lucy Heartfilia x Natsu Dragneel) Fair warning, this is really detailed, has themes you might be uncomfortable with, but is a hell of a ride. Rhov went hard on this fic, delving into certain things regarding Dragon Slayer magic Hiro Mashima won’t give us (lol)
Forgotten Flame by Little Falcon (Katekyo Hitman Reborn, Haru Miura x ???) One of my favorites when I was younger, because I was so intrigued by the premise of that mysterious person of a mysterious undiscovered faction (i dont know the name of this trope haha). The mystery leading up to the other pair had me gnawing and the ending was so worth it all.
The Long Way Home by the general girl (Naruto, Sakura Haruno x Sasuke Uchiha). Sooo, this one has amnesia au, a troubled Sakura, and an annoying side-character. It’s really fun because Sakura is a mess with her feelings but just wants to see Sasuke well, even though he doesn’t know her.
make me complete once again by dandelionpetals. (Genshin Impact, Kaeya Alberich x Diluc Ragnvindr) I just read this recently and oh my god- OH MY GOD YES THE ANGST. I love this kinda angst, to be honest. Y’all will have to read to find out why I love it so much.
Changes by nerdymama. (Pokemon Sword/Shield, Leon/Dande x Sonia). Okay, to be honest, I shipped them so hard when I was playing and I’m a sucker for childhood friends-to-lovers trope. BUT! As the title suggests, there’re changes that happened in the fic that testified not only their relationship, but on each other’s psyche for the better. It’s also the fic that really helped inspire me to work on my Sakusa fic.
The Story of Us by thesweetnerd. (Haikyuu!! Atsumu Miya x Kiyoomi Sakusa) Another amnesia au that just stings and stings with each chapter, I was bawling in a few of them to be honest. Such a satisfying read to the end.
In The Dark Of The Night, I Long For The Light by StarTears. (Genshin Impact, Diluc Ragnvindr x Lumine/Traveler) Ehe, this was my first Genshin fic that I read, because Diluc piqued my interest. It’s really deep and delves into immortality’s complications, one’s dignity, one’s mission, and the fact that there’s someone for them that they have to choose against everything.
Subterfuge by @bunsterjonez. (Marvel, Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier x Reader) My god, this was one of the early MCU fics I’ve read that really made me fall in love with Bucky Barnes. It’s a slow burn, mind you, but it’s just sooooo goooooooood! I aspire to reach her level of creativity, honestly.
I have a hard time getting to focus on fics I’ve been dying to read, because I almost always find myself going back to these.
Also, writing can be that much work and all, but at the end of the day, the most important key element to it is: just have fun :) It’s more than writing for an audience, you’re writing for yourself :)
#alicemitch09 answers#fic recommendation#i may or may not expand this list#i had to dig deep into my ff.net faves
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Micro Hiro One
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3lv0uQg
by Skatoonyfan1234
Request for IHeartDreamworks, and set after the events of 'Big Chibi 6'. Hiro ends up shrunk to microscopic size by Ian's Size Ray Glove, when Honey Lemon tests it out. Warning: nudity at the end.
[I do not and never ever will own Big Hero 6: the Series, or Big Hero 6 in it's entirity and stuff]
In Loving Memory of Stan Lee
A famed Marvel comic writer, and an animated Disney character's dad.
May he Rest in Peace.
Words: 1209, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Big Hero 6 (2014), Big Hero 6: The Series (Cartoon)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Hiro Hamada, Wasabi-No Ginger, Honey Lemon (Marvel), Go Go Tomago, Baymax, Fred | Fredzilla, Alistair Krei
Additional Tags: set after Big Chibi 6, shrink ray glove, connected to Callaghan's therapist, hiro gets shrunk, shrink ray, microscopic size, giant krei
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3lv0uQg
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Big Hero 6 / My Hero Academia baby!!!!!! (really old drawings I meant to post a while ago)
Hiro is a quirkless legend
He gives zero (0) fucks about your opinion on that, and his brother will burn you to the ground with torch fingers if you even think about hurting the little shit
Hiro and Izuku meet when Hiro transfers to Aldera in their second year and they get along like a house on fire
They both mutter so much no one can understand them
Kacchan.exe has crashed as a result of the Supreme Nerd that they’ve evolved into together
Izuku meets Tadashi when he finally opens up to Hiro about wanting to be a hero and Hiro is like “hey my brother designs and builds support gear, wanna meet him?”
And they meet and Tadashi immediately goes “I’m adopting him he’s adorable”
Izuku is just there like ??????
Because this is just a thing that happened????
(It’s not like he’s complaining)
Hiro still sneaks off to bot fights
Tadashi is Concerned™️
Izuku comes along
He gets surprisingly into it
You just see a sea of tough guys and then there’s Izuku behind Hiro going “KICK THEIR ASSES!!!!”
You Cannot Tell Me that Kacchan didn’t teach him to swear
Fred and Gogo joined forces and taught Hiro to swear in the periodic table just to confuse people
When Izuku gets OfA he ABSOLUTELY tells Hiro as soon as he can
He’s kinda nervous cuz they’ve been quirkless buddies for a while now and he doesn’t want their friendship to end because of this
But Hiro just puts a hand on his shoulder and pulls a Miles Morales but instead of “hey” he just says
“Fuckin sweet”
And of course Hiro joins in with the training
At the entrance exam they’re obviously in separate arenas
But Hiro absolutely DESTROYS his cuz he just smuggles in some tech and all the robots he gets it on just shut down immediately
Nedzu is Impressed™️
Hiro absolutely joins the Dekusquad
Aizawa just sighs and resigns himself to his fate because not only does he have a Problem Child who will not hesitate to break his bones he also has a Problem Child who will not hesitate to break everyone else’s bones
Tadashi is so proud of his little brothers
Kirishima thinks he’s so fucking manly for getting into the hero course without a quirk
Hiro’s like “cinnamon roll but will stab as a warning”
The Sports Festival comes
He’s allowed the micro bots because he made them himself
Hiro meets Mei.
Everyone fears for their lives.
He gets 3rd place instead of Tokoyami (sorry bird boy)
Everyone in the audience is like “wow I can’t believe a quirkless kid got on the podium
And Hiro’s just laughing
“Eat sulfur hydrogen iodine tellurium you bigoted fucks!”
And Kacchan decides that maybe this nerd is worthy of respect
Hiro is fucking f e r a l
Him and Izuku are just like that one meme where one goes “send an angel, the kindest angel you have” and then in the distance there’s just some demon thing with no control screaming like a maniac with fire everywhere
Hiro and Uraraka having scream offs in the school yard
Maybe tbc? Add on if you want to
#bnha#mha#my hero academia#boku no hero academia#izuku midoriya#hiro hamada#big hero 6#big hero six#nerd squad#dekusquad#quirkless#ua high#big hero academia#bh6 x bnha#my hero 6#idk what to call this au#uuuuuh quirkless hiro?#maybe hiro academia?#its gonna be big hero academia for now
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Big Hero 6 Age Swap AU prt. 1
(My OC Tani will be in this one)
This is an AU that can follow a lot of plots, either everyone gets age swapped due to an accident in the lab, or it's just a normal age swap.
I will be doing the latter, but feel free to try the prior if you'd like.
It the AU Hiro's the older brother (19) and Tadashi is the 14 year old genuis who's invention: Baymax, surely guarantees him acceptens into his dream college, a long side his friends.
This AU mostly follows the same plot as Big Hero 6.
Hiro built the micro-bots, but instead of it being at the show case, Callaghan needed a distraction so no one would notice him stealing Hiro's micro-bots from Hiro's lab.
Tadashi had forgotten something in the building and had gone to retrieve it prior the the fire starting and got trapped inside. Students had seen Pr. Callaghan and a kid in the building, but before Hiro could run in the building exploded.
No, Tadashi doesn't die, but he was on the brink of death when the fire fighter find him. Thank God the boy is smart and had found a place to protect himself right on time.
He's in critical condition when he gets to the hospital and after hours of doing everything they could, it becomes a waiting game.
Everyone is distraught and shaken by what ahd happened, especailly Hiro, blaming himself for not being able to protect his little brother.
Aunt Cass makes a few calls to some family members as Hiro reluctantly calls Tani (my OC and Gogo's half sister), who was half way through her tour, and told her what happened.
She cancelles the tour and goes straight home.
Hiro already had some micro-bots back at home, so when the whole Baymax incedent happens, they both follow the little bots after they start acting strangley.
On the second time going to look for the micro-bots (and the man in the kabuki mask) it's Tani who's driving the van when they find them and goes to confront comfort Hiro, telling the rest of the gang (who are also yound teen deliquents) to stay in the car.
-----Small scene-----
"Tani? What are you doing here?"
Said girl approached him with in a way that either said of 'really pissed' or 'very worried'. "Baymax called" she stated, crossing her arms when she came to stop infront of him. "Hiro, what're you doin' hea? And why's Baymax wearin'... Corban Fibe' knickers?"
"Hey, I was gonna say that."
Hiro looked behind him to see four smaller teens surrounding Baymax, one of them kicking at his suit.
He whipped his head towards Tani . "And what they doing here?!" She roled here eyes at him "'M babysittin'" and turned to the teens. "Lucy, Aiko, Fred, Micheal, I told yooz guys to stay in the ca'. Hamada, don't you dare try and change the freakin' subje- !" "HOLY MOTHER OF MEGAZON!" Fred suddenly yelled as a looming shadow appeared above them.
"Holy sh- "
The last thing they saw was the gaint shadow of a crate as it came crashing down on them and a high pitched scream.
When they all opened their eyes (suprised their not dead) and saw Baymax holding the crate up Tani wasted no time yelling run as she pushed all of them from under it.
"Wait! What are you doing!" Hiro protested. "Savin' ya life bone head!" She yelled at him, trying to pull him away from the scene. "Look, Baymax can handle that guy- !" A loud crash from the van caught their attention as they saw that Baymax was now stuck in the roof. Tani turned and glared at Hiro who was now realizing how screwed they were. "Fine! Alright! But I'm driving!" Hiro said, emmidiately jumping in the car, Tani not far behind, and pulling away.
"What's going on?" Honey Lemon asked, voice shaky and missing some of its usual pep. Hiro felt someone grip his shoulder from behind and shake him. "Hiro. Explanation. Now !" Befor he could say anything he noticed the blocked of micro-bots heading their way. "Baymax palm heel strike!" After getting control of the car again he swatted the hand away. "Not now Gogo- !" "LOOK OUT!" They just nearly dodged some debris as he almost lost control of it, but regained it and sped off.
Tani looked behind her at the teens. "Everyone alright?" She got at least three "Yes"s and one hyperventilating "No".
Fred excitedly started jumping in his seat when he saw what was chasing them. "No way! That mask? Black suit? We're being attacked by a super villian ! How cool is that ?!"
"Fred! Quit scarin' everyone! It is not cool!" Tani scowled at him. "Micheal? Buddy? You aight there kiddo?" She asked Wasabi, handing him a paper bag. After a few deep breaths he asked her "Why is he trying to kill us?!" Before pushing infront and past Hiro to stick his head out the window and ask "Uh! Excuse me! mr. Kabuki?! Why are you trying to kill us?!"
"Wasabi! I can't see!" Hiro pushed his back and made a sharp turn before they smahed into a wall.
Fred lit up as he told everyone that "It's a classic villian motive! WE'VE SEEN TO MUCH!" "C'mon," Honey cut in, "let's not jump to conclusions, we don't know that he's trying to kill us- " "CAR !" "HE'S TRYING TO KILL US!"
"Everyone! Just calm! Down!" Hiro yelled back at them after just missing the car and a few trash cans.
"Fred cut it out! Micheal take deep breath hun got it?! Luc'! Seat belt! Now! Aiko sweety please strap in!" When she finished handling the teens she turned to Hiro. "'Ro, did ye even ever get ya licens?!" Tani asked him when he made another dumn turn and almost crashed. "What?! You think you can do better?!" He yelled back, frustrated at all of this.
The car went dead silent after that as Tani shot daggers at him.
"That's it."
---------end of scene--------
The chase seen is the same after that.
After getting out of the water and deciding to head somewhere warm (Freds house, which has the same reaction from everyone as in the film).
After making sure everyone was warm on Baymax Tani grabbed Hiro by his shirt and pulled him out of ear shot, demanding an explanation. He told her what he knew and drew the symbol he saw on one of the crates, walking back to the main room and asking if anyone regonized it.
From that point Fred gives his theories and after getting inspired by all the super hero things Hiro came to the conclusion of what he should do next, but didn't tell anyone else because, well, they're still just kids.
They find out about Hiro's plan when they went (without Tani) to see how he was doing, telling him that they wanted to help and that "You can't stop us, we'll find a way."
Hiro hesitantly (relucntantly) allowed them to help. Making them promise not to tell anyone, especially not Tani. (Lest he lose his head at her hands)
It follows the same from there. Finding out about Callaghan, Hiro almost killing him (This scene has to change though, seeing as Tadashi didn't run in to save him this time), seeing Tadashi's videos on Baymax, learning about Callaghans daughter and the final fight.
Through out it all Tadashi was still in a sort of coma, but was getting relatively better. Slowly but surely.
Till one day when Hiro was back in his lab (he had to get back to work at some point) he got a call from Tani (who he asked to keep him updated on Tadashi's condition because he'd be busy) that "He's awake, and he wants to see you."
Hiro dropped everything and rushed over.
This AU mostly consists of what happened before the showcase and after Hiro rebuilt Baymax. Showing the after math of it all.
What I just wrote above was a quick write about what happened.
If I make any spelling mistakes, I'm really sorry.
The reason why I often write Tani speaking the way she does is because she has a heavy New York accent and often uses New York slang in her speech.
I hope this answers your question @drkineildwicks
Prt. 2 to come later
#big hero 6#big hero six#bh6#bh6 au#bh6 fanfiction#bh6 oc#big hero 6 tadashi#hiro#big hero 6 hiro#bh6 hiro#hiro hamada#tadashi#little tadashi#bh6 tadashi#tadashi hamada#honey lemon#bh6 honey lemon#big hero 6 wasabi#bh6 wasabi#wasabi no ginger#big hero 6 gogo#bh6 gogo#gogo tomago#fredzilla#big hero 6 fred#fred#age swap au
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Part4 Automatic Growth Mode
1. Role growth system
There are always a plenty of growth systems in RPG depending on many factors. And there is a type of game has become an important existence named mobile card games in recent years in the Chinese mobile game market. It is also called RPG, because the main gameplay is to collect different roles, train your roles and match your roles into different groups to participate in all kinds of battles.
2. Resource cycle
Almost every game has its own game cycle or resource cycle. And it is necessary for mobile games to have an integrated game cycle. I will explain this cycle of RPG.
Players will get resources and then he can utilize these recourses to strengthen himself and these roles whom he collects and love. After a series of growth, players need a battle to prove that they have grown up. After this method, like battles, players will get a feedback and this feeling will push them to play more. Suitable challenge or difficult is needed, but it shouldn’t break the flow feedback.
It’s time to talk about the resources. There are many sophisticated growth systems in many mobile RPG games in the Chinese market. As a result, there will be the corresponding ways to obtain all kinds of resources.
But it is strange in this game. The main growth system named Fighting Spirit which provides the roles about 35% attributions which is a large rate in such games. It can make sense that players need to do a lot to get the special resource to advance the Fighting Spirit. The method for obtaining this special resource surprises me a lot, because this special resource can be automatically accumulated by time going.
In a word, one of the most important resources can be automatically accumulated by time going. This is one of the micro-innovations.

From this picture, you can find there is a number in the right which is 16308. It means that the resource will be increasing 16308 every hour. When you beat more and more levels in this special map, you will get bigger productivity of this resource. The combination with RPG and automatic growth mode is simple, suitable and easy to understand and experience.
3. Automatic Growth Mode
In section 3, I want to talk about this type of game which is automatic growth game. I mean there is no uniform term to describe such games. There is a game might be well known named AFK Arena produced and operated by the LilithGames. The battle doesn’t stop when players log off. Level-up even while players are AFK and reap the rewards when they next log on. The goal of this game is to appeal people jump right back into the adventure at any time. The goal is the same as that player can stop playing the game at any time when they have no time playing game.

4. New fashion Mode
The essence of such game is automatic growth mode, and this mode has been becoming more and more popular in recent years in the Chinese mobile game market.
There are many factors relating to this phenomenon. The most important factor is that there have been several dominant mobile games in every game category since the mobile games emerged.
Dominant game company has occupied the majority of the game market. The numbers of new games are still increasing a lot in recent years. Spare time has been more and more strict to every game player when they choose and play mobile games.
Given to such cruel competitive environment, more and more small or medium game companies began to try to absorb the automatic growth mode into different types of games.
5. Games with automatic growth mode
I want to show some games which absorb such mode which is interesting and illuminating to some game designers.
5.1 Game 1
The first game is a mobile game named BuXuZhiLv. This is a Diablo-like mobile game. The majority of resources can be automatically accumulated with time going. The capacity of the roles influences the productivity of the accumulated efficiency.

5.2 Game 2
The second game is an otaku games, named HeiChaoZhiShang, produced and operated by NetEase Games, which absorbed the mode of automatic growth. Actually, the main game frame is same as the previous one. The majority of the resources can be automatically accumulated with time going and the capacity of the roles influences the productivity of the accumulated efficiency.
It is interesting to notice that NetEase Games was regarded that it had the most top artistic skills and performance in mobile games before Genshin Impact was published by miHoYo Company.
In addition to Genshin Impact, HeiChaoZhiShang possesses a professional artistic performance and technical skills comparing to other games in the same term.

NetEase Games is regard as the second top game company in China. This game which is HeiChaoZhiShang published to the market had released a signal that automatic growth mode has been adopted seriously by the dominant game company. With professional aesthetic style, it definitely gained a lot of loyal users, especially in the type of otaku games.
5.3 Game 3
After 2 months, Tencent published a game which belongs to this type of game. The IP is that Fairy Tail, which is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Hiro Mashima. The game was produced by Babeltime Company and operated by Tencent. Babeltime is a strong mobile game company but it hasn’t created some successful mobile game comparing the previous mobile games which was a series of FangKaiNaSanGuo I, FangKaiNaSanGuo II and FangKaiNaSanGuo III. The English name of this series is OMG Kingdoms.
This mobile game, named Fairy Tail, is a cooperating product by Babeltime and Tencent. The aim of Tencent is more likely to perfect its game product matrix. From the old IP created by Babeltime which used 3 times, it is obvious that Babeltime Company hasn’t kept up with the times, because it won’t crate the second successful games comparing the previous ones. So does this new game which has a low quality. A gruff absorption of automatic growth mode with the traditional RPG mobile games without clear and suitable micro-innovation.

6. IP And Automatic growth mode
I spend a long page to describe game 3 which is the worse in these 3 games. My point is to expand a new question. Is it suitable for a new game using well-known IP to try to absorb the emerging mode?
In my opinion, this type game of Automatic growth is suitable to build its own IP, not buying IP. Firstly, this type game always relies on a long-term game period and a long-term commercial plan. The majority of resources can be regarded as time. In other words, players actually buy the time every time. The cost of IP will push game company to adopt a radical commercial plan which focus on a short-term income. As a result, this plan will destroy the essence of the automatic growth mode. There will be a contradiction which is difficult to fix and adjust.
This is why I talk about IP and the automatic growth mode. In addition to the game 3, the others all build their own IP which release a signal, important for this mode, that the game company will operate a long-term game.
7. Summary
In this part, I want to show you a simple background of the Chinese mobile market in recent years. Especially I want to talk about the emerging game type which is automatic growth mode.
In a word, I think JieBaDuiJue has a suitable and comfortable absorption of this emerging trend into the main gameplay and game flow. And I also give 3 examples to compare with the game. How to absorb this emerging trend within the main gameplay. In the later part, I will try to focus on the resource with other system to figure out deeper connections within the game.
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Possible Hero 6

Evening folks Chapter 4 is here, sorry for the unfortunate delay I’ve been a little occupied with uni work. Plus I’ve been to see the Sonic the Hedgehog film, loved it loved the references and the action scenes, it defiantly deserves a sequel heck the games could learn from some aspects of it. Now without further delay heres chapter 4 of Possible Hero 6
I don't own the characters in this story this is just for fun!
Kim Possible & Big Hero 6 (c) Disney, 2020
Chapter 4: Train up Hero style!
Things couldn’t be any worse for Big Hero 6 not only did their mystery villain thief AKA Shego escaped from them, twice and Momokase escaping as well with her intentions unknown. Now they return to Hiro’s garage to find Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable waiting for them, this could only mean one thing.
“Hiro?” Hiro said but then coughed and straightened up. “Sorry Miss, uh Possible but I have no idea what your talking about.” He then acted.
“Yeah, Ki.. uh, complete stranger who we have only met once at the…”
“Okay drop the poor acting Fred.” Kim said interrupting Fredzilla.
“You, mean you…” Wasabi guessed.
“Wasabi, Honey Lemon, Gogo, Fred Frederickson, Hiro Hamada and of course Baymax.” Kim pointed to each member of the team in a Batman like style which confirmed that she knew their secret identities.
Everyone looked at each other in worry wondering what this could mean for the teams future.
“Oh guys it’s so not the drama, your secrets safe with me.” Kim then assured.
So one by one each member of BH6 removed their helmets/masks revealing their true identities and Honey Lemon put her glasses back on her face.
“So how’d you know it was us?” Hiro asked.
“Well for starters when I first saw Big Hero 6 and the tech they were using I could see that it looked a lot similar to each of your friends majors.” Kim began to explain. “Chemistry, mag lev suspension, laser induced plasma and of course Freds super hero theme all applied with the use of robotics, which with Hiro being a super genius could engineer.”
The team listened with interest and Ron as always was impressed by Kim’s deductive skills.
“Plus when you told me that robot gauntlet was a souvenir from Alister Krei I could tell by your micro expressions that you were lying.” Hiro could only rub his neck in embarrassment as Gogo glared.
“And the final thing being, Tadashi’s death, his connection to the fire at SFIT and Professor Callaghan AKA Yokai. The fact being that Big Hero 6 appeared during his attack on Krei tech that day. Plus the coloured visors they’re terrible identity concealers.” Kim finished.
Everyone’s jaws dropped with amazement how could she have put together all the dots in such a way to find out their identities.
“Wow very impressive.” Gogo said with a raised eyebrow.
“Yeah told you she could do anything.” Ron added.
“Yeah that and being the daughter of a rocket scientist and brain surgeon doesn’t hurt.” Kim then added.
“But I’m surprised that you were obviously followed all the way here and didn’t even notice, you’ve got to work on your security training.”
“Wow, we do need to keep our eyes open or we’ll be blind.” Said a drunk Baymax.
“Uh is he okay?” Ron asked. “Uh yeah he’s just low on batteries.” Hiro explained.
Soon Baymax was out of his armour and on his charging station recharging his batteries. He begins to reinflate as he recharges. Meanwhile the rest of the team talk things over with Team Possible.
“So, now that you know are you going to tell my aunt Cass about this?” Hiro asked with worry.
“No I’m....” “it’s just if she ever found out about this she’d literally put me under house arrest she worries a lot like a lot and.” Hiro said interrupting Kim.
“Hiro!” Kim said getting his attention. “I’m not going to tell anyone about your identities.”
“Oh.” Hiro said. “Actually when I first heard about Big Hero 6 I started doing some research I’ve seen the work you’ve done to help people and I’m pretty impressed how you’ve handled supervillains and kept the city safe.” Kim explained.
“But I do want to know why you decided to become super heroes in the first place?” She then asked. “Yeah I mean every super hero has a cool origin story.” Ron added as Rufus nodded his head.
Hiro took his time to answer but knew that since Kim and Ron now knew who they were that it was time to share why they do what they do.
“Tadashi.” Hiro said then turned his attention to Baymax. “Show them Baymax.”
Baymax’s chest monitor then lit up and began showing his video logs of Hiro’s brother building Baymax.
“This is Tadashi Hamada.” He said introducing himself. Kim and Ron looked at the screen as did the rest of the team.
“And this is the first test of my robotics project.” Tadashi then said holding up a black board with the words test 1 on it and he began testing his invention.
“Hello, I am Baymax.....” Suddenly Baymax’s voice generated feedback which nearly deafens Tadashi.
“Stop, stop stop stop!” Tadashi said as he quickly shut Baymax off.
Kim saw who exactly this was whilst Ron was all but puzzled. However he saw the looks on the faces of everyone watching the video and could see some of them were happy and nearly brought to tears by the sight of this.
“So is that...” “Yeah that’s Tadashi.” Hiro answered Rons question.
The footage then moved onto the next entry log of the tests.
“The seventh test of my robotics project.” Tadashi announced. He then activated Baymax to test him again.
“Hello, I am Baymax.” Baymax said but suddenly began punching Tadashi with his inflated hands his left hand then flew off like a balloon quite literally.
Tadashi held onto Baymax to try and get him to stop.
“Wait wait stop scan stop!” Tadashi exclaimed.
The next log showed Tadashi was completely exhausted, with bags under his eyes completely sleep deprived.
“Tadashi Hamada again, and this is the thirty third test of my robotics project. He then said tired out.
Suddenly there was a spark and it completely took out the lights in his lab rendering leaving him in complete darkness.
Tadashi then shines a torch and looks over his creation though he was looking doubtful of making it work he wasn’t one to quit.
“I’m not giving up on you.” Tadashi sighed. “You don’t understand this yet but people need you, so let’s get back to work.” Tadashi said shutting down Baymax to begin testing again.
Kim just looked at the video in awe, she knew that Hiro’s brother built Baymax but didn’t know he saw difficulties doing it he persisted not giving up. She had to admit she was starting to admire him.
The footage then moved to the next log it was the afternoon and Tadashi was looking a little tired after working hard through the night.
“This is Tadashi Hamada, and this is the 84th” Tadashi sighed before continuing. “Test, what do you say big guy?”
Tadashi activates Baymax and waits for another fault.
“Hello, I am Baymax your personal healthcare companion.” Baymax said.
Tadashi could only look in complete shock and surprise to see that his creation was operational and working.
“It works.” He breathed. “IT WORKS!” Tadashi then shouted. ‘This is amazing! You, you work!” He said kissing Baymax in joy dancing with delight and excitement.
“I knew it I knew it I knew iiiit!” He squealed. “You work I can’t believe it!”
Ron nudged Kim’s shoulder and saw that there was a lone tear running down Hiro’s face and they could tell that he missed his brother.
“Alright, alright big moment here.” Tadashi said as he stepped back ready for the biggest test of all.
“Scan me.” Tadashi said and Baymax did as he was asked.
“Your Nero transmitter levels are elevated, this indicates that you are happy.” Baymax diagnosed.
“I am I really am.” Tadashi said in joy. “Oh man, wait till my brother sees you, your going to help so many people buddy.”
Honey Lemon hugged Gogo slightly whilst Wasabi put a hand on Fred’s shoulder.
“So.. many, that’s all for now, I’m satisfied with my care.” Tadashi said with a smile. The recording then ended and there was a minute of silence before Hiro broke it.
“He wanted to help a lot of people, he cared, that’s why he worked so hard to create Baymax.” Hiro said gesturing you his robot friend.
“So you became superheroes to, honour his memory?” Ron asked.
“Well it didn’t really start that way at first, we did this to just catch the guy responsible for his death.” Hiro explained as the rest of his friends came over.
“But after we saved everyone at Krei tech then after I enrolled at SFIT and stopping an army of rouge Baymaxes.” Hiro said. Kim could see where this was going.
“The last thing that Tadashi ever said to me was, someone has to help.” Hiro explained. “So, that’s what we decided to do.”
“Yeah Tadashi was our best friend, in a way his dream lives in all of us.” Honey Lemon added.
Kim couldn’t help but smile at what she’d just heard, she knew they had the best of intentions and couldn’t help but relate to that sure when she first started out she didn’t ask to be a hero but after saving a billionaire collector and many other things after that, she knew this was her path.
“I see, well I know you guys have the best of intentions but Shego isn’t like most villains you’ve faced.” Kim then said.
“I thinks that’s pretty obvious.” Wasabi said with a raised eyebrow.
“Yeah even with our tech we have no way to fight her.” Honey Lemon said. “Come on guys we can’t just give up!” Gogo argued.
“Yeah didn’t stop us before won’t now!” Fred said standing dramatically.
“With our current skills I calculate our chances 0.000” Baymax explained. “Baymax no need for the number crunching.” Hiro said.
The team could see they would need to do something to be able to handle the likes of Shego but Kim seemed confident about what to do in this situation.
“No big guys we can handle Shego and Drakken just leave this to us.” Kim said. “Ron, Rufus let’s go.”
“Right behind you KP.” Ron said Hiro was all but shocked to see they were going to stop Shego by themselves however they had been following the case too and they couldn’t just let this go after tonight.
“Hold on!” Hiro said getting the duos attention.
“We’re coming too.” Hiro said standing forward.
“It’s okay guys we got this.” Ron assured. “No.” Hiro said with confidence. “We have to help, my brother would have.”
“Besides San Fransokyo is our turf, we’re not going to stand by and let this green lady or her boss wreck it.” Gogo said. “So you’ll need our help, like it or not.”
“Yeah.” Said the rest of the team. In response to that the teen hero could only smile in response.
“Good, that was actually a test, to see how committed you were to what you do, and I’m happy to say you’ve passed.” Kim said. “We could use help navigating this city.”
Hiro could only smile in pride and relief. “Oh yeah I’m sensing a super hero team up!” Fred said practically jumping up and down in excitement.
“Okay geek cool your jets.” Gogo said. “Yeah we still need a plan to take on this Shego.” Wasabi agreed.
“Well maybe it’s best if we first get our facts straight.” Hiro said gesturing to his board of all the locations that Shego has robbed over the past week.
“Hiro, you are due to wake up in 2 hours, sleep is recommended.” Baymax said
“I guess your right Baymax we’ll talk more in the morning.” Hiro agreed to which Kim nodded because even heroes need their sleep.
Drakken’s lair
Meanwhile as San Fransokyo slept Drakken’s evil mind was at work using the equipment stolen he began assembling something in his lair. All the while his henchmen were moving the components into place.
“Now thanks to those plans we stole from the Krei tech servers our plans are now moving into place.” Drakken said as he worked. “Soon the world shall know my name and tremble before my genius! MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!”
“So you’ve said the last 23 times Dr.D.” Shego said filing her nails. “Quiet Shego your harshing my mellow!” Drakken said harshly.
“Yeah yeah whatever.” Shego said when she continued to do her nails. Suddenly an alert sounded from her phone and she looked to see she had received an email, from an anonymous sender. She opened it only to reveal a strange monster symbol in purple on her phone and then.
“Greetings, I have a proposition I’d like to discuss with you Miss Shego, I’ve attached directions come alone.” Said a voice from the phone. The message then disappeared.
Shego was very much surprised, how could someone know her contact details only Drakken knew that, but at the same time she wanted to know how someone could find her. There was only one way to find out.
The Water front San Fransokyo bay:
In the dark of the night fog surrounded San Fransokyo harbour all was quiet in the air soon a figure arrived at the waterfront she was wearing a dark green jacket brand new Club Banana. It was Shego, she had to admit she was a little skeptic about this meeting but was never the less curious.
It wasn’t clear but she could make out a faint light in the dark it was neon purple and it looked like a thin one sided skull face.
The fog cleared to reveal Obake standing in the fog.
“I see you decided to come.” Obake said smirking.
“Okay, you got my attention what do you want.” Shego demanded.
“Oh I have been watching you for a while my dear, and I merely wanted to meet someone of great potential.” Obake said simply.
“Watching me?” Shego asked. “Yes, ever since you and your employer Dr.Drakken arrived in the city.” Obake said. “And I must say the power you have has a lot of potential, potential such as that shouldn’t be wasted on an amateur like him, for you see there is no limit to the potential you have, I learned that from an old friend of mine long ago” Shego listened you what this stranger had to say and a small part of her couldn’t wonder if he was right.
“ That is why when the opportunity arose I decided to test you’re potential against another with similar ambitions.” Obake then said.
“Wait you sent that ninja lady!” Shego said in surprise. “Yes you see in truth I had no interest with that hard drive, I merely sent her to test your abilities against her. However the arrival of Miss Possible and Big Hero 6 did complicate things it did prove how much potential you have.” Obake said.
“You said you had a preposition for me, what’s that supposed to mean?” Shego asked.
“Why to merely have you consider what I’ve said, and to provide you with the means to expand your potential.” Obake said as he stood aside to reveal a small black crate. Shego was all but curious at this point.
“Consider this a gift.” Obake said as he walked away.
“Oh and if and when this scheme of your employers goes awry, you’ll know how to find me.” Obake said as the left side of his face glowed and disappeared into the mist.
Shego used her powers to give a light in the mist to look for the stranger but couldn’t find him all that was left was the small black crate that he left for her. Being curious she opened the crate and found something inside, something that intrigued her.
The following morning
As the sun shon on a new morning in San Fransokyo Kim and Ron were making their way to the Lucky Cat Cafe. They entered the cafe to see Cass seeing to her customers.
“Morning Cass.” Kim called. “Oh morning Kimmie” Cass greeted. “Please Cass call me Kim.” Kim insisted. “Oh sorry your mother still washes off on me, even after high school.” Cass said.
“Right so is Hiro around?” Ron asked. ‘“Oh of course Ron he’s in his garage with Baymax Gogo and the others just recently got here.” Cass said.
“Right thanks” Kim thanked as she walked through to the back. “So how do you handle being...” Kim quickly pulled Ron away before he could blurt out anything.
In the garage, the team was gathered, Hiro was working at his computer whilst Baymax scanned Gogo.
“Gogo, you appear to have fully recovered from your minor concussion.” Baymax said.
“Thanks Baymax but I’ve taken worse falls than that.” Gogo thanked.
“So guys is anyone but me excited for this super team up with Kim Possible!” Fred said bouncing round in excitement.
“Fred calm down.” Wasabi said. “Yeah besides this is a collaboration.” Gogo said. “Yeah to take down a common enemy.” Fred said “classic super hero team up, just like the time Captain Fancy teamed up with another super hero to take down their arch foes who teamed up!”
“You read Captain Fancy?” Called a voice and they turned to see Kim and Ron standing in the garage doorway.
“Oh hey guys.” Honey Lemon greeted. “Glad you could make it.” Hiro said.
“Now, let’s have the sitch about what Shego’s been doing in the city.” Kim said.
Soon Hiro pulled out his large board from the back of his garage showing all the Krei tech facilities that Shego has hit over the past week.
“Okay, over the last week Krei tech has had several break ins at their warehouses in the city and we’ve been tracking them.” Hiro explained.
“Yeah and at each one different things were stolen tech pieces both cybernetic and mechatronics.” Gogo then explained.
“At first we thought it might have been one of our enemies like maybe Momakaske or Yama.” Wasabi added.
“But it was actually Shego, who’s been taking these items for Drakken.” Kim eventually surmised.
“Yeah so what’s the deal with that blue skinned guy?” Fred asked.
“Right best you guys know what your dealing with, but it’s best to late Wade snow you.” Kim said.
“Who’s Wade?” Asked Honey Lemon. Then all of a sudden the holo computer near the front of the garage lit up showing Wade in his room at the computers.
“That’s me” Wade said startling everyone.
“Guys, this is Wade our resident super genius and our secret weapon.” Ron introduced. “Wade meet Big Hero 6” Ron then gestured to the team in the garage.
“Dude!” Hiro panicked. “Guys relax Wade can keep a secret.” Kim assured chuckling. “Yeah plus Hiro, he’s a super genius like you and graduated college at 13.” Ron added.
“All are true.” Wade said. “Well okay, I’m Hiro.” Hiro introduced.
“Hello I am Baymax.” Baymax introduced with a wave.
“That’s Gogo.” Hiro gestured and she just blew a bubble gum ball. “He’s Wasabi” “How you doing” Wasabi greeted. “That’s Honey Lemon.” “Hello there.” Honey Lemon greeted.
“And I’m Fred” Fred said introducing himself.
“Pleasure guys been reading up on you guys pretty impressive.” Wade complimented.
“Okay Wade show them everything we have on Drakken and Shego.” Kim said.
“Right showing files now.” Wade typed in some commands on his keyboard and showed files on Drakken and Shego.
“Well as you guys have probably guessed Shego is an ex superhero gone rouge, and she works with Dr. Drakken.” Kim explained. “Drakken is your typical mad scientist who wants to conquer the world, he never does though. His real name is Drew Lipsky he was once a friend of my Dad in college.”
“Wait he was a friend of your dads!” Hiro said in surprise.
“Oh.. a twist I’m liking this origin story more and more.” Fred said sitting down on a chair. Gogo just nudged him.
“Yeah but he dropped out when he couldn’t build a good robot and his friends laughed at him.” Kim added.
“Classic!” Fred said. “But what’s with the blue skin?” Wasabi asked. “Maybe he turned blue with sadness.” Honey Lemon guessed.
“Blue skin is often what happens when someone holds their breath for a long period of time.” Baymax diagnoses with a diagram on his chest monitor.
“I have a theory.” Fred said with a knowing finger pointing up. “When he was laughed out he must’ve accidentally fallen into a vat of chemicals which turned his skin blue and made him a little insane.”
Everyone looked in surprise, to what Fred just said Baymax just blinked.
“Wow that’s actually a good theory.” Wade said in surprise.
“Yep never underestimate the power of comic books” Fred said proudly.
“Okay, so back to the matter of Shego, what could she want with these components?” Hiro said.
“Knowing Drakken it could be another one of his take over the world schemes.” Kim said. “Now they know you guys are onto them we’ll need to work together to stop them and figure out what they’re up to.”
“Great, but don’t we need a plan we haven’t fought someone like Shego before.” Wasabi asked.
“Well you guys are good and judging by the security footage you stood your ground against Shego, but you need to learn how to fight better to stand a chance against foes like her.” Kim explained.
“So I’m going to train you guys how to fight and how to better use your tech in team work.”
“Oh yeah! IT’S SHUGYO TIME!” Fred exclaimed taking a kung fu training pose. “To the mansion!”
Fred’s Mansion the gardens
Soon everyone was gathered in Fred’s back garden which was rather large with very Greek like architecture structures and statues. Everyone was now dressed in training attire; Hiro wore a white shirt with his normal pants and sneakers, Wasabi was in his yoga gear which was a green shirtless vest with black pants and shoes. Gogo just wore her white shirt with her black pants and leggings. Honey Lemon was in her yoga gear and both were bare foot. Fred meanwhile was in a training suit.
“Dude this back yard is huge!” Ron said in amazement with Rufus looking wide eyes.
“Yeah we train here with our suits sometimes.” Fred explained “You see that statue over there.” Fred then gestured to what was left of a statue that was destroyed by something.
“Baymax wrecked it with his rocket fist when we first got our suits.” Fred then explained.
“Whoa!” Rufus squeaked. “But weren’t your parents tweaked about that?” Ron said concerned.
“Nah my dad didn’t like that anyway it was imported from someplace called the Southern Isles they didn’t want it for some reason so my mom bought it.”Fred then added.
“Alright guys gather up.” Kim called who was now dressed in training gear of her own which was comprised of a pink short sleeved crop top, dark pink yoga pants and sneakers with a grey shirt underneath. Everyone soon gathered as she placed down some training gear such as punching pads.
“Okay guys in order to stop your opponent you first need to know more about how they fight.” Kim explained. “So when you first fought Shego what did you see?”
“Shes fast.” Hiro said “Mean!” Fred said “Fights dirty” Gogo then added. “Loves the colour green” Honey added. “And uses plasma blasts!” Wasabi then said.
“All good answers.” Kim said with a thumbs up. “Shego’s style is all about attack and going on the offensive, and yes she uses energy blasts which trust me sting if you get hit.”
“Got that notion.” Gogo said remembering her fight with her last night.
“So, how do we fight someone like that?” Honey Lemon asked. “By learning how to fight better and use teamwork.” Kim said “Now lets get you guys in fighting shape.”
(Music Starts: Call me Beep me Sadie Stanley)
Kim holds up some punching pads in her hands and Gogo begins punching them followed by some kicks and Kim manages to block them all. Soon she and Wasabi are facing each other on the grass. Kim motioned for Wasabi to come at her, though he was a little hesitant at first he knew this was training so he charged forwards and threw a few punches which Kim dodged and then grabbed Wasabi’s arm and flipped him onto his back.
Hiro was lasting a little longer when training against Kim she threw a few punches and kicks whilst Hiro avoided some of them and Hiro threw a few punches of his own. However Kim did a leg swipe and tripped Hiro up.
He looked up and saw Kim offering a hand smiling which he took.
Ron meanwhile sat on the sidelines with Rufus, Mini max and Baymax. Those who weren’t training namely Hiro, Wasabi and Fred were sat resting and with towels.
Meanwhile Kim was doing a two on one with Honey Lemon and Gogo, they came at Kim with punches and kicks which Kim was able to block, and gave advice whilst doing so.
“Remember coordinate like a team.” Kim said between kicks and punches. So the two responded by working as a team Gogo slipped past Kim whilst Honey Lemon threw a roundhouse kick and Gogo came up from behind and performed a leg swipe tripping Kim up who was quick to recover. She looked to the two impressed knowing they were learning. She then came in with back flips and then performed several round house kicks.
From his viewing point Hiro was amazed by Kims fighting skills but given she said she was a cheerleader it did help a little, however when he looked to Baymax an idea soon sparked in his head.
Later at the garage, Hiro was typing at his holo computer keyboard and was looking at recordings of their training session and Kims fighting skills. He knew exactly what to do with this. However, he then noticed Rufus was in the lab and looking at Baymax’s armour lying around and he saw the little mole rat was pretending he was firing rocket fists from his hands. Hiro could only chuckle a little but he then got an idea and so slid his chair over to the rear desk and picked up a small scanning device.
“Hey Rufus.” Hiro called getting his attention. “Arms up and hold still.” He then said and Rufus a little confused held his arms up and Hiro scanned him creating a 3D render in his computer.
Back at the mansion Kim had set up an obstacle course for a training exercise the course consisted of several benches hoops and even a balancing beam.Fred was suited up in his Fredzilla suit. Kim then ran forward and performed some of her cheer leading moves back flips on the benches, swinging on the hoops and then bouncing on the beam to back flip and land on two feet. She then gestured for Fred to try.
“Oh yeah!” Fred said putting on the top half of his suit on then charged in. “SUPER JUMP!” He exclaimed. He performed a super back flip with the enhanced springs in his suit and then jumped and then swung round the hoops and launched forwards jumps on the board and finally span in a circle breathing fire from his suit and landed on the ground in a dynamic super hero pose!
Kim nodded in approval of Freds success. Soon she was facing Wasabi again and this time he was more confident in his hand to hand combat skills and was able to avoid Kims leg swipe and then performs a round house kick knocking her to the ground. She saw him offering a hand which she took. Hiro too was improving not only with his own knowledge of self defense compliments of his brother, but with Kims help.
He was able to avoid water blasts from water guns that Ron was firing at him from behind a cardboard cut out of Shego. Gogo who was now wearing her mag lev skates slide past all the water blasts grabbed Hiro’s hand and then swung him towards the target and gave it a round house kick.
Hiro and Gogo gave each other high fives. Back in the garage Hiro was transferring data to something and out of a disk burner came a small data chip coloured in green. He then placed Kims signature logo on the chip compliments of Wade. He then went over to Baymax and opened his access port revealing his health care and superhero chip.
“Okay buddy ready to take it to the next level.” Hiro asked. “Doing shugyo makes me a better health care companion.” Baymax replied and so Hiro placed the chip into Baymax which then retracted into his chest.
Soon everyone was taking a break from their training and soon Hiro arrived with Baymax armoured up. Hiro then laid out some small devices in the garden and then opened his laptop typed in several commands and then Wade appeared on his desktop.
“Okay Wade let it rip!” Hiro said “Right initiating training exercise.” Wade said as he typed in several commands and then activated devices which then projected holograms of several villains including Baron Von Steamer, Shego, High Voltage and Duff Killigan.
“Baymax Go!” Hiro said and Baymax responded by rocketing forward and the holograms became aware. Holo Steamer fired a huge blast of steam which Baymax then formed his wings flew up into the air then came slamming down to the ground fist first, knocking the hologram to the ground.
Holo High Voltage then attacked, and Baymax was quick to avoid it and rocket forwards performing a round house kick then saw Shego coming and backflipped over her back and in slow-motion fired his rocket fist from his left hand and knocked down the two holograms in one shot.
Kim was all but amazed by Baymax’s abilities and noticed how his fighting style was similar to hers, she then remembered how Hiro told her he’d made a chip full of combat programs for the original Baymax (the one Tadashi built) when they were starting out. So it was clear he had programmed him with her skills.
Holo Duff then fired some explosive golfballs and Baymax quickly reacted by deflecting two with his left hand then jumped into the air rolled into a ball then kicked away the next three that holo Duff fired which didn’t hit him but Baymax then landed in front of him and then just looked down on him.
“Aye I surrender!” Said Holo Duff and with that Wade and Hiro ended the exercise and the hologram disappeared.
(Music ends)
“Whooo!” Fred said in excitement. “That was amazing Baymax!” Honey Lemon said. “Not bad.” Gogo said. “Boyah Baymax!” Ron said excitedly.
“Spankin job big guy.” Kim congratulated. Baymax then turned round to Kim and lifted up his right fist.
“Uh..” Kim said confused. “Now we fist bump.” Baymax then said blinking.
“Wait you know how to fist bump?” Kim said with a raised eyebrow. “Yes Hiro taught it to me.” Baymax replied.
“Yeah I kinda did.” Hiro said rubbing the back of his neck.
“Come on KP just go with it.” Ron suggested. “Don’t leave him hanging”
Kim decided to just listen to Ron and the others and so.
“Okay.” Kim then fist bumped with Baymax. “Bah-la-la-la-la-la-la” Baymax then said wiggling his fingers in the air after the bump leaving Kim with an even more confused look than before.
Just then Kim’s Kimmunicator beeped and she answered it. “Go Wade.” She said.
“Kim you guys may want to check the latest news casts.” Wade advised then bringing up a news report from San Fransokyo and their reporter Duff Blunder was on the scene.
“This is Duff Blunder reporting live from San Fransokyo bridge where citizens are being attacked by what appears to be three individuals with jet packs.” Duff said through his microphone as he was on the bridge with panicking citizens. Suddenly dropping from the air came three armoured individuals two men and a woman each wore matching black armoured suits with grey underneath and red visors on their faces.
The first was a caucasian male with blonde hair and a muscular build, with a darker beard than his hair colour. The second was a dark skinned male who is bald and has a dark beard on his face and is more muscular than his compatriots. The woman was tanned skinned has long brown hair but a shaved off part on the right side of her head and wears red lipstick.
“I’ll take that thanks!” Jack said snatching the microphone off Duff blunder and looking into the camera.
“Hi there the names Jack, these are my compatriots Jaq and Jack” He said introducing his compatriots who took up action poses.
“Together we are the Mad Jacks, normally we’re mercenaries for hire but today we’re making an acceptation several months ago we were humiliated and defeated and so I hereby announce a challenge to Big Hero 6, unless they agree to face us at the bridge my associates and I shall detonate bombs at key points under the bridge.” Greg Jack announced
“So what’ll it be Heroes? you have two hours don’t keep us waiting.” Greg Jack said.
The team looked at the footage in shock especially Hiro and his friends.
“Old friends of yours?” Ron asked “Not exactly.” Hiro said.
“Yeah the Mad Jacks are villains we’ve faced before their an elite special ops unit who work for the highest bidder.” Fred explained.
“I’ve heard about them professional mercenaries for hire, and I thought Team Impossible gloated a lot.” Kim said.
“Well Hiro was able to help us stop them despite being sick and with a broken leg.” Wasabi then explained.
“Whoa talk about being a stubborn patient.” Kim pointed out. “Well if you think about it KP you went on a mission when we were full of a cold.” Ron pointed out remembering their Sick Day episode.
“So it looks like their back for a rematch.” Gogo said. “Then it’s time we put our training to the test.” Hiro suggested. “Hey guys care to give us a hand?”
“No need to ask we’re in.” Kim said confidently. “Okay guys suit up!” Hiro then announced.
The team each suited up in their armours and bore their gadgets, whilst Kim and Ron dressed in their normal mission clothes Kim span her hair dryer grappling hook round her finger then placed it into her belt pouch. Then Rufus appeared and Ron noticed he was wearing armour identical to Baymax’s except it was in the same colour scheme as Kims mission suit and he wore the armour on his chest and hands.
“Whoa Rufus sweet armour!” Ron said “Yep” Rufus squeaked. “Yeah saw him taking an interest in Baymax’s suit so I made him one of his own.” Hiro said and soon everyone was riding Baymax’s back as he rocketed across the city with his jet boosters.
Hiro rode on Baymax using his magnetic gloves and pads while Gogo, Honey Lemon and Kim held onto the wings while on Baymax. Rufus held onto Kim as well.
“Okay I’ll admit this is a killer view.” Kim said impressed. “Maybe if you were on his back!” Ron called as he and Wasabi were holding onto Baymax’s arms while he held onto Fred via his suit collar and he was posing like super man as Fred pretended to fly.
Ron wasn’t enjoying a single moment of this. “This is not cool man!” He said practically yelling.
“How’d you think I feel I’m terrified of heights!” Wasabi exclaimed to Ron.
Soon they were approaching their destination and the police were doing the best they could to barricade people off the bridge until the crisis was over.
“Look!” Called a woman and they saw Big Hero 6 and Team Possible arrive on the scene and the crowd cheered knowing the heroes had arrived.
Baymax landed on the bridge and the rest of the team disembarked, however there was no sign of the Mad Jacks anywhere.
“Where are they?” Honey Lemon said the rest of the team looked around but were a little cautious, Kim didn’t like the looks of this one little bit.
Baymax scanned the area for any sign of trouble and when he looked up he saw something alarming.
“Oh no” Baymax said and Kim looked up to see what he was alerting them about and her eyes widened in shock.
“LOOK OUT!” Kim shouted and everyone jumped out of the way of an incoming laser blast and were quick to avoid the impact. Everyone quickly recovered and got back up on their feet just as the Mad Jacks floated down using their jet packs.
“Well look who decided to show.” Said Jaq with a smirk.
“So you guys still sore about us beating you last time?!” Hiro said “Oh you mean how you outsmarted and humiliated us!” Greg Jack said with a smirk.
“Well now it’s payback time!” Jack grunted. “Oh and I see you have help, your going to need it.” Greg Jack said noticing the presence of Kim and Ron.
“Mad Jacks lets take em” Greg Jack yells and they fly in and attack, the team then scatter Hiro climbs aboard Baymax who takes to the sky after the three villains.
“Jack, Jaq, take care of the six on the ground I’ll take care of the big bot and their leader.” Greg Jack ordered. “Copy that!” Said the two Jacks. Baymax and Hiro began chasing Greg Jack in the sky whilst the rest of the team take on the other two.
The two Mad Jacks pull out their laser blasters and try to blast the team. Gogo and Honey Lemon jump to the left whilst Kim, Ron, Fred and Wasabi jumped to the right.
“We need to find those bombs if they go off everyone still on this bridge will be toast.” Gogo said.
Kim then reached for her Kimmunicator. “Wade scan for the bombs!” Kim said “Way ahead of you.” Wade said and after a few typing commands on his keyboard he soon heard a beep sounding that he found what he was looking for.
“Got it! They’re under the bridge on the centre support!” Wade relayed as he showed a diagram of the bridge.
“Wade put me through to Hiro!” Kim ordered. Meanwhile Hiro and Baymax were in a dog fight with Greg Jack who was trying to shoot them down with his laser bazooka.
“Eat laser bot!” Greg Jack exclaimed. Baymax was able to doge the blasts and Hiro held on to his back.
“Hiro you there!?” Kim said on the coms. “Yeah kinda busy!” Hiro replied. “We’ve located the bombs there under the bridge, near the centre support.” Kim relayed.
Hiro looked down to the bridge and with the scanner in his helmet scanned the bridge and zoomed in to see several bomb like devices attached to the bridge.
“I see them.” Hiro relayed.
Back on the bridge the rest of the team were contending with Jack and Jaq. Gogo used her mag lev skates to skate and avoid the blasts then jumps and throws her mag lev disks at Jack which he then deflects.
“That all you got speedy!” Jack exclaimed. “Okay time to use our training.” Gogo said
“Honey let’s ground these chumps.” Gogo said “ Thought you’d never ask.” Honey Lemon said as she typed in a formula on her chem-purse and made two chem balls and threw the, both at the bridge supports, they explode and expand into a splat wall of elastic goop.
(Music starts playing- Immortals Fallout boy)
Gogo then kneels down on all fours and revs up on her discs and launched herself forward into the ‘sling shot’ and pulled back all the way to the other end of the support until she was catapulted forwards into the air, heading straight for jack pulled back a fist then POW right in the face which sent him flying into the pillar at the far side of the bridge.
Gogo then skated as she landed on the ground and Honey Lemon rushed to her.
“Oh yeah Speed punch!” Gogo said “way to go Gogo!” Honey Lemon said giving her a high five. However they didn’t notice that Jaq was flying towards them.
“Guys heads up!” Ron called to them they turned and saw Jaq arming her arm cannons. “Your Jacked!” Jaq yelled but suddenly.
“SUPER JUMP!” Called a voice and she saw Fredzilla jumping in the air above her.
“FLYING DROP KICK!” Fred yelled and performed a drop kick mid air knocking Jaq to the ground. Honey Lemon peeped a Chem ball and tossed it to Ron. “Throw it Ron.” Homey said and so he threw it to the spot where Jaq landed and it created a pink goo ball trapping her inside.
“Grr!” Jaq growled as she couldn’t get out of the ball no matter what she tried.
“You just got gooped” Ron cracked. “Boo yah!” Rufus squeaked. He then noticed Kim was not with them. Kim was below the bridge using some magnetic discs. She held the Kimmunicator up to the bombs so that Wade could properly scan them.
“Kim I’ve got bad news!” Wade said. “Okay let’s hear it.” Kim asked.
“Well, the bad news is the bombs can’t be disarmed manually there’s about five different triggers.” Wade explained. “Is there a way to disable it?” Kim asked with worry.
“Yes disable the master detonator and that’ll disarm the bombs.” Wade surmised.
“Well where is the trigger?” Kim asked. “I’ll scan for it” Wade began scanning for the bomb trigger and soon found it.
“Oh boy.” Wade said
Baymax and Hiro were still in the air fighting Greg Jack who is chasing them with his laser bazooka Baymax was able to avoid the blast Hiro looks back and sees the Mad Jack behind them.
“Hiro there’s a way to disarm the bombs!” Kim relayed on the coms. “Okay what is it?” Hiro asked.
“The guy chasing you he has it, it’s located in his gauntlet on the left wrist.” Kim relayed. “Right that’s going to be a problem.” Hiro said seeing how Greg Jack was dead set on shooting the, down.
From the bridge Kim could see the issue and from her back pack forms her jet pack and rockets into the sky.
Back on the bridge the Police try to keep the crowd back within that crowd was Karmi who was trying to record what was happening. However she looked up to see Baymax and Hiro or as she knew them Captain Cutie and Red Panda fighting Greg Jack whilst the rest of the team deal with Jack who had regained consciousness. Then all of a sudden she saw a figure emerge fro, the bridge she zoomed in on it using her phones camera.
“No way is that!” Karmi gasped her phone camera showed her it was Kim Possible fighting alongside Big Hero 6 she couldn’t believe it.
Meanwhile Baymax launches his rocket fist at Greg Jack, who used his jet pack to avoid it then fires his blaster at them which Baymax quickly avoids it as his fist returns to him.
Then suddenly Greg Jack received a kick in the back delivered by Kim Possible he manages to stabilise himself and looked to see Kim just as Baymax flew next to her with Hiro.
“You got the drop on me impressive miss...” “The names Kim Possible, ring a bell.” Kim said answering Greg Jacks question.
“Oh yeah now I remember your the hero with a lame website it doesn’t even have a cool theme song.” Greg Jack cracked.
“Says the guys all called the same name, Greg” Hiro then cracked. “Wait your names Greg but your all called the Mad Jacks?” Kim asked “yeah it’s really a code name found that out when we first fought and won.” Hiro then added.
Greg Jack just growled with frustration. “Enough talk time to blast stuff!” He yelled as he blasted the two of them but they quickly avoided the blast.
He kept blasting the three heroes with his bazooka until finally he clipped the wing of Kim’s jet pack causing her to spin out of control.
“Kim!” Hiro yelled, Kim quickly managed to get her jet pack off but was still falling to the ground Baymax quickly rockets down after her and reaches out with his hand. Reacting quickly Kim pulls out her grappling hair dryer and fires it towards Baymax who grabs it and swings it round lifting her into the air for her to land on Baymax’s back.
Her grappling hook retracts leaving Hiro completely amazed.
“You always carry a hair dryer with you?” Hiro said in amazement.
“Never leave home without one, it’s saved me on multiple occasions not just life and death but also hair crisis.” Kim breathed.
Suddenly Baymax avoided another blast from Greg Jack and flew away as he chased him.
“He is still shooting at us.” Baymax said “no kidding, we’ve got to get that detenator!” Kim said to Hiro, “Then we’ll need to ground him.” Hiro suggested.
(Music ends)
Back on the ground Wasabi was using his plasma blades to deflect blasts from Jack who was recovered and blasting them with his wrist blasters. Ron was running quickly to avoid them.
“Yow, yikes!” Ron said avoiding the blasts. Fred then charged forwards and using his suits enhanced jumping skills he performed a triple back flip.
“Homey chem ball me!” Fredzilla said and she fired a pink chemball from her purse and on the third flip Fredzilla kicked the ball into Jack and the chemball exploded and stuck him to the ground.
“Boyah Fred!” Ron cheered. However their celebration was interrupted by the sound of laser fire they looked up to see Baymax, Hiro and Kim struggling against Greg Jack and getting the detonator from him.
“We’ve gotta help them!” Honey Lemon said. “They’re too high up and none of us can fly.” Gogo said knowing that Baymax was the only one on the team who could fly. Or was he?
Rufus pulled on Rons shirt and he saw that his mole rat friend was wearing armour similar to Baymax including its ability to fly.
“Wait, Rufus! You can help them!” Ron said and Rufus nodded and almost on cue wings emerged from his armour and he posed like superman and rocketed into the sky.
“Go get um!” Ron called which left the rest of the team skeptical looks as to how a small mole rat can help their friends.
Greg Jack is going all out trying to shoot Baymax down he was beaten by these heroes before there’s no way he was going to let this happen again it would be an insult to his profession.
However he felt a tap on his head and he turned to see a small pink rodent dressed up in armour with a jet pack.
“Whuh?” Greg Jack said in surprise. “Hello” Rufus squeaked he then kicks Greg Jack in the face who cries in. Pain as he got hit in the mouth Rufus quickly flies away and Greg tries to grab him but misses.
“Hold still you little..” Greg jack growled and Rufus just spits his tongue like a child which winds up the Mad Jack even more.
However he’s so focused on the armoured naked mole rat he neglected a certain someone coming right at him.
“Hey!” Called a voice and Greg Jack turns to see Baymax heading right for him with Hiro and Kim riding him. However strangely as Greg braces for impact he sees the flying red robot missed him as he flew right by.
“Ha! You missed!” He shouted. Suddenly Hiro lands on his back and then hits a button on Greg’s jet pack which releases it from his armour.
“Oh no...” Greg Jack gulped. “JACK DOWN AGAAAAIIIIIN!” He yelled as he fell to the ground and Hiro was falling right behind him but then Baymax swings in and Kim manages to grab him as they fly down and grab Greg Jack and lower him to the ground safely.
“Nice one guys!” Honey Lemon cheered just then Rufus hovers down and lands on Baymax’s shoulder who turns to see him.
“Flying makes you a better companion Rufus.” Baymax said and Rufus smiles and offers his tiny fist for a. “Fist bump” he squeaked.
Baymax raises his fist and they bump them.
“ “Bah-la-la-la-la-la-la” The two said. “So” said Greg Jack getting their attention. “You think this is over?”
“Uh yeah.” Kim said taking the detonator from the compartment in his gauntlet and presses a red button that said disabled. Below the bridge the bombs then deactivate.
“Your bombs are disabled, your revenge done.” Kim listed. ‘“Oh and look.” Kim then pointed and they saw a fleet of helicopters but they didn’t belong to the SFPD.
“There’s Global Justice already here to Cart you guys away to prison.” Kim then pointed out. “Seems you guys have worked for a number of people on their most wanted list and you’ve committed a number of offences on their radar.” She then explained.
“Yeah sounds like someone tipped them off.” Ron then added with a smirk.
“Grr how did you guys get so good!” Greg Jack then asked Big Hero 6.
“Easy ‘Greg’ we’ve been training.” Hiro smirked “with the best.” He said looking to Kim who could only smile.
Soon Global Justice took the three Mad Jacks away to be incarcerated at their jail facility, whilst an officer of GJ explained everything to the police officer at the scene.
“Okay guys seriously, were we awesome? Or were we totally AWSOME!” Fredzilla said in excitement.
“I’ll admit, that was cool we’ve never taken down an enemy of ours that easily before.” Gogo admitted.
“Yeah, did you see that sling shot move we did!” Honey Lemon bounced excitedly.
“Yeah I hereby dub that move the Slingshot Punch!” Fred said.
“Yeah not to mention I was totally alive out there!” Wasabi said. “What about me I was helping too I drew his fire!” Ron pointed out feeling left out.
“We acted very efficiently in neutralising the target.” Baymax diagnosed.
“We stopped the bombs, thanks to Rufus.” Hiro said thanking the Molerat.
“But Kim I have to know how did you know that the Mad Jacks were wanted by those GJ guys?” Hiro then asked.
“Oh that’s easy during the fight I had Wade do some research into them hacking their website..” “Cool theme some by the way.” Ron then interrupts Kim.
“...yeah anyway Wade found the list of a number of clients they’ve worked for in the past including a number of war lords, crime bosses and of course a few super villains.” Kim listed
“To cut a long story short forward the info to some fiends of ours in GJ and off to jail they go.” Kim finished.
“Wow, you really can do anything.” Hiro said impressed. Kim could only smile humbly by this compliment. Just then.
“Oh my, that was AWESOME!” Shrieks a voice and they turned to see Karmi standing behind them.
“An actually team up between Kim Possible and Big Hero 6!” Karmi said excitedly.
“Oh I’ve got to get a picture of this.” She then said holding up her camera phone to take a photo.
The nine heroes just stood bemused but decided to pose for a photo while Hiro just kept a natural expression. Karmi takes a photo showing her a photo of Big Hero 6 and Team Possible together.
“Oh I’m so writing a fan fic about this Captain Cutie teams up with teen hero Kim Possible!” Karmi said practically bouncing away in excitement and could already picture her fan fiction taking place featuring chibi versions of the team and Kim.
Hiro just grimaced at the thought of what she just said.
“Captain Cutie?” Kim smirked with a raised eyebrow “Don’t ask” Hiro groaned.
Whilst events transpired at the bridge, far away in a old derelict warehouse on the dark side of town a lone figure stands alone in the darkness.
It was really Shego except something was different on her wrists she now wore metal gauntlet like devices with glowing green lines on them. Ever since her little meeting with Obake he left them for her as a ‘gift’. Though a little skeptical she decided to test his present somewhere away from prying eyes and she knew Drakken would just ask questions.
She looked at the gauntlets and they did seem to fit perfectly and surprisingly they didn’t clash with her outfit. However she was still unclear to their function.
“Alright let’s see what glow face’s toy can do.” She said to herself.
She infighter her powers as normal this then caused the gauntlets to activate which then caused her energy to glow brighter even her eyes started to glow a little.
She threw an energy blast at a crate in the warehouse and it immediately blew it into a million pieces. She was completely shocked.
“Whoa! My blasts were never that powerful?” She said in amazement. She looked to her gauntlets and when she touched one of the lines it took her energy and formed it into a blade comprised of her energy. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing.
She then smirked and swung her arm blade like a samurai and then with one swipe let loose a huge energy wave that completely incinerated two of the rear pillars.
She then bore a sadistic smile as her eyes glowed green and her hands burned with enhanced energy.
“Oh ho ho ho! Me likie.” She said “whoever that guy is he’s right it’s time to see what potential I have!” Shego said and let loose a huge blast of energy from her hands.
End of chapter 4
Whoa looks like Shego got an upgrade, looks like BH6 is gonna need that training Kim’s given them. Yes Obake has started to get involved in this story but still not the main villain (yet) The gauntlets were actually inspired by the KP 2019 live action film whilst they did make it look like the source of Shegos powers it didn't work for me so I’ve repurposed them as energy enhancers in this story.In terms of the Mad Jacks I always thought of them as the Team Impossible of the BH6 Universe except with more showmanship and cooler toys. So I was a bit gutted not seeing them in season 2 of the series lets hope they return for season 3 , but this did give me an idea revolving around their absence namely caught by higher authority. Chapter 5 coming soon.
#Kim Possible#Big Hero 6#Big Hero 6 the series#ron stoppable#Rufus#Disney#Disney Channel#Hiro#Baymax#Honey lemon#GoGo Tamago#Wasabi#Fan fiction#Crossover#Cartoon Crossover#super heroes#cartoons and comics#Kim Possible 2019
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Gogomaggedon Part 4
It’s Gogo’s Time M*therfuckers!
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]
Name: Sun
Description: Fires a ray of optimism at every Gogo in its path.
Ability: Happy Ray
Starting off with a pretty abstract one! Sun has two far-away birds for a face and a Funshine Bear-esque belly ray, which I love. Not much to say here, honestly, just a solid design.
Name: Sunon
Description: Ticklish all over his body. Nobody can even stand close to him.
Ability: Ticklish
Unpleasant! Again, I feel like this is more of an inconvenience than an ability, but what do I know? That face which I thought was reasonably cool at first becomes significantly less so given the tickling context, like Sunon is wincing in constant anticipation/agony. Bad to think about!
Name: Hiro
Description: Solves problems with electrifying 500W ideas.
Ability: Electric Ideas
Kind of a neat take on the classic imagery of a lightbulb popping up over someone’s head when they get an idea, but I personally feel like that’s all they’ve got going for them. They’re that kind of cute and charming that’s really just neutral to me, except the inclusion of the gigantic outie belly button actually shifts me from neutral to disliking it. I’ve never understood the appeal of that. It’s one of those things that I think a lot of people find “cute” like snot bubbles to indicate someone is sleeping, but honestly it just grosses me out.
Name: Hiroki
Description: Never afraid of new games. Always on the front line.
Ability: Bravery
Hiroki on the other hand is great. The way they reworked the helmet so that the face hole becomes some kind of T-shaped indentation that frames the eyes is very creative and visually interesting. It may be totally silly but I appreciate the absurdity of it.
Name: Aka
Description: Can collide with 100 Gogos without getting any bumps or bruises.
Ability: Hammer Head
Although I don’t have much to say about Aka, I do enjoy their general look. Dark lines around the eyes are always a nice way to bring up a design a couple notches in my book.
Name: Akone
Description: The masters made him into a Kung Fu hero.
Ability: Invisible Karate Chop
Ah yes, another super abstract one. His complete lack of any facial features other than this weird… gray shape? In the middle of his face is certainly visually distinct. Does an invisible karate chop imply that it’s a psychic thing? Who knows.
Name: Molly
Description: Getting angry is no problem because it lasts less than 1 second!
Ability: Micro-anger
Oh wow, another one that’s basically just a big, grimacing mouth with no other discernible features, huh? Weird.
Psyche!!! For some reason, Molly’s eyes just… aren’t present in their official sticker image. The plot thickens (for seemingly no reason)! Molly is pretty cute, though. I like the teddy bear body with the big sharp teeth.
Name: Sully
Description: The energy of the stars is always with him... or so he says.
Ability: Force Concentrator
Is that an eye? A circular mouth? A funny wheel? Who says it can’t be all of the above? The flourishes surrounding it make it look kind of ethereal. If the energy of the stars is always with him, maybe he’s a celestial being with crazy angel powers. I don’t know!
Name: Nari
Description: Don’t try and out-stare Nari. You will lose.
Ability: Concentration
Seems like they’ve got a bit of an Avatar motif going on. That’s cool. They’re just kind of a little guy, though.
Name: Nairon
Description: He shows himself in darkness thanks to his glowing glasses.
Ability: Particle Searcher
This is immediately better, however. It would’ve been enough that he’s got a funny puzzle piece mask, but apparently it’s also a glowing visor? That’s pretty cool! It’s also implied through his ability that it grants him some kind of supervision.
Phew, just like that, we’re a quarter of the way through! Be on the lookout for new reviews, and thanks for reading!
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Catastrophe City Part 1- BH6 AU
This is really long, so sorry
Okay so Globby realizes he wants to help and tries to break Hiro out, but is unsuccessful. He escapes to get help from the other heroes. Fred and Honey Lemon are quick to trust him and Wasabi took a minute but realized it was the only thing they got. GoGo didn't trust anything about him and an argument breaks out between her and Honey, then goes to extremes when GoGo calls Honey immature and insults her to the point she even regretted it. They decide to split off and Honey with the group go to help Hiro while GoGo decided to do things her way. The group try to come up with a plan to rescue Hiro, but are stopped by Noodle Burger Boy and Trina with some upgrades from Baymax's design. While that fight breaks out, GoGo goes to the pier to try and rescue Hiro herself, but is met by Momakase. After fighting, the bomb is then activated. Momakase defeats GoGo, destroying her discs and landed some bloody hits before making her get away, which is where she got her eye scar. Noodle Burger Boy and Trina are able to escape with rocket power back to their hideout, suffering some injuries. The bomb goes off and everyone is hit.
Honey Lemon- She was protected by Globby wrapping around her in time and her suit. Her suit was destroyed and her purse was unusable. Globby was severely damaged and took a long time to recover, and it took away a lot of his shapeshifting. He was able to wrap around Honey mainly but took a lot of the damage from the others too, the reason they survived?
Wasabi- He shielded himself with his plasma blades and his suit protected him, but he got intense injuries, including getting thrown back into a building and causing permanent back issues.
Fred- He was protected a lot by his suit, but the suits super jump was disabled and MiniMax was hit hard, even when covered by Fred's arms. He broke his arm but was overall safe.
GoGo- She was hit hard but was able to find cover fast. Not fast enough. She was hit so hard that a burn mark singed her stomach and she lost her memory. The building she was hiding behind collapsed around her and gave her the rest of her scars.
Hiro- He was under in Obake's hideout and was protected along with Baymax, but he saw everything on Obake's screens.
After the star went off, the team was separated, but somehow alive. Every other person was dead, and all the city was destroyed, save for some buildings that were slightly broken down, mainly at the edge of the city. Obake quickly begins to lay out his plans for the new city and Hiro is sent to the cell. He refuses to eat, but will sometimes drink when needed. Baymax will sometimes goes inside to ease him into joining Obake, assuring he has nothing left to lose. A few weeks go by and he's ready to accept his friends are gone, as everything thinks they're dead. He decides he has nothing else but his intellect and starts doing small chores for Obake. Eventually he does more and more tasks that lead him to enjoy working with Obake. He grows into a sort of Stockholm Syndrome and after 2 years, works for Obake with ease and now is allowed to have Baymax as his sidekick again. Baymax is allowed to be restored but only when someone needs medical care, to which he will try to get Hiro out of it, but will always be shut off before he could help him.
Meanwhile, the rest of the team survives and tries to live with all the newly strong villains building Obake's new city.
Hiro/ Micro-Max: Will help in technology and building plans as well as field work. He'll often make upgrades for everyone, even Obake himself. He turns slightly crazy and will gladly hurt anyone and do Obake's bidding. Thought he saw Honey Lemon when on one of his field assignment, but tries to tell himself it's not real. Baymax, though his healthcare chip is overridden, can still record moments and when in healthcare mode shows Hiro that it was her and that he wasn't hallucinating. He always pushes it aside. He eventually recreates his microbots and a new mask, naming himself Micro-Max, or M.M.
Honey Lemon/Chem-trail: After the blast, she and Globby were separated from the others and thought they were dead. After looking for a while, they gave up and focused on fighting back. They live in the old school lab and search for items to remake Honey's chem purse along with electricity so they can fight the newly upgraded villains with some aid. Honey was spotted by Hiro when out on a search and didn't recognize him or Baymax, just telling Globby she thought " the big guy looked like Baymax, but not as friendly". They both think Hiro and Baymax are dead, as if they weren't they'd surely come looking for them. They keep looking for the others, though, thinking that there are parts of them out there. She keeps a small locket she found from when she went back to her and GoGo's apartment. There were parts of the building still intact, including a few pictures. One of which is of the two, and she keeps it around her neck at all times, regretting their last talk. Develops new name in case an enemy hears Globby talking to her, to keep the fact she's alive a secret.
Wasabi/No-Ginger: After waking up surrounded by filth, he freaks out and looks for everyone else, but is unsuccessful. The only piece of his suit that survives is a single plasma blade that will tap out all the time. He makes him home in an abandoned warehouse and starts to become obsessed with dirt because it's all around him and it's all he has. He sees it as his happy place and now covers himself in filth to feel at peace cause he's always stressed. When out looking for food, he finds a raccoon, who helps him find more food and they become friends after he saves the animal from enemy detection. He named him Sebastian and they help each other survive. Wasabi never gives up hope that his friends are still out there, and will always be on the look out for them, but never leaves the area he feels comfortable in. Gets his name from the last part of his nickname since no one knows that part of his name.
Fred/ Zilla: After waking up with a broken arm, trapped in his suit and a broken MiniMax in his arms, he looks for his friends but is unsuccessful. He makes his way to the sewers and aids his arm. He stays down there most of the time until he's hungry, to which he sneaks out and scavenges anything and brings it back down. His arm eventually heals and he is finally able to remove his suit, which has no more super jump, but still has fire. He starts to go crazy by being alone and will talk to the broken MiniMax, then starts to mimic his answers to fill the void. He looks for his friends and comes up empty, but found a Wasabi's broken visor and will wear it around. He finds little creatures in the sewer and will befriend all of them. He also practices fighting, saying he'll fix it and he'll make them proud. He talks to himself more than he'd care to admit, but it's the only way he feels safe. He usually will say things along the lines of " Don't worry, you guys, i'll save you. I'll take them down for you. Maybe i could bring you back.."
GoGo/ Singe: After waking up covered in rubble and scars, she can't remember anything due to amnesia. The blast burned right above her stomach and along her ribs, and was tender for a few weeks. Her scars were still fresh and so it made it hard to move, but she made sure to get out of there before the villains came to do a scan to make sure they were all gone. She still wore her suit, but took it off when it became a problem with how damaged it was. She kept her helmet, seeing it as her safe space. With no memory, she knows the villains around her are a threat, but doesn't know what's going on or what's happened. She makes her way through different areas cautiously and sees everything as a threat, paranoia being her drive (headcanon) and ADHD forcing her to move. She never stays in one place for too long, and scavenges all she can. Sometimes she'll see new people, but will never investigate. Gets her name from her burn mark, and no memory of her name before. Sometimes she'll dream up memories, but thinks nothing of it. Just wants out of the city.
They all eventually meet again after 2 years of thinking the others are dead. Honey Lemon fixes her purse and makes it able to transfer electricity. She and Globby go out looking for supplies and see someone running across the open space. They chase after the person and finds them in a warehouse. When they go in, they are attacked by Wasabi with his plasma blade and raccoon. Once he realizes it's his friends, he immediately falls in to hug her, tears down his muddy face. Globby just watches, cause he's a good lad. They think since they're alive, that the others are as well and set out to find them. They use their research on where everyone hasn't been and decide to look in the sewers for Fred, cause Wasabi said he heard stuff from there. When they go down, they are attacked by Fred in his monster suit and a trained lizard named Wasabi Junior. Once again, he realizes it's them and they hug. They feel even more hope for Hiro, Baymax and GoGo and set out to find them, but not before Honey fixes MiniMax's battery with her purse along with recharging Wasabi's plasma blade. They use MiniMax's detection software and are able to find GoGo. When they find her, she runs away, stating they were "one of them". When they try to convince her they weren't bad, she pulls a knife on them and makes a getaway. Honey goes to talk to her alone when MiniMax states she has amnesia. GoGo still has her knife up just in case, but listens to what she has to say. Honey tells her that they were friends and about the star explosion, but GoGo doesn't believe her. When she calls her by her name, GoGo stops her and says that isn't her name, that it was Singe, then shows her the burn. Honey and her talk a bit more before she shows her the locket with the picture of them. GoGo feels she knows that picture, but can't remember, but she trusts her for the time being as they needed to survive, or at least just long enough until she could get out of the city. She keeps the locket around her neck like Honey did and feels safe with it, not sure why, but safe nonetheless.
They all set out to look for Hiro, suspecting he's trapped with Obake, and then find him right in front of them, helping the new city uprising. They feel he's being controlled and so make a plan to get to him. They learn his field days and then on one where no one else is there, they approach him. With the sudden reappearance of his friends, Hiro is filled with excitement and happiness, but it quickly is extinguished by Baymax stating they were impostors. He then attacks them with Baymax and once they all run their separate ways, he heads back to the lair. When consulting Obake on the matter, he says he did the right thing and that if they see those "fakers", they'd deal with them properly. Obake knew that they were real and wants to kill them so Hiro wont be distracted.
When Baymax is in his medical state, he doesn't hesitate to tell and show Hiro that those were his real friends and that Obake was lying to him. He takes the words to heart but doesnt let it show for a while. One day, he goes on a field mission alone and decides to look for them. He finds them and they tell him everything that's happened, with him sharing as well. GoGo doesn't trust it and leaves, as it's worked for her so far.
The only problem is that Obake used this to find out their location from a tracker in his body, and once Hiro left, he sent everyone to kill them. GoGo sees the ambush and runs in to help. They fight back weakly, Fred's fire, Wasabi's plasma blade, Honey's purse, Globby's abilities and GoGo's agility and knife just aren't enough.
When Hiro arrives at the lair, he is informed on what's happened and then tries to run off, but a corrupted Baymax traps him. Obake uses the microbot neural transmitter to control Hiro's thoughts just enough to make him think he was right to kill them.
Globby and Honey are able to hold off the villains just long enough for the group to escape with injuries. Without fighting memory, GoGo is basically useless and hands her knife and other weapons to Wasabi and Fred. Globby is killed except for a piece of his body that is now kept in a jar in Noodle Burger Boy's head for Obake to use. The villains capture Honey as the others make their escape.
Back at the lair, the villains bring Globby and Honey to Obake, who feels they could be useful alive. He turns Globby into Nega-Globby and gives a mind control device to Honey to make her work on chemicals for his city. Obake forces Honey to reveal the others are still alive and where to find them, then send her and Nega Globby after them, knowing he could use them.
So now Wasabi, MiniMax, GoGo and Fred head to Wasabi's hideout to figure out what to do. The first thing they do is try to get GoGo's memories back so she can help fight or at least help build something to fight back. The only thing they can get her to remember is how to make her discs. So they all work together to make new suits out of things they can find and Fred's suit. They aren't great, but they're good enough. Just in time, Honey bursts through the door with Nega-Gobby hiding inside her purse and she convinces them to follow her. They don't know what happened to her, so they trust her. The only one detecting something wrong is GoGo, feeling it's odd. MiniMax is unable to see through the mind control due to its scanner jamming, so no one believes her.
When they follow Honey, it's a trap with all the villains, including Nega-Globby coming out of the purse to restrain them.
When they go back to the lair, Obake scans their minds to see if they're useful. Wasabi and MiniMax are 100% useful, Fred is only useful as someone to throw into fights, and he was skeptical about GoGo, due to her memory loss, but thinks if she can't get it back normally or with his help, he can just strip it from her forcibly for tech information.
Now with Hiro, Wasabi, Honey, and Fred under Obake's influence, Baymax is tasked with fixing everyone's injuries, which means his medical chip is activated. He knows there's no point in breaking through to the others, so when he goes to fix up GoGo, he immediately tells her they need to help. She doesn't trust him until he starts showing her videos of their past, which doesn't rekindle her memory, but assures her that he is a friend. They make a plan to bust out, including removing Obake's chip from Baymax to make sure he doesn't go bad mode.
When Obake comes into the room, he has Baymax scan GoGo to see how bad the memory loss is. When he does, he states the memory loss is not from head injury, but from a certain energy radiation to her frontal lobe. Obake tries a test and sees that she has a similar injury to him. He decides not to bring back all her memories, only the ones that make her useful and leaves to gather some of the others to help.
Baymax and GoGo then leave the room and go around the back to try to free at least one other person, which turns out to be Hiro.
They have a small fight that ends with GoGo hitting Hiro with a sort of electrical/radiated pulse that damages the mind controlling neural transmitter and fixing him. They make their way to his room because he had a couple copies of the transmitter built before Obake turned one into a brainwashing device. He used the new one to gain control of his microbots again and he, Baymax and GoGo find out how best to fix their friends. Hiro knew they could use GoGo's new power to disable the others' chips. They were looking for them already, knowing they were gone, started to tear the place up to make sure they didn't leave.
Hiro, knowing the place pretty well, was able to lure them into a large area where he had Baymax and him distract them while GoGo tried to use her power to deactivate the chips. She was able to get only Honey out of it before the villains realized what was going on. A large fight ensues. Obake steps in and makes an offer; if he could have Hiro and GoGo on his side, he'll let the others go, as he sees them as the most useful.
They agree, and the rest are set free to live their own lives in the city, but Hiro and GoGo use Obake's fasle sense of security to take down his plans from the inside and completely destroyed his lab, and took out the upgrades for the villains. When they escape and are chased by said villains, the group take them down with ease and stolen tech. Globby's dead rip.
Now, they're all free in the destroyed city and make plans to rebuild it correctly, themselves as its new leaders. They name the new city Big City 6. It takes years and years to rebuild, but thanks to Hiro's microbots it's a lot easier.
GoGo eventually gets some of her memories back, but some things are still foggy, and she has trouble remembering things in the now. Baymax keeps helping her condition, but doesn't think it can ever get better.
Everyone gets along, getting new abilities and helping one another, making sure to not take each other for granted. Hiro and Wasabi have PTSD from the explosion and the meddling with the minds. Fred gets paranoia and Honey gets anxious easily.
Baymax and Minimax fair well with new abilities and being able to feel more than just normal robotics should allow.
Honey takes on a motherly role, Wasabi becomes like a father, Fred like a big brother, GoGo like a big sister, and Hiro like the little brother. Baymax and Minimax take on a father son bond and become like guard dogs but best friends to the team.
Where it goes from there? Now that's a different story 0w0
#bh6#bh6 the series#big hero 6#big hero six#big hero 6 the series#big hero 6 au#bh6 au#gogo tomago#bh6 gogo#hiro hamada#bh6 hiro#bh6 fred#bh6 wasabi#wasabi no ginger#fredzilla#baymax#bh6 baymax#big hero 6 the series au
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