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afterlifeoftheparty · 5 years ago
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charlienick · 5 years ago
hi and i love u. "i swallow your heart and it crawls right out of my mouth" for the prompts....
Richie has decided that his dream-self can get fucked. And not in the fun way.
When he’s 24, at least once per night, Richie has what he would describe as an erotic nightmare. He never actually has sex in these dreams, nor does he die or even get seriously maimed. But they’re still definitely erotic, and they’re definitely nightmares. 
The first went something like this:
He is tied to a chair. He can’t get up. The rope is chafing his skin. He struggles against the darkness, but he does not move. He can’t. Squinting out into the inky black, he wonders if he’s wearing his glasses. It’s only once he has that thought that he sees a spotlight lighting up his childhood kitchen. His refrigerator has magnets from Acadia National Park, a photo of him and Bill flipping off the camera and laughing, a copy of his sonogram. The sight of it makes him ache in a way he can’t describe, nor does he have time to, because stepping out of the hallway and into the light is his childhood best friend, Eddie Kaspbrak.
Eddie is wearing a cream-colored sweater that he wore a lot in his late-teens and the bright red shorts he was so fond of in middle school. It’s a jarring combination, because Richie never saw him wear those two articles of clothing at the same time, let alone in the same era. He’s picking at a thread spinning loose from the sweater, looking down at it. He bites his bottom lip, and Richie starts to feel nervous, uncomfortable, because whenever he finds himself wishing Eddie were a woman so that it would feel normal for him to want to take his lip between his own, he looks away. Makes a joke. Averts attention from the ache in his heart, in his head, in his jeans.
He can’t do that now. He tries, but he doesn’t succeed. There’s something invisible keeping his head pointed forward. Eddie snaps his eyes up, smirks with the lip still caught in his teeth, and says… something. Richie can’t hear him from so far away, his hearing fuzzy the way his vision always is. The smirk isn’t cruel, isn’t mean or even teasing. Eddie looks proud of himself. He shucks off his sweater in one fluid movement and drops it to the linoleum beneath him. His skin shines golden, and Richie can hardly breathe. He feels like he’s being asphyxiated, and he bucks his hips, turned on and terrified.
And then he wakes up.
Dreams like this have happened almost nightly for months now. Once, it’s Eddie giving him a lap dance while he’s tied to the couch in their apartment. Another time, Bev catches Eddie stripping for him in his bedroom, and her laughter echoes all the way into the waking world. Regardless of the content of his dreams, Richie always remembers them in painstaking detail, and it’s really causing a rift between he and Eddie.
This sucks major donkey dick for three reasons: the first is that Richie is, like, deeply uncomfortable in his own home at all times. He can’t look at Eddie with his feet propped up on the ottoman without remembering how his legs looked wrapped around Richie’s waist, can’t hear his voice without remembering how he sounded moaning Richie’s name. The second reason, of course, is that Eddie is his best friend, and it’s shitty that Richie can’t find comfort in that the way he used to.
The third reason is that Eddie is starting to fucking notice.
He cornered Richie in the kitchen while he was making himself breakfast two mornings ago, and demanded he tell him what he did wrong because he couldn’t stand another weird, uncomfortable second of this weird standstill he and Richie had found themselves in. “What weird, uncomfortable standstill?” Richie had basically responded with, chuckling manically like that wouldn’t be a total tip-off that things were in fact weird and uncomfortable.
He has stopped walking around in his boxers, terrified that he’s going to get a hard-on when Eddie, like, waters the fucking spider plant and his shirt rides up and Richie short-circuits and has a total meltdown.
So he figures he’s attracted to his best friend. So what, he says to himself alone in his bedroom after jacking off the moment he woke up for the fifth day in a row. So I’m attracted to Eddie. Eddie is a pretty boy. This means nothing. I’m still straight.
He considers bringing this up to Stan, because next to Eddie, Stan is his best friend, but Stan would definitely laugh at him and say something like you’re an idiot. Go kiss your roommate and leave me be, which, okay, true, but not necessary. He knows, Brain-Stan! He’s aware the situation is reaching its boiling point! But he can’t exactly fucking tell Eddie, hey, I wanna suck your dick, but no homo, O best friend of mine! Eddie wouldn’t understand that the situation is precariously balanced between Richie’s suppression and the knowledge that Eddie has definitely sucked dick before.
Because Eddie was able to come out after he and the Losers moved from Maine to San Francisco, he has caught some dick regularly for the past six years. He’s pretty, as Richie’s head, heart, and apparently now dick all agree upon, and the four or so men he has in rotation all seem to think so, too. When Eddie would bring home a suitor prior to Richie’s epic sexual breakdown, he would just scamper over to Bev and Ben’s, or go bother Stan, Mike, and Bill at theirs. Now however, because on top of being attracted to his best friend, he’s also a goddamn masochist, and he’s staying holed up in his room listening to Eddie get fucked (or fuck? He isn’t certain on the makeup of his screwings, though not for lack of trying), one hand stripping his dick, feeling like a total and complete asshole. 
Richie knows that one’s sexuality is not always privy to one’s knowledge of whether or not the person would be interested in bedding him or not, and his wild imagination is not totally hinged upon reality. Bev and Ben would definitely not tie him up and have their way with him, but that’s still a familiar fantasy in his spank bank; he knows it will never happen, but it’s called a fantasy for a reason. However, jacking off to the sound of actual-Eddie’s moans and sighs is definitely crossing a line, and he knows it.
So since that one fated, sordid evening, he has decided that he isn’t going to jack off at all until either the dreams stop or he’s able to talk this out with Eddie in a normal way without totally having a mental breakdown.
This was a stupid decision, he decides ten days in, because it seems like the dreams aren’t going to stop and he’s going to have to face this for real or his subconscious might actually eat him alive. He’s not going to give into his libido because his heart is stronger than that. His weak willpower will not be his downfall.
So he decides to talk to Ben, because he’s the least likely to make fun of him about this, and because he might be able to knock some sense into him.
“Wait, you and Eddie aren’t making love already?” Ben’s face screws up in confusion. “Oh.”
“What do you mean, oh? We haven’t ever knocked boots because I’m straight as an arrow.”
“Sorry to inform you, Rich, but having… ‘erotic nightmares’ about your male best friend isn’t exactly heterosexual behavior.” Richie goes to cut in, but Ben holds a hand up. “And what would be so wrong with liking boys? Or liking Eddie?” Richie snaps his mouth shut. “Eddie is the best. You love Eddie as a friend, right?”
“Totally, yeah, I mean, yeah!” Richie rambles, nodding violently.
Ben smiles patiently, “So what would be so bad about loving him all the way?”
“I… I didn’t know… I mean, I’ve had sex with girls. It just doesn’t light a fire under my dick the same way this seems to. He’s so pretty, and I don’t quite know how to go back to seeing him the way I used to now that I see him so clearly. It’s like I’ve been looking at him without my glasses on my whole life, and now everything is so much less fuzzy. Like I understand it better now.” His eyes widen as the silence stretches on, Ben smiling softly the whole time. “I mean, uh, you know, he could hop on my dick and I wouldn’t say no. Then I’d have fucked the whole Kaspbrak clan.”
Ben’s nose wrinkles in distaste, so he doesn’t respond to that. Instead, he says, “Tell him, Richie. I promise it won’t go badly.”
“But what if he doesn’t want to fuck me back?”
“You really think all this is is sex, Richie?” Ben asks quietly. He offers him another smile, an encouraging one this time, “And I already promised—it won’t go badly.”
So Richie decides, fuck it. He’ll tell Eddie tomorrow.
But then he wakes up in a cold sweat from tonight’s newest erotic nightmare, this time leaning more heavily on the nightmarish aspect than the erotic, and he decides tomorrow can’t wait. Tonight. He’s doing this right now, because he can’t stand another moment not being close to Eddie.
He puts on his glasses, pads out of his room and knocks softly on Eddie’s door. “Eds? You up?” Silence. He knocks a bit harder. “Eddie?” He hears Eddie sniff harshly from inside his room, and something knocks loudly. “Eds? You okay?”
“Mmph,” comes Eddie’s muffled reply. “Come in, you dick.”
Richie smiles and does as he’s told. He can see Eddie relatively clearly through the slats in the blinds open to the moon high above them. He’s rubbing the side of his head, his hair a total mess, his shirt rumpled, his frown intense, and Richie realizes, fuck, I love this angry little goblin. Jesus Christ, I love him.
“Hitting your head on the headboard is way less fun when you’re by yourself,” he grumbles. He wraps an arm around his knees and tilts his head. “What’s up at… 3:50 AM?”
“I…” Richie breathes out unsteadily. He decides to go with the truth: “I had a nightmare.”
“Oh. Shit,” Eddie frowns, pulling back the blankets. “You wanna cuddle?”
Richie nods dramatically and pitches himself into Eddie’s bed, immediately wrapping himself around Eddie. Eddie snorts, laughs quietly, and turns in Richie’s hold, slotting their thighs together so they’re facing one another. “Dick. You know I don’t like to be the little spoon, ‘specially with you and your newborn-deer limbs.”
“Can’t you make an exception just this once, Spaghetti?” Richie smiles, but he’s really only teasing; he’s just fine with this.
“So long as you tell me what the dream was about.” Richie tenses in Eddie’s hold, thinking, shit, I really should’ve assumed he’d ask. “I mean, if you want. But until you tell me, I demand to be the big spoon.”
Richie sighs, turning in Eddie’s hold only because it’ll be easier to say it if he isn’t looking right at him. “So I’ve been having these… we’ll call them erotic nightmares.”
“That sounds like a term you thought of weeks ago and are very proud to finally get the chance to utter.”
“Die.” Eddie snorts. “Actually, don’t-don’t do that,” Richie whispers, “please don’t die.”
“I won’t,” Eddie says, sounding like he’s about to laugh but trying not to. “Was that what the dream was about tonight? Is that why you’ve been acting so weird lately?”
“Sort of, yeah. You were, uh, you were on top of me, and you… I didn’t even see it coming. Your heart, it was… I don’t even think it could ever happen in real life.”
Eddie slips a hand beneath Richie’s shirt, cupping his hip bone and rhythmically running his thumb in the hollow between it and his stomach. “It didn’t happen, Rich. I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.”
Richie breathes out, less shaky this time, and nods. “Okay.”
A long pause, and then, “You said these nightmares, they’re erotic.” Richie’s blood runs cold. Fuck, he didn’t want this to be how he said it. “Is that why I was on top of you?”
“Sort of,” Richie whispers. “Yeah.”
“Like… Like this?” Eddie dislodges his thigh out from between Richie’s and hooks it over his hips, forcing him to lay flat on the bed. Eddie hovers over him, eyes dark and electric in the moonlight. He looks ethereal, holy, and nothing like he did in the dream. “What happens next? When I’m above you like this?”
“It’s different every time,” Richie says all in one breath. Eddie’s boxer shorts are hanging and brushing against the tops of Richie’s thighs. He feels a light breeze away from spontaneously combusting. “Sometimes you dance for me.”
Eddie wrinkles his nose, laughing quietly, “I can’t dance.”
“I know that, but my dreams don’t.” Eddie smile drops in an instant.
“What else?”
“Sometimes you hold me down⁠—”
Richie cuts himself off with a gasp when Eddie nudges Richie’s hands out from where they’re balled in Eddie’s sheets and presses them down to the bed beside his head. “Like this?” Richie chokes, nodding. He can’t say anything. He can hardly breathe. “What’s next, Richie?”
“You-you grind on me ‘til you—oh, holy shit.” Eddie swivels his hips in a tight circle against Richie’s dick, both of them already hard.
“Yeah? You been dreamin’ of me like this, Rich? How long?”
“How long,” he grinds down low, and Richie moans, “have you,” he does it again, and Richie gasps, keening loudly, “been dreaming of me? Because I’ve been dreaming of you for years, Rich.”
“Motherfucking tap-dancing Jesus, you have?” Richie demands.
“Of course I have. Sometimes, when I bring a boy home, I pretend he’s you.”
“Oh my God.”
“Sometimes I accidentally say your name.”
Richie bucks his hips, feeling wild, caged. “Eddie, please, I need—”
“What do you want, Rich? I’ll give you whatever you want.”
“Kiss me.” And he does. It’s everything and nothing like Richie dreamed it would be. It’s hot, searing, Eddie’s mouth a brand against his own, but the way Eddie is licking into his mouth feels nothing like he dreamed it would. It feels like he just wants to take care of Richie; he really wants to give Richie everything he asks for, and Richie feels drunk with the power-rush that brings. Beautiful, perfect, wonderful Eddie Kaspbrak wants to give him what he asks.
“Eddie,” he pants, and Eddie immediately pulls away, eyes liquid as they rake over Richie’s chest, still covered in his shirt. The light weight of it is suddenly stifling. “Please take off my shirt.”
“Of course, baby,” Eddie murmurs, unlocking their fingers and helping Richie sit up so he can do as he’s asked. “That better, angel?”
“Oh my God,” Richie whines, nodding. “This is so hot.”
Eddie smiles, “I agree. You’re definitely as beautiful as I dreamed you’d be.”
“You dreamed about me, too?” Richie sighs, suddenly feeling overwhelmed with the thought of Eddie stripping his dick to the girls Richie’s brought home.
“Of course, Richie,” Eddie responds, hushed as he maps out Richie’s torso with the palms of his hands. One of his thumbs catches on Richie’s nipple, and he hisses, then gasps when he does it again. “Sometimes it’s sex dreams, like yours, but sometimes I dream you take me out to eat, or to the movies. Once, I dreamed you asked me to marry you and I woke up crying.”
“Eddie,” Richie says, all broken into pieces, jagged edges that sound serrated. “I would. You know I would, right?”
Eddie smiles softly, leaning over Richie and lacing their fingers back together, but the weight of Eddie on top of him doesn’t feel so suppressive anymore. It’s a comfort. It’s everything he could never admit to wanting. “I do now.”
He captures Richie’s mouth again, kisses that fall over him like stars, like meteorites, planets exploding behind his eyelids and pop rocks fizzing in his blood. He’s a shaking mess by the time Eddie pulls back again, kissing his neck and then sucking a mark into his collarbone, to his pulse point. He feels ready to burst, nearing absolute explosion.
“I want to fuck you, Richie,” Eddie says against his skin, and Richie moans to the ceiling, eyes rolling back in his head. “I want to fuck you, but I need to know this isn’t a one time thing. I won’t be my best friend’s sexual experiment, and I won’t be your fuck buddy. I can’t.”
“Eddie, I… look at me, please look at me,” Richie begs, unlacing their fingers and cupping Eddie’s cheeks. He looks terrified, ready to work himself into a panic attack, so Richie says, “I want to fuck you too, but more than that, I want to fuck your heart.”
Eddie snorts and goes boneless, his forehead knocking into Richie’s chin. “I hate you so much. I can’t believe you just said you want to fuck my heart, that’s so gross, what does that even mean?”
“It means exactly what it sounds like,” Richie says, proud that he managed to distract Eddie from the burgeoning panic. “I want to fuck your heart.”
“No, I want to fuck your heart,” Eddie shoots back, frowning intensely. Richie’s responding smile is blinding.
“We’re heart-switches.”
“This is the worst day of my life.”
“Sure, Eds.”
“Don’t call me Eds in bed! I’m outlawing all nicknames when we’re hard, it’s uncouth!”
“What about…” Richie runs the tip of his nose over the thin skin of Eddie’s neck, “baby?”
“Oh,” Eddie sighs, elbows buckling where he’s holding himself over top of Richie, “baby’s good.”
“Yeah?” Richie smiles, hooking his hands up under Eddie’s shirt and bunching it under his arms. “What about angel, my love, is that one okay?”
“This isn’t fair,” Eddie whines, falling down to his elbows and crushing Richie as he laughs, “you can’t use my weak heart against me.”
“Weak?” Richie smiles against Eddie’s skin, feeling more at home than he ever has in his life. “Nah. I think you’re the strongest person I know.”
“Richie…” Eddie smiles, embarrassed, and leans up to kiss him again, which is fine with Richie, because he’s embarrassed, too. Thank god for erotic nightmares, Richie thinks as he cups Eddie’s hip and licks into his mouth, finally free, finally alive.
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suits · 5 years ago
michelllejones replied to your post “eddie died and for what”
for benverly to kiss in dirty lake water
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willelbyers · 5 years ago
🌟 (ps ily)
Thumbs - Sabrina Carpenter
(send me a 🌟 and I’ll rec a song for you!)
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sarah-snook · 5 years ago
not anon because i don’t follow rules but i think u are what lady gaga was talking about in the video of her saying “amazing showstopping breathtaking incredible” because you are all those things and more 🌟
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ma’am i love you so fucking much! i’m luchrally in tears rn...but they’re happy tears because that’s how you make me feel....happy. I LOVE YOU!!!!!
send me an anon message saying what you think of me!
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williamdickey · 5 years ago
🌻💫💛✨This is the Amazing Person Award! Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the ask of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it is sweet to know someone thinks you’re amazing inside and out ✨💛💫🌻
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morgan... the way i love you....
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tozierwho · 5 years ago
hi. hello. ❤️ ily
morgan, u genuinely make me so happy and i’m so glad we met! u hate everything i say bc it’s usually very very chaotic HOWEVER u say the most chaotic shit i’ve ever read and i LOVE U for it “what is that on my forehead” will be our always. ur such an amazing writer and every time i read some of ur work? ICONIC. ur licherally an icon and idk what i did to deserve u in my life.
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runsinthefmily · 5 years ago
⭐ because you’re small like a travel sized shampoo bottle and you’ve never done anything wrong in your life and i love that you never have any idea what i’m talking about also i lov u
SHUTUPSHUTUP MY HEART CANT HANDLE THIS!!!!!!MORGAN!!!!!!! I love anything you say even tho yes I sometimes have no clue what you are saying but I’ll always nod and smile ☺️💕
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thepoisonroom · 5 years ago
came for the it posts and stayed for the stream of conscience and your non-it related posts!!! you’re so funny!!!! i don’t have any other choice BUT to stay
Ugh thank you you're literally so sweet I WILL accept your pity laughs
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stansbooty · 5 years ago
buttery (for the ask thing)
buttery - favorite snack: hmmm probably popcorn or strawberries
ask me things pls!! 
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afterlifeoftheparty · 5 years ago
11 for the fic asks bc i like discourse
11. least favorite trope/element/scenario?
this is more of an au but i hate like. royalty aus if that makes sense. also i'm gonna get gutted for this but i don't rly care for enemies to friends to lovers like i'll read it sometimes but it's just not my thing. uhhh i'm not a big fan of character a thinks character b is cheating i think it's boring and overdone!! oh and this is SO specific but i HATE breakfast club aus because people never ever get the characters into the right roles from tbc it really grinds my gears as the #1 tbc fan of all time people always fuck those up
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outlawhamster · 6 years ago
this is sort of in hierarchical order but also not exactly:
1. the knife of never letting go by patrick ness
2. the last star by rick yancey
3. percy jackson and the olympians: the titan’s curse by rick riordan
4. the joy luck club by amy tan
5. okay i don’t know the name of the book or the author because the books the lady wrote were so obscure u had to find them on ebay and bid for them because they were like rare hard finds but it was a book about foxes from the perspective of a babie fox and i loved it a lot
ask me my top 5 ____!
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hazardsoflove · 6 years ago
happy birthday!!!! 💖💫
thank you 💕💕
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willelbyers · 5 years ago
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I’m finally clearing out my inbox because I am a terrible blogger and anyway I love you all!!!!!!!!!!!
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sarah-snook · 5 years ago
❤️ hi sun to my stars.... i lub u
listen.....i have so much to say but at the same time at a loss for words because you are BLINDING. what do i mean by that?? ok here we go:
your beauty for one - you’re gorgeous and i don’t just mean physically. like you’re gorgeous inside and out. YOUR MIND. amazing. 
your talent - I’M A JALAPENO BUSINESS STAN FIRST AND A HUMAN SECOND. i wait patiently for part two because i forking love your writing. 
your wittiness - honey you’re so FUCKING FUNNY. everything you post is *chefs kiss* ART.
i’m so glad i followed you when i did and that we became friends and that you’re my wife and that you love me because i FUCKING LOVE YOU. 
[end wedding vows]
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williamdickey · 5 years ago
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