#michel vrana
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The Safety of Small Things: Poems
By Jane Hicks.
Design by Michel Vrana.
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Book Covers of Note, August 2023
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#alex merto#book covers#book covers 2023#book covers of note#Books#cassie gonzales#dan mogford#design#dorian danielsen#emily mahon#jamie keenan#jaya miceli#jenny volvovski#jonny pelham#lauren peters collaer#lauren wakefield#lucy kim#matt broughton#michel vrana#na kim#richard ljoenes#strick and williams#tiana dunlop#Typography
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First of all, I really appreciate your efforts to preserve autistic history.
Would you be at all interested in a donation of two out-of-print neurodiversity books from the 2010s? One is Ella Autie by Catlaina H Vrana, and the other is The Real Experts by Michelle Sutton et al.
I totally understand if they're not of use to the archive, and it's fine if you say no, but if they are of use, I'm happy to help.
I would love that! Please DM me.
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Por cierto..una cosa que me llamó la atención del viaje de VUELTA del PISCINON de BUITRAGO DE LOZOYA [bueno para la POYA]..era una pintada en un puente junto a EL MOLAR [en cuya CUEVA DEL LOBO cene el 1er FIN DE SEMANA tras el 11_$ con unas MALAGUEÑAS que habíamos conocido en agosto 2001 en el RINCON DE LA VICTORIA donde me invitaba de vacaciones JUAN JOSE LASSO DE LA VEGA al ser su familia de ahi] con WALKER que me recordó al extraño accidente de Paul WALKER de la saga FAST AND FURIOUS en cuya 4ta parte muere LETICIA [con C no Z de ZORRA O FINAL] ORTIZ que interpreta Michelle RODRIGUEZ y en el MOLAR tuvo un grave accidente KARDAM DE BULGARIA con 45 años que lo dejó en estado VEGETATIVO hasta que murio con 52 años:
El 15 de agosto de 2008, el príncipe Kardam y su mujer sufrieron un accidente de tráfico en El Molar, cerca de Madrid. Kardam fue trasladado en helicóptero al Hospital Doce de Octubre de Madrid, y su mujer fue trasladada al Hospital La Paz de la misma capital. Durante un largo período de tiempo, Kardam estuvo recuperándose en Cacheiras, Galicia.
Posteriormente, después de una moderada recuperación, falleció víctima de las secuelas de dicho accidente a los 52 años de edad en el Hospital de Sanchinarro.
Está enterrado en el Cementerio de San Isidro. El funeral, con una misa ortodoxa, fue celebrado en el antiguo monasterio de San Jerónimo el Real de Madrid. En 2024 se da a conocer que sus cenizas serán trasladadas al Palacio de Vrana
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Any disease can be successfully treated or managed if its root cause is known and targeted effectively.
Ayurveda, one of the major traditional forms of medical practice in India, has produced many useful leads in developing medications for chronic diseases.
Ayurveda is an intricate system of healing that originated in India thousands of years ago. Historical evidence of Ayurveda can be found in the ancient books of wisdom known as the Vedas that were written over 6000 years ago. Ayurveda provides novel approaches to cancer prevention that are considered safe.
Classical Ayurvedic texts have several references to cancer. Some terms used to describe the condition are general while others are much more specific.
Charaka and Sushruta Samhita (700 BC) both described the equivalent of cancer as granthi (benign or minor neoplasm) and arbuda (malignant or major neoplasm). Both can be inflammatory or non-inflammatory, based on the doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) involved. The term dosha describes the three principles that govern the psychophysiological response and pathological changes in the body. Ayurveda described health as the balanced coordination of these three systems in body, mind and consciousness. The fundamental theory of Ayurvedic treatment is based on restoration of the balance between these three major bodily systems.
Tridoshic tumours are usually malignant because all three major body humors lose mutual coordination, resulting in a morbid condition.
Arbuda is the most specific term for a cancerous malignancy. Gulma is one another reference used to describe any palpable hard mass in the abdomen. It is any hard, tumor like mass in the abdominal region, which could be benign or malignant.
Ayurvedic classification of neoplasms depends upon various clinical symptoms in relation to tridoshas.
Group I: Diseases that can be named as clear malignancies, including arbuda and granthi, such as mamsarbuda (sarcomas) and raktarbuda (leukaemia), mukharbuda (oral cancer), and asadhya vrana (incurable or malignant ulcers).
Group II: Diseases that can be considered as cancer or probable malignancies, such as ulcers and growths. Examples of these are mamsaja oshtharoga (growth of lips), asadhya galganda (incurable thyroid tumour), tridosaja gulmas, asadhya udara roga, (abdominal tumours like carcinomas of the stomach and liver or lymphomas).
Group III: Diseases with the possibility of malignancy, such as visarpa (erysipelas), asadhya kamala (incurable jaundice), asadhya pradara (intractable dysmenorrhea or leukorrhea) and tridosaja nadi vrana (intractable sinusitis).
At CHARAKA, we are providing effective treatment for cancer, focusing on the principle of detoxification, rejuvenation. Our treatment involves:
Shamana chikitsa (treatment using Ayurvedic medicines orally)
Shodhana chikitsa (detoxification through Panchakarma therapy)
Rasayana chikitsa (immunotherapy, rejuvenation or Kayakalpa)
Diet & life style management
Satvavajaya (couselling)
Daiva vyapashraya chikitsa (divine therapy), Yoga & Pranayama are also suggested as per the need and condition of the patient.
Our cancer therapies are based on the philosophy of Removal the cancerous cells when possible and destroy any cells that remain.
Our Ayurvedic treatments can be safely combined with chemotherapy and radiotherapy procedures to minimize the side effects. Even in surgical treatment, this treatment can be started immediately to prevent metastasis and further healing.
Early detection, early medical or surgical interventions are believed to be the key factors in combating cancer effectively. Similarly early stage Ayurvedic treatment as a co-therapy yields best possible results.
#How can Ayurveda treatment help to combat Cancer?
It is now established that "reverse" signalling from dysfunctional or abnormal Mitochondria play important role in the initiation and progress of Cancer cells and conversely it is also proven that Healthy Mitochondria can suppress the growth of cancer cells and make them more susceptible to the treatment. So any drug or treatment which can improve Mitochondrial function can modify the course of the disease and arrest its growth. In this article, we have seen that Mitochondria and Agni are the same organelles and in Ayurveda, for cancer following treatment is provided
1) To remove the free radicals, toxins, excess amount of dirty Pitta, Kafa and Vata which are known to impair the functions of Agni
2) To restore and strengthen the metabolic functioning of Agni due to which further chain of events are curtailed and disease process comes under control.
3) To change the cellular environment, which breaks down or absorb the Lactic acid which is produced by cancerous cells. By this, Cancer cells lose their ability to spread and metastasize
4) To improve the Immunity which then destroys Cancerous cells.
5) There are certain herbs, like Neem which stimulates tumour suppressor pathways and compel the body to produce more tumour's death promoting ( Apoptosis) chemicals and reduce anti-apoptotic chemicals; all of these modalities lead to the death of cancerous cells and are removed from the system.
6) There are certain herbs like Tinospora which are known to arrest abnormal cell cycle, without affecting the normal cell cycle. This mode of action further reduces the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells.
7) Some herbs like Ashwagandha reduces budding of newer blood vessels in cancerous tissues, thereby cuts off the nourishment of cancerous tissues.
8) Some herbs like Turmeric acts blocks the effect of chemicals ( like TNF alfa) which are responsible for inflammation and Turmeric also blocks the effect of the growth factor called NF kappa -b, thereby uncontrolled multiplication is arrested.
9) Turmeric and Ashwagandha also stimulate p53 tumour suppressor pathway.
10) Some household herb like Fenugreek absorbs lactic acid and stops glucose supply to cancer cells hence they are deprived of their food and die.
What diet is recommended to a patient suffering from Cancer?
The best diet is to follow intermittent fasting or calorie restricted diet which is sufficient enough to provide all required nutrients to the body and immunity but at the same time, deprives cancer cells of their food and compel them to die. General guidelines are as follows
1) Strictly avoid all Maida and bakery products
2) No Sabudana, No vinegar, no Tobacco, No Liquor.
3) Avoid deep fried food
4) Avoid late night dinner ( dinner should be over by 7 pm)
5) No raw food or salad, especially when on chemotherapy
6) Minimum intake of Sugar with one or two days of " NO sugar" per week in any form (Which means no White/ brown sugar, No Jaggery, No honey, No fruit juices, no Carrot or beetroot juice)
7) Once a week fasting as per the advice of expert Vaidya.
Frequently asked queries?
1) Are there any steroids in the Herbal medicines - No, we do not do such kind of unscrupulous or non-ethical practice. My drugs can be tested and subjected to any kind of test for that matter.
2) Are these drugs safe during Chemotherapy- There are certain reports, published in good journals, which has proven the good effect of chemotherapy when combined with herbal treatment. ( Care to be taken that herbal treatment should be of standardized quality and should not be given on the day of injectable chemotherapy, rest it can be given. It also depends on stage and type of cancer, so final decision to be taken only after discussing every pros and cons). There are various clinical studies indicating that if standardized herbal preparations of Curcumin, Ashwagandha are given along with chemotherapy, results are better. Many chemoresistant cancers respond very well when supplemented with Curcumin, Ashwagandha and Tinospora cordifolia.
3) Can herbal therapy replace or avoid chemotherapy- No, one should follow complete modern protocol as it is. Herbal treatment is mainly given to as chemo adjuvant to improve the immunity and mitochondrial function as stated above.
4) Can Ayurveda treatment avoid surgery and radiation- All of you will be surprised to read the fact that, in Ayurveda, which was written 3000 years B.C., it is clearly mentioned that first line of treatment of Cancer is to surgically remove it and then to " Burn" the margins, this concept is similar to today's modern protocol of Surgery followed by Radiation. So any tumour, if operable, should be removed promptly by an expert Onco-Surgeon.
5) What is Chemoprevention? This term was coined by Dr Michel Sporm, in 1976. Chemopreventive are drugs, natural or Synthetic, which have potential to Reverse, Suppress and or Prevent the further growth of cancer. I advise various such Chemopreventive herbs and ways to many normal people and also to cancer patients.
AROGYAM PURE HERBS KIT FOR CANCER : http://www.ayurvedahimachal.com/pure-herbal-products/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=83&search=cancer#sthash.6JPSs9gC.dpbs
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Preorder Dylan Horrocks' Pickle 11: The Lost Issue
Preorder Dylan Horrocks’ Pickle 11: The Lost Issue
Launched just now! A FundRazr campaign to preorder the long overdue and never before published Pickle #11 by Dylan Horrocks from Black Eye Press. We are hoping to get some copies in the Wow Cool shop when it comes out, but we fully urge you to support this awesome project directly. Now if we could only find some copies of the legendary Atlas #2.
M. Michel Vrana of Black Eye has the rest of the…
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#HappySaturday! Tune in to a NEW Think Indie Extra STREAMING NOW on our #YouTube! with David Barach of @Crowdfundr and Michel Vrana of #BlackEyedBooks! Hosted by @Dodgy86InTheMix #IndieComics @MichelVrana @Barach @ThinkIndiePod https://youtu.be/aFTowSHrXeM
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the Caps as Seinfeld quotes...
Barold Trotz: In closing, these stories have not been embellished, because they need no embellishment. They are simply, horrifyingly, the story of my life as a short, stocky...bald man.
Nicklas Backstrom: When you look annoyed all the time, people think that you’re busy Jay Beagle: People on dates shouldn’t even be allowed out in public. Madison Bowey: Well, with so many people in the world deprived and unhappy, it doesn’t seem like it would be fair to be cheerful. Travis Boyd: What is going on in this community? Are you people aware of what’s happening? What is driving you to this behavior? Is it the humidity? Is it the Muzak? Is it the white shoes? Andre Burakovsky: Why is nice bad? What kind of a sick society are we living in when nice is bad? John Carlson: Well, you don’t want too much grace or you won’t be able to stand. Alex Chiasson: You should’ve seen her face. It was the exact same look my father gave me when I told him I wanted to be a ventriloquist Brett Connolly: Look at me! I was free and clear! I was living the dream! I was stripped to the waist, eating a block of cheese the size of a car battery! Phoenix Copley: I have nothing to say to anybody. I'm so uninteresting. I think I'm out of conversation. Christian Djoos: I love a good nap. Sometimes it’s the only thing getting me out of bed in the morning Lars Eller: Nobody drives like me. Nobody. I’m doing things in this car, you have no idea they’re going on. Shane Gersich: Tuesday has no feel. Monday has a feel, Friday has a feel, Sunday has a feel. Philipp Grubauer: I hate asking for change. They always make a face. It’s like asking them to donate a kidney. Braden Holtby: It’s not that I don’t think you can. I know that you can’t, and I’m positive that you won’t. Jakub Jerabek: Do you think it’s effeminate for a man to put clothes in a gentle cycle? Michel Kempny: Why do I always have the feeling that everybody’s doing something better than me on Saturday afternoons? Evgeny Kuznetsov: I can’t go to a bad movie by myself. What, am I gonna make sarcastic remarks to strangers? Matt Niskanen: Well, I just want you to know I’m there for you. Course now I’m here for you, but when I’m not here for you, I’m there for you. Dimitri Orlov: I don’t think I’ve ever been to an appointment in my life where I wanted the other guy to show up Brooks Orpik: Look, I got a few good years left. If I want a Chip Ahoy, I’m having it. TJ Oshie: All right. I guess I just have to pick myself up, dust myself off, and throw myself right back down again! Alex Ovechkin: Jerry, my face is my livelihood, my allure…my twinkle! Everything I have I owe to this face. Devante Smith-Pelly: The sea was angry that day my friends, like an old man trying to send back soup in a deli Chandler Stephenson: Just remember, it’s not a lie if you believe it Jakub Vrana: He’s the first cool guy I’ve ever been friends with in my whole life. You know…it’s a different world when you’re with a cool guy, he’s not afraid of anybody. You should hear the way he talks to waitresses…he gets free pie! Nathan Walker: What am I scared of? I’m scared of the same thing that you are, everything Tom Wilson: I don’t think you wanna get hurt. Because if you wanna get hurt, I can hurt you. Now just back off.
#washington capitals#the caps#seinfeld#because i can#under a read more because the darn roster is so long
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Doing some cleaning, found my copy of the last issue of the Rector Girl zine series, Michel Vrana launched Tragedy Strikes right after. https://www.instagram.com/p/CQhSz47hzyE/?utm_medium=tumblr
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(Long) List of books on Visual Communication
AmazonSmile: Sketch Thinking: Learn to communicate your ideas with simple drawing techniques eBook: Berengueres, Jose: Kindle Store
AmazonSmile: Sketchnote Handbook, The: the illustrated guide to visual note taking (0000321857895): Rohde, Mike: Books
Sketch Thinking: Learn to communicate your ideas with simple drawing techniques: Berengueres, Jose: 9781520824833: AmazonSmile: Books
The Doodle Revolution: Unlock the Power to Think Differently (PORTFOLIO PENGU): Brown, Sunni: 9781591847038: AmazonSmile: Books
Visual Thinking: Empowering People and Organisations through Visual Collaboration: Brand, Williemien: 9789063694531: AmazonSmile: Books
The Art of Visual Notetaking: An interactive guide to visual communication and sketchnoting: Mills, Emily: 9781633226227: AmazonSmile: Books
Visual Doing: A Practical Guide to Incorporate Visual Thinking into Your Daily Business and Communication: Brand, Willemien: 9789063694999: AmazonSmile: Books
Visual Meetings: How Graphics, Sticky Notes and Idea Mapping Can Transform Group Productivity: Sibbet, David: 8601404335938: AmazonSmile: Books
AmazonSmile: How to Sketchnote: A Step-by-Step Manual for Teachers and Students (9781733646864): Duckworth, Sylvia: Books
AmazonSmile: Ink and Ideas: Sketchnotes for Engagement, Comprehension, and Thinking (9780325092539): McGregor, Tanny: Books
Sketchnoting in the Classroom: A Practical Guide to Deepen Student Learning: Carter, Nichole: 9781564847775: AmazonSmile: Books
AmazonSmile: Pencil Me In: The Business Drawing Book for People Who Can't Draw (9780996006033): Wodtke, Christina R, Vrana, Michel, Sarrazin, Amelie, Micek, Aleksandra, Reese, Taylor, Brown, Dan, Cook, Daniel, Rutter, Kate, Lamm, Eva-Lotta, Magain, Matthew: Books
Draw Your Big Idea: The Ultimate Creativity Tool for Turning Thoughts Into Action and Dreams Into Reality: Herting, Nora, Willems, Heather: 9781452152929: AmazonSmile: Books
Visual Note-Taking for Educators: A Teacher's Guide to Student Creativity: Pillars, Wendi: 9780393708455: AmazonSmile: Books
Visual Thinking Workbook: Brand, Willemien: 9789063695118: AmazonSmile: Books
Mind Map Mastery: The Complete Guide to Learning and Using the Most Powerful Thinking Tool in the Universe: Buzan, Tony: 9781786781413: AmazonSmile: Books
Visual Collaboration: A Powerful Toolkit for Improving Meetings, Projects, and Processes: Qvist-Sorensen, Ole, Baastrup, Loa: 9781119611042: AmazonSmile: Books
Presto Sketching: The Magic of Simple Drawing for Brilliant Product Thinking and Design: Crothers, Ben: 9781491994283: AmazonSmile: Books
Graphic Design Thinking: Beyond Brainstorming (Renowned Designer Ellen Lupton Provides New Techniques for Creative Thinking About Design Process with Examples and Case Studies) (Design Briefs): Lupton, Ellen, Ed.: 9781568989792: AmazonSmile: Books
The Art of Business Communication: How to Use Pictures, Charts and Graphics to Make Your Message Stick: Shaw, Graham: 9781292017174: AmazonSmile: Books
The Graphic Facilitator’s Guide: How to use your listening, thinking and drawing skills to make meaning: Agerbeck, Brandy: 9780615591872: AmazonSmile: Books
Ed Emberley's Drawing Book: Make a World: Emberley, Ed, Emberley, Ed: 8601400093078: AmazonSmile: Books
How to Doodle Everywhere: Cute & Easy Drawings for Notebooks, Cards, Gifts and So Much More: Kamo: 9784805315859: AmazonSmile: Books
The Simple Guide to Visual Journaling: (even if you aren't an artist): Hutchison, Cathy: 9781546965251: AmazonSmile: Books
Visual Notetaking: Increase Your Concentration, Comprehension, and Effectiveness by Taking Visual Notes: Rockefeller, James David: 9781986906975: AmazonSmile: Books
Design Is Storytelling (COOPER HEWITT): Lupton, Ellen: 9781942303190: AmazonSmile: Books
Mind Maps For Kids: An Introduction: Buzan, Tony: 0000007151330: AmazonSmile: Books
AmazonSmile: 100 + 1 Drawing Ideas: 100 + 1 Drawing Ideas for Sketchnoters and Doodlers (9781533076915): Toselli, Mauro: Books
My Pencil Made Me Do It: Baughcum, Carrie: 9781733686464: AmazonSmile: Books
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Breaking and Entering: A Novel
By Don Gillmor.
Design by Michel Vrana.
Photo by Joe Cohen.
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Just Pinned to Book Covers: Michel Vrana http://bit.ly/2TefBLS
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Top Secret
Americký pilot za letu neuposlechne rozkaz a shodí velký náklad potravin hladujícím utečencům ze Středního východu. Z obavy p��ed publicitou se ho představitelé amerických vzdušných sil snaží dostat do ústraní. Pověří ho novou úlohou – strážit prezidentovu speciální kufřík s počítačem na spustění nukleární války. Když se prezident se svým novým strážcem aktovky vrací z konference do hotelu, přepadnou je teroristé a zmocní se kufříku. V přímém televizním přenosu požádují prezidentovu sabevraždu, jinak odpálí jadernou raketu na Washington.
Top Secret was originally published on Kritiky.cz
#Chip Chuipka#Christopher Heyerdahl#Dolph Lundgren#Goûchy Boy#John Dunn-Hill#Larry Day#Mark Camacho#Michael Caloz#Michael Sarrazin#Michel Perron#Monika Schnarre#Roc LaFortune#Roy Scheider#Serge Houde#Susan Glover#Vlasta Vrana
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Yay so excited! Editing this book by Nina Nesseth and Casey Griffin has officially made me Smarter and More Science-y and thrown me deeper down the rabbit hole that is Orphan Black. And now the world gets to see its beauteous cover! Designed by Michel Vrana.
#Clone Club#Orphan Black#the science of orphan black#casey griffin#nina nesseth#books#cover reveal#cover design#Science sestras#science
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Useless Joyce by Tim Conley
University of Toronto Press ・・・ Designer: Michel Vrana Production Coordinator: Ani Deyirmenjian
Congratulations to those involved with this 2018 Association of University Presses Book, Jacket, & Journal Show selection!
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