#michel bitbol
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the-framed-maelstrom · 2 months ago
A man returns after twenty years to the cottage of his childhood and is profoundly moved by its apparent unchanged state. The same stream flows through the same meadows, and the overall shape and organization of the place remain intact despite the continuous replacement of its material components. This persistence, despite material change, parallels the role of the wave function in quantum mechanics, where a system's ontological identity is not tied to the permanence of individual localized entities but to the stability of its structural configuration. Just as the evolution of a quantum state under the Schrödinger equation preserves statistical regularities while particle configurations fluctuate, the cottage retains its recognizable form through the continuity of spatial relations rather than the persistence of specific physical elements.
Michel Bitbol: Schrodinger's philosophy of quantum mechanics (Alyssa Ney Narration)
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ammonitetestpatterns · 1 year ago
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michel bitbol, "a cure for metaphysical illusions: kant, quantum mechanics, and the madhyamaka."
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dandanjean · 1 year ago
Sources : La VallĂ©e-Poussin, Bouddhisme, Ă©tudes et matĂ©riaux Guy Bugault, « L’anthropologie bouddhiste face Ă  la philosophie moderne et Ă  la neurophysiologie contemporaine », Revue de l’histoire des religions  AnnĂ©e 1986  203-4  pp. 381-393 Lilian Silburn, Instant et cause François Chenet, La philosophie indienne, Armand Collin, coll. « Poche » Michel Bitbol, De l’IntĂ©rieur du monde,

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averycanadianfilm · 3 years ago
The Nature of Reality - Theory of Relativity, Quantum Science and Buddhi...
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vespertinatriangle · 4 years ago
Slowly, however, this negative view of introspection has begun to change. Since the 1990s, scholars working in the field of phenomenology – such as Francisco Varela, Claire Petitmengin, Pierre Vermersch and Michel Bitbol – have worked to demonstrate that the problem with introspection was not one of viability but skill. An experienced participant, especially when assisted by a trained interviewer, could gain reliable access to their mental processes. Through a technique called “explicitation”, interviewers learn to guide their participants in slow motion, giving them access to the hidden, pre-conscious world of their mental machinery. Explicitation works by keeping participants fixed in a state of evocation (that detached state we adopt when we’re trying to remember something difficult), allowing them to remain with their memories, slow them down, fragment them, and ultimately recall more than consciousness ever allowed in the moment itself. In 2013, Petitmengin et al repeated the “choice blindness” experiment, but this time carried out an explicitation interview between the initial choice and the subsequent justification. This time, participants spotted the deception in around 80 per cent of cases. Fernyhough’s theory is that the auditory hallucinations experienced by many schizophrenics, and by the sufferers of other mental conditions, may be the consequence of an inability to recognise distorted fragments of one’s own inner dialogue. This would seem to correspond to other findings in the field of neuroscience, which demonstrate a breakdown of the so-called “predictive processing” capacity in schizophrenic sufferers. In such cases, the brain’s anticipatory modelling of sensory phenomena is disrupted, such that everyday experiences appear strange and full of inexplicable meaning. In these circumstances, inner voices might be encountered as alien, rather than self-directed, stimuli, losing the shield of innate familiarity which renders them imperceptible to the conscious mind. Auditory hallucinations like these may in fact be a more pronounced version of the same inner speech experienced by most healthy people. This in turn could indicate that Luhrmann’s findings, about the role culture plays in schizophrenic voices, may hold for commonplace inner voices as well.
“Talking to ourselves” from New Humanist
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omnipol · 4 years ago
“ Actually, there exists a radical contrast between conceptual abstraction (which is a subject for an Analytic) and computational synthesis; a contrast that can be seen as regarding the difference between a direct problem and a reverse problem. The direct problem consists in abstracting from the manifold of intuition; it consists in “subordinating” this manifold to what Kant called “the unity of a concept” and what we would call today a categorizing concept. By contrast, the reverse problem consists in constructing the referents of concepts by transforming conceptual contents into algorithms for computing these referents. The reverse problem starts from concepts and points towards the manifold of intuition, not the other way around. Mathematics, helped today by methods of numerical simulation, are the essential tool of computational synthesis.”
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jlmeb · 5 years ago
Michel Bitbol Science et Métaphysique Le Cas de la Théorie Quantique from Jlmeb on Vimeo.
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mahometgrosporc · 7 years ago
#MCR et la théorie des catégories #ScienceInternelle
Toutes les publications de Mioara Mugur-Schachter sont ici :
notamment le texte complet du livre «  Quantum mechanics, mathematics, cognition and action » contenant une contribution importante de MMS ainsi que de Michel Bitbol :

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topos318 · 7 years ago
#MCR et la théorie des catégories #ScienceInternelle
Toutes les publications de Mioara Mugur-Schachter sont ici :
notamment le texte complet du livre «  Quantum mechanics, mathematics, cognition and action » contenant une contribution importante de MMS ainsi que de Michel Bitbol :

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the-framed-maelstrom · 2 months ago
The venerable Hellenic concept of 'sympatheia' elucidates the profound tenets of quantum entanglement, whereby each discrete component, notwithstanding its spatial remoteness, is non-locally conjoined with its brethren, mirroring the holistic cosmos as conjectured by the ancient philosophers. He avers that this conceptual consonance not merely serves as a bridge linking the venerable principles of classical physicology with the modern axioms of quantum mechanics but also rejuvenates a more profound metaphysical comprehension, envisaging a cosmos wherein the web of interconnectivity transcends the mundane divisions of physical separation and the limitations imposed by empirical observance.
Michel Bitbol: Schrodinger's philosophy of quantum mechanics (Dionysius the Areopagate Narration)
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phayxaan · 7 years ago
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Regrann from @studioolafureliasson - Imagine a waterfall - excerpt from The Validity of First-Person Descriptions as Authenticity and Coherence by Claire Petitmengin and Michel Bitbol #imaginednature #fakenature #waterfall
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graal813 · 9 years ago
Michel Bitbol : de l'intérieur du monde; pour une philosophie et une science des relations
Michel Bitbol : de l’intĂ©rieur du monde; pour une philosophie et une science des relations
Un livre qui illustre ces lignes de Brunschvicg, tirĂ©es de l’introduction au “ProgrĂšs de la conscience dans la philosophie occidentale”:
“Aussi bien, et l’on devra s’en laisser

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philoro · 11 years ago
So, my aim to do this every morning didn't really work out
But I'm still here and still hoping to use this to keep my head in the game. Today I was meant to be struggling through Marie McGinn's Sense and Certainty, again. I say 'struggling' not because it's badly written - it's not! - but because it was clear from very early on where she and I differ, and what I need to say about that, but I have to keep reading to make sure that she doesn't answer that point and so that I can articulate her arguments before I explain why I think they miss the mark. It's a really frustrating exercise, and I've been stuck on it all summer.
So, given that I'd spent the morning failing to prgress on this, I've switched it up, and now I'm looking at the much more exciting (to me) work of Michel Bitbol on transcendental arguments and quantum mechanics. :D Amazing the difference it makes to be looking at someone's arguments I have hoped for. Also: quantum mechanics :D EXCITING.
Let us do this thing.
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paoloferrario · 4 years ago
III GUERRA MONDIALE? - Discussione - Emanuele Severino, Michel Bitbol e Vincenzo Milanesi, 27 feb 2017
III GUERRA MONDIALE? – Discussione – Emanuele Severino, Michel Bitbol e Vincenzo Milanesi, 27 feb 2017
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the-framed-maelstrom · 2 months ago
These two features, wave-surfaces and wave-normals, seem capable of representing the two observed features, namely the transversal structural interlacing and the longitudinal one, respectively. A particle phenomenon has not these two traits, only one: the paths or orbits or trajectories. They are capable, at most, of representing the longitudinal linkage; there is nothing in particles to correspond to the transversal one. This conception automatically entails a joint manifestation of some aspects of the wave picture and of the particle picture, although not to their full extent. The discontinuous events are evocative of particle impacts, and the twofold structural linkages between these point-like events can only be accounted for by a wave model. But the purely longitudinal linkage of the particle model is discarded, and the continuity which is typical of wave-like interference patterns only emerges from the accumulation of a very large number of discontinuous events of the usual type. In good agreement with our previous analysis of the interference experiments, no instrumental configuration endows anyone of the two classical pictures (wave or particle) with an exclusive validity.
Michel Bitbol: Schrodinger's philosophy of quantum mechanics
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the-framed-maelstrom · 2 months ago
Analyzing the formal structure in which a theory is framed does not, in general, provide direct access to its ontological interpretation. Mathematical convenience emerges in several forms, one of which stems from the inherent mathematical (and specifically geometrical) structure of the physical system itself, where the representation in Hilbert space or related geometrical constructs (such as configuration or momentum space) can be considered isomorphic to the ontic structure of the system, thus facilitating a direct one-to-one correspondence between the mathematical model and the underlying physical phenomena. However, much of the mathematical structure employed, particularly in the context of quantum mechanics, is indirect and does not directly mirror the ontological reality. In these cases, the algebraic properties of quantum mechanical observables (such as operators in a non-commutative algebra) and the numerical properties of the state vectors (such as probability amplitudes and eigenvalues) do not directly correlate with physical properties. Furthermore, the theory often incorporates gauge degrees of freedom—mathematical constructs that serve primarily to simplify calculations or provide flexibility in the representation of physical systems without corresponding to observable quantities. These gauge symmetries do not correspond to any directly measurable aspects of physical systems but rather facilitate the application of the formalism in different coordinate systems or reference frames, illustrating the ontological detachment between mathematical representation and physical reality.
Alyssa Ney: The Wave Function: Essays on the Metaphysics of Quantum Mechanics (Michel Bitbol Narration)
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