#miche zacharias oneshot
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Summary: After three weeks apart, Hange plans a get together with the gang.
Pairing: LevixFem!reader
CW: This one shot heavily revolves around the use of alcohol. mentions of smoking and related language. 18+ MDNI.
wc: 3.5k
a/n: First, I'd like to thank @i-lev-you. She has been here to hold my hand through all the sweat and tears of writing my first Levi fic, I truly cannot express how much I appreciate the help and advice I was given. If you do like this, please send some love her way. This cute lil fic is loosely based off of this song, and the scenes were living in my head rent free for weeks prior to writing it, enjoy~
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“Took you long enough.” Erwin teases as you hop into the passenger seat, He texted you fifteen minutes ago letting you know he was out front waiting for you. 
“Don't be dramatic, it was only ten minutes.” you huff, pulling the seat belt over your chest and clicking it into place. Erwin gave you a once over, his gaze halting before turning back and shifting the car into drive. 
“You did your hair for this?” he comments, raising an eyebrow. Doing your hair was a generous observation on his part, you just spent extra time on it for tonight. 
“Yeah, and what's that look for? We haven't been able to get together like this in so long, so I wanted to look a little nice.” It's been three weeks since the five of you could all hang out together. Miche got a new job and Hange had a change in shifts, making it nearly impossible to do something collectively. It just so happens that everyone has the day off tomorrow, so Hange suggested getting together to drink and catch up.
 “It's just us, you never cared like that before. Besides, if this is like any other time your hair’s gonna look like shit by the end of the night anyways. Like that time Miche set your hair on fire lighting that cig for you.” He laughs. You cringe and brush your fingers through your hair in the same area that was singed short, only just recently were you able to make it look like it blends in with the rest of your hair. “Or, that time Hange-” Erwin starts but you quickly interrupt. 
“Okay! I get it, I'm accident prone.” you mumble, giving him a playful glare. “Both of those are better than the time me and Levi had to drag you out to the car which, by the way, wasn't fun.” you smirk, watching his dumbfounded expression illuminate under each street light you pass under
 “Like that compares at all, it was one time, and my birthday” Erwin retorts and gives you a gentle nudge. You shrug in response, looking out the window to see you're already turning down the street that leads to the house that Levi, Hange, and Miche share. “We’re late again, you know how much shit we’re going to get?” 
“Finally!” Hange raves when you walk in with Erwin. You make your way in and take your bottle of contribution to the cooler that was already set up in the living room, stuffing it in and shutting the lid. Almost instantly after, you were met with a fierce hug from Hange. “Late, as always. What was the hold up? Anything interesting?” They beamed, their eyes gesturing hopefully towards Ewrin. You parted from Hange’s hug, shaking your head at their silent accusation. This wasn’t new for the two of you. For as long as you could remember, you both have been teased about your friendship. Everyone constantly begged for you two to finally get together. Erwin is your best friend, and has been for years. The thought has never crossed your mind. The only person who understands that is Levi, he's the only one who never pokes and prods for something more. 
“Thought I heard the lovebirds were finally here.” Miche announced as he emerged from his bedroom. He makes his way into the living room and grabs two beers out of the cooler and tosses one to Erwin as he walks past him. “Catch up” Miche enthusiastically demands, cracking the tab on his can and raising it up to Erwin in a faux cheers. 
“You guys really started without us?” Erwin groans followed by the sharp hiss and snap of his own can. 
“What, were we supposed to wait for the two of you to stop sucking face in the car?” Miche laughs and gestures to you and Erwin both. Erwin rolls his eyes but just as he was about to respond the whole room collectively flinched at the sudden piercing interruption of music that gradually dimmed down to an appropriate volume. All eyes fall on Levi who’s standing in front of the speaker with his phone in his hand. 
“Cleaning playlist, forgot to turn it down earlier.” He explains candidly and takes a swig from the cup in his opposite hand, seemingly unapologetic for the disturbance. 
“Jesus, Levi. When did you get out here?” Miche groans, rubbing his ear melodramatically. Levi ignores him, instead he turns to face the group. “Didn't realize this party was about celebrating Erwin sucking face. I would have stayed in my room had I known.”
 “No one’s staying in their room!” Hange chimes as they make their way to Levi “it’s been three weeks, we should do something fun!” they place their hands on Levi’s shoulders and grin “like a drinking game.” they suggest, approval spreads across the room. 
“Pass.” Levi scoffed, rolling his eyes like he was above the activity. “Looks like you're outvoted.” Hange sings, squeezing Levi’s shoulders and quickly moving to drag the coffee table away from the couch for everyone to sit around. Miche was already on his way in with the bottle and a shot glass.
“Fine. I’ll play but I'm not sharing that shot glass with any of you, I’ll get my own.” he sighs, heading straight for the kitchen. Hange cheers and grabs chasers out of the cooler, lining them around the circular table as everyone settles into their chosen spots. Levi returned shortly after with his own shot glass, you notice a clean rag hanging out of his pocket as he sits in the space left open for him. Miche chooses the game for the group, the rules are simple and easy to follow. It doesn't take long, just a few rounds in and everyone around the table seems to have a pink flush across their cheeks, slurring their words, and laughs at anything anyone says.
“Damn!” Hange rasps out with a cough, slamming the shot glass back down onto the table. At this point in the game Hange was doing horribly, the last 3 rounds of the game they were the one to take the losing shot. They pick up the bottle and shakily attempt to fill the glass up for the next victim. Liquid splashes around the glass as they miss a couple times. 
“Okay,” Erwin says and takes the bottle from them “I’ll fill them from now on.” He adds. “it’d be nice if someone else could start taking the shots!” Hange complained, folding their arms over their chest. 
“That’s entirely on you, Hange.” Erwin pointed out as he finished pouring for them. His hand was stable despite being just as drunk as anyone else at the table, he was always the one who handled the liquor best. 
“Stop losing and you won’t have to take any more.” You laugh and watch Levi lean forward, pick up the glass, and quickly wipe underneath with the rag he’d brought to the circle. Even tipsy he was concerned about keeping things at least a little clean. 
 The next round, Hange takes the losing shot again. “of course!” They spout, taking the bottle from Erwin’s side, forgetting that he was in charge of filling the glass after each shot. Before he could register that Hange had taken the bottle, they were attempting to fill the glass again. With shaky hands Hange tips the bottle too far, causing the rim of the bottle to clash with the shot glass, tipping it over. The jolt alone was enough to cause them to drop the bottle as well. You watch as it rolls off the table, its contents spilling out. 
“Come on, Hange.” Levi groans as he lunges forward. He fails to catch the bottle, forced to watch it spill out and seep into the rug. “Games over.” He announces, immediately going back in with the rag. Levi sets the bottle back upright on the table and Miche gathers up the remnants of their game, wiping the liquor off the cards as he organizes everything back into the box. 
You thread your fingers between Hange’s after they stand up. “Kitchen, Hange.” You sang, guiding them out of the living room. Despite their protests, you decided you both need a water break. You let go of Hange’s hand, and they lean against the counter to the right of the fridge. You grab two glasses from the overhead cabinets and pull the ice tray out of the freezer. “Sooo,” Hange coos as you as you cracked the tray, haphazardly dropping ice into both cups. 
“Yesss,” you mimic back in the same tone, opening the fridge. 
Hange pushes off the counter and leans over the open door “Erwin looks cute tonight, huh?” They try, grinning. 
“Not this again,” you laugh at them and set the first filled cup on the counter behind you. 
“Give me a break!” Hange groans, dropping their head onto their forearms. “You always avoid talking about it, when will you guys give up the act?” You look towards them and your attention is immediately drawn to Levi, who is discarding an arms worth of cans onto the counter. He kneels down in front of the sink and starts digging through the cabinets underneath. 
“It’s not like that, and it never has been.” 
“bullshit, there’s got to be a reason you haven’t just gone for it yet. We can all see how it is between you two” they pried for more. 
“And you’re all wrong” you say as you set the second cup down next to the first. 
“Then what is it? You still have that thing for Levi?” They joke. Your eyes immediately flicker back to Levi, he’s frozen, still knelt down at the sink. You swear you can feel all the color drain from your face. Hange has already started mumbling about a new topic you couldn’t focus on. 
“Hey, four eyes.” Levi stands up from his position, peeling out the trash bag he was digging for. “Keep me out of your fantasies and come help me with your mess” he says, his tone was flat, as usual. He turns away without looking at either of you and walks out of the kitchen. 
“Shit, he heard that?” Hange asks, looking back at you. It's obvious by their face how embarrassed you must look because Hange immediately starts assuring you that it’s fine. 
You walk back out to the living room with Hange, still fighting off the embarrassment from the kitchen. You watch as Hange picks up the various chasers that were still left over from the game. When you turn your attention to Levi your face burns, you wonder if that made everything weird now. “You good? You look like you could use one of these.” Erwin interrupts your thoughts, handing you a new can. You accept and pop the tab.
“You have no idea.” You confirm, taking a drink.  
“What a mess.” He comments and shakes his head, watching as Hange and Levi clean. Just as you open your mouth to reply, Miche caught your attention as he made his way across the living room, careful to walk around the chaos that Hange and Levi were cleaning. When he catches your gaze he raises a hand up, flashing a lighter and gestures towards the back door with a nod "smoke break?" 
"Count me in!" Hange yells, quickly standing and discarding the handful of cups on a nearby side table and making their way out, followed by Erwin. You tip your can back, finish the beer, and make your way to the back door. you lazily slide your shoes on not even bothering to pull the backs up over your heels, you glance behind you to see Levi gathering up the empty cups and beer cans and throwing a couple unopened cans into the cooler placed in the living room. You think for a moment about staying inside and doing damage control with him, maybe you could convince him that Hange was just being dramatic, or using it as a means to prove that they’re right about Erwin. "Come on! What're you doing?" Hange interrupts, pulling you away from the door and sliding it shut, dragging you over to the group. 
"Hange, you really couldn't have said that a worse time." You groan and squeeze your eyes shut, willing another wave of embarrassment away. At this point, you didn’t care about bringing it up in front of Erwin and Miche. You figure Hange would tell them on their own anyway. 
"Said what?" Miche mumbled around the cigarette hanging off his lips, passing the lighter to Erwin. 
"Well.." Hange drawled, a shit eating grin on their face "I may have spilled the beans on her little crush on Levi.. right in front of him." Now both Erwin and Miche were looking right at you, a few moments of silence pass before Erwin raises a brow and glances between you and Hange
"Crush?" His tone was so flat it didn't even sound like a question.
"Levi?" Miche interjected quickly, waiting for you to say you were joking. When the silence began to linger Miche let out a quick snort "like, Levi?" He asked again, his hand gesturing towards the house. "No shit, way to pull the rug from under our feet." He shakes his head in disbelief and nudges Hange with his elbow "you knew and still said your piece about Erwin this whole time? Evil." he laughed 
"Hey, I was told in confidence that she thought Levi was hot one time!" Hange spills out. It was true, months ago you hung out with Hange alone. The two of you decided to have a night in with movies and wine since no one else could join. After a couple glasses you let it slip that you had a small crush on Levi, making sure to paint it as fleeting so the two of you didn't get the same treatment as you and Erwin. "Hey," Hange places a hand on your shoulder "are you alright?"
“I’m just worried about it, I never would have told him that. You saw him in the kitchen, everything is probably going to be so awkward now.” 
"Oh stop, it's Levi!" Hange encourages and pulls you in close by your other shoulder "he doesn't care, he probably won't even mention it" they try to reason with you, but it falls on deaf ears. you were so full of doubt. How could things be normal after this? Were you just supposed to continue on while pretending it didn't happen? That's exactly what you plan to do because there was no chance you could bring it up to his face.  
"I'll be back" you mumble at Hange as you spin on your heels and make your way inside through the back door and decide the bathroom would be a more private place to pull yourself together. 
You admire the photos that hang unsystematically in the hallway, tracing waves on the wall with your finger as you glide through, the music slowly starts to fade the closer you get to your destination and completely muffles as you close the bathroom door. 
"uh, hi?" 
You snap your attention towards the voice, meeting a sharp but forgiving gaze. "Levi, I didn't realize you-." you start, feeling the heat in your cheeks as you stammer for the words to apologize. Levi's stare is unmoving for a moment. He looks down, swiping the cloth off the hook to dry his hands. His eyes dart back to your face. "Your shoelaces are untied." 
You take a moment to register what he just said, double checking that you heard him correctly and glancing down to see the strings loosely hanging off each side of your shoes. "That's how I like them..." When his expression doesn’t change you curse yourself for sounding so dumb. 
"And you're walking through my house with shoes on." he states and you can feel your face burning even more. Duh, Why wouldn't you have remembered to take them off as you came in. Just as you part your lips to muster up what would probably sound like another pathetic attempt at an apology, you notice the small smirk pulling at Levi's lips "Save it. Hange's party, Hange’s mess to clean" He assured you.
You hum in response and started to turn back towards the door to leave "Was that true?" He asked, you can hear a subtle eagerness in the question "What Hange said, I mean" he corrects his tone this time. You’re completely still while a wave of embarrassment washes back over your whole body trying to think of something to say, but you're stuck speechless. Muffled music and Hange’s voice chanting at Erwin to chug from outside quickly fill in the silence. You take a deep breath, realizing that now is your chance to give context. 
“Yeah, but that was so long ago,” you stammer your words and finally turn to face him, he’s closer now. 
“Yeah? How long?” He’s smirking now, arms crossed over his chest, like this is amusing to him. 
“Months.” Was all you could say in response. 
“So what happened? You let eyebrows take my spot?” He teases. 
“You’re starting to sound an awful lot like Hange, It was never like that anyway,” you scoff, not realizing his implication of having a spot. In your attempt to explain yourself you hadn't noticed Levi closing the space between you. 
“You done?” He interrupts, glancing down at your lips then back up. Your eyes meet his and you nod, not trusting yourself to speak. Levi leans in, his fingers brush against your jaw as he reaches out resting his hand at the nape of your neck. He pulls you in gently and pauses briefly before your lips meet. You hear his breath shake before he closes the small space between the two of you. Warmth spreads across your whole body and the intoxication rushes back in. You drape your arms over his shoulders and relax into it, tilting your head to follow his lead. Levi rests his other hand on your hip, pulling you flush against his body and snaking his fingers through the hair behind your head. He guides you back up into the door, his hand acting as a cushion for your head as he moves his lips against yours. Your breath hitches at the gentle impact against the door, you pull your arms back in to cup his face just as he parts from you. He rests his forehead against yours, his breaths coming out in soft pants. Your eyes meet again and just as he parts his lips to say something you hear the back door slide open and shut. Levi quickly pulls back from you, a quiet ‘shit’ falling from his lips. You realize how long you have been missing from the group. Grabbing the door handle you turn back to Levi, he responds with a gestured nod toward the door. A silent agreement that you leave first. You twist the handle and exit the bathroom quickly, closing the door behind you. As you step away from the door Erwin turns down the hall and stops at the sight of you. 
"There you are.” he starts, sounding relieved. “We got worried when you didn't come back and," he stops speaking when you hear the bathroom door click shut behind you. You watch as Erwin's eyes flicker back and forth. You press your eyes shut as Levi slips quietly past you. When the back door slides shut signaling that Levi is outside, you open your eyes. Something is different about Erwin’s posture; he seems stiff and his expression indecipherable. "Oh, looks like that worked out for you then?" He questions, referencing Hange’s slip of the tongue earlier and offering a wistful smile.
"Yeah, I guess it did." You agree, biting back a grin. 
The night died down fast. Miche made sure Hange had more water and got into their bed without issue then retreated to his own room. Erwin has the couch, and you have the recliner, your usual arrangement for nights spent over. The music was silenced, the only light now coming from a single lamp on the side table keeping the room just lit enough for Levi. He paces between the living room and kitchen, picking up the last of the mess left behind from the night. Erwin hasn’t said much since coming back inside. You assume he's not feeling well and decide to leave him alone for the night, you could fill him in tomorrow. You spend your wind down time curled up on the chair, your eyes flicking between your phone and Levi as he moves around the room. "You always had a staring problem, now I know why." he teases.
 "Shut up" you roll your eyes at him, setting your phone down as he walks back towards you. 
"Let's go." He says as he yanks the blanket you were using off of you, tucking it under his arm. 
"Where?" You ask.
"My room, dumbass."
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Taglist: @ackerbootytobbi @amywritesthings
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violet-fluff · 8 months
💙 Mike Zacharius x Abused!Reader
Safe In My Squad
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Warning: abuse, alcoholism, trauma
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Layla, your best friend, was standing in Mike's office. "Thanks again, Mike, for getting her into the Survey Corp."
Mike gives a curt nod. "I still don't see why she would want to join the regiment that is most likely to have her killed."
Layla hums in agreement. "Y/N's at a stand still being in the Military Police. She doesn't get to do much and when she does, it's really for nothing. She wants to be part of the help for humanity. Besides, I'm sure she would love having you as a captain way more than she likes having Nile as one."
A few hours later, you arrive at the Survey Corp. base and change into your new uniform. You touch the new and unfamiliar badge that was stitched to your jacket because what was once a green unicorn, is now a blue and white set of wings sitting in place.
"I like the look of this one better." You smile and perk up when you hear a knock at your door.
When the door opens, and Mike had to bend his head down a bit as to not bump his head on the top of the frame.
"Ah, I meet the gentle giant once again." You laugh and position your fist over your heart to salute.
You and Mike are familiar with each other. Often paired up when training back in boot camp. You would still see him every once in a while, when the Military Police and Survey Corp. grouped together for a meeting.
Mike gives out a quick sniff. "Didn't I tell you years ago that you'd regret joining the Military Police?"
"Everyone makes mistakes I guess." You shrug and look to the side. "Thanks for taking me in. I'm sorry with what happened to Nanaba. She was a great soldier."
Mike shivers at having to remember how his fellow squad member went down. "Yeah, well, this is the reality of being part of this brigade."
Mike then takes the next few hours to give you a tour of the base, introducing you to yours and his squad, and to help you fill out some paperwork.
"Y/N!!!!!!" Layla squeals as she watches you walk into the mess hall.
You flash a big smile when she runs up to hug you.
"Mike! You didn't tell me she was already here!"
Sitting down, Mike takes a sip of his water. "We had to get a lot done."
It’s when sitting to eat dinner, you get to become more familiar with Hanji and Levi while they ask about your time with the Military Police.
"Ah, yes! Those Military Police folk always seem like a stick in the mud!" Hanji laughs.
Levi clicks his tongue. "A bunch of assholes is how I see them."
You nervously laugh as you keep what you really went through in your mind. Layla looks at you with comforting eyes which Mike caught.
A couple weeks pass by, and you are with Mike out on the training grounds as you embarrassingly stand before him.
"I'm sorry. I'm just not good at this."
Mike shakes his head. "It's understandable. You've barely had to use your 3D gear so it might take you just a little longer to learn. You won't be going out on any missions unless I approve of it though."
He then notices one of your shoulder straps a bit loose, so he reaches out to tighten it, but retracts his hand in shock when you flinch hard and step back.
"S-sorry!" You apologize quickly as your face heats up when Mike can only stare back at you. "I'll...I'll go fix it myself!"
And you run off, leaving Mike standing there confused.
Your demeaner changes after that day. You've become anxious and you find yourself doing nervous habits like biting at your lips or shaking your leg.
Mike also notices that you don't go around him unless it’s for training or meetings. With you being a member of his squad, he had to get to the bottom of this so he went to Layla.
"Y/N is not herself lately and I know that you know why."
Layla scrunches her face. "It's not my business to give."
Mike's eyes fall flat in annoyance. "As her squad captain, it is my business to know. If it's not handled, she can get herself hurt with her head in the fog."
Layla sighs and takes a seat. "She's also afraid she'll get hurt."
"How so?"
"I guess I'll just rip the bandaid off because this is not an easy conversation..." Layla hesitates for a moment, "Y/N was getting abused during her time with the Military Police."
"Abused?" Mike sits up straighter, "By who?"
"Nile." Kayla sees Mike's face grow dark. He already hates Nile, so this is the icing on the cake. "He would um...hit her a lot, call her names, make her his personal servant."
This gives Mike the answer as to why Y/N flinched away from him that day.
"No one did anything about it?" He asks.
Kayla shakes her head sadly. "She tried to turn him in, but they just laughed and said maybe she needed to be put in her place. I wanted to help her, but she begged me not to or she would get in trouble with Nile."
Mike clears his throat. "She flinched back from me the other day. She knows I won't hurt her right?"
"She doesn't know that yet. Her trust in people isn't very high. Y/N always thinks people will end up hitting her or start talking down to her if she doesn't do a good job. She was conditioned to believe that for a lot of years." Kayla explains as Mike just listens in shock.
"Is that why she hasn't been around me lately? I know she's been upset because she hasn't got 3D maneuvering down, but I would never hurt her."
Kayla hums. "That's partly the reason. The abuse made her depressed and she turned to alcohol for a while. The addiction got pretty bad until I worked with her to get off of it. Addiction stays for life though, and she's been holding herself back from drinking it lately. That is also another reason you might see her so anxious and fidgety."
Mike thanks Kayla for the information and leaves to find you. The base is empty as everyone is in their rooms asleep, except for you. You snuck out of bed and into the mess hall.
You stand on your tippy toes to try and reach a rum bottle on the top shelf when a big hand grabs it instead.
Snapping around, you are face to face with Mike who holds the bottle up high.
He grunts. “Were you trying to get this?”
You pale as you stumble on trying to find words to say. “I-I ….I’m sorry! I-“
Mike sets the bottle on the table and you close your eyes, waiting for some sort of impact to hit your face.
You let out a shaky breathe when you feel gentle fingers glide across your cheek. Slowly opening your eyes, you see Mike crouched in front of you.
“Kayla told me everything.”
You don’t speak as his fingers touching your face are making you nervous.
He sighs. “I won’t hurt you. What they did was inhumane and they will be dealt with.”
You can only nod as you have yet to relax your tense body.
“You also don’t need any alcohol to comfort you. Come to me if you need help.”
“O-ok.” You squeak out.
Mike then takes your hands and holds them gently, but you break out into a sob and lean over to hug him.
He hugs you back tightly and sniffs your hair. This was the closest he’s been to you and your scent is lovely to him. Unbeknownst to you, Mike has always had feelings for you. He gave up on those feelings when you decided to split ways by going to the Military Police, but they would always blossom again whenever he would see you.
A few days later, you are in the washroom with Mike as you clean his hands. You gently wash over the cuts and bruises going across his knuckles, and you give him a scolding look, but he can only smile at the fact you won’t ever be hurt again.
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thero0ks · 3 years
Day 1: Cute
I am so excited to be participating in the Miche Zacharias Week 2021 hosted by @michezachariasweek​. I have an assortment of things queued up for the week including: oneshots, NSFW!, headcanons, and drabbles! It all started with a Pinterest recipe. Miche shouldn’t have been too surprised with the holiday season upon them. How hard could it be to make a pumpkin spice cheesecake? His wife was a capable chef when it came to cooking, so he was confident they would sail through the recipe with no issues. 
An obnoxious sound came from the bar top, a sound he instantly recognized as the bluetooth speaker pairing with her phone. Slender fingers quickly tapped on a soft playlist she made on Spotify. Her hips swayed as she made her way into the kitchen. Opening the recipe on her phone she propped it against the marble backsplash on the wall to view as she baked.. 
She went to work ordering him around as she dumped ingredients in the bowl, occasionally swaying her hips to the music, while she stood in front of the mixing bowl. Miche occasionally rested his hands on her hips as he watched her sway to the music. As soon as he pulled her flush against his body, she lightly chastised him to get back to work. 
“I can’t help it baby, you always look so good.” Miche hummed burying his nose in the crook of her neck to inhale her scent, as he gently swayed with her to the music. 
“You’re distracting me…” Her voice was teasing, as she let him take control.
Soon she found herself in his arms, dancing in their kitchen to a soft song that came on her playlist. A small smile tugged at her lips as Miche started to sing to her. 
“And all I can taste is this moment, and all I can breathe is your life, and sooner or later, it's over I just don't wanna miss you tonight.” 
Miche had a pleasant voice, and she could never get enough of it. She started to understand those old tails of sailors being lured into the sea by sirens. His voice was hypnotic, drawing her in as he spun her back into his chest, the cheesecake batter long forgotten as they danced around the kitchen. She could spend an entire afternoon moving across the tiled floor in her bare feet, spinning around the room, safe in his arms, listening to his melodic voice. 
The oven beeped, pulling them from their moment, signaling that the oven was preheated. Miche stole a quick kiss, wrapping his arm snugly against her waist before she slipped away to attend to her baking. He followed close behind her as her feet padded against the floor. Using his large frame to his advantage he dipped a finger in the batter quickly sticking it in his mouth to taste it. A small protest escaped her lips, as he took off, and she chased him around the kitchen. He slid easily over the marble top island, laughing at the obvious height advantage he had over her. 
He watched the wheels turn behind those fiery eyes, and he could see the determination set in them as she fainted to the side before chasing after him. After running laps around the bar she was out of breath and panting.
“Well, guess I’ll lick the spatula myself then….” 
Miche’s face dropped as he watched her saunter back to the counter where the batter was, as she went to work pouring it into the spring pan.
“Baby, we had a deal.” He mumbled into her shoulder.
She couldn’t stop the smile that formed on her face at the feeling of his stubble scratching against her skin. When she finished pouring the batter she handed him the bowl and spatula. 
“We did have a deal, and you were a very good helper.” She said standing on her tiptoes to kiss the tip of his nose, before turning to put the cheesecake in the oven.
Miche hummed as he licked the spatula, as he sat himself on the island counter. His long legs dangled as his wife went to work tidying the kitchen while the cheesecake cooked. 
“Do we have to share it with Erwin?” Miche asked, looking up at her.
Closing the dishwasher she looked up at him with a smile, and nodded as she stood between his thighs, resting her palms on his thighs.
“Yes baby, we have to bring something to your work Christmas party.”
The reminder of the party solicited a groan from him, as his head slightly pulled back in annoyance. “Do we have to go?”
“Baby, you and Erwin are partners at your firm. You’re expected to be there.” She said, raising an eyebrow at his behavior.
Miche let out and exaggerated huff. “Fine, but I’m going to be miserable the entire time.”
“Or you can drink your bourbon, and hang out with your best friend.” His wife countered, and he hummed.
“When you put it that way, it doesn’t seem too bad….”
He watched the look of accomplishment cross her face as she took the cheesecake out of the oven. Coming back she patted him on the thigh.
“I'm going to go get ready. Don’t touch the cheesecake.” she warned, before disappearing up the stairs.
Miche stared longingly at the cooling cheesecake, his mouth watering, and he found his feet taking him closer to the dessert, unable to resist the sweet scent. He glanced up at the staircase. She wouldn’t be down for at least half an hour. He could take just a little off the corner, and no one would ever notice he reasoned with himself. Especially if he smoothed the edges. 
His mouth was watering at the thought of tasting it. Opening their silverware drawer he grabbed a butter knife and looked over the cheesecake, calculating the best course of action. He decided to trim just a little off an uneven edge.
Taking the knife in hand he went to work carving a small well into the side of the cheesecake, after deciding what was on his plate was hardly enough to taste. When he took a step back he was left with a clearly misshapen cheesecake. 
“Maybe she won’t notice….” he said in a hopeful tone to himself.
“I definitely noticed.”
Her voice caused him to jump, and he turned to see her, with her arms crossed across her chest with an unamused smile gracing her perfect features.
“Well it tastes great.” He said trying to lighten the mood, and he watched the corners of her mouth try to fight off a smile, and he relaxed knowing he could get her forgiveness so easily.
She let out an exasperated sigh, as she pointed to the staircase. “Go get ready, I’ll package this up to take to the party.”
Miche nodded, kissing her cheek before disappearing up the stairs to go get ready for the party.
The party had most of the office in attendance as they both mingled about, and Erwin approached Y/N when she was free of Miche.
“I’m sorry Y/N….” Erwin said looking at the oddly shaped cheesecake that sat on the table.
“Just remember, I blame you for introducing us.” She said with an amused smile as she patted his shoulder slipping off to get more champagne, kissing Miche’s cheek on the way.
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axoxtxhxh · 3 years
For the prompts thing: Couch
And if I get to choose characters then I'd be interested in Erwin and Miche interacting?
Love your work btw!
Thank you so much! I need to start by saying oh my gosh. I can’t even explain how much fun I had writing this, anon. I almost peed my pants 🤣 I have the most childish humor, I swear 😅 I hope you enjoy these two dorks. Thank you for the request! ❤️
I’m still taking writing prompt requests. Click here to see some you can choose from :)
Erwin/Miche – Couch
“Tell me again why you ordered a couch and had it delivered to your old place?” Miche scratched his head and leaned on the doorframe of Erwin’s, now emptied, apartment.
“I assure you it wasn’t done on purpose.” Erwin explained. “I ordered it two months ago and they guaranteed it would arrive in six weeks.”
They both stared at the couch.
“Well, I guess let’s just get it out of here. You take that end,” Miche directed. They both bent down to their side of the couch and lifted. “Why did you need a new couch anyway. Didn’t you just buy the other one?”
“Yeah, the other one was great until you and Hange got that slime stain on it.” Erwin’s back hit the wall behind him. “Don’t push me backwards, I have nowhere to go.”
“The door is right next to you, we need to go that way.” Miche nudged his nose in the direction of the door.
“Back up a little, I need space to move there.” Miche backed up a little and they started carrying the couch through the door. They barely made it through when something stopped the couch from moving further. “Wait, don’t push. It’s stuck.”
“On what?” Miche tried to peek over the couch to see.
“I’m not sure.” Erwin followed the edge of the couch to see what was blocking it from moving. “It looks to be the legs.”
“Can we angle it to squeeze it through?” Miche called.
“I don’t think so. Let’s bring it back in.”
They moved the couch back in the couple feet they were able to carry it. Miche took a deep breath and looked at the couch, his hands on his hips.
“I suppose it was a bad idea to have them assemble it.” Erwin told, his hands also on his hips. Miche looked up at him, shocked.
“You had them put it together?” Miche’s eyes were wide in disbelief at what Erwin was saying.
“Yeah, just before you got here.” Erwin nodded.
“Why the fuck did you have them unwrap it and put it together when you knew we were going to move it?”
“I paid for the service.”
“Jesus, okay.” Miche rubbed his face and knelt down to look at the couch legs. “Well, we’re probably going to have to take the legs off to fit it through the doorway. Do you have tools?”
“At home.” Erwin crossed his arms fretfully, knowing they were in trouble.
“I’m assuming you mean your new house and not here.”
“That’s correct.” Miche dropped his head.
“Okay, I have some tools in my trunk.” Miche stood up. “Hang on, I’ll go grab them.”
Miche quickly ran down to his Jeep and grabbed his small bag of tools, going back up to the couch and bending down to figure out how to take off the legs. It took a good twenty minutes for them to get the legs off the couch and Erwin put them in the passenger seat of his car.
They moved back into position to get the couch through the doorway and lifted the couch up, inching it slowly through the doorway until Erwin was at the stairwell and Miche was nearly out of the apartment.
“Miche, can we switch?” Erwin asked, his foot on the first step of the staircase.
“What?” Miche leaned to look over the couch.
“I really don’t like the idea of walking down the stairs backwards.” Erwin explained. “Can we switch?”
“Why didn’t you say this earlier, Erwin!” Miche yelled. “Holy shit, I am actually going to throw this couch down the stairs.”
“Come on, you’re taller anyway.”
“I refuse to bring this thing back inside,” Miche grumbled, “You can climb over it.”
“Fine.” Erwin took off his shoes and tossed them in the apartment, stepping onto the couch with his socks and climbing down until he was next to Miche. Miche moved to step over the couch so he wouldn’t have to remove his shoes, but he couldn’t reach the ground without stepping on the couch.
“Damn it. I’m just going to roll myself.” He turned around and laid his back on the couch, trying to roll himself backwards to get to the end. He overestimated the distance and Erwin laughed as he watched Miche roll down the first two steps of the staircase. Miche caught himself, laughing along with Erwin. “Ready?”
Erwin nodded and they both grabbed their ends of the couch, lifting up and slowly moving down the stairs. With a sigh, Miche went to set the couch on the ground so they could figure out how to transport it.
“Wait! Don’t set this on the ground!” Erwin shouted. “It’s dirty.”
“You want me to just hold this thing?” Miche rolled his eyes. “How are you getting it to your new place?”
“I was going to tie it to the top of my car.”
“That seems like a terrible idea and that’s not even because your car is too small for that.” Miche laughed.
“Why won’t it work?” Erwin stared at Miche with his eyebrows drawn together.
“Do you have ropes to tie it?”
“That’s why it won’t work.” Miche laughed, almost dropping the couch. “Let’s move it to my Jeep.”
They walked the couch across the parking lot to Miche’s Jeep and he opened the trunk and Erwin squeezed his side of the couch into the trunk and moved to Miche’s side to help him push. They pushed forward until the couch hit the seats.
“Damn, it’s too big.” Miche tried to look over the couch to see how they could make it work.
“Why is it too big? It’s nearly in.” Erwin pointed out.
“Nearly in? Half the couch is sticking out.”
“It’s not too bad.”
“You want me to drive down the highway with this thing hanging out of my ass?”
“What if we tie it?”
“You don’t have ropes! Stop suggesting that!” Miche held the couch, trying to think. “You know what? I think I have some ratchet straps under my back seat. Go check.”
Erwin went to the side door and came back with them.
“Come here and hold the couch.” Miche instructed. “Maybe if I put my seats in the back down, we can push it in further.”
They put the back seats down and were able to push the couch in a bit more and the rest was held with the ratchet straps to make sure the couch didn’t fly out the back while he was driving.
“Okay, let’s hurry up and go before traffic gets bad.” Miche climbed in his Jeep and Erwin followed behind him.
They reached Erwin’s house and started the whole process of moving it in through the doorway again. It was much easier than moving it out as the legs were already off and Erwin’s new place was a house and had a lot more space.
“Do you want me to go backwards up the stairs?” Miche asked before they started.
They slowly pulled the couch inside and set it back up. Legs were put on quickly and they both took a deep and satisfying breath as they looked at their work.
“It really is a nice couch though.” Miche patted Erwin’s back. “Do you have any beer?”
“Thanks. Yeah, there’s some in the fridge.” Miche went to the kitchen and came back with two, one for Erwin and one for him.
“Well I know I am going to enjoy this.” Miche smiled as he slowly sat down on the couch. “This is really—ah!”
Miche’s body was forced to bend forward as the couch folded in half and squeezed him between the back cushion and seat cushion. Miche slowly looked up at Erwin with the most intense expression of mistrust.
“The whole time, this thing was able to fold?”
“Ah right.” Erwin covered his mouth with his hand as he laughed at Miche’s scrunched up body. “I forgot it did that.”
“What the fuck, dude?”
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chloe-writes · 3 years
Levi x Reader
Angst | Modern - Soulmate AU | 7k words
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Summary : being dead since the 19th century, your 200-year-old house in the countryside had been sold to Levi Ackerman. He stumbles upon your old diary and reads it, only to slowly fall in love with you as he continues to read the pages.
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Who would have known love could exist between two people separated not only by centuries, but also by death itself ?
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" —in the next life, where there is no marriage, but where souls find each other through intimacy, may I attain true love. "
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Characters: Levi, Kuchel, Kenny, Hange, Erwin, Miche, Rod
Content Warning: cancer, implied domestic violence, implied suicide, misogyny
AO3:   https://t.co/B7Jq6k5q0v
Note: I made the reader a feminist because I don't think there are much fics that include feminist political themes. Also, I usually use they/them pronouns for Hange, but I will be using she/her pronouns in this work.
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“Here are the keys. Enjoy your new home, Mr. Ackerman.” 
The real estate agent had an air of arrogance, one that Levi Ackerman couldn’t help but detest. Caught up in his own thoughts, Levi barely noticed how the man’s eyes were far too big for his head.
Ah yes, real estate agent Rod Reiss, whose egotistic demeanor struck an odd contrast to his shabby appearance. That seemed to be an enigma to Levi. However, the Ackerman didn't care to figure out which of those two qualities was more irksome.
He just wanted to get the transaction over with and move into his newly-bought home.
The house stood tall with its Victorian style architecture, surrounded by a lush forest and lonely hills. The rural areas of Paradis were the last place on Earth he had expected to live in. However, this had been his mother’s wish since they had gotten the news that she had cancer—to grow old in a home she loved. 
Kuchel wasn't gravely ill, but Levi still wanted to grant her wish. An hour drive from here to his job in the city was a small price to pay in exchange for his mother’s comfort and happiness.
The house seemed even lovelier than it did in the pictures. And Kuchel soon felt as though she had lived here for years. Levi had always been her son, but now she saw something new in him: he had grown into a man who was kind and sweet.
The real estate agent seemed hesitant, but nevertheless, was still determined to speak up. “Also, keep everything the (l/n) family left behind. Their belongings come with the house you paid for. If I may have a say, put it up for auction. Century-old antiques cost a fortune!”
“So we’d have to throw all that ye olden times junk away ourselves?” Levi mumbled more to himself than to Rod Reiss—who was now taking his leave after successfully selling the estate.
Kuchel had always adored antiques, so she didn't quite appreciate her son's rude remark. “It isn’t junk! I even heard Kenny say there was a piano in the living room. Maybe you could get back into playing.”
A comment was then heard from the mentioned uncle, Kenny, who was quite displeased with the lack of help in unloading their stuff from the van. “Oi, what ya waiting for, runt? Let’s get settled in.”
“Keep calling me a runt and you’ll be sleeping in the attic, old man.”
The castle-like detail of their new home felt like being part of the romance and history of a by-gone era. From the vibrant flowery wallpaper, to the steeply-pitched roofs. Levi didn’t mind the design though, it made him happy to see how this house had captured his mother’s heart.
His only concern was the thick layers of dust which covered everything in sight; it was a depressing dirty grey—contrasting the elaborately decked out home that reveled in its bright colors.
 There it was again, Levi’s obsession with cleanliness. Kuchel giggled at the thought, it had become an inside joke within the family. “Yes, filthy indeed. Just like your uncle. I had to put a handkerchief over my nose the entire ride so I wouldn’t smell the three-days-no-shower stench.”
The subject of their conversation then appeared in the room, “No shit, I have been blessed with the misfortune of calling you a sister.”
“Kenny, when was the last time you took a bath? And I’m not even trying to be offensive, you really do stink.”
“Aight aight, I get your point, gonna wash up when I’m done cleaning. I’ll mop the kitchen and dining. Levi, you do the rooms and the attic.”
 Though the shorter man thought the division of tasks was unfair, he decided to remain quiet and nod in agreement.
The attic was, by far, the most interesting part of the house, and much to his dismay, also the dustiest.
Levi made his way through the junk, broken furniture, and trinkets. It was like reading the story of somebody’s life, he thought, as he gazed at all these things that had been used once, that had been part of every day in the house below.
Someone had savored each page of the books on the shelf, or maybe someone used to watch the minutes of the grandfather clock tick with interest. But those people were long dead, or gone away, and now the oddments of their lives were piled up here, forgotten.
It was a bittersweet thought.
The man decided to start with the bookshelf that expanded across the wall. Halfway through dusting, he spotted something in the corner of his eye. It was a book with a gleaming golden spine, reflecting the sun’s rays that welcomed itself in from the windows.
Levi was an apathetic individual by nature. He didn’t particularly care about things that weren’t his own business. But there was an odd vibe to the mentioned book; it was so inviting.
A tingling in his bones warned him that he shouldn’t open it, but his curiosity placated him, driving him onward against his instincts.
The dust beneath its aging covers represented how patient time was—how the book allowed dust particles to hide its golden touches until the waiting time was over.
Without any further ado, he flipped it open. Eyes widening at realization, the book was actually a journal.
(y/n) (l/n)
“What an ugly name.” Levi snorted, never really understanding parents and their poor naming choices.
Dear reader, I dare you not to turn the page if you refuse to read of a lousy, miserable life. Yet, if you do wish to seek such knowledge even after warning, then must I say you are one nosy fellow!
His interest in the book—or more accurately, his interest in the journal—immediately vanished as he didn’t want to snoop into a random dead girl’s business, into your lousy and miserable business.
He reckoned it was going to be about boy problems anyway, which was what most women he knew in high school wrote about in their stupid diaries. And surely, that wasn’t any interesting.
However, a thought abruptly entered his mind.  In many ways, diaries chart unmapped territory, especially diaries of those who had lived in the past. Levi wondered what lives were like before—to get a sense of the attitudes, opinions, and beliefs that motivated individuals of a different era.
Written on a regular basis, journals provide commentary on life as it is lived. And this sense of immediacy pulled Levi in and fueled his curiosity in reading about the past in a direct, unfiltered way.
Making the final decision to indeed snoop into your business, he flipped the pages, eyes following the words of what seemed to be the first entry:
12th of January, 1821
Last night at dinner, I tried to convince father that I am not meant for marriage, and marriage is not meant for me. My husband-to-be’s ignorance is only one reason in the long list of his shortcomings. Yet, there was no possibility in changing father’s mind.
Today, I had been wandering in the leafless shrubbery an hour in the morning. The cold winter wind had brought with it clouds so somber, and a rain so penetrating, that further outdoor activity should be forbidden. But that did not matter, I needed to get away from that cursed household, even if the winter were to freeze me with its icy breath.
“How melodramatic.” Though he pitied the misogynistic situation you found yourself troubled in, Levi couldn’t help but cringe at the thought that he was indeed right—it was about boy problems.
The man took a peek at the outside world through the high windows, taking in the sight of the orange sunset.
Kenny and Kuchel were probably waiting for him downstairs, wondering what was taking him so long when dinner was soon approaching. He closed your journal, and placed it back on the shelf.
Letting out a tired sigh, he had barely started on the reason behind why he even came here in the first place. Cleaning the attic would have to wait another day then.
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At Kuchel’s check-up session two months ago, it was discovered that she was terminally ill, and her cancer was incurable. The only reason she was still taking palliative chemotherapy was for less suffering.
Kenny had never prayed a lot. He hoped hard, he wished hard, but he didn't pray. Yet when he discovered his sister’s impending death, he prayed to whatever deity that was up there—hoping for her recovery even when there was nothing else to hope for.
But hope is what keeps us going, right? Without it, the struggle against cynicism and loss of spirit would be greater than the slow, inevitable death of cancer. So Kenny held onto that little hope in his heart and supported his sister at every step of the way.
Though, what he didn’t support was Kuchel’s decision of hiding the truth from Levi.
“The runt is going to find out sooner or later. For fuck’s sake, you are dying. Don’t you think Levi deserves to know that? ”
“First of all, stop calling my son a runt. Second, I will tell him. Not now, but soon.” The frail woman took a slow and long sip from her tea, eyeing her brother from the rim of the cup. She knew Kenny was right, but still refused to listen to his argument anyway.
“Soon? When you’re already on your deathbed?”
A pair of approaching footsteps were heard. Kenny immediately zipped his mouth shut while Kuchel greeted her son. “Good morning, sweetheart. Did you sleep well?”
“Good morning.“
“Ahh fuck it, I can’t take it anymore. Levi, your mother has something to tell you.” All attention quickly drifted to the tall male, who was annoyed by how his sister was skirting around the issue they had been discussing only a minute ago.
The tension in the room grew thicker by each passing second, especially when Levi demanded to know what this was all about, “What’s going on?”
“I’m just. Aah…” The frail woman’s dilemma had not went unnoticed by the two men. She was clearly buying time, “I’m just upset. Chemotherapy has been causing my hair to fall out. It’s just really upsetting… especially for an ex-model.”
Part of Levi was relieved to hear that the news wasn’t as serious as he thought it would be, but he still couldn’t help but feel bad for his mother, “I see. Would you feel better if I bought you a wig?”
“Yes, I’d very much appreciate that. Thank you, sweetheart.”
Kenny rolled eyes at his family’s exchange of words, not pleased with Kuchel’s dishonesty.
“If not today, I’ll get you the wig by tomorrow. I’m going now. See you later.” With that, the young adult left for his 10 am shift at work.
“When are you going to tell him?” Inquired Kenny, choosing to speak only once he was certain his nephew was out of earshot.
“When I am ready.”
Hange fixed her glasses and wore a sinister grin, eager to annoy Levi so early in the morning, “Good morning, how’s my favorite sour face?”
“Never miss a good chance to shut up.” He prayed that Hange would someday finally learn to appreciate peaceful silence, but clearly, today wasn’t that day just yet.
“Now is definitely not a good chance to shut up. Someone has to be responsible enough to fill in the duty of annoying you.”
“Makes sense. It does seem like the only aspect you’re capable of being responsible at.”
“Okay, rude. How’s your mom-“ The bespectacled brunette had barely finished her sentence when Levi pinched her nose. “Ow!”
“Here's your nose, I found it in my business.”
Levi then shifted his gaze to the two familiar blond men approaching—who seemingly have heard the banter between him and Hange.
Scratching his nose, “No, really, Levi. how is Mrs. Ackerman?” Miche hasn’t heard of Kuchel in a long time. since Levi refused to bring the topic up, so he was curious as to how she had been coping up with cancer.
“I thought the years we’ve spent working together would grant you the knowledge that my mother’s name is Ms. Ackerman, not Mrs. Ackerman.”
“My apologies.”
The shorter fellow ran a hand through his black hair, letting out a sigh. “And about mom—she’s alright, though the more intensive course of chemotherapy has been kicking her ass.”
An awkward silence descended for a moment. Kuchel was always a sensitive topic, not to mention, Levi’s crass choice of words made the entire situation more uncomfortable.
Erwin finally decided to contribute to the conversation and break the growing tension, “I’m sorry to hear that, we hope her chemotherapy will be worth it in the long run.” The tall blond also cued for their small group to walk along to their respective desks, where piles upon piles of paperwork awaited.
Though Levi would never verbally admit it to his mother, he was starting to get attached to the rural landscape. There was a sense of serenity from the sight of swaying grasslands during his drive home from work. Maybe the countryside wasn’t so bad after all.
“I’m home.” He hung his coat on the rack and walked to the kitchen, where he assumed his mother would be. It was a rather amusing scene before Levi: Kuchel hitting Kenny with kitchen utensils as he tried to sneak a piece of meat into his mouth.
The frail woman’s facial expression turned from threatening to gentle as she heard her son’s approaching footsteps. “Oh, hello sweetheart. Did you just arrive?
“Yeah. Although I wish I had gotten home sooner to see more of Kenny getting assaulted with a spatula.”
A pair of eyes rolled in annoyance, “Not funny. And before I forget, there had been some sounds from the attic. Probably mice. Check it, will ya? I’d prefer you throw it away, but if you’d like a new addition to your small circle of friends, I won’t judge.”
“Hmm. just say you don’t have the balls to check it yourself.”
“Boys, please mind your language!”
Once more, the attic had an eerie abandoned feeling to it. The very clearness of silence drew an intense feeling Levi couldn’t shake off. The air around him hummed with an energy that was foreign yet nostalgic.
And there it was again, the familiar book resting on the shelf. Its shiny golden spine, a contrast to the dimly lit room. It was a mysterious journal really, seeming to know secrets he didn’t, inviting him to take another peak. After all, the unknown draws people in—
No. He came here for one purpose only. And that was to search for the source of the sounds. That and that only.
However, it doesn’t take a genius to recognize when someone is being pushed by a circumstance to do something. And for Levi, this was it. Destiny’s (or whatever you call it) interventions can sometimes be read as an invitation to explore.
With that said, the man abandoned his original purpose and flipped your diary open, picking up at where he last left off.
3rd of February, 1821
Elliott Dickens, the man I am expected to marry. The main reason why father wants me to wed him is because he is a duke in Marley.
I don’t even know a single thing about dukes! Except maybe for the fact that dukes are the highest-ranking title among nobles, and that they own large amounts of inherited property.
But I have no interest in them, their wealth, nor their corrupt practices. Moreover, I have no interest in moving away to Elliott’s hometown.
People are beginning to flock from rural areas to large urban locations like Marley. Though I cannot blame these people for wanting more job opportunities in the city, but I love it here in Paradis! I do not intend of leaving this province behind.
This is where I grew up. Every spot here is familiar history.
I know I can't own a prairie, a meadow, nor a mountainside. But keeping the beauty of Paradis a secret somehow makes it mine.
Only here may you see nature revealing herself in all her glory. A poet can write of it, a painter can paint of it, but neither can reproduce the same air of reality that sinks deep into the soul of the spectator.
Both my eyes and mind are delighted in this place I’ve known as home.
There was a pause, then Levi’s lips stretched into a smile. You were right. You convinced him that Paradis was indeed a place of solace.
It was refreshing to look across vast spaces of grassland, to lift one’s eyes with delight, to feel the peace that rests on lonely hills. Levi had only been living here for a short while, but Paradis was already starting to feel like home to him.
This is where he had learned to appreciate silence in a world that never stops talking.
His entire life, Levi Ackerman had fallen into a naiveté where he looked at the world based solely on what his physical senses can ascertain. But once he saw life through your eyes, through your own words, perhaps he was wrong.
The world perceived by our senses is different from the world perceived through our essence.
Perhaps Levi misjudged you, you weren’t as shallow as he initially thought you were.
Snapping out of his reverie, he started to look for the rodent Kenny was pertaining to. The man made a mental note to come back here and continue reading the journal… and to clean as well, since he wasn’t able to do that last time.
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30th of March, 1821
Dear reader, I hope you had a lovely day, good for you because I did not.
Elliott told me, “Do you know when it is no misfortune for a young lady like you to lose her good name? It’s when a man like myself gives her a better one.”
What an audacious remark! Bold of him to say that to me when is last name is Dickens. I refuse to associate myself with a God-awful title that sounds like the filthy thing between a man’s legs.
Forgive me Shakespeare, but I beg to differ from Romeo & Juliet: “What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would still smell as sweet.” Everything’s in a name; and I refuse the lousy title of ‘Mrs. Dickens’!
The raven-haired man snorted, Dickens was indeed a horrendous name.
Over the past weeks, Levi often felt like a voyeur sneakily reading your private writings—spending a decent amount of his personal time trying to decipher your handwriting and piecing stories together from your diary.
Funnily enough, he roughly knew of your existence before; he never knew of your name and life, because you were an individual from an era he would never get to live in. Yet here he was, seemingly the only person to have ever known you in such an unfiltered way.
He liked it. He liked the feeling of being a confidant to all your secrets.
‘Mrs. Dickens’, a big no. I refuse to inherit that title, moreover, I refuse to marry him, and any other man like him.
I am convinced that a husband will only ruin me, for in this society, women struggle to shape a life and sense of identity outside of marriage.
So, I must seek wisdom and improvement from books, as knowledge is a tool to reinvent myself!
These recent feminist political movements have deeply inspired me, and I have decided to devote a great deal of time and energy to recording my thoughts on them in writing books and diaries. Women want equality in education, labor, electoral rights, and opinion in marriage.
My pursuit of knowledge is linked with feelings of self-worth. It is a quest to remodel myself, not so I could better serve the men in my life, but so that I could better serve myself.
A mind so deep and a will so strong could never have failed to give Levi a peek on these excursions over the domains of literature and feminism that reflect on your mental prowess.
With the more he flipped the pages, with the more he got to know you, he found himself squeezed under a new astonishment.
He liked it. He liked you.
He liked you to the point that he even refused to cleaned the attic. Because by dusting off, it felt like he was erasing your footsteps, allowing your final touches upon these dusty, old things to vanish, like there was no more trace of you in this house.
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Levi sighed. He’d spoken about you to his mother. He told her about your hobbies, your adventures, and that you’re a wanderer who knows nothing of borders and cares nothing for rules in a misogynistic and unfair society.
He told her almost everything, but nothing about you being the dead ex-owner of this house... that little detail was to remain a closely guarded secret to himself.
”When will I meet her? This girl you talk so much of. I bet she’s a lovely lady.”
“Ah, about that… it’s just, I have no hope of ever calling her mine.”
“Why so? You’re a handsome and kind young man.”
Levi so badly wanted to tell his mother why he couldn’t introduce you to her. However, he didn’t want Kuchel to think he had a loose screw and needed his head for examination if he tried to explain this strange circumstance of romance—being in love with the dead.
“I better go and sort out my paperwork for tomorrow.” He tried, attempting to avoid the topic, but the older woman could see right through him.
She grabbed his arm just before he could leave. Kuchel looked like she wanted to say something important, yet the defeated look in her grey eyes seemed to convey that she had decided against it.
“Make sure to get some rest, okay sweetheart? I don’t want you staying up all night long again.”
Responding with a soft smile, Levi left the kitchen and made his way upstairs, leaving his mother to simply sigh in dismay at the fact that her son was clearly keeping something hidden from her.
But she couldn’t blame him though, she herself was keeping secrets too.
Levi found himself in the attic again, where there was a feeling of safety. A calm sanctuary, a dependable sense of home.
All these ye-olden-times junk, were filled with memories, filled with faded echoes that had ebbed and flowed into the walls over the years. Maybe that’s why the attic felt so homely. It was full of history and love.
Curiosity was difficult to satisfy; it was a force of nature that looked for answers even before asking questions. Curiosity had been unfairly maligned and characterized as a dangerous pursuit, as we were always taught that curiosity killed the cat.
But Levi knew better. Curiosity created connections. It cultivated wonder, inquiry, and delight. It sprouted the desire to try, test, and tweak.
He had been reading wisdom from a diary he formerly did not want to read. He had been finding beauty in places he formerly did not want to look in. And he had learned so much from journeys he formerly did not want to take.
 It made him wonder: how much of our lives are just luck and good timing, and how much of it was actually choice? How could it be that tiny serendipitous events could change so much of us?
 He felt like each choice he had made along the way was part of something bigger than himself. Fate has a funny way of intervening just when we think we have everything in order. And as he thought about all the events that led him to this place, it struck him: so much of life is just blind luck and random chance. With every twist and turn, our lives take us in different directions: you never know what's around the corner.
Levi understood that the world was governed by randomness. That's why he pursued his curiosity with passion, because he understood that chance favored the prepared mind.ㅤ
The short man rummaged through the attic, looking for more answers about you from outside the journal. He came across what seemed to be a pile of belongings, covered by an old, dusty cloth. Yanking it off, the sudden movement sent a vortex of dust into the previously stagnant air.
And there it was, a portrait of you.
It reflected the perfect image of your figure, with all the brilliant picturesqueness of your beauty. It was strange, the way in which you looked at Levi, looking so steadfastly at him through the medium of the oil painting. It’s like you were actually there, watching him with curious eyes.
The power of your beauty held him fast, seizing him and filling a gap in his essence. There was grace in your every feature; it sparkled in your deep eyes, lurked in the corner of your lips, and even in the rich tone of your skin.
It was nice to finally put a face to the name, Levi thought.
The more he got to know you, the more he realized that you tick in all the boxes for the qualities he never knew he wanted in a woman.
However, all of this was depressing. Because no matter how much he knew and liked you, he would never have the chance to call you his.
3rd of September, 1821
I always tell myself that I would rather be happy than be dignified. That I can live alone, and I need not to sell my soul to marriage.
But sometimes, my mind slips, gradually and subconsciously. And there is an involuntary mental process that conditions me to accept reality despite my desperate efforts to never give in to societal pressure.
Once dreams wrangle with reality, we must rub our eyes open and wake up. The heavy weight of my circumstances has yet to fully sink in, but I am certain of one thing:
I am to marry Elliott Dickens, duke of Marley.
Everything moves so fast. My life will rush from heaven to hell in two weeks, when the wedding will take place. And the future will always happen, no matter how much I try to run away from it.
The decision has been made, and I am going to be a new woman soon, I am going to be Mrs. Dickens. And I will be leaving everything behind, including this diary.
To write my heart out—it was freedom to a degree I have not experienced much of before.
But did that mean all my freedom had been used up? Because at the moment, I am unsure of what to write… How strange it is that when I feel most fervently, it is as though my hands and tongue are tied; I cannot express myself!
This is going to be the last entry, thank you for making it this far with me.
Last entry? 
A sense of sorrow set deep inside him. The persistent feeling of emptiness practically had Levi forced into submission and taken hostage by it. All he could do was stare into space, letting it wash over him.
Was this it? Despite all your efforts, you still chose to marry the duke?
Then what was the point of writing? Wasn’t it for silent revolution? For feminism? For freeing yourself?
Or was it only meant for catharsis?
Maybe it was. After all, writing was meant for those whose thoughts wouldn’t fit their limited mind. So, you used the power of words as a tool to pour your soul on paper. And Levi knew that.
Levi did not think of you as future Mrs. Dickens, a soon-to-be aristocratic wife of a duke. To him, you were simply you. For he knew you better than anyone else could have. He knew you were just a lonely girl, waiting to be read by someone, hoping that you would make sense to at least one person.
He yearned to stay in this in-between place. Where he was both in modern times and in the past. Where romance existed everywhere and nowhere all at once.
And just as you had written these entries for him to read, he knew with unshakable certainty that in those little moments, even in a dream, were more real and better than anything he’d known.
How beautiful it was to replace the world inside him with someone else’s reality. The way you allowed him to look into your deepest fears and desires, your artful poems, your treasured secrets, your worst nightmares, and your most beautiful dreams.
Your writings unraveled emotions inside him, uncovered new parts of him that were hidden, and breathed a new him into existence with each word that was written.
It made him feel alive and vulnerable. It made him feel human.
It made Levi feel so much that sometimes he wished all your poems he were written for him, because his heart, with its hooks, was looking for something—or someone—to love.
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It had been an awfully long day at work for Levi. Piles upon piles of documents never seemed to lessen. It also didn’t help that all he could think of was you, keeping his mind away from successfully accomplishing work.
He was just about to enter his car when a small bell-like sound from his phone was heard.
Clicking his tongue, he mumbled a quiet ‘what now’ out of frustration. It was a text from Kenny, which was weird since Kenny rarely contacted him.
5:27 PM
“Where the fuck are you?”
Frowning, Levi continued to read the message.
5:28 PM
“It's your mother. The doctor is here at home, but they say it’s likely she wouldn’t make it through the night.”
A heavy weight settled in his stomach. His heart pounded out of control.
Kenny’s words kept playing on his mind like a broken record as he drove as fast as he could to get home, not caring about beating the red light. He mentally cursed at the fact that it took nearly an hour to get back to the countryside from work.
The sun dipped below the horizon—the fleeting colors of dusk beginning to fade away—indicating the end of another day, and the end of another life.
Upon parking the vehicle, Levi didn’t even bother closing the car door as he ran into the house and up the stairs.
Dread increasing with every step, he saw Kenny and a short lady—most probably the doctor—standing in front of his mother’s room by the end of the hall, as if they were waiting for his arrival.
Before the man could even yank the door open, he was stopped by the doctor. “I assume you’re Levi, Kuchel’s son? I’m Petra Ral, an oncologist from the specialist cancer team of your mother. May I have a minute?”
It took everything in him to not scold at the ginger woman. What could possibly be so important that it couldn’t wait after he’d check up on his mother?
Despite the glare Levi was shooting at her, Petra continued her words, trying to phrase her message in a concise fashion, “The cancer in her breasts have spread to her lymphatic system, her lungs, liver, and bones-“
“Just get to the point. So it’s incurable?”
“I’m sorry Mr. Ackerman. There’s nothing more we can do about it.” There was a brief pause. Heavily sighing, the doctor continued, “As you know, according to her latest consultations these past months, the more intense chemotherapy sessions haven’t been successful so we-“
“As I know? I wasn’t informed of this at all.” Levi shifted his gaze to his uncle, sending him an icy glare, “Kenny, you knew about this all along, haven’t you? That the cancer was terminal…”
“It was Kuchel’s wish that I had to respect.”
The younger Ackerman hasn’t even fully grasped the reality of his mother’s imminent death, and suddenly this bombshell was dropped on him? That he was kept in the dark all this time? He knew her condition wasn’t getting better, but he hadn’t expected death to be knocking on her door so early.
He took a deep breath and reached for the door's handle, emotionally preparing himself from what he would be witnessing on the other side.
Finally entering the room, “Mom,” Levi’s eyes had softened at the sight before him, “Why didn’t you tell me?” He questioned right away, wasting no time. There was no malice in his voice, only pain.
He knew why she kept this from him, but he still wanted to hear it from her.
It was a good thing that Kuchel had closed her eyes, for if she had seen her son’s sorrowful expression, she might not have answered. “You’ve been under a lot of pressure at work, and I couldn’t bring myself to tell you.”
“That’s irrelevant, you should have told me so I don’t have to take this all in just one night!”
A few heartbeats were spent in silence. Both of them knew this would be their last night together, and the thought itself had them struggling to look for the right words to say in their limited time.
There was a knot in her throat which seemed impossible to swallow, “Do you… do you forgive me..?”
That was it; that was Levi’s breaking point. He couldn’t keep his normally stoic façade anymore, the tears that threatened to roll down his cheeks finally fell. He hurriedly knelt at the bedside and his arms clasped around her tightly. If hugs healed people, he’d hold her all night.
“Of course I do! I love you.”
She smiled tenderly, though it was the saddest smile she had worn.
“You have been a good son—the best even,” his dying mother said, “and all the love in your heart will help you along in the world.” One last rattling breath escaped Kuchel Ackerman’s lips as she was greeted by everlasting death.
He kissed his dead mother’s hand and wept bitterly. Then, he lifted his feet to leave her bedroom.
The rusty iron hinges of the door creaked loudly as Levi swung it open. He gave his uncle a knowing look: the look of grief.
“I see.” was all Kenny muttered as the younger Ackerman hastily walked away to his own bedroom.
He cried for hours, head under the pillow. And even in those hours, Levi could not find solace in tears. Overcome by weariness, darkness was finally kissing the edge of his vision and he surrendered himself to sleep.
It was a strange dream. He saw his mother well and strong again, and heard her laugh as she always used to laugh when she was happy. And then appeared another woman—one with familiar deep eyes. It was you.
He was confused. Why? Why were you and his mother standing before him?
You stretched your arms out to give him a warm embrace. Levi didn’t care if this was all just a product of his imagination, he crashed himself against you, wanting to savor every second.
It was a foreign feeling to be in your arms. Foreign, yet so nostalgic, so familiar, so… right.
“I wish I were granted a good life, for life is a precious gift, almost too great to understand. Levi, thank you. Thank you for the gift of your love. It made me stay alive even after I am gone.”
His hug tightened as your words registered in his head. Whatever this was, dream or reality, he just wanted to hold you, to feel you. You brushed his hair reassuringly, continuing with what you were saying, “And to think that this earthly affection will only continue to grow in another life, throughout eternity. I can barely conceive of it!”
The man was speechless. He wanted to say something, anything, but not a single word came from him.
Levi shifted his gaze to his mother, silently searching for an explanation to this surreal circumstance. “Son, see what a charming girl you’ve won.”
He gazed back at you, nothing but sincerity in his eyes. All it took was one look, and both of you knew. He pulled you in and pressed your mouth over his, claiming your lips so soft.
So this is love, huh? And suddenly, Levi was just a man with the taste of honey upon his lips.
He awakens from his slumber, and the pleasing sight was gone. Kuchel was gone. You were gone.
Tears were running down his cold cheeks, yet his lips were warm. Wait, could that mean… could that mean that the kiss was real?
Glancing to the clock: 8 in the morning. It seems as though he had slept through the night, giving temporary rest to his embittered soul. Though, he knew that the grief in his heart would not let him sleep for the next days to come.
Recalling his dream, the man immediately got onto his feet with a specific destination in mind—the attic.
As always, the dusty particles in the air reflected the sun-rays, looking like pixie dust. He walked farther into the attic, recognizing it as a place of enchantment.
Although he considered himself a logical person, he believed there existed a kind of magic in the books placed on the shelf, particularly in your diary. Secrets are magic after all, and years upon years that they've been written down on a book that had gotten dusty with age has added to its power.
Between the aging covers—represented by black letters on sheets of paper—were voices from the past. Voices that reached into the future, into Levi's own heart, and echoed in the walls of his mind.
He pulled the familiar diary from the shelf that expanded over the wall, hoping that despite your farewell, there was still going to be another entry, another piece for him to read, and another kiss of comfort to his writhing heart.
It was as if someone had literally knocked on the door; but in this case, his heart. With heavy anxiety, he opened to the part where he left off. Levi was certain that whatever deity or god was up there, they surely heard his heart's desperate pleas. Because much to his luck, there indeed was another page left unread.
14th of December, 1824
To whoever is reading this: we meet again at last! It is the first time in years that I have visited Paradis and since I have picked up a pen to write in this journal. Yet, this will also be the last time I do so.
All I wanted was to live a life where I could be me; I had no need for material possessions, money, nor dowry. And in all of my intercourse with society, there was nothing that made me feel as if I belonged to it. I never understood people very well, and they never seemed to understand me either.
I write to understand myself as much as to be understood, but who am I kidding? Who else is ever going to read these personal writings other than myself?
Even my own husband would not lend me some of his minutes to understand me.
Elliott had not much affection for his own mother and sisters, then who am I to think I will make an exception to this behavior? Every nerve in my body feared him. Our servants were seemingly blind on the subject: pretending they never saw him strike nor abuse me. No one wanted to offend the duke by taking my part against him.
But dear reader, I married him.
Oh my poor heart, only death could release me from a life-sentence of agony in his hands! And the only regret I will have in dying is that it is not for love.
In the next world, where there is no marriage, but where souls find each other through intimacy, may I attain true love.
Instead of the familiar coal-tar ink, the bottom half of the page was covered in splatters of blood—the ink of death. Levi’s breath caught in his throat as he tried not to tear at the sight. He wanted to look away, needed to bring his eyes away, but he couldn’t.
Flipping the next pages, it was all the same: empty. He knew what that meant.
You had long been dead, but he felt it was as if you had just died in his arms that night. “You too? How the fuck have you managed to reach so far inside my heart?”
The love you shared with him was liquid, not literally of course: you reminded him that sometimes you were a friend, sometimes a teacher, and sometimes, even a soulmate. Levi used to laugh at the idea of soulmates—a supernatural concept not intended for mortals. But when you bridged the gap between life and death, perhaps soulmates weren’t a silly thing after all.
You found solace in this diary, and he found himself in your memories. You kissed the words unto his lips and skin, and his heart always heard and understood.
a like & reblog would be appreciated <3
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chaotic-nick · 3 years
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Note: This is Part 2 for my Happy Birthday Levi fic (also an entry to a collab) called 'Hated and Loved' and I just had to write a happy ending for both of them.
Pairings: Miche x Reader & Eruri
wordcount: 1848 // warnings: none
Event organiser: Christmas collab by @little-spoiled-brat
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Helping him escape from the toxicity Zeke lived in was the start of many things she’d help Levi with. Not that she ever complained— he’s the only person in all of the people she calls friends who knew. Almost everything. But when he started cleaning her apartment with such a bored look on his face she wished that letting him be her roommate until he found a place had come with a warning. Especially when he cleaned in the morning, relaxing like a divorced mother when he took his place on the single sofa by the windows to drink his tea and judge her when she started the day at two pm.
Or the fact that she felt guilt for a week straight when he offered to cook only to tell him that the reason why she meticulously asked for ingredients he used was because of her allergies.
“Why do you insist on learning? I’m allergic to—” it was sweet seeing him so stressed in her kitchen. Sleeves rolled up, cloth tied around his forehead.
“You eat like a toddler.”
“I have taste, Levi!”
He turned the cookbook to her, showing that it was catered for her allergies. “And it’s limited to frozen chicken strips.”
“Oh shut up, asshole.”
As much as he put up such a front like that. Monotone and aloof. Never seemed to care except for himself. Spiteful. Letting everyone assume that he was one miserable asshole. She would never tell him that she heard all of his cries that he drowned out in the shower. Whispers of calling himself dirty for letting Zeke ever love him. She pretended she was asleep when the reason she woke up late was that all those nights when he cried to himself, her legs were pressed to her chest. Head rested on her knees and listened.
Listened and waited for the moment when he couldn’t stand crying alone anymore.
“(Y/n)?” She felt so much of Levi’s pain and only realised it when he stood in front of her. His gentle eyes cast towards her as if inspecting every single inch of her. Having his touch— even if it was his hand on her shoulder to stop her in the corridor of the office building, on her closed her mind of the distress. “It’s me.”
“I know,” it wasn’t a tearful reunion. Rather a mischievous one. Like cadets running to hide from Nile and Erwin, she grabbed his wrist, pulled him to the confines of an empty conference room. “Miche, Miche, Miche.” Finally, he was right in front of her like he promised when he left for wall rose with unarmed cadets.
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“Woah,” was the only reaction Miche could offer. Then reached his hand out to gather her dangling legs, putting to rest in his lap as she aggressive stirred her milktea.
“And what did you do when you saw him?”
“Wanted to slice him up in pieces.”
“Because he killed me, yeah?”
“Told you we should’ve fucked before you left.” He made an exaggeration of looking around the obviously empty room and then at her. Eyebrows raised. “No. Also, only Erwin can tell us what’s in that basement, huh?”
“Except he only remembers swinging the other way and is convinced that his life flashes are
weird dreams.”
That one pulled an exasperated sigh from her. “They definitely did it.”
“I smelt it on them.”
“Woah,” she pointed the milktea his way. “I don’t want this anymore.”
“I have an idea.” He spoke into the straw, “You up for it?”
“Which is?”
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Her nails anxiously drummed along the table all of the staff was gathered at earlier, waiting for Miche’s eyes to look up at her from the beanpole that was Erwin. When the last senior of the staff had left the room, Miche’s attention briefly averted to her, The go-signal. From an anxious look on her face, she mentally yelled herself to appear coy. Coquettish even and approached Erwin’s side with all the summoned confidence in the world in time to hear him say, “I should ask a local about this.”
“That I am.” From his hesitant reaction itself, she knew that she wasn’t a familiar face at all. And how he inched back the more she leaned in closer. Comedic to Miche whose height gave him the advantage to see the awkwardness in poor Erwin’s face. “If you’re interested . . .” She trailed off, angling her head to meet the shoulder she raised.
She put her hand out at Erwin, who was starting to think that she was . . . a spoiled brat. Used to the word ‘Yes’. Rejection would make you an enemy of her. “I’m (Y/n),”
“Yes, they introduced us to each other.” So, he figured he’d be stern. Giving stoic answers only. “My friend’s single he may—”
“Not me.” Miche prevented an almost failure. Lightly elbowing Erwin’s side to wish him good luck before walking off to the elevators.
“I’d be delighted to, but—”
She cringed at herself for making him visibly comfortable. And hoped that Levi would have the decency to thank her when they ever get married as she shit him a wink. Placing the menu for a cafe she planned to go. “Then I can guarantee you such a wonderful time, Erwin.”
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“We should get married on Christmas.” In his head Miche believed that it was a the perfect idea. He moved to this country because of a company transfer with Erwin and not even a month, he got married. It’d be the most spontaneous thing he’s ever done— the first was deciding he’d buy time for the cadets to spread out and ended up being devoured. Her attention was on Erwin. “You’re beautiful—”
“Na!” She caught his hand in a strong grip when he reached out to hold her. “Not now—” eyebrows furrowed as she scanned the area, (Y/n) only sat down when she deemed their place hidden away enough. “It’s Levi’s actual birthday. Don’t wanna share our anniversary with him.”
“What do we do now?”
“Sure is boring, huh.”
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Going out for the sake of his social life had a pencil mark going through it ever since he moved in with (Y/n), being public with his relationship and automatically be getting back on his feet as if he wasn’t affected by it all was too much. Putting up a front with her already drained him too much energy. In all honesty though, in those four months, he never felt anything.
All that his body knew was when the sun was up he would be a human-robot. At night, the pain came in. One that called for him to wash away while sitting on the floor of her spare bathroom, staring at the wall as if it would form the face of the Commander he loved.
He knew he loved the person because he didn’t cry for Zeke having his way with his body. Levi cried because he felt as though being with Zeke was an illicit affair.
A flower-shaped pillow landed at his feet. “Please!”
“You can go alone.” He spat, content with just lounging by the window to read in peace. “Are you trying to get me out on a date?”
“Fine.” She huffed, stomping hard that her slippers made the noises he hated. Came back from the kitchen with the chinese paper calendar with the fly swatter doubling as her back scratcher pointed at his birth month. “It’s the first week of December. Let’s do something together?”
“I already said yes—” “I’m glad you said ‘yes’ I booked a table at this cafe. Said they were high-tech and . . . And, they don’t talk to you. At all. Yes, I made a reservation before I asked you.”
“You bitch.”
For the first time in a while, he put the effort into what to wear. Sleeves rolled to his forearms, hair combed back and wearing a perfume that wouldn’t remind him anything of Zeke. Even if it meant throwing those precious bottles away. He was ready to—“You can’t drink your feelings away in a cafe, right?”
“Heart palpitations. That’s all you get there.” She turned her engine off, coming back up with a look of confusion. “Why would you ask me that?”
“Doesn’t matter,” he stepped out of the car, immediately hit with the cool breeze on his nape.
Together they walked in silence on the sidewalk. Until she stopped to read the message on her phone. “Listen, Lev-lev. You go in.” And thrust the crumpled reservation details in his shirt’s pocket. ”Reservation’s on the paper.”
“What’re you doing?”
“Co-worker’s in the area, needs to give me something important.” Well, he could go in and ask the ingredients, Order something for her.
Table 14.
That table was theirs. “Excuse me.” He leaned face level to him to the blonde crouched on his phone. Bored. Not that Levi hated blondes because of Zeke. However, he was the sole reason why he viewed them as walking red flags.
From using his phone without ever looking up to kill the time, Erwin snapped his head up quick enough to see stars afloat in his view. Levi somehow being in the centre of it all, the aloof stare he had somehow being more captivating than (Y/n)’s coyish feigned look. “I’m sorry,” he stood up, looking round for (Y/n). It was his only option, he would’ve called her had she given her contact details. Uncertainty growing in his tone as the receipt was shown. “I have a date.”
He began patting his pants, wanting nothing else but to leave quickly. “I’m sorry, must’ve been the wrong cafe. But I met this woman and said she’d take me around the area—” Levi immediately knew. Pulled his phone out and opened to the only decent picture he has of her. All the other ones were selfies he’ll use to blackmail her. One day. “That’s her. Do you know her?”
It was perfectly in time when (Y/n) sent, “It’s a blind date, love you lots lev-lev. He thought that it was me showing up, but hi erwin. Have fun” from where she hid with Miche, happily eating her salad, knowing full well that it was Erwin who read it before Levi did.
“You should read what your friend sent you.” One, Erwin was impressed with (Y/n). Knowing what tactic to use on him. Guessed his type. Two, and he wished she came forward with the idea of a blind date. He would’ve dressed nicer.
Used his leather shoes, still sitting in a box somewhere. Following Levi, Erwin found himself sitting down again. This time with his full attention. “Levi Ackerman.”
“Your name has a familiar sound to it.”
“Sort of a celebrity.”
“Erwin Smith.” He didn’t need to look at the menu and placed an order for iced coffee.
“He drinks that much?” Asked (Y/n) concerned. “You don’t stop him, do you?”
“Suffers from withdrawal. Let’s go.” Miche stood up discreetly, pointing at the other exit.
“Where to?”
“On our own date.”
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@axoxtxhxh @sinnerofthewalls @stigandr-the-cat @ghost-party @flamingblinglove @sukosie @blondeboyfriend @bee-ackerman @ririthu @petitachi @takemetofarlanchurch @daichimorelikedaddy @onecelestialbeing @we-are-so-close
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moonyy-writes · 3 years
Hi moony, can I request some plain n simple Miche fluff 🥺 you’re the best I hope you have a lovely day
hiii i’m sorry this took ages for me to answer, i struggled with figuring out what to write for this but i like what i came up with now :))
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You propped your head up on your chin, zoning out completely. Your eyes scanned the room until it found who you were looking for. Miche. You watched as he laughed at something Hange was telling him, how his shoulders shook and his head was thrown back. Almost gracefully. Everything about him was like that.
“Hellooo, earth to y/n.”
“Hmm?” You blinked.
“You zoned out on us,” Nanaba pointed out.
“Oh, oops.” You shrugged as you took a bite of your food.
“What were you staring at anyway?” Gelgar asked.
“Nothing, just got lost in thought.”
“Are you sure? Cause it really seemed like you were staring at-“ You shoved your hand over his mouth.
“Don’t talk so loud.”
“Why? Do you like somebody?” Nanaba teased.
“No.” You squeaked out, face burning red.
“She does!” They both laughed at you.
“Sooo, who is it?” Gelgar questioned.
You shook your head, refusing to answer any of the questions.
A chair scraped on the ground and you heard a group of people walking out of the room. Your eyes followed them as they left.
“No. No!” Nanaba laughed. “Oh my god, you like Miche?”
“Shhh!! Tell the whole dining hall while you’re at it!”
“Tell the whole dining hall what?”
You jumped at the sound of the voice.
“Oh! Hey, Miche.” Gelgar smirked.
“Uh, hey.” He awkwardly waved, leaning over you. “I just forgot my jacket.”
You felt frozen as his arm brushed around your shoulder. Gelgar and Nana smirked at you.
Miche paused before gesturing to the door, “Uh, I’ll see you later at training.”
You waited until he was fully through the door before turning back to Nana and Gelgar with a shrug. “So what if I happen to have a teeny tiny little crush on him?”
“You know, y/n” Gelgar started casually, cutting into his food. “Maybe if you stopped staring and actually talked to him you’d have a chance.”
You groaned. “I can’t! He’s a captain and I’m just a cadet, it would be weird.”
Gelgar pointed at you with his knife. “Only if you make it weird. Honestly you have a chance, this dude is definitely single.”
“Exactly! So I’d just talk to him.” Nana encouraged.
You stood with your tray. “No, I’m fine with where it’s at and I’m not changing it.”
Before they could answer you dumped your tray and walked out the room. You stomped down to the training grounds and slumped against a tree with your eyes closed.
“Tired already? Training hasn’t even started!”
You peeked an eye open and straightened up quickly upon seeing who it was. “Oh, Captain Miche!”
“Stand down, cadet,” Miche said with a laugh. “It’s just us two, you can relax.”
You stiffly nodded, leaning against the tree once more. Miche sat next to you and looked off into the bare field where training would soon take place.
After a few moments of silence, he turned to you. “You know, y/n, I like being around you. You’re one of the more bearable cadets.”
“Uhh, thank you?”
Miche barked out a laugh. “God that sounds horrible. I meant like you work hard and you uh, nevermind..”
He trailed off and you turned to look at him fully. “And?”
Miche shrugged. “It’s not important.”
You raised a brow at how he was acting. Seemingly very flustered though you couldn’t figure out why.
He turned and you both made eye contact. You felt your face flush, but you couldn’t look away. A small smile crept its way onto Miche’s face. Neither of you said anything as time slowed and you both kept looking at each other. The smile on Miche’s face seemed to only get wider.
You finally looked away, the heat in your cheeks becoming too overwhelming. “Why are you staring?”
“‘Cause you’re beautiful.”
Your breath stuttered for a second as you registered what he had said. Never in a million years would you have imagined he’d say that.
You felt his hand on your chin as he directed your face towards his. He still had that smile on his face as he took in your flustered appearance.
His hand moved from your chin to cup your cheek and you couldn’t help but lean into his touch. You sighed contentedly and your eyes fluttered shut for a moment.
“I always thought you liked me,” Miche mumbled. “I just figured I was imagining things.”
You groaned as you pulled your face from his hands and covered it with your own. “Ugh that’s so embarrassing.”
“Wait so you did like me?” Miche asked with a wide grin.
You nodded from behind your hands. “Everyone knew it too.”
Miche laughed and gently pried your hands off, revealing a red-faced you. “Everyone except me apparently.”
You looked everywhere except him, trying not to get embarrassed all over again. Until he put his hands on your cheeks and made you look at him. “Sooo, is that what Nana and Gelgar were talking about when I came over?”
You nodded the best you could with your face being in his hands.
Miche chuckled, “I should’ve known, you three looked guilty about something.” He smiled at you before leaning in and kissing your forehead. “I swear you’re too cute-“
A loud whistle rang throughout the yard and people began streaming out of the dining hall and lining up.
Miche let go and stood, holding out a hand and helping you up. He brushed your hair behind your ear with a smile. “We’ll finish this conversation later.”
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beneathashadytree · 4 years
Hi 🥰 would you write for Mike Zacharias in AOT? If so I’d love to read a fluff/nsfw or maybe relationship headcanons
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Warnings : slight mention of death, I went ahead and assumed the reader gender neutral!
Genre : fluff that is a bit too sweet (literally), barely-noticeable angst (Mike is not immune to jealousy)
Word count : 2.1K words
Synopsis : Though Mike is usually nonchalant about the orders he receives on a daily basis, this one particular demand that has him stumbling upon a certain bakery has him hungry for more.
Additional notes : This is my very first request, and I hope you liked it! I couldn't help it and got carried away; I love Mike after all🥺
Requests : Are open! Check the rules over here.
Want to support me financially? Here’s my CashApp!
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The orders were crystal clear and short: find the closest large-scale bakery to become the supplier for the scouting regiment with the most affordable price and most frequent deliveries. There were no questions left unanswered; no vagueness about it---as a matter of fact, if Mike had thought about it well enough, he'd probably be able to hear Erwin's voice saying the same words.
The Scouts found themselves having the shorter end of the stick more often than not, forced to take the remains of what was left from the MPs and the Garrison regiment. It came as no surprise that they would run into a shortage of food eventually.
It should've been a fast and easy trip, one that wouldn't have taken more than a couple of hours of scouring the inner districts of Wall Rose on foot, but for some unknown (to others at least) reason, Mike found himself straying away from their preferred path.
It wasn't like the quiet man to disobey orders given by his superiors, but his senses reigned above them all as a far more accurate compass than any that current technology offered. And his immaculate sense of smell detected the scent of what could not be described as anything less than delectable.
The aroma was faint albeit alluring, causing him to pause in his tracks, two of his squad members following suite, slightly confused looks being shared between them, before one of them spoke up.
"Sir, uh, pardon me, but where are we going? Orders said---"
With a small nod of his head, the man automatically shut up---Mike wasn't intimidating per se, but as a man of rather few words, when he did speak, people tended to grant him the respect he deserved and proceeded to listen eagerly.
"I know what the orders said," he interrupted, "And we're sticking to them. We're just taking a detour," at that he pointed at a shady vacant spot against the grand wall, "Set up the horses here. Wait for my return."
With a collective affirmation from his few fellow soldiers who'd redirected the horses, Mike began to follow his nose that had yet to fail him. The dirt road absorbing the sound of his heavy footsteps, he followed twist after turn after alley after clearing, the oddly-comforting aroma only growing stronger and more enticing as he apparently neared the source.
Ever the observant man, he tried to memorize the route he'd taken, lest he'd find himself in need of reaching the same destination yet again. He counted the number of houses he'd passed and tried to engrave every landmark in his memory as he could virtually see a trail of the smell that seemed to warm his bones. When it peaked strongest and his nose twitched happily, he stopped in his footsteps, finding himself in front of a quaint shop sign.
His eyes widened at his good fortune, realizing that he'd in fact stood in front of what seemed to be a rather massive bakery, the wonderful aroma he'd been smelling all this time being freshly baked buns set out to cool a bit, straight from the oven that billowed smoke up the chimney---yet another time his superhuman sense of smell had been beneficial to him.
Mike carefully looked around, hoping he wasn't trespassing on private property or during closing hours, and upon closer expection he came to realize that the clanging coming from the inside was coming from a person switching oven trays that produced the steaming buns that had his mouth watering like a famished man.
Stepping inside, he rapped his knuckles against the glass door that was wedged open, indicating his presence, and causing the person to jump a bit in their place, before turning around to face him.
His heartbeat grew slightly erratic, swallowing thickly as he took note of just how ridiculously good-looking they were, even from across the room.
"Hi!" they piped up, slightly breathlessly as they tried to multi-task talking and adjusting the trays, "Give me a second, I'll be with you!"
Clearing his throat, he nodded and added a soft, "That's alright. Take your time."
With another quick dazzling smile sent his way, they continued their minsitrations, before lighting up the flame inside, and finally backing off to wipe their hands down on a towel hanging by the metal lever.
They retreated to the large counter near the back, and Mike took that time to intake his surroundings as he approached them, almost salivating at the sight of richly creamed cakes, buttered pasteries that glistened, bread loaves of all shapes and sizes, and crackers that put the regiments' rations to shame (though in all honesty, anythinh did).
A delighted chuckle interrupted his thoughts and stopped him from nearly banging his thigh against the countertop.
"I'm glad you seem to like my assortment!" they laughed, leaning forward to watch the way the tall man's eyes seemed to grow with wonder.
After a moment's contemplation, he looked back at them, his usually stiff posture slackening a bit as he saw the easy-going smile still on their face.
"You bake all of this?" he asked incredulously, an impressed look blooming on his handsome face as they nodded in reply.
Fiddling with a string at the hem of their worn-down sleeve they spoke again, "It's my dad's business, but he died out on the field," they hesitated for a moment, their eyes seemingly falling to the wings of freedom that he bore so proudly on his chest, "Back in Shiganshina, 5 years ago. He was in the Garrison regiment."
A solemn expression crossed Mike's face, "My condolences. Your father was a brave man, and died valiantly."
"It's alright, I'm not struggling that bad, there are those worse off," with a shrug, they pointed back to the display cases with the vast variety, "At least I'm doing something I love."
A rare half-smile slipped from him, "To each his own, I suppose," before his eyes wandered off to a rather tantalizingly sweet-smelling cake, they posed a question.
"What made you come out here? I thought the scouts dealed with the bakeries in the southern districts, seeing as they're closer to headquarters," they cocked their head to the side, and Mike suddenly felt embarrassed.
"My nose. It sniffed the buns from almost a mile away," sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck, he produced a small stack of papers from the insides of his jacket, handing them over to the baker who know wore a confused expression.
Before they could inquire, he explained, "This a contract, binding you to bake for the scouts as the sole supplier, since we're running low on rations now," their eyes snapped up to look at him in surprise, but he made a non-committal shrug and went on, "Read the terms, and should you accept, you should find a dotted line to sign at the bottom of the last paper."
Tugging their lip between their teeth anxiously, they hesitantly nodded, flashing yet another polite smile as they seemed to have switched to business mode, "I'll flip through it now, but shouldn't you test the taste first?"
Mike only shook his head, "That's alright. My hunches are never off eitherways," he readjusted his straps, beginning to make his way out, but not before pausing to glance back at their rosy cheeks from the compliment, causing his own lips to form into a smile, "I'll contact you shortly."
It had been a couple of months since that fateful encounter led by his immaculate senses, and since then, the scouts' lives have been made slightly less miserable and leant more towards the sweet side---and one scout in particular, seemed to be revelling in that change.
With the afternoon breeze playing with his hair, Mike found himself seated on an old crate in front of the bakery, a makeshift chair similar to the one the baker themself sat on in front of him. Both munched away at a new cracker they'd been testing that combined the saltiness and sweetness of caramel, and Mike was more than delighted to be the taste tester.
"Does it smell nice too?" they worriedly ask for the hundredth time, causing a light chuckle to escape his lips.
He affectionately leant over to ruffle their hair, ignoring their protests, "Yes, it does as always. The smell always leads me here."
"I'm glad it did the first time. Who knew a handsome soldier would knock on my door?" they teased, the wind dancing delicately through their hair, and Mike struggled between rolling his eyes, scoffing, or controlling the blush he felt climbing up his cheeks.
"You're just glad you renovated with the financial aid we give."
They nodded thoughtfully, "I think I have enough space to add one more oven," they dusted the crumba on their apron and pointed inside, urging him to glance in the direction of their finger, "See there? A fifth one would do good. It's not easy having a hundred mouths to feed, all grown men."
He snorted shortly at that, shaking his head, "If all soldiers eat like that girl from the Dauper village, I'm sure you get nightmares thinking of the amount of flour you'll be sifting in the morning."
They groaned, resting their head in their hands, "Some are worse! You wouldn't believe it, but I've once had the Commander himself come down here and ask me to make him a batch of angel-cake that month!"
For some reason, Mike's mouth dried at that fact, and he felt slightly disturbed by it, though there wasn't anything inherently bad about it---so why did it feel like he was sniffing off another impending titan attack?
"Commander Erwin?" he awkwardly threaded his fingers together, and the baker rolled their eyes.
"No, Pixus," they impatiently hurried to retort, "Well, of course Erwin! I'm only loyal to the scouts," they playfully winked, but again Mike was distracted by the fact that his superior had been here.
Did he consider talking to them the highlight of his day too? Was he also sometimes caught off-gaurd by the beautiful smile that had their eyes nearly disappearing with how wide it was? Had he gotten used to their friendliness and found it contagious in the same manner he did? Did he also have an overwhelming urge to sit close to them and have their shoulders touch?
A scowl forming on his face, he couldn't help himself and felt that he had to satiate his curiousity, leaning back a bit and seeming a bit imposing with his jacket taken off (though it was more likely to be unintentional than anything).
"Has he, uh, been here often?" his voice adopted a lower tone, a quieter one that his companion failed to pick up on.
Shaking their head, they only bent down to pick up the discarded plates, him mumbling half-hearted apologies as he helped them take everything to the sink behind the counter inside.
"No, he said he'd rather keep sending you instead," turning the water knobs on, they rolled up their sleeves, Mike delicately aiding them in doing so while listening so intently his normally-gentle gaze almost bore holes into their own, "Beats me why."
His large hands then gripped at the countertop, seemingly having an internal conflict with himself. Their now-dry hands patted his soft mop of dirty-blonde hair, a reassuring smile on their face, and that was the deciding factor for him to be upfront.
"He knows I enjoy our meet-ups," he said simply, and he was not sure if his point had come across clear, "That's why I'm solely in charge of the ration supply."
They stood still for a brief few seconds, as though they were making some sort of impossibly hard decision with their eyes observantly trained on him, before they nodded in seeming understanding. Their light footsteps sounded across the floor, before they disappeared as they rummaged for something in a low cupboard.
Seconds later they emerged, holding in their hand a cardboard box that they took the liberty of opening themself and showing to him.
It was almost funny how Mike's facial expressions switched from puzzled, to realization, to shock, and ultimately to something much more tender that it caused their pulse to skyrocket and their throat to feel parched, all within the span of less than two seconds.
"But... how?" was the only whisper heard within the confinements of the baking area.
"I know someone who knows someone," they laughed nervously, "I wanted to make you something special," they swallowed, watching as his gentle gaze fell on them once again, eliciting warmth in their belly, "You're special to me, Mike."
His voice drifted off once again, "But chocolate cake..."
Their lips perked up in a smile, words lingering on their tongue, words that Mike hadn't heard in so long he'd quite literally forgotten their meaning.
"Happy birthday, Mike. Stay for a birthday lunch date with me."
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Taglist: @blondeboyfriend
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Ambivalence & Resolve
He finds her in the messhall, a bottle of beer opened, drained to the bottom. There’s another one in her hand. Her eyes look glazed over, and he wonder’s if it’s the beer or something he missed that’s given them that look.
She is a well of resolve and determination, a wildfire, controlled and calculated and often-times quiet, though dangerous if crossed.
So why is it that she’s drinking so late at night?
“Nana.” He speaks, trying to get her attention. Her eyes do not drift from the wall, there is no sign of recognition that she heard him at all.
“He used to drink too, you know.” Her voice is quiet, and the way she says it is regretful, sad. Those who do not know her well wouldn’t her the tinniest tinge of bitterness in those words. The resentment forced under the surface.
“Who?” He asks, because he is curious. She won’t answer if she doesn’t want to, but friends give a listening ear. It’s a repsonsibility.
“My dad.” She says, and her tone is similar, if not a bit sadder.
She doesn’t talk about her family, and he doesn’t ask. It’s an understanding that was never voiced, but breaking it would be a breach of trust.
“Oh?” He’s a man of few words, but in those few words he can say many things. In this case, he’s giving her a place to rant if she wants to, to share what she needs to. No judgement, just someone there.
“There were so many bottles in the living room. All over there, on the floor. He didn’t like to clean, but I hated the filth.” The resentment creeps in on the last sentence, and she spits out the last word with bitterness. “I cleaned it all up. Every day.”
He is silent, but that isn’t uncommon. He makes the silence inviting, at least.
“He threw them at me too, when I tried to clean.” Her voice shakes a bit, but the bitterness remaines. “Grabbed me by the hair a lot. That’s why I cut it, you know?” 
She turns, and looks him in the eye. By her movements, he can tell for sure she is drunk, though the fact that she is telling him this let him know far beforehand. 
He keeps his face calm, but inside an anger festers. He hadn’t had a clue before this. He’d never known. She didn’t talk about her family, and now he knows why. And her pig of a father...well, he has a few things in mind about what he’d like to do to him.
“I’m fucking glad he’s dead.” She spits, then leans back and chugs down the rest of the bottle.
He looks at her, face still blank, but understanding. He doesn’t try to sympathize, Nanaba doesn’t want that. Her usual fruity scent is mixed in with beer, and those he can’t smell it, her grief and anger is palpable.
“I’m glad.” Her voice breaks. “I should be glad, right?” It’s a tone he recognizes, filled with grief and confusion, calling out for help, for anything or anyone to save her.
“I don’t know. I think anything you feel is valid, as long as you know what he did to you isn’t right.” He isn’t the best at giving advice; he’s a far better listener. But he’s willing to do most things for Nanaba.
“I hate him.” She says, in a painful-to-hear tone of voice. “I hate him so much. But I love him too. I still want him to say something nice. I want that more than anything.”
He sees tears leaking down her cheeks, but he doesn’t comment. It isn’t weak, he knows that much. But Nanaba’s a proud woman, and she doesn’t like people to see her in a state like this.
“You’re amazing,” he says gently, “if he couldn’t see that, then that’s his loss. You’re so good to people, and talented.”
“I wish those words were coming out of his mouth.” She speaks quietly.
There’s a silence, for just a few moments.
“I’m tired.” She says, and he nods, standing up. He puts his hand out for her to stand which she does, and gently puts her on his back, grabbing her legs to prop her up and keep her from falling. She wraps her arms around his waist. It’s late enough that they won’t run into anyone.
He walks through the halls, finding her room and putting her on the bed, then pulling the covers over her.
“Go to sleep. You’ll wake up in your bed tommorow.”
“Stay?” She asks, half-lost to sleep already. He hesitates, then spots a chair in the corner. He’s slept in worse places, he decides.
“I’ll be here when you wake up.” He says, sitting down, and trying to get comfortable.
She mumbles something incoherently, and she drifts off to a benevolently dreamless sleep.
So, it’s pretty much canon that Nanaba was abused, right? But I look around for fics adressing this and there’s none. Just, none. So, I wrote it. I probably didn’t do it justice, but oh well. In case people didn’t realize, the man was Mike.
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bluebellhairpin · 3 years
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(Back to the other Masterlist)
Phone Lockscreens/Backgrounds  
Eren Jaeger Lockscreens/Backgrounds
Character Drinks  
Character Habits
Character Music Tastes
Character Outfits (Part 2)
Characters as Horny Songs (N S F W) 
Pacific Rim AU
Volleyball AU 
Mornings with the Veterans
Their s/o Has a Bad Day
Girl Dad’s  
What They Call You/What You Call Them
What They’re Like as Fathers
What they Wont Do
Things Levi Ackerman has said while Babysitting the 104th
(Eren Jaeger X Reader X Father!Levi Ackerman) Like Father, Like Son-In-Law
(Jean Kirschtein X Reader) Lotta Love
(Reiner Braun X Reader) To Reiner, My Missing Piece
Saving a Child with the Veterans
Part of Your World (Attack on Titan X Reader) (DISCONTINUED) 
Broken With Gold (Eruri X Fem!Reader) (ONGOING)
Of Loved and Lost (Erwin Smith/Miche Zacharias X Fem!Reader) (ONGOING) 
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The Aftermath - Headcanons
Single Touch - Oneshot
A Familiarity - Oneshot
The Louvre - Oneshot
Promises - Oneshot
Apple Pie - Oneshot
Tears, Fears, and Souvenirs - Oneshot
Star Crossed - Oneshot
Kiss It Better - Oneshot
Always and Forever - Oneshot
Who Will Remember? - Oneshot
 Runaway - Oneshot 
True Gold - Oneshot 
Honeyed Bread - Oneshot 
Razor Blades and Band-Aids - Oneshot 
Not Friends (Slight N S F W) - Oneshot
When the Coil Breaks (N S F W) - Oneshot
The Cravat (Part Two; Their Cravat) - Twoshot
The Perfect Partner (Part Two; The Perfect Plan) - Twoshot
Hanging around Hange and Levi Joining you - Imagine
Levi Meeting You in the Modern World - Imagine List
Favours - Series (DISCONTINUED)
The Adventures - Series (DISCONTINUED) 
In Between - Series (HIATUS) 
No Feelin’ - Series (COMPLETE) 
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For Erwin - Oneshot
I Know - Oneshot
The King’s Queen - Oneshot 
Welcome Home - Oneshot 
Unholy (N S F W) - Oneshot
Cherry - Oneshot 
Parallels- Oneshot
Me, The Devil - Oneshot
work song - Oneshot
Maneater (Part two; Eat Your Young)(N S F W / DARK CONTENT) - Twoshot
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The Kid - Oneshot (AU thoughts here!)
Where There’s Smoke - Oneshot
The Cynic’s Happily Ever After - Oneshot
Waking Up In Vegas - Oneshot 
Tamed - Oneshot
They Know - Oneshot (N S F W)
SFW Alphabet - Headcanons
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The Bane of Zeke Jaeger - Oneshot
Me and My Husband - Oneshot 
Rusted Platnium - Series (Broken With Gold) 
396 notes · View notes
nkogneatho · 3 years
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[𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐩𝐬, 𝐈 𝐚𝐦 𝐨𝐧 𝐚 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞.]
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💚Hie I am Pasi and this is my 3rd open collab event.💚
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The theme is pretty simple. Fucking under the influence of alcohol, drugs, etc. Cause yes, a lot of us love the feeling of cumming with an euphoric pleasure.
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Send me an ask or dm if you want to participate.
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Haikyuu, Jujutsu Kaisen, Attack on Titan, Boku no hero academia, Bungou stray dogs, Chainsaw Man, Tokyo Revengers, Kimetsu no Yaiba, Dr. Stone, Free!
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This is an ONLY NSFW COLLAB. Your age should be in your bio before you participate or even interact with this content.
You can write Headcanons, Fics, Drabbles, Oneshot, Thirts, etc as long as it is minimum 500 words. You can write more than 1k, 2k and so on.
A character can only be taken twice. MENTION THE DRUG OR ALCOHOL ETC. so the second person can use a different one.
Dark content is welcomed but MUST BE TAGGED PROPERLY.
Artists and writers both can participate.
The deadline is 1st January, 2022  but I don’t mind if it’s late. Life happens
Please tag me in the finished piece. Use the #🍸.noxious to tag your work for this event.
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🍸𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬🍸
Hanamaki Takahiro x fem!reader + Acid + Molly by @nishiannoya
Hinata Shoyou x fem!reader + Alcohol + Weed by @cozykozume
Miya Atsumu x fem!reader + roofies + alcohol by @bakuu-baee
Sakusa x fem!reader x Ushijima +Alcohol + drug by @haikyutiehoe
Suna Rintarou x fem!reader + drugs by @nkogneatho
Tendou Satori x fem!reader + edibles/weed by @rosesandtoshi
Ushijuma Wakatoshi x fem!reader + aphrodisiac by @anju-writes
Fushiguro Megumi × fem!reader + ecstasy by @hisgoodpuppy
Gojo Satoru x fem!reader + ecstasy by @your-nerd-is-showing
Naoya Zenin x fem!reader + alcohol + roofies by @kentosovertime
Sukuna Ryomen x fem!reader + weed by @severelytalentless
Fushiguro Toji x fem!reader + alcohol by @smoothy-ve
Eren Yeager x fem! reader + shrooms + weed by @saccharine-darling
Jean Kirstein x fem!reader + Alcohol (whiskey) by @suguruswaifu
Miche Zacharias x fem!reader + Wine by @chaotic-nick
Zeke yeager x fem!reader + alcohol (whiskey) by @pennylanewrites
Aizawa Shota x fem!reader + Alcohol by @ajaviary
Aizawa Shota x fem!reader + drugs + alcohol by @writewithmarites
Dabi x reader + Weed + Alcohol by @thranif
Sanzu Haruchiyo x fem!reader + drug (molly) by @anthenais
Baji x fem!reader x Hanma + coke + molly by @xo-lynx
Kisaki Tetta x fem!reader + alcohol by @jthebeauty
336 notes · View notes
thera-daydreams · 3 years
° m a s t e r l i s t + t a g l i s t s °
[on temporary hiatus until i pass and get my professional license this 2024, wish me luck please 😔]
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hello! i'm thera, a fanfiction author who writes for multiple fandoms
she/her | 22 | FIL | aquarius | infj | person who needs sleep, happy hormones, and a real-life nanami kento | ko-fi | quotev | deviantart
❦ this is a list of all my previous works, what i have in my drafts, and everything I'm planning to write, which is why some works may not have links yet since they're a work in progress; if i get an idea, i'll add it right here <3
❦ i don't have a schedule so updates may be inconsistent or on n' off; i only write when i'm inspired and when i have time. also, because of university and life, i'm super busy. just so you know. :)
❦ my older works are also on quotev and deviantart, thus some links may redirect there. still thinking about making an ao3 account, though.
❦ my stories are generally SFW or just a tad suggestive with a fem!reader, but maybe in the future (when i get the guts and the talent), i'll write some actual NSFW.
❦ just message me if you want to be added to my taglists for ongoing fics!
∞ - full stories, ↳ - oneshots or twoshots,  ✿ - imagines or headcanons
° not taking requests! °
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∞ INDAY [Crispin/Basilio/Maliksi/Dominic x Skymaiden!Reader] (completed)
✿ shorts & spinoffs (still ideas as of the moment)
↳ PLUS ONE [Maliksi x BestFriend!Reader] (completed)
↳ PLUS THREE [Maliksi x Reader] *sequel of plus one*
↳ POMEGRANATES [Dominic x Reader]
↳ UYAYI [Basilio x Mermaid!Reader]
↳ KABILANG BUHAY [Crispin x Ghost!Reader] (completed)
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∞ THE SWEET OLD LADY IS A WITCH [Nanami Kento/Gojo Satoru/Ryomen Sukuna/Fushiguro Toji/Geto Suguru/Kamo Choso x ScarletWitch!Reader] (ongoing)
↳ COFFEE & TEA [Nanami Kento x Reader]
↳ 241 [Geto Suguru x Gojo Satoru x Onesided!Reader]
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∞ WISHING FOR WINGS [Male!Yandere Simulator x Ayano Aishi!Reader] (discontinued)
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∞ LITTLE MISS ANCIENT [Hetalia x Reader] (completed)
↳ WEDDINGS? YOU SURE? [Hetalia x Reader] (completed)
↳ MAN CORSETS [Austria x Reader x Prussia] (completed)
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∞ IMMORTALS [Erwin Smith/Reiner Braun/Miche Zacharias/Jean Kirstein/Levi Ackerman/Zeke Yeager x Various!Immortal!Isekai!OCs]
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∞ SCARLET & SHADOW [Darkling x Scarlet Witch!Reader] - ◤MCU x Shadow and Bone◢ (ongoing)
∞ VICTIMS [Wonder Woman x Captain America | Supergirl x Winter Soldier | Zatanna x Quicksilver | Starfire x Loki] (on hiatus) - ◤MCU x DCEU◢ (discontinued)
∞ GODKILLER [Gabriel Reyes x WonderWoman!Reader x Jack Morrison] - ◤Overwatch x DCEU◢
∞ ITERUM [Madara Uchiha x Sakura Haruno | Sasuke Uchiha x Erza Scarlet | Mirajane Strauss x Itachi Uchiha | Neji Hyuuga x Kagura Mikazuchi | Tobirama Senju x Ur | Izuna Uchiha x Ultear Milkovich | Shisui Uchiha x Minerva Orland | Kakashi Hatake x Irene Belserion] - ◤Naruto x Fairy Tail◢
∞ QUEEN OF THE DAMNED [Alucard x Akasha Bloodriver] - ◤Hellsing x Rosario + Vampire◢
∞ SUN & MOON [Sesshomaru x Queen Serenity] - ◤Inuyasha x Sailor Moon◢
∞ MYSTERY OF SILENCE [Phantom x Siren!Reader] - ◤The Phantom of the Opera◢
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i don't write for many of the other fandoms i'm in, but feel free to chat or interact with me!
. trese . jujutsu kaisen . attack on titan . mcu . dceu . the old guard . free! iwatobi swim club . kuroko no basket . yuri! on ice . naruto . fairy tail . millionaire detective: balance unlimited . black butler . hellsing . castlevania . rosario + vampire . vampire knight . inuyasha . sailor moon . hetalia . pretty rhythm . cells at work . way of the househusband .
. yandere simulator . overwatch . earth defense force . phantom of the opera . hamilton . miss saigon . les miserables . jekyll and hyde . bram stoker's dracula . twilight . a court of thorns & roses . shadow and bone. wandavision. crazy rich asians . game of thrones . the remarried empress . dangerous convenience store . exo . twice . red velvet . (g)-idle . exid . itzy . k-drama . k-variety shows .
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Please don't copy or repost my works somewhere else! Thank you! ©2015-2024 (@thera_daydreams)
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violet-fluff · 28 days
Mike Zacharius Oneshots
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mike zacharius x abused! reader
safe in my squad
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Back to main masterlist
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thero0ks · 3 years
Designated Dinker
Day 2 of Miche Zacharias Week hosted by @michezachariasweek is Talent. I think I may have failed at the prompt 😂. Anyways, this is between a drabble and a one shot, so enjoy!
Miche wouldn’t label himself as a professional drinker, but word around the frat traveled fast. The amount of alcohol he could put away in one night was impressive, but he liked to blame that on the fact that he was the size of a tree, or at least that’s what Erwin told him. A lot of the times he drank to simply drown out the shit music that blared through the speakers at the frat parties he attended. He just wanted to walk through one frat house that played something on his playlist. 
Much to his disappointment the next frat they walked through played worse music then the last. Erwin drug him over to the beer pong tables. Miche wasn’t drunk enough to choke down a beer, so he quickly replaced the cups of beer with cups of rum. Erwin looked at him like he was mad, and quite horrified at the fact that he would be shooting a shit ton of rum if their team lost. Miche patted his back encouragingly, which solicited a look of annoyance from the shorter man. 
“Youre the star QB, you can carry us.” Miche reasoned, missing his first shot.
“And you play soccer because your hand eye coordination sucks ass.” Erwin said pointedly making the shot. 
After taking a couple shots, Miche found himself sinking more shots then he missed. Erwin told him it was his magic number. That moment when he was just drunk enough to be extremely talented at party games. They were an unstoppable force at cornhole, and Miche was rather talented at darts when he was just drunk enough. 
After winning beer pong, Erwin drug Miche further into the frat house to mingle with some of the other frat members. Most of them were on the football team, and Miche never had anything in common with them, but he was able to converse with most people. 
Miche’s eyes flickered over to the front door when a linebacker cracked another lame ass joke. His breath practically caught in his throat at the sight of her. The Converse, the black jeans, leather jacket and the Rise Against shirt. Jackpot, he’d found just his type. Emerald eyes shined as he watched her follow a friend further into the frat. 
“You look like a cat ready to pounce,” Erwin said, watching Miche, as his eyes followed Miche’s gaze.
“Did you see her?” Miche asked, looking at him.
“Yeah, she also drives a Mustang, do what you will with that information.” Erwin said, patting his shoulder.
“Wingman.” Miche said, grabbing Erwin by the back of his polo.
“Oh come on!” Erwin huffed, as Miche pulled him to the drinks.
“Rum and coke?” Miche asked, as he casually stepped beside her at the counter.
Bright eyes looked over at him, and widened slightly as she had to crane her neck to look at him. She slowly shook her head. “Not unless I want to get fucked up.”
“Don’t be a pussy, get fucked up!” Her friend said laughing as she poured an unhealthy amount of vodka In Her orange juice.
“Fuck it…pour me one.”
Miche grinned and poured a generous amount of rum in the cup, before adding some Coke. He didn’t bother stirring the concoction, he simply grabbed the drink by the rim of the cup and with the flick of his wrist he swirled the cup poorly mixing the ingredients together. Handing the cup to her, she grabbed it and took a sip. She didn’t bother commenting that the rum had all settled to the button of the cup since he’d hardly mixed it. 
“I’m Miche by the way,” he said, sticking out his hand, and she took it. His palm engulfed hers as he shook it, and her hands felt like ice against his skin. She gave him his name, and he stored it away in his memory for safe keeping. “Your hands are cold.* He commented, as he still held her hand. 
Curious eyes flickered from their hands to his eyes as she tried to process what was happening, eyes widened with realization as a small blush dusted her cheeks. 
“So, frat boy?” She asked moving to retract her hand.
Miche let her hand go as soon as he felt her tugging away. His heart sank at the loss of contact, but quickly recovered. Determination set in as he watched her sip on her drink.
“Yeah, I haven’t seen you on campus before. What are you studying?” Miche asked, following her out of the kitchen to a wall she decided to lean against. The furniture was less than appealing. 
“Psychology, what about you?” She asked, looking up at him. 
“I’m studying law.”
A small hum escaped her lips, “brains and brawn. That’s a rare combo.”
“I’m full of surprises,” Miche said, turning to face her as he sipped on his drink. “I’d be happy to show you sometime…”
“How about we start with dinner?” She said, smiling up at him.
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axoxtxhxh · 3 years
May i get the word bedroom with miche with? Thanks 💜
So this became very domestic 😆 it’s also modern au and I’m not sure if it’s obvious enough in the writing. Also, this contains a lot of headcanons I have for Miche so I hope you like it! Thank you so much for the request!❤️ I really love this one.
Miche - Bedroom
Miche never really considered himself to be a sentimental guy. He liked saving small things from trips he took, times he hung out with his friends, awards, photos, and the like. He never thought he was someone to get attached to anything. That is until his parents called him and told him they were moving and he needed to clean out his old bedroom.
As he walked up the steps to his childhood room, he couldn’t help but think about it being the last time he would do it. He loved that house. That was his home. Yeah, he hadn’t actually lived there for years, but he was always comforted by the fact that it was here, waiting for him.
He turned the handle to his bedroom door and stepped inside. It was almost like walking into the past. His parents never went in there anymore except for the random times his mom would go in to dust. He planned to only take an hour to get the things he wanted to keep and the rest could be tossed, but now that he stood there, he knew that wouldn’t be the case.
Trophies and medals he won from volleyball tournaments sat on the shelves above his desk. He laughed at the trophy on the end that he won playing mini golf with Erwin and Hange. They were all surprised when he got a hole-in-one on the final hole and when given a choice between a trophy or a free game, he chose the trophy knowing every time he looked at it, he would remember how much fun they had. Maybe he was more sentimental than he thought.
The little cork board he had held pictures of him and Erwin while they were in high school, some from college. Even more photos of them when they met Hange and the summer they all housesat for Hange’s uncle who basically lived in a castle. He was definitely going to need a bigger box to take all of it.
Miche turned around and sat on his bed, sighing. He rested his arms behind him and looked around the room. His drum set was gathering dust in the corner and he wondered if there was a way he could fit it in his apartment. He noticed a small box tucked in the corner of his closet and he stood up to get it, returning to his spot on the bed to go through its contents.
It seemed like more photos of his time during college, photos of him with his dad when they used to go camping every summer when he was younger, some random plane tickets from trips he took. At the bottom of the box, were old letters and he pulled them out, carefully opening them and reading.
“Hey, are you staying for dinner?” Miche’s older sister, Amari, walked in the room. “Mom wants to know how much food to make.”
“Do you remember these?” He held up the letters and she walked over to look at them.
“Are these the letters you sent me from camp?” She took the ones Miche had in his hand and read them, smiling to herself. “You were such a baby, ‘I think Mom sent me here because we fight too much and it makes her angry. Let’s not fight anymore so I can come home. I promise to play whatever game you want when I come back. Please tell Mom.’ You really hated that place”
“I was small then.” Miche laughed. “Everyone picked on me.”
“Well things have certainly changed since then.” She handed him the letters.
“Mom! Eri’s not sharing his game.” Miche’s nephew ran into the room.
“Tell him I said to share.” She told, brushing the blonde boy’s hair back. “Did you say ‘hi’ to your uncle?”
“Hi, Uncle Miche.” The boy was half hiding behind his mom’s leg and Miche smiled at him. “I told him, but he still isn’t sharing.”
“Fine, let’s go talk to him.” She turned to leave and quickly turned back. “So are you staying?”
“Yeah, I’ll stay.” Miche nodded, standing up and grabbing the little boy’s body to put him on his shoulders. Miche laughed as the boy giggled. “Let’s go scare your brother.”
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hangekitty · 3 years
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For those who are interested in reading my work! All completed (and on going) work is linked in this post and will be updated whenever a new Oneshot/Headcanons/etc has been uploaded.
All NSFW content (links) will be in BOLD
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Multiple Chapters
Nile x Erwin x Miche x Reader - Smoke and Mirrors (AO3 - on going)
Miche Zacharias
Miche comforting his S/O after a bad day
Retired Miche with a s/o Headcanons
Jean Kirstein
Ghost Hunting headcanons
Nile Dok
Dating Nile Headcanons
NSFW Alphabet
Hange Zoe
Oneshot! Space Girl
Oneshot! Lost without you
Reiner Braun
Reiner having a s/o with a passion for reading
Poly Relationships
Erwin x Levi x gn!Reader - Tea for 3
Birthday Special ( x Miche)
Oneshot! Nile x f!Reader x Miche Been Had (AO3)
30 Days of Pride - Masterlist
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