#michael!dean x female reader
thebiggerbear · 2 months
Let Me Set Your World on Fire
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Summary: While on a hunt, you all get stuck in an abandoned cabin in the woods due to a snowstorm that comes out of nowhere. It's cold as hell (Cas' fact checking not withstanding) and both you and Dean are trying to fight off the icy temperatures. When Cas offers his coat to Dean, in usual Michael fashion, the archangel offers you something bigger and more to his liking than a simple article of clothing to keep you warm.
Pairing: Michael!Dean x Female!Huntress!Reader; background hints of Destiel if you squint
A/N: Inspired by this post by @angelicbros 💖💖 that had me laughing for a good five minutes because I could absolutely see that happening with those characters and dynamics. Idk if this turned out okay or not but it was so much fun to write.
I'll admit that I wrote about 5k more than what's posted here, which was mostly background of how Michael!Dean and the Reader's relationship came to be, how Michael looks the way he does, why Team Free Will puts up with him, where Jack is, etc., but ultimately, I really felt it got away from the theme of what I was going for so I cut it out. I think I might clean it up and post it separately.
And you just know that Dean would be super grumpy if Baby was stuck in a snowstorm. 😉
All unbeta'd.
Warnings: implied sex; language
Word Count: 2529
Taglist: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187; @rieleatiel
Supernaural Taglist: @deans-spinster-witch; @just-levyy; @heartlessdelusions; @nancymcl; @brightlilith; @muhahaha303; @mariahoedt; @solacedthistest; @deansimpala; @foxyjwls007; @onlyangel-444
Jensen Taglist: @samanddeaninatrenchcoat; @deansbbyx; @lyarr24
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You blew warm air into your hands and rubbed them together. You and the Winchesters were stuck in a cabin in the woods while a snowstorm raged outside. Dean had complained earlier about Baby being stuck out there, getting pounded by ice, snow, and who knew what else. “I better not see a single scratch on her,” he warned Sam. He then groused about her probably needing a new paint job once this was over, a mere three months after the last one.��
You had been hunting a pack of werewolves, hot on their trail, when the blizzard from hell came out of nowhere, forcing you to find some form of shelter quickly. Cas had disagreed when you called the storm as such. It was a known fact that snow didn’t come from Hell, it came from a weather system on Earth. Besides there was nothing cold about the pit; Chuck and Lucifer had made sure of that. Dean and Sam had joined you in your stunned disbelief at Cas’ matter-of-fact tone before you all shook your heads and continued looking for materials to burn in the fireplace. Sam had managed to find some scraps of old newspapers in the long abandoned cabin and an old book of matches that had one good match left. So now, there was a small fire burning but from the looks of it, it wasn’t going to last long.
Sam kept checking for cell service but no such luck. You and Dean sat in two opposing chairs, facing towards the fire. “Anything?” Dean asked his brother. Sam glanced at the screen and shook his head. “Dammit.”
Dean blew into his hands just like you had and then crossed his arms, keeping his fingers underneath the material of his jacket. None of you were dressed for this extreme weather or temperature drop. If you didn’t know any better, you could swear some magical being or entity was causing this sudden storm to hit. Sure, Washington was known for its colder, wetter weather most of the time, including snow that could start falling at the drop of a hat, but this fast and this hard…you tended to doubt it. Especially when you had been closing in on the werewolf pack.
“Are you alright, Dean?” Cas asked, drawing your attention to the eldest Winchester.
“Yeah, just cold but I’m good.” He then blew more warm air into his hands. “Can’t believe this freaking place doesn’t have blankets or something,” he muttered.
Suddenly, Cas stripped off his trenchcoat and draped it over Dean.
“I’m fine,” Dean protested grumpily, trying to push the coat away, but Cas held firm.
“No, you’re not. It’s not much but it can provide a little protection against the current temperature.”
“What about you?”
“I’m fine. I don’t feel it.”
“And Sammy?”
Sam cleared his throat and took a few steps towards you all from the other side of the room. “I’m good.” You glanced at Sam to find him smiling knowingly in the direction of his brother as he watched Cas tuck the coat a little more around Dean despite more of his grumbled protests before looking around for more materials to add to the fire. 
“And you?” Dean asked.
You met his concerned gaze and waved a hand dismissively. “I’m good, too. I mean, yeah, I’m cold but I’m fine. Thanks, though.”
Suddenly, heavy but carefully measured footsteps made their way to the opposite side of your chair. “You’re cold as well?” 
You glanced up to find another pair of green eyes intent on you. That intense gaze used to make you uncomfortable, piss you off even, but now you were used to it. Though you never quite got used to there being two Deans around all the time. “A little but I’m okay,” you reassured.
His brows knitted together in displeasure before he lifted his hand and snapped his fingers. The fire in the fireplace suddenly grew without warning and sent Cas flying backwards. Dean and Sam both rushed over to him, making sure he was alright. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw a cocky smirk form on the face that you loved as he watched as well. You dropped your head into your hands, shaking it.
“Now, you will no longer be cold. As a matter of fact…” You heard another snap of fingers that made your head pop up. Not only did you suddenly have three different blankets covering you but you noticed a strange orange glow coming from the windows that hadn’t been there before. You threw back the blankets, making him tsk quietly in disappointment, and rushed to look outside. The snow and winds had stopped and there were flames everywhere. Trees, bushes, the ground — all of it was burning. 
“Did you just set the world on fire?” You asked in disbelief, turning shocked eyes onto the angel. 
He shrugged, not caring in the slightest.
Dean and Sam rushed to the other window to see what you were talking about while Cas, who was now on his feet, glared at his older brother. 
“Michael,” You had to be careful how you worded this; the last thing any of you needed was an archangel with an attitude. “I appreciate that you’re trying to make sure I’m comfortable, but setting the world on fire is a bit much, don’t you think?”
Once again, he gave you an unapologetic shrug with a smile. 
“My car is out there!” Dean yelled.
Michael’s smirk grew and he snapped his fingers again. “Not anymore.”
“You son of a bitch!” Dean started to charge towards him but Sam held him back. Michael’s amusement at the hunter’s anger was palpable. You decided later you would have to once again talk to him about the constant antagonizing of your best friend. You knew they were forever going to hate one another due to what happened before you came on the scene, but you were determined to keep things civil between them, for your sake as much as theirs. 
While Michael watched Sam attempting to wrangle his brother with clear enjoyment, you took the opportunity to approach the archangel. His eyes suddenly snapped to you as you got closer. “You don’t need to set the world on fire to keep me warm.” You shot him a look and he appeared pleased as he got your meaning. You watched as he snapped his fingers again and the orange glow was suddenly gone. The howling of the icy winds outside could be heard once more. 
“You couldn’t get rid of the freaking storm?” Dean threw at him. 
Michael’s gaze flickered to his doppelganger. “Do you ever stop complaining? I left the fire in the fireplace as well as the blankets. Be grateful I did.”
You took his hand in yours, urging him to look at you. “Michael,” you whispered, shaking your head.
“Are you freaking—”
“Dean, stop,” Sam warned. Cas glared at Michael but remained quiet, keeping himself positioned in between the Winchesters and the two of you.
Done with what he’d dubbed as the boring weak human sideshow, Michael pulled you closer and used his free hand to cup your cheek, tenderly brushing his thumb along your bottom lip. His gaze burned into yours and you immediately knew why he didn’t snap the storm away altogether. Sure enough, he used an invisible wing to sweep you off your feet and into his arms. You glared up at him as you held tightly onto him but he only chuckled in response. He knew you hated it when he did that; you knew he enjoyed it. 
He snapped his fingers again and a clean bedroom with its own roaring fireplace and fresh linens and pillows on the bed appeared that was suddenly boxed in by walls and a wooden door. Michael immediately began to carry you towards it.
“Where the hell do you think you’re going?” 
Michael didn’t look back at Dean or any of them, he only kept his focus on you. “I’m going to keep her warm. Maybe your pet should do the same for you.” More angry commentary from Dean erupted that Sam attempted to tamp down but neither of you paid it any attention. You buried your teeth into your bottom lip at the thought of him keeping you warm, his earlier transgression immediately forgotten, and your reaction caused him to flash his usual crooked smile at you. You had a feeling that the storm was now going to last until Michael decided it would end.
“You’re not seriously going in there to have sex and make us all listen to it, are you?”
Once again, neither you nor Michael paid attention to Dean’s question or his resounding groan of “Do they ever stop? They’re like rabbits” when he didn’t get an answer. Instead, Michael walked you into the room and the door closed behind him, locking itself. 
“See? You didn’t need to set the world on fire to keep me warm,” you teased.
“Oh, I’m going to set the world on fire.” He gently tossed you onto the bed, making you laugh, before crawling onto it to hover above you, watching you as you watched him. Your heart rate and breathing both sped up in anticipation. His thumb brushed over your lips once more. “Just yours.” He leaned down to kiss you then and as he’d said, your entire world ignited. 
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Michael had indeed kept you warm, to the point where you had forgotten all about the craziest blizzard you had ever seen in your life still going on outside. You’d even forgotten about everyone else. Keeping his promise, Michael had set your world on fire, over and over and over again. Until your bare body lay there, blissfully sated and sprawled out over his. You were more than comfortable as you drifted off on his chest, feeling him running his fingers through your hair in gentle strokes as he pressed a kiss to your forehead.
The storm didn’t begin to clear until you woke the next morning, finding Michael offering you his usual cocky smile when he murmured, “You slept deeply.” You tiredly swatted at his chest, making him chuckle, and he pulled you in for a kiss. He set you on fire one more time before you both finally emerged from the room, now fully dressed, to find both brothers asleep in the chairs under the blankets you’d left with Cas standing sentry at the window, his trenchcoat now being used as a pillow under Dean’s head. 
When you noticed the snow that had covered the window panes the night before was gone and the sun was shining through them instead, you turned a knowing look on Michael. And as expected, he gave you an unapologetic shrug and his signature smirk. You knew you should be annoyed, now knowing he had been the one behind the storm all along, but last night — and this morning — had been incredible. So you couldn’t be too upset at what he’d done, unless he was protecting the wolfpack for some reason.
As if he could read your thoughts, he yanked you up against him, making you quietly squeal in surprise. “No one has my protection. Except you.” His gaze was dark and serious, his meaning beyond clear. You slowly nodded and he framed your face with his hands, studying you before kissing you deeply. You understood his words for what they were; it was a combination of him reassuring you that he wasn’t surreptitiously working against you and him letting you know just how much you meant to him. Some might want the words said aloud, a declaration made in the form of a particular phrasing, but you didn’t need it. You felt it as he sent grace coursing through you from his hand on the small of your back. Reinvigorated from the icy hot tingles affecting your whole body, you grabbed at him and turned the kiss even more passionate, ignoring his infuriating chuckle and moaning into his mouth. You jumped into his arms and he easily caught you as you practically began mauling him, running your fingers through his hair and gripping fistfuls of it.
“They’re still going at it?” Dean gruffed out, the sound you made earlier having clearly woken him up.
“Looks like,” Sam grumbled.
“I believe this is the beginning of another round as you humans like to call it, after many successful copulations throughout the night and earlier this morning,” Cas stated, not sounding quite happy himself.
Normally, you would have told them all to shut up but right then, you were on fire, about to combust, and Michael was the only one that could push you over that glorious edge. A grace-infused orgasm was a world ender all on its own and who better to give that to you than the archangel you were currently playing a ferocious game of tonsil hockey with? The guys would never understand, just like they would never understand your relationship or how you could be with someone who had once wanted to literally burn this world to ash. They wouldn’t understand how now it was only your world that ended on an almost daily basis, that you were the figurative version of scorched earth that Michael created — repeatedly. He could send grace running through your body with any touch between you so when he pulled your legs over his broad shoulders and smirked up at you as he lowered his head…
The thought had you moaning again and him snickering as you squirmed against him and tore at his shirt and jacket, which actually ripped thanks to the temporary grace. He turned and slammed you up against the wall — something he could now do without you getting hurt — and the infrastructure of the cabin shook a bit. He sent more grace through you and you broke away, moaning as he attached his lips to your neck. “Oh God,” you gasped as more icy hot tingles flowed throughout your body.
He lifted his head, staring into your eyes. “No. Just me.” His eyes flared brightly before he kissed you again. 
“I say we go out there and try to dig Baby out rather than sit here and listen to them go at it for the six thousandth time. Whaddya say?” 
“Uh, yeah, let’s,” Sam quickly agreed with Dean the second you started to rock your hips against Michael’s, eager for him to stop torturing you and finish what he started.
You heard them get to their feet when Michael suddenly lifted his hand and snapped his fingers. Almost as if the storm had never receded, the howling of the wind sounded again and you didn’t need to look to know there was snow and ice whirling around outside once more.
It was confirmed the moment Dean yelled angrily, “Are you freaking kidding me?!?”
You couldn’t help but laugh as Michael ignored him and walked you back into the bedroom, the door slamming shut behind him. The two men groaning in unison in the next room could wait a little longer. Michael needed to make you warm again and fast.
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kaleldobrev · 10 months
Knew You Would Come Around
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Pairing: Michael!Dean x Fem!Reader | Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader
Summary: Michael's happy you've finally come around
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: Nudity (but no smut), Y/N is the best actress ever, Michael being absolutely delusional, Sad!Reader
Authors Note: Set in the same universe as Once Mine | Please read Once Mine before reading this one | Some non-con elements but nothing graphic (very G Rated in description) | Y/N deserves an Oscar for her performance | Y/N misses Dean :( | If you liked this, don’t forget to like & reblog. I really appreciate it! Feedback is always welcome ♡
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It’s been weeks since you’ve been trapped in this penthouse, weeks without any kind of contact from the outside world besides room service, the occasional monster that Michael had invited in, and Michael himself. Michael, the archangel who was currently using the love of your life as his meat suit. The same man who refused to believe that you weren’t this other version of you. There was a part of him though, although you couldn’t quite pinpoint it, that may have been slightly delusional due to the grief that he had faced when his world version of you was killed. A version of you that he loved more than anyone or anything. A version of you that he absolutely refused to let go of.
You tried for weeks resisting him. Resisting any ounce of change that he had tried to make. He wanted you to be the version of you that he had fallen in love with, not who you truly were. Dean loved this version of you, but Michael didn’t. And in order to survive, you played along. Played along with his delusions of you being his one true love. Pretending to actually care when he talked about certain subjects. Pretending to enjoy when he would kiss you. Pretending to enjoy him holding you in the middle of the night while lying in bed together. This was the only way, you had thought to yourself.
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Your mind was racing as you watched television, as there was really nothing for you to do while Michael was away. There was relief whenever he had left for the day, but at the same time, you had found yourself sometimes feeling a strange sense of loss whenever he did leave; and you weren’t quite sure why. This man had taken over Dean, the one man you had loved more than anyone or anything — your soulmate, and Michael ripped him away from you, and you despised him for it.
But the more you thought about it, the more your mind had started to wander. Maybe you had found it relatively easy to pretend because it was technically still Dean on the surface? Maybe that strange sense of loss that you felt when Michael had left is because it felt like Dean was being ripped away from you all over again? Then again, maybe you were just starting to become delusional like Michael.
When the door opened, you were instantly snapped out of your thoughts. Show time, you thought. “Hey Mike, how was your day?” You asked him, trying to give him that sing-song like tone he had preferred compared to your actual voice.
“Rough, but making progress,” he stated, closing the door behind him. You turned around from your position on the couch to look over at him, where he was currently hanging up his 1920s style jacket on the coatrack. Progress? What type of progress? You wanted to ask. But you knew better than to ask.
"Well, that's wonderful that you're making progress," you said, getting up from your spot on the couch to stand in front of him. "But, I'm sorry you had a rough day," you continued, as you started to untie his tie, making sure you kept the right amount of eye contact.
"Thankful I'm finally home with my girl," he stated, giving you a slight smile as he watched you carefully removing his tie from around his neck. You almost stopped removing his tie, as the nickname he had just given you had thrown you off, as My Girl was one of Dean's go-to nicknames for you.
Forcing a smile, you finished removing his tie. "Happy to have you home," you lied. His hand moved to cup your cheek, admiring the delicate features of your face. Despite you not being his original Y/N, you were good enough for him in moments like these, moments where he needed comfort.
"I'm going to take a shower," he said, before leaning in and kissing the top of your head. Strangely, you felt yourself slightly melt into the kiss, as it was a feeling that you had missed. Top of the head kisses and forehead kisses were ones that you had cherished the most from Dean. Despite it not actually being from him, you pretended it was; and pretending helped.
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You found yourself on the couch again, watching some cooking show on FoodNetwork, mentally writing down recipes that you knew Dean would have liked. Recipes you’d probably never get the chance to make for him “Y/N!” Michael called; his voice making any previous thoughts you had disappear.
“Yes Mike?” You yelled back, muting the television as you did so.
“Come join me,” he said. His voice wasn’t demanding in nature, but you knew he wasn’t giving you a choice in the matter.
You took a deep breath before answering. “Be right there!” You replied back.
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Walking into the bathroom, the glass shower was steamed up just enough that Michael's figure almost looked like he was some kind of blur, almost dream sequence like. And for a brief moment, you felt some sort of bliss; as if you were in fact in a dream, a dream where you had walked in on Dean in the shower — something that you had done so many times before. But that brief moment of bliss was fanned out the second the Archangel spoke. "Come on in Sweetheart," he said, opening up the glass door for you. Sweetheart, yet another nickname that you had once loved now made your skin crawl.
Removing your clothes quickly, they fell onto the floor into a pool of fabric. Taking a deep breath, you walked into the shower and closed the door behind you. Upon entering, Michael's back was facing you, his face toward the showerhead. You found your fingers reaching toward his back, wanting to trace little circles — something that you were so used to doing to Dean when you were either in the shower or lying in bed.
But as you were half-way to his back, he started to turn, and you retracted your fingers; looking up at him almost with a sorrowful look on your face. "Glad you could join me," he said, giving you a small smile. You tried your best to give a similar smile back, but you found it hard to, and you knew he could sense the struggle. "Turn around, I'll get your back," he said, trying to break the uneasiness between the two of you.
"Okay," you replied, slightly nodding. Turning around, you felt more vulnerable than ever, hating this current feeling. You felt your eyes close in anticipation at the touch of him. A moment later, you felt a washcloth start running along your spine, just stopping above your ass before it came back up and went from your left to your right shoulder blade.
"You're very tense," he whispered in your ear. He kissed your temple, and again, you found yourself slightly melting into it, again finding yourself reminiscing about all the times Dean had kissed your temple in order to comfort you. "Want me to help you?" He asked. "I know you like massages."
"But you're the one that's had the rough day, not me," you said, your voice sounding a little timid. But he seemed to ignore your comments; placing the washcloth on the small built-in shelf before he started using his thumbs to make circles on your back.
You wanted to resist the nice feeling, but you couldn't. It felt nice having his hands rubbing your back, finding those exact pressure points that Dean knew all too well. “I know this has been difficult for you,” Michael said after a few moments of silence between the two of you; leaning down and kissing your shoulder. Understatement, you thought. “But you’ve been really receptive of me lately,” he said, almost as if he was giving you a pat on the back. “Which is very much appreciated. I’m glad you can finally see things my way.” Again, he kissed your shoulder, but this time you felt your body slightly shudder at his touch, hoping that he didn't notice this reaction.
“Of course,” you began, “like you said, this is very much a win-win for the both of us,” you said, forcing a slight smile on your lips. You turned around to face him, and you cupped his cheek, slightly rubbing it with your thumb. God I miss you, you thought. The feeling of the stubble on your fingertips making you strangely sentimental.
“I love you,” Michael admitted, and you felt as if your heart was about to stop. You weren’t in love with him, there was no chance you could ever be; not after everything he had done. He was simply a monster disguised as your soulmate and nothing more. But you had to keep up the pretending, keep on acting in order to survive.
“I love you too,” you said, and you felt like you had wanted to throw up.
“Told you you’d come around,” he almost whispered, a small smirk on his lips. A moment later he leaned in, crashing his lips into yours.
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holylulusworld · 10 months
Caged Bird
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Pairing: Michael!Dean x fem!Reader; Dean Winchester x fem!Reader
Genre: angst
Written for @little-diable’s 15k celebration.
My sentence (#79): "There is no law that gods must be fair" from The Song of Achilles.  
Warnings: blood, angst, mentions of characters death, imprisonment, being locked in a cage, mentions of starving someone, implied torture, Michael Dean is the worst, a hint of hope and fluff
Words: 1k+
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Your world lies in ruins. Only dust and burned ground are left. Blood is soaking the battleground. Feeding it with the red nectar from the fallen ones.
The leader stands over your broken body. Your hope and wings ripped from your dying body. He smiles down at you, his eyes still the same, but so much colder now.
“Why did you have to do this?” He cocks his head to watch you take your last breaths. “A mere human becoming an angel. This has to end badly.”
“He promised that I’ll be able to defeat you if I give up my human form,” you choke on your blood as your hand reaches out for the man who used to be the love of your life. He swats it away, sneering as a single tear runs down your cheek.
“Father lied,” he stares back at you. His eyes are blue and sparkling now. “God is a good player, isn’t he?”
“Why would he do such a thing? Why would he lie to me?” You whimper as the pain gets unbearable. Your insides feel like your body is on fire while you are shaking from the cold. “God is supposed to be the good guy.”
Michael crouches down next to you to run his hand over your hair. He almost acts like he regrets piercing your heart with his archangel blade. 
“There is no law that gods must be fair," he wraps his hand around the sword in your chest. “Your God is a worse monster than all the things you were hunting all your life.”
“A monster,” you choke on your blood. “Just like you.” Your eyes flutter shut. There is no fight left in you. It’s over, and you succumb to the darkness wanting to drag you away.
“I’m not a monster, but your God. A better one,” his fingertips stroke your cheek, and you feel a spark touch your skin. “I’ll make you my perfect little puppet on a string. Dean will be so happy having you around. Won’t he?”
You dare not open your eyes when he removes the sword from your chest. The pain is excruciating. Images of your family, friends, and lastly Dean and you fill your mind. 
“So many memories, little human,” he coos and touches your chest. Another spark runs through your body, making you cry out in pain. “I’ll keep you to torture Dean with every single kiss you remember. Maybe I’ll put you in a cage only to let him watch you wither away like a flower.”
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You wake up in pain, like most days. Your body is not used to being locked in a small cage. On the other hand, no human being is used to being caged like some animal.
“Look at my favorite pet, Dean,” the monster wearing Dean’s body for prom waltzes into the room, his eyes trained on you in the cage. 
You’re too weak to even give him a snarky comment. He didn’t give you food for a few days. Michael likes to test how long you’ll survive without food.
“Sweetheart,” he uses the pet name on purpose, “don’t you want to greet the man you love? Hmm…he has missed you. Right now, he tries to claw his way to the front, but he won’t succeed.”
Michael crouches down in front of the cage. He wants to watch you flinch away, but you won’t give him the satisfaction today. Whatever he has in mind today, you’re too tired and weak to feel the pain.
“Aw, did I finally break you?” Michael unlocks the cage. He reaches out for you to stroke your cheek. The monster smiles as a single tear rolls down your cheek. “I promise, this is not the end.”
You wish his words weren’t true. Every beat of your heart tells you he’s not lying.
“Dean dreams of holding you in his arms again,” Michael easily gets you out of the cage and lifts you into his arms. Your head lolls back, and you hope you’ll lose consciousness before he starts with whatever he planned for you. “I’ll fulfill his wish tonight.”
“Please just kill me,” you breathe against his shoulder. “Please. I can’t…please.” Michael broke the strong woman in you. He won but refuses to show mercy and redeem you.
“I won’t let you go, little bird. It’s so much fun feeling Dean despair every day more…”
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Michael smiles widely as you lie on the soft sheets, looking like an angel covered in red.
Your body is littered with cuts from his archangel blade. You can’t whimper or move. He made sure of it.
His hand slides over your torn body to heal the damage he did to you tonight.
“Beautiful yet so broken. Do you want to feel her, Dean?” Michael leans over your body to brush his lips over yours. “I could break her neck or rip her heart out and you cannot stop me. Give in, and I’ll end her life painless and fast.”
“Do it! Kill me,” your eyes snap open, and you grab Michael’s hand on your cheek. “Stop toying with me.”
“There she is,” Michael coos and brushes his thumb over your cheek. “I knew there was still fight left in you. Dean would be so proud of you, sweetheart.”
“You’re a fucking creep,” you spit in his face. “Dean would rip your ass open, you sonofabitch!”
You can’t see it, but Dean stopped fighting Michael’s grip on him for a moment to chuckle at your response. “I’ll get out of here, sweetheart,” he says before fighting Michael again.
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“You’re nothing but insects!” You can hear Michael yell outside your prison. There’s a commotion, and then the door flies open. You can see a young woman pierce Michael’s upper arm, and then blinding light fills the room.
“Y/N,” the last thing you recognize is Sam’s voice and the worry in his eyes as he steps toward the cage. “Fuck, Cas, Rowena I need your help.”
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Waking up feels different this time. You’re not in pain, and someone gently runs his hand over your hair. “I’m so sorry, baby.”
“Dean—” you croak as you struggle to open your eyes. “What a pleasant dream. Please don’t leave me. Stay with me.”
“I’ll stay with you,” he moves closer to press his lips to your temple, “until the very end. I promise to make him suffer for what he’s done to you…” 
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aleskyyy · 1 month
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Hello! I am so happy to find someone who writes for the naturals!
Michael Townsend x Redding!Reader
Dean would not be happy. Like at all.
There would definitely be a, keep the door open rule.
And he would make it his personal mission to make sure you two aren't left alone for long.
He strikes me as an overprotective big bro
(also established reader plz)
michael townsend x redding!reader
hcs about being dean's little sister, also in the naturals program, & dating michael townsend. aka a recipe for disaster.
a/n: omg. ur mind. I LOVE THIS!!! i am a team michael girlie thru and thru so this is gonna be fun to write. tysm for the request and i love ur writings of dean and michael !!! i hope u dont mind i added some backstory, i tried to keep it to the point🤞
word count: 2.3k
warnings: none rlly?, suggestiveish content, some violence
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you and dean were close, probably closer than most siblings would admit they were to their brother or sister. being only a year younger than him made it easier to connect and relate to each other. 
because of the trauma brought on during childhood because of your serial killer father, you and dean were closer than ever. dean also became a lot more protective over you as the years passed by. 
dean had always been your protector since childhood — beating up anyone who bullied you, scaring off mean girls, bandaging up any cuts and bruises, etc. 
when the two of you started becoming more aware of your father’s horrendous acts, dean did his best to keep you out of it. he was the first to step for any torturous task your father asked of you, and was always quick to step in front of you in the presence of your dad. 
after the whole investigation and arrest of your father, you’d met agent briggs & sterling, who at the time were married. there he sat the two of you down to explain the two of you had a special trait that labeled you under the category ‘natural.’ dean’s gift being profiling while yours revolved around being a forensic analyst. 
it was difficult to comprehend, specially at a young age, but the both of you mutually agreed the best option was to go with agent briggs to join the beginning of the naturals program. 
you were brought to some sort of safe house, where you were ought to live for who knew however long. there you met an older man, whose name was judd hawkins. you found out he was the one going to watch over you and manage house tasks. 
after awhile, you were introduced to someone new, also natural. her name – lia zhang. 
she was a natural lie detector and at deception. you were a little wary of her at first, but then the three of you became close. 
however, she had always trusted dean more and was more best friends with him than you. 
a part of you felt left out, but you didn’t speak up in fear of being dramatic. it was enough lia was your friend you told yourself. 
not too long after another girl joined the small group, sloane tavish who was a natural statistician. 
she was quite weird and awkward, spewing the most random facts when she saw an opportunity, but you got along with her great. however, she was almost occupied in the basement doing experiments to be a friend to you in the traditional sense. 
you’d still hoped for a best friend of your own. and your wish got granted and brought to in the form of michael townsend, an emotion reader. 
though at first, he was like lia when he arrived, closed off and not very open to friendships. but eventually you all warmed up to each other. 
now that there was the presence of another male in the house, there was tension between the two. dean warned you to be weary around michael because he didnt trust him fully yet. 
however, michael saw to this and took the opportunity to come around you whenever he pleased. and dean would retaliate by telling michael to stay away, but this only encouraged him. 
you found him quite annoying at first, reading and calling out your emotions bluntly as casually as he says your name. but after awhile the two of you became very good friends. 
dean was more lenient as he got to know michael, but the two never became much of friends - more on a frenemies level.
you and michael connected over books, music, and learned more about each other. his mask started collapsing and you were able to open up the persona he tried so hard to hide. 
when him and lia started getting involved, you did your best not to care. you told yourself michael could be with who he wants, and him opening up to you didn't mean he liked you romantically. 
once cassie joined you guys, you and her became quick friends. you knew what it felt like to be left out, so you wanted to include her as much as you could. 
she helped you in realizing your feelings for michael. you hadn't ever let the thought cross your mind before, but after you confinded in cassie on your insecurity about lia and michael - it became clear. 
so you chicken out and spent time with michael less. it was lucky for you that being best friends with him meant you knew a few tricks to cover up your true emotions. but michael could tell something was off once you slowly distanced yourself. 
though your brother didn't mention it, you knew he was cheering on lia and michael if it meant you and michael disconnected. but he became occupied with cassie to get a chance to profile your reasoning for the distance. 
it came to a head when he cornered you one night, demanding an explanation. caught off guard, you let a crack of your true emotions reveal, and it was enough for michael to quickly pick up what it meant. 
you were utterly embarrassed and ready to face rejection, but he surprised you and instead kissed you. 
he admitted he had a fancy for you, as he put it. and the two of you began your relationship. 
you wanted to hide it for a bit because you knew dean would not approve whatsoever. but living with naturals meant there it was close to impossible to keep any secrets. lia was quick to catch on, and didn't waste a second in spreading it to the others.
the first thing dean did was punch michael in the face. it happened so abruptly, you both were in the living room then dean strided in angrily and just sucked punched your boyfriend. 
you immediately shouted at you brother for his overreaction, but dean kept throwing threats at michael to stay away from you . michael clutched his face, but wasn't faced - he was actually amused and just gave your brother a taunting smirk. 
you had to physically hold dean with all your might to prevent him from throwing another punch. 
dean's protectiveness only got worse from there. 
he watched the the two of you like a hawk. if he saw you close to one another, he would stand or sit between you both to divide you.
if you and michael went somewhere together, trust he was following closely behind. 
for instance, michael took you out to the movies for a date - going as far to rent the entire theater for you both. 
you leaned your head on michael at some point during the film, and that's when dean appeared from the seats behind you, and pushed your head off. 
you were startled so bad, the popcorn in your lap went flying.
dean consistently tried to tell you that michael was going to break your heart, he isn't the type to be serious, and that his past relationship with lia was proof of that. 
it was so much worse when he caught the two of you kissing or making out. 
he screamed to scare you two parts, physically separated the two of you, and he sometimes even tackled michael. 
you were completely embarrassed of your brother's actions, part of you feared it would actually scare your boyfriend away, but michael didn't care for dean's interference, he continued to be with you when and where ever he pleased. 
once cassie and dean got together, things cooled down a bit. she managed to get him to see a bit of reasoning. 
but dean still had a set of rules he expected you to follow. 
number one on the list was - if you and michael are alone in a room together, the door had to be open. especially if it was his room you were in. 
there was an incident that brought it on. 
you and michael frequently went up to his room for privacy to hang out. usually, you took naps, watched movies, researched a case, etc., although the both of you always just end up kissing on his bed. at this point, dean still could not believe the two of you were together. 
well, one afternoon the two of you were looking through interviews for a new case. then michael claimed he was desperately bored and needed to be entertained. you rolled your eyes at his antics and continued reading the transcripts. 
but then he slyly began kissing your neck, slowly pulling you away from the case and into the comfort of his bed. 
next thing you knew, you were under him, making out devoutly on his bed. no surprise that michael got what he wanted. 
his hands made it way under your shirt when dean came barging in, having an inquiry on the case you were supposed to be looking at. 
once he saw the position you two were in, he flipped out. yelling at michael to get off of you and threatening to kill him. you immediately sat up, composing yourself and tried to calm your brother down. michael was of no help, he just rolled his eyes at his outrage and said, "if your this angry at kissing, at hate to see your reaction to our other activities."
you threw a pillow at him, "not helping!"
everyone else ran into the room because of the loud commotion, much to your humiliation, thinking a something horrible had occurred.
lia was holding back a hard laugh, cassie tried to reel dean in, sloane threw in some statistics on sister and brother's best friend relations, judd had to break up michael and dean's fight, and agents briggs and sterling just stayed at their door annoyed by the whole event. 
you wanted to forget that whole event entirely, the thought enough makes you wanna cringe in shame. 
ever since then, dean has made it his sole purpose to ensure the door is always open; he even walks by the room every few hours, which he swears is just a coincidence. 
the only common subject that brings michael and dean together is you. it seems to be the only thing they agree on when it pertains to your well-being. 
they are quick to object to anything that would put you in danger.
lia had convinced you and cassie to go along with her to a college party, she claimed it would help you guys find more evidence for a lead on the case. she gave you guys some interesting clothing to fit the role. 
you three got in smoothly and split up to talk to possible suspects or witnesses. you talked to were able to talk with a few people, feigning curiosity. lia had been right, there was connections to the case at the party. 
you were talking with a guy who was as interesting as a brick, but he was unknowingly drunkenly babbling about possible useful information, so you acted interested, nodding along to his obnoxious story. 
but then he started getting handsy, trying to get you into his room, and you declined very clearly multiple times, but dude couldn't take the message. 
when you tried to walk away he grabbed your wrist harshly, calling you malicious names for leading him on. you were on the verge of calling for lia or cassie, when the drunk man was forcefully pulled away from you. 
you were then pushed behind someone protectively, and you recognized his back appearance; it was dean.
turning toward direction of where the drunk guy was pulled into, and there was your boyfriend, angrily holding the guy by the collar. 
"don't touch my girlfriend."
"girlfriend? dude, hate to break it to you, but she was all over me. practically whoring herself out since she's arrived."
michael wasted no time in throwing a fist to the guy's face for his remark. 
dean also look agitated at the guy's degradtion of you, and for the first time, looked satisfied at michael's actions. eventually, dean had to pull michael away from seriously injuring the guy, and drawing even more attention. 
cassie and lia made their way to you, surprised by the arrival of the guys, who looked pretty peeved at the fact you all three snuck out. 
wasting no time, you all were driven back home by michael; quietly making your way into the house to avoid alerting sterling and judd. 
lia and cassie were smart to quickly to make their way to their rooms, but you weren't so lucky; dean held your arm to stop you from escaping. 
you were used to dean's reprimands, and even the occasional chide from michael when you did something dangerously, but you knew you were in for it if both of them were ready to scold you. 
dean started it - rhetorically, asking what were you thinking, then went into his 'protective brother' rant you were too use to. then michael jumped in, saying you going along with a lia plan was never the best idea and that you should've at least told him to go along with you.
they even took turns having a go at how stupid the entire plan was. you never wanted them to go back to fighting more than now. 
why couldn't they have bonded over sports or games like normal people.
you tried to defend your side, saying you did find helpful information, but it fell deaf to their ears. 
you were watched like a hawk for week after that. dean even threatened to put a ankle monitor on you. michael was even amused at his threat. the jerks. 
dean and michael's small alliance quickly ended the moment michael made a indecent comment about you at dinner. 
in time, dean did start getting along with michael. he still liked to act protective, but you knew in his heart he trusted michael and knew he was a good man for you. 
but to this day, dean continues to glare at any pda you and michael share. 
god, you'd hate to see the day michael asks dean for his blessing. 
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queen-of-deans-booty · 5 months
Choose Your Own Destiny
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader x Sam Winchester (NO Wincest)
Word Count: ~300
Warnings: fluff
Request by anon: Hey can i request a hcs where the reader is a archangel created by the grace of Michael and Lucifer basically her daughter and Dean and Sam fell in loved with her? 
Summary: Dean is so much more different than his brother but you love both of them equally.
Square Filled: college!au (2019) for @heavenandhellbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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Lucifer and Michael have always wanted more power, no secret about that
They loved God so much that when they found out he didn’t love them as much as they did, they ran off and created a little plot point of their own
With both their graces and a touch of a human soul, they created you, another archangel that’s more powerful than all of them combined
You were the one thing they needed to get a bunch of angels on their side to overthrow God
If God isn’t in power anymore, then Michael and Lucifer can take over and do things their way
They never expected you to want to go your own way and live your life the way you wanted to
The first time you saw Sam and Dean, your entire life changed. You finally saw that there is more to life than creating armies and taking over Heaven
There is something about Sam and Dean that attracts you, that calls you to them. You’re not sure if it’s their auras or their personality, but you didn't want to be without them
Due to being so powerful, you were able to hide from Michael and Lucifer who tried everything they could to find you
All you’ve ever known is Heaven and fighting ars you have no business being in, and Sam and Dean showed you there is more to life than that
Despite their objections, you got yourself into college just so you can learn and become a better person
It was obvious their feelings for you, as they did almost everything for you, but it was hard to choose between them
So you didn’t
They both taught you how to date which means they were your firsts--first kiss, first time you had sex-first date, first time you held hands, etc.
Dean is more romantic than Sam since he likes to take you on long car rides, often gives you flowers, and usually stays the night with you after having sex
Sam likes his own space so after he fucks you, he’ll go back to his room, he likes taking you on jogs in the morning, and you two like to have reading dates in peaceful silence
Two very different men who love and treat you like a princess, something your dads will never do
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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kickingitwithkirk · 2 months
Winchester's Folly
Summary: When Dean gets into trouble John decides to hide the truth for his family
Pairing: Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader x Alpha!Sam
WC: 1828
Dark! Fic-don't continue if you are disturbed by the subject matter.
Warnings: A/B/O, dystopian au, canon elements, non/con, dub/con, incest, subjugation, pandemic, mentions of nudity, physical/mental abuse, mention of collaring/leashed, sexual/slavery, rut/heat, physical altercation, death/murder conviction, show level violence, parental dominance, trafficking, branding, panic attacks, bondage, forced mating, dated derogatory terms
*Additional warnings will be added
Square filled: @spnaubingo -Non-Traditional Alpha Traits @spnabobingo -Bed Sharing
A/N: This part has a couple of flashbacks in italics
A/N II: Still working on reigning myself in, keeping each part reader-friendly length, and have no clue how many parts this will end up being.
A/N III: a few notes about designations in A/O sub-genders for this story.
Alphas-Dominant (head of the pack/family) Subordinate (obey Dominant) Breeders (rare & highly coveted by the government. Can challenge Dominant for pack/family leadership)
Omegas -Domestic (mostly wiped out by plague, few natural born left) Feral (government-supplied breeders sold commonly called O's) House O’s (3rd generation+ Feral/Dominant breed. Used as servants/sex workers) Pack (rare & highly coveted by the government)
*Divider by @firefly-graphics
*No Beta-all mistakes are mine
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Partway down the drive, the car sputters and dies, rolling to a stop a few yards from the house. Bobby got up, mumbled idijits straightened his trucker cap, and heard the Impala’s squeaky doors simultaneously open; then Dean's voice was carrying on the night air, “If you’ve screwed up my car, I’m going to kick your ass!” 
Bobby marches towards the car and spits, “Stop giving your brother a hard time.” His rebuff dissipates when the elder brother's scarlet irises lock on him. Dean moves in front of a female sitting in the backseat like a predator protecting its kill and menacingly growls at him. 
Sam quickly rounds the car, blocking the Beta from his line of sight. “Dean, calm down, it’s Bobby. Remember when he'd play baseball with you instead of practicing with the shotguns?” Dean ignores Sam and tries to round-end his equally quick brother when a hand grabs his wrist. Dean halts and peers back at the O, who points to him, her ear, and Sam, who advises, “Listen to your Omega Dean."
Bobby’s jaw drops upon hearing the youngest Alphas' words. He sees the O wince as she holds her arms up and watches Dean quickly shift from aggression, something the younger man is prone to, to the gentleness he remembers from childhood. Once out, she scented the air before making the universal sign for Beta. “Yes, he is. Bobby, this is..," Dean strumbled over what to call her when she held up her hands and, with her fingers, indicated the number 4444968503.
“That’s a helluva lot of numbers for your name, little lady,” Bobby remarks, looking sternly at Dean. “Do I have to worry about you going for my throat while sleeping?” Thoroughly abashed by his reaction toward the man he considers a surrogate father, he responded No, Sir. “Good. We’ll discuss this," gesturing to Deans still scarlet-hued eyes, "later." Bobby peered around his darkened scrap yard. "Let's get inside. I feel like a crow waiting to be picked off here.”
Little did the seasoned hunter know how right he was as two celestial beings observed the group from the shadows.
"You know,” the one in a business suit said, “When they told me the apocalypse had gotten the green light and the job of watching over Michael and Lucifer's vessels to my department, I thought, this is it, this is what’s going to make me more than employee of the month for the fifth, no, sixth consecutive millennium. And I was this close," held two fingers centimeters apart, "To getting the key to the Axis Mundi and mano e mano with the big guy.” His features hardened, “Of course, that was before you. Care to explain why disregarded orders to get rid of that birth defect?”
The other looked across the yard at the parties retreating to the house while his unerring memory returned to the past. 
Castiel was assigned to watch over Dean from his conception. As his charge grew, he was in awe of the boy's perception of others' emotions and intuitive knowledge of how to comfort them.
Shortly before his fourth birthday, John and Mary told their son that he would be a big brother, showing him the ultrasound photograph and Dean got excited, saying he’d be the best big brother to his two siblings. His confused parents again explained there was only one pup but Dean skewed his little face into a fierce expression, continuing to insist there were two amused his father.
On the other hand, Mary felt apprehensive at her offspring's insistence, and the feeling grew throughout the pregnancy. A few months later, she was fixing lunch when Dean came running in and began talking to her middle, saying he would be the best brother in the world to them. He placed his tiny hands on opposite sides of her swollen belly, and Mary felt kicking directly under them.
Several weeks later, Deans bounced off the walls, saying his siblings would be here tomorrow. John and Mary reminded him it would be longer before his brother was ready for his debut, but in the wee hours of the following day, Mary’s water broke.
John found himself juggling a hospital bag, his son, and his mate to the car for the hospital. The angel sat in the backseat gazing at his excited charge and felt—regret, aware that fulfilling his orders to eliminate the extra pup would unduly distress the vessel.
But before Castiel could further analyze this sudden human emotion, he got distracted by the doctor saying there were complications with the pup. They needed John's permission for an emergency procedure. Not detecting any unnatural issue in the mother or pups, he quizzically followed to the delivery room where Mary, despite being drugged, had a quick delivery.
The angel watches the doctor evaluate the slightly sedated pups and deems them healthy before handing them to a nurse. But instead of taking them to the nursery, they detoured to the stairwell, and Castiel quickly realized they weren't a staff member but rather someone intent on stealing both pups. The angel intervenes and then finds him in a quandary. 
Saving Lucifer's vessel left him holding the baby—specifically, the unnecessary pup whose existence puzzled heaven. When the female gazes at him with disturbingly focused eyes, other emotions trigger in the angel, leaving him unable to complete his task. Momentarily searching, he transports her to another state and swaps her with another stillborn pup. 
"You disregard the plan that's been in place for eons because some reject made you feel?!" Zachariah barked out a laugh of disbelief and turned to his companion. “I’m going to ask and don’t lie. What made you grow a conscience this time? Strike that. I don't care. Now, who else knows about your screwup?"
"I told no one."
"Then we've got a mole within our midst." Zachariah is interrupted by the Winchester Alpha pulling into the yard. Pointing a finger at Castiel, the senior angel says, "This is your only chance to return to my good graces. Find out who is behind that thing's reappearance."
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“Okay, thanks.” Bobby tossed the cordless on his desk. “Dr. Stevenson can get it, but it’ll take a day.”
“Good," John says, tossing back his third glass of whiskey. "The sooner that implants back in, the better.” Bobby sipped it on his glass, studying the other hunter he’d known for years. 
Bobby learned the day they meet that John Winchester was an obsessive bastard who’d do anything to get the demon that killed his mate, including dragging his two very young sons into the hunter life.
The first time the boys were left with him, Sam had just turned three and was curious about everything. Dean? Well, he found the seven-year-old rather odd. He would get out of sorts if his training schedule were changed but patient as Job with the toddler, answering every question, no matter how crazy they were, and caring for Sam as if he were his pup. 
One night, screaming woke him up. Rushing to the room the boys were sharing; Bobby stopped dead in his tracks. Dean was sitting on the edge of the bed, rocking a howling Sam, trying to comfort him with tears streaming down his face. When he saw Bobby, Dean panicked and began apologizing, babbling on that Sam didn't mean to do it and he’d clean up the mess, confusing the Beta before noticing Sam had wet himself and the bed.
Reassuring Dean it wasn’t a big deal, Bobby gathered some clean sleep clothes and rustled them into a warm bath. Leaving Dean to watch Sam, he stripped the soiled bedding and tossed it into the washer, making a mental note to get a bed protector, grabbed a lawn bag, split it open, and placed it under the spare bedding.
He had just finished remaking the bed when Dean, carrying his sleeping brother, entered with a weary expression that made Bobby sad and angry. 
Putting on his kindest smile, he helped them back into bed, left a small lamp he’d found on, and told Dean to wake him if they needed anything, no matter how trivial.
Bobby returns to the present when John drops the now-empty bottle on his desk. Reaching into a drawer, he pulls a fresh one. Topping off his glass he remarks, "You wanna tell me why you failed to mention Dean has a fresh claimed Omega, let alone one beat all to hell." He stares John straight in the eye while sliding the bottle toward him.
John suppressed snarling for such an impertinent question, knowing he needed to stay on good terms with the Beta until Dean finished his mandatory probation and told him about Helms's establishment, Sam witnessing the O fighting with his Alpha lugs—explaining why it looked like it went three rounds with a vengeful spirit—to purchasing it for a dollar.
However, John couldn't hide the flash of guilt in his eyes as he skimmed over what happened at the clinic before admitting the judge's enforcement of the claiming statute was his fault, but didn't sugarcoat the details of witnessing Dean's claiming horrified Bobby.
“If everything is like you say, what'd you need Frank's help for?"
John looked directly at him, saying he needed the state order to take Sam erased if Dean failed to fulfill his probation. Bobby knew the Alpha was lying through his teeth but didn't call him out. Instead, he threw his drink back and headed to bed.
Passing the room the boys still occupied when staying; Bobby could hear them talking before loudly closing his bedroom door, giving John time to finish that second bottle. When he reopened it later, he could hear the Alpha's loud snoring, and carefully snagged the keys from his jacket, slipped out the kitchen door, and took the scenic route to the Alpha’s truck.
Bobby knows whenever John is hiding won't be in the regular places, i.e., in the glove box, over the visor, ect; began examining the vehicle's exterior and, finding nothing, opens the weapons catch. Nothing stands out when he spots a curse box and recalls John inquiring about creating one some time ago.
Bobby fiddled around with the unfinished box when, bingo, it popped open, revealing a bunch of rolled papers inside. He crossed to the garage and fired up a printer, making copies of the documents then returned everything to its original position because John would notice if anything were misplaced. Heading back to his room, Bobby noticed light still coming from underneath the boy's door and lightly rapped it before opening it.
The elder brother was spooning his mate from behind, which made sense since Bobby knew from personal experience that lying on bruised ribs dulled the pain. However, it was difficult for the man to process why his brother was sleeping snugly against her front, his fingers twined with Dean's, resting on her hip.
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SPN TAGS: @donnaintx  @lyarr24  @flamencodiva   @lassie-bird  @nancymcl   @spnbaby-67 @leigh70
Dean/Jensen: @thoughts-and-funnies @stoneyggirl2  @beabutterfly987 @smoothdogsgirl
WF: @slamminmine @ladysparkles78 @deans-spinster-witch @ilovetaquitosmmmm @strawblueberrys  @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @kazsrm67
Sam/Jared: @idreamofplaid
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Gabriel x fem reader, lots of comforting cuddles pls! If possible, something about her being overwhelmed/overstimulated/triggered and Gabriel comforting and reassuring her
I’ve Got You - [ Gabriel ]
Summary: Gabriel offers you some comfort and some cuddles when life just gets to be too much to bear
Word Count: 1758
Warnings: female!reader, fluff, comforting, talk of being overwhelmed and overstimulated
A/N: i hope this was okay, i’ve never really written for Gabriel before so hopefully this seemed like him… and I hope it was what you were after in terms of being comforted and reassured
Masterlist | Gabriel Masterlist
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You never usually skipped out on a hunt. Never usually stayed by yourself in the bunker, as despite what you knew about the world and despite it being the safest place in said world, it could feel a little creepy at times. Well actually it felt creepy all the time and there was that mysterious dripping noise that you could never seem to be able find where it was coming from. But even still, you stayed behind.
Sam and Dean had left hours ago on some hunt involving a werewolf or a vampire, you didn’t know and frankly you didn’t care. Jack and Cas were on a hunt of their own too, a little ghost problem, nothing too big for the still new to hunting nephilim. But you? Well you just needed a break. You just needed a little while to yourself, to get your head on straight and try to relax a little. You’d never felt this overwhelmed, never felt so overstimulated with the goings on around you.
It was all getting to be too much lately, between getting locked up for months for trying to kill the president, who was actually Lucifer, but you try telling that to the secret service without getting thrown in a padded cell for the rest of your life. To ending up in a parallel world, one where you came face to face with an alternate version of the man you called your father. One who had no idea who you were as you didn’t exist in that world.
Let’s not even get into the whole alternate Michael situation… You were still reeling from that but at least now it was over. It was all finally over. All the battles and the stress, but to you… To you it felt like it was just starting as now that you were alone, now that you had a second to actually think for yourself, you felt the weight of the last few months come crashing down on your shoulders. And hard.
You’d never felt like this before, not to this extent anyway. You knew you shouldn’t be alone but you couldn’t talk to Sam and Dean about this, not when you still felt so embarrassed from the last time you fell into one of these episodes. Castiel didn't understand you and Jack… bless him, he tried to help but the kid was technically only three years old so the most he could offer you was a hug and a pat to the head, one where he whispered ‘It’s all going to be okay’. Something you wanted to believe but couldn’t bring yourself to actually do.
You didn’t think it was ever going to be okay, not when you hadn’t seen the one person, the one angel, you needed to see most in this world. It had been weeks since you last saw Gabriel, since he returned to Heaven to restore some order amongst those left and truthfully, you needed him. You’d never needed him more which is why the second you found yourself on the brink of falling over the edge, you prayed to him.
It didn’t take more than five seconds for that flutter of wings to fill your bedroom and the second you heard it, the second you felt the slight puff of air against your skin, you very nearly started crying.
“Gabriel.” You whispered, your heart warming over the mere sight of him as you slid off your bed, falling against his chest the very second your feet hit the cold ground, needing to feel his heart beat beneath him.
“Hey, hot stuff.” He greeted, placing a soft kiss atop your head as his arms engulfed you, holding you tighter than ever as you simply clung to him, finding that you were unable to stop your lips from rising just a little over his pet name for you, the one he always used as he did often say there was nothing hotter to him than you. “You doing okay?”
“Not really.” You mumbled against his chest, your fingers gripping his shirt tightly as though you were afraid he’d be taken away from you again. It’s been too long since you last saw him and you’d be damned if you allowed him to leave you again so soon.
Gabriel leaned back, making you straighten as he came to hold your face in his hands, his thumbs drawing slow circles on your skin. It was funny how a simple touch from him, mixed with that look on his face, the one that showed you that you were the only thing he truly cared about, could make you feel so much better than you’d done a second ago.
“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” Gabriel asked softly, feeling your hands land atop his forearms, your gaze dropping to the floor before he gently drew your head back up. The second your eyes landed back on his, your lip started trembling, your stomach knotted together and you could already feel the pressure on your chest, as though someone was sitting on it, stopping the air from getting to your lungs.
“It’s just…” You began, your breath hitching as you tried to speak. As you struggled to get any air into your body.
Gabriel led you to the bed, sitting on the edge beside you as he took you hand in his, his thumb gently stroking across your palm, in slow, easy, strokes so that you could breathe along with each one. It took a second for you to find the rhythm, to ease yourself back into reality now that he was here with you, but nevertheless you did.
“That’s it, love. Just breathe.” Gabriel said soothingly, watching the slow rise of your chest as you focused on your breathing before you finally found your voice.
“I’m sorry… It’s just- Everything lately… It’s all been so much.” You whispered, wiping at your eyes as a few lone tears escaped them. “Between that prison…” You spat, thinking back to those months you spent all alone in a cement cell with nothing to do and no one to speak to. Literally on the verge of going crazy. “And-And the whole alternate world… Seeing Bobby again but not our Bobby. Not my Bobby… I just… I can’t take it anymore. It’s just all too much.”
“Come here.” Gabriel’s arms opened, allowing you to fall into them again as you cried quietly, needing to get all your emotions out before you burst. “That’s it darlin’, let it all out.” His hand gently stroked your hair, his other rubbed comforting circles on your back as he held you. Comforted you. Allowed you to cry for as long as you needed.
“You know…” He began, even his voice being a comfort to you. “I’ve been around for a very long time. A very, very long time. I’ve seen more presidents than I can count. Seen more Kings and Queens than you can even imagine. But the one thing I’ve never seen my whole life, is someone as strong as you…
“You’ve been through Hell, literally. You’ve been through so much crap, some of which I put you through myself and I’ll never be able to fix that. Never be able to apologise enough for the things I put you through…
“But what I can do is tell you that you’ve got this… You’re the strongest person I know and if anyone can handle this, it's you. And on days where you think you can’t? Well, lucky for you… That’s what I’m here for. Because I’ve got you too. You aren’t alone, darlin’. For as long as I’m alive you’ll never be alone… If all you need is a hug, or someone to talk to… Someone to complain about Sam or Dean to…” He continued, making you chuckle a little as you did sometimes call him just to complain. “Or even a little something else.” He added, gently poking your side which had you arch it away from him.
It wouldn’t take a degree in rocket science to know what he meant by that.
“Whatever it may be… All you need to do is pray and I’ll be here. For as long as you need me to be.” He said softly, placing a kiss on your head before you finally looked up at him with red rimmed eyes. He leaned down, pressing his lips gently against your forehead, feeling the tension leave your body beneath him before he pulled back.
“I love you.” You whispered, one final tear rolling down your cheek which Gabriel quickly wiped away, bringing his hand to rest on your cheek.
“I love you too, hot stuff.” He said with a smile, a different smile to that which he usually sported. This smile was for you. The one that only you got to see in moments like this, when the two of you were at your most vulnerable with each other. “Do you need anything? Bubble bath? Foot massage?”
“I just want you to hold me.” You said quietly, fiddling with your fingers as you didn’t want to come across pathetic.
“Alrighty… If that’s what you want, then you bet your sweet ass I’ll hold you.” He replied, kissing your forehead once again before he simply clicked his fingers, having you changed into your favourite pyjamas without you so much as having to stand up.
Honestly, you were still jealous over his ability to do that… It would save you so much time if you had the power to do it yourself.
“Hop on in.” Gabriel gestured to the bed, which was made up in your favourite sheets, your favourite stuffed animal waiting for you by your fluffy pillow. You happily shuffled back, sliding beneath the warm covers where Gabriel joined you the second your head hit the pillow.
You moved towards him, nestling yourself up against him as your head came to lie upon his chest, one arm draping around you and his other took hold of your hand, bringing it to his lips to place a kiss against your knuckles. You breathed in, taking in his signature scent which was enough to allow you to feel the stress leave your body. All your thoughts settled, nothing but this moment right here present inside your head.
Most people had a favourite place, whether it be that perfect spot by a lake, or at the beach, perhaps at Disneyland. But yours? Your favourite place, your most treasured and special place to be, was right here… In the arms of your archangel.
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jessybarnes · 1 year
I'll Show You
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Rating: 18+ ONLY! Minors GO AWAY
Tags: NSFW Title Card, Angst, Arguments, Bondage, BDSM, Praise Kink, Fingering (female receiving), Oral (male receiving), Throat-fucking, Unprotected sex (WRAP IT UP KIDS!), Begging (obviously), Fluffy ending, Language, and I think that’s it. HEED THE WARNINGS PLEASE!
Betas: @winecatsandpizza
Word Count: 3.6k
Fic Aesthetic: Yours Truly
Dedicated to: @unabashed-lover-of-fictional-men
A/N: This is a repost from my old Tumblr blog. I am in the process of moving all of my fics over to this blog. I hope you all enjoy!
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From the moment you met Sam and Dean Winchester, you’d known your life was about to change. Be it bad or good was hard to determine, mainly because of what they did for a living, but a little part of it had to do with the fact that the elder of the two brothers didn’t seem to like you.
You couldn’t put your finger on it. Anytime he exchanged words with you, it was always cold and dismissive. Sam assured you that his brother would come around, but you weren’t born yesterday. Dean had something against you, and you, being the stubborn woman you were, aimed to figure it out. 
The three of you were sitting in the library sifting through lore for a case. There had apparently been reports of a Djinn hybrid in the Midwest, and you knew it had to be the work of Michael. Dean had his feet propped up on the table, a rather large dusty book in his hands. Sam was typing away on his laptop, the clicking of the keys being the only audible sound other than the occasional page turn.
You knew that finding a way to kill the latest and greatest monster of the week was what you should be doing, but you couldn’t focus. Not when this whole thing with Dean was eating at you. 
“I can’t do this anymore!”
The book you’d been holding was thrown carelessly onto the table, the sound reverberating off the walls making both brothers jump. 
Dean removed his boot-covered feet off the tabletop and planted them on the floor. You didn’t miss how his eyebrows knitted into a scowl or his signature eye roll.
“Giving up already, Y/N? You know, if the huntin’ life isn’t cut out for you, then you can see yourself out anytime.” 
Sam sighed and gave Dean his best bitch face.
“Dean! Whatever is going on with Y/N, I can assure you that you’re not helping!”
He turned his gaze to you, his hazel eyes looking at you sympathetically. You’d normally just keep your anger bottled up inside, but something inside you snapped. Being a hunter meant everything to you after a demon killed your kid sister, and for Dean to question your loyalty like that had crossed a line. Your anger started to rise within you, like a sea of molten lava until you were no longer in control of your emotions. 
Instead of storming off to your room and slamming the door for good measure like you normally would do, you stood and yanked the book Dean was reading out of his hand. You were gnashing your teeth together in such a snarl that it was a miracle they didn’t break.
“You think you’re so fucking smug, don’t you Winchester? You think you’re this big badass and that nothing can touch you. Well, let me tell you something.”
Your small hand grabbed onto the front of his shirt, bunching it up between your fingers as you got dangerously close to his face.
“You don’t fucking scare me in the least bit!”
The venom in your tone was palpable and with a hard push of your free hand, he and the chair went crashing to the floor. 
Without giving him a chance to fire an insult back, you headed into the kitchen and grabbed a beer from the fridge. You could hear Dean’s muffled voice as he spat angrily in response to his brother’s laughs. It only made the smirk on your face wider. Maybe now Dean will show you some respect. 
The rest of the night was pretty quiet. You stayed in your room, scouring the internet for a way to kill the monster in question, and munched on some popcorn. The research came easily to you, your eyes scanning effortlessly through article after article. Even though you still hadn’t found a weapon to kill this Djinn on steroids, you knew your efforts would make Sam proud. 
You felt his presence before he knew you did. He loomed in the doorway, leaning against it like it was the only thing keeping him from falling.
“Can I help you, Dean?”
You didn’t even bother to stop reading the article you’d found. He was probably just here to start something with you, and you had neither the time nor the energy to fight. Instead of replying, he pushed off the doorframe and stalked towards you, his shadow spreading across you and your keyboard. 
You knew he was waiting for you to look at him, but you honestly didn’t feel like giving him the satisfaction. Why should you? He’d been nothing but an ass to you since you moved in. So instead of giving him what he wanted, you continued to read. 
Apparently, Dean got tired of not having your attention because the next thing you knew, he’d taken your laptop and tossed it on your pile of dirty laundry in the corner. He crossed his arms over his chest, his jaw clenching as he looked down at you.
“What the hell do you want, Dean? I’m trying to find a way to kill that fucking Djinn. You’re not still pissed about me putting you on your ass, are you? I mean, you kind o-HEY! LET ME GO!” 
In one swift motion, he’d pulled you to your feet and shoved you against the wall. Dean’s chest heaved and his nostrils flared as he towered over you with his full height.
“You don’t fucking get it, do you Y/N?”
His forearm pressed into your chest, not hard enough to hurt you, but firmly enough to hold you in place. 
Even at your disadvantage you still stood your ground. Your eyes narrowed perilously, certain that if looks could kill then Dean would have been done for.
“Oh, you think I don’t get it?! Trust me, Dean. I think I get exactly what you’re doing. Ever since I came here, you’ve been nothing but hostile to me! It’s because I’m a woman, isn’t it? You think just because I’m a woman that I can’t hold my own. Well, I’ve got news for you, Dean Winchester. I can do the job just as good as you any day of the fucking year!” 
You were so caught up in getting your point across that you hadn’t noticed the amused look on his face. His laugh filled the small room as he let go of you. Tears streamed down his face as he hunched over, and it pissed you off that he thought this was amusing. 
Finally, he swiped his sleeve over his eyes and took a few deep breaths to regain his composure.
“Is that what you think? You really think I’m a dick to you because you’re a woman? Oh my God… I thought you of all people would at least get it.”
He sighed and ran a hand across his face.
“Look, Y/N, It’s not because you’re a woman. Hell, some of the greatest hunters I know are women. I’m trying to protect you! I don’t want you to go through what Sammy and I have gone through. You’ve already lost one family member, and I’ll be damned if you lose your life, too. Just… Let Sammy and I handle the hunts okay? You can hold down the fort here in the Bunker and be our research guru. That I know you can handle.” 
It was your turn to laugh.
“What do you know about handling anything? You could barely handle that case with the nest of nearly invincible vampires. What makes you think you can just walk in here and tell me what I can and can’t deal with? I mean, as long as we are on the topic, Let’s just be honest with ourselves, shall we?"
"You couldn’t handle me if I came with a user manual!”
The look on Dean’s face darkened. It sent heat straight to your core, something that you could almost always control when it came to the elder brother. Normally, his asshole demeanor outweighed him being the sexiest man you’d ever laid eyes on. You swallowed thickly as he invaded your space again. His once sparkling green eyes were now clouded with something new, something you’d only seen him offer to the occasional stripper or hooker that he brought back to the hotel.
“Are you challenging me, Y/N?” 
You tried to hide the fact that he was having an effect on you, but your flushed skin and rapid heartbeat betrayed you. Your answer came easily, and the submissive part of you that lay dormant for so long surfaced like a rekindled flame.
Dean brought one of his hands up to your face and cradled your cheek in it, the touch alone sent sparks through your veins. His freckles were so easy to see this close. Constellations mapped the entirety of his cheeks, and you briefly wondered if he had them elsewhere. Your eyes flicked from his intense gaze down to his lips, silently willing him to close the small gap between you and devour your mouth.
“Now now, Y/N, is that any way to talk to me? I think you know better. Yes what, sweetheart?” 
You looked down at your bare feet, Y/E/C eyes focusing on the remnants of the chipped polish on some of your toenails. Your mind contemplated what was about to happen. You could still back out of this, push him out of the way, and run. That wouldn’t solve anything though. Running from your deepest desires, from Dean, was what you’d essentially been doing for months. It was now or never and quite frankly you wanted to give in. You wanted him to have full control over you, and you’d dreamed about it more than you’d like to admit.
“Y-Yes, Sir.” 
Two of his fingers rested underneath your chin, raising it so you were looking up at him.
“Good girl.”
His praise was the first nice thing he’d ever said to you, and you’d be lying if it didn’t make your heart sing. His lips closed the distance and pressed against your own hungrily. His tongue slid into your awaiting mouth and you moaned sinfully. He tasted of cinnamon and whiskey, just like you’d always imagined.
Dean broke the kiss and touched his forehead against yours, his hands coming to rest on the curvature of your waist.
“Go to my room, Y/N. I want you to be stripped and kneeling on the floor at the foot of the bed before I get back. Do you understand?”
Your response was immediate. Almost like a reflex, as it left your lips in a whisper.
“Yes, Sir.”
He watched you leave the confines of your room before heading the opposite way. Your feet padded down the hallway and came to a stop outside the closed door of Dean’s room. It had been years since you’d had a dom, and even then they hadn’t exuded as much dominance as Dean had just moments ago. Before you could talk yourself out of it, you entered his room and closed the door behind you. The smell of his cologne wrapped itself around you like a hug. The familiar scent calmed your nerves instantly and soon you found yourself naked and kneeling at the foot of the bed just as you had been told to do. 
Dean came in a few minutes later and set what sounded like something heavy on top of his dresser. You didn’t dare look up though. He hadn’t given you permission, and you wanted to show him that you could be good and obey him.
“Look at you, doing what you’re told like a good, little girl. See? I knew you could do this. I bet you’re soaking wet already, and I haven’t even touched you yet.” 
Once again his fingers came to rest under your chin, tilting your head so you were looking up at him through your lashes.
“Get on the bed.”
He wasn’t mean about it, but his tone was firm and laced with an underlying warning of consequence if you disobeyed. Swifty and quietly you climbed onto the comforter and resumed your kneeling position. Dean walked around to the other side of you and sat down. He was still fully clothed, but you could clearly see his erection tenting his jeans.
“Alright, sweetheart, let’s talk about the rules. You are to address me as sir, and only sir. Don’t cum until I tell you to, and if you ever feel uncomfortable with something that I am doing, then please use the safeword ‘cake’. Do you understand? 
Hearing that your safeword was cake confused you at first, but when you thought about it for a moment it made sense. Dean was a pie fanatic. Especially if it was pecan pie, but you’d never seen him eat cake. Let alone mention it. So you could see how he’d come up with it in the end.
“Yes, sir. I understand, sir.”
Dean seemed convinced by your response so you stayed still and waited for his next command. You could hear him pick whatever he had brought with him off the dresser, and your pulse quickened at the thought of what he was about to do to you. 
The bed dipped behind you, and his hot breath fanned across the back of your neck making you shiver.
“Clasp your hands behind your back for me, baby. I’m going to restrain you now so you stay still for me.”
You brought your hands behind your back, interlacing your fingers together so your wrists rested against your tailbone. The feeling of the nylon rope being looped around your wrists made you impossibly wetter. The thought of being restrained and letting none other than Dean Winchester worship your body was enough to make you cum, but you couldn’t do that. Not when he’d specifically told you not to. 
Dean made quick work of the black rope. He maneuvered around your torso, wrapping it around each elbow and tying a knot in the middle to lock your arms in place. The rest of it was placed expertly around your chest and tied off, the final knot resting along your shoulder blades. He let you fall head first into the mattress, your head turning to the side so you could breathe. He stepped back to admire his work.
“A damn good job if I do say so myself. It’s not too tight, is it, darlin’? 
You took a moment to tug at your binds and unclasp and reclasp your fingers. Everything still had circulation, but you still couldn’t break free if you tried.
“No, everything feels fine, sir.”
You heard him walk behind you, no doubt enjoying the view of you on display to him.
“God, you look so fucking beautiful like this. Look at you… showing me that perfect, round ass and that tight, little pussy of yours.”
He ran one of his fingers through your folds, and it took everything in you not to moan. Your teeth clamped down on your bottom lip to keep yourself from making any noise.
“Mmmm just as I thought, soaking wet just for me.”
The thick digit left you and you looked into his lust-blown eyes as his lips closed around it.
“So good, Y/N. Now, are you ready for me to test you? Gonna show me what a good girl you are?”
You shook your ass at him for good measure and replied without hesitation. “I’m ready, sir.” 
Dean grabbed onto your hips and pulled you to the edge of the bed, his clothed erection applying slight friction to your needy cunt. He ran his middle and index fingers through your juices a few times before sliding them into you.
“Be as loud as you want, princess. Sam isn’t here to hear you. It’s just you and me.”
Ever so slowly, he moved his fingers in and out of you, making you moan loudly.
His pace increased, and you felt the coil of heat tighten. You were so close already and he’d barely gotten started. You felt your walls tighten slightly and you squeezed your eyes shut, willing yourself to maintain control. Dean knew how hard you were trying and you also knew he was competing with you. Using his skills to his advantage to see how much you could take.
“Oh shit… shit shit shit… I don’t know if I can…. FUCK!”
Dean curled his fingers so they hit that spot inside you with each thrust. Soon you couldn’t hold back any longer. With a cry of his name, you came hard, squirting all over his hand and the bed. 
The white-hot orgasm nearly made you pass out, and by the time your climax was over you knew you were in trouble. You couldn't see his face, but you were sure Dean wasn’t happy.
“Tsk tsk tsk … Y/N, you knew the rules. I seem to remember you agreeing to them and look at what you’ve done. You’ve made a mess, sweetheart.”
Just as you were about to apologize, he picked you up and set you gracefully on your knees.
“Are you ready to show me how sorry you are?” 
Balancing on your knees while you were tied up like this was difficult, but being this close to Dean’s cock made your mouth water.
“Yes, sir. I’m sorry for disobeying you, sir. May I make it up to you by having you fuck my throat?”
The groan that left his lips was downright the most sinful thing you’d ever heard, and you definitely wanted to hear him make that noise again.
“Fuck… you read my mind, sweetheart.”
Dean began to circle you, watching you like a hawk would its prey. His tie was the first thing to go. Seeing him reach his right hand up and rip it off shouldn’t be as sexy as it was, but at this moment anything Dean did was sexy. He stopped in front of you and undid his belt and the top button on his pants, letting them pool carelessly at his ankles.
Finally, he freed his cock and you watched as he pumped it a few times. A bead of precum wept from the tip, and you leaned forward to catch it on your tongue. Your mouth closed around the head and Dean let you set the pace at first, more praises flying from his mouth as you took him in as deep as you could. 
“That’s it, princess… suck my cock. Mmmmm, you’re so fucking good at that. Taking it so well.” 
His hand fisted in your hair and you let him take over. You relaxed your throat as he took what he wanted from you, your eyes watering more and more every time he hit the back of your throat.
“Jesus… you have one helluva mouth, Y/N.”
He began to pant and his thrusts began to falter. His grip loosened on your hair and you whined as he pulled himself from your mouth.
“Now, baby, don’t you want me to cum in that pretty pussy of yours?”
As much as you wanted to make him come apart with your mouth, having him buried inside you was more appealing at the moment.
“Please, sir. Please fuck me.” 
Once again he picked you up, moving you back onto the bed with ease. Dean crawled behind you again, placing a hand on each of your hips. Without warning, he sheathed himself all the way to hilt, both of you crying out in pleasure. Dean set a harsh pace, his fingertips surely leaving bruises on your skin. You knew you would be sore. He was not, by any means, lacking in size. Not to mention the fact that he didn’t allow you to adjust to him. 
His thrusts began to falter again, and you felt that familiar feeling come back. You tightened yourself around him, and he growled, fucking you harder into the bed.
“S-Sir!... please, sir! Please, may I cum? … F-Fuck!”
You were so close to the peak of pure bliss that you could almost taste it. You just needed a little more. Dean grabbed onto the knotted rope in the middle of your back and pulled you so your back was to his chest. His other hand snaked around your body and circled your clit vigorously.
“Fuck, Y/N… C’mon, princess… Cum all over my cock. Let go, baby.” 
A few more seconds of him fucking up into you and you fell over the edge taking him with you. Your walls milking Dean for all he was worth. He held you there for a few minutes, your heavy breathing in sync as you both came down from your high.
Dean placed a chaste kiss on your back and pulled out of you. He took his time untying you, being careful not to irritate your skin further. Once you were free you stretched your arms and popped your knuckles. 
Dean sat with his back to the headboard and pulled you into his lap, his hands rubbing your back gingerly.
“You did so well, Y/N. I’m so proud of you. You’re amazing.”
He kissed you sweetly and you melted against his chest, your eyes fluttering shut from exhaustion. 
You listened to the steady beat of his heart and somehow made your brain form a coherent thought.
“I’m glad we were able to settle things, Dean. I was beginning to think you really did hate me. I understand everything now.”
He kissed the top of your head and held you protectively. “I could never hate you, Y/N. Not when you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I love you, princess.”
His words shocked you, but you were too tired to respond. Sleep came easy for you in Dean’s arms, and you couldn’t wait to wake up tomorrow to see what this new life with Dean would bring you.
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layce2015 · 1 year
Supernatural (Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
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Point Of No Return
Masterlist pt 1
Masterlist pt 2
Dean packs away his belongings in a box, including his leather jacket, his keys, his gun, and a letter. It had been a couple of days since Dean broke up with (y/n) and turned his back on this mission. He just had about enough of this crap.
He marks the box for Robert Singer after he tapes it shut. Dean walks up to the dresser in front of mirror and pours himself a drink and raising the glass to his lips. "Sending someone a candy-gram?" Sam asked, causing Dean to pause before he could take a sip.
Dean turn to look at him, shocked. "How'd you find me?" He asked. "You're going to kill yourself, right?" Sam asked, trying not to sound bitter. "Is that why you broke (y/n)'s heart and left her behind?" Sam asked, trying to hold back anger. "I'm not going to kill myself." Dean said. "No? So Michael's not about to make you his Muppet?" Sam asked and Dean shakes his head and took a swig of his drink.
"What the hell, man? This is how it ends? You just...walk out?" Sam asked. "Yeah, I guess." Dean muttered, pouring himself another drink. "How could you do that?" Sam asked. "How could I?" Dean asked, slamming the bottle of alcohol back on the dresser as he stares at his brother sharply. "All you've ever done is run away." He spat at his younger brother.
"And I was wrong. Every single time I did!" Sam exclaimed, Dean stares back. "Just...please. Not now. Bobby is working on something." Sam pleads. "Oh, really? What?" Dean asked, moving back over to the bed but Sam doesn't respond.
"You got nothing and you know it." Dean said, he scoffs and takes a sip of his drink. "You know I have to stop you." Sam muttered. Dean sniffs and sets his glass on the box, not finishing it. "Yeah, well, you can try. Just remember: You're not all hopped up on demon blood this time." He said.
"Yeah, I know. But I brought help." Sam said. Dean turns around to find Castiel standing behind him. Before he could react, Castiel touches his fingers to Dean's forehead, knocking him out. 
After returning to Bobby's house, Sam and Bobby were reading through books. Castiel leans against the doorway the leads into the kitchen, watching Dean pace like hawk. "Yeah, no, this is good. Really. You know, eight months of turned pages and screwed pooches but tonight, tonight's when the magic happens." Dean said, sarcastically. "You ain't helpin'." Bobby said. "Yeah, well, why don't you let me get out of your hair, then?" Dean asked, Bobby look up from his book to stare at him.
Suddenly, Ariel appears and she stomps over to Dean and slaps him. "What the hell happened to you? Why did you hurt (y/n)?" She asked him, angrily, while Sam, Cas and Bobby look on in shock. Dean shakes his head slightly at this then turns to face Ariel. "Reality happened. Nuclear's the only option we have left. Michael can ice the devil, save a boatload of people." Dean replied. "But not all of them. We gotta think of something else." Ariel said.
"Yeah, well, that's easy for you to say. But if Lucifer burns this mother down, and I coulda done something about it, guess what? That's on me!" Dean yelled. "So you are just gonna give up and turn on the people who love you?" Ariel said as she gestures to Bobby, Sam and Cas. "To the woman who loves you with all of her heart?" She asked. "What I did to (y/n) was to protect her!" Dean yells at Ariel. 
“You call that protection? She never asked you to protect her, you made that decision for her. You hurt her in a way that’s unforgivable and unfair to her. You think it was out of love but in reality it was selfish.” Ariel said and Dean looks at her offended. “Selfish?” He repeated, angrily. “You left her behind in tears not because you didn’t want her getting hurt. You left her because you didn’t want to risk the pain of losing her. YOU didn’t want to get hurt!” Ariel exclaimed and Dean glares at her. “You didn’t respect her or believe she was capable enough to fight along side us.” Ariel yelled as she steps closer to him. “You don’t know a damn thing!” Dean shouted. 
“I know that you’re being a selfish coward!” Ariel shouted back, her eyes glowing blue as her shadowy wings appeared, spreading out to make herself appear larger and more threatening. Dean, cautiously, steps back as he stares at the angry archangel right in front of him. Sam and Bobby look at the wings in amazement, while Cas steps froward. “Ariel.” He said, warningly. 
Ariel closes her eyes and calms down, her wings disappearing. When she opens her eyes, they're back to her vessel’s normal blue eyes. “And now you’re giving up. I used to respect that you were so resilient…but I can see now that I was wrong.” Ariel spat at him and Dean glares at her then turns his head away from her.
"Well, Ariel's right. You can't give up, son." Bobby said. Dean scoffs, shaking his head as he looks towards the floor. "You're not my father." He said, raising his head to look at Bobby, who stares back at him heartbroken. "And you ain't in my shoes." Dean said.
Bobby looks down, Sam turns to glare at Dean. When Dean looks over at Sam, Sam shakes his head at him. Bobby pulls out a gun out of his desk and sets it on the table. He takes a bullet out of his pocket and looks at it. "What is that?" Dean asked.
"That's the round that I mean to put through my skull." Bobby replied, setting the bullet down on his desk in front of him. "Every morning, I look at it. I think, Maybe today's the day I flip the lights out. But I don't do it. I never do it. You know why? BECAUSE I PROMISED YOU I WOULDN'T GIVE UP!" Bobby yells, angrily. Dean and Bobby stare at each other, no one saying anything. Then suddenly Castiel and Ariel grasp their heads and hunch over in pain. "Guys, you okay?" Sam asked, worried. "No." Castiel and Ariel replied, gasping.
"What's wrong?" Sam asked. "Something's happening." Ariel groans. "Where?" Dean asked. The two angels disappear and caused a gust of wind to throw papers around the room. 
Later, Sam and Dean went into the kitchen and Sam looks over at his older brother. "You know...when (y/n) called me to tell me what you did. She barely could get her words out. I asked where she was and she was able to get that out and Cas got me to her." Sam said and Dean clenches his jaw at this.
"Sam..." he mutters, exasperated. "No, Dean, quit making excuses! I know you thought what you did was right but Ariel’s right, what you did was selfish!" Sam said. “Not you too.” Dean grumbled, looking up at the ceiling tired. “Did you even know what you did? You took away her choices and pick what you think is best for her. That’s controlling and possessive.” Sam said.
“Oh it is?” Dean asked. “Yes it is! (Y/n) is a person not a piece of property. She has needs and as her boyfriend it’s your job to respect them and try to fulfill them.” Sam said. “What, you’re some relationship expert now, huh? No offense but I don’t really want advice from the guy who’s had every relationship with a woman end poorly.” Dean said and Sam glares back at him when another gust of wind blows papers around and Castiel and Ariel appear with a body.
"Help." Cas said and the two angels lay the body down on the cot right as Sam and Dean ran in from the kitchen. They look at the body and freeze when they saw it was Adam.
Bobby wheels himself over to the cot to look at him. "Who is it?" He asked. "That's our brother." Sam replied. "Wait a minute. Your brother? Adam?" Bobby asked, astounded. "Guys, what the hell?" Dean asked, turning to the angels who place two angel blades on the desk. "Angels." Ariel said.
"Angels? Why?" Sam asked. "I know one thing for sure. We need to hide him now." Castiel said, walking over to Adam and placing his hand to his chest. He brands the Enochian symbols on Adam's ribs to hide him from angels. This also cause Adam to wake up from the pain and sit up startled looking around.
"Where am I?" He asked. "It's okay. Just relax, you're safe." Sam assured him. "Who the hell are you?" Adam asked. "You're going to find this a little...a lot crazy, but we're actually your brothers." Dean said and Adam gives him a look of disbelief. "It's the truth. John Winchester was our father, too. See, I'm Sam..." Sam started to say, but Adam talked over him. "Yeah, and I'm sure that's Dean. I know who you are." Adam said then he looks around, as if he was looking for someone.
"Isn't there supposed to be a girl with you?" He asked and Dean turns his head away, upset. "She's not here right now. But...how do you know who we are?" Sam asked after everyone gave Adam a look of astonishment. "They warned me about you." Adam said. "Who did?" Dean asked. "The angels. Now where the hell is Zachariah?!" Adam asked.
After letting Adam clean himself up, they all sat down to figure out what's going on. "So why don't you just tell us everything? Start from the beginning." Dean said. "Well, I was dead and in Heaven. 'Cept it...it uh, kinda looked like my prom and I was making out with this girl, her name was Kristin McGee..." Adam explained, smiling a little. "Yeah, that sounds like heaven. Did you get to third base?" Dean asked. Sam clears his throat, shooting Dean a look. "Just uh, just keep going." Sam said to Adam.
"Well, these...these angels, they popped out of nowhere, and they tell me that I-I'm chosen." Adam said. "For what?" Sam asked. "To save the world." Adam replied. "How you gonna do that?" Dean asked. "Oh, me and some archangel are going to kill the devil." Adam said, nonchalantly.
"What archangel?" Dean asked, confused. "Michael. I'm his uh, sword or vessel or something, I don't know." Adam said and Dean scoffs. "Well, that's insane." He said. "Not necessarily." Ariel said. "How do you mean?" Dean asked, looking over his shoulder at the angel. "It sounds like they're moving on from you, Dean." Ariel said.
"Well that doesn't make sense." Dean said. "He is John Winchester's bloodline, Sam's brother. It's not perfect, but it's possible." Castiel explained. "Well you gotta be kidding me." Dean grumbled. "Why would they do this?" Sam asked. "They're desperate. They wrongly assumed Dean would be brave enough to withstand them." Ariel said as she gives Dean a hard look.
"Alright, you know what? Blow me, Ariel." Dean growled. Castiel stares back, confused, while Ariel looks at him in, shock horror. "Excuse me?!" She exclaims but Sam speaks up, trying to avoid another fight. "Look, no way. After everything that's happened? All that crap about destiny? Suddenly the angels have a Plan B? Does that smell right to anybody?" Sam asked.
"You know this has been a really moving family reunion, but uh, I got a thing, so..." Adam said, standing up. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, no, no, no. Sit down. Just listen, okay? Please." Sam pleaded, stopping him. Adam stares at him and shakes his head then sits back down. "It's unbelievable." He muttered. "Now, Adam...the angels are lying to you. They're full of crap." Sam said. "Yeah, I don't think so." Adam said. 
"Really. Why not?" Sam asked. "Um, 'cause they're angels." Adam replied. "They tell you they were gonna roast half the planet?" Sam asked. "They said the fight might get pretty hairy, but it is the devil, right? So we got to stop him." Adam said.
"Yeah, but there's another way." Sam said. "Great. What is it?" Adam asked. "We're working on the power of love." Dean said and Sam glares at him. "How's that going?" Adam asked. "Mmm. Not good." Dean said, smiling.
"Look, Adam...You don't know me from a hole in the wall, I know. But I'm begging you. Please, just trust me. Give me some time." Sam said. "Give me one good reason." Adam said. Sam thinks for a moment. "Because we're blood." He said and Adam glares at him. "You've got no right to say that to me." He spat, making Sam look at him confused.
"You're still John's boy." Bobby reminded him. "No, John Winchester was some guy who took me to a baseball game once a year. I don't have a dad. So we may be blood, but we are not family. My mom is my family. And if I do my job, I get to see her again. So no offense, but she's the one I give a rat's ass about, not you." Adam explained. "Fair enough. But if you have one good memory of dad, just one, then you'll give us a little more time. Please." Sam pleaded.
That night, Sam enters the kitchen and catches Adam trying to sneak out. "Going somewhere?" Sam asked. Adam stops making a frustrated gesture and turn around to face him. "Out for a...beer." He said, pointing to the door, and Sam claps his hands. "Great. We got beer. Have a seat." Sam said, going to the fridge. "Great." Adam grumbled, walking over to the table and taking a seat.
"You know, you pitched this whole dewy-eyed bromance thing, but the truth is, I'm on lockdown, aren't I?" He asked. "Adam, you may not believe it, but dad was trying to protect you. Keeping you from all of this." Sam said, as he walks over to the table, setting two beers in front of him and Adam then taking a seat next across from Adam.
"Yeah well, I guess the monster that ate me didn't get that memo." Adam said. "You remember that?" Sam asked. "Oh yeah." Adam replied. "Still, trust me. The one thing worse than seeing dad once a year was seeing him all year." Sam said.
"Do you know how full of crap you are?" Adam asked and Sam gives him a stunned look. "What?" He asked. "Really. You see, it was me and it was my mom. That's it. She worked the graveyard shift at the hospital. I cooked my own dinners. I put myself to bed. So you can say whatever you want about our dad, but the truth is, I would have taken anything." Adam explained and Sam nods his head a little. 
"Alright?" Adam asked. "Look, if we had known we had a brother..." Sam started to say. "Well, you didn't, so..." Adam spat. "We would have found you." Sam said. Adam scoffs and shakes his head. "Look, I can't change the past. I wish I could. But from here on out..." Sam said. "What? We gonna hop in the family truckster? Pop on down to Wally World?" Adam said, sarcastically, and Sam chuckles, lightly, at this. "Tell you one thing, with an attitude like that, you would have fit right in around here." Sam said.
In the basement, Dean was locked up in the panic room. He paces around, annoyed, when the door opens and Castiel and Ariel walk in. Dean turns around just as Ariel steps aside to reveal (y/n) standing behind her.
Suddenly, Dean felt his heart break as he sees her. Her eyes still looked a bit red and she had her arms folded across her chest, glaring at Dean. "Why don't you guys go help Sam to keep an eye on Adam? Dean and I need to talk." (Y/n) said, her voice sounding hoarse.
"You sure?" Ariel asked her and (y/n) nods and the two angels leave, shutting the door behind them. The duo stare at each other for a moment before Dean decides to try and lighten the mood as the air was thick with tension. "Well, (y/n), not for nothing, but the last person who looked at me like that...I got laid." He said as he points at her glaring face.
(y/n) scoffs at this but Dean could've sworn he heard a bit of amusement and laugh as she did this. Almost like she was hiding her laughter. Dean frowns slightly as (y/n) paces back and forth.
"Look, I know you're pissed..." Dean said and she scoffs again. "Understatement of the freakin' century." (Y/n) said, in harsh sarcasm. "But this..." Dean said, gesturing to the panic room. "Isn't really necessary." He finished. "Well, we got our hands full, Dean...A house full of flight risks from what Sam told me." (y/n) said. "I'm not letting him do it." Dean said. "Who, Adam? No, I'm...I'm not, either. And neither is Sam." (y/n) said. "No, you're not getting me." Dean said, turning away.
"Oh, no, no, I get you perfectly. But I'm not letting you do it, either." (Y/n) said, in a harsh voice. Dean sighs then takes a seat on a table in the room. "That kid's not taking a bullet for me." He said. "Dean..." (y/n) said, exasperated. "I'm serious. I mean, think about how many people we've gotten killed, (y/n). Mom, Dad, your Mom and Dad, Jess, Jo, Ellen. Should I keep going?" Dean asked her. "It's not like we pulled the trigger." (Y/n) argued.
"We might as well have. I'm tired, (y/n). I'm tired of fighting who I'm supposed to be." Dean said. "Well, do you think maybe you could take a half a second and stop trying to sacrifice yourself for a change? Maybe we could actually stick together?" (Y/n) yells at him, angrily. "I don't think so." Dean mutters, sadly. "Why not? Dean, seriously. Tell me. I-I want to know." (y/n) said and Dean sits there, staring at her then turns his head away from her. "Don't you dare shut down on me! Talk to me, please!" (Y/n) pleaded.
"I just...I-I don't believe." Dean said. "In what?" (y/n) asked. Dean looks at (y/n), brokenly. "In Sam." He said. (Y/n) turns her head away, not wanting to hear that. "I mean, I don't. I don't know whether it's gonna be demon blood or some other demon chick or what, but...I do know they're gonna find a way to turn him." Dean said. "So you're saying Sam's not strong enough." (y/n) said, questionably. "He's angry, he's self-righteous. Lucifer's gonna wear him to the prom, (y/n). It's just a matter of time." Dean said.
(Y/n) shakes her head at this. "Don't say that. Not you...of all people. I mean, this is your own brother!" (Y/n) said, tearfully. "I don't want to. But it's the truth. And when Satan takes him over, there's got to be somebody there to fight him, and it ain't gonna be that kid. So, it's got to be me." Dean said.
"Dean, c'mon..." (y/n) said. "Well, what else you want me to say, (y/n)!" Dean shouts at her. “I want you to say you’re not going to leave!” (Y/n) shouted back and Dean stares at her. “The Dean I know would never agree to heaven’s plans. Never agree to be possessed by some dick archangel and fight Sam to the death.” (Y/n) said, getting angry.
Dean stares at her for a moment, then looks down. “I guess that Dean is long gone.” He mutters. (Y/n) looks at him, her eyes watering up a little. “I miss him.” She whispered and Dean nods, continuing to look at the ground.
That night, Adam was laying on the cot, asleep, and Castiel and Ariel watch him closely while Bobby and Sam sit in the living room area. At that point, they hear the basement door open and they turn their heads to see (y/n) coming in. "How's he doing?" Bobby asked and (y/n) shrugs and scoffs.
"How you doing?" Sam asked her and she nods slightly. Castiel and Ariel turn and walk to the basement door, heading downstairs. "I could be better." She sighs and takes a seat next to Sam. "Did he say anything? Like why he's suddenly changing his mind on this?" Sam asked her and she gives him a sympathetic look.
"He did but...I don't think you're gonna like what he said." She said and Sam's face turns serious. "What did he say?" He asked and (y/n) swallows before she goes to say what Dean said.
Meanwhile, Castiel and Ariel make their way down stairs when they heard a crash and the duo go to the panic room door. "Dean?" Cas calls out but no answer then they enter the room. "Dean?" Ariel calls out. "Cas. Ariel." Dean said as he stands by a cabinet with an angel banishing sigil drawn on the inside of it.
He presses his hand to it, sending Castiel and Ariel away  screaming, then Dean escapes.
*(y/n)'s POV*
Sam and I went down to the basement to check on Dean, Castiel and Ariel only to discover the panic room was open and a angel banishing sigil was painted on the locker door. We ran back upstairs to the library, grabbing our jackets.
"Where's Cas and Ariel?" Bobby asked. "Blown to Oz." Sam replied. "Look, we'll get Dean. He couldn't have gone too far. Just watch Adam." I said. "How? You may have noticed, he's got a slight height advantage." Bobby said. "Then cuff him to your chair. I don't know. Just watch him." I said and we leave to look for Dean.
Unfortunately, we were unable to find him, so we return to Bobby's where he told us Adam was gone. "Bobby, what do you mean, Adam is gone?" Sam asked him. "Should I say it in Spanish?" Bobby asked, sarcastically. "He's gone how? What the hell, Bobby?!" I asked, spreading my arms out in frustration. "Watch your tone, girl. He was right in front of me, and he disappeared into thin air." Bobby said.
There was a gust of wind follow by the sound of flapping wings and Castiel and Ariel appear carrying a bloody and battered Dean between them as paper falls down around them. "Because the angels took him." Castiel said.
"Oh God, what the hell happened to him?" I asked as I run to Dean and cup his face. Despite that he broke my heart, I do still care about him. "Us." Ariel replied as she gestures between her and Cas.
"What do you mean, the angels took Adam? You branded his ribs, didn't you?" Bobby asked as he looks over at Cas. "Yes. Adam must have tipped them." Castiel said. "How?" Bobby asked. "I don't know. Maybe in a dream." Castiel said. "Well, where would they have taken him?" Sam asked.
We take Dean back down to the panic room where we handcuffe him to a cot. Sam and I sit down and wait for Dean to wake. When he did, he jerk on the handcuff discovering his situation and turn his head to see us.
"How you feeling?" Sam asked as Dean sits up on the cot. "Word to the wise: don't piss off the nerd angels. So how's it going?" Dean asked. "Adam's gone. The angels have him." Sam said. "Where?" Dean asked.
"The room where they took us." I replied, remembering Zachariah kidnapping me and placing me in that room just because I was looking for Sam. "You sure?" Dean asked. "Cas did a re-con." I said. "And?" Dean asked. "And the place is crawling with mooks...Pretty much a no-shot-in-hell, hail-Mary kind of thing." Sam said. "Ah, so the usual. What are you guys going to do?" Dean asked.
"For starters...we're bringing you with." Sam said, getting up and walking over to Dean. "Excuse me?" Dean asked, confused. "There are too many of them. We can't do it alone. And uh, you're pretty much the only game in town." I said, unlocking Dean's handcuffs and releasing him. I walk back over to Sam and toss the key on the desk. "Isn't that a bad idea?" Dean asked. 
"Cas, Ariel and Bobby think so. We're not so sure." Sam said, nodding between me and him. "Well, they're right. Because either it's a trap to get me there to make me say yes, or it's not a trap and I'm gonna say yes anyway. And I will. I'll do it. Fair warning." Dean said. "No, you won't. When push shoves, you'll make the right call." Sam said. "You know, if tables were turned...I'd let you rot in here. Hell, I have let you rot in here." Dean said.
"Yeah, well...I guess I'm not that smart." Sam said. "I-I don't get it. Guys, why are you doing this?" Dean asked us, confused. "Because...you're still my big brother." Sam replied. Dean stared at him stunned, then looks over at me. "Even though, you can be an ass sometimes, I still care about you." I said, bitterly, as I fold my arms and Dean gives me a look that I could see is full regret then he looks down.
Cas and Ariel palce us outside to what looked like an abandoned warehouse. "Where the hell are we?" Dean asked. "Van Nuys, California." Castiel asked. "Where's the beautiful room?" I asked. "In there." Castiel said as he nods to the warehouse. "The beautiful room is in an abandoned muffler factory in Van Nuys, California?" Dean asked. "Where'd you think it was?" Castiel asked. "I-I don't know. Jupiter? A blade of grass? Not Van Nuys." Dean said. "I thought it was some dining room in Heaven." I said and Ariel chuckles and shakes her head.
"Tell me again why you two don't just grab Adam and shazam the hell out of there." Sam said to Castiel. "Because there are at least five angels in there." Ariel replied. "So? You guys are fast." I said. "They're faster." Castiel said, undoing his tie to take it off and wrap it around his palm. "Ariel and I'll clear them out. You three grab the boy. This is our only chance." He said as he and Ariel turn towards the door of the warehouse.
"Whoa, wait. You two gonna take on five angels?" Dean asked. "Yes." Castiel and Ariel replied. "Isn't that suicide?" Dean asked. "Maybe it is. But then I won't have to watch you fail. I'm sorry, Dean. I don't have the same faith in you that Sam and (y/n) does." Castiel said and a tinge of regret passes over Dean's face. "I used to but....I'm not so sure now." Ariel said as Castiel pulls a box cutter out of his trench-coat pocket.
"What the hell are you gonna do with that?" I asked him and Castiel hands Ariel the box cutter. The two share a look before Cas nods at her and she uses the box cutter to carve an angel-banishing sigil into his chest. Then the two go inside the warehouse.
We waited outside until we heard the sound of angels being banished, which was a pretty good sign that we can go in now. Dean went on in ahead and after a while Sam and I enter the warehouse.
On our way to the box in the center of warehouse, we found saw one slain angel on a floor and an angel blade with blood on it. I pick up the blade and we enter the room, seeing Dean holding Adam up with Zachariah in front of them.
"Dean, please. Did you really think it would be that easy?" Zachariah asked. "Did you?" Dean asked. Sam and I came at Zachariah from behind with our angel blades. But Zachariah knock out blades out of our hands and sent us flying across the room, crashing into a divider.
"Sam! (Y/n)!" Dean yelled. "You know what I've learned from this experience, Dean? Patience." Zachariah said. He waves his hand and Adam falls to the floor, coughing up blood. "Adam?" Dean said, concerned, then he turns to Zachariah. "Let him go, you son of a bitch." Dean growled. 
"I mean, I thought I was downsized for sure. And for us, a firing...pretty damn literal. But I should have trusted the boss man. It's all playing out like he said...You, me, your hemorrhaging brothers." Zachariah said. He turns his fist in our direction, causing Sam to cough up blood like Adam. 
"Sam?" I said, worried, as I place my hands on his shoulders. "You're finally ready, right?" Zachariah asked. Dean looks from Zachariah to Sam and I, then to Adam who was lying on the floor, still coughing up blood. "Okay then..."Zachariah said then his raises his left hand out and, suddenly, it was like his hand was a magnet and I was a piece of metal as I fly towards him and Zachariah grabs my neck.
Then he proceeds to squeeze my neck, making me gasp for air. "No! Let her go! Leave her alone!" Dean yells, fearfully. "You know there's no other choice. There's never been a choice." Zachariah said. "Stop it. Stop it right now!" Dean said, tearfully. "In exchange for what?" Zachariah asked as he squeezes my neck tighter and at this point I was gasping for air while Sam and Adam continue to cough up blood.
"Damn it, Zachariah. Stop it, please. I'll do it." Dean said and Zachariah loosens his grip on my neck and I was able to breath a bit better. "I'm sorry. What was that?" Zachariah asked, holding his right hand up to his ear. "Dean...don't..." I gasped out in a raspy voice.
"Okay, yes. The answer is yes." Dean said. "Dean." Sam said, painful. "Please...don't." I said but Dean continues. "Do you hear me? Call Michael down, you bastard!" Dean exclaimed and Zachariah lowers me down as he continues to stare at Dean, shocked.
"How do I know you're not lying?" Zachariah asked him. "Do I look like I'm lying?" Dean asked. Zachariah stares at him for a moment then tosses me aside and I fall on my side then cough and gasp for air. "(Y/n)..." I hear Sam said as he crawls over to me and gives me a look that asks ​Are you okay? I nod to him as I cough again and Zachariah turns and speaks in Enochian, summoning the archangel Michael. "Zodiredo...noco...aberamage...nazodpesade..." 
Sam and I give Dean, a questioning look while Dean looks at us, brokenly. "He's coming." Zachariah said, smiling. At that moment, Dean then smirks and winks at us and I furrow my brow, in confusion, at him. The room started shaking, causing the chandelier to chime.
"Of course, I have a few conditions." Dean said and Zachariah turn to look at him. "What?" He asked, confused. "The few people whose safety you have to guarantee before I say yes." Dean said. "Sure, fine. Make a list." Zachariah said. "But most of all...Michael can't have me until he disintegrates you." Dean said.
"What did you say?" Zachariah asked. "I said...before Michael gets one piece of this sweet ass...he has to turn you into a piece of charcoal." Dean said and Zachariah laughs. "You really think Michael's gonna go for that?" He asked.
"Who's more important to him now? You...or me?" Dean asked then Zachariah lunges at Dean, grabbing him by the front of his jacket. "You listen to me. You are nothing but a maggot inside a worm's ass. Do you know who I am...after I deliver you to Michael?" He asked. "Expendable." Dean replied, smugly. "Michael's not gonna kill me." Zachariah said, grinning. "Maybe not. But I am." Dean said then he stabs an angel blade, which he must've had hidden in his sleeve, into Zachariah's head through his chin.
Zachariah explodes into a bright light causing Dean to fall to the ground and then Zachariah lays on the ground, dead, with his wings burned onto the floor and wall.
White light and the ear-piercing noise that was getting louder indicated to us that Michael was coming. "Can you walk?" Dean asked Adam, helping him up. "Yeah." Adam replied. "Okay, come on." Dean said, running over to Sam and I. Dean helped us up and guided us to the door.
"Come on, move it!" Dean said to Adam, as we exit the room. The door slams shut behind us, leaving Adam locked inside. "NO! DEAN! HELP! IT WON'T OPEN!" Adam shouts and Dean leaves me and Sam on the ground and attempts to open the door from the outside but he is burned when he touches the knob.
"DEAN, HELP! DEAN!" Adam continued screaming. "Hold on! We'll get you out. Just hold on. Adam! Can you hear me?!" Dean asked but Adam doesn't respond. A bright white light illuminates from inside the room then it fades.
Dean test the doorknob then opens the door to find it an abandoned office. "Adam?" He called out, but he was gone. Dean looks around then looks over at Sam and I, lost for words.
Later, we steal a truck and were driving down a road at night. Dean was driving naturally, while Sam was in the passenger seat and I was stuck sitting in the middle between them. "You think Adam's okay?" Sam asked while I rubbed my neck. "Doubt it. Cas and Ariel either. But we'll get 'em." Dean said.
"So." I said, my voice still sounding a bit hoarse. "'So' what?" Dean asked. "I saw your eyes. You were totally rockin' the yes back there. So, what changed your mind?" I asked. "Honestly? The damnedest thing. I mean, the world's ending. The walls are coming down on us, and I look over to you two and all I can think about is, these stupid son of bitches brought me here. I just didn't want to let either of you down." Dean said and I scoff, lightly. 
"You almost did. But you didn't." Sam said, holding up his index finger. "Who are you calling stupid?" I asked and I see the corner of his lips twitch up. "I owe you guys an apology." Dean said. "No, man. No, you don't." Sam said.
"Just...let me say this. I don't know if it's being a big brother or what, but to me, you've always been this snot-nosed kid that I've had to keep on the straight and narrow. That goes for you as well, princess. I think we all know that that's not either of you anymore. I mean, hell, if you two are grown-up enough to find faith in me...the least I can do is return the favor. So screw destiny, right in the face. I say we take the fight to them, and do it our way." Dean said, firmly.
Sam and I smile confidently at Dean. "Sounds good." Sam said. "I'm always down to kick some ass." I said. Dean glances over at us and smirks.
Later, we made a stop to one of my safehouses, not the one Dean abandoned me at, and decided to rest there. But while the boys were asleep in the spare rooms, I was sitting out on the porch on the swing. I couldn't sleep so I decided to come out here and just look out at the beautiful view in front of me.
Just a large valley of green grass and some hills off in the distance, the inky starry night blankets the sky and the gentle cool breeze blowing through the air. I smile and take a sip of my bottle water when I hear footsteps and the door open.
I look over and see it was Dean. The two of us stare at each, an awkward silence loomed over us. "Hey..." he greets, softly. "Hey.." I said back, my voice sounding back to normal. "How's, uh...How's your neck?" Dean asked me and I rub it. "Well, besides having this handprint shaped mark on my neck for awhile, it's alright." I said and Dean nods.
"Which means I'm probably gonna have to wear a turtle neck sweatshirt to cover it up. And that sucks, I hate turtlenecks, they make my neck look fat." I said and Dean chuckles a bit. I smile alittle before I let out a sigh. Then Dean walks up to me and gestures to the spot on the swing next to me. "Is it okay, if I sit here?" He asked me. I nodded and he takes the spot and both of us sit there in silence for a moment, the awkward silence still looming over us.
"So..." He said.
"So..." I said, awkwardly, and we sit there for a moment then Dean sighs. "(Y/n), I am so, so, sorry for what I did..." he said and I close my eyes, hoping that'll keep any upcoming tears flowing, as I continue to listen to him. "It was a dick thing to do to you but I thought I was doing the right thing. I wanted to protect you and keep you away from the chaos that was going to happen." He said and I nod, slightly.
"But Ariel was right. I was being selfish and I took that choice away from you and I should've talked to you about it. I was being an idiot and a coward." He said and I open my eyes and turn to him. "You said it not me." I said, smiling a little, as he rolls his eyes at this. But he looks over at me and noticed me smiling and he gives a small smile before it fades.
"I-I know you put up alot with me and with everything going on, but I do want to say I am truly sorry about everything. And...if..." he stops and sighs, sounding like he was nervous on to say his next words. "I'd understand if you didn't want to be with me or around me again...so...if you want to leave, you can. I won't stop you." He said and I frown a bit at him as I notice his eyes were filling with tears.
"Dean..." I croaked then I felt tears building up in my eyes. I close them again and take in a deep breath then let it out, slowly, then I open my eyes again. "I'm not abandoning you. Like I said, I'm ready to kick this in the ass and help you boys any way that I can. But...us...I mean..." I said as I gesture between me and him. "What you did really hurt me and I was scared, confused, hurt and angry. I felt like the world had already collapsed." I explained and he nods, slightly, as some tears roll down his cheeks.
"I'm sorry." He whispered, tearfully. "I know you are, Dean. And I do appreciate your apology. But..." I said and I could see the look of fear on his face. "I-I need time to think about us. I think...for now at least...we need a break. So, I'll still be by your side its just...I'm gonna be getting my own room for awhile now." I said and he nods again. "Okay..." he whispered.
*3rd Person POV*
"I'm gonna go to bed." (Y/n) said and Dean nods. "Okay, I'll be in here in a minute." Dean said and (y/n) gives him a look before she nods and heads inside. Now all alone, Dean wipes away the tears then hunches over, places his hands over his head and let's out a heavy, shaky sigh.
"You stupid son of a bitch." He mutters to himself, berating himself. "You really screwed up now." Dean mutters and he runs his hands over his head back and forth. Then he sits up and looks out at nature view he has as fresh tears runs down his face. He wipes them away and huffs out a breath.
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thebiggerbear · 4 months
WIP Wednesday - 6/5/24 - Michael!Dean x Female!Reader
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A/N: Just a little preview of something I'm currently working on for this character. My first foray into this one. Hope it's okay. Also got some Demon!Dean, Hunter!Corp Dean, Gadreel!Sam, and Soulless!Sam coming as well.
Warnings: Language; Violence; Possessed!Dean (sort of)
Taglist: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187; @rieleatiel
Dean Taglist: @deans-spinster-witch; @birdiellie; @heartlessdelusions; @nancymcl; @brightlilith; @muhahaha303; @mariahoedt; @solacedthistest; @deansimpala; @foxyjwls007; @onlyangel-444
SPN Taglist: @just-levyy
Jensen Taglist: @samanddeaninatrenchcoat
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You crashed back into the wall, letting out a pained gasp as your back met the drywall and you fell to the ground, the breath literally knocked out of you.
Slow, methodical footsteps came to a stop in front of you. “Now, let’s try that again. If you could have anything, what would it be?”
You scowled up at your attacker as you held a hand to what was most likely a couple of broken ribs. “Would you skewered on an archangel blade happen to be on the menu?”
He smirked down at you, seeming delighted at your reply. “You know who I am.”
“Aside from the blue eyes and the Jedi mind moves,” You grunted as you struggled to get up, trying to ignore the screaming pain in your side. “It’s common knowledge that Dean Winchester is allergic to anything that isn’t flannel. Plus, the coat and tie…dead giveaway.” 
You had just managed to get to your feet when an unseen force slammed you up against the wall, making you yell out. “Fuck,” you hissed as the pain sharply radiated throughout your body. You couldn’t move though; you were being held in place. 
Dean—Michael approached, studying you. “Y/N…” It sounded almost as if he was trying out your name for the first time, as if he was seeing how it fit as it rolled off of his tongue. “I know all about you.”
You couldn’t help but snort at that. “Oh, good. If a GQ-wearing psychopathic archangel from some shithole reject planet knows all about me, then that must mean I’m famous.”
He didn’t react but the truth was, you didn’t expect him to. You knew you were going to die, you’d known it from the moment he appeared in front of you, but you refused to cower, placate him, or even beg for mercy. You weren’t getting any; his sneer of disgust as Dean’s green eyes roamed over you confirmed that even before he started throwing you around.
“I know because he knows.” Michael lifted a finger to his temple.
You started to laugh; you genuinely couldn’t help it. “Dean? That’s who you’re getting your intel from? Did he also manage to sell you a bridge?”
He moved closer until he was eye to eye with you. “Y/N Y/L/N, a hunter. Obvious issues, low self-worth, and quite the…hot mess. You lost your—”
“Yep, when I was six and then found out years later that he disappeared on a hunt. Yeah, yeah. We’ve all seen this one. Why not try something new and original for once?” Geez, did all bad guys spout the same shit day in and day out? As if that was going to make you, what, drop to the floor and weep? First, you weren’t dropping until he released you or forced you down. Second, he wanted tears from you? The only ones he’d be getting were either from laughter or physical pain, nothing else.
A hint of a smirk appeared on his face…well, Dean’s face. This really was quite the mind fuck. The Apocalypse Bringer aka another dick angel was wearing the face and body of someone you care about. To say you hated it was an understatement. “So then you already know you’re lost and not worth—”
“--Saving? Yeah, pal, nice of you to catch up with the rest of the class.” You purposely exaggerated your eye roll. “You’ve more than made your point. Now, you think you can quit monologuing and finish what you came here to do? As fun as all of this is, I’ve got a 3:00 in the seventh circle of Hell, with a quick pit stop at the second on the way, so if we could move this along…” If you could lift your hand, you would’ve made the hand gesture for him to keep it moving. And give him another infamous hand gesture while you were at it. 
His brow furrowed slightly before it smoothed out and his smirk widened. “You’re not going to ask me why I’m doing this?”
“Already know.”
“Or ask me what I want?”
“Don’t care.”
“Or plead for me to let you be?”
You let out a loud snort. “Is that even an option?”
“Or beg for your miserable existence?”
“No fucking way,” you snarled, glaring right at him. "That's never happening so you better kill me now Lucifer 2.0."
The creepy smile only grew more. You were definitely fucked.
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dividers by @firefly-graphics
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kaleldobrev · 11 months
Once Mine
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Pairing: Apocalypseverse!Michael x Apocalypseverse Fem!Reader | Michael!Dean (Dean Winchester) x Fem!Reader
Summary: Michael thinks him possessing Dean can be a win-win for the both of you
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, Michael not taking no for an answer
Authors Note: Flashbacks are in italics | Yes, I really did call the Archangel Michael “Mike” | If you liked this, don’t forget to like & reblog. I really appreciate it! Feedback is always welcome ♡
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Apocalypse World
Y/N was sitting cross-legged on her usual chair reading through a book she has read through hundreds of times. That was one of the things she had missed most pre-apocalypse: books, and having access to them. Since the apocalypse happened, she still had access to them but they were scarce; a lot of them had been burned to ash and she salvaged all she could.
She closed the book she was currently reading, her eyes starting to get tired looking at the text. As soon as she placed her book down, the door opened, and a smile formed on her face — it was as if he knew she had been done with reading. “Hey Mike,” she said.
He rolled his eyes at her. “You know how I hate when you call me that,” he stated, his voice stern.
“But yet, you never correct me,” she said, getting up from her spot on the chair and walking over to him.
As soon as she met him, her arms instantly wrapped around his waist, and he couldn’t help but wrap his arms around hers. “True,” he stated. “Don’t let the other angels hear you, cause they’ll start calling me Mike.”
“I’m sure they’ve heard me plenty of times,” she stated. “Particularly moaning it,” she grinned, whispering.
“True. You aren’t particularly quiet,” he grinned back.
“I love you, you know that?” She said, her hands moving to wrapping around his neck now.
He nodded. “And you know I love you too right?”
“I sure do,” she answered, their lips finally meeting.
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Main Universe
Michael looked at you, sitting on the couch across from him — a coffee table was the only thing separating the two of you. The way you held your hands he knew you were nervous and he honestly didn’t know why, as nervous was the last thing that you should be.
Michael got up, and he couldn’t help but notice your eyes move as he walked; your heart beating rapid fire. “Want a drink?” He asked you, as he found his way behind the bar, taking out two whiskey glasses.
You shook your head. “I’m good thanks,” you stated, your voice meek.
“You sure? I know you like whiskey,” he said, starting to pour the amber colored liquid into his glass.
You looked at him, slight confusion on your face. “Um, I don’t actually,” you confessed. Oh yeah, my Y/N liked whiskey, he thought, not Dean’s Y/N. “Sorry,” you apologized.
“No need, must of misremembered,” he lied. He never misremembers. “It’s Dean that likes whiskey, not you.”
You nodded in agreement. “I don’t like beer either,” you said, your voice still meek sounding but it started to become more comfortable at the same time.
“So what do you drink?” He asked, genuinely curious. It slightly amazed him how different you were compared to the version of you in his world. Although you were an exact copy, you were still very different in every single way.
“Rum and coke, wine, vodka cranberries,” you said, naming a few. “I guess I like drinks that don’t really taste like alcohol. Dean he would…” you sighed sadly, starting to pick at the skin around your nails. “He would always jokingly of course, make fun of me for my quote on quote girly drinks.”
“How would you like a rum and coke?” He asked you.
“I’m honestly okay,” you responded. You didn’t know why he was being so nice to you given the situation. He had taken complete and total control over your boyfriend and he was acting like nothing was remotely wrong. You weren’t sure how to feel right now: nervous, scared, or both.
“Alright,” he said, drink in hand as he sat back down. He looked at you for a moment, admiring your face, a face that he hadn’t seen in quite some time; in person anyway, as he did have several pictures of you…of Y/N and him together from his world, from his other vessel.
“So why am I here?” You asked. “You clearly have what you want. You have Dean. Why do you need me here?”
“I feel that we can make this a win, win for the us both,” he stated. “You see, although there was no Dean in my world, there was a you there,” he began, taking a sip of his drink. “Her and I well…the way you feel about Dean is the same way her and I felt about each other.”
“You were in love with her,” you stated, and he nodding confirming. “So why aren’t you there with her? I mean, wouldn’t she…I don’t know, be confused with this new vessel of yours.”
“Well, based on yourself, if she were still alive, she’d have absolutely no problem with my current vessel,” he grinned. “Sorry about that by the way. This must be…hard for you.”
“That’s an understatement,” you slightly snapped, choosing to ignore his comment about the other you being deceased. “You mentioned there being a win, win. How can there be a win win when you have complete control over the man I love?”
“You see, we can both get what we want here if you agree to stay by my side,” he began. “My Y/N was killed by my brother, and there is no replacing her she was…perfect in every single way but, you’ll have to do despite being the downgraded version.” Ouch. “But, as long as I’m controlling Dean here, he can’t die. So, you’ll never lose him.”
“I already have,” your tone still snappish. “As soon as you took control I lost him.” Dean might of as well as been good as dead once Michael took control of him, as you knew you’d never be able to actually talk to Dean again. Yes, you’d still technically see him, but you weren’t actually seeing him. The look behind his eyes weren’t the same, the way he talked wasn’t the same, and the way he moved wasn’t the same. He may of looked exactly like your Dean but he wasn’t your Dean anymore.
“I’ll tell you what. I’ll give you a day or two to think it over,” he stated, starting to get up from his chair. “I think you’ll find I can be…very persuasive.”
“And if I still say no?” You asked.
He grinned at you, a grin that had made you uncomfortable. “Let’s hope it won’t have to come to that.”
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Apocalypse World
“I need you to promise me something,” Y/N said, looking Michael in the eyes.
“Anything,” he said.
“When I die —” she began.
“You won’t,” he interrupted.
“Mike, you have to be realistic. I’m not going to live forever. I’m just human,” she said, her tone shifting.
“I can get an angel to possess you, but make sure you still have complete control,” he suggested.
“Mike, you know I don’t want that,” she said. “I know you’re afraid of the aspect of me dying but, it’s going to happen one day. And I need you to promise me something.”
He looked at her, not wanting to hear her, but he knew deep down that she was right. She one day was no longer going to be here and he needed to be prepared for that. She was human, which meant she was one of the most fragile beings, the simplest thing could kill her or take her out, especially now in the current world. “Okay,” he finally said, his tone changing.
“When you find someone that makes you happy, don’t force it, and don’t try to make them me,” she said. “Because I know you Mike, I know you’ll do that. I know you’ll try and turn them into me, but…no one is exactly like me okay? You gotta remember that.” Y/N knew him far too well, knew that he was going to do the exact opposite of what she had told him when she ultimately passed. He loved her too damn much to want to be with anyone but her; he loved her too damn much to want to let her go.
“I promise,” he said, unsure if he was lying or telling the truth.
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Tag List: @roseblue373 @beansproutmafia @queenie32 @deanwanddamons @missy420-0 @jackles010378 @mrsjenniferwinchester @syrma-sensei @k-slla @justletmereadfanfic @deans-daydream If you'd like to be added to a tag list, let me know!
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mcavoy-girl · 2 years
We need more fanfiction of the following characters/celebs:
Dean Winchester x reader from Supernatural
Charles Xavier x reader from X-Men
Erik Lehnsherr x reader from X-Men
Robbie Turner x reader from Atonement
Beau Arlen x reader from Big Sky
Soldier boy x reader from The Boys
Wolverine x reader from X-Men
James McAvoy x reader
Hugh Jackman x (daughter) reader
Michael Fassbender x reader
Tony Stark x reader, preferably daughter!reader from Marvel-movies
Clint Barton x reader from Marvel-movies
Avengers x reader, any Avenger at all really.
Gellert Grindelwald (Johnny Depp) x reader from Fantastic Beasts
Albus Dumbledore (Jude Law) x reader from Fantastic Beasts
Jack Dawson x reader, Titanic
Legolas x reader from Hobbit-movies and Lord of the Rings-movies
Aragorn x reader from Lord of the Rings-movies
Eomer x reader from Lord of the Rings-movies
Faramir x reader from Lord of the Rings-movies
Castiel x reader from Supernatural
LOTR/Hobbit characters x reader
Charlie Hudson x reader from Hudson & Rex
Lord Asriel x reader from His Dark Materials
Nick Ryan x reader from McLeod's daughters
Richard O'Connell x reader from The Mummy movies
Wade Wilson/Deadpool x reader from Deadpool-movies
Richard Castle x reader from Castle
Drover (Hugh Jackman) x reader from Australia
Ronan Keating x reader
Christian x reader from Moulin Rouge
Aidan Turner x reader and his characters x reader
James Bond (Daniel Craig) x reader
Bucky Barnes x reader
Steve Rogers x reader
Obi-Wan Kenobi x reader from Star Wars prequels and Obi-Wan Kenobi-series
Ewan McGregor x reader
Anakin Skywalker x reader from Star Wars prequels
Hayden Christensen x reader
Owen Grady x reader from Jurassic World
Bucky Barnes x reader from Marvel-movies
Sirius Black x reader from Harry Potter- movies
Cedric Diggory x reader from Harry Potter- movies
Draco Malfoy x reader from Harry Potter-movies
Indiana Jones x reader from Indiana Jones- movies
Cillian Murphy x reader
Tommy Shelby x reader from Peaky Blinders
Harry Goodman x daughter reader from Pokemon Detective Pikachu
Pete "Maverick" Mitchell x (daughter) reader from Top Gun/Top Gun: Maverick
Tom "Iceman" Kazansky x (daughter) reader from Top Gun/ Top Gun: Maverick
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x reader from Top Gun: Maverick
Jake "Hangman" Seresin x reader from Top Gun: Maverick
Robin Hood/Robin of Loxley (Taron Egerton) x reader from Robin Hood
Rafe McCawley x reader from Pearl Harbor
Daniel "Danny" Walker x reader from Pearl Harbor
Eggsy Unwin x reader from the Kingsman-movies
I'll add here more as I remember more characters/celebs. I prefer character x female reader. The ones in bold need more fanfiction.
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Title: On the Outside
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female Reader (Y/N)
Word Count: 2195
Summary: To get Dean to say yes to Michael, they sent him to the Endverse. And when that didn’t work, they turned to you.
Warnings: Time travel, time jumps, ANGST. Language. Endverse!Dean.
Bingo Squares Filled: @howbadcanitbebingo – which character is speaking?
Writing Challenge Prompts: “And maybe it'll be enough if you know that in the few hours we had together we loved a lifetime's worth.” (The Terminator) & Supernatural Season 5 Episode The End for @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior-warrior ‘s 500 Follower Celebration. “It must be nice to love someone who puts you first.” For @negans-lucille-tblr ‘s N-L-Threenager Writing Challenge.
A/N: This is one of those stories where, while it was all very clear in my head, I could not get it down into words. Then life happened, I had a break down and now bon appétit. Bee, I do apologize, I tried very hard to get this down to an even 2k. The characters just weren’t having it.
Dividers provided by @talesmaniac89
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2014. Endverse.
Fire lit up the darkness in small explosions. A live inferno that devoured everything in sight. Heat licked at your fingertips through the linked fence, smoke splashed your cheeks and watered your eyes.
Dean had failed.
And the demons celebrated.
Three Days Earlier.
Chuck hurried up to you, his clipboard in hand and a string of worries on the tip of his tongue.
The last mission’s duffle was still slung across your shoulders, the rifle at your back, and the blood of a comrade still splattered across the front of your jacket. You sidestepped the prophet, fully intent on reaching your cabin and decompressing before hearing more bad news.
“…and you know how Cas is. By the way, Dean wants you on tomorrow’s caravan to the second camp. They’re going over their supplies now, which isn’t a lot, but they plan to head out at dawn.”
You stopped in the middle of the dirt path so suddenly that Chuck narrowly avoided walking into you.
Reading the confusion on your face, Chuck backtracked as if suddenly realizing that you were returning from a week-long mission.
“Right, so the plan is to help reinforce a fledgling camp on the other side of the state. We discovered them on the radio four days ago and Dean thinks,” he didn’t get to finish his thought as you unceremoniously shoved your duffel into his arms and started to take off in the direction of Dean’s cabin. “So, we’ll talk later?”
“Oh, you’re back,” Risa drawled. She stood outside the door to Dean’s cabin, arms crossed, and a foot kicked back to rest against the wall. Her mood seemed to match your own, which was fine, it was hard to find any sane person who wasn’t even a little bit irritable these days. But you didn’t appreciate the welcome.
“Is he in?” You asked.
“That depends…”
In no mood to play games, you pushed through to the door, ignoring her heated “hey!” and letting it swing wide on it’s hinges to slam into the wall behind it before stepping inside.
“Hi honey, I’m home,” you seethed.
Dean stood from the table, turning to you with an expression that was less than pleased. And though it was twisted, it felt good to know that you could still evoke an emotion out of him, even if that emotion was annoyance.
At the second voice, you tore your eyes away from Dean to the second person seated at the table behind him. In the next breath, you reached for the rifle at your back, but Dean had already braced himself against you, a hand on yours, staying the weapon.
The world seemed to be crashing around your ears as you kept a hard gaze on the person at the table, not really hearing Dean at your ear until he called your name.
“I checked, okay? He’s good. He’s…me.”
Holding your breath, you pulled your gaze back to Dean’s, violating every instinct that shouted against it. His expression was grim, but he stared deeply into your eyes, willing you to believe him.
It was the seated man’s slow, uncertain wave of the hand and awkward smile that had you slowly exhaling. Because you could see that it was him. Dean, before the end of the world.
“What are you doing here?” You asked while stepping away from Dean, your hand sliding out from under his. And if his jaw tightened in response, you ignored it.
“Risa, will you…” Dean trailed off, but the order was clear. With a stiff lip, she pulled the door back shut, obediently waiting outside for further orders.
The Dean at the table looked at the one behind you, as if waiting for his permission to speak.
“Angels,” the Dean behind you said. “From his time, not ours. He’s here to learn a lesson.”
The Dean at the table shrugged as if that were the gist of it. But you could feel that there was something they were holding back. And that reeked of your present-day Dean.
“And you’re going to teach him, are you?” You turned back to him, still nonsensically itching for a fight.
Sensing this, Dean refrained from answering. But the confusion as to why you persisted was visible on his face.
“Do you two need a moment? I can step outside.”  
“No,” Dean answered without looking away from you. “I’m not teaching him anything. He’s going to see for himself.”
There was your opening.
“What is he going to see?”
The silence became deafening as suddenly your Dean refused to speak. When you stepped back to have both in your sight, the contrast was utterly jarring. You had been there, before the apocalypse, had been apart of the inner circle to defeat the devil. You were there when everything went wrong and helplessly watched as Dean became the jagged shell of who he used to be. After so many losses, you were on the outside now. And you didn’t know how to get back in. If there was anything to get back into.
The fire in your voice faded as you pushed, “What’s the deal with the second camp? Is that a real mission or are you purposefully sending me away so that I’m not apart of whatever this is?”
“It’s real and I need you on it.” His tone had hardened into that veteran soldier giving orders. “Now will you please go help them and we will talk about this later.”
Grinding your teeth, you couldn’t help the instinct to adhere to his command. He wasn’t about to budge and you were losing energy trying. Without a word, you stalked back out of the cabin, slamming the door behind you for good measure. A snark comment from Risa on the porch had you halting on the stairs.
“What did you say?”
She pushed off from the wall, staring down at you with all the anger and hurt that you felt.
“I said it must be nice. To love someone who puts you first. It’s an evacuation.”
You stared at her, not trusting yourself to speak.
“Look at the roster if you don’t believe me. He’s getting everyone out. Including you.”
The camp continued to move around you as you digested her meaning until realization dawned, quickly followed by disbelief.
“He found it.”
“He sure did.”
“And you’re going with him tomorrow.”
“Like a sheep to the slaughter.”
And somehow, that hurt more. You kept from looking back at the cabin and continued down the steps. It didn’t take long for Chuck to find you again, still carrying your duffel bag and talking in a fluster, before ushering you towards the people you would be escorting to the second camp. And damn it, but Risa was right. Women, children, and the wounded were slated for the caravan.
An evacuation.
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You didn’t get back to your cabin until nightfall. Weighted by exhaustion both physically and mentally, you barely reacted when you walked in to find a visitor seated on your bed.
“I’m exhausted, Dean. Is this you or past you?”
“I’m offended you have to ask.”
Finally shrugging out of your bloodied jacket, you threw it down onto the nearest surface and rested your hands on your hips.
“Well, right now, I’m offended by your face.”
And damn him, that your response only made him smile. It wasn’t the full bloom smile that you had fallen in love with all those years ago, but it was the closest he had come to in a long time.
“I thought you liked my face.”
“Not right now.”
He shut his eyes and sighed, as if that exchange alone caused him a great effort. “Will you come here?” He pat the bedspread beside him.
In defiance, you pulled a wobbly chair from the wall, dragged it two feet from the bed and fell into it with crossed arms. He watched you with pursed lips but said nothing on it.
“You have questions, so let’s hear it.”
“Where’s the other Dean?”
His mouth dropping open was the only sign that you had caught him off guard. Licking his lips he cocked his head to the side and tried to play it off.
“He’s safe.”
You raised your eyebrows and remained silent.
“Is this really what you want to talk about?”
“Why didn’t you tell me you found Lucifer’s hideout?”
“I was a little preoccupied…”
“Not too preoccupied to make arrangements to send me away.”
“That…” and for a moment he appeared to struggle to find his next words. “…was a calculated decision.”
“Based on what?"
“I was trying to protect you.”
“I don’t need you to protect me,” he scoffed at that, but you kept going. “I need you to let me in. Were you really just going to send me away with no word of warning? Without so much as a goodbye?”
“Because if I die, I need to know that you’re nowhere near him. I need to know that you’re far away and safe. I,” he took a deep breath. “I need to know that he won’t touch you. And this…”
His eyes went far away, lost in his plans for what was to come. But you leaned forward in your seat, searching for his gaze, to bring him back and let him know that you weren’t buying it.
“This doesn’t ensure that. You dying, alone doesn’t protect me, Dean.” His eyes narrowed and lifted as if he were about to argue. But he didn’t. Because your face gave it away before your words. “All it’s going to do is break my fucking heart.”
Tears trailed down your cheeks and your hands gripped your arms tighter because you wanted so badly to still be mad at him. To kick, yell, and scream at him that this was the wrong choice. He was making the wrong choice.
He moved forward, helped you to stand then encircled you in his arms, pressed your head into his chest. Your body trembled with every breath as you tried to keep the tide at bay.
“Is there anything I can say to change your mind?”
He pressed you tighter against him.
He didn’t answer.
But that was answer enough.
He was done fighting. You had lost him the second Sam said yes.
You wrapped your arms around his waist, thumbs rubbing into his back.
“Can I stay here tonight?” He asked, with a slight tremor in his timbre.
You held him tighter, breathed him in and responded in the lightest voice you could muster: “I’m offended you have to ask.”
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Three Years Later.
The burning ache around your wrists dulled as she concluded her story.
Because that’s all it could really be, right? A story? Within this maddening dream?
The sadness that pulled at her face, weighted her shoulders, and glistened her eyes argued otherwise.
“Why are you telling me all of this?”
A deep breath as she continued to stare into the past.
“After my convoy reached the other camp…” she trailed off, interrupted by your clanging the handcuffs against the radiator.
“Answer me,” you growled, like a caged animal.
“I am,” she returned coldly. “Once the convoy reached the other camp, I headed back to Camp Chitaqua on my own. But there was no one left. Dean failed and the demons had celebrated.
“And now you’re here. Which makes me think the angels still haven’t persuaded Dean to say yes.”
“He won’t.”
She looked at you, firmly back in the present and seemed for a moment to marvel. All the fire within you, the aggressive certainty in a man you believed in and trusted, were flames that had extinguished within herself the day Dean died.
“No,” she said. “Of course, he won’t.”
She stood from her chair and set to releasing your wrists from the cuffs. Once you were free though, you found you could not move. You watched, transfixed as she contemplated her next words.
“Maybe…maybe it’ll be enough if you know that in the few hours we had together,” she paused at the sudden vulnerable expression on your face and smiled as if sharing a secret. “We loved a lifetime’s worth.”
A bright light shone through the cabin windows then, blinding you even as you raised your hands to cover your eyes.
“Knew they would come looking for you,” she said from above.
“What’s going on?”
“If you still think this is a dream, then we are more delusional than we think we are. The angels are looking for you. I kind of stole you, did I mention?”
You pushed yourself to your feet but were only successful in backing yourself into a corner.
Then you heard a shotgun being cocked and her calling out from a much farther distance, “Don’t stop fighting for him. Don’t you stop fighting for him ever.”
When finally the light disappeared, you slowly dropped your hands and peered into the darkness. You were back in the cheap motel room that you had passed out in the night before.
The red digits of the alarm clock glowed up at you from the nightstand.
Three thirty-three in the morning.
The year: 2009.
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Blood Sugar Sex Magik
Pollen | Dreams | Fairytales | Zanna | and some things more nefarious.
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A Fight For Love & Glory - Winchesters x you (female)
Summary: You’re struck by sex pollen, so Sam and Dean agree to help you out.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, sex pollen, feelings of guilt, ass play, dirty talk, W*ncest adjacent
Words: 2K
Magic Sex & French Fries - Jo Harvelle x Ruby 2.0
Prompt: Great Big Lesbian prompt: SPN, Jo and Ruby II have to have sex to save the world. Or something. Sex pollen? I don’t care. 😘
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, sex pollen, fisting, confuzzled boys
Words: 1K
Bad Girls Underneath -  Ruby 2.0 x Dean Winchester x Jo Harvelle
Summary: Ruby and Jojo get hit by a sex curse again; this time, they need Dean’s help.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, magical-dick/male-gaze bullshit, probably too much commentary and emotional complication, why am I like this, I’m sorry, sometimes I can’t help myself, fisting, brief choking
Words: 2,600
Cactus - Dean Winchester x Meg Masters x Castiel
Summary: Post-battle, exhausted and wanting, Dean and Meg and Cas take care of each other.
Warnings/Tags: 18+ ONLY, dreamlike sex, a little choking, Dean’s always hungry
Words: 3,200
I’ll Keep Them Still - Dean Winchester x Jo Harvelle
Summary: Dean remembers promises and pictures in his mind. And he remembers her.
Warnings/tags: mature, songfic, angst, dream/afterlife sequences, purple prose, I’m sorry
Words: 1,100
Moving Furniture - Steve!Cas x Meg Masters 2.0
Summary: She’s been gone for a year – sacrificed herself to save Sam and her unicorn – but Cas still dreams about her.
Warnings/tags: non-explicit dream sex, fluff, shmoop, there’s a dog
Words: 2K
If You Don’t, Dear, Confess - Sam Winchester x Rowena Macleod
Prompt: Sam has dream about being seduced by Rowena in the bunker that gets interrupted/woken by Dean?
Warnings: mature
Words: 620
Hark and Hush - Purgatory Dean x wolf spirit in a female body
Summary: This is the story of how Dean Winchester hunted, became enamored with, and slew the ancient spirit of the Big Bad Wolf.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, this is not your mother’s Dean Winchester, stalking, blood, gore, rough sex, character death
Words: 2,200
More Nefarious *dubious consent
His Sword - Michael/Dean x female prostitute
Summary: Michael takes some time to remind Dean who’s in control.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, edge play, bondage, knife play, blood play, choking, rough sex, name-calling, character death
Words: 2,300
Supernova - MOC Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: Since Dean’s had the Mark and the Blade, he’s pulled away from you, afraid of hurting you. You miss him, and you’ve had it. One night you push him to the edge.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, bondage, blood play, biting, bruising, knifeplay, rough sex, dubcon/mindfuck
Words: 2,500
Just My Imagination - Dean Winchester x female Zanna
Summary: After Mary leaves the boys a second time, Dean needs a reset, or to blow off some steam – something. He heads out on a snowy evening the night before Christmas and finds just the right thing.
Warnings/tags: mature, Hallmark channel fuckery
Words: 2,800
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queen-of-deans-booty · 8 months
Find Your Way Back Home: Part Four
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.9k
Warnings: implicit smut (talked about but not in great detail), angst
Summary: Years down the line and you and Dean have been on again, off again. You two only get together when the tension is high, when you need to fuck one out of your systems, and when you want to go on the occasional date. After he came back from Hell, he's been more on edge, and with Sam and Lucifer going at it, he doesn't really know where to go from here.
Author’s Note: This is the fourth part of six parts of the commission for @winchester-sinchester. Dean is thirty, the reader is twenty-two, and Sam is twenty-six.
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Four years of hunting. Four years of sleeping in uncomfortable motel beds. Four years of killing monsters. Four years of saving people. Four years of being with Dean. Four very long years of dancing with Dean and playing the “would he or won’t he” game. When you agreed to hunt with Dean and John, you didn’t think you’d be setting yourself up for failure. You got through all four years of college and graduated with a Bachelor’s in Computer Science all the while hunting and killing monsters to protect those who can’t do it themselves. Sam came back into Dean’s life right before he could graduate since Dean dragged him back into the life. Sam’s girlfriend was murdered by the same demon as the one who killed their mom, so he became all in after that.
In the beginning, you were content with hunting demons, vampires, ghouls, and the smaller monsters that you read about in lore books. Now you’re hunting archangels as they try to claim their vessels--Sam and Dean Winchester.
You’re not sure what their plans are for them but you’re going to try like Hell to keep them from it. Dean might not be your boyfriend but he’s someone you care for deeply. You might even love him if you allow yourself to admit that. To chalk it up, your and Dean’s relationship is loosely friends with benefits. He reaps the benefits whenever he feels like it and you keep giving it to him because it means you get to spend time with him.
Sure, you two have done other things like go on dates and stuff, but it’s more fucking than anything else. Whenever he feels stressed about a hunt, he fucks you. Whenever Sam pisses him off, he fucks you. Whenever he’s been away and misses you, he fucks you. It’s become the new normal for you that it’s hard to see life past it.
When he’s had a hard time on a hunt, doesn’t get the kill he’s been itching for, or argues with Sam about how to go about a certain hunt, he finds himself in your bed at the end of the day. He’ll have you on all fours and pound into you from behind. It feels amazing, every time is like the first time with him, and it doesn’t matter what you think of your situation because as soon as you get him into bed, all reason and logic fly out the window.
Do you wish you were something more? Of course. Do you wish he would ask you how your day was instead of getting into your pants? Sure. It’s your fault as much as it’s his because you can say no. He never does anything without your consent but it’s hard to say no to the one person you’ve fallen in love with. Your heart bleeds for him even if his might not bleed for you.
When you weren't doing homework or hunting, you were practicing your skills as a fighter and as a marksman. Sometimes Sam and Dean are your targets or trees are, but you’re getting more confident in hand-to-hand combat. No one can be overprepared, especially in a life like the one you’re in.
Hunts haven’t been coming in as fast as before, and there is nothing on the angel radios about Michael and Lucifer, so Dean takes you on a drive. He doesn’t have a destination in mind; he’ll drive until he feels like he’s done. He ends up taking you to a drive-in spot on a cliff that overlooks the city. No one else is here since it’s the middle of the night which is a perfect time to go.
He parks and the two of you get out to enjoy the scenery. You sit atop his hood with him right next to you, and you look at the stars twinkling above you.
“I have something for us,” you grin and take out the joint you’ve been saving for a moment like this. You take out your lighter and light the end of it before taking a long puff. “Want some?”
“No? Remember that year before I graduated? I got you stoned for the first time. You giggled about Scooby Doo all night.”
“Fuck it,” Dean shrugs. He takes the joint and inhales the sweet substance. You study the features on his face. He’s been stressed for a while, understandably, since he came back from Hell. Yeah, that was a rough time. “Damn, that shit’s good.”
“What’s on your mind?”
Dean takes another puff before handing the joint back to you.
“Want me to be honest? Hell. You say I was only gone for four months but it felt like four years to me. I hate how much this shit is still affecting me, and now Sammy might have to go through it? I don’t know how to protect him.”
You take another hit of the joint before moving closer to him. You sit up and wrap an arm around his shoulders.
“If anyone can beat the devil, it’s you and Sam.”
“You have a lot more faith than me.”
“It’s because I--” No, you can’t admit that right now. Damn, weed makes you wanna confess things you shouldn’t. “I’ve been with you for a while to know how strong and resourceful you are. I’ll believe in you enough for the both of us.”
Dean turns his head toward you and glances down at your lips, and you take this as an invitation. You grip his jaw lightly and press your lips to his. The spark inside him ignites as he takes control of the kiss. There is no one around for miles so you’re not worrying when he begins to take your clothes off.
His car is still warm from the recent use, but your nipples still harden when they touch the warm metal. Dean has had fantasies of bending you over the hood of his car and tonight, they’re coming true. Tonight isn’t about going hard and fast. It’s about you two being in the moment and allowing each other to comfort the other in ways you might not know you need.
He doesn’t use a condom this time since you’re on the pill (a decision you both made a year ago). Condoms are great and should be used every time, but there is something about feeling his bare skin inside you that sends you toppling over the edge every single time.
He has your whole heart even if he doesn’t know it.
Moments like that can’t last forever no matter how much you wish they could. Lucifer and Michael are ready to make their move so Sam and Dean are gearing up to take on the devil head-on. Sam thinks he can beat him since he’s chugged enough demon blood to have a fighting chance. He wants to allow Lucifer inside of his body, trap him there, and keep him prisoner. You’re not sure if that is going to work but you’re going to back Sam up no matter what he has planned.
You’re sleeping in the back seat while both brothers are sitting up front. Dean thinks if he doesn’t talk about what’s going on then it’s not going to happen. Sam knows his brother doesn't like to talk about his feelings but they have to talk about this. Sam looks into the backseat at you before looking at his brother.
“If you have something to say, say it,” Dean sighs when he feels his brother’s eyes on him.
“I need to be real with you for a second. I know you’re hoping this all works out and I trap Lucifer in my head. I’m hoping for that, too, but I need to be realistic here. If this doesn’t work--”
“It’s gonna work,” Dean cuts him off.
“If it doesn’t, don’t go looking for me. I know you, Dean. I know you’re gonna want to do everything in your power to bring me back. Don’t. That cage will be closed. You can’t go poking at it.”
“What do you want me to do, Sam? Sip Mai Tais on the beach wishing you were with me instead?”
“I want you to go looking for a normal life. Whatever normal is these days. I want you to have everything I know you’ve always wanted.”
Dean looks at you through the rearview mirror. He can’t help but picture what a normal life with you would look like. You’d live in a two-story house on a farm or somewhere with a lot of land. He doesn’t like neighbors so having a lot of land would put him at a safe distance from having to mingle with people. He can picture you in the garden you often talk about having while he does the yard work. You’d both share the household chores, but he’d do all the cooking since you can’t cook for shit. He can picture three little ones running around the house with two dogs chasing after them.
His perfect paradise.
He can also picture a demon coming and killing everything he’s ever stood for.
“Take Y/N and get the hell out of this life. I’ll be okay,” Sam whispers.
Dean doesn’t respond to him. He still has hope that this is going to work.
It doesn’t.
Sam gets the devil inside of him but Lucifer is a lot stronger than some human hopped up on demon blood. To make a long story short, Sam got thrown into the cage with Michael inside Adam. Michael was supposed to be inside Dean but went to the other brother when Dean refused.
Sam is gone and Dean can’t do a damn thing about it. The moment that you had with Dean on top of his car in the mountains is nothing like this moment now. Instead of being sensual and loving with you, it’s rough, hard, and fast. Dean is fucking pissed and emotional which makes for a hard fuck. You agreed to this before you started because you know he needs this. He needs to get his anger out instead of drowning in alcohol bottles like he’s done in the past. You’re his new favorite drug and he can’t get enough of you.
“We’ll get him back,” you say to Dean after moments of silence. The only thing that can be heard is the soft hum of the air conditioning unit in the motel room. “Dean, I promise to get your brother back.”
Dean doesn’t respond to that. He waits until you fall asleep to allow himself to think about what’s best for you and for him. He believes you when you said you’d get his brother back. He believes you’ll do anything to do that which is why he can’t stay with you. He’s fucking tired. He’s exhausted. The best thing for both of you is if he leaves and doesn’t look back.
He’s getting too attached to you and doesn’t want to see you dead because of a mistake he’s made. If he stays with you and searches for Sam, he knows he’s gonna do something that will put you in danger. If he leaves with you, he feels like he is robbing you of helping people. You love hunting. You love saving people. How can he ever take you away from the life you knew you were getting into?
The only thing he can do is leave, and he knows exactly where he is gonna go. You’ve always been a heavy sleeper so he doesn’t worry about making a bit of noise. He packs up what he can and leaves the motel room without so much as a note of where he’s going.
He leaves thinking this is going to be the last time he ever sees you.
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