#mica blahs
der-papero · 9 months
Giorno 8 inizio il mio nuovo lavoro, confermando quella che pensavo fosse una coincidenza, eppure alla fine si dimostra un mio pattern preciso, ovvero che non riesco a stare più di 5 anni in un posto lavorativamente parlando, che sia una intera azienda o anche solo un reparto.
In questo caso ne sono passati 6, ma ho fatto molta fatica a resistere l'ultimo anno, anzi, l'idea di scappare mi era proprio venuta un anno fa, ma in Germania i tempi sono tutti più lenti, per quando ho messo in moto il meccanismo un anno è bello che passato, anche perché restando nella stessa azienda comunque il processo è quello che è.
Incredibile come questa cosa sia palese nel mio CV, ma nessuno si sia mai preso lo sfizio di chiedermi perché, eppure dovrebbe essere un elemento pro o contro una assunzione, sapere che dopo 5 anni massimo ti ci mando. E' da oggi che rivedo sempre lo stesso VHS, con colleghi che mi scrivono "ci mancherai/sei davvero in gamba/come faremo senza di te/blah blah blah", che kivemuort se davvero pensaste queste cose me le direste più spesso (c'è chi lo fa, e non aspetta l'ultimo giorno dopo la mia comunicazione).
Chissà quale difetto si nasconde dietro questo mio nomadismo lavorativo, ma adesso figurati se mi metto a dare centinaia di euro ad uno per farmi spiegare perché non mi si incolla il culo alla sedia, tanto mica lo vivo come un problema.
Che poi, diciamoci la verità, durerà tipo una settimana, il tempo che il primo tedesco dirà al primo incontro "Italiener? Mafia und Berlusconi ahahahaha", che lo mando subito affanculo inimicandomi tutto il nuovo reparto e facendomi venire la voglia di andare altrove.
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gxnmxtxl · 1 year
i’m sitting in the new red emma’s, the coffeeshop i used to go to all the time when i was at mica. but i’m at their new location. 
i’m having the nicest time in baltimore! i really miss it. it was the exact type of place i wanted to live when i was young
blah blah blah more stuff blah blah. 
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caesurables · 5 years
Its about 2 minutes I will have officially finished one more round around the sun...
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simmerjazen · 5 years
Get to know the simmer
Thanks for the tag @alittledaylight​
Your name: Mica (pronounced My-ka)
Languages you speak: English and sarcasm LOL
Are you a mermaid: um nope. I have a fear of drowning, wouldn't work out well.
Your playstyle: Not really sure. I like to play for fun but I also enjoy having stories to go along with them even if I don't share them all.
Your self sim picture: My hair is longer now, and I'm probably bigger but eh it's close enough. LOL
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Stories or gameplay builds, lookbooks, edits or cc: Stories and some gameplay
Your favourite age state: Young Adult/Adult
Your favourite season: Spring and Fall
Your favourite holiday: Game wise? Don't have a favorite and I don't really do much with that part of the game. Personally Thanksgiving.
How was your day: Decent. It's been raining today which always is a little blah
Your favourite career: Um, not sure I have one.
Your favourite aspiration: Don’t think I have one
Your favourite EP, SP or GP: Sims 3-Easier to say the ones I didn't like, World Adventures and Into The Future Sims 4-I'll go with Tiny Living since it's the first one I didn't wait to buy on sale
How old is your simblr: 5ish years maybe
Have you woohooed: Mom of 4, yeah so maybe a time or two.
Your favourite skill: Ah, um gardening I guess. Never really thought about it
The size of your mods folder: Sims 3-11.6 Gb Sims 4-2.21 GB
Your 3 favourite mods: master controller, no mosaic, pose player
Your interests (other than sims): I read and I write. Have books out under Meka James
Your favourite sim (picture if possible): Hard to pick a favorite, but I'll pick Amari Smith. She was my first ever story sim. She’s flanked by her leading men from the accidental love triangle I created with that story.
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Which sims games you have played (including mobile games): TS2, TS3, TS4, Sims Life Stories
Propose a crazy scheme: Sell all my personal belongings, buy an RV and lead a nomad life driving across the country
The best part of simblr:  Connecting with other people that share in my hobby.
The worst part of simblr: Tumblr itself.
What other games you play: none
Other websites or accounts (origin, twitter etc..): For sim stuff just tumblr and my story blogs, oh and facebook. Personal for my writing things I have Twitter, Instagram, Facebook.
Tagging whoever wants to do this because I’m bad at those things.
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ginnyzero · 4 years
Completely Harmless Appendix 7
Appendix: Rainbow Week
1.     Rainbow Week/Luck Day/Valentine’s/JoJo Siwa/Red String Trail Ride
Holidays, in my opinions, should be events. My favorite thing the first time I played in Star Stable was around Christmas and we had all these Christmas Quests to decorate the county. Then they took that out and it was blah. So, I wanted to bring that Christmas style feeling back where you’re going around and decorating the county or your area of the county and then you have stuff to do during the actual festival.
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You can do holidays one of three ways, you do it like Christmas where there’s a set thing every year. Or you can it so that the holiday has progressive story, so each time it comes around (say Fashion Week) a little more of the story is unlocked and you can only do new story if you’ve progressed through the old. That way you don’t have NPCs talking about current story lines when the new players haven’t gotten that far in the story.
Or, you work your plot into the holidays. And then as the plot progresses, you’ll have more holidays as the years of your plot move forward. However, this requires that you have all of your story and map completed before launching the game. I chose number three for the story because it was convenient writing wise. (For Mystic Riders we go with option one.)
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To Rainbow Week in particular, Rainbow Week was something they introduced in 2019 to “replace” the Fortuna Festival, which they only did one or two years. It was supposed to be celebrating friendship? Basically, what happened, was the rainbows crashed and that’s about it. (I am not touching Mica. Nope. Nope.) They might have had the parade with the Bobcats. But there weren’t any quests anymore. The quests were all about setting up the parade route, decorating, and helping Tan make the outfits. Which were cool in a way except the Bobcats were foisting their duties on you because of nails. Maybe they took them out because they’re trying to change the Bobcats story image? I dunno. We older players know the truth.
And then there is Valentine’s Day which also celebrates friendship and love where they have the group race. There used to be quests about making teddy bears and a chocolate and berry cake. Then you had the letters with Derek. They removed those and that was sad. So I put them back in. 
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Then there is the Red String Trail Ride which you do in the “spring” and celebrates Friendship. Which was a trail ride with some random events programmed into it. It appropriates (yes, appropriates) the Chinese story about the red string that connects people’s hearts. I’m not really a fan of appropriation. It’s in the game. I can’t really do anything about it.
Lastly, they had Jojo Siwa in the game as a licensing gimmick. She likes rainbows and sings about friendship. They had you find bows in Moorland in order to trade them in for items. I expanded this across the entire county and then also had the player hand out bows in order to spread the news of friendship and love and Jojo Siwa to people in the district so they’d come watch Jojo. (Something that SSO didn’t do.)
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I mashed all of these together because they share the same theme to make Rainbow Week more exciting. This meant adding in more musicians and having fun treats, and being able to make crafts for the housing we don’t have yet. (I guess it’s going to come sometime in the next decade.) Fortuna Festival gave clues that these holidays are Club led so that’s why I ran with the clubs doing the festivities. And having things like special crafts, charms for a friendship bracelet and the selfie walls would encourage everyone to travel all over the county to collect things. Plus having things like the treasure hunt and of course, Chaun and his rainbow spices things up.
Instead of having Chaun give random items, I instead gave him a shop so that everyone can get the items they want. The other idea could be to use the same mechanic as the big pumpkins and the goats, and have a lottery system. But I really do prefer shops more.
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Brogan is my own invention. (As is Fill-E, the all girl j-pop band.) His game mechanics would be similar to having Spirit in the game. He shows up somewhere in the area after the rainbow crashes and you catch him and he’ll give you a task. That task rewards you with rainbow gold and reputation points until you reach admired with Brogan. Once you reach admired, you can take him to a Chaun and he’ll open a shop for you to exchange your rainbow gold for items with Brogan. His items will be different than Chauns.
And of course, once the decorations go up, they have to come down.
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I also included an Art Show for Fort Pinta and a Flea Market for Firgrove. (The Farmer’s Market would continue as usual except it’d be decorated. Same for the Horse Market.) These two areas could have arts and crafts that are rainbow themed and available for the player to purchase again for home decoration or jewelry or clothes, etc and so forth. There could also be special rainbow themed makeup going on at the salons. There could be shops featuring rainbow themed clothes, but they aren’t paying me that much to do that for free.
FOR THE ACCOMPANYING IMAGES PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE MY WATERMARK AND CONTACT INFORMATION. THANK YOU. I get it. Some of you might get excited and want to see this stuff in the game, especially the clothes, tack, and pets. However, the only way I want to see this in the game is if I get paid for it. If I see it in the game and I’m not paid for it, there will be hell to pay. You think I’m salty. I’d be angry. Personally, I’m not going to send this info to SSO. If you do, leave my contact information there! Don’t give them any excuses to steal.
Now, I’ll know you haven’t read this note if you leave me comments about how ‘salty’ I am about the game and if I hate it so much I should do something else. I am doing something else. It’s called Mystic Riders MMORPG Project. Mystic Riders however is a very baby phase game. You can check out our plans on the game dev blog. (Skills, Factions, Professions, Crafting, Mini-Games, 25+ horse breeds!) If you know anyone who would be interested and has money or contacts about game making, direct them to the blog.
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ohthatsviolet · 5 years
Miroctane Drabble
In honor of the boys getting 100 followers, I think they deserve something nice.
(This has also been posted to Ao3 as a bonus chapter for miroctane moments, if you prefer to read there). 
Expanding the family. 
“So, let me get this straight...you said what?”
“I told them “This shit ain’t fair and it’s straight up favouritism. How come some people are allowed to get a pet and we can’t?” and then I told them if they didn’t let me do what I want, I’d quit and none of my fans would watch their stupid games ever again. And then I...politely walked them through the potential revenue loss. It didn’t take long for them to see sense. I know that’s all they really care about it.”
Elliott chuckled, slipping his hand into his partner’s as they entered the pet store. “And you say having CEO parents had no effect on you.” His eyes immediately fell on the notice board next to the counter, his chest stirring as he looked over the various animals looking to be adopted. “I wish they’d just let us get a dog” he sighed. “Look, that one only has three legs. Poor guy.”
Octavio folded his arms, obviously somewhat annoyed. “It was part of their dumb terms and conditions. No large animals, it has to be something that can be somewhat confined so it won’t trash our apartment and it can’t be something that will cause too much distraction from our training, because we owe a certain level of professionalism to the Apex Games, blah, blah, blah.”
“What did you have in mind?” the trickster asked, begrudgingly dragging himself away from the notice board, to follow his partner towards the pet section. “Maybe a lizard? Or a snake” his partner suggested. “Can you cuddle a lizard?” Elliott asked, grimacing slightly at the information. At least it wasn’t a spider. “I don’t know. They’re cool though” Octavio spoke, peering into the different enclosures at the selection of reptiles on offer. 
“What about a tortoise?” the holo-technician suggested, wandering away from the reptiles, towards the more fluffy animals. He momentarily observed two bunnies who were nibbling together at their food bowl, before his attention was shifted to a bundle of bedding in the next enclosure. It seemed to be moving on it’s own. Curious, he bent down to look into it, watching the various materials shift under his gaze, until he was greeted by a tiny nose which twitched a few times before venture out into the world. It belonged to a brown and white hamster, who seemed oblivious to his presence as it stumbled out of it’s sleeping hole to quench it’s thirst at the water bottle, which was secured to the wall of it’s home. It only seemed to notice him when it began making it’s way towards it’s food bowl, taking a detour to come closer to the glass that separated them, interested in the man who decided to pay them a visit. Elliott couldn’t help but smile as the small animal got to it’s hind legs, it’s beady black eyes meeting his brown ones, as it placed it’s two front paws against the glass, as if it was trying to get a better look at him. Elliott returned the gesture by gently placing the tip of his finger against the glass too, receiving a curious nose twitch in return. 
“I don’t think I know enough about reptiles to get one right now” Octavio sighed, making his way towards his boyfriend. “Let’s just go check out the goldfish or something.” Elliott swept the curls out of his hair as he stood with the intention of following his partner, but couldn’t help but look back at the tiny mammal who was still tracking his movements. “Come on, Elliott. Ràpido.”
“What about them?” he said, pointing back to the rodent. The runner titled his head, with an interested glance. “A hamster?”
“Yeah. I mean...it ticks all the boxes, right? And...Oh, I think I might love them” the trickster said fondly, stooping back down to watch the animal get to work on it’s running wheel.
“Damn, they’re really going at it, huh?” Octavio spoke, as he joined him, sounding mildly impressed. “God, they’re so fucking adorable” Elliott hummed. “They’re pretty fast too. Look at them go!” the runner chimed in.
“Imagine how fast they’d be if we got them one of those ball things they can go inside.”
“Yeah…That does sound pretty awesome”. 
“Hell yeah! This is the best day ever!” Octavio laughed, almost barging down their apartment door, as he dashed inside excitedly. “Hey, hey by careful!” Elliott called after him, stumbling behind him with a large box, which he placed on the living room floor. “I wanna put him in the ball now! Time to be free, tiny amigo!” “Tav, wait! We haven’t even set up his house yet!” the trickster chuckled, beginning to unpack the items they’d purchased. 
Octavio had been physically bouncing with excitement the whole time they were speaking with the clerk about getting a hamster, before deciding it was the right choice for them. After ensuring they had the necessities correct, found out the hamster’s gender, and had purchased a few extras that Octavio had picked out, they were happy to return home with their new companion. The runner had decided to take the animal out of the box they’d taken him home in, gently setting the hamster on his knee as he sat on the couch. He ran a finger through his fur, as he watched Elliott get his tools out to put together the cabinet and enclosure combo they’d gotten for the living room.
"He actually seems pretty chilled" the speedster commented, grinning to himself as the hamster moved around his leg, exploring his surroundings. “I’ve never had a pet before. This is so awesome!”
“Well, I figure you deserve it after the telling off you gave the overheads" the trickster replied, smiling at him. "But, remember, just because he's small doesn't mean he's not a big responsibility.”
“I know but that doesn’t mean we can’t have fun with him!” Octavio responded, taking out his phone to snap a couple of pictures, some of his new pet and some of his partner setting everything up. “You see that, little amigo?" he asked, smiling as the small animal twitched it's nose at his phone screen. "Your dad’s a real sexy handyman.”
“Dad?” Elliott laughed. “Does this mean I can start expecting cards and gifts on Father’s Day?”. Octavio joined in with the laughing. “To my awesome dad. Thanks for setting up my cool new home. Lot’s of love from your hamster son...Uh...What are we gonna call him?” The trickster absentmindedly ran a hand over his beard as he thought about it, finishing up his building task. “Hmm...I don’t know actually. Why don’t you pick something?”
The speedster thought about it for a few moments, looking at the animal sitting contently in his lap. “He needs a good name” Octavio mused. “Hmm...he’s pretty small. Micro...Hmm...What about...Mica?”
“I like that” Elliott said, moving to sit on the couch next to them, wrapping an arm around his partner’s shoulders. “Mica the hamster. Has a nice ring to it, I guess.”
“Yeah! I like it!” the runner agreed. “Well. That's it then!...Welcome to the family, Mica!”
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psychojello · 5 years
I’m gonna go more in depth about this later, but there are actually a great group of current models who are SUPERSTARS and are exciting and charismatic and excellent at editorial, beauty, and runway and have personality and you will probably see me posting about them a lot.....so yeah here are my current faves:
Note: If you are one of my fashion/model followers you obviously know these people but I’m guessing the great majority of my followers do not.
ADUT AKECH- If you’re not in the know, she’s easily the biggest model right now and was on the cover of a record-breaking 4 September Vogue covers this year. I think she’s 19? But she’s incredible.....so good at runway, editorial, beauty...is super charismatic and awesome on Instagram. She’s definitely my current fave.
ANOK YAI- She’s also getting pretty big and was discovered on INSTAGRAM like only two years ago. Love her.
ALTON MASON- Literally the biggest male model right now and will only get bigger. He’s fantastic and is a also a professional dancer and usually adds a lot of excitement to runway shows.
Other faves:
Kaia Gerber- Ok I know some will be like “blah nepotism model” but I really do think she has charisma and is good at runway and editorial and it’s fun to watch her evolution.
Vittoria Ceretti
Sora Choi
Lennon Gallagher (OBVS)
And then from the slightly older group of models, I’ve come to love Bella Hadid (I know!), and of course I still love my fave queen Imaan Hammam, as well as Joan Smalls, Anna Ewers, and Mica Argañaraz.
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deardiaryshewrote · 5 years
"... Il mio papà è un Super Fantastico Papà! E insieme, ci divertiamo tantissimo! E poi, non so come fa, ma fa apparire e scomparire le cose. Voglio vedere se riesce a far comparire, la cameretta dei miei sogni...."  
Corre la bambina, nella sua cameretta, felicissima, si butta sul letto ed esclama: "... Che vi dicevo! E un Papà Super Fantastico!La mamma gli ha chiesto la camera (da letto) dei suoi sogni... e anche il salotto dei suoi sogni! Fantastico! (papà)...... "
 Pubblicità televisiva di Mondo Convenienza, nel 2019, adesso, in questi giorni! Giorni nostri!  Ecco! Pubblicità d'arredamento, low cost, per la casa! Per la "famiglia"! Nel 21-esimo secolo! Già! La famiglia! Quella tradizionale, sia chiaro. L'unica possibile, vera, accettabile, famiglia, dove la sola figura importante, ad essere Super Fantastica, e quella di Papà! Quello che fa, che lavora, che crea, che compra... che realizza i sogni, lui, il solo e unico! Dove la mamma è una figura, che all'inizio neanche appare. E si, perché la mamma, capite, arriva dal nulla, solo alla fine, ed e quella, che come i bambini, chiede. Mica fa lei! Mica spetta anche a lei avere un importanza in quella "famiglia"! Mica lavora lei. Mica crea qualcosa. Non e mica lei, quella, che realizza i sogni! No no... La mamma chiede e basta. Cosi, assieme ai bambini, a chi chiedono di realizzare i loro sogni? Certo che a papà! A chi spetta rendere felici tutti, inclusa la mamma? Al Super Fantastico Papà! Mica a tutti e due. Ma quando mai! Non si può certo dare un immagine sbagliata di questa "grande" istituzione, che e la "famiglia", dove due adulti lavorano e guadagnano, e si prendono cura, insieme, alla pari. Dove pagano le bollette metà ciascuno! Dove creano, fanno e danno, magari una camera uno e un altra l'altro! Dove, magari, realizzano i sogni dei figli ugualmente, insieme! Non si può mica dare un immagine cosi "volgare" di una "famiglia" con pari opportunità! Già mai! Mica crea lei! Mica spetta a lei lavorare, mica spetta a lei guadagnare... Non spetta mica a lei, essere Super Fantastica, proprio come Papà! Figuriamoci poi, un esempio, criminale quasi, al contrario. Tipo, mamma che lavora e papà, che magari glie chiede la macchina dei suoi sogni! Ma quando mai, sarebbe un vero e proprio "peccato" ... blah... donna che lavora! Donna che crea! Donna che realizza i sogni altrui! O pure, persino peggio. Donna che studia, si laurea, lavora sodo, guadagna... e realizza da sola, quello che cazz* sogna! Una bestemmia sarebbe! Che paese mai diventerebbe uno, se alla TV pubblica, comparisse un immagine cosi "distorta" della "grande, unica, sacra famiglia tradizionale"? Ma non scherziamo! Sarebbe uno scandalo, una vergogna... Dare un esempio di pari opportunità, in un paese retrogrado, cattolico, ottuso... in cui, nel 2019, la mamma e quella, che appare cosi, di sfugita, negl'ultimi 30 secondi di pubblicità, per fare quello che glie spetta fare: "Chiedere, sorridere ed essere grata, ma molto grata, al Super Fantastico Papà!" E che se ne faccia una ragione, perché qualsiasi cosa fa, in realtà, lei, le mamme, le donne di questo paese e la sua cultura... Non sara mai "fantastica" quanto lo è e sempre sarà il Super Fantastico Papà!
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beatriceswanson · 5 years
5 Tips to Brighten Dull Skin
Whether you have serious hyperpigmentation or simply wish your complexion wasn’t so blah, almost everyone wants to brighten dull skin. Especially in the winter, when temperatures drop and we’re forced to deal with an extra dry epidermis. Sure, adding in a heavy duty moisturizer can help replenish lost moisture, but that’s not going to give you that coveted lit from within glow. Lucky for you, we have 5 easy tips to help boost your glow for a more radiant complexion.
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Vitamin C
Our number one recommendation for a brighter complexion: introduce a Vitamin C serum into your daily routine. We promise it will transform your skin in ways other ingredients just can’t. Need help choosing the best one? Both of our Vitamin C serums contain a unique blend of three forms of Vitamin C but have additional benefits specific to each formula.
Daily Power C is great for preventing. With 15% Vitamin C, you’ll experience decreased pore size, decreased wrinkle areas and increased suppleness. Not to mention, Daily Power C protects against pollution and environmental damage.
Daily Power C+ is for repairing. If you have extra dry skin or visible signs of aging, this 20% Vitamin C serum combines with peptides to immediately lift and smooth the skin A 26.8% lift in 60 minutes, to be exact.
Want more? Pair your Daily Power C with its corresponding Daily Hydration or Daily Hydration+ formula for even better results! Vitamin C and Hyaluronic Acid are the perfect pair for glowing AND hydrated skin.
You Are What You Eat
…and drink, and breathe, so make it count. Try upping those fruits and veggies, adding a few extra glasses of water into your day and keeping the junk food at bay. While you’re at it, get some fresh air circulating through your system. You may not know it but toxins build up in your skin preventing that healthy radiance from shining through. Your skin is your body’s largest organ, so treat it kindly.
Shed Some Skin
Sometimes you just need to start fresh, which is where exfoliation comes into play. A gentle, (environmentally-friendly) physical exfoliant can do wonders for sloughing off built up skin cells. These dead cells clog pores and keep you from experiencing your best skin. Our top picks: Daily Polishing Cleanser a travel-friendly daily cleanser or Brightening Polish, a targeted weekly treat.
Don’t Make It Worse
It wouldn’t be a Glo blog if we didn’t mention SPF. But in all seriousness, sun damage will NOT give you glowing skin, nor will it help any pesky dark spots fade away. In fact, it will make them worse. So do yourself a favor and protect your skin.
Fake It ‘Till You Make It
What happens when you’ve followed all of our tips but you still need that extra brightening boost? Enter Hydra Radiance Moisturizer. It contains Mica for that ‘gotta have it now’ brightening effect, plus botanical brighteners to help brighten your complexion for the long haul. Our favorite part? It’s a moisturizer and lays beautifully under makeup, meaning you don’t have to add yet another step to your routine.
What’s your favorite tip to brighten dull skin? Let us know in the comments below!
The post 5 Tips to Brighten Dull Skin appeared first on Glo Skin Beauty Blog.
5 Tips to Brighten Dull Skin was first posted on January 31, 2020 at 12:27 pm. ©2017 "glo Beauty Blog". Use of this feed is for personal non-commercial use only. If you are not reading this article in your feed reader, then the site is guilty of copyright infringement. Please contact me at [email protected] 5 Tips to Brighten Dull Skin published first on https://hairinkgoldcoast.tumblr.com/
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hanjisungz-archive · 5 years
outlaws situation? 👀 do u mind catching me up on it sksks i haven't heard much - fleta anon
yea i dont mind!! there isnt anything like Outright messy abt it??? just kinda like really sus,,,,
so like for the past few matches outlaws havent put in jake right?? well this match they still havent put in jake and instead put in linkzr which isnt bad right well for control linkzr played pharah and everyone was like ???? jake pharah ???? why isnt jake in??? and that went on the entire match because outlaws werent playing well and even the casters were kinda like ‘normally jake would be subbed in after control’ and linkzr still played so they lost today
but during the game mica went to the outlaws coach and asked where jake was and they said ‘no comment’ which is really sus right,,,, and so after the match and after outlaws lost jake went on twitter and basically said ‘i pulled myself out of the game and benched myself for personal reasons’ and then linkzr is blaming himself bc everyone is saying he should be benched instead of jake AND now clockwork went on twt after the loss and was like ‘we are knocked out of playin contention and we had a rough season bc of internal affairs that affected our performance’ and everyones like 👀👀👀👀 shit what is Happening
but jake also was like ‘im okay’ blah blah so like yea idk its just messy and theres obviously internal stuff happening and yea dfkjhdsjkfhdks
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fleurdarsenic · 7 years
Della resistenza di Immanuelone Kanto alla friendzone
Raga è da una vita che non mi connetto al tambleh dal pc e sono sorpresa del fatto che googlando il nome del sito esca ancora “tumblr frasi d’amore”. Ed è ironico che ho deciso di mettere su (pezzo di) schermo bianco il delirio a cui sono giunta studiando un programma di merda di filosofia morale incentrato su un fangirl del cristianesimo chiamato Jacques Maritain, ma che per gli amici è Giacometto (perché tutti sanno che Giacomino è solo Leopardi), il quale affronta la storia della filosofia morale falsandola tipo troppo, ma raggiungendo delle considerazioni super interessanti che mi hanno aperto la mente su due grandi verità: Il cristianesimo è la più grande storia di una triste friendzone; Kant è l’unico che se ne sia accorto ed abbia tentato di risolverla. 
Primo punto. Dalla storia dell’antichità fino alla presa del power di quegli ebrei potenziati che sono i cristiani, il rapporto fra Dio e l’uomo assume le vere e proprie caratteristiche di una friendzone: l’uomo invia un messaggio uatsappo a Dio fatto di un cuoricinoso “Ti amo”, ma a cui il Sommo non è mica costretto a rispondere perché quei simpaticoni dei greci hanno sempre detto che è meglio essere amati che amare. GRECI?! Mi sentite?! E’ colpa vostra se la gente visualizza e non risponde, VOSTRA!
Poi però un bel giorno arriva una certa star chiamato Jesus che dice “Dio vi ama!” E dopo secoli di sacrifici, preghiere, digiuni, trilli msn, like tattici sul faccialibro e visualizzazioni compulsive nelle stories che manco i peggio stalker, Dio non è che può continuare a non visualizzare così risponde: “Ti amo, come un amico.” Non ci credete? Ecco che dice Maritain: “Dio potrebe amare l’uomo come suo amico, o un altro se stesso? Se egli è amato da Dio, lo è in modo completamente diverso, nel senso che Dio gli vuol bene, come a tutto ciò che è, ma senza avere con lui alcuna comunanza di vita e di beni,e restando chiuso nella sua trascendenza.” Capito come? 
Punto secondo. Ovviamente non è che si può continuare così, con sto sottonaggio, fai il buono perché Dio ti guarda, fai il bravo che così avrai un posto vicino a Dio, comportati così che così avrai la beatitudine fra le braccia del signore, comportati colà perché boh, Dio... Eh NO! Kant dice basta. Come una qualsiasi persona dopo essersi stufata dei secoli di sottonaggio appresso ad uno che hashtagga le pic con te con scritto bff, decide di ribellarsi: Tutti i miei sforzi per essere una persona bll buona e blah blah non saranno mica per Te; nossignore, ma saranno per un tu devi tutto mio che non ha nulla a che fare con Dio. Così Kant elabora tutto un popò de sistema che tagli fuori ogni cosa che gli ricordi il Friendzonatore cosmico tipo le sue foto, i suoi cd e vbb, na cosa insignificante come la metafisica. Immanuelone nazionale lancia un messaggio ai più: sii migliore perché è un dovere verso te stesso, non sperare di arrivare da Lui. E poi come quelle amichette che dicono “Il vero amore arriva quando meno te lo aspetti, quando ti senti in pace con te stessa e blah blah blha” inserisce Dios come postulato, ma vbb non ha importanza (forse Kanto ci spera ancora). 
Punto terzo. Ma perché tutto sto ragionamento? Niente raga, non mi va di studiare perché MAritain mi fa cagare, ho caldo, domani parto ed ho bisogno di sfattonare su un Kant che rinuncia alla passeggiata pomeridiana per suggerirmi come dimenticare quello stronzo.
Peace. Cia’.
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caesurables · 4 years
Worry not! I am very much still into royai 😅
Just havent had that mich ideas lately....currently working on one tho based on the fic Sovereign :-“
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4thesims · 8 years
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Oh. My. Gosh. Y’all. I. Did. It. I haven’t a clue as to what was causing the glitch with the toddlers, but I found out it was my favorite pair of jeans causing the “see what’s happening” glitch. If you would like to know what pair it was to see if it’s in your game message me, because I don’t want to be like “Oh so and so’s jeans were broken blah blah blah.”  I would like to thank my handsome toddler Otis here and his mother Mica for being my test subjects while I was working through this and I would like to thank you guys for putting up with my panic posts! Honestly I still don’t have any Monroe photos and I think I’ve burned the retinas out of my eyes by staring at my laptop for so long today. So with that I don’t know when my next queue will be, who knows I may wake up in the morning and want to play, but for now I’m going to go stand outside. 
I’m so relieved oh my goodness, Callie
Edit: I’ve decided I’m going to take a little bit of a surprise detour... Muhahah!
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caesurables · 5 years
hi!! I love your work!!!! could you PLEASE tell me more about your ghoul AU? I'm dying to know... 🖤
Hey nonny! Welly welly well...its been a few years since I last talked about this so i cant remember much 🤔 only that most alchemists are ghouls, people like winry and riza are just normal people, the homunculi are the equivalent to V and the clowns, Ed and Al were a result of that V organization and are thus half ghouls (or at least Ed is a half ghoul and Al is a demi human) and roy and riza are in a human-ghoul relationship or basically the usual pairings are as is...? 🤔🤔🤔🤔 i might have mixed up a few things but I thinks this was the gist XD enjoy!
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caesurables · 6 years
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My top fav reactions to my art and the only reason I actually read them tags lol
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caesurables · 6 years
i’m back from the dead! hahaha kidding :D apparently the resort we went to was from an isolated island 2hours away from main land so we didnt have any phone signal or internet lololol but its good to be back XD
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