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Hey everyone! The ACLU100 is this weekend, and I think it would be a good place to connect with other activists and get them on team Bernie!
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To prepare for Breakfast at Flava’s Canvassing Day
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Miami Bernie 2020 Organizing Meeting 5/3
Agenda items ranked (Tier 1 most urgent, Tier 3 least urgent)
Tier 1: Reach out to South Dade for Gillum chat members, ask what they need, get them their resources, ask for Bernie 2020 support. (Chris/ deadline 5/5) Tier 2: Schedule statewide conference call with every hour revolution / progressive group in Florida get them canvassing knocking on doors doing banner drops etc (Maruxa, Gerry, Dawn, Kira/ email goes out by 5/7 at noon) Organize a Bernie in South Dade day the morning of the debate on June 26th. Bernie should be at Flava's, ideally with local faith leaders, potentially Dwight Bullard as well, and hear out the concerns of the community. Securing support from Mr. Bell for this action will be key. (Victoria, Geoff, Kira/deadline is end of May) Gerry will update our flyers with Our Revolution social media info so that the people we canvassed know where to plug in online for future actions and events. (Gerry/deadline is 5/7) Tier 3: Organize a contact list for all of the student progressive and socialist groups at colleges and universities in the State of Florida by August so we can reach out to them at the start of the school year. (David/deadline is early August) Scheduled canvasses for Our Revolution: Breakfast and Canvassing for Bernie at Flava's on May 25th. Canvass for Bernie in Little Havana en Español at the end of June.
#miamibernie2020organizing#miamibernie2020#bernie sanders#bernie2020#miamibernie2020meeting#miami4berniemeeting#miami4bernieminutes
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