#mhq: follow
not-the-darknight · 3 months
The paper Diluc has taken from the bird, unfortunately, needs to be decoded. There's a little Fatui symbol on the paper too... As if that counts for anything.
The message is as follows:
Viyw crqmttdrel tr xsx auil trryyw Swscfthvchr'v Plbr. Viyw a iih goq-gzfbdxlgtv atmh winanrpzzifew lklpwl wlxs rox, M yxeg e qxw fsxioqiyms ivzf a ficmalr Cniq Qlvhlrp eofeexd wlpke.
... Dro woq'x qhrjie mo iipw tki mbrg. Me'l a yewnaepp mevx dnbminm aqh dhuugp hf hbnxegmyzlb vlke peexrlewl.
— Tki 2yw Hdvmbnjic, Bl Gsemoui
[Diluc frowns as he decrypts the cipher. The bold Harbinger wanted skilled people in combat and technical knowledge. Diluc snorted at the doctor's audacity. The message also asked him to feed the bird. Diluc glared at the bird before sighing deeply. He did have a soft spot for birds, unfortunately.]
Here. And next time, ask him to feed his own damn bird.
[He removes a dried chick and placed it in front of the raven. He then crumpled the note and threw it in the bin. Taking his quill, he began to write his own response.]
Eslg rj yrx xo dvwuph xhdw M wrxpd vhrd dqc mhq xo bry. Phulasv coxu fiug aav fsnixweg drd vhrt wki lhwxeu ws tkh arrqk rhfmplhrt. Bry wlop shh gopeetdqxs dw Wtruqthuvou'v palu. Row isr bryr uhwedugh ru ixshviphrtdwmoq xrfruxuqdxeob. Pedyi, bhisrh L qanh cox oiayh.
- Wle edrivkid idpcrq 
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otstudentlife · 11 months
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Credit: Getty Images
In the annual Mental State Report of the World (2021) which ranked 34 countries, South Africa ranked as one of the lowest for its mental health (Msomi, 2022). One in three South Africans experiences a mental illness and 75% of them are unable to access treatment. Yet despite this only 5% of the national public health budget is spent on mental health (SASOP, 2020).
Interesting to note is that common and treatable mental health illnesses have overtaken physical illnesses and injuries as the main cause of medical disability claims in South Africa (Docrat et al, 2019). But not only is South Africa’s mental health budget small it is also mis-directed by being hospital-centric and reactive.  It works on treating the most severe conditions which only have a prevalence of 1% instead of trying to prevent or provide early intervention and treatment for the common mental health illness like anxiety and depression before they become a worse mental illness burden (Docrat et all, 2019).
This misdirection in the focus of the budget can further be seen in that almost 20% of the mental healthcare budget is allocated to hospital re-admissions. This is known as the “revolving door syndrome” where the issue is not nipped in the bud through better care at the primary and community level (Docrat et al, 2019). Primary health care services do not include regular screening for common mental disorders, such as depression, anxiety, postnatal depression and substance abuse, even though there are simple to use tools for such screenings (Mokwena and Mokwena, 2021).
The budget for primary mental health care services is only 8% of the overall mental health budget but this is where community psychiatry can work to prevent mental illness and ensure early treatment that prevents mental health conditions becoming disabilities (SASOP, 2020).  
More can be done in the primary health sector with a greater budget allocation and political will such as more screenings, active health promotion of mental health problems, the provision of treatment with well resourced teams and on-going support that follows up with clients (Mokwena and Mokwena, 2021).
The new National Mental Health Policy Framework and Strategic Plan 2023 – 2030 brings some hope to budget concerns. It states that “budget will be allocated to meet targets set for the implementation of the policy and regular discussions will be held with provinces to discuss strategies and monitor progress with implementation. At provincial level, mental health budgets will be reviewed annually to align mental health with national priorities, for each of the areas for action in 2023 and annually thereafter” (Dept of Health, 2023: 38).
How this implementation will play out, we will have to wait and see.
Further Reading
The Mental State of World report for 2021 and 2022 can be found at https://mentalstateoftheworld.report/ They provide interesting data of what is happening around the world in terms of different countries mental state.
From the same research company who does the Mental State of the World report, you can find your mental wellbeing score. Take the test here https://sapienlabs.org/mhq/
If you would like to see a review of South Africa’s budget for 2023 visit https://www.treasury.gov.za/documents/national%20budget/2023/review/FullBR.pdf
To learn about primary health as explained the World Health Organisation (WHO), please see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QX7Q0a8GxaA
Department of Health. (2023).  National Mental Health Policy Framework and Strategic Plan 2023 – 2030. Accessed from https://www.spotlightnsp.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/NMHP-FINAL-APPROVED-ON-30.04.2023.pdf
Docrat, S., Besada, D., Cleary, S., Daviaud, E. and Lund, C. (2019). Mental health system costs, resources and constraints in South Africa: a national survey. Accessed from https://academic.oup.com/heapol/article/34/9/706/5572608?login=false
Getty Images. (2023). Varied new South African Mandela banknotes with coins. Accessed from https://www.gettyimages.com/photos/south-african-currency
Mokwena, K.E and Mokwena, V.A. (2021). The Need to Strengthen Primary Health Care Services to Improve Mental Health Care Services in South Africa. Accessed from https://www.intechopen.com/chapters/78257  
Msomi, N. (2022). Mental health in SA ranked among the worst in the world. Accessed from https://www.news24.com/life/archive/mental-health-in-sa-ranked-among-the-worst-in-the-world-20220315
South African Society of Psychiatrists. (2020). SA’s mental health needs better funding. Accessed from https://www.sasop.co.za/mentalhealthfunding
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fauzansudarwo · 6 years
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Regrann from @mudaberdakwahofficial - . . Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. . Dalam rangka menyambut kegiatan akbar Komunitas One Day One Juz yakni Olimpiade Pecinta Quran (OPQ) yang In Syaa Allah diselenggarakan di Lombok pada bulan September 2018, Pengprov ODOJ DKI Jakarta memberikan kesempatan kepada ODOJers dan Umum untuk ikut serta dalam kegiatan . . . Seleksi OPQ Tingkat Provinsi DKI Jakarta. . In Syaa Allah dilaksanakan pada : Hari : Ahad Tanggal : 13 Mei 2018 Pukul : 08.00 WIB-selesai Tempat : Kampus A Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ) Jln. Rawamangun Muka, RT 11/RW 14, Rawamangun, Kota Jakarta Timur . . •Ketentuan Lomba dan Persyaratan Peserta• . . 1. Musabaqah Tilawatil Quran (MTQ) Kategori : Dewasa Ikhwan, Dewasa Akhwat, dan Anak-anak - Maqra Kategori Anak : Juz 1-10 - Maqra Kategori Dewasa : Juz 1-30 - Kategori Dewasa : Ikhwan dan Akhwat usia 16-25 tahun - Kategori Anak : Usia maksimal 15 tahun - Peserta belum pernah meraih juara 1 sejenis di tingkat nasional . . 2. Musabaqah Hifdzil Quran (MHQ)* Kategori : Dewasa Ikhwan, Dewasa Akhwat, dan Anak-anak - Maqra Kategori Anak : Juz 1, 29 dan 30 - Maqra Kategori Dewasa : Juz 1-10 - Kategori Dewasa : Ikhwan dan Akhwat usia 16-25 tahun - Kategori Anak : Usia maksimal 15 tahun - Peserta belum pernah meraih juara 1 sejenis di tingkat nasional . . 3. Tafsir Quran (TQ)* Kategori : Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Arab - Tidak ada batasan usia - Memiliki hafalan 30 Juz dan tafsir Juz 2 - Peserta belum pernah meraih juara 1 sejenis di tingkat nasional . . Format pendaftaran : DAFTAR_Jenis Lomba_Kategori_Nama_Jenis Kelamin_Usia_Domisili Contoh : DAFTAR_MTQ_Anak-anak_Ira_P_12_Jakarta Timur Kirim SMS/WA ke: Ikhwan : 082213592566 (Rama) Akhwat : 081510809407 (Titin) . . . follow : @mudaberdakwahofficial . . #infokajian #infoacara #infolomba #April #Mei #Jakarta #Indonesia #tafidz #hafidzquran - #regrann
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adityaavery-blog · 7 years
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#repost @Regranned from @skialhajj - Bismillahirahmaanirrahim Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh . UKM Islam Hudzaifah Trisakti proudly present: . 🎉[HUDZAIFAH FESTIVAL]🎉 . Hudzaifah Festival merupakan acara menyambut Tahun Baru Hijriyyah 🕌dengan penuh semangat 🔥 . Dalam rangka acara ini kami mengundang SMA/MA/sederajat yang ada di Jakarta dan sekitarnya untuk ikut berpatisipasi dan mengikuti salah satu agenda kita yakni : . 🎤LOMBA Nasyid untuk SMA/MA/Sederajat ( Ikhwan only ) 📆Jumat 13 Oktober 2017 Regist: Rp. 100.000/tim (include sertifikat, Lunch, knowledge, ukhuwah) Pertim 4-7 orang. . 🏆LOMBA MHQ Untuk SMA/MA/Sederajat 📅Sabtu 14 oktober 2017 Regist: Rp. 30.000 (include sertifikat, Lunch, knowledge, ukhuwah) Tabanas (hadiah) total jutaan rupiah. . Gimana Cara daftar lomba? Hubungin kontak dibawah ini: CP: Ikhwan (087782036301) / (085695301340) Akhwat (082125125064) . 🎉MAKE YOUR CALENDER ON & PREPARE YOURSELF🎉 . 😊Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh☺😊 . 😎 Follow us on . . . Line: @ijx8298e Instagram: @ukm_hudzaifah Facebook: UKM Hudzaifah Trisakti . #HudzaifahFestival #HF #TBI1439H #UKMIslamHudzaifahTrisakti #USAKTI - #regrann
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eventapaaja-blog · 7 years
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JAKARTA ISLAMIC SCHOOL PROUDLY PRESENTS: . 🚀⚡️SESCO 2K17 ⚡️🚀 "DESTROY YOUR LIMIT" . Attention to all young generation! Lets be a hero to your school by joining our event on August 11th - September 17th which will be held in our school, . Jakarta Islamic School Kalimalang.🏫 . 📝 Open register : July 1st - August 7th . RATOH JAROE (SMP&SMA) 🎎 Cadin 📲081280660357 / ✅line: annisahdinda Biaya Pendaftaran: Rp. 350.000 + Rp. 50.000 (WO) . BASKET SMA (Putra) 🏀 Ruby 📲08111662000 / ✅line: rubyro1212 Biaya Pendaftaran: Rp. 300.000 + Rp. 50.000 (WO) . BASKET SMP (Putra) 🏀 Andhika 📲087875081417 / ✅line: andhika.a Biaya Pendaftaran: Rp. 300.000 + Rp. 50.000 (WO) . BASKET SMA (Putri) 🏀 Anisyah 📲081280479319/ ✅line: a.nisyah26 Biaya Pendaftaran: Rp. 300.000 + Rp. 50.000 (WO) . BAKSET SMP (Putri) 🏀 Fathiyyah 📲083875478683/ ✅line: fathiyyahath Biaya Pendaftaran : Rp. 300.000 + Rp.50.000 (WO) . FUTSAL SMA ⚽️ Rizky 📲082210534625 / ✅line: rizkynaufala Biaya Pendaftaran: Rp.400.000 (Sistem Grup) . FUTSAL SMP ⚽Ayman 📲087875718632 / ✅ line: Aymanluthfi Biaya Pendaftaran: Rp. 350.000 (Sistem Grup) . MHQ 🕌 Syafiq 📲081293379047 / ✅line: syafiqmhmd Biaya Pendaftaran: Rp. 50.000 . MTQ 🕋Falian 📲081299386720 / ✅line: falian46 Biaya Pendaftaran: Rp. 50.000 . SPEECH 📢 Dafa 📲081293409049 / ✅line: dafa24 Biaya Pendaftaran: Rp.100.000 . STORY TELLING 📖 Fakhri 📲085289582562/ ✅line: @minecraftking870 Biaya Pendaftaran: Rp.100.000 . For further information, please contact: 💭 Isom 📱081282856644 / ✅line: ishom22 💭 Alfiyyah 📱087874505103 / ✅line: fifialfiyyah . And please follow our social media: 🎆Instagram: sesco2k17 📬 Email: [email protected] 🎇 Official Line: @hvg1565k . 🚨Come and join us! 🚨 . #eventapaaja
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manchestershq-blog · 7 years
Here's Charlie
⟶ great to see you in manchester!! FOLLOW! ❖
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manchestershq-blog · 7 years
i'm here (: x
follow — GABBY BROOKS !
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manchestershq-blog · 7 years
please unfollow THIS account and follow THIS account.
niall horan is now open.
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