mhmmkookies · 6 years
on endeavor not recognizing dabi if he is a todoroki I have to point out that dabi has been seriously disfigured with burns on his face and all over his body it would be hard for endeavor to recognize him
Hi Anon, thanks for your message. Sorry for the long andlate reply I was coming up with my response.
(N.B. this is all written under the assumption that Dabi andTouya are the same person)  
I agree with the points you raise because you’re right, the disfigurement from thesevere burns that Dabi has endured would definitely make it extremely difficultfor Endeavour to potentially recognise him, especially if it’s been years uponyears that he would have seen ‘Touya’.
(I shouldn’t have made such strong statements in that post,but I wrote it with a mushy brain from the cold I have right now and theemotional high I was on after reading the chapter. That’s beside the pointthough and I’m not here to offer excuses…)
However, I would also like to raise another perspective onthis topic since I don’t like to live in a starkly black and white world, so,I’m going to divulge more of my thoughts under the cut.
From what we have seen of Touya in the sparse flashbackswe have he seems to have been a shy, timid and meek child. Of course, thisdrastically contrasts Dabi’s current personality as he is brash, aggressivealbeit secretive and quite reserved about himself. This would of course also lendto Endeavour’s difficulty in being able to recognise Dabi.
If you couple this with what someone previouslymentioned about Endeavour being on the brink of collapse, death, and sufferingwith blurry vision then of course this would also put a damper on hisrecognition of Dabi.
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However, to contest this point, if Touya waspotentially burned as a child/teenager while under Endeavour’s care (a word I’musing pensively), then seeing a grown adult with burn marks in the same placescould also have been an indication or reminder for Endeavour that Dabi and Touyaare one and the same. It was with this in mind that I made my initial post. Ofcourse, I’ve been doing some deeper thinking and the scales do lean towards unrecognition,however, there are some points which I cannot let go of which, make a solidcase for why Endeavour could have recognised Dabi as Touya
Dabi’s fire is blue, if he is indeed Touya, thisis an extremely unique aspect of his quirk which is something that Endeavourshould’ve easily recognised. It is because of this that I felt that Endeavour’sneglect was so extreme once he realised that Dabi was not the son he desired heabsolutely abandoned him. Another way this can be explained of course is a deepsense of denial which could stem from a belief that Touya has died or ???
Personally, what I find most interesting is that the Touyawe have seen is smaller in size than both Fuyumi and Natsuo but is the eldestson. I think this reveals an interesting point about his physical capabilities,especially when you contrast this with Endeavour who, with his bulky size andfine control of his quirk, is still susceptible to overheating and potentialburning. With this in mind, if Touya is shown to be smaller than the two ofthem and produces blue fire which is purer, hotter and more potent than redfire, his ability to use his quirk without injuring himself especially at ayoung age would be a near impossibility. I believe that this would be apossible reason for the neglect he faced, which could have also led to a terribleincident of some sorts. I also hypothesise that this incident may have been aresult of Touya desperately vying for Enji’s affection but overdoing it and burninghimself in the process.
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Before I finish let me just say that Endeavour was basicallypractising eugenics and the way in which Endeavour discarded and neglected hischildren is indisputable and honestly indefensible. However, I am not againstpossible redemption. I do believe that people can change and while I would likefor Endeavour to get his just desserts. I am not against the idea that there isa possibility for him to rebuild his shattered family but I am not personallywilling to see that until what he has done somehow reaches the public and destabilisesthe entire hero society. OR he does properly Atone and apologise for everythinghe has done and especially to his family. Because a flower in a vase every weekshould not be enough. *insert sluurrp here*
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(Also a huge credit to MS where I took all these screencaps from and also to the people who have contributed to all the Dabi theories who I referenced within my own musings)
Hopefully this addressed your points Anon!
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