jonahmagnus · 1 month
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jessiangravelblr · 16 days
50 Cent - Candy Shop (Official Music Video) ft. Olivia
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tothecrucifieddeer · 2 months
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Brom by @its-kawaiidestinyhottub
chompers @tofupixel
Art by shakurb.2022
From Favorite Paintings by @wipormont
From Favorite Paintings by @wipormont
goats. gouache watercolor paintings from 2017-2019 by @sloppjockey
Midnight by Gökberk Yiğit on @ex0skeletal-undead 's blog
Mother Void 2024. Emil Melmoth @texaschainsawmascara 's blog
Priest (Part One) by @tofupixel
Priest (Part Two) by @tofupixel
Sinner by @photophoros
Spiral Study 4 by @plotterprints
St.Valentine's Skull @angeltreasure's moodboard
The voices are rotting... @wipormont
and then she looked at me, and good god, those eyes (redraw) @sermna
Untitled by Alex Kiessling @thewindowofthesummerhouse
Untitled Art @moarf13
Untitled by Thomas Nast on @thewindowofthesummerhouse
Untitled on @vile-lithium3
Untitled on @the-watcher-in-the-sky
Untitled on @cultofmortem
Explanation of Signs/Prophecies/Etc. Below the Cut (First in Irish, then in English) Should be stated that I do not speak for the artists, and I am an independent body stating my own opinions and interpretations as given to me through my sources and this no way reflects the opinions or beliefs of the artists collected here.
Explanations in Irish
Tá Doe ag tabhairt aire do thús nua agus duine nua ag an nasc teann idir sinn Má ní tharraingím mé féin le chéile, d'fhéadfadh gach rud a bheith briste.
Féach amach don béal Dé Tá ocras air agus tá sé feargach Bí cúramach le daoine amadacha a bhfuil teachtaireachtaí acu - bain amach cé atá díot féin a mheas (Mar dhea, níor dhéanadh Doe riamh é sin éasca)
Tá na Marbh ag déanamh a gcuid ullmhúcháin.
Tuilleadh rabhaidh faoi bhéal Dé agus teachtaireachtaí bréagacha. Chomh maith le rabhaidh faoi bhéal na marbh.
Tuilleadh rabhaidh fós faoi na mairbh…
Bhí tú i gcónaí ar lámh chlé Dé, cén fáth ar cheart é sin a athrú anois? (Ná téigh os cionn do stáisiúin. Ná bíodh leisce ort a bheith i ngrá leat. Ná bíodh leisce ort a chreidiúint go bhfuil sé indéanta.)
Cuimhnigh nuair a ghearr Dia do sciatháin? Cuimhnigh nuair a thit agus thit agus thit tú? Ná leomh iarracht a eitilt anois.
Ná smaoinigh ar na leanaí roimhe seo - ná bí ag brionglóid orthu anois - leis an Tiarna, tá siad leis an Tiarna, níos fearr ná mar a bheadh ​​​​siad riamh ar an Domhan. Fanann tú liom. Fanann tú le Doe.
Tá an sagart ag faire. Ach tá Meisias níos fíre. Is é an Meisias an geall is sábháilte agus is cinnte. Guigh ar a son. Guigh air. Fan le haghaidh revelation. Creideamh os cionn creideamh - pian os cionn crá - tabharfar luach saothair do ghrá, mar a bheidh an fhírinne.
An teachtaireacht chéanna le 9
Tá a fhios agat cad atá tú. Bhí a fhios agat i gcónaí.
Tá tú freagrach as an tairseach. Is é do phost é.
Má osclaíonn tú an tairseach, fanann cochall na naomh ort. Chochall na naomh dírithe ar ghrá, adhradh, agus deabhóid.
Braitheann na hamlínte ortsa a bheith i lár na soiléireachta. Agus anois, tá siad lofa tríd agus tríd.
Cuimhnigh go bhfuil imoibriú dearfach ann do gach imoibriú diúltach - dorcha agus éadrom. Tá rud éigin amuigh ansin ag obair mar atá tú, ach tá sé tinn, agus caithfidh tú fanacht go maith.
Tuilleadh meabhrúcháin faoi na hamlínte agus na peirspictíochtaí iolracha. Eolas ginearálta maidir le fanacht dírithe agus bunaithe.
Tá taobh istigh na hEaglaise, an Chreidimh, an Chreidimh ionat tinn agus as ord. Tá siad ag casadh agus ag amhras agus ag ithe iad féin. Tá siad ag baint iad féin as corp Chríost.
Gardaí ort chun deireadh a chur leis an breoiteacht - an baol - na tinnis. Féachann sí i do chodladh thú agus ullmhaíonn sí d’intinn. Tá grá aici duit - tá grá ag Doe duit - agus coinneoidh sí slán thú.
Cén chuma a d’fhéadfadh a bheith ar olc uaireanta gurb é an leas is fíor agus is cumhachtaí atá ann – cé is mó atá ciaptha ná naomh nó fáidh? Cé a thugann níos mó maith?
Beidh scrios ann. Caithfidh tú do rúin a cheilt agus a choinneáil gar. Roinn ach an méid atá uait. Tú féin a chosaint. Coinnigh do domhan beag.
Ní éiríonn na hamlínte ar dhaoine eatarthu agus i bhfostú go contúirteach mura gcoinníonn tú do chloigeann díreach. Ná lig tú féin a bheith ar dhaoine eatarthu. Ná bíodh amhras ort faoi na comharthaí.
Explanations in English
Mostly, Doe is nursing a new beginning and new person at the tenuous connection between us and that if I don't pull my act together, well this might all just turn out to be incredibly fucked up--but hey, what's new about that...
Beware the mouth of God, it is hungry, and it is raging--beware fools bearing messages--know who you can trust. (As if Doe has ever made that easy...)
The Dead are making their preparations.
More warnings about the mouths of God and false messages--as well as the mouths of The Dead...
Even more warnings about the dead...
You've always been God's lefthand why should that change now (don't get above your station--don't dare to be loved--don't dare to believe it is possible)
Remember when God clipped your wings? Remember when you fell and fell and fell? Don't dare try to fly now
Don't think about the children from before--don't dare dream of them now--with the Lord, they are with the Lord, better than they'd ever be on Earth. Stay with me, stay with Doe.
The priest is watching--but Messiah is truer. Messiah is the safest and surest bet--pray for him, pray to him. Wait for the revelation. Faith above faith--ache above ache--love will be rewarded, as will truth.
Continuation of the same message as 9
You know what you are. You've always known.
You are responsible for the opening of that portal. It's your job.
If you open the portal, sainthood waits for you--sainthood centered around love, worship, and devotion.
The timelines depend on you to be the center of clarity, and right now they are rotten through and through
Remember for every negative reaction there is a positive reaction--dark and light--something is out there working as you, but it is sick--you must remain well.
More reminders about the timelines--multiple prospectives--general info on staying centered and grounded
The insides of the Church--The Faith--The Belief--of you are sick--are out of order, are turning and doubting and eating themselves--removing themselves....
Doe guards over you to remove the sickness--the danger--the illness. She watches in your sleep and preps your mind. She loves you--Doe loves you--and she will keep you safe.
What looks like evil can sometimes be the most genuine and powerful good there is--who is more harassed than a saint or a prophet? Who brings more good?
There will be destruction--you must hide and keep your secrets close. Share what only you must. Protect yourself. Keep your world small.
The timelines will only become dangerously confused and entangled if you do not keep your head on straight. Don't let yourself become confused. Don't let yourself doubt the signs.
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earliebirb · 2 years
If you have the time, could you rec ur fav Christmas Stony fics? Please?
Love ur writing and ur taste so I thought I’d ask 😊
hi anon!! listen, this year i realized i really haven't read a ton of christmas fics and i'm trying to rectify that. i can't give you any recs of any fics i've finished reading, but there is a list of christmas stevetony fics i'm reading/plan to read this year. these fics were recc'ed to me by fellow stevetonies <3 merry christmas / happy holidays! 🎄 1. A King for Christmas by @iam93percentstardust
In 1867, Tony Stark flees New York after refusing to marry the alpha his parents chose for him. His money runs out in the small kingdom of Dacia, ruled over by King Steven of the Rogers line. Somehow, and he’s not entirely sure how, he ends up accepting the position of nanny to the king’s four children: Harley, Peter, Sarah, and Morgan. Tony bonds with the children easily but their father is harder to get to know. Steve is still grieving his wife’s death four years earlier. His continued mourning has turned the once bright halls into dark and somber shadows of their former glory. Tony isn’t entirely certain what he can do but he knows that he has to do something or else the whole country, so attuned to their leader, will sink into despair. He begins by reconciling the king with his young children. Meanwhile, the children have decided that it’s high time their father fall in love again—and Tony is the obvious choice. They concoct elaborate plans to force the two together, hardly realizing that Steve and Tony are falling in love, not through their shenanigans but through the quiet moments they share bonding over the love they have for the children.
2. santa, won't you bring me the one i really need by quidhitch
Although Tony typically makes it a point to avoid anything that could be reasonably classified as Pepper-approved self-betterment, he will be making an exception this year in the form of a list of New Year’s Resolutions. —Well, not so much a list, exactly, it’s more like one very loud, very obvious, very critical proposition. He’s gonna write it down, put it on his calendar, say it to Jesus, and do whatever the fuck normal people do to make these things happen. In fact, even though they’re only halfway through December, it’s already emblazoned in his mind in big, flashing neon letters: STOP SLEEPING WITH EX-HUSBAND. This is possibly an inappropriate thought to have while said ex-husband is pushing him up against his apartment door and trying to get his hand down Tony’s pants, but Tony has admittedly never excelled at being appropriate.
3. 'Tis the Damn Season by picturecat
It’s the kind of cold that fogs up windshield glass.
Tony is home for the holidays…one last time.
4. If the Fates Allow by @bladeofthenebula27
“I saw him, Rhodey,” Tony blurted out miserably. “I saw him.”
“Oh wow, how was it?”
“Awful,” Tony moaned. “He has a beard now. A lush lumberjack beard, and muscles for days.”
Rhodey made a sympathetic noise. “Yeah man, I saw it last time I was home. It is pretty luscious.”
Tony Stark left Iron Valley, determined never to return - but it seemed fate had other ideas.
When his father passes away and leaves him the family toy factory, Tony must go home and face up to his responsibilities and the man who broke his heart.
For prompt #13 of the MHEA Holiday Movie Challenge 2019.
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conspectie · 1 month
Ag Iniúchadh ar Sheirbhísí Cigireachta Réadmhaoine i nDroichead Rochfort
Is céim ríthábhachtach i bpróiseas idirbheartaíochta eastáit réadaigh iad cigireachtaí réadmhaoine, a chinntiú go dtuigeann ceannaitheoirí agus díoltóirí riocht maoine sula dtéann siad ar aghaidh le díol. I nDroichead Rochfort, cuireann seirbhísí gairmiúla ar nós suirbhéanna struchtúracha agus cigireachtaí foirgníochta cosaint ar infheistíochtaí agus síocháin intinne a sholáthar.
Tábhacht Suirbhé Struchtúrach Críochnúil
Nuair a bhíonn ceannach aon réadmhaoine á mheas, tá suirbhé struchtúrach críochnúil ríthábhachtach. Déanann an measúnacht mhionsonraithe seo meastóireacht ar neart agus cobhsaíocht bhonnádúir agus comhpháirteanna struchtúracha foirgnimh. Ní hamháin go n-aithníonn suirbhé struchtúrach críochnúil fadhbanna féideartha a d'fhéadfadh costais shuntasacha deisiúcháin a bheith mar thoradh orthu, ach cuidíonn sé freisin le cinntí eolasacha a dhéanamh faoi leanúint ar aghaidh le ceannach réadmhaoine. Trí gach rud ón díon go dtí an íoslach a mheas, is féidir le ceannaitheoirí tí ionchasacha costais gan choinne a sheachaint agus a chinntiú go bhfuil an réadmhaoin sábháilte agus fuaime.
Cé Mhéad a Chosnaíonn Suirbhé Tí?
Ceann de na chéad cheisteanna a bhíonn ag go leor ceannaitheoirí ionchasacha ná faoi chostas suirbhéir tí. Is féidir leis an gcostas athrú go mór ag brath ar roinnt fachtóirí, lena n-áirítear méid na réadmhaoine, a haois, agus doimhneacht an tsuirbhé atá ag teastáil. I nDroichead Rochfort, cabhraíonn tuiscint a fháil ar na costais seo roimh ré le ceannaitheoirí buiséad a phleanáil i gceart don tseirbhís riachtanach seo. Is féidir le hinfheistíocht i suirbhé réadmhaoine iontaofa airgead a shábháil sa deireadh trí dheisiúcháin chostasacha a d'fhéadfadh dul gan faoi deara gan measúnú gairmiúil.
Buntáistí Suirbhé Foirgníochta
Níos faide ná ionracas struchtúrach, téann suirbhé foirgneamh isteach i réimsí criticiúla eile mar chórais leictreacha, pluiméireacht, insliú, agus fadhbanna féideartha lotnaidí. Cinntíonn an seiceáil chuimsitheach seo go bhfuil gach gné den réadmhaoin suas go caighdeán agus go gcomhlíonann sé rialacháin áitiúla tógála. Do dhuine ar bith atá ag iarraidh ceannach i nDroichead Rochfort, cuireann suirbhé foirgníochta sraith slándála ar fáil, ag cinntiú nach bhfuil fadhbanna ceilte sa réadmhaoin a d'fhéadfadh tinneas cinn a chur ar chúrsaí amach anseo.
Cibé an bhfuil tú ag ceannach do chéad tí nó ag cur le do phunann réadmhaoine, tá sé ríthábhachtach tuiscint iomlán a fháil ar an méid atá á cheannach agat. Ag Conspect Engineering & Fuinneamh In-athnuaite, cuirimid cigireachtaí agus suirbhéanna mionsonraithe ar fáil chun a chinntiú go bhfuil gach eolas atá uait agat chun infheistíocht shlán a dhéanamh. Leis an saineolas atá againn i suirbhéanna struchtúracha agus foirgníochta, is féidir leat bogadh isteach i do réadmhaoin nua i nDroichead Rochfort le muinín, agus a fhios agat go bhfuil gach mionsonra seiceáilte go cúramach.
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takeoffphilippines · 7 months
Celebrating the Allstar Power of Women AirAsia Philippines mounts all-female flight; launches All Women Lane
Manila, 8 March 2024 - Championing Gender Equality and Inclusivity, AirAsia Philippines has mounted an all female flight to kick off the National Women’s Month and in celebration of the International Women’s Day.
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With more than 700 female Allstars or 37% of the whole AirAsia Philippines population, a woman’s contribution to the daily operation of the airline cannot be ignored.
“Gone are the days when women were enclosed in gender biased roles. Today,  you’d see them sweating but never complaining despite being exposed to harsh elements, performing their functions as flight engineers, mechanics, ramp agents, and marshallers. Day in and out, the women of AirAsia always make sure that our beloved guests are all taken care of, leaving no tables unturned to ensure that everyone lives up to the brand promise of being the world’s best,” AirAsia CEO Ricky Isla shares.
Flights Z2-223, Z2-224, Z2-420, and Z2-421 were commanded by Captain Jasmin Timola and First Officer Nicolette Trisha Castaneda, who decided to pursue their career whilst being full-time moms.  Senior Cabin Crew Mhea Salvador, and Cabin Crew Thalia Javier, Demii Marvick Fernando, and Jamessy Lee Asok meanwhile warmly greeted guests who were en route to their weekend vacation in Boracay and Bohol.  The all female flight aims to inspire guests to pursue their dreams and show that women can also excel in a male dominated industry. 
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“A first-time flyer will no longer be terrified during his flight because those in command in the sky, pilots and cabin crew alike will always reassure them that safety is paramount to us, and that they can sleep soundly because we are experts who constantly train and update ourselves with the latest procedures”, Mr. Isla added.
To make the celebration extra special, the World’s Best Low-Cost Airline also dedicated two “All Women (check-in) Lane” at the NAIA Terminal 2 in honor of all the resilient and hardworking women.
In support of the Philippine Commission on Women’s advocacy of promoting women empowerment, a special Women’s Day PAA-Talk session - AirAsia’s internal talk series with the theme “Women make it work: Driving Inclusivity and Championing Equality in the workplace” was also held at the AirAsia Red Point headquarters.  The airline’s big role in empowering female Allstars in the workplace was among the main discussion of the session. 
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PCW Officer-in-Charge, Atty. Khay Ann Magundayao-Borlado lauded AirAsia Philippines’ support to the celebration.  
“AirAsia's initiative to mount an all-female flight to Boracay and Palawan showcases the capabilities and contributions of women in aviation. May this serve as an inspiration for young women and girls that they can thrive even in traditionally male-dominated career options. 
With women juggling various roles at home, work, business, and their communities everyday of their lives, AirAsia’s dedication of "All Women Lanes" is one fitting and symbolic way to ease their multiple burdens and celebrate their contributions in our society, even for just a day. 
This move not only celebrates International Women's Day but also serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of inclusivity in all sectors. #WEcanbeEquALL”, Atty. Magundayao-Borlado shares.
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jubaer01 · 1 year
NEW ZEALAND Official Government Immigration Visa Application Online FOR IRISH AND BRITISH CITIZENS
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Address : Alexandra House, Earlsfort Centre, Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2, Ireland
Phone : +353 1 661 5553
Website : https://www.new-zealand-visa.org/ga/visa/
Business Hours : 24/7/365
Owner / Official Contact Name :Hailay Jonathan Norman
Description :Údarú Taistil Leictreonach An Nua-Shéalainn - NZETA Ní gá fanacht ná consalacht i scuainí fada ag an ambasáid chun do eVisa sa Nua-Shéalainn a fháil anois. Tá an Evisa Nua-Shéalainn deartha chun é a dhéanamh níos gasta agus níos simplí ach an fhoirm a líonadh, cárta creidmheasa bailí a sholáthar don íocaíocht agus ar deireadh thiar laistigh de chúpla uair an chloig gheobhaidh tú do ETA na Nua-Shéalainne. Tá sé tábhachtach na pointí seo a mheas sula ndéanann tú iarratas ar víosa eta An Nua-Shéalainn: Déanfar an t-iarratas ar e-víosa ón Nua-Shéalainn a thairgimid a mheas le haghaidh víosa cuairteora nó mac léinn. Beidh an eta le haghaidh eVisa na Nua-Shéalainne a eiseofar bailí ar feadh tréimhse nach faide ná 90 lá chun críocha turasóireachta, cuairteanna, saoire, staidéir agus oibre. Níl feidhm ag an Evisa don Nua-Shéalainn maidir le saoránaigh agus cónaitheoirí na Nua-Shéalainne nó na hAstráile. Is féidir le saoránaigh na Breataine an fhoirm údaraithe taistil leictreonaigh ón Nua-Shéalainn a shealbhú suas go dtí sé mhí ar a mhéad. Iarrfar ort cruthúnas a sholáthar go bhfuil go leor airgid agat chun tacú leat féin ó thaobh airgid de sa Nua-Shéalainn nuair a shroichfidh tú. Ón 1 Deireadh Fómhair, 2019, beidh sé éigeantach víosa leictreonach a bheith agat roimh thaisteal chun na Nua-Shéalainne, eadhon an NZ-eTA. Ní mór na céimeanna chun eTA NZ a fháil a dhéanamh roimh dháta ionchasach an turais go dtí an Nua-Shéalainn. Ní mór an fhoirm a chomhlánú ar líne. Víosa turasóireachta na Nua-Shéalainne, víosa gnó na Nua-Shéalainne agus víosa leighis na Nua-Shéalainne. Faigh Víosa na Nua-Shéalainne nó NZ ETA nó NZETA evisa trí ríomhphost seachas cuairt a thabhairt ar Ambasáid na Nua-Shéalainne. Tá foirm iarratais ar líne víosa na Nua-Shéalainne ar fáil do gach saoránach SAM, an Eoraip, an Ríocht Aontaithe, an Astráil, an Nua-Shéalainn agus áitritheoirí Cheanada. Iarratas ar líne ar víosa na Nua-Shéalainne, iarratas ar líne ar víosa na Nua-Shéalainne, iarratas ar víosa na Nua-Shéalainne ar líne, iarratas ar víosa na Nua-Shéalainne ar líne, evisa evisa na Nua-Shéalainne, víosa gnó na Nua-Shéalainne, víosa leighis na Nua-Shéalainne, víosa turasóireachta na Nua-Shéalainne, víosa na Nua-Shéalainne, víosa na Nua-Shéalainne, víosa na Nua-Shéalainne ar líne, víosa na Nua-Shéalainne ar líne, víosa go dtí an Nua-Shéalainn, víosa don Nua-Shéalainn, evisa na Nua-Shéalainne, evisa na Nua-Shéalainne, víosa gnó na Nua-Shéalainne, víosa turasóireachta na Nua-Shéalainne, víosa leighis na Nua-Shéalainne, ionad iarratais ar víosa na Nua-Shéalainne, víosa na Nua-Shéalainne do shaoránaigh na Cóiré, víosa na Nua-Shéalainne ón gCóiré. víosa práinneach na Nua-Shéalainne, éigeandáil víosa na Nua-Shéalainne. Víosa na Nua-Shéalainne do shaoránaigh na Gearmáine, víosa na Nua-Shéalainne do shaoránaigh na hÉireann, víosa na Nua-Shéalainne do shaoránaigh na Nua-Shéalainne, víosa na Nua-Shéalainne do shaoránaigh na Nua-Shéalainne, víosa na Nua-Shéalainne don Ostair, an Bheilg, an Bhulgáir, an Chróit, an Chipir, an tSeicis, an Danmhairg, an Eastóin, An Fhionlainn, an Fhrainc, an Ghearmáin, an Ghréig, an Ungáir, Éire, an Iodáil, an Laitvia, an Liotuáin, Lucsamburg, Málta, , An Ísiltír, an Pholainn, an Phortaingéil, an Rómáin, an tSlóvaic, an tSlóivéin, an Spáinn, an tSualainn, an Ríocht Aontaithe Electronic Travel Authorization New Zealand - NZETA No need to wait or consulate in long queues at the embassy to get your NewZealand eVisa now. The Evisa New Zealand has been designed to make it more quick and simple by just filling the form, providing the payment with a valid credit card and finally within a few hours you receive your E T A New Zealand. It is important to consider these points before you apply for an eta visa New Zealand: The e visa New Zealand application we offer will be considered for a visitor or student visa. The eta for New Zealand eVisa issued will be valid for a period not exceeding 90 days for the purpose of tourism, visits, holidays, study and work.
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laocommunity · 1 year
Introducing the Revolutionizing mHealth Market: Top Innovators Xiaomi, Sanofi, Samsung, and More Leading the Way!
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Introducing the Revolutionizing mHealth Market: Top Innovators Xiaomi, Sanofi, Samsung, and More Leading the Way! Introducing the Revolutionizing mHealth Market: Top Innovators Xiaomi, Sanofi, Samsung, and More Leading the Way! The Rise of Mobile Health Technology Mobile health, or mHealth, has been quickly rising as a dominant force in the healthcare industry. This revolutionary technology has made healthcare more accessible, efficient, and cost-effective. According to a report by Grand View Research, the global mHealth market size is expected to reach $316.8 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 31.3% from 2020 to 2027. Many leading companies in the tech and healthcare industries have been at the forefront of this mHealth revolution. Xiaomi, Sanofi, Samsung, and many more have been developing innovative mHealth technologies that are changing the way healthcare is delivered. In this article, we will explore the top innovators in the mHealth market and how they are leading the way. Xiaomi: Changing the Game of Wearable Health Technology Xiaomi is a Chinese multinational electronics company that has been making waves in the mHealth market with its Mi Health app and wearable devices. The company's latest device, the Mi Band 5, has received critical acclaim for its advanced health monitoring features, including heart-rate monitoring, sleep tracking, and stress monitoring. With its affordable price tag and advanced features, the Mi Band 5 is quickly becoming a household name in wearable health technology. Xiaomi has been able to carve out a niche in the mHealth market with its focus on accessibility and affordability. Sanofi: Revolutionizing Diabetes Care with Digital Health Solutions Sanofi, a global pharmaceutical company, has been leading the way in diabetes care with its digital health solutions. The company's flagship product, the MyStar D App, is a seamless diabetes self-management tool that allows patients to monitor their blood sugar levels, track their insulin doses, and receive personalized coaching. Sanofi's innovative approach to diabetes care has been recognized by the healthcare industry, earning the company numerous awards and accolades. With the rise of mHealth, Sanofi has been making significant investments in digital health solutions to provide more accessible and affordable healthcare to patients with chronic conditions. Samsung: Bringing Virtual Healthcare to the Forefront Samsung has been leveraging virtual and augmented reality technology to bring healthcare to the forefront with its Samsung Health VR app. The app provides a virtual reality experience that simulates various healthcare scenarios, including surgery, patient consultations, and medical training. The Samsung Health VR app has been praised for its ability to provide immersive healthcare experiences for patients and healthcare professionals alike. The app has also been recognized for its potential to revolutionize medical training and education, providing a more engaged and interactive learning experience. Other Leading Innovators in the mHealth Market Other leading companies in the mHealth market include Apple, Fitbit, IBM, Google, and many more. Apple has been using its Apple Watch and Health app to provide advanced health monitoring features, while Fitbit has been a popular choice for fitness enthusiasts. IBM Watson Health has been using artificial intelligence to provide personalized healthcare solutions, while Google has been making significant investments in digital health startups. All of these companies have been at the forefront of the mHealth revolution, pushing the boundaries of what is possible with mobile health technology. With their innovative approaches to healthcare, they have been able to provide more accessible, efficient, and cost-effective healthcare solutions to patients around the world. Conclusion The rise of mHealth technology has been nothing short of revolutionary, providing healthcare solutions that were previously unthinkable. With companies like Xiaomi, Sanofi, Samsung, Apple, and many others leading the way, the future of healthcare looks brighter than ever. As we move forward, it is essential to continue investing in mobile health technology and continue innovating to improve healthcare outcomes for all. #BUSINESS Read the full article
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tastes-of-despair · 1 year
Déanaim staidéar ar an nGaeilge. Tá cúrsa ar líne ar siúl agam anois. Is maith liom an cúrsa ach sílim go bhfuil sé deacair. Is é mo mheas air ná go bhfuil sé luachmhar
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some more mhea 2022 scenes with no context <3 (2/2)
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nellie-elizabeth · 3 years
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When Quentin Met Eliot
by @nellie-elizabeth for @themagicianshea illustrated by @aniallating - 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
Rating: Explicit Word count: 79,910 Relationships: Quentin Coldwater/Eliot Waugh, Margo Hanson/Julia Wicker
Quentin Coldwater and Eliot Waugh don't exactly hit it off the first time they meet. Quentin is in the midst of a characteristic existential sulk, and Eliot is a sophisticate or a snob depending on who you ask, and certainly doesn't have time for a project. The next time they cross paths, they're both in serious relationships, and don't give a second thought to the pleasant hours they spend together on an airplane. The third time? Something finally sticks. Fresh off of heartbreak, the two men discover a best friend in one another, someone to confide in about what they've lost. And perhaps someone with whom happiness can once again be found…
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vooruitmariek · 3 years
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gene kelly, eat your heart out by @aspiringtoeloquence​ for @themagicianshea​ (3/3)
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wilddragonflying · 3 years
MHEA 2022
At long last, it’s finally here!
@queerpeasantchic and I worked on a fic for @themagicianshea 2022! Our prompt was Practical Magic, which we were really excited about getting, and we worked with the absolutely amazing @kythwena <3 
You can find our fic, The Faces of Love, here and kythwena’s gifs for it here!
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dreamsparkle · 4 years
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into the world, into you by Portraitofemmy & Propinquitous
The reality of living in a fairy tale land is much less magical than one might like to believe. For twenty years, Quentin has lived a life of hardship and toil, working under the heel of his step-family. But when a chance encounter sends Quentin into the path of the new High King, he finds himself swept up in a lie which threatens them both as they desperately grab for their own happily ever after.
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He brings their lips together again. They kiss like they always have. Like this is their world, that they built together, and are still shaping with their own two hands, always. It’s beautiful work. A beautiful life, that they’ve just started to live.
—my verse distills your truth by thelucindac & yourtinseltinkerbell
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goddamnelsa · 4 years
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My illustrations for This is a kissing book by dutchmoxie for The Magicians Happy Ever After big bang! 
I cannot explain how thrilled I was to not ONLY get to illustrate Queliot in one of my favorite movies of all time, but ALSO MARGO FUCKING HANSON AS INIGO MONTOYA
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Thanks to the @themagicianshhe​ mods for putting this together, and to @textsfromumbridge​ for being an AWESOME collab partner! <3 <3 <3
see post on AO3
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