#mgi civil war: timari
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alittlemelody716 · 1 year ago
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It's time for war! Let's go!
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ilovebeing-weird · 3 years ago
Shenanigans of Maribat and Timdler (Sleep deprived heroes)
"Mari, you really need to sleep." Tim pouted as he saw his fiancée working at 4 am.
"Hypocrite." Marinette said, not taking her eyes off her latest project.
"Mariii." Tim whined, coming close to her and wrapping his hands around her neck. "Pleaseee." He kissed her cheek.
"Who are you calling Mari? I'm Batman!" Marinette said in a very gruff voice. "I'm the night, the darkness, I don't sleep. Sleep fears me." Tim quirked an eyebrow at Marinette's latest antics. "Do you think you can defeat me, you foolish civilian? No, I am Batman."
Tim backed away from her and Marinette stood up, glaring at him but smiling at the same time. He decided to join the game.
"Oh Batman, do you really think I am just a random civilian? No!" Tim made an exaggerated motion.
"The Riddler!" Marinette gasped dramatically. "My greatest enemy! I will defeat you today!"
"That's right Batman! Riddle me this, My name is Railey. I changed my name to Corby. Then I changed it to John. And then I changed it to Colin and then I was called Arthur. What is my name?" Maribat looked at Timdler incredulously.
"That is so hard! What will I ever do? I can't solve it!"
"Well, if you don't! Your hamsters, that I've taken hostage, will die!" Somewhere between the fight Marinette picked up a black cloak and was now wearing it as a cape.
"Not my hamsters! How heartless are you, Riddler?" Tim laughed evilly running away from her into their bedroom.
"Time is ticking Batman. You better do something," he yelled standing on top of their bed. Maribat followed him into the room.
"Get down from there Riddler! Let the hostages go!”
“If you want them back you should come on here!” Marinette climbed on the bed,standing close to him on purpose.
"Let the hostages go now! I am here like you asked! Let them go! Now."
"That's not enough. You need to come closer if you want the hostages free." Marinette giggled at him, but went closer.
"Is this enough for you to let the hostages go?"
Tim made a thinking noise, but shook his head. "No, you have to come closer." He grinned.
"How about this?" She said, getting close enough that their lips were almost touching. Tom wrapped a hand around her waist and pulled her even closer if that was possible.
"Now I've captured you, where will you go?" He said, meeting her lips in a passionate kiss. Marinette broke the kiss and touched her forehead with him.
"You wouldn't hurt a pregnant Bat, would you, Riddler?" Tim went into shock for a second, then lit up with joy.
"Wait, really? You're not joking, are you?" He said, excited. Marinette shook her head.
"A hundred percent serious."
"When did you find out?"
"Just a few days ago. I wasn't sure how to tell you that." She said, biting her lip nervously. "You're happy with this news, right?" She said looking up at him with uncertainty. They had never talked about having children, so she wasn't sure if he wanted that child.
"Are you kidding me? I am elated! It's our child, I am so happy right now! I can't believe my ears!" He spinned her into the air laughing. "I can't believe I'm gonna be a dad." He put her down and kissed her. "We're gonna be parents. Oh god, we still have to prepare for so many things! Being a parent is such a big responsibility. This apartment is so unsafe and-"
Marinette cut his ramblings off with a kiss. "It's a long journey Tim, but we'll figure it out together. " She smiled up at him and Tim nodded. They'll figure it out, together.
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mgi-events · 3 years ago
Hi everyone!
MGI is proud to announce that, in order to determine the BEST trope in fanfiction, we will be hosting a Trope Madness! Open to everyone who wishes to vote.
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There will be 10 rounds to determine the best trope, with three days of voting (via the google form linked below) to make sure people have a chance to see it and participate. Round one begins today! All you have to do is pick your favorite tropes.
Updates will be posted here on Tumblr and our server, Maribat? Get In!
Love yall!
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stillprocrastinatingsorry · 4 years ago
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Sooo, I didn't officially join the maribat civil war, but I doodled a couple pairs...
Imma aim for one per pair (well I'll try) and will post a close up when they're done (at some point in time).
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jinx-jade · 4 years ago
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nettles-bo-bettles · 4 years ago
Day 1: Best Friends
Maribat War Day 1: Prompt: Best Friends
Third Person POV:
Tim Drake and Marinette Dupain-Cheng have been best friends for as long as they can remember. It all started when they were five years old. Tim had been running around Gotham at night pretending to be Robin when he found Marinette scavenging a dumpster for food and perhaps clothing.
“Hi! What are you doing in a dumpster?”
“Oh...I’m looking for food and maybe new clothes if I can find any.”
“How come? Why in a dumpster?”
“Well, my parents died or left me before I was born...I’m not really sure but I’ve been a street kid all my life. I usually find everything I need in dumpsters.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. I don’t usually get to spend much time with my parents, they’re always busy but they let me do whatever I want and I usually got everything I need at home.”
“I’m sorry too, it’d probably be worse to have neglectful parents rather than dead parents.”
“It’s alright, I still got a roof over my head right? That’s why I feel bad for you. You don’t seem to have a roof over your head.”
“Yeah, I don’t but I’m used to it.”
“Hey! I got an idea! Why don’t you come stay at my house?”
“But wouldn’t that be intruding? And I don’t even know your name or anything about you.”
“Oh, I forgot about that. Well, I’m Tim Drake! My parents are Jack and Janet Drake, though, they’re always busy so you probably won’t see them around very often and I’m trying to figure out who Batman and Robin are!!!”
“I’m Marinette! I don’t know who my parents are or what my last name is and I think you’re pretty cool!”
Throughout the days Tim and Marinette spent together they grew closer, they were almost attached to each other by the hip. The only time you wouldn’t see the two together would be when they went to sleep, had to change or went to the bathroom. They named each other as best friends and swore to never leave the other’s side.
One day when Tim was sick and couldn’t go outside Marinette started wandering around Gotham again. Eventually it turned night and she started to head home, though, she got stopped by three adult men who looked to be drunk and in their mid-thirties, Marinette, at the time was 8.
The men were clearly about to rape her so she got into a fighting stance and got ready to teach them not to mess with 8 year olds, right before she punched the middle guy someone swooped in and knocked them all out. The mysterious person patted down the men, seemingly looking for something. Once the mysterious person found what it was Marinette discovered that this person was most likely only there for stealing valuable items from drunk men.
Although she was right the mysterious figure turned to her and looked her up and down, seemingly looking for signs of injury.
“Are you okay little kitten?”
“Uh yeah I guess I just stayed out too late, who are you?”
“I would’ve thought you would’ve known but I’m Catwoman, and you little kitten seem like you can be quite the feisty one.”
“Well I mean I was about to punch those guys but you got here before I got the chance.”
“How do you feel about me adopting you and you being my little kitten sidekick?”
“Um...I don’t want to leave my best friend. Can I talk to him about it first?”
“Of course little kitten, just meet back here tomorrow if your friend is okay with it.”
And with that Catwoman left Marinette. Marinette walked back to her home and thought about what Catwoman had said. She went to her room and got ready for bed, contemplating about whether she would even want to accept her offer. A few minutes of thinking about it she decided that she did want to accept it and went to bed.
The next morning Marinette woke up and did her usual routine, grab an outfit for the day, take a shower, go to the bathroom, get changed and meet Tim out in the hallway.
“G’morning Tim!”
“Morning Bean!”
“So last night I ran into Catwoman and she wants to adopt me but I immediately remembered our promise so I wanted to run the idea through you before making a final decision about letting her.”
“I say go for it, we’ll still see each other all the time right?”
“Then go for it!”
“I will! I’ll let her know that you said that!!!”
They continued talking while walking down the steps and on the way to the kitchen for breakfast. Once in the kitchen they grabbed their usual breakfast foods, Marinette got her usual froot loops and Tim got his usual yogurt.
The day went on as usual until it was 8pm and it was time for Marinette to go back to the alleyway to meet with Catwoman. She grabbed a good amount of clothes and her favorite pair of shoes along with some slippers and put them in her backpack. She left and said goodbye to Tim, telling him that she’d see him the next day. Little did they know that they wouldn’t see each other until they were 15 due to Catwoman training Marinette to fight and to flirt for when Batman got a new Robin.
It was the day after Catwoman had adopted Marinette and Tim was waiting in his usual spot where he met with Marinette, however, she didn’t show. He went back inside, disappointed that his friend ditched him. He decided to try again the next day, and the next, and the next. This went on for three weeks before he decided to give up. Years passed by quickly and Tim was now thirteen and in the beginning stages of growing into an adult. One day he wandered around Gotham City and bumped into Bruce Wayne, the older man saw something in the young boy and decided to adopt him. Tim’s parents agreed to the adoption, though, they weren’t paying much attention.
When Bruce adopted Tim he told him about all of his nightly activities and asked if he would like to become Robin or to watch everything from the batcomputer. Tim chose to be Robin and Bruce gave him two years of training for it. Eventually it was time for Tim to go out as Robin for the first time and it ended up being against the Riddler. However, a few hours after the Riddler incident there was a robbery going down because of Catwomen who had broken into a jewelry store and stolen thousands of dollars worth of diamonds...at least that’s what she made them think. In reality she just wanted to see Batman and introduce her little kitten to Batman’s new Robin. And it worked. Catwomen’s new apprentice was going to use the tricks that Catwoman had taught her with flirting and everything but the minute she saw Robin she knew it was her old friend, Tim Drake. The one who she would trust with her life with no hesitation, the one she missed oh so much, the one that she would give anything just to see again.
“Long time no see Marinette.”
“I missed you so much, I thought I was never gonna see you again.”
“Me too, that day after you got adopted, and you didn’t show up I- I was devastated. And when you didn’t show up any time at a later date I just gave up all hope to see you again.”
“So...you’ve grown taller.”
“And so have you…”
“This is awkward so I’m uh- I’m just gonna go.”
“Yeah..OH WAIT!”
“Can we exchange numbers so we can still be friends?”
“Oh uh sure.”
The two teens exchanged numbers and went on their way, deciding that it was too awkward to continue being in the same place. Soon though, they ended up texting each other every night, they grew closer to each other yet again and the next time they met they ended up becoming inseparable.
One day, Selina decided to bring Marinette to the Wayne’s so she could meet her adoptive mother’s close ‘friend’. When they arrived at the Manor they were greeted by Alfred who welcomed them in. He led the women into the living room where Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson and Tim Drake stood. When the youngest of the Waynes saw Marinette he immediately ran up to her and hugged her.
“Um- Tim, buddy why- how do you know Selina’s adoptive daughter?” Dick asked his younger brother.
“Oh, we used to be best friends when we were little until I got adopted by Selina.” Marinette answered for him.
“Yup, she’s my best friend who also happens to be addicted to caffeine and an insomniac just like me,” said Tim with a grin on his face.
Dick and Bruce wanted to get to know Marinette better so everyone socialized for hours until eventually the Waynes had to kick Marinette and Selina out as they had to patrol Gotham soon.
~Time Skip~
It had been a year since Marinette and Tim got reunited and they were hanging out at Selina’s house and talking about everything and nothing at the same time. Soon, however, there was a knock at the door. Marinette opened the door to see who it was and surprisingly it was child services.
“Your name is Marinette Kyle correct?”
“Yes that’s me.”
“I apologize for any inconvenience but you’ll have to come with us because Selina Kyle is not fit for having a minor under her care. A couple in Paris, France has taken interest in adopting you so you will be moving there to be under their care for the next two years until you are a legal adult, you will then be able to move back here if you wish to do so.”
“Wait- WHAT?!?! YOU CAN’T DO THAT!!!”
“I’m afraid I can and it’s going to happen. Please come with me. And, young man if you could please inform Ms.Kyle of what has happened here.”
“I- but- she- she’s my best friend, my only friend you can’t take her.”
“Sir I’ve already explained everything please don’t make me do it again, now once Ms.Kyle arrives back home please inform her of what has happened here today.”
The man grabbed Marinette by the arm and took her with him, he drove to the airport and watched as she went into the plane.
After a long flight Marinette was finally in Paris. She got off the plane and the french couple who adopted her walked up to her and asked if she was Marinette. She said yes and they took her with them to their home, it was a bakery on the bottom floor and an apartment on the top floor. They took her to the room they set up for her, it was insanely pink but she didn’t say anything about it. A few days later she was enrolled in Francois Dupont Highschool, though she made many friends it wasn’t the same as Tim. Years passed and she moved back to Gotham, when she did, however, she couldn’t find her long-time best friend.
Eventually she did find Tim and they became closer than ever before, she met his other two brothers and his sisters and became their honorary sister. It was a few days before Wayne Gala and Tim still didn’t have a date, he told his coworkers who were going to be there that he would have a date but he still didn’t...until he got the best idea, ASK MARINETTE!! And so he did. He asked her to pretend to be his girlfriend for his coworkers and like the good best friend she is, she said yes.
They went to Wayne Gala pretending to be dating and managed to fool everyone, however, during the middle of the Gala when Bruce was introducing everyone, the Riddler decided to show up. He chose Tim to give his riddles to and told him that if he got any of them wrong that he would kill him. Marinette was just hoping that he was going to get them all right.
First Riddle, he got it correct.
Second Riddle, he got that one too.
Third Riddle, he got it again.
Fourth Riddle, and again.
He got them again and again and again. Eventually he was on the 15th riddle, the last one. At this point everyone was holding their breath. He answered it...but he got the answer wrong. It was wrong and before Marinette could even comprehend the fact that he got it wrong, Tim was dead. The Riddler had shot her best friend, he was gone, forever. Her best friend since she was five years old was gone. She would never get to make any more memories with him, all the time she had with him was over, she had too much to say and not any time to say it. He was gone.
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serenescribbles · 3 years ago
The Master-Master List
To sum it up... everything!
Jasonette July 2021 Masterlist
no matter what, i will always be there Masterlist Me, Missing You Masterlist
Poetry Masterlist
Prompt Answers Masterlist
Maribat Bio Dad!Bruce Wayne Month 2021
Words In My Head that Can't Be Said
We Found Love Right Where We Are
Timari January 2022 Masterlist
There's No Me Without You
MGI Civil War 2022 Masterlist
Letters to You Masterlist
Your Worst Nightmare Dressed Like a Daydream
And That's The Tea
Memories of Family: A Pass Story
MGI Mixer 2022 Masterlist
Tag Team Tournament 2022 Masterlist
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miracle-sham · 5 years ago
Masterlist of Masterlists.
| Maribat2k20 Ship Weeks Masterlist |
| [Tumblr Link] | | [Ao3 Link] |
| Maribat March 2020 Masterlist |
| [Tumblr Link] | | [Ao3 Link] |
| Jasonette July 2021 Masterlist |
| [Tumblr Link] | | [Ao3 Link] |
| MGI Mixer/IssA’s Stolen A Masterlist |
| [Tumblr Link] | | [Ao3 Team Link] |
| MGI Civil War 3/Luck’s a Ladybug Masterlist |
| [Tumblr Link] | | [Ao3 Link] |
| MariTim/Timinette/Timari Masterlist |
| [Tumblr Link] | | [Ao3 Link] |
| Dickinette Masterlist |
| [Tumblr Link] | | [Ao3 Link] |
| Jasonette/Jasmari/MariJay Masterlist |
| [Tumblr Link] | | [Ao3 Link] |
| Daminette Masterlist |
| [Tumblr Link] | | [Ao3 Link] |
| MGI Civil War 3/Luck’s a Ladybug Art Masterlist |
| [Tumblr Link] |
Spotify Playlists:
| Jasonette July 2021 Playlist Masterlist |
| [Tumblr Link] |
| MGI Mixer/Issa’s Stolen A Playlist Masterlist |
| [Tumblr Link] |
| MGI Civil War 3/Luck’s a Ladybug Playlist Masterlist |
| [Tumblr Link] |
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ilovebeing-weird · 4 years ago
Just a phone call away
"I miss Marinette." Tim muttered during breakfast. There is still a month before they move in together. All of the heads snapped to him. They were all visiting the Wayne Manor as they did on sundays.
"Well, you guys will move in together soon. So wait, for a while." Dick tried to calm him. How long was he supposed to wait for. It's been so long
"I know, but that doesn't mean I don't miss her." Tim sighed and dropped his head on the table. Alfred just shook his head at his antics.
“-TT- stop being so pathetic Drake, you won’t die if you don’t see her for another month. You should feel blessed that someone such as Marinette even agreed to move in with you.” Damian spoke up from where he was perched up on the shelf. What was he doing there? Tim had no idea. Tim did feel blessed, he felt blessed that someone as amazing as her decided to date him. No matter how many times Marinette explained to him, he never felt worthy of her.
“Master Damian, come down from there and eat your breakfast. Don’t make me repeat myself.” Alfred reprimanded, sighing Damian made his way down the shelf and to the dining table.
“Well Replacement if you miss pixie that much why dontcha call her?” Jason said, putting his head on his hand and leaning forward. No matter how much he said that he was there only for Alfred’s cooking, Tim knew he loved all of them and still considered them family.
“I would but it's not the sameeeee.” Tim whined
“Stop your whining Drake. It’s annoying.” Damian said which earned him a stern ‘Damian’ from Dick.
“If you miss her, you can always visit her.” Bruce said for the first time. If he stayed quiet for a few more moments, Tim isn’t sure if he would be able to tell Bruce was even here.
“Bruce, I love the idea. But I am not that dumb. I have already looked at all the flight tickets. All the flights to Paris are closed because of the Riddler. The next time I meet him, I will make sure he gets extra hurt.”
“I know that Tim, but you can always borrow the private jet. I would let you use the zeta-beams but they’re for superhero business only.” wait, that’s right. Bruce has a private jet. It’s one of the few good choices Bruce made.
“That’s right. This man has a private jet too. Feel free to use it for anything you like.” Jason said tipping his chair back, which Alfred immediately scolded him for.
“Bruce you’ll let me borrow it?” At Bruce’s nod Tim started to get up and run to his room
“Finish your food first Master Tim.”
“Yes, right, food.” Devouring his food Tim made a beeline for his room and packed his bags for a week as quickly as he could.
Two hours into the flight Tim got his much needed sleep, because Jason coaxed him out from taking his work there.
“You're going there to hang with your girlfriend, not for a meeting. Leave your work here.” And Jason did make sense.
When they landed it was 10:00 pm there. By the time he checked into his hotel and got settled, it was already 10:30. Without wasting any time Tim ran to the ‘Boulangerie Patisserie’, where a beautiful girl with deepest blue eyes he had ever seen welcomed him.
“Bonjour, welcome-” As Mari looked up she was shocked to find who it was. “Tim? What are you doing here?” as Marinette came out of the counter to meet him, Tim was already there hugging her.
Looking into her eyes he answered “Hey Bean. I was just missing you. So I thought why not?”
“But aren’t all the flights closed due to the Riddler's, who has a disgusting sense of fashion by the way, attack?” At Marinette’s confused glance Tim explained how Bruce owned a private jet. “Of course, you rich people. But, I am really happy you just came here to meet me.” Marinette kissed him
“I’ll go to hell for you and your kisses.” Tim looked lovingly into her eyes.
“As touched as I am, you do know that if you missed me you could’ve called me and I would’ve teleported there?” All the colors drained from Tim’s face and he groaned at his stupidity. Marinette was just a phone call away and Tim wasted this much time travelling there. Well, he got to see her, so it was all worth it in the end. He is still dumb though.
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mgi-events · 3 years ago
Hello people of tumblr. MGI is hosting a new event right now!! That’s right we come to you with a new bracket event. Stories have been submitted and now it’s time to vote for your favorites!!! You can find all the stories here: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/MGI_Bracket_Fic_War_2
And help us by voting to see who moves on to the next round!! https://forms.gle/tUk5aFs8hQ3FsmBi9
Server’s link: https://discord.gg/z5x4MvHS2r
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stillprocrastinatingsorry · 4 years ago
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Part 1 of the Timari pair
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jinx-jade · 4 years ago
Caffeine Diaries
1 cup boiling water
2 earl gray tea bags
2 black tea bags
¼ cup Cream
1-4 tbsp sugar
2 tsp vanilla
Place tea bags in a teapot with a cup of boiling water
Let brew for 5 minutes.
While the tea brews mix together the cream and vanilla till combined.
Pour the drink into a serving cup leaving room for your cream mixture
Mix in the sugar to the freshly made tea, stir till the sugar dissolves.
Stir in cream until you get desired flavor.
WARNING: This dink contains 3 times the recommended caffeine, in addition to the added sugar. Please drink this responsibly Master Tim & Miss Marinette.
- A. Pennyworth
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ilovebeing-weird · 3 years ago
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You guys get to decide if they know each other's secret identities or not.
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mgi-events · 3 years ago
Hi everyone!
This post is to announce some regular stuff you need to know for our next event:
CIVIL WAR 2022 (Valentine’s Edition)
The event will be host from February 7th to 14th, teams can prepare as much as they want, but submissions have to be publish during that week for them to count.
It’s a content war, so please be nice to each other.
You can participate with whatever you can think of as long as it’s related to your pairing, the pairing doesn’t have to be romantic, If you want to make it platonic that’s okay with us too.
Some examples of participation are prompts, fics, art, doodles, recipes, tik toks, moodboards, playlists.
We’ll have a max of 20 memes per team this year. Even so, If you draw it yourself, they’ll be counted as art and won’t have a cap.
Example thanks to @thedragonbug participation in Civil War 2021
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There’s not a min or max of works, you can contribute as much as you can.
All submissions have to be send to my dms (issarockz#1822) along with your team, word count, and the link. (Link can be whatever you published your work, from tumblr to ao3 to even an actual server channel if you’re more comfortable that way)
Example thanks to @phis-corner participation in Trope Tussle 2021:
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Once they have been sent to my dms, I’ll publish them in the official event channel in the server and they’ll count as participation.
Example thanks to @flapdoodle-noodle participation in Civil War 2021
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The table with points won’t be public this year, we want you all to have fun and do the content you want to do because that’s what it feels right, not because it’s what gives you more points.
Collabs between teammates will count as extra points
As last year, we’ll publish a general prompt everyday, it’s just for inspiration, you are not forced to follow it and can be also used in the following days.
If you’re going to publish on tumblr, please add the tag #MGICIVILWAR2022 and tag us here in @mgi-events or with our main @illiteratefucks
More questions and extra info can be answered in my dms or in the server’s #askthemods
If you’re interested in participating but are not currently in the server, go visit and let us know, we’ll make space 🤍
Thanks everyone! With love, @issaxcharlie, @flapdoodle-noodle and @eggadoodle
Server’s link: https://discord.gg/fWNU4BnAxv
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ilovebeing-weird · 3 years ago
know thy enemy
"Ughh. Look at him, he looks so happy. It's his smug smile. The one that says 'I-aced-that-test', he looks like he did well. Fuck, if he did better than me. Hopefully not." Marinette told Alya when she saw Timothy Drake-Wayne talking to his friends. He was smiling way too much.
"Girl, you're panicking a little too much. Let loose, you did good too." Alya patted Marinette's back.
"Yeah, but good isn't enough!" Marinette whined. "Tim is so smart! I wanna do great, no, I wanna do excellent!" Marinette said, flailing her arms.
Alya laughed at her best friend's antics. "Chill girl, let's go for some ice cream, and then you can forget about your childish games." Marinette glared at Alya, but started laughing when Alya started making weird faces towards her.
Tim looked at Marinette Dupain-Cheng laughing and enjoying herself with friend. He felt angry and insecure. He did well in the test, amazing even. But what if Marinette did better than him? If he lost to her, she would make fun of him and then he won't be able to show his face to anyone.
Tim shook his head. No he couldn't lose to her. There's no way he was losing to her. He had to win this. In front of him Ives laughed.
"Tim, this game you guys are playing is stressing you both. You really need to relax."
"It's not a game! I hate her, and the fact that she's intelligent. And her beautiful blue eyes. And the way she laughs, and when her eyes glow when she outsmarts me. I hate all of it!"
Ives raised an eyebrow. "Sounds like you've got a crush."
Tim's eyes widened. "No I don't!" He was dating Ladybug. He loved Ladybug. He didn't like Marinette, he couldn't like Marinette. That would be basically cheating on his girlfriend.
Ives sighed and patted his shoulder. "You are in denial. Anyways, I gotta go. Relax, have some ice cream maybe."
Tim waved goodbye as he left. He considered what he had said before leaving. Maybe he should have some ice cream.
Okay, maybe having ice cream wasn't his best idea. He should've just gone for some coffee. But now he was there and he was not going to the opposite side. But why did Marinette have to be at the same ice cream parlour as him!? There were so many ice cream parlours in Gotham, why this one!?
Because it's the closest to the Gotham Academy. Duh. A part of his brain said. He shut that part up.
"Timothy," Marinette greeted him when she saw him. She was even colder than the ice cream she was holding.
"Marinette," Tim greeted back. He could be cold as well.
Marinette scoffed at him and went to a table with her friend. Her friend, Alya, if he remembered right, sighed but followed her.
Marinette officially decided that she hated this ice cream shop and she hated Alya. She did not have a crush on Timothy, okay?
"I am just saying. The way you describe him and his eyes and his smile and his 'black silky hair' sounds like a crush to me."
She would never. "Alya, I already told you. I am dating Red Robin. I can't have a crush on Timothy. I don't have a crush on Timothy."
"Then why did you say, and I quote "I wanna punch his 'pretty soft lips.' I've never described any of my enemies like that. Anyways, don't you think that Timothy looks a little too much like lover boy? Maybe Timothy is Red Robin."
"What are you even saying Alya!? Timothy and Red are nothing alike! Red is well, Red. He's kind, he's caring, he cuddles me on top of the buildings and he has a big heart and the same hair as Timothy, and the same lips. And the same face structure." Marinette got lost in thoughts after that. Timothy and Red, it made no sense. There was no way they were the same.
Before they could continue their conversation though, a villain attacked. Scarecrow. That bitch.
"Citizens of Gotham, please do not panic. I just want to test my new fear toxin on you. Remain seated and everything will go smoothly," Scarecrow announced. Marinette internally scoffed, like that's gonna work.
As expected, people did panic. It was all chaos. Marinette had to do something.
"Alya, hide now."
Alya looked at her like she had grown another head. "Girl, have you gone crazy!? You're not Ladybug right now! You're just a lady! You have to hide with me!"
"Alya. Now!" She couldn't risk her friend getting hurt. She was the only one that Marinette had left.
"Fine. But please take care." Marinette nodded at her and started coming up with a plan. She started moving towards the bitch that had interrupted her ice cream. Unfortunately before she could go too far a hand gripped her wrist.
If Tim had any doubts that Marinette was crazy, they were all cleared now. She had to be crazy to go towards danger. He didn't know why, but Tim felt a bit protective towards her. It's strange, he hates her. He shouldn't feel that way.
Tim decided that it was his hero instinct. He had to help every civilian in need even if he hated them. He couldn't help it, that's what heroes did.
He ran behind her and grabbed her wrist. Pulling her into his chest.
"Marinette, have you gone crazy!? He's a villain, he could hurt you!" Tim looked at Scarecrow who had his attention on another crowd of people. Surprisingly, Tim didn't feel the urge to protect them. He kinda felt relieved that it wasn't Marinette.
It's so weird. Tim hated her.
Do you? Um yes, he just said that. Why was he even questioning that? Marinette had always been a competitor.
"Timothy, you've smushed me to your chest and I can't breathe." Marinette's muffled voice snapped him out of his thoughts. He quickly pushed her away. Marinette took a huge gasp of air. She glared at him.
"What the hell Timothy!?"
"He could've hurt you!"
"Why do you care!? You hate me!" Tim mentally cursed when he saw that all the screaming had attracted Scarecrow and he was heading towards them.
"Shit, there's no time." Tim once again grabbed Marinette's wrist and yanked her towards a supply closet in the back room. "Stay here." Tim ordered her, closing the door.
"Timothy! What are you doing!? You can't go out there! If it's scary for me, it's scary for you too! So stay." Marinette pulled him in there. It's not like she felt like she had to keep him safe. She just didn't want him to be in trouble so she wouldn't have to save more people's asses. And it would be more fun to defeat Timothy if he's there when he loses. She wants to look at the look on his face.
Yep, that's all! That's the only reason she cared. Other than that? She has no reason to care for him. Also, humans are supposed to help each other in times of trouble. She was just being a human.
Unfortunately, when she pulled Timothy in with her, the gate of the closet closed. It's cool, she could just open it and go out now. Aaand it was stuck. Cool. Perfect. Exactly what she wanted.
"There's a villain out there and I am stuck here, with you! Why did you even stop me!? I thought you didn't care about me!" After a few minutes of unsuccessfully trying to open the closet, they had given up.
"I am not a heartless monster!" Tim replied to her, scoffing. Marinette glared at him one last time and turned her head away from him. She was contemplating if she should reveal her identity. Maybe not. There was a loud scream of a little girl and Marinette made up her mind. She was going to help these people even if it killed her!
Tim sighed. "Listen Marinette, I am really sorry. I am usually not like this. I am a better person than this. I am really sorry. This… thing between us distracted me. And I don't know why I stopped you today, I just didn't want you to get hurt I guess. A part of me does care for you. Actually, every part of me cares for you."
She turned towards him, shocked. "I- I am sorry too. I really should have been a little sensible. Let's start over? Hi, I am Marinette Dupain-Cheng. You can call me Marinette, I hope we can be friends."
Timothy smiled at her. "Hi Marinette! I am Timothy Drake-Wayne, call me Tim. It's a pleasure to meet you."
Marinette giggled at him. Tim really wasn't a bad person.
There was another scream. Shit, right, the civilians and Scarecrow.
"Tim, this is gonna sound really weird, but I have to do it." Tim looked at her confused. "Tikki, you can come out." Marinette opened her purse, and a red thing with black spots came out.
"What is that?" Tim asked, way too calm for a person who has never seen a kwami.
"It's a kwami, this is gonna help us get out! I am the new heroine, Ladybug."
Tim.exe has stopped working. The girl he had been fighting for so long, was his girlfriend!?
Marinette and her kwami (Tikki he supposed?) were doing stuff to get them out. That thing can phase out of solid materials! How cool is that!?
The gate finally opened and they got out. Marinette turned towards him.
"Tim, stay here, okay? I have to save some people." Tim nodded, still a little dazed. Marinette transformed into Ladybug and ran out.
He stood there for a few seconds, processing everything. He didn't have much time though, if he needed to help Ladybug, he had to act fast.
Marinette groaned as Scarecrow aimed another kick at her abdomen. People had finally managed to get out of there. Scarecrow was throwing a fit about it now.
"I have no one else now! I will test my toxin on you now!"
"I doubt that."
Marinette whipped her head towards the new sound. It was Red Robin! What a dramatic entry.
"Ooh, the little birdy joined us too. Now I have two test subjects!"
Ladybug glared at him and summoned her lucky charm.
It took them a while, but they defeated him. Ladybug tossed her lucky charm in the sky and Red Robin watched in awe as the ladybugs flew around fixing everything. No matter how many times he watched it, it never got old.
"Okay, I gotta go before I detransform! Bye Red! See you later!" Ladybug pecked Red Robin on the lips, but before she could leave though he stopped her.
"Marinette!" Ladybug stood there in shock for a second. How did he know? She grabbed Red Robin's wrist and dragged him to the back room where she and Tim were before.
And Tim wasn't there. It's okay, maybe he had just left. That doesn't mean anything.
"How do you know!?" Ladybug glared at him. Red Robin rubbed his neck.
"Uh well, you see..." He removed his mask just as Marinette detransformed from Ladybug. And yep, in Red Robin's place was Tim.
They stared at each other for a second before Marinette groaned and banged her head on his chest. Tim chuckled, Marinette pouted.
"This isn't funny," she sighed, wrapping her arms around his chest.
"I think it is." Tim wrapped his arms around her waist. "Also, this doesn't mean our ‘game’ is over." He smiled at her.
"I wouldn't want it to be." Marinette kissed him. Everything would be okay.
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mgi-events · 3 years ago
Hi everyone!
Our Trope Madness bracket has concluded, and our winner, with 200 votes is...
Enemies to Lovers!
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Thank you so much to everyone who participated this past month! I had a lot of fun hosting this, and seeing what tropes all yall liked the most!
For our grand total of votes (1117):
Enemies to Lovers: 588 Soulmates: 333 Coffee Shop Au: 253 Hurt/Comfort: 252 Friends to Lovers: 213 Mutual Pining: 185 Arranged Marriage: 172 Established Relationship: 163 Angst: 150 Highschool Au: 127 Crossover: 115 Fake Relationship: 110 Slow Burn: 102 First Kiss: 96 Fluff: 91 Crack Fic: 73 Body Swap: 72 Humor: 60 Harry Potter Au: 42 College Au: 41 Royalty Au: 39 Unrequited Love: 37 Historical Au: 36 Fairy Tale Au: 36 Sharing a Bed: 28 Miscommunication: 25 Baby Fic: 23 Major Character Death: 23 Time Loop: 20 Love Triangle: 17 Amnesia Fic: 15 ABO: 12
If anyone would like another bracket in the future, feel free to dm us with ideas!
Love yall! <3
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