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mahesh-shukla33 · 1 year ago
What are mutual funds?
What is Systematic Investment Plan? How SIP works, benefits & more. SIP is the best way to invest your money in mutual funds. Learn how to start SIP Investment, Visit Us Now!
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bhagathvarma1984 · 5 years ago
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The Many Pros of Investing in Mutual Funds | Mutual Funds Sahi Hai
What are Mutual Funds?
A Mutual Fund is a type of investment fund that pools together a large sum of money from different investors to purchase other securities like stocks and bonds. These funds are managed by financial officers who allocate the fund’s assets. 
The significance of the mutual funds is estimated by assessing what the yields of the securities bought are going to be. For example, if you invest in a mutual fund and it ends up buying many securities, sometime later the price of these securities will increase- the fund manager then can sell these securities and you end up getting the profits through distribution. 
For an amateur investor, Mutual Funds are ideal as there are various investment plans and you start off with anyone of them 
Benefits of Financial Investing
Being an investor is one of the best ways to secure your money and reap small investor benefits in return. Apart from the dividends, or the profits, you get from your shares there are other pros to investing in mutual funds
You can sell your shares at any time. 
You can invest using smaller sums for a bigger interest over a long period.
You can invest in ELSS funds that are tax-efficient
You can pay a smaller price for a large number of shares at a time. 
You can also start investing your assets in multiple mutual fund schemes so as to reduce the risk. In case one scheme isn’t so successful, you always have the other ones for better returns.
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randombloops · 5 years ago
spell your username without using the letters in your name
mine is ptipi
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ollyalexander · 7 years ago
love you!!!
mfsh that was very quick love u too 💗
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rhondanicole · 7 years ago
Black Music Month: Artists and Albums that Matter to Me
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June is #BlackMusicMonth, an annual celebration of African Americans’ innumerable contributions to the American–and global–musical landscape. Each day this month, I’m highlighting some of my favorite artists and albums.
Day 11
Michael Franti + Spearhead, Stay Human
My literal introduction to Michael Franti + Spearhead came during my sophomore year at SMU, when I [accidentally] met the band in Hughes-Trigg Student Center. It was late 1994, and Franti et al were making the college tour circuit in support of their debut album, Home (Franti had released an album some years earlier with his former band, Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy). One of the Program Council committees had arranged for the band to come to campus; up to that point, I had never heard of them. As a member of Program Council, however, I felt it my duty to at least go and see who and what they were all about, and support my comrades in student event programming. When I strolled into the Student Center and saw this group of cute guys standing around, I thought they were students visiting from another school and immediately rushed over to attempt whatever level of flirting my awkward 19-year-old self could muster. After a round of introductions, however, I realized these weren’t “new boys,” but an even more interesting collection of musicians. Some chit chat and displays of my dimples later, and I headed off to class (maybe. Was I really going to class?) with tickets to their show later than night in Deep Ellum, where they’d be opening for Digable Planets.
At that same time, I was also a DJ on the campus radio station, KPNI. So I was doubly excited to receive not one but 2 Spearhead promotional CDs, along with 2 promo posters, at the studio. One CD featured various mixes of Home’s lead single, “People in da Middle,” while the other offered a handful of takes of one of the album’s other standout tracks, “Hole in da Bucket.” I added these tunes to my DJ Lady Echo playlist and, from then on, considered myself a fan of Spearhead.
But then, life happened, and for some reason, I all but forgot about MFSH not long after. In fact, I completely missed the release of their second album, Chocolate Supa Highway, in 1997. Maybe it was because I was no longer doing a radio show, or, even more likely, because by the time that album dropped, the band was beginning to lose its footing in the hip-hop landscape of that time thanks to the commercialization of so-called “gangsta rap.” Groups like Spearhead, Digables, and Arrested Development, which had enjoyed a good amount of room on the airwaves and on wreckastow shelves in the early ‘90s, had quickly been replaced by harder, heavier hip-hop acts who countered the formers’ Black empowerment, peace, love, and positive vibes with grimy tales from the proverbial hood. And while Chocolate certainly attempted to adapt to this shift, it doesn’t appear that audiences were all that interested. And that’s a shame, because songs like “Gas Gauge,” which tells the story of a young Black kid shot by police all because he was trying to get his wallet from the glove box, and smoldering tracks like “U Can’t Sing R Song” and “Comin’ to Gitcha,” both of which carry some serious R&B vibes, could have worked on urban radio at the time.
It would be May of 2001 before we heard anything new from Michael Franti + Spearhead, and the album that would introduce them into the new Millennium was the presciently titled Stay Human. The album opens with “Oh My God,” a soulful, pensive tune that seems to pick up where Marvin Gaye’s “What’s Going On” left off. The whole of Stay Human finds Franti’s passion for tackling topics of social justice through song intact, but this time, more focused and disciplined--a noticeable contrast to his previous albums. Between the tracks are a series of segues featuring two characters, Brotha Sunshine (Franti) and The Nubian Poetess, as hosts of a non-profit radio program aimed at “what the others won’t play and what they definitely won’t say.” At the heart of this fictitious radio show is conversation about the pending execution of Sister Fatima, a woman convicted of murder and upon whose execution rests the fate of a deeply contested gubernatorial race (the governor is played by none other than Woody Harrelson). Throughout the album, the radio hosts discuss the case as new evidence has emerged suggesting Sister Fatima is not guilty. 
Of course, most of us remember 2001 for the horrific events of 9/11, and although Stay Human dropped several months before that life-altering September day, one can’t help but draw eery parallels between the album’s political urgency and the political climate of the time. One of Franti’s greatest accomplishments as a songwriter is his ability to take songs weighted with social commentary and make them light and fun, without losing the songs’ message. Stay Human’s title track is an excellent example of this, with MFSH singing “all the freaky people make the beauty of the world” while also talking about human condition issues such as starvation and the fears people experienced as we headed into Y2K. “Do Ya Love” takes on same-sex marriage years before the conversation became serious platform fodder for presidential campaigns, and “Love’ll Set Me Free” finds Franti taking on the perspective of someone who’s been incarcerated and separated from his loved ones with empathy, heart, and nuance. 
One of the album’s most poignant tracks, “We Don’t Mind,” is a protest song for the 21st century. The album’s climatic final radio segue is jarring and unexpected, but lays the groundwork for the final track, “Skin on the Drum.”
In the years since Stay Human’s release, Michael Franti has become a bonafide international rock star, thanks in large part to the surprise hit, 2008′s “Say Hey (I Love You).” For many an OG Spearit (MFSH’s nickname for their fans), the more recent releases lack the cohesive, socially conscious through-lines of his earlier works. Following Stay Human, the pop-tinged but still political Everyone Deserves Music delivered a high-energy mix of hip-hop and rock, and 2006′s Yell Fire! kept the embers aglow with its infusion of reggae. 2008′s All Rebel Rockers, the album that gifted us with the aforementioned “Say Hey,” seemed to mark the end of the directly political Franti, and usher in a new era of MFSH which would focus more on relationships--both personal and romantic, and global, encompassing various aspects of the human condition. Perhaps this is due to the dramatic shift in our own political landscape, considering that Franti’s early ‘00s albums were released during the Bush era while albums from 2008 and beyond came during President Obama’s time in office (Franti even released a tribute to POTUS after his first election). And so, although the world continued to stare down any number of social and political urgencies during the comparatively less chaotic Obama years, it would appear that Franti decided to turn his attention a bit more inward, with 2010′s Sound of Sunshine, 2013′s All People, and 2016′s SoulRocker moving further and further away from the themes set out on Stay Human.  
Even still, it’s no coincidence that Franti’s latest tour and documentary film are both named Stay Human. The false sense of security we grew too comfortable with during the Age of Obama gave way to unadulterated bullshit, so perhaps Franti’s return to the themes he first explored in 2001 couldn’t have come a moment too soon. 
--Rhonda Nicole
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expomahal-blog · 7 years ago
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Mfsh Shanghai International Diecasting, Foundry, Forging Exhibition - China - Shanghai http://expomahal.com/mfsh-shanghai-international-diecasting-foundry-for/ http://expomahal.com
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eventapaaja-blog · 8 years ago
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BEM KMF PSIKOLOGI UNIVERSITAS JENDERAL ACHMAD YANI PROUDLY PRESENT : "PSYCOLOR GLOWING RUN" The biggest & first glowing run in town. Friday , 10th February 2017 at Jenderal Achmad Yani University. Start from 5pm - till fun !! Feel the exciting light, color , and music at finish festival with : BAND PERFORMANCE : - ALASKAN MINORITY - HUTAN HUJAN - REBIRTH - RIOT - BACIL RASTA - MFSH - ARE - FOREMOST DJ PERFORMANCE : - ELECTRIFIED - SOLTICE - YASMIN Get ready to wet and feel an exiciting experience running under the light, color and good music. You'll find 4 different obstacles a long the racetrack. For ticket information and run registration : Pre-sale 1: 30k (21-28jan) Pre-sale 2: 35k (29-9feb) OTS: 50k (include product) RENGGANIS 081222877407 DWI 08122042809 LINE : @VPR8289Q / @lacomm.unjani For more information make sure to follow us on instagram : @PSYRUN and @lacommunity.unjani See you at finish festival colour runners ! Join us for celebrate that will keep you dancing through the night. #PSYCOLORGLOWINGRUN #COLORRUNNERS #SPLASHNIGHTOUT #ALLABOUTCOMMUNITY #LacommUnjani #UnjaniPride #eventapaaja
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bhagathvarma1984 · 6 years ago
What are Liquid Funds?
With so many types of mutual funds available, one of the most asked questions is “what is liquid fund?”. Short term debt funds that have a maturity period of 3 to 6 months are referred to as liquid mutual funds. These types of funds can be liquified and/or redeemed by investors on short notice periods, and the withdrawal request is processed within 24 hours.
Liquid funds are debt funds that are invested in short term market instruments such as call money, government securities, commercial paper, treasury bills, etc. Liquid funds hold the least amount of risk, and hence, are the most opted for the option for the investors. Being very low risk, and hence, less volatile, liquid mutual funds are likely to not be moved around too much in the market, which gives the investors higher returns in tune of the interest which is usually between 7-9%. Mutual Funds Sahi Hai understands the dilemma of choosing the right liquid mutual funds, and in accordance with AMFI regulations, we help the investors by presenting them with schemes best suitable for them.
Liquid funds offer optimum safety, reasonably good returns, and full flexibility of redemption at any time, which makes them a better option than fixed deposits, especially for people who don’t know when they’s need to take out the money.  Moreover, you can only keep your money in fixed deposits for a fixed period of time, and that could be troublesome for many investors. 
Looking for the best liquid mutual funds schemes? We at MFSH are here to help you!
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bhagathvarma1984 · 6 years ago
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Different Funds for Different Types of Goals in Mutual Funds | Mutual Funds Sahi Hai
There are a plethora of mutual fund schemes available in the market. It makes it a tough task for investors to choose the right scheme for them. To grow your money, you must analyze what your financial goals are, how long and how much you want to invest in a mutual fund plan, and then invest accordingly.
More often, people prefer to invest in the best performing mutual fund schemes rather than investing in the best scheme for their goals. To differentiate mutual fund performance and the best schemes for your goals, you must look at it from an outside perspective. If you are going out in the winters in Japan, wearing a sweater would be in your best interest. But doing the same in South Africa, where it is the summer season might not work out well for you. Hitherto, there are no “best” mutual fund schemes out there, just ones who have a good track record of performance.
Mutual Funds Sahi Hai makes sure to provide you with all the information you may need pertaining to your financial goals and suggest the best schemes suitable for your requirements. With the help of AMFI, we give you proper insights into mutual fund schemes and their performance.
MFSH helps you in differentiating between long term and short term goals, and helps you recognize the potential for mutual fund schemes that can benefit you the best. There are aggressive schemes for short term goals, moderate schemes for long term goals, and many different types of funds for people who have a goal of either income generation, wealth accumulation or of liquidity.
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bhagathvarma1984 · 6 years ago
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What is a Direct Plan? | Mutual Funds Sahi Hai
An Asset Management Company (AMC) is an establishment that invests funds that are pooled together from their clients and invest them in stocks, bonds, real estate, etc. Mutual fund schemes are one such asset, which offer two types of plans- Direct and Regular. In a direct mutual fund of an MF scheme, the investment takes place directly with the AMC from the investor’s end. There are no intermediaries or distributors involved in facilitating the transactions, unlike a regular plan. Hence, there are no additional charges to the plan as suggested by AMFI in regular plans.
Taking this into account, direct schemes are cost-effective because of no distribution fee, and Mutual Funds Sahi Hai is where you can compare the expense ratios of these two types of schemes. Hence, if the investor chooses to invest directly into a mutual funds scheme, they are prone to get higher returns as they save on additional expenses that entail with a regular plan. However, investors going for investing in direct plans must know that they won’t be able to avail the services of the distributors or intermediaries and have to do the market analysis themselves.
MFSH provides you with all the tools and services to analyze portfolios and generate statements about mutual funds. You can also use fund fact sheets to get insights about the performance of various mutual funds. You can also find monthly published portfolios on MFSH, which provide the details about the health of various mutual fund schemes and can help the investors choose the best ones to invest into.
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bhagathvarma1984 · 6 years ago
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How can one track a Mutual Fund performance? | Mutual Funds Sahi Hai
With the dawn of the digital age, it has become a convenient task to track mutual fund performance through investment and portfolio of the investor. Association of Mutual Funds in India or AMFI provides the certified intermediaries with useful information and insights about mutual funds and investments they are watching over or involved in. Investors who invest in mutual funds through intermediaries don’t have to worry about obtaining details about mutual fund returns and portfolio or scheme updates. Intermediaries provide statements of these updates and performances of portfolios or various schemes to the investors. This helps the investors in avoiding having to worry about going into deep research mode for everything and leaving the heavy tasks of finding portfolios and schemes to their intermediaries.
Even when these statements are not available to you, you can easily track how well schemes are performing through various websites and apps. Mutual Funds Sahi Hai is one of these websites, as well as an app, which provides the users with up to date data about mutual fund schemes, fact sheets, scheme performance, and much more. Moreover, MFSH also provides the option of using fund fact sheets to its users, which is a document that gives the users insights about mutual fund schemes and their performance. This helps investors in analyzing various mutual funds through the monthly published portfolios by each mutual fund giving a detailed report about the health of its schemes, and intelligently investing in the ones that can reap them the most returns.
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bhagathvarma1984 · 6 years ago
What Exactly is Mutual Fund and How does it Work
If you are someone who is just getting started then you might have the question what is mutual fund? Granted that you might find it a bit confusing, at least in the beginning. The sheer number of mutual funds and the hundreds of schemes that they share does not make it easy to choose a scheme or understand how they work.
The mutual funds definition is easy enough to explain, though. It is basically the amount of money that people invest into a pool before it is used to buy securities that usually incur profits for the investors. Of course, some mutual funds are more about saving on taxes than earning profits in the form of dividends.
Making a mutual fund investment gets easier once you understand how mutual funds work. When you invest money in a mutual fund, it acts as a pool of money that is collected from various investors and managed by a professional. The pool is then invested in buying securities like bonds, equities or money market.
When these securities make profits, the profits are divided among the investors depending on how much money they originally invested. This is done by calculating the NAV or the Net Asset Value of the Scheme. The more you invest, the more your profit margin basically.
The reason people go “Mutual Funds Sahi Hai” is because of the opportunity it provides one to make a monetary profit outside of their regular earnings. One can, thus, invest with certain objectives in mind, like a retirement plan or saving up for children’s education, and invest and save accordingly.
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bhagathvarma1984 · 6 years ago
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Do Mutual Funds in India Ever Invest in Securities Abroad?
If you are someone planning on investing your money in a mutual funds plan, you might find it pretty confusing in the beginning. While mutual funds investment offers one the perk of earning an extra bit of money aside from their regular salary of earnings, the sheer number of funds out there might leave you with a lot of questions. 
It is common knowledge that depending on the scheme you invest in, mutual fund pools together a large amount of monetary resource from several investors and uses it to buy securities of various kinds. The profit generated from the performance securities is usually given to you in the form of dividends. 
Now, regarding the investment in securities, one of the most widely asked questions is whether mutual funds investment in India is only invested in India itself. While a large number of funds in India is invested here itself, there are schemes that can help you make the overseas investment(s) too.
There are usually two methods to invest in securities outside of India. One way is to invest in buying securities that are traded or are listed in exchanges overseas. The other involves investing in schemes that have gotten SEBI approval to invest in securities outside of India and have these securities in the portfolios.
The Association of Mutual Funds in India, or AMFI, is formed of all the SEBI approved asset management companies. So, before you are swayed by advertisements of MFSH or mutual Funds Sahi hai, make sure that the asset management company you choose is SEBI approved and part of the AMFI.
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bhagathvarma1984 · 6 years ago
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Which Mutual Fund Schemes Should You Invest in?
Investing money is a fool-proof way to earn more profits, but it depends on which kind of mutual fund you are pooling money into. You could invest in mutual funds that can either be tax saving or dividend providing etcetera. 
If you are confused about how to choose mutual funds, you should remember to look into factors like your Investment/financial plan, how much time you are willing to stay invested in a scheme and whether or not you are ready to invest in more than one scheme. 
SIP or Systematic Investment Plans In this, you can start investing at a starting amount of Rs. 500. In SIP, you invest money either on a weekly or monthly basis and, in return, you get larger profits on the basic principle of Compound Interest.
Equity Funds You can use lump sums to buy a huge number of shares for the proprietorship of an organization. A part of the profits gained by the securities your shares buy will be given to you as income 
Debt Funds You can loan out bonds to a company that needs financial assistance. The company will be legally bound to pay you an interest every month. In case the company gets dissolved, you will still get your money back. 
ELSS funds You can lock in your money for a period of three years and the income you receive after the given time will not be taxable unless it is more than 1.5 lakhs. 
AMFI barred fund distributors from using “Mutual Funds Sahi hai” or MFSHto advertise Mutual Funds unless approved by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI).
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bhagathvarma1984 · 6 years ago
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Mutual Funds and Systematic Investment Plan
Nowadays, investments are the way to go for if you want to make profits outside of your job. You can invest 500 rs per month in mutual funds. In this way, you can secure your money and even gain some returns from it. 
Mutual funds can be described as a pool of money collected from different investors and managed by a financial officer. These funds are allocated towards buying other securities. A part of the profit gained from the securities’ performance is returned to the investor. There are various types of investment plans, and SIP investment is one of them. 
If you are wondering how to invest in SIP, there are certain things you should know. SIP or Systemic Investment Plan allows you to invest a small amount of money at periodic intervals instead of submitting lump sums all at once. 
You can start investing at a sum of even five hundred rupees. The fixed amount of money is generally deducted from your bank account either weekly, monthly or even quarterly and then redirected to your desired mutual funds scheme. It would bring you a larger return on the basis of Compound Interest. 
AMFI or the Association of Mutual Funds in India is a non-profit regulatory government body that controls and lays down the ethical and indisputable guidelines for the management of various mutual fund schemes across India. AMFI advised fund distributors not to use the terms like “Mutual Funds Sahi hai” or MFSH to advertise about Mutual Funds unless they are approved by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). AMFI found them to be against SEBI’s guidelines.
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bhagathvarma1984 · 6 years ago
Diversification in Mutual Fund Schemes
Mutual Fund is a type of investment fund that pools a collection of money from different investors to buy securities like stocks and bonds. These funds are managed by financial officers who allocate the fund’s assets and attempt to yield profits for the investors. 
Now, there is always some mutual fund risk. They can be Market Risks, which implies that the fund assets don’t perform well in the market either due to recession, inflation or change in supply-demand or even a natural calamity. There is a Liquidity Risk, which can happen if the assets are not sold to a buyer and the investment can’t be redeemed without a loss for the investor. Then, there is Concentration Risk where you could run losses if you concentrate all your money into one scheme only. You can reduce the risk by mutual fund risk diversification. 
Mutual Fund diversification, also known as risk diversification, is the process of investing in more than one type of mutual funds. This way you reduce the risk of losing all your assets because, even if one fund doesn’t perform well, there are others to compensate for your loss. You could buy shares in equity funds, invest shares to buy bonds in debt funds or keep a mix of both in Balance funds. The debt funds promise larger returns and are tax-efficient.
You can check your rights as an investor as laid down by the AMFI. In case you are a fund distributor, AMFI has banned the use of “Mutual funds sahi hai”, or MFSH for advertising mutual funds so be careful.
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