inventingtruth · 7 years
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❝  Price --- the fuck you doing? get off my computer.  ❞   ---  @mevndick​ 
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haevatein-archived · 7 years
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guess who invented punk to begin with
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sortamaliicious · 7 years
mevndick replied to your post: ( OOC )  Kinda hit a wall randomly where I sort of...
what’s stopping you
shit u right
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ablazc-blog · 7 years
mevndick replied to your post:                one (1) small girl peeking in...
chloe: grabby hands, blz
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plaguecodea · 7 years
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      ❛  —— c’mon chloe, crashin’ the vortex party will be a blast. they got booze, weed, it’s a delinquent's candy store. ❜  //  @mevndick.
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cravesfreedom · 7 years
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            ❛  i’m not too good for it  ---  i just like to sleep in my bed, and not with my face PLANTED on the desk.  it’s not a cute look.  ❜    brooke shamelessly calls them out, tone very matter of factly.  though contradictory to her words, she’s reaching for her jacket.  she'd been up anyway, putting the finishing touches on a paper, so once the fabric is swathed around her body, she's ready.    ❛  fine --- where are we going tonight ?  ❜    she remains unenthused, but really, she’s more than willing to join chloe on an adventure  ---  there’s never a dull moment with the blue-haired punk.  //  @mevndick continued from here.
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snxpshxts-blog · 7 years
For someone with a well-known lack of a tolerance for alcohol, Max had a lot to drink. Just a few too many strong cocktails churning in the young woman.. Frankly, it hadn’t been for the fact that one of the other party goers had walked her back to the dorms, she probably wouldn’t have been able to navigate her way back there herself. 
Head swimming; vision blurring. She stumbled in her doorway to kick off her shoes, mumbling to herself as the tightly wrapped fiends clung to her feet. One arm pinwheeled faintly at her side to try and keep her upright while the other clutched her phone. A few sloppy texts already shot off sometime during her walk.[ 📞 --- CHLOE ]:  WILD NIhT! 1![  📞 --- CHLOE ]:  WISH IU WrER HERE ;([  📞 --- CHLOE ]:  what R udoijng[  📞 --- CHLOE ]:  CHoe[  📞 --- CHLOE ]: i’m Calllling yoi
Max’s thumbs slipped across the blurry phone screen. Really, was her phone broken, why couldn’t she see the letters right?
Once her shoes were kicked away, she took a few graceful steps and flopped face-first onto her waiting bed. The dull ringing echoed through her quiet room and vibrated through her skull once the device met her ear.
Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring. At the tone, please record your message. When you’re finished recording you may ha--
“Fuck,” Max mumbled bitterly, interrupting the automated tone. She watched her ceiling while the voice droned on, impatiently waiting for the jarring beep.
“CHLOE!” She shouted. Where had her volume control gone? “Where the fuuuuuck are you? I’ve- I’ve been texting-- ‘Nd.. You always answer me..” She’d gone from shouting to a low, mumbling whine in the span of a few words. Her head tilted to rest on her phone, her arms uselessly laid at her sides. “I miss you.” She continued, a brand new whiny pitch taking on her tone. “Answer me, ‘cause I’m lonely ‘nd I’m alone, I miss you, It’s really quiet here-- ..I wish you’d come tonight, I know you didn’t want to, but I think youwouldahadalottafun. Or you wouldajust stayed with me and then we would have had fun together.”
She went quiet, thinking dizzily about all of the brief, fleeting moments that Chloe would have loved to witness. At least.. She assumed, anyway.
Really, it just would have been better to have her best friend there with her.
“Call me back, please. Miss you, love you, talk to you soon as you get thismessageandcallmebackRiiiiight? Bye!”
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haevatein-archived · 7 years
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“ is this where human kids play nowadays? trash everywhere, needles with all sorts of diseases lying here and there, broken bottles, oh and guns, eh? that’s edgy, so rebellious. i can feel my inner teenager aspect demand some screen-time. ”
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inventingtruth · 7 years
Continued from here || @mevndick
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        An icy chill runs down his frayed nerves as his hands instinctively raise in defense. Regret is staining the back of his mouth, he knew he should have taken that gun away from them when he had the chance. The brunette wielding it like a dimwit toddler was bad enough, but he knew Chloe, and knowing them only made him more sure he had no idea if they could really pull that trigger.
❝ Jesus Price — don’t you aim that fucking thing at me.  ❞
        The accusations are spurring him on with a bold passion. This wouldn’t be happening if he shut them down properly the first time. He’s got to bark louder to handle the threat, be more menacing. Slowly his arms lower as he steps closer to them, fear vanishing from his reddened eyes, his voice harsh under the strain of the volume he growls at. 
❝ You don’t know shit, kid. You think I stole Rachel from you? You were the one in the way, not me! She was so fixated by you. You two brought out the worst in each other, you know that? ❞ 
        There’s a strength filling him now to move closer toward the steel barrel, close enough to reach for it. They reminded him all over again of the pain of losing Rachel, and with that truth, the hollow belief that it really didn't matter if this ended with a bullet in a chest.
❝ I don’t know where she’s gone --- I really wish I did. But I have a feeling that where ever it is, It’s got more to do with you than it ever did with me.❞
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umbrabiitch · 7 years
“i may be ugly but at least i have an ugly personality too. consistency is key.”
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‘ Come now, dear — you’re being far too hard on yourself. ‘ Lollipop is plucked from between her lips as head gently shakes. Figuring it to be a joke, Cereza kept her voice playful and light, ‘ You seem like quite the charming little devil. ‘
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devouher-a · 7 years
@mevndick    ♥    STARTER.
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they’re seething with a rage morrigan hadn’t sensed one so young possess in quite some time. it was clear they didn’t belong in a place like this — she’d be surprised if they were even legally allowed in. tapping her nails against her glass, brow quirks at the stranger. ‘ drinking alone, mm ? ‘ 
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atlaslain-a-blog · 7 years
mevndick replied to your post: not to be gross but ily all
oh, ew.
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01sets · 7 years
mevndick replied to your post “people are defending melanie martinez???? what is wrong with the world...”
omg what she do
It’s all here
Just so you know,  TW: sexual assault, r*pe
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elusivos-a · 7 years
“I can’t help myself.”
{ Duckysmemes ;
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⌘  ||  Seduction ;
     ❝ I DOUBT  t h a t  highly.~ —- But ya’ might really WANT        to  s l o w  it down there kiddo!~  You’ll  be THANKING         me tomorrow. ❞ 
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dinermom-blog · 7 years
mevndick replied to your post: “My name is Joyce Price, and I will adopt all you...
chloe: i’m the only kid you need???
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“Imagine the joy of all these siblings. You’re the #1 child, don’t worry. Just be nice to them.” 
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