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edanurabanozoglu · 6 years ago
Eda Nur Abanozoğlu_ Project Description Arch 401_Change Climate Change
​ ​      I studied on the site located at the Mevlana Boulevard, approximately parallel to the “Tarus” shopping mall. As a group, we focused on the car hybridization; because of the analyses we made on the Mevlane Boulevard, we see that cars are a major source for the ecological problem city has and on the Mevlana Boulevard there are too many car showrooms, parking lots and car station that create several problems. After the site analyses we see that there are lands focused on the way of use. There are mix used, residential and commercial lands. At the two sides of the boulevard, I classified sites as constantly used and not. Big part of it is for the cars and I called them as “dead spaces”. For my individual study, in my program I there are not just cars but all transportation related studies will be concern.
​       My overall strategy will be the “filtration”. Mevlana Boulevard is a providing very rich source for the design. I used Mevlana Boulevard as a human, energy and knowledge source which will be filtrated and used in specific studies. From the Mavlana Boulevard to the Tekstil Street every income will be processed. In the sense of finding form I get benefit from the studies I made to understand the forms that other big scaled mix used projects. I try to achieve that filters that located at the site will became in some parts in to a space and ın some parts just ac as a surface.  Mevlana Boulevard is not affective for the pedestrian even its name is “boulevard”. Also road acts as a barrier to the two sides and not allow people to connect two sides of it. It projects one another aim is to active the studies that pedestrian can integrate themselves to the road and the places located on it. In this manner at the center of the site there is a spine which provides the flow of pedestrians across the site. On the façade of the site trough the Mevlana Boulevard there is the first filter as surface which gets the energy from the road ( as cars movement and solar energy) then there is the second filter as “bio” a source that both filters the environment and be a source for the ecological studies. Other stages are 3 building for each: R&D center, P&R center and transition center, experimental production line with storage, high rise consists of offices and residents. Program of the project is for the first stage, take the old; second stage , reuse, transfer, improve and invent; stage three implement; stage 4 marketing of the products and last stage was transferring and teaching of the knowledge. As an overall concern all spaces that are used in the program will be varied by the users (child, teens, adults / visitors, employees, student/ regularly, spontaneously) and by qualities (analog, digital/ quite, loud/collaborative, individual/ focused energetic). In between focused spaces (filters) there will be a leak (connection) which will be achieved as three types; with bridges, surface and a spaces just defied by the surfaces. These leaks will consist of flexible spaces which has common spaces that are used for every process.
      This projects major aim is to use the Mevlana Boulevard as a source and y the filtration, lessen the negative effects of that roads high range of qualities create  some of the  ecological problems that city has. This system will be able to adapt and locate itself to another road or a center that its aim will be to absorb the power of that place to use it on the other eco-technological studies.
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antalyafoto · 3 years ago
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halktelekom · 5 years ago
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GÖLBAŞI İNCEKTE,, Ankara'nin en iddiali ve lkyifli kahvesini denemeniz icin bekleriz. www.bababeecafe.com 03124601080 @halk_net @halkkart - - #ankara #yenimahalle #ostim #gimat #ato #şaşmaz #ufuküniversitesi #hacettepeüniversitesi #odtü #aşti #tobb #av #gölbaşı #incek #çankaya #çayyolu #ümitköy #angora #doktorlarsitesi #mesa #batıkent #hamburger #ızgara #mangal #akşamyemeği #keçiören #mevlanabulvarı #sözler #söğütözü (Baba dee'S) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCkVp_9jmFS/?igshid=1tth18aoeqfdp
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alihakanemlak-blog · 7 years ago
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edanurabanozoglu · 6 years ago
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Final Jury Arch401- Change Climate Change
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antalyafoto · 3 years ago
#profesyoneldüğün #fotoğrafçısı #antalyadafotoğrafçılar #antalyadanişan #sünnet #antalyanikah #toplantı #kokteyl #açılışorganizasyon #kameraman-foto #düğünhikayemiz #antalyadadışçekim #fotoğrafçısı #antalyadakameraçekimi #
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halktelekom · 5 years ago
GÖLBAŞI İNCEKTE,, Ankara'nin en iddiali ve lezzetli Hamburgerini denemeniz icin bekleriz. Rez ve Paket Servis: 03124601080 @halk_net @halkkart - - #ankara #yenimahalle #ostim #gimat #ato #şaşmaz #ufuküniversitesi #hacettepeüniversitesi #odtü #aşti #tobb #av #gölbaşı #incek #çankaya #çayyolu #ümitköy #angora #doktorlarsitesi #mesa #batıkent #hamburger #ızgara #mangal #akşamyemeği #keçiören #mevlanabulvarı #sözler #söğütözü (Halk Medya) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCgN7McjDkV/?igshid=1x40g8e0jj06z
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halktelekom · 5 years ago
GÖLBAŞI İNCEKTE,, Ankara'nin en iddiali ve lezzetli Hamburgerini denemeniz icin bekleriz. Rez ve Paket Servis: 03124601080 - - #ankara #yenimahalle #ostim #gimat #ato #şaşmaz #ufuküniversitesi #hacettepeüniversitesi #odtü #aşti #tobb #av #gölbaşı #incek #çankaya #çayyolu #ümitköy #angora #doktorlarsitesi #mesa #batıkent #hamburger #ızgara #mangal #akşamyemeği #keçiören #mevlanabulvarı #sözler #söğütözü (Halk Medya) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCgMzUADG47/?igshid=81l2ihcn90go
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edanurabanozoglu · 6 years ago
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Site Analysis of Mevlana Boulevard -Ankara
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