#mettaton x y/n
thecluelessdoctor · 1 month
This is your sign
Draw yourself with your fictional crushes
Leh sigh .
Thank you
Cw: a TWINGE of CRINGEEEE (sona x canon)
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...you know why./j
And finally the only one I actually post about
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My husband 🧡🧡🧡🧡
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mindfuldegenerate · 2 years
Not gonna lie.
My fav shipping dynamic has always been, "You look like someone who has their shit together... so why the fuck are you dating that trash gremlin/limp-noodle spoinky?-"
Top examples. - Mettaton x Papyrus [You're a star and he's... super cool ngl.] - Kid x Crona [You're a grim reaper and they're an ex-murder-] - Rouxls x Jevil [Do I even need to comment on this clownery?] and -Almost anyone x reader / yn [...]
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sociopathicartist · 4 months
city run-ins
Sans hadn’t really paid much attention to the people around him. The city where he lived with his friends had a large population, so what was the point of paying mind to anyone when there was a good chance he’d never see them again? His brother was happy and he got to see his friends pretty often. That’s what mattered to him, not the people walking past him on the street.
He didn’t pay attention to you when he first met you either. Why would he?
You had bumped into him when you were crossing the street. You both stumbled, and when Sans fell back and hit the ground you worriedly held out your hand for him to grab.
“Are you okay? I’m so sorry.” You apologized, waiting for him to accept your help.
Sans took your hand and let you pull him up off the ground. “don’t worry about it. we all have places to be in a hurry, don’t we?”
You watched him as he made sure his jacket and shorts didn’t get nicked during his fall. “I guess so.”
He listened to your nervous laugh before you hurried off the road and went to the sidewalk, almost forgetting about the incident already as he shoved his hands back into the pockets of his jacket and continued on his way.
Sans had pretty much forgotten about you after that. There was nothing remarkable about you- not that he could derive from one short meeting anyway. There was no reason for you to stick in his memory. But when he was standing in the grocery aisle at the store debating what pasta to buy for his brother, he couldn’t help but think you were familiar when you spoke to him.
“The stelline is the best one.” You spoke to him, looking ahead at the pasta just like he was.
Sans looked over at you, squinting slightly when he tried to place his finger on where he met you before. He looked back to the pasta, his pinpricks scanning across the boxes until he found the stelline. The pasta looked like little tiny stars. Papyrus would probably like that, Sans sure did. Who didn’t love stars?
“oh, thanks. i was picking out some for my brother.” He grabbed a few boxes of it and put it into his basket, getting extra just in case his brother messed up a batch or two.
Papyrus’ cooking was improving significantly ever since Mettaton had been helping him cook instead of Undyne. He still flunked here and there with a recipe, but who didn’t? Mistakes are the easiest path to success after all.
You laughed softly for no particular reason. Maybe you had just been in a good mood that day? He probably would have asked you if he knew you better.
“It’s really good in soups, but I personally like to use it for mac n’ cheese.” You grabbed a box and put it in your basket.
He finally realized who you were when you looked down at him, a small smile curved on your lips. You seemed to recognize him too, because your eyes widened once you saw him.
Your voice upped an octave, probably due to nerves. “Oh!”
Sans chuckled, finding your reaction amusing. “hey again. nice to meet you again without running into each other.”
You rubbed your hand on the back of your neck, clearly still feeling guilty about that. “Yeahhh, I guess it is.”
“i’m sans, by the way.” He held out his free hand for you to shake, neatly gloved with a mitten.
Taking his hand and shaking it in a greeting, you introduced yourself back to him. “Y/N.”
Your hands fell to your sides and you gave an awkward look to him. “Well… I guess I’ll run into you later.”
Sans watched you as you turned around and scurried off down the aisle, most likely forgetting whatever you were looking for in that aisle. He didn’t pay much mind to you then, simply just going back to his leisurely shopping.
When he came back home and showed the pasta to Papyrus, his brother was thrilled about the little star shapes. Sans ended up having to put it on their weekly restock list for groceries.
The idea of you didn’t run across his thoughts anymore.
Well… Not until you ran into him again at a coffee shop.
He saw you from behind staring up at the menu, contemplating what to get from the menu. He didn’t recognize you at first, so he had no problem walking up behind you and leaning a bit past your side to tell you the suggestion of what he ordered.
“try the crème brûlée latte. it’s my favorite.” Sans spoke quietly to you, his voice low like it usually was.
You whipped your head to the side to look at the stranger. “Really? Thank y-“
Your voice fell quiet as you both stared at each other in silence for a few seconds, realizing the coincidence that you met again. “Is it… Wait- I’ve got this.”
Sans tilted his skull a bit to the side as you retraced through your thoughts before coming to what you wanted. It was amusing to see you struggle to think over the words.
“Sans, Right?” You asked, a bit hesitant about if you got it right or not.
Sans chuckled, looking off to the side before glancing back at you. “yep. that’s me. y/n, right? i can’t remember very well.”
He wasn’t lying. He didn’t think of you at all other than the two times you ran into each other in the past.
“That’s right! Funny seeing you around again.” You brushed some hair out of your face while you talked to him before looking back at the menu, the barista who was behind the register looking a bit annoyed at the hold-up.
Sans nodded, looking up to the menu as well. “yeah, funny.”
“Two creme brûlée lattes please.” You ordered, paying for it with your card before the barista hurried off to tell you the order.
Huh? Were you ordering a drink for him? You didn’t need to do that.
Sans held up his hands to give a small protest. “you don’t gotta do that.”
You had already paid, so it was no use to protest.
You looked down at him again, giving a small shrug. “It’s no biggie, really. I didn’t know what to order anyways. I’ve ran into you three times now, the least I can do is get you a coffee.”
He sighed, his mind a bit distracted by all the beeping from registers and talking from people going on in the background. “i guess so. thanks.”
You smiled, taking the coffees that were in little to-go cups and handing one to Sans. “Wanna sit?”
So, you both sat down. He felt like it was a bit weird. Back in Snowdin, he didn’t mind introducing himself to anyone new and getting them some food, nobody new usually came to Snowdin so it was always a welcome surprise. In the city however, there were always thousands of people, many faces he’d never recognize. There wasn’t much point in trying to make friends whenever he already had good ones anyways.
But, here he was, sitting at a table with you drinking a coffee that you bought him.
“This is a really good favorite to have. Thanks for suggesting it!” You set your cup down on the table, tracing your pointer finger around the bumps on the plastic lid.
For once, Sans was a bit unsure of what to say, so he went with the best option he knew. “hey, wanna hear a coffee joke?”
Your eyes seemed to light up. “Sure!”
He didn’t have to take much time to think over the joke. “whaddya call a sad cup of coffee?”
“Hmmm…” You looked off to the side while you thought. “I don’t know.”
“a depresso.” Sure, it wasn’t the best joke he’s ever told, but it had the reward of making you laugh.
You set your hands down on your lap, looking across the table at Sans. “Do you have any more jokes?”
That had to be some of the best words Sans has ever heard in his life. Of course he had more jokes, it seemed like he could never tell enough of them.
“why did it take the coffee bean so long to get his homework done?” He asked, his tone with you lighter and a bit more expressive.
“Hmmm, why?”
“it was procaffenating.”
And there your laugh was again. Your lips curved up into a big smile and you looked down at the table when you laughed, your eyes crinkling up in the corners a bit. It was genuine. It was real.
Sans grabbed onto his to-go cup, taking a small sip of it before suddenly vanishing from his seat and then appearing next to the table standing up. It startled you slightly, but you didn’t ask any questions about it and chalked it up to monster magic.
“well, its bean a good time, but i got a latte to do.” Sans rolled the puns out from his voice, looking up at you when you also followed suit to stand.
You brushed off your outfit with your freehand while talking to him. “Me too, I guess I’ll run into you later?”
“i guess you will.”
And with that, you both split ways.
For once, Sans was starting to think about his encounters with you. The small idea of your name would pop into his head when he ordered his coffee at the same place, but he’d just find the encounter a bit funny and then brush it off, not thinking much of it afterwards. It was just a silly encounter, merely accquanticces that he’d wave ‘hello’ to if he saw you in the store or something and then move on with his life.
That’s what he believed until he heard your laughter while he was out at a restaurant with his friends. He didn’t know why, but amongst the several people sitting at tables talking and having a good time, his attention was torn from his friends when he heard your laughter nearby. He took the time to look around the restaurant, observing the tables nearby until he spotted you having a nice dinner with someone. Were they a family member? A friend? They seemed to be making jokes to you, because you laughed at everything they said.
He barely knew you. He had ran into you only three times before and chatted with you a bit during the third encounter, so why did he feel a weird twinge watching you laugh at someone else’s jokes?
You looked around the tables nearby whenever the person got up, presumeably to go to the restroom, and your eyes landed on Sans just a few tables nearby.
Sans typically would have looked away and pretended like he never saw you. He had a hard time making eye contact with people and wasn’t a big fan of awkward confrontations since he didn’t know you very well. If he spotted Undyne or Toriel out at dinner with someone he probably would have made a silly face or something before going back to minding his own buisness, but he didn’t know you like that.
Instead of you looking away and pretending like you didn’t see him, you just simply grinned and waved to him. Naturally, he waved back.
Undyne noticed. She reached behind Papyrus who was sitting besides Sans and gave him a shove.
“Sans! Who’s that? You didn’t tell us you had a social life outside our little group!” Undyne was making fun of him just a bit, but she was also genuine with the excitement of her friend suddenly having a new friend.
Sans shrugged and looked down at his plate. It was pasta that Papyrus suggested he ordered, but Sans had smothered it in ketchup.
“dunno. i just run into them sometimes in the city.” It wasn’t a lie.
You two weren’t really friends, right? You had only met once or twice. So why couldn’t he get you off his mind right now?
He looked back up, seeing that Toriel and Asgore were currently joking over something that made Frisk laugh, who was sitting between them. Undyne, Alphys, and Papyrus had begun talking about their jobs, and when their free time was so that they could all have a sleepover. Nobody was paying attention to him right now, which he didn’t mind, but if they had then they probably would have warned him that you were walking up to their table.
“You having a good time out with your friends?” You asked, standing next to Sans and looking down on him as he was sitting in the booth.
His attention snapped up to you, a bit shocked by your sudden appearance. “uhm… yeah, we all decided to finally get out. it was about time, heh.”
You were smiling like you usually were with him, and your attention diverted down to his plate.
Sans slightly regretted soaking his food in ketchup now.
“That your food? I take it you’re a big fan of ketchup.” You remarked.
“somedays.” Sans tried to quickly brush the subject of his eating habits away. “what about your date over there? i hope you didn’t leave them to come over here and comment on my food.”
“No…” You pursed your lips, looking a bit discontented. “They left already. It was a really awkward date, I met them online. I was laughing at their funny story in hopes that they’d leave…”
Oh. He knew it shouldn’t make him feel good, but hearing that you weren’t actually having a good time on your date made him feel a bit better.
Sans wasn’t sure what just happened when he finally looked back to you after staring down at his plate for so long, but it was like he actually noticed you after just brushing you off the past three encounters. You were wearing a nicer outfit for your date, one that fit you extremely well. Your hair looked good, it was nice and done well, and he couldn’t help but bask in just how good you actually looked right now. It made him feel weird, almost wrong for looking at anyone like this.
“Hey,” You started again, taking a few seconds to think over your words. “I know it’s a weird thing to ask right now, but I’m not doing anything tomorrow night if you’d want to go somewhere?”
By now, most of his friends had stopped their conversation and were exchanging looks as they tried to subtly ease drop in your conversation with Sans.
“like a date?” He wanted to make sure he wasn’t getting the wrong idea.
You nodded, a pink blush heating up on your face. “Yeah, like a date.”
Sans was quiet for a few seconds before immediately taking out his phone from his pocket. “here, let me get your phone number real quick so that we can work out a time and place.”
What the hell was he doing? He wasn’t interested in romantic relations, or atleast not before tonight he wasn’t. He had turned down several people who offered him a date. Why were his hands a bit shaky as you rattled off your phone number to him?
“So tomorrow.” You confirmed with him, taking a deep breath and smoothing your outfit out.
“tomorrow.” He nodded, turning his phone off after sending you a short text to your number to make sure the contact was saved.
You grinned. “Cool. Well, I’ll run into you then, Sans.”
Your hand gave him a soft push on his shoulder before you walked off out of the restaurant since you had no need to be there right now.
It was only now that Sans realized all his friends were dead silent.
“BROTHER, I’M SO PROUD OF YOU!” Papyurs weeped and wrapped his arms around Sans, pulling him into a tight hug.
Ah. His friends started to give him silly words of congratulations for their friend, excited that he finally had a date. Sans simply laughed and tried to brush it off, but for the rest of the night even after he went home, he couldn’t take his mind off you. He had never had a date before, and he had never really been interested in anybody else- not like this at least.
It made him a bit crazy thinking about all of it.
He couldn’t stop his hands from shaking when he picked you up- driving in his brothers nice car that he let him borrow for the night.
You rushed out of the house, wearing a nicer but more casual outfit for your date. He told you to not dress too nice since he was taking you to his favorite spot, Grillby’s, but he couldn’t help but ogle a bit at how great you looked.
He kept one of his hands on the steering wheel as he watched you get into the passengers seat, buckling up your seatbelt and tucking some hair behind your ear when you looked at him.
“Hey, Sans! You ready?” You asked.
Sans nodded, admiring how you looked for a few seconds. “yeah, lets go…”
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hotpinkboots · 9 days
~"System Overheat"~
(Pt. 1/2)
(Queen x Fem!Reader Oneshot)
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THERE'S HARDLY ANY QUEEN FANFIC??? NOT on MY WATCH darlings this is not okay
Summary: Queen is delighted to see you at her party.
Note(s): Reader is said to be wearing a dress (specifically the dress that Orange Addison sells aka Mettaton's dress), reminder that Queen is like 7-8 freaking feet tall, Queen and (Y/N) are stupid as hell and in love, I only use a tiny bit of grammar for Queen so good luck, part 2 coming soon 🤭
How Long It Took To Write: 3 hours
Queen's boisterous laugh echoed down the hall. Swatchlings were bustling about, preparing food (which mostly consisted of battery acid pies, microchip salads, and spaghetti made of wires), and serving guests. Two Swatchlings had gasped at your beauty and insisted on walking you into the party, your arms linked snugly with theirs.
Other guests at the party wore nothing fancy. They all came as they were.
But not you.
You wore a beautiful periwinkle and sky blue gown. It felt cheap, slightly itchy, but it looked like it was worth millions. You felt glorious, you looked glorious. You were glorious. Heads turned as soon as the Swatchlings used their free hands to push open the large doors that lead into the Great Hall.
Queen, who had been in the middle of sipping from her fifth glass of battery acid, stopped everything she was doing to stare across the room at you. Her jaw dropped, her screen flashed a shocked "OMG", and she stood up abruptly. In doing so, she almost stepped on Nubert.
The Swatchlings unlinked their arms from yours to bow at the approaching Queen. Each then politely told you to enjoy the party, before they departed to help the others serve and clean. You waved goodbye to your escorts, then looked up as Queen's comically tipsy sounding voice spoke to you.
"(Y/N) Sweetie Honey Darling Gravy You Look Stunning"
"Perfect, Even"
"In Fact You Are Stealing My Spotlight How Rude Of You" she prodded you in the arm playfully with her knuckle, so hard that she accidentally sent you stumbling backwards a step.
You gave a scoff of pure amusement, and quickly restabilized your balance. You opened your mouth to give a playful retort and a compliment to her in return, but you were unable to get a single word in before she started blabbering again. Even more delighted by her ridiculous ramblings, you humored her, and listened while she began going on and on about the most absurd things.
"Do You Happen To Be Lacking In Potassium Because I Ordered Bananas The Other Day And Meant To Type "5" But One Of The Tasques Jumped Onto The Keyboard And Accidentally Sent An Order For 5,936 Bananas. We Now Have 5,936 Bananas And I Do Not Know What To Do With Them. They Are Currently In Their Own Room Undergoing Professional Peeling"
"Did You See That New Swan Boat In The Free Pool That's Why I Asked About Your Favorite Bird The Other Day (But I Forgot So I Just Got The Swan Because Swans Are Pretty And You're Pretty Too)"
"Did You Notice That I Bought Myself New High Heels They Are The Exact Same As Every Other Pair I Own But Shinier. I Also Bought You A Pair So We Can Match- Oh Wait That Was Supposed To Be A Surprise LOL Dang (Damn)"
"Okay Enough About Me Let's Talk About You Have A Seat"
You blinked. All of her words had begun to mesh into one very long sentence that you hadn't been keeping up with, and before you knew it, you had absentmindedly walked across the long room with her, and now you were standing at the foot of her luxurious throne. Queen often invited you to sit with her on the throne. You usually perched on the armrest while the two of you went about spectating and playfully harassing people. This occurred so often that there was a slight dip in the armrest from your constant sitting on it.
Queen sat down and elegantly crossed her left leg over her right. She slung her arm around your waist to guide you to sit with her. With a bit of difficulty (due to how large the throne was), you made it to your usual spot, your legs neatly tucked under yourself. Queen reached her free hand over to smooth out your dress for you.
"Have I Told You That You Look Cool"
You grinned and nodded, leaning against her, a giddy feeling in your heart. Now that you could finally get a word in, you accepted the compliment. "Thank you!" You replied sweetly, "You look perfect, as usual, your Majesty," you replied in a frolicsome tone. Queen gave a pleased smile, lifting her glass to sip her battery acid. After a long sip, she looked at you again.
"Thank You Sweetie ILY-" she hiccupped, hand briefly pressing against her chest as she did. It was unclear if it was genuine or if she had done it to distract from the fact she said 'ILY' without thinking. She was never the type to shy away from showing over the top affection, but dropping "I love you" was different for her.
You just took it in a friendly way. "Love you, too!"
Queen's screen briefly flashed what looked like a keyboard smash.
Part 2 coming soon 👀 she's so silly fr darling I adore her terribly
Request Guidelines!
~Love, HotPinkBoots
Likes < Reblogs!
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nightqueen1221 · 2 years
Undertale platonic request male frisk x older brother reader who fall together both the brothers now will try to find a exit of underground y/n act completely overprotective over frisk then any monster try’s to attack or get closer to frisk headcanons
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1.This takes place during a Pasifist Route.
2. I really liked this idea so I did like, 8 times what I normally write.
-God, this sounds like a nightmare.
-Toriel would be so happy tho. Two children? Again?
-Starting off, you would immediately scold Frisk for doing something so reckless, and now to two are stuck down here.
-Flowey begins his whole things with "LOVE" and "Friendliness pellets" and you're just like, "No not today, no thank you" while pushing Frisk.
-You end up running into Toriel not long after.
-"Oh dear, are you two lost? Here you can follow me back to my house. It is not long from here children."
-But you know better, you've heard stories about these monster, and their all bad and nothing could change them. She's just acting kind to get you and Frisk to trust her and then stab you in the back when you don't expect it.
-"No, we're fine. We don't need a monster's help." Which resulted with Frisk hitting you on your side from your remark. "What? I'm not wrong, you don't know what her motives are, she could be dangerous!"
-You end up following Toriel regardless of your reasons.
-She begins the actual teaching of how to do a battle, while you carefully watch.
-After getting to her house and she tells you and Frisk to lay down, you refuse and sit watch Frisk pass out. Saying you're going to protect them.
-Toriel later comes in with two slices of pie, which you rejected says it could be poison. When Frisk woke up you told them not to eat it, but they took it regardless.
-As soon as Toriel starts fighting you tell Frisk you knew this was going to happen and we could have avoided this if they had listened to you.
-Once outside, you're already questions the surroundings and how they don't seem safe.
-When Sans asks for Frisk to shake his hand you pull Frisk's hand away before he can do anything.
-You and Frisk both hide behind lamps when Papyrus enters.
-When Sans say he was "just looking at these lamps" you internally scold yourself for not seeing this though. But to your surprise, Papyrus does nothing?
-Going through his puzzles and learning more about him, you couldn't really hate him or feel like he had ill intensions
-And he would even fight you two, claiming it was unfair for only one of him to go against two or you.
-Getting into Waterfall is one of your biggest concerns, Papyrus told you about Undyne and how big of a deal she was. Even if you can't fully trust him, you'll take his word on that since the people in Snowdin seem to agree.
-You would basically pick up Frisk and run whenever Undyne started attacking, which Frisk was upset about.
-And the biggest shock to both of you is how you got away from her, she was overheating. You tried to pull Frisk away from her to try and make sure she didn't grab them or anything.
-They somehow got away and poured water over her head, which greatly helped.
-You picked up Frisk again, but Undyne just awkwardly stared at you, turned around, and left. Not that you were complaining.
- Alyphs' lab was frightening, but she was most certainly not. She was nerdly and not intimidating at all.
-Mettaton was the real problem. He kept going on with his game show and making you two play. You did not like it what so ever, but Frisk got everything right and was quite content with themselves.
-You didn't listen to any of Alyphs' phone calls, she usually screwed it up, right? But, you ended up getting more hurt than before. Once you started listening, it wasn't as bad as you thought.
-And Mettaton's segments actually weren't that bad, even if they seemed to put you and Frisk in danger, you never really were.
-Maybe they weren't all bad monsters. Maybe it was just King Asgore, whom you are not too far from. You gave Frisk's hand a reassuring squeeze.
-You were fully prepared to fight him, till Toriel showed up. Then Sans and Papyrus, Undyne, Alyphs. It seemed like the entire Underground was on your side.
-Sadly enough, you don't have much memory after that. But everyone in the Underground seems to know your sibling's name and the barrier was broken.
-You apologized to everyone for thinking all monsters were evil or wrong. Good thing they were all forgiving.
-Eventually you and Frisk start walking out into sunset, the end of one journey, and the beginning of another.
P.S. if someone is seeing this and wants to send a request, I do not normal write this much. This is just because I really liked the idea
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monsterkiss · 9 months
21+ y/o adult, ND, queer & genderqueer, they/it/any neopronouns
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Hi!! This an 18+ selfship, self insert, reader insert (x reader), terato blog. It’s not exclusively NSFW but yes, sometimes sexual themes are highly present here too! I like villains, monsters, horror and whatnot!! ♡♡♡
It’s a side blog so I can’t interact or follow back from here. You can always ask me privately for my main though!
I tag kinda sporadically at this point tbh so sorry about that!! It's a mess here!!
Wanna chat and be friends? Please just message me! I'd be happy to chat with you about whatever, about selfshipping or otherwise! 💖 (ONLY 21+ y/o please!!!)
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♡ — Some sorting tags for original posts only:
mine | my art | imagines | fics | all writings | positivity | moodboards | edits
♡ — Links:
My AO3
F/O list | Catra x S/I backstory | Elsa x S/I backstory(?)
♡ — Fic masterlist:
A Bit of Magic — smut, gender neutral (all), the reader goes to a masquerade — ~4550 words;
A Win-Win Situation — smut, gender neutral (all), the reader makes a bet with their favorite character during a video game — ~3000 words;
Breakfast With Coffee — sfw, gender neutral (all), fluff, conversations about adopting a cat and maybe having kids — 517 words;
Domestic — sfw, gender neutral (all), domestic fluff, the character wants the reader to take a break from working too much — 353 words;
I'll Always Be Here — sfw, gender neutral (all), hurt/comfort — 164 words;
Like Winning in a Lottery — sfw, gender neutral reader, Heath Ledger's Joker x reader (The Dark Knight trilogy), the reader remembering meeting the Joker for the first time — 576 words;
Entertain Me — smut, gender neutral reader, dominative Mettaton Ex x reader, 170 words;
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hellspawntale-rebooted · 10 months
A is for Azreal
B is for Bold Boulder
C is for Coney
D is for Draincloud
E is for Emily
F is for Frost
G is for Gaster
H is for Hellspawn
I is for Integrity soul
J is for Jeffery The Snorkelpoff
K is for Kyle
L is for Level of Violence
M is for Mettaton
N is for Now’s your chance to be a big shot
O is for Original Starwalker
P is for Papyrus
Q is for Queen
R is for Royal Guard
S is for Scorch and Syekick
T is for Tricksly
U is for Univer
V is for Ver
W is for Water
X is for Xbox version of UT has a merg reference
Y is for Yellow soul is Justice
Z is for zapdos which is Azzys fave legendary Pokémon
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spiderqueenpc · 2 years
im interested but im also curious who you would put on the otherkin swag bracket. kris deltarune obviously...valerie from pokemon x/y?
I've made a tentative list of 16 contenders, which feels like just enough for a proper tournament. However, some of the sources are obscure and the level of 'relevance' for each one varies wildly from Literally Explicitly Stated to "well, I guess you could read them that way..."
I'd happily take suggestions to make the list a bit more consistent on those fronts. I haven't seen everything, after all. That being said, here's the first pass in no particular order (other than by source):
Kris Dreemurr (Deltarune) Chara Dreemurr (Undertale) Mettaton (Undertale) Mad Mew Mew (Undertale) Data Soong (Star Trek TNG) 707 (Mystic Messenger) N Harmonia (Pokemon) Valerie (Pokemon) Koko (Pokemon) Michiru Kagemori (BNA) Sheila (GLOW) Robyn (Wolfwalkers) Robin (Robin Robin) Olive (Olive the Other Reindeer) Ivy (The Changeling) Lil Hal (Homestuck)
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smittenroses · 3 years
UNDERTALE??? MTT x reader general headcanons mayb??? ‼️‼️
ooo, funky lil robot man, let's get this one rolling shall we:
Mettaton x reader general headcanons
also journalist reader bc I said so
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Mettaton has always been one for the dramatics when it comes to his life, living for his show, he finds himself meeting new people on the daily basis once he comes to the surface and that ended up including you. At first you had just been a journalist who was interested in viewing the star of the underground for a scoop on what the pop culture of Monsters was like, however, as time grew on and notebooks became thicker and thicker with the history of Monster entertainment, the two of you ended up having grown close enough for Mettaton to constantly invite you onto his show which caused for his ratings to go up as well as Monsters' willingness to be interviewed by you.
Mettaton has no idea of what "personal space" is, so he constantly is invading yours whenever he can when he's around you, including and not limited to working hours; you don't know how he gets away with it but work is defiantly a lot more fun when you have a whining ghost/robot hybrid wanting to do something fun with you.
He legitimately declared that the two of you were dating one day and you had decided to just roll with that — sure, you could've said no given that it was a spur of the moment type of thing from him, but when you had heard him gush about how he wanted to spoil you and treat you to all the nice things he could afford, how could you say no to him? Even from the very moment, he declared "we're dating now, superstar, get used to getting big smooches from me!" You could tell that there wasn't the usual humour behind his eyes/LEDs, as not only was he 100% serious, he just... was so sweet to you.
He wants to be little spoon at all times, full stop.
When he's a robot he doesn't really need to eat since Alphys had done some robotics stuff that had gone over his head when she had first been explaining it, but Mettaton does know quite a few recipes off the top of his head and isn't afraid to try and cook for you since he knows how tiresome journalism can be.
Mettaton constantly splurges money on you since now he has so much of it he doesn't know what to do with it, sure, he could be saving it in the case he becomes involved in some sort of accident, but you're his significant other, he wants to make you feel special.
Romantic holidays are always him serenading you and showing you off to everyone he can because 'this is my partner, they're super special, I love them and no you cannot touch them-'.
Mettaton can also be a bit... self-conscious about being with you; you're a human, he's a monster that has fused himself with nuts and bolts, he's worried that one day you might leave him for someone else of your kind that could do things such as spend long times away from the city without fear of suddenly losing charge, or can spend more time with you compared to his constant business with his career being that he's a superstar. Please give him reassurance you won't leave him and he will melt. He knows that one day he's going to outlive you given his life span, but he wants to spend it all with you.
His favourite nicknames for you are: superstar, starlet, beauty queen/king [whichever you prefer], darling [his favourite] and gorgeous.
Mettaton has a habit of reenacting romantic scenes from human movies he finds, so expect at least once to find him wanting to do the spiderman kiss.
You would be surprised but... he's a really soft kisser; most would imagine him to be passionate or all teeth being as loud and bombastic as he is, however, he is all the opposite of that. He'll always ask for a kiss, he will play with your hair, your fingers or hands, he will mutter how much he loves and appreciates you, and yet even as soft as they are, his kisses always will leave you breathless. if you initiate a passionate kiss, on the other hand, prepare for him to be flustered and giggle because "I didn't know you had it in you, starlet."
He wants to blow your mind as much as you blow his. Don't lose him, he's perfect.
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Mettaton: How are we today, gorgeous?
Y/n: Metta, please stop with the "gorgeous" stuff. You say that to everyone.
Mettaton: Yes darling, but with you I mean it.
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braindeadskeletons · 4 years
Y/N as Frisk’s sibling! 
Typically as Frisk’s sibling they tend to take their side in just about every argument. Even if Frisk is clearly wrong.
Y/N, holding Frisk: tell me why my fave is so problematic
Sans: well they like to kill my friends, for one
Y/N is also pretty much the translator between Frisk and the monsters. Without them literally nobody would know what the fuck Frisk just said.
Frisk: -_-
Y/N, wiping tears: they have such a way with words
I also see Y/N being a bit of the protective type. Frisk is a literal eight year old and everybody is trying to kill them and that doesn’t sit well with them.
Sans: you’d be dead where you stand
Frisk: -_-
Y/N: >:0
Y/N: you can’t say that they’re baby
Sans: w-
Y/N: b a b e y
They’re both each others support underground and they’ve been through a lot of resets. Both have seen a lot of timelines and a lot of possibilities and some of the monsters who have managed to kill them are embarrassing to say the least. They’re desensitized to death at this point.
Frisk: -_-
Y/N: Yeah? So could a Froggit.
Y/N: So could a moldsmal.
Y/N: Hell, even Jerry could
Frisk: -_-
Y/N: You aren’t special, bitch
Frisk doesn’t really communicate emotions through facial expressions that well. But to Y/N they can read them like a book.
Asriel: I just feel like you don’t care to listen to my tragic backstory
Y/N: what do you mean? Clearly Frisk is in a lot of emotional distress over this.
Frisk: -_-
Y/N: see?
Y/N: devastated.
Frisk and Y/N are each others support. They wouldn’t be able to get through this if they didn’t have each other.
Y/N, holding Frisk: this is my emotional support sibling
Napstablook: they have emotions?
Y/N: no, but they support those who do
If Frisk decides to go through the Genocide Route Y/N is gonna have two little siblings to watch over.
Y/N: Name a way to be kind to others
Frisk: -_-
Chara: don’t kill them is a coward answer
Chara: kill them quickly
Y/N: both answers are the bare minimum but I’ll allow it
Remember that Y/N is the older sibling, not the parent. That honor goes to Toriel.
Toriel: I’ve only had Y/N and Frisk for one day
Frisk: -_-
Y/N: :3
Toriel: but if anything happened to them I would kill everybody in the underground and then myself
Between the two of them Frisk is the one who gets them out of trouble. Yeah, that sounds nice until you also know that Frisk is the one who causes the trouble in the first place.
Mettaton: You’re trying to use my ego against me?
Frisk: -_-
Y/N: i’m really sorry, they thought it would work and-
Mettaton: oh no it worked
Mettaton: I’ll spare you
But in the end the two are a really good pair of kick ass siblings! Never underestimate the pair and what they can accomplish together.
Asgore: I just don’t feel like this is a fair fight
Frisk, literally eight years old: -_-
Y/N: and typically that’s fair to think
Y/N: but Frisk is capable of committing tax evasion if they wanted so-
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mindfuldegenerate · 2 years
Extra Info!!!
So, I think I will be using this blog for writing and ship/fan art! Yep! I'll be making this into a Sans x reader/headcanon?? ask blog cus im vry bored while doubling as a ship art blog So just so you know, I'll be mostly drawing ship art of OCs/Anons/YN x Characters [mostly sans'], Death the kid x Crona [time past+ manga au], Frisk x Chara [Adults + Queer platonic? and no Toriel hasn't adopted frisk into their family in this au, she's more of a family friend], Sans x Toriel, Sans x other Sans', and Papyrus x Mettaton! If any of those make you uncomfortable or if you don't enjoy them then I respect that and hope you have a nice day. So if ya got a request pls let me know Keep in mind not to ask anything too risky! And remember, I have the right to say no
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seirindono · 4 years
•The Missing Scarf
Arc 1 (cover art) - 2020/2024
Part I :
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
11 / 12 / 13
Part II :
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
11 / 12 / 13
.Part III :
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17
Part IV :
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17
Part V :
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19
Interlude: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
Part VI : 
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16
Part VII:
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 
11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16  / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 
 21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 27 / 28
Part VIII (1):
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20
21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 27 / 28 / 29 / 30 / 31 / 32 / 33 / 34 / 35 / 36 / 38
39 / 40 / 41 / 42 / 43 / 44 / 45 / 46 / 47 / 48 / 49 / 50 / 51 / 52 / 53 / 54 / 55 / 56
57 / 58 / 59 / 60 / 61 / 62 / 63 / 64 / 65 / 66 / 67 / 68 / 69 / 70 / 71 / 72
Author’s note
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16  / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20
21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 27 / 28 / 29 / 30 / 31 / 32 / 33 / 34 / 35 / 36
Special edition :
Christmas 2021 : 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Identity V crossover : 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Halloween 2023
No stabbing (off)
Argument (off)
Mistakes (off)
Cooking Lesson
Drinking buddies
Part 3 ( Snap / Help / Knife / Apologize)
Human shield
Mel’s magic
Advice of the wise
Skeleton standards
Part 5 (Cozy / )
Shopping Spree
Part 6 (Ouch / Chaos )
Father’s Day (intro / UT / US / SF / UF / HT /  Mel)
Day Job (Blue / )
Part 7 (kidnapping? / crimes )
Part 8 (shortcuts / imitations 1 , 2 / falling / rain / trust
Concepts: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6, 7
_Side stories_
UT Papyrus ( 1 / )
UT Sans  ( 1 / 2 / 3,4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 )
HT Sans ( 1 / )
HT Papyrus ( 1 / 2 )
Frisk ( 1 / )
Grillby’s counter ( 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 )
_Random Dialogue_
Stargazing (ut sans x Mel)
Drunk (sf papyus x ut papyrus x Mel)  --- photos
Karaoke (ut papyrus x ut sans x Mel)
Mel’s AU ( 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10)
_Asks (Mel, Frisk, Sans...)_
Fonts names
Lone skeleton
Back at home
It’s a present
Frisk the Human
Love life / Lover / Upset skeleton / Hugs
Curious readers
Nice cream
Eyelights / (2)
Random 1
Flirt / Dating
Cool skeleton
Her universe
Tea party
Dragons  (2)
Work clothes
More hugs
Random 2
Just think about it
Mercy ( Ancestor / )
Gaster and Mel
The Royal Scientist
Lurking in the shadows
The Royal Family
Her boss
Fave / Cosplaying / Ink / Error / Nightmare / Bloowe / Pride / Help
Random 3
Old friends 
Rus x Mel  /  Help 2
Reaction 1
Hug / fools / risk / aftermath / photo 
Thoughts on Gaster
Asking Blue
Talking flower
Height difference / Age difference / Scarf tier list : 1, 2
•Demon AU
_Designs & Headcanons_
Demon! Frisk: 1
Demon! Sans (sloth) : 1 / 2
Demon! Papyrus (gluttony) : 1 / 2 / 3
Demon! Uf Paps : 1
Demon! Muffet (greed) : 1 / 2
Demon! Asgore (pride) : 1
Demon! Toriel (envy) : 1
Demon! Undyne (wrath) : 1 / 2
Demon! Alphys (envy) : 1
Demon! Mettaton (lust) : 1 / 2
Demon! Mel : 1 / 2 / 
Demon! Gaster (wrath) : 1
Illustrations : 1 / 
Underfell Sans : 1
Underswap Sans: 1
_Asks & Lore_
Smooch Sans / Smooch Muffet / 
It’s for your own good
Proposals (1 / 2 )
Demon AU fic
Making an AU
First reaction
Hell / The Devil
How did Chara survive?
Humans and Demons: Fusing souls / Love / Soulmates
Baby Mel and friends
Them 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
•Animatics & Animation
Confrontation Chara / Flowey
Night getaway 
Lipsynch 1
Demon au:
Demon au Sans
Demon au Papyrus x Mel
Fell Demon au
Demon au Sloth - Jumpy Star
Asgore x (y/n)
798 notes · View notes
galaxies-unknown-a · 2 years
[Send in ‘NOPE’ to my inbox, for something I don’t like to RP.]
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I'm gonna... Try to go lighter on this one, after the last post's absolute disaster. Now excuse me while I delete and re-write fifty thousand times.
Toxic relationships, my viewpoint on smut, suggestive content, number of RP partners, themes... Ah, here's one. A simple one, after running through the list for an hour-
I don't RP with folks who use second person, and I promise it's for a reason.- Believe it or not, I get confused. When I read RP responses that are written in the second person, I'm so used to reading fanfics ([character]x Reader's) that I automatically think of myself in the role of the other character. And even when I stop and notice this, it's still hard for me to separate their character from actions I would take, because of how the response was written.
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Little fun fact: some of the muses on this blog were actually added because of certain x Reader's that tickled my fancy! This includes...: Bill Cipher, Bumblebee (TFA), Swindle, Herobrine, Mettaton, Meta Knight, and Soundwave!
Also, I know what all these random thingies mean: (Y/N), (E/C), (F/F), (F/C), (S/C), (H/C), (H/L) & (Y/LN).
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jamestrmtx · 4 years
Fairytale Complex - [Undertale | Sans x Reader]
[Gender Neutral, Frisk's Parent Reader | Slow Burn]
Chapter Nine | Dating Tense! (Part 3 of 3)
[First] | [Previous] | [Next]
Your conversation with Undyne goes a similar route as with Toriel's: confronting a stranger in the name of protecting the one you held most dear, as a result ending whatever possible, friendly connections you could've likely formed with her right from the start -- without that complex context placed between you. Seeing everyone as your enemy is draining at its least, but the reward you visualize for everyone ahead makes it all seem worth it. That thought alone provides with strength to keep pushing forward, and even more so when you remind yourself over obtaining a possible happy ending of your very own, were you to resolve this situation with the monsters first.
With that thought in mind, you set the empty teacup down on the coffee table and take a deep breath in, preparing yourself to continue with the conversation. You're already halfway through the most difficult process with Undyne, so backing away now would be useless; thankfully, the tea has enough chamomile in it for you to quell your anger and turn it into sobriety, instead. Of course, that sounds way easier than it is, but -- compared to how you felt when talking with Toriel -- it's a difference as large as the distance between the sky and Earth. Keeping in mind all the kindness and patience you've been shown throughout the process helps with that, as well.
You stand up, continuing with, "I understand protecting the Underground was your priority, but…" You stop to breathe again. "Why… Why would you attack without waiting to see what Frisk had to say? If you were informed enough to know there was a human running free in the Underground, then couldn't you have known they weren't causing any harm, in the first place?"
Despite the tea, its effects and your subsequent calm don't last long. Frustration keeps you from staying in one, sole place without fidgeting, so you let energy out through a composed, back-and-forth pace across the living room. You stop for a second and face down at Undyne, who keeps herself seated, eye meeting with your gaze. "How many of those six souls were murdered, and…" Your breath hitches. "And how many of them were genuine, self-sacrifices? I… I wouldn't be so angry, if you were just honest with me and told me how many human lives were taken away without their honest approval, and exactly how many of them sacrificed their lives for you, in the end."
At the thought of Frisk, still selfless towards plenty of things based on how young they were and the education they received -- both at home and at school -- you keep your posture straight, eager to say more. "And was there really no other solution than taking those souls? If… If Frisk saved your kind without having to give up their own life for it, then why did all this happen? Why… Why did six people have to die before a different solution could come around?" A pause and a sigh help you recollect your thoughts. "Or were they threatening the lives of your kind? 'Cause that makes a lot more sense than simply taking away the soul of the first human you saw, no matter their age, background, or intentions."
Undyne still stays silent for a while even after you're done, eye now cast down at the floor as she frowns and her hands hold onto her knees. "...Well," she says, trailing off with a sigh. "I was only ordered to chase after whatever human I crossed paths with." She lifts her gaze from the floor while a hand toys around with the scales on her neck, distracting herself from you. "It wasn't every day a human would fall down there, so we were eventually ordered to, well... kill whatever human did happen to end there… Indiscriminately." Finally, she makes eye contact with you, frown quivering as she takes another quick pause. "According to what we were told, it had been years since a human last fell down, so when Frisk arrived, I... I just sought after them without thinking twice."
"But if that many years passed by, couldn't your kind look for another solution? If… If Alphys built a new body for her friend out of nothing but scraps, and with two different forms -- mind you -- then... Then couldn't another scientist on similar or equal terms of knowledge have done something about all this? Why wait so long, if… if all it took was a child to find another solution for you?" Your voice breaks and your ire finally snaps with, "Where's your sense of justice? Or does it only apply when it's convenient?"
She notices the change herself, though she doesn't flinch nor retaliate; neutrality is her only reaction as she replies with, "(L/N), in all honesty, I…" Undyne stops, facing down again as her grimace deepens, sorrow dampening her eye. "I'm... I'm not sure how to answer that." 
Seeing you've reached a dead end, you glance over towards Alphys, who tries to look away, failing when you call out her name. "What about you, Doctor Alphys? Was there really no other thought in mind other than waiting for the next prey to arrive? Was there truly no…" Your breathing grows scarce, hinting at you losing your grip on the intensity of your emotions again. "Was there truly no other option than for us to be enemies? For your kind and mine to… to simply keep up with the damage our ancestors made and left behind?"
Alphys is shaking, yet you stay unfazed, only lessening your level of intimidation by uncrossing your arms and looking away from her, giving her some space and time to reply. 
"I'm n- not sure what to say, either, but… Y- You do have a point." She wrings her hands, her shaking attempting to compose itself through that. "But… As a f- former scientist of the Underground, I wasn't told much over what the rules were. One of the few things that I took part on was in... in creating Mettaton's new body." Her hands unwind, shoulders copying them. "I... I know he was programmed to k- kill humans, but like you mentioned: he was my friend before any of that happened, and so he already had a life and consciousness before I made that new version of him. It- It just so happened that I… I modified a few things so that he could-"
Her words are interrupted as Frisk walks into the living room, still sleepy-eyed. They rub their eyes with the sleeve of their shirt, and a frown presents itself when they take a good look at the scene before them. 
"What's wrong?" they sign, expression furrowed.
They take in everything around them, letting their face lose tension when their gaze moves on over to you, encouraging them to approach you. "You're here!" Frisk grabs your hand, taking a look at the time on your watch. Then, they raise an eyebrow, letting you go to continue with, "You didn't go to work today? Or did you leave early?"
You smile, let your guard fall, and bring them into your arms, holding them up. "The streets got flooded, so I couldn't go anymore after lunchtime," you say, kissing their cheek. "How've you been, though? Did you have fun at miss Toriel's new place? I've been here since twelve, but you were sleeping, so I didn't want to wake you."
They grin, nodding as they bring their arms firm around your neck, hugging you close. "I had fun." You tense a little at the sound of their voice despite there being more people besides Toriel, Brenda, or you around; how often selective mutism kept them from saying things out loud in front of other people made their voice a rare thing to hear in public, no matter how small the crowd was. It's only when they're alone with you or people of trust that they have the courage to speak up out loud -- a rare case was Frisk being capable of talking with Bubbles regardless of them having met him only once so far, yet you dismiss that one as them having simply gotten along well with him right from the start, rather than associating it with them truly forgiving you and wanting to defend you, as a result. "A- Are you gonna stay here, then? It's raining a lot!"
"I believe they have no other choice, dear," Toriel intervenes, easing out the tension left from your earlier conversation, still unfinished. 
She arrives next to you; a set of clothes are held out in her hands, these neatly folded and accompanied by some soap, a towel, and a roll-on deodorant. "(L/N) was waiting for the skies to clear up, but the rain and the floods have made it near impossible for any of us to leave this house." You set Frisk down and take the clothes, surprised to see a set of pajamas similar to Toriel's clothing style, and even some (men/women)'s underwear tucked underneath all the other items -- and unused based on the size tag still attached to it. "I am not sure if these sizes will fit you, but those clothes are all spares I keep stored away for guests." She lowers her voice and gets closer to you. "The undergarments are new, of course." She giggles, winking at you afterwards. "The bathroom is upstairs, if you would like to shower now."
You inspect the clothes again, frustration simmering down back to calm as you let your shoulders lessen their stress with a sigh. "Thank you, ma'am."
• • •
Barely two months into knowing the monsters, and you're already staying at their place. While Alphys and Undyne are capable of leaving under the current, wild weather at will if they were to take their needed precautions, neither Frisk nor you can step a foot outside without drawing it back in. The streets are a mess of puddles, nature-made swimming pools, and car alarms going off; the scenery outside is close to that of becoming something of a meteorologist's concern and a scientific anomaly, yet the news and every other information outlet available continues to report it as something of lesser concern than what it is.
As you stare outside, Frisk now resting on your lap, you worry over two things: the lost meeting at your office, and the stranded car belonging to Sans's brother. You comb your fingers through Frisk's hair, using that as a means of entertainment from your worries. They're still sleeping soundly, tired out by both finishing their homework and playing with you at the indoor, mini playground Toriel set up for them.
"I'll pay for any damages to your car as soon as this clears up." You direct your words at Papyrus, who stops gazing outside to face you, looking dazed. His mind looks to be somewhere else, though another squint at your appearance makes him snap out of it.
"That is the least of my concerns now, (L/N)." He smiles at you, leaving the window to crouch next to you, couch occupied with Frisk, Sans, and yourself. "I can go look for it tomorrow morning. And as for whatever damages it gets, I am certain my insurance will look over this case! There have been plenty of reports discussing the damages made by the rain, so it is not my greatest worry." His gaze falls on Frisk, a warmer look reaching his face. "Do you want me to carry them back to bed? It's getting late!"
"It's fine-"
"Please, I insist!"
You smile at his persistence, far more endearing than his older brother's. The thought makes you pay attention back towards Sans, who's still showing signs of exhaustion on his body, slumped over to the corner. His eye sockets are closed, dark circles beginning to show under them. 
"Thank you." You pay attention back to Papyrus, who takes Frisk in his hold, propping them safe with both arms.
You stand up, ready to help out, yet he dismisses your actions with the words, "Stay and chat with Toriel. I assume you both still have plenty to talk about, don't you? You should take this opportunity to talk with her and the other ladies! Perhaps then, you can leave this place with a different perspective by the time the rain stops."
"I will." You nod and watch him leave, carrying your child up in his arms with seemingly no difficulty. His steps fade as so does his figure, leaving you be with Sans sleeping at the couch, the owner of the house by the kitchen, and Undyne and Alphys standing by the living room. The pair's gazes are occupied on the window, carrying a similar expression to Papyrus's from earlier before.
You don't even know how to start up another conversation with the last one having ended poorly, yet try again by using the easiest route possible: going over to Toriel and asking if she needs help with dinner. You stand up and stretch out, legs numb with how long Frisk had been sitting on your lap. It's only fortunate tomorrow's Friday, the beginning of another weekend.
"Can I help with anything?"
Those are the first words you say as you enter the kitchen, greeted by the smell of boiling vegetables and the sound of a knife against a cutting board. Toriel's next to the stove, cutting some carrots, but stopping to look at you. A smile forms on her face, and she nods once, pointing with her gaze at the potatoes resting on the counter next to hers. "Did Frisk go back to sleep?" she asks, facing back at the carrots again, continuing with her work. "I am amazed at how much energy they have, and how little they want to sleep now that they've seen how many people are in this home. It is only when I insist that they need to rest up for the sake of their health that they do so."
While you're not sure if she's being indirect or not, the goat lady's words lead you to assume one thing, and that's Frisk not wanting to waste time sleeping when at the monsters' home. With you, they went out like a light, going to sleep right when you told them to. Only when there was a full house and when family members came to visit did they break that rule, far too excited over the new faces for them to sleep. 
"Papyrus took them back to their room," you reply, reminding yourself not to let your thoughts drift again. "And that's... normal for them, actually." You decide to be truthful with her, following Papyrus's advice. "They usually don't like to sleep when they're too excited about something. Every time my family visits, they're just a big ball of energy and don't sleep until everyone's doing the same." A smile forms at that, a memory from when your ex came to visit Frisk slipping through. "When my, um… ex-husband used to visit, they would stay up late playing games with him. So I guess Frisk feels the same way about you and their other monster friends."
With the potatoes already washed and peeled, all that's left is to cut them and throw them into the pot. You ask her over what size you should cut them, turning your back to her again when you're given an answer. "Is there anything you would like to ask me about, (L/N)?" Toriel asks, speaking in between cuts. "If there is any doubt you have over me, and even over Dreemurr, Sans, and others I know well, I can inform you about it. But as for things that are personal, that is up to them."
Thunder crashes at the nearby window just as you're slicing, finger almost ending up in the same condition as the potatoes, but prevented by your reflexes. The lights go out on par with another loud blast of lightning, plenty more violent than the first one. 
"Goodness!" you hear Toriel say. 
You follow the sound of her voice to see a sphere of flames held up in her hand; it reveals her face, now furrowed with worry. "Are you alright?"
"I'm alright." You set the knife aside and join her side, following her orders when she informs you there are candles on the bottom drawer beside her. You act quickly, taking them out and lighting them up with the help of her fire magic. "Are you?"
She nods, a gentle look crossing her. "We should go check on the others." Her gaze points back at the drawer, left open. "Could you bring more of those?"
"Of course, ma'am."
You take the emptiest box of the three and follow her out of the kitchen.
Your surroundings are now left pitch dark except for a bright and glowing, blue spear held out by Undyne, Alphys standing next to her. A tall figure holding up a smaller one can be seen near the couch, people who you assume are Papyrus and Frisk based on who's the only one left to find. "Has anyone seen Sans?" Papyrus asks, fret tracing his voice. "He's not on the couch anymore!"
Looking to where he points at, you see he's right. The couch is empty with the exception of your and Frisk's belongings. Not even a trace of him can be seen left around, making it appear as if he's outright vanished from existence, and not even the dim lighting produced by the candles can aid with tracking him down amongst all the people, objects, and darkness laid around.
While others assemble and call out for Sans as they search through all the rooms they could possibly imagine finding him in, you try to come up with a different solution besides that. Him disappearing was more than unlikely considering he didn't have any magic or energy left in him for teleportation, so you rule that out as a possibility and take a moment to observe your surroundings a bit closer. You look at the couch again, as if still expecting to catch a glimpse of him there despite what you're doing right now. But as fate would have it, your keys pop into your mind when you come across the sight of your suit jacket, umbrella, and all other belongings left behind on a corner of the couch, most of these stored away in a bag or left nearby it. 
Reminded over what your car keys have attached to them, you go look for them, bumping into someone right as you're about to make it there. 
You wobble and -- at the feeling of losing balance -- you act fast. You break your own fall and later grab onto the person to prevent them from falling, though you don't need to do much when you notice their height doesn't reach that much higher than your chest. Add to that your sturdier body helping with breaking the fall, and you've managed to stop the both of you from fully crashing into each other or stumbling to the floor.
You sit down on the couch when you feel you're losing your balance and hold the person upright. You then let go to look through your bag, retrieving the keys and -- along with them -- a small, solar flashlight hanging from it. The light's directed right at the person's face, revealing Sans's, who looks as if caught in a bad deed. 
"Are you okay?" You don't bother over bringing up the fact he face-planted right into your chest, nor that his hands gripped tight onto your waist for support; the sheer sincerity of his surprise at bumping into you makes you assume he hadn't done it on purpose.
"I'm, uh… I'm fine." His words are just as spacey as his gaze, and his irises point at the floor for a second, spacing off yet again. "Sorry about that." He sits right beside you on the couch, facing up to meet with your eyes. "I was gonna check up on the ceiling since it's rainin' so hard. Kinda looks like it'll start leakin' soon."
Thunder strikes again, sending the monster back into your hold. His hands grip onto your shirt next as he freezes up in place, just before he can get to reveal the true meaning over his disappearance.
"Are you… Are you scared over this?" You try to push down your amusement, yet are unable to when you see his grip is tight enough to remind you of a cat being frightened. 
When another one strikes, louder than the rest, you bring up another question while biting back a smile. "Is it… Is it the noise?" He tenses up even more, encouraging you to bring him closer, his current proximity far different from his attempts at flirting with you. "Sans." You call out his name, attempting to snap him out of it. "What's wrong? You're as cold as ice!"
He doesn't react, though you can feel him shake and shiver under your hold. You look down at him to see his eye sockets are tightly shut. How much he's scooted closer makes him sit on your lap, though his smaller figure helps you with keeping him safe and balanced in your hold. 
As you keep him that way, you can only ask yourself one thing:
Would you come off as an insensitive jerk if you decided to tease him over this in the future?
At the sound of a louder crash, the skeleton's unresponsive, caught up in his fear.
...Or would it work best not to take that risk?
For the time being, you hold him closer. 
The feeling of everyone's eyes on you surges when you move your eyes away from the skeleton to look around you. In contrast, you see Papyrus and Frisk too busy playing with a candle to notice what's happening, along with Toriel having all her attention on lighting more candles. It's only Alphys and Undyne who take notice, both their faces equally enlightened by what's unfolding on the couch. They look ready to yap their mouths off over the situation between you and the one clinging onto you, yet one sharp look of caution at the two keeps them from saying anything risky about it.
Whether they knew about Sans's fear you didn't know about, and whether he wanted it to be known you weren't aware of, either. For now, you hold him close, trying your best to ignore the women's stares and waiting until Sans snaps out of it. His hold on you's firm and close, needful and impartial as the thunderstorm continues to gain strength.
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Chapters: 8/? Fandom: Undertale (Video Game) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Sans (Undertale)/Reader, Sans (Undertale)/You, Alphys/Undyne (Undertale), Asgore Dreemurr/Toriel Characters: Frisk (Undertale), Papyrus (Undertale), Toriel (Undertale), Sans (Undertale), Reader, You, Alphys (Undertale), Undyne (Undertale), Mettaton (Undertale) Additional Tags: Reader Is Not Frisk (Undertale), x Reader, Bakery, Fluff, maybe smut, lots of fluff tho, Slow Burn, Post-Undertale Pacifist Route, grillbys, twenty something reader, y/n, Swearing, Smut, Eventual Smut, Eventual sexy times Summary:
You are a new addition to the Toriel family, becoming a sibling to Frisk in your twenties. You join the family business working in Toriel's bakery. Sans and Papyrus are regular customers and spend time with you and your family. But do you have feelings for Sans? And does he for you?
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