#methur fanfiction
onceandfutureclotpoll · 4 months
Title: To: Future Arthur, From: Past Arthur
Author: supercalvin
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Summary: “How can you make me believe that I’ve been reincarnated for thousands of years and you’re an immortal wizard?” Arthur pretended to think about it as he tapped his chin. “Oh I know!” He snapped his fingers. “You can’t. "
Or Past Arthur leaves a video for Future Arthur to watch.
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mobycotton · 1 year
Not My Type
Morgwen, Merthur | E | 27k | 3/3 | Multiple POV
Characters: Morgana, Gwen, Merlin, Arthur, original background characters
Content warnings: Explicit sexual content, alcohol consumption (but sober sex, explicit consent), jealousy and mild possessive behaviour
Tags: Porn with Plot/feelings, jealous everyone, undressing, Lesbian sex, Gay sex, Oral sex, fingerfucking, finger sucking, handjobs, blowjobs, squirting, sex dreams, Top Arthur/Bottom Merlin, Switch Gwen/Morgana, thinly veiled smash or pass
Summary: After a minor injury before a tournament, Arthur is forced to watch as Mercia’s first contender dominates in every game. But Merlin, who is forced to keep Arthur entertained and under control, seems a little too interested in the newcomer, and, actually, most of the others, instead of the games themselves. Across the field, Morgana is desperately trying to find Gwen a suitor from among the players, to her devastation. She also seems unresponsive to the list of details Gwen has given her, which all resemble her own features a little too closely.
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howmuchpieisleft · 2 years
Haven’t used tumblr in a while but have just fallen back into the Merlin rabbit hole. Making my way through fics but if anyone has a recommendation for hurt/comfort and maybe some Merlin getting asked to take care of some other lord/knight and struggling before Arthur comes to his rescue I would be extremely grateful.
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random-hooman · 2 years
(btw the fic is called "About Time" by rosewatergold on ao3, it's a merthur time travel fix-it AU one-shot)
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lucylichtenweg · 3 years
Me: *reading merthur smut*
Family: what are I doing there?
Me: reading
Family: what
Me: eee poetry...?
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smiley5494 · 4 years
of life-long secrets and little white lies
Merthur Week Day 5: “Any other lies left to tell me?” + Angst
read it also on ao3
Merlin nodded in false agreement and tried to hide the evidence of his heart shattering into pieces.
Rhys wasn’t entirely sure it was a good idea to try to assassinate the king. There was so much that could go wrong, but they were desperate, and the king’s head fetched a pretty penny. Rhys needed the gold, they needed it for their family, for their village—without that gold, the whole village would starve.
So they waited and watched. They learnt that the King went on regular hunting trips into the forest, and they learnt that on those trips the king often brought no one but himself and his manservant.
It couldn’t be better. If Rhys were to take out the king, then the servant would be easy to subdue, and the bodies would lie there for hours when the knights and councilmen would get nervous and go looking. By then, Rhys would be long gone, and their village would be able to eat come winter.
They waited, and when the King and his manservant rode through, Rhys drew back their bow and took aim. The arrow flew true and to Rhys’ horror the servant’s eyes glowed gold and his lips moved to form words the Rhys couldn’t hear. The arrow froze, hovering in the air in front of the king.
Rhys turned and bolted, they weren’t being paid to fight sorcerers, and they didn’t want to be killed either—they would find the needed gold elsewhere, somewhere where there were no sorcerers.
Merlin had expectations on how his magic would be revealed. He’d dreamt the moment; he’d told himself that it would be on his terms or not at all. Somehow, it was fitting that it would be an accident—he’d reacted on instinct, his mind skipping over the consequences in favour of saving Arthur.
Arthur was staring at him in horror, and Merlin dismounted quickly, intending to check on his friend. Instead, he found a sword at his chest, a furious king where he had expected to see a friend.
“Arthur.” Merlin’s voice cracked on the name, and his tears fell freely. He fell to his knees, the ground cold and hard, but Arthur’s expression was pure stone.
“Why would you learn it?”
“I didn’t!”
“Bullshit!” Arthur swore, “bullshit, Merlin, I heard you. You said words—spells.”
“I had no choice! I was born with it; it was either learn to control it, or let it control me!”
“Merlin,” Arthur shook his head, and disappointment flashed in his eyes—there a second, gone in a heartbeat, “Sorcerers have to study to learn magic. It isn’t a born skill.”
“Do you think I wanted this?” Merlin snapped, still kneeling, “To live in fear, to know that if I were to show what I could do you would have me executed? Do you seriously think I learnt it? I would never betray you like that, Arthur, I love you too much to even consider it.”
Arthur turned away, his stony expression cracking for an instant before smoothing back over. He made to walk away and leave Merlin kneeling there, but not before he spoke the final words that broke Merlin’s heart; “Any other lies left to tell me?”
Arthur didn’t want to see him. As soon as they were back in Camelot, Arthur told him he had a day to finish up everything he had to do and leave. Instead of being executed, he was simply being banished—cleaner and far quieter; no need to involve more witnesses. It would be better for both of them, Arthur claimed, if he just left as though of his own accord.
Merlin nodded in false agreement and tried to hide the evidence of his heart shattering into pieces.
Arthur both hated and missed Merlin. He’d thought he’d been beginning to finally count the younger as a friend, he’d thought that Merlin was someone he could always count on and trust. He should’ve known that it was too good to be true—he should’ve guessed that Merlin would betray him in the end.
“Arthur.” Arthur startled and turned to face his sister; she looked furious, and Arthur could’ve sworn he could physically feel her anger. “What’s this about you banishing Merlin?”
“No, Arthur,” Morgana snapped, eyes flashing, “What’s Merlin ever done to deserve this?”
“Morgana, the law is clear, he should technically be executed,” Morgana looked like she was about to interrupt, but Arthur ploughed on anyway, “banishment is mercy. It’s all I can do, Morgana, you’ll just have to live with that.”
Arthur stared past her; he’d made his decision, and he wasn’t going to change his mind. Morgana seemed to come to the same conclusion and she sneered at him.
“I’ll just have to live with that?” She asked, far calmer than when she had walked in, “I’ll survive, Arthur, but will you?”
“I wonder,” she opened the door and lingered slightly in the hall, “Arthur Pendragon, can you bring yourself to live without Merlin?”
Arthur closed his eyes as if that could block out his sister’s words.
It took a total of three minutes for Arthur to get sick of George. The servant meant well, he truly did, but he was so formal. It was stifling, and after a week of sentences ending in Sire and perfect deference, Arthur missed Merlin more than he thought he would—try as he might, he just couldn’t change his love to hate overnight.
Arthur had never actually thought about how he felt for Merlin—he’d never had any true friends (Leon didn’t count, they hadn’t been close until the whole round table thing) let alone anything more, and he’d never recognised what Merlin was to him. Well, not until it was too late.
The knights of the round table hadn’t spoken to him except in increasingly formal tones since Merlin’s banishment, and every time he entered a room either Morgana or Gwen were in they left without a glance towards him. It left him lonelier than he’d ever felt.
Arthur stared at the papers in his hands. Taxes and finance were all well and good for the kingdom, but as a distraction they were hopeless.
His eyes instead fell on the last speech Merlin had written. For a peasant, Merlin’s handwriting was surprisingly neat, and he had a way with words that made Arthur jealous. For some reason, Arthur always kept the latest speech on his desk and when he couldn’t focus he reread the words Merlin wrote for him.
I wonder, Arthur Pendragon, can you live without Merlin?
Morgana’s words echoed in his mind and it was only then that he found the answer.
“Get up!” Arthur snapped at his sister. The round table stood behind him, bleary-eyed and dead on their feet. Morgana groaned, and beside her, Gwen groaned too. “Get up!—both of you—We’re getting Merlin back!”
Morgana sat up sharply, and her gaze fixed on Arthur’s, a predator fixated her prey. It had always been like that, Morgana being smarter, faster, better than Arthur. She knew where to strike to hit a person’s weak points, and she could dig into those points and tear.
“Finally figured it out, haven’t you, brother dearest?”
He nodded; “It’s time for a law change.”
“Well then,” she said, and her eyes burned a bright, magical amber, “what are we waiting for?”
They found Merlin only an hour’s ride away from Camelot, in a small house that hadn’t been there a week before.
Arthur didn’t care to wonder how it was there, nor did he care to think over the way Morgana had led him straight to Merlin’s hideout—never-mind that Merlin clearly hadn’t ever left Camelot, despite his banishment.
“Merlin!” Arthur yelled, and Merlin flung open his door with an expression of stubborn fury.
“Shut up, Arthur,” Merlin snapped, “I know you’re here, and I know why.”
Arthur flushed, but his curiosity was piqued. “How?”
“Morgana told me,” Merlin answered, “but I want to hear it from you before I even consider coming back.”
Arthur took a few slow steps towards Merlin, and when Merlin didn’t run, he took a few more.
“Merlin,” Arthur’s voice broke, and it was so similar to how Merlin had said his name in that last conversation that Arthur felt his heart crack slightly. “Merlin, I’m so sorry.”
Merlin stared, his face a blank mask, “Arthur you banished me for something I had no choice in. You broke my heart with that, sorry doesn’t cut it.”
“I didn’t understand,” Arthur explained, “I was an idiot and a complete arse, and a—a clotpole. I didn’t understand because I had never been bothered to learn what was possible. I’m repealing the ban on magic, and I’m doing that because I didn’t understand because I didn’t know what I had until I lost it.”
Arthur paused for breath, and Merlin let him. “Until I lost you. I realised so much when you were gone, Merlin, I realised how much I love you. How much I need you by my side, even if we stay as friends.”
Merlin’s expression melted, and his eyes shone suspiciously. He surged forward, and Arthur wasn’t entirely sure which one of them initiated the soul-searing kiss, but neither backed down.
It was everything Arthur had ever dreamt of and more, because in his dreams there had been only nameless strangers, but here he had Merlin. Merlin, who kissed Arthur just as hard as Arthur kissed him. Merlin, who had stuck close to Camelot instead of going back to Ealdor.
The kiss sent shivers down his spine, and Arthur could’ve sworn he saw the heavens in Merlin. He loved this man so much, and he would gladly lay down his life, pass the crown over to Morgana if it meant he could spend just one more minute with Merlin.
“Will you, Merlin, allow me the pleasure of courting you?”
“Yes, Arthur,” Merlin answered, “but only if you try to understand and learn. You have to promise to listen and do your best to make this work.”
“I promise.”
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trashyazeohane · 4 years
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<walk into a fandom twelve years too late> Ayyy!!!
Every drawing has a long story behind it which I’m too lazy to write xP
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needacuppa · 5 years
Tea and the English (3/3)
Final part to this mini HC series 
I love tea, I love Merlin, I hate BBC for the ending.
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Merlin had a different kind of taste when it came to tea
He preferred more exotic teas rather than the normal cuppas most people who go for
After centuries of roaming the earth, Merlin has tried blends from different times, different places, different people
He favoured the herbal teas more than the range of black tea
English Breakfast, Earl Grey, Assam - these were wonderful but...
Lavender, Ginseng, Lemon grass
There was so much out there that held more than the usual cup of black tea
He really did love a good cup of English Breakfast or Earl Grey
But it carried a bittersweet taste of broken prophecies, people long gone, and the burden that came with the centuries
He waited every reincarnation and hoped that the dragon’s words will finally come true
But 3 centuries later, Merlin began losing hope
So he traveled
And drank
Not alcohol. No, that reminded him too much of a dear ( but dead ) friend of his
Merlin drank tea like it was alcohol
He drank to forget the taste of England, the taste of sorrow, the taste of memories that never faded.
Arthur always felt a pull towards herbal teas despite being the “most English bloke” Gwen has ever known
He never knew why he was drawn towards herbal teas
But he always felt a sense of melancholy with every different blend he tries
Sometimes, the feeling was so strong he’d cry. ( That had happened when he tried Elderberry tea and Masala Chai )
Arthur knew at the back of his mind that there was something that he had to find. No. Someone.
If only he knew where to start
Gwen purely drank Builders tea.
The English of the English
She always had a sense of patriotism for her country and nothing made her prouder to be a true blue English. ( but she was always embarrassed at the blatant racism that still existed in the country )
While she didn’t drink herbal teas, Gwen loved picking leaves for herbal teas
She’d imagine walking in the forest with a close friend, garnering herbs and laughing with him.
Gwaine hated tea. He always opted for beers or something stronger when the strange melancholic feeling washed over him
Gwen said that Gwaine was crazy for not liking tea
But it was really because tea was never strong enough
There wasn’t any thrill in tea
Tea was calm and composed like the distant memory of a smile 
Lance drank coffee.
Tea wasn’t enough for him, he needed the caffeine from coffee
Because he remembered.
His golden eyes, his bright smile and his selfless heart.
And almost everyone was here.
But only he’d seem to remember
He was the only knight who really knew knew about Merlin’s magic.
But he hasn’t seen Merlin ever since those days long past
All he does is wait and live each life after another
Hoping that one day the warlock will find his way to his friends family
whoop this turned out angstier and longer than i expected. Anyways, i hope you enjoyed this mini HC series! Feel free to reblog and comment
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fictionalinfinity · 5 years
Merlin fic idea
this one’s been rolling around in my head for quite some time lol
-a diamond of the day au
-morgana finds out where Arthur and Merlin are going and so naturally she goes herself
-only when she gets there and sees arthur...
-that one tiny part of herself, the woman who smiled when gwen brought her flowers, who encouraged arthur to disobey his father and save his loyal servant’s life, who followed some man she’d known only for a few months to help his mother save their village...that woman sees arthur and remembers
-that one tiny part of her refuses to interfere, and after accidentally spooking the horses, she runs
-Arthur dies and Merlin cries
-it’s been a few months. Merlin is still mourning Gwaine and Arthur, and his search for morgana is unceasing
-while scouring the forest, merlin sees morgana, who is injured, get taken down by some sarrum type character and Merlin goes ballistic
-Merlin wants to be the one to finally kill morgana and he goes after this group of magic hunters but he’s so blinded by his rage that they get the upper hand over him too
-morgana and Merlin spend MONTHS trapped in magic-blocking cage and while they both still hate each other, Merlin manages to glimpse the part of her that regrets the way it ended
-they’re finally managing to escape and someone grabs morgana
-Merlin goes after her again but this time he’s not so sure if it’s so he can be the one to kill her or...something else
-once they’re out they part ways, but they promise to meet up every once in awhile. Just to make sure neither of them is dead. Totally not because they might be starting to care for each other or something...I mean of course they’re still enemies
-another traumatizing even occurs and okay. They admit it. They’re kind of friends.
-magic stuff happens and they find themselves waking up the day before Camlann?? But didn’t they already live through this??
-they have a chance for a do-over
-arthur and knights are shook abt Merlin/Morgana friendship and convinced she’s enchanted him and that she’s biding her time
-when Mordred realized morgana is serious about not wanting revenge, he goes solo
-Arthur must team up with morgana and Merlin to defeat Mordred!!!
-insert some happy ending here
Would anyone ever want to read this??
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midnight-clover · 3 years
Creation-verse by Midnight_Clover
Ao3 Author Link: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Midnight_Clover/pseuds/Midnight_Clover
Series Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/2445949
Series Description: Magic has shifted after thousands of years, but the old religion still breathes. Harry can use it to his advantage.
Notes: My retelling of the Harry Potter Series. Merlin is immortal and has used his power to make some of his friends immortal with him. Harry has the ability to use the magic of the old religion. Merlin doesn’t really show up as a character until book 3. I’m also editing a bunch of the canon world building, just little things I don’t like mostly.
The Series Goes:
Creation of Power as Book 1 (Minor Canon Divergence) Creation of an Heir as Book 2 (Canon Divergence) Creation of Family as Book 3 (Major Canon Divergence) Creation of a Warrior as Book 4 (Major Canon Divergence) Creation of a Sorcerer as Book 5 (Major Canon Divergence) Creation of Heart as Book 6 (Whole New Book Essentially)
Creation of Power by Midnight_Clover
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Merlin (TV)
Relationships: Hermione Granger & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley, minor Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin) - Relationship, minor Gwen/Morgana (Merlin) - Relationship
Tags: Book 1: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Book 1, Hogwarts First Year, BAMF Harry Potter, Smart Harry Potter, Magically Powerful Harry Potter, Harry Potter-centric, The Golden Trio, Gryffindor Harry Potter, Gryffindor Hermione Granger, Gryffindor Ron Weasley, Betaed, Beta Read, POV Third Person, POV Third Person Limited, Mild Language, Present Tense, Canon Rewrite, Rewrite, Fix-It of Sorts, Crossover, Prophecy, Alternate Universe, Canon typical child abuse, Canon typical bullying, The Old Religion (Merlin), Parselmouths & Parseltongue (Harry Potter), Room of Requirement, Glamour Charms (Harry Potter), Immortal Merlin (Merlin), Immortal Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Post-Season/Series 05 Finale
Summary: Over a thousand years ago in the time of King Arthur, magic could be harnessed without a wand. Now, only those with strong enough cores are able to. Lily Potter, on the night of her murder, was able to cast such magics in order to protect her son. The feats of magic that were unleashed that night would affect the baby’s own magical core.
That night a fifteen month old was gifted powers that hadn’t been seen since the time of Merlin. Now it’s time for him to go to Hogwarts. (Merlin himself might grow to have some opinions on this.)
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fandominator · 10 years
Disclaimer: I did not write this fanfiction i am just really enjoying it and wish to share it with more people.
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izzydragon · 13 years
Can you provide me with seriously hilarious Merthur or Brolin fics? I'm in desperate need. I'll love you forever.
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