#metal sanaz
darkchastity · 1 month
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last-tambourine · 1 year
All this was on my mind one Thursday evening after class as I was looking at the diaries my girls had left behind, with their new essays and poems. At the start of our class, I had asked them to describe their image of themselves. They were not ready then to face that question, but every once in a while I returned to it and asked them again.
Now, as I sat curled up on the love seat, I looked at dozens of pages of their recent responses. I have one of these responses in front of me. It belongs to Sanaz, who handed it in shortly after her jail experience at the seaside. It is a simple drawing in black and white, of a naked girl, the white of her body caught in a black bubble. She is crouched in an almost fetal position, hugging one bent knee. Her other leg is stretched out behind her. Her long, straight hair follows the same curved line as the contour of her back, but her face is hidden. The bubble is lifted in the air by a giant bird with long black talons. What interests me is a small detail as opposed to the more obvious imagery of the girl, the bubble and the girl’s hand that reaches out of the bubble and holds on to the talon. Her subservient nakedness is dependent on that talon, and she reaches out to it.
The drawing immediately brought to my mind Nabokov’s statement in his famous afterword to Lolita about how the “first little throb of Lolita” went through him in 1939 or early 1940, when he was ill with a severe attack of intercostal neuralgia. He recalls that “the initial shiver of inspiration was somehow prompted by a newspaper story about an ape in the Jardin des Plantes, who, after months of coaxing by a scientist, produced the first drawing ever charcoaled by an animal: this sketch showed the bars of the poor creature’s cage.”
The two images, one from the novel and the other from reality, reveal a terrible truth. Its terribleness goes beyond the fact that in each case an act of violence has been committed. It goes beyond the bars, revealing the victim’s proximity and intimacy with its jailer. Our focus in each is on the delicate spot where the prisoner touches the bar, on the invisible contact between flesh and cold metal.
~ Reading Lolita in Tehran, a memoir in books, by Azar Nafisi
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yegarts · 2 years
What’s Coming up in Public Art
Over the next few years, we’re thrilled to be welcoming several new public artworks to Edmonton’s Public Art Collection. Along with previously announced pieces by Sanaz Mazinani for the new downtown greenspace Warehouse Park (in development) and by Michelle Sound for the TELUS Transit stop, Edmonton will soon be home to new works by some fascinating local and national artists, including Jordan Bennett, Sans façon, Shaheer Zazai, Ruth Cuthand, Morgan Melenka, and Michelle Campos Castillo – all in connection with the new Valley Line West LRT expansion. Also in the works is a new public art commission by artist Becca Taylor for the TELUS World of Science – Edmonton.
The artists are all putting the Edmonton Arts Council’s (EAC) new approach to public art into action from start to finish. The re-envisioned approach is guided by the City of Edmonton policy, "Public Art to Enhance Edmonton’s Public Realm”, and its principles concerning public visibility and accessibility, diversity and inclusion, public art appreciation, and city-wide impact. The shift began with the EAC's work on the Indigenous Art Park, ᐄᓃᐤ (ÎNÎW) River Lot 11 ∞, shares Public Art Director David Turnbull: “with it, we changed the way we work, to think beyond contract management and to really question what our responsibility is to the citizens of Edmonton and to the growth and development of the public art collection.”
These new commissions will have strong ties to the communities they occupy. Artists are no longer selected based on their preconceived ideas for a project, Turnbull says, “we now ask artists to begin projects by outlining their creative processes and their approach to research and engagement with community stakeholders.” The EAC's work to build strong relationships in the community is critical, says Turnbull, “by the time an artist comes into a project, they should be entering a receptive community that is expecting them.”
The new responsive processes are helping to build a high-quality public art collection that is relevant and representative of Edmonton’s diverse communities. These purposeful steps work to address the collection's under-representation of Indigenous artists, as well as artists from diverse genders and cultural backgrounds. The new processes will also help to address systemic barriers faced by artists from marginalized, racialized and equity-seeking groups which prevent them from becoming involved in public art.
Read on to learn more about the artists behind several exciting new public art commissions coming to Edmonton.
Jordan Bennett: Valley Line West - West Edmonton Mall Station
Selected artist: Jordan Bennett Public art project site: Valley Line West-West Edmonton Mall Station, 175 Street & 87 Avenue  Anticipated project install date: 2024
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Mawpile'n by Jordan Bennett, 2017. Materials: Acrylic Paint on Aluminum. Installation View: Exterior of Great West Life Building-Broadway, Winnipeg. Photo credit: Synonym Art Collective. Collaboration with Dee Barsy through Synonym Art Collective and WAG.
For the Valley Line West LRT - West Edmonton Mall Station, Jordan Bennett will be creating artwork using the mediums of ceramic frit on glass (windows) and painting on a large metal solar screen. The LRT expansion to the city’s west side is the second stage of the Valley Line that will operate between Mill Woods in southeast Edmonton and Lewis Farms in west Edmonton.
Jordan Bennett is a Mi’kmaq visual artist from Stephenville Crossing, Ktaqamkuk, Newfoundland. Jordan's ongoing practice utilizes painting, sculpture, video, installation, and sound to explore land, language, the act of visiting, familial histories and challenging colonial perceptions of Indigenous histories and presence with a focus on exploring Mi’kmaq and Beothuk visual culture of Ktaqamkuk.
In the past 10 years Bennett has participated in over 90 group and solo exhibitions nationally and internationally in venues such as the Smithsonian-National Museum of the American Indian, NYC; MAC-VAL, Paris; The Museum of Art and Design, NYC, NY; Museum of Contemporary Native Arts, Santa Fe, NM; Project Space Gallery, RMIT, Melbourne, AUS; and the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia.
He has been the recipient of several awards and honours, notably, he was shortlisted for the 2018 Sobey Art Award and presented with the 2014 Newfoundland and Labrador Arts Councils Artist of the Year. Bennett holds a BFA from Sir Wilfred Grenfell College, Memorial University, and an MFA from The University of British Columbia, Okanagan.
Sans façon: Valley Line West - Misericordia Station 
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Limelight: Saturday night by Sans façon. 2010-ongoing. Photo credit Sans façon. Selected artist collective: Sans façon Public art project site: Valley Line West - Misericordia Station, 169 Street & 87 Avenue  Anticipated project install date: 2024
Sans façon is creating three works for the Valley Line West - Misericordia Station. “It is our intention that notions of compassion run, in different and complementary ways, through all of the components of the work", says Sans façon, "the art itself is the conduit for public encounters with the notion of compassion. Three expressions will take form: two will be permanent and tangible and the third expression will lay the social and contextual foundation for the permanent works through storytelling.
Sans façon works internationally on projects ranging from large scale permanent artworks and temporary installations in public spaces to collaborating with design teams on major infrastructure projects or developing and implementing city-wide strategies involving artists in discourse with a city. Much of their work tempts interaction with the surroundings and is developed in close collaboration with communities, corporations, and individuals including city councils, scholars, architects, engineers, and designers.
Over the last two decades, Sans façon has established a model of integrating art and artists as part of a holistic approach for projects of all scales, allowing art to work in concert with the vision of the wider project, engaging people and animating the specific character and quality of each place they work with.
The busy Calgary-based duo has current projects throughout North America and internationally including Art in Parks, a permanent installation with Steve Gurysh in Pittsburgh; Al Masar, five permanent and temporary works, and art planning with el dorado architects in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Monument to Rain, a permanent installation, exploring our relationship to the dynamic environment in Georgetown, Seattle.
Note: On November 24, 2022, as part of the Art Gallery of Alberta's monthly free night, Sans façon is providing a guided scent tour from 5 - 6 pm.
Michelle Campos Castillo: Valley Line West - 87 Avenue Guideway Ramps at 164 Street 
Selected artist: Michelle Campos Castillo Public art project site: Valley Line West - 87 Avenue Guideway Ramps at 164 Street  Anticipated project install date: 2024
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Rendering of Michelle Campos Castillo’s project Agua.
Local artist Michelle Campos Castillo has been commissioned to create a design for the Valley Line West - 87 Avenue guideway ramps at 164 Street.
“As a guest on Treaty 6 territory, I’m most concerned in honouring the land and its inhabitants,” says Campos Castillo. “My approach to developing concepts always carries the spirit of migrants and refugees with me, while appreciating the beautiful landscape of Indigenous territory. I challenged myself to think beyond my own Salvadorean culture and embody the journey of all migrants. I thought of the distances we all travelled to land in Amiskwaciwahikan; some of us crossed oceans. At the same time, I think of my favourite place in the city, the river valley, and the way the river runs across the city and the way this body of water unites us locally.”
Michelle Campos Castillo is a Salvadoran visual artist living in Edmonton. She has been the recipient of several public art commissions from the City of Edmonton, including Platanos, a set of three sculptures on permanent display at Belvedere Transit Centre, and Dream, a recently finalized artwork for the Stadium LRT station (along with fellow local artists Tiffany Shaw, Becca Taylor, Shawn Tse and Christina Battle). Her most recent exhibits are a solo show, Terremoto, presented in the summer of 2022 at grunt gallery in Vancouver, BC and as part of Imborrable at the National Gallery in San Salvador, El Salvador. She is currently working on a graphic novel memoir titled Colonia, based on her life in El Salvador during the country’s civil war.
Morgan Melenka: Valley Line West - Aldergrove Park Elevated Guideway Ramp 
Selected artist: Morgan Melenka  Public art project site: 87 Avenue Guideway Ramp at Aldergrove Park and 182 Street Anticipated project install date: 2024
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Rendering of Morgan Melanka's project. 3D render by Jordan Polanski. 
Morgan Melenka has a close connection with the site that she has been commissioned to design artwork. Melenka’s designs for the Valley Line West guideway ramp at 87 Avenue and 182 Street are informed by the architecture of Aldergrove, the neighborhood she grew up in. The imagery, Melenka says “is a collage of building materials and styles from the area, including brick arches, vinyl siding, and mansard roofs. The geometry of this work results in a strong visual pattern, akin to the experience of moving through Aldergrove, and reflects familiar forms and shapes that informed my understanding of space as a child.”
Morgan Melenka is a visual artist based in Mohkinstsis (Calgary) who grew up in Treaty 6. She engages with sculpture and printmaking as she reproduces, modifies, and misuses familiar architectural forms and materials to engage with the world of architecture. She holds an MFA from NSCAD University and has exhibited in Canada and the US including New York, Nebraska, and Tennessee. Her recent exhibitions include: Nonsuch at SNAP Gallery; the Scene at the Art Gallery of Alberta; The Works Art & Design Festival, moveObjects On at the Plumb, Toronto; and There are no walls, only shimmering membranes as part of SAAG Art Library Project.
Shaheer Zazai: Gerry Wright Operations and Maintenance Facility Public Art Project
Selected artist: Shaheer Zazai Public art project site: The Gerry Wright Facility is east of 75th Street adjacent to Whitemud Drive  Anticipated project install date: 2024/25
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Untitled - Carpet 2 / 2017 by Shaheer Zazai. Digital Print on Watercolour Paper. Produced in Microsoft Word. Edition of 3. 25.5” X 42”.
Shaheer Zazai, an Afghan-Canadian artist based in Toronto, has been selected for the public art project for the Gerry Wright Facility. The maintenance facility, garage, and operations centre for Valley Line is east of 75th Street, on the north side of Whitemud Drive. Zazai will develop and execute a site-specific artwork that may span two exterior walls on the southeast side of the building. An important part of Zazai’s process will be community engagement. Stay tuned for information about public engagement opportunities in the coming months.
Zazai’s current studio practice is both in painting and digital media. His practice focuses on exploring and attempting to investigate the development of cultural identity in the present geopolitical climate and diaspora. Zazai received a BFA from OCAD University in 2011 and was an artist in residence at OCAD University as part of the Digital Painting Atelier in 2015. He has upcoming exhibitions at the Aga Khan Museum and the Power Plant in Toronto, the Owens Art Gallery in New Brunswick, and a public artwork in progress at Emily Carr University. Recent exhibitions include a solo exhibition of new works, A Call Home at Patel Brown Gallery, Toronto, and New Acquisitions Exhibition at Burnaby Art Gallery, Burnaby, BC.
Ruth Cuthand: Lewis Farms Storage Facility Public Art Project 
Selected artist: Ruth Cuthand Public art project site:  Lewis Farms Facility, west of Anthony Henday Drive, adjacent to Lewis Farms Transit Centre  Anticipated project install date: 2024/25 
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RCH78, Depression by Ruth Cuthand. 2022, Glass beads, thread, backing, 11 1/4" x 11 1/4". Copyright: Ruth Cuthand. Photo credit: The Gallery/Art Placement Inc., Saskatoon, SK
Artist Ruth Cuthand has been commissioned for the Lewis Farms Facility public art project. The facility is west of Anthony Henday Drive, adjacent to the existing Lewis Farms Transit Centre. Cuthand will develop and execute a site-specific artwork that may span ten locations along the west façade of the building.
Ruth Cuthand was born in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, of Plains Cree, Scottish and Irish ancestry. She grew up in Cardston, Alberta near the Blood Reserve and resides in Saskatoon where she completed her BFA and MFA. An early fascination with disease, First Nations living conditions, and settler/Native relationships informed by childhood experiences have become key elements in her creative practice. Ruth has exhibited extensively across Canada and the United States since the late 1980s with artworks in major collections, such as the National Gallery of Canada. Her awards and recognition include the Governor General’s Award in Visual and Media Arts, the University of Saskatchewan Alumni of Influence Award, and the Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan Arts Award.
Becca Taylor: TELUS World of Science - Edmonton 
Selected artist: Becca Taylor Public art project site: Entry Plaza, TELUS World of Science Edmonton, 11211 - 142 Street, Edmonton    Anticipated project install date: spring 2023  
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Investigations - Untitled, wâpanewask (Yarrow) explorations by Becca Taylor. 2022. Dyed Cotton, beds and dried yarrow.  Photo credit: Darryn Doull, KWAG 
Artist Becca Taylor has been commissioned to create a site-specific artwork in the entrance plaza of TELUS World of Science – Edmonton that is part of a modernization project at the facility. The extensive update has involved renovations of existing exhibits and the addition of 20,000 square feet of new gallery space and visitor amenities.
Becca Taylor is an artist, curator, and writer, of Cree and Métis descent. Her practice involves investigations of Indigenous community building, through food sovereignty, gathering, deep listening, conversation and making. Contributing to all stages of this project, she brings her experience in working on collaborative-based projects, research, and public engagement. Taylor also has experience curating and organizing community and site-specific interventions in urban and rural landscapes. Notably, in 2015 she organized a series of youth-led public artworks in Winnipeg’s North end, and in 2018 she co-led a land-based residency, Common Opulence, in Northern Alberta. Becca is the Executive Director (currently on a leave of absence) of Ociciwan Contemporary Art Centre in Amiskwacîwâskahikan.
Learn more about the City of Edmonton Public Art Collection and discover other fantastic public art projects in progress at edmontonpublicart.ca.
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emilestrange · 5 years
Don Bish.... Is A Bitch!
Don Bish…. Is A Bitch!
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Since DON BISH, ( 2- call him up and ask him! (818) 419-9075 Don Bish also known as DISH! ) has chosen to take it upon himself to edit Metal Sanaz’s FB posts, I took it upon myself to help her out by reposting them where he can’t get to them!
Give him a call folks and let’s ask him why he thinks his actions are ok! 2- call him up and ask him! (818) 419-9075 Don Bish also known as DISH!
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amaranth-devi1 · 3 years
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Handmade vegan lip gloss.
Metal Sanaz, Metal Cosmetics @metalcosmetics
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208cbd · 4 years
If your in the music scene or into heavy metal you need to add/chat up Metal Sanaz
She's 100%, raw, and uncut
Tell her the southern idaho #CBDDUDE sent ya....
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jaybe11 · 2 years
Dawn Of Ashes interview with Metal Sanaz
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davidshankle-blog · 2 years
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Happy birthday to my friend the lovely Metal Sanaz https://www.instagram.com/p/CcVZzTqOwQa/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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athomeinhell406 · 5 years
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Metal Sanaz #namm2020 #athomeinhell #executioner213 (at Anaheim, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7ccVfxgtC9/?igshid=1bohevf3oxlqn
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3thurs · 5 years
Third Thursday May 16
The next Third Thursday — the monthly evening of art in Athens, Georgia — is scheduled for Thursday, May 16,2019, from 6 to 9 p.m. All exhibitions are free and open to the public. 
This Third Thursday will offer three events in addition to the exhibitions. One of the venues will be closed.
Georgia Museum of Art, University of Georgia
Yoga in the Galleries, 6 p.m. — Join us for a yoga class surrounded by works of art in the galleries. Led by instructors from Five Points Yoga, this program is free and open to both beginner and experienced yogis. Space is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis; tickets are available at the front desk starting at 5:15 p.m. Yoga mats provided.
Film: “Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead”, 7 p.m. — Part of the "Love and Shakespeare" film series. Rosencrantz (Gary Oldman) and Guildenstern (Tim Roth) ramble obliviously through Elsinore Castle and its environs as the events of William Shakespeare's "Hamlet" unfold around them. While visiting their old friend Hamlet (Iain Glen), the pair engage in an ongoing philosophical debate about free will versus predestination, each trying to prove absurd positions through misbegotten experiments. Meanwhile, the clueless friends attempt to make sense of the peculiar goings-on in the castle. 1991, PG, 118 min.
On view:
“Sculptured Adornment: The Jewelry of David Hayes” — A focused exhibition of approximately 40 of the modernist artist’s brooches and pendants.
“Master of Fine Arts Degree Candidates Exhibition” — The annual exit show for the graduating master of fine arts students at the Lamar Dodd School of Art. Graduating candidates are able to exhibit their work in various areas of study including painting and drawing, fabric design, photo and video, printmaking, sculpture/fibers, jewelry/metals and ceramics. This year’s students showing at the Georgia Museum of Art include: Dimelza Broche, Catherine Chang, Sydney Daniel, Sanaz Haghani, Yiran Liu, Esther Lee Mech, Guadalupe Navarro, Jennifer Niswonger. MFA students Justin Barker, Amanda Britton, Shawn Campbell, Catherine Clements, Lindy Erkes, Yusheng Fang, Matthew Flores, William Major, Kimberly McWhorter, Lauren O’Connor-Korb, Paula Runyon and Taylor Shaw will show at the Deupree Building in downtown Athens at 458 E. Clayton Street.
“Life, Love and Marriage Chests in Renaissance Italy” — The exhibition comprises around 45 Renaissance works of art related to its theme and representative of life and social customs in Renaissance Italy.
“Stony the Road We Trod” — This exhibition features works by African American artists in the museum’s permanent collection and by this year’s Larry D. and Brenda A. Thompson Award Winner, Leo Twiggs.
“Out of the Darkness: Light in the Depths of the Sea of Cortez” — Artist Rebecca Rutstein uses UGA marine sciences professor Samantha Joye's research to create an interactive sculptural installation and several large paintings.
Permanent Collection — Thirteen galleries house a large portion of the Georgia Museum of Art's collection, including many of the 100 American paintings that made up Alfred Heber Holbrook's founding gift.
Lamar Dodd School of Art Galleries, University of Georgia
Closed between academic sessions.
Lyndon House Arts Center
“Collections From Our Community: Mike Landers’ Cookie Jars” — A delightful collection of head-shaped cookie jars featuring beloved cartoon characters- Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Fred Flintstone, Barney Rubble and more.
“Plastic Bodies” — Works by Abigale West
Hotel Indigo, Athens
“You Are Here” — Works by Amanda Jane Burk, Eli Saragoussi, Chasity Williams and Tae Lee
“Taylor Shaw” — A new installation in the GlassCube, featuring neon fantastic mini golf Athens mural fun. 
ATHICA (Athens Institute for Contemporary Art)
“POM POM: Material / Waste / Video / Sculpture / Weaving” — Artist-in-ATHICA Katlin Shae’s POM POM is a multi-sensory, inter-active experience that investigates the possibility of material and questions the role of waste, specifically the single use item in modern society. The artist documented the lifespan of plastic pom-poms harvested at Sanford Stadium in Athens, Georgia, and through the labor of weaving in collaboration with gallery visitors, will transform the pom pom material into a large communal tapestry during a 4 week residency period.  
Opening reception, 6 – 8 p.m., for “Alexis M. Spina: Obsolescence”
The Classic Center
“Checkerboard Checkered Floor” — An exhibition exploring pattern play is on view in Classic Gallery I. Featuring the boxy abstractions of Cal Clements, the black-and-white patterned interiors of Hanna Friedlander, Jess Machacek’s ombré assemblages, Jared Brown’s bouncy, poppy paintings and Courtney McCracken’s marbled geometric combination collages.
“See Dan Paint” — A solo exhibition of Moby Dicks and large paintings by Dan Smith in Classic Gallery II.
Third Thursday was established in 2012 to encourage attendance at Athens’ established art venues through coordination and co-promotion by the organizing entities. Rack cards promoting Third Thursday and visual art in Athens are available upon request. This schedule and venue locations and regular hours can be found at 3thurs.org.
Contact: Michael Lachowski, Georgia Museum of Art, [email protected].
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mikki-lynch · 6 years
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大好きなHeidiも持ってる、Metal Sanazさんのlip🤩🌹 リキッドタイプで、唇に付けやすいチップ! 口角にも塗りやすく、発色良くておすすめです✌️ eBayで販売中✨ my one of fav girl: Butcher Babies' Heidi also got Metal Sanaz' liquid lip! nice chip that easy to tip to lip, great color so my recommend! 2colors "BLOOD" and "SEX". she is selling on eBay. plz check it out, ladies!! #Repost @metalsanaz with @get_repost ・・・ I'm so excited that @heidithebutcher from the @butcherbabies likes my lipstick and looks so wonderful on her! I always see her in nude shades but wow.... Thank you my love!!!! To get yours , just go to metalcosmetics.com Or my eBay store before I run out!💋💖💖💖 https://www.instagram.com/p/BsmHDkxFgAk/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=y3by82bvy998
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darkchastity · 1 month
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discovercreate · 7 years
My Girl’s Pink Pom Pom Bedroom
What’s more girly than a room filled with metallic hearts, ballerina dolls, and a varying shades of of pink?! (Sanaz Photography) from dwellinggawker http://ift.tt/2wxScuN
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emilestrange · 5 years
Metal Sanaz Has Had Enough Of Your Fucking Shit Don Bish!!!!
Metal Sanaz Has Had Enough Of Your Fucking Shit Don Bish!!!!
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For quite a while now, those that follow Metal Sanaz, know that she has been trying to get some items back from someone…. Apparently Don Bish isn’t an adult, and doesn’t know how to return items he borrows….. Metal Sanaz gave Don Bish more than enough time to return her items before, well, read on.
Metal Sanaz
September 11 at 8:27 PM · 
So I think it’s almost about time to reveal the…
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topbeautifulwomens · 6 years
#Metal #Sanaz #Biography #Photos #Wallpapers #babymodel #cream #creative #eyelashes #fashionistas #hairstraightener #likeforlike #scoutme #skincare #sunsets
Title Steel Sanaz Peak Naionality Day of Delivery Set of Birth Well-known for
The post Metal Sanaz Biography Photos Wallpapers appeared first on Beautiful Women.
source http://topbeautifulwomen.com/metal-sanaz-biography-photos-wallpapers/
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rockrevoltmagazine · 6 years
“Athanasia is a power trio playing a highly original hybrid of classic and modern heavy metal, consisting of singer/guitarist Caleb Bingham (Ex- Five Finger Death Punch), bassist Brandon Miller, and veteran drummer Jason West (Ex- Muderdolls/Wednesday 13). Their debut LP “The Order of the Silver Compass” combines anthemic stadium metal hooks with elements of bay area thrash and Scandinavian black metal styles. Athanasia is hell bent on ensuring that loud, guitar driven heavy metal music will continue as an art form until the end of time itself!” states the band’s official website, and this is quite a modest description indeed. Having had their music videos (by Matt Zane) featured on Revolver Magazine and other heavy hitting outlets, as well as enjoying a successful European tour in 2017, Athanasia is quickly gaining traction in the industry.
  2018 has long anticipated the arrival of Athanasia unto its stages- and Unfriendly Studios in Los Angeles, CA, has taken on the prominent position of debuting the act. Owned by a fairly well-known figure in the heavier music scene, Unfriendly Studios by Metal Sanaz is a tucked away venue in Downtown Los Angeles, hosting an intimate setting for fans to see their admired acts up close.
  Athanasia jumped right into their performance, opening with Read Between the Lines, a powerful and electrifying song sure to pump up any crowd. The audience was enamored with the performance, each fan could be easily seen moshing to the intense beats! Several of those that attended the evening also participated in the band’s video shoot for Nightmare, releasing soon. A welcome sight to see some familiar faces! The opening song was quickly followed by Spoils of War, The Order of the Silver Compass, and Cyclops Lord– all songs that feature tremendous music or lyric videos that landed this act some notoriety. Front man Caleb Bingham’s skill shone bright throughout the dimly lit venue (and it certainly wasn’t just his mirrored guitar!), as he bellowed out skilled vocals and impressive riffs. It is of no wonder that the lad holds not one, but two gold records to his name. Bassist Brandon Miller defies convention by playing his bass upside down, and proceeded to kick some major ass on his side of the stage (complete with eye-catching hair flipping action). Drummer Jason West is no stranger to the stage, having rocked with some incredible acts in his impressive career. Years of perfecting his talent showed, as Jason plays with an unmatched fervor that is hard to ignore. Fans were in for a treat this evening, as the band unveiled four brand new songs at the end of their set (Obelisk, Obsolete Generation, Double Crossed, and Condemned to Die), with mastermind Caleb revealing that the second Athanasia album will be titled “Obelisk”.
  Athanasia Live
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  Set List:
  Read Between the Lines
Spoils of War
The Order of the Silver Compass
Cyclops Lord
The Bohemian
Mechanized Assault
White Horse
Nightmare Sound
Obsolete Generation
Double Crossed
Condemned to Die
Official Website Facebook Instagram YouTube
  Be sure to be on the lookout for another upcoming video by metal act Athanasia.
ATHANASIA LIVE was originally published on RockRevolt Mag
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