theketofoodie-blog · 6 years
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I am so nervous about posting this. I literally never wanted anyone to see how big I had gotten which was over 250 lbs. I hated how I looked and although I am still on my keto journey I feel and look so much better than when I first started. I am down 70lbs with 20-30 more to go depending on how I look and feel. The best part about this way of eating is that I am never hungry. #ketofoodie #ketodiet #weightlossjourney #weightlostransformation #ineedtoclean #messybeddontcare #weightloss #ketocommunity #ketofam #ketoforlife #eatfattolosefat #summeriscoming #nevergiveup
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heliosmd · 6 years
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Dont bother me hooman i need moar sleeps #lazyweekday #hoosklyfe #messybeddontcare #dogsdonthavejobs #yourjustjealous #comfycozy https://www.instagram.com/p/Boo_4YhHMZOk5OsY2qUxzlMv29EvvuDwl_icN80/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=mo094mf6xyz7
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boysandbeyonce · 12 years
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What my bed pretty much looks like every morning. I love to sleep and move around. #bed #sleeprotating #messybeddontcare (Taken with Instagram)
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heliosmd · 6 years
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A lazy day inside and strela has managed to find the lone ray of sun to lay down in. #hoosklyfe #themfeelstho #messybeddontcare #ferretshaman #idontwannagotowork https://www.instagram.com/p/BoFH-1_HyuQNi-0yfblMBPB3LrHEzJGFvFYyQo0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=eu1ldc4bb445
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