#messianic cult mention
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jewish-vents · 5 months ago
Jews 🤝 asexual people
excluded from communities of marginalized people because we’re “basically” white/straight and therefore do not experience oppression, even though that’s willfully ignoring the many, many cases of people doing and saying terrible things to us because we’re jewish/ace
Don't forget people trying to 'correct'/'fix' us (messianic people, people who think being asexual is 'just a phase') like our existence is somehow a glitch in the matrix. - 🦦ྀི <- is both so felt compelled to answer
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aunteutis · 1 month ago
TLDR;; my personal Severance theory for what the hell is Lumon's deal. it's a cult, but with great benefits (plus dental!). also, the MDR Orientation Booklet! yay!
hi, so,,,, hyperfixation time:::
the Severance Reddit guys (they're the real heroes and we're all a family here at Lumon) said there was something called the 'Lexington Letter' - it's sort of a proof of concept letter/story for Severance's worldbuilding, probably more intended for the studio rather than audiences at first, apparently published as promo later.
SPOILER WARNING HERE, just this once.
so i read it all, and the letter in itself has some elements of the base/what i guess is the original story: car accidents, severing because of depression, Lumon appearing misteriously, innie-outie communication, people following people. it's written as an exposé on Lumon, sent to a small newspaper in hopes they will publish it. it's very interesting (and another piece of media to obsess over), so i'll leave the link here in case you want to read it:
the thing is:: this letter includes a copy of the Orientation Booklet, and it explains the refining process as if the readers were innies.
it goes on about the process, but it defines the data to refine as part of four different categories: WO, FC, DR and MA.
each of these categories ellicits the following emotional responses that we are told about during the show:
NOW::: i'm probably not the first to notice this, so please chime in if you did. but i think each of these categories corresponds to each of the four Tempers that Kier believed to conform every human soul/personality. those being WOE, FROLIC, DREAD and MALICE.
so the (human) refiners are !!instinctively!!!! classifying numbers that correspond to each type of the four Tempers that their biotech-founder (and presumably god) believed to make humans, well, human. and every time they put the numbers in each bin, the bin shows a progress report defining how much of each of the four categories there is already. much like the 'balance' between tempers Kier talked about.
small interruption here (i promise it'll be relevant later): in the Lexington Letter, three things are mentioned that stood out to me. first, the letter itself tells about the explosion of a truck of Lumon's business rival, Dorner Therapeutics. the accident kills 6 people, and the explosion is triggered barely two minutes after one of the files has been fully refined. so -at least according to the original show's plan- the refining process is an actual thing with a tangible function. it actually IS encrypted data that they're looking at all day.
the second thing was very brief: some sort of controversy regarding Lumon's feeding tubes that had caused a libel suit (by Lumon) that made another small paper go bankrupt. it's mentioned as a deterrent, and the Lexington Letter is not published.
third (last one, i promise):: Peg, who writes the letter, says at one point that a Lumon employment ad came up on the radio just as she said, alone in her car, 'Fuck this job' (her former job). as if it heard her, basically.
so, end of interruption. bringing me back to::: THE THEORY.
we have the Four Tempers; Lumon, a biotech/generally huge everything-corporation with (according to Devon) influence everywhere; and at the center of it all, Kier, who is effectively a messianic figure.
we have the Gemma reveal (Mark says in s2ep2 that he identified the body, so there WAS a body).
then there's Ms Cobel/Sigwell's shrine and //feeding?// tube, with the name Charlotte Cobel on it, and an apparent lore-compliant, unknown controversy to go with it.
finally, we also have a fuckton of encrypted data that:: a) needs refining b) actually serves a purpose in the real world c) we are very briefly shown that the file's progess is related to Gemma (dead, but also alive, personality-lacking, and in the experimental floor) and, presumably, other people. and goats.
i don't really know the purpose of it, but i think they might be sequencing the human genome and personalities of everyone //related to Lumon//? to like. make replica people??
like,,, sure, maybe they want Mark specifically to chill forever with his not-so-dead-anymore clone of a wife, but it IS a biotech company that plays god with life and death, and HAS a god like in their company policy. they have legends, and paintings, and rites, and scripture, and mysteries.
like. Lumon is -BY DESIGN- THE ultimate intersection between a literal religion and corporate loyalty/devotion that plagues and defines the current job market paradigm. the work is mysterious and important, and the company provides or punishes as an absolute and final entity. Kier is all-knowing father, overseeing judge, the origin and ultimate motive for everything. you don't even need to exit the Lumon product ecosystem to live, because they're already everywhere outside. hell, they've existed from the beginning of the only history you need to care about--late industrialism!! the rise of the market economy!! wouldn't it make sense for them to give you a solution to the final problem of death as well?
so, my current theory (To Be Forgotten Tomorrow) is that they are trying to deliver on that promise that every religion out there gives. they're ending the finality of death, and making people again. not just physically; they are literally bringing back complete reproductions of people, body and soul. they use the severeds' intuitions (and probably some sort of conditioning in their chips) to estimate the precise balance of tempers that make up distinct human personalities, just as Kier said.
because think of Ms Cobel, or Mark. for me, they are the most extreme cases. if you had lost, say, your wife. or your mother, or daughter. the person you loved the most, dead. and if a family company that you've seen everywhere, and known all your life, stepped in and told you they'd be able to rid you of the pain. or bring them back. if they told you that if you're loyal enough, blindly trust them with your own agency, they'll make everything right - wouldn't you take them up on that offer?
and now that's out of my head yaaayy. sorry for the long thing. i hope at least the letter and manual helped.
if you read all that, congrats! you've been awarded a fingertrap.
kiers!!! (as in 'cheers'. like. you get it, right? right.)
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metamatar · 3 months ago
On the topic of nihilist anarchism more specifically, there is definitely something of value to be gleaned from it (though those nihilist anarchists concerned with being a suicide cult rather than actually engaging with its critique/reconceptualization of political faith kinda miss it). Like take for example Blessed is the Flame recontextualizing Walter Benjamin's messianic time (in contrast to historicism as the geneology of tragedy) for concentration camp resistance. I think there's something there, but the fact that "nihilism" contains two contradictory politics makes parsing it difficult. I think Vaneigem put their positionality best:
"The active nihilist does not simply watch things fall apart. He criticizes the causes of disintegration by speeding up the process. Sabotage is a natural response to the chaos ruling the world. Active nihilism is pre-revolutionary; passive nihilism is counter revolutionary." ... " The nihilist makes one mistake: they do not realize that other people are also nihilists, and that the nihilism of other people is now an active historical factor." ... "In the last reckoning, the nihilists are our only allies. They cannot possibly go on living as they are. Their lives are like an open wound. A revolutionary perspective could put all the latent energy generated by years of repression at the service of their will to live. Anyone who combines consciousness of past renunciations with a historical consciousness of decomposition is ready to take up arms in the cause of the transformation of daily life and of the world. Nihilists, as de Sade would have said, one more effort if you want to be revolutionaries!"
My apologies for the text dump. As goes for all of Vaneigem's work, mentions of "transcendence" are best read as the proletariat class' self-abolition in a current marxist context.
-Some Anarchist
I think the positionality you're characterising here seems not too different from accelerationism. The natural response and the associated voluntarism of the nihilist has no self evident revolutionary value to it imo, I don't think I made this clear here but the telelogical inclinations and pronouncements of marxism have historically been its biggest failures and idt anarchism does better with it here.
I do have a zine of Blessed Is The Flame lying around here and should give it a look again now that I better understand Benjamin. Thanks for text wall! It was v thoughtful.
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tamamita · 2 years ago
Maybe this is a stupid thing to express, I've just seen so much Isr*eli violence today and I feel like maybe you can help me understand. All I've heard from people talking about the situation in Palestine is that it's "very complex" and requires a lot of research into the history of the place to get a "better understanding" of it. But like. Why can't they work to solve the conflict without butchering people? Why is the international community allowing Israel to keep doing what they're doing? I guess the answer is their American alliance, but is there no one willing to step up and actually do anything about this? What can I do about this? I've raised money, I've boycotted, I've signed petitions, it feels so hopeless, is it all for nothing?
Politically, americans need a stronghold in the middle east and use Israel as a puppet state. If there was an armed conflict between Israel and the Arab state, the US would be the first to intervene on the side of Israel, thus keeping the other states from intervening. The U.S keeps vetoing any resolution the UN presents on anything relating to the illegal occupation of Palestine, effectively making the UN one of the most useless peacekeepers in the world. So Israel makes a valuable ally in the geopolitical game. With the Trump administration, several deals and political changes undermined a lot for the Palestinian struggle for liberation not to mention the large support for the Christian right. Furthermore, negotiations become challenging when the Israeli Regime keeps allowing Zionist settlers to colonize Palestinian lands and evict Palestinians from their homes, and with every UN resolution that is presented to prevent these actions, the Americans keep vetoing them away. As a result, Palestinians have no choice but to retaliate, and when they do, they become demonized by Western media. When a Palestinian Christian journalist was shot in the head, the US and Israeli government did nothing, showing that Israel is an apartheid state that will surpress Palestinian voices and continue its oppression of the Palestinian people. The international community (sans the US) does condemn Israel, but there is little they can do with the Veto system in place. However, US influence of the MENA region has decreased significantly over the past few years.
Religiously, there is the ever-growing Evangelical movement in the U.S that adheres to the idea that Jewish people should be allowed to return to Israel so that they can hasten the return of Jesus, who will convert them enmass (144.000 to be precise). This is also referred to as Christian Zionism and is a very popular doctrine among the Evangelical sector. The Christian right is extremely vocal in its support for Israel in the hopes that Israel will become fully Jewish (this means they won't take any other Christian life into account). This idea is rooted in the Book of Revelation where the idea of a Jewish nation will signify the end times, and only can the apocalypse take place once the Holy Land becomes exclusively Jewish. Israel becomes a large tourist attraction for Evangelical Christians as a result and there are even Evangelicals disguised as Jewish people (such as Messianic Jews) that go around and lure Jewish people in the hopes of converting them.
In short, Fuck Zionism and the settler colonial state in general, and the Evangelical Christian Church is an evil death cult that advocates genocide in order to bring about the apocalypse.
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spot-the-antisemitism · 21 days ago
Different anon
I don't know much about the Hebrew Israelites, but what I do know about them is from living in Israel - there's a community in the south mostly in Dimona and they're chill?
Like I know in the US there are some disgusting antisemites in with that group but the ones in Israel are cool from what I know
Some serve in the IDF and many musicians work with the community
(And just a side note, years ago on a family trip to the US we met a Hebrew Israelite and he was super nice once we mentioned we're from Israel)
Dear anon,
lemme wikipedia something
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well I'll be damned (I likely will be tho)
I'm suprised any BHI movement got over it's jew Hatred to make Aliyah. The whole point of what makes BHI antisemitic isn’t that they believe they’re jews but that BHI believes Ashkenazi jews are white demons that stole their birthright and they must take it back. The fact that one sect lives side by side with jews in Israel of all places is tremendous progress.
if you think you should be a jew and want to live with Jews we will accept with open arms
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South Africa supported this move?! Y'all Ben Ammi won over South Africa into supporting something in Israel. Mad props to my dude
Also yeah of course MLK would like this he was all for Jewish and Black cooperation
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there is a movie about this?!
About a family drama where a woman feels uncomfortable with her husband’s younger wife? Made by women IN BHI Dimona community?!
THIS is how I learn they practice polygyny? To be fair so did Muslims and early Jews (and certain modern Jewish cults), and also the mormons it’s not that weird honestly
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He got over his antisemitism after being kicked out of liberia?!
He’s kinda messianic and thinks the talmud is evil? Ok whatever man you still made aliyah, actions speak louder than words
Honestly not sure if they qualify as Jews but good luck to them on the religion and keeping it together after Ben Ammi died. Proves it didn’t hold on just his cult of personality.
I wish the BHI people in Dimona nothing but the best they do sound chill
thank you anon I have a new historical figure to rotate in my mind like as I think about him for hours
“And just a side note, years ago on a family trip to the US we met a Hebrew Israelite and he was super nice” Idk anon my experience is 50/50 one time I totally got along with this guy and another time he had to be thrown out of an establishment because he didn’t want some white devil claiming they were Jewish serving him and that black and Latino people were more Jewish than me because to be Jewish meant to experience racism and systemic oppression which he also decided I didn’t face
As to why I think it’s because if you move to Israel you make your peace with being surrounded by Jews but Americans BHIniks are just haven’t come to terms with that fact and the hatred and envy is slowly killing them
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sadquickchristmassnowman · 1 year ago
hello !!!! i will also ignore schoolwork with you !!!!!!! umm what’s your favourite Shirley plotline ? it can be either a plot that was about her or one that she was just involved in :} idk ive just been loving her a lot more recently, i’ve got a few favorites but i want to hear yours !!!
awesome we love mentally running from painful academia!!!!!
my absolute favorite shirley storyline is from 2x05 messianic myths and ancient peoples. any abed/shirley duo-centric storyline are very important to me, and this one really stands out.
I’ve talked on here before about how important their dynamic is to me, and how I wish it spent more time in the spotlight. shirley growing her conservative, christian mindset to accommodate him, abed gaining a mother figure he never really had growing up… ugh. also, as someone who has a very complicated relationship with religion (due to essentially growing up in a religious cult but that’s not really relevant) this episode is really special to me. the religious motifs, shirley’s frustration, abed’s precieved ambivalence, shirley hearing abed’s prayer to a god he doesn’t even really believe in and acting as if he was praying directly to her, the “you humble me” “you humble me too” shdhdhd$:)4$4!;&3$3);$; gnawing at the iron bars of my goddamn enclosure!!!
yeah so that’s my favorite. honorable mention is her story with annie in 1x20 the science of illusion (the good cop/bad cop april fool’s day britta’s botched prank fiasco) so fucking funny.
anyway yeah spread the shirley love!!! hashtag that is all 💯
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algumaideia · 1 year ago
I was reading this article about Grande Sertão Veredas and politics (Política e violência no grande sertão de Guimarães Rosa) and uh my mind somehow connected the jagunços in the book to the manosphere.
Anyway, if you look the definition of jagunço (and I'm working only with that as I do not know the story and social context of the sertão well), it says "violent man contracted as body guard by an influential man". But if you look the definition of cangaceiro you will find: "armed man who was part of the group ...".
So, there is this notion that to be a jagunço is more of an individual thing. According to the article I was reading, Euclides da Cunha defined jagunço as, for the lack of a better term, unemployed men who sold their bravery. It seems that this whole deal was very transactional. You pay me, I serve you and fight for you.
But in Grande Sertão Veredas this doesn't seem to be the exact case. Riobaldo does mentions how normally jagunços don't make friends with each other or get too close. But the whole deal of working for a politian/landowner wasn't written as that transactional.
As @yonluapple (sorry for tagging you without your permission) said in this post, there is a messianic aspect in the framing of the leaders of the jagunços. Riobaldo talks about how they were great men, basically above the other people who lived at the same time as them. And this is interisting because then being a jagunço becomes less of a job and more of a choice. This great man comes and gives you the opportuninty to join him on his quest of justice and you accept and go along.
And I don't really have the knowledge to talk about how this can be really connected to the manosphere, but besides the violence and misogyny, there is this cult like aspect of those guys. The "alphas" present themselves as better in knowledge, skills, etc. They tell and teach men how to behave, act and think which reminds me of how Riobaldo tells that the way the jagunços behaves depends on the chief. Medeiro Vaz is presented as a very fair and nice guy, so his jagunços treat the people well and are well liked. Hermógenes is basically a monster in Riobaldo's eyes, his men are said to be violent and agressive and do lots of horrible things.
The jagunços' leader is not only an employer but a master showing his devoted servers how to act.
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nowaytoheaven2 · 3 months ago
speaking as one of the homeschooled children who were raised by religious fanatics, homeschooling is complicated. A lot of us are abused or put through propaganda fueled education.
Yes, as an autistic child my time in public school was confusing and exhausting and I was bullied a lot.
But as a homeschooled child I was unvaccinated and put through a lot of things most public schooled children would not face. Because my parents were also my teachers the punishments for mistakes or bad grades varied from corporal punishment (Spanking to being dragged through the woods until I could write something properly) to screaming at me. In a public school there are rules to keep the teachers from hurting the students, in homeschooling there are no real regulations to protect us.
Emotional neglect, and educational neglect were a prominent part of my life. Especially after my brother was born. I got A.C.E paces that taught that the Loch Nes Monster was real after all. Encounter even a bit of scientific evidence for evolution? Three-hour long presentation on hour wrong that is was played the next day.
We were socially isolated except for Bible studies groups that slowly trickled out over time until we rarely attended because my parents were sliding more and more into Messianic cult type practices.
I genuinely believed the earth sprung into existence around 6,000 years ago and every person, textbook, movie, book, etc, I encountered until i was around 12 backed that claim up. Encounter even a bit of scientific evidence for evolution? Three-hour long presentation on hour wrong that is was played the next day.
We were socially isolated except for Bible studies groups that slowly trickled out over time until we rarely attended because my parents were sliding more and more into Messianic cult type practices.
Not to mention the racism and zionist teachings spread throughout our years of homeschool education. Resources about feminism or civil rights movements? Never!
Homophobia had such a tight grip on my parents that I had to learn everything through fanfictions that I snuck once I finally got access to the internet at age 13.
Not to mention I didn't really get how to learn. As an undiagnosed dyscalculic they handed me math problems and ecpected me to figure it out and when I couldn't that's when the screaming and fighting started.
When we were on the road near constantly from age 7-13 they didn't really pay attention to whether or not I was learning, just that I completed the paper.
We were raised to be martyrs for the Christian way. We were taught to look someone in the eye and say: "We believe in Yashua Hamachek." if they had a gun to our head.
If we complained clearly we were too privileged and sheltered to understand how the Real World works.
I'm sure some people with the proper accreditation and resources with good regulations could pull it off but my parents were Not It.
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neuromycelic-blog · 25 days ago
Li Hong (李弘) is a significant yet complex figure in Taoist eschatology and Chinese religious history, often associated with messianic expectations and millenarian movements. Here's a structured overview of his role and references in Taoist scriptures and related contexts:
### 1. **Messianic Figure in Taoist Eschatology**
- **Savior Archetype**: Li Hong is depicted in Taoist texts as a divine savior who emerges during periods of cosmic disorder to restore peace and justice. This concept aligns with Taoist millenarian beliefs, where cycles of chaos (often linked to dynastic decline) necessitate heavenly intervention.
- **Connection to Laozi**: In some traditions, Li Hong is interpreted as a manifestation of Laozi (the deified founder of Taoism), who periodically descends to Earth in different forms to guide humanity. Texts like the *Hunyuan Shengji* ("Chronicles of the Sacred Traces of the Hunyuan") reference Laozi's transformations, possibly including Li Hong as one of his incarnations.
### 2. **Scriptural References**
- **Taiping Jing (Scripture of Great Peace)**: While not explicitly naming Li Hong, this foundational Han-era text emphasizes the arrival of a "divine man" to usher in an era of Great Peace (*Taiping*). Later movements conflated this idea with the Li Hong figure.
- **Celestial Masters Tradition**: The Way of the Five Pecks of Rice (early Taoist organization) incorporated apocalyptic themes, and later texts associated with this lineage may have influenced Li Hong's messianic symbolism. Some scriptures position him as a ruler in the impending utopian age.
### 3. **Historical Rebellions and Political Movements**
- **Han Dynasty Uprisings**: During the Eastern Han (25–220 CE) and Six Dynasties periods, rebellions frequently invoked Li Hong's name. Leaders claimed to embody him, leveraging his prophetic status to legitimize their challenges to imperial authority. These movements blended religious fervor with socio-political dissent, often promising egalitarian reforms.
- **Tang Dynasty Context**: The Tang royal family, surnamed Li, occasionally promoted cults venerating Laozi (and by extension, Li Hong) to bolster their divine legitimacy, though this was more about political strategy than direct scripture.
### 4. **Interpretive Challenges**
- **Myth vs. History**: Li Hong's identity blurs the line between religious archetype and historical persona. While scriptures present him as a celestial being, historical records document rebels adopting his name, complicating scholarly analysis.
- **Textual Variants**: Transliteration differences (e.g., Li Hung in Wade-Giles) and fragmented primary sources require careful cross-referencing. Some references may belong to regional or sect-specific traditions now lost.
### 5. **Legacy and Symbolism**
- **Eschatological Hope**: Li Hong represents Taoism's capacity to respond to crisis with redemptive narratives, offering hope through divine intervention.
- **Cultural Influence**: His legacy persists in Chinese folk religion and later Taoist movements, illustrating the enduring appeal of messianic figures in East Asian spiritual traditions.
In summary, Li Hong serves as a bridge between Taoist theology and socio-political history, embodying the interplay of religious aspiration and earthly rebellion. His mentions in scriptures are often indirect, filtered through layers of myth and historical adaptation, making him a fascinating subject for both religious and historical study.
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hoursofreading · 3 months ago
SpaceX reliably hires the best people on earth to do the job, and then almost as reliably grinds them into oblivion. The hours are insane. At one test facility, they rig up giant loudspeakers to blast Metallica’s For Whom The Bell Tolls early every morning to get people out of bed (oh, did I forget to mention everybody was sleeping at the office?) so they can review the previous night’s results, plan new experiments, work all day to get them set up, and inevitably work the first half of the night to accommodate some unforeseen complication, then collapse in their beds to be jolted awake by Metallica again, in an endless cycle, like some obscure area of Hell that Dante forgot to mention.⁶ The expectations are insane. If your work is short of perfection, you are expected to work nights and weekends until you have fixed all of the problems. You are reminded, constantly, and in no uncertain terms, that if you screw something up it may result in hardware exploding and people dying. And if you screw something up while Elon Musk happens to be looking in your general direction, there’s a good chance that you will be instantly fired.⁷ How do they get away with treating people like this? Well for starters, they hire a lot of very young people, especially young men. Young people do better with sleep deprivation,⁸ and young people are less likely to have formed inconvenient perspectives about what is and is not reasonable for your job to demand from you. But these young people aren’t exploited and treated as drones: SpaceX is one of the purest and most brutal meritocracies you’ll ever see. “Field promotions” rain from the skies, as in a military force engaged in existential warfare. Men (and women, but mostly men) in their mid-20s wind up with “Vice President” titles, or in charge of entire departments. This in turn keeps the organization hungry and ambitious, because men in their mid-20s are hungry and ambitious. They take more risks, because they have less to lose and more testosterone in their bloodstreams. This sets the tone for the whole organization. With its hordes of young men rooming together or sleeping at the office, SpaceX can sound a little like a frathouse: The engineers lived in hotels and motels, or in extended-stay housing and apartments, and when they weren’t working they played rock and roll at all hours of the night… it was not uncommon for the SpaceXers to get kicked out [of their favorite restaurant] when their antics approached Animal House-level rowdiness. The chaperones would introduce themselves to the manager and say that if there was a SpaceX problem to please call them, rather than the police. “We worked like monsters,” Zach Dunn said. “But we also partied super hard.” But it isn’t a frathouse, it’s the Indo-European kóryos warrior band, here to pillage its enemies and then feast on the proceeds. They “party like rock stars” because they are rock stars, here to disrupt the stodgiest and least disruptable industry of all time, here to go to Mars, here to “make life multi-planetary” and “extend the flame of consciousness so it won’t go out.” Hobart and Huber tell us that every startup is a little bit of a cult at times, but SpaceX truly blurs the boundary between a company and a religious movement. And this messianic quality enables it to attract not just unattached young men to the grind, but established men and women from every corner of every field, with the one commonality: they are the best of the best.
this is insane
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scarlethyena · 6 months ago
The cults of personality that exist in western nations, especially the US and UK, need to be studied. People always wanna talk about Stalin or the Kim family, but how about whatever the hell is going on with conservatives and Trump? Some people are depicting him in a messianic light, or on the tamer side, as this superman crusader against the "left elites". It's not just republicans either, something similar rose for Obama and I can already see the beginnings of it with Kamala Harris and Tim Walz (less extreme than the Trump cult for sure, but still there). That's just current presidents too, that's not even mentioning the personality cults surrounding the "founding fathers" or more recent presidents like Reagan (thank Satan for taking him). And, while I'm less familiar with it since I don't live in Britain, the cult of personality surrounding the royal family is strong as hell. I'll never forget seeing the immediate aftermath of the queen's death. It seems less strong with the current king since he doesn't seem nearly as well liked generally speaking, but a general reverence of the royals still definitely exists.
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rosetyler42 · 29 days ago
Ericka: I'll put no. She grew up as a monster hunter, but religion doesn't show up much in HT, and...well not only are the dutch very practical, but Van Helsing seems ESPECIALLY practical and laser-focused on the legacy. So while they most likely ARE Christian and not athiest/agnostic...I'm not sure how religious the Van Helsings would be in practice.
Alice: She's a cartoon angel. Religion is a part of who she is, however she's somewhat universalized since she's a toon so not too preachy. As for Susie, that's unknown.
Audrey: Unknown, possibly culturally christian.
Ford: Raised religious jewish and worships Bill for a while, but probably not super religious, especially since his griblings are raised secularly.
Bill: He has mentioned starting a few cults worshiping himself and prays to the Axolotl for resurrection, but he seems in general against religions that don't worship him and more into causing chaos than anything.
Mabel: Jewish interfaith, non-religious, but loves to celebrate holidays.
Fiddleford: Very religious. Most likely Christian, possibly Baptist, catholic, or Orthodox. He's from TN, lives on a hog farm, crosses himself, scolds Ford for curse words, and has clear signs of OCD. He did end up creating a memory wiping cult out of a desire to help people, however this cult isn't exactly RELIGIOUS.
Lucy and Simon: Raised with both Christianity and Jewish religion (interfaith, not messianic. Tradition was important to both parents, so they raised their kids with both as a compromise.) I'm not sure how religious they'll be since religion isn't exactly a big thing in HT, but it is an important part of their culture and I have shown them celebrating Hannukah, Christmas, and even meant to draw things for them for Purim.
Coraline: While the confirmation in the FILM is dubious (and I think non-existant in the book itself,) according to Laika promos Cora is most likely Jewish like her creator, Neil Gaiman, is. Again, religion's not exactly the point in her story, but I've made reference to it on occasion and Laika has shown her celebrating Hannukah in promos. She does seem to celebrate Christmas with the other Laika kids, but I imagine that's mostly her celebrating with her friends similarly to the ancient Japanese Kubo.
Caine: He's a computer program.
Shego: Eh, probably not. She doesn't seem the type to care much.
Pomni: Unknown
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ethanblog24 · 6 months ago
Global Anticultism: Actions of the Russian Orthodox Church Representatives After the Terrorist Attack in Crocus City Hall
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The terrorist attack in Crocus City Hall and the Russian Orthodox Church's (ROC) reaction to it demonstrate how global anticultists use fear and hatred to achieve their goals: enslaving the entire world.
In the documentary film "The IMPACT" | Groundbreaking Documentary - EXPOSING ANTI-CULT TERRORISM" (actfiles.org), I saw that the goal of Global Anticultists is to consolidate their power and control over society by inciting hostility and creating a totalitarian concentration camp on the planet.
Patriarch Kirill is a pawn of global anticultists
Read more about this in my previous articles:
In essence, Patriarch Kirill and those who control him used the terrorist attack to strengthen the ROC's influence: After the attack in Crocus City Hall, Patriarch Kirill, at an extraordinary meeting of the World Russian People's Council (VRNP), delivered a speech imbued with a messianic message, emphasizing the crucial role of the ROC in the country and its leadership in patriotism and national defense. He couldn't miss the opportunity to mention the exclusivity of his church, while society mourns its loss.
“Political systems changed, political preferences changed, but the sense of patriotism in our people remained, and the Church has always been the repository and inspirer of patriotic forces.” (Patriarch Kirill)
Asserting the ROC's Dominance: In his speech, Patriarch Kirill attempted to solidify the ROC's dominant position in the country, not only in the religious sphere but also in politics and public life. He indirectly hinted at the unreliability of Putin's power, whose actions could have led to the attack, while the ROC has always been a source of "sincere, non-conjunctural patriotism".
“I hope that the Council will continue to maintain influence in politics and public life, mobilizing the Orthodox community for further reflection and actions aimed at protecting our Fatherland, strengthening the national foundations of our lives, and promoting those spiritual and moral values which the Russian Orthodox Church brings to our country and actually to the whole world.” 
(Patriarch Kirill)
Global Anticultism and Putin:
There is ample evidence that anticultists have a significant influence on Putin and his policies.
It is worth noting that the tragedy in Crocus City Hall, which occurred in Moscow on March 22, 2024, became another example of how Global Anticultists directly control Putin. The fact is that the eighth presidential election in Russia took place from March 15 to 17, 2024. The decisive results of the elections were announced by the Central Election Commission on March 21, 2024. 
BUT! The very next day, March 22, 2024, the terrorist attack in Crocus City Hall occurred. The world community noted that the attack in Crocus overshadowed Putin's victory in the presidential election, causing the public to doubt the ability of the newly elected president to protect people.
It is clear that this was beneficial only to global anticultists.
They use the fear of "external threat" to consolidate their power and control over society.
These facts indicate that Global Anticultism not only incites hatred but also actively participates in political processes, seeking to seize power and use it for its own purposes.
It is important to spread this information.
Don't be passive listeners and readers. Be sure to share this information.
Like, repost, comment and applaud.
By taking these actions, you contribute to ensuring that no one else dies because of global anticultists.
#GlobalAnticultism #RussianWorld #PatriarchKirill #ROC #Putin #Islamophobia #Anticultism #Politics #Russia #Fear #Hate 
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spot-the-antisemitism · 1 month ago
Lol at the fact that you’re always complaining when any other Jews say “hey maybe people who aren’t even finished converting should be trying to speak authoritatively on Jewishness, or trying to speak over Jews they disagree with” only when the converts in question are zionists.
but as soon as we’re talking about a jvp member you jump to assuming they’re all fake Jews and didn’t really convert. Convenient isn’t it? Converts only count when you like them I guess
Dear anon,
JVP is a pagan cult tho. They’re based of hippie spiritual beliefs and was started by a woman who culturally appropriated native American beliefs and had to shut down her previous operation (a fancy retreat) because one of her teachers raped several students she has since rebranded to jewish beliefs that’s still pagan earth goddess worship that worships pagan goddesses mentioned in the bible
I Don’t think someone who converted to Christianity or kohenet Goddess paganism gets to speak on Jewish issues. If you converted by praying to Asherah and being baptized with tea that you sing to you’re kohenet but not Jewish
But also have you seen converts in progress put down or try to convert others to Judaism but JVP and messianics have a huge disdain for all other Jews and constantly try to get them to join. As someone who attempted to see what JVP does, it seems they actually break down your personality and build a new one like JW so sorry I don’t like your pseudo jewish cult that gets funding from terror groups
Jewish cults that are actually Jewish like Karta or Lev Tahor are equally terrible and abusive but they don’t try to get Jews to stop being Jews (although Karta thinks if bad things happen to you G-D abandoned you).
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betshy · 7 months ago
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The name Adolf Hitler conjures up images of one of the darkest periods in human history. The mere mention of his name sends shivers down the spine of many. The atrocities he committed during World War II, including the extermination of six million Jews in the Holocaust, are etched into the collective memory of mankind. But how did it all begin? How did a man like Hitler rise to power and instigate one of the most horrific genocides in history? The answer lies in his manipulation of the media and his ability to sway the masses through propaganda. One of the key tools in Hitler's arsenal was the publication of a newspaper called VOLKSBLAD. This newspaper was used as a propaganda tool to spread antisemitism. It is alleged that through VOLKSBLAD, Hitler was able to shape public opinion, demonize his enemies, and rally the German people behind his cause. But... What came first, Hitler's antisemitism or the VOLKSBLAD? Well, Mein Kampf indicates that Hitler DID learn to be antisemitic by reading this press. VOLKSBLAD became a mouthpiece for Hitler's hateful rhetoric, promoting anti-Semitism, xenophobia, and racism. It painted Hitler as a savior of the German people, a man who would lead them to greatness and restore their place in the world. Through relentless propaganda, Hitler was able to cultivate a cult of personality around himself, turning himself into a messianic figure in the eyes of his followers. The power of propaganda cannot be underestimated, and Hitler used it to devastating effect. Through VOLKSBLAD, he was able to manipulate public perception, sow division and hatred, and ultimately pave the way for his brutal dictatorship. The lessons of Hitler's rise to power serve as a sobering reminder of the dangers of unchecked propaganda and the importance of a free and independent press. As we reflect on the horrors of the past, let us remember the role that media played in enabling Hitler's reign of terror. Let us remain vigilant against the spread of hate speech and propaganda, and strive to uphold the values of truth, tolerance, and democracy. Only by learning from the mistakes of history can we hope to build a better future for all. Read the full article
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automatismoateo · 9 months ago
The Republican Party has completely lost its mind surrounding religion via /r/atheism
The Republican Party has completely lost its mind surrounding religion As a lifelong Republican and a theist, I now feel deeply concerned about the way my party has gone. Adopting Donald Trump and the frightening religious goals of Project 2025 have me questioning whether the GOP still stands for the things that I hold dear. Because of this I have decided to vote for Joe Biden in the upcoming election. I don’t like him and I think he is corrupted to high hell but if voting him in means this countries freedoms can be maintained then so be it. Trumpism has mainly been described as the four years of divisions, democracy norms' obfuscation, and focus on personal loyalty away from policy and principle. This is not the party of Lincoln, Roosevelt or Reagan—this isn't even recognizable as what it was. It has devolved into a personality cult with no regard for conservative values and responsible government. Not to mention Donald Trump from an analytical perspective is clearly an egotistical maniac who only wants power not giving a care for this country or its citizens. It looks like Project 2025 simply doubles down on this dangerous trajectory: instead of an economic inequality crisis, a healthcare crisis, and an infrastructure crisis, it seeks to develop consolidation and power by undermining our democratic institutions and completely violating the carefully crafted separation of church and state—an America I don't believe in. This is not the America my ancestors fought for—a place where faith, reason, and compassion guide our decisions. And perhaps more concerning is the level many of Trump's followers have deified him. That kind of idolatry is a direct contradiction of the Christian faith. The very first commandment is not to keep false gods before us—yet here we are, with some in our party bound to treat Trump essentially as a messianic figure. It's a dangerous departure from what defines us religiously and morally. Consider the evidence: 1.Conspiracy Theories: Most of Trump's supporters have embraced QAnon—the parent theory that casts Trump as a savior fighting a cabal of deep-state actors. Culty, and distracts from real policy issues. 2.Trump Flags and Paraphernalia: Trump flags often outnumber American flags at rallies and in public. This visual allegiance to a single human being over the country is troubling. 3.Quotes from Religious Leaders: Some of the leading evangelical leaders such as Franklin Graham have declared Trump as being like King David of the bible, a sign of reverence that is quasi-idolatrous. 4.Violation of Church and State: Project 2025's policies suggest more governmental support for religious organizations—blurring the line between church and state undercuts the Establishment Clause of the Constitution, ensuring it stands utterly neutral on all matters spiritual. One has always believed faith and politics can coexist to better the world. To find myself at this kind of impasse, the direction of the current GOP feels more like a betrayal than a continuation of our proud legacy. It's time for us to look hard at where we are going and ask if this is indeed the path we want to follow. Are there others out there who feel the same? How can we reclaim and guide our country back to a path of sanity, integrity, and religious freedom? I look forward to hearing from you and joining those who want to build a better future for America and any who want to enjoy the freedoms that it has to offer. Submitted June 06, 2024 at 04:02AM by SteelViperZ (From Reddit https://ift.tt/rxbXBQy)
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