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Lemuria Island Creature 1: Lianguschanara kamilovi – Ancient Moss Frog
This species was not related to three frog suborders: Neobatrachia, Mesobatrachia, and Archaeobatrachia, rather than in their own family: Gobiatidae.
Name: Lianguschanara kamilovi (Russian: Лягушка "lyaguschka" for frog + Sanskrit: नर "nara" for man, and kamilovi is honored to Abdulaziz Khafizovich Kamilov)
Creator: Ognimdo2002
Clade: Anura
Habitat: Tropical rainforest, temperate maritime forest, open woodlands, savannah, and wetlands near rivers, oxbow lake, and ponds.
Size: 2.5 cm
Ecology: Insectivore, piscivore
Additional Info: This species classified in binomial nomenclature as incertae sedis, lack of any related to three frogs and it is more primitive than other frogs. This frog is unique among the rest of the Anuran, except for its tail, which is present and the three families of frogs lack, notably except for the modern-day tailed frog. It eats insects, crabs, spiders, and smaller fish. The frog's croaking is quieter than other frogs', and during courtship, it actually wrestles with the female. Its superb camouflage is in the forests covered in mosses and ferns.

Size comparison of this species and the height.

– Ognimdo
#ognimdo2002#earth responsibly#lemuria#lemuriaisland#frog#Gobiatidae#alternative story#anura#Lianguschanara kamilovi#Lianguschanara#ibispaintx#ibispaint art#speculative evolution#lemuriachallenge
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A Tribute to life in COLORFUL WORLD - THE FROG!!!
#god #frog #tree #river #healyourself #colorful #toad #archaeobatrachia #mesobatrachia #neobatrachia
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Spotted litter frog (Leptobrachium hendricksoni)
Photo by Steven Wong
#spotted litter frog#leptobrachium hendricksoni#leptobrachium#leptobrachiinae#megophryidae#pelobatoidea#mesobatrachia#anura#batrachia#amphibia#tetrapoda#vertebrata#chordata
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Life Cycle Of Frog - Frog (Anura)
Life Cycle Of Frog - Frog (Anura) Frog Scientific Name: Anura Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Amphibia Clade: Salientia Order: Anura Suborders: Archaeobatrachia,Mesobatrachia,Neobatrachia Watch video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/sah5iFbvLas
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What are frogs?
Open main menuWikipedia SearchEdit this pageWatch this pageRead in another languageFrogThis article is about the group of amphibians. For other uses, see Frog (disambiguation).A frog is any member of a diverse and largely carnivorous group of short-bodied, tailless amphibians composing the order Anura (Ancient Greek an-, without + oura, tail). The oldest fossil "proto-frog" appeared in the early Triassic of Madagascar, but molecular clock dating suggests their origins may extend further back to the Permian, 265 million years ago. Frogs are widely distributed, ranging from the tropics to subarctic regions, but the greatest concentration of species diversity is in tropical rainforests. There are approximately 4,800 recorded species, accounting for over 85% of extant amphibian species. They are also one of the five most diverse vertebrate orders.FrogsTemporal range:Early Jurassic - Present, 200–0 MaPreЄЄOSDCPTJKPgNAnoures.jpgVarious types of frogs.Scientific classification eKingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: ChordataClass: AmphibiaClade: SalientiaOrder: AnuraDuméril, 1806 (as Anoures)SubordersArchaeobatrachiaMesobatrachiaNeobatrachia –List of Anuran familiesDistribution.anura.1.pngNative distribution of frogs (in green)The body plan of an adult frog is generally characterized by a stout body, protruding eyes, cleft tongue, limbs folded underneath, and the absence of a tail. Besides living in fresh water and on dry land, the adults of some species are adapted for living underground or in trees. The skin of the frog is glandular, with secretions ranging from distasteful to toxic. Warty species of frog tend to be called toads but the distinction between frogs and toads is based on informal naming conventions concentrating on the warts rather than taxonomy or evolutionary history. Frogs' skins vary in colour from well-camouflaged dappled brown, grey and green to vivid patterns of bright red or yellow and black to advertise toxicity and warn off predators.Frogs typically lay their eggs in water. The eggs hatch into aquatic larvae called tadpoles that have tails and internal gills. They have highly specialized rasping mouth parts suitable for herbivorous, omnivorous or planktivorous diets. The life cycle is completed when they metamorphose into adults. A few species deposit eggs on land or bypass the tadpole stage. Adult frogs generally have a carnivorous diet consisting of small invertebrates, but omnivorous species exist and a few feed on fruit. Frogs are extremely efficient at converting what they eat into body mass. They are an important food source for predators and part of the food web dynamics of many of the world's ecosystems. The skin is semi-permeable, making them susceptible to dehydration, so they either live in moist places or have special adaptations to deal with dry habitats. Frogs produce a wide range of vocalizations, particularly in their breeding season, and exhibit many different kinds of complex behaviours to attract mates, to fend off predators and to generally survive.Frogs are valued as food by humans and also have many cultural roles in literature, symbolism and religion. Frog populations have declined significantly since the 1950s. More than one third of species are considered to be threatened with extinction and over one hundred and twenty are believed to have become extinct since the 1980s.[1] The number of malformations among frogs is on the rise and an emerging fungal disease, chytridiomycosis, has spread around the world. Conservation biologists are working to understand the causes of these problems and to resolve them.
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How to draw Frog-draw a realistic frog-draw a frog youtube. Every one of us know about them. They are effortlessly accessible in the lakes, streams, lakes and so forth amid the stormy season their croaking sounds can be effectively heard which exasperates our tranquility. We are discussing the frogs. Frogs have a place Music source: http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music Social Media https://plus.google.com/u/0/106296181955452800866 https://twitter.com/HowtoDraw20 https://www.instagram.com/asmarbd.m/ https://www.tumblr.com/blog/luckycollectlove http://cowhata.blogspot.com/ with the phylum Chordata and class Amphibia. They can possibly live on water and in addition ashore. They are anuran which implies that they are tailless and have a place with the request Anura. Greater part of the frogs have long rear appendages, webbed digits, short body, projecting eyes and no tail. Frogs have awesome forces of bouncing from all over which is administered by their short body and long rear legs which help in performing hopping. They have a porous skin and are semi-sea-going, want to live in the moist regions yet can without much of a stretch stroll ashore. They are oviparous and lay their eggs in lakes and lakes. The hatchlings that bring forth out of the eggs are called tadpoles which are described by the nearness of gills and they finish their improvement in water. Grown-up frogs are flesh eating and eat gastropods, annelids and arthropods. They are effortlessly seen amid their mating season by their croaking sound. Frogs are effectively accessible in the tropic and subarctic areas yet dominant part of the species are found in the tropical rain backwoods. They frame the assorted gathering of vertebrates and around 5,000 species are known till present. A few animal varieties are however very nearly elimination. Frogs are not the same as the amphibians as the frogs like to live in dry living spaces and this refinement is made on the premise of united development. The word frog has been gotten from an Old English word frogga which signifies 'to bounce'. Scientific categorization The request Anura envelops around 4,810 species under 33 families out of which Leptodactylidae incorporates 1100 species, Hylidae incorporates 800 species and Ranidae incorporates 750 species. 88% of the land and water proficient species are the frogs. Every one of the individuals from Anura are frogs yet those having a place with the family Bufonidae are considered as genuine amphibians. The skin of the frogs is sodden and smooth while that of the amphibians is dry and warty aside from the fire bellied frog bombina whose skin is marginally warty. Frogs and amphibians are comprehensively grouped under three suborders. The first is Archaeobatrachia, which contains 4 groups of primitive frogs. Second is Mesobatrachia, which incorporates 5 groups of more developmental halfway frogs and the third one is Neobatrachia, which is the biggest gathering and contains the rest of the 24 groups of "current" frogs,found all through the world. Neobatrachia is additionally isolated into the Hyloidea and Ranoidea. A few types of frogs can be hybridized effectively for instance the basic eatable frog Rana esculenta is the cross breed of Pool frog R.lessonae and the Marsh frog R.ridibunda.
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Western spadefoot (Spea hammondii)
Photo by Marlin Harms
#western spadefoot#spadefoot#spea hammondii#spea#scaphiopodidae#mesobatrachia#anura#batrachia#amphibia#tetrapoda#vertebrata#chordata
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Western spadefoot (Spea hammondii)
Photo by Linda Tanner
#id'ing#western spadefoot#spea hammondii#spea#scaphiopodidae#mesobatrachia#anura#batrachia#amphibia#tetrapoda#vertebrata#chordata
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Western spadefoot (Spea hammondii)
Photo by Marlin Harms
#western spadefoot#spea hammondii#spea#scaphiopodidae#mesobatrachia#anura#batrachia#amphibia#tetrapoda#vertebrata#chordata
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Frog (Anura) Animal 4K Video
Frog (Anura) Animal 4K Video Frog Scientific Name: Anura Frog Kingdom: Animalia Frog Phylum: Chordata Frog Class: Amphibia Frog Clade: Salientia Frog Order: Anura Frog Suborders: Archaeobatrachia,Mesobatrachia,Neobatrachia #frog #anura #frogs Watch video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/-tbWCCxDkt4
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