owaintrainmcgilvary · 2 years
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Quick sketchy collages
1) naughty toys for girls and boys 2) MESMAC tables repeat 3) disappearing into glitter
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stuartmoss · 6 years
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I attended a superb #drag #event tonight at The #Fenton #pub in #Leeds, where #LeedsBeckett BA (Hons) #Entertainment #Management #students had organised a Drag Extravaganza in support of the #charity, #MESMAC. The event was excellent and the #Queens were AMAZING!! #entsleeds #show #performance #LGBTQ #trans #dragqueen #dragqueenshow #IgersLeeds #LeedsPhoto #leisure #life (at The Fenton)
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Tomorrow night after training #TeamHunter will be condominiums packing for @yorkshiremesmac at our Clubhouse at @leosrugby LS17 5PR. Come join us from 20.30 and meet some@of the players before they head off the weekend to play @typhoonsrufc !! • • • #InclusiveRugby #RugbyForAll #IGRugby #ShowUsYourTackle #rugby #yorkshiremesmac #mesmac #leeds #yorkshire #gay #gayuk #gayleeds #gayyorkshire #safesex #gayisokay #gaypride #gaylove #gayworld #gayguy #gayman #gaylife https://www.instagram.com/p/BqaoIGMFu-M/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=z239aeycj7uy
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Mermaids UK
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this is the spectrum used by Mermaids UK, y’know, the one they use to reinforce sexist stereotypes and make GNC children feel even more broken inside!
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Mermaids UK thinks being same-sex attracted means you’re just a trans straight person, please tell me more about how gender theory isn’t going to result in a lost generation of gay people because they were told their desire and predilections are because of their male/female brain and not their innate sexual orientation
Charity ‘advised mum to force her son, 7, to live as a girl’
(the pink box at the end of the article is not a “disclaimer”, its a statement from Mermaids UK and they didn’t refute the major reporting facts, they were making a minor correction:
Contrary to what is implied in the Times article, Mermaids has not been banned from contact with the child by the high court, and Mermaids was directly referenced only once during proceedings, to state that the mother had been receiving support from the charity. Following the proceedings, the mother informed us that the judge had ordered the child should have no further contact with the charity. While we have not received any legal notice to support this statement, we have respected this request.)
I’m not sure what the meaningful difference between “banned from contact with the child” and “ordered by judge to have no further contact with the child” is in this context but they thought it was important enough to make a fuss, the point is that the article reported that a child was forced to live as the opposite sex and the statement from Mermaids UK does not refute that
Here is the court report
They’ve even advised parents to FORCE their children to live as the opposite sex AGAINST THEIR WILL, these “advocates” for GNC children who support childhood transition are literally complicit in child abuse
But wait, there’s more!
Mermaids UK has a very close relationship with MESMAC, a so-called “sexual health charity” that allowed their volunteers and workers to have sexual relations with their very vulnerable clients,  (alternative link) one of the former trustees was convicted of child sex abuse and one of their employees harassed and threatened an academic who was campaigning to end the use of child porn in schools
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more bullshit:
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terfslying · 6 years
RE: This post @nerdylilpeebee (Shollymannon has me blocked, so I can’t reply directly, but it’s literally just propaganda)
On the topic of the infographic - I couldn’t find it on the Mermaids UK website, and a reverse image search also didn’t reveal Mermaids UK as a source. So I think it’s safe to say that isn’t true.
The tweet does make it appear that they think “cis” = “straight”. But that’s not what their website says, so I am more inclined to believe they just had a poorly phrased tweet. Note that they don’t say anything about transgender people’s sexuality though. Their website actually mostly consists of links like this one, which is what they presented to explain gender-non-conformity in children for parents (it’s a link to the APA).
The metro.co.uk article is highly confusing, but the court notes are VERY illuminating and I don’t think the TERFs have actually read it. Notes:
“73. […] This is not a case about gender dysphoria, rather it is about a mother who has developed a belief structure which she imposed on her child.”
What do they mean by that, you might ask? Pure and simple, this is basically a case of munchausens by proxy. A lot of the court documents are dedicated to the mother’s mental state.
“The enmeshed or fused nature of the relationship between [the mother] and [the child] is shown in the way she does not clearly perceive [the child] as a separate person with his/her own identity, wishes and volition. She sometimes confuses her own feelings for [the child] […] [The mother] cannot see that [the child] may be consciously or unconsciously trying to please her by assuming a female gender identity now that [the mother] has formed the view that this is [the child]’s preference.”
There was also significant evidence to indicate some unhealthy sexual behaviour from the mother to the child.
“[The social worker stated] I do feel that [the child]’s inappropriate touching of others is a considerable concern. When considered alongside his comments and his behaviour towards his mother in contact (eg. April 22/4) then it would seem that [the child] is very used to touching [the mother]’s breasts and that she has afforded him considerable knowledge or discussion of genital anatomy. […] I can not offer a view as to why [the mother] would encourage such behaviour except that potentially it may feed into her perception of [the child] as a transgendered child in some way and the attributes he might hope to acquire.”
In fact, Mermaids UK is only mentioned once in the entire court document, here:
“6.26 A Child and Family Assessment was completed in January 2015. The assessment concluded that there were no evident concerns suggesting that [the child] was at immediate risk of harm. […] There was no concerns from the social worker regarding [the mother]’s approach to [the child]’s gender presentation, and had appropriately taken on board support from the charity Mermaids. Upon completion of the assessment, no further action was taken by Children’s Services”.
So what actually happened in this case? Well:
A mother with mental health issues pressured her son into transgender behaviour
She created false stories of bullying of her child as a form of munchausen’s by proxy
The mother contacted Mermaids UK on one occasion for advice; they advised her on the assumption that the child was genuinely dysphoric.
Multiple social workers believed that the gender transition behaviour was not problematic
Social workers do believe that the enmeshment, manipulation, and possible sexual abuse was problematic
It is absolutely appalling that this case was spun this way. But it’s complete bullshit - this is a case of child abuse, very similar to many other munchausens by proxy abuse cases all over the world. The only difference is they contacted Mermaids UK for advice once. The court case also notes all the various health services that they contacted, and I don’t see anyone saying the NHS in the UK is transing children.
As for the issues with MESMAC, yes MESMAC and Mermaids do work together. But you’ve wildly misphrased the two recent scandals with MESMAC.
The first scandal: A former board member, who resigned before the allegations came to light, was accused to sexual misconduct with young boys. This was not associated with the larger charity in any way.
“Heathcliff Bowen last attended a board of trustees meeting in 2013. Her formally resigned from the board in February 2014 before any allegations came to light. He was required to resign as a director of our trading arm when we were made away he was under investigation.”
The second scandal: A poorly written sexual conduct rule was discovered. It was not referring to youths, minors, or people actively using services that MESMAC provides.
“The charity’s “worker’s conduct policy” says: “Sexual relationships are acceptable with service users initially met during work time, but this would be inappropriate if the service user has entered into a 1-2-1 or ongoing support relationship with the worker.” […] The rules do not relate to the charity’s work with children. After the Guardian approached Yorkshire MESMAC it said it would be redrafting the policy. […] [MESMAC’s] chief executive Tom Dyle said: “For clarity, the scenario that it attempts to address is, for example, in our adult health services, where a worker is giving out condoms in pubs, clubs, etc. Technically at that point everyone they give a condom to is a service user. […] What is unacceptable is to use work time or their position in MESMAC to further it in any way.”
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bear-group · 5 years
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We’re happy to announce that the charity for our event is Yorkshire MESMAC. https://www.facebook.com/events/833723847015004/?ti=icl https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv9JFXOg0QJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1qtp0a0cfeeb6
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lunalefey · 7 years
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Hi folx,
Please share this open letter to Bradford Literature Festival with all your friends and networks. Their programming of Jenni Murray and Germaine Greer is UNACCEPTABLE and we are calling for them to be removed. Text of the letter is below.
Dear Bradford Literature Festival,
As we’re sure you're already aware, Jenni Murray and Germaine Greer espouse hateful and harmful views on trans women, denying them their identity and their very existence. It saddens us that Bradford Literature Festival is going against what has previously been diverse and inclusive programming to platform speakers who would make people feel attacked and unwelcome. While Greer and Murray may not be speaking about trans issues specifically, they are talking about women and feminism, their brand of feminism is not intersectional and excludes trans people. By talking about women and feminism they are talking about trans people, the fact that they think trans people and feminism are separate is part of the problem. BLF says it does it's best to create a safe and welcoming space for debate, but trans lives are not a debate.
BLF says it does it's best to champion freedom of speech, but the freedom to speak and the credibility of a high-profile platform are not the same. The 'right to free speech' does not mean the 'right to be listened to'. If you remove Murray and Greer from the programme, you would be saying that transphobic views do not have a place in your festival. If you do not remove them, you would be saying that your pride is more important than trans people's safety and dignity. Trans lives matter. Trans lives are not a debate.
Have you spoken to Murray and Greer themselves about how their views on trans women might create a barrier or issues for people? And how their views pose a danger to trans people's safety and human rights? If not, and BLF have already foreseen these issue, then why have the conversations not taken place?
BLF cannot claim to champion the LGBT+ community while platforming speakers who deny the most marginalised part of that community their lives. If you continue and allow them to speak then you are alienating the very community you say you support. Programming speakers like Juno Dawson and events like the Polari LGBT Literary Salon alongside Murray and Greer does not show support and only continues to frame this as a debate. It is not. Trans lives are not a debate.
We implore you not to allow them to speak at BLF as it is contrary to everything the festival has worked so hard to achieve and only sends the message that you do not support the trans community. We hope that you will take this with the utmost seriousness and give this careful consideration.
Signed by:
Ryan Morgana Trans Mission TransLeeds Non-Binary Action Yorkshire Mesmac None of Us is Yet a Robot Marlborough Pub & Theatre East Street Arts Wharf Chambers Live Art Bistro
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ukftm · 5 years
Anyone here go to/have experience with the wakefield mesmac trabs support group?
Can any of our followers offer their experience?
- Harry
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bradfordzone · 8 years
“Getting tested vital” in Bradford district during HIV Testing Week
“Getting tested vital” in Bradford district during HIV Testing Week
People across the district are being encouraged to have a quick and simple HIV test during National HIV Testing Week (19-26 November) which also aims to reduce the stigma around having the HIV virus. Anyone wanting to get tested or who is concerned about their status can visit the MESMAC website to find their nearest site: http://www.mesmac.co.uk/about-us/the-team/bradford/bradfordnhivtw The week…
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greenleafshowbiz · 12 years
Greenleaf Entertainments names their Charity of the year
Greenleaf Entertainments - The Entertainment & Celebrity Management Agency has announced their chosen Charity of the Year Yorkshire Mescac http://www.mesmac.co.uk/ 
Each year Greenleaf Entertainments will be donating 10% of their profits to Leeds based charity Yorkshire Mesmac.
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