#meryta as adventurer
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A chance meeting between WoL Aureia Malathar and Meryta Khatin, as Aureia is trying to find some help with her plant experiments.
@myreia thank you for being such a supportive friend, always. I wanted to figure out how Aureia and Meryta could meet, and I hope this works.
Fandom: FFXIV | Words: 955 | Read on Ao3
Aureia Malathar (wol) & Meryta Khatin (adventurer) | Heavensward | friendship Rating: Gen. Botany, meeting and friendship, popotos (no not lala, actual popotos)
Meryta Khatin is busy digging in the popoto rows, pulling out weeds and checking the plants for dark spots, when she notices the adventurer staring at her. She’s dark haired, one hand in the pocket of a dark coat, the other around a staff. Or a lance. Meryta isn’t sure. She continues the popoto inspection, and to her delight they all they all look good. She pulls up another weed.
The adventurer is still staring, fidgeting. Her hand smoothes her hair behind her ear, which marks her half-elezen, and Meryta notices it’s tinged with red at its ends.
There’s nothing up here besides the popoto experiment, so Meryta gets up, and wipes the dirt of her hands as best she can.
“Can I help you?”
“No.” Hand back in the pocket. “I was merely curious.”
“I was just checking the popotos. They’re for supporting the community here, if we find the right sort.”
“I’m sorry – are you an adventurer or not?”
The half-elezen pushes her hair behind her ear again. It’s studded with small rings. She reminds Meryta of someone, but she isn’t sure who. Meryta realizes she’s been too busy to change, and she’s still wearing her archer’s coat and dragonskin pants. She’s not really dressed for weeding, but then again – any outfit that can get dirty will do for it. It does explain the confusion, though.
“Oh! I’m both? I do some adventuring work, but I’m also a botanist of sorts, along with a few other things. I’m a student of Furfucha’s. In Gridania.” She sticks out her hand. “I’m Meryta, Meryta Khatin.”
The woman takes it, shakes in firmly. It’s warm, despite the cold wind blowing through Idyllshire.
“I’m –”
“You’re the Champion of Eorzea! Now I recognize you.”
The woman’s smile falls, then picks up again in flash. Her ruby eyes are a little harder than before.
“Yes, that’s – me.”
“Sorry I didn’t recognize you!”
“It’s fine. Do you like – plants?”
Meryta is a little intimidated by all she’s heard of the Champion of Eorzea and the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. She should have recognized her, how many red eyed, dark haired, half-elezen could there be? She’s striking, and now that she knows, it’s more than obvious.
“No surely, it’s an honor, I – um, I mean I’ve heard –”
“- doesn’t matter. Please call me Aureia. I just wanted to ask about the work with the plants.”
“You want to know about the popotos?”
“Yes! I mean – maybe? I like flowers, and there are so many pretty ones around here.”
“There truly is. The hinterlands are nice, aren’t they?” She rubs her hands together. “Well, when it’s not pouring or a windchill comes through.”
The champion – Aureia laughs a little. “True enough. I was mayhap looking to pick up some tricks. I’ve been trying to grow a few flowers from here.” The other woman pauses, and pushes her hair behind her ear again. “It’s but a personal project and the popotos here look like they do well.”
“They do now, but it’s been a bit of a struggle. It’s about the right sort, and all the growing conditions. With all the chill rain here.”
Aureia frowns a little. “I thought plants needed water.”
“Some, but they can also get too much. Depends on the plant really.”
“How do you know?”
“You have to learn or ask. If the plant gets drooping leaves with yellow spots and soil is wet, not dry, it’s probably too much water. Usually it’s good to check the soil before watering, especially for plants in pots or planters.”
“Check the soil?”
“I just stick my finger in there.” She holds up her hand and makes a clawing motion with her pointer finger. “Though sometimes it’s a disease and it’s harder to get rid of.”
“Mayhap I should just forget about it.”
“No, don’t worry, you can always try again. Trial and error, just like the popotos here. This is the fifth crossbreed and the first one that seems to work. Sorry I keep going on about the popotos. What have you tried to grow?”
“Just whichever I found.” Aureia brow furrows. “I think they were blue.”
“I wonder –"
It starts to rain, and as Meryta said herself earlier, as it sometimes does in Idyllshire, it pours in buckets. Aureia looks up and they share a look, and then they both make a run for The Hard Place. They’re only a little wet when they make it inside.
“Will the popotos be alright?” Aureia asks. “With the rain, I mean.”
“The soil should have enough drainage. We’ve been working on it, and with the new strain too. It’s a cross breed of some a variant from the Sea of Clouds, so it’s more cold resistant, and hopefully able to withstand…” Aureia’s eyes look distant, and Meryta trails off. “I guess you don’t care that much.”
Aureia chuckles. “Yes, not that much. But I did want to ask for help with the flowers?”
“I’ll be happy to help.” She really is, she likes helping – whether it’s the farmers here or a single person. That Aureia is a the Warrior of Light is a little intimidating. “I’m sure you’ll soon have plants overgrowing your lodging.”
“I highly doubt that.” Aureia snorts and her eyes sparkle. “I could use a drink. Join me? Tell me of these plants that are so easy they will grow everywhere.”
Soon, they’re sitting in a cozy corner, Aureia returned with a bottle of red wine Adkiragh produced from who knows where. Meryta sips slowly, and tries to think of all that can help Aureia. Soon, however, their conversation drifts to other matters, as the Taverns hums to life with other patrons seeking refuge from the rain.
#ffxiv#ffxiv fanfic#final fantasy 14 fanfic#aureia malathar#gift fic#AHHH I hope you like it#it's just a small thing#this scene has been on my mind forever#so now I'm throwing it out there#I just think it's cute if they talk of plants first#they might talk of archery later#writing about meryta#viking writes#meryta as adventurer#published 11/7/2024
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February prompt for year of the OTP - bedsharing. This is a fun trope and a little different take on it with an established relationship. I'm feral about their love and dynamic, not apologizing. Please enjoy my rarepair.
Fandom: Final Fantasy XIV | Words: 815| Read on Ao3
Tansui x Meryta Khatin (warrior of light) | After endwalker | fluff Rating: Gen. Bedsharing, Tansui having issues containing his feelinds (again), vague endwalker spoilers
Home is where the bed is
There’s something truly wonderful about having Meryta in his bed. Tansui returned late today, and instead of finding him, she had simply decided to crawl into his bed and sleep. Kami knows where she’s been and what she’s been doing, but he’s glad she’s resting. And truly glad it is in his bed.
There is, however, a problem.
Meryta is currently sprawled across his whole bed. Her leg in one direction, her tail in another, the tip of it actually hanging off the bed. Granted, his bed isn’t large, but it’s incredible how such a small person can take up so much space.
She has sprawled across him before – arm over his chest, legs entwined with his, and he likes that. He likes it a lot, to be honest. But with the way she is sleeping right now, he can’t even get into his bed; not without jostling her.
He’s loath to wake her.
There are no words to describe what she has been through lately, and yet there is always something or someone else wanting her help, her power. Tansui sighs. The floor is uncomfortable, and the chair is worse. His home is just a simple one, for a single pirate. They have guesthouses and common areas and barracks and small apartments likes his – not manors.
In the end, his desire to be near her – and to get his own rest – wins out. He carefully maneuvers over her lower body, leaving her tail and torso where it is, trying to fit himself against the wall. He gently pushes her legs out of the way to settle himself, fitting his arm around her. A little push more, and his back won’t be against the cold wall, but actually under the cover –
“… Tansui?”
“Sorry, love. I did not mean to wake you.”
“’s okay. I was just waiting for you.”
She must have been truly tried if she decided to lie down instead of seeking him out, or finding something to tinker with.
“I’m glad you did. I did try to let you sleep, but there’s not much room. Especially for two people.”
“I’ve been thinking of getting an apartment in Shirogane or a small place in the Doman enclave. So I’m close but I don’t have to encroach on your space. And your small bed.”
A surge of panic hits him. He wants her here, in his place. Nearby may be better than the places he knows she likes to dwell, in Mor Dhona or Ishgard or elsewhere, but not by much. Stay with me, he wants to say, let this be your home. Move in with me, I’ll requisition a bigger place, he wants to say. He’s tongue-tied, he doesn’t, he can’t say this. He can’t ask this of her. No matter that the scions are nominally disbanded, she’s an adventurer, disinclined to stay in one place. No matter how weary, he knows something else will draw her. No more ends of the world, hopefully, but there’s always going to be new things on the horizon. He knows and accepts this, nay, he likes it. He has his life, settled and quiet, and she has hers. He has no desire to cage her. He could still ask, of course, for her to make a home here when she does rest, but he does not want to spook her, to make demands.
“You’d end up in my bed anyhow,” he says instead, making a half joke.
It works, she laughs and burrows under the blanket and pulls him close.
“I could see about a bigger bed.”
“Mmmhmm or I could make one.”
“Of course you could. Have you considered you that are wearing yourself out, between adventuring and refusing to entertain the notion that items can be purchased?”
“I’ll be fine.” She yawns. “I thought pirates didn’t deign to buy things anyhow.”
Tansui chuckles and kisses her gently.
“It’s a passage fee, you know, so we can buy what we need.”
“Such as a bigger bed for your lover.”
“Such as that.” He pulls her close, now that she’s more or less awake. He can’t resist the pull of her, warm in his arms. She comes willingly. “Especially when the lover sprawls more than a drunken roegadyn.”
“Speaking from experience, are you? And it’s only that I feel at home.”
His heart skips a beat, and now he’s sorely tempted to bring up his thoughts. He doesn’t. No matter if he should or not, now is not the time. He simply tightens his arms around her, and wiggles himself into a comfortable position behind her, their legs entwined. They lay together, breaths slowing and deepening. Perhaps the bed is fine as it is.
“I could still make a bigger bed, you know? Lumber may be a scarce here, but between the trees on the northside and the scraps of driftwood…”
“Please, rest now, love.”
#him calling her love makes me unhinged#but it comes to that after enw#meryta x tansui#mertya khatin#tansui ffxiv#ffxiv#ffxiv fanfic#final fantasy 14 fanfic#writing about meryta#viking writes#year of the otp 2025#yotp25#published 2/26/2025#I just loves them so much#sobs
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OC Smash or pass: Meryta Khatin
Rules: pretty self explanatory. include physical descriptions or pics, and propaganda. the “other” label can be used for “sexuality misalignment” (ie: oc is femme and you’re gay, vice versa or you aren’t into smashing but a specific thing you wanna do with them like perhaps hug or study them under a microscope idc).
Tagged by @lilas and @redwayfarers thank youuuu!
tagging @roguelioness @impossible-rat-babies @janzoo @ubejamjar @lilbittymonster
@sunshinemage @birues @bearlytolerant @gefiltefished
gpose by @myreia

art by @sunshinemage
gpose by @coldshrugs
Quick Facts
Height: 5'1"? (forgot the height slider conversion lol?) short!
Age: 26-28 in enw
Gender: Female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: Straight, demi-romantic
Flirty and cute
Good cook and baker!
Excellent physical condition, all round fighter
Default mood is happy
Tail and scales and teeth!
Doesn't expect big romantic gestures
Great boobs
Doesn't think of commitment unless asked
Will try to fix everyone's problems
Goes off to danger; often
Comes with a ragtag bunch of friends occupied with saving the world (or is this a pro?)
Doesn't want to be a burden
... until she cries in your arms
Doesn't accept help easily
Bored with too much academic talk
Sexually a bit adventurous, and likes her partner to be in charge. She likes it a bit rough, but sweet is good too.
Doesn't actually know she is rich or how much things should be worth (great price for a hairband, Estinien!)
Can make just about everything, and will insist to do it; but doesn't think of gifting things in general due to semi-nomadic upbringing
You need to give her time to sort her feelings out romantically, as she's not sure of her feelings
... but she's not afraid of commitment if that's what her partner wants, though she needs him to spell it out
Not afraid of hard work and getting dirty
Likes doing regular things with regular people
Fishing date?
one more cute propaganda pic
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Inspired by this wolquestion and discord discussion thx friends for rotting my brain
Fandom: FFXIV | Words: 431 | Read on Ao3
Emmanellain de Fortemps & Meryta Khatin | Somewhere between 3.3 and 4.0 | friendship, fluff Rating: G. bad romance writing, hint at fantasy racism, friends being silly, maybe the WoL has time to relax once, past Emmanellain/Meryta
The Perils of Ishgard Publishing Houses
Emmanellain de Fortemps is sprawled on the couch, feet dangling over the armrest, empty wine bottle at the floor beside him, full glass beside it. His attention is focused on the book in his hands, the cover boldly reading Taming the Warrior - a High House Novel.
Across from him, Meryta leans back among the pillows on the oversized armchair. A half empty wine glass sits on the table in front of her.
"Delightful," Emmanellain grins, and continues to read aloud: "Meryta sighs, her leaf-green skin a contrast against Atoriel’s red doublet, and looks up at him, her orbs brimming with unshed tears. Her sweet pillowy bosoms heave... "
Emmanellain looks up at her, waggling his eyebrows. "Pillowy indeed. How fondly I remember —"
Meryta groans, and tosses a pillow at him, hitting him squarely in the face.
"Anyway. She leans against Atoriel’s broad and solid chest and says: Oh Atoriel, I love you so much. We must be together. I will give up adventuring for you and only fight for the glory of house Fortemps! Atoriel kisses her brow, and looks at the horizon with his cruel blue eyes – cruel alright got that right – his chiseled jaw is as sharp as his words.”
"I am afraid it would not work my darling. My Father would not allow it, someone so foreign as the wife of his heir. I love you darling, but it cannot be."
Emmanellain scoffs and stops reading.
“Ha! At this point I'm sure Father will be happy if my dear brother married a nice boy and adopted some brume rats as heirs. Not that it will ever happen; who’d want to spend that much time with him.”
“Someone likes him, Emmanellain. At least the person who wrote the book seems to think him very handsome.” Meryta grins and amends, “And I think you’re doing your brother a disservice. He’s trying to help your father the best he can.”
Emmanellain sits up and grabs his wine glass. He sticks out his chin, pouting.
“Meryta, pretty girl. Do you think my jaw is chiseled?”
“Emmanellain. You're handsome enough on your own. Stop it.”
He drinks down half his wine, and flops back into the couch.
“Alright - let me skip to the good part. There should be a chapter where the Lord Speaker and my dear brother spars half naked. It's very dramatic, according to the reviewers.”
“Reviewers? How many people are reading this? Spare me! Tell me of you latest Ul’dah ball instead.”
Meryta throws a pillow over her face, and Emmanellain laughs and starts flipping the pages.
#ffxiv#ffxiv fanfiction#final fantasy 14#meryta khatin#writing about meryta#completely off the cuff writing#fluff and fun#I had fun#aka my brain would not shut up#is it sad or funny I know the plot of the whole novel#emmanellain de fortemps#viking writes#published 12/14/2023
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Meryta Khatin - Carpenter (and occasionally Warrior of Light) by @impossible-rat-babies
Thank you Owen for this wonderful art of Meryta in her DoH outfit! I love crafting, and the carpentry is so important to Meryta - the first welcoming place in Gridania as new adventurer.
I love the colors, her pose, her hair! The swish of her tail and all the details! The light! The Gridania waterwheel is so wonderful in the background!
Stunning! thank you!
#meryta khatin#art of meryta#I just love this#ahh doh is so important to her#and me!#art for viking#owen was so wonderful to work with as always#he still has commission slots afaik!#ffixv#ff14#final fantasy 14#ffxiv wol
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End of a journey!
Stormblood was fun and a really good time, and so good for Meryta in so many ways.
Onwards to the next adventures
#ffxiv#meryta khatin#ffxiv gpose#stormblood spoilers#SUFFERING from tumblrs picture limit it did not want to upload all my faves ah#viking gposes
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☮∇☆ for meryta!
Thank you Azia!!
☮ - friendship headcanon
Meryta has a great friendship with Beatin - the first person in Gridania who didn't treat her like an outsider - and she always make sure to take time to come by when she can. I think she brought him some wood from the First after everything !
∇ -. old age/aging headcanon
What I can see her doing is that once she retires from adventuring, she'll surely work as a master crafter and take on apprentices too, and once she retires from crafting, she'll enjoy being a storyteller. She doesn't really Bard in battle much, she's first and foremost an archer; but I think as she grows old storytelling still comes naturally to her. I can also see her taking care of Reisen temple and visiting often as she grow older. Fun fact: she doesn't think of aging or getting older herself though, as she think she will die before that happens
☆ - happy headcanon
Meryta reconnected with her family during her time on the Steppe in Stormblood. Since she ran away she was worried about seeing them again, but in the end they accepted her path. She doesn't get to see them often, but they love her, and she loves them.
headcanon meme
#meryta khatin#just spinning her family a bit lately#Beatin means so much to her#funky old guy#ffxiv#headcanon meme
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fir 3 and mistletoe 2 for mery?
Thank you Kels!
Fir #3 Would your OC ever fight for a lost cause on principle? Or would they give up – or even change allegiance – in order to ensure the best outcome for themselves?
Meryta would keep fighting on principle. I think - she's not above running to live to fight another day, but there are some principles and alliances she would not give up on. If she did, what would be the point of it all?
Mistletoe #2 Does your OC find it easy to make friends? What barriers are there to them doing so? Has this changed over time?
She found it harder, earlier. Everyone was a bit foreign in Eorzea, so she didn't find it easy to connect with other adventurers. She finds it easier now, being a bit more, mature or confident perhaps? She's a little funny, and she finds she makes friends with non-adventurers, or more regular people easier. She's friends with many of the guild masters and guild members, she talks to people she plays triple triad with, and more.
She was intimidate by the scions, and all their knowledge at the beginning and feeling out of her depth does hamper her making friendships.
winter greenery oc questions
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(if you're still taking Q's for the winter questions, and haven't had these already; pine 5 and birch 1 for mery?)
thank you Ellis!
These asks are really interesting and yes still taking them <3
Pine #5 Does your OC believe it is better to burn out than to fade away? Or do they perhaps pretend to believe this, when actually they would be quite happy to retire peacefully one day?
WoL voice: you guys get a choice?
For real, Meryta doesn't want to burn out, or overextend herself, not if asked directly. She does, and mostly did, have some vague notion of being famous or mostly - being skilled as a warrior, but she didn't think it had to be grand deals on the scale she does do things. That didn't mean she dreamt about going out in a blaze of glory.
But she's realistic - she will do what's needed, but none of what she does has a good path to "quiet retirement". Joke aside, she doesn't feel like it's a choice she can make? Yes she'd love to fade away, so to speak, but she knows she won't. Live by the sword, die by the sword kinda thing. It's not a desire to do so, but she's a warrior from a warrior culture (doing more warrioring than most) and she knows how it ends; and it's nothing to be afraid of or to avoid.
Birch #1 Has your OC ever experienced something that changed them irrevocably? If so, then how do they view the person they were before?
I mean - everything has changed her. I'm trying to think if there's a singular event, but in most cases it feels like growth, growing from what she were to what she is and there's no clear defined before and after. It's been, already, a long long journey.
It's tempting to say the Bloody Banquet is before/after, and it is, but it isn't? Meryta was already feeling out of depth politically, academically, and she still did? It was more of a Why Me? moment, but it didn't change her perspective of herself.
Weirdly, I want to say the Susano fight was a before/after moment for her. She'd been - adventuring, fighting, warrior of light-ing for a while, but she felt, hm - swept up in it, part of other people's plans? or perhaps fighting for others and not herself? And someone how the Lord of Revel - despite the serious reasons and events around WHY she went and fought him - made her enjoy her own power more? She felt powerful, not as a necessity, but as a choice, if that makes sense. It was, what she needed too, to face her eventual homecoming to the Steppe.
As for how she views her past self, I think she doesn't introspect herself to ruminate on this, she's who she is, and has always been. Just - older.
(also ask me this again in 2 months and I suspect you'll get a different answer! )
winter greenery oc asks
#meryta khatin#oc ask meme#ask meme#oc asks#sorry it kinda turned into an essay#these asks are so good#still taking these!#ffxiv
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So I had a little idea for a fling for Meryta, my WoL. Spoilers for ARR patches and the beginning of HW
Fandom: Final Fantasy XIV | Words: 941 | Read on Ao3
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Meryta Khatin x Emmanellain de Fortemps | start of HW | fluff/romance Rating: Gen. New relationship, fling, start of relationship, surprise attraction, kissing
Reprieve - part 1
Meryta is grateful the servants of the Fortemps Manor keep the hearths going all night long. She’s fervently rubbing her hands against each other, the cold just doesn’t seem to leave her.
Maybe it wasn’t the smartest to go mining in Coerthas Highlands in the dead of night, but she couldn’t sleep, and sometimes there are ores you can only really find at night. The snowy wastes are peaceful in the dark, but very, very cold. Tonight, it was better than another sleepless night, tossing and turning, despite the nice bed and warm blankets in the room the Count has made available to her. She’s still cold from the snow and aetheryte travel, it’s like she hasn’t been warm for weeks.
At least it was somewhat fruitful. She wishes she could show Adelberta what she’s mined, but she cannot. She cannot go to Ul’dah. She’s far to recognizable and ever since –
The doors swing open, a little too loud for the quiet room, interrupting her treacherous train of thoughts. No matter how tired she is, she doubts sleep will come tonight.
“Miss Meryta!” Emmanellain walks in, dressed in rich fur and tall boots, his black hair messy about his face. It’s probably some sort of fashion, and she self-consciously smooths her hand over her choppy locks.
“I did not anticipate anyone was up this late, least of all you, our hero.”
He sweeps into a gallant bow, his eyes sparkling. She cannot help but smile.
“I was but mining. It is quite useful to provide one’s own materials.”
“I did not realize you were a woman of that many talents. Is it not cold and dangerous to mine at night?” Emmanalin throws himself on the couch, his head bouncing back against the headrest. “Probably not for you, I suppose.”
“It is quite cold out there,” she agrees. He doesn’t need to know or trouble himself with her lack of sleep.
“Well, I hope your trip was more fruitful than my soiree. Nary an interesting rumor and no one believed me, old girl!”
She turns, flicking her tail towards the fire. It’s cold too and she can almost hear her scales brittle rattle. Emmanellain continues on before she can ask what he means.
“About the primal. I had hoped my trials and adventures would be enough to lend me the ears of the ladies and lords, but not one believed me. Can you imagine?”
He’s animated, leaning forward and moving his arms, his hands. So different from the warm deliberate care of Haurhefant or the stern stillness of Count de Fortemps and his heir. Meryta suppresses another smile.
“Are you quite recovered, Lord Emmanellain?”
She should never have sent him off on his own.
“I am, thanks to you. It was quite an ordeal, though, was it not? They were going to eat me!”
Meryta shakes her head.
“I would not have let that happen.”
“I believe you, Meryta. Wish that others could believe me so easily.” His shoulders slump forward, dejected. She sits next to him, not sure how to comfort him. Maybe if she kills the primal, she should ask Cid if he can modify the Enterprise – knowing him he is already thinking about it. She should ask if he needs –
“I have an idea, a brilliant one!” Emmanellain perks up, his face splitting in a wide smile. She’s reminded of his half brother all of a sudden. “You must accompany me to the next party! No one will disbelieve you, and you can relate to them all of the primal. You, and I of course, will be the center of attention.”
“A party?”
“I believe Lady Far-de-Paix is holding a small event two days from now, I must attend and as a ward of our House you will be most welcome.”
“I’m not sure that’s – I have nothing to wear,” she says, grappling for an excuse. She doesn’t quite know why she’d not want to attend, and if the Count asked her ,she naturally would. She does have something to wear, the brocade coat she shoved in the bottom of her sack. She wrestles her thoughts back to the delighted grin on Emmanellain’s face.
“That we can take care of. You will look splendid; it will be perfect.”
“I don’t think I’ll look quite the way you expect.” No matter how she dresses, she’d look decidedly un-elezen, un-Ishgardian.
“Meryta, you will enthrall them. if I may be so bold – you are truly beautiful.”
He’s suddenly close, and she can smell the warmth of mulling spices and wine on his breath. She’s been told she’s pretty before, but she’s stunned by his sudden earnest tone.
“Your cheeks are speckled with little stars.”
She’s sure she has mythrite dust on her face or hair, frantically she brushes it away with her hands. Emmanelin laughs and grabs her hand. “No, your freckles, Meryta. I’ve never seen anything quite like them.”
Emmanelin’s hand is against hers, pressed against her cheek, his eyes sparkling. In a bold move he closes the gap between them and presses his lips to hers. She kisses him back automatically, lost momentarily until he breaks off, looking bashful, blush coloring his pale cheeks pink.
“Forgive me, I did not mean to presume –”
Meryta shakes her head, and lifts her other hand to tuck a stray bit of his hair behind his ear. “There’s nothing to forgive, Emmanellain.”
“In that circumstance, Meryta, perhaps I may kiss you again?”
“You may.”
They crash into each other, much less gentle this time. He kisses the way he talks, bold and animated and full of joy.
Perhaps this is exactly what she needs.
#final fantasy xiv#ARR patch spoilers#HW spoilers#sort of just the beginning#final fantasy xiv fanfic#emmanellain de fortemps x wol#new fandom bear with me#fluff I guess#I had fun thinking of this#so sharing!#meryta khatin#writing about meryta#gorgeous#viking writes#published 3/2/2023
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5 and 12 for Meryta please? ☺️💗
Thank you Azia!
5. What is the first impression most people have of them? Is it different when they get to know them?
I think that right where she is, a lot of people don't know what to think of her when she meets them, because she is au ra. Outside of this, people see her as a dangerous adventurer, or lately as a hero and the Warrior of Light. And I think most people's first impression is either that they find this a bit hard to believe, or that she some sort of primal-killing-machine.
Both are incorrect - she is capable and a skilled warrior, and she will quickly show this if people doubt, but she also is just, you know, a little guy. She likes flowers and food and relaxing. She really likes just hanging out and when people are funny, though she'll not take the lead in making jokes herself. I don't know if anyone is truly close enough to her to see her like this - but it's always about seeing her as a person. (still also [static noises] about her full personality)
12. Does anyone call them by a nickname? What do they think about it?
Yda calls her Mer, and she doesn't mind. It feels friendly and more personal. I think she secretly wishes more of Scions would call her by a nickname!
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Storge 3(? Forgot the number oops) How far does parental approval (imagined or expressed) impact upon their current sense of self-worth? What might they sacrifice or attempt to achieve in order to ensure the approval of their parents?
For mery pls! ❤️
Thank you, Meg!
this is a quite interesting question for Meryta.
She has never been looking for her parent's approval in a general sense - they were very loving. They just weren't supportive about her being a warrior and an adventurer. She knows she has disappointed them by leaving, and nothing she does right now will win their approval. She would have to come home, and say "yeah, you were right, I was wrong." - or at least that's what she feel she would have to do.
but, she's already proven them wrong? She went and adventured and became a hero. And she didn't do it to win approval, it's more like "please stop treating me like a baby" stomps foot and "look what I can do when you don't hold me back."
she'd love for them to acknowledge her, and in the end their approval doesn't really influence her self-worth that much. Perhaps just a nagging thought of "am I hero enough"; but right now I think she is more embarrassed about how she left and doesn't know how to reconnect more than explicitly looking for approval. (she does know deep down they love her, she's the youngest she will always be excused, she just doesn't know how to deal)
in the end, she doesn't want to sacrifice anything really I suppose. She did what they told her not to do. If she wanted approval she'd be lost in waiting.
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May I ask 13/14 for the wol ask meme for Meri? 🌞💕
Thank you, Meg!!
13. What are their speech patterns like? more formal or informal?
Meryta's speech patter is pretty informal. She doesn't tend to elaborate or use overly complex sentences - especially compared to how so many of the people around her talks! She doesn't have a lot of formal education (maybe not any), and she might be a bit self conscious about it.
14. If they were not an adventurer, what would they be doing?
She would be an hunter for her clan, or perhaps a leatherworker or other craftswoman!
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