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estelior · 2 years ago
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Happy Mermay everyone!
As you voted - 1st mermay 2023 art - Steve braid Bucky’s hair
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bluehourbucky · 2 years ago
would anyone be interested in a merman!bucky x Royal!reader series?
I already finished the prologue, but I just haven't seen many merman bucky fics maybe I just haven't been looking????
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maichan808 · 3 months ago
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Here's my contribution to the @marvelartparty Fin Up book - a Marvel merfolk pin-up zine. It's 38 full-color pages featuring 25 gorgeous works by 21 different artists.
GET YOUR COPY HERE. Proceeds to The Ocean Cleanup.
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Featured Artists: Namor (@xpi-x-elx), Rocket (sweatypeaches), Thor (@disturbedbutgorgeous), Steve (@artgroves), Natasha (@amberdreams1960), Hulk (@amadness2method), Drax (pocketcosmic), Nebula (@call-me-kayyyyy), M'Baku (@keire-ke)
GET YOUR COPY HERE. Proceeds to The Ocean Cleanup.
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nozhiksan · 1 day ago
Mer bucky
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(I just realized that it would be better to make him a mer-kraken... Hydra, you know...)
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late-to-the-party-81 · 9 months ago
Merman, maybe?
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AN: Screeching in, to get this written and posted before the Stucky Bingo deadline, and somehow managing to get it to fit two bingos plus the extra challenge in one of them. A big thank you to @buckyismyconstant for the quick beta on this fic.
Likes are loved, reblogs are golden
Mood board by me and dividers by @firefly-graphics
Join my tag list here
Master list | Stucky Bingo Master List
Summary: Steve hadn’t been sure what memories he’d get out of a year backpacking around Europe post-graduation, but meeting an honest-to-god mermaid - merman - merperson - whatever! - hadn’t been one of them.
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Relationship: Back-packer Artist Steve Rogers x Merman James
Word Count: 1.7k
CW: Modern AU, Mermaid AU, Non powered Steve Rogers, Merman Bucky Barnes, Meet-cute, Language barrier, Cultural barrier, Artist Steve Rogers, Curious Bucky Barnes, Fluff, Mild angst, mildly flustered Steve.
Bingos and Challenges:
@stuckybingo B2 -Sokovia and the May Challenge- Mermay 
@steverogersbingo E1 - Mermaid 
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Steve hadn’t been sure what memories he’d get out of a year backpacking around Europe post-graduation, but meeting an honest-to-god mermaid - merman - merperson - whatever! - hadn’t been one of them.
It had started off simply enough. Having crossed from Western Europe (northern Italy) to the Eastern part (Slovenia), he’d wended his way through Hungary, into southern Slovakia and made it into Sokovia just at the start of May. Like other places he’d seen in his journeys, the country was one of dichotomy - modern, bustling cities and then small rural villages that felt like something out of a fairy tale. It was while he was staying in one of these small villages that the strangest thing happened. 
He’d gotten into the habit of travelling to a scenic spot during the day to try and capture the beauty of the landscapes before returning to the village and sketching the people he saw as he ate at one of the eateries.
On this particular morning, having had a hearty if basic breakfast at his lodgings, he’d set out on foot towards a large lake just outside the village. It was nestled at the base of the Carpathians, which rose out of the ground as if to challenge the sky, and was surrounded by swathes of wildflowers. He knew he had to capture it as best he could - his friends back in New York would never believe that such a place was real.
Steve set up his travel easel on a large rock, and placing in his ear buds, he started to make his preliminary sketches, making sure the proportions were right. It must have only been fifteen minutes later that he had the feeling he was being watched. With a frown he lifted his head and looked around, but there was no one to be seen, and nothing other than a few wild sheep and the movement of the lake water as fish made their way around.
Putting it down to his active imagination, he returned to his pencils, but the feeling didn’t go away. However, everytime he looked up, all was the same - a few sheep and circular ripples caused by the fish. Although, he thought, there must be some big fish in there to cause ripples that size. Maybe, if he set up his phone just right, he might be able to catch one of them on film if it came to the surface again? He propped it up on the edge of the easel, with the camera lens pointing at the lake, and he pressed record.
The next time he felt he was being observed, instead of lifting his head, he just flicked his eyes towards his camera… and jumped back, tripping over his feet. Looking up at the lake all he saw was a large, red tail making its way back under the water. Picking up his phone he stopped the recording and then rewound it.
A head, distinctly human looking, appeared from the water with long dark brown - possibly black hair - laying in wet tangles on its pale shoulders. It looked like a man, with ice blue eyes, sharp cheekbones and plump lips, but there was something uncanny about him. He could tell the moment he fell back, because not only was the sound of his shout audible on the recording, an expression akin to panic crossed the merman’s face and he dove back under the water, flicking up that tail that Steve had then seen. If he hadn’t had it recorded, he’d have thought he was dreaming. He walked carefully up to the edge of the water and stared down into it, yet saw nothing but the bubbles of small fish.
Trying to make sense of it all, he decided to break for lunch. Sitting down on a rock at the water’s edge, Steve pulled out a sandwich of local sliced ham and cheese and some fresh strawberries, and began to eat. He tried to keep half an eye on the water, but every time he thought he saw the water swirling as though something big was coming to the surface, the movement of his head seemed to scare the creature - man? - away again.
Having satisfied his immediate hunger, Steve got up to return to his easel. Before he did though, he left the last part of his sandwich and a few strawberries on the rock he’d used as a seat. This time when he started drawing, he decided not to put his ear buds back in, but turned his phone speaker up, so that he could still hear the music and hum along. He was notified of the merman’s return by the sound of a wet splat as a half eaten strawberry impacted against the back of his sketchbook.
Peering around his easel towards where he’d left the offering of food, Steve saw that the sandwich had been partially eaten and then deconstructed and discarded apart from the ham and all of the strawberries, except the one that had become a missile, left untouched. 
He chuckled to himself. “Not a fan of cheese or fruit I see. Not totally surprising. I doubt there’s much of that in the bottom of the lake, or the sea, or wherever you’re from.” It was hard to concentrate on his drawing after that, despite his best efforts.
The hours passed and he tried not to look up every time he felt himself being observed, difficult as it was. However, it did seem as though his audience was getting more used to his presence, because when Steve did redirect his gaze at one point, he was happy to see that the top of the merman’s head was still poking out of the lake, his eyes and hair visible, at least for a moment before it ducked back under the blue waters.
Finishing off the drawing he’d been doing, Steve decided to reposition himself. He went back to the rock on the edge of the lake and sat down with his sketch pad in hand. His hands flew over the paper as he worked from memory, trying to recall the features he’d seen. He felt the presence close to him, but kept his gaze on his paper until he’d finished. Then, slowly, he turned and gasped as he saw that the merman had pulled himself up onto the shore, looking over Steve’s shoulder at the sketch of himself. 
His tail glistened in the afternoon sun and water ran off his pale, muscular body in fat rivulets. There was an obvious wave to his hair, wet as it was, and when the merman tossed his head to the side, Steve could see the gills on the side of his neck. Speckles of water flicked onto Steve’s sketchbook and the merman reached out with one finger to touch one of the wet spots, obviously intrigued by the difference between wet and dry. Steve let out a soft chuckle and the creature reared back slightly, looking at him with wide eyes.
Steve allowed himself to smile, not a difficult feat, hoping that the merman would accept the gesture as one of friendship. What he wasn’t expecting was for the merman to grin back, displaying a mouth full of sharp teeth. Perfect for ripping through fish, he thought.
He raised his hand to his chest. “I’m Steve,” he said. The merman blinked at him. He’s unlikely to speak English, you idiot. He tried again, halting Sokovian. “Moje meno je Štefan.” If the merman spoke any human language it was likely to be one from this region of the world. The merman ran his tongue over his pointed teeth. “Jakov,” he replied. “Moje meno je Jakov.”
“Jakov,” Steve repeated, translating in his head. “Jakov a Štefan. James and Steve.” He pointed between them.
“James,” the merman parroted and then pulled himself closer to Steve again with his muscular looking arms. He peered at the pencil in Steve’s hand and Steve held it out to him. James plucked it from his fingers and brought it close to his face, studying the combination of wood and graphite with his icy eyes. Steve retrieved another pencil from his bag and lightly pulled the tip of it over the paper, leaving a trail of graphite in its wake. James poked his tongue between his lips and tried to copy, his clumsy attempt producing a thick, dark line. The merman seemed happy with himself though, as he grinned broadly, turning to look at Steve with sparkling eyes. 
Over the next hour or so, as the sun began its descent towards the horizon, Steve tried to satisfy the curiosity of his new friend. James had plucked at Steve’s clothes with his fingers, leading to Steve shedding first his jacket and then his t-shirt. He tried not to think too hard about how he felt when those cool fingers trailed over his body, tracing the swirls and lines of his tattoos. Eventually though, it started to get cold and Steve’s stomach started to rumble. “I have to go. Už musím odísť.” 
James cocked his head and Steve let out a huff, trying to work out how to explain himself. In the end, he mimed sleeping and James seemed to get it. He packed all of his stuff away, under the merman’s watchful eye and then rubbed at the back of his head, not quite sure how to say goodbye. “Zbohom…” His farewell was cut off when James surged up on his tail and pressed a kiss to his cheek. Then, before Steve could even process it, the merman dove back into the lake, circular ripples the only thing to show he’d even been there.  “Zbohom, Jakov,” Steve finished with a whisper. 
He walked slowly back to his lodgings, finding himself turning and looking back more than once on the journey. As he ate his dinner that evening, instead of sketching the passers-by he found himself returning to his sketch of James: the wet spots, although dried, having left smudges which just seemed to add to the portrait. And when he went to bed that night, it was to dream of an underwater world, sharp teeth and a red tail winding through his legs.
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Tag list: @km-ffluv, @wheezy-stucky, @kmc1989, @kombatfather1796, @christywrites, @alexakeyloveloki, @doasyoudesireandlive, @galactusdevourerofworlds, @crayongirl-linz, @mightstill, @nicoline1998enilocin, @starrkermarvel, @ronearoundblindly
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notgradea · 2 years ago
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Bad hair day
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thatmexisaurusrex · 5 months ago
A Meeting in the Bayou
Hey, people! This is for the @sambuckyhalloweenbingo for the prompt "Transformation". Enjoy! 🥰
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A Meeting in the Bayou
| Pairing: SamBucky | Rated: T | WC: 1.7K |
Summary: Sam Wilson gets dared by his friends to hang out in the woods for ten minutes. There, he meets a mysterious young man.
“Dare, huh?” asked Misty as she looked around for inspiration, taking a sip of her solo cup, “What about… the woods?” “The woods?” asked Sam, raising an eyebrow. “Yeah! The woods,” said Colleen, pointing her solo cup to the woods, “Ten minutes in the bayou, Sam.” “Sounds like the start of a horror film,” said Nat, shaking her head, “You can’t ask him to just walk into the woods.” “Hey. No. Dare is a dare. It’s not like I don’t know the woods next to my own house. It’s not even dark yet,” said Sam. There wasn’t really a fence between Sam’s backyard and the woods that backed up to his home. He spent most of his childhood exploring those woods with his siblings. He would be okay at the edge of the woods for ten minutes in broad daylight. “Better save me some of those cupcakes for when I return,” said Sam as he began walking to the tree line. “Will do!” yelled Misty as Sam made it into the woods.
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agentkikirogers · 5 months ago
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Pin by Asirenspins
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galaxywolfdogassemble · 1 year ago
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warriorofthought · 8 months ago
Summary: You meet a Triton, who will be your first friend after a long time, can he help you to live a better life?
Word count: 4936
Warnings: slightly injury and Violence applications
Bucky x Reader
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You were always quite curious, and the curiosity to know if the beings of the sea, called mermaids, existed. It was present in your mind. That was why you usually spent it on the beach, watching the horizon, waiting to see if something would happen. 
The sun was almost setting, and you agreed that nothing was going to happen. But you were taken by surprise to see a Newt swimming near the shore, it was quite beautiful. That Triton looked at you curiously, but seemed harmless.
As the sun set, you decided to stand up and approach the Triton, it seemed very friendly and without intentions to attack you. The Triton approached you, with its tail waving, curious to meet you 
"Hello" you smile softly and carefully.
"Hello..."  The Triton said, with a shy but sweet voice.  "Sorry for having approached you, but you seemed a bit lonely." 
You chuckle softly " yeah, i try to avoid the others"
 "Why do you try to avoid others?"  The Triton looked at you with its big eyes, curious about your answer.
"uhh, how should I say that? The others don't like me that much because I'm probably too nice. I try to get out of their way because they are sometimes mean to me " you explain.  
 "Mmm.. I see.. And these people that are mean to you are humans?"  The Triton looked at you concernedly, it seemed to worry you a little.
" yeah, of course"
 The Triton thought for a moment.   "I think I know why they react like that. I mean i know why they react so by me." 
"Many humans may think we are evil creatures, it is not our fault. Some people have made them believe that we are enemies." 
"But I'm sure you don't think that, right?" 
"No, you seem nice "
 "Thanks..."  the Triton said,  "The name is Bucky, what's your name?" 
"y/n   "
 "It is a pleasure y/n. I hope you don't mind that I came here, I just wanted to say hello." 
"No problem" 
 "I'm just surprised that a human wants to talk to me, not many humans know that we exist. And many less want to talk to us." 
"oh, that sounds sad"
 "Yes... but I hope one day it will change."   "Maybe with humans like you"   he smiles. 
"Thank you, bucky" you smile shyly.
Then you can both hear someone calling for you. Concerned, your head snaps in that direction and you see Ben running in your direction. Your eyes widen in panic and you turn back to Bucky. 
"Please, hide, he will hurt you if he sees you. Please, please hide. Come on."
Then Ben yells your name again and you can hear that he is pretty angry. Then you see how Bucky hides and follows your request.
Bucky hid quickly not knowing what else to do to avoid being seen by Ben. The poor Triton just wanted to make friends and get to know the humans better. He waited curiously to see what was going to happen next. 
Ben comes to a stop in front of you.
"Damn it, how many times do I have to tell you to stay away from that? And you took care of, luk's injury, DIDN'T I TELL YOU TO NOT REPRESENT ANYONE HERE. " 
You flinch, then he grabs your arm and pushes you away from the water. 
"He was in pain, I just made sure it was relieved" you stammer.
Angry that you contradicted him. He violently grabs your chin.
"You are too soft, I have forbidden you and you will obey me" he shakes you by the shoulders.
"Stop helping others, do you hear me?" asks Ben angrily.
"Yes" you whisper
"I asked you if you UNDERSTANDED me" with each of his words his hands squeeze tighter.
"I understand, Ben" 
The Triton was surprised to see how violent Ben was being with you, it hurt his heart to see how unfairly a human was treating his new nice friend. While hidden, he could see how Ben was aggressively yelling at you, squeezing your arms and chin. 
 "How could a human be so mean to another?"  Bucky thought to himself. 
Satisfied with your answer and your anxious eyes. Ben brutally pushes you away from him onto the floor, then looks down at you from above.
"Don't do that again, y/n!"
You nod, then Ben disappears from the beach and you are alone again. 
Bucky felt sad and annoyed by the way Ben had treated you, and how unjust Ben had been to you. He looked around to make sure the coast was quiet before coming out of his hiding place to be with you.  
You see the Triton slowly approaching you, you could hear his footsteps through the dry sand of the beach. The Triton felt bad for not being there to help you when Ben was yelling at you. 
You don't look up as Bucky approach you
Bucky felt his heart fill with sadness, seeing you upset and looking down. The Triton kneeled down so he could look you in the eye, and gently brushed a piece of your hair from your face and placed it behind your ear.
"Hello, y/n" he steps closer to you.
"Are you okay?"
"yeah" you swallow quickly and try to hide your trembling hands 
Bucky could notice how shaky your hands and your voice were. He see how the humans eyes were filling with tears.
 "I know you're not okay. But don't be afraid of me, I'm not your abuser."   the Triton tries to calm y/n . His voice was full of kindness. 
"I'm sorry, that you have seen that" 
Bucky looked at you with a soft smile.  "You don't need to apologize to me, you are not at fault." 
The Triton was getting closer to you in order to give you a warm hug, the gesture was meant to make you feel better 
Bucky seemed delighted by the effect he had on the human girl. The Triton wrapped his arms and tail around you, trying to make you feel protected. 
"What was your name? y/n, right?"   the Triton asked you softly 
"yes, I'm y/n " you nod
"How old are you, y/n?" 
You chuckle softly "I'm 22 and you?"
Bucky felt surprised, he thought you were much younger based on how Ben acted toward you.   "Well, you are not as young as I thought."  
The Triton looked you head to toe, thinking if he could ask you a personal question. Eventually, he decided he would take the risk.   "Don't you have a boyfriend, y/n ?" 
"No, i don't have a boyfriend "
 "Really? I am quite surprised by your answer." 
 "If I may ask you, why don't you have one?"   "You seem like a kind person and I'm sure many suitors are interested in dating you." 
"Ben, he wouldn't like that" you say nervously. 
"Ben is the man who yelled at you just a while ago, right?" 
The Triton could see that just thinking about him made you tense. And the fact that Ben did not want you to have a boyfriend made it even worse. 
"Does he have a girlfriend?" 
"I don't know, why?"
Bucky looked a little surprised, but his curiosity took over, so he decided to ask y/n   something directly. 
 "Who is Ben to you, y/n  ?" 
"He is a friend of my parents."
 "I assume he is older than you, right?"   "Why is he controlling your life?"  
 "And why does he yell at you?" 
Bucky's tone was changing, the questions became more serious.   "Why does he treat you like a little child?"
"Ben is older than me and my parents told him to take care of me. They would not believe me if I told them that he was hurting me."
"That is a very sad situation y/n , I can't quite understand why your parents wouldn't trust you and let an adult control your life. "   
"Are you afraid of what Ben could do if you disobey him?" 
The Triton was beginning to get angry towards Ben. 
"Sometimes, he is very angry and dangerous." You shrug your shoulders.
Bucky was beginning to feel worried, he couldn't understand how a person could be so violent and aggressive towards a person as kind as y/n  .   "And why do your parents trust him?" 
 "What do you mean that sometimes Ben is dangerous?   "Does he physically hurt you, y/n?" 
"My parents like him very much."
The Triton felt bad that y/n 's parents were so blind to Ben's actions.   "Do you have any friends that could protect you, y/n?"   "Have you ever told someone apart from me about how Ben treats you?" 
"I don't have friends."
Sadly, the Triton nodded his head as he tried to understand how y/n   didn't have a single friend beside Ben. Was it because Ben didn't allow her to make friends?   "Do you have any siblings, y/n?" 
 "Are your parents around often?"   "Or most times Ben is in charge of taking care of you?" 
"My parents are rarely at home."
 "So most of the time, Ben is alone with you at home?"   "Does he treat you the same way when your parents are not around?"   "Or worse?"   Bucky looked worried. 
"its dark, i should go home, it was nice to meet you, you are so lovely" you try to avoid to answer the questions.
Bucky noticed how uncomfortable you were talking about it, he didn't want to push you further and make you even more upset.   "Yes, you should go home, but I wish we could have talked more, it was a pleasure to meet you too." 
The Triton looked at you for a minute, as if he wanted to say something more. Eventually, he decided not to say anything else, he felt his heart breaking for you, but he didn't know how else to help you.   "Bye, y/n ." 
"Wait, we can meet again tomorrow around noon. As friends, if you want to be my friend. "
You nod happily " I would love to be your friend."
"And my house is up there" you point to a place.
"You can see it from here if I've arrived home safely, then I turn on the light."
The Triton seemed so happy, he could barely contain his joy.   "Yes, I would like that, y/n, we can meet again tomorrow as friends." 
Bucky nodded his head as he looked at the place you pointed at.  "Okay, we'll meet again here tomorrow then."   "I'll be sure to see if the light is on, so I'll know you're fine." 
You giggle and wave a good bye. Then you go home.
Bucky waved back.   "Bye, y/n."   Then the Triton watched as you walked away towards your home, disappearing out of his sight. He felt happy to have met you and to have met a new friend in such strange circumstances. 
Once y/n  was gone, the Triton decided to go back to the beach. He felt his heart aching for the human girl and worried about what Ben could do to her. 
The next day, the Triton once again finds himself standing at the same place as the day before. He looks around nervously, waiting for the human. 
 "I hope everything is fine with y/n."   "I hope Ben hasn't punished her."   "But I trust that she will come again."   "I must have patience!" 
y/n   comes closer and smiles at him. When Bucky looks closer he can see that she has a split lip and a few bruises. 
The Triton looked at y/n and immediately noticed her split lip and bruises.   "I hope they aren't from Ben...."  He thought. 
The Triton approached y/n, noticing how fragile she looked.   "Good morning, y/n."   "Am I late?"   He asked her with a sweet voice, hoping he would cheer her up somehow. 
"No, you are on time." You giggle 
 Bucky was relieved, seeing how he could lift her spirits in such a tense moment.   "Did you have a nice night?"   "Did Ben bother you by any chance?" 
The Triton looked at y/n again and this time he thought it was necessary to ask her again.   "y/n? Did Ben hit you again?" 
"Night was good" you say.
"Ben, he wouldn't do that" you stutter.
Bucky felt very suspicious of y/n 's words, as they didn't seem quite right to him.   "Are you sure Ben didn't hit you, y/n ?" 
The Triton had a serious look on his face, it seems he was determined to find out the truth.   "I have to know if you're okay y/n, please be honest with me, did Ben treat you badly?"   He asked firmly. 
You look away from him 
The Triton took notice that y/n   was avoiding an answer, he felt more suspicious of Ben after seeing this reaction.   "Don't worry y/n , you can trust me, tell me what happened." 
"Did Ben hurt you, y/n "  The Triton asked one more time with concern in his eyes. 
"He has seen you" you whisper small.
The Triton looked at you confused at first, not sure if he had understood correctly.   "Are you saying that Ben saw me? That is why you're afraid to speak?"   "Did he threaten you, y/n?" 
Bucky looked so concerned, he was desperately begging you to answer the question, trying to get out information about this situation. 
"You are my first friend in a long time and Ben saw us talking yesterday when he left." You utter nervously.
"He does not like that I talk with others or help them" you say softly.
 "Does Ben get jealous when you speak to other people? Are your parents aware of this?" 
"If this is the case, y/n, I must ask you, is it possible that I talk with your parents and let them know that I'm your new friend?"     Bucky asked trying to hide how worried he was. You didn't deserve to be controlled by such a toxic person. There was something off with Ben. 
"You're not a human, i think they wouldn't like that " you say sadly 
 "How do you know I'm not human, y/n ?"   The Triton laughed gently.   "You see, my skin may not look like yours, but I am indeed a human just like you, when i change." 
Bucky felt happy to be able to lift the humans spirits up by sharing part of his identity.   "So, am I allowed to talk with your parents?"  He asked, even though he already knew the answer.
"No, don't do that!" You shake your head 
 "Very well, I will not talk with your parents, but I want to help you, y/n ."     He emphasized the last word.   "I don't think it is okay how Ben treats you, you deserve a better life, but you must take it with your own hands."   "For the first time you must go against Ben's orders." 
Bucky put his hand on y/n 's shoulder and let it there, trying to inspire her to resist Ben's controlling behavior.   "Can you do that for me?"   "Please?" 
"I don't think that's a good idea" you whisper and your hands began to tremble. 
Bucky was becoming more worried about the situation. Maybe y/n wasn't ready to break free from Ben's control yet.  He had to think on how he could help her without making her situation even more complex. 
 "Okay, I won't force you, y/n."   "But, can you do something for me at least?" 
He took one finger and lifted y/n 's chin so she would be facing him.   "I need to see your eyes right now, look at me, y/n."   He said with a firm voice. 
You look at him and as your eyes meet Your heart warms up
 "y/n, listen to me."   "I don't want you to keep suffering by Ben's abusive and obsessive ways."   "So far the only thing I know is that Ben doesn't want people near you."   "What else does Ben do to you y/n ?"   "Can you please tell me more things about him?"
Bucky was still holding you by your chin, not wanting to let you go.   "Look at me, y/n." 
"Your eyes are beautiful " you admire. 
Bucky blushed as he noticed how y/n was staring at him with such innocent eyes.   "Thank you, y/n."   Then the Triton returned the same look towards the blue eyes of the human. 
The human and siren were still locked into eye contact, and suddenly the sound of Ben approaching them made both of them turn their heads. 
Ben noticed right away that y/n was speaking to someone, he took two steps towards you and grabbed you by the arm.   "y/n."   "What are you doing with this creature?!" 
"nothing" you wince.
Ben seemed angry right away as he looked at the Triton.   "A Triton? Seriously y/n ? What's wrong with you?"  Bucky could tell that Ben wasn't happy about the situation.   "I thought we were the only ones allowed here." 
"Please, don't do anything to her, she is not at fault" the Triton says nervously.
Ben didn't seem to pay attention to what the Triton said, he kept his eyes locked on you. His grip on your arm was firm.   "I told you not to speak to anybody without me, don't you listen?!" 
"I can talk to whomever I want," you say stubbornly.
Ben looks at you in shock.
 "You what...? You want to talk with whoever you want, is that it?!"   "Is this how you thank me for everything I've done for you?!"   Ben shouted at you, his grip on your arm became tighter. 
On the other side, the Triton was getting worried about the way Ben was treating you. He wanted to jump into the conflict and get you out of there. But he also knew not to mess with Ben. He was afraid he would make everything worse. 
"You have done NOTHING for me" you say.
 "WHAT!? Did you just talk back to me?   "Do you know who you're talking to, huh? You ungrateful brat!!"   Ben shouted at you, his eyes filled with anger, his grip became painful on your arm.   "How dare you say something like that! How can you be so disrespectful towards me!?" 
"I'm not disrespectful, you deserve it"  you say firmly.
Before you know it Ben reaches out with his hand and slaps you in the face. 
Bucky was completely startled after he saw the impact of the slap, it happened so fast, he didn't expect Ben to escalate things this much. 
The slap sounded so loud that it made the nearby wildlife fly away in fear, the birds stopped singing.   "What have you done?!"  Bucky shouted at Ben. His eyes filled with rage, he wanted the human in a safe place. 
He could see how terrified y/n was after the slap, the look on their face was heartbreaking. 
You can feel blood dripping down your mouth.
Ben grabbed you tight by the arm and pushed you to walk towards your home, but you decided to stop and look back at the Triton, who just stared at you, unable to move. 
You waved quickly at Bucky and as you turned around to follow Ben, the Triton waved at you, with tears rolling down his cheeks, the image of your blood dribbling down your face was still in his mind.   "y/n, I'm so sorry for this."   He whispered to himself. 
Time passed and eventually you and Ben made it back to your home. The sun was starting to set. 
 "You're late! Where have you been all day?"   Ben shouted at you as soon as you both crossed the door.   "Did you have fun speaking with the mermaid?"   "The sirens, these sea beasts, they are not your friends!"   "He was probably trying to mess with your head."   "Don't trust that Triton, I'm sure he will only use you in the end."   "He only wants you for himself." 
"He is my friend and he is nicer than you" 
 "I don't want you speaking with that Triton or any other being without me, do you understand?! "  Ben shouted at you again.   "I saw the way he looked at you, he was clearly interested in you!"   "And you fell right into his trap, thinking he was your friend."   "Did he touch you in any way?"   "You're only mine, y/n."   "No one else apart from me is allowed to touch you." 
"I don't like you touching me" you utter.
" I'm not yours " you say firmly .
 "What did you say, y/n?"   "I should punish you for speaking to me that way!"   "Or maybe I shouldn't allow you to leave this house again!" 
Ben was surprised by your words, he had a look of shock on his face, and his grip on you tightened even more.   "Are you insane... you can't talk to me this way, why did I even let you go outside?"   "From now on, you're not going to go anywhere, you're going to stay home alone and don't speak with anyone ever again!" 
"No you can't do that"
 "Watch me, y/n!"   "I'll do what I want, even if I have to drag you around the house!"   "Don't ever tell me what I can or not do again!"   "From now on you belong to me, completely!" "You're mine, do you hear me!?"   "I'll teach you what happens when you disobey me!"   "You're just a stupid brat, you can't talk to me this way!"   "Do you understand me?!" 
"No I don't understand, i have done nothing wrong" you say and push him away from you. Then you run upstairs to your room. Your breath comes out raged and you almost stumble over your feets.
Ben couldn't believe what was happening, he felt utterly betrayed by the one person he cared the most. 
You ran to your room, the only place where you felt safe. The only place you could call yours, away from the control of Ben. 
Suddenly you could hear his loud footsteps coming towards your room.   "Come out here, right now y/n!"   Ben demanded furiously.   "I want to speak with you right now."   "It's time to learn a lesson." 
"No, i won't come out" you stutter 
 "I'll drag you out by your hair if I have to!"   "Do not defy me again!" 
Ben continued trying to threaten you and demand that you come out of your room, but you kept insisting that you weren't leaving.   "Do you understand?" "Ben was getting more and more furious as he kept yelling at you to come out, his grip on the door handle was so strong that he had to use all his strength to keep himself from entering the room by force. 
You shake your head and tears run down your face and a little sob is to be heard.
"Are you crying, y/n?! How dare you cry!"   "I'll make you regret the day you met the Triton, he's nothing but a lying monster that only wanted your body, that's what he was after."   "Do you understand me, stupid brat?!" 
"I thought you loved me, but you were only deceiving me, I should never have allowed you to leave this house again."   "Maybe I should punish you so you don't dare to speak like this again."   "You deserve it, y/n, for betraying me!" "Why won't you come out?" 
"Are you afraid of me, y/n? Is that why you're hiding from me?"   "Don't worry, nothing bad will happen to you."   "And if you think the Triton can protect you, well he can't."   "You will stay in this room until I say you can come out."   "I won't allow you to disobey me again, you heard me y/n?" 
"I'm going downstairs, think about what you've done while I'm not around."   "And don't speak about the Triton again, or else... I'll have to punish you again." 
You humm as an answer and take deep breaths.
After a while you calm down. 
You lean against the door, your breaths coming in shallow gasps. 
Ben’s footsteps echo through the house as he stomps downstairs, his threats still ringing in your ears. The silence that follows is tense, filled with the weight of what just happened. You know you can’t stay here any longer. You have to get out before things get worse.
Determined, you wipe away your tears and scan the room for anything you might need. You grab your coat from the back of a chair and slip into your shoes as quietly as possible. Your eyes fall on the small backpack by your bed, where you’ve stashed a few essentials for a moment like this. Slinging it over your shoulder, you move towards the window, careful to avoid making any noise.
You cautiously open the window and peer outside. 
The night is dark, but the moon casts a silver light over the garden, illuminating the path to the beach beyond. You take a deep breath, steeling yourself for what you’re about to do. You have no choice but to run.
With a final glance at the door, you climb out of the window, wincing as your feet hit the cold ground. You pause, listening for any sign that Ben might have heard, but the house remains silent. You start moving, your steps light and swift as you make your way through the garden.
Every rustle of leaves and snap of twigs underfoot makes your heart leap into your throat, but you push forward, driven by a mix of fear and determination. You navigate the familiar path through the garden, your eyes darting around for any sign of movement. 
Each step brings you closer to the edge of the property, closer to freedom.
Finally, you reach the low fence that separates the garden from the open fields leading to the beach. You scramble over it, landing on the other side with a soft thud. You pause to catch your breath, then break into a run, the cold night air stinging your cheeks as you push forward.
The beach is within sight now, the vast expanse of sand glowing under the moonlight. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore is a soothing balm to your frayed nerves, and you feel a surge of hope as you draw closer. The Triton had promised to be there if you ever needed him. You just have to reach the water.
You stumble onto the sand, your feet sinking slightly with each step. You glance over your shoulder, half-expecting to see Ben chasing after you, but the path behind you is empty. You keep moving, driven by a desperate need to reach the safety of the sea.
As you reach the water’s edge, you hesitate for just a moment, the cold waves lapping at your feet. You look out over the dark expanse of the ocean, searching for any sign of the Triton. Then, a soft glow catches your eye, a faint, bluish light beneath the surface, moving steadily towards you.
The Triton emerges from the water, his form illuminated by the moonlight. He moves towards you with swift, fluid grace, his eyes filled with concern. “Y/n,” he says softly, “you made it.”
You collapse to your knees, exhausted and overwhelmed. “I had to get away,” you whisper, tears streaming down your face. “I couldn’t stay there anymore.”
He kneels beside you, his hand gently brushing away your tears. “You’re safe now,” he says, his voice a soothing lull. “But we need to leave before he realizes you’re gone.”
You nod, struggling to find the strength to stand. The Triton helps you to your feet, his touch warm and reassuring. “Come with me,” he says. “I’ll take you to my world. He can’t reach you there.”
You look into his eyes, seeing the promise of safety and a new beginning. “Okay,” you whisper, your voice trembling but resolute. “Take me with you.”
The Triton leads you into the water, his arm wrapped protectively around you. The waves rise around you, cool and calming, as you wade deeper into the sea. You take a deep breath, trusting him completely as the water closes over your head.
To your surprise, you can still breathe, the ocean wrapping around you like a comforting embrace. The Triton guides you through the depths, his glowing form lighting the way. You follow him, feeling a sense of awe and wonder as the underwater world unfolds before you.
Finally, you emerge into a vast, hidden lagoon, its waters calm and shimmering with an ethereal light. The Triton brings you to the surface, and you gasp for air, the salty breeze filling your lungs. You look around, taking in the beauty and tranquility of this secret haven.
“Welcome to my world,” the Triton says softly, his eyes warm with reassurance. “You’re safe here, y/n. No one can harm you.”
You nod, tears of relief mixing with the saltwater on your cheeks. “Thank you,” you whisper, your voice filled with gratitude and hope. “I don’t know what’s next, but I’m ready to start over.”
The Triton smiles, taking your hand. “You don’t have to face it alone,” he says gently. “We’ll figure it out together.”
As you look out over the serene waters, the fear and turmoil of the past begin to fade, replaced by a growing sense of possibility. With the Triton by your side, you feel ready to embrace whatever the future holds.
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navybrat817 · 1 year ago
I’ve followed you for awhile and obviously your blog is amazing af your my go to for my Bucky fic fix. Lol
But I have a question since your theme is like ocean and marina type stuff… would you ever write like a mer!bucky fic???
I'm glad you keep coming back for my nonsense, nonnie! 💙
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I actually have a WIP for merman!Bucky called Blood in the Water. Just need to find the time to finish it since it's only 700 words right now. 😭 But it'll get finished when the time is right and hope you lovelies enjoy once it's ready. 🥰
Love and thanks! 💙
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babhorsegeorge-morgan · 2 years ago
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My last minute Mermay submission— Siren Bucky!!
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buckymilf · 2 years ago
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ghost-wolf34 · 4 months ago
my first attempt at drawing Bucky Barnes, the man I love as a merman.
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adventures-in-mangaland · 11 months ago
I'm going with 10 All Time Classics from the Captain America (MCU) fandom. I mean, they're all classics to me, at least. In no particular order:
1. This, You Protect by owlet
First installment in the Infinite Coffee and Protection Detail series, which are all amazing. It's a “Bucky escaping Hydra and rebuilding his sense of self” fic, which he does while spying on Steve. With eventual Avengers Family and a lovely cast of OCs bonding with Bucky in the meantime. It has a very distinctive perspective and writing style; Bucky's in constant internal (and sometimes accidentally external) dialogue with himself, making it hilarious and tragic all at the same time. I love it. I've recently been getting into The Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells and this Bucky has a similar sassy-but-vulnerable vibe? Read this if you like that, anyway.
2. The One Who Knows by Dira Sudis (dsudis)
This is a Political Animals AU, in that no-powers Steve is inserted into the Political Animals world and Bucky is TJ. Discusses being outed and depression but is ultimately hopeful. The author is one of my all time faves and has written lots of great stories for this and many other fandoms.
3. Blue Scales by chaya
Steve is a merman AU. He's still Captain America, though. It's crack with heart, I love it.
Best line: "May your scales and your love story be our weird secret forever.”
4. Our Lingering Frost by eyres
AU where Bucky is rescued from Hydra in the 50s (?) and so is around for Steve to be found.
5. Assets Out of Containment by follow_the_sun
It's a classic to *me*, OK? Bucky goes undercover at Jurassic World just as that movie's plot kicks off. They're Hydra dinosaurs! It's just great. Also has a podfic and crossovers with Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
6. Not Easily Conquered (series) by dropdeaddream and WhatAreFears
Some of the greatest fanfiction I've ever read, the whole series is epic. Anyway, it's a "Steve doesn't go into the ice" AU with added queer angst when (never sent) love letters from Bucky resurface. I particularly like the second installment in the series The Thirteen Letters, which are just Bucky's letters and are insanely well-written.
7. to memory now I can't recall by Etharei
Time travel AU! Featuring post-CATWS Bucky accidentally switching places with CATFA era Bucky.
8. If Wishing Made It So by Leveragehunters (Monkeygreen)
Genie!Bucky AU! This author is great at writing AUs with fantasy/genre elements, it was hard to choose. They've also written an excellent werewolf!Steve AU and a horse!Steve AU that I really love.
9. Into That Good Night by Nonymos
An Interstellar AU! Very angsty and tragic but with an eventual happy ending.
10. Goodbye Piccadilly, Farewell Leicester Square by Speranza
Speranza must be one of the best writers in the fandom, so it was hard to pick just one of their fics. Other strong contenders were All the Angels and the Saints and The Fifties, so check those out too! But this one has a special place in my heart. Steve, Tony and Natasha accidentally time travel to WW2 London, leading to an accidental run-in with CATFA-era Bucky. The author does tragic and romantic time travel tropes so well, but with a happy ending.
I now realise that most of these are AUs, so here’s a bonus rec for a non-AU in-universe story that’s severely underrated and deserves more love:
Heart, Have No Pity on this House of Bone by Sena
This story follows Bucky in-action in the Pacific Theatre. It’s very well written and, from what I can tell, well researched. Steve only appears in Bucky’s imagination and the story focuses on the horrors of war rather than romance, but it’s gripping! And it explores unrequited love, being closeted and period-typical homophobia, which I also enjoyed. I’m still holding out hope for a sequel.
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metautske · 2 years ago
One day they'll catch you
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