artstelle · 2 years
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Please have this speedy Merthur sketch. Time is on low supply nowadays.
"Aftercare" for @merlin-bdsm-week
"First Time" for @merlinbingo
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merlin-bdsm-fest · 1 year
Tying up the fest!
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You have made us proud, the Merlin fandom once again rose to the occasion and brought us 34 amazing fanworks!
You can check them out in the masterlist HERE
Remember to show your love to your fellow fans all year long!
Whereter you participated or not, we's like to hear your thoughts for the future, we'd like to have some FEEDBACK:
please take a minute to answer our 2023 Feedback Form
(literally takes 1-2 minutes)
And if you still have some steam to blow, I hope we'll see you join Kinkalot this summer ;)
Once again a big thank you from Your Mods!
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prue84 · 2 years
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Magical restraints
Fandom: BBC’s Merlin (post-canon) AU / Harry Potter AU: Dark!Merlin
The magical restrains of Merlin the Great on Arthur Pendragon, Once and Future King.
Made for the @merlin-bdsm-week.
“So, you’ll go dark wizard on me, after all...” Arthur mumbles, resigned to his fate. “This isn’t going ‘dark wizard on you’, Arthur.” Arthur didn’t expect an answer. He blinks. “This is ‘alternative and constructive use of magic’, if you will.” Merlin is staring. Arthur doesn’t understand if he’s waiting for a retort, or if he’s waiting to see the moment he gives up any pretence of fighting what even the famed Once and Future King cannot fight. Arthur doesn’t have the slightest intention of yielding, though: he’s left with only his honour and he won’t let Merlin crush it. “What you’re doing,” Arthur yanks at the restraints. Useless: they don’t budge an inch. “What you’re planning to do is not ‘constructive’.” Merlin is still staring, unblinking. There’s amusement in his eyes. Like a cat that plays with the mouse before the killing blow. Arthur can’t accept it that he’s playing the role of the mouse. And even if he’s tied up and unable to even twitch his head without Merlin’s permission, Arthur builds up his courage. At least Merlin appears to be listening, so he must talk. “What you’re about to do is destructive” Despite it all, he can’t stop hoping. Perhaps Merlin is still in time to stop. Perhaps... “Oh, what I’ll use on you will be,” Merlin’s voice is further lower and threatening now. And Arthur can’t stop the shiver that runs down his back. “What I’ll do to you will be constructive and instructive, Arthur. To teach you your place.”
More about the AU under the cut. (More fanworks from the fandom at the proper tag)
About the AU
A prophecy predicts the rise to power of a powerful dark wizard. The wizarding world thinks the prophecy has been nullified when Voldemort is defeated by a small child. It's the 90s. He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is lurking in the shadows, planning his return. But it's not Voldemort’s resurface who poses a threat to the balance of magic. It’s not Voldemort’s return that jeopardizes the very tread of magic. It’s not Voldemort the reason why Magic Itself decides that a proactive intervention is needed. Under the disguise of a rather shadowy teacher of History of Magic, Merlin is researching the ways to bring back the dead. Tired of waiting for a return that will never happen, he's set on forcing it. Whatever the cost. But only dark magic can give life to those who have died. Only through dark magic, Merlin can steal his former king from his immortal sleep in Avalon. Merlin isn’t just a powerful warlock who lived hundreds of lives, silent witness to all the changes of the world, only witness to the tragedies that occurred to the magic people, the only one to remember the times before the magic people retired in their own world, hidden from the rest. Merlin is Magic incarnated and they are more entwined that even Merlin himself have ever understood. If Merlin dabbed too much in dark arts and were to be forever changed by it, Magic itself would forever change with him. Corruption within Merlin would forever corrupt Magic as well. There is one chance to save Merlin from himself, only one person with enough power to stop Merlin. And so Magic has Arthur return to stop Merlin from fully embracing the growing darkness within himself. Albion's need is greatest, the preconditions for Arthur’s return are created. Arthur can return. Just... not as himself. With the state of the wizarding world, in which Arthur Pendragon is believed to be a legendary king that should rise to power and rule them all, anonymity is necessary. Arthur must focus on Merlin, without distractions. Only when Merlin will see behind the disguise, when the veil of dark magic that blinds Merlin will be lifted, Arthur will be allowed to shred his dragon form and claim his rightful place in the wizarding world. Cue in Draco Malfoy, bully extraordinaire and Prince of Slytherin since 1991. It’s the 1994 summer, and Draco is spending his summer at home before returning to school for his fourth Hogwarts year. And so Arthur wakes on the shores of Avalon, just right when poor Draco Malfoy is taking a stroll - unaware of what he’s about to bump into and how much his future will be changed by the meeting of a small red and gold dragon who claims to be the legendary Arthur Pendragon, king of them all. Under the disguise of the Malfoy dragon pet, and with the unwilling help of what Arthur has elected as his new (very blond and very worse-than-Merlin-lousy) servant, Arthur sets out with his plan to draw Merlin’s attention all on him, so to divert him from the dark magic. For almost all the school year he taunts Merlin and hints at his return, in a game of mouse and cat that almost drives Merlin insane (and make Draco wish he could relocated in the non-magical world just to be on the safe side and not be at the castle when Merlin will eventually go crazy and strike them all with lightings). Arthur succeeds, he stops the dark future from happening. but it doesn't mean his duty is done. Merlin's brush with dark magic left him permanently changed. No more the Merlin Arthur said goodbye to, the man he wished would never change. A new Merlin has taken his place, a Merlin who isn’t fine with serving - a Merlin who has grown into a master. The day Arthur reveals himself, crown and armour and all the rest, is the day Arthur meets this new Merlin. A bloodbath avoided, the school safe. Yet, Arthur is not spared from Merlin’s cold rage. Without the chance to even wield Excalibur, he’s thrown against a wall and forced to submit to Merlin’s control. Golden snakes of magic slither on him, turning into restraints that keep him pinned on the bed, like a sacrifice ready to be taken. What follows is a wild night, in which Merlin demand full submission and every ounce of control is ripped off of Arthur. He will wake to a tired body and a glowing red circle around his neck to label him property of Merlin the Great. Arthur's new duty is now to keep that darkness in check, to draw on himself Merlin’s most dark instincts so he might not be tempted by darkness again. Eventually the collar will morph into a thin circle made of protective magic, a sign that Arthur belongs to Merlin and Magic Itself, but that’s another story for another time...
I swear I started this before seeing @mossmx banner arts. Theirs are better anyway. :D
No, there is no fanfiction for this. Just a monster-draft of more than 100 pages covering from an introduction of Merlin’s life from Camelot to the 90s, Arthur’s awakening in 1994 to 1997 and further on.
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip) The idea was to make the restraints to look like Wonder Woman's lazo as rendered in the movies. Epic fail. So no, I don't like the results. Whatever.
Crossposted Livejournal: prue84.livejournal.com/96419.html Dreamwidth: prue84.dreamwidth.org/87878.html Deviantart: deviantart.com/prue84/art/Magical-restraints-954607581
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shana-rosee · 2 years
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Merlin bdsm week Day 3:  Magic | Punishment
Gwen and Morgana perform a ritual to mark the beginning of Spring.
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merlin-bdsm-fest · 1 year
Thank you to everyone that participated in this year's Merlin BDSM week!
Please continue to enjoy these wonderful works and share your love with the creators! ♥
• Day 1: Negotiation - Created by NotInPublic Lost and Found - Merthur, 3k, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
• Day 1: Negotiation, Safeword - Created by Salamandair The Art of Negotiating - Merthur, 1.8k, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
• Day 2: Sex Toys - Created by NotInPublic For the first time - Merthur, 6k
• On Day 8 for day 2: Sex Toys - Created by PapySanzo Sex Toys - Merthur , fanart
• On Day 8 for day 2: Sex Toys, Sex Shop - Created by Shana_Rose First Meeting - Gwen/Morgana, moodboard
• On Day 8 for day 2: Sex Toys, Sexy Shop - Created by Sunfall_of_Ennien Would You Like That Gift-Wrapped? - Merthur, Gwaine/Percival, fanart
• On Day 8 for day 2: Sex Toys - Created by SageOwl Put A Ring On It - , 3.9k
• Day 3: Magic - Created by prue84 Magical restraints - Merthur, manip, drabble
• Day 3: Punishment - Created by NotInPublic On the edge - Merthur, 3.5k
• Day 3: Magic, Punishment, Glory Hole - Created by SH_After_Vesper Hold yourself down - Merthur, 2.9k, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
• Day 3: Magic, Punishment - Created by shana-rosee just think of the fun things we could do - Gwen/Morgana, moodboard
• On Day 8 for day 3: Punishment, Glory Hole - Created by Sunfall_of_Ennien The Game - Gwaine/Percival, Gwaine/Knights, 1.3k
• Day 4: Dungeon - Created by naughtystelle Prisoner - Merlin, fanart, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
• On Day 8 for day 4: Sensation play - Created by Sunfall_of_Ennien To Make You Feel My Love - Merthur
• On Day 8 for day 4: Sensation play, Scene - Created by Shana_Rose can't keep my hands to myself - Gwen/Morgana, moodboard
• On Day 8 for day 4: Sensation play - Created by Ravenwilds Touch Line - Arthur/Percival, 2.6K
• Day 5: Pain - Created by NotInPublic I don't want to wait in vain - Merthur, 2k
• On Day 8 for day 5: Pain, SadoMaso, Marks - Created by Excited_insomniac The Boy From Wales - Merthur , 6.5k, warning: underage
• On Day 8 for day 5: Pain - Created by NotInPublic The cover of darkness - Gwen/Morgana, 1.8k, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
• On Day 8 for day 5: Pain - Created by Sunfall_of_Ennien Return To Me - Merthur, fanart
• Day 6: Aftercare - Created by NotInPublic All that remains is you - Merthur, 2.7k - panic attack, safeword use
• Day 6: Aftercare - Created by artstelle Untitled - Merthur, fanart
• On Day 8 for day 6: Aftercare - Created by Shana_Rose I'll take care of you - Gwen/Morgana, moodboard
• On Day 8 for day 6: Subspace - Created by Sunfall_of_Ennien Falling Slowly - Merthur, fanart
• On Day 8 for day 6: Aftercare - Created by Sunfall_of_Ennien Sweet Release - Merthur, fanart
• Day 7: Bondage - Created by miraylasmut "I have you for breakfast" - Merthur, fanart
• Day 7: Bondage - Created by miraylasmut A gift neatly wrapped | Punishment for self deprecation - Merthur, fanart
• Day 7: Bondage - Created by s0mmerspr0ssen The Night of the Senses - Merthur , 23.7k
• Day 7: Bondage - Created by Sage_Owl All Tied Up - Merthur , 4k
• Day 7: Bondage - Created by artstelle Untitled - Gwaine/Percival, fanart
• Day 7: Bondage - Created by PapySanzo Shibari - Merthur , fanart
• On Day 8 for day 7: Bondage - Created by Shana_Rose pain is for pleasure - Gwen/Morgana, moodboard
• On Day 8 for day 8 8: Multiple Prompts - Created by bad_peppermint Monitor - Merthur , 5.3k
• On Day 8 for day 8 8: Your own - Created by princessoftheworlds, violetmessages pretty boys and pretty things - Merthur , 3.1k
• On Day 8 for day 8: Your own - Created by Mirayla Emrys - Merhur, fanart, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
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merlin-bdsm-fest · 2 years
Visual resources primer
If you're creating a visual oriented fanwork or you're a writer who needs to see all the details to craft the perfect sentence, we thought of you!
This resource post is for visuals. It is geared towards artists who have never drawn BDSM art or want to try to represent new kinks for our fest.
⚠️ Proceed with caution! ⚠️
There are no images in this post, only links. All the links contain nsfw content varying from artistic nudity to sexual photos. 🔞 I specify the content (cw) of the website linked to the best of my ability, but none of it is appropriate for the average office workplace.
Please be mindful of your own triggers and limits before clicking any link.
■ General advice
Drawing kinky and/or bdsm scenes for the first time requires some level of research, but depending on what you want to depict it can be more or less than your average piece of art.
Drawing temperature play with ice? As easy as googling "ice". Drawing specific gear like puppy play hoods or a shibari design might require more diving.
■ Genitals
Before delving in the saucier part, I thought some basics might be a good introduction. Not all BDSM involves genitals, but some of it does, so take what you need.
[cw the following are all drawn 2d tutorials of genitals]
- Tutorial on dicks - More dicks and piercings - T-dick in various states - T-dick more in detail - Vulva tutorial - Vulva tutorial on pixiv
For more drawn references the sites that have the best tagging system are imo: • Rule 34 [cw the page opens to an anime drawing of a girl in bikini, depending on what you search it contains every kind of 2d porn] • Pixiv (requires login) [cw, before login it has a sfw interface, once you log in the main page differs (it shows what's popular at the moment etc) so it can contain 2D porn or be entirely sfw, proceed with caution]
Why looking at nsfw art? Looking at art first might ease you into the subject and make it feel less awkward, and artists tend to accentuate details, so observing other artists is a great tool to see what they did and seeing if it works for us too!
■ Now, onto Real Life Resources!
• For genital photos, but also for any kink I'm sure a reddit community or thread exists! While reddit has a bad reputation from its user base, when it comes to unedited nsfw photos is a great place to look at, the downside is that often the photos are not professional and the face is cropped for privacy reasons. • Flickr has a good tagging/filtering system and while it doesn't have explicit sexual content, it allows kink and "artistic nudity", some examples: - Shibari Group on Flickr [cw: photos of people of various genders, tied up, various states of undress, genitals can be seen in some photos] - Folsom Berlin Group on Flickr [cw: people in bdsm gear, parading for the fair in the streets, leather, latex, various states of undress but no genitals showing in the first page linked]
note: Folsom is an annual BDSM and leather subculture street fair, there are many pride events with a parade part dedicated to kink or leather: looking into Pride photos could be a great way to take a look at gear being worn without having to seek porn • Check Youtube for gear reviews, sex education content and dungeon tours like this one by sexplanations [cw sfw video showing a dungeon and some activities are demonstrated by a woman as the sub and a male dom, both clothed] • Twitter has some content but it's basically impossible to filter properly, so I don't personally use it, but following some accounts as you find them or looking at tags, like Shibari Photography [cw people tied up, nudity] might get you some interesting results • Go back to the origins and check DeviantArt. DA has some amazing stock photos [cw might contain nudity] - for example I recently found this account on DA (thetiedtyper) [cw naked women in stock, pillories and chains, full nudity] that has some kinky stocks photos, perfect for the Merlin setting! • Browse BDSM Sex Shops online (or irl if you want to): sex shops have good photos of the gear and also they use the proper name for them, so you can look further into it. - Mr S Leather [cw bdsm gay sex shop, photos of examples of the objects used during sexual activity, naked bodies and genitals showing] - Etsy [cw bsdm gear search on etsy, nudity, naked people showing the accessories] While buying handmade sexual paraphernalia can be risky, there's no risk in looking at these amazing crafts to feature them in your art. You can find some really creative stuff here. • Change search engine Have you noticed how, no matter how hard you try, google will never show you decent nsfw results? I have, and it's because their filter is busted Ecosia and DuckDuckGo work best in my experience, but I'm sure other alternatives exist. You can use our resource post to see some keywords to use. • Look at porn Most porn websites have good photos or at least free video previews. I personally don't look at videos unless I need to understand a specific practice or pose (thing can get complicated ;) ) Porn is great to get the anatomy (we can bend in unexpected ways!) and also to get the way different parts interact. A rope can be tighter or more loose and that impacts the skin and fat/muscle of the person. Leather bends and reflect light a certain way. Even the simple ice from my initial example might surprise us with how the skin reacts with goosebumps or reddens and how the ice slides over it. You can also notice the set: some porn sets are simpler and some are dungeons with a very neat aesthetic, a gloryhole setting might look shady and dirty or be a "normal" bathroom stall. Just a couple examples: - DBNaked [cw: explicit porn, photos of extreme bdsm practices, the link directs to the BDSM gay category, but the website features porn of every kind, you can search the categories/tags to what suits your needs] - This shibari Japanese website which I'm including because the ropework is beautiful [cw solo photos of men from clothed to naked, tied up and with other various kinks involved, unrelated but it features a lot of clothing kink too XD]
■ Materials that will make your life easier
You've got the reference, your visual library is full, what can make your drawing experience even smoother?
Many programs have assets/materials that can help you
• Clip Studio Assets: - This rope brush set (you might recognize from our banner <3) 100 clippy Content ID: 1843256 - Free rope brushes - This free chain brush Content ID: 1844909 - Free Seam brush, useful for giving details to leather and corsets Content ID: 1848691 - Free Stitch brush for more clothes or accessories detailing Content ID: 1896762 - This "fluid" brush, 10 clippy, worth it! I swear by this one, I use it mostly for sweat and it's *chef's kiss Content ID: 1790153 Some Materials websites do not allow terms like 'blood' or 'semen/come' so artists may use "glue" or other alternative search terms. CSP has a lot of scars brushes and many more <3 you can easily look at them in the assets, depending on which kink you choose. But what about other art programs? • Gumroad is a marketplace for artists. Search 'keyword + brush' and toggle the NSFW button on to have more results. The price might vary from a couple dollars to more depending on the kind of brush and set. Gumroad also has nsfw photo packs, if you really want a specific thing or to check them out. - Free Glue Brush for Procreate - Free Mystery Liquid for procreate - Free milk brush for Procreate • DeviantArt [cw this opens the main page for DA, may contain nudity or 2d porn] has some materials you might use.
I didn't go more in depth for Photoshop because i think it has its own shop/marketplace. For Krita and other softwares I couldn't find any brush, I think their software engine is not as advanced right now.
The textures on Gumroad and DA work for all programs.
■ Follow nsfw artists and engage with the community
Many artists share what they use or where they got it, and can often give useful tips, no matter what they draw. I hope these tips, as modest as they are, will be helpful not only for the BDSM week, but also for Kinkalot and the rest of your creative path ♡
In conclusion, whether you choose to draw Arthur in a simple and cute collar (cw sfw cute collar) or to paint a well negotiated BDSM orgy of the Knights roleplaying as Merlin's slaves, remember to have fun!
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merlin-bdsm-fest · 2 years
First Time creating a BDSM fanwork?
You're ready to create, but you've never heard half the words on the prompt list??
Here are some resources to get you started with research!
Remember that BDSM culture is HUGE! (no pun intended) The community has been alive for years and it's culture varies between places and generations, this is but a little starter.
I hope these pages will help you learn something about our prompts and get inspired
• Dictionary of common terms
• BDSM terms everyon should know (video on youtube)
• Safewords and Safesigns
• Negotiation
• SSC (safe sane consensual) and RACK (risk aware consensual kink)
• Dom Space | Dom Drop
• Sub Space | Sub Drop link 1, link 2
• Aftercare (video on youtube)
Related Youtube Channels:
■ Evie Lupine
■ Watts the Safeword
Browse different articles by tags: https://the-iron-gate.com/essays/
For additional ideas and curious topics: reddit BDSM community
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merlin-bdsm-fest · 2 years
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A good BDSM session starts from good etiquette: negotiating! Setting a safeword! Discussing risks and consent!
Are your characters just getting started or are they well beyond?
We can't wait to see what you created for our start!
How to participate | Rules | FAQ | Promo and Prompts
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merlin-bdsm-fest · 2 years
Life overwhelmed you? You could have sworn your creation would be done on the day it was supposed to, but it got a life of its own? You had an idea after seeing someone else’s art?
Fear not, for this day is for you!
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Submit anything you might have not finished in time, or new ideas that didn’t fit our prompts!
How to participate | Rules | FAQ | Promo and Prompts
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merlin-bdsm-fest · 2 years
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And to finish with a flourish, here is the prompt for Day 7:
How to participate | Rules | FAQ | Promo and Prompts
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merlin-bdsm-fest · 2 years
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Experiencing pain in a sexual context can have strange effects on people... Get them deep into subspace, for one. But plan doesn’t always happen as they had been supposed to, and things can go south quickly. This is the theme of day 6!
Here are the prompts:
Sub/Dom Drop
How to participate | Rules | FAQ | Promo and Prompts
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merlin-bdsm-fest · 2 years
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Yesterday our main concern was consent and safety. Today it is time to inspect your accessories with the new three prompts! 
Day 2 prompts:
Sex Toys
Sexy Shop
How to participate | Rules | FAQ | Promo and Prompts
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merlin-bdsm-fest · 2 years
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Thanks for your enthisiasm and responses!!
The form is now closed.
The dates selected for the fest are the 19-26 of March 2023, I will be making the official post with the prompts next week, stay tuned!
Rules | FAQ | Discord
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merlin-bdsm-fest · 2 years
Participating, How does it work:
The fest is getting closer and many of you are wondering where you can publish your works to have them shared, we’re here to answer!
We (the mods) will be actively monitoring the following:
2024 AO3 collection
AO3 Anon collection
Pillowfort Community
tumblr tags (merlinbdsmfest and merlinbdsmfest2024)
Which we will reblog from.
If you do not have an account in any of these websites you can submit your work to the fest via tumblr.
Submissions are open to everyone, there is no account needed.
When you click on the “Submit your work” link you can upload the image files/text directly as tumblr post or link to another website. Please link to an external website if the content is not allowed on tumblr.
You can tick all the tags that apply, choosing between the ones in the list below the submission box. The tagging system is based on the AO3 model.
Some tags will be applied by us (for instance author names or the tag for anonymous if that is the nature of the submission), since there is no write in option. 
Don’t worry if you don’t know how to tag or make a mistake, all the posts will be checked by a moderator before being posted.
A masterlist of all works will be posted after the end of the fest.
For further questions you can send an ask on tumblr (no account needed, anon is on) or contact us on discord.
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merlin-bdsm-fest · 2 years
1. No kink-shaming or hate.
2. You can create any kind of content (fics, art, podfics, gifsets…) but we do not allow any kind of AI generated content. No minimum requirements.
3. All ratings are allowed. Just because it’s a fest focused on BDSM don’t feel pressured to make NSFW art of it, we welcome all shades of gray ;)
4. Please tag & use warnings appropriately.
5. Works must be about Merlin (BBC), all characters and pairings are allowed. RPF/RPS is allowed.
6. You can participate with WIPs.
7. You can participate with works you are creating for other fests, if the rules of the other fest allow it too.
8. You don’t have to participate with every prompt, do what inspires you.
9. You can post on tumblr with #merlinbdsmfest, #merlinbdsmfest2024 or in the current year’s AO3 collection or the Anon AO3 Collection.
10. Support other participants, reblogs and comments are always welcome!
11. Have fun!
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merlin-bdsm-fest · 2 years
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Camelot is well acquaitaned with both magic and punishment, but who knows what else happens behind The Rising Sun?
The journey into BDSM continues, with our next prompts:
How to participate | Rules | FAQ | Promo and Prompts
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