#merle dixon x yn
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dixonsgirl93 · 9 months ago
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Merle Dixon & his hands
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dixonsgirl93 · 2 years ago
This is why I write for Merle Dixon and Mad Eye Moody.There are others out there who love them as much as me.
I see you. I’ll write for you
write fanfic that three people in the world will read, because those three people are going to be fucking pleased that it exists
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I dont if you could but could you do one where the reader is the younger sister of daryl and Merle Dixon and is in a relationship with rick grimes?
Thank you so much for the request!! I’m sorry it’s taken like FOREVER but I’m slowly working through a ton of requests/ asks!! Thank you so much for the constant support! Love you all so so soooo much!
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Not officer friendly no more
Trigger warnings: blood, swearing, brotherly angst, angst in general, mentions of abuse. If any of this makes you uncomfortable please read at your own discretion! MERLE IS GOING TO BE AN EXTRA ASSHOLE IN THIS ONE SO PLEASE BE WARNED.
Fem! Reader. (Readers age around early 20s)
“What do you wanna tell us lil sunshine?” Merle asked staring at you, arms crossed as he studied you, eyes flicking from you before moving to the man you dated: Rick grimes. You and Rick hit it off a year after Lori died. It was difficult for the man to get over his wife but when it came to you he couldn’t help but jump feet first right into the amount of love you had for him. It made him feel loved… he truly did love you. You were both made for each other. Even though it was awful to admit you were glad the apocalypse had happened because if it didn’t… then you wouldn’t of met him.
Rick was capable of calming you down during your worst times… you suffered from your fathers anger when you were younger. Your brothers faced the brunt of each hit of the belt and kick from the boot but you didn’t get out of it unscathed, your mother whilst she was alive burnt cigarettes on your skin to put them out… she neglected you more than she neglected your brothers. Whereas the same couldn’t be said for your dad. He hit you, daryl, Merle and even your mum. It was awful and cruel.
Daryl stood beside Merle crossbow held over his shoulder as he stared at the two of you “Rick and I… uh…” “are in a relationship? Yeah I figured that out quite a while back missy.” Merle said a small smile on his lips daryl giving him quite a perplexed look as if asking why didn’t you tell me? “Uh.. yeah but…” you cleared your throat before looking at Rick nervously, “but? The prick didn’t hurt ya did he?!” Merle asked eyes almost bulging out of his head at just the thought, Daryl quickly shoving Merle “shut up man, Rick wouldn’t ever do that…” “we he sure as hell hurt me! Made me lose my hand!” Daryl glared at his brother “shut. up. They’ve got somethin’ to tell us. Just listen…” he demanded, even though he was the younger brother gods did he feel like the older brother sorting out the childish one… Rick looked at you smiling gently before a soft nervous sigh left his lips before he looked at your brothers before gently taking your hand into his, a small smile on his lips as he gave your hand a comforting squeeze “as you’re both her only parental figures… or living relatives… I want to ask for your sisters hand in marriage.” Daryl’s lips parted in shock yet he didn’t look unhappy, but Merle looked immediately unsure his eyes scanning up and down Rick as if sizing him up
“Why do you wanna marry my little sister huh? You gonna be like that asshole Ed… huh? You better not be-“ “merle. Enough. Please.” You spat out, glaring at your oldest brother brows furrowed in confusion and slight hurt that he would even say such a thing “ricks not like that.” “You don’t know what the hell any man’s like until ya marry him! Remember what d-“ “enough!” Daryl grabbed the back of Merle’s shirt yanking him backwards away from you before standing facing the agitated man “enough…. Ricks a good man. You know that.” He spoke glaring into his soul “don’t speak about dad either. You know what he put her through. Shut the hell up about it.” He demanded, ricks arm wrapping around your waist securely his thumb brushing up and down against your hip, lips coming to press against your head to comfort you his eyes full of held back anger. He knew the abuse you faced… what your dad did to you and he disliked the fact that Merle was using your father against you like that.
Merle sighed “I’m sorry sunshine,” he spoke to you before gently grabbing your hand “I just want the best for you…” he spoke, daryl watching with cautious eyes before his eyes wandered to the fact that merle was inches away from touching the dark cigarette burn buried deep into your wrist but before he could react, Rick had already reacted, shoving merle back into a nearby wall- finger coming to point in his face his other hand stuffing his T-shirt up into his hand keeping him against the wall “you do not… do that… this is something happy. Grow the hell up.” Rick demanded glaring into his eyes, Merle smirking “let her grow up first before you fucking hurt and abus-“ before Merle could’ve even finished his sentence rick had punched Merle in the jaw a gasp coming from you, daryl quickly grabbing onto your hand as he pulled you away, arm wrapping around your shoulder as he held you tight in his embrace. Blood formed on Merle’s teeth as he smiled letting out a laugh “not officer friendly no more…” Merle laughed out Rick giving him an annoyed look “you keep acting like this and I’ll make sure your other hand gets chopped off.” Rick spoke annoyed “is that a threat?” Merle questioned,
“Nah. It’s a promise. Learn some fucking respect you-… are you drunk? Are you-“ “you aren’t a cop no more helicopter boy! Stop spitting ya rules around! No one cares… your an asshole I don’t need respect! You do!” Rick gave him an annoyed look before letting go of him “shut up.” He spoke Merle scoffing “what you gonna do?! Arrest me? Have fun with that pal! Gonna-“ Rick punched merle again, the man falling silent, wobbling a bit before crashing down onto the floor “I said shut up..” Rick muttered before turning around looking to you and Daryl, daryl unfazed yet you looked horrified “I’m sorry y/n.. sorry you had to see that..” he spoke, you soon shaking your head “it’s okay. Well deserved…” you assured shakily before looking at Daryl “are you okay with me marrying him?” You asked softly, Daryl’s hand coming up to cup your cheek as he gazed into your eyes lovingly “of course sunshine…” he smiled gently before pinching your cheek “you’re growin’ up too quick. I don’t like it… but… he makes you happy. Your happiness is all that matters to me.” You smiled lovingly before wrapping your arms around him tightly, him pressing a kiss to the top of your head “love you.” He murmured against your hair before pulling away smiling softly giving your shoulder a squeeze before he walked to Rick, reaching his hand out and shaking his head, both men sharing a brotherly moment you watching with a happy smile knowing you were making the best decision of your whole life.
Later on that evening you were having a picnic with Rick, you and him had driven out into a safe place… the place where you both just so happened to make love for the first time. It was beautiful really. It was an empty field of what happened to be an abandoned theme park, old rides still in place, no one in sight.. no walkers… no nothing. Just wildlife and you two. The sun was starting to set, melted chocolate in its packet being used as a dip for strawberries as you gazed at Rick lovingly,
as the time passed the big moment soon happened- Rick dropping down onto one knee your eyes wide and excited tearing up. Of course you knew this was going to happen… he had asked you to marry him prior to everything that happened that day… but this one was real for he actually had a proper ring, and not a plastic ring that children would wear… of course you didn’t mind either way but this ring was different it was genuinely a beautiful ring… “y/n… y/l/n…” he started eyes full of love and a lot of emotion. “Will you marry me?” You nodded excitedly tears growing against your eyelashes before he slid the ring onto your finger, a squeal soon leaving your lips before you jumped right on top of him, him falling backwards soft laughter coming from the both of you his hands grasping onto your hips tightly happiness clear on his face your happiness only growing “I love you so much..” he spoke gazing up into your eyes before cupping your cheek in his hand, your fingertips grazing against his skin gently “I love you so much too…” you murmured lovingly before you soon let your lips intertwine with his as you fell into that deep pool of light and happiness… never in your life did you think you’d ever get married. Especially during this time… you just felt stuck. Screwed. But Rick changed that all…. You had finally fallen in love and gods had you fallen hard for the one and only officer friendly.
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sturnsdc · 7 months ago
pair: Carl Grimes x fem!YN Dixon
synopsis: when the group leaves Merle on that roof, Yn must face one of her biggest fears, however, Carl is there to protect her and make her feel special. 
“You are special, Yn. You deserve to feel this way, and as long as we're together i'll try to remind you of that as much as i can”.
warnings: angst, typical TWD scenes, fools in love, violence, mentions of death, fight, comfort, fluff
era: (S1)
words: 5k
A/N: i want this to be a whole series called "feel special" like the song, just give me some time T-T
btw, Yn at one point is mentioned as someone who can draw decently, but don't worry too much about that, it's just for this one shot, that's all!!
and both Yn and Carl are in their 15s
dividers from: @cafekitsune ! ♡
main masterlist carl masterlist
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being the Dixons' half-sister, i knew i would get looks, maybe even a few bad words. It was daily bread in the past, so logically it would happen again in the middle of an apocalypse.
when we found the people from the camp, i was afraid that they would kick us out for Merle's bad behavior, and i knew that it wouldn't matter much if Daryl and i told him something, Merle Dixon under the influence of some drug would never know where to stop.
luckily, some kids at camp accepted me anyway, as was the case with Sophia and Carl, while the other kids, like their parents, stayed away from us. Sometimes that hurt, but at the end of the day Daryl and Merle always said that most of them probably wouldn't make it very far in this situation, and that i shouldn't worry so much about what they think of me. I would make it, many of them wouldn't. Of course they said it in a much crueler way, but i know what the point of every conversation is.
i must be strong, not weakened by looks or comments.
it's been three months since everything went to shit, i still can't get used to this new life. It scares me to think that i could lose one of my brothers when they go out hunting or looking for something for other people. Carl is the one who has to put up with me, all anxious and walking around the place, trying to occupy myself with something to turn my mind off.
Carl is what i would call a best friend, always walking by my side, even sneaking into my tent when Daryl and Merle are away, so he can comfort me and not let me fall asleep crying and terrified. He tells me bedtime stories, says that's all he remembers from the comics he had at home, or sometimes he even reads me the comics he managed to bring with him in a backpack.
sometimes he asks me if i wanna read one of his comics, but i just tell him that i prefer him to read them to me before going to sleep. The truth is that i don't know how to read, and i'm deeply ashamed of it. My old life at home was too complex, and i tried hundreds of times, Daryl and Merle know this better than anyone, but my patience was never on my side and i always ended up throwing away the books i had stolen to practice. I'm terrified of the possibility of him finding out about that, i don't want him to think badly of me, or my family, i don't want him to look at me like the other kids.
today is another one of those days where i had to stay at camp, i wanted to accompany Daryl hunting, but a few days ago i went with Merle and ended up with a cut on my left hand, so Daryl made me stay this time until he's sure im ready again. Merle, for his part, went on a mission with some members of the group. On one hand i was happy that he wanted to collaborate, that until i saw that one of his bags of drugs was missing and i knew it would cause problems for them.
“come on Y/n! Carl said the last one to arrive would be the one to catch the others” Sophia was pulling my arm, laughing. I laughed too when i saw her trip and almost fall face down on the ground, that's what happened to her because she was looking back instead of worrying about the floor.
“i can be last, you know i'm faster, i'll catch you” i scoffed, receiving a dirty look from her, although she continued laughing until we arrived with Carl, Lori had just finished cutting his hair, so just now we could play.
“it's not fair! she's the fastest of us, Sophie” Carl complained when he saw us arrive, i just looked at the girl with a face that said 'i told you so', to which she just rolled her eyes.
“anyway, she won't be able to catch me, i swear” Sophia said.
“by the way, ya' look adorable with short hair” I said in a lower tone so that the girl wouldn't hear us, i saw his face turn red, but before answering Sophia complained, so Carl decided to just start the game.
i gave them a few seconds to start running. I had acquired my speed after so many years of going hunting with people like my brothers, and after various small thefts. When i felt it was enough i started running after them, Carl first. It took me just a little time when i had already touched his back. Sophia kept running towards the goal, which was a tree we had marked the first time we played, the one furthest from the start. She improved a lot in these months, she had become very fast, but not fast enough, so i managed to catch her quite close to the finish line, making her scream dramatically for having lost.
“i told ya', sweetheart, i'm the fastest of the three of us,” I scoffed, hearing Carl laugh right behind us.
however, the moment was interrupted when we heard the sound of a car not far from the camp. It was very loud, which scared me deeply, i heard Shane and Dale talking/screaming, apparently it was a car that didn't belong to us, but it was coming straight towards us. When it arrived, Glenn got out of it, Amy was the first to approach, repeatedly asking for her sister while Shane yelled at the boy to turn off the loud noise of the car. I looked at Carl who was next to me, he looked just as scared as me, and his mom, Lori, was hugging him tightly.
my mind activated again, 'where's Merle?', 'is he safe?', i felt the air leave my body as i considered the scenarios, i didn't even hear what Glenn said to the blonde. Shortly after, a truck arrived, everyone got out of it, except him, except Merle. I felt Carl looking at me, but i could only focus on the strong beating of my heart, on my blocked ears and my trembling hands.
he has to get off that truck.
he's fine, he always is.
“w-where's Merle?” My voice sounded low and trembling, and i was afraid that they wouldn't hear me but they did. It was then that Andrea answered me from her sister's arms.
“he was being a jerk, he was on drugs and he was a threat to everyone, our new friend took care of the situation, i'm sorry” even though i know she wasn't sorry, she always hated Merle.
"new friend?" I heard Shane ask, but i couldn't concentrate on the rest, because i fell to my knees at the same time Carl escaped from his mother's arms to run into the arms of an unknown man.
i started to cry without being able to stop it, it was the first time i cried in front of someone other than Carl or my family, but there i was, feeling like part of my world was falling apart.
'how would i tell Daryl?', 'he won't want to stay in this place, we'll have to leave'
“it's his sister,” I heard Carl say to the man quietly, but i didn't think anything about it until a body stood in front of me. It was that man.
“hey, uh, i'm Rick Grimes, i'm sorry about what happened to your brother…”
"is he dead?" I interrupted him.
"i... don't know"
"what are ya' talking about? he's dead or not, how do you not know?” then i raised my head to look at him. Carl really looks like his dad, especially in his eyes.
“i left him handcuffed on a roof, we don't know if he's still alive…”
“ya' just handcuffed my brother on a roof and left him there? what the hell!?" i interrupted him again.
“look, i don't know if this helps, but i dropped the key to the handcuffs, and when i realized i had to go, i managed to put a chain on the door, and not many of those cretins go up the stairs, so the door won't break. He should still be alive” T-Dog spoke this time.
i felt too weak to respond to that, so i simply nodded, feeling a pair of arms wrap around me in a hug. It was Carl. i couldn't reciprocate, i just rested my head on his shoulder, feeling how the entire weight of the situation fell on me.
i hid my face in his neck while he caressed my back. I cried as much as my strength allowed, and when he felt i was calming down he helped me get up.
“'s okay Carl, ya' should spend time with yer dad, i'll be in ma' tent” i told him, with my voice completely broken by crying a few minutes ago “thank ya' for staying with me, i'll be fine, come on” I saw the expression on his face. He hesitated, so i grabbed him by the shoulders, forcing him to walk to his father, and before he could turn to see me i had already headed towards my tent, which i only used when the boys were away.
i always had to share a room with them, so it's not strange for me to do it now. When one of them was here with me, i slept in the other's bed, and when they were both here, i slept next to Daryl.
when i was about to enter my tent i looked at the tent across, the boys' tent, and decided it was better to get into that one, lying down on Merle's bed.
i sighed, feeling a pain in my chest that i had never experienced before. Merle was never an exemplary brother, or very present, but i can't forget the last 15 years either. The rare times he was sober, and the three of us would run around the house, trying to find the TV control when Dad was away. Whoever found it would have the TV to himself until our old man arrived.
or the times when the three of us would go to training, and he would make fun of Daryl's strength, telling him that he hit like a girl while i looked at him with offense.
“i mean, he hits like a normal girl, not like you,” he said, laughing as Daryl and i went after him to hit him.
even though he was often an idiot, he's still my brother, and what happened there... feeling like i lost him definitively is what has hurt me the most.
before, when he left us, i knew he was out there, causing problems for others, but alive. Now, that uncertainty… i hate it.
i don't know when it became night, i only realized when Carl entered the tent, with a plate of food and a light in hand.
“hey,” he greeted me, feeling relieved that he didn't have to wake me up.
“hey” I tried to make my voice sound normal, but so many hours of not talking, just crying, made my voice sound broken again, so i grimaced as i sat down.
“you don't have to pretend with me.” He smiled, sitting next to me. He offered me the plate of food. I didn't know i was hungry until my stomach started growling as i took the plate in my hands. My face turned red with embarrassment, but he didn't say anything about it, which i was grateful for.
“i'm sorry for what happened. You know i don't support... that decision” I nodded as i started to eat what he brought me, i know he can see my red, swollen and irritated eyes but i don't want to hide the reality from him. Like i said before, he's like my best friend.
“i'm scared to tell Daryl, i know he'll want to go look f' him, and he won't let me go…” I paused, feeling the lump in my throat again. “I don' wanna lose him too, i couldn't stand tha', Carl. Without them i can't...” Some tears fell again, but he was quick to wipe them away for me.
“i know you're scared, but I also know Daryl wouldn't let that happen. From what you've told me, he always protected you, so he wouldn't let himself be bitten by one of them. He will return here with or without Merle, but alive” He looked me in the eyes as he said it, and the seriousness with which he spoke made me believe him. I decided to nod and change the subject a bit.
“i'm glad yer dad's back, by the way. I'm serious. I know how much ya' suffered all this time. If anyone deserved that reunion it was ya'” I told him, seeing him smile when thinking about his family. “But 's scary that ya' have the same look as him, now i feel like there are two Grimes who will see to the depths of my soul” I scoffed, feeling better hearing his laugh.
“oh shut up.” He looked around, scanning the tent as i hurried to finish my meal. “Don't get me wrong, but i really thought the tent would be more messy.”
i swallowed what was left in my mouth, leaving the plate aside. “Now 's more organized, but we created limits of coexistence when we were younger. Since we used to share a room at home, it became very small, and a little clutter made it look like complete chaos, which made our old man angry. They made him believe that only i ordered, but in reality we all did.”
“why did they make him believe that? “was he one of those men...?” He asked politely, since he knows that the topic of my dad is somewhat complicated.
“yeah, fer him only women should do tha', that's why he let them be a little messier before i was born. Then, when i started walking he already expected me to be his damn nanny” I snorted, remembering his absurd comments to which i couldn't respond.
Carl grimaced when he heard me, he knows how much i hate those kinds of comments, he even once saw me argue with Merle, who was on drugs, because he made a comment like that towards Carol.
“i can't imagine you following rules, you're too rude for that” He joked, making me laugh. 'Of course, he never had to see me like that, he wouldn't believe everything i've had to pretend.'
“'s my dark past, don't tell anyone that i was soft on a man” I winked, watching him shake his head while smiling. “By the way, did ya' bring me any stories today?”
i feel at peace, despite the emptiness i feel in my chest, Carl and his sweet way of being prevent me from sinking into my gray cloud.
“maybe, but first you have to go back to bed, it's time to sleep.” I nodded, returning to my position on the bed as he lay down next to me, as always.
“well, this time i'll have to repeat one of the first i told you, i hope you don't mind…”
then he began to speak, and as always, i began to feel that all the weight was leaving my body, leaving me calm. He waits until i fall asleep, and while he talks he hugs me, then he returns to his tent and the next morning he's the one who comes to wake me up when he feels that i have rested enough.
that's Carl.
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new day and the first thing i hear is my tent opening, so i pretend to stay asleep, waiting to hear what else Carl would do.
“i know you're awake. Come on” The boy tells me, making me smile and turn to look at him.
"how did ya' know?"
“your breathing when you sleep is like small sighs, and now everything was silent” He responded simply, without noticing my surprised face.
'that was sweet, and scary, but sweet.'
after a while, everyone except Rick was up. Carl and Sophia wanted to go out and explore a little more, however yesterday's situation had left me a bit exhausted, so i decided to use the morning to help Carol instead of running around with them to investigate.
Carol is a sweet woman, and it bothers me too much the way her husband treats her and Sophia. They don't deserve that, but Carol wouldn't let me do everything i've imagined to avenge them.
“i'm telling you, washing their clothes is complicated, but no one has ever given me as much trouble as Daryl does. How does your brother always stay so dirty?” The older woman asked me, to which i laughed at first, perfectly understanding the sentiment.
“i swear i don't know, Carol, he's worse than a child, he's always been like tha'” We were both laughing, until Rick came out of his tent.
“good morning,” Carol greeted him, to which he responded. When he looked at us i nodded in greeting.
the truth is, i still don't know how to feel about Rick Grimes. I know part of me wants to hate him, blame him for what they did to Merle, scream in his face how inhumane they were to leave him there. But another part of me thinks about Carl, and that makes my heart soften.
“listen…” I heard him say, but just like the previous times, I interrupted him.
“i don't wanna talk about what happened there, Rick, so i'm asking you not to say anything. It's enough with what'll happen when Daryl comes back.” He nodded, so i continued ironing with Carol, who this time started talking to him.
not long after, i saw Rick walk over to where Glenn was, and i know that if i look in Carol's direction, she'll want to talk about what i told the man, so i continued doing my thing, without turning to look at her.
at least that was the case until we heard the first screams, it was Carl and Sophia. I immediately wanted to run to where they were, but Carol stopped me when she noticed the men going, to which i growled, releasing myself from her grasp and hoping to see my friends. When Sophia ran into her mom's arms, i was relieved, but nothing compared to seeing Carl appear, running towards me, almost knocking me to the ground in the process.
i had never hugged him so tightly, and i felt how Lori quickly approached us to hug us both. I felt him cry a little, with his face hidden in my neck.
“what happened, honey?” Lori was trying to know, but she had to give him a few seconds to calm down.
“there was one of them between the trees, he was eating a deer” I heard him say between sighs.
'what did he say? a cretin eating a deer? 'how did they both get here?'
about two minutes later we were still waiting for the others to come back, but now i was close to Sophia, as was Carl.
it was then that we heard several footsteps approaching in the direction of the camp, but i wasn't looking towards that place, i was looking at my friends, fearing that when i stopped doing so they would somehow disappear.
“Merle! Yn!” I heard Daryl's voice call us, and that's when Lori, Carl, Sophia, and Carol's gazes shifted to me. I knew they were looking at me, but i couldn't look at them anymore, my eyes now fixed on my brother had filled with tears, making it impossible for me to see his figure well.
“Dar…” I felt my tears fall, but i knew i couldn't run over and hug him, because things were about to get tense, and very quickly.
Carl's arms hugged me almost like yesterday, but this time i could feel the uncertainty in everyone.
“Daryl, slow down a bit, i've to talk to you” I heard Shane tell him.
I saw him turn around, managing to meet my gaze, but frowning when he noticed my state.
“about wha'?” He kept looking at me, as if waiting for a signal to lose control and demand answers.
“about Merle, there was uh… a problem in Atlanta.” Now he looked at him, and from the change in his posture i know what he's thinking.
"'s dead?"
“we're not sure” That answer bothered me even though i had already heard it yesterday.
“yeah, he is or he ain't!” Now his tone was more annoyed.
“it's not easy to say this, so i'll just say it,” Rick interjected.
"who are you?"
“Rick Grimes”
“Rick Grimes” He scoffed “got somethin' ya wanna tell me?” He approached the man.
“your brother was a danger to us all, so i handcuffed him to a roof, hooked him to a piece of metal. It's still there” He confessed.
i saw him turn around, and i was afraid he would do something, so my body quickly tensed up and Carl noticed it so he looked at me, but i couldn't see him, not now.
“le' me process it, ya' say ya' handcuffed my brother to a roof… and ya' left him there?!” I took a deep breath when he shouted, knowing that things were going just as i expected.
“yeah” This one said it so simply that it didn't help the situation.
soon i saw how Daryl threw the squirrels he had brought in the direction of Rick, and then tried to hit him, and i say try because Shane arrived first, throwing him to the floor, but when he took out a knife and tried to attack Grimes, Shane threw it again, this once choking him with his arm to prevent him from jumping at Rick one more time. It was humiliating, and unfair, so i tried to get out of Carl's grip, but he wouldn't let go.
“please no, i don't think Shane'll be gentle with you, and i don't want him to hurt you.” I heard him whisper his request, somewhat desperate for me to listen to him. I decided to listen to him this time, but i still continued watching the scene, attentive to every movement.
“chokehold's illegal!” I heard Daryl complain.
“i would like to have a calm discussion on this top” Rick said after getting down to his level on the ground. “Do you think we can manage that?”
“he's not a fucking kid” I complained, making them look at me for a moment, but Carl gently squeezed my waist, trying to get my attention back to him to avoid any more problems. Rick took advantage of this to ask again.
“do you think we can manage that, Daryl?”
“yes,” he said with difficulty, making Shane let go.
“what i did was not on a whim. Your brother doesn't work or play well with the others” I was about to intervene to complain, but T-Dog stepped forward to speak.
“it's not Rick's fault. I had the key and i dropped it.”
“couldn't pick it up?” Daryl asked, clearly incredulous.
“well, i dropped it in a drain.”
my brother stood up as did Rick and Shane, all attentive to any movement he made.
“'s that supposed to make me feel better? well it don't” He's still so angry
“well, maybe this will. Look, i put a chain on the roof door so that the cretins couldn't get to him, with a padlock."
“it's gotta count for something,” Rick interrupted, 'as if that helps anything.'
i felt enormous pain when i saw him cry in front of them, because i know he wouldn't do that, but the situation surpasses both of us. Again i tried to get out of Carl's grip, and this time he did let me go, so i ran into my brother's arms, feeling how he responded to my hug very slowly. It was a strange thing between us, but i needed to do it.
“hell with all ya'! tell me where he is so i can go get him.” His chest vibrated with each word. I sighed, knowing that would happen.
“he'll show you, right?” I heard Lori say, referring to her husband.
“i'll go back there,” Rick said in response.
not long later i was sitting on a log next to Daryl, watching him get ready with my head resting on his shoulder. As expected, he refused to let me go, promising that when they returned we would get out of this place somehow.
i felt people talking around me, but i could only hear them as if they were far away. I just understood that Glenn and T-Dog were going too, but i don't know if that really made me feel less terrified.
they had already left one of my brothers behind, i wouldn't be surprised if they did it again.
“hey, girl” I heard Daryl say, breaking me out of my thoughts.
"Hmm?" I looked at him, noticing that his gaze had softened, like every time he talks to me... or a child.
“we're gonna come back, ya' know tha', right? Even if Merle… 's gone, ya' know i'll be back, right?” I nodded, feeling too tired to say anything else.
“guess it's just been the two of us most of the time anyway,” I heard him mutter, resuming what he was doing.
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it had been a while since they left, and although i thought i would be more stressed about being away from Daryl, his words made me feel much safer.
he's going to come back, even if it can't be with Merle.
“hey, how are you feeling?” Carl entered the tent, smiling at me.
“i feel better, Carl, thank ya”
as soon as they left, he apologized to me on behalf of his parents many times until i managed to convince him that it wasn't necessary. I'm not mad at him, he has nothing to apologize for.
"do you wanna do something? we don't have to go out, it can be here if you want” He said this time a little faster and in a low tone, like when he gets nervous.
"what are we gonna do?"
that conversation led us to this moment. Apparently Lori had found some not-so-ruined pages and some pencils and crayons among the things they brought with them, so Carl thought it would be nice if we distracted ourselves by drawing for a while.
the idea was to draw something without the other person seeing it, so i decided to draw him. That way i would have an excuse to look at him a couple of times.
i only needed a black pencil and my knife for when it was dull.
i really tried hard to portray him. I looked at his eyes, the shape of his hair, i counted his freckles and i noticed the shape of his cheeks. Maybe i hadn't realized it before, but Carl 's pretty, even adorable. I had already finished my drawing, but i wanted to continue looking at him a little longer. He purses his lips when he's concentrating, and squints comically.
i think he looked at me a couple of times while i was drawing, which made me a little nervous, 'does he know what I'm doing?'
“okay, time out, let's show our drawings” He said, and then i felt my face heat up, 'I think i'm regretting it.' “i'll count to three and we'll exchange them at the same time…”
'oh shit, he'll see'
'what if i did it wrong?'
before i could think about it further we had already made the change. It was then that i looked at his blade and my eyes widened.
'that's me', 'he drew me too'
“holy shit…” It's beautiful, every detail, it really was an incredible drawing. I felt my heart warm with excitement, and suddenly i just wanted to jump into his arms and never let him go.
“this is fucking amazing, Yn.” I heard the excitement in his voice, and soon his arms were around me in a tight hug. It took me a while to reciprocate because of the impression, but once i did i had a hard time letting go of it afterwards.
"can i ask you something?" I heard him say.
“sure, Carl”
“can i keep the drawing i made for you? Not because it's my drawing... it's just that, i would love to bring something of you, and since we don't have a camera to take a photo of you, i feel like this is the best thing i have” He said, blushing a little.
i pretended to think about it for a moment, then smiled at him, “only if ya' let me keep the drawing i made fer ya', fer the same reasons, of course.”
he nodded, and then we made the exchange again.
“thank ya' fer this, Carl. I didn't think ya' were going to draw me... ya' really make me feel special"
“You are special, Yn. You deserve to feel this way, and as long as we're together i'll try to remind you of that as much as i can”.
Carl Grimes is undoubtedly amazing. And although yes, i still have a hard time with my brothers, and shit things got even more difficult later, i know that everything can get better as long as he's still in my life, being one of the few people for whom i would give everything .
Carl Grimes is perhaps much more than my best friend, he's someone who earned a unique space in my heart that i didn't even know existed. He's not like Sophia, and he's not like any other guy i've met before, he's special.
he's special, and he makes me feel special too
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justaguywhowritesstuff · 2 years ago
We Were Never Meant To Happen- Chapter One
Daryl Dixon x Y/N story
You've known the Dixons since middle school, well at least you knew of them. You went to school with the brothers before they dropped out, or were pulled out, or got arrested, or whatever rumor you heard that day. But you knew what happened. You were there, you were the reason and you thought you would never have to see them again. Now many years later, they stand in front of you bloodied and covered in zombie guts. Begrudgingly, you let them in your small group that you had managed to join early on in the apocalypse. As time goes on, it becomes clear Merle hasn't changed much and in the ways he has, he's gotten worse. But Daryl doesn't seem as bad as he was. He was still a dick but he wasn't as bad as Merle. Once Merle disappears you see a big change start to happen. He doesn't call you names as much, he doesn't look at you in disgust as you walk past him and slowly he starts to talk to you. As even more time passes you slowly become more comfortable around Daryl, something you never thought was possible. You knew this was never meant to happen and yet here you are, with Daryl Dixon.
I do not own any of the characters or plot points that are not my own creations, all credit for those goes to the owners and writers of The Walking Dead.
Full story on Wattpad
I stand atop one of the tall watch towers overlooking the courtyard of the prison. The sun slowly begins to rise, the light creeping along the dew-covered grass. I had somehow managed to stay up all night without needing to tap out one of the on-call night guards. As I watch the sun crawl up the sky I hear the trap door of the tower pop open. I look over to see Daryl climbing up onto the metal floor of the watchtower.
I cock my eyebrow slightly confused since Daryl was one of the on-call night guards. I lean back against the rusted rail of the tower as he closed the door and looks up at me. "Hey." He said, nodding to me.
"Hey," I pause for a moment. "Whaaaat are you doing up here? I thought you were on call last night?" I ask, crossing my arms. Daryl shrugs and leans against the side of the tower. "Well, ya didn't come down last night to wake me up n' I wanted to make sure ya didn't do somethin' stupid."
I roll my eyes and sigh. "No, I just didn't need to tap out." I say then yawning, causing Daryl to cock his brow at me. "Uh huh sure ya didn't." I shake my head and push myself away from the rail of the tower. "Listen, I'm fine, okay? Besides, soon the morning watch will tap me out and I can sleep. But if you do wanna stay up here and have me go down so can." I say with a shrug heading over to open the trap door.
As much as I didn't want to admit it to Daryl, I was pretty tired and ready to sleep.
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rose-scent-and-vodka-lime · 4 years ago
Moments - Merle Dixon x Reader
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Summary: You and Merle are taking care of Daryl while you two are living together after you two graduated highschool. As you wake up on night noticing Merle is not at your bedside.
Contains: Big Brother Merle /  Slight mention of abuse  / YN & Merle acting as parents
Characters: YN x Merle Dixon / Daryl Dixon
Also: First time ever attempting to write something like this, let me know if you liked it <3
As I slowly opened up my eyes, having to adjust a bit to the darkness in our bedroom. I noticed a faint light taking over the darkness in the room. While looking at my side I noticed Merle’s place on the bed was empty. That’s strange Merle came to bed a while ago after you had just put Daryl to bed after a long day at school. Daryl still had a bit of trouble adjusting tot his new lifestyle, it was strange for him to come home after school and to have dinner together as a family. Or to be woken up before going to school, and getting ready to have breakfast like a normal family. I’ll never forget the first time I made Daryl some pancakes for breakfast, he could barely react as he stared at the plate of pancakes infront of him. He was silent for a while afterwards untill I heard a soft sob coming from his place at the table. He was crying because I made him some pancakes. As soon as Merle came into the dining room and aknowledged the situation his facial expressions changed. It was like he had never seen his little brother so sad before. It hit him that his little brother was also subjected to the cruel words and actions of their own father. The man who was supposed to love them and raise them to be better men.
I got up from my side of the bed and put on the lamp standing on the desk. `Well damnit, I forgot this lamp is way to bright at night.` shot through my mind as I squinted my eyes while making my way towards the door. Walking down the hall towards the stairs I started to be able to hear some noises more clearly. They seemed like regular living noises. However the only voice that I could clearly recognize was Merle’s. His way of laughing was one in a million. If you where ever to loose Merle in a crowd you could easly recognize his voice by the way he either laughed or yelled. Slowy walking down the stairs, I am trying to be as quiet as possible, as not to startle him.
The room filled with more noise, as I looked around I noticed Merle sitting on the couch watching the flintstones cartoon on a VHS while next to him was laying Daryl, fast asleep tucked in a blanket holding Merle’s other arm. “So what did I miss?” I asked as Merle turned around smiling softly at me putting his fingers towards his lips and point to a sleeping Daryl next to him. “Not much, but he is finally asleep now babe.” He tried to say as softly as possible not wanting to wake Daryl. “Is Daryl ok? Does he have a fever? Or is he sick?” I asked worried as I looked at a sleeping Daryl next to his big brother. “He had a nightmare, he thought dad would come and take him back to his place because he dropped the plate earlier at dinner.” “Poor kid didn’t wanna wake me up or bother me, so he came downstairs and put in a VHS. That’s what I heard a while later.” He said calmly while softly stroking Daryls hand which was tightly gripped around his other arm. “Ohdear.” I said while looking at them. All I could think of was how painfull it must’ve been for Merle. To have his own little brother being scared of telling someone he could trust. “ Y/N I’m so glad we took him out of that shitstorm. I didn’t want him to end up as someone, like me yaknow.” Merle said quietly while swallowing the last few words. “Hey… Merle” I said as I walked closer to him and sat next to him on the couch, holding his hand as we looked into eachothers eyes. “Honey… You are not some evil person, or a bad person like your father. What he did to you, does define you are make you any less of a person.” I stared into Merle’s blue eyes while he leaned in to slowly give me a gentle kiss, stroking my hand. “Y/N I know that, however I may act like i’m one tough son of a bitch. But deep down inside i’m so scared that I turn out just like him.”
 Merle was so scared of becoming a man like his father, hurting others who didn’t even deserve it. That was one of the reasons why he wanted Daryl out of that house, to make sure he couldn’t break his little brother. Like he did with him. Ever since their mother died it was the two of them against the world, against their own father who would hit them, beat them, humiliate them. And as a way to regain power Merle began to act out. Not giving a crap what others thought but deep down inside he did, however no one stayed long enough for him to open up and show it. It took me a while to get him to trust me, to even believe me when I told him that I loved him. God, I still remember the first time we spend the night together, after that night the way he kissed me was different, it was like he could be himself. Like his home away from home. He still could be a little asshole sometimes, in the way he’d tell jokes or make comments to others. But at the same time he reacted in a way as he never did before.
“Let’s have a sleepover in the living room tonight. I think if we bring Daryl back to his room we’ll wake him up. And the poor kid needs his sleep.” I said softly while looking at Daryl still fast asleep. Even thought I wasn’t his mother Daryl did feel a bit like my son. Merle nodded and smiled soft as I put my head against his shoulder, snuggling up against him.  “Y/N I love you.” Merle said while pressing down a soft kiss on my head. “I love you to babe.” I replied while closing my eyes, thinking of many more moments to like this to come into the future. As Merle and I slowly drifted off falling asleep.
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ellen-reincarnated1967 · 8 years ago
Hush, Hush The Conclusion
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Summary: Caught in the cross hairs, literally, it’s at the harrowing hour of your demise that your brother Daryl realizes that his best friend Dean Winchester has been sleeping with you behind his back the whole time.  Will you survive?  
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Daryl Dixon Sister!Reader
Characters: Dean Winchester, Daryl Dixon, Sister!Reader
Word Count: Cue Westy- so many.
Genre: Angst. TW: guns, gunshot, wound care, blood, guts
Listen to What Kind of Man by Florence and the Machine 
Everyone was up in arms, about the latest arms’ deal that was going down between the Dixons and the Campbells.  Samuel Campbell
 Dean’s father’s in laws after the death of Dean’s mother Mary.  Daryl and Dean were butting heads about when the deal should go down, where it should take place, and who should be there to stand guard.  They were already down to just the two of them, Dean’s youngest brother Samuel backed of the business once he saw his own father shoot someone dead.  Dean couldn’t remember the last time he saw his brother and knew he’d be the last person to come running to help.  Dean’s father too, Old Papa Winchester, wasn’t up to snuff nowadays. The exchange with the Campbells was going down at dusk, three days out.
The exchange between you and your brother was minimal.  Daryl was obviously preoccupied with the sale, which he didn’t think you knew of, but being Dean’s gal on the weekends, nights, and therebetween, you knew more than your share. Hell, you could have been there as an extra set of hands.  You knew how to work a gun.  But no, Daryl kept you as far out of the family business as he could and that just pissed you off to no end.  So you did what any little sister would do when her big brother told her,
“Mind your own, YNN,” Daryl grunted, “this ain’t about you.”
You told him to screw off, “Ain’t about me, no you’re right, it’s about us and this damn family business fuckin’ Merle left to us to handle,” you spat, lighting up a cigarette, inhaling the menthol and releasing it.  
“Keep thinkin’ I don’t know shit, Daryl, but I’m in this far deeper than you could even fathom in that thick skull of yours.”
You slammed the door to the house, left for Dean’s, and hoped he was willing to fuck the anger out of you.  
You were absolutely right about that.  
“Hey, Darlin’,” Dean greeted you as he side eyed the entranceway to his home, looking to see if Daryl had followed you, “looks like someone needs some tender lovin’ dick, huh?”
“Shut up and fuck me already,” you ripped off his flannel, reached up under his damn kilt and grabbed his cock, pumping it to it’s fullest.  You had barely had time to remove your clothing as Dean tossed your slender body onto his bed and began to fuck you like you wanted; rough and loving, leaving marks along your body, bruising your hips bones with his thumbs and fingers, sucking marks into your breasts and neck. He had to stop when he saw the tears, thinking he had hurt you, he pulled you into his side as you both sat against the headboard, and you cried into his shoulders.  
“Fuck you both,” you grumbled, “I know what’s going down in three days and I swear to God you’re both in over your heads.”
Dean knew she had known but hearing her say it out loud put a whole new spin on how he felt about the deal. “Baby, it’s goin’ to go off without a hitch, I know these assholes, they wouldn’t turn on a Winchester or Dixon.  They’d have my father to answer to if they did.”
“But you said it yourself, Dean, they are assholes.” you carded your hand through your hair, ugly crying was not your thing, so you tried to cover your eyes with your hot magenta colored hair.  To no avail; Dean’s pads of his thumbs rubbed circles on your temples attempting to calm you down.
“Right, Samuel Campbell is a full on asshole, ripped many in his lifetime too, but his daughter, my mother, was the light in his life, losing her, well, that was the bond between my father and him; that’s the white flag, babe.”
“My mother,” Dean swallowed the lump in his throat, “she’ll be watchin’ us that day.”
Little did he know, you’d be watching over them too.  
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Three days passed and it was time for the drop off.  They were meeting behind Charlie’s Bar where the old fields were, dusk came, and went, and the Campbells were late.  YN had taken the spare motorcycle in her brother’s garage, kicked it to start, and peeled out towards Charlie’s.  She was hoping she’d be in time to, do what, she didnt’ know, but what came, was nothing that either family expected.
Daryl spotted her first, coming in fast towards the field where his truck had been idling with the merchandise and he looked to Dean,
“What the fuck she doin’ here, man,” he snarled.
“Hell if I know, I ain’t her keeper,” Dean feigned interest and made sure the merch was intact.  What Daryl didn’t notice was how hard Dean’s fingers were trembling at the sight of YN Dixon.  He knew she was wreckless, hell their love life and relationship was one for the books, but to show up at this trade off?  
She was crazier than her brother.
What no one noticed, sans the incoming Campbells, was the glock that she had in her back waist band, and before Daryl could get them to put their guns down, one shot rang out.  Daryl clutched at his chest but pulled back a clean hand and that’s when he saw Dean running over towards YN who was thrown from the bike, landed in the willows, and was screaming out in agony.
“What the fuck, Campbell,” Daryl pushed the older man in the chest, “we said no guns.”
“Tell that to your sister there,” he grunted as he pushed Daryl off of him, his nephew and niece aiming their guns at Daryl’s head.  
“Right, you seemed to have forgotten the damn memo too, you assholes,” Daryl walked through their stand off and rushed to his sister’s side.
“What were you thinkin’, YNN,” tears were running down his face, as she laid in Dean’s arms, shaking uncontrollably.
“I w-was th-thinkin’ I wansn’t gonna watch the men I love die, not today,” she grit out.
Dean’s breath hitched as Daryl registered her words and waited for the sucker punch that clocked him straight in the jaw, but he held his own.
“Not now, Dixon, we need to get this bullet out, before she bleeds out,” Dean spat blood from his busted lip to the dirt and laid YN on her back.  
“This is gonna hurt like a son’a’bitch,” he tore open her shirt and inserted two fingers into her wound, as she squirmed in pain, gritting her teeth, as Dean searched for the bullet.
“Where’d you  learn this shit, Winchester,” Daryl queried in between tears and snot.
“Dad was a Marine before arm’s dealer, he taught me field care,” Dean cursed as he missed the bullet, shoving it further into her abdomen.
“Call 9-1-1, Daryl,” Dean tossed him his phone, as the Campbells turned heel and burnt rubber, eluding the deal and the possible police.  
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While they waited for the ambulance, Charlie the little sprite that she was, came running out when she saw the blinding lights of red, white, and blue.  Police and an ambulance arrived, carted YN Dixon off, while Charlie escorted her to the hospital.  Daryl so angered with the possibility of losing his sister and finding out that his best friend was fucking her behind his back, he lost his mind, took one swing at Dean, and they fought until Dean was on his back, Daryl’s bloodied leather glove dripping onto Dean’s damaged face.
“You had one job, Winchester, one,” Daryl spit to the ground, “and because you couldn’t poke your dick in someone else, she’s layin’ in the hospital, barely alive.”
“This ain’t just my fault, you controllin’ son’of’a’bitch,” Dean didn’t bother getting up from the cold, muddy ground.  
“I love her.”
“So do I,” Daryl turned on his booted heels and left Dean to wallow.
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As YN laid in a coma, Daryl and Dean went their separate ways.  They tried to stick together for YN’s sake but each time one of them was visiting her in the hospital, security had to be called to break them up.  Soon, Sam came back to town, to keep Dean company and decided to set up a schedule for them to “miss each other on purpose” and visit YN at the same time.  
While Dean was working at Charlie’s, in walked Daryl.  He tried his best to keep his composure but Dean just nodded and rolled his eyes as Charlie nudged him to be civil.
“Beer me,” Daryl ordered and Dean grabbed a chilled bottle, decapped it, and slid it towards his former best friend.
“How’s YN?” Dean asked, to which Daryl looked up from lidded eyes, and nodded towards the door that led to the back of Charlie’s where Dean and YN used to meet secretly.  Dean swallowed unsure of what Daryl was trying to get across, he didn’t want to get his hopes up, it had been weeks since he last seen YN and she had tubes in her nose and a ventilator down her throat.  He tossed the dirty towel he was using to scrub the counters and headed to the back door.  He pushed it open and he heard Daryl shout after him,
“Go easy on her, she’s fragile, you prick!”
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“Hey baby,” YN grinned, behind sunglasses and the fence, “miss my fine ass?”
Tagging: @d-s-winchester @jodyri @nothin-after-79 
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dixonsgirl93 · 2 years ago
Corrupt Me
Merle Dixon x Virgin Fem!reader Era: S1, camp, pre Rick joining Word Count: 1.9k CW: p in v, fluff? Content Description: Y/N and The Dixon brothers had been friends for years and were together at the time of the outbreak. Y/N had had a crush on Daryl but he never showed any sign of feeling the same. Merle had teased Y/N for years about taking her virginity. Now, with the world gone to hell, she was tempted to take him up on it.
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"Come on! I'll make ya feel good, I promise." Merle teased from behind me.
"I'm sure you would. I just don't think it'd be a good idea." I turned to face him and looked around. We were in the trees, some distance from the camp and the others now. "Also I came out here to pee so." I shooed him away. He just smirked and walked over to me, pulling me in to a hug.
"Need any help?" He purred and my heart raced.
"Merle!" I smiled, despite myself. "I'm serious."
He sighed and released me. "Just think about it."
I rolled my eyes as he walked away but his offer had been on my mind more and more these days. Since the outbreak it was becoming increasingly more possible that I was going to die a virgin. It wouldn't have bothered me so much but now, honestly, all I could think about was Merle. I really believed he'd make sure I was comfortable and everything. Despite his brash personality and "player" mentality, he had been adamant on being the person to take my virginity for years. He never pressured me but he always made it known.
For a long time though it was Daryl who had my heart. Dark, quiet, kind Daryl who had also been my friend for years but any mention of romance and he'd freeze up. I suppose at some point in the last year I'd come to terms with the fact he'd never like me back. Now, I wasn't saying I thought Merle would date me. I wasn't even sure he was boyfriend material at all. But losing my virginity was something and it wasn't like I had loads of time or opportunities like before. It was becoming more tempting by the day to sleep with Merle. Why not? What was stopping me?
Later that night after everyone had had some food and went to sleep. Glenn and Dale were on watch that night, sitting on top of the RV. It was silent outside my tent, eerily so and I couldn't rest. The flimsy fabric of the tent didn't feel nearly safe enough and yet my eyes felt heavy and a weight settled in my chest sometime during the night.
That was, until footsteps approached my tent. I sat up straight, thinking it was a walker but the shadow was hunched as if tip-toeing and their footsteps were uneven, slow. Fingers reached for the zip and Merle's chest and then face appeared in the gap.
"Merle!" I hissed, my heart pounding. "You scared the crap out of me. I thought you were a walker." I breathed a sigh of relief as Merle sat next to me, smug look on his face. "What are you doing here, anyway?"
He shrugged. "I couldn't sleep." He smirked and then closed the short distance between us, planting a short and gentle kiss on my lips. My heart fluttered at his touch. He kept his face close to mine, asking for permission. I closed the distance, reaching a hand up to his face.
"Merle." I said against his lips. He pulled back just enough to look at me in the dim light. "What are you doing?" I knew what he was doing but I needed him to say it.
He leaned down and kissed my neck gently. My brain was slowly going fuzzy. "You don't know how sexy you looked in that forest today, Y/N. I wanted to take you then and there." He pulled away to look at me again, cupping my cheek. "I won't do anything else unless you want me to, though." He then wrapped his arms around me and kissed my neck, my jaw, my lips. His hands stayed on my hips and face.
Somewhere in the few minutes or seconds or hours that followed, I wanted, no, needed him to touch me. I held him closer to me and kissed him, his hands gripped me close and somehow I ended up lying down with Merle hovering over me. I wasn't sure if I pulled or if he pushed or both but I took the opportunity to move my legs either side of his hips.
He pressed his erection into my groin and my breath hitched slightly. Merle smirked and started to rub himself against me. Even something as small as that felt really good but it wasn't enough. I think he could sense I wanted more and so his hand slid up my body, massaging my boob through my shirt and bra. His hand felt so warm and good on me. I started to wonder why I hadn't done this sooner.
I lifted a leg around his waist and his hand slid back down my body to go under my shirt and under my bra. Here his hand was hot and delicious against my skin, rough from callouses but if anything if I liked the feeling more. He was gentle, trying not to get ahead of himself, holding back. I wanted to just tell him not to but decided against it. I had no idea what this man was like in bed. Could he have been too rough for me to handle? He said he was going to be gentle and that was what I needed.
"Merle." I said, my heart pounding harder. He looked up at me. "I want you to...take my virginity." My mouth went dry with anticipation.
He pulled back to look at my face, probably to gauge how serious I was. He smiled wide like he'd just won a grand prize. "I should've kissed you years ago." He mused, leaning down to kiss my jaw.
"Why did it take you until now to make a move?" I breathed as my arousal deepened.
"I guess it just took the world going to hell for me to decide to not waste another chance." His lips were on mine with more passion than before. This time he slid a hand into the waistband of my trousers, kissing me as he undid the belt and button with one hand.
"Wait. What about protection?" Afterall I didn't want to risk bringing a baby into this hell.
"Got it covered, sugar. I already happen to be carryin' a couple." He smirked and pulled one out of his jeans pocket.
I sighed with a smile. "Shoulda known."
"You sure you wanna do this?" He kneeled back between my legs, holding the little packet up. Just a few months ago I never thought I'd be here. Not that I hadn't thought about having sex with Merle but losing my virginity to him in the middle of an apocalypse? In a tent? I smirked and nodded. He moved next to and got his trousers and pants off surprisingly fast. I shimmied out of my trousers but kept my underwear on. I watched as he expertly put the condom on over his thick, pulsing erection. I was worried it was going to hurt.
"Be gentle, please." My voice came out soft, almost a plea. I hadn't meant to but suddenly the reality of it all hit me.
"Don't worry. I'll do ma best to make sure it won't, okay?" He got back between my legs and slid a hand up my thigh, his fingers gently grazed the outside of my underwear and my breath hitched again, a soft noise escaping me. He then slid his fingers underneath the fabric and between the folds to rub my clit. His fingers felt electric through me and my body responded. "Feels good, don't it?"
Merle smirked down at me as he worked his fingers. I reached up to kiss him and his fingers worked harder. I moaned into his lips and he groaned back into mine. "Fuck, Y/N. You're so wet down here. Moan for me again." He then slid his fingers down and teased my hole with a single finger, slowly, centimetre by centimetre he slid it in and out again, each time going in a little deeper until his whole finger was inside me.
He leaned his head down to kiss my neck and jaw, suckling and biting gently. I could hardly stop the soft moans as the new sensations rocked me.
Merle then surprised me by using another finger. He did the same trick again, slowly stretching me out as well as getting me more aroused. "Merle." I gasped.
"You don't know how much I've wanted this, Y/N." He breathed. I cupped his head in my hands and I was about to kiss him until his fingers unexpectedly went all the way inside me. I moaned into Merle's mouth, none too quietly. As he pulled out to push them in again, I buried my face into Merle's neck to muffle the sounds coming out of me. I whimpered as his fingers pumped faster, pushing into me a little harder. I gripped onto him.
"I think you're ready for the real thing. You think?" He voice was ragged in my ear, probably from the effort of holding himself back. All I could do was nod against his shoulder.
He leaned up and lined his cock up with me, moving my underwear aside the tip just resting against my pussy. The anticipation was agony. My body thrust up into him.
"You're so eager for ma cock, aren't ya? God, you're sexy." Merle then leaned down to kiss me hard and pushed his cock into me at the same time. I had the sensation of being stretched and filled, it felt strange at first. Once he was all the way inside he stayed still and used a hand to lift my shirt and bra up, exposing my boobs. He then took a hardened nipple into his mouth and suckled on it. Oh, that was a new and wonderful sensation. My body arched into him and I moaned softly.
He started to pump in and out of me slowly, softly, moans escaping him as he did. "You feel so fucking good, Y/N. Fuck." He took my other nipple into his mouth and then pressed a kiss to my lips. As he pulled away just a bit, his thrusts became faster, a little harder. He was nearing finishing. "I'm cumming." He gasped and moments later slowed and I felt him throb inside me. "Shit, I'm sorry." He gasped.
"Don't be." I breathed into his lips.
"Nah, I can't finish it like that." So he pulled out of me and, without taking the condom off, used his fingers to rub my clit again. Those electric waves washed over me pretty quickly. The little circles he rubbed into me built something inside me and a heavy moan escaped. His lips crashed to mine to muffle the noise. "Cum for me, Y/N. Come on, baby."
The waves reached a crescendo and my body pulsed as each wave intensified. My legs shook slightly as I came down.
Merle then took the condom off and cleaned himself up with a rag from his pocket. He kissed me again, got dressed and lay next to me.
"Jesus. That was..." I couldn't finish.
"Oh, I know. It gets better each time, too. I can promise you that." I could hear him smirking.
I leaned up on an elbow. "Next time, huh?" I smiled down at him.
"I've waited years to have you, Y/N. I ain't letting you go now. No way." His tone had turned serious.
"What are you saying, Merle?"
"I..." He paused. "I didn't just wanna fuck you, you know."
I shook my head but he wasn't looking my way. My heart was racing for a whole different reason. "No, I didn't know."
He rolled over, shoving a blanket over us both and cuddled me into him. "Silly girl. I like you."
(part 2?)
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dixonsgirl93 · 2 years ago
Merle x Reader
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Merle: I ain’t worth that
Me: To me you’re worth everything
Merle: You don’t know the shit I’ve done. You could do better than me. Easily
Me: But I want you
Merle turns to look at you, bewildered. How could someone as sweet as you want a man like him?
Merle: Why? I don’t understand
Me: You have a kind heart but you hide behind your vulgar jokes and snide remarks. It’s just a shield. You want to be able to open up but every time you have you’ve been hurt and now you reject the mere idea of it. But I want to show you I’m not going anywhere. That, actually, I love you
Merle: Don’t say that. Don’t give me hope
Me: You’re allowed to feel. Let me in. Let me love you
Merle: …what if you meet someone better?
Me: Better? How? You know…I wouldn’t even be thinking like that. Not anymore. Not after falling in love with you. It’s only you, Merle
Merle: …I’m scared
Me: I know. Me too
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dixonsgirl93 · 2 years ago
Pleasure and Pain
Word count: 2k
Merle Dixon x fem!reader ~ inspired by this post by @sleepyowlwrites
Smut with little plot. Enjoy!
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Merle appeared at the cell of your door.
“Fuck! Merle. What dya want?” You groaned.
“Wondered what all the moaning and heavy breathing was all about. Thought something more interesting was going on.” He admitted, his smirk fading as he watched you.
“Oh get lost. I’m in pain. I pulled a fucking muscle running from walkers.” You tried to sit up and winced at a twinge.
“In your back?” He asked, stepping into your cell.
“I… I bent down to grab my bag that slipped off my shoulder. Honestly, it was so stupid. Lucky Rick was there, pulled me to safety but…it really fucking hurts and I can’t sleep.”
“Well shit. You need to work out more.” He stepped closer to you. You looked up at him. He was smirking. “I can help with that.” He said, his voice all sultry and flirty.
You scoffed. “Yeah. I’m sure you could. Instead of that though. Maybe you could just…” You looked up and pondered for a moment. Was this a good idea? “Rub my back? Since you’re here.”
“Not what I had in mind.” He said, his eyebrows raised for a moment, thinking about it.
“Please Merle. I’m in agony. You know I wouldn’t ask otherwise.” You pleaded. He watched your face and something in his changed to sympathy.
“Don’t know what use I’m gonna be with one hand but all right. Turn around.” He sat down on the bed as you turned away. His body radiated heat and you felt yourself start to relax. Admittedly, it had been a long time since you had really been close to anyone.
You felt his hand on your hip and your breathing hitched. He moved his thumb, surprisingly gently, along the side of your spine, right at the base of your trousers. Your eyes fluttered closed as the pain subsided a little.
“S'it workin'?” Merle asked, his voice very close, his breath in your hair.
“Mmm.” You replied, relaxing your shoulders a bit.
You heard a soft chuckle and felt the metal of his right hand rest against your other hip. The bed moved under you as Merle shifted closer. He pressed the flat of his hand against your lower back, applying more pressure. This time a soft noise of pleasure escaped you. Merle chuckled again. He leaned forward, pressing his body to the back of yours slightly. His voice and hot breath were in your hair. “You know, this might be easier if you were laying down.”
“Merle.” You warned.
“I just mean, you might be more comfortable, take the weight off your back.” He murmured.
You sat and thought about it for a few seconds. You really were enjoying his hands on you but needed the massage, not sex.
“As long as you promise no funny business. I am in actual pain, you know.” You turned to look at him and winced again. Damn back pain.
Merle put his hands on your shoulders to keep you still. “You have my word. Lie down.” He stood up and you hesitated, studying him and then you stood and awkwardly lay on your front, head resting on your arms.
“Good girl. Shuffle over a bit.” You did and he sat next to you, his hand finding your back again. He lifted your shirt and cool air brushed over your skin. Your heart raced. He placed a hand flat on your lower back and worked the pads of his fingers into your muscles. You resisted making noise in both pleasure and pain as your muscles contracted at his touch.
“Not so hard. It hurts.” You murmur. Immediately he softened the pressure and worked both sides of your back. “Thank you, Merle.”
“Not the best I could do.” He said.
“Better than you think.” You said softly, closing your eyes.
“How long am I gonna be doing this for, huh?” Merle joked.
“Well, last time this happened to me I was in pain for about a week so…”
“A week?! Little lady, I make no promises for no funny business if you want me to do this for a whole week.” His hand traveled up your back, warm and strong. He did that all over and it was such a lovely sensation.
“That’s fair.” You admitted. His hand paused in the middle of your back.
“What was that?” You could hear the smirk in his voice.
“I… Well…” You started.
“Do you want me, babydoll?” Merle leaned down over you, his hand moving down your side to the waistband of your trousers and there he stopped, teasing.
Your breathing was heavy as you turned slightly to look at him. “Maybe.” You confessed softly, blushing.
Merle’s smile widened. “Well, I’ll be damned.”
You slowly rolled over onto your back, it hurt but you manage it.
“What are you doing? Don’t wanna massage anymore?” Merle teased.
"That really what you wanna do after I just told you I want you?" You smirked up at him.
Merle waved a hand. "Well, you didn't actually say it." He leaned his metal arm on the bed next to your head, his other he rested on the bed next to your hip as he stood and lifted a leg, pushing it gently between yours. You let him and he leaned his head down to your ear. "I'd really like to hear you say it, properly." He leaned his head down and kissed your neck gently. Your heart raced, the pain in your back now in the back of your mind.
"I want you, Merle." You whisper in his ear. He leans up, face inches from yours, a hungry smile on his face.
"That...was even better than I imagined." And before you knew it, his lips crash to yours, hungrily, messily. You respond by pulling him closer and wrapping a leg around his waist.
He moves down and lifts your shirt, taking a hard nipple into his mouth and your eyes flutter closed at the sensation. His tongue hot against your cool skin. You arch your body up into his mouth. You craved more of him. He moves back up to kiss you, leaning on his metal hand to caress your other breast with his hand. He wasn't very gentle but you didn't care. Just having him touch you sent waves of pleasure through you.
"You want my cock, huh?" He presses his, now obvious, erection into your thigh before moving his leg and nudging it between both of yours. Here he presses his erection against your aching pussy. He rubs up against you a couple of times, eliciting a soft moan from you. "Talk to me, sugar. I wanna hear yer tell me how much you want me."
"Please." you squeak. "I need you to fuck me, Merle."
He grunts in what you can only imagine was frustration at the barriers before getting up and unbuckling his belt. You couldn't help but watch him, arousal pooling in your groin. He shoves both his trousers and underwear off, revealing his rather impressive cock. You look up to find him smirking at you.
"Oh, you're desperate are you? Desperate for me." He smirks and nods to your bottom half. Before you can answer, he finds his way back between your legs. With one hand, he unbuttons your jeans and tries to pull them down. "Never wished for two hands more than I do now." He says darkly, working on your trousers.
You shove them and your underwear off and he throws them to the floor. Now you were on display for him and he eyes you hungrily again for just a second before he's leaning over you, guiding his cock at your pussy. You felt the head gently push against you and you couldn't decide if you wanted him to go slow, to savour the feeling, or thrust in all at once. Instead he left it there, just pressing and leaned down and kissed you hard once more.
He leans his head down and bites your neck hard. You groan and grip his arms at the pain and pleasure of it. "You're the sweetest fucking thing, Y/N. I can't believe I have you here. Begging me to fuck you." You gripped him closer, lifting your legs to hold him to you and just as you do that, he slams his cock into you, fast, hard, pressing his body into you. You grip him and moan against his shoulder.
"Fuck." You whimper, fingernails pressing into his skin.
"What's wrong, baby? Too much? Want me to pull away?" He chuckles teasingly at you and you respond by gripping him to you tighter.
"No. Don't" You whimper again.
His mouth is quick, hot and delicious against yours, his lips surprisingly soft too. He pulls back and slams into you again. Again. Again and again, faster each time but just as rough. "Fuck." He growls against your mouth and your pussy contracts at the sound, making him moan again. "Fuck, you feel so fucking good." You could hardly keep quiet so he kisses you hard, leaving his mouth against yours, causing you to moan into each others mouths with each thrust.
He grunts and lifts your leg with his one hand and with the metal prosthetic, attempts to lift the other. This made him feel even deeper within you. He shakes his head. "I'm gonna cum already, Princess. Your cunt is too good."
You decide you don't want this to end yet and so, because your back pain would hurt worse, you put your hand against his chest. "Wait." You say, breathlessly. He stops, deep inside you and looks up at you.
"What?" he frowns but not like he's annoyed.
"Let me get on top." You say and he smiles. "What? I can't have you finishing too soon, can I?" you smirk back. "Help me, though. My back still hurts."
"Bossy. I kinda like it." He teases and with his help, you manage to staddle him on the bed. You reach under you to grab his erection again, teasing it at your pussy. You decide to leave it there as you slowly reach down to kiss him. He smirks knowingly and wraps his arms around you. He brings his face to your ear and whispers.
"Don't think you have the control up there, darling." He then grips you tightly and pushes you down on him, filling you up and somehow it felt like it hit even deeper from his angle. Your breath hitches and then you gasp, feeling him throb inside you. "Jesus." He gasps out. "Hot damn, baby. You're full of surprises, aren't ya?" He starts fucking you from underneath, holding you tight to his body with his metal arm he reaches around and grabs your ass cheek, suddenly spanking it. You gasp. The sound of the smack reverberates throughout the cell.
"Merle!" you scold, breathlessly. "We'll get caught!" Merle chuckles and continues his relentless fucking from underneath. He moves his hand to your pussy, his expert fingers finding your clit quickly, working it in circles.
You feel the edge of an orgasm and grip onto Merle hard, pressing your face into his neck. "You gonna cum for me, baby?" He murmurs into your ear. At his words the orgasm rips through you and you let out a loud cry, and then bite down on Merle's shoulder to suppress it. Your walls clench and Merle soon follows you. His cock throbbing hard as he cums inside you.
"Fuck, sugar." Merle grips you tighter against him, pressing his cock all the way inside, spilling every drop into you. "Too damn good." he whispers. The waves of your orgasm finish and you collapse against him, breathing heavy. His grip on you releases and his hand finds your hair, stroking gently. His heavy breaths ruffle your hair.
For a while neither of you say anything, trying to catch your breath.
"Round 2?" Merle asks. You lean up to glare at him. He couldn't be serious. But no, he wasn't because as soon as you look up, he barks out a laugh. "Kidding!" He raises his hands and lets them fall gently to your back.
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dixonsgirl93 · 2 years ago
To Win
Merle Dixon x fem!reader
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I was at the counter in the kitchen of the prison one afternoon, making something for lunch when I looked up to see Merle emerge from around the corner, a smug look plastered on his face. My heart raced a little at his appearance but I focused back on my food. He walked up to the counter I was at and casually leaned his hand on it. His knife hand dangled at his side. I sighed heavily.
“What do you want, Merle? Come to be annoying again?” I said without looking up. My heart was beating a little faster. Ever since he’d come to the prison- no, since he met me, he’d been focusing all of his annoying, flirty attention on me. Somewhere during that time I’d realised I was rather attracted to him but my pride wouldn’t let him win.
“What do I want?” He chuckled and placed his hand to his chest as if shocked I would even ask. “Sugar, I think you know what I want.”
His tone was incredibly suggestive but if past experience had taught me anything it was that, while he definitely meant it sexually, when I asked what he meant, he’d change it to mean something else. So I played dumb.
“Nope, ‘fraid I don’t know, Merle.” I said, again without looking up at him. I was almost finished with my food but that didn’t mean I could escape his advances. Not that I really wanted to.
“Oh, come on, Doll. You don’t have to play innocent here. We both know you’re anything but.” I heard the smirk in his voice and finally looked up at him. His eyes sparkled with mischief.
“How would you know? Hmm?” I asked, unable to help myself.
“Oh I just know.” His tone became darker and he leaned up off the counter and started to walk around it. My heart picked up the pace and I tried to act unconcerned as he walked up behind me. “I’ve seen girls like you before, all innocent and shy and cute on the outside but an animal in the sheets. I bet you like it rough, don’t ya? Don’t lie to me now.” He smirked wider and I scoffed gently. But then he leaned over my shoulder; no part of him was touching me and yet the air between us was electric. My breath hitched slightly and I swallowed hard. “Am I making you nervous, sugar?”
I shook my head. “No.” That’s all I could say. In response, he leaned in closer and I felt his body gently press into mine. His hand found my waist and snaked around to hold me around my waist. My breathing and heart rate sped up. My reaction must surely have been obvious at this point.
“I think I do.” He leaned his head over my shoulder to look at me and I turned to face him. He laughed in my ear, the sound rough around the edges but something tingled in my groin. His breath on my face and neck made me want to melt and I did my best to resist. My food was long forgotten on the counter. “You’re blushing. Wow, so you do like me? I knew it. I wonder what else I’m right about…” His hand tightened on my middle and I shut my eyes tight for a second. My fingers found the edge of the counter and stayed there. I didn’t trust myself just yet.
“Right about what?” I asked softly.
“About liking it rough in the sheets? I bet you have all sorts of kinks up your sleeve, don’t you?” He pressed his face into my hair, lowering his voice. His breath tickled my skin and my brain went fuzzy. If I wasn’t careful I was going to give him exactly what he wanted. “Why don’t we go back to your room and you can tell me all about them, hmm? What do you say?”
I started shaking my head, but it wasn’t because I didn’t want to, instead I was physically trying to resist doing just as he suggested. It would be so easy to just give in. We’d both be winning, right? We both wanted each other…
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” I said, softly, breathlessly.
“Why not?” He whispered into my ear.
I hesitate on my answer. “Because…”
“Because? Tell me, baby. Please. I’m going out of my mind here.” His knife arm comes up to hug my waist tighter. He’s careful to avoid cutting me. A soft whimper escapes me as my back pressed even more up against his front. “I’ve craved you since the first time I laid eyes on you. You’re the finest thing I’ve seen in a long while. Those legs, that ass, those pink plump lips I’d love to have around my cock.” He let out a groan of arousal and I was on the last thread of resistance. “You don’t know what you do to me, Y/N. Can I show you?” His tone was hungry, verging on desperate as he gently took my hand in his and glided it down my body, over my hip to his crotch where he pressed my hand against the erection pushing against his jeans. I closed my eyes, involuntarily curled my fingers around it and closed my eyes tight. He let out a groan of pleasure and it was only then I’d realised he moved his hand away but mine was still there, on his crotch, pressed against it, fingers curled around.
“God, Y/N. I knew it. You do want me. Fuck, I want you too. So fucking badly.” He reached his free hand to the front of my body, gliding his hand down until he was cupping me through my clothes, rubbing the area gently and I leant back against his body, a noise escaping my throat. “Come on. Take me to your room.” He whispered in my ear and then leaned forward just a bit to nibble the lobe. A pleasurable shiver ran through me.
I gathered my remaining strength, steadied myself on my feet and cleared my throat. “Just so you know, this doesn’t mean you’ve won.”
He leaned away from me just a little and I could sense the frown as he asked. “Won what, Doll? Won you? I think we both know I already have.” And dammit he was right. I hated that. I would have to get him back for it too so I took his hand from my waist and walked away, taking him to my room…
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dixonsgirl93 · 2 years ago
Hi again 🙏
every time I see Merle I feel like the "I can Fix him" was never more real. I don't know for sure if you are taking requests but if you do, I have one, in case you can and want to write it down
I was thinking about the flirtatious Merle, the bad thing about Merle (you know, spewing racism and sexism), and the "i can fix him". a reader who since she saw Merle in the quarry fell in love with him, it's Merle, so she figures it out and takes advantage of the situation and uses her. they have sex and the reader thinks he loves her, but he keeps flirting with Andrea . The reader, feeling betrayed, complains to Merle and he tells her hurtful things like that he only wants sex and that he doesn't want her for anything else *I must clarify that for the reader to come to the conclusion that he loves her, it is because Merle has told him things about her childhood, she cared for the reader and they even snuggled up after sex* after Merle's hurtful words, the thing on the roof happens, so they don't see each other again. they meet again after the governor when Daryl brings him. nobody wants Merle there more than Daryl so he asks the reader for help knowing that he had something with his older brother, so that he votes in favor of Merle staying but the reader in front of everyone including Merle says she thinks Merle is bad and what she did to Gleen just confirms it so I don't know she would feel safe Merle staying. Merle looks hurt and sad after listening to her since he obviously had a crush on her since the quarry but what he said was out of fear of relationships. The same thing happens in the series where Daryl and Merle leave prison and then come back, also the governor's case but this case Merle doesn't die, but he helps the group a lot so Rick lets him stay. Merle hesitates to approach the reader or not since she wants her back but knows the damage she did. at the end it comes closer when he sees a new guy flirting, he apologizes and begs for a second chance, something obscene and a happy ending because I love Merle. sorry if my request is long 🙏🙏🙏
Ooh my god. yes. I could so picture this being a realistic approach too.
Ngl, I wanna write this now. I'll save it to my notes, at least. When I rewatch the first few seasons I'll work on it.
The whole "I can fix him" trope is so fucking real. But man does that man need real love.
I feel like with his brother's love he (Merle) may feel Daryl only cares for him because they're family. If someone else really loved Merle, like to the point of risking their life, he'd start to change, for them. It would be a new experience I think for him. Especially if, when he's being all self-deprecating, the reader is like "that's bullshit. who you show the world is not who you really are" and at first he rejects the idea that someone he barely knows could understand him so clearly but then seeks them out because, well, a real friend? a chance at being cared for? who wouldn't want that?
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dixonsgirl93 · 2 years ago
Opposites and Opportunities (Sfw)
Merle x ace fem!reader
:Request from anon:
A/N: I've stated before that I personally am not ace, nor do I know anyone who is. I hope I did this enough justice. Feedback would be appreciated so I can improve. Thank you and enjoy!
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"Listen, Merle. You're wasting your efforts on me. I'm not interested." You turn to fully face him now. "And it's not because of your charmingly brash personality or your wickedly handsome face. That sort of thing just doesn't interest me." You turn away again.
"Doesn't interest you, huh? What? Having a good time is not something you like?" Merle called after you from the stairs.
You sigh and face him again. "Sex. I mean sex. I've never cared for it. All right?" You feel yourself go red in the face and then silently berate yourself. So what if you didn't like the idea of sex? It's nothing to be ashamed about, you remind yourself.
"Maybe you just haven't met the right guy yet!" He continued and you resigned yourself to the fact he was really not gonna let this go.
"People always say that. As if sex is so important to be having in your adult life. Maybe I don't want to find the right man. Maybe for the last few years I've tried to like the idea because everyone around me and the media has told me I should? I've only recently come to terms with who I am and no one...no one...is going to change me."
Merle held up his hands (metal and normal) in surrender and smirked. "I didn't mean any harm, babygirl. I can't say I understand though." He rested his arms on the pole in front of him again and looked down at you.
"You don't have to understand it, just respect it." You walk away, back to your cell.
Later that day Merle finds you outside and approaches you.
"Hey. Mind if I join yer?" He asks. You motion for him to sit and does and looks out at the darkness. "Do you think it's more or less scary when you can't see 'em out there?" He nods towards the fences.
You follow his gaze and think about it. "Depends which side of the fence you're on." You reply.
Merle chuckles. "Good answer." He pauses. "So anyway, about our conversation earlier, about you not liking sex...uh, why not? I mean, have you always felt that way?" You see genuine curiosity in his eyes and it surprises you. He actually wants to learn.
You look down at the table and frown, thinking about how to phrase your answer. "I can't really explain it, it just...doesn't appeal to me. It seems kinda gross, honestly. Sharing so many bodily fluids." You make a face at the thought.
Merle watches your reaction. "So...you're a germaphobe? Is that it? God help you in this mess. Walker fluids are worse, honey." He laughs to himself, again looking out at the fence. It was too dark to see anything and you wondered how many walkers were standing just out of reach.
You can’t help but smile at his answer. “Well, that is true. It’s not just the germs though, the whole act of…” You gesture wildly with your hands. “…of sex, that I don’t like.”
Merle watched you try to explain and looked away again. “I still don’t get it. Maybe I’m just too horny to.” He chuckles and shrugs. “But hey, you do you, I guess.”
“Thanks.” You say and place a hand on his metal arm. “I underestimated you. I didn’t think you’d…be so understanding. I especially didn’t think you’d be so curious about it.” You say, looking in the distance.
There’s a short pause. “Gotta be honest, I thought you were lying at first to get me off ya back. I’d get it. I can be a lot for some folk.”
You look at him for a moment but say nothing. What could you say to that? It was true and it felt like he was opening up to you. You knew it must be a rare thing too, knowing the kind of person he was, or at least, who he showed the world he was.
“I still…” You begin to say and then pause, wondering if it was a good idea to divulge this information. “I still feel romantic attraction.” You admit.
“Oh yeah? That’s where I fail. Don’t think I can do that mushy crap.”
“To quote you earlier 'maybe you just haven't met the right person'." You look at him knowingly, with a smirk. Merle turns to you laughs.
"Hell, maybe you're right." He admits. "Even less of a chance to find her now though, don't ya think?" His expression turned sombre for just a moment.
"True." There's a long moment of silence again, just sitting in each other's company, letting the weight of the moment sink in. "Maybe there's still a chance. I mean, we're not dead yet." You smiled encouragingly at him but you couldn't quite feel the hope for a future like that in your heart.
Merle just chuckled and stood up. "Anyway, thanks for the chat, Y/N. Have a good night." He winked and walked back inside.
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dixonsgirl93 · 1 year ago
Can anyone recommend accounts that write fluffy and smutty things for Merle Dixon?
Pls and thank
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dixonsgirl93 · 1 year ago
Merle Dixon calling you a dumb puppy and then grabbing your throat, pressing you against the wall with his body. He then claims your mouth roughly with his and all coherent thought melts away
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dixonsgirl93 · 2 years ago
please, the second part of "Corrupt me", I loved that fic and a soft and horny Merle 🙏
I'm so glad you enjoyed it!
So I do have the skeleton of an idea for a part 2. I'm thinking from the episode Merle is handcuffed to the roof... tension, drama, angst, fluff, maybe even some smut...
Stay tuned!
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