#mereoleona headcanon
jacks-little-jacky · 2 months
How do you think the other captains would react if Jack a soft cute so but in the battle field she’s just as violent as him
The other Captains | Jack the Ripper x Reader Headcanons
This is the second time I've written this request and I swear to god if Tumblr crashes again and deletes everything I will start pre-writing everything on docs. Also, this isn't my usual request of writing for Jack but rather the other Captain's opinions on something that has to do with Jack, so I hope I somewhat nailed them.
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Yami Sukehiro
Honestly he's so confused about how Jack got a gf
She's cute??? Huh???
Since I see them as the best buddies, he's glad that Jack got himself a pretty and sweet gf but he fears how long he's able to keep her because the man is batshit crazy
so he's a bit surprised but relieved when he sees you go crazy too
he was a lil afraid Jack would become too much or maybe try to dull himself down as he only saw your cute side, so seeing how you're able to match him is good in his eyes
still makes jokes about Jack being too dumb to keep a relationship but he secretly ships it fr
William Vangeance
he likes you! you're sweet and nice!
maybe a little weird next to Jack because you seem his polar opposite
doesn't think too much about it, he's glad you make Jack happy
like Yami he spends a little moment to wonder if maybe he'd get too much for you
also relieved but not as much when he sees your other side
also... a little concerned.... especially if you're not a magic knight.
Rill Boismortier
oh! Captain Jack has a girlfriend! He has a heart! A soft side!
and you're so sweet too???
he def. would try to get along with you, partially because he really thinks you're sweet and he's a very friendly guy
also because he hopes it puts him in good books with Jack because he's lowkey scared
His reaction when you reveal your crazy side is like: "... Oh no... they're both insane..."
He likes your passion though! And how it matches with Jack. He sees a certain beauty in how your differences become irrelevant in a dire/battle situation and you both "dance" on the field
Mereleona Vermillion
she doesn't care all that much tbh
she thinks you're sweet but doesn't really waste another thought on it
only get's interesting when she sees how intense you can get
I guess she'd like Jacks willingness to fight so to see that you're kinda double trouble would be relationship goals for her
doesn't really spend much time thinking about it tho
Charlotte Roselei
No, just how? Jack? Pulled a girl? A sweet one like you?
She's baffled
You're so sweet? And nice? And that all for someone like Jack?
Charlotte doesn't like most men in general and while I am a firm believer of Jack x Charlotte in a platonic friendship way... She still would be confused how someone likes him ROMANTICALLY
a little happy for Jack tho, she knows he's not that bad (and she likes roudy guys Yami too)
likes you a lot more when she sees you can dish out some too, maybe would even suggest for you to join her squad
a little worried about Jack and you riling each other up though
Dorothy Unsworth
she likes you, you're sweet and she ships the difference in everyday attitude
Now it depends, if you're being unnecessarily cruel, she'd frown at it but she understands well that it's fun to let loose and play with your magic (which can be very destructive at times)
so yeah Dorothy would like the energy but if you're like crazy violent in a sense of hurting more than you'd have to for no real reason she'd be put off a little
she'd pull you into her glamour world sometimes to show you versions of Jack who totally swoons over you because that how it looks like to her LMAO
Kaiser Granvorka
he's also a little concerned about you at first
sure Jack has to be somewhat sane and respectable to be a Captain but I don't think Kaiser thinks too highly of him
he likes you tho, hopes that maybe you'll rub off on Jack a little
when he sees the way you behave in battle he's more concerned
maybe... he doesn't want you to rub off on Jack. He is crazy enough
After all, this man is married as far as I know and I belive he's still as happy as he can be for you two
Nozel Silva
he's... confused.
Now if you're a noble or a royal his mind is genuinely blown and he thinks Jack did some dirty trick to get you with him
if you're a peasant he doesn't care. at all. maybe raises an eyebrow but doesn't care too much.
if you're a noble/royal he's a bit "concerned" about your violent side but of course, you'd be powerful. it does shift his view on the relationship in a more positive light to see that you don't need to use Jack as a bodyguard/are not dependent on him
if you're a peasant his only thought is "Great, now there's two of them..." - he doesn't like your boyfriend and your chances for him to like you are very, very thin
he might like you more than Jack though because you at least have a sweet and soft side that is socially acceptable
Fuegoleon Vermillion
he's pretty much a middle ground of William and Nozel here
he thinks his part but you won't catch onto that
very glad you're a well behaved and mannered woman and you seem to manage Jack's personality well
he can see the appeal for Jack when you match him, you have no reason to be scared if you're the same and you certainly understand his odd... hobbies like this
but also a little concerned that there are now two of that kind together
Julius Novachrono
Man is in everybodies business
he doesn't say or think much of it tbh, he has seen a fair amount of people and how layered they can be
he likes that you're sweet and soft because it definitely could be handy for Jack (he doesn't cause trouble that much but damn him and Yami at the same spot is always a ticking time bomb and oh does your presence keep Jack focused on something else than Yami)
the violent part is only really interesting depending on your magic, if somehow you and Jack worked on a spell or something that boosts both of you when near each other he'd be intrigued
just hope none of you gets hurt (or does something illegal)
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sage-thesimp · 6 months
I Want someone to absolute dog on Leopold Vermillion
TW: bullying, mentions of harassment, blood, cussing, and Probably a lot i forgot.
I want someone to call him out infront of everyone. Voice his insecurities, how he feels like nothing compared to Mereleona and Fuego.
I want someone to drag Leopold and just make fun of him, voice how he is NOTHING without his siblings behind him.
I want someone to just degrade this man on how WEAK he is and how he is not a brave, fierce Lion, he is a cowardly, scared EAGLE.
I want someone to just harass and bully leopold, whilst making sure that his siblings cant do anything.
i want leopold to break MENTALLY.
then, i want him to snap.
i want something AWAKENED.
him against a wall, bloody, bruised and crying, staggering up, upper half limp, his position like he was fixing to touch his toes but limp.
looking up towards the person, eyes filled with rage, tears and blood mixing down his face, him not noticing the sheer amount of magic power radiating from him.
A huge magic power lion (like fuego has) slowly appears behind leopold.
“You know..you’re right. I am weak. I am nothing like my older siblings.” And go on and say some awe-inspiring shit before absolutely WHOOPING The person who dogged his ass.
A broken, injured, crying leopold stands over the body, one arm up in the air, a fire fist starting to surround it as a new page in his grimoire is unlocked. The last thing he says before he knocks his abuser unconscious is “ Today is the LAST time I cower like a cub. Today is the day where I become a lion, the day I make my siblings proud.” Before pulling off his new spell, and start to pass out
Just for Mereleona to catch Leopold with a proud Fuegoleon behind him.
(BRO I JUST REALIZED IT SAID HER, I FIXED THAT FOR YE) -March 12th, 2024, Editors Note
thank you for coming to my ted-talk.
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HCs of mereoleona, fuegoleon and leopold (separate) returning to house vermillion after an exhausting mission(your choice) only to be told by julius that the others were turned into kids. Could you also include kirsch and mimosa
I was in the mood for some Vermillion family shenanigans, so this was just the thing I needed. To be thinking about them needing to be babysitters XD
Fanfic type: Headcanons Characters: Mereoleona, Fuegoleon, Leopold, Kirsch, and Mimosa Vermillion POVs: From Mereoleona's, Fuegoleon's, and Leopold's (in that order) Genre: Comedy (/slice of life?) Length: ~1,2k total Warnings: ...uhh... the toddlers do some name-calling and there's fire (I mean, it's the Fire Vermillions, how can there not be fire?)
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Mereoleona hadn’t been home for quite some time, but was feeling happy about being able to see her brothers and cousins after a long time. And, there were comforts of home, and civilization, that she couldn’t get while out and about in the wilderness. A nice, long, warm bath being one of them. Sure, she could always visit Yultim for that, but there was something so homely about the bath of the Vermillion estate, maybe over a bottle of wine, that couldn’t quite compare.
Maybe she could take a bath before-
“Oh Mereoleona! Good to see you.”
Mereo quirked an eyebrow, and looked at Julius. Who was an unusual sight in this part of the castle. And that made her suspicious.
“Why are you here?” She asked.
“Well... There was a small mishap at the Magic Knights’ headquarters, which had unfortunate effects on... some knights. They are reversible, but will require some time.”
“...What kind of effects?”
“Well, about that...” he opened the door behind him, to reveal... 4 little kids, around the ages of 4 to 5 by the looks of it. And they had oddly familiar looking... hair... and markings on their skin... “I should get back to my work, and help Marx in solving this issue post haste. So, your arrival couldn’t have come at a better time.”
Mereo looked at the kids, and the to Julius, and back to the kids.
“Good luck!” Julius said, and disappeared, before Mereo could utter another word.
She looked at the kids.
The kids looked at her.
She looked at the kids.
The kids screamed, and rushed to her.
For crying out loud... She thought while picking all of the up with her fire paws.
“Aneue! I missed you!” The little boy with green eyes and a canine said with outstretched arms.
“Aneue! I learned making a fireball!” The little boy with purple eyes said confidently.
“Mereo! Brother is being annoying!” The little girl huffed with crossed arms.
“Mereo! Mimo is being jealous!” The little boy with golden eyes said, closing his eyes and lifting his chin.
Mereo closed her eyes with a sigh. Babysitting had been more of Fuego’s territory while growing up, and she had been able to focus on building character. But right now, four lion cubs were her responsibility.
As annoying as it might have been.
Julius better hurry it up, she thought while putting the kids down.
Leo dashed to give Mereo a hug. Fuego demonstrated his newly found skills, and lit the curtains on fire. Mimosa pushed Kirsch and Kirsch... complained about how he was going to get a bruise.
He better hurry it up... she thought.
Fuegoleon pinched the bridge of his nose.
That particular mission had been more taxing than he had anticipated. But. It was over now, and after completing the reports, he could put it behind him.
It was the home stretch so to say.
“Hello Fuegoleon!” Julius greeted him at the Vermillion estate.
“Hello, Julius-sama. Is something the matter?” He inquired with a frown.
“Well, you could say that,” he gave an awkward look. “There was an incident at the Magic Knights’ headquarters.”
“Yes, and we’re still dealing with some of the aftermath... but it should be resolved in a few days,” Julius continued while scratching his cheek with his index finger.
“Good,” Fuegoleon nodded. “But I must inquire, why did you come to inform me so promptly?”
“Well... because it involved most of House Vermillion,” he gestured to a room, from where a loud laugh rang, making Fuegoleon turn his head towards the sound. “Good luck!” Julius stated before disappearing from sight.
Fuegoleon blinked, and walked into the room, where a rug was aflame, as a girl, of maybe 5 years of age, was standing next to it with a wide, proud grin on her face. Behind her, there was a young boy, who stared at the girl and the flame with his green eyes wide open. And at the corner of the room, there stood two other kids, a girl and a boy, looking scene.
“That is not beautiful”, the golden eyed boy concluded, earning a scowl from the girl next to him.
And Fuegoleon sighed, pinched the bridge of his nose, and picked up a nearby vase with flowers. I see... he simply thought before taking the flowers from the vase and pouring the water over the flames.
It was only a few days. His parents dealt with Mereo and himself while growing up for years, so... how hard could it be?
Leo made his way through the Vermillion estate. The last mission on which he had been, had been tough one, one of the toughest so far. But since he had been the one in charge of it, it made sense. And while he was tired, he was also incredibly proud, because he had been waiting for the time when he would be in this position. He had earned this.
So, he couldn’t wait to give his report!
“Leopold, hello,” Julius greeted him as he was making his way down the hall of the Vermillion estate.
“Julius-sama!” Leopold greeted back. “What are you doing here?” He asked with a puzzled look on his face.
“I am here to look after... the aftermath of an incident at the Magic Knights’ headquarters.”
“What kind of an incident?”
“A rapid de-aging.”
“Rapid... de-aging?” Leo asked with a curious frown.
“Yes. It should be resolved in a few days, but in the meantime, there are some people that need to be looked after. And I trust that I can leave that in your capable hands, as I get back to work,” he said with a small wave, before disappearing, and leaving Leo standing there, even more confused.
“Aneue you-, you idiot!” There was a shout from around the corner.
Leo’s frown deepened, and he quirked an eyebrow.
“Teacher’s pet!”
“No show!”
“No fun!”
Leo peeked around the corner to see two kids, maybe around 5 years of age, staring each other down. The girl had blue eyes, and the boy had purple ones. And they seemed to be only a few moments away from shoving each other.
Well... this can’t be worse than their brawls when they’re adults.... Leo thought.
“Kirsch you’re ruining it!”
Leo turned his head to another corner of the room to see a girl with green eyes, and a boy with golden ones.
“Sorry Mimo but beauty takes time,” the boy said with a pen in his hand, drawing something onto the floor.
“The tile had a small crack! They weren’t going to notice!”
“Now they will not!”
This... at least they’re not breaking things. They’re trying to fix them...  he thought. How long did Julius say this was going to take?
“Haha! You’re clo-othes are on fi-reeee!” Mereo laughed while pointing at Fuegoleon.
I... They will be fine. They will be fine. They will be fine. But first: WATER.
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theautisticfroglord · 9 months
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yellowgreendinno · 2 months
Give me:
Give me a traumatised Fuegoleon.
Yes; he flinches at quick knife cuttings. it brings him back to the time his friend betrayed him. And it scares him. He doesn't want to lie through that again. He cried because the kingdom he serves failed him. Their Prince The Heir to the throne.
But that's not what I'm talking about.
Give me a strong, big man who flinches at his own flames. Who freezes at loud noises. Who feels the need to hide and disappear when he sees quick movements. Give me a Fuegoleon who spends weeks mentally preparing himself when he hears his sister will be coming home. Give me a Fuegoleon who wants to be invisible when his sister comes through the door. Who feels the need to prove to himself his own intelligence.
Of course, everyone knows he's smart.
But its hard to believe it when your childhood idol has been cslling you dumb yout whole life, isn't it?
Give me a Fuegoleon who challenges Yami to a pulse everytime he can Just to prove to himself that he's strong. To prove to himself. To show a little boy hiding under Father's desk that he's strong. He'll be strong. Who's eyes fill with terror when he hears the words directed to Leopold; out of his sister's mouth: You'll be just like me one day. Give me a Fuegoleon who stays dead silent when he hears a knock on his office door. Shh. If you're quiet, she'll leave. Aneue can't find you here.
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loosesodamarble · 9 months
Fire Vermillions' Favorite Weapons and Fight Style
Writing down my thoughts for @thoughtfullyrainynightmare's Fire Vermillion Month~!
Mereoleona Vermillion
If Mereoleona were to use a weapon, she's opt for brass knuckles.
They're straightforward but impactful weapons, just like her personality.
Ranged combat has its place but she's about close, melee fighting. She's not gonna be a coward and fight from a distance.
Mereo puts her whole being into a fight and if that means exposing her body to harm, so be it.
She wants to look her opponent in the eye while she overpowers them. Or if she's on the losing side, she wants them to see her stand defiant to the end.
Very rarely does Mereoleona feel haunted by a guilt of seeing her enemy so close.
Because most of them do fight earnestly which makes the battle something honorable.
Not only that, but up close fighting means that she has to fighting a little more on her feet, adapting on the fly to keep pace.
And she likes the challenge of not knowing how the opponent right in front of her eyes might surprise her.
It's about being bold and adaptable and upfront every step of the way when it comes to Mereo on the battlefield.
Fuegoleon Vermillion
If Fuegoleon were to use a weapon, I imagine him with a crossbow.
Something a little heavier and more mechanical than a typical longbow but not quite a gun/early rifle.
Fuegoleon is a careful and methodical fighter, he takes time to observe his opponent and search for an opening.
Because crossbows have a slower fire-rate, it means Fuegoleon has a few extra seconds to consider his target, that or he has to really consider where his limited shots will go.
Fuegoleon can go ranged or melee with his fighting style but I think he prefers ranged.
Not out of cowardice or a fear of looking his enemy in the eye, far from that.
But rather, if he fights from a range, he's more likely to be observing a larger battlefield.
He doesn't do one-on-one melees as much as his sister in hopes that his firepower can be useful to as wide a scope as possible
Fuegoleon seems like he'd want to see as much of the battlefield as possible, direct his soldiers where they need to be, and make decisive attacks of his own where need be.
Sometimes, there will be an opponent that requires more attention from him, at which point he'd make it a close range battle and trust that his knights can manage themselves until he can resume giving orders.
But more often than not, Fuegoleon's aim reaches far and wide.
Leopold Vermillion
Grenades, this boy would wield grenades and other explosives as his weapon of choice.
Leopold is less refined than Fuegoleon and only slightly less in-your-face than Mereoleona, in terms of personality and fighting style. He's unique from his siblings, that's all that it is.
I think explosives like grenades match Leopold and his fighting style well.
They're, well, explosive like Leopold but as with any weapon, they take skill to wield properly.
Leopold can use grenades that go off very quickly for more sudden attacks. Or he can plant timed grenades for later payoff attacks, similar to how he endured and drew out the battle to draw the massive rune circle.
Leopold's fighting style is similar to Fuegoleon in that it's a strategy that takes time. But it's different in that instead of observing and waiting for an opening, Leopold is able to endure and create an opening for himself.
It's like a fusion of Fuegoleon's patient fighting style and Mereoleona's actively adapting style.
It's a little less refined/reckless, but Leopold it's a fighting style that isn't simply running headlong into situations.
Leopold is still learning and growing, but he's taking the lessons of his elder siblings and turning them into his own strength.
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bowandcurtsey · 6 months
Hi hi hi!
Could you write a headcanon on how Mereoleona Vermillion reacted to when she heard Acier Silva died???
Hi sweetheart, I thought a lot about this request when I read it. I love it, but it's so sad. But i never thought about about Mereoleona in relations to Acier's death, so it was really intriguing to think about.
Thank you for requesting this!
Character: Mereoleona Vermillion, Acier Silva
tw: unchecked works, mentions of death.
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When the news came to her, she was on a mission, she was still a magic knight back then, and she was celebrating her victorious mission. And then it came. The news. And the cup she was holding fell on the ground, the alcohol contents spilling on the ground.
She rushed home. She didn't really remember how fast she went, how long she took, how did she even got there. But she remembered looking at the funeral.
Acier's photo, she was smiling beautifully like the goddess she is and a coffin underneath it.
Everyone around was weeping, crying, grieving. And Nozel sat beside her coffin, his body slumped, his face pale and his eyes: soulless.
Mereo slowly walked towards the coffin, muttering under her breath, "it can't be."
And she saw it. Acier laying there. Seemingly peaceful but she was different. It wasn't the Acier she knew. The Acier she knew had a wide smile, and her eyes were bright and cheery. And she always, ALWAYS greeted Mereo in her chirpy yet gentle voice.
But today was different. her eyes were closed, her lips weren't smiling and for the first time ever, she didn't greet Mereo.
There was no "mereo-chan~" today.
Mereo always grumbled that calling her "mereo-chan" was so girly and that she was not a young girl anymore whenever Acier did that. But today she was begging to hear it. What would she give to hear Acier call her "mereo-chan" again.
She sat at Acier's funeral till the end. Not uttering a word, but she sat there and stared into space.
She thought all her fond memories of Acier. How Acier-nee san always took care of her, listened to her troubles, stood up for her whenever she got into trouble and their missions together. They had never ending memories together.
Growing up with 2 younger brothers, Acier was the sister she never had. Being the eldest in the prestigious Vermillion family, there was a lot of stress on Mereo. Stress to be a better example to her siblings, stress to bring pride to the family name. And Acier was her only best friend, who was always by her side.
Over the next few days, Mereo thought about how she has never won Acier in a fight. And Mereo was always training hard in order to win her someday. Acier was her ultimate rival and now, she's gone.
Mereo has never felt so empty for very long. Her sister, best friend and rival was gone to some ridiculous demon curse. She wanted revenge, but if Acier couldn't even beat them, how could she? She had to be stronger.
And Mereo got up, she packed her bags, dropped a letter at the wizard king's office, and she left.
The wizard king came into his office that morning and found a letter on his desk: Letter of resignation.
Mereo vowed to be stronger and she promised revenge for Acier Silva.
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vermillionee · 2 years
⌦ ❛ 𝐈'𝐌 𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐀 𝐁𝐎𝐘. . . .
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i. leopold vermillion feat. big bro and sis, headcanons
ii. warnings/tags: suicidal thoughts, self harm
iii. synopsis: leopold tries to commit suicide
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It is not a secret that Mereoleona and Fuegoleon Vermillion are both extraordinary and capable magic knights. Geniuses to be exact. After all, Mereoleona is named as the strongest magic knight, and Fuegoleon is the captain of the squad Crimson Lion.
Both of them are like a strong blazing fire that covers a massive perimeter, especially as they grew into adults.
As amazing at it is, it led to Leopold, whose age gap between the two older Vermillions is half of theirs, be overshadowed and pressured to follow their footsteps.
The whispers of the people, after all, is something he is not oblivious to.
Sure he loves his older siblings, he admires them a lot. But the judgement of the people saying that he isn't even near the two Vermillions' level, hurts his pride a lot.
He's a Vermillion too, so why can't he?
His confidence pummeled low. Why can't he be as great as them?
It hurts.
The way they look at him, talk about him. Are his efforts even enough? Is he really enough?
It was too much for him as a young teenager to take. So he thought of one thing.
Would it be better if he died?
But his older siblings reacted otherwise. Said otherwise.
It was a punch in the face (quite literally because Mereoleona punched him hard before he could even fall an inch from their mansion's highest balcony)
So he sat on the balcony floor on his butt with his breath being squeezed out of his lungs by both of his older siblings.
Their brows were furrowed and tense, a sign they were both worried, mad, and relieved.
"If you badly wanted to die, say it in front of my face so I'll do that deed for you" is what Mereoleona said despite the unshed tears and quivering shoulders she tried to hide.
Fuegoleon on the other hand said nothing but a whole ass speech that started with him being mad at Leo to ending it with comforting words.
In the end, all Leopold could do was cry. He was after all, just a boy.
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Nozel Silva is the guy that goes “I don’t have time for such childish acts.” But the minute you wiggle your fingers at him with a “I’m gonna get you~” he is RUNNING.
This has been your daily Black Clover thought with Squiggily
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Also do y’all want Nozel headcanons cause I’m having severe brainrot over him lately 👀 The series has me in a chokehold and pretty bird man with a grumpy attitude has me feeling things.
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lyranova · 1 year
💙🖤🤍 For Fuegoleon or Mereoleona and Leopold? Thank you
Hiya anon! Of course, and I hope you enjoy~!
💙-- Hurt/Comfort
A Hurt/Comfort HC I have is that shortly after the Elf arc and everything calmed down it began to sink in for Fue that his arm was gone and that it was someone he trusted that took it away, and he struggled with it for a long time. At least until Mereo and Leo helped pull him out of it. They encouraged him and told him that he was still a strong and great Captain for his squad, and if anything, having an arm made of flames made him look stronger and more fierce. And that no one would dare mess with him now! Of course it wasn’t the *usual* way one would comfort someone who had just gone through something like Fue, but it was how his family comforted each other and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
🖤-- Angst
An angsty headcanon I have is once the Final Arc concludes and the squads are able to grieve their lost comrades you see Mereo finally shed some tears and she tells them that they were some of the strongest and most fierce warriors she had ever fought alongside, and that she was proud to call them members of the Crimson Lions. That they would never be forgotten, and would always be remembered by the Vermillion household for their strength, bravery, and sacrifice. Leo and Fue would comfort her and would also tell their fallen friends that they were proud of them.
🤍-- Fluff
A fluffy headcanon I have is when Leo first told his siblings that he wanted to join the Magic Knights, mainly the Crimson Lions, he was thrown a small party by his siblings. Of course Mereo would leave shortly after to go back and train in the strong magic region, but she couldn’t leave without giving her youngest brother some encouragment. While also telling him that he better not give up or let others surpass him. While Fue on the other hand gave him so thoughtful and much needed advice, he also warned him that he wouldn’t be giving him any special treatment and that he would be treated just like any other new Magic Knight. But Leo wouldn’t have it any other way!
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whispersbelongingbird · 5 months
Headcanons for Fuegoleon and Mereoleona’s reaction is Leopold was a traitor? You can include Yuno if you want to for extra angst
Well quite obviously Fuegoleon was devastated and in denial. His little brother who was practically the reincarnation of the sun, traitor? No way it was true.
When Fuegoleon finds out it is indeed true he would blame himself for what happened to Leo. Look back on how he could have made things work out. Wallow in the fact that he couldn’t be there for his little brother.
Mereoleona is pissed. She doesn’t know Leo is playing this prank on but it has to stop right now. Mereoleona will go out hunting for him until she finds Leo and sets things straight.
If Mereoleona does eventually find Leopold she won’t lash out as expected. Probably more calm and understanding. Once everything if fixed (if it ever will) then she will start yelling at him. She wouldn’t want Leopold to run off again without having a chance to talk to him about what led him to this.
After it was officially announced that Leopols had gone against the Clover kingdom. Fuegoleon tried his best to appear normal in front of his squad, he was always goof at concealing his emotions but lately it has all be slipping. Sometimes he’d just sit down and think about the good times, rich with smiles. Usually ends with a single tear rolling down his face until Mereoleona finds him.
Mereoleona’s relationship with Leopold was different than with Fuegoleon’s. She was more harsh on the kid and showed affection in weird ways but Leopold would always understand. He understood her and she understood him, but for once she thought Leopold was a complete stranger.
Mereoleona was never good with touchy feelings, always leaving that stuff for Fuegoleon. Though, sometimes she thinks she could have tried more. She could always tell when Leopold was upset even when it was a small thing. Whether it was a small little fight with Yuno or getting yelled at from his parents, she could tell. She just wishes she could have used that to her advantage.
Yuno was also in disbelief. He spent days searching for Leopold trying to look for answers, trying to get him back. The other day they were all over each other, smiling and laughing so what happened?
The boy got no sleep at all. William had given Yuno’s missions to others because he clearly wasn’t in the state to go anywhere or do anything. Langris took over his vice captain duties and all that paperwork. His squad were very soft on him and careful with their words. Mimosa, William and Klaus were the only ones able to talk to Yuno without him yelling at them to go away.
William tracked all of Yuno’s sleepless nights searching and all his missed meal’s. Day by day things only got worst and it was hard watching knowing there was nothing he could do to help.
A week passed and Yuno got a letter from Leopold.
‘Hi Yuno! This is kind of silly isn’t it? After all this time im writing everything down on a piece of paper, huh? Haha, how are you holding up? I hope you’re doing well. I know you’ve heard about the news and I know you’re our searching and worrying but please do not, that is the last thing I want. Yuno I love you, I really do. You will always have a special place in my heart and nothing will change that. I’m sorry I couldn’t stay by your side. But if I did i would have just felt worthless and hated myself. Selfish isn’t it? Please Yuno, forget about me, move on. Don’t blame yourself, don’t look back. You can achieve so much if you just keep going forward! I believe in you, I always will. Even if you hate me and you’re out for my head. Nothing in this world will ever change my undying love for you’
He read it and he cried. He cried so much. He didn’t tell anyone about the letter and he didn’t get rid if it. He put it in a box and placed it on his nightstand then went to sleep.
Im not the best at writing angst so I hope this is good enough!
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mitsuki-komori · 1 year
Do u think finral would just randomly appear in the golden dawn base and visit his brother. And sometimes bring asta and noelle. I could also imagine him entering the GD base and find maybe kirsch there? Idk but it sounds funny. I also like to think of the black bulls and coral peacocks visit every now and then only for mereoleona finding out and going to the GD base to "pick up" some of them for "training".
Totally. I can just imagine Finral showing up, and Langris telling him to go away. Then when he brings Asta and Noelle everyone is just ok with it while Langris is like: Am I the only person who sees what’s wrong here? I could see Kirsch showing up to bother Mimosa and Mimosa being so done. He also shows up because he probably sees Yuno and Langris as some sort of competition of beauty. Then perhaps Mimosa is talking with Leo about it and Mereoleona overheard. She takes this as an opportunity to kidnap pick up all the knights gathered in one place. Then they’d go… Train…
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acacia-may · 10 months
can I request the siblings relationship between leo and his siblings please????? thank you so much!! ❤️❤️❤️
Aww yes, of course, Anon-Friend! Thank you so much for the ask and for playing my song + headcanon game. I love the Vermillion siblings! 🥰
Your song and headcanon are below the cut because of a few Black Clover anime spoilers.
For Leo, Fuegoleon, and Mereoleona I have chosen the song "Nightfire" by Juniper Vale. It's one of those songs that is probably intended as a love song but it doesn't specify that it's necessarily a romantic one. In this context, I am of course imagining it as a platonic, familial love, and I think it works really well for the Fire Vermillions siblings (and not just because of the fire imagery though that is just an added bonus) because this is really a song about being there to build up and support each other even through the darkness of life's difficulties and sufferings which is something I like to think is a big part of the Vermillions' sibling bond with each other. Additionally, I kind of see glimpses of each of them in specific lines. I think the hopeful optimism of lines like "I know the morning’s close, although this night just goes and goes" and "at the blush of dawn wе’ll be okay" really suits Leo whereas lines like "Lately love’s on the run so let’s race until we’ve found it" and "A wild world sharpens its claws/As the nightfirе burns the shadows fade" remind me of Mereoleona. And I especially love the encouragement and reassurance of the line "You and I have the light to fight away the darkness" and it really reminds me very much of Fuegoleon. ❤️‍🔥
Juniper Vale - Nightfire (Lyric Video) - YouTube
Here's a Vermillion Siblings headcanon inspired by this song:
The Vermillion siblings used to enjoy watching the sunrise together, and even when they were apart from each other and missed each other, they would sometimes watch the sunrise wherever they were in the world and think of each other.
After Fuegoleon awoke from his coma, the three siblings all ended up watching the sunrise together though they hadn't planned it that way (they had all just happened to be awake and ran into each other when they were planning to individually watch the sunrise at the Crimson Lions headquarters). Though they didn't really express it with their words, they didn't need to: they knew that it meant the world to them to be able to watch one more sunrise all together again.
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Requested by anon
Mereoleona Vermillion
7. Precious childhood memory
I think that one of the most precious childhood memories she has is the Tuesday of Fire and Blood, because of what it meant for her. Someone going head to head with her without holding back. However, there is another precious childhood memory she has, and it’s something she hasn’t told to anyone else. She was 5 and Fuegoleon was 3, so he was far too young to remember the day, but she does. Their parents were, somewhere, she doesn’t exactly remember where, and it doesn’t matter. They were playing on a carpet in their father’s office, and she was getting bored. Started casting fire on her arm, just to flail it around lazily while sitting down, making circles. And she remembers looking at Fuegoleon, who was looking at her, and that’s when he did it. It was small, and could… barely be considered as mana flaring out, but… there was a small flicker of fire on his hands. And he giggled. Most kids don’t start showing their mana until they’re 4, and even then they can manifest in unexpected burst if there is a lot of mana. She’d later come to see Fue’s clothes spontaneously combusting, but that would be in the future. However, there, at that moment, she thought that she should start “running ahead”, because someone was going to start catching up to her soon enough. And as an older sister, she couldn’t just let her baby brother outdo her so easily.
14. Worst childhood memory
Her worst childhood memory was in her early teens. She and Fuegoleon had been… brawling, in lack of a better word, for years already, and that day was no different from it. Some stupid quarrel, or just another brawl, she can’t remember what it was about exactly, but… she went too far. Neither of them would have their grimoires for some time yet, and he had been keeping up with her, well enough at least, for a good time, but… She went too far. He went unconscious, and she started by just telling him to get up. It was followed by shaking him, but it didn’t work. Of course, after some time he did wake up, but after that day, she figured that she should spar with someone else. And if he so chose, he could challenge her, when he felt ready. But she wouldn’t start one. The memory is mixed with a lot of thoughts, some that tell her that he was stronger than that. That he’d get back up and learn from it. Because that’s what the snot-nosed brat did but… another part of her wasn’t quite so sure. It’s not her worst memory because she might think that he is weak. It’s not because, after some years later, she would have shied away engaging into a brawl again. But it’s her worst memory, because that was when it solidified to her, that they can die. Her brothers. She would obviously hold back because she loved them, but… the enemy wouldn’t.
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the-black-bulls · 1 year
Leopold for the ask game :D
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send a character’s name to receive four different headcanons
you guys love leo-boyo alright!
Headcanon A: realistic
1️⃣ fire boy is SO looking for the day one of his siblings have children because he's gonna be the BEST. UNCLE. EVER!
2️⃣ he’s very spoiled not because of his siblings but because the crimson lion members treat him like their young master.
3️⃣ was trained personally by fana the elf in elsiya, may or may not developed healing spells thanks to her.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
1️⃣ he'll never tell it to fuego out loud but he. Hates. EGGS.
2️⃣ there’s one more hit spurt left for him before he grows taller than both of his siblings, much to fuego’s horror.
3️⃣he knows no parents, as far as he's concerned the closest thing to a father is fuegoleon and the closest thing to a mother is mereoleona and that's that (both start with fs and ms, ha!).
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
1️⃣ luck and charmy are his genuine very first (and only) friends who aren't rivals, his brother's friends, or people pretend to be his friends out of pity.
2️⃣ used to be super close with solid during the better part of their childhood before solid hit puberty and started acting all mean and obnoxious and controlling.
3️⃣ he has inferiority complex not only with his siblings but with his peers as well (said peers are asta and yuno and noelle).
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
1️⃣ he's gonna move to heart kingdom and lives in permanently cuz the place and people and overall vibes grants him so much freedom he never knew he needed.
2️⃣ salamnder is His and will be His, fuegoleon just happened to be in the way but once he dies/hj retires leo will get what is HIS.
3️⃣ he’s sorta adopted sorta accident baby sorta feral child only fuegoleon and mereoleona know his true origins but they refuse to speak.
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yellowgreendinno · 1 month
i had this headcanon a few years ago, and seeing @kalolasfantasyworld 's oc, Helena... It all backs my theory Up!
Of course, theyre different families, different kingdoms, so I thought how about we make them have different accents and dialects? For example, Kiras with an accent from Madrid, but maybe its better for Vermillions because ppl from Madrid are also called Gatos, like in Spain if you say you're 'gato' referring to a place, people will know you're from madrid. (note: gato = cat) And i can't really decide, so feel free to give your suggestions!~
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