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rinasdigitaljournal · 5 months ago
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SYNOPSIS: In a world where shifters dance on the line of public acceptance and hatred, it's safe to say shifters aren’t welcomed everywhere. To the military, shifters' worth relies on brute strength, obedience, and ability to kill, something John Price was good at. Except obedience, John Price marched to the beat of his own drum and it led to the 141 Special Operations Unit tasked with one goal; take down Markov. Long after their accomplished goal, the task force was “disbanded” but a private detective agency was up and running towns over. Tasks and assignments came from all over but when Laswell phones them in for one last mission and who were they to refuse? Project Thena, the once funded government project was apprehended by an opposing force, one with an agenda to push. Wyn  Evers, the center of Project Thena and the lone survivor of the assault, is the sole person who can help them and is plagued with nightmares and fears but, most importantly, a family to protect. All it takes is one deal for her to be on board but what she didn’t consider was to fall into the secrets of the agency or the one’s who freed her.
SHIPS: poly141 x femaleblack!oc, keeganxfemale!oc x logan walkerxfemale!oc
director's warnings: mentions/ descriptions of gore, torture, blood, fighting, implications of sexual violence, fluff, angst, heartbreak, smut, and more to note
director footnotes: welcome to the prologue of Hiding in the Shadows! for an idea of what some of the characters look like or if you want check the story's masterlist! please read the warnings before engaging with the material and happy reading!
prologue warnings: light mentions of torture, bruises, scars, gore, and blood mentions. if you can't handle the subject matter, prioritize yourself first always!
Wyn knew she would never escape the prison she was in. In the mossy cage adorned with broken bricks and stone, and the dried blood splatter that coated the floor was the only source of time she had. It’s been years. Years since the fires, running, the screaming and sounds of bodies hiting the pavement. Wyn closed her eyes, rubbing her ashen hands over her face and biting down on her tongue. The agonizing pain in her left leg prevented her from crawling to her usual corner, something that was her only source of comfort. The chain around her right leg weighted her body down as she curled back into her fetal position. She was too tired to remember but the nightmares came anyway, forcing her to remember. With every bruise, it was like the past ones were throbbed and her body screamed fiery pain as open cut wounds on her stomach and arms were exposed to air and weakened her ability to even ground herself. 
She could hear the doctors whispering, even if she couldn’t see them through the darkness of the cage. They clicked their pens and with her heightened hearing, she could hear them scribbling down notes. Observations after their last experiment, her thighs still burned after three hours of intense pain. She smiled, despite herself, no matter how hard those fuckers tried, they couldn’t break her. They did everything under the sun, not even their heavy boots breaking bones made her talk. They were safe and that was keeping her alive, she would make it through this. No matter what, her family was protected and suddenly the prison felt like one of her own making. In her own sick sense, it was becoming a home. Her blood spatter was the blanket she laid her head on and the chill air wrapped around her comfortingly but on the brink of suffocating. Yes, it was a prison of her own making and sooner or later she would call it her home, but until then in the safety of the darkness she let her shadows crawl over her body and take her to a quieter place.
At some point, Ghost stopped feeling emotions. The heavy weight of his muscles, the gear that was intended for protection morphed into parts of his skin and the skulls buried underneath his feet gave him an edge. The gunshots, yelling, running sort of bleed into one. It was muscle memory, a reflex honed and sharpened over the years. To anyone else, it would be sick the way he enjoyed it. Bringing his rifle up to his chin and feeling his finger wrap around the trigger, it was almost sinful. Almost but never quite there. He advanced further into the night, the darkness of the trees covered his form and his footsteps were light but purposeful. He could hear their breathing, the way their chest moved up and down and the stutter in the breath. It was their fear he fed on, it was the way they cowered, hoping for an angel to save them from the footsteps they knew were approaching. Two men hunkered together with guns shaking in every direction. Too bad he wasn’t in front of them.
Two shots, two bodies dropped and one advanced further. He could feel Johnny behind him but he didn’t look back. That was the problem with his beast, he was always too close to comfort. His hunger for something, whatever it was they were coming for was palpable. His scent was thick in the air, guiding Ghost further but reigning him from going too deep. Price was above them, the mountains gave him and Gaz the edge needed to run without being seen. He heard their guns, orders flying from the Captains mouth and Gaz’s grenades dropping into submission. Each unit had their own team and the men kept up fine, it was expected. Nothing less and nothing more. By the time they cut through the ever garden and it's haunting abyss they were met with what looked like a makeshift laboratory in a prison. The moss and leaves covered most of the makeshift paint job and broken bricks. Trees were growing from inside, bushes full of poison ivy and fruit were scattered around, the only thing kept alive. Bodies piled from the outside, men of older ages but who lost their humanity along the way. Their faces were decaying way faster than normal, holes burning from the inside as they stained his walkway. 
Sitting on the nearby rock was Sunshine, odd enough for their pack of devils. She was the only bright thing in the woods, her golden hair locked into a tight shift braid and her gun resting beside her. Her back was towards them and Ghost watched as the blood of her victims dripped down her chin. Her head cocked towards him, her blue eyes were electrifying and expressions was blank. She didn’t look at him but past him, the approaching members of their little pack. He didn’t need to guess how long she sat waiting, observing, smelling. Whatever scent plagued the English woods was disgustingly sweet with despair and agony but yet, it had a hint of joy. Something that belonged to them was happy without them, happy in the cage that grew around it. 
“Took you long enough, half the recruits emptied their stomachs by the time you were halfway here.” she hummed, her southern drawl practically purring as her eyes motioned to the recruits far away from her. Ghost scowled from behind his mask, beckoning them to the front with the wave of his fingers, something Johnny admired for too long. Price and Gaz, along with their units, stalked forward and shifted out of their forms. Sunshine glanced their way too, straightening slightly as Price walked forward. He eyed the prison cautiously while resting his hand on Sunshine’s shoulder. Nothing short of affection and worry laced their captains eyes, the ruthlessness was hard to stomach. But just as telling. She was watching something, farther than what they could see. Her eyes were frosty and her mouth turned down to a frown, the electricity in her eyes slowly flickered as her sight locked onto what she wanted. 
“What do you see, Lass?” Price asked, his thumb grazing the dripping blood slowly and swiping it up with a turn. Her eyes darkened and her head turned down slightly, the others were quiet as they listened to the steady breathing of Sunshine. The breeze picked up the rotting smell of corpses and the iron of the leaking blood. 
“It’s stuck in a cage, don’t know what but it’s guarded by iron.” she growled, her grip on the rock cracking it down the center. The ever growing capacity of her emotions wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows. The bubbling anger was why they let her go first with the recruits, so they can get a taste of the savagery their Lieutenant is. 
Price nodded, gently rubbing her back before stalking his way to Ghost. The rumbling of their bond turned into a small, quiet but still a slither of whimper that turned back into stillness. Whatever was in that cage, Sunshine wanted it now. 
“How we gonna do this, Cap?” Ghost inquired, resting his hands in the space between his vest and stomach. Price rested himself close, almost brushing against his shoulder but not quiet. The small distance had caused a small growl to rumble past his lips, not intentionally but it did what it needed as he moved closer. 
“Sunshine goes in first, let her clear what’s ever in her path, you and Soap flank to the right with her and your unit but don’t advance before Sunshine. Gaz and I will take the second floor and scavenge for what we can find. No one goes near the iron, not until we know what’s inside.” Price ordered, the men around them taking their weapons and falling to rank. Sunshine pulled herself off the rock, her body suit stained with crimson and her eyes locked on the door. Johnny’s eyes danced with excitement as Ghost walked towards him, his hand finding home into the crook of his neck and being welcomed by a rumble.
“No one goes near the iron, Captain's orders.” Ghost restated, stroking and massaging the center of Johnny’s neck, his eyes dancing with Ghost’s own.
“When have we ever listened to Captain’s orders?” Johnny purred like a devil, his smirk turning far more upward than it should be.
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rinasdigitaljournal · 5 months ago
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FOOTNOTES: (*) smut & (!) fluff,
── characters !
ghost (simon riley)
·★· journal entry 03: simon riley's comfort in the dark
soap (john mctavish)
john price
gaz (kyle garrick)
keegan russ
── ships !
·★· hiding in the shadows
── original characters !
FOOTNOTES: i do have many ideas and storylines for original characters but i am hesitant to post them.. so please give grace if this is still empty!
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rinasdigitaljournal · 5 months ago
journaling footnotes: just a lil drabble about ruhnlidia that i'm working on with an oc while actively ignoring my work...
an established ruhnlidia are living (or trying to) a normal life adjusting with being parents to the boys and there's a name they keep repeating in secret. obviously, they ask them about this mysterious woman who treats them to dessert if they show her a good test score or even help out with Acteaon with his projects and playing sports with Brann. but like their mother, the boys are good at keeping secrets until a friday work meeting ran late and they organized to meet the boys at this cute little diner with red and white tiles, neon LED lights, and a different maybe even other worldly vibe to it. there were plants growing everywhere and the boys were finishing up homework while downing milkshakes. ruhn, mainly worried about them being accused of stealing since they mentioned having no wallet, began rustling money out of his pockets when a woman calls out saying, "it's on the house, don't worry about it!" and when lidia looks up from scolding the boys, she's surprised to see a beautiful woman covered in oil and grim after tinkering around with Acteaon science project. lidia's heart didn't mean to skip a beat when the woman's eyes sparkled after being introduced to the boys mother and ruhn had to adjust the tent in his pants when she emerged from behind the counter, resting the project on her hip and extending her hand for them to shake. they knew the signs of another mating bond emerging with the woman, but too bad that isn't possible, with her already having a mate and all.
journaling footnotes: something silly and goofy to think about.
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rinasdigitaljournal · 5 months ago
once again, a lil drabble while i procrastinate my work but i do want to expand on it..
okay so any SANE human being conjures ups late night scenarios to help them fall asleep and i being one sane college student did the very same since my roommate was talking to one of her hoes and i needed SOMETHING...
so in this scenario, imagine you and your friends get dolled up and pregame to go to your college's halloween party and your in a very cute costume feeling yourself. (for my scenario, i imagined my own costume which is patrick bateman but girlified, i'm talking tucked in oversized white blouse with a loose red tie, mini black skirt with stockings, and cute black boots with a LOT of jewelry) ANYWAYS, as you arrive and begin catching up with other friends, your taking a sip of your drink and feel a pair of eyes on you as you dance and talk with friends. you scan the room and you see a group of men towards the back, majority of them talking amongst each other but the one in the middle is looking straight. at. you.
and he looks delicious.
he's the type of guy to hit the gym every single day with the way his muscles pop from his shirt (it has to be a compression shit). he's tall, the tallest in the group averaging 6'0 and the biggest. his forearms and biceps are popping out of his shirt, his thighs bigger than yours, and the width of him? you're foaming at the mouth but that's not the point. the point is the way he's looking at you. his eyes are dark boring into yours, watching as you dissect and take him in, he's not threatened by it rather he likes it. he's wearing all black, with silver jewelry from his rings, necklace, earnings, and belt chains. the ghost face mask hanging from his left wrist and the veins aligning his arms? the mop of curls on his head, somewhat blocking the beauty of his eyes? yea, he's hot and he knows it. but that's not what he's focusing on, he's taking ANOTHER look at you from the makeup, curve of your hips, and the way your stockings hug your thighs. suddenly, you can't hear your friends complaining about a test tomorrow or the music vibrating off the walls, you are focused on the fine man staring at you and as coy and flirtatious, you send him a smile with a little wink while slowly dragging your eyes over his body again before turning around back to your friends.
but because your in college and men can suck, you don't take it seriously. sure he's hot but if you find him hot, another ten plus women found him hot. so you continue on with your night, dancing and singing with your friends and having fun until your phone begins to ring. thinking nothing of it, you excuse yourself and head outside the party, sitting on the steps and taking the call. lo and behold, its your ex drunk and sobbing about how they miss you and blah blah blah. (brownie points if your ex is a woman...we aren't asking questions about my life, focus on the scenario). curse you for being a good person as you begin walking them through this drunkenness, hoping that they get home safely. by the time you get off the phone, your emotions are on a high and your frustrated about another reminder of what could've been as you feel the liquor fade away slowly. as you turn to head back inside, you are met with the holy (and sinful) sight of the same man, "ghostface" you dubbed him in your mind, leaning on the door and watching you. you're not pleased with the idea of someone listening in to your conversation and before you can curse him out, you hear him say
"i was wondering where you went, you were the prettiest thing in there. without you, i was rather bored." he purred, his arms crossed in front of his chest and his biceps practically begging for you to stare and maybe touch. his voice was deep and seductive, curling as he said "thing" like he knew how it would make you feel, hot, bothered, and other things but he didn't need to know that.
"i'm a thing now?" you asked, cocking a brow which made his little smirk twitch up and you noted that act. he didn't come closer and you didn't move but the tension between the two of you slowly pulled you slightly closer into his circle, invitingly so on his part.
"would you prefer "doll" instead?" he inquired, his eyes ever so slowly looking past your eyes and down to your chest and then back up. if it was anyone else, you would've snapped at him, curse him from the moon and back, and left to rant to your friends. but you couldn't lie, it was nice having his attention solely on you in the cold of october where no one else could see the two of you. no one to listen to you flirt back and say
"i would prefer you asking for my name and my number." you shrugged, "but clearly we're on two different wavelengths."
"so how about we get on the same one?" he pushed himself off the door and towered over you in a way that almost made your knees buckle and a heat rising in your stomach. you didn't walk away from the challenge but instead invited it closer, standing firm in your spot as he leaned down, close but not close enough. "what's your name and may i have your number?"
"where's the fun if i give it you?" you pondered innocently, stepping closer to him and angling your head a little higher to see past the curls hiding his eyes. it was taking everything from you to not reach out and move each piece of curls and feel the softness of his skin. yea, you were either tipsy or horny and can you really be blamed for it when you add, "i already handed you the script, what do i get in return?"
"i can think of a couple things to give to you." he whispered, gently bringing his hands to your hips and pushing you back and him forward to the railing of the steps. he didn't look anywhere else but your eyes and you watched him cope a glance at your chest, hips, and thighs while licking his lips in the process. you felt your butt hit the railing and subconsciously clenched your thighs together making him chuckle and send a wave of heat in between your legs. feeling confident in the trap he laid out, you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, bringing him closer as you asked,
"yea? and how about you show me?"
director's footnotes: i need to be sedated. because originally he wore a ghost costume and the scenario went into a WHOLE other situation and i'm saving that for a fic idea... but this scenario i thought about last night and expanded upon as i slept in this morning and i... i need to be sedated and dicked down right. now. because the direction my scenario went...i would have to write a fic about this because its FILTHY
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rinasdigitaljournal · 5 months ago
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FOOTNOTES: (*) smut & (!) fluff,
── characters !
·★· drabble (01)
·★· drabble (01)
── ships !
·★· drabble (01)
── original characters !
FOOTNOTES: i do have many ideas and storylines for original characters but i am hesitant to post them.. so please give grace if this is still empty!
·★· drabble (01)
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rinasdigitaljournal · 5 months ago
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·★· TOG
FOOTNOTES: (*) smut & (!) fluff,
── characters !
── ships !
── original characters !
FOOTNOTES: i do have many ideas and storylines for original characters but i am hesitant to post them.. so please give grace if this is still empty!
4 notes · View notes
rinasdigitaljournal · 5 months ago
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FOOTNOTES: (*) smut & (!) fluff,
── characters !
── ships !
── original characters !
FOOTNOTES: i do have many ideas and storylines for original characters but i am hesitant to post them.. so please give grace if this is still empty!
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rinasdigitaljournal · 5 months ago
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·★· FOOTNOTES: my asks are open at this time! for reference on what i write/don't write please check my guidelines <3
✩ arcane
✩ acotar
✩ call of duty
✩ crescent city
✩ throne of glass
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